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Understanding 911 - Does The Holocaust Matter?
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 10:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

That ‘Unique’ Jewish Morality

It is something I run into more and more, both on a personal and non-personal basis. The questions, the bewilderment, the confusion…people trying to fit two completely irreconcilable ideas together in such a way that it all conforms to the laws of reason. ‘How?’ I hear and read often…‘How is it that the Jews–who call themselves ‘a light among nations’ and who constantly lecture the rest of the non-Jewish world on issues such as genocide, holocaust and whatnot–are so willing to turn a callous eye towards the plight of others, and particularly when those ‘others’ happen to be Arabs, the only real ‘Semites’ in the world?’

Well, the answer is really quite simple actually. A picture speaks a thousand words, as they say, and the below picture explains in a microsecond why the Jews of the world are for the most part silent over the slaughter taking place against the Semitic peoples of Palestine, Lebanon, and Iraq.

Look at the eyes of the man, the deep blue eyes common to European (non-Semitic) Ashkenazi Jews. Consider the other features as well. We have seen his face a thousand times amongst his cousins in the media and whatnot. His name is Shanbo Heineman, a Jew from San Francisco.

Next, look at the wound on his forehead. It was caused by a ‘rubber coated’ bullet fired by one of his own cousins in the IDF operating under orders from headquarters.

By the way, do not let the ‘rubber bullet’ thing fool you. It means nothing. It is simply a plastic coating around a regular lead bullet traveling at 3,000 feet per second and with around 800 foot-pounds of energy PSI behind it. People die from them all the time and the stressing of the ‘rubber coating’ is just a slight-of-hand on Israel’s part in trying to pretty up what is her organically-brutal character. Playing with words and ideas is her specialty and always has been. The Irgun and Stern Gang going into villages and murdering hundreds of innocent civilians is ‘patriotic’ and ‘heroic’ and the Palestinians fighting to protect themselves from being slaughtered is ‘terrorism’.

Anyway, back to our Jewish friend here, Mr. Heineman. He was shot in the head because he dared to follow a higher power, meaning his God-given conscience by protesting the brutality inflicted by Israel against the Palestinians. For this he was rewarded with a bullet to the head. Despite the fact that he survived it, he will be plagued with pain and serious medical problems for the rest of his life. In short, he has been permanently maimed.

And in his eyes you can see the reason why Jews around the world are silent when it comes to what has been done to Israel’s victims in Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq and elsewhere. In his eyes you can see the fear, no, the TERROR, as well as the sense of betrayal he feels when he figured out in a millisecond that his own people were his own worst enemies, when he realized that they would kill him in a second as if he were nothing more than a cockroach for his willingness to listen to his human conscience instead of listening to his ‘Jewish’ one.

And where is that ‘unique Jewish morality’ speaking out against what was done to him? Where is the ADL and other Jewish watchdog groups? Isn’t his being shot an act of ‘anti-Semitism’? If it were anyone else and the attacker had been another Gentile, we certainly would hear about it.

Unfortunately, Mr. Heineman is a rarity. He is much like those scorpions that are identical to their cousins in every respect except that they carry no poison in their tails, or like the rare pit bull that doesn’t have the same violent tendencies well-known to be part of his breed. Mr. Heineman–like some of his forebearers 2,000 years ago–chose to break from the tribe and follow the path of peace, righteousness and compassion rather than the dictates of that ‘unique Jewish morality’ and in that moment he became a terrorist in the eyes of his rabbis, be they religious or political in nature.

And in one picture that speaks a thousand words, we can see the answers to all those burning questions concerning Jewish ‘suffering’ and ‘persecution’ that has taken place for thousands of years…We see the reason for the deafening silence on the part of those who call themselves the ‘light among nations’ when it comes to the genocide of 2 million–count ‘em, 2,000,000 Iraqi civilians. Whether it is Jews protesting the slaughter of the Palestinians today or whether it was those who dared protest the slaughter of the ancient Canaanites thousands of years ago, the issue is the same–

‘You stick with the tribe, right or wrong, Jew-boy. You don’t ask questions, you follow orders. If your leaders tell you to go and murder a million people, than you DO IT Goddamnit or you will be crushed like a grasshopper.’

On a spring day 2,000 years ago, Jesus of Nazareth rode into Jerusalem in triumph and the Jews there welcomed Him as a king, shouting ‘Hosanna to God in the Highest…Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord’, laying down palm leaves in His path. The Jewish leadership saw this and were incensed, as Jesus’ teachings threatened to free the Jewish people from the grip of their leaders…

…A week later, the same people who welcomed Jesus as a king were calling for Barabbas–a convicted murderer–to be released and for Jesus–a peaceful, righteous man–to be crucified, shouting ‘Let his blood be upon us and upon our children!’ The change was affected by their leaders who went through the crowd, threatening them if they did not ‘go with the flow’.

Today we see the same thing, as Jews all over the world (with few exceptions) are found cheering for the genocide of the original Semitic peoples of the Holy Land, shouting ‘Let their blood be upon us and upon our children!’

Those who do not add their voices to the mad chorus of the mob are rewarded with bullets to their heads, as was the fine man in this picture Shanbo Heineman. He chose to be a human being instead of a Jew and for that he is regarded as a traitor worthy of death.

Ariel Sharon was right in that interview he gave with Amos Oz in 1982. Jewish morality is ‘unique’. It is very different from the moralities of other religions and cultures throughout history. Other religions and cultures recognize a higher power other than that of man, where the rules of right and wrong do not have an asterisk placed next to them noting an exception exists when it applies to certain people. Jewish morality on the other hand is more ‘flexible’ and allows its people to do certain things that other religions prohibit. It maintains a deceptive, silent, insidious, double-minded and contradictory aspect to its character where the golden rule is ‘whatever benefit’s the Jews is good’. It is the ultimate ‘the end justifies the means’ logic, the same reasoning Cain used in killing his brother Abel.

