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Gestapo Watch - Met. taser man with 50k volt lethal weapon
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Louise wrote:
If innocent people are being killed by tazers (and i belive that they are) then that is obviously wrong and police should not be allowed to get away with murder (like that guy that was murdered at stockwell underground station).

And yes, the continued use of these devices should be termiinated, i'm sure that they were never designed with the intention to kill in the first place but the fact of the matter is that they do.

So a suitable alternative must be found.

But you have to admit some toerags do things so dispicable that once found guilty i feel that they should lose all their rights to be treated like a civilised human being.

By the way where did you hear about the police being allowed to use tazers on children?, i haven't heard a thing about that.

If that is true then that is definately not right.

Yes, innocent people have been killed by tasers, however you also add that you believe they were not designed to kill. You then also link this to Stockwell which is totally unrelated to tasers.

Jean Charles de Menezes was deliberately killed in that you cannot realistically expect to empty as many hollow point bullets into someone and expect them not to die.

Using tasers is considerably different - you cannot cite tasers as being designed to be non-lethal as you have and then say police are deliberately using them to murder - for that is what murder is - you must set out to kill with malice aforethought. In other words say to yourself 'I am setting out / it is my intention to kill this person'.

Tasers = manslaughter possibly, murder most definitely not.

As for 'tasering children', simply type 'taser children' into Yahoo / your search engine of choice and there are a number of links.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

zoomer wrote:
I suggest that first we SEE clearly that it is INNOCENT people who are being tasered AND killed by police!

And that then these same police get away with murder!

Now what kind of soceity is this?

Where police go round murdering innocent people and get away with it?

Whilst I am not in any way agreeing with the use of such devices - your use of the word 'murder' is incorrect.

To qualify as 'murder' there has to be premeditation, in other words, it must have been your intention to end life prior to carrying out the act.

definition: 1. To kill (another human) unlawfully.
2. To kill brutally or inhumanly.
3. To put an end to; destroy: murdered their chances.

Ity doesn't matter the word. If you use an instrument of turture on another person and they die you have murdered them.

However, possibly you believe that police officers are now actively setting out to take life / kill people by electrocution, which does meet the legislative definition of murder. I see no basis though to believe that is what is happening though.

Are you from the UK? Did you see that documentary of several years back called The Secret Policeman. Where an investigative reporter goes undercover as a new police recruit and secretly films the goings on in the police service? And it is VERy revealing and shows rampant racism and misogyny.
Now........Do you imagine that that has changed? I dont think so. Some of those secretly filmed were blatant racists who wanted to attack and even kill given half the chance! Well now they will be queuing up to get in right, because they got their own electroction device that is called by its maker 'non lethal'. What that means is that they can use it with impunity, because they know they are 'supposed' to be using a 'non lethal' weapon.
Do you see how this game works!!

You can argue that there are no comebacks and they can electrocute with total impunity - but who exactly benefits from this? I remember watching someone get hit in the head with a truncheon back in the 70's who suffered a fractured skull - things haven't really changed much at all.

Well read my previous reply for that question. Yes I am well aware how brutal police have been in the past and people have been killed and maimed. BUT big difference with the 'cleaner' lecy device is that it leaves no 'mess'!

Having been a serving police officer, what many here tend not to acknowledge, is that the police are merely regular people wearing a uniform. They are not brainwashed or indoctrinated into any secret society, they are just a bunch of herberts who have sat in a classroom and are doing a job. The recruitment process does not include in-depth psych analysis either.

Exactly. They are desperate for cops, and all kinds of people will be allowed in unscrutinized...But listen, errrr let's get real. You say that there is no conspiracy? But you dont know how it works. So i'll tell you. It works in pyramid fashion where the lackies at the bottom aren't savvy to the directives and plans at the top. And racism goes all the way to the top. And the plan is more and more control and loss of liberties, where police and military comingle. Didn't I link this thread to a more indepth article about this insidious development?

There are idiots in every job, it is just that those in the police have a higher profile and their actions make headlines when it goes pear-shaped. So do you believe that there is more to this than just the odd vindictive person in a uniform squeezing a trigger who enjoys watching someone in pain?

