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Are UFOs really from outer space?
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marky 54
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It seems that some people are very reluctant to admit that other civilsations in space are more advanced than us.

its funny is'nt it. yet if you asked the same people where they think humans will be in 1,000 years time they can all of a sudden imagine technology beyond our wildest dreams.

yet they think an advanced race somewhere out there that had 1,000-5,000 or beyond years head start could'nt possibly be any better than us, i mean how can they understand how things work if we don't? er more time to learn and experiment and evolve is the obvious answer, as has been proved with human advancements in technology.

your right its certainly human arrogance that keeps the blinkers on and imo holds back humanity in every way. if it was left to human arrogance then we would be the centre of the universe and everything would revolve around the earth, which is special because there is life on the planet, the only life in the whole universe, which was created by god who communicates through others(jesus) and who punishes or rewards the human race because the human race are just more important than any other lifeform on the planet.

its strange how only science has changed thinking from arrogance to reality really regarding one of the things ive just listed.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 10:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

marky 54 wrote:
I only a while back emailed the other DP place asking info there, how the heck can we take Dr Greer seriously when he believes the Moon was landed on.

sorry zoomer, i do not see how you can question somebodys credibility on that one point. lots of people firmly believe we landed on the moon regardless of if it was landed on or not.

to question greers credibility on that one point would mean questioning everyones credibility on any subject if they believed we landed on the moon.

for example: an expert in the field of astrology believes we landed on the moon, does that mean their knowledge or findings on astrology are void as a result?

i think not.

not everyone is organizing 'disclosure projects' and claiming outlandish things without one scrap of evidence.
Look, dont you see the irony. That if Dr Greer claims to know 'insiders' that tell him SUCH off the wall things like they are part of black ops where they abduct people with 'programmed life forms/Greys', YET he doesn't get told the moon landings were hoaxed, and isn't aware whats on the internet, then this makes him look pretty foolish, no?

quote]I only recently became aware of this 'new disclosure' at http://realityuncovered.com which seems a good place to de-construct things

how do you know what your trying to de-construct unless you had that particular experience yourself?

trust me those who try to debunk have not had the experience so imo in no postion to know what they are talking about or what they are trying to debunk, anyone can make up the reason why these things happen, imo its not about de-constructing if your serious about the truth, its about listening and watching and considering the evidence. its to easy to debunk things with guesses about what it could of been, but that dos'nt mean the debunker is correct.

This is like saying i HAVE to believe in Islam because i didn't experience what the prophet mohammid experienced!
Actually I Do respect what people say they experienced. I am not one of those hard boiled idiots that call everyone a woo woo. I've been at the receiving end of that mindset.
I am rather saying to be openminded but shrewd. Especially when you have major 'leaders' like Greer coming out with such farout claims , and making money from shpeeling about it, yet thers no evidence hes actually showing. You have to be gullible to give that dude ANY of your money.

http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-8427512536463851079&q=u.f.o +sighting+uk&total=159&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=4

lets take this example for instance, what are you debunking? are you going to tell the women she did'nt see what she knows she saw? who is the one in a postion to know? certainly not the debunker who has never seen it or had the experience.

this is where listening and considering is needed not debunking with guesses.

I agree. But whoever says it, you still must investigate. not just believe. otherwise anyone can say anything. this is how cults are formed. its a balancing act.

http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=5528221803618873796&q=u.f.o+ sighting+uk&total=159&start=20&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=4

then there is the visual instances which somebody will always say is fake or swamp gas even though they have no proof the video was faked etc.

sure people do fake video's and make things up, but ignoring geniune cases as a result would be a major error where investigating is concerned or researching.

i could so easily say, the first video was the women hallucinating and the second was military flares, i don't know if thats the case at all but i debunked it, case over go home and relax if i had not had the experience myself and i thought i knew better than those who actually have had the experience.

there is a void between someone who has seen and somebody who has not, debunkers just make things up to keep their reality as they believe it to be and ignore what is reported and seen as a result.

the TRUE skeptic doesn't explain away, and doesn't just accept. Ie., claim that it MUST be advanced ET technology OR covert man-made technology OR just swamp gas or baloons and so on. We DO NOT KNOW is the right way to go. We are investigating.
it is hard because the mind wants to settle in a side. and when it does if it is challenged it freaks out. I find myself doing that all the time Cool

keep asking questions!
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marky 54
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 2:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is like saying i HAVE to believe in Islam because i didn't experience what the prophet mohammid experienced!

no its not, its like what i said in the first place, how can you de-construct something you have never seen. its not like saying you have to believe anything, its just saying how the hell can somebody who has not experienced it or seen what that particular person saw be in a postion to comment! or know what the hell it is they are de-constructing in the first place!

You have to be gullible to give that dude ANY of your money.

then don't give him any, i certainly have not or ever will. if others want to thats upto them, it still has nothing to do with the information.

Actually I Do respect what people say they experienced. I am not one of those hard boiled idiots that call everyone a woo woo. I've been at the receiving end of that mindset.

Especially when you have major 'leaders' like Greer coming out with such farout claims

farout claims? his information comes from people who have experienced those things and been on inside yet you claim "I Do respect what people say they experienced. I am not one of those hard boiled idiots that call everyone a woo woo"

I agree. But whoever says it, you still must investigate. not just believe. otherwise anyone can say anything. this is how cults are formed. its a balancing act.

we aint talking about anybody saying anything, we are talking about millions all reporting the same things and having the same experiences, theres a theme, a pattern, which nobody has anything to gain by making it up, unless you consider ridicule, being patronised and considered a nut as being something to gain!

its the very reason people like greer are around, they can see the pattern and act as a speaker on behalf of the many so they don't have to suffer any of those things in their personal lives, greer researchers and investigates as well as being a personal outlet, if it was'nt for him many of these people would still be holding their experiences in silence and in fear of ridicule if they decided to come forward.

nobody is asking you to believe a thing, just to listen. debunkers are close to your definition of a cult, as thats all they do, make something up that it could of been without even seeing what it was that was seen and people believe it without questioning it.

the TRUE skeptic doesn't explain away, and doesn't just accept. Ie., claim that it MUST be advanced ET technology OR covert man-made technology OR just swamp gas or baloons and so on. We DO NOT KNOW is the right way to go. We are investigating.
it is hard because the mind wants to settle in a side. and when it does if it is challenged it freaks out.