I never thought I would see eye-to-eye with Ariel Sharon on anything, but surprisingly, after careful and honest consideration, I have to agree with him in that interview in 1982 where he said–

“We’ll hear no more of that nonsense about the unique Jewish morality and all the bs talk about a unique people and of being a light upon the nations. No more uniqueness and no more sweetness and light. Good riddance…’

http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2008/03/20/that-unique-jewish-morali ty/

…to which I must add a simple yet unequivocal ‘Amen…Let us hear no more of it’

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Maybe of interest:

Adolph Eichmann, Iran and the Holocaust Conference T Stokes – June 29, 2006

The Holocaust conference sponsored by Iran
caused much consternation inside Israel. So much so, a Mossad informant tells me, that it was closely monitored for possible reprisal action.

It is this that has prompted the recent release of information on Adolf Eichmann, in an attempt to steal the thunder of what may have come out.

Allied intelligence culled information over many years from retired intelligence sources, the wartime Jewish underground, Mossad, G.R.U and particularly national security archive material. Included in this are documents and information that some would prefer never see the light of day.

Much of this was likely discussed and debated at the Holocaust conference and the ramifications could be far reaching. Indeed, given enough publicity it could have led to a dramatic reappraisal of how we now view the aftermath of WWII and the events of the past few decades.

There is much here that both Israel and America would prefer were forgotten.

Pivotal to this would be the role of Adolph Eichmann, head of Gestapo section IV B4 on Jewish activities.

Along with 120 others including his Zionism expert, Otto Von Bolshwing, many Jewish informers and the brutal Klaus Barbie, Eichmann was given U S protection while some of the 120 were even given U.S. citizenship, because during W W II Churchill had forbidden any intelligence gathering on Russia, whom he said were “our allies.”

However, in the wake of WWII “our allies” infiltrated British intelligence, trade unions and the money supply to spread communism and gather the wealth, as in the Soviet confiscation, of the vast Romanov fortunes.

According to Soviet masterspy, Ruth Cohen, almost every single British spy for communism before, during and after WWII and the cold war, was either Jewish or homosexual or both.

The 1930's Cambridge University debating society called the apostles was run by 12 communist activists, with tentacles into the upper reaches of British power, intelligence and politics.

In documents prior to WWII, the forerunner to the KGB, the Cheka referred to Britain as "the main adversary ". After the war however that changed and K.G.B documents named America in this role, showing a shift in emphasis in Soviet plans.

By the end of WWII, Russia was more of a threat to Anglo-American interests than Germany. The only people who had any intelligence apparatus in Russia during WWII had been the Germans, and thus all their senior personnel were guaranteed immunity from prosecutions by the forerunner to the CIA, the OSS.

Together with “Operation Paperclip” numerous German scientists, intelligence officers, scientific research papers, plans and Nazi technology were smuggled west, to prevent them falling into the hands of the Soviets.

Klaus Barbie and 120 others are listed in restricted documents as CIA assets, which means they kept up the battle against communism by assisting the U.S.A.
Adolph Eichmann, who went to Palestine in 1937 to negotiate a homeland for the Jews, had been assured of CIA protection for life, and the CIA were furious when Israel went back on an agreement and kidnapped him from Argentina in 1960.

The Argentineans were also angry over this betrayal and they asked the U.N. Security Council to mediate.

Intercepted radio traffic describes dealings with the Simon Wiesenthal centre that would only gather and disseminate information on wartime German nationals. However many Germans from the war would only talk to someone impartial, so similar information appeared in David Irvings books, and it is this source information from both the Wiesenthal centre, and Irvings observers that Iran is keen to go through.

A prominent London rabbi told me at Passover in 1961 that tests had shown that it could take 15 minutes to gather a group of men together and gas them. So how did so many in the camps survive for the years of the war?

I am unable to answer this, but the final solution in original documents did not refer to killing people, but to deportation out of Europe, to the island of Madagascar, a plan negotiated by Eichmannn.

Britain’s wartime leaders knew about the plight of the Jews, but were forbidden by the Rothschild banking syndicate to intervene.

As a child I could not understand why Hitler, a man who had rebuilt Germany back from a devastated country after WWI, was so obsessed with Jews. What did they do to deserve this I wondered?

It took many years for me to discover what the wars financiers had done to Germany. As a result of their actions, Hitler intended taking the monetary supply away from the international moneymen and keeping it within Germany — thereby ensuring prosperity.

The Rothschild syndicates admiralty documents seen by me some years ago state something similar. And I believe both Abraham Lincoln and J.F.K were killed because they threatened the monetary supply system monopolised by the same banking syndicates.

Whatever else he was, Eichmann was a Jewish advocate. If you read the original Gestapo paperwork many Germans asked if Eichmann himself was Jewish because he resembled one and because of his work for them. This is not as strange as it may sound, as has been documented as many as 150,000 Germans of Jewish descent served in Germany's army, navy and air force during WWII.

However, Israel needed a scapegoat and rather than try some its founders for collaborating with the Nazis, Eichman was chosen instead. Just as the banking cartels had once used Germany's Jews as a scapegoat.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 9:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


"I wonder: What truth needs protection by penal laws?"

Growing number of Holocaust Infidels across the globe

Forget "Holocaust Denial."

There is a far more appropriate term to describe the growing phenomenon of doubting that the Holocaust occurred as we're told by zionist orthodoxy - Holocaust Infidelity..

Those who doubt are not Holocaust Deniers - they're Holocaust Infidels, being persecuted because they don't believe.

Zionists beware.

There are not enough prisons on earth to house the growing number of "Holocaust infidels" around the world.

Courageous German challenges Shoah Orthodoxy
“The confiscation [of Rudolph’s book] has thus been ordered by the German authorities. I wonder: what truth needs protection by penal laws?”
– Dirk Zimmerman, 36 yr old father of two risks prosecution under Germany’s Hate Speech law for openly doubting the Holocaust


Once again, I repeat myself: I have by the laws of FRG (Federal Republic of Germany) made myself liable to prosecution. I am also a free thinking thought criminal and I deliberately hazard the consequences.

For sure, I do not know how the state will take action against me because of my self-indictment and I also prefer the convenience of everyday life and do not like to endanger myself and my family.

However, I have the right to think for myself and pose questions. This right is infrangible [sic], untouchable. The questioning and illuminating of issues is the mandatory precondition to clear up doubt and to come to the truth by free decision.

