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Scottish Politics and 911, War on Terror, etc
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Keith Mothersson
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:35 pm    Post subject: Please review your prejudice, Paul Stott Reply with quote

Paul, you equated the policies of the US and Israel with the phenomenon of Islam :

And I don't need the media to tell me that Islamists are a grave threat to all who believe in a better world.

All three points are there for all to see

I think you should get to know some of the fine human beings who practice Islam and are sustained by it to live through great difficulties with tolerance and a warm heart. I don't want Muslims in Scotland to come onto this website and find yet more sweepingly abusive and ignorant statements such as they have to put up with if they go onto the Scotsman website, etc, etc.

Please moderators, I would have thought that that warrants an editorial interjection in red letters up against the offending text, disassociating 911 Truth Scotland from such as sentiment. ??

By the way, as I see it, I am not a moderator, the three moderators are Barbara, Rory and Brian/Bongo. However if serious disputes occurred then I would convene a small panel with Paul Carline and Gerry to hear an appeal.

Best wishes,
Keith Mothersson
911 Truth Scotland

For the defence of our one worldwide civilian Motherland, against whatever ruling or informal fraternities.

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Relentless Limpet Shill
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Keith - I think I can spot there is a difference between the Muslims who I live and socialise with in London, and the Islamists who want to flog a woman for calling a teddy bear Mohammed, or who launch terrorist attacks like that seen at Glasgow airport last year.

There is a difference between Islam and Islamists. I think anyone viewing the sight should be able to see this, but if not they would do well to read "The Islamist" by Ed Hussain as a starting point.
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Keith Mothersson
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:55 pm    Post subject: 911 Truth as a Process Reply with quote

I see that Brian and Blackcat have formed a alliance to express their disdain for the work of Dr Judy Wood. It is fine to disagree with reasons, but please let no one assassinate her character, whom the regime is menacing with real assassination IMO, e.g. with both a key 911 research student killed and also friends and mentors in the 'random'? Virginia State tech shootings in halls of residence where Judy often goes. Haven't we all been hurt by phrases such as '911 nt job' - so please please lets not start dissing each other in these terms, like the smallest boy in the frat unconsciously looks for someone even smaller to be able to ridicule as a 'weakling'.

The Greg Jenkins interview was something of an ambush, in so far as Judy was exhausted and didn't realise what she was letting herself in for. Also the buffering keeps screwing it up. Why not go to her website for her theoretical work, including her VERY coherent legal challenge to NIST.

My own view is contained in an article I posted in reply to something on OpEdnews about a 911 Manifesto: 911 Truth as a Process. (there are also stages of realisation about who to consider the insiders - from Bush Knew at the entry level, to the Military Industrial Complex with Mossad help, and on to some would say the Illuminati, but I definitely get off that escalator well before we get to reptile bloodline stuff).

911 Truth as Process
First step in our awakening process is to start at Unanswered Questions, then wse usually move to Cover-up because of Innocent Failings; if we keep going then third stage is LIHOP (let it happen on porpose) on a Pearl Harbour analogy;

Fourth stage is MIHOP - made it happen on purpose, but still with two mistaken assumptions, both still unfortunately present in Joels' manifesto (and by the way I really like Joel's proposal for the 911 truth movement, whatever our differences, to pro-actively dictate what kind of inquiry/ies we insist on, with what procedures and scope and deadlines).

MIHOP first stage still swallows the hijacker demonology. But it is racism pure and simple to believe the worst about 'outgroup' people without any proof, or on the sayso of proven racist liars. There is NO evidence except from world-champion liars who brought us Saddams' WMD etc, etc, of any Arabs going through the two airports that day (same as at Madrid, London on July 7, 2005 and no cameras working as Diana drove to her death ....); No passenger-manifest names of Arabs. Some of the 19 names still alive. No physical possibility at that height and speed for any mobile phone calls about Muslim fanatics taking over planes; Hani Hanjour couldn't fly a puddle-jumper; and though there is plenty of evidence for (US military-trained, drug-runner) Attah and co being noisily around flight schools, vegas, strip clubs, etc there is NO evidence that they were hijacking anything that morning, least of all that they were ever devout Muslims. Just patsies positioned to turn American shock and grief into hatred of the folk with the oil who don't much believe in consumer capitalism and debt-money ....

