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Political Campaign

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:42 pm    Post subject: Political Campaign Reply with quote

Hello everyone!

I have been mulling an idea around for a few months and have discussed it with one or two people.

I think that if we (truth seekers) want to be taken more seriously by the masses of sleep walking people in society then WE need to get serious ourselves.

Websites and forums such as this are excellent for us to gain and share knowledge with each other but how many sheeple are you going to wake up by posting on here? On sites such as this we are talking to fellow truth seekers who are, essentially, already awake. We need to take the truth movement to the next level, and soon!

We must get out from in front of our computer screens in our offices and bedrooms and onto a stage. A stage where the masses will look up and take notice would be the political stage.

I am not talking about forming a political party (as you will see below) as any such party would only be infiltrated and taken over by the ‘powers that be’ and a political party is fundamentally against one of the principals for which I stand, anyway.
I am, however, talking about forming a political movement. I think that by putting up 10 or 20 INDEPENDENT political candidates for every Parliamentary seat in the UK, all of whom are giving the same basic message, then the media would be unable to ignore it and so the people would be exposed to it, en masse.

The idea is not to get yourself elected! If anyone makes the mistake of being elected they should refuse the seat, lest he or she becomes a pawn of the system (or inert, i.e. a pawn of the system)!


This requires no special co-ordination between individuals or groups across the country. You will know what to do. You simply have to make your voice and your truth heard. WAKE PEOPLE UP!

When you are a conspiracy theorist / truth seeker / light worker in front of the computer screen your affect is going to be confined to the four walls of the room you are in. You will always be thought of as a weird, little, conspiracy nut by the sheeple around you unless you take a leap and put yourself ‘out there’ onto a serious stage with other serious people. The stage that you climb onto needs to be considered by the masses as a serious stage where only serious people would dare to go. The political stage is probably the one that most ‘normal’ people would consider to be the most serious. The vast majority of the public would never even consider running for election. They will generally think they are too insignificant a person to run for election and conversely they regard the people who do run as ‘special’ in some way.
We know it is a farce but most ‘normal’ people do not. Despite politics / elections being a farce it is one of the main places that ‘normal’ people look to for guidance on their overall view of the world. The people need to see you and a dozen or so fellow truth seekers up there – all saying the same thing. Only then would the television-addled minds of the masses take you and WHAT YOU SAY seriously.
The messenger is not important, the message is what is important. However, a 9/11 truther shouting from a street corner is a mad man. A 9/11 truther standing for election to their local seat in Parliament and being interviewed on television is someone to take notice of. And when there are 10 or 20 independent candidates on each and every political stage, the length and breadth of the country, the people will no longer be able to turn a blind eye to what is being presented. When it is in their DAILY lives they WILL deal with it.

This political movement would also up the stakes with the ‘powers that be’. It would send a message to those currently in power that we are ready to take them on – ON THEIR TURF! The political arena has always been where they lord their power over us.
Government should be there to serve the people and administer to the people’s needs. As most people know (truth seeker and sheeple alike) it is currently set up as a protection racket by a bunch of GANGSTERS.
Mounting this action would send a message loud and clear to these gangster thugs that we no longer tolerate their behaviour; we are drawing a line in the sand and we are shining the spotlight of publicity on THEM, for all to see.
A successful campaign means there will be no need to ‘take over’ government by winning seats (nor by any violent means) because the current status of government will be over-taken by the people.

The political action may also serve as a protective sheath for truth seekers such as your selves. The government (and police and military) would be very reluctant (I hope) to start rounding up and arresting political candidates all over the country. Also, if they did start doing that I think it would wake the sheeple up faster and more resoundingly than anything we could ever do!
The ‘powers that be’ could, however, retaliate financially. Be aware of this. If something bad does happen to you, like the loss of your job, you could use your presence in the political arena to kick up a fuss about it in the media.