And as this is not granted to me, I can say: the Holocaust is not doubtless to me. I do not believe. And although public doubts are a punishable offense, I doubt.

"The conflict between corporations and activists is that of narcolepsy versus remembrance. The corporations have money, power and influence. Our sole influence is public outrage. Extract from "Cloud Atlas (page 125) by David Mitchell.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 9:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Bill O'Reilly uses his great intellect to attack those who DARE to question any aspect of the "Holocaust".

"The conflict between corporations and activists is that of narcolepsy versus remembrance. The corporations have money, power and influence. Our sole influence is public outrage. Extract from "Cloud Atlas (page 125) by David Mitchell.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 11:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dogsmilk. High in the list of raison's d'etre for Wikipedia is maintenance of Jewish/Zionist myths and no 1 is the Holocaust. Destroy that and Jews will desert the Pharisees en masse. Then we are all better off. For their enforced 'chosen' position comes at an intolerable price.

While 6 million in WW2 is a complete nonsense, I would guess that HAD IT BEEN NECESSARY to actually HAVE a holocaust as opposed to the mere appearance of one the Ziocriminals would not have flinched at scarificing as many of 'their own' as required to achieve their aims.

The say things like a Jewish fingernail is worth the life of an Arab - but in secret they consider all life apart from their insider family clique to be disposable and probably in the way/competition.

Right now the story is should we 'allow' himan animal hybrids. The elite don't need permission to do anything. They are almost certainly way ahead of that curve also

Belief is the Enemy of Truth www.dissential.com
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 2:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

That's two powerful posts Blackbear. Hitler however was financed by Jewish Wall St., his 'obsession' with Jews - was it feigned? It seems he may have been Jewish, took great pains to eradicate his heritage, you will know about this
Belief is the Enemy of Truth www.dissential.com
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 7:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

suraci wrote:
Apparently the Auschwitz trip is not compulsory, they'll be give a choice between that and Disneyland, depending on what fairytale they believe in.

Which reminds me, I really must get a shower put in this year.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 6:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Free Speech in Germany (Freie Rede in Deutschland)

View Current Signatures - Sign the Petition

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

To: The German Legislator's petition committee
We, the undersigned, believe that is immoral to enshrine History in law.

The German State's reaction to those who wish to provide an alternative narrative for what has become known as the 'Holocaust' is a horrendous misuse of the principles of jurisprudence. The custodial sentences given to Ernst Zuendel, Germar Rudolf, Sylvia Stolz and others are a clear demonstration that nothing has been learned from the past. It is our firm belief that their sentences should be revoked and the law of Germany changed to reflect a real acceptance of the principles of free speech and the marketplace of ideas.

In 'On Liberty' (1859), the British philosopher John Stuart Mill wrote,

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."

It is a sorry reflection on the German state that it deems it necessary to imprison individuals for nothing more than expressing sincere beliefs. Ironically, it is evocative of the fascism that they so desire to distance themselves from. It is a sign of weakness, of fear and shallow character.
We condemn it utterly.

We believe the time has come for Germany to show some courage. Sixty years of guilt, fear and shame have not allowed the nation to come to terms with its past. The time has come for a 'Realgeschichte' in which truth may be reached through competing narratives. To be afraid of this is to be afraid of the basis of all human knowledge.

Deutschland, wir glauben an Sie.


The Undersigned

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 3:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

First they came for the Nazis......etc.
Dissolution of the Global Corporations.
It's the only way.

It's them or us.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

suraci wrote:
Apparently the Auschwitz trip is not compulsory, they'll be give a choice between that and Disneyland, depending on what fairytale they believe in.

Which reminds me, I really must get a shower put in this year.


This is disgusting. Has this poster been banned?? Why is this comment been allowed to stay here on this forum?


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PostPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sixy wrote:
suraci wrote:
Apparently the Auschwitz trip is not compulsory, they'll be give a choice between that and Disneyland, depending on what fairytale they believe in.

Which reminds me, I really must get a shower put in this year.

This is disgusting. Has this poster been banned?? Why is this comment been allowed to stay here on this forum?


I agree with 'Sixy', 'suraci's' post is abhorant.

'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Strangelove's Wet Dream - a nuclear free fire zone
Peter Chamberlin – March 31, 2008

"You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.
You are a slave..., like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind." – Morpheus.

Never before have so few invested so much, for such long a time, to confuse so many people, about so many things. Never before have so many free people willingly betrayed their own country, their own religion, even their own family, in order to gamble for the opportunity to serve the interests of the powerful few, who are known to reward loyalty so extravagantly. This is typical behavior for a country that gambles enough to support its public school system with proceeds from lottery ticket sales.

Our government, with the help of the psychos and sycophants who worship at its feet, has created a police state, which the people allow to masquerade as a democracy. The various wars against this or that problem in America, but more specifically, the "war on drugs," have been used successfully by our overlords as an excuse to create a police state apparatus, and with it, new omnipresent agencies which made illegal searches and the invasion of privacy in America commonplace, long before the Patriot Act applied it to every facet of our lives.

The American government, in bed with the magnates of big business (the dictionary definition of "fascism"), have been at war with the American people for a very long time. Fat cat Republicans, who regularly bankroll both parties, have long plotted to replace democracy with a fascist dictatorship. Corporations have invested billions in foundations to study the people, in order to make more efficient war upon their minds.

America has the largest prison population in the world, not by accident, but by design. Many years ago it became apparent to the masters of our government that the American people would never submit to the involuntary slavery that awaited them. One day, when the people realized what was being done to them, circumstances would devolve into a military confrontation between Washington and the people. When that day comes, it would be better for government mercenary forces if most young men of fighting age were either overseas, or in jail.

Like the revolutionary movie "Matrix," every totalitarian state will eventually produce an underground resistance, which will find its own charismatic leaders, who can convince enough fellow slaves to rise-up into an irresistible critical mass. It will be the same way here in America, once Internet researchers finally manage to blow the lid off the 911 cover-up, or one of the other pressure cooker political cover-ups that are now being brought to a boil on the stove. When the people can finally get a clear glimpse of the totalitarian state rising around them, they will throw off all pretense of self-serving self-restraint.

