Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:54 am Post subject: Will Obama go the way of Ron Paul and Kucunich?
Is Langley planning his send off or will he be Mrs Clintons running mate?
The media is going overboard in promoting the US elections as after all the dollar is being dumped and the crash is getting worse day by day hour by hour. What is left?
My bets are the system will start to fracture as they are trying to contain all the ethnic minorities into the 'two' party system.
Getting the Blacks on board via Obama and the Mexicans via Clinton but neither have any particular track record with either grouping past or present. Obama is a media creation out of nowhere and Ms Clintons claim to fame is that she was the wife of the previous President. The USA has reached the point of no return. Being related to the President gets you a shot for the Presidency.
A depression will unhinge the main parties for they will be unable to contain forces they no longer control. A backlash against unlimited immigration will not favour either Ms. Clinton or Obama but then again Mc Cain has no position on immigration either.
The unresolved dillemmas of whether to legalise immigrants or not was never resolved by Bush as it would have blown up the Republican party.
Will they allow Obama to run the line that there will be a troop withdrawal?
I doubt it. The only troop withdrawal that will occur and is occurring is like the one in Vietnam. They will be eventually forced out hanging onto their helicopters.
The Brezinski clan as main foreign policy advisers to Obama....
Obama Campaign Linked To Chechen Terrorism-Grant Of Taxpayer-Funded U.S. Asylum For Chechen Terror
"I am glad Brzezinski is a "former" national security adviser. Hatred cannot drive foreign policy." Russian UN ambassador (now Foreign Minister) Sergei Lavrov, Charlie Rose program, March 25, 1999
If the American public were generally aware that the "foreign minister" of one of the most murderous terrorist organizations in the world, a man whose extradition on terrorism charges is sought by at least one UN Security Council permanent member, is living openly in Washington DC, they might be indignant. If Americans knew that this is the "foreign minister" of a terrorist group specializing in killing women and children first in a hospital, then in a school, and later defenseless civilians in a theater, their indignation might grow into rage. If they knew that this envoy for terrorists is living in the comfortable Woodley Park neighborhood of Washington DC with a lifestyle most Americans could not afford, with an office, a secretary, a travel budget, and a public relations budget all paid for at the expense of the US taxpayers, with State Department checks signed by Condoleeza Rice, they might be furious. If they knew that this ambassador for terrorists had been set up in his current all expenses paid, taxpayer-funded lifestyle by a man who is the main image adviser and the main foreign policy adviser to Barack Obama, their view of the Illinois senator and his qualifications for the presidency might well undergo a radical change.
And yet, all this is reality. The terrorist organization in question is the Chechen rebel group associated with the names of two of the greatest butchers of our time, Aslan Maskhadov and Shamil Basayev, both deceased even though the organization they built fights on. The foreign minister and ambassador for this terrorist group is Ilyas Khamzatovich Akhmadov (born December 19, 1960, who was granted political asylum in the United States in 2003. Akhmadov's patron is none other than Zbigniew Brzezinski, the former head of the National Security Council during the Jimmy Carter administration and, before that the co-founder with David Rockefeller of the Trilateral Commission in 1973. Zbigniew Brezezinski in turn is not only the main foreign policy adviser to the Barack Obama presidential campaign; Zbigniew is in many ways the creator of the public relations image profile now being used by Obama in his quest for the White House, an image that is developed in Zbig's latest book, Second Chance. Zbigniew's son Mark Brzezinski, a veteran of the NSC under Clinton, is another key foreign policy adviser for Obama. Mika Brzezinski, daughter to Zbigniew and sister to Mark, churns out a propaganda line slanted in favor of Obama every morning on the MSNBC Morning Joe program. Ian Brzezinski, another son of Zbigniew, is busy poisoning US relations with Russia from his post as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Europe and Russia in the Bush Pentagon. Yet another member of the clan, Zbigniew's nephew Matthew Brzezinski serves as a de facto public relations representative for Akhmadov, whitewashing this envoy for Chechen terrorists in the pages of the Washington Post. The entire crew is made of of petty Polish aristocrats notable mainly for their fanatical, consuming hatred of Russia and Russians. The family project is to hitch the remaining military power of the United States to their monomania of hatred. If they are allowed to succeed, the bloody excesses of the neocons in the Middle East will seem like schoolyard games by comparison, since the Brzezinski gang wants to court all-out confrontation with a first-class thermonuclear power that is moving well ahead of the US in certain crucial types of strategic weaponry. The now-infamous neocons have been careful to pick on powers with little or no strategic retaliatory potential. Brzezinski lacks this faculty of discrimination. This is the reality behind the messianic edification and utopian platitudes dished up by Obama. Under an Obama administration, Americans will risk getting a reminder of what real war looks like, and they may discover that it is a two-way street.
