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2007 review

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ian neal
Angel - now passed away
Angel - now passed away

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:14 pm    Post subject: 2007 review Reply with quote

Latest newsletter: a review of 2007. Thanks to Noel for compiling








This newsletter attempts a review of our progress in 2007, which has been considerable, but due to the restrictions of sending it in e-mail text format the system of headings is extremely simple. Therefore the first items listed are those which require action while those further down the newsletter are more of a report of progress during the year.


One of the priorities for the campaign is to improve internal communications. This newsletter is an important contribution. Please support it by sending in contributions and ideas for its development to xmasdale(AT)aol.com. We want news of your events and campaigning, and your ideas on future development of the campaign. For ongoing internal campaigning discussion please register on and use the forum http://911truthcampaign.net/forum/YaBB.pl

The large size of our e-mail list of supporters prevents us from being able to send a newsletter of many bytes incorporating enhancements such as graphics. This edition is written, compiled and edited by Noel Glynn, and reviewed by Ian Neal. Please send items for next edition by end of February to xmasdale(AT)aol.com


As ever, the 9/11 truth campaign nationally is chronically short of funds. These are needed for:
- hire of rooms for national events
- expenses for visiting speakers
- publicity materials
- post and telephone
- campaigning projects

If you wish to contribute to funds please either contact the treasurer, Belinda b.mckenzie(AT)btinternet.com or use the donate button on the official website: http://www.911truthcampaign.net/ or on “9/11, The Wider Picture and The Quest for Truth”, www.nineeleven.co.uk to make a Paypal/credit card donation.

Accounts presented at May AGM showed the campaign broke even in the year up to May 07. The campaign aims to be self financing. Events and activities should generate sufficient income in door receipts and DVD/Book sales to recoup expenses. The events this year have not fully recouped expenses and the short fall has made up by generous personal contributions from campaigners Thank you to everyone who has given time and money so generously.


Ian Henshall, journalist, chair of INK and one of the founders of the 9/11 Truth Movement in Britain who now has had his second book, 9/11 The New Evidence, published is keen to visit local groups to talk about his book and the new evidence he has uncovered. If you would like to invite him to speak to your group, please e-mail him at crisis2007(AT)pro-net.co.uk or crisisnewsletter(AT)pro-net.co.uk Some help with travel costs would be appreciated. Remember he lives in Brighton and works in London. You can visit his fair trade coffee shop half-way up Portobello Road in the Notting Hill area of London or order your coffee and tea from his firm, the Tea and Coffee Plant, http://www.coffee.uk.com/


Annie Machon is in the process of producing an activists’ pack, essentially a dossier of guidance notes on the running of local 9/11 Truth Groups. Typically local groups tend to hit a wall after their first three or four meetings, unsure what to do next. This pack should help local activists to set up self-perpetuating long-term campaigns.

E-mail: annie(AT)anniemachon.com if you want a copy for your group.


There is still a large store of books and DVDs in the care of our treasurer, Belinda. These are excellent means of getting the message out there. They can be obtained quite cheaply from Belinda and, if you so wish, sold on at a small profit to help finance local groups. Please contact Belinda about this b.mckenzie(AT)btinternet.com


It has been a year of steady progress, with more 9/11 Truth groups being established around the country and a detectable change in public attitudes. I particularly noticed the attitude change when leafleting Brixton for the world premiere of the movie Loose Change Final Cut. The overwhelming majority of people I gave flyers to made interested or supportive comments. Only in one case out of hundreds did I get a negative response.

The year started with a national activists’ get-together one windy January weekend in Blackpool, where David Boyle once again lent us use of his premises: the Conspiracies Exhibition. We were glad to welcome to that event two supporters from the movement in Denmark: Jakob Hede Masden and Bo Richardt.