In the UK it is surprisingly simple (I thought there would be more to it) to stand as a candidate for election to a seat in Parliament.
You need to go to the local town hall and pick up the registration form. Fill in your details. Get the signatures and details of ten people who will support your candidacy. Return the form along with a £500 deposit to the town hall. The £500 deposit is refunded if you get above a certain percentage of the votes but be prepared to spend it. Maybe each candidate could split the cost with their ten supporters.
See the website www.ElectoralCommission.org.uk for more information.

Anyway, I have drawn up a list of what I consider to be important goals and stances on various issues. Of course, each candidate could present their own issues as they saw fit – I do not expect everyone to agree word for word about the message they give.

Abolition of the Bank of England

Abolition of the monarchy

Abolition of the party political system

Outlawing of ‘Common Purpose’ and arrest of all members for treason

Immediate and COMPLETE withdrawal from the European (Soviet) Union

Immediate and COMPLETE withdrawal from the United Nations

Immediate and COMPLETE withdrawal from the World Trade Organisation

Immediate and COMPLETE withdrawal from all international banking organisations

Severing of all relations with the Vatican

Severing of all relations with Israel

Outlawing of all secret societies

Arrest, for treason, of all British attendees of the Bilderberg Group

Break-up of all corporations

Outlawing of eugenics and arrest of all involved for crimes against humanity

Outlawing of microchip implants for human beings

Outlawing of the fluoridation of water supplies

Complete exposure and outlawing of all mind control programs & techniques and arrest of all involved

Immediate cessation of ‘chemtrail’ activity over British air space (and the world)

Investigation of the H.A.A.R.P. project, based in Alaska, and the demand for it to be shut down, along with other similar sites around the world

Restoration of individual citizens’ sovereignty from the State

Repeal of all recent ‘anti-terror’ legislation

De-militarisation of the police

Removal of CCTV cameras from British streets

Withdrawal of our armed forces to within the nation’s borders

Independent investigation of the events of 11th September 2001

Independent investigation of the events in London on 7th July 2005, 21st July 2005 & 22nd July 2005

Outlawing of all ‘directed energy’ weapons (electromagnetic and sonic)

Prevention, by treaty or otherwise, of the proliferation of weapons in space

Full disclosure of the extra-terrestrial presence interacting with earth & advanced energy technology

Re-introduction of regulations for the mass media

Re-nationalisation of all public services

Complete and final destruction of the New World Order

Well, there’s my ‘manifesto’. All we need now is an election! Perhaps people in America could try this out, if the election in November does go ahead, and let us know how well it goes.

Constructive criticism of this idea is welcome.

Last edited by Karl on Fri Sep 12, 2008 4:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poliitical campaigning like the mainstream media campaigning has been flogged to death in the UK since 2005 and produced very little positive results for the 911 truth campaign.

A bottom of the pyramid strategy is required to awaken the masses. Totally agree with you Karl that we need to come out from behind our PC screens.

Rather than spend £500 on registering a political party why not purchase an lcd projector hire a community hall a couple of nights per month and set up your own community truth groups

These community groups can then facilitate the growing pool of expert and top quality speakers like Ian Crane, Andrew Johnson, Philip Day, etc.

These imho are excellent initiatives and a positive a way forward:-




Or one off events like this:-


As David Icke says the top of the pyramid is held up by those at the bottom. Without their complicity or co-operation (in reality ignorance of truth) the elite cannot maintain control of their status quo.

You cannot subjugate an educated public.

Our mission therefore as truthseekers, lightworkers has to be to educate and wake up the public masses to the truth and enable them to join up the dots .


Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 4:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Like I said: if you want to be taken seriously by the masses you need to get onto a serious stage, so that you are seen by the people in a serious light.

Hiring a local community hall is only going to attract fellow truth seekers who are essentially already awake. The kind of people who spend their spare time watching EastEnders & X-Faxtor are never going to go to an event like that. But when they see 10 or 20 names of INDEPENDENT candidates on a ballot paper and on the political stage of every seat in the country they might take notice.

I attended the Beyond Knowledge conference; it was excellent. But the speakers were basically preaching to the quire. I don't think that type of event is going to attract the 'masses' - not least because the venues will generally only hold a couple of hundred people!
Ten or twenty independent political candidates on every political stage in the country all saying the same thing will get media attention and be beamed into the homes of MILLIONS of people in one fell swoop.

