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Will US Declare 'Economic Emergency' & Suspend Election?

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:31 pm    Post subject: Will US Declare 'Economic Emergency' & Suspend Election? Reply with quote

US To Declare October ‘Economic Emergency’, Suspend Elections

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers (Traducción al Español abajo)

The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) is reporting in the Kremlin today that the Bank of England has received from the United States Federal Reserve Bank a ‘notice’ that President Bush is preparing to declare an ‘Economic Emergency’ during the week of October 5th and will further announce that the American Presidential election due to be held on November 4th will be ‘indefinitely suspended’.

These reports state that the Governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, had expressed his ‘shock and outrage’ to his American counterparts at the US Federal Reserve after the catastrophic collapse of one of the largest financial banks in the World, Lehman Brothers, and which caused both the Band of England and the European Central Bank to rush $42 billion into the European economy yesterday to keep it from collapsing, and their own banks from running out of money, necessitating the response from the US Central Bank leader Ben S. Bernanke.

As Prime Minister Putin had previously warned, and as we had reported on in our September 13th report “Hurricane Ike To Completely Destroy United States, Says Putin”, the horrific hurricane storm that has devastated the State of Texas, and where a humanitarian crisis is presently unfolding, has, indeed, proved to be the proverbial ‘straw that broke the camels back’ as the catastrophic damage from this storm raced beyond the Gulf of Mexico coast and ravaged the heartland of America to such an extent that the Governors of Ohio and Kentucky have declared States of Emergency as millions have been left without power.

The significance of this historic storm damage to the American economy, these reports say, led to the unprecedented pressures put upon the World’s largest insurance company American International Group (AIG) and its halt in negotiations, during a rare Sunday meeting in New York, to support the near bankrupt Lehman Brothers on Sunday, but which was then allowed to collapse and is now threatening to also destroy AIG itself.

Not being explained to the American people is that AIG, the World’s largest player in the $45 Trillion derivatives market, during the past two weeks had bet heavily on the World Markets against the damage from Hurricane Ike exceeding $2 billion in property damage, lost oil and gasoline production, lost wages and payments to companies forced to close, etc., it is obligated to pay, but which the actual damages are now being estimated will exceed $1 Trillion as the damages throughout the United States are finally tallied.

[Note: Derivatives are financial instruments whose value changes in response to the changes in underlying variables. The main types of derivatives are futures, forwards, options, and swaps. The main use of derivatives is to reduce risk for one party.]

Such a calamitous action by AIG has basically shattered the Western economic system, and as we can read as reported by The Australian Business News Service in their article titled “Global banks brace for derivative blow-up”, and which says:

“So here we are on the morning of D Day. The world's major couterparties on the $US455 trillion derivatives market go into technical default and no one is sure what is going to happen.

Lehman Bros yesterday formally petitioned the State Bankruptcy Court of the Southern District Court of New York for Chapter 11 protection.

Lehman would also have filed what are called "first day motions", which allow the bank to pay salaries and wages, while it continues to market its non-toxic, broker-dealer operations and work out what on earth to do with its highly toxic $US53 billion residential and commercial mortgage portfolio.

But, as scary and Spartan as it might sound, failure is as essential to the workings of an effective marketplace as is success.

Which means only that, given this shattered, battle-weary investment bank is unable to find itself a new owner or think its own way through the current calamitous circumstances, then one of the legendary brands of Wall Street should be left to fail.

In a weekend of unprecedented drama, the Fed seems to have been forced to play Solomon and choose between Merrill Lynch and Lehman. Both were facing mortal threat. But it seems only one could survive intact.”

Even worse for the American people during this unprecedented crisis is that one of their top economic experts, Wilbur Ross, chairman and CEO of WL Ross & Co, is now warning that over 1,000 US banks are nearing collapse, and one of their top economists, Nouriel Roubini, of NYU's Stern School and RGE Monitor, is further warning that “there is already a "slow-motion run on retail banks" occurring nationwide.”