well just because you don't know or have not had the experience dos'nt mean others have not or others do not know what they are. let us all know when you have caught up or when you have seen something yourself to know if they are real or not.

from my experience i know 100% there is only two options that account for many of these sightings, advanced technology the likes we have never seen before and would be like stepping forward a few thousand years technology wise, or something not of this world.

now when goverments have not got a clue where the blips on the screen came from and nobody knows what they are i think those kind of inccidents gives us a clear clue as to what many of these sitings are, just type in jets chase ufo on google.

of course some things are faked(it helps to discredit serious reports and sightings) of course some can be explained(over paranoid), but a lot cannot be explained also.

so im just sitting here wondering how long it will take for people to wake up and take the issue seriously rather than trying to find the stupidest reasons to keep their bubble.

any one serious about truth would support disclosure its that simple.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 2:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hopefully Marky 54 this meeting in washington DC on 12th November will be the beggining of the end of the goverments keeping the existance of ET spacecraft and of course ET's themselves secret from us.

I feel that they have done this at least since the 1940's (the Roswell crash) and have done so ever since and hid the truth behind a massive web of lies, disinformation and faked evidence designed to mislead people into thinking something else happened.

Humanity will finally be able to learn of it's place in the universe and we should aim to peacefully co-exist with them.

The benefits to us would be very great and we could use their technology to sort out all the worlds problems, i don't think that there need be any more people starving in the world for instance.

I think what happened on 12 November was brilliant and in fact i have emailed Nick Pope (who also took part in that meeting) telliing him so.

He has emailed me back thanking me and giving me lots of links to numerous video clips of the meeting that have been put on the net.

I'm still going to buy a DVD of the meeting though.

One sure way for evil to prevail, is for the good to do nothing.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 3:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

marky 54 wrote:
This is like saying i HAVE to believe in Islam because i didn't experience what the prophet mohammid experienced!

no its not, its like what i said in the first place, how can you de-construct something you have never seen. its not like saying you have to believe anything, its just saying how the hell can somebody who has not experienced it or seen what that particular person saw be in a postion to comment! or know what the hell it is they are de-constructing in the first place!

well i COULD claim i saw a flying elephant who told me that we must kill all people with brown eyes. Would you question that if i, or 5 others claimed that, or just respect me saying it and agree i should kill them?

You have to be gullible to give that dude ANY of your money.

then don't give him any, i certainly have not or ever will. if others want to thats upto them, it still has nothing to do with the information.

Yes it does if this dude is spinning a load of nonsense and is fleecing gullibale people. we demand EVIDENCE not just words.

Actually I Do respect what people say they experienced. I am not one of those hard boiled idiots that call everyone a woo woo. I've been at the receiving end of that mindset.

Especially when you have major 'leaders' like Greer coming out with such farout claims

farout claims? his information comes from people who have experienced those things and been on inside yet you claim "I Do respect what people say they experienced. I am not one of those hard boiled idiots that call everyone a woo woo"

I agree. But whoever says it, you still must investigate. not just believe. otherwise anyone can say anything. this is how cults are formed. its a balancing act.

we aint talking about anybody saying anything, we are talking about millions all reporting the same things and having the same experiences, theres a theme, a pattern, which nobody has anything to gain by making it up, unless you consider ridicule, being patronised and considered a nut as being something to gain!

'millions'?? have you just read that figure or do you know this for a fact?
actually though. millions believe in 'God' and all the dogma attached. Does this mean i must believe it cause they say so? They talk about an historical 'Jesus' but there is no evidence such a man ever existed in history. That is handy. It means i can question that dogma. i dont see why you have a prob questioning words that have no evidence to back them up...?

its the very reason people like greer are around, they can see the pattern and act as a speaker on behalf of the many so they don't have to suffer any of those things in their personal lives, greer researchers and investigates as well as being a personal outlet, if it was'nt for him many of these people would still be holding their experiences in silence and in fear of ridicule if they decided to come forward.

but it could be a big psy op, a massive con! how do you know it aint? it is just words. people ask Greer(who brags of having reams of actual evidence , claimed in books and lectures) but dodges producing it. errr hint hint? whats he hiding? whys it called 'disclosure' if he dont disclose?

nobody is asking you to believe a thing, just to listen. debunkers are close to your definition of a cult, as thats all they do, make something up that it could of been without even seeing what it was that was seen and people believe it without questioning it.

I am listening, and after doing so want actual evidence to back up claims. otherwise they could be spinnin me any old nonsense, with a straight face.
Dont be too quick to judge me. I am not one of the explainer awayers. I have seen for example the Mexican footage of UFOs, and i dont know what that is. I am not one of the pseudo skeps who straightaway claim balloons etc. that is also foolish

the TRUE skeptic doesn't explain away, and doesn't just accept. Ie., claim that it MUST be advanced ET technology OR covert man-made technology OR just swamp gas or baloons and so on. We DO NOT KNOW is the right way to go. We are investigating.
it is hard because the mind wants to settle in a side. and when it does if it is challenged it freaks out.

well just because you don't know or have not had the experience dos'nt mean others have not or others do not know what they are. let us all know when you have caught up or when you have seen something yourself to know if they are real or not.

what you say is not makin sense. I HAVE had non-ordinary experience. have YOU? I am aware of a deeper aspect to reality. And i know that some psychologists, neuroscientists etc would explain my experience away. But i dont expect anyone to believe me. like i wouldn't if i claim i have been 'abducted' or seen a UFO. cause people can say anything.
I DO look closely though at their body language and sense whether they are telling the truth. but as substantial evidence it doesn't really do anything. its just someone saying. Yes it adds to pattern of existing video and photos. I accept that. but they could just be copying, etc. we dont know

from my experience i know 100% there is only two options that account for many of these sightings, advanced technology the likes we have never seen before and would be like stepping forward a few thousand years technology wise, or something not of this world.

what about UAP? or misperception?

now when goverments have not got a clue where the blips on the screen came from and nobody knows what they are i think those kind of inccidents gives us a clear clue as to what many of these sitings are, just type in jets chase ufo on google.

yes. that is evidence

of course some things are faked(it helps to discredit serious reports and sightings) of course some can be explained(over paranoid), but a lot cannot be explained also.

so im just sitting here wondering how long it will take for people to wake up and take the issue seriously rather than trying to find the stupidest reasons to keep their bubble.

any one serious about truth would support disclosure its that simple.

well i repeat. all the 20 odd witnesses of DP do is spout words. Wheres the rest of em? greer states '400' yet only 20 appear, and its just words, AND many work in the military...? Could it be a psy op. You DO know they do such as that dont you? So why then dont you investigate this also?

keep asking questions!
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 3:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well done for pasting that whole previous post Zoomer and then writing 2 lines of input below it. It wasn't worth the wait whilst scrolling.. I even roller-brushed the lounge wall in the time it took.

