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Book: The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder

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truthseeker john
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 2:12 pm    Post subject: Book: The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder Reply with quote

see also,
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/vincent-bugliosi/the-prosecution-of-geor ge_b_102427.html

----- Original Message -----
From: Mohammad Basirul
To: bangla-vision@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 8:59 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder

Thanks to Mr. Charles Mercieca, Ph.D.

The Prosecution of
George W. Bush for Murder
#1 New York Times Bestselling
By Vincent Bugliosi

Charles Mercieca, Ph.D.
International Association of Educators for World Peace
Dedicated to United Nations Goals of Peace Education,
Environmental Protection, Human Rights & Disarmament
Professor Emeritus, Alabama A&M University

Since George W. Bush decided to invade Iraq in March 2003 there were numerous books written on this US president, the vast majority of which tended to be highly critical. One of the latest one was The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder, which was published in 2008. It was written by Vincent Bugliosi who is one of the most successful prosecutors in the United States, with a record that includes twenty-one murder convictions without a single loss. (itallics mine)

Powerful Book of Revelation

This book has been considered as one of the most powerful, explosive, and thought-provoking in recent history. Its content, which consists of 344 pages, reveals a tight, thoroughly researched legal case that is meant to put Bush on trial in a US courtroom for the massacre of some 4,000 troops in Iraq in a war that was illegal and immoral from the outset. This war, as Bugliosi points out, was waged under false pretenses. More than 100,000 of innocent Iraqis were brutally killed unjustly and unnecessarily.

In such a short period, Bush has wasted over $1 trillion dollars, money that could have been used to provide all Americans with a free health care system, free education to those that cannot afford it, and good housing facilities to millions of deprived Americans. Relative to war expenditure there seem to be no end in sight. Besides, such a senseless and brutal war has alienated many allies in the west and the world at large.

As a prosecutor for a number of years, Bugliosi has proven himself to be fully dedicated to the cause of justice everywhere. He always presents non-partisan arguments free from every element of politics. His actions and statements are always based on clear evidence and pure objectivity. Although this prosecution is focused on George W. Bush, it also includes members of his administration who assisted him in this ugly war venture.

This prosecution outlines detailed steps that need to be taken to hold US government officials fully accountable for all of their actions. This approach is based on the Latin dictum: "Contra factum non est disputandum" It's useless to argue against facts. The importance of this book lies in the fact that it laid down detailed groundwork to prosecute future US presidents who abuse their power by putting themselves above the law. Vincent Bugliosi is a man who loves the United States and the American people tremendously.

Renewing Respect for America

The writer of this book wants to see the United States to return to where it used to be. He wants to see this nation once more highly respected. To this end, he believes that the first step to this end should be to bring those responsible for the war in Iraq to justice without further delay. The few books he wrote related to crime happened to be all best sellers. He received his law degree in 1964 and he has been practicing law with full dedication to the cause of justice since then. He proved himself to be not only a good author but also a good lawyer as well. Besides, he has earned the great respect that he deserves.

This book is written in six chapters with each one of them properly researched and well documented. In the first chapter, the writer is trying to wake up people from their hibernation to see with clarity what great harm can result from a deliberate blunder of the US President. He shows how in taking the United States to war in Iraq on false pretences, George W. Bush became directly responsible for the horrible and violent deaths of well over 100,000 innocent Iraqi people and more than 4,000 young American soldiers as stated earlier.

It has been obvious that Saddam Hussein was not given a fair trial. He was virtually condemned even before the trial started. As Bugliosi remarked on page 6, Hussein was killed for killing those who had first tried to kill him. In the second chapter, Bugliosi demonstrated that there was no justifiable reason for Bush to go to war with Iraq. The fabricated story of Hussein's weapons of mass destruction and the blatant lies that Colin Powell fed the United Nations created serious consequences for the American nation.

In this same chapter, Bugliosi printed plenty of misleading statements made by President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Advisor Condolezza Rice, Secretary of State Colin Powell, and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. In the third chapter, the author developed a very long prologue to the prosecution of George W. Bush for murder carrying fifty pages. He demonstrates how the Iraqi war caused "catastrophic repercussions on a scale far greater than the attacks of 9/11."