In February environment campaigner George Monbiot attempted to trash our movement with an article in the Guardian claiming that anyone who took the movie Loose Change seriously was a “gibbering idiot”. Loose Change producer, Tim Sparke had an article published in reply and then George another replying to that. This all brought attention to bear on our cause. The Guardian’s Comment is Free website was hit by a record number of posts on the topic. Tim Sparke and Ian Henshall challenged George to a public debate. This eventually happened on Talk Sport Radio in November, the month of the launch of Loose Change Final Cut, with David Ray Griffin standing in for Ian Henshall.



http://www.nineeleven.co.uk/board/viewtopic.php?p=73003&highlight=medi a#73003

In May the West Yorkshire network hosted our Annual General Meeting and combined the weekend with a broader “Truthfest” of varied events. At the Leeds AGM of the 9/11 Truth Campaign a steering committee was elected consisting of:
- three co-chairs: Ian Neal, Justin Walker, Annie Machon
- three vice-chairs:
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- plus one representative from each local group to be appointed on an ad hoc basis by their group.

Due to the cost of travel full committee meetings cannot be held frequently and therefore discussion tends to take place on the web. The private forum http://911truthcampaign.net/forum/YaBB.pl can be used for the committee’s discussions. Previous log in problems should now be sorted, so please let’s use this space to discuss the campaign. The minutes of the November meeting are posted on this forum.

It should be understood that the campaign does not see its role as telling local groups and supporters what to do or say, rather that of co-ordinating national events and national and international communication. All supporters are encouraged to organise autonomously, though for purposes of mutual encouragement to let the national committee and this newsletter know what they are doing.


Following from the successful hosting of David Ray Griffin on the 6th anniversary in Dublin, Morgan and a network of Irish campaigners have formally established the Irish campaign. http://www.911truth.ie/ info(AT)911truth.ie


A second mailing was sent to all MPs together with press for truth DVD. They certainly know about 9/11 truth now even if they remain mute on the subject http://911truthcampaign.net/mpletter.php


The campaign hosted a number of national speaking tours including:

William Rodriguez in Nov 06, Feb 07 and June 07

Cynthia McKinney, US congresswoman, September 07

Elias Davidsson, Icelandic campaigner, October 07

Webster Tarpley, historian/campaigner, November 07

Thanks go to all those who helped in arranging local events and hospitality for these visitors. We expect there to be more in 2008.


The official website of the 9/11 Truth Campaign in Britain is: http://www.911truthcampaign.net/ .
That of the Campaign in Ireland is: http://www.911truth.ie/ .
9/11 Truth Europe is: http://www.911truth.eu/en/


In July both the official site and the unofficial discussion forum had a redesign. The official British Campaign website also has a private discussion forum for known campaigners primarily to discuss how to national and local campaigning could be more effective.
http://911truthcampaign.net/forum/YaBB.pl The problem is that due to early teething troubles the site has failed to take off. However may I strongly encourage everyone to register and use this forum especially national committee members (which includes at least one representative from each local group). This in turn will encourage more people to use it as it gets busier.


“9/11, the Bigger Picture and the Quest for Truth” http://www.nineeleven.co.uk carries lively debate on 9/11 and wider issues but does not represent the official policy of the 9/11 Truth Campaign. The site experienced problems between the moderators during 2007 which led to a change in moderation as explained here. www.nineeleven.co.uk/board/viewtopic.php?t=11975. Currently the site is being administered by Tony Gosling for a trial period with oversight maintained by Ian Neal. Tony has brought in new moderators and added some sections. Campaigners wishing to influence or discuss the future of the site are encouraged to contact Ian ianneal(AT)fastmail.fm and Tony


We have a number of local British speakers who give excellent talks on 9/11 and related issues. Please book them to speak in your locality and please be prepared to pay their travel expenses and provide them with a bed if they are far from home. These include:

Ian Henshall - to talk about his second book, 9/11 The New Evidence crisisnewsletter(AT)pro-net.co.uk (based Brighton)

Ian Crane - to talk about the New World Order, the 9/11 - 7/7 connection and the wider picture ianr.crane(AT)virgin.net (based Devon)

Gordon Ross - an engineer who has studied the collapse of the twin towers gordonjross(AT)yahoo.com (based Macclesfield, Cheshire)