So once we drop the racist fairy story or 'meme' which the CIA etc had been predisposing people to believe at the drop of a hat for years, e.g. FBI gave the explosives for the 1993 WTC bomb explosion, we should also rename the Attack on America (including Pentagon building) as the Manhattan Murders of Sept 11th, requiring good domestic police work , not international military action, to respond to.

MIHOP second stage (No Hijackers) moves through to MIHOP third stage, or MIHOP DEW or Directed Energy Weapons, when we revisit the evidence of WHAT happened, which we need to look closely at before we can work out how it was done, who did it, and why. Once we do this then the thing which really strikes one is that WTC7 is like a classic controlled demolition (may not be) insofar as there is a huge pile of concrete and steel at the bottom, 47 floors pancaked into a 7-stories high pile (at freefall speed, perfectly dead-centred symmetrical, steel-framed buildings always withstand fires, as Building 6 did with MUCH bigger fires and sideways debris, which was between WTC1 and WTC7).

Hard as it may be to believe the twin towers were also destroyed at the equivalent speed of a falling object, but actually they fell upwards, through the top open fountain, into big mushroom clouds and only descending some time later as very fine dust. And even if you disagree with this interpretation of the extraordinary photo-graphic evidence of the dustification of the buildings, the clincher is surely Prof Judy Woods question: well, where did the buildings go? Cos there just arent two big piles of (say) 110 into 16 stories height, barely even one story height - at the base of where the twin towers used to stand. Remember the iconic image of the high outward-leaning spandrels - they stand proud at the base, from day one, albeit many people (I did too for years!) have bought cover stories such as the steel all being shipped off to China real quick to prevent it being examined. And much of the merchandise in the shopping mall below WTC2 (South tower) was still resaleable, albeit only one floor below ground level, ground on which 110 stories of concrete and steel is supposed to have fallen.

At this point many 'truthers' get nervous and some turn abusive - and it particularly distressed me when they assassinate the character of Prof Judy Wood as she has twice had close colleagues slaughtered in recent months - surely to warn her I believe. So often have we been hurt by being abused as crazy conspiracy nuts, that unconsiously we tend to do exactly the same to researchers who spoil the official party line of controlled demolition using thermite which Prof Steven Jones (with very disturbing Los Alamos fusion research etc connections) - and Alex Jones \nd Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 911 truth have helped to popularise, largely based on the ?'psyop' of molten metal in the rubble which is supposed to have come from thermate steel cutters [could be true for bottom ten floors?] and stayed hot for 100 days and never gave off any flash steam explosions, no matter that the site was hosed for 100 days ... (hmmm).

Anyway for those still wanting to keep sussing out the truth, and not settle for cutting a party-line partial cover-up deal, the next stage is one which gets the mainstream 'truthers' even more nervous - namely to go from No Hijackers, and MIHOP-DEW to MIHOP-NPT, No Planes Theory, or No Passenger Planes or Big Boeings at all. Not just at Shanksville and Pentagon, but even at Manhattan!!!??.

Now this seems wild to people, who can get very contemptuous because so many people think they saw it with our own eyes, or believe, because we have been told, that hundreds of people saw them smash into those buildings. (Remember that the box in the corner was part of people's 'Critical Parent' as we pre-schoolers grew up in the West, so it is unconsciously like Big Brother, who must not be questioned, else what is left that we can hang on to? But keep breathing and keep investigating with an open mind and good will, the Buddha advises us, being neither swayed towards or against anything before we have examined it ourselves, and without being swayed by 'what everyone thinks'.)

Suppose it is logically impossible for Big Boeings to smash up with not any parts ever found, not even huge engines, and for the soft aluminium to cut through steel frames like butter through a knife ?!?? and for this invincible plane to then next millisecond become so vulnerable that it shreds and burns to nothing left because of the super-intense friction and aircraft fuel blaze (so we are told) , but then what is that we see but secretaries looking out of the holes, and unsinged books on filing cabinets beside them ..... That is the Morgan Reynolds line, more or less, who didn't invent it, but he is a significant player because he is determined as hell, has launched a court action and he has good creditability with the Right.

So then we have to ask what about the media eyewitnesses on the day/media? - (maybe pre-planted CIA actors, a common thing at False-flag terrorism events) - and what about the holes in the buildings? (either bombs along the frontages or missiles) - and what about the Manhattan eyewitness? (well there were planes around but the number of people who say they both saw and heard planes hitting the towers is less than those who didn't, who reported bombs, or flare up fires with no sound efffects, etc).