The nature of the overthrow will depend upon the length of time required to alert the masses to the dangerous truth. If the people can be aroused to perform their patriotic duty to restrain their government from destroying the world, before it crosses the nuclear threshold, then peaceful change is still possible. The lunatic-in-chief and his supporters in both the political parties are prepared to use nuclear weapons against vast civilian populations, if We the People are unwilling to stop them. This new phase in the war that is allegedly being fought in America's defense will represent the final transmutation of that war into a totally new war, fought to prevent alleged nuclear weapons construction, by unleashing actual nuclear destruction. Strangelove's "wet dream," a nuclear free fire zone.

The disaster unfolding in Washington is like nothing the earth has ever seen. The highest form of government ever produced by man is putting the final stages of planning on freedom's demise, and yet the freest people in the history of the world believe that they are powerless to change anything, as they watch excitedly from the sidelines, screaming patriotic hymns to Clinton and McCain. The planners and their stooges ultimately believe in their own ability to carry forward the grand "success" stories of Iraq and Afghanistan into the rest of the Muslim world. The illusion that they can destroy select areas of the rest of the world without destroying us, helps to calm the delirious worry-free psyches of an immoral society, ready to kill the world to save their own sorry asses.

The war on terrorism uses our beliefs against us. It has been exposed as a holy war between Christianity and Islam, at least that is evidently what the Jewish neocon authors of the war want it to be. It is only a matter of time before it becomes obvious to everyone that the war of the new world order is a war against all religion. Religious belief and basic human morality must be allowed to serve as the basis for the fight against this war, because it is a war on life itself. The inherent evil of the whole operation must become the rallying point for the people to oppose the war. It is nothing less than an egotistical human attempt to overthrow the moral basis of international law, replacing it with the inhumane law of parasitic capitalist Darwinism. Kill everyone who refuses to be made into a slave!

Religious extremists are primary tools for manipulating religious populations into embracing false violent beliefs, in direct contradictions to the peaceful books they were taught from. In both politics and religion, it is the extremists who stand-out, commanding attention, if not respect. It is through the various targeted extremists that the false religious and political beliefs are introduced into the mainstream of ideas. It is within this flow of ideas that we must wade, to fight the false ideas of a war of civilizations and its counterpart a "holy war" between Christianity and Islam.

It is time that extremists in the cause of religious truth and freedom took the fight to our corporate government. We do not have to bow before a form of Zionist-sanctioned political correctness, which leaves no room for truth in an entertainment/indoctrination bureau which masquerades as a free press. Our "free press" has allowed itself to become the greatest threat to freedom our nation has ever faced. It is impossible for a free people to defend itself against an administration of deadly lies when the truth is so easily buried. The American people must become their own press, in order to get around the main obstacle to freedom.

The revolution must be a national rejection of a political system based on lies and cover-ups. Our national resistance movement must take the form of a fight for truth, and it must take place in the national arena. The truth we have learned from the rest of the world, through the alternative media, must become common knowledge. You would think that the way Americans love ironic, sarcastic humor, the majority would eagerly join us over here in the alternative media, to share our fascination with the hypocritical stage theater now being performed for our national amusement, which masquerades as politics and foreign policy.

The national debate has been strangled because of the news blackout over American/Israeli relations and American duplication of Israeli tactics in the war. Criticism of Israel or its tactics which are used by American forces will not be found anywhere in the "legitimate" American press. This news "dead zone," which is geographically centered on Israel, is certain to be where the planned conflict against Iran and everyone associated with Iran will break-out. We have to overcome this news blackout over the selected zone of conflict.

The Zionist censorship of American debate relies upon the accusation of "anti-Semitism" as their primary weapon, to silence fair-minded Americans, who would normally refuse to remain silent in the face of such massive cold-blooded murder on this scale. This instantly has the effect of elevating whatever position they are defending from debate to an (so far) unassailable position beyond debate from the "racist" rabble, otherwise known as "anti-Zionists." By openly making Israel's war America's war, the magical talisman of "anti-Semitism" insulates the Israeli roots of the war on Islam from criticism. Israel must be exposed as the progenitor of this war and the even bigger battle about to be let loose upon the innocent Muslims of the world.

The real racists are the Zionists. It is impossible to fight the racist basis of the war, without exposing this cold hard fact. Ideas of Jewish superiority based on Biblical accounts of ancient Israel are embraced by "Christian" leaders, who ignore the obvious ethnic cleansing and state policies of today's "Israel" that easily match the accepted international definition of "genocide." The ongoing "Shoah" (holocaust) being inflicted upon the Palestians is ignored by the loyal press, while the most cynical Zionists seek to derail true debate by mislabeling feeble homemade rockets as genocidal weapons. Once again, the Zionists turn truth on its head, with its genocidal weapons claim, while denying that the truly horrific thermobaric, phosphorus and uranium-based weapons it has used in Gaza and Lebanon were used in contravention of international law.

If the indigenous people of Palestine are not made to seem inferior, as somewhat less human than the citizens of the "Jewish state," then it becomes much harder to rationalize a "Shoah" upon them, or to "broom them" from their land, like an infestation of vermin. The war against Islam is based on this false position of superiority over all the Muslim people, just as it has been in previous American wars against other non-white populations, who had land or lives available for the taking. The would-be tyrants of the world have always looked at the American genocide of Native Americans as the ultimate example to follow.

For those of you still on the sidelines, who have never been baptized by the fires of vitriol and accusations of "anti-Semitism" that always come from criticizing our government for fighting catastrophic wars to enshrine Israel's security above our own, I invite you to wade into the political waters and be baptized in organized hatred, for daring to speak-out. For I guarantee that the first comments you will hear for breaking the taboo and telling the truth will be very abusive in a special mad dog sort of way. The Jewish extremists (who call themselves Zionists) have manipulated Christians, (who also call themselves Zionists) into fighting a genocidal war against Muslims (whom the Zionists call Islamists), so that the Jewish extremists in Israel could safely, openly, remove all Muslims from "Greater Israel," the land coveted by "the chosen people."

