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When Love Of Profits Clashes With The Love Of The Prophet(1)
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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 11:27 am    Post subject: Decoding the Great Deceiver Reply with quote

Decoding the Great Deceiver

Tony Blair will never give up his premiership willingly. No matter how much a liability he becomes to his party, the Bliar is far too attached to the power that comes with his job. Besides which, he performs a vital task for the interests of Anglo-US capitalist imperialism. Whereas neither Bush the Chimp or Cheney have the slightest ability to play the international statesman the Bliar is a con salesman par excellence. A con-man who has the knack, whilst talking a heap of *, to make it sound plausible.

But behind this apparently benign nature there lies the calculated nastiness of a lower middle-class social-climber. Astute mafiosi, Silvio Berlusconi, sussed Blair's weakness for bling and material advancement and plied him with gifts and free holidays. Others saw the advantage to be had and joined the caravan. Now, the world of carefully-laundered bribes and sweeteners has turned into so much * that the fans in Downing Street are groaning with the load that has hit them.

At least one web-detective, Sherman Skolnick, alleged that Blair received a huge bribe, laundered through middle eastern banks, as a sweetener for having single-handedly taken Britain into Bush's military invasion of Irak. Others say, no, the bribe will be paid on his retirement from the present post where, for example, it is speculated that he's already lined-up for a nice directorship with the international brigands, the Carlyle Group. Who knows, maybe both speculations are correct? And increasingly likely since the recent dosh for peerages scandal surfaced from Number 10 like a colossal turd with a long-expired sell-by-date.

But no matter, what has he to lose? Despite being the most loathed Labour premier since that other social-climber, Ramsay MacDonald, the Bliar, as he constantly reminds us, has a job to be done. Apart from having given the UK's welfare system the coup-de-grace, ensuring that his people will become ever-more materially and socially divided by the Victorian values that Thatcher instigated and which he re-packaged as 'neo-liberalism' there is other work to do to turn the entire planet into one sprawling, capitalist gulag. Globalisation.

"Globalisation is a fact," the Bliar assured the Australian parliament. Referring, in the same speech, to global citizenship it becomes evident that his speech writers are very au fait with all the right new-agey buzz-words. In the best traditions of Goebbellian propaganda, both the Bliar and his witch-doctors know how to take a word and stand it on its head so that its meaning ends up the very opposite of what was intended. Having, long ago, made a faustian deal with the forces of Mammon the Bliar is able to channel the words of the Great Deceiver so well that he has taken on a Mephistopholean glint that Steve Bell, the cartoonist, illustrates insightfully.

Like the rest of these reptilian shape-shifters he is a master of not only deception but self-deception. Hitler and Goebbels would go green with envy at the way in which this touchy-feely, new-age wannabe so enchanted and fooled the British middle-classes into believing that he and his New Labour party would bring an end to Thatcher's brand of fascism and replace it with a refreshingly compassionate social democracy fit for the 21st century. Ten years on and those he duped are only now beginning to wake up into the totalitarian neo-con nightmare with which he has cursed us all. Helpless to do anything, we stand horribly aghast as he drags us all towards another holocaust which could well turn into Armageddon.

Armageddon to be induced and fought out by what the Bliar's recent speech let slip to be an Anglo-Saxon alliance nicely repackaged as 'globalist'. Summoning up Churchillian memories of Empire he called for a new commitment by Australia's military to stand by the side of Mother England, ready to defend traditional values against the mad, fuzzy-wuzzy dervishes of Islam now threatening the Anglo-Saxon world, questioning its right to continue a hegemony that must remain unquestioned and not allowed to drown amongst the planet's melting icebergs.

Bankrupt of any vision for this new Christian century, all the Bliar and his coven are capable of is to look nostalgically back at a past that never was. Behind the glib romanticizations, however, lies the stark reality of a dangerously opportunistic self-promoter who will -already has- sold out every last ounce of human decency in the service of capital's darkest forces. No doctrine could be farther from the true vision of planetary stewardship and citizenry than his. No amount of spin can hide the ugly reality of the new totalitarianism that Tony Blair and his neo-con coven intend in the Project for a New American Century.

Now, this evil trans-Atlantic coven is planning an even more murderous assault on the innocent of the world, Iran. Having used its classical, deceitful ploys it has turned reality upside-down in order to demonize its victims in the eyes of its own domestic audiences. But the world has grown weary of these black magicians, seen through the diabolical filth of their intentions. They know this and will retaliate with ever greater desperation.

Having committed themselves to a method of global control through the politics of fear, coercion, shock and awe there is now a very real danger that in their state of desperation they could cause the deeply-held Judeo-Christian myth of Armageddon to be released from the collective unconscious of the Anglo-Saxon alliance to become reality. Just as Christian fundamentalists use the fission-energy in that myth to enlist and control the masses to enrich themselves, Bliar's trans-atlantic coven promote Armageddon in order to traumatize and disempower the rest of us. The staging and symbolism of 911 was a classic example of subliminal suggestion followed quickly by assurances from the Bliar and his fellow coven that "the world would never be the same again."

Too damn right it wouldn't, that was the purpose of having used the shock-horror Hollywood tactics. 911 provided the justification for the dismantling of our freedoms and their replacement with police-state totalitarianism. The Madrid bombings and 77 were meant to reinforce the shock and awe. That might have worked with the docile Anglo-Saxon mentality but failed miserably in a Latin, libertarian culture where it had the opposite effect intended. The electorate threw out the fascist Aznar and his Atlanticist skivvies. Replaced by Zapatero, Spain is now more closely aligning itself with the Hispanic world, including Venezuela. Zapatero saw the future and chose it while our dangerous clown, the Bliar, confused the future with the past and set out on a nightmarish journey to his own downfall.

Marx predicted that Capitalism would dig its own grave. Believing stubbornly that Britain's values of common decency will finally prevail, I pray that Blair's grave is dug as a black pit only to fit him neatly together with his trans-Atlantic coven.

And that the planet keeps revolving to the tune of a greater destiny for it and all its sentient beings.

posted by kosmik knight at 9:02 AM | 0 comments

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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 6:54 am    Post subject: Blair and the Neo-Cons' Permanent World War Reply with quote


Blair and the Neo-Cons' Permanent World War

By now, the manner in which Blair & Co have again hoodwinked Britain into a totally illegal military strike -this time using nuclear weapons- against a peaceful nation should have become frighteningly clear.

But it hasn't.

The Bliar's low-profile treatment of Iran, added to the contradictory signals sent out by him and others such as Foreign Minister, Jack Straw and John Reid, whose job is better described as the Secretary for War, has worked very well to keep the country in the dark. Although British forces might play only a minor role in a US air-strike -which now seems the most likely scenario- it is likely that its AWAC systems and its air-bases both in the UK and abroad will be used by US nuclear strike forces.

The Bliar's major contribution to date, it seems, has been to give his unqualified support and energies into creating the trumped-up charges that took Iran from the IAEA to the UN Security Council, bringing it perilously close to a Chapter VII Resolution enabling vicious economic sanctions against the Iranian people and the destruction of an ancient country through a genocidal nuclear holocaust. A nuclear attack will not only affect Iran but the radioactivity, like DU radioactivity but much worse, will spread across the Middle East, Asia and the rest of the planet, causing hundreds of thousands more deaths over a long period of time.

Even when told of the dangers many remain in a state of disbelief, cognitive dissonance, unable to accept that any rational political leader would commit such a terrible crime. But according to the current neo-con rationale, such nuclear genocide is really only a very small price to pay in order that the USA might hold onto its position as the world's greatest military power and go on to establish their Project for a New American Century.

Both Bush and Blair are fanatically committed to this nightmarish project. That's why, when interviewed about his plans to resign the premiership he constantly reminds us that he must continue "to do the job", that this is his priority not resignation. Well, by now it should be clear to even the dumbest journalist or television reporter what he really means. Continuing to do the job, first and foremost, means to continue running British politics as a dictatorship and throwing in this country's lot with a neo-con project for permanent war whose effects are just too horrific to envisage.

What amazes me is that by this late hour you would think that those who oppose this wannabe Cromwell would understand that Blair has dragged Britain into a state of permanent war. That he and his Atlanticist cabal frog-marched Britain into permanent lock-step with a murderous, illegal junta bent on world domination and endless violence and suffering. I keep waiting for the various groups that might be considered to comprise a natural opposition to this politics of terror to speak out against it, to spell out what he has done, why he's doing it and the hugely destructive effect it will, is already beginning to have against the victims everywhere of what he benignly describes as globalisation.

Let's be very clear, Blair's vision of globalisation can only be brought about by the terror of permanent war. It will have been achieved when the entire population of the planet have been marshalled and prodded like so many cattle into the slaughter-house of a prison-planet gulag system. This is what Blair & Co and his Atlanticist cabal are busily creating. Whereas many in the Third World who already feel the policies of 'globalisation' and 'neo-liberalism' more acutely experience exactly what this cabal are doing only now is the West waking up. The riots in France, the strikers in Britain are all symptoms of this vicious new pseudo-economics.

Bosnia and Irak were its early test-beds. Both countries have been effectively broken up into feudal vassal states. The next is Iran. Then Syria, Venezuela, the new South American people's democracies and on endlessly until the neo-con project is finally realized.

This is what our impetuous dictator is up to. He should have been removed a long time ago. The damage he has caused both to his own country and to others will take a long time to repair. But reconstruction should take place first by his ignominious removal. Maybe the British are far too polite to lynch the b****** but in my opinion not even Mussolini's fate is severe enough for these war-criminals.

If you think I'm exaggerating then just note what I say now and see where you find yourself in a post-nuclear attack on Iran. As usual, the western mainstream media has performed faithfully in keeping us uninformed about what is really now at stake. They too are accomplices to this most terrible crime. Only small and disparate truth-speakers remain. Let's not become accomplices through inaction. I appeal to us all to take this message and run with it. The mass killers must be arrested, tried and sentenced. We cannot expect a corrupt system to do this. It is time we take matters into our own hands as people's initiatives. We will find allies in the most unexpected places. Venezuela has already taken the lead by creating a new 911 trial.

It is believed that the attack on Iran will be cycled into the U.S. mid-term elections in November 2006. With popularity so low Bush could well use another military show-of-force to impress the disillusioned electorate. We certainly shouldn't wait until then or for others to take action. Don't wait for the Hague, let's alert the rest of the country and try our own war criminals now!

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 11:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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moeen yaseen
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 5:44 pm    Post subject: WHEN LOVE OF PROFITS CLASHES WITH THE LOVE OF THE PROPHET Reply with quote


When TWO TRIBES GO TO WAR- maybe Mr. B-LIAR and Mr. B-USH will
ask their respective Ministries of War on who compiled those lyrics. As these lyrics may actually inspire more dissenters in the armed forces to resign leaving the B-LIAR and B-USH to fight their own battles against self projected demons of their imagination.
This Easter weekend I issue several challenges to ALL to deliver us from evil and heal a sick planet. I challenge the Vatican and the US teleevangelists in particular to preach the message of Jesus and the gospel for truth and justice to the powers that be rather than delve in the mysteries of the passion devised by Pauline Christianity. Don't expect much miracles from these quarters.




If Graham, Robertson and Falwell are reading this piece then let me warn them I challenge them to a gladitorial " FREE SPEECH " contest in their land of "freedom, liberty and democracy". Let the first blood be spilt on the basis of looking at the mirror of turning the other cheek, love thy neighbour and above all speaking the truth. On that basis they will be lucky if they can muster the cowardly liar's courage to even take the challenge. So folks you can see when Truth challenges Falsehood it will disappear. Chapter and verse will be thrown at them as complicit with an ORGY OF BEDFELLOWS with the B-USH, B-LIAR, Neocons and Christian and Jewish Zionist extremists and fundamentalists.
Venceremos is right in his last post arguing that the B-liar, Neocons and orgy of bedfellows need permanent world war. B-liar's version of globalisation and neo-liberalism can only be brought by their call for permanent war. He has already recently stated in Australia that the situation we find ourselves in is like 1939. Indeed these warmongers have rebranded the new world conflict against terrorism as the "LONG WAR" which will last for at least 20 years. This B-LIAR knows that the AngloSaxon Pax Britannica is long gone yet as a toothless lion it hearkens to it's imperialist past due to it's lust for power it clings to the coat tails of Pax Americana. They know that the times are changing with power going back to the Far and Middle East and it is precisely now with an impending demise of their power and values that the venomous snake is at it's most dangerous.
The 9/11 Truth Movement and indeed other antiimperialist and antiglobalisation movements have failed to recognise a deep spiritual illness manifesting itself. The Western collective consciousness and psyche is in a dream like trauma in which internal demons are being shadow projected onto Islam. The victim is the very person which the West fears. There is a huge confrontation of the unconscious mind of
the secularised Judaeo-Christian West versus that of the collective consciousness of the Islamic East. The West is coming from a state of fear and reacting with violence against Muslims who are being demonised and dehumanised for the new 30 year Long War. The West is coming from a culture stretching over a millenium of a reservoir of fear. This deep malaise is being resolved INCORRECTLY by retaliation and projecting violence against whom they are made to think is violent. The real issues of substance in Western culture such as the spiritual void in which science and spirituality remain divorced and in which a vulture based UNRESTRAINED and UNSUSTAINABLE financially usurious capitalist system are not being addressed. The West PRETENDS to fear Islam as a beacon of terrorism and killing when what it really fears is a culture of real UNIVERSAL TRUTH and VALUES offering itself as a hope for humanity from enslavement from the powers that be. If Martians were to come from another planet and analysed who is the cause of the problems and reflect in the mirror there will be an unanimous verdict that the cause of violence and misery on the planet is the West. This is the starting point and there is no going away from this. If truth hurts so be it.
Underpinning my Easter post is that there is a need for NEW BATTLE LINES IN THE MIND and the SAND to be drawn. My conclusion is that these
are not between ISLAM and the OTHER but between all those people who are struggling for an UNIVERSAL CULTURE OF TRUTH AND JUSTICE and actively opposing it's antithesis. This is a call for a NEW SPIRITUALLY BASED POLITICAL ACTIVISM in which the left and right have no meaning and bearing. There is a need for a REALIGNMENT of social and political forces globally. This is what I meant by saying SWITCH OFF (inclusive of the propagandist media) and SWITCH ON to another consciousness.
This means as an example that all legionnaires of TRUTH need to awaken the zombies round them to the NWO and realities of 9/11 and towards a new consciousness of our spiritual and cosmic nature. We are reminded this week that on April 12 1606 the Union flag was created and thus need
to rededicate ourselves to our national identity, patriotism and reaffirm loyalty to the State. The demonic cabal preach one thing for others whilst they are instruments for a capital based globalisation agenda. NO the need is for a truth based HOMO GLOBAL VISION to emerge rather than a deceit based HOMO GLOBALISATIONIST VISION. Those who can not see the difference need to recognise that the gods make mad first those who they wish to destroy.


Furthermore Iran is being lined up in a massive psychop programme to prepare Western public opinion as the next demon to be exorcised.
The Iranian PM Ahmedinajad is being lined up by the WMD as the new Hitler. Nothing could be a greater travesty of the truth than this and from the mouth of B-ush. He needs an urgent look in the mirror and what we will see is that the B-ush dynasty was deeply implicated in the FINANCING of Hitler. The truth movement has a lot of work to do as I have not seen any post to this effect outlining the facts of who the B-ush dynasty really are. Wake up 9/11 Truth Movement!!!!!







In the light of the ratcheting up of the rhetoric on Iran and WMDs we need to focus on the real WMD of our times which are the weopons of mass deception.

http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=HAS2006041 0&articleId=2246

Do Westerners want their name to go down in infamy as colluders with this evil?

http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=DRE2006031 9&articleId=2139


http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=BOR2006021 7&articleId=1999

http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=20060112&a rticleId=1720

http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=BOW2006011 5&articleId=1728

http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=WHI2005082 5&articleId=863


The Truth Movement can NOT rest on it's laurels and argue oh we are only pursuing the truth on 9/11 and synthetic State terrorism which is primarily to awaken people. There is a need to recognise that the STRUGGLE FOR TRUTH implies not only thinking outside the box on official orthodoxy but also acting outside of the box. We need to escape from the maze and the MATRIX otherwise we will be trapped eternally in their agenda without offering THE ALTERNATIVE to a suffering humanity. At a time when the drum beats for the LONG WAR there needs to be a bugler for the GREAT ESCAPE from the Dajjal(web of deceit) which is preparing the ground for compulsory microchipping for even greater enslavement of humanity. An alternative hope and manifestation of global vision is needed NOW.


No one can terrorise a whole nation, unless we all are his accomplices.

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark. Th real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.

We believe that the truth is the birthright of every human being who will
pursue it with an open heart and inquiring mind. And, we will fight to
preserve that right.
Mike Whitney Laughing

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 9:50 pm    Post subject: WHEN LOVE OF PROFITS CLASHES WITH THE LOVE OF THE PROPHET Reply with quote

Hello Moeen,

I have read through some of your posts and visited some of the web sites you indicate. The result is an incapacitating information overload on me.

So may I just acknowledge the first paragraph of your post of 15th April


when TWO TRIBES GO TO WAR- maybe Mr. B-LIAR and Mr. B-USH will
ask their respective Ministries of War on who compiled those lyrics. As these lyrics may actually inspire more dissenters in the armed forces to resign leaving the B-LIAR and B-USH to fight their own battles against self projected demons of their imagination.
This Easter weekend I issue several challenges to ALL to deliver us from evil and heal a sick planet. I challenge the Vatican and the US televangelists in particular to preach the message of Jesus and the gospel for truth and justice to the powers that be rather than delve in the mysteries of the passion devised by Pauline Christianity. Don't expect much miracles from these quarters.

It is not clear to what lyrics you refer (if it is not just a metaphorical figure of speech).

The rhetorical challenges to the Vatican and the US televangelists are quite tantalizing but they are directed into a vacuum.
But the challenge could be just as well directed to the ordinary masses who, in the last resort, are responsible for allowing those two examples of a corrupted moral order to exist.

Christ, too, directed his message to the masses. It was incidental on his effect on humble followers, that the representatives of the "powers that be" also took notice. However, a "massed Christ" today could not be put down so easily. What would it take today to have mass renewal of consciousness that could see the world as it should, and could, be?

This would not be an easy task but whould have better chance of success than misguided efforts at a direct assault on the citadels of those in power.

There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil for every one who is striking at the root. (H D Thoreau)
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moeen yaseen
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 10:06 pm    Post subject: WHEN LOVE OF PROFITS CLASHES WITH THE LOVE OF THE PROPHET Reply with quote



Janus welcome to the world of the 9/11 Truth Movement. Your Global Justice Movement are enjoined to marry the cause of global quest for economic justice to political truth and justice for a suffering humanity.
You ask the 6 million dollar question on how the Massed Christ can be awakened? I salute the US Global Visionary hero Neil Young who may be a pointer in the right direction. Other 9/11 members realise as a critical mass is reached the time is dawning for breaking the mould and not being content with thinking out of the box BUT ACTING OUTSIDE THE BOX. If this means Hyde Park so be it. But the timing has to be right. See You there. LET US KEEP ROCKING UNTIL WE ROLL OVER THE B-USH !

see http://www.islamonline.net/English/News/2006-04/18/article02.shtml

This should be contrasted with the hidden agenda of Live Aid in 2005 by the global web of deceit(Dajjal).


see http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=CHO2005070 5&articleId=641 Laughing

Last edited by moeen yaseen on Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:27 pm; edited 2 times in total
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moeen yaseen
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 10:13 pm    Post subject: WHEN LOVE OF PROFITS CLASHES WITH THE LOVE OF THE PROPHET Reply with quote



As I write this evening it coincides with the latest pronouncement from
Usama bin Laden. Leaving aside whether the guy is still alive and it's authenticity for a moment the themes it is addressing of a Zionist Crusader war against Islam and Humanity are definitely real. It dovetails on a theme I was going to address namely the linkage between 9/11, the GWOT aka GWI and the role of Christian Zionist Fascism. I will focus my attention on Christian Fascism inclusive of Terrorism. My powder for addressing Zionist Fascism remains dry for the moment as it requires separate treatment. The time for turning the tables aand counter offensive starts by forcing the demonic cabal to look in the mirror at their reality of Christian Fascism as opposed to synthetic Islamic Terrorism. After all we are on the QUEST FOR TRUTH wherever it takes us.