The 2001 Disclosure Project event was a "Psy Op" ?!

Razz --> You've gotta be taking the piss. Either that or you live in such a paranoid world that you check the tea your mom brings you each morning for mi5 poisoning.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 3:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

rodin wrote:

Alien hoax

Majesty Twelve
William Cooper, author of Behold a Pale Horse, explains why he has retracted earlier claims that ET's are in communication with the secret government, and how the entire ET-UFO scenario is a massive hoax designed to hide real Earth-based technology and a deliberately created tool of the Illuminati to further aims in the New World Order.

Blah blah - I read Behold a Pale Horse when there were no copies in the UK - I know as I had mine brought in from Texas in 1995.

Cooper was set-up with the documents in the safe on board the naval vessel.

Amongst the better UFOlogists Cooper is know as a paranoid delusional. He just stole and exaggerated others' material. He even fell for the "strawberry ice-cream" and OH Krill story.


Lazar asked Lear about John Grace, aka "Vladimir Valerian," (sic)and what he was up to. Lear said he was in Oregon and had a successful business [apparently selling his expensive self- published newsletters and documents, Matrix I, II, III, etc.] Lear said that Grace was a tech sergeant at Nellis when he met him and that they cooperated on the naming of a UFO document that Grace had written. They decided to attribute it to "O.H. KRLL," a name they made up.

Bill Cooper later claimed, on a TV show in Lear's presence, that he had read the same O.H. KRLL document years before while in the Navy--an impossibility.

Lear says the "O.H." meant nothing, but Cooper later claimed it meant "Original Hostage."


Lear described how Cooper's claims about what he read as a Navy petty officer seems to be continuously revised to support whatever Lear claimed. In the beginning, Lear said Cooper could personally vouch for "50%" of what Lear claimed, but within about a month it became "150%."


Gene Huff added: "Obviously, no matter what you think of Cooper, Cooper does have a great mind, and he has the capability to take everyone's information and spin it into a giant story that he read about when he was in the Navy."


Edited to show Bill Cooper is at best an exagerrator.


Last edited by utopiated on Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
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marky 54
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 3:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

well i repeat. all the 20 odd witnesses of DP do is spout words. Wheres the rest of em? greer states '400' yet only 20 appear, and its just words, AND many work in the military...? Could it be a psy op. You DO know they do such as that dont you? So why then dont you investigate this also?

what makes you think i do not investigate claims?

as for your psy-op claim to believe that i'd have to believe that what i saw and what many see and experience is part of the same psy-op, as alot of what greer and the people who come forward report is what many everyday people experience and see also, i can gaurentee more sightings go unreported than ones that are actually reported, you can thank those who use childish ridicule for that or who attack the person and ignore the message.

theres a pattern that people like you ignore because you have not seen it for yourself, therefore you keep looking for reasons to dismiss the case of u.f.o's to fit your reality and to somehow make yourself feel more inteligent, you know, everyone must be thick or wacko's to believe u.f.o's but you don't believe that stuff because your more inteligent than those who do and you can make something up that sounds better(to you) even though you did'nt experience what that person saw. yet your in no postion to comment about these peoples experiences, and you have nothing to bring to the debate other than keeping your reality, and attacking the person rather than the evidence or the message.

all you can do is call into question peoples credibility whilst totally ignoring the message that millions report and who risk ridicule from the narrowminded for daring to tell the truth.

people come forward to report their experiences and all people like you can do is basically call them liars. let us know when you catch up with the rest of us and you understand just how many people see these things on a daily basis over a year and who's storys match even though they are on the opposite side of the globe.

if you ask me the only psy-op going off is the psy-op that trains people to ignore the message and to ridicule the person, they have taught you well, even though you might not realise it.
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marky 54
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 4:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

are you saying im a liar? because i have seen something that cannot be explained? because if your trying to say the whole disclosure is a lie then your basically saying everyone who has reported the same things or shared their experience with others are also liars.

yet you was not there to see, if you were i know 100% you'd have to take this subject seriously, but unfortuantly the rest cannot wait untill every person has seen one before they are allowed to talk about it and call for truth on the subject. listen to the message, notice the pattern. not just now but in the past and whats still left to see from history and before the internet becomes restricted and content is monitered.

this is how its worked so far since ive had conversation here on the subject in the last few weeks.

i pointed out some of the sumerian artifacts and what they show, then somebody comes alongs links it to sitchin(which was linked in no way other than the sumerian theme) then trys to discredit sitchin, the information i was providing which clearly showed 100% known sumerian artifacts which could give clues and tell us things was ignored and lumped with sitchin even though sitchin was not around 5,000 years ago and had no influence over the people who carved them!.

somebody gives information on the disclosure project, somebody comes along and and trys to discredit greer and then call the rest of them liars, the information yet again was ignored.

if thats what people call research then i need to brush up on slagging anyone of who provides information and avoid the information rather than look at the information.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 6:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think that people who debunk UFO's are just trying to save face and their credibility, after all they don't want to be shown up as the ones who were wrong do they?, That will be extremely embarrassing for them.

When full disclosure comes (whitch i hope is soon) i think it will be the most important event in the history of this planet and of mankind it will also further open the door to mankinds future.

So the more the truth comes out (and about time to i say) the more the debunkers are going to get..............desperate to discredit the people who come forward.

And you are right Marky 54 it's only due to people who ridicule that more people don't come forward with their experiences.

And also the stupid people that like to make fake photos and storys, they really don't help matters at all.

Maybe this subject is just to fantasic for their minds to grasp and this is their reaction to it, but really that's no excuse.

One sure way for evil to prevail, is for the good to do nothing.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 4:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

utopiated wrote:
Well done for pasting that whole previous post Zoomer and then writing 2 lines of input below it. It wasn't worth the wait whilst scrolling.. I even roller-brushed the lounge wall in the time it took.

