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UK WTC (Whole truth coalition)
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Joined: 25 Jul 2005
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Location: North Lancashire

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:25 am    Post subject: UK WTC (Whole truth coalition) Reply with quote

A promising initiative and development which has been e mailed to me and I thought was worthy of sharing here.

The logo is very clever and hope that it produces more positive results. It has my full support.............a peoples world order.

Look forward to seeing the launch of the website

Hi everyone,

For the last six months or so I’ve been thinking very hard as to how and where the broader truth movement is going. What are we trying to achieve and how on earth are we going to achieve it?
Let me say from the outset that, whilst I’m resigning as Co-Chair of the British 9/11 Truth Campaign, this initiative is not designed in any way to damage or restrict the campaign that we have all worked so hard for over the last three years. In Britain today there are tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of people who instinctively know they are being lied to and deceived on a massive scale. Like with the rest of the world, an Orwellian nightmare is starting to descend onto this country. We know that time is running out and that we possibly have only three or four years left before the apparatus needed for establishing a police state in Britain is considered fully operational by the NWO. We must show the people of Britain that 9/11, 7/7, and the War on Terror, the emergence of the EU Superstate, the myth of man-made global warming, the suppression of advanced technologies and medical cures, the banking scams that are putting decent people into enormous debt, have one thing in common, namely, that there is a small organised elite in this country who must be exposed and brought to justice for the appalling criminals they are. In particular, we must frustrate the ‘Fifth Columnists’ who are undermining this country from within - indeed, the effort to expose the corrupt ‘charity’ Common Purpose is gathering real momentum and a degree of panic is now starting to set in amongst the organisation’s leadership.

And now to the initiative itself. It’s very simple! Belinda, Andrew and myself have come up with The Whole Truth Coalition (UK). This idea is NOT a new campaign. Nor will it have any hierarchy. leadership or control over others. It is simply a device, a mechanism to help with all the local campaigning and activism that is going on. It is effectively a new information clearing house for those wishing to connect all the dots and so prove to themselves and others that there is a huge hidden conspiracy out there that must be defeated before it defeats all of us. The Whole Truth Coalition will be a catalyst to increase the numbers of people campaigning for Truth in their own local areas. It will encourage ‘individual collectivism’. It will empower people to empower themselves, their families and their local communities. It will act as a beacon of light and hope to victims of the NWO and its dark agenda. It will bring people together. It will help coordinate, facilitate and motivate local and regional actions, events and campaigns. And all of this will be done through the new website that will be put together over the coming months.

None of us have been very happy as to what has been going on within the 9/11 British campaign and on the nineeleven.co.uk forum recently. We must all learn from the unpleasantness and bickering that has dominated and distracted us from actual campaigning. There is quite definitely no room for inflated egos. We must all take a grip of ourselves. The Whole Truth Coalition will operate with absolute integrity, openess and goodwill. We will only go where the evidence and truth takes us, however hard that may be. The WTC Forum, which will be set up to help with research and local activism, will be open to anyone but anonymous posts will not be allowed. A sense of humour should prevail at all times! Rudeness and aggressive behaviour will certainly not be tolerated. Constructive criticism and polite questionning of fellow researchers is the only way forward. Anyone working for the ‘other side’ will soon be exposed and outed if we all practise this simple self discipline of treating people as we wish to be treated ourselves.

The second part of this initiative proposes a Great British Tax Revolt in 2010. It is essential that we have a strategy that will end with the actual defeat of the NWO in Britain through the use of non-violence. With Common Purpose exposed, along with the real plans of the EU Superstate, coupled with the bogus War on Terror and the man-made Global Warming scam, people will be legally entitled to refuse to pay their taxes to a government that endorses or takes part in murderous, criminal and fraudalent activities. It will be the 1381 Peasants Revolt all over again......but without the violence and aggression!

Thanks for reading this and please read the attached. My thanks must also go to Belinda and Andrew for helping me and to Brian Gerrish, Ian Crane and David Icke who have expressed their encouragement and active support for what is proposed. Please spread the word and any feedback and ideas would be greatly appreciated.

All best wishes



"Truth is on the march and nothing can stop it!"
Emile Zola (1840-1902)

Connect those dots that you know are there.....and see for yourself
the ‘Big Picture’!


The evidence is now overwhelming! It doesn't matter where you look, you soon realise that above our elected representatives there appears to be an unelected, unaccountable and well co-ordinated global elite whose secret agendas do quite definitely not have all our best interests at heart. And worse still, this elite are committing illegal and appalling acts of barbarity, treason and murder in our name to achieve their objectives. So what can be done to end this nightmare?

It really does beggar belief that any educated person today can still deny that there is some sort of global conspiracy that is starting to envelop and imprison humanity. It is, after all, common knowledge now that there is a worldwide network of secret societies, organisations and individuals who hold positions of considerable power in banking, industry, media, politics, religion and bloodline royalty who are not answerable or accountable to common decency or common and international law.

This network of self-electing, self-serving and secretive organisations, such as the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, as well as powerful families such as the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, clearly exists and must be challenged, exposed and defeated using non-violent means before it becomes too late for all of us. Their aim is quite simply to achieve the eventual establishment of an Orwellian Global Dictatorship. Called the New World Order (NWO) by its proponents as well as by many researchers, the evidence for this network’s existence and criminal activities would stand up in any properly conducted court of law.

So what of our elected political representatives here in the UK, the supposed guardians of our democracy, our freedoms and our constitution. Are they concerned? And, if so, what are they doing about all of this?

This last decade has seen the benign and decent traditional values of the Left side lined and eroded by Blair, Brown and the power hungry, unquestioning lackeys of New Labour. The chattering Left have been left floundering, unable and unwilling to grasp the enormity of the deceit practised upon them by Prime Ministers Blair and Brown, two men who were both invited to attend the elite Bilderberg Group meetings before their fast elevation to power - Blair at Athens in 1993 just before becoming leader of the Labour Party and Brown in 1991 in Baden Baden just before becoming Shadow Chancellor. Traditional supporters of the Left are now struggling to take on board the truth about 9/11 and the bogus War on Terror. They are still largely blind to the planned and uninterrupted march towards a European Superstate without consulting the electorate. And they still don’t comprehend properly the continuing stranglehold of the international banking system which continues to deliberately put countries and people into enormous debt. The traditional Left has lost its way and must come to its senses fast and wake up to the ‘Big Picture’ before it is too late.