Usama bin Laden attacks the West for boycotting Hamas and accuses
Western governments of waging a "CRUSADER-ZIONIST WAR" against Islam.

http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/FEE6E1E5-DCC0-4E8A-80CF-FFCCA2B C4C2A.htm


Opus Dei is in my firing line as it's STUDI CATTOLICI an affiliated magazine depicted the Prophet in hell due to the divisions he has brought in society. This incident will not be glibly passed as there is more than meets the eye. The future of Rome in the coming era is significant.
These dudes do not realise what is going to hit them when truth rolls out.





I will appreciate a real interfaith dialogue on the QUEST FOR TRUTH from any dude from the Vatican.

Abidullah Jan is worth reading in this context as his book on Afghanistan:
the genesis of the final crusade really examines the Global War on Terrorism from an independent global Islamist perspective . His website openly challenges the official orthodoxy and is to be recommended as one of the few Muslim ones to do so. Post 9/11 B-USH openly declared the war on Afghanistan as a " crusade". This was changed to "operation enduring freedom". He documents the relief of the Vatican at the victory of B-USH in the 2000 elections. Pope John Paul's speech after meeting
B-USH in 2004 revealed a consensus between the two. The convergence between the US Catholics and Evangelical Protestants is charted.
He documents that at the highest political and religious levels in the West
there was consensus and unanimity in approval of the crusade starting with the invasion of Afghanistan.
The Pope is quoted to state two days after the 9/11 attacks as stating that 9/11 events were "truly an attack" and that "we were justified in taking defensive action". He charts how the Neocons, Catholic-Evangelical alliance is linked with the Zionist lobby especially in relation to the invasion of Iraq. Ullah charts systematically how Catholic academics and thinkers allied themselves to neocons such as Huntingdon and Fukuyama
in describing the pre-meditated attack on Afghanistan as a, "just war".
Ullah examines the extent B-USH justifies PAX AMERICANA with reference
to a religiously inspired manifest destiny for the USA. Ullah claims that the GWOT is not about oil or democracy but blames Christian extremism allied to the oil mafia and neocons. He claims that it is the HATE of Islam and Muslims which is the basis of perpetual warfare against Muslim nations and to crush the rise of the KHILAFATE a Global Islamic government for Muslims. Whilst the Crusades of the past were waged on behalf of Christianity against Islam they were NOT justified in terms of
self defence. Ullah praises the medieval Crusaders to the contemporary ones as they did NOT invent lies inclusive of the BIG LIE of 9/11 to justify their religious wars against Islam. He quotes Seymour Hersh who investigated Abu Ghraib and found that Evangelical Christian US General Boykin was involved in the design of military policies that allowed the torture of Muslim prisoners. Via General Boykin the fundamentalist belief in a holy war against Islam is linked with the use of humiliation and pain to break prisoners. This obviously was okayed by Rumsfield and Cheney.
This piece is only a start on looking at the working alliance between
Christianity and Zionism in the USA. The theology of the imminent expectation of the 2nd coming of Jesus, the Rapture and the rebuilding of the Temple on the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem will be addressed separately in the examination of the CONVERGENCE and DIVERGENCE of Jewish, Christian and Islamic ESCHATOLOGY. If I was B-USH and the B-LIAR I would watch this space as their fate maybe charted.




However, Larouche needs to be brought in this juncture. The TORCH OF TRUTH needs to be handed over to a man I salute as a ANTIWAR HERO although I have never met him. His work has a total command on the crisis which has crippled the USA and threatens to engulf us all.


An awesome interview on Radio 786 in Cape Town, South Africa.

http://www.larouchepac.com/pages/interviews_files/2006/060418_radio_78 6.htm

An awesome overview of the crisis


An awesome critique of the US military industrial complex and the relationship with SYNARCHISM.


There is a section on "Todays feudalism and the Crusades". This complements Ullah's analysis.









Last edited by moeen yaseen on Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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moeen yaseen
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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 1:13 pm    Post subject: WHEN LOVE OF PROFITS CLASHES WITH THE LOVE OF THE PROPHET Reply with quote


Sweet Dreams are made of this >>>>>> Travel the world and seven seas now can the B-USH and B-LIAR remember who sang this one and another one It' s a Kind of Magic>>>>>>>>>>>>. Isn't this time to awaken up the zombies surrounding us to the Caravan of Love?

At a time when 9/11 leads to the bleeding of the Iraqi and Afghan peoples as well as the drip drip blooding of Western troops. The human spirit needs escape with some hope and joy. Well we have seen some good news recently with the tide beginning to turn on the so called GWOT(GWI). Firstly the new Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi shows his true colours in committing to an Italian troop withdrawal from Iraq. Whilst this is another slap in the face to the B-ush and B-liar with another ally opting out the reaction of Italian opposition parties to this is appalling. Those modern Romans aka little Mussolinis are warned to heed truth and abstain from falsehood and injustice otherwise they will fall on their swords.
It just shows that a new realignment of forces is taking place in the world based on truth versus falsehood. Even the B-liar is being forced to give an exit date but do not expect Bilderberger Brown to be converted on the road to Damascus.


Another sign of the times is the London visit of Hugo Chavez a hero of our times we should salute and be proud that we have people of the calibre of London Mayor Ken Livingstone welcoming him here. Hugo Chavez accused the B-liar of being the "main ally of Hitler". This is a dramatic illustration of symbols of people power bypassing the system.
That the B-liar was dismissed as a nobody by another political leader in his own backyard is something to savour. Can anyone recall another
time this has happened in London?

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [extra !!s deleted - JHR]





Lest we forget the Iranian Prime Minister's salvo at rocking and rolling over the B-ush by his support for the 9/11 Truth Movement we should
salute the first Muslim political leader challenging the official orthodoxy of the 9/11 cover up and demanding a truly independent public inquiry. This is where Venezuela and Iran are one and the same. Let there be no mistake that what is being challenged here is the blind assumption of Muslim guilt as well as the propaganda machine of the New World Order which is being used as a mechanism for trial by media to dehumanise, demonise peoples that challenge it's hegemony. Accordingly the calls on this website for continuous picketing of the BBC and other media offices to expose the 9/11 political truths is supported. It is time for the BBC in particular to be made to account. What cheek and audacity this State propaganda machine has in proclaiming credentials of being truth seekers and being balanced.
The BBC which is in reality the B-ush and B-liar Corporation needs to be closed down or people power must sweep into power in a Velvet Revolution and redirect it towards the propagation of truth and justice than peddling falsehoods of the NWO. Although I have been calling for a mass switch off campaign and injecting resources in to the TRUTH AND JUSTICE CHANNEL.
Although this is the good news YET it is precisely now that the DEMONIC CABAL who are big time losers can be expected to call the shots and sow fear and panic globally by SYNTHETIC TERROR and tighten the reins of power AND and what could be better than SATANIC numerology of 666 aka the World Cup which is set to commence in Germany. I do not think anyone reading this can imagine what the Demonic Cabal are prepared to execute in their ruthless pursuit of power. Anyone reading this is warned that this is an opinion and I hope to God the Creator, Sustainer and Protector of this Majestic Universe that I am wrong.



In London there have been 3 recent events of significance which need some attention. Firstly we had the David Icke one man band messianic message delivered in his unique style at Brixton Academy for a marathan 8 hour session on the theme of Freedom or Fascism- The Time to choose. This was the first time I had heard him speak and whilst I am aware from recent communications of the man's ability to polarise I can only comment that he appears to be a genuine truth seeker and should NOT be condemned for seeking truth and propagating it. Most of what he presented was plausible and coherent although that is not to say I would write a blank cheque as there are various THEORIES which need clarification and even challenge. However, he has to be saluted as he spent one hour demolishing the official orthodoxy and propaganda of the NWO on 9/11 and 7/7. Any truth seeker present and there were over 1000 applauded his powerful critique and no wonder the B-ush and B-liar are refusing to accede an independent public inquiry as they will have no ground to stand upon. His book on 9/11 Alice in Wonderland is a major contribution and needs to be reviewed and disseminated.
I am reviewing his seminal text , " The Robots Rebellion: the story of the spiritual renaissance" and will come back to his thesis. Suffice to state that he is on a mission to assist humanity to break free from the Illuminati agenda of fear and division via the pyramid of manipulation. His central belief is that there is a conspiracy to control the human race. At the centre of this attack on human freedom is the suppression of our spiritual reality by the forces of the Lucifer Consciousness. He fears that the microchipping of the population is the next stage of global control. This is envisaged as the means to shut up the awakening that is taking place . As the truth is the enemy to be slayed it is feared as the awakening will lead to transformation and freedom. Icke states that humanity is at the crossroads and believes that religions are being used and manipulated.
This thesis needs to be qualified by stating that religion can and is being used to cement the status quo. However, we need to acknowledge that religion can be interpreted and used as a force for truth, enlightenment and liberation. I state and warn do not throw the baby with the bathwater
and make MAN GOD- man is God like but not God in any shape or form.
Also Icke and others need to acknowledge that perhaps some of the people are equally to blame as history records time and again the failure of those forces standing for truth, justice and liberation to collaborate and unite. My question today to Icke and anyone else out there is YES the time is ripe for the ROBOTS REBELLION but where on earth is SPARTACUS? When the heat is on the search for Spartacus becomes a life and death matter and the search for SPARTACUS starts with the inward journey for every woman and man in the search for the caravan of love. The battle is not only a search and destroy mission to eliminate every secret society and Lucifer network but to activate the GLOBAL spiritual political SPARTACUS. Forget the one man hunt for Bin Laden if the spiritual powers that be gift me resources I would offer a bounty for $25 millions for the search for the SPARTACUS of our times.
This brings me onto the crowd in London who call themselves
www.bethechange.org who meet annually . I will be charitable to acknowledge them as truth seekers as they are committed to a holistic paradigm shift. I have to remind them that paradigm shifts and being the change often means facing opposition and hardships. Try telling that to the British and European Muslim communities who have been suffering economic war in the marketplace and society due to the dehumanisation and demonisation as well as oppression and discrimination by the State and their fellow citizens.


How come that at least several leading advocates of www.bethechange.org can NOT stomach some of the facts and realities of 9/11 and the nature of the world that we are living in. Some have even asked to be placed off the email list concerning views of the 9/11 truth movement. Those preaching to others need to show humility and be humble in the search for truth as it often means looking in the mirror. I will go further and challenge the leaders of bethechange to discuss 9/11 and synthetic State terrorist false flag operations otherwise fold up. Because they are NOT beingthechange but rather upholders of the STATUS QUO.
Finally we had the State of London debate at the Queen Elizabeth 2 conference centre organised by the Mayor of London. This certainly was an attempt by Ken Livingstone tobethechange and attracted many ordinary citizens without having to pay several hundred pounds like the previous mentioned jamboree. I am pleased to state that issues pertaining to 7/7 and 9/11 were raised by myself. The need for an independent public inquiry into 7/7 was highlighted and attention was drawn to the existence of the ,"secret London government" focussing on the secret services which operate with immunity in this city with a lack of accountability except to the ruling DEMONIC CABAL. This drew some support from GLA members. How can we trust and rely on them for intelligence when they produced WMD dossiers responsible for misleading elected representatives on the decision to support the War against Iraq.
Only this last week we as the suffering taxpayers are asked to cough up more monies on the so called security services as the official narrative on 7/7 claims they did not have enough resources to do their job. You can fool the people some of the time but you can not fool the people all the time. It is high time that policing and secret services become transparent and accountable. We are told they need to be "secret" as they are facing and dealing with "our enemies". But dare I say who are the enemies and who needs war except the demonic cabal controlling the unsustainable
and uncontrolled financially usurious global capitalist system.
The BBC political news corresponsdent in one session on the media tasted some truth and anger when I accused the BBC being representative of the B-ush and B-liar corporation. These dudes have been the mouthpiece for trial by media and association of British Muslims and Islam with terrorism without a trial and any evidence. And what about their blind support for this phoney Global War on Terrorism(GWI)? The BBC dude was given the 9/11 truth leaflet and I hope when he reads it and looks in the mirror he chokes and resigns from the BBC for peddling lies and demonisation of fellow citizens. Do they realise how much suffering and ANGER they are generating on British Muslims by their deceit and falsehood. These devils have debased themselves to such an extent that they view the TRUTH as FALSEHOOD and vice versa. What a way to earn a living!


http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=LEN2006051 7&articleId=2458

http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=MCG2006051 9&articleId=2472

http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=20060518&a rticleId=2466





An error does NOT become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error.

Even if you are in a minority of 1 the truth is still the truth.


If you want a picture of the future. Imagine a boot stamping on a human
face forever.

George Orwell 1984 Laughing

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PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 9:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It looks like I'm five pages late but this might be useful, I read in private eye that in december two months after the cartoons where published in
Denmark, Abu Laban and colleagues from the Islamic Society of Denmark went to Egypt, Syria and Lebanon for meetings with ministers in the Arab
League. With him he had a 43-page dossier with the 12 cartoons inside, however they also included three other cartoons, one with the prophet with his
face as a pig, one of a praying muslim being sodomised by a dog, and another of a devilish figure with the caption: the paedophile prophet mohammed.
None of these cartoons were originally published and are far more offensive than the original twelve. A spokesman for the group said they were included
"to give an insight into how hateful the atmosphere in Denmark is towards Muslims." The illuminati got lots of names.

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PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 1:11 am    Post subject: US War Machine & Irak: Ex-Ranger Jessie Macbeth Speaks O Reply with quote

Former Army Ranger Jessie Macbeth speaks about his experiences in Iraq. A video interview that will change your life!

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8988839271260945473&q=peppersp ray+productions

Please see ... www.peacefilms.org for the Peace Films video presentation featuring Jessie Macbeth, Iraqi journalist and human rights activist Ms. Eman Ahmad Khamas, a young woman inside Dick Cheney's protest fence and three moms.


Read Anwaar Hussain @ http://malakandsky.blogspot.com/2006/05/scream.html
and Kim Petersen @ http://www.dissidentvoice.org/May06/Petersen22.htm

Testimony from a former U.S. Army Ranger
Jessie Macbeth, a Former Army Ranger and Iraq War Veteran Tells All

http://dahrjamailiraq.com/weblog/archives/informational_posting/000394 .php

This 20 minute interview will change how you view the U.S. occupation of Iraq forever. I cannot possibly recommend this more highly. An Iraq war veteran tells of atrocities he and other fellow-soldiers committed reguarly while in Iraq. I have never seen this level of honesty from a U.S. soldier who directly participated in the slaughtering of Iraqis.


"When we were doing the night raids in the houses, we would pull people out and have them all on their knees and zip-tied. We would ask the man of the house questions. If he didn't answer the way we liked, we would shoot his youngest kid in the head. We would keep going, this was our interrogation. He could be innocent. He could be just an average Joe trying to support his family. If he didn't give us a satisfactory answer, we'd start killing off his family until he told us something. If he didn't know anything, I guess he was SOL."


"For not speaking out, I feel like I'm betraying my battle-buddies that died."

from Dahr Jamail's Iraq Dispatches


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 11:49 pm    Post subject: WHEN LOVE OF PROFITS CLASHES WITH THE LOVE OF THE PROPHET Reply with quote


This evening if there is any message to be given at the dawn of the orgy of the World Cup 2006 it is that the time to stop beating round the B-ush has come. However, whilst the robots will be transfixed to their screens idolising their heroes, displaying passion for their tribes the Demonic cabal will be salivating at the profits raked in as well fine tuning their mass hypnosis and manipulation techniques to pursue their NWO agenda.




http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?channelid=80&contentid=355 3

http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?channelid=80&contentid=346 0

The wise among us will note how the model protoype of masculinity and the celebrity culture is defined by the corporate world and consumerism. The whole spectacle also glorifies the false capitalist values of teams dedicated to competing with each other and underwriting the false Darwinian theory of survival of the fittest. Is it any wonder that thinking and acting out the box in terms of the Universal paradigm shift becomes difficult and the call to switch off from the Dajjal(web of deceit) becomes hard to swallow. The point being made is that the Robots are colluding with their Masters and that there is a need to devise a powerful antidote as the Movement for Truth, Justice and liberation has no other choice. Indeed the time has come for a MOBILE GLOBAL POLITICAL FESTIVAL to enable the masses to escape from the matrix. Those who dare tread this path are the true heroes of our era and the team that collaborates deserves to lift the World cup of Truth, Justice and Liberation.
In the meantime the B-ush and B-liar double act in Washington shed crocodile tears on the admission of their "mistakes". A thorough reading of their speeches reveals that this is a desperate charade and another pr exercise to boost their ratings and political survival. If they are to atone for their sins, they should resign, give themselves up to the International War Crimes Court and massive reparations should be committed to Afghanistan and Iraq. Yet the B-LIAR shamelessly promotes the NWO agenda on the reforms that need to be executed. This completes the trilogy of speeches given by the B-Liar in the UK, Australia and now the USA on his Global Vision. These guys need reminding that NOT ONLY are they discredited but that Western civilisation which is a contradiction in itself has lost the right of moral leadership to lecture to the world and they should move over and take a back seat.





The latest "mistake" on the Haditha Massacre reveals how low these
"civilised" beasts have fallen.


Meanwhile the troops on the ground are deserting in their hundreds and thousands. This is the only good news coming from Iraq. To deal with AWOL and desertion the MOD plans to introduce laws which would make refusal to serve in the occupation of a foreign country punishable by a maximum life sentence in prison. At this rate B-ush and the B-liar will be left stranded fighting their own imagined demons on the battlefield. We should salute these heroes who are sacrificing their careers realising they have been lied and betrayed and who have discovered that they do not just belong to the AngloSaxon tribe but to Humanity.


I stated in my last piece that the secret London government needs to be exposed. I am pleased to state that the glorified image painted of the secret services with 007 agent James Bond is dissolving and dissolving fast. Former MI6 agent James Casbolt states that British intelligence is involved in controlling the global drugs trade and that the vast web of
intrigue and corruption has it's base in the square mile in the City of London. Well there you have it guys the case for bringing the secret services under transparent and accountable democratic control is self evident. The fact that there is no effective democratic command and control of the secret services has led to the demonic cabal developing a black eye.




There is no doubt that we are all about to witness the unfolding of the next act in the drama of the demonic cabal kickstarted by another false flag terror outrage. We should all hold tight and not let ourselves be overwhelmed by the shock and awe planned. Indeed we need to redouble our efforts to awaken the zombies around us. By the end of June we should aim to double the registered users here to 1000. This movement needs to gravitate towards a critical mass and soon. Let's Roll.


Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.

George Orwell Laughing

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:21 pm    Post subject: MI6: The Lords of The Global Drug Trade? Reply with quote

I cannot be sure about the credentials of the author and I find some of his suggestions (eg about the CIA) bizarre but feel this article should get some airing. It's clear that the CIA certainly do traffick in drugs so why not MI6? (venceremos)

MI6 Are The Lords of The Global Drug Trade
By James Casbolt
Former MI6 Agent c. 2006 James Casbolt
All Rights Reserved

It may be a revelation to many people that the global drug trade is controlled and run by the intelligence agencies. In this global drug trade British intelligence reigns supreme.

As intelligence insiders know MI5 and MI6 control many of the other intelligence agencies in the world (CIA, MOSSAD etc) in a vast web of intrigue and corruption that has its global power base in the city of London, the square mile.