The 2001 Disclosure Project event was a "Psy Op" ?!

Razz --> You've gotta be taking the piss. Either that or you live in such a paranoid world that you check the tea your mom brings you each morning for mi5 poisoning.

what do you mean 'pasting' my answers are in the white bit too.

And no i am definately NOT taking the piss. Come on man. Do you just believe people if they spin stories at cha? have you not got one investigative bone in your bod!! Surprised

keep asking questions!
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 4:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

marky 54 wrote:
well i repeat. all the 20 odd witnesses of DP do is spout words. Wheres the rest of em? greer states '400' yet only 20 appear, and its just words, AND many work in the military...? Could it be a psy op. You DO know they do such as that dont you? So why then dont you investigate this also?

what makes you think i do not investigate claims?

dont look at ME Wink

as for your psy-op claim to believe that i'd have to believe that what i saw and what many see and experience is part of the same psy-op, as alot of what greer and the people who come forward report is what many everyday people experience and see also, i can gaurentee more sightings go unreported than ones that are actually reported, you can thank those who use childish ridicule for that or who attack the person and ignore the message.

haha, you just dont get where I am coming from with this, obviously. Listen, I DO respect people when they say they saw unexplainable phenomena. But to go from there, as Greer does and lays out this agenda he claims to know about is what i am against. because....look. yes you most likey have seen something. then you hear others have--those with authority. And its when they begin spinning unverifiable stories is when you must be cautiuous. because it could be a psy op? A psychological operation to begin a myth so it fits in with various plans being secretly laid down

theres a pattern that people like you ignore because you have not seen it for yourself, therefore you keep looking for reasons to dismiss the case of u.f.o's to fit your reality and to somehow make yourself feel more inteligent, you know, everyone must be thick or wacko's to believe u.f.o's but you don't believe that stuff because your more inteligent than those who do and you can make something up that sounds better(to you) even though you did'nt experience what that person saw. yet your in no postion to comment about these peoples experiences, and you have nothing to bring to the debate other than keeping your reality, and attacking the person rather than the evidence or the message.

I have never said anyone is thick or a wacko that claims to have seen UFOS or has been abducted or even seen a ghost etc etc. I am trying to make it clear I dont mean that.
But, say someone calims to be 'channeling' an alien entity, and then makes remarks about things. THEN i will want to be cautious because the person could be speaking a load of nonesense. for various reasons. making money, casting aspersions against a certain people, wanting to start a cult and be top guru, etc. Dig?

all you can do is call into question peoples credibility whilst totally ignoring the message that millions report and who risk ridicule from the narrowminded for daring to tell the truth.

people come forward to report their experiences and all people like you can do is basically call them liars. let us know when you catch up with the rest of us and you understand just how many people see these things on a daily basis over a year and who's storys match even though they are on the opposite side of the globe.

if you ask me the only psy-op going off is the psy-op that trains people to ignore the message and to ridicule the person, they have taught you well, even though you might not realise it.
Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Confused Confused Confused Confused

See you almost want to line me up and shoot me huh Rolling Eyes

I am not your regular 'skeptic' though usually opseudo cause they will not even accept any UN explainable events. I am rather warning of the psy ops that can haooen with the direct intention of creating myths that suit an elites' purposes

for example, Greer in his book Hidden Knowledge.... claims he levitated (this is one of loads of CLAIMS) now. let me ask you. Do you believe him? If so, why do you believe him?

confound it. i dont know how to use these quote function. why is it when i quote anothers two lines whatever, my reply ends up in the white..?

keep asking questions!
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marky 54
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 7:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

See you almost want to line me up and shoot me huh

no, i just think people should stop looking for excuses inorder to ignore the evidence and information, which i know is'nt a psy-op because i have seen something myself, manmade or not it can only be described as a u.f.o. defying the laws of gravity, where man got the technology from if it was manmade only leaves one to think about incidents like roswell and simular events where crashed craft was reported and then covered-up, reverse engineering would obviously be the next step. so alien craft or alien in origin is a very strong possibility, and would mean we are not alone in the universe.

speaking of excuses you use one here to ignore the information about u.f.o's and e.t. experiences.............

for example, Greer in his book Hidden Knowledge.... claims he levitated (this is one of loads of CLAIMS) now. let me ask you. Do you believe him? If so, why do you believe him?

attacking greer again to try to ignore the information? first of all what the hell has levitating got to do with the many witnesses to u.f.o and e.t experiences? secondly if many people reported they could levitate i would have no reason to disbelieve them untill an full investigastion had been carried out into the reports. but seeing as though only a few have ever claimed they can levitate i have no reason to believe them but at the same time no reason to think it is impossible other than the limitations of my mind telling me otherwise because i can not do it and everyone i know cannot do it.

do i believe him? who knows i'd need to investigate. if on the other hand millions were reporting it i'd have to take it seriously and consider the fact that there could well be some truth in it and take notice of the information rather than attacking the persons who come forward.

confound it. i dont know how to use these quote function. why is it when i quote anothers two lines whatever, my reply ends up in the white..?

im not up to scratch myself, but i can tell you how i do it, click once on the qoute tab which is above the message you type when replying, then select the part of the message from the post you want to address by dragging untill you have selected the part you want, right click and press copy, then go to your post your typing and make sure the cursor is infront of the first 'qoute' you did before and press paste, finish of by pressing the qoute tab above again.

so it should look something like the paragraph below before you submit

[ quote]confound it. i dont know how to use these quote function. why is it when i quote anothers two lines whatever, my reply ends up in the white..? [/quote ]

I am rather warning of the psy ops that can haooen with the direct intention of creating myths that suit an elites' purposes

i saved this till last because you don't seem to realise or notice that it is'nt just disclosure who claim to have seen u.f.o's and e.t's, there are millions of people from all over the world throughout the decades, and many more incidents go unreported due to fear of ridicule, i never reported my experience to anybody even though i talk about it on here, if i felt it would of been taken seriously and i would recieve no ridicule i might of reported it. but with the way people think and presume(like you) i really saw no point at all and came to the conclusion that i knew and i had my personnal truth, my awakening to what i use to be sceptical about myself, which was more than enough for me.

are you aware psy-ops can work both ways? ie: not just to fool people into thinking something is true that is'nt, but also to fool people into thinking something is not true that is? 9/11 should of taught you this at least.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 12:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I really feel sorry for you Marky54

Having to go around being afraid to report your UFO experience for fear of not being taken seriously and fear of being ridiculed.

