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KAL 007-US Anti-Soviet Provocation? 9/11 Predecessor?

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conspiracy analyst
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:37 pm    Post subject: KAL 007-US Anti-Soviet Provocation? 9/11 Predecessor? Reply with quote

Those too young to remember the cold war may also not know about KAL 007 flight (notice the numbers!!!). This was a flight by south korean airways which flew into Soviet airspace and was shot down by the Russians. A provocation engineered and created by the USA to show to the world how evil the Evil Empire was. Unlike themselves who were angels and have been ever since.

Interesting is the fact that the predecessors to Larry (Arabs did 9/11) O Hara the Lobster magazine also did not believe the official conspiracy theory.

But the issue remains using planes as a tool of propaganda and war has been a consistent US policy since WW2 when according to Robert McNamara one of the architects of the Vietnamese invasion carpet bombing and using US military jets has always been one of their main policy instruments...

A recent book goes over the issues again.


Article Confirms: WV Told the Truth About KAL 007

(Editorial Note)

In the early morning of 1 September 1983, an unidentified aircraft entered the airspace of the Soviet Union, flying over sensitive military installations on Kamchatka Peninsula and the island of Sakhalin near Japan. This was not by error. Korean Air Lines (KAL) Flight 007, which was bound for Seoul, deviated from its assigned flight path after having refueled in Anchorage, Alaska. The aircraft flew without its navigational lights, refused to respond to repeated Soviet attempts to contact it and took evasive actions. Soviet fighter jet pilots sent to intercept the 747 believed it was a military aircraft (for example an E4B, a converted 747). After two and a half hours in Soviet airspace, the aircraft was shot down. All 269 passengers and crew died. In the midst of the U.S. Cold War II drive against the Soviet degenerated workers state, President Ronald Reagan seized upon the downing of the flight to whip up anti-Communist hysteria, decrying the “act of barbarism” supposedly committed by the Soviets in shooting down a civilian plane that had supposedly strayed off course. We immediately responded with an article headlined “Reagan’s Story Stinks!” (WV No. 337, 9 September 1983).

As more facts became known, we described how Flight 007 was in fact a spy operation designed to trigger and then monitor Soviet air defenses, and its passengers were victims of the anti-Soviet war drive (see our October 1983 pamphlet, KAL 007: U.S. War Provocation and WV articles in subsequent years). Now, almost 25 years later, the aviation journal Airways (August, September and October 2007) has published a three-part article titled “Flight KAL007: The Anatomy of a Cover-up.” Authors Robert Allardyce and James Gollin meticulously analyze the evidence to show how the official investigation of KAL 007 by the International Civil Aviation Organization in 1983 “appeared to have labored in their determination not to explain how and why the 747 became so far off course.” They conclude that the flight path of KAL 007 under South Korean captain Chun Byung-in was deliberate:

“We must thrust aside all pretenses that Chun and his crew were innocently lost…. It is quite obvious that Chun had embarked upon a ‘ferret’ mission carefully designed to bring the Soviet defenses to the highest possible state of military alert.”

In the aftermath, Allardyce and Gollin write, “the world teetered on the brink of a nuclear holocaust.” At the time, we declared in “Reagan’s 007 War Fever” (WV No. 338, 23 September 1983) that, with much of the fake left capitulating to Reagan’s counterrevolutionary crusade, “we stand at our posts, defending the homeland of the October Revolution.” The Spartacist League/International Communist League fought to the end in defense of the Soviet Union against imperialism and capitalist counterrevolution. WV told the truth: KAL 007 was an anti-Soviet war provocation.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oliver Clubb, KAL FLIGHT 007: THE HIDDEN STORY, is a good analysis of these events. The USA was probing Soviet defenses to be able to monitor the response.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Stanislav Petrov - The Man who saved the World


The tension between the two mega-powers hit an all-time high, and on 15 September 1983 the US administration banned Soviet aircrafts from operating in US airspace. With the political climate in dangerous territory, both US and Soviet government were on high-alert believing an attack was imminent.

It was a cold night at the Serpukhov-15 bunker in Moscow on 26 September 1983 as Strategic Rocket Forces lieutenant colonel Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov resumed his duty, monitoring the skies of the Soviet Union, after taking a shift of someone else who couldn't go to work.

Just past midnight, Petrov received a computer report he'd dreaded all his military career to see, the computer captured a nuclear military missile being launched from the US, destination Moscow.

In the event of such an attack, the Soviet Union’s strategy protocol was to launch an immediate all-out nuclear weapons counterattack against the United States with nuclear power, and immediately afterwards inform top political and military figures. From there, it would be taken a decision to further the military offensive on America.

The bunker was in full-alarm, with red lights all over the place as the missile was captured by the Soviet satellites via computers. Petrov wasn't convinced though. He believed that if the US attacked, they would have attacked all-out, not just sending one missile and giving a chance for them (the Soviets) to attack back.