My name is James Casbolt and I worked for MI6 in 'black ops' cocaine trafficking with the IRA and MOSSAD in London and Brighton between 1995 and 1999. My father Peter Casbolt was also MI6 and worked with the CIA and mafia in Rome, trafficking cocaine into Britain.

My experience was that the distinctions of all these groups became blurred until in the end we were all one international group working together for the same goals. We were puppets who had our strings pulled by global puppet masters based in the city of London.

Most levels of the intelligence agencies are not loyal to the people of the country they are based in and see themselves as 'super national'. It had been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the CIA has been bringing in most of the drugs into America for the last fifty years (see ex LAPD officer Michael Rupert's 'From the wilderness' website for proof).

The CIA operates under orders from British intelligence and was created by British intelligence in 1947. The CIA today is still loyal to the international bankers based in the city of London and the global elite aristocratic families like the Rothchilds and the Windsor's.

Since it was first started, MI6 has always brought drugs into Britain. They do not bring 'some' of the drugs into Britain but I would estimate MI6 bring in around ninety percent of the drugs in. They do this by pulling the strings of many organised crime and terrorist groups and these groups like the IRA are full of MI6 agents.

MI6 bring in heroin from the middle east, cocaine from south America and cannabis from morocco as well as other places. British intelligence also designed and created the drug LSD in the 1950's through places like the Tavistock Institute in London. By the 1960's MI5, MI6 and the CIA were using LSD as a weapon against the angry protestors of the sixties and turned them into 'flower children' who were too tripped out to organise a revolution.

Dr Timothy Leary the LSD guru of the sixties was a CIA puppet. Funds and drugs for Leary's research came from the CIA and Leary says that Cord Meyer, the CIA agent in charge of funding the sixties LSD counter culture has"helped me to understand my political cultural role more clearly".

In 1998, I was sent 3000 LSD doses on blotting paper by MI5 with pictures of the European union flag on them. The MI5 man who sent them told my father this was a government 'signature' and this LSD was called 'Europa'.

This global drugs trade controlled by British intelligence is worth at least £500 billion a year. This is more than the global oil trade and the economy in Britain and America is totally dependent on this drug money.

Mafia crime boss John Gotti exposed the situation when asked in court if he was involved in drug trafficking. He replied"No we can't compete with the government". I believe this was only a half truth because the mafia and the CIA are the same group at the upper levels.

In Britain, the MI6 drug money is laundered through the Bank of England, Barclays Bank and other household name companies. The drug money is passed from account to account until its origins are lost in a huge web of transactions. The drug money comes out 'cleaner' but not totally clean.

Diamonds are then bought with this money from the corrupt diamond business families like the Oppenheimers. These diamonds are then sold and the drug money is clean. MI6 and the CIA are also responsible for the crack cocaine epidemic in Britain and America.

In 1978, MI6 and the CIA were in south America researching the effects of the natives smoking 'basuco' cocaine paste. This has the same effect as crack cocaine. They saw that the strength and addiction potential was far greater than ordinary cocaine and created crack cocaine from the basuco formula. MI6 and the CIA then flooded Britain and America with crack. Two years later, in 1980, Britain and America were starting to see the first signs of the crack cocaine epidemic on the streets.

On august 23, 1987, in a rural community south of Little Rock in America, two teenage boys named Kevin Ives and Don Henry were murdered and dismembered after witnessing a CIA cocaine drop that was part of a CIA drug trafficking operation based at a small airport in Mena, Arkansas. Bill Clinton was the governor of Arkansas at the time.

Bill Clinton was involved with the CIA at this time and $100 million worth of cocaine was coming through the Mena, Arkansas airport each month. For proof see the books 'Compromise' and 'Dope Inc'.

On my father's international MI6 drug runs, whatever fell off the back of the lorry so to speak he would keep and we would sell it in Britain. As long as my father was meeting the speedboats from Morocco in the Costa del Sol and then moving the lorry loads of cannabis through their MI6, IRA lorry business into Britain every month, British intelligence were happy. As long as my father was moving shipments of cocaine out of Rome every month, MI5 and MI6 were happy. If my father kept a bit to sell himself no one cared because there was enough drugs and money to go round in this £500 billion a year global drugs trade.

The ones who were really paying were the people addicted. Who were paying with suffering. But karma always catches up and both myself and my father became addicted to heroin in later years and my father died addicted, and poor in prison under very strange circumstances. Today, I am clean and drug-free and wish to help stop the untold suffering this global drugs trade causes.

The intelligence agencies have always used addictive drugs as a weapon against the masses to bring in their long term plan for a one world government, a one world police force designed to be NATO and a micro chipped population known as the New World Order. As the population is in a drug or alcohol-induced trance watching 'Coronation Street', the new world order is being crept in behind them.

To properly expose this global intelligence run drugs trade we need to expose the key players in this area

1- Tibor Rosenbaum, a MOSSAD agent and head of the Geneva based Banque du Credit international. This bank was the forerunner to the notorious Bank of Credit and Commerce international (BCCI) which is a major intelligence drug money laundering bank.

'Life' magazine exposed Rosenbaum's bank as a money launderer for the Meyer Lanksky American organised crime family and Tibor Rosenbaum funded and supported 'Permindex' the MI6 assassination unit which was at the heart of the John F. Kennedy assassination.

2- Robert Vesco, sponsored by the Swiss branch of the Rothchilds and part of the American connection to the Medellin drug cartel in Columbia.

3- Sir Francis de Guingand, former head of British intelligence, now living in south Africa (and every head of MI5 and MI6 has been involved in the drug world before and after him).

4- Henry Keswick, chairman of Jardine Matheson which is one of the biggest drug trafficking operations in the world. His brother John Keswick is chairman of the bank of England.

5- Sir Martin Wakefield Jacomb, Bank of England director from 1987 to 1995, Barclays Bank Deputy Chairman in 1985, Telegraph newspapers director in 1986 ( This is the reason why this can of worms doesn't get out in the mainstream media. The people who are perpetrating these crimes control most of the mainstream media. In America former director of the CIA William Casey is head of the council of the media network ABC. Many insiders refer to ABC as 'The CIA network.)

6- George Bush, Snr, former President and former head of the CIA and America's leading drug baron who has fronted more wars on drugs than any other president. Which in reality is just a method to eliminate competition. A whole book could be written on George Bush's involvement in the global drug trade but it is well-covered in the book 'Dark Alliance' by investigative journalist Gary Webb. Gary Webb was found dead with two gunshot wounds to the back of his head with a revolver. The case was declared a 'suicide'. You figure that out.

Gary Webb as well as myself and other investigators, found that much of this 'black ops' drug money is being used to fund projects classified above top secret. These projects include the building and maintaining of deep level underground bases in Dulce in New Mexico, Pine gap in Australia, Snowy mountains in Australia, The Nyala range in Africa, west of Kindu in Africa, next to the Libyan border in Egypt, Mount Blanc in Switzerland, Narvik in Scandinavia, Gottland island in Sweden and many other places around the world (more about these underground bases in my next issue).

The information on this global drugs trade run by the intelligence agencies desperately needs to get out on a large scale. Any information, comments or feedback to help me with my work would be greatly welcomed.

James Casbolt- St Ives, Cornwall-19/5/06



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PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:51 pm    Post subject: Hyped Terror Raid Proves To Be Paper Tiger Reply with quote

Hyped Terror Raid Proves To Be Paper Tiger
No evidence of chemical weapons, supposed Canada attack also discredited

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | June 5 2006

Friday's terror raid in London which has been hyped by sections of the media all weekend has evaporated into another paper tiger, just as another alleged fearsome plot to attack the Canadian Parliament is discredited by lack of evidence.

On Friday morning London police, supposedly acting on 'intelligence' and not evidence of a chemical weapons plot, raided a family home in the Forest Gate area, beating down doors and breaking windows as one of the suspects, Mohammed Abdul Kahar was shot in the shoulder.

Over the weekend police incredulously attempted to absolve themselves of blame by claiming that Kahar was shot by his own brother and not one of an alarmingly overzealous 250 police officers who descended on the scene. The police's version of events was adamantly denied by lawyers representing Kahar and his brother Abul Koyair.

The London Guardian reports today, "Counter-terrorism officials conceded yesterday that lethal chemical devices they feared had been stored at an east London house raided on Friday may never have existed."

Whoops. But look beneath the embarrassing intelligence foul-up angle and we see another shining success for the police state, with one senior police source unapologetic in proclaiming that despite this farce coupled with the brutal unprovoked murder of Charles de Menezes last year, "The public may have to get used to this sort of incident."

The specter of impromptu armed dawn raids based on the testimony of shadowy neighborhood informants wouldn't look out of place in Communist East Germany but we are told it is the new Britain of New Labour and that we should shut up and accept it. Britons will continue to remain passive until the color of those being targeted changes, which it invariably will after the mass panic of another false flag terror attack.

The Register today carries an excellent analysis debunking the often cited threat of a biological and chemical weapons attack in the UK and the supposed ease in which it could be accomplished according to police and the government. The argument is illustrated by a comparison with Aum Shinrikyo's 1995 Tokyo subway sarin attack. According to the London Telegraph's Sunday edition the incident, "sent out an alarming message about how easy it was to plot and carry out a chemical attack."

If you clarify a $30 million budget, a team of trained scientists, top class equipment, at least one factory and years of testing as 'easy' then you might also equate climbing Everest with a walk in the park.

The article also points out that in the only documented major biological attack in the last ten years, the anthrax attacks of 2001, the source of the anthrax was not Al-Qaeda operated terror laboratories but in fact the US government's own bio-defence program. Therefore the bigger worry should not revolve around the miniscule chance of small terror cells acquiring limited use chemical or biological weapons, but the question of how weapons grade anthrax was smuggled out of Ft. Detrick and handed to terrorists who were apparently doing the bidding of the US government.

Meanwhile in Canada, an alleged plot to bomb Toronto area buildings that led to the arrest of 17 Muslim men is already being described as "vague" in some quarters. As Kurt Nimmo discusses, the story coincides with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service's (CSIS) Senate demand for more funding to fight terrorism. It is hardly beyond the pale to suggest that this is another imaginary nightmare dreamt up in order to scare Canadian politicians into rubber stamping a giant cash cow.

Little doubt that just like the London plot, any actual substance behind the story will melt away over the next couple of days.

Related: Cowboy UK Police Shoot Another 'Terror Suspect', http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/june2006/020606cowboypolice.htm


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:59 pm    Post subject: Top 10 Signs of the Impending U.S. Police State Reply with quote

Top 10 Signs of the Impending U.S. Police State
by Allan Uthman
June 4, 2006
Buffalo Beast.

Is the U.S. becoming a police state? Here are the top 10 signs that it may well be the case

1. The Internet Clampdown

One saving grace of alternative media in this age of unfettered corporate conglomeration has been the internet. While the masses are spoon-fed predigested news on TV and in mainstream print publications, the truth-seeking individual still has access to a broad array of investigative reporting and political opinion via the world-wide web. Of course, it was only a matter of time before the government moved to patch up this crack in the sky.

Attempts to regulate and filter internet content are intensifying lately, coming both from telecommunications corporations (who are gearing up to pass legislation transferring ownership and regulation of the internet to themselves), and the Pentagon (which issued an "Information Operations Roadmap" in 2003, signed by Donald Rumsfeld, which outlines tactics such as network attacks and acknowledges, without suggesting a remedy, that US propaganda planted in other countries has easily found its way to Americans via the internet). One obvious tactic clearing the way for stifling regulation of internet content is the growing media frenzy over child pornography and "internet predators," which will surely lead to legislation that by far exceeds in its purview what is needed to fight such threats.

2. "The Long War"

This little piece of clumsy marketing died off quickly, but it gave away what many already suspected: the War on Terror will never end, nor is it meant to end. It is designed to be perpetual. As with the War on Drugs, it outlines a goal that can never be fully attained -- as long as there are pissed off people and explosives. The Long War will eternally justify what are ostensibly temporary measures: suspension of civil liberties, military expansion, domestic spying, massive deficit spending and the like. This short-lived moniker told us all, "get used to it. Things aren't going to change any time soon."


Did anyone really think this was going to be temporary? Yes, this disgusting power grab gives the government the right to sneak into your house, look through all your stuff and not tell you about it for weeks on a rubber stamp warrant. Yes, they can look at your medical records and library selections. Yes, they can pass along any information they find without probable cause for purposes of prosecution. No, they're not going to take it back, ever.

4. Prison Camps

This last January the Army Corps of Engineers gave Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown & Root nearly $400 million to build detention centers in the United States, for the purpose of unspecified "new programs." Of course, the obvious first guess would be that these new programs might involve rounding up Muslims or political dissenters -- I mean, obviously detention facilities are there to hold somebody. I wish I had more to tell you about this, but it's, you know... secret.

5. Touchscreen Voting Machines

Despite clear, copious evidence that these nefarious contraptions are built to be tampered with, they continue to spread and dominate the voting landscape, thanks to Bush's "Help America Vote Act," the exploitation of corrupt elections officials, and the general public's enduring cluelessness.

In Utah, Emery County Elections Director Bruce Funk witnessed security testing by an outside firm on Diebold voting machines which showed them to be a security risk. But his warnings fell on deaf ears. Instead Diebold attorneys were flown to Emery County on the governor's airplane to squelch the story. Funk was fired. In Florida, Leon County Supervisor of Elections Ion Sancho discovered an alarming security flaw in their Diebold system at the end of last year. Rather than fix the flaw, Diebold refused to fulfill its contract. Both of the other two touchscreen voting machine vendors, Sequoia and ES&S, now refuse to do business with Sancho, who is required by HAVA to implement a touchscreen system and will be sued by his own state if he doesn't. Diebold is said to be pressuring for Sancho's ouster before it will resume servicing the county.

Stories like these and much worse abound, and yet TV news outlets have done less coverage of the new era of elections fraud than even 9/11 conspiracy theories. This is possibly the most important story of this century, but nobody seems to give a damn. As long as this issue is ignored, real American democracy will remain an illusion. The midterm elections will be an interesting test of the public's continuing gullibility about voting integrity, especially if the Democrats don't win substantial gains, as they almost surely will if everything is kosher.

Bush just suggested that his brother Jeb would make a good president. We really need to fix this problem soon.

6. Signing Statements

Bush has famously never vetoed a bill. This is because he prefers to simply nullify laws he doesn't like with "signing statements." Bush has issued over 700 such statements, twice as many as all previous presidents combined. A few examples of recently passed laws and their corresponding dismissals, courtesy of the Boston Globe:

--Dec. 30, 2005: US interrogators cannot torture prisoners or otherwise subject them to cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment.

Bush's signing statement: The president, as commander in chief, can waive the torture ban if he decides that harsh interrogation techniques will assist in preventing terrorist attacks.

--Dec. 30, 2005: When requested, scientific information ''prepared by government researchers and scientists shall be transmitted [to Congress] uncensored and without delay."

Bush's signing statement: The president can tell researchers to withhold any information from Congress if he decides its disclosure could impair foreign relations, national security, or the workings of the executive branch.

--Dec. 23, 2004: Forbids US troops in Colombia from participating in any combat against rebels, except in cases of self-defense. Caps the number of US troops allowed in Colombia at 800.

Bush's signing statement: Only the president, as commander in chief, can place restrictions on the use of US armed forces, so the executive branch will construe the law ''as advisory in nature."

Essentially, this administration is bypassing the judiciary and deciding for itself whether laws are constitutional or not. Somehow, I don't see the new Supreme Court lineup having much of a problem with that, though. So no matter what laws congress passes, Bush will simply choose to ignore the ones he doesn't care for. It's much quieter than a veto, and can't be overridden by a two-thirds majority. It's also totally absurd.

7. Warrantless Wiretapping

Amazingly, the GOP sees this issue as a plus for them. How can this be? What are you, stupid? You find out the government is listening to the phone calls of US citizens, without even the weakest of judicial oversight and you think that's okay? Come on -- if you know anything about history, you know that no government can be trusted to handle something like this responsibly. One day they're listening for Osama, and the next they're listening in on Howard Dean.

Think about it: this administration hates unauthorized leaks. With no judicial oversight, why on earth wouldn't they eavesdrop on, say, Seymour Hersh, to figure out who's spilling the beans? It's a no-brainer. Speaking of which, it bears repeating: terrorists already knew we would try to spy on them. They don't care if we have a warrant or not. But you should.

8. Free Speech Zones

I know it's old news, but... come on, are they f*****g serious?

9. High-ranking Whistleblowers

Army Generals. Top-level CIA officials. NSA operatives. White House cabinet members. These are the kind of people that Republicans fantasize about being, and whose judgment they usually respect. But for some reason, when these people resign in protest and criticize the Bush administration en masse, they are cast as traitorous, anti-American publicity hounds. Ridiculous. The fact is, when people who kill, spy and deceive for a living tell you that the White House has gone too far, you had damn well better pay attention. We all know most of these people are staunch Republicans. If the entire military except for the two guys the Pentagon put in front of the press wants Rumsfeld out, why on earth wouldn't you listen?

10. The CIA Shakeup

Was Porter Goss fired because he was resisting the efforts of Rumsfeld or Negroponte? No. These appointments all come from the same guys, and they wouldn't be nominated if they weren't on board all the way. Goss was probably canned so abruptly due to a scandal involving a crooked defense contractor, his hand-picked third-in-command, the Watergate hotel and some hookers.

If Bush's nominee for CIA chief, Air Force General Michael Hayden, is confirmed, that will put every spy program in Washington under military control. Hayden, who oversaw the NSA warrantless wiretapping program and is clearly down with the program. That program? To weaken and dismantle or at least neuter the CIA. Despite its best efforts to blame the CIA for "intelligence errors" leading to the Iraq war, the picture has clearly emerged -- through extensive CIA leaks -- that the White House's analysis of Saddam's destructive capacity was not shared by the Agency. This has proved to be a real pain in the ass for Bush and the gang.

Who'd have thought that career spooks would have moral qualms about deceiving the American people? And what is a president to do about it? Simple: make the critical agents leave, and fill their slots with Bush/Cheney loyalists. Then again, why not simply replace the entire organization? That is essentially what both Rumsfeld at the DoD and newly minted Director of National Intelligence John are doing -- they want to move intelligence analysis into the hands of people that they can control, so the next time they lie about an "imminent threat" nobody's going to tell. And the press is applauding the move as a "necessary reform."

Remember the good old days, when the CIA were the bad guys?

http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=UTH200 60604&articleId=2574


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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 5:48 pm    Post subject: This will lead to violence Reply with quote

This will lead to violence

The theatrical nature of recent anti-terror raids suggests a show is being put on to keep us fearful
Faisal Bodi
Thursday June 8, 2006


'You can only imagine if they fail to take action and something terrible happened what the outcry would be then, so they are in an impossible situation." That was Tony Blair's take on last week's "anti-terrorism" operation in Forest Gate, London.

But something terrible did go wrong. A man was shot in what seems like a misconceived and violent raid. His brother, and a next-door family, were terrified by gun-toting police. And a hole was blown in the already frayed trust between the Muslim community and law-enforcement officials.

If that doesn't qualify on Blair's horror scale as terrible, perhaps the cumulative impact of the anti-terrorism legislation his governments have instituted might. According to the Islamic Human Rights Commission, since 9/11 some 950 people, the majority of them Muslims, have been arrested under the Terrorism Act 2000. Of these only 148 were charged and only 27 convicted of terrorism, defined so broadly now that a question mark hangs over some of these cases.

Many thousands more have been stopped under the increased stop-and-search powers that anti-terror laws have given police. In 2003-2004 they were up by almost a third. Last year British Transport police statistics revealed that Asians were five times more likely to be stopped than whites. In the month following the London bombings, they had apprehended 2,390 Asian people. None was subsequently charged.

