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ANGER Is An Energy
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paul wright

Joined: 26 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 8:45 pm    Post subject: Re: Babies & "The Dharma" Reply with quote

Jane wrote:
[I wonder if people are linked to some kind of "current" (like in electrical current!) where they are like "plugged in" to a certain frequency and can only hear things on that "frequency" I'm now on a different sort of "frequency" and they literally cannot hear me!

Yes, I agree with what your saying Jane. Actually, sometimes if people I'm friendly with and who know my views say something particularly irritatingly stupid, and some do this as a deliberate wind up, the pitch and volume of my voice raises as I splatter them with angry rhetoric liberally littered with those tourettes tendencies one can no longer happily employ here. Mind you, I like it and so do they.
Anyway that's not the point here - re the above quote
There are many competing ideas around this including your own
I think people are actually vibrating to two dissonant frequencies at the moment -
1. The Schumann resonances whose upgrade is causing many effects including change in planetary consciousness, but also, among other effects, causing people to get fat in preparation for lean times and/or to blank out and immerse themselves only in safe media-moderated diversions. Your kind of conversations only remind them of those tingling anxieties that the attenuation of energy they are trying to block causes
2. The mobile phone mast and TETRA systems are set at mind-control frequencies, which cause a minority of people to have migraines, cancers,behavioural disturbances, voices in the head and the like
The majority of the people only suffer a kind of blanking and semi-hypnotic trance, where they are mostly willing to accept the central will of authority. This system is part of the global EM beaming system seeking to wrest control of the Schumann effect, which ultimate frequency is such that all parasites can no longer survive on this planet. Menwith has not a little part to play in this. Another minority of the population who are vibrating more in line with the earth have some degree of immunity from the masts and are therefore watching and participating in a different movie (Thanks Ishaar) from the majority, eg most of us here
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Validated Poster
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 8:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well it will get no response (perhaps a smiling gurgle or the thought that I was when I wrote it) and isnt a well structured letter but I sent Mark Thomas the following to make myself feel better at least.

Dear Mark and crew,

I realise this will probably not reach your eyes and ears Mark and all between, but I should like firstly to thank you for many years of informative and sharp investigative comedy. Comedy designed to get people thinking and motivated towards altering the targets of your satire within our daily lives.

I first saw you perform live at Glastonbury in the early nineties whilst a teenager, some routine about teaching your kids to lick kiwi fruits. A heckler gave you great grief but you dealt with him superbly, despite I believe, an attempt to storm the stage. Perhaps it was the acid guy you mention in your recent article, memory fails as I was perhaps in a red rather than green field of my own.

I had meant to contact you sooner regarding your arms trade activism and your prior Tip off a Toff land tax issue. Both extremely commendable, thankyou. At Manchester University we recently got some progress with getting them to dissist in their financial support of Arms Traders (BAE mainly I believe). Something I was disgusted to find out our universities willingly back as high risk and profit high as it maybe. Now, I realise education needs funding somehow, as it takes a back seat to everything else in politics it would appear, despite the fact that without it there probably would be nothing else to cavepaint home about.

On an activist matter I choose to contact you now and shall bore you with little further details except a nudge into looking for yourself, into issues that face the worlds stage. I am paying extreme attention and Im very pissed off. (the slogan of his website)

I wish to bring your attention towards the War on Terror and the recent terror attacks of the last few decades and now, days.

A large amount of declassifed information now proves beyond doubt, that many prior pretexts for wars were infact fabricated events or self inflicted wounds, designed to rally people behind governments prior agendas. As wacky and hilarious as it perhaps sounds.

Events like the Gulf of Tonkin and Pearl Harbour are examples, whilst The Reichstag fire and the Polish radio station invasion are now also documented examples that led to the quick seizure of power, the enabling act, the creation of a fatherland security system which controlled what the German population could do in response to the Reichs actions and the rest we all know. Invasion and illegal occupation, internment and torture, whilst domestic policies allowed surveillance and rendition to execution. No one forgets this.

Operation Northwoods was a plan to attack American Civilians in false flag terror events including swapped remote piloted and detonated planes, by the highest chief of staff in the US army. JFK was outraged and fired him. After later plans to alter the federal reserves control like Caesar and others, he mysteriously got fired upon himself.

Operation Gladio is widely documented to have rid Iran of its US favourable and democratically elected leader, perhaps due to BP wanting all the oil control? Whilst now we are attacking Afghanistan and Iraq for the third time, for perhaps the same hot air and crude reasons.

A pretext was required for our recent actions. Did Osama and Saddam really provide it? Or is there something else going on?