Petrov figured something didn't make sense, as strategically, just one missile from the US would be a strategic disaster. He took some time to think and decided not to give the order a nuclear attack against America, since in his opinion, one missile didn't make sense strategically and it could easily have been a computer error.

But then, seconds later, the situation turned extremely serious. A second missile was spotted by the satellite. The pressure by the officers in the bunker to commence responsive actions against America started growing. A third missile was spotted, followed by a fourth. A couple of seconds later, a fifth one was spotted... everyone in the bunker was agitated as the USSR was under missile attack.

He had two options. Go with his instinct and dismiss the missiles as computer errors, breaking military protocol in the process or take responsive action and commence full-blown nuclear actions against America, potentially killing millions.

He decided it was a computer error, knowing deep down that if he was wrong, missiles would be raining down in Moscow in minutes.

Seconds turned to minutes, and as time passed it was clear Petrov was right, it was a computer error after all. Stanislav Petrov had prevented a worldwide nuclear war, a doomsday scenario that would have annihilated entire cities. He was a hero. Those around him congratulated him for his superb judgment.

Upon further investigation it resulted that the error came from a very rare sunlight alignment, which the computer read as missile.

Of course, top brass in the Kremlin didn't find it so heroic, as he broke military protocol and if he would have been wrong, risked millions of Russian lives. He was sent into early retirement, with a measly $200 a month pension, suffering a nervous breakdown in the process.

Due to military secrecy, nobody knew Petrov's heroic judgment until 1998, when a book written by a Russian officer present at the bunker revealed that World War 3 was closer than people thought, and a nuclear holocaust was avoided by a close shave.

Even though the Russian have little sympathy to the man who saved millions of American lives, the United Nations and a number of US agencies honoured the man who could have started a nuclear war, but didn't.

In 2008, a documentary film entitled 'The Man who saved the World' is set to be released, perhaps giving Petrov some financial help, thanking him for the incredible part he had in keeping the US and the USSR out of a full-blown war.

Without knowing on the cold Moscow night back in 1983, a badly paid 44 year old military officer saved the world, and made himself one of the most influential persons of the century in the process, saving more lives than anyone ever did.

Most of today's people don't know it, but today's world as we know it, is like it is because of Stanislav Petrov.

Simon - http://www.patriotsquestion911.com/

David Ray Griffin - 9/11: the Myth & the Reality
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 12:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Killed on KAL007...


Mae Brussel suggests intent...

http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Who%20Killed%20La rry%20McDonald.html

Editted below

In the aftermath of the Korean Air Lines disaster... the editors of the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner dealt with a series of nagging questions and their answers. Prominent among them was the following:
QUESTION: "Is there any reason to believe that an admittedly ultraright U.S. congressman traveling 007, Rep. Lawrence McDonald of Georgia, may have been deliberately assassinated aboard the flight?"
ANSWER: "While the [U.S.] government has made no such charge, McDonald's widow claims that her husband, the national chairman of the John Birch Society, was 'murdered.' She holds that it was no accident that 'the leading anti-Communist in the American government' had been on a plane that was 'forced into Soviet territory' and shot down."
Another question that begs to be addressed is: Why would the Soviet Union wish to make a martyr of Larry McDonald? If the Russians are the experts at terrorism that they're supposed to be, it would seem obvious that they could find an easier way to get rid of the congressman than chasing his airplane over Soviet territory for 2 1/2 hours. They could have easily blown him away anywhere in the world.
Furthermore, it is hard to believe that KAL Flight 007 was forced into Soviet airspace, as if a giant mechanism had sucked McDonald toward his mortal enemy. During those strange 2 1/2 hours that 007 ventured as far as 226 miles inside Soviet airspace, the Russians were testing new kinds of missiles directly below. They didn't need any more problems.
And I doubt that McDonald, as fanatic as he was, deserves the label of "leading anti-Communist in the American government." He would have pretty stiff competition from such individuals
Five days after the 007 incident former CIA spy Ralph McGehee told a college audience that the Korean airliner was indeed on a spy mission. He also believes that the Russians thought 007 was an RC-135 intelligence plane.
Who really gained by Flight 007's violation of Soviet territory? Not the Russians. They were preparing for the following week's meeting in Madrid, Spain, between U.S. Secretary of State George Schultz and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, as well as the resumption of arms-reduction talks and the annual United Nations meeting. An incident of any kind would – and did – set world opinion against them at a critical time.
On the other hand, the U.S. government benefited first by gathering valuable military information about Soviet radar and defensive capabilities during the hours that preceded the crash. Later benefits the State Department and the Pentagon simultaneously maneuvered included favorable MX-missile and binary-nerve-gas votes from a knee-jerk Congress.
Clearly, Larry McDonald did not die at the hands of Soviet planners. The most important explanation for his tragic demise has to do with recent revelations about his clandestine activities. An earlier relationship between McDonald and President Reagan had started to surface before the crash. Their government espionage, concealed behind a cloak of righteous Americanism at any price, was about to be exposed.
The trail leading to the connection between Reagan and McDonald is long and winding. But the facts prove collusion between informers hired by Reagan when he was governor and the activities of McDonald's Western Goals Foundation. The method – and even the people involved – were the same in both cases.
In any event, time was running out on Larry McDonald's many years of stealing, bugging and compiling. He was about to be subpoenaed by a Los Angeles County grand jury. His testimony, particularly the portions telling of how his Long Beach computer was being fed with illegal police intelligence files, could embarrass and even damage a great number of powerful people.