It is wrong to allow a new holocaust of one people to fulfill the territorial ambitions of the descendents of the survivors of the last holocaust.


Get ready for the sanitised/kosher approved 9/11 tale..............coming here soon.!.......
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"It is wrong to allow a new holocaust of one people to fulfill the territorial ambitions of the descendents of the survivors of the last holocaust."

Especially if there was no such thing as the "last holocaust".

But then the new holocaust may be the one of the reasons for the "existence" of the last one eh.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

brian wrote:
"It is wrong to allow a new holocaust of one people to fulfill the territorial ambitions of the descendents of the survivors of the last holocaust."

Especially if there was no such thing as the "last holocaust".

But then the new holocaust may be the one of the reasons for the "existence" of the last one eh.

You can think what you like, but have the decency to respect the sensibilities of those who know damn well there was a very real Holocaust under the Nazis, and there are still a handful of survivors around, and many relatives of victims.
Israel's treatment of the Palestinians is abominable; attack it all you like (many Jews would join you), but Holocaust Denial is another thing altogether, and has NO PLACE ON THIS FORUM.

Please confine yourselves to condemning the very real crimes of the Israelis, and stop desecrating the memory of millions of Jewish victims of the Nazis.

'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

outsider wrote:
brian wrote:
"It is wrong to allow a new holocaust of one people to fulfill the territorial ambitions of the descendents of the survivors of the last holocaust."

Especially if there was no such thing as the "last holocaust".

But then the new holocaust may be the one of the reasons for the "existence" of the last one eh.

You can think what you like, but have the decency to respect the sensibilities of those who know damn well there was a very real Holocaust under the Nazis, and there are still a handful of survivors around, and many relatives of victims.
Israel's treatment of the Palestinians is abominable; attack it all you like (many Jews would join you), but Holocaust Denial is another thing altogether, and has NO PLACE ON THIS FORUM.

Please confine yourselves to condemning the very real crimes of the Israelis, and stop desecrating the memory of millions of Jewish victims of the Nazis.

outsider, you, like others, completely miss the point I thought I made clear.

I do not think what I like, I look at the evidence and the evidence tells me that what we are asked, even forced to believe regards the holocaust is a monumental lie. Do you understand?

Who has the power to promote the lie and suppress the truth of the USS Liberty incident which had it panned out as planned would have made Sept 11 a minor incident by comparison?

Who has the power to promote the lie and suppress the truth of Sept 11?

Who has the power to promote the myth and suppress of the truth of holocaust?

What group is central to and would and have benefited from such lies?

You need to examine your own position regards what is relevant to the bigger picture or perhaps it is you that has NO PLACE ON THIS FORUM.

If you have read this thread carefully you should have seen that evidence for the holocaust as we understand it is as lacking as the official account of Sept 11 is. If that does not lead you to accept that examination and exposure of the weaknesses in the holocaust myth has relevance then I say that is your problem and by extension all our problem. It is by such myths we are governed.

Whatever you choose to believe, if choosing rather than deciding on the basis of evidence is your way, please refrain from the rather cheap tactic of accusing me of desecrating the memory ..... nonsense. It serves neither yourself or truth.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 5:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Outsider, I totally agree with you. It sickens me to be quite honest. I too feel that this 'discussion' which has lead to Holocaust denial should be looked at on this forum as it has lead to some incredibly hateful and offensive comments made.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So much for meaningful, intelligent, objective, rational, dispassionate discussion of the evidence (or lack thereof). Perhaps we should similarly emotionalize all 9/11 discussions.
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." ~ Thomas Jefferson
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alulim wrote:
So much for meaningful, intelligent, objective, rational, dispassionate discussion of the evidence (or lack thereof). Perhaps we should similarly emotionalize all 9/11 discussions.

I think if people went round claiming no-one died on 911 based on some flimsy claims made by neo-Nazis the discussion may possibly provoke some emotion don't you?

Brian wrote:
I do not think what I like, I look at the evidence and the evidence tells me that what we are asked, even forced to believe regards the holocaust is a monumental lie. Do you understand?

What evidence is this then? Your air raid bathing room no-one ever saw?

Brian wrote:
Who has the power to promote the lie and suppress the truth of the USS Liberty incident which had it panned out as planned would have made Sept 11 a minor incident by comparison?

Who has the power to promote the lie and suppress the truth of Sept 11?

Who has the power to promote the myth and suppress of the truth of holocaust?

What group is central to and would and have benefited from such lies?

Well I'm stumped. I give up. Who?

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dogsmilk wrote:
Alulim wrote:
So much for meaningful, intelligent, objective, rational, dispassionate discussion of the evidence (or lack thereof). Perhaps we should similarly emotionalize all 9/11 discussions.

I think if people went round claiming no-one died on 911 based on some flimsy claims made by neo-Nazis the discussion may possibly provoke some emotion don't you?

Depends. We talkin' Jews or are we talkin' Israelis?

Danny Lewin and one other Israeli who had connections to Israeli intelligence were allegedly passengers on the ill-fated planes. Only one Israeli who was in the WTC died on 9/11. There is a confirmed report that an Israel-based instant messaging service issued a forewarning of the pending attack to its subscribers. Anybody with half a clue about the demographics of the finance industry would see that something is very strange there.

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." ~ Thomas Jefferson
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 9:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

outsider wrote:
Sixy wrote:
suraci wrote:
Apparently the Auschwitz trip is not compulsory, they'll be give a choice between that and Disneyland, depending on what fairytale they believe in.

Which reminds me, I really must get a shower put in this year.

This is disgusting. Has this poster been banned?? Why is this comment been allowed to stay here on this forum?


I agree with 'Sixy', 'suraci's' post is abhorant.[/quote]

S has been banned for this total lack of taste or class

The post has been left since it perfectly illustrates (on page 1) one of the main issues here.

HR/HD will continue to be marginalised and deservedly so if it tolerates HD advocates voicing such b/s.

In the same way 9/11 truth will deserve to be marginalised if 9/11 truth campaigners fail to challenge racism and the racist connections in thier midst.