Annie Machon - a former MI5 officer who blew the whistle with David Shayler, wrote a book about the whole affair, “Spies, Lies and Whistleblowers, MI5, MI6 and the Shayler Affair” and now campaigns for 9/11 Truth annie(AT)anniemachon.com (based London)

Andrew Thomas, Glastonbury Symposium organizer and informed speaker on 9/11 and 7/7

Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed - one of the first writers in the world to challenge the official 9/11 conspiracy theory, a political science lecturer at the University of Sussex who now has several published books to his name. He is a world authority on the links between western intelligence agencies and Islamist groups, but does not touch on the physical evidence of 9/11 which he considers to be out of his sphere. He is author of:

- The War on Freedom: how and why America was attacked
- Behind the War on Terror: Western Secret Strategy and the Struggle for Iraq
- The War on Truth: 9/11, Disinformation And The Anatomy Of Terrorism
- The London Bombings: An Independent Inquiry

http://nafeez.mediamonitors.net/ n.m.ahmed(AT)sussex.ac.uk (based London and Brighton)

Calum Douglas, (aka Snowy Grouch) - an engineering student at Oxford Brooks University, gives an excellent talk in a compelling tone with lots of audio visual aids. He has particularly researched WTC disintegration and the flight path of the Boeing which allegedly hit the Pentagon 05070045(AT)brookes.ac.uk (based Oxford)

Additionally Icelander Elias Davidsson is keen to do further talks in Britain, but you will need co-ordinate with him to find dates which coincide with his next visit. He gives a compelling talk on how the failure to investigate who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks is a breach of US and international law and proposes action to set up an international inquiry. http://www.tonar-og-steinar.com/engallg/thecomposerelias.htm http://globalresearch.ca/articles/DAV407A.html edavid(AT)simnet.is (based Reykjavik)

Others - if anyone else wants to do public speaking in support of the campaign, we would love to hear from you and are happy to offer advice and support. Additionally we expect that in 2008 we shall have further visitors from abroad keen to give public talks on 9/11, and related issues.


The London group has held regular talks at the Indian YMCA most fortnights including talks by

Calum Douglas and Gordon Ross

Nafeez Ahmed

Ian Crane’s 9/11-7/7 connections tour, Peak Oil talks
http://www.nineeleven.co.uk/board/viewtopic.php?t=7875 and Fool me once tour

Eastern Haze

SWP Debates 9/11: *The conspiracy theorists are leading our comrades astray. We must win them back* appeared to be the attitude of SWP leadership, while some of the comrades who had allegedly been led astray argued that the Party must take the issue of false flag terrorism seriously.
http://www.nineeleven.co.uk/board/viewtopic.php?t=10208&highlight=leni ns+tomb

Out of the Ordinary

Glastonbury Symposium including Ian Crane, Andy Thomas and David Shayler

Leeds Truth festival

9/11 Truth at PRIDE
http://www.nineeleven.co.uk/board/cal_lite.php?id=478&mode=display&cl_ d=30&cl_m=06&cl_y=2007


Some London supporters have started a grass roots campaigning organisation, We Are Change http://wearechange.org.uk/index.html and other We Are Change groups are springing up in response to their success. They specialise in eye-catching acts of publicity such as dressing as “Storm Truthers” using the actual Storm Troopers uniforms from Star Wars, demonstrating regularly in Parliament Square with Brian Haw (who now appears to support the need for an independent investigation into 9/11 and 7/7) and Peace Strike, interviewing well-known people on camera, doing a weekly radio show and pod-casts.

We Are Change reflects a similar group in the US http://www.wearechange.org/ and has recently been joined by a new truth group in Malvern, named We Are Change Worcestershire, www.freewebs.com/investigate911, run by two teenagers: Dan and Luke. We warmly welcome them.