Next stage is video-fakery - and there are probably whole offices in Foggy Bottom dedicated to dissing this Woods-Reynolds-VideoFakery line - for that check out September Clues, especially the Fox news 'live feed' of the plane hitting the South tower and coming out the other side with (seemingly) little damaged nosecone. Actually although I am very persuaded by the Woods and Reynolds work, and it does necessarily dictate that the 'live TV footage' of that day must logically be faked, we should be rather cautious of any particular video-fakery evidence, as it is very technical, and it could be that the Powers That Be could be pulling a JFK/Garrison on us, with fake evidence about a real fake, so that when the fake evidence is discredited, then they hope to get us all to go back to sleep again - or at least accept a version of what happened which doesn't have such tremendous implications. (But also remember that video-fakery in the shape of the Zapruder hoax was used to contain the remains of the JFK turth movement in the seventies.)

By 'tremendous implications' I mean a) the issue of super-controlled media conspiracy with co-ordinated 'real time' forgeries (like also they steamrollered the evidence of multiple explosions out of the way at Oklahoma);

b) the notion of super-secret 'black' DEW or laser technology (also used in Iraq by the way) which can vanish stuff into dust (mocked by Jones et al as Space Beams, but no need to assume it comes from Space) - and conversely the excellent news of alternative massive free energy physics which could be used to get us out of the clutches of Big Oil and the Planet Jonestown they insist we don't leave.

Except 'They' screwed up on 9/11 bigtime. The triple towers are iconic for us now! I completely agree with Joel that, together with election theft in the last 8 years (at least), 9/11 can become a huge catlyst for r/evolutionary awakening by the citizens rising free... But for that we citizens have got to learn to discuss with each other calmly - no matter how passionately we feel - , using nonviolent communication (NVC) and according to reason and evidence, and not be swayed by emotive shills, wild defense mechanisms of those good folk still in denial or in thrall to rigid ideological a prioris, etc.

May all beings be happy ... and seasonal Good will to all (but no naivety, please).

all the best, keith

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I see that Brian and Blackcat have formed a alliance to express their disdain for the work of Dr Judy Wood.

I do not know who Brian is and I have formed no alliance with anyone. It was a coincidence that the poster you call Brian posted a similar link a matter of seconds after I posted a link to a video interview with Judy Woods. I made the posting so that anyone could listen to her in her own words and form their own opinion of her. If this is "expressing disdain" then it is self inflicted, and richly, self evidently, deserving of that description. For anyone interested, here is the link again. Watch it and weep!

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marky 54
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 1:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

blackcat wrote:
Who knows? It certainly isn't the work of "Islamisists" whatever they are, and there's more compelling evidence that 9/11 and 7/7 was the work of Israel than it was anything to do with "Islamasists".

what do you base this claim on? because it occured to me, a long time ago, that if you wanted to point the finger in the other direction all you need do, is give postions in organisations or places of where the blame is laid to a race specific of your choosing, also give any important contracts or work to the same race specific selection of your choice, and then when anybody gets suspicous they pick up on the fact that........ "hey hold on a minute all these people are south american! so are the companies! its a south american conspiracy!

"hey everybody it was the south americans" to which the response will be "your just being racsist" and if you persist then you will be likened to the nazi's and any force taken against you will be justified in the eyes of the public.

i have no idea if it works that way, but there is something to think about.
and imo anything is possible and no tatic is out of the equation that could be used or implimented. so i tend to leave the race specific blaming stuff well alone.

as far as im concerned if bad things are done and planned they are planned by evil people, i see no race or no nation as the culprit, only evil people.
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Angel - now passed away
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 8:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

PaulStott wrote:
Keith - I think I can spot there is a difference between the Muslims who I live and socialise with in London, and the Islamists who want to flog a woman for calling a teddy bear Mohammed, or who launch terrorist attacks like that seen at Glasgow airport last year.

There is a difference between Islam and Islamists. I think anyone viewing the sight should be able to see this, but if not they would do well to read "The Islamist" by Ed Hussain as a starting point.