It shoudn't have been that way for you, it shoudn't be that way for anybody.

Some of these skeptics come out with such laughable crazy things to explain away a UFO sighting.

I was watching a youtube video today and this skeptic was trying to explain away the Rendalsham Forest UFO and discredit the people that were actually there and saw the craft.

Do you know what he said it was???????.......................

THE PLANET JUPITER!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laughing Laughing Laughing.

The planet Jupiter?????????, in Rendalsham Forest??????????.

He also tried to say that they mistook the UFO for a nearby police cars headlights that happend to be driving by at the time and also a lighthouse light.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 1:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

exactly, most sceptics just make up anything or try to render the witness as a looney and as far as they are concerned thats that. they ignore the persons information and experience, and then try to dictate to that person what it was when they was not even there to know, the fact the witnesses still stand by their story and know it was'nt what the sceptic made up has no bearing over it as the hungry pack of narrowminded fools move in for the kill.

i could do it with anything and everything, it certainly dos'nt take brain power to make something up. they also assume the witness has not thought of every possible explaination before coming to the conclusion it was a u.f.o and their just is'nt an explaination, more so if it moved as if inteligently controlled.

its so easy for some guy in a suit to say "oh it was.......

but was it? how can they be so sure and just ignore the witness?

the witness comes forward and tells of their experience, a bright light in the sky that moved in all directions and made impossible turns, it then hovered there for 10 mins before shooting off out of view in the distance within 5 seconds.

guy in a suit comes along "oh it was atmospheric lights, this person was just over reacting" END OF STOREY!

it was a chinese lantern, it was a lighthouse, it was swamp gas, it was the afterburner on the back of a f-14, it was ball lightning, it was a planet, it was a lamp, it was a ballon, it was a weather ballon, it was a blimp, it was a ----------(just fit in what ever you can make up) and keep going.

don't need to take the sightings seriously then. the only time i can understand it is when there is video evidence and the explaination matches what is seen, which ain't very often.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 6:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think i mentioned at the very start of this thread that my uncle has had a UFO experience.

People laughed at him and dismissed what he saw as a helicoptor.

Totally ignoring the fact that there was no sound, no downdraft whitch i suppose you would feel if a helicoptor was hovering right above you, and it shot off and was gone in a matter of seconds, and i'd like to see any helicoptor move that fast.

And don't forget i was labled a fringe lunatic on the forum i got banned from.

How such people are going to take the truth i have no idea, it will be intresting to see their reactions to it.

Will they be running around like a headless chicken or simply stay in denial dispite what is happening around them?.

I've also thought of how the religous mob might react to it as well, you might have half of them saying that the ET's are angels from god, the other half will be saying their deamons from the devil, they'll be a mass argument between the two groups and none of them will apply any rational thought as to the ET's true origin.

The above is just my thoughts on how some groups of people might react.

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arthur two sheds jackson
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 8:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Louise

If you are interested in UFOS you might find these sites interesting

http://www.divinecosmos.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcate gory&id=29&Itemid=70

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 11:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the links arthur two sheds jackson.

I just feel that this secret of UFO's and ET's has been kept from the people for long enough (since around the 1940's i belive) and that people deserve to know the truth.

The secret has been kept behind a web of lies, disinformation, phony evidence to trick people into thinking something other than a UFO was involved.

Lots of people have been threatened probably with not only their own death but possibly with the death of family members also, and all this just to shut them up.

In keeping all this secret, it has held back the progresssion of humanity.

In sitting on this knowledge for so long, they have prevented us from using this technology in a peacefull manner to solve the worlds problems, help people who are sick and possibly further mans exporation of space.

And judging by the people that spoke out on 12 November 2007, i think that quite a few prominent people share my views.

You see i'm not like the millitary madmen, they see a new peace of technology and they immediately want to know how to use it to kill people, also how to get an edge over everyone else in the world.

I feel that this knowledge should be used to help people and benefit everyone, not just a select few in the goverments of the world.

Imagine for example working out their propultion system and putting in newly desinged civilian aircraft.

You could go anywhere in the world at a fraction of the time it now takes to get there.

Maybe you could go for a day out to Australia and still be back in time for dinner in the evening!!!!!!!!.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 11:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

a 4 and a half hour talk i thought was worth linking.


it's worth a watch and imo shows the real subject and reasons things are happening basically boils down to this subject which everyone else avoids like the plague.

he gives the case for both e.t/alien craft and a hoax of e.t/alien craft to ferther nwo agenda's which was bought about due to population problems(which i feel people need to be more aware about, even if they don't think theres a problem, those in power do and the population can only double so many times before the future of the planet is in jeopardy) and the survival of mankind, there may well be others reason to since ie: enslaving the people etc, but i think his message needs considering at least.

he concludes u.f.o's certainly exsist, although he dos'nt commit to either e.t or e.t hoax but i feel he sides with the alien hoax more.

after listening to it and hearing his case i have to say i agree most of what he said could well be true.

but something he did'nt mention but i feel is just as possible is the possibility that both e.t's and a hoax to create a alien enemy could both be true at the same time, just aslong as we are unaware of the real e.t's.

i really think they should just come clean so we can all work to solving the problems and make the chance of survival greater, i fail to see how the population can do anything when the problems are hidden from them.

anyone who says population is'nt a problem really needs to do more research and really think about what the issues link back to(ie: suppression of cancer treatments etc) and consider it 50-100 years from now and not at this very moment.

we car'nt have the technology that means better lives/longer lives and more cures etc, they need to kill of as many people as possible in a way that seems natural because people just don't get it and don't want to give up any of their creature comforts or regulate birth rates.

so secretly they have to try to use another solution because we don't listen! and because they don't warn us and because they don't come clean at the same time. which is why its all happening. i can see the problem we face as a people, but its impossible to get people to be aware because when ever you mention this someone turns up in a rage refusing to acknowledge the true reasons for things and the no.1 true problem which everything else is fabricated to solve. including a alien hoax, regardless of if aliens are real or not.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

response to Marky 54

no, i just think people should stop looking for excuses inorder to ignore the evidence and information, which i know is'nt a psy-op because i have seen something myself, manmade or not it can only be described as a u.f.o. defying the laws of gravity, where man got the technology from if it was manmade only leaves one to think about incidents like roswell and simular events where crashed craft was reported and then covered-up, reverse engineering would obviously be the next step. so alien craft or alien in origin is a very strong possibility, and would mean we are not alone in the universe.

