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9/11 Truth on Air America's 'Clout' podcast

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PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 9:40 pm    Post subject: 9/11 Truth on Air America's 'Clout' podcast Reply with quote

Please help….

Richard Greene is asking listeners to promote his Thursday shows which are dedicated to covering the topic of 9/11 for this month on Air America. Last night's show featured a great debate with many of our favorite truth representatives including Prof. Stephen Jones and Kevin Barret. As usual, they could only find one debunker (John Brown) to defend the official story who was military and initially pretended as if he was impartial. By the end though he was getting downright angry and emotional. Bombastic defensiveness is a key sign to look for when one senses that he/she is losing an argument. It was revealed in this debate that un-reacted ("duds" in laymen's terms) nano-thermate (or super-thermate) charges were found. This stuff apparently could’ve been painted on the beams (I believe that paint was also found) making it very quick and easy to do, virtually unnoticeable to any observer and undetectable to bomb sniffing dogs. Ideal materials for the job in other words.

Anyway, back to my initial point. Greene said that he has a device monitoring the web-traffic and if it goes up significantly he will continue to do 9/11 truth shows. He said that he’s already seeing a record volume of visitors. Please at the very least browse the Clout web-page and help to boost the hit numbers. Even better yet, register and voice your support at the blog below. Offer some recommendations for future guests and 9/11 related topics. Forward this information to as many people as you can via e-mail or word of mouth.


This is critical to helping sustain the 9/11 truth movement. I have an inkling that if this month of truth pilot series becomes enough of a ratings success, other hosts will soon follow suit. We need to help create a demand for this subject and make it lucrative for radio hosts in general to challenge the official version of 9/11. I hope that other Air America hosts are paying attention. I hope this expands even beyond Air America. This is where our influence is strongest. Let the world know that 9/11 truth is mainstream and highly marketable.

Here's the debate.
http://www.radiodujour.com/mp3/20080508_richardgreene_scholarsdebate.m p3

Last edited by Me on Fri May 09, 2008 9:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 9:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The no planers/no brainers have invaded the Clout blog with nonsense propaganda. See here.

http://airamerica.com/clout/blog/2008/may/08/clout-thursday-month-trut h-week-2#comment-435243

Who is telling the truth?

This programme/these programmes could be more of a breakthrough than it is/they are.

It is shocking that the mainstream media are not telling the truth about 9/11. Here, Eric Larsen covers the main points which indicate the very deep trouble the mainstream media is in (in the UK and the USA and most other countires).


I haven't heard all of this broadcast, but my question is this: did ANY of the speakers cover the current Qui Tam cases of Dr Reynolds and Dr Wood. My guess is "no they didn't". This therefore begs 2 questions:

1) Why don't the mainstream media talk about them?
2) Why don't Steve Jones, Kevin Barrett et al talk about them?

When someone starts a court case, it is because they have evidence - evidence that they feel is strong enough to win the case - here, in showing that NIST's contractors committed fraud.

Is this one of the real truths of 9/11 which even supposed 9/11 truthers will not discuss?

Why not check the evidence for yourselves;


Are you ready to consider how the towers were really destroyed or do you think it was (a) Jet fuel + gravity (b) Thermite + explosives which turned steel to dust or (c) Something much more exotic.

Again, check the evidence before deciding.


Also check who is ignoring this evidence.

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By AndrewJohnson_ukMay 9, 2008 - 6:23am

What about the Court Cases???

I second the request for coverage of Dr Judy Wood's and Dr Morgan Reynolds' court cases.

Dr Wood is a former Professor of Mechanical Engineering from Clemson University, and Dr Reynolds is the former Chief Economist of the US Department of Labor. Their combined effort, under guidance of mainstream attorney Jerry Leaphart, produced two groundbreaking Qui Tam cases in the US District Court, Southern District of New York.

Dr Wood's case alleges that directed energy weapons were a causal factor in the destruction of the World Trade Center. Wood has made some amazing discoveries, including the fact that the government contracted with several sponsors of the Directed Energy Professional Society for the NIST Report on the WTC destruction. Prior to her court case, she filed a Request for Correction with NIST where she describes the fraudulent nature of the NIST Report.

Dr Reynolds' case alleges that no planes hit the WTC, and is supported by a ton of admissible evidence. For instance, videos aired by the media have been shown to be faked, as they violate Laws of Physics. Dr Reynolds also filed a Request of Correction detailing the evidence.

It's been two years since Dr Steven Jones went on C-SPAN and publicly declared his "hard evidence" of thermite. One must wonder why Jones hasn't mentioned this hard evidence in the Request for Correction his team filed with NIST. Jones' work does not seem to be leading anywhere.

In contrast, Wood's and Reynolds' official court cases have been mentioned (although vaguely) in the New York Times.

The following two articles offer much additional information:

9/11 Directed Energy Weapon / TV-Fakery Suppression Timeline

Debunking the 9/11 *Anti-No-Plane-Theory* Myths

Did New Yorkers really see planes, or was it a military PSYOPS hologram? The above article contains a link to a Feb 1, 1999 Washington Post article detailing how the military could do exactly that. Take a look!