That I leave to you to decide, hopefully via research, although I realise you have been approached over this already and declared such thinkers to be in an insane minority. Are we? Or are the masses who are too busy watching BigBrother X to 'actually' watch Big Brother, really at fault for these recent events? Evidence suggests they are and that I was too, as perhaps are you, despite your commendable actions.

Comedian Rob Newmans History of Oil upon google video, is a reasonable start point that concurs our stance. Whilst http:www//st911.org contains evidence of thermate incendiaries to bring the WTC towers, 3 not 2 of them, crashing or rather pulverising at freefall towards the ground. It also explains the sulphur in the FEMA report and the handle that NIST cannot get upon building 7. So much more is out there to delve into, whilst Mumbai now picks up its dead in response to the newest fabrication. It wont be long until a papers please society is everywhere despite militarised police reluctant to merge, or civil servants concerns over trasparently paper thin ID systems of control.

It took one month to seize power in Nazi Germany. The internet has perhaps delayed similar now, but then that is under attack to silence its silent investigation of 9/11 fires, the patriot act, antrax attacks from US military sources, FISA wiretaps, rendition, internment, diplock courts (now perhaps overturned by supreme puppets), torture (white noise counts, as U know), and execution (The ACLU autopsy reports show homicide of inmates). Whats next?

Best wishes Mark even if you totally ignore this. We wont have.

Rufus Middleton
Scholars for 911 Truth (sm)


Worth a shot perhaps.

Back on topic and sorry to go elsewhere, i concur with Jane that sometimes who just glazed people with blank smiles noddig along. They are listening but not hearing the issue and it doesnt concern them yet as far as they are concerned. That can be annoying but cathartic channelling of anger is okay, and as pointed out few would be here otherwise as the perps actions are sickening. I feel bad for Mumbai at the moment.


The Peoples United Collective TPUC.ORG

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 9:22 pm    Post subject: The Keys of Enoch Reply with quote

dh said:

Yes, I agree with what your saying Jane. Actually, sometimes if people I'm friendly with and who know my views say something particularly irritatingly stupid, and some do this as a deliberate wind up, the pitch and volume of my voice raises as I splatter them with angry rhetoric liberally littered with those tourettes tendencies one can no longer happily employ here. Mind you, I like it and so do they.
Anyway that's not the point here - re the above quote
There are many competing ideas around this including your own
I think people are actually vibrating to two dissonant frequencies at the moment -
1. The Schumann resonances whose upgrade is causing many effects including change in planetary consciousness, but also, among other effects, causing people to get fat in preparation for lean times and/or to blank out and immerse themselves only in safe media-moderated diversions. Your kind of conversations only remind them of those tingling anxieties that the attenuation of energy they are trying to block causes
2. The mobile phone mast and TETRA systems are set at mind-control frequencies, which cause a minority of people to have migraines, cancers,behavioural disturbances, voices in the head and the like
The majority of the people only suffer a kind of blanking and semi-hypnotic trance, where they are mostly willing to accept the central will of authority. This system is part of the global EM beaming system seeking to wrest control of the Schumann effect, which ultimate frequency is such that all parasites can no longer survive on this planet. Menwith has not a little part to play in this. Another minority of the population who are vibrating more in line with the earth have some degree of immunity from the masts and are therefore watching and participating in a different movie (Thanks Ishaar) from the majority, eg most of us here

I must confess that much of what you are saying here is "a little beyond me!" (to say the least!) dh! Yet, you may be interested to know, that having installed myself on one of my favourite seats on the bus to Leeds this morning from Otley, having hauled along the seeminly ridiculous book "The Keys of Enoch" by JJ Hurtak which I paid about £35 for quite some time ago (I now believe that "JJ" may indeed work for the CIA and be very "Anti-Muslim," but someone had said something to me last night which had caused me to get this book out and have another look at it "on the way to work") I was joined by a kind hearted chap I know originally from our little Otley STW group - I was a little disgruntled as I wanted to read my silly book. He looked at it and said (he is a kind of "radical Christian") it was certainly "not in the Bible!" He then told me about going to Menwith Hill on 4th July and "There was this chap there, giving out information about this 9/11 Truth thing you go on about...I must say I agree with 90% of what you say- it's just the 10% I'm not sure about..."

He then went on to say about it being hard for people to accept that the government is totally corrupt and actually working against us (I don't think he has any problems at all accepting this himself- just the "Inside Job" elements to it all) because it frightens them .. I think a bit like what you are saying above and what we all must really appreciate to some extent or other...

I want to come back to this over the weekend and comment on what others have said and discuss further ...I have always thought that "workshops" (kind of like "Forum Theatre") dealing with how to handle these reactions and this "Fear" would be a good idea ...don't know what others think!

Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

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paul wright

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 11:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hell Jane - you got the Keys to Enoch? We are in the middle of one big sigil?
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 9:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My local council are refusing to pay my houning benefit for a 10 day period when I was made redundant. I'm not angry about this, I am furious.