Anti-terror legislation is unpopular enough in our communities, where it is seen as an instrument of oppression. Far too many incidents have taken place for the government to pass Forest Gate off as a well-meaning botch-up.

Remember the ricin plot? Yes, the one where an al-Qaida cell allegedly planned to smear the toxin on door handles in a callous act of mass murder. The case slipped off the radar in 2005 after one of the longest criminal trials in British legal history. After political exploitation of the arrests and frenzied headlines about a north London chemical factory, no ricin was found.

Only one man, Kamel Bourgass, was convicted of "terrorism" after handwritten recipes for ricin were found in his possession, which he claimed was intended for use in his native Algeria. It also emerged that Mohammad Meguerba, the man who had informed on Bourgass, had probably been tortured by the Algerian authorities.

With all the signs suggesting police won't recover any chemical bombs from Forest Gate, the shooting is also likely to go down as a failure of intelligence.

Which prompts the question of why law-enforcement officials are making so many errors. An obvious answer lies in the decline in standards that has accompanied the anti-terror legislation. So latitudinous are the laws - and so enticing the prospect of bagging a terrorist - that they have never had it so easy to stop and arrest and detain and charge individuals. We should not be surprised if police and prosecuting authorities have jettisoned normal safeguards.

The theatrical nature of recent anti-terror raids - the swoop on Forest Gate, involving 250 police, was similar to the 2003 raid on London's Finsbury Park mosque, which also involved a helicopter and a battering ram - suggest that a show is being put on for the public.

Fear is what keeps people onside in Blair's war on terror, and few things provoke more alarm than special forces in chemical suits descending on a city street. It might help sell an increasingly abhorrent war, but Blair should not forget that this type of policing comes at a high price: the alienation it engenders not only acts as a recruiting sergeant for anti-state violence, it also lays the foundations of internal civil unrest.



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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:32 pm    Post subject: Behind the Politics of Fear Reply with quote

It seems ironic that I should have posted an article from the Guardian, warning of the dangers of racial strife in the UK, following another about the US drift to a police state. But is it really? The parallels between the rapid deterioration towards totalitarianism in the US and the UK are too frightening to ignore. Yet this is precisely what the mainstream media (MSM) in both countries do in order to ensure that their public are kept ignorant of the dangers that now scream out for our attention. Only the parallel reality of the Net keeps the thinking mind aware of what's going on. If that is taken away from us we shall have to master the arts of telepathy.

The gateway into the current Matrix World was, there can be no doubt, the premeditated events of 911 after which it didn't take very long for the likes of Blair to announce, pompously, to the world that "the world would never be the same again." The MSM, on cue, picked this up immediately and made it into its mantra. With horrific symbolism the twin towers of the World Trade Center became the entrance into a nightmare world of endless war through which public opinion was dragged stunned like frightened cattle to the slaughter.

First described as a "War on Terrorism" and now "the Long War", the politics of Fear was first introduced by the Straussian Neocons to the US and then, almost immediately, to the UK where the authoritarian and arch-neocon, Blair, was ready to embrace it and make it his own preferred mode of government. With the mentality of a thieving magpie, Blair and his fellow quislings understood perfectly the machiavellian antecedents of the Washington neocons' Politics of Fear, found it to their personal liking and plotted 7/7. And just to keep the witch's brew boiling in the pot, from time to time, further "terror incidents to keep the public in its place under the trance of inmtimidation and fear.

If anything, British politicians are experts in the subtle use of state-terror, not only having had several centuries to practise it in their Empire but, more recently, in Belfast, Ulster and the Irish Republic. In the same way that they used covert operations in those other parts of the British Isles, they now find themselves employing the same methods on the homeland. The propaganda that goes with the dirty tricks is clear enough: the public had better get used to this kind of thing happening over and over again. In other words, get used to living in the police state.

This is what Blair meant when he said that the world had changed. This is what he and the usurper in the White House were preparing us for. And this is what the mainstream media studiously avoid examining. In the same way it accepted the "Communist, Red Menace" hook, line and sinker it accepted Islamophobia as a suitable replacement bogeyman. The ingrained racism born of several centuries of righteous 'Christian' crusades against dark hordes of whirling dervishes suited the West well and their own fundamentalists' Judeo-Christian expectations of a bloody Armageddon. Here was the perfect window-of-opportunity for the righteous to allow all their darkest bigotry to fly free from the constraints of their collective unconscious in the most murderous killing-spree of all.

Make no mistake: when Blair and his neocon chums chose the politics of fear as their modus operandi, they knew that part of the fundamental cynicism ruling such a choice meant the scape-goating of fellow-humans. It meant turning their countries into prison-camps fortressed off from the rest of the world where the giant of Islam lies sleeping fitfully above reservoirs of oil and gas to be wrested away through imperialist force and nuclear blackmail. They would use the politics of fear as the only method of control left to them as social democracy was flushed into the sewers to be replaced by government by ministerial decree and a rump parliament.

Faisal Bodi is perfectly right to warn us of the dangers of Government using its fake War on Terror in order to intimidate and subjugate the public. As Thatcher used the police force to do the same thing by picking on the Caribbean community, Blair hopes he can keep us all under control by picking on innocent Muslims, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis. Keep provoking the dog with a stick until it retaliates. Then give it a taste of the full, violent force of the Law. They can't win, they won't win. And we shall have suceeded in showing the rest of the country how violent they are and why only further repressive legislative and policing methods must be introduced in order to keep law and order.

The whole country will have been turned into one vast, Belfast prison camp.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 2:33 am    Post subject: Mind-Forg'd Manacles in the War on Terror Reply with quote

Mind-Forg'd Manacles in the War on Terror
The Forest Gate Raid


At 4 AM on June 2nd, another grim episode in the war on terror was played out on a quiet residential street in east London. In what the media initially hailed as a major anti-terrorist triumph, 250 heavily armed police descended on a house where, it was alleged, Muslim terrorists were manufacturing chemical weapons to unleash on innocent Londoners.

In the course of the pre-dawn raid, 23-year old Mohammed Abdul Kahar was shot. He and his brother, 20 year old Abul Koyair, were arrested and subjected to seven days intensive interrogation, after which both men were freed without charge. No evidence of chemical weapons or indeed illegal or suspicious activity of any kind had been found.

At a press conference after their release, the brothers described their ordeal. They seemed patently sincere and painfully bewildered. When Kahar heard the front door being smashed down, he assumed it was a burglary and left his bedroom to come down stairs, where, at a distance of “two or three feet”, a policeman opened fire without issuing a warning or identifying himself. “We had eye contact and he shot me straight away,” recalled Kahar. The bullet entered his chest and exited through his shoulder, sparing his life by inches. “I was begging him, 'Please, please, I can’t breathe,' and he just kicked me in my face. He kept on saying, 'Shut the * up'.... one of the officers slapped me on the face ... I thought that they’re going to either shoot me again, or they’re going to start shooting my brother.”

Koyair, the brother, was also sworn at and beaten. Their elderly mother was dragged out in handcuffs. Their sister, Humeya Kalam, told the BBC, “I heard doors being smashed, windows being broken. I woke up, opened my door and saw a person dressed all in black, gun pointing towards me." Meanwhile, the police raided the house next door, where the residents received similar rough treatment.

Compounding the error and terror of the raid has been the police attempt to smear the victims. Newspapers reported, first, that Kahar had been shot after he had struggled with officers, then that he had actually been shot by his brother during a scuffle, and then that a police officer had “accidentally” discharged his gun as a result of wearing thick gloves. It was also stated that the brothers had attended militant Islamist demonstrations and that Kahar's wound was superficial. It is now acknowledged that there was not a shred of truth in any of these claims - as the police officers who made them must have known.

It has emerged that this massive and aggressive police operation was based on an uncorroborated tip-off from a single informant, a young man serving a prison sentence with a purported IQ of 69. According to reports in the press, the government insisted the raid go ahead despite warnings from Scotland Yard that there were “serious reservations about the credibility” of the source.

Given the feebleness of the intelligence, the scale and timing of the raid, the publicity that accompanied it, and the subsequent revelations, it's hard to avoid the conclusion that the government was over-eager to stage a high-profile action that would vindicate the war on terror, which can only be sustained if the fears of the public are regularly fanned.

The police have issued an ambiguous, half-hearted apology for “any hurt that may have been caused”. Even that is more than the politicians have offered. Tony Blair's response to the shooting was to assert: "I don't want them [the police] to be under any inhibition at all in going after those people who are engaged in terrorism.” Ken Livingstone, the London mayor, accused critics of trying to "smear" the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, who, along with the government, bears ultimate responsibility for the raid.

Kahar works for the post office, Koyair for a supermarket. Neither has any record of criminal activity. Indeed. Koyair had recently sent off for an application to join the police. They are hard-working, law-abiding British citizens who happen also to be devout Muslims. As Kahar said at the press conference, "I believe the only crime I had done was being Asian with a long beard."

The raid was an extreme example of a broader policy. In the two months after the July 7th 2005 bombings, some 10,000 people were stopped and searched in the London streets under the anti-terrorism law; 27% were Asians, who make up only 12% of London's population. Not one of the searches resulted in an arrest or a charge related to terrorism. The statistics reflect more than the racism of individual police officers.

The Home Office's guidance states that: 'It is appropriate for officers to take account of a person's ethnic background when they decide who to stop in response to a specific terrorist threat (for example, some international terrorist groups are associated with particular ethnic groups, such as Muslims).' In March 2005, a senior government minister told Muslims that they should accept as a “reality” that they will be stopped and searched more often than others.

It has become commonplace for politicians (including the Prime Minister) and columnists to suggest that 'British tolerance' has permitted terrorism to flourish. We are told we are under threat not because of the backlash against British involvement in brutal, unjust foreign wars but because the ideology of multiculturalism and a concern for human rights have blunted our willingness to defend ourselves against the Islamist menace. The fact that an innocent, unarmed Londoner was shot by police, at nearly point blank range, without warning, has done nothing to make these people think again. Rather, they see in the complaints by Muslims – remarkably restrained under the circumstances - an unwillingness to collaborate with the war on terror. Some have suggested that the bogus tip-off must have come from Al Qaeda.

The Observer, in bygone years a bastion of British liberalism, headlined its editorial on the affair: “Better a bungled raid than another terrorist outrage.” That lofty, callous calculus never adds up. The raid has done nothing to deter terrorism. It's likely to make it even more difficult for the police to gather meaningful information about real threats to public safety. Formulations like The Observer's do nothing but sanctify violent police racism, which poses a threat to Londoners as dangerous as any terrorrist.

More than two hundred years ago, during a fiercer period of repression (the putative menace in those days coming from the French revolution and its English sympathisers), William Blake wandered the streets of London and found evidence wherever he looked of “mind-forg'd manacles” - the fears and prejudices that keep people in thrall to an unjust social system. But he also imagined another London, a meeting-place for all humanity:

In the Exchanges of London every Nation walk'd,
And London walk'd in every Nation, mutual in love & harmony

That democratic vision is profoundly at odds with the ideology being preached and practiced in Britain these days. London is often cited as the most harmoniously multi-ethnic city in the world, and there's some truth in the boast. But that's no thanks whatsoever to its police, its newspapers or its politicians.

Mike Marqusee is the author of Chains of Freedom: the Politics of Bob Dylan's Art and Redemption Song: Muhammed Ali and the Sixties. He can be reach through his website: www.mikemarqusee.com


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 10:08 am    Post subject: FBI Exploits Mentally Ill in “Homegrown” Terrorism Effort Reply with quote

Was Richard Reid, the infamous "Shoe Bomber", another individual with maybe a mental disturbance so-cultivated? (venceremos)


FBI Exploits Mentally Ill in “Homegrown” Terrorism Effort
Another Day in the Empire
Sunday June 25th 2006, 9:17 am

It is now an established pattern: the government seeks out mental cases and disturbed individuals and turns them into “al-Qaeda” terrorists, or wannabe al-Qaedaites.

Narseal Batiste, “the accused ringleader of a wacky terrorist cell” in Miami, as the New York Daily News puts it, “needs psychiatric help,” according to his father, Narcisse Batiste. “He was distraught after his beloved mother, Audrey, died in 2000, relatives told The News, and the next year he left Chicago and dropped out of sight.”

From all accounts, Narseal Batiste is not an over-the-top mental case like Zacarias Moussaoui, but it appears he is vulnerable enough to be exploited by the government, determined to fabricate “homegrown” terrorists.

In fact, the government more or less admits it does not have a case against Batiste and his young adult and teenage charges.

“Even as Justice Department officials trumpeted the arrests of seven Florida men accused of planning to wage a ‘full ground war against the United States,’ they acknowledged the group did not have the means to carry out the plan,” reports Knight Ridder. “The Justice Department unveiled the arrests with an orchestrated series of news conferences in two cities, but the severity of the charges compared with the seemingly amateurish nature of the group raised concerns among civil libertarians,” who noted that the group had “no weapons, no explosives” and yet the government considers the arrests and case a “major announcement.”

If not for the “confidential government informant” inserted in their midst, who convinced them to pledge allegiance to the cartoonish “al-Qaeda,” there would be no case.

After “sweeps of various locations in Miami, government agents found no explosives or weapons. Investigators also did not document any direct links to al-Qaeda.” But this complete lack of evidence did not stop the FBI. “This group was more aspirational than operational,” said John Pistole, the FBI’s deputy director. In other words, merely thinking about “al-Qaeda,” even if such a thought is planted by an agent provocateur, is illegal, a crime against the state.

George Orwell called this “thoughtcrime,” and wrote: “Thoughtcrime is the only crime that matters.”

It does not matter if the hapless victims of FBI entrapment in Miami were actually a threat, the point here is they were thinking about “al-Qaeda,” never mind this thought was planted in the mind of Narseal Batiste by the FBI.

“U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales held up the case as a good example of the Justice Department’s strategy of taking out domestic terrorists before they strike. He said the group is representative of ‘homegrown’ terrorist cells that operate without ties to a larger group such as al-Qaeda.”

Thus we have realized the world envisioned by Philip K. Dick in his 1956 short story, Minority Report, made famous by Steven Spielberg’s film by the same name. In the short story and film, it is illegal to think about crime. In the story and film, the government employs “precogs,” or “previsions,” to detect illegal thoughts. However, in Miami, no such talents were required, as the FBI simply located a man with mental problems and had an agent provocateur insert thoughts in his mind, and then the boom was lowered.

In addition to planting thoughts in the mind of Batiste, the government has characterized the group as Muslim, even though there is no evidence of this, not that evidence matters.

“Despite early reports to the contrary, the men didn’t appear to be members of mainstream Muslim communities. A close friend of one of the defendants said Batiste’s teachings came from the Moorish Science Temple of America, an early 19th-century religion that blends Christianity, Judaism and Islam with a heavy influence on self-discipline through martial arts.”

Even though Knight Ridder makes mention of the fact Batiste and his pathetic crew of impoverished kids have nothing to do with Islam, and include this fact in the second to last paragraph of a follow-up news article, no doubt many Americans, carefully indoctrinated over the last few years, believe “al-Qaeda” is alive and well in Florida, as initial news stories certainly give this impression.

In fact, convincing Americans that “al-Qaeda” sleeper cells—not necessarily Arabs, but in this instance seemingly innocuous African-American kids—may live next door, or reside in the ghetto across town, is what the Justice Department’s absurd case is all about.

“The Justice Department made it clear that it is determined to stop people from following the model of al-Qaida,” reports the Sun-Sentinel. “There is cause for concern that this ideology of hatred has the reach and tentacles that it appears to have,” Jack Riley, a “terrorism expert” at the Rand Corporation, told the newspaper.

Finally, it should not be surprising the corporate media, fully onboard with the insane neocon plan for generational war and its necessary pretexts, including manufacturing pathetic patsies, would run to the Rand Corporation for meaty quotes.

“Covert foreign policy became the standard mode of operation after World War II, which was also when Ford Foundation became a major player for the first time. The institute most involved in classified research was Rand Corporation, set up by the Air Force in 1948. The interlocks between the trustees at Rand, and the Ford, Rockefeller, and Carnegie foundations were so numerous that the Reece Committee listed them in its report (two each for Carnegie and Rockefeller, and three for Ford). Ford gave one million dollars to Rand in 1952 alone, at a time when the chairman of Rand was simultaneously the president of Ford Foundation,” writes Daniel Brandt (Philanthropists at War).


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 2:26 pm    Post subject: The Alchemists: Turning Blood Into Gold Reply with quote

The Alchemists: Turning Blood Into Gold :

Not that there was ever any doubt as to what the Cabal's motives are..
More war means greater profits for the Satanists... Twisted Evil

There are none so blind as those that *refuse* to see!
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 10:30 am    Post subject: 7/7 Mastermind was working for British Intelligence Reply with quote

Terror Expert: 7/7 Mastermind was working for British Intelligence, Group was used by Brits in Kosovo in the late 90s

Steve Watson/Infowars | August 2 2005

The Dud Bombers of 21/7, the patsies, have all been rounded up along with 18 others currently under questioning, yet the so called "mastermind" is allowed to go free and is protected time and time again by MI5, MI6, FBI and CIA. The same thing happened in 93 with the WTC bombing, 95 with the OKC bombing, 01 with 911 and its happening again, its the same type of operation EVERYTIME.

The July 29 edition of FOX News Channel's Day Side programme revealed that the so called mastermind of the 7/7 London Bombings, Haroon Rashid Aswat, is a British Intelligence Asset. Former Justice Dept. prosecutor and Terror expert John Loftus revealed that the so called Al-Muhajiroun group, based in London had formed during the Kosovo crisis, during which Fundamentalist Muslim Leaders (Or what is now referred to as Al Qaeda) were recruited by MI6 to fight in Kosovo.

Loftus stated that "...back in the late 1990s, the leaders all worked for British intelligence in Kosovo. Believe it or not, British intelligence actually hired some Al-Qaeda guys to help defend the Muslim rights in Albania and in Kosovo. That's when Al-Muhajiroun got started."

We have previously revealed how former MI5 officer David Shayler has alleged, and French intel sources have corroborated, that the MI6 paid a Libyan al-Qa'ida cell £100,000 in 1995 to assassinate colonel Qaddafi. The use of the group that has come to be known as "Al Qaeda" as assets by Intelligence services the world over is well documented.

The London Independent also reported 2 days before the London Bombings how MI5 has previously used so called Al Qaeda operatives as informants, allowing them to be left alone as a trade off. This only came to light when Bisher al-Rawi was captured by the CIA and taken to the detention centre at Guantanamo Bay. The original Independent link has now mysteriously been removed.

John Loftus went on to spell out that British Intelligence and the US dept of Justice had protected Haroon Rashid Aswat: "Back in 1999 he came to America. The Justice Department wanted to indict him in Seattle because him and his buddy were trying to set up a terrorist training school in Oregon... we've just learned that the headquarters of the US Justice Department ordered the Seattle prosecutors not to touch Aswat... , apparently Aswat was working for British intelligence"

This information is startling and again highlights how Al Qaeda exists as an organized body only where the intelligence services have created, funded and employed it. Loftus points out that several weeks before the London Bombings, Aswat was again located by the South African Intel agency but again allowed to slip away, this time to London:

"He was a British intelligence plant. So all of a sudden he disappears. He's in South Africa. We think he's dead; we don't know he's down there. Last month the South African Secret Service come across the guy. He's alive...the Brits know that the CIA wants to get a hold of Haroon. So what happens? He takes off again, goes right to London. He isn't arrested when he lands, he isn't arrested when he leaves... He's on the watch list. The only reason he could get away with that was if he was working for British intelligence. He was a wanted man."

Loftus' information is backed up by the New York Times and CNN who reported on this incident also.