I am interested to hear of your experience. Please link me to it?
But I will say that because YOu saw something doesn't make Roswell true, or reverse engineering. We dont not KNOW. All we have is words. Can you not see this?

speaking of excuses you use one here to ignore the information about u.f.o's and e.t. experiences.............

for example, Greer in his book Hidden Knowledge.... claims he levitated (this is one of loads of CLAIMS) now. let me ask you. Do you believe him? If so, why do you believe him?

I asked you simple question: would you believe him? yes

attacking greer again to try to ignore the information? first of all what the hell has levitating got to do with the many witnesses to u.f.o and e.t experiences? secondly if many people reported they could levitate i would have no reason to disbelieve them untill an full investigastion had been carried out into the reports. but seeing as though only a few have ever claimed they can levitate i have no reason to believe them but at the same time no reason to think it is impossible other than the limitations of my mind telling me otherwise because i can not do it and everyone i know cannot do it.

do i believe him? who knows i'd need to investigate. if on the other hand millions were reporting it i'd have to take it seriously and consider the fact that there could well be some truth in it and take notice of the information rather than attacking the persons who come forward.

You go round the houses to answer a simple question I asked. but here where you say, in at LAST answering the question: "do i believe him? who knows i'd need to investigate." is gelling with where I am at, and what I am getting at. Which is, yeah, anyone can say anything. But until we INVESTGATE it, we aint gonna know are we? If we just rush to conclusions we are not investigating but coming to conclusions.

I am rather warning of the psy ops that can haooen with the direct intention of creating myths that suit an elites' purposes

i saved this till last because you don't seem to realise or notice that it is'nt just disclosure who claim to have seen u.f.o's and e.t's, there are millions of people from all over the world throughout the decades, and many more incidents go unreported due to fear of ridicule, i never reported my experience to anybody even though i talk about it on here, if i felt it would of been taken seriously and i would recieve no ridicule i might of reported it. but with the way people think and presume(like you) i really saw no point at all and came to the conclusion that i knew and i had my personnal truth, my awakening to what i use to be sceptical about myself, which was more than enough for me.

are you aware psy-ops can work both ways? ie: not just to fool people into thinking something is true that is'nt, but also to fool people into thinking something is not true that is? 9/11 should of taught you this at least.

HAVE you shared your experience here at these forums, or somewhere else. If not you should no matter what anyone says. Thats first. Have the guts to share your experience.
Second, IF people do not just accept your story, then that is their right. Why the hell should they just believe you? This is what we are talking about. Why the hell should I just accept someone's words.
It doesn't mean I have to gbe rude and call them crazy, of course. But any story needs investigation, otherwise we create myths that can not be verified, and we are then open to disinformation.
It is VERY important to realize that that is how rulers and their military complexes have operated for a long long time. So wheever we get stories coming, especially from people involved in this area, we must question question . Which is investigation, right?

keep asking questions!
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marky 54
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 9:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am interested to hear of your experience. Please link me to it?
But I will say that because YOu saw something doesn't make Roswell true, or reverse engineering. We dont not KNOW. All we have is words. Can you not see this?

your intrested to hear about my experience? read back through the thread i have added it here, this is the only place i have mentioned it due to the subject, other than that the only other people i have mentioned it to is people i know i can trust or i know are openminded enough not to ridicule.

like you say it is just words and you have no reason to believe it, i think your starting to understand why i did'nt report it.

I asked you simple question: would you believe him? yes

well its funny because you keep coming up with excuses to attack people rather than tackle the evidence.

You go round the houses to answer a simple question I asked. but here where you say, in at LAST answering the question: "do i believe him? who knows i'd need to investigate." is gelling with where I am at, and what I am getting at. Which is, yeah, anyone can say anything. But until we INVESTGATE it, we aint gonna know are we? If we just rush to conclusions we are not investigating but coming to conclusions.

i went around the houses to explain that the believability of something depends on its commoness. u.f.o reports = very common, levitating reports = rare.

If not you should no matter what anyone says. Thats first. Have the guts to share your experience.

why should i bring ridicule into my personal life? i have mentioned it here to share it in case others have had simular experiences, with the protection of nobody knowing who i am, besides there is far more things out there that have better proof, afterall my experience is just words. but i can tell u.f.o's are real, wether you believe that or not is your choice.

It doesn't mean I have to gbe rude and call them crazy, of course. But any story needs investigation, otherwise we create myths that can not be verified, and we are then open to disinformation.

exactly investigastion, not dismissal by discrediting the person. however with my experience all that can be took from it is consideration, you may have no reason to believe people, but that dos'nt mean they are lieing about their experience, there is no way for anybody to know one way or another. however how many people have to come forward to say they have seen something before the subject is investigated properly in the mainstream?

i advise you to watch this then give me your thoughts, that is if your serious about the evidence instead of dancing around it and picking fault with people or reports that cannot be proven. a ultra violet camera from a nasa space mission is the subject, it picks up numerous u.f.o's swimming about, nasa said it was space debris, but even a dimwit can tell it aint space debris, watch it all the way through as the guy looks into it and explains why and how he can conclude it.

http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-8254046032561034933&q=u.f.o +nasa+duration%3Along&total=54&start=10&num=10&so=0&type=search&plinde x=3
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marky 54
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 9:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

zoomer wrote:
I am interested to hear of your experience.

marky 54 wrote:
your intrested to hear about my experience? read back through the thread i have added it here

ok i have looked though the thread i cannot find where i explained my experience, i believe after thinking about it i gave the description over a PM, i was certain i added it here but i must be mistaken unless i cannot find it.

so just for you here is my experience. i smoke(very bad) at the back door, i had been awake around 4 hours and it was around 12-1pm in the afternoon (i know this because i wondering if being tired could explain it so recounted how long i'd been awake before the sighting). i picked up a cigerette and lighter opened the back door and stood in the doorway on the ledge at the bottom. i lit my cigerette and started to smoke it, whilst smoking i was just looking around as you do and something caught my attention out the corner of my eye, so i lifted my head up ferther and noticed a shining light in the sky.

at this point i was'nt even thinking u.f.o however i was confused about what it was, so whilst looking at it i was going through a list of things it could be, aeroplane? helicopter? blah blah, then it appeared to move but i was'nt certain, i kept watching and then it started to make longer movements in very strange directions. for example move directly left and then directly right in split seconds, then down movements followed by up right left etc etc.

basically just moveing around the sky in any direction and at speed, some of the movements were basically 90 degree turns. at this point i knew it was'nt something that was an everday occurence so i called my girlfriend for a second opinon. she was busy at the time and ask me to hang on, so i called more urgently, when she finally started to come to see what i wanted, the light just took off into the distance at great speed across the skyline. it took about 3-5 seconds to cover the whole of the skyline. mygirlfriend got there seconds to late, which of course meant i then had to explain what i'd seen after all the fuss to get her there.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes Marky 54, you first told me of your experience by PM.