I could use this anger to firebomb the town hall or to mount a one man campaign to get the decision changed which might eventually benefit others (anybody who loses their job on a Friday in fact!).

The anger is a motivating energy. Its use can be both positive and negative - just as electricity could be used to keep a premature baby alive it could be used to kill.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 9:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Having registered on the Mark Thomas forum I raised the issue of 9/11, from as objective aspect as possible. I was engulfed in an onslaught which I did not handle very well and have withdrawn from the field of battle.

They have already made up their minds that anybody who doubts the official story thinks the world is run by lizards and there doesn't seem to be any point in trying to deny that you believe it yourself.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 1:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anger is the enemy of lethargy - so it can be a great motivator. It just needs to be tempered by higher reasoning to direct it appropriately.
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Newspeak International
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 7:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sometimes if people I'm friendly with and who know my views say something particularly irritatingly stupid, and some do this as a deliberate wind up, the pitch and volume of my voice raises as I splatter them with angry rhetoric liberally littered with those tourettes tendencies one can no longer happily employ here. Mind you, I like it and so do they.

Exactly the same here dh, then it's smiles all round after.

My latest "episode" was reacting to a comment about "The muslims will kick off with nuclear attacks cos they're nutters"

Like Jane you've lost me on those other points too,interesting though.
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 10:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Newspeak International wrote:

Exactly the same here dh, then it's smiles all round after.

My latest "episode" was reacting to a comment about "The muslims will kick off with nuclear attacks cos they're nutters"

Like Jane you've lost me on those other points too,interesting though.

Glad to hear others have these kind of enraged arguments with people
Best place perhaps to go with that other stuff is Ken Adachi's http://educate-yourself.org/cn/
You'll get my gist with a bit of a study here
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 11:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Flamesong wrote:
Having registered on the Mark Thomas forum I raised the issue of 9/11, from as objective aspect as possible. I was engulfed in an onslaught which I did not handle very well and have withdrawn from the field of battle.

They have already made up their minds that anybody who doubts the official story thinks the world is run by lizards and there doesn't seem to be any point in trying to deny that you believe it yourself.

Well, I believe the world is run by shape-shifting lizards and Dracos for one,not least the Royals, the evidence is all there, so they can go rut with themselves Whats their problem? They havent caught on to that 'dark matter' conundrum. Even the smartass
Guardian's Charlie Brooker has a line on this
I am joined so I might go participate
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 11:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Perhaps I am a little too obsessed about seeing proof!

I have read plenty of very interesting assertions but I am yet to have my credulity tipped.

Generally speaking, I think I lack patience with people who are (at least)five years behind - a flaw in my character which I readily acknowledge.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 11:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Marks web crew assure me that Mark will read my letter and respond. Nothing so far...of course.

What evidence is their of the Lizard theory, I am seriously interested to know as I have not trod that path?

The Peoples United Collective TPUC.ORG

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paul wright

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 11:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It isnt proof positive In the end it's a circumstantial joke. It's repeated bits of a reptilian agenda It's as real as the collective consciousness makes it
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 2:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

dh wrote:
It isnt proof positive In the end it's a circumstantial joke. It's repeated bits of a reptilian agenda It's as real as the collective consciousness makes it

How true unless we decide it is impossible. In which case that will be the truth.
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Minor Poster
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 5:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My local council are refusing to pay my houning benefit for a 10 day period when I was made redundant. I'm not angry about this, I am furious.

I could use this anger to firebomb the town hall or to mount a one man campaign to get the decision changed which might eventually benefit others (anybody who loses their job on a Friday in fact!).

The anger is a motivating energy. Its use can be both positive and negative - just as electricity could be used to keep a premature baby alive it could be used to kill.

With regards to all post re anger and its positive/ negitive implications. The Bottom Liine is anger summons strenth and courage and a range of body chemicals that literally prepare us for battle,(hense say what a football coach would say to his team before a game or a TRADITIONAL general might say to his soldiers...You know like a pep talk or a WWF Hulk Hogan build up!), all good and well but who among us can say they never done anything that they had'nt regretted whist angry. Anger is the loss of control and you become an incoheriant fool, and thats what the PTB want. another excuse for Marshall law and Full Spectrum Dominance. Dont under estimate the power of the people and a United Front, peaceful in nature and stong in justice marching with a true cause. The wisdom and intelligence we can collectivley muster outways any kind of brute force... Common Sense, learning by our mistakes and basic evolution tell us this and has nothing to do with being passive or a sheltered individual as some posts indicate!

Heres one for the pot... A Worldwide sponsership for public acsess TV...hey its better than a kick in the teeth!!!


The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.'Albert Einstien'
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