We Are Change interviewed human rights campaigner and Green Party parliamentary candidate for Oxford East, Peter Tatchell and found him surprisingly well-informed and supportive on the 9/11 truth issue. The following week his regular column in the Guardian Comment is Free website was all about how there are so many unexplained anomalies in the government’s theory about what happened on 9/11 that an independent investigation is needed. This article was followed by a record number of public comments on the website, again demonstrating the level of public interest in this topic, but still the Guardian did not see fit to publish an article on it in their hardcopy newspaper.

http://commentisfree.guardian.co.uk/peter_tatchell/2007/09/911_the_big _coverup.html

Another spectacular event for We Are Change was recording of a stormy public meeting with former head of MI6, Sir Richard Dearlove. He was lecturing at the London School of Economics on “Can We Trust Journalists With Public Security?” - an attempt to interest LSE students in jobs in MI6 perhaps? He avoided and stuttered his way through answering simple questions, and eventually elicited such an angry response from his audience that he was driven from the building. http://www.nineeleven.co.uk/board/viewtopic.php?t=11979&highlight=dear love


Ian Crane’s Fool me once DVD

Ian Henshall 9/11 new evidence
Ian will be speaking in London and around the country in the New Year

BBC5 TV’s response to BBC conspiracy files

Nafeez Ahmed’s the London Bombings
http://www.amazon.co.uk/London-Bombings-Independent-Inquiry/dp/0715635 832 and
Inside Crevice Parliamentary Briefing

The Strange Death of David Kelly Norman Baker MP

Loose Change final Cut

During the year journalists Robert Fisk and Peter Tatchell have written supportive articles, but in both cases going to great lengths to stress they are “not conspiracy theorists” and to distance themselves from “crazy ideas”. IMHO this reinforces the need to avoid making unsubstantiated assertions and to frame the arguments according to audience if the campaign is to attract support from potentially valuable allies such as Fisk and Tatchell.


Two movies on the topics of our concern have recently been launched. LOOSE CHANGE FINAL CUT on 9/11 and RIPPLE EFFECT on 7/7

LOOSE CHANGE FINAL CUT, though directed by Dylan Avery who was responsible for Loose Change and Loose Change2, is 80% new material. All facts have been checked with David Ray Griffin. It presents facts, asks searching questions, but does not in any way speculate. In that respect it is hard to pick holes in. It asks the audience to make up their own minds whether we have been told the truth about those attacks.

It has been produced by Tim Sparke of Mercury Media in London. It is the first movie questioning the official conspiracy theory advanced by the US government to have gone on commercial release. The World Premiere was held at the Ritzy Picturehouse, Brixton, south London at noon on Saturday 24th November and repeated at noon the following day. Thanks to sterling efforts by the 9/11 Truth Movement to get it widely publicised, the two Brixton screenings were well attended, despite being given a slot in the week which is difficult to fill.

This was followed by another London screening at The Gate Picturehouse, Notting Hill which did not receive such publicity and was consequently poorly attended. We hope that our supporters will rally round to ensure future screenings are well publicised.

Exeter Picturehouse, 51 Bartholomew St West,
Wednesday 9th January, 9.00pm

The Little Theatre Cinema, Bath
Sunday 13th January, 2.00pm

Phoenix Picturehouse, Oxford
Sunday 20th January, 3.00pm

Duke of York's Brighton
Sunday 3rd February, 6.30pm


Dylan Avery came over to London on the week of his movie’s launch, did a press conference about it and spent an evening with the London 9/11 group talking eloquently about it - an event which his audience found so enthralling that folk stayed in the pub with him until it closed.

RIPPLE EFFECT - about the 7/7 London bombings is a very different kind of movie. It produces a speculative theory on what might have happened that day, based mainly on known facts. We know little about the movie’s director except that he operates under the pseudonym Muad’Dib and does not live in the UK. However, we have been in touch with him by e-mail and he is keen for DVDS of his movie to be copied and passed on thus creating a “ripple effect“, samisdat style. If you e-mail him, he will send you one to copy: Muad-Dib@JforJustice.co.uk . His movie has come in for some fierce criticism from the J7 group http://www.julyseventh.co.uk/ , but it is certainly interesting.

Needless to say, the British 9/11 Truth campaign does not endorse either of these movies.