It is dated Friday July 13th 2007 at 1:44 am.

I have never deleted it.

Shall i copy and paste it onto the board exactly what you said to me or would you like me to keep it private?.

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marky 54
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Louise wrote:
Yes Marky 54, you first told me of your experience by PM.

It is dated Friday July 13th 2007 at 1:44 am.

I have never deleted it.

Shall i copy and paste it onto the board exactly what you said to me or would you like me to keep it private?.

only if you or others think its needed or if they are intrested to see what i said the first time to double check details interms of matching recolections of the event.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 10:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hello Marky 54

OK I have had a brief retelling of your experience. And in your above reply you say that investigation about accounts is OK as long as it isn't attacking people?
Well, maybe sometines when one tries to investigate it may SEEm like attacking by the one who is being investigated, or the subject they believe in,

You have made an image of me i find quite amusing actually. Because I many times have been on the receiving end of speudo-skeptics that have been VERY absuive to me and others. Calling us 'woo woo' and even 'mentally ill' etcetc. Now THAT is attacking. so lets remember this

So looking at your experience I ask/investigate. Why would a bright light up in the sky move about so strangely? what would be the point of that? Going very swiftly from location to location? Is it to be seen to be doing it, either by black ops with humans flying whatever it is, or ETS, or interdimensional beings, OR is it UAP, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena?

How do we know? You admit you do not know. But you keep claiming millions of people have seen UFOs. but that statement is too vague, because any serious UFOlogist will admit that many reported sightings CAN be explained.
What do we know of UAP? I feel we should also pay attention to that, which might explain SOME sightings. Have you also heard of Earth Lights?

This is NOT saying that actual crafts don't exist, but that investigation is not jumping to conclusions until we know the evidence. I have learned this over time

keep asking questions!
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marky 54
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 11:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

OK I have had a brief retelling of your experience. And in your above reply you say that investigation about accounts is OK as long as it isn't attacking people?
Well, maybe sometines when one tries to investigate it may SEEm like attacking by the one who is being investigated, or the subject they believe in,

no you totally misunderstand, what im saying is it is the information that needs to be addressed, the information on the subject not the person and unrelated things to do with people. for example your levitating example with greer, lets say for arguements sake greer was lieing about being able to levitate, does that disprove the many people who have witnessed u.f.o's ? does calling into question each persons credibility rather than tackling the information prove anything? therefore it's attacking the person whilst avoiding the information when that happens.

You have made an image of me i find quite amusing actually. Because I many times have been on the receiving end of speudo-skeptics that have been VERY absuive to me and others. Calling us 'woo woo' and even 'mentally ill' etcetc. Now THAT is attacking. so lets remember this

not at all, i have simply observed that your arguements entail what i have said above, ie: somehow calling in to doubt someones credibility disproves the information presented. rather than tackling the disclosure projects information you seem'd obsessed with greer and his credibility, when there are numerous people all over the world who say the same things, it aint just greer.

So looking at your experience I ask/investigate. Why would a bright light up in the sky move about so strangely?

am i suppose to know the answer?

what would be the point of that?

there has to be a point? what if the point in it is unknown? what if the point in it would only make sense if you knew what the point was?
are you saying it did'nt happen because you car'nt see the point in it?

if not why does it matter what the point was? it happened and has happened to many, get over it.

Going very swiftly from location to location?

yes, is'nt that what most flying things do especially when being controlled? even a bird flys swiftly from location to location, however none known to us do it whilst executing 90 degree turns.

either by black ops with humans flying whatever it is, or ETS, or interdimensional beings, OR is it UAP, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena?

aerial phenomena it certainly was not, ive looked into that, nothing matches. nothing moves in the same way.

if you think something does why not run it by me.

How do we know? You admit you do not know. But you keep claiming millions of people have seen UFOs. but that statement is too vague, because any serious UFOlogist will admit that many reported sightings CAN be explained.
What do we know of UAP? I feel we should also pay attention to that, which might explain SOME sightings. Have you also heard of Earth Lights?

exactly how do we know? by hazzarding a guess of what it could of been? like earth lights? the answer is looking at other evidence, like this if we are ever going to understand anything about these sightings.

http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-8254046032561034933&q=u.f.o +nasa+duration%3Along&total=54&start=10&num=10&so=0&type=search&plinde x=3

i linked it before to get your take on it, but you seem to of missed it. nasa says they are space debris, the problem is there is something to measure them against as they pass behind a 12 mile long tether which snapped of during a space mission, you can calculate the size yourself just by using a ruler on the tether then dividing the measurement into 12, then use the divided measurement on the pulsing orbs that are supposidly space debris.

2-3 miles is claimed by the guy in the video for the size of them, why not try it yourself. nasa asked the guy in the shuttle what he see's because they can see lots of things swimming about, he replies that some debris are being dragged with them, but if you look how far away the tether is and then bare in mind the objects passing behind the tether then it is very unlikely the 'debris' are anywhere near the space shuttle, the guy doing the talk says the tether is 77 miles away, but i cannot confirm that.

anyhow this type of video and incident is evidence and if your serious about investigating then this is the stuff you need to look at, not sightings people cannot prove because they were the only ones who saw it, and then making up random guesses of what was seen inorder to explain it away. nor attacking the person who bring the information forward, ie: bob is talking rubbish about u.f.o's because he believes in the moon landing!