Of course! For a start try and familiarize with the psychological studies that have been done with people that show the conformity to authority and the slide into sadism. You can find these at Youtube.
Dont think that the ones at the top dont know this. They are professional in mindcontrol, and terrorism. And the goals are to terrorize us to follow their NWO plans. So that ANY protest that is seen threatening will be dealt with. We are already seeing this.
Man, electrocution IS torture. See it!

keep asking questions!
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

zoomer wrote:
definition: 1. To kill (another human) unlawfully.
2. To kill brutally or inhumanly.
3. To put an end to; destroy: murdered their chances.

The definition? You haven’t included what you are defining. Did you mean ‘murder’? Seems you missed off the ‘…especially with premeditated malice’.

It doesn't matter the word. If you use an instrument of turture on another person and they die you have murdered them.

Completely wrong, you are seeing it from a layman’s perspective. The entire point of my response IS the word and that word is ‘murder’. Here;

Legal Analysis of Murder
Murder is defined as the unlawful killing of a human person with malice aforethought.

Are you from the UK? Did you see that documentary of several years back called The Secret Policeman. Where an investigative reporter goes undercover as a new police recruit and secretly films the goings on in the police service? And it is VERy revealing and shows rampant racism and misogyny.
Now........Do you imagine that that has changed? I dont think so. Some of those secretly filmed were blatant racists who wanted to attack and even kill given half the chance! Well now they will be queuing up to get in right, because they got their own electroction device that is called by its maker 'non lethal'. What that means is that they can use it with impunity, because they know they are 'supposed' to be using a 'non lethal' weapon.
Do you see how this game works!!

Yes – from the UK. However you are attempting to detail something about which I have already agreed exists. I am asking how do you encourage someone to go to the point of killing people with tasers when they could easily stop well short? Please explain how this is accomplished?

Well read my previous reply for that question. Yes I am well aware how brutal police have been in the past and people have been killed and maimed. BUT big difference with the 'cleaner' lecy device is that it leaves no 'mess'!

No mess? As the police officer left with a dead body, the ‘mess’ is vast / huge / enormous. You really have zero clue. They wouldn’t simply fill in a form and wander home, such an incident carries countless interviews, an ocean of paperwork, has a lasting official resonance. As a cadet when I first joined, a drunk died in the cells at Hammersmith, he choked on his own vomit.
The custody sergeant was immediately suspended and as I was on the front desk (although never even saw the person who died), was still being questioned a year and a half later. The sergeant eventually resigned due to stress, his wife left him and the last thing I knew he was living on medication and had turned to drink himself.

Just because there is no blood, it is just the same ‘mess’, not to mention we are now in the information age where this stuff gets pumped around and discussed in places such as this.

Exactly. They are desperate for cops, and all kinds of people will be allowed in unscrutinized...But listen, errrr let's get real. You say that there is no conspiracy? But you dont know how it works. So i'll tell you. It works in pyramid fashion where the lackies at the bottom aren't savvy to the directives and plans at the top. And racism goes all the way to the top. And the plan is more and more control and loss of liberties, where police and military comingle. Didn't I link this thread to a more indepth article about this insidious development?

Racism goes all the way to the top? You’ve lost me there. The slightest hint of racism or homophobia and you are history if it comes to light.

Of course! For a start try and familiarize with the psychological studies that have been done with people that show the conformity to authority and the slide into sadism. You can find these at Youtube.
Dont think that the ones at the top dont know this. They are professional in mindcontrol, and terrorism. And the goals are to terrorize us to follow their NWO plans. So that ANY protest that is seen threatening will be dealt with. We are already seeing this.
Man, electrocution IS torture. See it!

I haven’t said electrocution isn’t torture but you are saying it is murder! I clearly started by saying I don’t agree with such devices, but to label the ‘Met’ with being responsible is like labelling every holder of a driving licence to be ‘responsible’ when a bad driver kills a pedestrian.

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marky 54
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I haven’t said electrocution isn’t torture but you are saying it is murder!

what if the device was misused by using it in a situation where it simply was not needed as the person was fully co-operative and did'nt pose a threat? and there was malice in the use of the device inorder to torture that person(just for the sake of it) which led to their death?

would it be manslaughter if somebody intended to run someone over in their car but not kill them?

delibrate misuse of a device with intent to harm should equal murder if it results in death.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 9:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Louise wrote:
If innocent people are being killed by tazers (and i belive that they are) then that is obviously wrong and police should not be allowed to get away with murder (like that guy that was murdered at stockwell underground station).