A very important lesson here for 9/11 truth. Tolerance of different perspectives is great until that tolerance also includes tolerance of intolerance and racism

If HDers want a dispassionate evidence based discussion they should refuse to accept that racists / nazis in their midst and even then accept that (even more so than 9/11) the holocaust is an emotive issue.

People do tend to be quite passionate about the subject of nazi war crimes and rightly so.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 9:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Actually I have hidden the post in question but allowed the reactions to it to remain.

Thanks so much to Outider for spotting it and pointing it out.

All users please take note and PrivateMessage Ian, John or myself, or all of us, when you see racist content such as this.

This is part of what I hope is a new awareness spreading throughout the Western world - that we can no longer rely on the institutions we have to get engaged ourselves. Most people on this site are aware of that I'm sure.

'Citizens' arrests' such as this initiative by outsider are much appreciated by what is an inclusive 'management' here. You are our eyes and ears.

ian neal wrote:

The post has been left since it perfectly illustrates (on page 1) one of the main issues here.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 11:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

With absolute honesty, I will say that I believe the entire Holocaust(TM) accusation is racism of the highest order. The fact that the accused have virtually no recourse to fair hearing is insult added to injury.
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." ~ Thomas Jefferson
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 5:59 pm    Post subject: Message to German Embassy RE: Imprisonment of Germar Rudolf Reply with quote

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Message to the German Embassy Regarding the Imprisonment of Germar Rudolf

I am confident that any informed and intelligent German citizen knows that Germar Rudolf is in prison for speaking the Truth as he knows it. His research is of the highest scholarly and scientific standards. His conclusions are arrived at through valid reasoning on the basis of sound premises. In other words, I have concluded that Germar Rudolf is in prison for being intelligent, truthful, right and patriotic.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights — Article 19 clearly states that:

"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

By imprisoning Germar Rudolf, the German government is clearly guilty of a blatant and egregious violation of human rights in both the letter and the spirit of the law.

During the Cold War I served two years in Germany as a soldier in the United States Army. I did so with pride in the conviction that I was defending the German people against exactly the evil that is being wrought upon the good and honest Germar Rudolf. As I have demonstrated by this service, I would willingly bear arms against a government which conducts its affairs as does the current German government. I do not say this despite my German-American heritage dating to 1776, I say this because of my heritage.

In the off chance that this missive might be perceived as undiplomatic, I will say that I am speaking the Truth without pretense. If you want affected "diplomacy", talk to Heinz Alfred Kissinger.

Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms


"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." ~ Thomas Jefferson
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 8:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rabbi Eliyahu: Life of one yeshiva boy worth more than 1,000 Arabs

Mass Jerusalem service marks one-month anniversary of deadly attack on Mercaz Harav rabbinical seminary. 'We do not seek vengeance, we seek retaliation,' says yeshiva head says

Some 1,000 people attended a memorial service at the Mercaz Harav rabbinical seminary Thursday, marking the one-month anniversary of the murderous attack which claimed the lives of eight young men.

Also attending the service were many prominent rabbis of the Religious Zionist Movement, who were not shy about expressing their rage against the government's policy.

Rabbi Yaakov Shapira, head of the Mercaz Harav yeshiva, chose to explain the attack by saying that "the Torah and the land of Israel are acquired only through agony."

Former Sephardi chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu called on the government to decree that for every life lost in the attack another yeshiva and township will be formed.

"Even when we seek revenge, it is important to make one thing clear – the life of one yeshiva boy is worth more than the lives of 1,000 Arabs.

"The Talmud states that if gentiles rob Israel of silver they will pay it back in gold, and all that is taken will be paid back in folds, but in cases like these there is nothing to pay back, since as I said – the life of one yeshiva boy is worth more than the lives of 1,000 Arabs," added Rabbi Eliyahu.

Ramat Gan's chief rabbi, Yaacov Ariel, chose to deliver a more moderate message: "We do not seek vengeance, we seek retaliation. The terrorist's house should have been demolished immediately, regardless of the law. It should have been done because it was a matter of life and death – the deterrence could help save future lives."

"We are against killing innocent people or harming children," he added, "but once terrorists hide behind children, we have to strike back. The blood of those living in Sderot is worth just as much as the blood of those the terrorists hide behind."

Mercaz Harav will be holding a vigil in memory of those killed in the attack all through Thursday night.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 9:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 8:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?channelid=38&contentid=484 4

This article perfectly states the situation as I see it myself.

The Worst Anti-Semites Are Zionists

(Nov 28, 2007) The worst anti-Semites are Zionists who create anti-Semitism and use it to dupe and coerce Jews into advancing the Illuminati bankers' plan for world government dictatorship.

In the past, I have argued that Zionism is a protection racket and conspiracy against Jews. Today, I will suggest they have suppressed normal Jewish cultural/spiritual expression and hijacked the Jewish people to serve their perverted cause.

Before Zionists took over the US government, they took over the American Jewish community and made it their instrument.

Henry Hurwitz's "Menorah Journal" and Menorah Societies were an attempt by American Jewry to see itself culturally and spiritually as an end in itself, rather than a means to serve and support the "Jewish homeland." Zionists suppressed this free and democratic group, in the same way as they are depriving all Americans of their political and cultural freedom.


Henry Hurwitz started the first Menorah Society at Harvard University in 1906 and "The Menorah Journal" in 1915. The Menorah movement stood "for the study and advancement of Jewish culture and ideals in America." By the end of the First World War, the movement had expanded to include the Intercollegiate Menorah Association, Summer School, Education Conference and Board of Lecturers.

Essentially the movement fostered non-dogmatic non-political study of Jewish history, spirit and culture. It was open to different points of view and initially received support from the central bankers. But when Hurwitz insisted that Judaism had nothing to do with Zionism, and Jews ought to feel perfectly at home in America, the bankers froze the Menorah movement's charitable funding.

In 1958, Hurwitz wrote a friend, "We have had more than one coy proposal from this and that wealthy organization to take us over. Our financial problems would then be 'solved.'And our freedom--that is, our true life--dissolved." (Menuhin, The Decadence of Judaism in Our Time, 1965. p.366)

In the Autumn-Winter 1959 issue of the "Menorah Journal," Hurwitz describes the effect of "bigotry" i.e. Zionist banker control of organized Jewry.