We have seen this many times before and have continued to expose this kind of activity. Mr Aswat is not the only "Al Qaeda operative" who has been protected While in the US - the 19 9/11 hijackers and their associate Zaccharias Moussaoui seem to have been as well. FBI Agent Robert Wright blew the whistle on obstruction of counterterrorism investigations targeting Hamas and al-Qaeda before 911. The sabotage by the highest levels in the FBI of Coleen Rowley's desperate attempt to investigate Moussaoui, for instance, is a striking parallel to the "hands-off" order regarding Aswat, and it's far from being the only one. The CIA met with Bin Laden in July 2001 in a Dubai hospital where he was being treated for Kidney problems. They gleaned detailed information regarding possible massive terror attacks on the US, yet Bin Laden was allowed to slip away (either that or he passed away). Bin Laden is or was a known CIA Asset.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, mysteriously arrested as the alleged mastermind behind the September 11 plot, was granted a visa to enter the US just six weeks before the terrorist attacks in Washington and New York. The American Al Qaeda operative, Iyman Faris, who planned to bring down the Brooklyn Bridge was also revealed to be an FBI operative. We also have several other reports staing how the men used as hijackers on the planes on 911 were monitored before the event and allowed to enter the US. They were even trained at US flight schools.

After 911 these so called terrorists have been allowed to go on with business as usual, despite the "war on terror" and in many instances have been protected. It seems that the authorities find it more useful to restrict the liberties of law abiding citizens by introducing draconian restrictive laws such as the Patriot act and Free speech zoning, whilst allowing those they label as terrorists to go undetected.

Haroon Rashid Aswat allegedly left London for Pakistan on July 6, one day before the London bombing. He was then arrested in Pakistan, but released AGAIN within 24 hours. He reportedly traveled to Zimbabwe and then Zambia, where he may have been arrested again (conflicting reports). Why does the so called mastermind of 7/7 keep being released and allowed to slip away? It the same type of operation over and over again.

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FULL TRANSCRIPT: The July 29 edition of FOX News Channel's Day Side programme:

MIKE JERRICK [FOX NEWS]: John Loftus is a terrorism expert and a former prosecutor for the Justice Department. John, good to see you again. So real quickly here, have you heard anything about this Osman Hussain who was just picked up in Rome? You know that name at all?

JOHN LOFTUS: Yeah, all these guys should be going back to an organization called Al-Muhajiroun, which means The Emigrants. It was the recruiting arm of Al-Qaeda in London; they specialized in recruiting kids whose families had emigrated to Britain but who had British passports. And they would use them for terrorist work.

JERRICK: So a couple of them now have Somali connections?

LOFTUS: Yeah, it was not unusual. Somalia, Eritrea, the first group of course were primarily Pakistani. But what they had in common was they were all emigrant groups in Britain, recruited by this Al-Muhajiroun group. They were headed by the, Captain Hook, the imam in London the Finsbury Mosque, without the arm. He was the head of that organization. Now his assistant was a guy named Aswat, Haroon Rashid Aswat.

JERRICK: Aswat, who they picked up.

LOFTUS: Right, Aswat is believed to be the mastermind of all the bombings in London.

JERRICK: On 7/7 and 7/21, this is the guy we think.

LOFTUS: This is the guy, and what's really embarrassing is that the entire British police are out chasing him, and one wing of the British government, MI6 or the British Secret Service, has been hiding him. And this has been a real source of contention between the CIA, the Justice Department, and Britain.

JERRICK: MI6 has been hiding him. Are you saying that he has been working for them?

LOFTUS: Oh I'm not saying it. This is what the Muslim sheik said in an interview in a British newspaper back in 2001.

JERRICK: So he's a double agent, or was?
LOFTUS: He's a double agent.

JERRICK: So he's working for the Brits to try to give them information about Al-Qaeda, but in reality he's still an Al-Qaeda operative.

LOFTUS: Yeah. The CIA and the Israelis all accused MI6 of letting all these terrorists live in London not because they're getting Al-Qaeda information, but for appeasement. It was one of those you leave us alone, we leave you alone kind of things.

JERRICK: Well we left him alone too long then.

LOFTUS: Absolutely. Now we knew about this guy Aswat. Back in 1999 he came to America. The Justice Department wanted to indict him in Seattle because him and his buddy were trying to set up a terrorist training school in Oregon.

JERRICK: So they indicted his buddy, right? But why didn't they indict him?

LOFTUS: Well it comes out, we've just learned that the headquarters of the US Justice Department ordered the Seattle prosecutors not to touch Aswat.

JERRICK: Hello? Now hold on, why?

LOFTUS: Well, apparently Aswat was working for British intelligence. Now Aswat's boss, the one-armed Captain Hook, he gets indicted two years later. So the guy above him and below him get indicted, but not Aswat. Now there's a split of opinion within US intelligence. Some people say that the British intelligence fibbed to us. They told us that Aswat was dead, and that's why the New York group dropped the case. That's not what most of the Justice Department thinks. They think that it was just again covering up for this very publicly affiliated guy with Al-Muhajiroun. He was a British intelligence plant. So all of a sudden he disappears. He's in South Africa. We think he's dead; we don't know he's down there. Last month the South African Secret Service come across the guy. He's alive.

JERRICK: Yeah, now the CIA says, oh he's alive. Our CIA says OK let's arrest him. But the Brits say no again?

LOTFUS: The Brits say no. Now at this point, two weeks ago, the Brits know that the CIA wants to get a hold of Haroon. So what happens? He takes off again, goes right to London. He isn't arrested when he lands, he isn't arrested when he leaves.

JERRICK: Even though he's on a watch list.

LOFTUS: He's on the watch list.The only reason he could get away with that was if he was working for British intelligence. He was a wanted man.

JERRICK: And then takes off the day before the bombings, I understand it--

LOFTUS: And goes to Pakistan.
JERRICK: And Pakistan, they jail him.

LOFTUS: The Pakistanis arrest him. They jail him. He's released within 24 hours. Back to Southern Africa, goes to Zimbabwe and is arrested in Zambia. Now the US--

JERRICK: Trying to get across the--
LOFTUS: --we're trying to get our hands on this guy.
JERRICK: John, hang around. I have so many questions now.
LOFTUS: Oh, this is a bad one....
[commercial break]

JERRICK: On the phone with us, Mansoor Ijaz; Mansoor you know very well here at Fox News Channel and Dayside. Mansoor, real quickly here, you spent so much time in London, you're probably not that as impressed as I am about how fast Scotland Yard has worked on this case. So impressive, so successful. Why?

MANSOOR IJAZ: Well there are two things that a lot of domestic intelligence agencies don't around the world. One is an extraordinarily detailed database of information, and that database is buttressed by the fact that they have these photos, the graphic images of the faces of the people that they were looking for. So it saved them a lot of time when they got the forensic evidence, like fingerprints or other things that indicated where they could actually go find these people. Because remember, there was a lot of data left on the stuff these guys left behind from the failed bombing attack, and that's what helped to really unravel the cell. Now--

JERRICK: I guess--go ahead, Mansoor.

IJAZ: Now I think there's one very important thing that I think everybody needs to know. And that is that the cellular structure that this new breed of Al-Qaeda people have is such that there is not a clear indication that they all knew each other as much as it is that they had some sort of central control still sitting outside of the framework. Whether that's in a foreign country or a place that is removed from Britain and other place in Europe, that's what we're still looking for. But it's very clear now that these cellular structures were operating independent of each other, but with knowledge that something else was in fact planned in the pipeline.

JERRICK: Real quick, Mansoor. In that regard, maybe a ringleader could be this Haroon Aswat. What do you know about him?

IJAZ: Well, he's a pretty bad guy, and I think your previous guest gave the best assessment of who he is. He's the right hand man of the Al-Muhajiroun leader in London, and has been organizing and planning for some time. And I don't want to minimize the effect of the arrest in Rome, because what that indicates is that the cellular structure is elsewhere and we all know that Italy is a big target on their list.

JERRICK: OK, speaking of him, back to the comments by our John Loftus a little while ago. A question from the audience for you, John. Go ahead.

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Hi Mr Loftus. I recently read a book by Morris Dees called The Gathering Storm , and it talks about extremist militia groups in the United States and how they might be manipulated by some people's rhetoric, very similar to Aswat in London. What do you think the US is doing to prevent terrorist attacks on our own soil that happen--

JERRICK: You're worried about it here?

LOFTUS: The US government's doing a great job. We arrested the New York branch of Al-Muhajiroun two years ago. We found the subway bombers with the plans to blow up two different subway stations in New York City. The rest of the group is under surveillance. But the US was used by Al-Muhajiroun for training of people to send to Kosovo. What ties all these cells together was, back in the late 1990s, the leaders all worked for British intelligence in Kosovo. Believe it or not, British intelligence actually hired some Al-Qaeda guys to help defend the Muslim rights in Albania and in Kosovo. That's when Al-Muhajiroun got started.

IJAZ: Which is by the way why we know so much about them right now.

LOFTUS: Yes, I'm afraid so. The CIA was funding the operation to defend the Muslims, British intelligence was doing the hiring and recruiting. Now we have a lot of detail on this because Captain Hook, the head of Al-Muhajiroun, he sidekick was Bakri Mohammed, another cleric. And back on October 16, 2001, he gave a detailed interview with al-Sharq al-Aswat, an Arabic newspaper in London, describing the relationship between British intelligence and the operations in Kosovo and Al-Muhajiroun. So that's how we get all these guys connected. It started in Kosovo, Haroon was 31 years old, he came on about 1995.

JERRICK: OK. Here's another question for you.

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Hello, John. With the quid-pro-quo relationship that London obviously had with these terrorists early on, what changed that caused them to all of a sudden get away from the you leave us alone, we'll leave you alone situation?

LOFTUS: The Israelis say that the truce went on for years. Guys from Al-Muhajiroun for example would bring suicide bombers to Israel to blow up Mike's Place. There was a definite link there. And yet the trainer, Sadiki Al Kahn, was able to go back to Britain and not be touched. What the Israelis believe happened is that Usama Bin Laden got desperate, and he said burn all our bridges--let's turn on the British. Break the truce, start the bombs.

JERRICK: Speaking of Usama Bin Laden, Mansoor, real quickly, maybe Scotland Yard and those folks over there, the Brits, should be looking for Usama Bin Laden. They seem to be so successful.

LOFTUS: The British police do a remarkable job.

IJAZ: Well, that's an interesting comment. The fact of the matter is, when you're dealing with it in your own backyard, and you have the computer infrastructure set up in such a way that you can immediately track these kinds of things that are in your backyard, it's a very different game from tracking them on places where we don't even have mountain maps any more of how the whole thing looks. So that's really what the fundamental problem is. If you'll permit me, I just want to, Mike, make one other very quick point.

JERRICK: Mansoor, can you hang over, do you have time hang over for a 30-second break here? John Loftus, got to cut you loose but thanks for the info. Boy, interesting stuff John...

[commercial break]

JERRICK: We have some more information from our Mansoor Ijaz, Fox News Foreign Affairs Analyst. Mansoor, still on the phone with me?

IJAZ: Yeah, I'm here with you Mike.
JERRICK: Talk about your information from British intel.

IJAZ: Well, let's not characterize the sources quite that way, but I've talked to some people who are analyzing what came out of the raids today, and there's a great deal of concern about the fact that there may be in fact a desire of these cells to move beyond transit systems as the target. And what specifically they found was evidence that indicates they're looking at now places where there are large collections of people, where they can actually take shopping bags and other large carrying bags of sorts without raising a lot of suspicion. Obviously shopping malls come immediately to mind, but it's important for everybody to know that London was planning on having a large I think it's a City Fair or something like that, I don't know what exactly it's called. They've now decided to go ahead with that, but it's obviously going to be much more scrutinized than it would have been before. Now London doesn't in general have a lot of large shopping malls, but they do have large concentrations of people in places at certain times during the week, and that's what apparently now has become the target, one of the new targets of these terrorist cells.

JERRICK: So Mansoor, when you hear that we have four for four, or four for five of these 7/21 bombers, nobody should fool themselves. This thing isn't over.

IJAZ: That is precisely the point I wanted to make sure everybody understood--that the authorities, the people that are worried about this and that are analyzing the data out of what they're getting in these raids, are basically saying we may have just hit the tip of the iceberg. This is not over by a long shot.

JERRICK: Mansoor, thank you for making that perfectly clear. Talk to you soon.


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moeen yaseen
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 11:21 pm    Post subject: WHEN LOVE OF PROFITS CLASHES WITH THE LOVE OF THE PROPHET Reply with quote

One Year After 7 July 2005 – Terrorism and Extremism, Who Benefits?
By Shaykh Daoud Rosser-Owen

[Paper delivered to the Gulf Cultural Club, 45 Chalton Street, London NW1, at 1830 on 5 July 2006]

I begin with a slight digression; and at the end of the Paper, I invite you to make up your own minds, because I believe it goes beyond the obvious – or the “usual suspects”.

In two days time, we will reach the first anniversary of the London Bombings, described by Keith Mothersson in an advertisement in The Independent yesterday as the “biggest slaughter in London since the Luftwaffe” with 56 people killed and many injured and yet the government is resisting calls for an independent enquiry claiming that it would be a “distraction” and “too expensive”. In today’s newspapers it has been revealed, as if it were relevant, that the “Bloody Sunday” enquiry has cost so far £400 million.

Why should we need a public independent enquiry? Well, for a start, to establish just who exactly the perpetrators were, how they carried out the atrocity, and the significance of the events of that day and related events on later days – such as the egregious murder of the Brazilian electrician Jean-Charles de Menezes.

But why rake over the past? Can’t we just put it behind us? Why waste all that money? We all know who did it. It was those four Anglo-Pakistanis from Leeds.

How do we know this? Because the authorities say so. Yet, having demonstrated that they are willing to lie us unconscionably into the commission of two wars of aggression against sovereign countries that in no way threatened British interests, I fail to see why, exactly, we should take the authorities’ word for the perpetrators of 7 July without being presented with substantial evidence of the kind that would stand up in a court of law. But no such evidence has been produced. Nothing has been seen that would establish an actus reus against the nominees, let alone their mens rea.

These famous terms of British law come from the principle stated by Sir Edward Coke CJ namely, actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea, which means, “an act does not make a person guilty unless (their) mind is also guilty” – that is to say, the general test is one that requires proof of fault, culpability, or blameworthiness both in behaviour and mind.

Anthony Charles Linton Blair, who today [5 July 2006] has yet again been impertinently lecturing the Muslim communities in the UK on weeding out the extremists in their midst, has so little respect it would appear for Her Majesty’s Muslim subjects or the Rule of Law that he refuses to prove the claim he made just three hours after last year’s bombings that it was “Muslim suicide bombers” who did it. And so, as a consequence, the entire Muslim community in the UK has been demonized on an assertion.

Which brings me to the topic of extremism and terrorism, and who benefits from them?

Roger Scruton, in The Dictionary Of Political Thought (Hill & Wang, New York, 1982) defines “extremism” as:

“A vague term, which can mean: 1. Taking a political idea to its limits, regardless of ‘unfortunate’ repercussions, impracticalities, arguments and feelings to the contrary, and with the intention not only to confront, but also to eliminate opposition. 2. Intolerance towards all views other than one’s own. 3. Adoption of means to political ends which show disregard for the life, liberty, and human rights of others”.

This is a pretty fair definition of the concept. And hearing it put like that most Muslims would recognize two things – firstly, this is stating the antithesis of Islamic scholarship, and secondly, that there are quite a few people in the Muslim communities who embrace such a style. So, immediately, I am claiming that ‘theological or doctrinal extremism’ of the second category is illegitimate in Islam.

On the website “islamfortoday.com” there is a fairly long and comprehensive list of offerings from various people – Muslim and non-Muslim alike – expatiating on the notion that extremism is illegitimate in Islam under the heading “Muslims against Extremism and Fundamentalism”.

It is thus demonstrable that many scholars have been pointing this out for quite a time. So how is it that, apparently, the Muslim Communities are beset by such demagogues and their followers?

Well, firstly, to put it into context, very few of the imams and community leaders can actually be categorized that way. Nearly all of them – whether Shi’ah or Sunnah - embrace and teach “traditional mainstream Islam”. The hand-full of well-known faces from the front page of the tabloids or broadsheets, have largely achieved their notoriety because of the attentions of the media. One could say that they are largely creations of the media: most people in the Muslim communities have avoided them, and have frequently questioned their credentials.

The theology they have espoused – a derivative of Wahhabiism (itself considered heretical by much reputable scholarship from both the Shi’ah and Ahlu-s Sunnah) – is clearly deviant. Their followers have been, for the most part, sadly quite disturbed or disillusioned individuals. It needs to be stressed that there are very few such people in the UK Muslim communities. Though they appear, through their “Walter Mitty-esque” theatrics and loudmouthed opinions to be more and more dangerous than they really are, they are actually relatively few in number. And the teachings of their gurus have frequently been condemned by many authorities from, for example, the late Dr Zaki Badawi KBE (yarhamuhu-Llah) to the visiting Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

It is a moot point, however, how these people were able to preach and act as they have for so long unhindered, given that much of what they have said has been actionable, without there having been a considerable degree of connivance from the authorities, making them in effect, if not in fact, agents provocateurs. And it isn’t as though the authorities have been unaware of their presence or the disquiet felt within the Muslim Communities at their activities – this has been made known to them since before the murder of WPC Yvonne Fletcher in St James’s Square on 17 April 1984. The notorious occupation of the Finsbury Park Mosque by Abu Hamza al-Masri and his cronies was a matter that was allowed to drag on by the authorities for some four years – until January 2003 – despite the police and the Charity Commissioners being informed about it just after it happened. And similarly have been the indulgence shown to Abu Qatada, and to Umar Bakri Muhammad.

The matter at hand here is that the Muslim communities have done everything that could be expected within the law to limit the activities of such demagogues – further steps could only be taken by the authorities. It is therefore unfair to demand of the Muslims that they “should put their house in order”. How, precisely, without breaking the law? If the authorities will not use their powers under, for example, the Ecclesiastical Places Act 1860, what more do they expect of the members of the Muslim communities?

Many of the angry youths who gravitate to the presence of these people have previous to this been outside the ambit of mosques and religious leaders of any stripe. How to reach out to them generally is a question for sociologists and people experienced in the psychology of disaffected youth. But, in a manner of speaking, their entering the suhbah of the demagogues may well make them accessible eventually to the traditional scholars. But, that notwithstanding, it seems to bear out the dictum that should be familiar to the authorities with the extensive experience of Her Majesty’s Security Forces in countering extremism that “if you don’t give the moderates today something to take home to their communities, you will be dealing with the extremists tomorrow”.

By making foolish statements generally anathematizing the Muslim communities and their leaders, politicians, other authorities, and the media are actually exacerbating any problems that the communities have with extremism; and apparently showing to the potential recruits that the mainstream leaders are ineffectual. Why not go with Demagogue A, he might do better? And then, eventually, we end up with a generation of dissociated and alienated people: how do they then become responsible members of civil society? This returns us to the area of government policies, and is not wholely – or mainly - the responsibility of the Muslim communities.

So, in the authorities’ previous culpable indulgence of these people, and their present almost hysterical demonisation of the Muslims generally, it can be said with a certainty that the UK Muslims are not benefiting from extremism. The only benefit seems to be for those who can enjoy or take advantage from the discomfiture of the Muslims, whoever they may be.