The now topical and supposedly influential Greens are not much better. They, too, have failed completely to grasp the fact that there is an organised international elite above our elected political representatives, despite the overwhelming evidence offered to them. Leading Green activist and personal friend of Prince Charles, Sir Jonathon Porritt, even attended the annual Bilderberg Group meeting in Sintra, Portugal back in 1999 and to this day he remains silent and tight lipped about what was discussed there. The leadership of the UK Green Parties have refused over the last two years to take seriously the calls from their own rank and file to reinvestigate 9/11, 7/7 and the socalled War on Terror - this is in complete contrast to the the Green Party of the USA which is actively calling for a new impartial enquiry into what actually happened on that fateful day back in September 2001.

The Greens, not surprisingly, have also fallen hook, line and sinker for the CO2 man-made global warming scam which the NWO are using, like the War on Terror, to control, regulate and curtail individual freedoms, to raise taxes and to increase fear. They are being wooed and encouraged by agents of the NWO and are loving every minute of being taken seriously at last by the (controlled) media. Their egos are unfortunately out of control and they have stopped listening and questioning. They don’t realise that when they call for a reduction in the planet’s population to help conserve resources, that they are in fact playing into the NWO’s long-term aim of justifying a massive Malthusian cull of socalled ‘useless eaters’ in the poorest parts of the world.

Indeed, the unplanned rush to produce Biofuels globally to ‘combat global warming’, along with the usual droughts and floods as well as the NWO Peak Oil scam with its contrived rising energy prices, is now leading to severe food shortages in many parts of the developing world as witnessed by the largely unreported food riots. In the past month alone, Haiti, Egypt, Ethiopia, Indonesia and Madagascar have suffered food riots. Pakistan and Mexico have also witnessed unrest over food prices as grains, oilseeds and corn that once went solely to the food market are now being bid for by fuel suppliers as well. The Philippines, Uzbekistan, Bolivia and Cameroon have also had protests or street violence over food. The Greens had better realise very quickly that they have backed the wrong horse in supporting Al Gore and his NWO chums on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) whose methodology is coming under increasing pressure from genuine scientists who refuse to be brow-beaten and who prefer to go where the scientific evidence takes them. Still, on a more positive note, there is much that is good in the Greens’ manifesto which can and should be used in the future once the NWO has been exposed and brought to justice.

The Conservatives under David Cameron are ‘modernising’ by attempting to embrace green issues. But, like the Greens and the traditional Left, they don’t want to face up to the truth about what happened on 9/11. Nor do they want to question and challenge the extremely dubious science of man made global warming. There are some Tories who are starting to feel very uncomfortable about things, especially when it comes to the relentless march towards a European Superstate, but most of them are asleep and will readily deny the existence of a global elite which can influence British politics.

The Liberal Democrats are not much better either, especially when it comes to their unflinching and unquestioning support for the EU. Their recent stance under their new leader Nick Clegg in the debate on whether or not to allow a Referendum on the Lisbon Treaty was, at best, baffling but, for those of us who know and understand the ‘Big Picture’, he was simply acting ‘under orders’ to make sure democracy lost out. However, there are some individual LibDem MPs like Norman Baker who are starting to see the much bigger picture and who are starting to ask important questions in the House of Commons.

Taken as a whole, British politicians are very quick to dismiss anyone who approaches them with proof about the activities and existence of the NWO, preferring instead to shrug off such informants as ‘simple conspiracy theorists’ who can be politely, or not so politely, ignored. Some of these politicians, like Blair and Brown, have clearly been initiated as puppets to criminally serve the NWO agenda. Others, probably the overwhelming majority, fear ridicule or losing their job if they were to raise their heads above the parapet. They have all had vital and compelling evidence sent and given to them personally on the real truth about 9/11, 7/7, the EU Superstate, man-made global warming etc. etc. and almost every one of them has chosen to do nothing, preferring instead to look the other way. They are, quite simply, cowards. Traitors to their electorates. And they had better take note because their day of reckoning is now just two years away......and we don’t mean the next General Election!

Waking up....

While our politicians slumber and keep themselves in denial, something is stirring at the grassroots. Ordinary decent people in Great Britain are starting to smell that something is terribly rotten - they are beginning to suspect they are being lied to and deceived on a massive scale. Our country, despite overwhelming public opposition, was dragged into two completely illegal wars by Blair and his cronies resulting in the deaths and maiming of hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children in Iraq and Afghanistan. Our own service people, having been put illegally into harms way, are being treated abysmally, with returning soldiers, especially the wounded, finding themselves being treated indifferently by an uncaring government, forcing retired and active generals to speak out on their behalf in disgust.

And the ‘ordinary’ people are now starting to ask real questions at last. Why was there no public inquiry into what happened on 7/7, the most deadly terrorist attack ever on mainland Britain? What has the Government got to hide? What really happened to Dr David Kelly? Norman Baker MP, having pieced together the evidence for himself, is now in no doubt that Kelly was murdered. Why no referendum, which had been promised by New Labour, to see if the British people were happy with the new EU Constitution/Reform Treaty? It doesn’t matter what people say or think, the EU Superstate bandwagon roles on and, whilst Blair is being feted and groomed to become the first EU President, ordinary decent people are becoming victims of the draconian European laws which will be used to achieve the NWO’s objective of engineering the break up of the UK into anonymous regions within the EU. Everywhere you look you can see the tentacles of the EU affecting our daily lives. There are many instances of bullying and breaches of common sense by petty officialdom on behalf of the EU, such as the case of pensioner Janet Devers who is being prosecuted by her local Council for using Imperial Measures on her market stall in London.

And what is wrong with the very fabric and make up of our society? Only recently did we see a valued member of the Coastguard and Maritime Service in North East England being hounded by his employers to the point he resigned. Why? Because he had bravely saved a girl's life - with time running out for the girl, he had broken ‘Health and Safety’ rules by putting his own life at risk to effect a successful rescue! In the not too distant past his career prospects would have been enhanced by such an action - but not today where constricting rules now come before bravery and common sense.