Russian Military Analysts commenting on these reports state that though it is unlikely that the American President can suspend US elections solely on the basis of an Economic Emergency alone, it is entirely probable that he could do so should their Nation suffer another 9/11 type attack, and which they ‘cryptically’ observe could place as early as September 22nd as American Military Forces begin to conduct their World-Wide tests of their new nuclear alert system as they conduct another test of their so-called Star Wars Missile Defense System.

It should be further noted that as their once great Nation continues sliding towards the abyss of total ruin, these American people still refuse to acknowledge the substance of the many warnings being issued to them from all corners of the World as if even with eyes and ears they do not see and do not hear anything other than what they are programmed for by their masters.

How sad for these people, how much sadder for the rest of us these people are now all but lost.

© September 16, 2008 EU and US all rights reserved.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 8:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Mindlessness is Total
Are You Ready for Nuclear War?


Pervez Musharraf, the puppet installed by the US to rule Pakistan in the interest of US hegemony, resigned August 18 to avoid impeachment. Karl Rove and the Diebold electronic voting machines were unable to control the result of the last election in Pakistan, the result of which gave Pakistanis a bigger voice in their government than America’s.

It was obvious to anyone with any sense -- which excludes the entire Bush Regime and almost all of the “foreign policy community -- that the illegal and gratuitous US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and Israel’s 2006 bombing of Lebanon civilians with US blessing, would result in the overthrow of America’s Pakistani puppet.

The imbecilic Bush Regime ensured Musharraf’s overthrow by pressuring their puppet to conduct military operations against tribesmen in Pakistani border areas, whose loyalties were to fellow Muslims and not to American hegemony. When Musharraf’s military operations didn’t produce the desired result, the idiotic Americans began conducting their own military operations within Pakistan with bombs and missiles. This finished off Musharraf.

When the Bush Regime began its wars in the Middle East, I predicted, correctly, that Musharraf would be one victim. The American puppets in Egypt and Jordan may be the next to go.

Back during the Nixon years, my Ph.D. dissertation chairman, Warren Nutter, was Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs. One day in his Pentagon office I asked him how the US government got foreign governments to do what the US wanted. “Money,” he replied.

“You mean foreign aid?” I asked.

“No,” he replied, “we just buy the leaders with money.”

It wasn’t a policy he had implemented. He inherited it and, although the policy rankled with him, he could do nothing about it. Nutter believed in persuasion and that if you could not persuade people, you did not have a policy.

Nutter did not mean merely third world potentates were bought. He meant the leaders of England, France, Germany, Italy, all the allies everywhere were bought and paid for.

They were allies because they were paid. Consider Tony Blair. Blair’s own head of British intelligence told him that the Americans were fabricating the evidence to justify their already planned attack on Iraq. This was fine with Blair, and you can see why, with his multi-million dollar payoff once he was out of office.

The American-educated thug, Saakashkvili the War Criminal, who is president of Georgia, was installed by the US taxpayer funded National Endowment for Democracy, a neocon operation whose purpose is to ring Russia with US military bases, so that America can exert hegemony over Russia.

Every agreement that President Reagan made with Mikhail Gorbachev has been broken by Reagan’s successors. Reagan’s was the last American government whose foreign policy was not made by the Israeli-allied neoconservatives. During the Reagan years, the neocons made several runs at it, but each ended in disaster for Reagan, and he eventually drove them from his government.

Even the anti-Soviet Committee on the Present Danger regarded the neocons as dangerous lunatics. I remember the meeting when a member tried to bring
the neocons into the committee, and old line American establishment representatives, such as former Treasury Secretary Douglas Dillon, hit the roof.

The Committee on the Present Danger regarded the neocons as crazy people who would get America into a nuclear war with the Soviet Union. The neocons hated President Reagan, because he ended the cold war with diplomacy, when they desired
a military victory over the Soviet Union.