I concur with Paul on this. I too have read The Islamist by Ed Hussain. He uses the term "Islamist" to refer to to the kind of fanatical, arrogant Islamic politics he became involved with in the East End of London when he was a teenager, something he has now turned his back on. I have writtten to him BTW as I believe discussions with him could be fruitful.

Some in this movement have dismissed him as an MI5 agent, but they haven't read his book. I have and find it completely sincere and believable. The major flaw in his position is that, much as he decries the War on Terror and the scapegoating of Moslems, he just hasn't examined the evidence about who perpetrated the 9/11 and 7/7 attacks.

I read somewhere in this forum that Karlos aka Stelios maintains that the word "Islamist" has been deliberately invented by Western media as a conflation of the words "Islam" and "Terrorist" in a deliberate attempt to diss Islam. Perhaps he's right, but I wouldn't jump to that conclusion without clear evidence, which we are unlikely ever to get.
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Keith Mothersson
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 8:41 pm    Post subject: Beware assuming stuff against 'Islamists', please Reply with quote

For the defence of our one worldwide civilian Motherland, against whatever ruling or informal fraternities.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 9:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

jaclec wrote:
Almost 100 people a day are being stopped and searched in Scotland under section 44 of the 2000 terrorism act, by the British Transport Police.

Thats over 14 000 people since July,and if you are "non-white" you are 6 times more likely to be stopped.


The article omits to mention how many "terrorist" they have caught.

It should be noted that the British Transport Police are under the [operational] control of the [London] Metropolitan Police Chief Constable.

MacAskill hits out at use of terror powers
15 Dec 07

DOUGLAS FRASER, Scottish Political Editor and LUCY ADAMS

Anti-terror stop-and-search powers used by British Transport Police are risking community relations with Scotland's ethnic minorities, Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill said yesterday.

After June's attack on Glasgow Airport, the force, which is controlled by the Home Secretary and a chief constable based in England, was given powers and encouragement to stop and search people under the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2000. This requires no need for officers to have suspicion of a crime being committed or intended.

Since then, there have been 14,620 searches carried out in Scotland by the British Transport Police. According to the force's own figures, 12% of those stopped have been of an ethnic minority, while they make up only 2% of the population as a whole.

Over the course of this year until the end of November, the eight Scottish-based police forces made use of their anti-terrorism stop and search powers 135 times. During 2006, the eight Scottish forces stopped only five people under the powers. The British Transport Police inisted yesterday that its extensive use of the powers was due to intelligence suggesting the rail network could be the target for a bomb attack, and that it wants to stop terrorism and reassure the public.

But Mr MacAskill said the huge difference and "extraordinary figures" required an explanation. "It's a genuine cause for concern. Scotland is well-served by our police who work for and with our communities to protect them. Whilst we are in difficult times and it is absolutely vital that we protect our communities, we also have to protect civil liberties, too."

He added: "I think we need answers from British Transport Police on why these figures are so high - particularly when our eight local constabularies have always been able to react to similar threats and challenges yet only used these special powers on a much smaller scale."

A Scottish spokesman for British Transport Police said that the Home Secretary had invoked the powers while operational decisions were determined by the [Metropolitan police?] chief constable.

He said the force operated in a unique environment, with a very transient population. It had proven a target for terrorists before, including the London Underground bombings in July 2005, with intelligence suggesting railways may be a target again.

"We are there to disrupt, deter, and detect terrorism and to reassure the public and rail staff. We take terrorism very seriously."

He denied there was an anti-Asian bias in policing: "The powers are completely random. We are not targeting any ethnic minority group."

However, Osama Saeed, a spokesman for the Muslim Council of Scotland, said: "Stop and search is humiliating the disproportionate number of Asian-looking people that are stopped under it, undermining good relations between police and communities which are essential at this moment in time. There must be much better uses of valuable police time."

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source:Glasgow Herald

I have to add in this comment left on another related Herald article:
It had to be said. This London controlled police force is out to destabilize ethnic communities and relations in Scotland. A terror threat my erse. The only threat is London controlled police forces in Scotland.
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Angel - now passed away
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 1:05 pm    Post subject: Re: Beware assuming stuff against 'Islamists', please Reply with quote

keith Mothersson wrote:
So many of the most extreme Muslim milieux may have been egged on, even led, by MI6 agents and assets, who would not be above pouring out hatred of 'Western women' or gays in order to credibilise themselves as the genuine 'Islamic' article - I may be wrong but I really don't think Ed Hussain is aware of this kind of danger, unlike Nafeez Ahmed I suspect.