An initiative has been taken to get the various faith communities to take seriously the 9/11 issue. The Scottish 9/11 network has taken the lead on this. Gathered on the sixth anniversary of September 11th at Carrington St Al-Furqan mosque in Glasgow, representatives of various faiths produced a draft Interfaith Declaration on 9/11. Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Quakers, Catholics are currently involved and more will be welcome. They have since produced a draft leaflet. For further details of this initiative please contact Keith Mothersson keith.mothersson(AT)phonecoop.coop


Our supporter Andrew Johnson has been working with US physicist Dr Judy Wood on this initiative. He has sent us the following information.

The US Government Body NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) has been sued for fraud by Dr Morgan Reynolds and Dr Judy wood, in 2 separate Qui Tam cases. Work continues on gathering evidence that NISTs contractors were guilty of "wilful blindness" in not seeing the real effects or cause of the damage at the WTC. Dr Reynolds’ case is due to be heard, by Jury trial, in the New Year. (NIST is often erroneously understood to be an independent body set up to act in the public interest. In fact it is a body headed by government appointees.)
(Qui tam is a legal provision in the United States under the False Claims Act. Title 31 of the United States Code http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/31/3729.html et seq.), which allows for a private individual, or Whistleblower with knowledge of past or present fraud committed against the U.S. Federal government, to bring suit on its behalf. Its name is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase “qui tam pro domino rege quam pro se ipso in hoc parte sequitur”, meaning “he who sues for the king as well as for himself." This provision allows a private person, known as a “relator,” to bring a lawsuit on behalf of the United States, where the private person has information that the named defendant has knowingly submitted or caused the submission of false or fraudulent claims to the United States. The relator need not have been personally harmed by the defendant’s conduct. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qui_tam . Dr Wood's research into what happened at the WTC has been continuing and she has now published some pictures taken in October 2007 which seem to show an ongoing clean-up is taking place in NYC (see "http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/dmoredirt/moredirt.html"). Some of the pictures show someone wearing a Hazmat suit, whilst another shows a truck full of dirt being hosed down before it leaves the Ground Zero site. This seems to be due to residual effects of whatever caused the destruction of the towers.


David Icke, ever a controversial figure but an early voice maintaining the US government lied about 9/11, will again be giving a seven hour long talk in Brixton, next May.
"http://www.ticketweb.co.uk/user/?region=gb_london&query=detail&interf ace=brixacad&event=246334"


Keith and Paul staged a small protest and handed out leaflets outside the High Court in Edinburgh when Mohammad Siddique was being disgracefully sentenced to 8 years in prison for his 'thought crime' - a blatant show trial in my view. Placards included: "Another victim of the phoney war on terror" and "9/11 was an inside job". They had some T-shirts printed - black with "9/11 was an inside job" on the front and "FFT WORLD TOUR" plus the places and dates of major FFT events on the back (Berlin, Gleiwitz, Milan, Bologna, Oklahoma, New York, Bali, Istanbul, Madrid, London and Mumbai). Paul has some left and can order more. If anyone is interested, they cost £11 plus P&P (probably around £2). They're made from Fairtrade cotton. Sizes: S, M, L (other sizes may be available). Edinburgh Truth has a skeleton website ("http://www.edinburghtruth.org") which will eventually have links to all the major 911 sites. They hope to produce a regular printed newsletter, starting early next year, and covering a wide range of 'truth' issues.

Oxford hosted both William Rodriguez and Webster Tarpley on their UK tours, as well as running a series of weekly street stalls between May and November. They also welcomed Nick Shelton from Atlanta, Georgia to the group, author of The American Truth. The sixth anniversary saw their film and discussion event - 9/11/07 - in Oxford Town Hall pass with something of a controversy stirred up by the Oxford Mail. Comments on their website were overwhelmingly supportive. In October they gave a short talk at the West Oxford Academy, a small discussion group for adults based at a community centre. Throughout 2007 they continued to lobby their two MPs, and found that showing them clips of WTC7 'collapsing' on a laptop was somewhat more effective in lowering their scepticism than simply talking with them about 9/11 Truth issues.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:26 pm    Post subject: wearechange worcestershire Reply with quote

Just for people who have tried getting on our website and failed, it's because there is a comma at the end thats not meant to be there


please take a look and sign the guest book,

many thanks,
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