Everywhere you look now we are being increasingly monitored by those who seek to control us. We have more CCTV cameras than anywhere else in Europe. Why? Even though anti-terrorism experts say that ID cards are of little use, the Brown government is still prepared to waste huge amounts of taxpayers money on them. Why? Local councils are recruiting and empowering more and more ‘jobsworths’ to make our lives increasingly more difficult - whether it be with parking or putting out our bins. Why? Traffic Wardens have now been re-designated Civil Enforcement Officers with new sweeping powers. A father of four is fined £210 and now has a criminal record for having a raised wheelie bin lid. Why? We have dirty hospitals where killer bugs are at large because simple commonsense cleaning procedures had been ignored. Why? In many towns and cities we have gangs of ‘feral youths’ creating unpleasantness and sometimes extreme violence towards decent local people with the police apparently unable to cope properly. Why? Praiseworthy initiatives to engage the interests of young people and so get them off the streets in urban areas are largely ineffective and under-resourced. Why? Binge drinking and government supported extended drinking hours through the night have made many of our towns and cities ‘no-go’ areas for decent people. Why? And now there are plans to put metal detectors into our schools to prevent knife crime. There is something deeply wrong within much of our urban society today and it’s not hard to see the tell-tale signs of orchestration by the NWO and their minions and useful idiots (see the paragraph on Common Purpose below). Thanks to the still largely uncontrolled internet, more and more information is getting through that is starting to make people wake up. The dots are all there to be seen, many in the open, it just requires a new and concentrated effort to join them all up and so expose the ‘Big Picture’ to as many people as possible.

Phase 1: The UK Whole Truth Coalition.

There are currently hundreds, if not thousands, of organisations, websites and individuals in Britain today who can see that something very sinister indeed is happening in the shadows that is affecting each and everyone of us. Most of us know that there is suppressed information, suppressed knowledge and suppressed technologies out there which, once revealed, have the potential to considerably improve the lot of every single person in this country if not the world. For this to happen, there needs to be some sort of initiative that brings together all the searchers for truth under a loose umbrella. This would considerably increase our numbers as well as the flow, quality and breadth of essential and accurate information. It would also provide an on-line support network to encourage both existing and new researchers and campaigners; and which could help coordinate and facilitate local and regional actions around the country in order to get this essential information out to the general public in the most effective way. In other words, this coalition would largely act as an information clearing house to empower ordinary people to stand up to and so expose and defeat (through the use of non-violence) the NWO’s plans for this country and, indeed, the world.

The Coalition’s name ‘WHOLE TRUTH’ speaks for itself - we are seeking the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. That is our key aim. If people are genuine seekers after truth, they will not be content with half-truths, limited hang-outs and “compromise for the sake of the campaign”. They will need to keep studying the evidence wherever it may take them. For each person it will be a “personal journey”, but at the same time The Whole Truth Coalition can be seen as an entity which allows people to share knowledge, evidence and experiences. Most people coming into The Whole Truth Coalition will be aware of some of the ‘dots’ but not of the others. We are all on a journey to expose and defeat those who seek to control us illegally and to do that effectively we must all help one another to see and understand ‘the Big Picture’. And if new evidence or information comes to light which appears to conflict with our previous interpretation, we must all be flexible and honest enough to look at this new evidence or information with an open mind rather than just rejecting it outright.

For this coalition to work effectively, it must not have any sort of hierarchy or leadership; any sort of editorial or directional control over others; or any sort of input itself as regards research. It is essential that such a coalition cannot be infiltrated or wrecked by those parties and agencies we seek to expose. It must simply be an open coalition which brings people and organisations together in a spirit of goodwill and in a completely impartial and non-judgemental way. A strict set of principles must accompany the coalition which participating people, websites and organisations must abide by. They are:

• Treat all people, including those whom we are seeking to expose, with politeness and respect at all times, even when you disagree strongly with a fellow researcher or campaigner. Try and use humour to win your argument and always attempt to keep wayward egos under control.

• On the Coalition’s internet-based discussion forums, only real names can be used - anonymous posts will not be accepted.

• The calling for physical violence and hatred towards any other human or living creature will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

The UK Whole Truth Coalition would initially last for two years, during which time it would facilitate, highlight and support those seeking to expose the truth concerning suppressed information and knowledge in the following areas of research and investigation:

• False flag terrorism - finding out the real truth about what really happened on 9/11 and 7/7; revealing the proveable facts that Britain entered into two completely illegal wars; the compelling evidence that Dr David Kelly was murdered; and that the whole so-called International War on Terror is utterly bogus and was planned and executed by lackeys to the NWO. Also, how the infrastructure for an Orwellian police state is being surreptitiously assembled by traitors from within our own political establishment.

• Finding out the truth about the real purpose of the European Union and its relentless advance towards becoming a European Superstate power-bloc; exposing how there is a covert agenda working for the illegal and treasonous break up of the United Kingdom into regions ruled over by the EU (see section below on exposing Common Purpose); and highlighting the plan to replace Sterling with the Euro. In addition, researchers would continue to expose the well advanced plans for a new power-bloc across the Atlantic, the North American Union, comprising of the United States, Mexico and Canada with the U.S. Dollar being replaced by a new and largely unknown unit of currency called the Amero.

• Exposing the truth about the Man-made Global Warming/CO2 Emissions scam being perpetrated by Al Gore and the United Nation’s IPCC on behalf of the NWO; identifying what is really causing Climate Change especially as, according to NASA and some universities, other planets in our Solar System appear to be also currently experiencing temperature increases.

• Investigating the British and International Banking systems which, over the last 300 years, have illegally put countries and individuals into enormous debt. Also, exposing the illegal British taxation system and how every living person in Britain is apparently registered at birth as a company under Commercial Law as opposed to Common Law - an almost completely unheard of fact but which explains why all banking and legal letters come addressed to you in CAPITAL letters!

• Examining Medical and Health issues, exposing how, what would appear to be, safe and natural cures for cancer and other serious illnesses have been ignored by leading medical research charities, the BMA and the British Government; highlighting the enormous injustices done to great scientists such as Dr Royal Raymond Rife; campaigning for a future level playing field when testing the efficacy of non-allopathic medicines; and reporting the harm done to us by deliberate health crimes such as the creation of increased electro-magnetic pollution, fluoride in our drinking water and mercury in our teeth fillings. The growing concerns about the existence of ‘Chemtrails’ from aircraft would also be investigated and exposed as would the United Nation’s Codex Alimentarius Commission, whose work on defining the future of global food production has a blatant bias towards unsafe and dangerous GM crops. Indeed, the British Government and the EU are giving NWO GM companies like Monsanto an open door to wreak their havoc at the expense of safe organic agriculture.