As for Terrorism; when I asked a representative from the Association of Chief Police Officers for a definition I was referred to the Terrorism Act 2000 where there is in Part 1, a rambling and almost inchoate treatment of the topic:

“Terrorism: interpretation.
1. - (1) In this Act "terrorism" means the use or threat of action where-
(a) the action falls within subsection (2),
(b) the use or threat is designed to influence the government or to intimidate the public or a section of the public, and
(c ) the use or threat is made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause.
(2) Action falls within this subsection if it-
(a) involves serious violence against a person,
(b) involves serious damage to property,
(c ) endangers a person's life, other than that of the person committing the action,
(d) creates a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of the public, or
(e) is designed seriously to interfere with or seriously to disrupt an electronic system.
(3) The use or threat of action falling within subsection (2) which involves the use of firearms or explosives is terrorism whether or not subsection (1)(b) is satisfied.
(4) In this section-
(a) "action" includes action outside the United Kingdom,
(b) a reference to any person or to property is a reference to any person, or to property, wherever situated,
(c ) a reference to the public includes a reference to the public of a country other than the United Kingdom, and
(d) "the government" means the government of the United Kingdom, of a Part of the United Kingdom or of a country other than the United Kingdom.
(5) In this Act a reference to action taken for the purposes of terrorism includes a reference to action taken for the benefit of a proscribed organisation…”

This appallingly badly drafted description is actually stating in effect that an armed bank robbery that takes place in, for example, the Republic of Ireland in which actual bodily harm is caused to a member of the public is prima facie an act of terrorism in the UK. This is a palpable absurdity.

However, there is a rather more succinct definition offered by the American writer and former State Department official William Blum in his book Rogue State: a Guide to the World's Only Super Power:

“The word "terrorism" has been so overused in recent years that it's now commonly used simply to stigmatize any individual or group one doesn't like for almost any kind of behavior involving force. But the word's raison d'être has traditionally been to convey a political meaning, something along the lines of: the deliberate use of violence against civilians and property to intimidate or coerce a government or the population in furtherance of a political objective. Terrorism is fundamentally propaganda, a very bloody form of propaganda. It follows that if the perpetrators of a terrorist act declare what their objective was, their statement should carry credibility, no matter what one thinks of the objective or the method used to achieve it.”

So, from this, terrorism is a methodology aimed at forcing a superior power to concede demands, usually withdrawal of forces, or the granting of independence, or some such goal, but it is geared to raising the political cost through promoting fear among the civilian population which then forces the government to give in. It is a tactic. It is not an entity in itself, with a life of its own. It is Terry Jones’s “abstract noun” that he rhetorically asked George Walker Bush how one bombed it.

It is considered an illegitimate tactic under the Geneva Conventions that otherwise allows (under Art 47 of the APGC77) “insurgency” warfare even by those not displaying any form of symbol providing the arms are borne openly. Such organizations may resort to it but at other times employ more conventional tactics – at the one incident they are terrorists, at the other they are “protected persons”.

For example, at Warren Point the IRA committed a straightforward guerrilla ambush of a British Army unit – this was not “terrorism”; however, the Bishopsgate bombing (or any of the Europa Hotel, Belfast, bombings) were terrorist acts.

It is entirely illegitimate in Islamic Law. It is to be distinguished in Islamic terms from Resistance or Guerrilla Warfare, which are targeted at "those bearing arms against you" and cannot be allowed to be confused with terrorism. This is literal: as soon as one of “those bearing arms against you” puts down his or her weapon, for whatever reason, he or she becomes sacrosanct. This applies to off-duty servicemen and women, and to police, as well as emergency services, and civilians generally.

Terrorism (irhab), as it is aimed at civilians or the unarmed, is categorically forbidden. It comes under the heading of hirabah, which is the antithesis of jihad. Its advocates are not jihadis, as people have taken to calling them, but hirabis and this crime has always been considered to merit the most severe punishments.

And the further notion that there is something called “suicide terrorism” in Islam is also unproven “beyond a reasonable doubt” and given that suicide (intihar) is utterly forbidden in Islam, the presumption must be to demand the asserters prove that Muslims have actually committed such acts.

Suicide is "anticipating the Decree" and arrogating to oneself the dispensation over one's ajal that belongs to the Almighty alone. Some Muslims confused the description of one of the fighters at Badr throwing away some dates and fighting until he was killed, and a description of the War against the Dajjal when the Muslims would send out parties to fight him and they would all be martyred, and have taken this confusion to sanction suicide attacks. This simply betrays ignorance, and a lack of proper tarbiyah. The "fighting until one is killed" has nothing to do with blowing oneself up with explosives, when there is no chance of survival. In the cases described in the hadiths, there is always the possibility that when the fighting ends a person is left alive - their deaths are still at the discretion of the Almighty.

All this is clear, and has been elucidated by all the reputable authorities of the contemporary Muslim World, from the late Shaykhu-l Islam 'Abdu-l 'Aziz bin Baz yarhamuhu-Llah of Saudi Arabia, to the late Grand Mufti of Syria, Shaykh Ahmad Koftaro yarhamuhu-Llah, to the modernist scholar Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, to the Grand Ayatollah Sayyid 'Ali Khamene'i. There is no disagreement between Shi'ah and Sunnah, between Wahhabis and mainstream Muslims, between Ahlu-t Tariqah and non-mystics.

Remember, Qaradawi condemned 9/11 the day after it happened in the same terms that Bin Baz condemned the Riyad Bombers: whoever did it cannot be a Muslim because, even if they came from Islam, in perpetrating these outrages they had exited Islam. Ayatollah Khamene'i made some similar statement after last year's atrocity on 7 July. Qaradawi qualified his comments with the observation that though forbidden, in the case of Palestine it was understandable.

However, in the context of Palestine, Iraq, and Afghanistan, for example, we are faced with resistance to occupations that are not “terrorism” per se, but are legitimate actions under the terms of the 1977 Additional Protocol – a recognition that is conspicuously absent from the Terrorism Act 2000 or any reference in it to the earlier Geneva Conventions Act 1957 or the subsequent Geneva Conventions (Amendment) Act 1995.

There was demonstrable Irish “irregular military” activity (some of it terroristic) for 32 years from 1968-2000 within the United Kingdom. There has never been any proved such activity involving Muslims. And yet the Muslim communities have suffered a degree of intrusive and suppressive policing, and the population of the United Kingdom generally has had its “ancient liberties” constrained in a manner that was never experienced by the Irish or by the Roman Catholics since the late1960s, or at any previous time since the Stuart monarchy of the 17th Century. How has terrorism, and in particular George Walker Bush’s proclaimed “Global War On Terror” that we have been signed up for by the Prime Minister volens nolens, benefited us?

Indirectly, of course, it may well have benefited large corporations such as Halliburton, Bechtel, DynCorp, or the Carlyle Group through the reconstruction contracts they have been awarded in Iraq, but that’s not the same as seeing how the rest of us might have gained. In fact, we’ve lost much and are in the process of losing more.

I was re-reading yesterday the text of a lecture given by Lord Justice Judge, Deputy Chief Justice for England and Wales, in Buenos Aires on 29 October 2003 entitled “An Independent Judiciary”, and yet again it set me thinking. And I see in today’s [5 July 2006] newspapers that the judiciary are getting restive at being the butt of attacks from Mr Blair and his myrmidons.

We need a robust and independent judiciary today almost more than at any previous time in our history, with the Constitution being systematically destroyed and a large section of the Queen’s subjects, the Muslim communities, being demonised and hounded in the prosecution of an alien agenda by agents of Her Majesty’s government.

Judge LJ cited Edmund Burke. “One of our great thinkers, Edmund Burke, one of the many Englishmen who said publicly that the complaints of the then colonists, in what we now call the United States, in the 1760s were entirely justified, spoke of “the cold neutrality of an impartial judge”. And that encapsulates the twin principles of independence and incorruptibility.”

Indeed, meetings between judges of the Commonwealth produced the guidelines in 1998 known as the “Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct” which assert the principle that, “judicial independence is a pre-requisite to the rule of law, and a fundamental guarantee of a fair trial”. Some might say that we are far too far down that road as it is, and that the Rule of Law in Mr Blair’s Britain is something in suspended animation.

I am minded of the late great judge Lord Denning in the trial of Gouriet v Union of Post Office Workers and Others 1977. Denning MR stated, “When the Attorney General comes… and tells us that he has a prerogative by which he alone can say whether the criminal law can be enforced in these courts or not – then I say he has no such prerogative. He has no prerogative to suspend or dispense with the laws of England. If he does not give his consent, then any citizen of the land – any one of the public who is adversely affected – can come to this court and ask that the law be enforced.”

In these days, with the Queen’s First Minister and a succession of Home Secretaries behaving like a collective Stuart monarch suspending habeas corpus, arbitrarily arresting people and holding them in secure prisons without charge or trial, anathematising a whole community by innuendo and assertion, prosecuting illegal wars of aggression against sovereign states on utterly mendacious grounds, and generally conducting themselves in a manner above the law, we need a return to the days of the Rule of Law.

I have quoted before the words of Thomas Fuller (1608-1661), “Be you never so high, the law is above you”. In 1688, the Glorious Revolution removed the Stuart king James II. Before he could be replaced by Queen Mary II and King William III in a collective monarchy they had to agree to the Bill of Rights in which it is stated, “The pretended power of suspending of laws or the execution of laws by regal authority without the consent of Parliament is illegal.”

But what happens when a House of Commons dominated by one faction arrogates to itself kingly powers, and does just that? It has “parliamentary consent” in that the House of Commons nowadays claims to speak for all. This is new ground, and we are entering into a parliamentary dictatorship under John Stuart Mill’s “tyranny of the majority”. Or have we evolved beyond that to a “tyranny of the executive”, or even – with the “presidential” prime ministership – to a “tyranny of the prime minister”? How do we trammel the arrogance of Parliamentary factions and their executive?

Perhaps there is indeed mileage in the Leader of the Conservative Party, David Cameron’s, suggestion of a new Bill of Rights? The 1689 Bill was aimed at curbing the power of the Executive of the time. For Cameron’s suggestion to be useful it must trammel the power of an overmighty Parliament-dominating Executive as it did King William and Queen Mary.

As Thomas Jefferson stated in his inaugural address as President of the United States, “If the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable… the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression”.

Dr Samuel Johnson, the Tory essayist and compiler of the famous dictionary, observed in the 18th Century, “To permit a law to be modified at discretion is to leave the community without law. It is to withdraw the direction of that public wisdom by which the deficiencies of private understanding are to be supplied”.

Atkin J, in the famous trial Liversidge and Anderson 1942 AC, stated “In England, amidst the clash of arms, the laws are not silent. They may be changed, but they speak the same language in war as in peace. It has always been one of the pillars of freedom, one of the principles of liberty for which… we are now fighting, that judges are no respecters of persons, and stand between the subject and any attempted encroachments on his liberty by the executive, alert to see that any coercive action is justified in law”.

Lord Justice Judge stated in his lecture, “[Lord Atkin] refused to accept the argument for a statutory provision, enabling the Home Secretary to intern those he believed to be unreliable or potentially dangerous to the defence of the realm without having to provide reasons”.

This is exactly the same specious nonsense being advocated by Mr Blair through the various Home Secretaries and Attorneys General, except that now they do not even have the excuse of being involved in a legitimate war. And there are so many problems and unanswered questions about the “official narratives” concerning the outrages in New York on 11 September 2001, in Madrid on 11 March 2004, and London on 7 and 21 July 2005 that give rise to concern that what we are actually seeing is a series of “false flag operations” to blame the Muslims and to justify illegal war.

Earlier in his ruling, Lord Atkin had said, “In this case I have listened to arguments which might have been addressed acceptably to the Court of the King’s Bench in the time of Charles I. I protest, even if I do it alone, against a strained construction put upon words, with the effect of giving an uncontrolled power of imprisonment to the Minister”.

Lord Atkin was overruled; but it is instructive to remember that, speaking in the House of Lords, another Law Lord, Lord Diplock, stated, some 40 years later, that the House of Lords should admit that Lord Atkin was right and the Law Lords were wrong in Liversidge.

It is instructive that it is their Lordships who have been resisting the attempts of Mr Blair to destroy the British Constitution, and who have as a consequence been on the receiving end of thinly disguised policies to curb their powers and independence.

As for who benefits directly from Terrorism and Extremism, I ask you to make up your own minds. Are they those who made obscene fortunes from the “put options” on September 11, 2001, or the subsequent insurance claims? Are they the members of the Orwellian plutocratic collectivism that seems to believe it can side-step responsible government? Are they simply those who would expand the power and intrusion of the state over its citizens? Are they those who treasonously believe that they can use Her Majesty’s Forces to serve the alien agenda of a foreign power? Are they those who have a vested interest in furthering the “security state”? Or who?

Benjamin Franklin, one of the drafters of the American Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America in July 1776, said, “Those who give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety”.

Rinn m’anam còmhnuidh fhada bhuan le neach thug fuath do
shìth. Gu cogadh tha iad togarrach; air sìth ‘n tràth labhras mi

(“My soul made dwelling for ages with a folk taking aversion
from peace. They are keen for warring; I speak for a time of
peace”)(Salm 120)
This post was last modified: Yesterday 03:44 PM by dean_saor.

Last edited by moeen yaseen on Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 5:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Some excellent points succinctly put, a lone voice of reason in a sea of silence?

The Politicians, Lords and Judges could learn a lot from your fine example.
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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 10:57 pm    Post subject: IMPERIAL RACISM Reply with quote


Racism, the ideology that came into full flower as a justification for European conquest of most of the planet, is now headquartered in the United States – with an annex in Israel. Tel Aviv is a very active annex.

There could be no justification for George Bush’s aggressions, without the underlying assumptions of racial superiority. Bush has committed multiple crimes against peace – a capital Nuremburg offense for which a number of Nazis were hanged. He is a war criminal, many times over. However, he will never be prosecuted in the United States, because of the pervasive ideology of imperialism, which is racist at its very core: it dehumanizes the victims.

Race is, indeed, a construction – a very convenient one when you want to take someone else’s property, or kill them, or enslave them. It is this construct that animates the American debate about foreign policy – or even domestic policy when it comes to "aliens" of one kind or another.

But it is deadly. It swarms countries, and consumes cities. Fallujah was flattened, with its main hospital the first target. Three hundred thousand people are now refugees in their own country, because of US actions, and an unknown number are dead. That is a war crime – but is not seen as such by most of the US public, who are under the sway of the ideology of imperial racism. The death of an entire city does not matter to them, because there were no real people there. Racism does more than color the situation – it defines it. How do you kill a city and call it victory? Why is this celebrated as a benchmark of "progress"? Is the assumption that the white man’s triumph is, inherently, progress?

Of course it is. That’s what imperial racism is all about. There are "enemies" and "others" who are not "Western" – a euphemism for "non-white" – the construct they keep making up every time they want to steal something.

The hard-right Israelis are very good at this game. They are on totally racial mission, and have made their construct. Jewishness is a race, in Israel, with rights that only accrue to Jews. We are supposed to believe that Jews have a right to shape Palestine in such a way that they always have a majority. How does that conform with any democratic principle?

Now the hard-right regime in Jerusalem is making war against the entire Palestinian society, destroying its infrastructure – its bridges, roads and energy facilities – to make all 1.2 million inhabitants of Gaza pay some kind of price. However, it is a price that can not be paid. The extremist Israelis are racial imperialists who are not looking for anything other than the mass elimination of a people from the land. They have invested the firing of tens of thousands of rounds of artillery into one of the most crowded corners of the world to achieve this purpose: but their motives are well understood by everyone who is not a racial imperialist.

Everyone, that is, except the (white) Americans, who eat this nonsense up. The uniform reaction of the American corporate media to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that something resembling the rule of law must prevail at Guantanamo Bay and other U.S. installations, has been to frame the issue in domestic political terms. The Bush administration had been politically tarnished, was the conclusion: not that it had violated international law, and was in fact an outlaw among nations. The situation has been framed as one of domestic political peril for Republicans – maybe in November – but not how the U.S. gets along with the rest of the world.

In the same way, the Israeli "incursions" into Gaza and the West bank have been framed as defensive measures, even as the world’s forth-strongest military power relentlessly pounded a people who have virtually no military with thousands of rounds of artillery a day. As the entire world knows, Israel could not possibly have amassed such an amazing war machine, unless they had been subsidized by a superpower. And, of course, they were.

In the Arab world, and the larger Muslim world, the "incursions" are seen as alien invasions, and as a threat to their own societies. The Israeli Zionist project is never discussed in the U.S, and now it has become forbidden to speak of it. Meanwhile, a reign of terror exists in Gaza and the West Bank. The terrorists are the Israeli government and armed forces, but instead our own media keeps showing us pictures of a goofy-looking Israeli soldier, while a whole people are being strangled and bombed.

None of this could happen, if there were not racial imperialism, in which the Jews of Israel were considered "white" – and, therefore, had inherent rights. White Americans also think they have rights that not nobody else possesses. There is a connection between the extremist Zionist scheme and the umbilical cord of imperialism. Here is the result, that places the Zionist perspective and the "American" worldview in proper place.

Just as the Americans obliterated Fallujah, Zionists in Israel want to wipe out whole cities. Gaza City has to go. Up in flames. Member of the Knesset, Moshe Sharoni, taunted his Arab colleagues in the Israeli parliament. He said:

"We need to obliterate Gaza and call it the City of Murderers, the City of Terrorists."

This is the mentality of mass murderers.

But then, you can only murder real people. Imperialism kills non-people. That’s the nature of the beast. It can only act that way.

Who is wagging this dog? Many of these people are from Brooklyn. American racism and imperialism are the same thing. It appears to have been efficiently exported.

Written by BC Publishers, Glen Ford and Peter Gamble


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moeen yaseen
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 10:46 am    Post subject: WHEN LOVE OF PROFITS CLASHES WITH THE LOVE OF THE PROPHET Reply with quote



The following text was the basis of a presentation by Tarek El Diwany at Cambridge University's "One World Week" during February 2002 one kind of terrorism hasn't been making the news recently. Its weapon is debt, and it is a most efficient killer. "Relieved of their annual debt repayments, the severely indebted countries could use the funds for investments that in Africa alone would save the lives of about 21 million children by 2000 and provide 90 million girls and women with access to basic education"

UNDP Human Development Report 1997, p. 93

The poor nations of the world are told that if they borrow and invest wisely, they will be able to repay their debts and more. But they've been hearing this for fifty years, and the debt just keeps on growing.

1980 1990 2000
Developing country debt ($bn) 525.4 1259.8 2140.6
Actual payments of interest plus principal ($bn) 73.4 140.6 337.8
IMF World Economic Outlook 2001

Western economists tell the developing world that growth will generate sufficient wealth for all their people. But ours is a very unequal world, so when the growth comes few people see its benefits.
"225 people own more wealth than the poorest 2.5 billion people"
UNDP Human Development Report 1998

The development institutions trumpet their aid to the world, to show that something is being done. But what is given with one hand, is taken back many times over with the other. According to the World Bank, in 1999 Angola received $261m in aid but paid $1144m in debt service, Cameroon received $190m in aid but paid $549m in debt service, Kenya received $195m in aid but paid $716m in debt service, and Vietnam received 257m in aid but paid 1410m in debt service (Global Development Finance, 2001).

When charity pop concerts for Africa are held in London or New York, the tens of millions raised are typically enough to pay the continent's interest bill for a few hours. In 1999, the developing countries excluding the Eastern block were more than $2,030 billion in debt to the developed world (Global Development Finance, 2001). In 2000, the IMF put the figure for total developing country debt at $2,140 billion (World Economic Outlook, 2000). Some $700 million per day now flows in debt repayment from the developing world to the developed world (UNDP Human Development Report, 1997).

If we examine some basic indicators of wellbeing, we can begin to see the physical consequences of the debt. In 1995 the industrialised countries experienced child mortality (the number of deaths at less than 5 years of age per 1000 live births) at a rate of 16. In south Asia the figure was 109, and in sub-Saharan Africa it was 169 (UNDP Human Development Report 1998). This should not surprise us. In Tanzania, debt repayment was six times spending on healthcare, whilst in Uganda annual spending was £2 per person on healthcare and £11.50 per person on debt repayment (Jubilee 2000).