When millions of people see news reports of political candidates telling them 9/11 was an inside job and that national debt is caused by the fact that our currency is issued by the Bank of England they will take notice.
Right now we are kooks who spend far too much time in front of our computer screens and we have our little conferences with each other while the masses watch the football and drink lager.


The point of the political campaign is not to win seats in Parliament, whatsoever. It is simply the forum that will be used to gain the recognition and LARGE SCALE publicity necessary to force the masses to take notice of what is really going on in the world.

I am aware of the pyramidal structure of power and that the people at the top are living off the work of the masses. The only power they have is the power we hand over to them.

The political campaign would tell THEM and THE MASSES that it is no longer acceptable for society to work like this. The masses will not be able to turn a blind eye when the political campaign is disussed on the 6 o'clock news.

You said at the end: "Our mission therefore as truthseekers, lightworkers has to be to educate and wake up the public masses to the truth and enable them to join up the dots."
Absolutely - but doing it a few people at a time with lectures at community centres (or even couple of hundred people at a time at conferences) is going to take a really * long time to get round to everyone!

What is needed is BOLD, large scale, SERIOUS action!
That means throwing our hats into the political arena in a big way! Flood politics with truth seekers. We need to put our damned money where our mouth is!

The Ian Cranes (and other insiders) of the world have their part to play but there are not enough people like that for large scale action. There are plenty of people posting on these forums to do it, though.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Karl give it go then and send in your £500, good luck!

There are plenty of people posting on these forums to do it, though

I hope there is an improvement on the response you have had on this thread so far.

Those in the 911 truth campaign who in the past have taken on the political system and MSM are battle weary.


Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 10:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Should have informed you that the initiative you have put forward has already been done. The Blackpool 911 Truth group lead by David Boyle and James Stewart and supported by the Cumbrai 911 Truth group attended the first AGM/gathering in London in Sept 2005 and the creation of a political group was put forward. Certain individuals were very anti the proposal and due to their extreme reaction the iniative was blocked.

Despite this David Boyle put up the cash registered and and formed the World Truth Coalition party. as far as I am aware its still in existence. If you wish to pursue your initaitive I'd suggest you contact David who i'm sure will be delighted to help you. Davids website and contact details are here:-



Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pikey, you are not getting it.

This idea does not require the formation of a political party. One of the things I am opposed to is the party political system!!

Parties / groups get infiltrated and taken over and steered by 'the dark side' using the delphi technique, among others.

The idea is not to 'take on' the political system; it is simply to use the political system as a platform. Instead of gathering in our own little truth groups and our own little conferences, each and every aware INDIVIDUAL should be getting up onto the political stage and talking to the people from there.

I'm not talking about a truth group forming a political party and putting forward a candidate in the hope that they get elected. One voice in Parliament would get drowned out by all the drunken fools sitting on the benches.

Hundreds of voices, all over the UK, campaigning during election time - posting leaflets through doors and being seen on the political stage in front of reporters and camera crews will get the attention of the masses. A single candidate put forward by a single truth group is very easily overlooked by the sleepwalking masses.

You need to thing BIGGER, Pikey.

You claim this idea has been done before; clearly it hasn't and you clearly misunderstand the proposed campaign.

How much difference have these websites and all our conferences made to average Joe Public's life??

They need to see us stand up, en masse, on a stage they know and understand. They don't know conspiracies or truth groups. They know EastEnders and X-factor and some have a passing interest in politics.

If you want to wake people up the political stage is the way to do it. If you want to indulge your [justified] paranoia then attend your weekly or monthly meetings with your fiends and post your messages on here, hoping people will agree with you.

The campaign requires no organisation. INDIVIDUALS all doing essetially the same thing - getting onto a political stage and telling the truth - does not require the involvement of anyone else. No police/intelligence/secret society-infiltrated truth group can stop it by taking a vote on it.

Don't obsess about the money - you need to be prepared to put your money where your mouth is. £500 for TELEVISED publicity of what you want people to hear is a very small price.
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