In view of this, it would not be in the best interest of the United States and the world at large, not to prosecute the culprit, the one that was responsible for the initiation of such a war. Something needs to be done about it by all means. In this chapter Bugliosi outlined a list of quite a few young Americans who lost their lives with a little story on each one of them. They were all looking for a hopeful and successful future when their life was cut short needlessly.

Financial Winners of the Iraqi War

The only winners of this Iraqi war seem to have been US big corporations, like Halliburton, which profited immensely. While Bush gave the wealthy a $1.3 trillion tax break over a ten years period, he "decided to discontinue the $75 â€"month bonus that the soldiers in combat zones in Iraq were getting,"as shown clearly on page 41. This little amount was viewed as "danger pay"or "combat pay."Bush and his people believed that this was "being overly generous with the soldiers at taxpayers" expense!"

In this same chapter, the writer holds not only Bush accountable but also Karl Rove and Dick Cheney. On page 44, he describes Bush as "a spoiled, callous brat who became president only because of his father's good name."He views Rove as "a pasty, weak-faced, and mean-spirited political criminal."He shows very clearly with virtual tangible evidence that American soldiers in Iraq have died, been maimed, and ruined for life for Bush, Cheney and Rove. He also brought to the attention of the reader that Saddam Hussein was only an enemy of George W. Bush and his father and not of America.

Bugliosi proposed that the epitaph that should be written on the grave of each American soldier that died in Iraq should read: "Bush Lied. I Died."He spoke of the American soldiers and their families with great respect and true compassion at the same time. He also enlisted several names of such soldiers toward the end of this chapter. This lawyer-writer concludes saying that "Bush didn't care about the suffering of anyone, that his remarks would never be made even by a scoundrel, and that he has been more concerned with the continuation of this terrible Iraqi conflict than with the eventual killing of Americans."

The next few pages consist of illustrations to justify with crystal clarity everything that was stated in the involved book. Chapter four discusses the eventual prosecution of George W. Bush for murder. It sets the legal framework for the prosecution in approximately one hundred pages. The author makes it very clear that in writing this book he had no political motives whatsoever. His only concern was the preservation of justice through the observation of the law and due respect to the US Constitution.

Bugliosi firmly believes that no one is immune from the violation of laws and the US Constitution and that the US President is not above the law under any circumstance. As a lawyer and a prosecutor, Bugliosi feels it is his obligation to bring the war crimes of the US President into the open with clarity to the best of his ability. Many in the US Congress who voted for the war in Iraq became very furious later when they discovered they were deceived through lies and distortions. One of these was Senator Edward Kennedy who condemned Bush saying: "Bush's distortions misled Congress in its war vote."

Never Admitting Mistakes

The major problem with George W. Bush is that he sticks to whatever he does, regardless of being right or wrong. This element would make it not only difficult but almost impossible to dialogue with him. Dealing with him is like dealing with a brick wall for all practical purposes. It explains why we have had some few members of the US Congress who wanted to start proceedings for his impeachment. In national polls taken in 2005 it was revealed that the majority of Americans believed that Bush "intentionally misled"the nation to promote the Iraqi war. In spite of enormous pressure, he refused to bring this war to an end.

The writer of this book states clearly that not only Bush should be prosecuted for murder but also his coconspirators that would include Dick Cheney and Condolezza Rice. There is no immunity for people who cause murder, even if they were simply to direct others to do the killing. When President Nixon was going to be impeached and then he resigned, still he was afterwards going to be prosecuted. It explains why President Gerald Ford stepped in then to pardon him.

Toward the end of this fourth chapter, Bugliosi discussed in detail the number of lies Bush told the American people. His first two major lies were when he said that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and when he indicated that Iraq was eventually involved with Al-Qaeda in the 9/11 event. Another lie was that this Middle East nation has become a threat to the security of the United States. Deception seems to have become the characteristic of the Bush presidency.

Numerous pictures were taken of Americans that lost their lives because of a war that should have never been waged. Tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis consisting of children, women, the elderly and the sick mostly have lost their lives because of this waged unjust war. In chapter five, Bugliosi showed how "Bush couldn't possibly be any worse in handing the war on terrorism."He also offered an indictment of Bush's conduct of the war on terrorism.