• Highlighting suppressed Cutting Edge Science and Advanced Technologies; exposing to a wider world the incredibly important inventions of scientists like Tesla and Marconi; searching for the proof that so-called ‘Free Energy’ is not only known about by the NWO but was actually used on 9/11 to help bring down the Twin Towers as suggested by Prof. Judy Wood and others; the harnessing of more efficient and much cheaper ways of producing energy for transport and the home without being dependent upon fossil fuels; and exploring the incredible world of cutting edge Quantum Physics and where this new knowledge is taking the human race.

The UKWTC’s Truth Power logo, as seen at the top, is a ‘T’ standing for ‘Truth’ inside an inverted pyramid, representing the exposure and overturning of the NWO, which in turn is surrounded by a circle that represents us, the ordinary people.. All websites in support of UKWTC would have this logo on their home page which would act as a link button to the UKWTC’s own website. All truth seekers will be actively encouraged to openly wear such a logo as a lapel badge to spread the word - it must eventually become like the ‘V’ for Vendetta symbol from the film of the same name, a symbol of our growing awareness, concern and determination to resist and overcome the plans of the New World Order.

TRUTH POWER Phase 2 - The Great British Tax Revolt of 2010:

After two years of concentrated networking and effective campaigning, resulting in the successful exposure of the NWO’s agenda of using treason to dismantle Great Britain, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of British citizens will realise that they have been betrayed and that an Orwellian nightmare is very close to becoming a reality. The perpetrators, who are actively seeking to destroy the UK, number in their mere thousands - the rest of us number in our tens of millions. They may hold positions of power….or so they think….but they do have one hell of an Achilles heel.

If we refuse to pay our taxes and simply walk away in our thousands, we will jam the courts and make the Poll Tax campaign of the late 80s look like the proverbial Teddy Bears picnic. Our case would be completely clear cut. In our name, senior members of our elected government are actively taking part in, or are being deliberately compliant to, treasonous and illegal activities. How, as honest citizens, can we give money to our government through our taxes when we know that we have no guarantee that some of that money would not be used for treasonous, illegal and deadly activites against our own citizens? If we knowingly gave money to ordinary criminals to support their illegal activites, we would expect to be charged by the police with being complicit to the crime.

Our slogan would be “NO TRUTH….NO TAX”. People who are not taxed at source would be encouraged not to pay their Income Tax, others not to pay their VAT, or not to send back their Tax Returns, or not to pay their Council Tax. They could even refuse to pay any Congestion Charges or Parking Charges. Local and regional support groups would be set up and legal teams around the country would be on hand to advise and to appear in court to take on the Government’s lawyers. Peaceful pressure would be brought to bear on Bailliffs and Officers of the Courts to boycott their places of work as well as to encourage honest policemen and policewomen to take back their police stations and local forces from their supposed colleagues who have pledged their allegience to the EU’s subversive agenda through Common Purpose. Local newspapers and local radio and television stations would be peacefully picketed and embarrassed into giving fair coverage to the Tax Revolt. Absolutely no violence will be used at any time, but humorous stunts to belittle and make fun of the NWO and its puppets cannot be ruled out!

Honest politicians….and amazingly there are a few…..would then hopefully start to organise by mobilising the grassroots of their parties to cleanse their senior ranks of wrong doers and so flush out those who are clearly NWO puppets. Byelections would be held, if not a General Election itself and leglislation would also be rushed through Parliament outlawing Secret Societies and making it a criminal offence to belong to one. Hopefully, all this can be done before the NWO and the EU Superstate is organised enough to shut the prison cell door on all of us. Time is not on our side but the above proposal is realistic. Those politicians who are found to be involved with criminal and treasonous activities will be dealt with by the Courts and those found guilty can expect long prison sentences. The UK would withdraw from the EU, if it exists by then, and would also support other countries in their efforts to rid themselves of any vestiges of the NWO.

Exposing ‘Common Purpose’....

The UK Whole Truth Coalition has got a huge task ahead of it with only two years to stir the country into effective action to save itself. This means that those participating individuals, organisations and campaigns under the loose UKWTC umbrella who are trying to wake the nation up must ensure that whatever they do, they get a good return for their effort. In other words, minimum effort, maximum effect!

It’s quite clear from the excellent work already done by Brian Gerrish and his team (http://www.ukcolumn.org/home, http://eutruth.org.uk/) that there is one NWO organisation operating in Britain today which, once it has been exposed to the nation as a whole, would open up a huge can of worms and would advance considerably the waking up process amongst ordinary people. The charity Common Purpose appears on the surface to be a benign training charity, seeking to create new leaders for the future well-being of this country. It has thousands of its own graduates and members who have infiltrated and are presently working beneath the radar in local councils, the police and other emergency services, the NHS, the legal profession, the BBC and other media, the church, and the British Government itself (http://eutruth.org.uk/cp.pdf). Their objective is to oversee the illegal break up of the United Kingdom into regions which can then be absorbed more easily into the European Union Superstate. In effect, Common Purpose is akin to the Quisling traitors in Norway who undermined from within that country’s determination to resist the invading Nazis in 1940. What Common Purpose as an organisation is doing is taking treachery to new levels and, worst still, they operate as a seemingly harmless training charity as their benign website implies (http://www.commonpurpose.org.uk/home.aspx). Julia Middleton, Common Purpose’s CEO, has had these accusations of treason levelled against her and her charity and is fully aware of them and yet her ‘legal advisors’ tell her not to clear her or her Charity’s name in the courts because this would give her detractors ‘the oxygen of publicity’. Any genuine charity, wishing to avoid any loss of confidence with the general public, would resort to immediate legal action if there was no truth in the accusations.

All guns, figuratively speaking of course, should now be brought to bear by the Truth movement in the UK on this openly treasonous and criminal organisation. It must be exposed and hounded out of existence and anyone who has been involved with Common Purpose should be suspended from whatever they are doing with immediate effect whilst their actions are investigated by the appropriate authority who will then decide what disciplinary or legal action, if any, should be taken.

Final thought....