Voters who may be wondering what the foreign policy of a future Obama administration might look like need to learn from recent painful experience with George W. Bush and look closely at the foreign policy advisers around the candidate, since it is these figures who will prepare the policy options and, by so doing, will determine the course of a new administration. For Bush, these advisers were the self-styled "Vulcans," figures like Wolfowitz, Condi Rice, Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, and Cheney, most of them neocons and most of them chosen by George Shultz, who created the disaster of the Afghan and Iraq wars. Even though Bush might have been a blank slate in foreign policy, it was evident from the presence of these neocon warmongers which direction the new regime would choose. Who then are the corresponding figures around Obama? A cursory look reveals that in foreign affairs and not just foreign affairs, Obama is the creature of the Brzezinski machine.
The country that wants Akhmadov extradited into their custody to stand trial for multiple murder charges is the Russian Federation, which has repeatedly requested that Akhmadov not be allowed to stay in Washington. Russia has been demanding Akhmadov's extradition since 2003. "He's a terrorist, there is no doubt about it," commented Aleksander Lukashevich, senior political counselor at the Russian Embassy in Washington. "We have proof . . . Our foreign minister has made Russia's position on extradition quite clear." "Harboring terrorists, their henchmen and sponsors undermines the unity and mutual trust of parties to the antiterrorist front," Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated in an address to the U.N. General Assembly in 2004. Russian President Vladimir Putin commented during a visit to India in December 2004: "We cannot have double standards while fighting terrorism, and it cannot be used as a geopolitical game." Akhmadov's presence in Washington is thus already a major irritant in US-Russia relations. Seen in this context, Akhmadov emerges as pawn in the Brzezinski clan strategy to set the United States and Russia on a confrontation course, a strategy they plan to impose on Obama, who is their clueless puppet in international affairs.
I'm no fan of Zbigniew Brzezinski, but the above article is just a typical piece of Russian propaganda - and statements like "hatred cannot drive foreign policy" are hypocritical in the extreme.
Russia always tries to lump those who have fought back against Russia's long history of repeated genocides against the Chechens in with "al qaeda". And we all know that Putin's minions have carried out bombings on their own people to blame them on the Chechens.
Talking about "petty Polish aristocrats notable mainly for their fanatical, consuming hatred of Russia and Russians" is even more hypocritical - especially while Russia continues its stubborn refusal to cooperate with Polish attempts to investigate the Katyn massacre and numerous other wartime atrocities committed by the Soviet Union.
Joined: 04 Apr 2007 Posts: 733 Location: the worlds greatest leper colony usa
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:05 pm Post subject:
tarpley is a bore
he has a show that is archived at gcnlive on demand and he never says much i remember _________________ Puzzling Evidence
what's particularly scary is how the language he uses mirrors pretty much exactly the kind of inflammatory rhetoric that's routinely used by extreme right-wing Russian nationalists whose platform is to re-establish "greater Russia" (a prospect that the Baltic states, Poland etc have very good reason to fear).
he appears to have swallowed a whole barrage of this kind of propaganda hook, line and sinker....
Tarpley understands that 9/11 was a false flag operation that the US used to justify the launch of their "war on terror" and to demonise America's enemies in the muslim world. so presumably he's also capable of understanding that - for example - the September 1999 bombings in Moscow were also a false flag operation which the Russian government conveniently blamed on Chechen rebels and used as an excuse to launch yet another bloody assault on Chechnya - and to demonise anyone who opposed it.
....and I sincerely hope that Tarpley's regurgitation of Russian nationalist propaganda doesn't extend as far as denying Soviet responsibility for the Katyn massacres, which seems to be increasingly popular in Russia.
Does anybody know if he has an opinion on this subject?
IMAGINE Nazi rule in Germany surviving for decades, with Hitler
undefeated in war and succeeded on his death in the early 1950s by a
series of lacklustre party hacks who more or less disowned his
"excesses". Imagine then a "reform Nazi" (call him
Michael Gorbach) coming to power in the 1980s and dismantling the
National Socialist system, only to fall from power as the Third Reich
collapsed in political and economic chaos.