According to the United Kingdom's Department for International Development in 2000, 1.2 billion people live in "abject poverty", meaning that they have no basic medical care, nutrition or housing. In the sub-Sahara, 48% of people go without health services, 48% of people are without safe water and 42% are illiterate, whilst in south-Asia the corresponding figures are 22%, 18% and 49.5%. Measured in 1987 US Dollars, GDP per capita in sub Sahara was $520 and in South Asia $521, whilst in the Industrialised Countries it was $12,764 (1995 figures compiled in UNDP Human Development Report, 1998).

Things don't seem to be getting better either. Real wages in most African countries have fallen by more than 50% since 1980 (Jubilee 2000). According to The Centre for Economic Policy Research in 2001, more than three-quarters of the world's countries had a growth rate at least 5% lower in the 1980-2000 period than in the 1960-1980 period. China is one major exception, but not because it took advice from the World Bank and IMF. (Far from it in fact. China has been one of the few countries to completely reject IMF and World Bank advice, opting instead for protectionism, an inconvertible currency and a state controlled banking system.) In 1996 the UN said that the poorest third of the world's people are getting poorer. Even the World Bank has admitted that, between 1987 and 1998, the number of people in absolute poverty (meaning that they survive on less than $1 per day) increased from 1200 million to 1500 million.

Among the various actors in this sad tale, the World Bank and the IMF stand tall. Established under the Bretton Woods arrangements in 1944, the World Bank was to provide development assistance for non-commercial projects, and the IMF was to assist nations in short term balance of payments difficulties and act to ensure currency stability. Often mentioned in the same breath, but entirely separate, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) was established in 1995 as the successor to GATT (the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) in order to implement free trade and global standardisation among the world's nations. When it comes to defining country types, there is some variation in the methodology of the supranational institutions. Generally speaking, each recognises developing, transitional and developed countries. The OECD's Development Assistance Committee separates developing and transitional countries according to GNP per capita. Here, "developing" includes "least developed" and "low income" countries which had a GNP per capita below $760 in 1998. In 2002, UNCTAD listed 49 "least developed" countries. The WTO meanwhile allows members to self-select themselves as "developed" or "developing" but, where trade privileges are available to developing countries, one country may challenge another's self-selection.

Some two thirds of Third World debt is owed to commercial lenders, and one-third to multilateral lenders (these are lenders, such as the World Bank, who have the right to exercise discretionary dispersal of contributions from members). It is important to keep in mind that when figures for total external debt are given, they normally comprise the public and the private foreign currency debt owed by a country. Debt owed in a country's own currency does not usually present a debt burden for that country because the domestic government can manufacture its own money to repay its debt (one exception is where a currency board or strict peg has been adopted). On the other hand, developing countries cannot manufacture US Dollars or other Western currencies and so debts owed by developing countries to the developed world can indeed become a desperate financial burden.

Apart from the definitional nuances, there are also some statistical traps to be aware of. It is necessary to distinguish between the 'nominal debt' of a country and the 'present value' of its debt. Since the interest payment on a $10 loan made at 10% is equal to the interest payment on a $100 loan at 1%, loans at subsidised rates of interest that are made to some countries can be stated on a present value basis in order to understate the amount of debt that is owed. For example, in 1999, the nominal versus present-valued debt for Benin was $1.62 billion versus $0.70 billion, and for Burundi $1.06 billion versus $0.54 billion. Another statistical trap is that debt service (quoted as interest plus principal as a percentage of export revenue, or as a percentage of government revenue) may be compiled on the basis of what is actually paid rather than what was contracted to be paid. Debt service figures may therefore appear as if they are not worsening, whereas these figures only remain steady because the country in question is at the limit of what it can pay.

After fifty years at the helm of development policy, a variety of excuses have emerged from the international financial establishment in respect of their performance. The "corrupt dictators" argument is one that seems to have stuck well in the public's mind but, like the others, it fails to stand up to close inspection. Is the whole of the developing world corrupt? If it is, did Western lenders really not recognise that fact until thousands of billions of dollars had been lent over many decades? Is the whole of the developing world corrupt, or just its leaders? If so, who schooled its leaders, who promoted them and who supported them? Have the Western powers played no part in this? Serious readers of history don't need me to answer that question of course.

The "recycled petrodollars" argument is similarly lacking in merit as an explanation of the Third World debt problem. In fact, the debt problem had commenced long before the oil price rises of the 1970's. Egypt in the 1860's, the Ottomans in the 1870's, and in the 1930's almost all of South America defaulted on their debt to the industrialised countries. In the 1960's, Brazil, Turkey and Argentina were among those rescheduling once again. If the Third World debt problem is not post Oil Crisis, we can hardly hold petrodollar recycling to blame for it.

Another modern habit is to define away those problems that cannot be cured, or to invent new measures if the old ones prove too embarrassing. One example is this:
"Opening up their economies to the global economy has been essential in enabling many developing countries to develop competitive advantages in the manufacture of certain products. In these countries, defined by the World Bank as the 'new globalizers' (World Bank, Globalization, Growth, and Poverty: Facts, Fears, and an Agenda for Action) the number of people in absolute poverty declined by over 120 million (14 percent) between 1993 and 1998".
IMF staff papers, Global Trade Liberalization and the Developing Countries, November 2001

Well done to the propaganda department at the World Bank. It must have taken a long time to think that one up. It reminds me of the way that unemployment was reduced in the UK under the Thatcher government during the 1980's; a sharp monetary expansion combined with over 100 changes to the definition of the word "unemployed".

Then there are those factually correct statements that border upon plain distortion because they omit one or more pieces of crucial information. Michael Rowbotham in Goodbye America, 2000 gives the example of Uganda, cited by ex US Treasury secretary Larry Summers as a country that had experienced several years of growth under World Bank policy during the 1990's. The bit that was missed out was the fact that Uganda's per capita income in 2000 was 30% less than in 1983. Technically Summers was correct, there had been "several years of growth", but only after the policies prescribed in Washington had encouraged a catastrophic collapse.

More weighty still is the combined criticism of developing country experts from around the world that Rowbotham has assembled. For example:
"The total collapse of the monetarist experiment in Chile is a salutary lesson in the failure of IMF prescriptions, even when applied in their most rigorous form and by a government totally committed to their success"
Latin America Bureau, The Poverty Brokers, 1983.

In Yugoslavia:
"In the last ten years, the whole IMF policy has been nothing but a failure. All its prognoses were proved wrong, and its policies and measures had an opposite effect from what had been expected"
Singer, H. & Sharma, S. (eds) Economic Development and Third World Debt, 1983.

And in Africa:
"There is a very broad consensus among African governments that the IMF and World Bank terms are often harsh and unsuitable generated severely adverse effects on the overall economies of these countries especially with regard to agriculture, manufacture and foreign trade"
Conference of the Institute for African Alternatives, Onimode, B. [ed.], The IMF, the World Bank Bank and African Debt, Zed Books, 1989.

The philosophy that got much of the world into this dreadful mess has a long pedigree. It began with Benthamite self-interest and ended in the belief that profit maximisation was the goal of human activity. This belief has gone so far that the West now seems to be forgetting that not all wealth is measured in terms of money. Happiness, a stress-free life and environmental quality are some examples of wealth that is not given a monetary value and therefore does not appear in our calculations of GDP. Yet we attach such holiness to GDP that all our efforts are focussed upon increasing it. In 1989, Daly and Cobb calculated that there had been a decrease of 40% in the quality of life in the USA since 1970, based upon adverse changes in factors such as the working week, pollution, stress levels and divorce rates. The Centre for Economic Policy Research in the USA says that the median US real wage was the same in 2000 as it was in 1973, so even most Americans have not shared the growth that the USA is said to have experienced. What hope then for the people of the developing world where wealth inequality is that much higher and "growth" that much lower?

In modern capitalist societies production is generally guided by what makes profit, not by what satisfies need. Normally this would be fine because everyone with a need would have sufficient money to satisfy it. But in an economic system based upon usury and fractional reserve banking, the commercial banks have created a scarcity of money and it is this scarcity that prevents some of the people and nations from fulfilling their requirements. Ignorant of usury, on occasion denying its existence, the conventional economists have failed to promote this analysis of the problem. Instead we are treated to all manner of hocus pocus theories and remedies. As each remedy fails, the public becomes ever more cynical. What we need is a holistic vision, but what we get is tunnel vision, the language of target ranges and accounting ratios. One day the experts will realise that good statistics are driven by a healthy economy, not the other way round.

Like the "war on terrorism", the "free trade and free markets" mantra has acquired a life of its own. Everything seems to be justifiable, even hunger, if free trade or free markets are involved. Like other mantras, the free trade variety is full of irony. In this case the irony arises because Third World producers have often found themselves selling resources to effective monopoly buyers from the West. The irony continues further because, despite the use of the word "free", for many developing countries "free trade" amounts to no more than the exploitation of their unskilled labour by a foreign multinational. Developing countries accept this situation largely because of the debt trap. Any source of foreign currency is better than none when interest charges need to be paid. Often, weak regulation (on pollution and labour rights, for example) is used to attract foreign direct investment. At the end of it all the developing countries are too often left with a cut down rainforest, an inconsequential skill set, and a pile of debt that still needs to be repaid.

When advice arrives for the developing countries, it too frequently rides on a World Bank or IMF horse. It is their advisors who dominate government departments in developing countries, often stationed there as part of the conditionality for previous aid packages. Joe Stiglitz, former chief economist at the World Bank, is particularly scathing of the World Bank's approach to providing financial assistance for developing countries. A country investigation, according to him, involves little more than a close investigation of a country's Five Star hotels. After this, a begging finance minister is presented with a pre-drafted restructuring agreement for 'voluntary' signing. The agreement typically comprises the standard one-size fits-all components of: 1) privatisation; 2) capital market liberalisation; 3) market based pricing; and 4) free trade. The corporate agenda and absolutist ideology is unmistakable.

In the case of Ecuador the absolutism went so far as a recommendation to take the US Dollar as the country's currency, even though the World Bank itself admitted that this would push 51% of the population below the poverty line. This kind of thing can only be the result of heartless Darwinism invading the space of development economics. The strong will survive, they tell us, as if the weak can be left to die like animals in the jungle.

The weakness of academic discourse in the face of the commercial and economic realities is unsurprising given that so much research is funded by the financial establishment itself. The mighty World Bank determines much of the discourse in development economics because it is one of the most financially powerful institutions on the block. Other cultures, and other paradigms, just don't fit the Washington consensus. Some of the worst double standards of Western policy can be seen here, where the academic and the political meet.

For example, the Borrow/Invest/Export/Repay development model continues to be promoted even when, as Rowbotham reminds us, not one developing country has gone into debt with the IMF and World Bank and subsequently paid it off. There is the typical IMF response to budget and trade deficits in the developing world, namely that the country in question should engage an austerity programme. Why is the USA, the world's biggest debtor and holder of the biggest trade deficit, not implementing this advice itself? Then we have the Bush administration authorising an extra $48 billion in weapons procurement expenditure, whilst the UN is telling us that $80 billion invested annually will eradicate poverty in the developing countries and thereby benefit one billion people. Isn't the best way to protect America from hateful foreigners to make their lives bearable back home?

The host of contradictions continues. Western governments often argue that debt finance is acceptable if projects are self-liquidating. So why don't they advance finance to developing countries on a profit sharing basis instead of charging interest? The IMF and the World Bank insist that the Third World must remove subsidies, for example in agriculture, but the developed world pays hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies to agriculture, for example by means of the Common Agricultural Policy in Europe. As Stiglitz points out, the Third World is advised to remove barriers to trade and stop protecting domestic industry, but no developed country succeeded in becoming developed like this. (Japan had protection and promoted its Keiretsu model for many decades. The USA had tariffs throughout the nineteenth century. England had a colonial empire to sustain it. Even supposedly successful transitional nations such as South Korea adopted protectionism in the twentieth century.)

It has been asked elsewhere why, if international competition really is so good, foreign doctors lawyers and dentists are not allowed to enter the United States in greater numbers? If US medical salaries were at the European level, then the US would save tens of billions of dollars annually in care costs, certainly much more than the few hundred millions of dollars of annual saving estimated to have been made due to trade liberalisation under the WTO in 1995 (General Accounting Office, USA). Well there's a restrictive trade lobby for doctors and lawyers of course, we know that, but when do we ever hear the free traders in the WTO, IMF and World Bank complaining about it?

The major supranational institutions urge transparency of procedures in accountancy standards and talk increasingly about accountability and other fine democratic principles, but when it comes to their own behaviour these principles are often nowhere to be seen. For example, IMF board meetings rarely record the voting pattern of directors and don't release minutes. The US controls 17% of the voting rights at the IMF executive, and then we find that major decisions such as an amendment of the IMF's Articles or use of its gold reserves require an 85% majority. The IMF board of directors has one seat each for the USA, Japan, Germany, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, Russia and China, but large groupings of other countries find themselves allotted one or two directors only. Thus the whole of Africa has had only two directors, a wholly inadequate state of affairs given that it is incurring much of the debt burden. Then at the WTO we find that three bureaucrats can meet in secret to determine disputes against governments who interfere with the freedom of trade.

Amidst all these contradictions, it is hard to see where the principles meet the practice. The Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative is a good example of the public relations exercise that can be used to dress up ineffectual policy on a grand scale. The HIPC was portrayed in many quarters as an effort on the part of the world's rich countries to reduce the burden of the most heavily indebted poor countries. In fact, its scope was so restricted, so subjected to conditionality, that it was hopelessly ineffectual.

HIPC was to apply where economic mismanagement and corruption could be shown to have resulted in the wastage of borrowed money. It therefore excluded all those situations in which World Bank or IMF mismanagement and corruption might have been shown to be the cause of the debt build up and, worse still, allowed these institutions to define the meaning of 'sound management' when their own practices are often far from sound.

By the "decision point", the point at which debt relief could be agreed, an HIPC country had to have adopted a Poverty Reduction Structural Plan (PRSP). If the net present value of the HIPC debt was greater than 150% of exports (or greater than 250% of fiscal revenues in the case of internationally "open economies") then international lenders would commit to provide debt relief by the "completion point". At the completion point, the HIPC country had to have implemented the PRSP for at least one year, and have met various financial targets set by the World Bank.

Those were the hurdles. So what about the performance?

41 countries fell within the scope of the HIPC initiative, having a total of $205 billion in debt. HIPC therefore excluded some 90% of developing country debt. 23 HIPC countries had reached the decision point by September 2001, and these received $20.7 billion in debt relief. In other words, by September 2001, some 1% of developing country debt had been addressed. Of the 23 countries to have passed the decision point, 4 reached the completion point by the end of 2001. Among these 4 countries, debt service was reduced by up to 50%. Total developing country debt service payments were thereby cut by $1.1bn annually, a reduction of some $3 million per day in the context of total daily debt repayments exceeding $700 million.

HIPC is big on fanfare, small on substance and it is not a cure. In fact the financial establishment is incapable of providing a cure for the debt problem, because that would require its own abolition. We cannot ask a financial system that has grown up on usury and fractional reserve banking to give up usury and fractional reserve banking. The continued procession of monetary crises in the developing world should by now have focussed the media spotlight upon these two practices, but the spotlight remains firmly directed at the "corrupt dictators", "inefficient practices", "inflexible labour forces", in fact anything and everything except the current policies of the lenders themselves. (Past policies on the other hand can quite often be the subject of self-criticism by IMF and World Bank executives because such honesty disarms the critics, makes it look as if the mistakes of the past have been recognised and rectified, and helps to show some humility.)

The Islamic solutions to the problems that we face are based upon an entirely different philosophy to that of capitalist liberalism. Muslims know that economic growth is not the objective of life. The true objective is to worship Allah and this does not require economic growth, nor necessarily imply it. Of course, if it enables us to improve the quality of life there is nothing wrong in having economic growth, but we are dealing with a question of priorities here, of worshipping growth or God. It is becoming clearer by the day in the West that materialism, like all forms of godless self-interest, cannot support the social structures that are essential to the survival of society. Trust is one such structure, without which society will collapse in the long run, but trust and materialism have never been the best of friends.

Once, when the Muslims adhered to the rules of Allah, the world was a very different place. It was characterised by peace and justice, not usury and debt Holocaust. Even for non-Muslims it was a Golden Age, one that thrived for almost 1300 years. Now Islam has been relegated to the back room, and the bankers have assumed the controls. To put debt relief in the hands of such men is like putting a thief in charge of home security. They give us structural adjustment and debt forgiveness, when it is they that should be adjusting, they that should be seeking forgiveness for their usury.

But there is hope. The developing nations should not think that they are powerless in the face of their oppressors. Their best weapon now is the very scale of the debt crisis itself. A coordinated and simultaneous large scale default on international debt obligations could quite easily damage the Western monetary system, and the West knows it. There might be a war of course, or the threat of it, accompanied perhaps by lectures on financial morality from Washington, but would it matter when there is so little left to lose? In due course, every oppressed people comes to know that it is better to die with dignity than to live in slavery. Lenders everywhere should remember that lesson well.

Last edited by moeen yaseen on Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:07 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 11:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Greed is the one thing that the global elite have even more of than wealth.
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Martin Conner
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 1:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Leiff wrote:
Greed is the one thing that the global elite have even more of than wealth.

They also have all the information and make all the decisions. The world is their dance floor and humanity is the orchestra.

While civilisation continues to sing for the capitalist there will always be slavery.

In our age there is no such thing as 'keeping out of politics.' All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia.
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moeen yaseen
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 7:46 pm    Post subject: WHEN LOVE OF PROFITS CLASHES WITH THE LOVE OF THE PROPHET Reply with quote


Abid Ullah Jan

July 15, 2006

For the lives of a few Israeli soldiers, Gaza and Lebanon are on fire. Dozens are dying every day but Bush says, “In my judgment, the best way to stop the violence is to understand why the violence occurred in the first place and that's because Hizbullah has been launching rocket attacks out of Lebanon into Israel and because Hizbullah captured two Israeli soldiers.”[1] Canadian prime minister says, “I think Israel's response under the circumstances has been measured.”[2]
The circumstances they are looking at are not even a full week ago when Israeli soldiers were engaged by Hizbollah on July 12, 2006, inside Lebanon’s territory.[3] This is just one example of how violence and terrorism is justified when conducted by anyone of the trio or terrorism: The U.S., U.K. and Israel. Lives of Israeli soldiers is precious than the hundreds who are dying daily at the hands of Israel. Israel has the right to defend itself even if it soldiers are captured or killed in Lebanese territory, but sovereign Iraq and Afghanistan have no right to defend themselves from the occupiers who waged the war on the basis of lies.

Deaths of the thousands of Iraqi soldiers as a result of an illegitimate war of aggression are not even counted. Complete decimation of the armed forces of Iraq is considered legitimate and justified. Similarly, destroying Lebanon is a “measured response” because of what happened in the last few days.

Just three days. This is how far Bush and his allies can go back in history to justify Israeli aggression. The failure to putting history in perspective is one of the root causes for mainstreaming fascism today. However, all people are not blind all the time. There are scholars and researchers, who are keeping an eye on the bigger picture and looking closely into finding out why the violence doesn’t come to an end around the world.

J.W. Smith is one of those great scholars who explore the roots of modern day imperial fascism. The seventh book from the pioneer of the Institute for Economic Democracy is titled: Economic Democracy: A Grand Strategy for World Peace and Prosperity. We often hear that the U.S. wars are for oil, resources and Israel. Nevertheless, there are very few who can go beyond the pipeline theories to understand the history of tyrannical imperialism of our age. And there are even more few people who propose an alternative economic order to the prevailing exploitative economic system, defending which has become the core objective of the upcoming Greater War. J. W. Smith is one of those rare souls.