Well over ten years ago the controversial writer and researcher David Icke predicted that the world would be ‘persuaded’, with the help of major false flag attacks and orchestrated events, to organise into large power-blocs which would then seamlessly merge into a One World Government where all the citzens would be compliant and obedient to the NWO elite and would be industrious as well.....and they would also be microchipped. Everyone had a good laugh.........

http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23372564-details/Britons+'c ould+be+microchipped+like+dogs+in+a+decade'/article.do


The only people laughing now are ill-informed fools. See David’s new book which really does connect the dots.....

Written by Justin Walker (jrgwalker@aol.com), Belinda McKenzie and Andrew Johnson, 1st May 2008

Endorsed by Brian Gerrish, Ian Crane and David Icke


Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society


Last edited by Pikey on Thu May 08, 2008 11:19 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 29 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 10:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A very good idea.

There has been a tension between "credible campaign -and- bigger picture" for some time that is really quite unnecesary when a new coalition can be formed to explore that bigger picture.

Hopefully this can leave the 9/11 Truth Movement in this country to return to it's bread and butter begginings of campaigning for an independent investigation in the most credible manner possible.


Peace and Truth
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Validated Poster
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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 10:56 am    Post subject: Eh!? Reply with quote

Stefan wrote:
A very good idea.

Did you read the text above properly? It appears to be, yet another, campaign that is just doomed to ensure that questioning 9/11 is associated with a load of crazy nonsense, for example, these bits:

UK WTC wrote:
The Greens, not surprisingly, have also fallen hook, line and sinker for the CO2 man-made global warming scam which the NWO are using, like the War on Terror, to control, regulate and curtail individual freedoms, to raise taxes and to increase fear.


Indeed, the unplanned rush to produce Biofuels globally to ‘combat global warming’, along with the usual droughts and floods as well as the NWO Peak Oil scam with its contrived rising energy prices, is now leading to severe food shortages in many parts of the developing world as witnessed by the largely unreported food riots.


• Exposing the truth about the Man-made Global Warming/CO2 Emissions scam being perpetrated by Al Gore and the United Nation’s IPCC on behalf of the NWO; identifying what is really causing Climate Change especially as, according to NASA and some universities, other planets in our Solar System appear to be also currently experiencing temperature increases.


• Highlighting suppressed Cutting Edge Science and Advanced Technologies; exposing to a wider world the incredibly important inventions of scientists like Tesla and Marconi; searching for the proof that so-called ‘Free Energy’ is not only known about by the NWO but was actually used on 9/11 to help bring down the Twin Towers as suggested by Prof. Judy Wood and others; the harnessing of more efficient and much cheaper ways of producing energy for transport and the home without being dependent upon fossil fuels; and exploring the incredible world of cutting edge Quantum Physics and where this new knowledge is taking the human race.

Rolling Eyes

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Mark Gobell
On Gardening Leave
On Gardening Leave

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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 7:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


If you want a "credible" campaign to expose the lie that was 9/11 then I wish you well.

You seem to be intent on forcing the issue somewhat.

Am I correct in my thinking?

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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Validated Poster
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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 7:41 pm    Post subject: Sick of the disinfo and misinfo... Reply with quote

Mark Gobell wrote:
If you want a "credible" campaign to expose the lie that was 9/11 then I wish you well.

You seem to be intent on forcing the issue somewhat.

Am I correct in my thinking?

Yeah, something like that, I'm sick to the back teeth of the disinfo, misinfo and other utter nonsense generally found on sites like this... Evil or Very Mad

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9/11 Truth Organiser
9/11 Truth Organiser

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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 7:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chrisc my friend, you are entitled to your opinion that there 'is a load of nonsense' in this proposal. I don't know you or at what level you have researched the subjects you consider to be nonsensical. But let me tell you this....my life so far has been a very long journey through the proverbial Hampton Court Maze. I have taken many wrong turnings, done more than my fair share of 'U' turns, and I've certainly had to eat good helpings of humble pie, but I'm now getting nearer to the Centre which is where the real Truth lies. If, after all that we know about the American political set up concerning the Democrats and Republicans and how both sides are controlled by the NWO, you really and truly still believe that Al Gore is an honest, sincere and believable person who is totally deserving of his Nobel prize, than I really do pity your complete naivety.
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 7:59 pm    Post subject: Re: Sick of the disinfo and misinfo... Reply with quote

chrisc wrote:
Mark Gobell wrote:
If you want a "credible" campaign to expose the lie that was 9/11 then I wish you well.

You seem to be intent on forcing the issue somewhat.

Am I correct in my thinking?

Yeah, something like that, I'm sick to the back teeth of the disinfo, misinfo and other utter nonsense generally found on sites like this... Evil or Very Mad

And you are who exactly ?

Other than some front man, who happens to be sick to his back teeth of what he sees as disinfo, misinfo and other utter nonsense generally found on sites like this...

Then be sick chrisc.

You imply you have a path to the truth right there in that statement.

Care to share ?

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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:02 pm    Post subject: Al Gore - WTF Reply with quote

Justin wrote:
you really and truly still believe that Al Gore is an honest, sincere and believable person who is totally deserving of his Nobel prize, than I really do pity your complete naivety.

Uh hu... So where have I ever said anything about Al Gore? I haven't even seen his movie... you are just making stuff up... Rolling Eyes

Personally I think that the IPPC is very conservative and dramatically underestimating the problems, in fact almost all governments and corporations and most NGO, well, almost everyone in fact, seems to be doing this... Shocked

One of the best things I have recently read on climate change is the Climate Code Red book, though I don't agree with their answers, there is an interview with one of the authors here, their work is based on James Hansens work:


The Truth Move site is the best 9/11 truth site for climate info and discussion I have found:


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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chrisc said

Uh hu... So where have I ever said anything about Al Gore? I haven't even seen his movie... you are just making stuff up...

but Chrisc highlighted this in his first post as what he considers to be nonsense

• Exposing the truth about the Man-made Global Warming/CO2 Emissions scam being perpetrated by Al Gore and the United Nation’s IPCC on behalf of the NWO; identifying what is really causing Climate Change especially as, according to NASA and some universities, other planets in our Solar System appear to be also currently experiencing temperature increases.

So Chrisc my friend, what are we to deduce - you highlight something to do with Al Gore and then tell me I'm just making stuff up.

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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:19 pm    Post subject: Good grief Reply with quote

Justin wrote:
you highlight something to do with Al Gore and then tell me I'm just making stuff up.