And yes, the continued use of these devices should be termiinated, i'm sure that they were never designed with the intention to kill in the first place but the fact of the matter is that they do.

So a suitable alternative must be found.

But you have to admit some toerags do things so dispicable that once found guilty i feel that they should lose all their rights to be treated like a civilised human being.

By the way where did you hear about the police being allowed to use tazers on children?, i haven't heard a thing about that.

If that is true then that is definately not right.

Yes it is true: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_artic le_id=479341&in_page_id=1770

keep asking questions!
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 11:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

There are several points that still have gone unanswered despite zoomer's invitation to keep asking questions;

Firstly, how are normal everyday people who put on a police uniform and walk the streets encouraged to 'murder' with weapons not designed for that purpose? Murder is, like it or not, 'planned', in other words you must have the intent to take life. There is no other way of looking at murder.

The definition is very clear and put simply, if two drivers have a scuffle over a road rage incident and one is pushed over, hits his head and dies, is that murder? Obviously not, the concept is highly transparent and I see no evidence to suggest that the police are being encouraged / instructed to intentionally kill using tasers.

With the 'pyramid' concept so clearly championed, without clear instructions to take the use of tasers well past the point of sensibility i.e. keep using it until they stop twitching, how are taser users indoctrinated to kill using them? Also, who benefits from these deaths?

Also we need to qualify this point about 'children';

My wife's nephew is 14. He stands well over 6' and weighs 14st. He is a child.

What exactly do you mentally picture when you put 'taser' and 'child' together. I certainly don't visualise a police officer using a taser in a playground because a football had broken a window. This needs to be put into perspective.

If I had been attacked by anyone as a police officer and had access to a taser, I'd use it, particularly if it was with a knife and regardless of their age. There may very well be occasions where police will be called to an incident where they may deem their only course of action to save life is to use a taser.

I will reiterate that I do not condone the excessive or unnecessary use of tasers, but used in the right context, I can see where they fit in. It is the over-zealous user that needs admonishing and proper instruction, not the equipment that needs criticism.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 5:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sign this petition against tasers


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PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 8:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The thing i really worry about, about the police having tazers is this.

They can now go up to anyone they like and accuse them of committing any crime even if you haven't done nothing.

And you know that if you protest your innocence your going to get zapped with 50,000 volts.

And how many times are you going to get zapped before they force a false confession out of you just to:

a, Stop the pain of further shocks or
b, Stop yourself being possibly killed from further shocks

Of course the policeman will twist the story to make it sound like he had to use the tazer on you and as usual everyone will fall for and belive what the policeman says just because he/she is wearing that uniform.

Very scary indeed.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 10:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Louise wrote:
The thing i really worry about, about the police having tazers is this.

They can now go up to anyone they like and accuse them of committing any crime even if you haven't done nothing.

And you know that if you protest your innocence your going to get zapped with 50,000 volts.

And how many times are you going to get zapped before they force a false confession out of you just to:

a, Stop the pain of further shocks or
b, Stop yourself being possibly killed from further shocks

Of course the policeman will twist the story to make it sound like he had to use the tazer on you and as usual everyone will fall for and belive what the policeman says just because he/she is wearing that uniform.

Very scary indeed.

You can stop worrying. A confession under any sort of duress is 100% inadmissable, particularly a verbal one that carries no record or signature.

As for;

And you know that if you protest your innocence your going to get zapped with 50,000 volts.

This is hugely assumptive - you don't know this. Simply saying 'It wasn't me, I was in France on the 14th and I can prove it', is not the same as showing any aggression. If as you say, you 'know' you are going to be electrocuted and you also know you are innocent, then my advice is to do exactly what is asked of you, go to the police station and sort it out there.

If it has got to the stage where a taser has been drawn and you have been warned, then you'd be a complete idiot to carry on shouting. Same goes for a stinger/baton, mace/pepper spray or a rolled up copy of The Sun.

I would add that this;

They can now go up to anyone they like and accuse them of committing any crime even if you haven't done nothing.

Is pure comedy genius.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 11:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My dad was accused of a crime he didn't commit and was warned by the police to stop doing what he never did in the first place.