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By CB_BrooklynMay 9, 2008 - 1:40pm
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PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 9:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm having trouble posting there. I can't tell if it's on my end or not. I put together a post to refute the no planers but I can't get it up. If anyone else has more success posting there can you forward the following information for me?


Judy Woods and Morgan Reynolds (and anyone shilling for them) are nothing more than disinformation agent provocateurs. They are part of the government’s controlled opposition which promotes patently absurd theories involving holograms and particle beam weapons which no TRUE 9/11 truther supports. They’re also commonly known as “no planers” (or 'no brainers' as I like to call them). This is propaganda designed to distract people’s attention away from the solid research surrounding the controlled demolition hypothesis. In other words, trying to throw the inquiring public off the right trail by posing as your friend to earn your trust and then pointing you in the wrong direction. But they are not your friends folks, they are your arch enemies and should not be trusted under any circumstances. Many of them have even started petitions opposing controlled demolition research altogether. They're afraid of it because they know that it's truth. These “no planers” also like to appear at 9/11 truth gatherings carrying signs that say “we did it” implying (just like Geraldo did) that truthers carry out terrorist attacks which is ridiculous. The “no planers” are really the violent ones as demonstrated in the video below. These kinds of staged provocations are then used by the police and Feds in order to break up otherwise peaceful protests as was the case in Canada. It’s a common tactic used in any oppressive police state.

The yellow journalists at Popular Mechanics for example just love “debunking” the phony hologram theory because it’s so easy to disprove and it makes the 9/11 truth movement look silly. It’s supposed to and that’s exactly why it was dreamt up as a straw man to knock down in the first place. 9/11 truthers are then forced to constantly repeat that they are not associated with such nonsense. Some well meaning truthers are even fooled in to believing this garbage and end up totally lost by design. They've been lured in to the trap, the dead end. The government smiles each time that they're able to rope in another unsuspecting victim in to their "no planer" web of deceit. Don't fall for it!

Learn more here...

http://www.infowars.com/articles/sept11/fringe_theories_harming_911_tr uth_movement.htm

'Fringe Theories Harming 9/11 Truth Movement'

"... it is necessary to step back and distance ourselves from the more outlandish 9/11 theories and offset their damaging effects."

"Popular Mechanics seized upon the no planes at the WTC theory and dishonestly exhaulted it as a core argument of the 9/11 truth movement.

Therefore it is our remit to distance ourselves from completely unsubstantiated theories which have the effect of eclipsing proven holes in the official story. The hologram theory is severely damaging to the credibility that the 9/11 truth movement has fought so hard to obtain and should therefore be sidelined and shunned at all costs."


Here's a video of a "no planer" committing random acts of violence against REAL 9/11 truthers and then being protected by the complicit police force.


...................................................................... ........

Here’s an article about the Canadian police force which was caught red-handed using similar tactics in an attempt to disrupt peaceful assembly. This is what "no planers" do.


'Canadian Police Caught Attempting To Stage Riots'

"Quebec provincial authorities have admitted that three rock-wielding mask-wearing "anarchists" were in fact police infiltrators used to gather information on protesters at this week's SPP summit, but authorities are still ludicrously denying the fact that the provocateurs were intent on causing a riot in order to justify a heavy-handed response."

...................................................................... ...........

The media then seizes the opportunity to attack the 9/11 truth movement and falsely label it as a domestic threat. This is right out of Hitler's playbook and the "no planers" are helping to draw up the plays.


'Geraldo Rivera conflates 9/11 skeptics with Terrorists'

"Geraldo Rivera: "I think that this bomber isn't Al Qaeda, isn't anything like that... He's more like those '9/11 was an inside job' kind of guys... Protesting in a violent way, but in a violent way almost like the eco-terrorists... where they don't intend to inflict casualties."

...................................................................... .

Don't allow yourself to be suckered by the previous government paid "no planers". Holograms do not produce the distinct roaring sound of jet engines.
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PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2008 2:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nut case 'no planer' Paula Gloria was on the Howard Stern show Monday promoting the government's cointelrpo disinformation (hologram/particle beam) 9/11 theories. Straw man theories which are favorites of Popular Mechanics to knock down because they’re so illogical. Anyway, Stern's people used to prank call her on a new age cable access show so they had her on to discuss it. That's when she took the opportunity to explain her theory of TV fakery which is absurd. Stern, staff and callers belittled her and assumed that all 9/11 truthers believe as she does. They totally took the bait. This is part of controlled opposition by design. She made sure to mention that thermite was not the cause. She came off as loopy and disjointed mentally. A perfect Judas goat to sabotage REAL 9/11 truthers in the minds of those who still aren’t knowledgeable on the subject.

Then I found out that Nico Haupt is a co-host of her show. The same provocateur that once attacked We Are Change members and held signs that said, “we did it” implicating truthers in the Times Square bombing. This was disinformation at it’s worst. The same idiots who invaded the Clout blog. Gary the producer of the show said he found her with a picture of a swastika on the web. She tried to argue some phony spiritual angle. During the wrap-up show Gary also said that his thirteen year old son tried to get him to watch Loose Change and he had to explain to him that it was bull *. Stern really showed how naive he was in this interview.