I didn't write that though did I... Rolling Eyes

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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well come on then.....do you trust Al Gore? Yes or no?
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I thought you and who you represent at your new initiative, were all, to a man and woman, signed up to the dogma of being "climate change discussion averse" ?

Surely you're bringing the cause of 911 truth into erm . . .

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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:26 pm    Post subject: Do you trust Al Gore? Reply with quote

Justin wrote:
Well come on then.....do you trust Al Gore? Yes of no!

No I don't, but as I have said I haven't actually seem his film...

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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This coming from someone who wants to ban discussion of same, on the grounds that it might just detract from the truth about what happened in America on 9/11 becoming credible dot dot dot
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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mark Gobell wrote:
I thought you and who you represent at your new initiative, were all, to a man and woman, signed up to the dogma of being "climate change discussion averse" ?

Surely you're bringing the cause of 911 truth into erm . . .

No, at Truth Action there are a variety of views represented, there are several Alex Jones fans who think it's all a hoax, I think they are wrong, this had been discussed, at length on the Truth Action discussion board...

It still appears to me that you haven't understood the part of the Truth Action statement you are referring to... http://www.nineeleven.co.uk/board/viewtopic.php?p=117608#117608

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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:33 pm    Post subject: utterly pointless discussion Reply with quote

Mark Gobell wrote:
This coming from someone who wants to ban discussion of same

Uh-hu... it seems utterly pointless having a discussion with you... Rolling Eyes

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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've read it. I think I understand your intent.

I could, however be wrong.

I'm thinking that I'm not though.

I do think you stink.

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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, Chrisc my friend, if you don't trust the world's chief proponent of man-made global warming then I would suggest you have another long hard look at this whole subject. I was in the Green Party from 1978 until 1992. I was one of the first political green activists in this country to tell people how the increase in CO2 emissions was a real threat to humanity. As I said before, I have had to eat a lot of humble pie in my life. I've got a shock for you....you will have to eat some as well.
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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Geopolitical Analysis of chisc

Denzil Dog....

What the Iraq War Is About .... by Paul Craig Roberts

The Bush regime has quagmired America into a sixth year of war in Afghanistan and Iraq with no end in sight. The cost of these wars of aggression is horrendous. Official U.S. combat casualties stand at 4,538 dead. Officially, 29,780 U.S. troops have been wounded in Iraq..............

The more likely explanation for the U.S. invasion of Iraq is the neoconservative Bush regime's commitment to the defense of Israeli territorial expansion. There is no such thing as a neoconservative who is not allied with Israel. Israel hopes to steal all of the West Bank and southern Lebanon for its territorial expansion. An American colonial regime in Iraq not only buttresses Israel from attack, but also can pressure Syria and Iran not to support the Palestinians and Lebanese. The Iraqi war is a war for Israeli territorial expansion. Americans are dying and bleeding to death financially for Israel. Bush's "war on terror" is a hoax that serves to cover U.S. intervention in the Middle East on behalf of "greater Israel." ...........

Chrisc.....Paul Craig Roberts clearly needs to do some research on peak oil...


Blackbear.....http://www.nineeleven.co.uk/board/viewtopic.php?p=116789 &highlight=#116789

This might also be important:

Zionist apologists now claim that it was the oil companies who pushed for this invasion. Yet at the time, the loud chorus for invading Iraq was coming from zionist-dominated media, and from Israel itself, and zionist zealots such as Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, etc. The oil companies, and even Bush pere himself, spoke out against invading Iraq, which makes perfect sense, since the invasion has actually endangered the already well-entrenched American oil interests in that country, and even in that region

Who controls America.?........I wonder what Jimmy Carter thinks.

Carter: "US Candidates MUST do as Israel says"



"Annie, like other refugees from the, dire and imploding, nineeleven.co.uk site now has an account here. "...


Is it .....love is blind.....or does one get paid for paddling in denile.....

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paul wright

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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 10:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

chrisc is a lovely guy, well spurned and criticised from his mates in the Indymedia collective for his consistent promotion of the most conservative 9/11 Truth platform
He provides a link into the left and anarcho viewpoint and should be basically fully supported or left alone
Dont expect him to support the expanded credo

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PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 8:05 am    Post subject: Re: Eh!? Reply with quote

chrisc wrote:
Stefan wrote:
A very good idea.

Did you read the text above properly? It appears to be, yet another, campaign that is just doomed to ensure that questioning 9/11 is associated with a load of crazy nonsense

People are always going to have different views, we can't control the world into our own opinions. I have long held that people who want to discuss far-out issues (and crazy nonsense alike) should form their own group without 9/11 in the title, and keep such stuff away from the 9/11 Truth Campaign. Now it seems they are doing just that - as I said - good idea.


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ian neal
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PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 12:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well just to remind everyone of our collective history

Once upon a time (Autumn 2003) I sent out some emails and then held some meetings. Through this we connected up with others who had been doing likewise and out of that grew a UK network of 9/11 activists.

In June 2005 Simon briefly worked with Jimmy Walter to put on events in London and Manchester. This collaboration ended shortly afterwards with some ill feeling. It was not a campaign event. Deliberately so since we did not wish to endorse any one activist and were aware of some of Jimmy's 'baggage'.

In August 2004 Simon registered this URL and in Sept 2005 this URL was choosen to host the first design of the campaign site. Even then I was flagging up the need to ensure the campaign did not endorse any of the content on the forum and the need to keep a clear separation between the two. This thread from right at the start makes interesting reading especially in light of recent attacks on Nick and the current debate on this site's identity.

I don't want to say I told you so (i.e. those involved in the design of this site) but the failure to make a clear separation between what gets said in the campaign's name and what gets said on a public forum and the decision to have content from the forum appearing on the front page has led to exactly what I predicted. Namely that the content of the forum is some how seen as representative of the campaign.

After some debate I did manage to get statements like


Note: The British 9/11 Truth Campaign does not endorse any one presentation of the evidence



The campaign recognizes that there is a diverse range of opinion amongst 9/11 truth campaigners. The campaign does not endorse any one position. What we do say is when taken in totality the evidence overwhelmingly supports the need to reopen 9/11.