Deprived of this, the neocons now want victory over Russia.

Today, Reagan is gone. The Republican Establishment is gone. There are no conservative power centers, only neoconservative power centers closely allied with Israel, which uses the billions of dollars funneled into Israeli coffers by US taxpayers to influence US elections and foreign policy.

The Republican candidate for president is a warmonger. There are no checks remaining in the Republican Party on the neocons’ proclivity for war. What Republican constituencies oppose war? Can anyone name one?

The Democrats are not much better, but they have some constituencies that are not enamored of war in order to establish US world hegemony. The Rapture Evangelicals, who fervently desire Armageddon, are not Democrats; nor are the brainwashed Brownshirts desperate to vent their frustrations by striking at someone, somewhere, anywhere.

I get emails from these Brownshirts and attest that their hate-filled ignorance is extraordinary. They are all Republicans, and yet they think they are conservatives. They have no idea who I am, but since I criticize the Bush Regime and America’s belligerent foreign policy, they think I am a “liberal commie pinko.”

The only literate sentence this legion of fools has ever managed is: “If you hate America so much, why don’t you move to Cuba!”

Such is the current state of a Reagan political appointee in today’s Republican Party. He is a “liberal commie pinko” who should move to Cuba.

The Republicans will get us into more wars. Indeed, they live for war. McCain is preaching war for 100 years. For these warmongers, it is like cheering for your home team. Win at all costs. They get a vicarious pleasure out of war. If the US has to tell lies in order to attack countries, what’s wrong with that? “If we don’t kill them over there, they will kill us over here.”

The mindlessness is total.

Nothing real issues from the American press, which is about demonizing Russia and Iran, about the vice presidential choices as if it matters, about whether Obama being on vacation let McCain score too many points.

The mindlessness of the news reflects the mindlessness of the government, for which it is a spokesperson.

The American media do not serve American democracy or American interests. They serve the few people who exercise power.

When the Soviet Union collapsed, the US and Israel made a run at controlling Russia and the former constituent parts of its empire. For awhile the US and Israel succeeded, but Putin put a stop to it.

Recognizing that the US had no intention of keeping any of the agreements it had made with Gorbachev, Putin directed the Russian military budget to upgrading the Russian nuclear deterrent. Consequently, the Russian army and air force lack the smart weapons and electronics of the US military.

When the Russian army went into Georgia to rescue the Russians in South Ossetia from the destruction being inflicted upon them by the American puppet Saakashvili, the Russians made it clear that if they were opposed by American troops with smart weapons, they would deal with the threat with tactical nuclear weapons.

The Americans were the first to announce preemptive nuclear attack as their permissible war doctrine. Now the Russians have announced the tactical use of nuclear weapons as their response to American smart weapons.

It is obvious that American foreign policy, with its goal of ringing Russia with US military bases, is leading directly to nuclear war. Every American needs to realize this fact. The US government’s insane hegemonic foreign policy is a direct threat to life on the planet.

Russia has made no threats against America. The post-Soviet Russian government has sought to cooperate with the US and Europe. Russia has made it clear over and over that it is prepared to obey international law and treaties. It is the Americans who have thrown international law and treaties into the trash can, not the Russians.

In order to keep the billions of dollars in profits flowing to its contributors in the US military-security complex, the Bush Regime has rekindled the cold war. As American living standards decline and the prospects for university graduates deteriorate, “our” leaders in Washington commit us to a hundred years of war.

If you desire to be poor, oppressed, and eventually vaporized in a nuclear war, vote Republican.

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 11:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Russia-China Prepare Massive Gold ‘Shock’ For Global Economy

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers (Traducción al Español abajo)

A visibly angry Prime Minister Putin addressing the media during his visit with French Prime Minister Francois Fillon in Sochi blasted the United States plans for dealing with the collapse of the Western Banking system by stating, “We all need to think about changing the architecture of international finances and diversifying risks. The whole world economy cannot depend on one money-printing machine”.

