kbo234 Validated Poster
Joined: 10 Dec 2005 Posts: 2017 Location: Croydon, Surrey
Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 5:32 pm Post subject: |
ian neal wrote: | On the one side there are those voices who shout: don't talk about Isreal or any evidence that connections Isreal to 9/11. On the other side there are voices who shout, it is all about Isreal/the Zionists. They run the world.
Then ensure that within both camps there are people or organisations that on the one side contain people with suspicious connections to 'zionists'/PTB and on the other side contain people with suspicious connections to the 'far right' or 'anti-semitic' organisations
Next step one side denounces the other as 'anti-semitic' while the other responds with charges 'zionist deniers' and puppets of the PTB.
Gradually up the ante, with personal attacks and defamation and as the noise and mud starts to fly, try to drag unwitting and honest campaigners to engage in an increasingly polarised and antagonistic debate. Then stand back knowing you have created the necessary fear and loathing to derail any popular unified movement.
So naffing obvious. |
I'm not sure I agree with this. Yes, we must say what we have to say without hatred or inappropriate anger....but is everyone who addresses this issue necessarily shouting?
If mere mention of Zionist influence brings about violent attack from opponents or supporters of this group are we supposed to ignore the issue entirely. The other side seem determined to shout, indeed do anything, to keep this issue off the public agenda......Two academics who wrote a paper about the massive influence of the Jewish lobby on the American government and its foreign policy, lost their jobs (as I understand it) as a result....which proved their point neatly, if painfully.
The crimes of the so-called 'Powers-That-Be', are surely what we in this movement are trying to expose. If we succeed in driving the 911 issue into the public domain you can be sure that a number (perhaps a large number) of 'criminals' in the US government/intelligence/military will be lined up to pay the price. The Rothschilds, Rockerfellers etc will be kept well away from the firing line. It is forbidden to report even on the social activities of these people in the mainstream media. They have no problem enforcing this rule. How does that work, do you think?
The PTB of which we speak are predominantly these central bankers. Their agents dominate our lives in an all-pervading manner.
Both the bankers and their agents (who have aquired their wealth and power through the bankers' sponsorship) are predominantly Zionist Jews. This seems to me to be a statement of undeniable fact.
That one group should end up controlling and, through debt, effectively owning almost everything in the Western world should surely at some stage become a matter for comment.
Is this an outrageous statement? How successfully has the 'Holocaust' religion and the fear of being labelled anti-Semitic worked on our minds? People should refuse to be intimidated by the charge of Anti-Semitism. This fear has been deliberately created by the PTB. It is ALL-PERVADING in our society, even more so in the USA, and very unhealthy indeed.
These things, it seems to me, need to be said....not least for the sake of the Jews themselves who, for over a century, have been (along with the false Zionist creed itself) pitilessly used by the banking powers.
If we are fighting to protect ourselves and the world from the evil intentions of the powers behind 911, then the Jews themselves have even more reason to be worried than we have. Israel is being used to foment a final conflict that will leave us all pleading for a one world government. If this is established the bankers obscene wealth will not only multiply, it will be secure forever. This is the outcome that they desire and that we are trying to prevent. How we are to effectively make our case without mentioning the role of bankers and Zionism mystifies me.
I do not regard myself in any way as an Anti-Semite. 80-90% of Jews are not Semitic anyway, but that's another story. However, as a Christian, I must oppose Talmudic Judaism (as Christ himself did) and point out the Satanic nature of many of its teachings. Likewise Zionism, which was invented in about 1890.
Zionism, materialistic, racist and unGodly though it is, has been consecrated in the minds of Jews in particular and society in general by the suffering of the 'Holocaust'. It is no accident that the 'Holocaust' has largely displaced the sacrifice of Christ in the public psyche. The Satanic central bankers set up the Jews for the holocaust. The Satanic Talmudists of their day arranged for the killing of Christ.
One cannot deny that these words, in cold print, could sound like the ravings of a lunatic...for all faith ultimately only proves itself in the mind of the believer.
But am I allowed to believe in the teachings of Christ? Can I believe in God and say so on this site? Christ confronted Satan. He clearly believed in the reality of Satan (most people do...they just intellectually abstract it. Whether we talk of God or Satan we must admit that we do not truly understand that of which we speak)
It is clear that Mr Bush and the PTB also believe in Satan (see 'Bohemian Grove'). There is plenty of evidence that....at the Grove and through the upper levels of masonry (see'Albert Pike') and by the writings of the Rothschild-sponsored Adam Weishaupt...AT THE TOP the PTB are followers of Satan.
Am I allowed to say that I see the current struggle as essentially one between the forces of Light and Darkness? God and Satan?
I know there are many atheists, buddhists, free-energy wonks, shape-shifters etc in the 911 movement. If we are all agreed on the essential physical facts should we not also be able to express our view (without hatred) of what is going on through the layers of the onion......to try and reach the WHY?
Will we inevitably fall out with each other if we do this?
Should we really leave this to the media to sort out after they have come to realise the facts? Do you think they will agree with many of us that the only long-term solution to our problems is to remove forever from private hands the power to create our money out of nothing, while charging us interest for the privelege of doing so?
Personally, I don't talk about the 'Zionist' thing very often, but I do have a view about it....as anyone who has got this far will know.
It would surely be wrong if people were to assume that anyone who raises this issue is automatically an agent whose purpose is to discredit the 911 movement (although this might sometime be the case).
Developing a rational and constructive take on the situation is important for all of us. However, we must recognise the potential explosiveness of the 'Zionist 'question and the passions and prejudices it can unleash. Having said that, I believe we should neither fear nor ignore it.
Last edited by kbo234 on Mon Jun 19, 2006 6:07 pm; edited 1 time in total |