"This bigotry strikes beyond one old established independent organization and its magazine, which have perhaps rendered some service to Judaism through more than half a century. This bigotry poisons the air of Jewish communal life in America. It tries to suppress...the basic American principles of free speech and free press. It penalizes honest analysis [of those] who control the Jewish public tax-exempt philanthropic funds, and hence have the power to enrich favorite organizations, while starving others that do not bend the knees...Thus, they actually hinder here a rational long-view consideration of the best interests of the people of Israel themselves.

" Moreover, as is well known, a very large proportion of the supposedly voluntary philanthropic donations are extracted from business and professional men on threats of punitive economic and social sanctions. This must be described as what it is--a species of terrorism. Such terrorism has become a most effective technique in large Jewish fund raising." (Menuhin, p. 367)

Unfortunately the Menorah movement died with its founder in 1961. Its work was partly continued by the American Council for Judaism , under its dynamic founder Rabbi Elmer Berger (1908-1996.) In 1965, Moshe Menuhin characterized American Jewish life in the following terms:

"Today in America, Jewish culture and even Jewish religion has degenerated into 'Jewish' nationalism, and Jewish philanthropists, Jewish schools, Jewish segregated services, have been all subverted (with a few noble exceptions) into serving...the up building of the 'Jewish homeland'...(468)

(A measure of this: Moshe Menuhin had to self-publish his book.)


My guess is that American Jewry is about evenly divided : half is alienated from all things Jewish; half is under the control of organized Jewry, i.e. the central banking cartel. This cartel, synonymous with the name Rothschild, is behind all major wars and depressions of the past 300 years, behind Communism, Fascism and the Holocaust, behind 9-11 and the bogus war on terror. Nothing in this world happens without money and they control government credit.

They need to enslave us to protect this world monopoly. Their goal is to remake mankind into a slave race by destroying the basis of our humanity: nationhood, religion (God), race and family.

This enemy sits at the heart of our political, financial and cultural life. It has co-opted all groups in the same way as it has co-opted Jews. However, organized Jewry is leading the assault on our freedom. The Masonic B'nai Brith is behind the "hate speech" legislation and Bill S 1959 which would treat their political opponents as if they were "anti-Semites" and "terrorists."

The bankers are the real terrorists. They organized 9-11 using the secret services and they are behind "Al Queda." They may be planning another world war starting with a conflagration between Israel and Iran.

They are also the real anti-Semites. They have sacrificed Jews to their agenda before (Communism, Nazism, Zionism) and will do so again. All Jews will be blamed for the New World Order, even though half are indifferent, and the other half are willing dupes.

While I was writing this article, I got an email from a reader who said he had just given a Jewish friend "Hell."

"I don't know if this means anything but I'm tired of feeling powerless to all these b****** and if I can make them eat some of their own *...good. I also told him that Jews aren't stupid and if we had quit giving money to Israel 30 yrs ago there may be peace over there. Well, it's done and a little "* Me...* YOU!!" ain't bad..I'm just a redneck at heart I guess."

It's time that Jews realized that anti-Semitism is caused by the bankers' megalomanical agenda and is used to implicate and blame ordinary Jews. The bankers hate real Jews and real Judaism. They would never have created Israel if it were just a "Jewish homeland." It is their private fiefdom, army and nuclear arsenal, part of their agenda for world government and world war. Jews are just pawns in their game.

It's time ordinary Jews stopped defending the bankers (which confirms everyone's worst suspicions.) It's time we took Henry Hurwitz's example, and stood shoulder-to- shoulder with our fellow Americans in the fight of our lives.

*** Henry Makow Ph.D. is the author of "Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order." (www.cruelhoax.ca) His articles can be found at his web site www.henrymakow.com He enjoys receiving comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only. hmakow@gmail.com

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 12:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

UN expert stands by Nazi comments

Tim Franks..BBC Middle East correspondent

The next UN investigator into Israeli conduct in the occupied territories has stood by comments comparing Israeli actions in Gaza to those of the Nazis.

Speaking to the BBC, Professor Richard Falk said he believed that up to now Israel had been successful in avoiding the criticism that it was due.

Professor Falk is scheduled to take up his post for the UN Human Rights Council later in the year.

But Israel wants his mandate changed to probe Palestinian actions as well.

Professor Falk said he drew the comparison between the treatment of Palestinians with the Nazi record of collective atrocity, because of what he described as the massive Israeli punishment directed at the entire population of Gaza.

He said he understood that it was a provocative thing to say, but at the time, last summer, he had wanted to shake the American public from its torpor.

Israeli actions in Gaza are collective punishment, says Falk

"If this kind of situation had existed for instance in the manner in which China was dealing with Tibet or the Sudanese government was dealing with Darfur, I think there would be no reluctance to make that comparison," he said.

That reluctance was, he argued, based on the particular historical sensitivity of the Jewish people, and Israel's ability to avoid having their policies held up to international law and morality.

These and other comments from Professor Falk comments are, if anything, even harsher than the current UN investigator, John Dugard, who himself has been withering about Israel's actions.

A spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry said that Israel wanted the UN investigator's mandate changed, so that he could look into human rights violations by the Palestinians as well as Israel.

If that were not to happen, the Israeli government may consider barring entry to the new UN investigator.


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 12:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

UN expert stands by Nazi comments

Tim Franks..BBC Middle East correspondent

The next UN investigator into Israeli conduct in the occupied territories has stood by comments comparing Israeli actions in Gaza to those of the Nazis.

Speaking to the BBC, Professor Richard Falk said he believed that up to now Israel had been successful in avoiding the criticism that it was due.

Professor Falk is scheduled to take up his post for the UN Human Rights Council later in the year.

But Israel wants his mandate changed to probe Palestinian actions as well.

Professor Falk said he drew the comparison between the treatment of Palestinians with the Nazi record of collective atrocity, because of what he described as the massive Israeli punishment directed at the entire population of Gaza.

