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9/11, 7/7, Covid-1984 & the War on Freedom Forum Index
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  Topic: This movement will succeed beyond our wildest dreams.

Replies: 23
Views: 5023

PostForum: General   Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:57 pm   Subject: My wildest dream
Would be an immediate end to the petro dollar driven imperial ambitions of US capital followed by a global overthrow of capitalism and it's replacement with a system of automomos production for need n ...
  Topic: Why is ANYONE turning their back on 9/11 & What Happened

Replies: 66
Views: 26498

PostForum: General   Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:45 pm   Subject: Shill?
What is a shill? I looked it up on the Wikipedia, but I'm not really any the wiser about what you mean in this contex. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shill

I haven't read everything on the http://www ...
  Topic: Why is ANYONE turning their back on 9/11 & What Happened

Replies: 66
Views: 26498

PostForum: General   Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 1:21 am   Subject: Also...
"No Planes and No Gas Chambers" - Holocaust deniers push hoaxes that sabotage 9/11 Truth Movement


Which is even better than the 911review. ...
  Topic: Why is ANYONE turning their back on 9/11 & What Happened

Replies: 66
Views: 26498

PostForum: General   Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 1:14 am   Subject: OMG
Where do you folks stand on the left-right spectrum... (I'm getting worried...)?

What about this?

Holocaust Denial Versus 9/11 Truth - http://www.911review.com/denial/holocaust.html

Being lin ...
  Topic: The Tree Of Knowledge

Replies: 32
Views: 19359

PostForum: Other Controversies   Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:24 pm   Subject: Gatekeeper website?
Well Indymedia doesn't claim to be "professional" does it...

But the reference above has some quotes from sites external to Indymedia... you did look at the link before commenting right? ...
  Topic: Senator Graham Knows Where the Bodies Are Buried

Replies: 2
Views: 912

PostForum: Stratehy Of Tension, Fake Terror, 9/11 & 7/7 Truth News   Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 9:55 pm   Subject: Pakistan?
If Michel Chossudovsky is right then it was Pakistan via the ISI, see this talk for example (long but very good):

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3117338213439292490&q=War+and+ Globaliza ...
  Topic: The Tree Of Knowledge

Replies: 32
Views: 19359

PostForum: Other Controversies   Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 9:45 pm   Subject: firefighters and wtc7
Was Larry Silverstein telling the truth? I don't know. But there seems to be little doubt that the fire service knew that WTC7 was gonna come down, some quotes from firefighters were posted to indymed ...
  Topic: The Tree Of Knowledge

Replies: 32
Views: 19359

PostForum: Other Controversies   Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 4:41 pm   Subject: Sorry...
I haven't read a lot of the past posts here (you is the community that exists here), perhaps there are not any posts here saying that Jews were behind 9/11 and my fears are unfounded...

My fears a ...
  Topic: The Tree Of Knowledge

Replies: 32
Views: 19359

PostForum: Other Controversies   Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 3:52 pm   Subject: Jane makes a valid point...
People will think you are mad at best...

If you talk about Jewish conspiracies probably they will think you are racists...

They might even think you are far right white supremacists...

Capita ...
  Topic: Time for action?

Replies: 35
Views: 12295

PostForum: Campaigning   Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 3:27 pm   Subject: funding is not the key
Of course the powers that be are divided on the issue, to some extent, they want to appear as racist as they need to be to keep the support of the right (eg Daily Mail editorials) and they also need t ...
  Topic: Improbable Collapse Video

Replies: 3
Views: 978

PostForum: General   Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 3:11 pm   Subject: Improbable Collapse Video
Is anyone ordering copies of this, it looks like it might be quite good:


Improbable Collapse a.k.a. "Connect the Dots" Number One
First in a series ...
  Topic: Indymedia censor discussion of 7/7 - again

Replies: 32
Views: 27072

PostForum: London Bombings of Thursday 7th July 2005   Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 9:28 pm   Subject: Which list?
There are a [url=http://lists.indymedia.org/]lot of indymedia lists -- which one did you post to?

The one for this kind of thing would be [url=http://lists.indymedia.org/imc-uk-features]imc-uk-feat ...
  Topic: Why are the Left turning their back on this?

Replies: 8
Views: 2077

PostForum: General   Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 9:11 pm   Subject: wsws.org
Most of the left have, so far, missed what happened, the [url=http://www.wsws.org/]WSWS site probably has the best coverage of 9/11 and politics in general (though they are still a sect like all the r ...
  Topic: Indimedia censorship

Replies: 4
Views: 1406

PostForum: General   Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 9:02 pm   Subject: Not all posts are hidden...
The "my comments and plenty of others, on 7/7 as it unfolded were not hidden, but rather deleted" -- comments posted prior to the [url=http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2005/11/328181.html]20 N ...
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