Imagine a shrunken "German Federation" suffering ten years of
upheaval, before an SS officer (call him Voldemar Puschnik) came to
power, first as prime minister and then as president. Under eight years
of rule by Herr Puschnik, Germany regains economic stability, largely
thanks to a sky-high coal price.
That would be distasteful to put it mildly. But it might be tolerable.
The SS, for all its faults, attracted bright, ambitious people, and Mr
Puschnik's career in its external espionage division meant that he
was not directly tainted by the crimes of the past. Better a stable
Germany than a chaotic one. Any big country is going to have its own
security interests, and the Dutch, Czechs, Danes and Poles would
safeguard their regained independence best by trying to get along with
Mr Puschnik, rather than harping on about the evils of Nazism.
It's much the same in Russia. It would be quite wrong to blame
modern Russians for Stalin-era crimes. Russia is not going to go away,
and Poles, Balts and others should try not to provoke the Kremlin
unnecessarily. The KGB had a dreadful history, but Mr Putin's role
was seemingly anodyne.
But that calculus holds only if modern day rulers show no hint of
sympathy for their predecessors' atrocities. If Herr Puschnik, our
putative leader of a post-Nazi Germany, starts flirting with Holocaust
denial, every alarm should ring.
Vladimir Putin has already come dangerously close to this in Russia. He
has claimed that the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was legal. He sees no need
to apologise to Baltic victims of Stalinism.
But the Russian media is going further. In the past six months no fewer
than four different outlets have revived the outrageous falsehood that
it was the Nazis, not the Soviets, who murdered 20,000 captured Polish
officers at Katyn in 1940. That Stalin-era lie, enforced at gun-point in
post-war Poland, viciously aggravated the original crime. It was buried
in 1990, with solemn Kremlin support.
The falsehoods are not in fringe publications. It started with
Rossiiskaya Gazeta, a state-owned newspaper, on September 18th last
year. It was repeated by the mass-market Komsomolskaya Pravda on October
22nd and again by TV Tsentr—a station in effect run by the Moscow
Mayor's office—on November 4th. Now it has been repeated again
by what used to be an upmarket broadsheet, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, in its
weekend supplement on military affairs.
This comes not in response to some Polish provocation, but at a time
when the government in Warsaw has been bending over backwards to soothe
relations with Moscow.
The Russian media—in theory at least—can print what it likes.
But it is hard not to conclude that this outbreak of revisionist history
comes with at least tacit official blessing.
The best way to dispel this would be for the Kremlin and the Russian
foreign ministry to come out with a clear and forceful statement saying
that from the official side at least, no doubt whatsoever exists that
the Soviet secret police, acting on Stalin's orders, carried out the
Katyn massacre. Failure to do that suggests at best atrocious cynicism
and at worst a nauseating sympathy with the perpetrators.
[quote="gruts"]....and I sincerely hope that Tarpley's regurgitation of Russian nationalist propaganda doesn't extend as far as denying Soviet responsibility for the Katyn massacres, which seems to be increasingly popular in Russia.
Does anybody know if he has an opinion on this subject?
Stalins regime wiped out nearly all the top layers of the Red Army just prior to Hitlers invasion I doubt they would have had a problem bumping off Poles...
The revival by the Economist of stories regarding the Katyn massacre has much more to do with the conflict with Russia over US missiles to be dumped in Poland and aimed at Moscow.
Reviving cold war language when they spent a decade saying it was finished will be difficult in squaring the circle of propaganda the West requires to justify the aims of PNAC...
I was just trying to provide a little perspective.
based on Tarpley's article you'd think that Russia was an innocent little lamb that had never harmed or threatened anyone, which for no reason at all is being attacked by evil muslim terrorists, evil Polish aristocrats and the even more evil west.
that really is complete BS.
what's Webster going to tell us next - that all these evil-doers "hate Russia because of its freedoms"?
as I said in another thread, there are no good guys in these international power struggles. siding with Russia's ruling elite against America's ruling elite is like preferring one strain of herpes over another....