Also i've seen a few things about cops in America stopping people in their cars and accusing them of things that the driver disputes and the person has been promptly taserd, even though the person has not been violent or verbally abusive to the police officer.

Look at the post that started this thread off about the company director that got taserd wrongly due to the police's faulty intelligence, the man was innocent.

I trust the police about the same level as i trust the current governments of the world.

And that is very, very little if anything at all.

This means that the police and the government can't use my trust against me to mislead or misdirect me in anyway.

As with the 9/11 incident i prefer to find out things for myself and draw my own conclusions on things, i might ask for help sometimes from others along the way but in the end i come to a decision on my own.

You can't tell me that when some police officers don that uniform some get an enoumous "power fix" out of it.

Also that "power" makes some police officers very arrogant.

As an example look at the site i was banned from, i was trying to tell them about two subjects (UFO's and chemtrails) and i arrogantly got dismissed by a police officer that clearly hadn't checked the facts and the evidence properly then threatend me with arrest by falsely saying that i was a lunatic and that i was a danger to myself and to others.

He then proceeded for some time to ridicule me and i coudn't defend myself as i was banned.

All what he said was of course was a complete load of rubbish.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Louise wrote;

My dad was accused of a crime he didn't commit and was warned by the ...........................

It is often difficult to shift perspective and view things as other people see them and I truly struggle with;

They can now go up to anyone they like and accuse them of committing any crime even if you haven't done nothing.

In the UK we have the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). Once someone is arrested and processed, the evidence against them is scrutinsed by the CPS and only if there is sufficient evidence to proceed to trial is the case continued. To believe that a police officer can simply choose anyone at random and match the evidence to fit is beyond bizarre. I was a serving police officer for fourteen years and honestly never once saw any innocent person 'fitted up'. I did however see mistakes made and the system is such that once highlighted, that error was rectified.

What I find most puzzling is your admission that you accept that doning a uniform changes people and they become influenced by the power, yet 'the police' as a body should be admonished for the actions of a few. Police officers are just regular people who have sat in a room for a few months and taken some exams, there is no reason to expect or believe that they magically change and drop their biases and beliefs just because of it. There is no way of successfully screening them out at interview.

I fully accept that some will act like idiots, just like a minority who pass their driving test and then ignore the rules of the road, we only ever hear of 'bad' things certain police officers are accused of and never the good things. I was the best representative of what I represented that I could be.

I will conclude that there was only one occasion that springs to mind where I arrested someone, or for that matter confronted someone who freely admitted that they were guilty. Every other instance involved the person vehemently claiming their innocence, so;

i've seen a few things about cops in America stopping people in their cars and accusing them of things that the driver disputes

Is hardly unusual, but isn't your prison system heaving with those who justifiably should be there, caught by the very people you 'trust very little'. You have my sympathy living in a culture where you can legally own firearms, which I view as a far far worse state of affairs than citing the police for their shortcomings.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 1:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I live in the UK, citzens are not allowed to bear arms.

You said the following:

"I was a serving police officer for fourteen years and honestly never once saw any innocent person 'fitted up'."

I have never served in the police force but i've heard numerous incidents of people being "fitted up" by the police.

But as reguards tazers the police are abusing them, i only thought that they were ment to be used if an officer was confronted by a violent adult and they had to take him down to prevent harm to themselves.

And they don't just taser someone once, some people have been taserd many times even when they are flat on the floor, how do you justify that?.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 2:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Louise wrote:
I live in the UK, citzens are not allowed to bear arms.

You said the following:

"I was a serving police officer for fourteen years and honestly never once saw any innocent person 'fitted up'."

I have never served in the police force but i've heard numerous incidents of people being "fitted up" by the police.

But as reguards tazers the police are abusing them, i only thought that they were ment to be used if an officer was confronted by a violent adult and they had to take him down to prevent harm to themselves.

And they don't just taser someone once, some people have been taserd many times even when they are flat on the floor, how do you justify that?.

Firstly I apologise, I thought you were American, your thinking reflects in your writing as being that. Your spelling of taser with a 'z' is very American too.

I thought I was clear earlier in the thread;

I will reiterate that I do not condone the excessive or unnecessary use of tasers, but used in the right context, I can see where they fit in. It is the over-zealous user that needs admonishing and proper instruction, not the equipment that needs criticism.