Paula Gloria & Nico Haupt:

Paula's Stern appearance in no particular order:

http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=paula+gloria+howard+stern& search_sort=video_date_uploaded
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PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2008 9:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

thanks for posting this stuff.

with "friends" like these....
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PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2008 8:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Me wrote:
Nut case 'no planer' Paula Gloria was on the Howard Stern show Monday promoting the government's cointelrpo disinformation (hologram/particle beam) 9/11 theories. Straw man theories which are favorites of Popular Mechanics to knock down because they’re so illogical. Anyway, Stern's people used to prank call her on a new age cable access show so they had her on to discuss it. That's when she took the opportunity to explain her theory of TV fakery which is absurd. Stern, staff and callers belittled her and assumed that all 9/11 truthers believe as she does. They totally took the bait. This is part of controlled opposition by design. She made sure to mention that thermite was not the cause. She came off as loopy and disjointed mentally. A perfect Judas goat to sabotage REAL 9/11 truthers in the minds of those who still aren’t knowledgeable on the subject.

Then I found out that Nico Haupt is a co-host of her show. The same provocateur that once attacked We Are Change members and held signs that said, “we did it” implicating truthers in the Times Square bombing. This was disinformation at it’s worst. The same idiots who invaded the Clout blog. Gary the producer of the show said he found her with a picture of a swastika on the web. She tried to argue some phony spiritual angle. During the wrap-up show Gary also said that his thirteen year old son tried to get him to watch Loose Change and he had to explain to him that it was bull *. Stern really showed how naive he was in this interview.

Paula Gloria & Nico Haupt:

Paula's Stern appearance in no particular order:

http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=paula+gloria+howard+stern& search_sort=video_date_uploaded

Well, we can't really make *holes like Haupt and Gloria go away, so why not start a campaign to have someone a little more sane and competent discuss the issue on his show?

I bet Louder Than Words are willing to be guests.

I suspect Stern isn't interested, however... his show is about making fun of people - even if he believed in 9/11 truth as a cause, making fun of Paula and Nico is way more in keeping with his format.

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PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2008 8:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

moved to campaigning
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 7:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

http://prisonplanet.com/audio/HOWARD%20STERN%20-%20JESSE%20VENTURA%205 -21-08.mp3

Ventura Fears ‘We Did 9/11 To Ourselves’

Former Governor Jesse Ventura went further in his 9/11 skepticism than ever before today when he told the Howard Stern Show of his fear that elements of the U.S. government carried out the attack, stating, “I hate to fear….that we possibly did it to ourselves.”

“There’s a lot of very difficult questions that have not been answered and no one seems to want to provide any answers,” Ventura told Stern, adding that the most prescient was, “That a third building could fall into its own footprint five hours later having not been struck by much of anything….the 9/11 Commission didn’t even address the issue.

Pressed by Stern as to what he thought had happened, Ventura stated, “I hate to fear what could have happened that possibly we did it to ourselves,” to which Stern responded “you’re kidding me”.

Ventura explained that he worked in demolitions when he was in the Navy and questioned how the buildings could fall at the rate of gravity.

The former Governor countered skepticism on behalf of Stern and his co-hosts by pointing out that the WTC towers were built to withstand a jetliner impact.

Stern said it was “unthinkable” that our own government could have perpetrated the attack, to which Ventura reasoned, “Nothing is unthinkable - you’re talking about power, you’re talking about foreign policy changing over this event, you’re talking about getting control over the middle eastern oil.”

Stern’s co-host then attempted to throw Ventura by asserting that Bush could not be capable of organizing the attack, to which Ventura responded, “I don’t know if he is, but I certainly think there are people capable of doing it.”

Ventura then pointed out that kerosene does not burn hot enough to melt steel girders and asked why the buildings came down as powder and not in big chunks. Stern’s co-host regurgitated the tired old debunker line of claiming the steel weakened and sagged, causing the building to collapse.

“OK if that’s the case, if you use that analogy, then when you go camping and use a propane stove, which propane burns hotter than kerosene does, if you leave it on for two hours and you put a big can of beans on your grill, shouldn’t the grill collapse?” asked Ventura.

“This is crazy!” exclaimed Stern, without explaining why Ventura’s citation of basic physics had Stern and his team so baffled.

“These two buildings were white elephants, they were losing money, they had asbestos in them, and they were being required by law to do over a billion dollars worth of asbestos removal,” said Ventura, pointing out that WTC leaseholder Larry Silverstein made $7 billion dollars from his insurance claim after the attacks.

Ventura first went public with his questions about 9/11 during an on camera interview with Alex Jones in June 2006. He expanded on his thoughts during two subsequent radio interviews in April and May of this year.
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alex Jones and Jason Bermas discuss it here:
http://www.radiodujour.com/mp3/20080521_alexjones_jesseventura_howards tern.mp3
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