One day (Sept 2005) people on this network were invited to attend our first national gathering at the circle centre in London

At this meeting, the basic premis that the campaign has always subscribed to was agreed. This premis is very similar to the approach you are advocating. The premis was namely

1) Campaign on the strongest, least contested evidence
2) Avoid contested evidence or areas beyond 9/11 (such as peak oil, climate change, energy technology cover-ups, aliens and the like)
3) Promote a respectful dialogue and non-violent, non-racist principles

Various groups formed at that meeting tasked with

Developing a press and communications capacity
Outreach to politicians and political parties
Outreach to Muslims and other anti-war groups
Putting on conferences and events
Developing grassroots activism
Website development
Campaign structures and governance

And guess what? Those tasked with taking these areas forward largely failed to deliver with the exception of those tasked with developing the website and (as anyone who has followed the development and management of this site knows) even this has been a flawed and fraught process.

As a consequence this site and its forum came to dominate what people both within and beyond the movemement perceived to be 'the campaign'.

Not surprisingly the dominance of the forum with all its acknowledged short comings dissatisfied those of us who wanted to present 9/11 truth credibly and as result there was a move to establish a campaign that was clearly separate from this forum and network. This led to a meeting in Blackpool in Feb 2006 at which Ian Crane was selected as the first Chair of the campaign

Background reading

Amongst the various excellent achievements during that first year, such as mailing an excellent summary of evidence to all MPs, organising the first visit of W Rodriguez to the UK and DRG's talk on the 5th anniversary, a separate campaign website was established by Feb 2007 (I recall it was live before this date, but I'm unsure). The failure of the camapign site to take off and gain a higher profile (compared to this site) is again largely explained by the failure of anyone to step forward and offer to take responsibility for the developing the site (despite the call being made by Ian Crane). The dreaded 'we' syndrome: as in 'we' must do this and 'we' must do that, but when push came to shove no one individual or group offered their services to Ian Crane and so it stagnated

The campaign site again had this clear statement

1. The name of the Campaign shall be "The 911 Truth Campaign (Britain & Ireland)". This will be a separate entity which complements the existing 9/11 Truth network.

This separation of campaign and forum was further reinforced at the last AGM in Leeds in May 2007 at which Annie, Justin and I were selected as co-chairs as a result of Ian Crane stepping down.

Subsequently with support from Ian Henshall I oversaw the redesign of the campaign website in July 2007 and it's largely unchanged today www.911truthcampaign.net. This was accompanied by the redesign of this site (at one time called Peacing it together and then its current name) in an attempt to reinforce the separation.

In January 2008 I produced a review of 2007 that details campaigning activities over the previous year which is also a useful reminder

At the Leeds AGM it was also agreed that 'we' need to appoint a press officer and develop press capacity. Unfortunately, as has happened on numerous occasions previously, this commitment that 'we' should do something failed to translate into tangible offers from individuals or groups to actually propose what this would look like and how it would work, together with a commitment to take on the responsibility.

As I said here

I agree it [appointing a press officer] would be helpful. Any volunteers to undertake this role should contact me or another committee member.

Guess what? No concrete offers, just talk.

All of which explains in large part why I have decided to step down as co-chair at the next agm and withdraw from any involvement in this site whilst being commited to continuing to campaign.

So in summary right from the out set there has always been a separation between what gets said on a public forum and what the campaign says. The fact that the design of this website has in large part failed to make this sufficiently prominent and clear at least in the perception of campaigners and the wider public has been a major error IMO. Something that may be resolved in part by this solution: (1) keeping an archived copy of the forum on this URL, (2) putting a clear explanation on the front page that the forum is no longer hosted here and does not represent the campaign and (3) then linking to the 2 new URLs. Personally I would be happy to see the truthaction forum also listed.

The campaign in its various incarnations (the period from Sept 2005 to Feb 2006 when there was no formal structures, to the period from Feb 2006 to May 2007 when Ian Crane was chair, to the period from May 2007 to the present when Annie, Justin and I have been co-chairs) has always subscribed pretty much to the principles that truthmove advocate with an important exception. Rather than declaring those issues (such as DEW, TvF and NPTs) as debunked, we aimed to simply side step them by declaring we have no opinion about them and would not campaign on the basis of them.

Now as is plainly clear Justin and others are moved to campaign on a wider set of issues including DEW, EU constitution, common purpose, 'peak oil hoax', 'the global warming hoax', etc and this is fine. As long as it is understood to be what it is (a 'truth coalition' formed by like minded individuals) and not the UK 9/11 truth campaign.

Chris I know you have been involved in some great stuff. You will find many people share your views on the need to focus on the strongest least contested evidence. My advice is to network and collaborate with those of share this vision and leave those who don't share this vision to follow their own path. Focus on your vision (911 truth activism based on the strongest and least contested evidence) and minimise drawing further attention to the tensions within the movement by 'picking a fight' with those following another path. Friendly advice which you are free to ignore.

Best wishes

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PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 1:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

One person's truth is another person's nonsense.

This, I believe, is why broad coalitions around a whole raft of topics tend not to work. Each person or group has its own favourite topic which it wants to advance and each fears that association with other groups who want to advance different topics will tend to discredit their own group and topic.

That is why, since first meeting Ian Neal and others in early 2004, I have always believed that there is a need for a well-organised group which campaigns for an independent inquiry into 9/11 and nothing else.

However, as the 9/11 truth movement has grown it has attracted people who do not agree with that strategy but who want to campaign simultaneously on a whole raft of issues, some of which are mentioned above. This approach has essentially failed to attract sypmathetic support from almost anyone, except for the followers of David Icke and others who are generally interested in New Age ideas.

It has not attracted the Peace Movement, the Left, the Green movement, the civil liberties movement, liberals, journalists or politicians etc.

For this reason I believe a new organisation needs to be formed to campaign on 9/11 and nothing else. Single issue campaigns do sometimes succeed. This new campaign should not, IMO, be associated in any formal way with any other campaigns and should concentrate on calling for an independent inquiry into 9/11 based on the most conspicuous and least controversial evidence.

I would like to join with others to create a professional campaign along these lines. I will not indulge in arguments with friends like Justin and Belinda who want to form a broad coalition. I wish them well, but the 9/11 truth campaign I want to belong with will not associate in any formal way with those who want to campaign on a broad number of issues within a coalition.

However, such a 9/11 truth campaign would, I believe, be part of a cultural phenomenon of people waking up and realising we are being lied to in so many ways.

I may be wrong, but I think that the 9/11 issue is so demonstrably provable that it is a key to unlocking scepticism among the public about the way that the rich and powerful deceive us in an attempt to increase their power. I'd be interested in hearing from anyone else who wants to campaign in this way.