I have agreed all along that there is a degree of misuse, I do not justify it in any way, shape or form - it is inexcusable. I genuinely thought that we both identified that there were individuals within the police that were unable to control themselves in such situations. I believe I even broached it again in my last post;

I fully accept that some will act like idiots, just like a minority who pass their driving test and then ignore the rules of the road

In my opinion the crux of the problem we have created is this;

We live in a blame culture. Whatever exists or is created, we look for what is wrong or bad about everything and then attempt to apportion blame - the police being no exception. Every media report that involves the police is centred on what they are perceived to have done wrong. Where are the balancing accounts of what they are doing right, all the stolen property returned, drug dealers put out of business and imprisoned, habitual thieves put out of action? This is all forgotten and ignored. People confuse 'The Bill' with real life, Des Taverner has a lot to answer for after blowing up Sun Hill nick.

Being a police officer today is incredibly difficult. There are countless rules and regulations, and you are constantly being watched for when you put a foot wrong. Yes, there are rotten coppers, just like there are bus drivers who put their passengers at risk and postmen who sling the mail in the bin - we are all just human beings.

As I said before, I honestly was never aware of anyone deliberately wrongly accused of anything. I am unable to comment about what happened to your father - I certainly would never knowingly approach anyone saying they had done something unless I had reasonable suspicion to do so. Police officers are not clairvoyant, and just like the world was duped with talk of weapons of mass destruction, it is often only post-event that the real truth emerges.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 6:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just to let people know as well there are people on the internet that are now starting to call tasers "cattle prods".

The cattle being ordinary civilians of course.

I also hear that tasers are going to be issued to prison officers so they can use them on inmates.

But i'm not sure if that is correct.

Can anyone confirm or deny this?.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 6:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Louise wrote:
Just to let people know as well there are people on the internet that are now starting to call tasers "cattle prods".

The cattle being ordinary civilians of course.

I also hear that tasers are going to be issued to prison officers so they can use them on inmates.

But i'm not sure if that is correct.

Can anyone confirm or deny this?.

It is happening in America, but no plans here yet that I can find.


I am unsure if you are against this though? Have you ever been inside a male prison, the business side I mean? I have been to about five over the years and stabbings and assaults are very common and if I was a prison guard in some the higher security establishments, I would certainly welcome a taser on my hip - used only for the right reasons obviously.

I wonder which a vicious inmate would prefer, a taser jolt or being hit across the head with a truncheon?

Not sure why anyone would associate prods with tasers - a prod is held in the hand whilst a taser is operated remotely. Simple semantic misinterpretation by the uninitiated I am guessing.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 7:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I really fear for my dad.

He's all i've got left.

He also has a serious heart condition.

All it would take is for one nutty, trigger happy police officer who likes to play with his new toy to use a taser on him and the shock would kill him outright.

Taking him away from me.

Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Louise postulated;
I really fear for my dad.

All it would take is for one nutty, trigger happy police officer who likes to play with his new toy to use a taser on him and the shock would kill him outright.

Your dad is related to the Kray twins?

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


What have the Kray Twins got to do with anything?.

They are/were gangsters.

I fail to understand your reference to the Kray twins.

He dosen't have to be related to them.

Also i don't think any one of those people who have been killed as a result of being taserd were relatives of the Kray twins.

But they are still just as dead arn't they?.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was attempting to identify if there was a history of law breaking in your family that would necessitate a visit from the boys in blue?

Statistics will bear out that there is infinitely more chance of your father being knocked down by a car or struck by falling space debris than tasered by a renegade trigger-happy officer of the law.

My advice is to stop worrying about the craziest of things. Having said that, I am more inclined to believe you are having a little jest.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Re: Todays news about a Bedfordshire man dying after being tasered.....

If you don't want to be Tasered, and incur the potential risk of dying, don't wave a knife at Police Officers..........

Pretty simple really.

Why should a Police Officer risk his or her life to detain someone with a knife, when a Taser will do the job? Is there actually any evidence yet of anyone in this country being Tazered who wasn't acting in a threatening manner? Of course these thugs are always 'innocent' so they say, well just as I have no sympathy for politicians, I have no sympathy for the chavs and scum that infest our streets.