I agree with that. At least I don't think Ed Hussain was aware of it at the time he wrote his book.

keith Mothersson wrote:

Sorry for ranting a bit ...

You, dear Keith, ranting?

Never! Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Angel - now passed away
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:43 pm    Post subject: About cults Reply with quote

About cults:
ive just ordered a second hand copy of ed hussains book as i live in east london and would like to see what he says regarding what i consider to be a religious cult that purports to be islamic which operates in my area of london. A friend of mine whose son was 17,was 'love bombed' by this cult which he then joined. the head of the mosque was supporting suicide bombers and praising what he considered to be 'good muslims' who he believed had perpetrated 9/11 and 7/7 in the name of Islam. This cult believes that sharia law is the only law and should become so for all countries. They put leaflets through our door most election times, calling Muslim M.P's and councillors apostaisers of the faith and deeming the same for Muslims who vote in elections or who do not support sharia law. they are sometimes leafletting in whitechapel market on saturdays. Groups that are cults can be seen claiming to be from any religion or sometimes from secular viewpoints, but some of the things they all have in common is targetting the vulnerable, or the lonely, love bombing them, and using various techniques of brain washing/conditioning. in order to succeed they must isolate the individual from contact with people outside of the cult. the cult will have a charismatic leader whoose opinions cant be criticised. needless to say, the CIA often have been found to be involved with financing, or setting up cults as they like to use cults to test run mind control experiments. Hence the leader of the heavens gate had some links to the cia/military for instance.
the best defence against cults is to educate ourselves, especially the young, about their techniques and tactics so that one does not fall victim to them.

"injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" Martin Luther king
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:19 pm    Post subject: Re: About cults Reply with quote

cults always play on people's weaknesses, their feelings of alienation, much like adult versions of the worse types of schoolyard gangs.
British foreign policy is alienating even more Muslim yoof and this is a serious danger which helps the cults recruit.

As I remember it there was a cult at Finsbury Park Mosque which Abu Hamza and Haroon Aswat were part of.

I have met one Muslim selling stacks of DVD documentaries who was also part of that same cult. He was from Finsbury Park (not necesarily the official mosque) and justified the London Bombings on the basis that the people who died voted for Blair. As I explained to him that......
1. Blair won on about a third of the vote
2. People vote on domestic policy not foreign affairs
....his eyes began to glaze over, he wasn't listening to the points I was making at all and didn't even attempt to make counter-points just kept shaking his head.

He then went on to explain how he could be arrested at any time... "No," I said, "there's no chance of you being arrested. MI6 need you mate."

This cult, like the freemasons, scientology, witchcraft, Jehovah's Witnesses, mormons, satanists, spiritualism, have mostly sworn loyalty to their own cult and not the wider population who they see, to put it kindly, as idiots to be manipulated.

Frazzel wrote:
About cults:
ive just ordered a second hand copy of ed hussains book as i live in east london and would like to see what he says regarding what i consider to be a religious cult that purports to be islamic which operates in my area of london. A friend of mine whose son was 17,was 'love bombed' by this cult which he then joined. the head of the mosque was supporting suicide bombers and praising what he considered to be 'good muslims' who he believed had perpetrated 9/11 and 7/7 in the name of Islam. This cult believes that sharia law is the only law and should become so for all countries. They put leaflets through our door most election times, calling Muslim M.P's and councillors apostaisers of the faith and deeming the same for Muslims who vote in elections or who do not support sharia law. they are sometimes leafletting in whitechapel market on saturdays. Groups that are cults can be seen claiming to be from any religion or sometimes from secular viewpoints, but some of the things they all have in common is targetting the vulnerable, or the lonely, love bombing them, and using various techniques of brain washing/conditioning. in order to succeed they must isolate the individual from contact with people outside of the cult. the cult will have a charismatic leader whoose opinions cant be criticised. needless to say, the CIA often have been found to be involved with financing, or setting up cults as they like to use cults to test run mind control experiments. Hence the leader of the heavens gate had some links to the cia/military for instance.
the best defence against cults is to educate ourselves, especially the young, about their techniques and tactics so that one does not fall victim to them.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Keith Mothersson
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 1:50 pm    Post subject: MI5 recruiting new spooks for Scotland Reply with quote

Terror chiefs recruit more Scots spies

http://news.scotsman.com/latestnews/Terror-chiefs-recruit-more-Scots.3 976717.jp


MI5 is to create a team of "Scottish spooks" in a bid to prevent outrages like the Glasgow Airport attack and reduce the radicalisation of young Muslims north of the border.
The existing Scottish office of MI5 is to be increased from a handful of officers to as many as a dozen, all of them recruited in Scotland, in the hope they can blend in to communities and spot potential terrorists at an earlier stage.