Joined: 04 Apr 2007 Posts: 733 Location: the worlds greatest leper colony usa
Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 3:29 pm Post subject:
gruts wrote:
I think it's gonna be hilary (with obama as VP) for sure....
makes me mad a black can be president before an american indian can when this is land of Indians-obama is a black descended from Islamic slave sellers of all things- i cant stand him or idiots rallying around him and they know nothing of what he wants
raise the voting age to 30
Hispanics are voting more for the republicans
Richardson the democrat is Hispanic and looks american indian so he may be Hilary's running mate to get votes of hispnaics or even indians-hes governor of new mexico
as I said in another thread, there are no good guys in these international power struggles. siding with Russia's ruling elite against America's ruling elite is like preferring one strain of herpes over another....
Russia is still selling its oil and gas to all those who are willing to buy it.
not really - Russia isn't exactly a fountain of benevolence....
and Putin is certainly not averse to using the legacy of the USSR, which has left its western neighbours heavily dependent on Russia for their gas and oil supplies, to flex his muscles across central and eastern Europe.
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 2:52 am Post subject:
This Anti-Iraq War Democratic candidate is giving elite stooge Hilary a run for her vast amount of money.
Yes he wants to stay in Afghanistan but in realpolitic I forgive him that.
Joined: 04 Apr 2007 Posts: 733 Location: the worlds greatest leper colony usa
Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 4:08 pm Post subject:
webster tarpley seems to say obama is such a loser he deliberately stayed off the ballots in michigan and florida because he knows he cant win _________________ Puzzling Evidence
And yet, all this is reality. The terrorist organization in question is the Chechen rebel group associated with the names of two of the greatest butchers of our time, Aslan Maskhadov and Shamil Basayev, both deceased even though the organization they built fights on. The foreign minister and ambassador for this terrorist group is Ilyas Khamzatovich Akhmadov (born December 19, 1960, who was granted political asylum in the United States in 2003. Akhmadov's patron is none other than Zbigniew Brzezinski, the former head of the National Security Council during the Jimmy Carter administration and, before that the co-founder with David Rockefeller of the Trilateral Commission in 1973. Zbigniew Brezezinski in turn is not only the main foreign policy adviser to the Barack Obama presidential campaign; Zbigniew is in many ways the creator of the public relations image profile now being used by Obama in his quest for the White House, an image that is developed in Zbig's latest book, Second Chance. Zbigniew's son Mark Brzezinski, a veteran of the NSC under Clinton, is another key foreign policy adviser for Obama. Mika Brzezinski, daughter to Zbigniew and sister to Mark, churns out a propaganda line slanted in favor of Obama every morning on the MSNBC Morning Joe program. Ian Brzezinski, another son of Zbigniew, is busy poisoning US relations with Russia from his post as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Europe and Russia in the Bush Pentagon. Yet another member of the clan, Zbigniew's nephew Matthew Brzezinski serves as a de facto public relations representative for Akhmadov, whitewashing this envoy for Chechen terrorists in the pages of the Washington Post. The entire crew is made of of petty Polish aristocrats notable mainly for their fanatical, consuming hatred of Russia and Russians. The family project is to hitch the remaining military power of the United States to their monomania of hatred. If they are allowed to succeed, the bloody excesses of the neocons in the Middle East will seem like schoolyard games by comparison, since the Brzezinski gang wants to court all-out confrontation with a first-class thermonuclear power that is moving well ahead of the US in certain crucial types of strategic weaponry. The now-infamous neocons have been careful to pick on powers with little or no strategic retaliatory potential. Brzezinski lacks this faculty of discrimination. This is the reality behind the messianic edification and utopian platitudes dished up by Obama. Under an Obama administration, Americans will risk getting a reminder of what real war looks like, and they may discover that it is a two-way street.
Now that we have read story on Ms. Vicky Iseman and her alleged relationship with Senator McCain we feel that we should also make her the same offer we originally gave Mr. Larry Sinclair.
We will pay her to take a Polygraph test. $10,000 to be exact, just for taking the test, regardless of the result. She gets the money, we get to make a video of the whole thing and it's a deal.
And if Ms. Iseman happens to pass the test and it shows she did not have the alleged relationship with Senator McCain or the other items alleged in the New York Times article we'll give her ten times that amount: $100,000. We'll even pay for her airfare and two nights in a hotel.
But i dont understand. This is a comment posted in reply to a blog post on a blog site.
There is no proof that this comment was posted by Larry Sinclair. If i wanted to i could post on the same blog as Barack Obama confirming it was true and apologising to my wife and kids. Really i would expect to see a proper article or an interview with Sinclair.
Obama, Hilary and McCain have all got massive skeletons in their closets. USA politics is dirty and corrupt and only the scum rises to the top.
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