Last edited by wepmob2000 on Sun Jan 20, 2008 9:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 9:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

telecasterisation wrote:

I am unsure if you are against this though? Have you ever been inside a male prison, the business side I mean? I have been to about five over the years and stabbings and assaults are very common and if I was a prison guard in some the higher security establishments, I would certainly welcome a taser on my hip - used only for the right reasons obviously.

I wonder which a vicious inmate would prefer, a taser jolt or being hit across the head with a truncheon?

on the subject of prison officers getting access to these dangerous weapons I am very much against!
as usual tele you mislead with your info when you mention violence in uk prisons then fail to add that violence directed against officers is very rare and normally only committed by inmates with mental health issues.
as my girlfriend spent over a year working at Wandsworth prison she came home very distraught on more than one occasion because of the brutality of the male warders towards the inmates with little or no provocation.
My girlfriend was eventually forced out of her job by a bullying campaign from the violent lads club that passes itself off as professional prison staff.
Then 4 years ago one of the more sadistic prison guards from Wandsworth was arrested and then convicted for murdering a gay man outside a london pub in a homophobic attack.she told me that she had seen this man stamp repeatedly on an inmates stomach after the inmate spat on another prisoner who was "friendly" with this animal.

Again tele you reveal a lot more about yourself with this post than I think you realise.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 11:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

wepmob2000 wrote:
Re: Todays news about a Bedfordshire man dying after being tasered.....

If you don't want to be Tasered, and incur the potential risk of dying, don't wave a knife at Police Officers..........

Is there actually any evidence yet of anyone in this country being Tazered who wasn't acting in a threatening manner? .

Hi wepmob2000. yes a guy on a bus was having in a diabetic coma and police were called (why I dont know). the man was slumped forward with a rucksack. Police asked him to take his hands away from the rucksack (obviously thinking it might be abomb or something). As he was in an coma he couldnt respond to the police request and so they tasered him. it is now going throughn the courts I believe.


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 11:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would have thought that was more a training issue on the part of the police, pretty stupid on their part (and pretty strange as to why they were called in the first place).

Idiot policemen apart though, theres still a strong case why Police need a non-lethal stand-off device to deal with some of the lunatics and thugs on the streets today, the vast majority of which are not in any way innocent. I have absolutely no problem with a knife wielding thug being Tasered. nor any problem with the fact he died.

If there reaches a point where Taser's are being used extensively, against non-violent prisoners or peaceful protestors for example, then it will be a time to worry and try and get something done. As things stand though, I wouldn't want to be a Policeman in a busy town centre on a Friday night without one.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 10:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

mr nice wrote:
telecasterisation wrote:

I am unsure if you are against this though? Have you ever been inside a male prison, the business side I mean? I have been to about five over the years and stabbings and assaults are very common and if I was a prison guard in some the higher security establishments, I would certainly welcome a taser on my hip - used only for the right reasons obviously.

on the subject of prison officers getting access to these dangerous weapons I am very much against!
as usual tele you mislead with your info when you mention violence in uk prisons then fail to add that violence directed against officers is very rare and normally only committed by inmates with mental health issues.
as my girlfriend spent over a year working at Wandsworth prison she came home very distraught on more than one occasion because of the brutality of the male warders towards the inmates with little or no provocation.
My girlfriend was eventually forced out of her job by a bullying campaign from the violent lads club that passes itself off as professional prison staff.
Then 4 years ago one of the more sadistic prison guards from Wandsworth was arrested and then convicted for murdering a gay man outside a london pub in a homophobic attack.she told me that she had seen this man stamp repeatedly on an inmates stomach after the inmate spat on another prisoner who was "friendly" with this animal.

Again tele you reveal a lot more about yourself with this post than I think you realise.

Violence against prison officers? I never mentioned it, you have completely misunderstood in that I was highlighting assaults between inmates.

To say I 'mislead' is a bit distorted when I type from my experiences - we were always given dates when offenders were due for release back into the community, or more accurately, ones we had been connected to and it was very common for that date to be changed, pushed back for a later date because they had been involved in in-house violence.

Yes, I agree though there are also bad prison staff and you are merely endorsing my point that there are dodgy people in every walk of life. You then cite individual instances that attempt to tar every prison worker as ‘gay killers’. One of my closest friends is Gary Taylor ex-world's strongest man and he worked at Wandsworth Prison and is the nicest human beings you could wish to meet.