Both the Glasgow Airport attack and the conviction of a 21-year-old Scottish Muslim on terror charges in Alva, Clackmannanshire, demonstrated how potential killers can live and work in communities without raising suspicions.

Last week, Sabeel Ahmed was jailed for 18 months for withholding information about the Glasgow attack. It emerged his brother, Kafeel, who died in the attack, had sent Sabeel an e-mail informing him of the plot. Kafeel had been working as a doctor in Paisley for about a year before the attack, but no one suspected he was a terrorist.

A security source told Scotland on Sunday: "The idea is to increase and improve local knowledge in the areas which matter. This idea of 'sleepers' is the new mainstay of the UK fight against homegrown terror. The idea is, if you do not know who or what is on your own doorstep, you will never be able to defeat the problem."

He continued: "For decades, the service has been based in London and has only moved out of the capital if and when it is needed elsewhere. But now the bosses have realised that they need to have a much better idea of what is happening out in the regions."

The precise number of new agents being recruited in Scotland has not been revealed.

The source added: "They are looking for people from Scotland, people who already know the region, know the people and who talk the talk.

"There is no time for these people to be bedded in. Once they are trained they will need to get out in the field as soon as possible and start finding potential informants who can give as clear a picture as possible about what is happening within potential flashpoints."

John Scott, one of Scotland's leading human rights lawyers, said: "I am not surprised at this move. It is something which other security services have, over the years, adopted around the world. It makes sense for MI5 to have people from different communities on board. Another reason for it is the fact that agencies like MI5 need people with specialist skills, such as experts in languages, because at present they must be getting access to so much potential information in all sorts of languages that they are not able to cope."

The airport attack happened just months before Mohammed Atif Siddique – dubbed Scotland's first al-Qaeda member – was jailed at the High Court in Edinburgh for eight years for terror-related offences. He was born a
nd bred in Alva, Clackmannanshire, but was completely unknown to the authorities in Scotland, who were only tipped off to his activities following an unrelated inquiry by the Canadian police.

The security insider added: "No one knew anything of either Kafeel Ahmed or Mohammed Atif Siddique beforehand and it meant they were free to act with impunity and, in the case of Ahmed, very nearly succeeded in causing mayhem and carnage."

But Ghulam Mohammed, chairman of the Khazra Central Mosque and World Islamic Mission in Glasgow, raised concerns. "I don't think that this plan is beneficial to the Muslim community. Some people will be annoyed and I don't think that it is a positive way of solving the problem."

"We condemn terrorism and we want more than anything to live in harmony with everyone. We would just like to be open with the officials and talk to them about their suspicions."


By the way unless the e-mail from Kafeel to his brother was faked, it seems that Bongo was more right than I was, fair do's Bongo, concerning the relative likelihood of this being a sleeper terrorist event, compared with this being something which may have involved mind control and car-crash manipulation.

That being said the questions I raised about the timing of the attack, the non-presence of armed police, and the slow response to the 'information goldmine' in London, all remain fairly pertinent, IMO. And the way Smeato may have been built up from day one (or before????), at any rate there was recently a piece in the papers from a fellow worker at the airport who said Smeato didn't really do much. (NB One of the early Sun columns Smeato penned was an attack on MI5 enemy Sheridan.)

I think we would all agree that it is a mistake to assume things are either pure FFT or pure blowback, they can be complex mixtures.

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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think you should get to know some of the fine human beings who practice Islam and are sustained by it to live through great difficulties with tolerance and a warm heart. I don't want Muslims in Scotland to come onto this website and find yet more sweepingly abusive and ignorant statements such as they have to put up with if they go onto the Scotsman website, etc, etc.

Please moderators, I would have thought that that warrants an editorial interjection in red letters up against the offending text, disassociating 911 Truth Scotland from such as sentiment. ??