Bush has capitalized on the 9/11 event to haunt Americans with fear as to enable him to establish for himself full control in the political arena. This was also brought into the open by American news media including Time Magazine in 2004 prior to his election to a second term. But Americans soon began to open their eyes widely and many admitted that voting for Bush for second term was a big mistake. The invasion of Iraq served to distract us completely from the war in Afghanistan, from where Osama bin Laden was directing real terror.

Focusing on Osama bin Laden

Quite a good number of US government and military officials believed that our concentration should be on getting hold of Osama bin Laden and his terrorist organization. They believed that the Iraqi war would be a distraction from our real enemy focus in Afghanistan. But Bush has ignored them all due to his determination to invade Iraq by all means. The author of this book pointed out that other US presidents always took the responsibility for their mistakes by accepting the blame.

Even though several believe that Vice President Dick Cheney has been the eventual US president, still George W. Bush is the one that must be held fully accountable since he was the one elected for this office. "Bush has never gone after terrorists except Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and the terrorists he personally created in Iraq,"as well demonstrated on page 195. Bush has always ignored terrorists everywhere else like the Israeli-Palestinian terrorists along with those in Northern Ireland, Lebanon, Sudan, Uganda Myanmar, Colombia, Liberia, Sri Lanka, in addition to other global areas.

The American invasion of Iraq has succeeded to turn a non-terrorist nation into a "nation of many terrorists." Today Iraq has become literally a magnet in attracting Islamic terrorists from several countries to join the Iraqi insurgents to fight against an America they hate with a passion. In this same fifth chapter, Bugliosi shows clearly that it was Bush that "created terrorism in Iraq,"which resulted with tens of thousands of innocent people dying on virtually a daily basis in addition to the loss of their houses, markets, restaurants, mosques, schools and hospitals.

Before Bush invaded Iraq, Baghdad was a nice modern city with a very fine university. Women had virtual equality with men. They were free to become doctors, lawyers and anything they wanted. They enjoyed personal freedom, something that it is not easy to find in many Arab nations. All of this would be lost if Iraq were to become a Shiite theocracy. No wonder many Iraqis said in the open that they were much better before the American invasion than after.

This fifth chapter ends with up with a statement showing that for Bush what is terrible is viewed as good, what is white is viewed as black, and what is up is viewed as down. To this effect "the insanity continues, and the bodies keep being buried, and Bush keeps smiling."Chapter Six deals with the topic: America, Up or Down. The America under Bush has ceased to be the great nation it was before. Bush's view of a great nation is measured only by military power and wealth. Around the world, countless millions of people, because of Bush, developed a very negative feeling about America.

Distinguishing Between Right and Wrong

One of the greatest problems of George W. Bush lies in his inability to distinguish between right and wrong. He views everything he does as right and everything others do with which he disagrees as wrong. This sixty year old man has never learned in his life time that "to err is human, to forgive is divine, and to persist in error is diabolical."He lived his entire eight years of his presidency in this third stage…… persisting systematically in committing the same errors over and over again. He listens to no one except to his own mind and his surrounding clique that has been dominated by Cheney.

The Bush problem in America started with the 2000 presidential election when the Supreme Court stopped the recount in Florida that was authorized under Florida law, and appointed George W. Bush as US President. Considering that Bush had some 500,000 votes less than his opponent, Al Gore, this episode could be viewed as "one of the biggest crimes in American history."(See page 236). Bush has taken the initiative to prevent Americans from visiting Cuba because he said that Cuba was led by Fidel Castro whom he described as tyrant.

Ironically, Cuba under Fidel Castro provides health care for all of its citizens and does not have homeless people on the streets. At the same time, the United States, under George Bush, has millions of Americans homeless in the streets like strayed animals and many die because they do not have health care. Bugliosi names quite a few countries where people have a much better life that the USA simply because their government really cares for its own people and gives them priority.

The last portion of the involved book consists of highlighted reflections from each of the six chapters. These were inserted by the author as a general review to make sure the readers did not miss anything vital. In chapter one, we read that Saddam Hussein was condemned to death because he was directly responsible for the death of 146 men. These were mostly among those who fired twelve to fifteen shots at Hussein in an assassination attempt.