Several weeks following the destruction of Flight 007, Soviet President Yuri Andropov blamed the United States for what he called a "sophisticated provocation, masterminded by U.S. special services, an example of extreme adventurism in politics."
How could the United States have written such a script? Larry McDonald was going to necessarily embarrass President Reagan if too many of the documents from California were exposed. They shared common spies and common enemies. So let's assume that the CIA, FBI and all federal agencies that worked with McDonald – particularly the Pentagon – wanted him silenced immediately. At the same time, because McDonald was so violently anti-Communist, why not make the Soviets responsible for his murder? A New Right martyr could be created for the fight against communism. Remember the Pueblo?
The scenario might have continued in the following way:

* There would be a celebration in South Korea early in September. McDonald had strong ties to Korean-born Reverend Sun Myung Moon, leader of the Unification Church (the Moonies), and the South Korean military. Get McDonald to attend that celebration in South Korea.

(Dorothy Hunt, CIA officer and wife of Watergate defendant E. Howard Hunt, was blown up in a commercial airliner over Chicago, and nobody seemed to care. Undoubtedly, her murder scared into silence primary witnesses who could have embarrassed President Nixon at the time he was paying off these witnesses to "plead guilty" before sinking his Presidency. Incidentally, the espionage activities of both E. Howard Hunt and Congressman McDonald somehow become entangled with the Los Angeles Police Department. See "The Facts Behind a Sinister Connection," on page 43.)

* We send spy planes over the USSR continuously. The Soviet Union does not appreciate such flights violating their territory. By putting McDonald on a commercial airliner and timing its incursion inside Soviet airspace with spy-plane operations happening at the same time, an attack by Soviet missiles would be assured.

One of the many mysteries of Flight 007 is the total lack of conversation between its pilots and U.S., Korean and Japanese listening posts. This is known as maintaining radio silence.
Furthermore, 007 left Kennedy Airport in New York with both a defective radio and a defective navigational system. When the pilot who flew the first segment debarked in Anchorage, he assumed the plane's malfunctioning parts would be repaired. But this didn't happen.
It is common knowledge to all pilots flying over Soviet territory that aircraft going beyond a certain point inside Russian borders will be forced to land or be shot down. If the CIA and the National Security Agency wanted Larry McDonald dead, thereby assuring an international incident, isolating the pilots from instructions or warnings would be essential. The way to accomplish this is either to tamper with radio transmissions or the pilots' minds – or both.
After triggering off the radar warning of a threat to the USSR, the pilot of a U.S. RC-135 reconnaissance plane used maneuvers and tricks typical of American spy planes as he attempted to frustrate Soviet air defenses. Eventually, he dove below the radar cover off the Kamchatka Peninsula to distract air-defense crews and allow Flight 007 to enter Soviet airspace undetected.
Meanwhile, attempting to dodge Soviet fighter planes 226 miles inside the USSR, pilot Chun requested permission to elevate to 35,000 feet. Moments later he shouted, "Rapid . . .a rapid decompression" as 007 was hit by a missile.
Chun's last words –"one-zero, one-zero-delta"– left everybody confused, as did the plane's final radio transmissions. Neither Matsumi Suzuki, head of Japan's Sound Research Institute, nor the Japanese broadcast network NHK could explain what delta meant. Was that Chun's "Rosebud"?
Exactly who was Larry McDonald, the strange and complex individual who wore so many robes? At first he was a doctor, specializing in urology, who prescribed the discredited drug laetrile to cancer patients. He was also a man who concealed the ownership of 200 guns. In 1974 he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, and he later became chairman of both the tax-free Western Goals Foundation and the John Birch Society.
When McCarthy conducted his House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) hearings in 1953 and began accumulating data banks on law-abiding citizens for future fascist purposes, most of his information came from combined United States intelligence and Nazi war criminals. He also drew upon the extensive files of a spy network known as Odessa, which was formed between 1943 and 1945 when it became obvious the Third Reich could not win the war against the Soviet Union.
There is no beginning or end to the Larry McDonald tragedy. His right-wing fanaticism drew him to the crueler side of blackmailers, burglars, assassins, terrorists, wiretappers, and people dedicated to waging a future war with the Soviet Union.
And there he was, last August 31 and September 1, apparently sitting all alone on Flight 007. If that was by Soviet design, then all of his entourage were Communists who knew in advance.
But since the American delegation was screened and cleared for travel with a congressman, then the CIA and U.S. agents knew something they wouldn't share with him – even if it was going to save his life.
So what's it all about, Alfie?
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