Keith, I totally endorse your views as expressed. The disgusting, racist manner in which Muslims, both in Britain and elsewhere, are being treated is SHAMEFUL.

Actually that word doesn't really begin to express my utter disgust with what was imported into Britain by those evolutionary retards presently squatting in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Bushco, and adopted by our cringing, cowardly, opportunist, quisling politicians, Blair, Brown and Cameron.

Having helped Yanquiland kill off over 8 Million Muslims since Gulf War I we now turn to other Nazi tactics of Muslim-baiting.

Let's not kid ourselves any longer, we are living under fascist oppression.


May our collective karma soon catch up with us!

"Om Tare, tutare, padme om!"

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Keith Mothersson
Angel - now passed away
Angel - now passed away

Joined: 01 Aug 2005
Posts: 303
Location: Perth

PostPosted: Sat May 03, 2008 11:36 pm    Post subject: More terrorology 'experts' warning of terrorism in Scotland Reply with quote

Paul Carline drew my attention to this article in the Scotsman:

"SCOTLAND is running the risk of complacency about the threat of terrorism and the prospect of new generations of suicide bombers being reared in its communities, an expert warned yesterday.
Professor Paul Wilkinson, of St Andrews University, told The Scotsman much more work was needed on a range of fronts to curb the growth of radicalism and the influence of extremists.

He said there was a real risk of another attack unless there was greater vigilance from the public, more co-operation between the judiciary and government, and better efforts by the police to engage with communities at "grassroots" level.

Speaking ahead of a conference on terrorism in Glasgow, he predicted new anti-terror laws would not work unless the authorities gained the trust of community and religious leaders, and were able to identify early those who were "vulnerable" to being groomed as terrorists. ....

http://news.scotsman.com/latestnews/39Focus-on-terror-heroes-is.403834 4.jp

Paul commented: "interesting bunch of comments by readers on yet another Scotsman article prophesying more terrorist acts ...

My impression over the last year or so is that far more comments now
point to inside jobs and the terror state than previously. Seems we're
winning the propaganda battle

KM added italics - as I agree: another straw in the wind was an airport worker involved in the Paisley fire crash complaining about the way Smeato had been lionised, his contribution hugely exaggerated.

For the defence of our one worldwide civilian Motherland, against whatever ruling or informal fraternities.

May all beings be happy
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Keith Mothersson
Angel - now passed away
Angel - now passed away

Joined: 01 Aug 2005
Posts: 303
Location: Perth

PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 12:31 am    Post subject: St Andrews terrorism ideologues - commercial links Reply with quote

Wilkinson's Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence has links to Risk Control firms, and to gthe infamous Rand Corporation.


Its history shows that it partly developed out of British imperialism's 'counter-insurgency' theorists, who now want to gee Tayside Police and other police forces up to get on top of the restless natives they KNOW must be stirring in the jungle .....

All a huge distraction from correct analysis of who are by far the biggest terrorists e.g. 9/11, Madrid, July 7th.

And even if you restrict the definition of terrorism to exclude nuclear threats, illegal invasions and indiscriminate bombardment, etc, etc in Iraq, Afghanistan .... the whole ranking of terrorism is hugely disproportionate to the actual risks which people run - for example the risks of falling of a ladder are greater as one of the comments had it after the Scotsman article. Or being struck by lightning. or industrial disease, asbestosis, drunk drivers, etc, etc.

However the more that there are things like J7 happening in the UK, the more lucrative contracts for Peter Power and Rand etc to advise governments in more and more countries about why and how to keep everyone under control, especially the Muslims, radicals, poor, outsiders, etc.

A reasonable academic study of the ideological roots of Terrrology discourse is Religion, Politics and 'Terrorism': A Critical Analysis of Narratives of 'Islamic Terrorism' by Richard Jackson:

http://www.socialsciences.manchester.ac.uk/disciplines/politics/resear chgroups/cip/publications/documents/Jackson_000.pdf

More to the point is Nafeez Ahmed's brilliant 'Subverting "Terrorism": Muslim Problem or Covert Operations Nightmare':

http://reprehensor.gnn.tv/blogs/12624/Subverting_Terrorism_Nafeez_Ahme d_Part_1_3 (and follow links to other two parts)

For the defence of our one worldwide civilian Motherland, against whatever ruling or informal fraternities.

May all beings be happy
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