George Bush was responsible for the torture and death at Abu Ghraib prison where the number enlisted was 148 men. From a judicial standpoint, Hussein did not appear to have committed the crime of murder just as Bush believes that he is not responsible for the crime of murder at Abu Ghraib. In chapter two, we notice that the principal reason George Bush gave for invading Iraq in 2003 was that Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, which were never there. Another reason for the Iraqi invasion was for Bush to establish democracy in Iraq.

Changing of Political Structure

Changing the political culture of the Arab world to our liking may be viewed as a notion that is totally unrealistic and fanciful. The Arab world has had a history of deep religious and secular schisms along with rivalries with no tolerance of dissidence. Bush, unknowingly perhaps, has set grounds for the Shiites to eventually establish a theocracy that would replace the nascent democracy. In chapter three, our focus goes on the number of young Americans that were losing their lives unnecessarily and needlessly.

Ironically, American firms were getting contracts to re-build the same Iraq that George W. Bush destroyed. A contract of $2.3 billion was awarded to Halliburton, the company Dick Cheney headed and from which he still receives compensation to this day. Later Halliburton overbilled the Pentagon in excess of $100 million. This was a crime of grand theft and yet, no prosecution was even contemplated against Cheney's company!

It is very curious and somewhat mysterious about how Bush claims to execute his actions when leading the United States. He claims that he is directed by God in all the actions he takes! Does not this sound exactly like what the Islamic extremists, Jihadists, say in their waging of wars that destroy the infrastructure of cities and kill tens of hundreds of innocent people? In chapter four, we see how Bush should have been impeached, convicted, and removed from office. Besides, Bush should also be held responsible for the death of over 100,000 innocent Iraqis.

Moreover, Bush is criminally responsible for the deaths of 4,000 American soldiers in Iraq as well. Contrary to what Bush maintains Iraq has never posed a threat to the security of the United States. In chapter five, we see clearly how Bush tried to exercise control over the American people through fear. He referred to his approach in the Iraqi war as "staying the course,"that is, of staying there indefinitely, while he accused the Democrats who wanted to stop this immoral and illegal war as "quitters"or "cut and run!"

In chapter six, we see how the American people have been injected by their government to believe that "America is the greatest country in the world."Another injection is that "Americans have freedom and democracy,"when in reality they do not have any. Unlike many other countries, the US government prohibits Americans from traveling into a number of countries, including Cuba, their peaceful neighbor. In a democracy everyone has the unique opportunity to run for a political office and to be equally heard through the news media, which is viewed as a service to the people.

Nation of Plutocracy not Democracy

The United States is a nation of plutocracy and not of democracy where everything is controlled by the rich. When running for a political office, to receive media attention one has to pay millions of dollars, which the poor, no matter how smart they may be, cannot afford. Those who may be interested in learning more about the content of this involved book may view the following website, where one may read, listen or watch the whole story:
http://www.democracynow.org/2008/6/13/citing_iraq_war_renowned_attorne y_vincent

Besides, this book: The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder, which has been #1 New York Times bestselling, may be secured from bookstores not only in North America but also in the European Union and other countries as well. For further information, one is welcome to contact the Special Markets Department at the Perseus Books Group, 11 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA. Moreover, one may phone: 800-355-1514 or 617-252-5298 or one may simply send an e-mail message to: special.markets@perseusbooks.com

This book was published in 2008, as stated earlier, in the United States by Vanguard Press Books. The book's author, Vincent Bugliosi, who is a prosecutor by profession, has also written a famous book known as Helter Skelter. He lives with his wife, Gail, in Los Angeles, California, USA. He feels that his vocation in life is to safeguard justice by bringing the truth of everything that takes place into the open for everyone to see with crystal clarity to the best he can. He is widely respected for his honesty and integrity.

Last but not least, Bugliosi felt the dire need to write this book because he is deeply convinced that no one is above the law, not even the President of the United States of America. As one who is well versed in prosecution, he is more concerned with consequences of actions people take, regardless of their status, than with the kind of people that took such actions. (6/15/08 )
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