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PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 5:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

good points from both ian and noel.
one of the reasons why the campaign site and the forum were seen as one and the same, was partly to do with the fact that the calendar of events is only present on the forum site. i suggest that the campaign site needs its own calendar of events but these events to be restricted to those directly related to 911, false flags, and 7/7.
There is a need to re-launch the 911 campaign, to mend our credibility, and in so doing we will be more likely to attract sponsors (badly needed), the general public, the left, etc.

"injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" Martin Luther king
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 6:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Frazzel wrote:
one of the reasons why the campaign site and the forum were seen as one and the same, was partly to do with the fact that the calendar of events is only present on the forum site. i suggest that the campaign site needs its own calendar of events but these events to be restricted to those directly related to 911, false flags, and 7/7.
There is a need to re-launch the 911 campaign, to mend our credibility, and in so doing we will be more likely to attract sponsors (badly needed), the general public, the left, etc.

This may have been a reason but even this is not clear cut.

Official public campaign events (as in events that have been planned and paid for by the campaign) I can list on my fingers

3 Willy Rodriguez tours
DRG on the 5th anniversary
Cynthia McKinney
Webster Tarpley

and then all the rest would have been unofficial. That is all the events that individual campaigners and local groups have organised on their own. Included within this list would have speakers and events that not everyone would have been happy that the campaign was associated with. For example many people believe listing the events of David Shayler or David Icke would completely undermine credibility, so then you would get into the situation whereby someone has censor and decide what is an 'approved' campaign sanctioned event and what is not. Cue: inevitable squabbles over what is permitted and what is not and who makes that judgement call.

The easiest solution in my opinion is the campaign site has a blog or similar that presents a digest of the latest news and events

but with a big fat disclaimer and no opportunity to comment.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 4:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Website launched:-



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PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 5:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

xmasdale wrote:
One person's truth is another person's nonsense.

No, there is only one truth about what happened on 9/11. Explosives were either used or they weren't. Beam weapons were either used or they weren't. That doesn't mean to say I know, or that we will ever know and what is really much more important is the ability to see one crucial truth which is that 9/11 was a spectacular event prepared to get the public and political classes to give up their civil liberties and engage in an insane 'war of terror'. What we call here 'the bigger picture'.

Some people's 'truth' is not true at all. It is just plain wrong in an absolute sense.

Having said that I do agree Noel that there is a serious problem with this 'wider truth movement' in that when it loses its focus on 9/11, 7/7 and getting to the bottom of those key psyop events through diligent enquiry, as we have seen just a couple of days ago here for example, when it loses that focus it becomes patronising.

We're now getting to the deep philosophical and spiritual roots of what units and divides us.

'I know the truth' has an Orwellian ring to it. I repeat. Some people's 'truth' is not true at all is is just plain wrong in an absolute sense.

No, for me the search for truth has to focus on 9/11, 7/7 and the war on terror for the scheming and the Psyop style social engineering, the racist media manipulation and misinterpretation of those events has no parallel in the history of this planet. I don't mind what religion people are (or none) or whether they believe in chemtrails or aliens - so long as they are committed to unravelling 9/11 Truth, a specific disputed event which has come to define the 21st century.

As various of us feel it necessary to open up into the search for wider truth we are in a whole nother ball game and have lost sight of continuing work to do in one of the most important campaigns in what remains of the history of humanity.

In a word it's a cop out.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 6:03 pm    Post subject: Re: Sick of the disinfo and misinfo... Reply with quote

chrisc wrote:

I'm sick to the back teeth of the disinfo, misinfo and other utter nonsense generally found on sites like this... Evil or Very Mad

I actually think there has been some fascinating stuff on here which has nothing whatever to do with 9/11 so I have to disagree with you Chris. The only stuff which made me sick however was the Holocaust discussions which we finally decided to ban.

All the rest, however whacky, is discussed in the 'fruit loop' sections. ie controversies and critics corner, and off the front page, which is fine by me. It's called free speech and supposed to be what indymedia is all about.

However it is extremely annoying when people start hijacking the discussion and/or getting personal. People have different points of view. Get used to it and have a beer with them. Anyone who doesn't think like that has personal issues and/or is a bit of a control freak.

The splitting of the alien-lovers from the monotheists is a good move though IMO. Sort of like chalk and cheese.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Mick Meaney
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I can't bite my tongue any longer and will publicly state what I think, before nineeleven.co.uk falls into the abyss.

Pikey wrote:
Website launched:-


Are you freaking kidding me? With the greatest of respect to the people behind the site / idea, surely there is no way they can truly believe this is a good idea. The attempt to tie in issues that are based in reality, truly need investigating / action and have a solid foundation such as;
ID cards, CCTV, the environment, Dr David Kelly, the EU


no plane, beam weapons, the illuminati, yadda yadda yadda

is only going to drag down the serious stuff and label the people who have been involved with these campaigns and issues as loons, and will also divert attention away from the real concerns, if this think tank gets its way.

At the same time you're pissing on the 'traditional left' from a great height, aren't these the same people you've been begging to join forces with for years?

I'm sure it's not intentional and this think tank are only doing what they believe to be right, but at what cost? I believe in freedom of speech and wouldn't want to stop anybody from doing what they believe to be the right thing, as long as it doesn't hurt others. Well this is going to hurt any campaign you try to align yourself with.

By all means try to invoke a tax revolt, I'd support that, but for f-sake you don't need all the s**t that can and will be debated / debunked to do it.

And if you think "it's ok, that's their side of the movement and this is our side of the movement"; do you think the mainsteam media sees it like that? Does middle england see it like that? No, you're all tarred with the same 'truther' brush and all one in the same to anybody who is not already apart of the movement.

As a movement, the truth movement is fcuked.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 6:27 pm    Post subject: it's not intentional? Reply with quote

Mick Meaney wrote:
I'm sure it's not intentional

I more-or-less totally agree with the rest of your post (regarding the UK anyhow) but why are you so sure that "it's not intentional"?

Hasn't this:

Mick Meaney wrote:
The attempt to tie in issues that are based in reality, truly need investigating / action and have a solid foundation...with... no plane, beam weapons, the illuminati... is only going to drag down the serious stuff and label the people who have been involved with these campaigns and issues as loons

Been going on for long enough to make it clear that it is intentional?

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