Putin’s warning, however, has fallen upon deaf ears in the United States as that financially beleaguered Nation prepares to further implode their economy by injecting a staggering $1 Trillion into their stock and banking markets by doing nothing more than printing up more money as they have completely bankrupted themselves, and which has brought them to this latest crisis.

Not being explained to the American people, in the millions of words currently assaulting them by their propaganda media about their economic collapse, is the almost childlike equation that their Nations debt is virtually worthless on the World markets as the US Dollar has no real value as their US Federal Reserve System is broke, and as we can read from their own statement, but in much more convoluted terms designed to completely confuse their own people:

“The Federal Reserve has announced a series of lending and liquidity initiatives during the past several quarters intended to address heightened liquidity pressures in the financial market, including enhancing its liquidity facilities this week. To manage the balance sheet impact of these efforts, the Federal Reserve has taken a number of actions, including redeeming and selling securities from the System Open Market Account portfolio.

The Treasury Department announced today the initiation of a temporary Supplementary Financing Program at the request of the Federal Reserve. The program will consist of a series of Treasury bills, apart from Treasury’s current borrowing program, which will provide cash for use in the Federal Reserve initiatives.

Announcements of and participation in auctions conducted under the Supplementary Financing Program will be governed by existing Treasury auction rules. Treasury will provide as much advance notification as possible regarding the timing, size, and maturity of any bills auctioned for Supplementary Financing Program purposes.”

In simple terms: When the US Federal Reserve System announced it was broke, the US Treasury turned on its printing presses to create new Treasury Bills which have no value whatsoever, except giving the illusion of liquidity to the unsuspecting American public so they will cease withdrawing their dollars from their crashing banks and stock markets prior to their savings becoming completely worthless.

To the astounding plan unveiled by the US Government to address their financial collapse, one could justifiably be confused to if they are reading a pronouncement from the old Soviet Politburo, instead of the largest capitalistic economy system in the World, and as we can read as reported by the Bloomberg News Service:

“The Bush administration sought unchecked power from Congress to buy $700 billion in bad mortgage investments from financial companies in what would be an unprecedented government intrusion into the markets.

Through his plan, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson aims to avert a credit freeze that would bring the financial system and the world's largest economy to a standstill. The bill would prevent courts from reviewing actions taken under its authority.

“He's asking for a huge amount of power,'' said Nouriel Roubini, an economist at New York University. ``He's saying, `Trust me, I'm going to do it right if you give me absolute control.' This is not a monarchy.'”

As we had reported in our September 20th report, ‘Seven Days That Shook The World’: Democracy In America Dies, US Senator Jim Bunning was, indeed, correct when he stated, “The free market for all intents and purposes is dead in America. The action proposed today by the Treasury Department will take away the free market and institute socialism in America.”

But, to the fullest extent of this US financial crisis we can read as reported by the Washington Post News Service:

“What we are witnessing may be the greatest destruction of financial wealth that the world has ever seen -- paper losses measured in the trillions of dollars. Corporate wealth. Oil wealth. Real estate wealth. Bank wealth. Private-equity wealth. Hedge fund wealth. Pension wealth. It's a painful reminder that, when you strip away all the complexity and trappings from the magnificent new global infrastructure, finance is still a confidence game -- and once the confidence goes, there's no telling when the selling will stop.

But more than psychology is involved here. What is really going on, at the most fundamental level, is that the United States is in the process of being forced by its foreign creditors to begin living within its means.”

And, what the American economy, and its people, are not even close to being prepared for is how both China and Russia are going to be dealing with the new “Peoples Republic of Wall Street” in demanding their debts be paid immediately in full.