He said he understood that it was a provocative thing to say, but at the time, last summer, he had wanted to shake the American public from its torpor.

Israeli actions in Gaza are collective punishment, says Falk

"If this kind of situation had existed for instance in the manner in which China was dealing with Tibet or the Sudanese government was dealing with Darfur, I think there would be no reluctance to make that comparison," he said.

That reluctance was, he argued, based on the particular historical sensitivity of the Jewish people, and Israel's ability to avoid having their policies held up to international law and morality.

These and other comments from Professor Falk comments are, if anything, even harsher than the current UN investigator, John Dugard, who himself has been withering about Israel's actions.

A spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry said that Israel wanted the UN investigator's mandate changed, so that he could look into human rights violations by the Palestinians as well as Israel.

If that were not to happen, the Israeli government may consider barring entry to the new UN investigator.


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bible Is Hate Says US Government
Rev. Ted Pike

In its recent report to Congress, the U.S. State Department "Office of Global Anti-Semitism" makes a startling policy statement. It says the New Testament record that the Jews had Christ crucified is "classical anti-Semitism" -- a historic form of hate. 1
In its 2005 report to Congress, the State Department included as an "anti-Semitic incident" the case of a Polish priest who said Jews killed Christ. Today, three years later, the State Department could not be clearer.

Are you one of tens of millions of Christians who agree with Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ that evil Jewish leaders incited a Jewish mob and persuaded Pilate to have Christ crucified? The U.S. government now considers you "anti-Semitic." You are part of a worldwide scourge the U.S. government, Canada, Australia, and 55 European nations are uniting to suppress. 2

In the many countries now ruled by hate laws, it is already a federal offense to repeat the claim of New Testament "hate literature" that the Jews had Christ crucified. 3 The State Department's equation of Biblical Christianity with "hate" is an ominous indication. The Jewish Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith ­ architect of hate laws worldwide (and primary ideological and statistics-gathering force behind the Office of Global Anti-Semitism) -- is moving rapidly to create bias against Christians as haters, particularly of Jews and homosexuals.

Despite passionate support of Israel by evangelicals, ADL claims Christianity is inherently anti-Semitic. ADL says the New Testament is the seedbed of suspicion and blame against Jews leading to the Holocaust of WW II. 3 Televangelist John Hagee, recipient of numerous ADL/B'nai B'rith awards, upholds ADL propaganda. He preaches that Jews did not reject or kill Christ, do not have to accept Him, and that New Testament Christianity is a primary source of anti-Semitism throughout the ages. 4
As Jewish-dominated media increasingly persuades the public and government to agree with this stereotype, it will become easier to pass Christian-restricting hate crimes laws. 5 All who adhere to the Bible on homosexuality or Jewish complicity in Christ's death could be subject to state-sponsored prosecution.

Bible believers aren't the only ones at risk. The State Department report also says it is anti-Semitic to:

1. Allege "intentionally or unintentionally" that the state of Israel persecutes Palestinians.
2. Criticize "intentionally or unintentionally" Zionism or Israel if such criticism leads to lowering of the public opinion of Jews or the government, military, or people of Israel (p. 33).
3. Compare the behavior of Israel's leaders and military (in suppression of Palestinians) to Nazis (p. 22).
4. Publish cartoons depicting the Israeli government and military as similar to Nazis.
5. Diminish the 6-million figure of Holocaust dead in any amount.
6. Question that gas chambers were the primary means of killing 6 million Jews (p.22).
7. Allege that Jews exert undue influence in Congress and the White House.
8. Allege that Jews exert undue influence in the media.
9. Claim there exists a "Jewish conspiracy" to dominate society (p.19).
10. Allege that American Jews are equally loyal to Israel (p.19).
11. Deny the people of Israel their "right of self-determination." This means upholding Biblical law that the Jewish people cannot reoccupy Palestine in unrighteousness. This also means denying them occupation through illegal settlements of all the territory promised to Abraham.
12. Reveal hostility (as Christ did) toward Talmudic (pharisaic) Judaism.

The State Department warns against "unintentional" anti-Semitism (i.e. criticism of Israel, or making known unpleasant facts about Judaism). These acts might not be meant to stimulate anti-Semitism, but do. The moral? Be safe; don't criticize Israel or matters Jewish at all. Evil people might twist legitimate facts to hateful ends.

Clearly, an office of the U.S. State Department has been created by the Anti-Defamation League, at taxpayer expense, as a propaganda oracle of its own anti-Christian "hate crimes agenda." Congress unanimously created this office of thought crimes disinformation in 2004. Cast your vote to end its influence: call your Senators and Representative. Call toll-free at 1-877-851-6437. Tell them: "Please revoke funding for the State Department's Office of Global Anti-Semitism. It does not represent scholarly research but the anti-Christian biases of the Anti-Defamation League."

Your members of Congress voted in this Orwellian "ministry of propaganda." They can vote it out. Call now!

Lust for Power

It is obvious that ADL/ B'nai B'rith, Israel, and international Zionism are demanding a place of freedom from constructive criticism. Americans do not give such to our government, politicians, or military. Yet the Jewish-dominated Department of Global Anti-Semitism expects us to give it to a foreign government, Israel.

What does freedom from criticism for Jews and Israel really mean? It is not compassion, or compensation for centuries of Jewish suffering. It is not real security for Israel.

Freedom from criticism is what the Neros, Napoleons, Hitlers and Stalins of history were similarly obsessed to obtain ­ at the price of others' freedom.

It's called dictatorship.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 4:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Genocide announced

Bombs would fall under other circumstances, but when influential rabbis call for the total annihilation of the Palestinians the world watches without blinking

Saleh Al-Naami, Al-Ahram Weekly

April 10, 2008

"All of the Palestinians must be killed; men, women, infants, and even their beasts." This was the religious opinion issued one week ago by Rabbi Yisrael Rosen, director of the Tsomet Institute, a long-established religious institute attended by students and soldiers in the Israeli settlements of the West Bank. In an article published by numerous religious Israeli newspapers two weeks ago and run by the liberal Haaretz on 26 March, Rosen asserted that there is evidence in the Torah to justify this stand. --

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