This is NOT saying that actual crafts don't exist, but that investigation is not jumping to conclusions until we know the evidence.

but is'nt ignoring what people tell us and then coming up with explainations like earth lights and UAP when nobody else was there to see and is just guessing at an explaination jumping to conclusions?

to you things like earth lights and UAP sounds sensible, but to me where my sighting is concerned i know the object was to well controlled for that type of stuff because i was there and i witnessed it, however i can understand the need for people to keep coming up with silly explainations for what are obviously intelligently controlled craft of some sort.

the only thing i do not know for certain is manmade/alien.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

no you totally misunderstand, what im saying is it is the information that needs to be addressed, the information on the subject not the person and unrelated things to do with people. for example your levitating example with greer, lets say for arguements sake greer was lieing about being able to levitate, does that disprove the many people who have witnessed u.f.o's ? does calling into question each persons credibility rather than tackling the information prove anything? therefore it's attacking the person whilst avoiding the information when that happens.

OMG, his BS does not ONLY include that unverified event. He comes out with loads of stuff. But where is the evidence? Look, I could just write a book and say all sorts. Are you gonna believe me just like that? i'd be rich. Maybe i should do it Wink

not at all, i have simply observed that your arguements entail what i have said above, ie: somehow calling in to doubt someones credibility disproves the information presented. rather than tackling the disclosure projects information you seem'd obsessed with greer and his credibility, when there are numerous people all over the world who say the same things, it aint just greer.

Yes because hes basically front showman. hes the one doin all the interviews, lecture. pluggin the DP for all his worth. read my thread at ATS 'Zooming Dr Steven Greer' Google it

So looking at your experience I ask/investigate. Why would a bright light up in the sky move about so strangely?

am i suppose to know the answer?


what would be the point of that?

there has to be a point? what if the point in it is unknown? what if the point in it would only make sense if you knew what the point was?
are you saying it did'nt happen because you car'nt see the point in it?

if not why does it matter what the point was? it happened and has happened to many, get over it.

NO! that isn't investigation. You ask questions. you just wanna sit legs crossed and assume!

Going very swiftly from location to location?

yes, is'nt that what most flying things do especially when being controlled? even a bird flys swiftly from location to location, however none known to us do it whilst executing 90 degree turns.

NO. birds will fly TO a location. Not back and forth.

either by black ops with humans flying whatever it is, or ETS, or interdimensional beings, OR is it UAP, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena?

aerial phenomena it certainly was not, ive looked into that, nothing matches. nothing moves in the same way.

if you think something does why not run it by me.

How do we know? You admit you do not know. But you keep claiming millions of people have seen UFOs. but that statement is too vague, because any serious UFOlogist will admit that many reported sightings CAN be explained.
What do we know of UAP? I feel we should also pay attention to that, which might explain SOME sightings. Have you also heard of Earth Lights?

exactly how do we know? by hazzarding a guess of what it could of been? like earth lights? the answer is looking at other evidence, like this if we are ever going to understand anything about these sightings.

http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-8254046032561034933&q=u.f.o +nasa+duration%3Along&total=54&start=10&num=10&so=0&type=search&plinde x=3

i linked it before to get your take on it, but you seem to of missed it. nasa says they are space debris, the problem is there is something to measure them against as they pass behind a 12 mile long tether which snapped of during a space mission, you can calculate the size yourself just by using a ruler on the tether then dividing the measurement into 12, then use the divided measurement on the pulsing orbs that are supposidly space debris.

2-3 miles is claimed by the guy in the video for the size of them, why not try it yourself. nasa asked the guy in the shuttle what he see's because they can see lots of things swimming about, he replies that some debris are being dragged with them, but if you look how far away the tether is and then bare in mind the objects passing behind the tether then it is very unlikely the 'debris' are anywhere near the space shuttle, the guy doing the talk says the tether is 77 miles away, but i cannot confirm that.

anyhow this type of video and incident is evidence and if your serious about investigating then this is the stuff you need to look at, not sightings people cannot prove because they were the only ones who saw it, and then making up random guesses of what was seen inorder to explain it away. nor attacking the person who bring the information forward, ie: bob is talking rubbish about u.f.o's because he believes in the moon landing!

This is NOT saying that actual crafts don't exist, but that investigation is not jumping to conclusions until we know the evidence.

but is'nt ignoring what people tell us and then coming up with explainations like earth lights and UAP when nobody else was there to see and is just guessing at an explaination jumping to conclusions?

to you things like earth lights and UAP sounds sensible, but to me where my sighting is concerned i know the object was to well controlled for that type of stuff because i was there and i witnessed it, however i can understand the need for people to keep coming up with silly explainations for what are obviously intelligently controlled craft of some sort.

the only thing i do not know for certain is manmade/alien.[/quote]

why cannot UAP be intelligent? get me? why is it you ASSUME craft controlled by ETs. you already admitted you dont really know. why dont you respect what you say and not contradict it next sentence?

keep asking questions!
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marky 54
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 3:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

mmm yet again you ignore the link i provided and assume everyone is lieing.

you also seem unable to get it through your head that i was the one who witnessed what i saw, not you. you have to guess away because you did not witness it, but just because you don't know what it was dos'nt mean i don't know either, do you really think i am some dimwit who dos'nt know anything or did'nt think through every possibility before concluding it was some type of craft? yes you do don't you, its why you do it is'nt it? makes you feel more intelligent dos'nt it? , ZOOMER knows better dos'nt he, he can explain all u.f.o sightings car'nt he, by guessing.

i have been very clear, and have accounted for every thing it could of been and nothing comes close, i know this, you don't.

just because you don't know dos'nt mean that i don't know either.

do you understand? or are you going to continue to tell me what i saw that you did'nt see, bizarre someone who did'nt see can do that but thats how u.f.o debunking works is'nt it.

like i said before, if your serious about investigating watch the link i have now provided twice, and so far has been missed twice with no reference to it what so ever.

if your not serious then continue to try disproving things that have no visual reference, i suppose it makes guessing easier that way.
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marky 54
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 3:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


why is it you ASSUME craft controlled by ETs.

I wrote previous to this:

the only thing i do not know for certain is manmade/alien.

now i know your making it up as you go along to fit your belief system, your certainly not investigating and you also fail to read peoples posts.
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marky 54
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 3:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

why cannot UAP be intelligent?

someone who offers it as a rational explaintion for my sighting is asking why? i thought you investigate things? or was you just guessing and then i should accept that as your explaintion for what you did'nt see?

like i said if you can find something that moves the same as i described then run it past me, i'll let you know if it was the same or not, although i doubt it as ive searched long and hard for something that matches.
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