One particularly crushing response to the United States current crisis circulating in the Kremlin today, written by Alexander Dugin, described as the “New sage of the Kremlin”, advocates the combining of both Russia’s nearly $500 billion and China’s 20,000 tons [est.]gold reserves to back a new gold-backed Eurasian Currency modeled on the Euro, and which if implemented would ‘shock’ the American dollar to such an extent that it would cease exist on International markets.

This report further notes that the United States is already preparing for such a response from Russia and China by this past weeks invoking of the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 by the US Government in a desperate move to protect their money markets for the first time since the Great Depression, and of which the vast majority of Americans remain oblivious to the fact that their personal gold holdings can still be confiscated by their officials at anytime of their choosing despite the 1975 laws allowing these people to own gold again.

In all of these events, and as we have mentioned many times before, the greatest enemy of these American people appears to be their own ignorance as they, seemingly, have absolutely no idea on how to protect themselves, but which even Russian schoolchildren knows is the exchanging of a collapsing currency for one that is doing better, and which millions of ordinary Russians did during the collapse of the Soviet economy by purchasing American Express Travelers Cheques in US Dollars and British Pound Sterling.

To whatever becomes of these American people entering what is, in essence, a Third World Economy, it remains a main fact that they continue to ignore the many warnings from outside their country of the many catastrophes still to come, even to their false bravado of laughing these warnings off as they plunge into the abyss.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 9:36 pm    Post subject: Re: Will US Declare 'Economic Emergency' & Suspend Elect Reply with quote

conspiracy analyst wrote:
US To Declare October ‘Economic Emergency’, Suspend Elections

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers (Traducción al Español abajo)

The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) is reporting in the Kremlin today that the Bank of England has received from the United States Federal Reserve Bank a ‘notice’ that President Bush is preparing to declare an ‘Economic Emergency’ during the week of October 5th and will further announce that the American Presidential election due to be held on November 4th will be ‘indefinitely suspended’.

These reports state that the Governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, had expressed his ‘shock and outrage’ to his American counterparts at the US Federal Reserve after the catastrophic collapse of one of the largest financial banks in the World, Lehman Brothers, and which caused both the Band of England and the European Central Bank to rush $42 billion into the European economy yesterday to keep it from collapsing, and their own banks from running out of money, necessitating the response from the US Central Bank leader Ben S. Bernanke.

As Prime Minister Putin had previously warned, and as we had reported on in our September 13th report “Hurricane Ike To Completely Destroy United States, Says Putin”, the horrific hurricane storm that has devastated the State of Texas, and where a humanitarian crisis is presently unfolding, has, indeed, proved to be the proverbial ‘straw that broke the camels back’ as the catastrophic damage from this storm raced beyond the Gulf of Mexico coast and ravaged the heartland of America to such an extent that the Governors of Ohio and Kentucky have declared States of Emergency as millions have been left without power............


© September 16, 2008 EU and US all rights reserved.

McCain just announced he is suspending the campaign...
The Endgame is getting closer by the day....
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 11:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

McCain's, that appropriately surnamed chap's, campaign suspension looks ominously prophetic.
Let's all hope and pray not.
Has any presidential candidate ever done this before?

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 1:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Brown snubbed by U.S. Treasury Secretary after boasting he was 'best man to steer Britain through global economic meltdown'

By Michael Lea and William Lowther
Last updated at 1:08 AM on 25th September 2008

Gordon Brown suffered a major setback last night after the U.S. Treasury Secretary refused to meet him on his trip to America.

Downing Street had asked for talks with Hank Paulson, who is masterminding efforts to restore order to financial markets.

But, saying he was 'too busy', Mr Paulson turned down the request for a meeting during the Prime Minister's two-day visit to New York.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

TonyGosling wrote:
McCain's, that appropriately surnamed chap's, campaign suspension looks ominously prophetic.
Let's all hope and pray not.
Has any presidential candidate ever done this before?

Bush's victory in 2000 essentially was a suspension of the elections as the party with the most votes did not win and it was handed to the judges to decide.

Now they are handing it to the banksters...
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