I am a trifle unsure as to what the personal nodding Jeremy Kyle angle you add about ‘revealing more about myself than I realise’ is attempting to highlight. I have been completely genuine and honest, not meaning to distort anything. I won’t hold it against you though just because you misunderstood the basic premise of my previous post, easy mistake to make.

I would also question why everyone keeps harping on about how tasers are 'so' dangerous?

A taser is a completely benign piece of equipment until withdrawn and used. It is no more dangerous than a baton/truncheon, or a pair of boots - all can injure or kill if used to that effect. People are the dangerous element of taser use. To put a seventeen year old behind the wheel of Vauxhall Corsa that could kill dozens of people and is far worse in concept that training someone to use a taser responsibly.

It all comes down to the individual not what they are holding.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 3:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

fish5133 wrote:

yes a guy on a bus was having in a diabetic coma and police were called (why I dont know)

Firstly I must point out I am only answering the point raised above about why the police were called and not about what they did when they arrived.

The bus driver wouldn't know the difference between a drunk and someone in a coma. Standard procedure for PSV drivers with a vehicle in service with a problem passenger, i.e. one unable to respond to normal communication, is to seek assistance as obviously he couldn’t drive up and down the route with a ‘drunk’ on the bus. I attended a few such instances - remember that trains have transport police upon which to call, bus drivers only have the same resources the man in the street does.

Did the driver have access to a radio on board the bus? If so, having outlined the situation, control would have called the police. He may have made the call direct himself. Did he conclude the person was 'ill' without any medical training? Probably not. He made a judgement call - ambulance or police - the latter were summoned by him or someone else based on what was seen to be.

The official definition of being drunk and incapable is when you are so drunk you are unable to stand or walk or unaware of what you are doing or unable to understand what is said to you. This seems to fit and you have to ask how many other people would have made the assumption that he was 'simply' intoxicated.

It is however inexcusable that given the training police officers receive, I clearly remember the entire session where I was painstakingly instructed to look for medic-alert bracelets, medication or anything that might indicate a physiological problem above and beyond simply one too many. I am not condoning what happened – merely responding to ‘Why were the police called?’ We can all be wise after the event - bus drivers don't get schooled in any basic medical training.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 4:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My partner found this site on the internet today and directed me to it, so i'd thought i'd post it on here:


Me and my partner both think it is a spoof but what do you think?.

I sure hope it is.

But if it is a spoof how long will it remain so?.

Just checked it again and it's definately a spoof site, but the worrying thing is that it might give someone somewhere ideas.

My partner feels that this site has been created in very poor taste.

However the links at the bottom of the page seem to lead to very real storys where tasers have been misused by the police.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 7:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Louise wrote:
My partner found this site on the internet today and directed me to it, so i'd thought i'd post it on here:


Me and my partner both think it is a spoof but what do you think?.

I sure hope it is.

But if it is a spoof how long will it remain so?.

Just checked it again and it's definately a spoof site, but the worrying thing is that it might give someone somewhere ideas.

My partner feels that this site has been created in very poor taste.

However the links at the bottom of the page seem to lead to very real storys where tasers have been misused by the police.

I find it more worrying that your partner was looking to buy one. I strongly suggest that instead you invest some quality time with your children, considering other ways of administering punishment. That, or get a new partner.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 7:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Louise wrote:
My partner found this site on the internet today and directed me to it, so i'd thought i'd post it on here:


Me and my partner both think it is a spoof but what do you think?.

I sure hope it is.

But if it is a spoof how long will it remain so?.

Just checked it again and it's definitely a spoof site, but the worrying thing is that it might give someone somewhere ideas.

My partner feels that this site has been created in very poor taste.

However the links at the bottom of the page seem to lead to very real storys where tasers have been misused by the police.

I find it more worrying that your partner was looking to buy one. I strongly suggest that instead you invest some quality time with your children, considering other ways of administering punishment. That, or get a new partner.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 7:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The entire Taser phenomenon is designed to put lethal weapons (cattle prod guns) into British police hands whilst filling their heads and salving their concience with bs that they are safe.

End result is more murder and mayhem which suits the murderous bloodthirsty network strangling Britain.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 12:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My partner was not looking to buy one, and we don't have children.

My partner belongs and contributes to another website called: NEWSVINE and found the site through that, through an article someone posted.

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