Twenty-four years of deep study led J. W. Smith to the conclusion that the foundation of the current monopoly economic structure is capitalism’s exclusive titles to nature’s wealth evolving from aristocratic exclusive titles. If one wishes to go back in history to understand the roots of violence, one has to read Mr. Smith, who takes his readers back by seven centuries, not just three days, to show that the present day western societies have evolved from plunder-by-raids to plunder by trade. He shows how Adam Smith free trade was specifically designed to entrench this system of laying claim to others wealth. To protect the same system, we see de facto colonization in full swing in former colonies, which never became achieved independence in real sense.

The myth of Al-Qaeda, the fear of the Taliban, the rancid notions of Islamism and Islamists, the weapons of mass destruction of Saddam Hussein, the non-existent nuclear weapons of Iran and the protection of Israel are all ruses to protect the present day economic order serving a few global elites and power brokers. Mr. Smith explains in his work that for all the past 700 to 800 years each law was put in place to protect wealth and power of the select few. How else could it be, they were the only ones making the laws? Establishment of the United Nations in the twentieth century and declaration of the so-called war on terrorism in the twenty-first century are little more than ensuring the unequal power positions and unjust rule of law the imperialists were putting in place since a long time.

Mr. Smith helps us get our mind around it all. His research makes one realize that the entire history, economics, political science, and other soft sciences and military forces are there only to protect the status quo of the colonial system of theft. The media, academia, art and military, every thing is used to push upon the same unjust economic order on the rest of the world. This is a grand colonial scheme that sustains on promotion of more exploitation of the week.

J. W. Smith’s research exposes classical economics as only justifications for a system of theft, called rule of law, that Western powerbrokers spent more than 700 years putting in place. Dr. Smith looks deeply within belief systems protecting the power structure and its stolen wealth and concludes the debris of centuries of custom and law are the barriers preventing Western societies from evolving into peaceful and far more productive societies.

Once one realizes that, one does not have to be a genius to understand Bush and his allies’ real objectives behind the wars and occupations. Interestingly, Dr. Smith has put together a framework for the occupied, colonized and impoverished world to break lose from the deadly grip of the colonialist order. An understanding of the suppression, theft and related process provides the answers.

In Dr. Smith’s view, once a large enough bloc has allied together, the Muslim world and other alliances can create their own money to build their economic infrastructure and industries. The present economic order has enslaved the world. The basic step will be to do the opposite of what the colonized are told to do. The massive wealth the resources of the impoverished will be bringing in will boost alliance along. Once the first alliance comes together and starts to rapidly develop, the rest of the impoverished world will see and quickly form their alliances. This is what happened in the Soviet Union when those 15 republics federated. This is why the West spent 70 years destroying them. No way could they let that federation succeed. The rest of the world would have seen and would have long ago broken itself free. The Economic Democracy gives all the reasons for their final collapse.

Dr. Smith’s elaborate framework makes sense. It surely is one of the best alternatives proposed so far that can challenge the monopoly of present economic order. This is the best way to establish economic democracy (equality) and peace in the world. However, as Dr. Smith realizes, deliberate destabilization becomes destiny of the countries which try to break free. In the resource rich Muslim world in particular, taking the first step is the most difficult one. That is why we have dictators, kings, sheikhs and puppets sitting there to perpetuate de facto colonization that sustains inequality, deprivation, poverty. In Dr. Smith’s words:

The war is on to install an “imperial democracy” in Iraq. But we must remember that the meaning of “democracy”—as used by imperialists—applies only to governments subservient to an imperial center "imperial centers of capital" . Puppet governments are as old as history but a “democratic” Muslim government suppressing Muslim interests and supporting Western interests is a contradiction in terms. What we are witnessing in Iraq is—as the threat of the world breaking free gets more and more imminent—America doing openly—under a cover story—what they had been doing covertly for 50 years.

Economic freedom of the colonized world is the real threat which the imperialists are feeling in particular. The open aggression breeds open resistance as well. Imperialist’s control of puppet governments is now so well understood that even countries where external control of elections were once blatant—Venezuela, Haiti, Bolivia, and Chile "Bolivia" for example "Venezuela"—have thrown aside those puppets by the ballot. Muslims realize that the so-called war on terror is merely another excuse to consolidate puppets in the Muslim world to deprive Muslims of their resources and the right to self-determination and establishing a Muslim way of life. Establishment of interest-free economic system is one of the greatest fears of the imperialists. Interestingly, Dr. Smith has clear answers to the question as to how establishing an interest free economic system can be possible.

The growing realization that that America and its allies are obviously operating an empire in itself is the beginning of real liberation worldwide. Presently it seems impossible that weak and impoverished nations will defeat the military might of the U.S. and its allies. But Dr. Smith has a message of hope for them. For example, talking about South Asia, he writes in Economic Democracy: “As their enormous wealth and military might is based upon theft of the wealth of weak nations—and assuming America does not use its nuclear weapons to maintain its current fascist control of resources throughout the world—long before Southeast Asia reaches 50% equality the economies of America and Europe will collapse stock market crash.”

The need for the impoverished nations is to understand the reality and prepare for a world liberated after more than 700 years of colonial rule. Instead of listening to Bush and his allies who, at best want to take us three days back in history, we need to understand the broader context of the ongoing violence and turmoil and come up with proper strategies at our respective levels.


July 14, 2006

In contemporary Western societies, repressed religion returns in secular cults and fascism of different shades. The cult phenomenon becomes more dangerous when religious zealots push their agendas through the so-called liberals[1] and neo-conservatives.

The Bush and Blair regimes’ response to recent Israeli aggression and terrorism is an excellent example of the apocalyptic passions of religion that have returned as projects of universal human emancipation through more and more terror.

Today, the United States and its close allies ignore history and justify their own and Israeli aggression on the basis of lies or pretexts such as the kidnapping of Israeli soldiers. On the other hand, mass killing of innocent civilians in occupied lands is considered “collateral damage” in an effort to emancipate the survivors.

With only a little hyperbole, one might define secular cult’s marriage of neo-conservative re Islamophobic philosophy in terms of this Freudian cycle. The mark of repressed thought and emotion is that it is shut away from conscious scrutiny. This is nowhere more evident than in the encounter of Muslim societies with radical part of the West. Western thinkers note that Islam has never grasped the need for a secular realm. Actually, they fail to note that what passes for secular belief in the West is a mutation of religious faith.

Besides the struggle to maintain the exploitative economic order that benefits just a few, the continued conflict between the Muslim majority world and the West is a war of religion. The Enlightenment idea of a universal civilization, which the West upholds against Islam, is an offspring of Christianity. The peculiar hybrids of dictatorships, kingdoms and democracy are by-products of Western radical thought and designs.

The chiliastic violence of radical democracy of the United States, Britain and Israel is not the product of any ‘clash of civilizations’. The twentieth century’s grand experiments in missionary terror were not in reaction to something wrong in the Muslim world. They expressed the totalitarian ambitions that have been harbored only in the West.

The death camps of Nazi Germany, the gulags of Soviet Russia, the Dresden bombing and the nuking of Japan killed 60 million people, far more than in any earlier century. Yet it is not the number of dead that is peculiarly fascist. It is the belief that as a result of these deaths a new world would be born. In former times, the Inquisition tortured and killed on a large scale; but it did not imagine it would remake the world through terror. It promised salvation in the world hereafter, not paradise in the world below.

In contrast, both in the twentieth and twenty-first century, industrial scale killing has been practiced in the belief that the survivors will live in a world better than any that has ever existed. As a whole the U.N. sanction on Iraq 1.8 million lives. When the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. was asked on 60 Minutes program whether the cost of the lives of over a half million children “was worth it” in order to get rid of president of Iraq. She replied, “yes the price is worth it.” A real estimate will show that close to 200,000 people have been killed in Afghanistan and Iraq since 2001, yet the warlords are determined to make these places earthly paradises for the survivors.

Edmund Stillman and William Pfaff rightly pointed out in their book, The politics of hysteria, in 1964:

“To destroy a city, a state, an empire even, is an essentially finite action; but to attempt to total annihilation—the liquidation—of so ubiquitous but so theoretically or ideologically defined an entity as a social class or racial abstraction is quite another, and one impossible even in conception to a mind not conditioned by Western habits of thought. Here is a truly Faustian ambition—to transform by physical action to merely the earth, but the qualities of the creatures who dwell upon it, an ambition related to the modern quest for the breaking down of mountains, the escape from the bounds of the earth, the control and reform of human genetics, the manipulation of life itself—all of them ambitions which, before this century, were the dark matter of myth and necromancy. Yet such have been the stated ambitions of the two political movements, Communism and Fascism, which have convulsed the middle years of our century.”[2]

Self evidently, the belief of Western totalitarians that terror can remake the world is not a result of any kind of scientific inquiry or secularism. It is faith, pure and simple. No less incontrovertibly, the faith is uniquely western.

Western warlords believe in the myth that, as the rest of the world submit to their power and reshape itself in their image, it is bound to become enlightened, peaceful and pure—as contrary to all evidence, they imagine themselves to be. The continued and successful resistance in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan has destroyed this myth; and yet it continues to be believed. The nihilists in Washington, London and Tel Aviv are driven by the belief that the world can be transformed by spectacular acts of “shock and awe” and terror. This myth has been repeatedly disproved; but still it persists.

Myths are not refuted. They simply disappear, as the way of life from which they sprang fade from the world. Science teaches limits, but intermingled with eschatological myths it has kindled limitless ambitions. The result is the unbounded violence of modern times, which the U.S., U.K. and Israel in particular continue. It is not the first attempt to remake the world by terror, and it will not be the last. Once the past tyrannies disappeared, other types of terror in the name of liberation and democracy followed. The advancement of knowledge and technology does not prove that this is the age of reason as well. It merely added another twist to human folly and fine tuned the ways to subjugate torture and annihilate.

The UNSC's unanimously passing or the US vetoing a resolution condemning Israeli terrorism is irrelevant. The world has to do more than just thinking about resolutions to condemn terrorism of the trio of evil because Washington, London and Tel Aviv’s determination to continue global terrorism has ensured that we face an unimaginably bigger, wider and most horrible war of human history in the very near future

[color=red]AFTER FASCISM:


Table of contents


Fascism in Context

Fascism Goes Mainstream

Fascism: In Advanced Phase

The Root Problem

Winning through Ideas

Fascism and the “Mainstream” Media

The “Death Cult” or Super Fascism

The Fascist Way of Life


Reconsolidating Colonialism with Democratic Fascism

The Colonial Roots of the Issue

Islamophobia and Democracy in Contact

The Myth of Islamic Democracy

Islam, the West, and the Question of Dominance

Hiding Behind Democracy

Impossibility of Mini-Islamic States

A Democratic Revolution in the Muslim World?


The Fruits of Fascism

The Coming Collapse of the System of Nation-States

Approaching the End of Democratic Fascism

21st Century Jews

The Coming Exodus

Muslim Self-Rule Has Became Inevitable

The Us Is Helpless

On The Way to Greater Israel

The Greater Israel: An Inevitable Fate

The way the UK lost it

The way the US is losing it

The U.S. Financial Meltdown to Come

The U.S. Dominance is Doomed

On the Question of Power

On the Future

After Fascism

What to Do



THE twenty-first century dawned with the most horrible crime, the 9/11 attacks in the United States, followed by horrible wars launched by the U.S. government. America’s rulers put forward an incredible and unusual conspiracy theory to tell the world how the 9/11 attacks took place. There was a lack of investigation to confirm the official theory about 9/11 followed by a very quick war and the occupation of Afghanistan. An equally illegitimate war and the occupation of Iraq followed the war of aggression on Afghanistan.

The main lie used to justify the war on Iraq is now universally known. It is also well known that the war on Afghanistan was planned long before the 9/11 attacks. The war crimes committed by the U.S. forces in the occupied countries, as well as in the various prisons they have set-up within and outside the occupied countries, are also before the world. The use of banned weapons and ammunition, such as depleted uranium and white phosphorus, is also a matter of public record now. The consequences of using the banned weapons are also unfolding before our eyes in the form of an increasing number of deformed babies born in occupied Afghanistan and Iraq. Similarly, a number of Americans who were sent to war and used these weapons are suffering from related illnesses. Yet the people behind the wars are now showing their determination to nuke Iran into submission, if necessary, for its alleged intention to have nuclear weapons.

Many analysts believe that we are well into the age of fascism.1 Others argue that we are about to enter an era of fascism in the name of freedom and democracy. Yet those in the opposing camp believe that the preemptive wars are needed to check the greatest evils and bestialities of Islam, which are set to change the Western way of life. The approaching denouement is presaged precisely by the extraordinary tension between the Muslim and Western worlds, led by the United States. In international relations, this denouement means a greater war.

In the Muslim world, a rising number of Muslims believe that it would be far better if a greater war were forestalled by Muslims achieving true independence and their right to self-determination. But Muslim independence has not yet not occurred, and—we must say flatly—the chance of it is small until the modern day fascists exhaust themselves in their plans to annihilate Muslims, and Muslims, in turn, learn a lesson at a great cost. The fact is that Muslims alone are not the victims.

Besides looking into the question of whether we are living in a new age of fascism, we need to seriously assess if a greater and wider war is approaching far more speedily than the rate at which new cadres of anti-war movements in the West and pro-independence and pro-self-determination activists in the Muslim world are coming to the fore. What is common between these two emerging forces in the East and the West? How can they compliment each other’s efforts? Members of these movements of true liberty need to look into the determination of those who want to control their own people and dominate the Muslim world at any cost. Together, they need to see where they are heading in a world led by a few powerful people. Never before has historical determinism assumed so fatalistic a form as it does nowadays. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will soon become small wars of the recent past. Will anything stop the warlords of our age? Will they succeed in what they have planned, or will war sweep them away?

The much-vaunted liberal democracy and the civil and human rights leaders are gradually caving in to the extremism of our age. This response is due to the nature of fascism. Those individuals who are for peace and the equal treatment of Muslims have started using terminology that even the fascists of the past did not use to belittle and demonize their enemies. Many self-proclaimed liberals are coming out of their closets and expressing views that are hardly different from the views on the extreme right. For example, articles of Thomas Friedman, published in the New York Times soon after the July 7, 2005, bombing in London, openly threatened Muslims and cursed Islam without pausing for the dust to settle and to see if his conclusions were correct.

Similarly, others, even those like George Galloway—the British MP who speaks strongly against the illegal wars—agreed that the staged terror attacks of 9/11 were the work of raging Muslims. Together, most of the pro-war and anti-war activists and analysts are making a majority in the world believe in the "enemy" created by the extremists of our age.

Looking from the perspective of Muslims, suffering one kind of tyranny or another since the so-called independence from Western colonialism, one clearly sees that starving 1.8 million Iraqis to death through genocidal sanctions by the United Nations has inescapably retreated before the greater evil of this age. Islamophobia and capitalism, with the aid of World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and coupled by corporate terrorism, have flourished for the last many years.

In the West, the search for truth, real representative democracy, and freedom from police states is intensifying. Peace activists are busy exposing the real culprits behind 9/11 and saving humanity from going into a greater war. On the other hand, the hunger for self-determination and self-rule is growing throughout the Muslim world. One sees evidence in the increasing number of Muslims who call for the overthrow of puppet regimes from dictators such as Pervez Musharraf and Islam Karimov to Kings in Jordan and Saudi Arabia to the autocrat in Egypt and puppets installed by occupation forces in places such as Afghanistan and Iraq. One sees it in the learned disquisitions about the roots of continued inequality, desperation, under-development, and exploitation of the Muslim world. Moreover, one sees it in the general trend away from staying in the rut of systems left behind by the colonialists, without seeing any light at the end of the tunnel. Muslims did not see freedom and independence, which they acquired from colonialism at a great cost. Thus, Muslims have begun making changes because they do not believe they would achieve true freedom and independence living under the existing systems.

The mounting resistance movements warrant the questions: Are Muslim countries facing a new form of colonialism—fascist-colonialism? If so, what comes after fascism? What is the next step for Muslims and non-Muslims who are not interested in wars and domination, and who are helpless before the might of the oppressors, but want change nevertheless? The truth-tellers’ strategy of exposing the facts rightly began by focusing on the atrocities of the United States and its allies over the last century. Now a longer-term approach is needed, one that will serve human interests and human values, and one that will ensure equal opportunity for all to freely live their own way of life.

The ongoing uncertainty forces the truth-seekers to think about the future. It is not difficult to see that continuing military adventures can achieve no more than putting temporary puppets in position in places like Baghdad and Kabul. At the same time, they strengthen resentment and resistance, upon which the mass sensitization and a movement towards a just order rest. A serious analysis of the events is necessary to see how after the fall of communism, an upgraded extremism has become necessary, with legislation like that harking back to the time of Herod and the slaughter of innocent babes, so as to maintain the status quo of colonialism. How shall we interpret the open threats in the corporate newspapers? Is it a sign of fascism and an impending disaster to read in the New York Times write-ups that declare all Muslims as suspect?2 Were Jews told in the corporate newspapers in Germany to mend their ways, otherwise, "the West [was] going to do it for them? And the West will do it in a rough, crude way—by simply shutting them out, denying them visas and making every Muslim [read Jew] in its midst guilty until proven innocent?" What kind of mindset are such messages helping to develop? What is the future of Muslims when the present mindset of the Western elite and people in power can be compared to the mindset that was developed in Europe with less threatening messages than these? One can remember horrors and atrocities of the past and imagine consequences of the present trends.

We cannot sit idle without trying to analyze the current events and attempting to avert impending disaster. To do that, we need to look back at the history of fascism and colonialism. It does not seem as if colonial adventures will end any time soon. Puppet regimes have replaced direct occupations in the former colonies. These regimes are serving their former masters more effectively than before through remote control colonialism. There are no limits to state control, manipulation of economic interactions, coercing individuals to serve the state, and usurping individual rights and civil liberties, and global expansionism within capitalism and associated corporatism. This is likewise true of the modern day crusaders and Zionists thriving in the shadows of corporatism. The myopic opportunists among Muslims are confidently treading the path into which the present masters of the situation are shoving mankind. Unfortunately, others are playing into the hands of occupation forces and have pitted themselves against each other rather than against the aggressors, whose "intellectual" supporters claim the civil war is in their favor.

The proceeding sections look into how the world is heading toward a greater war. We need to look into questions such as: Are we really facing modern day fascism, or it is an exaggerated position taken by some analysts? Where are the Muslim and non-Muslim majority worlds heading? Does the ultimate tragedy of human history await us, or is there some light at the end of the tunnel? If we are passing through an age of super-fascism, what is coming after it? This book answers these and similar questions. Part One of the books puts fascism into context. So far, researchers have considered colonialism, fascism, and American adventures over the last century in total isolation from each other. This book provides a comparative analysis in order to show the true horrors facing humanity today.

Part Two of this book looks at the Islamic world, which is reeling under continued colonialism. Even the most sympathetic Western analysts have failed to look at the broader picture. They make the serious mistake of presenting "Islamic democracy" as a panacea for all ills facing the Muslim world. This section discusses how "Islamic democracy" is no more than a myth perpetuated to maintain the status quo, and shows how the establishment of mini-Islamic states is impossible under the present circumstances.

The last section looks into the consequences of what the world is facing today. These predictions might appear to be long-term forecasts. However, in the face of the determination of warlords in the West, it might be a matter of only years, not decades, before we see the coming exodus and a Muslim holocaust unraveling before our eyes. The last section also looks into the seemingly impossible but, in fact, inevitable replacement of the United States by a Greater Israel as a ruling state.

This book highlights wars, occupations, and colonial adventures, which are still with us and will be so long as the world is unable to counter the strategy of violence and naked fascism effectively. The good news is that besides those individuals waging wars to impose a convoluted form of democracy on the Muslim world, there are people—mostly non-Muslims—who are struggling as a counter force. They expose the truth that would provide a viable collective solution for bringing the values of liberty and freedom into the structure of the state. This struggle on the part of reformers in the United States and elsewhere is the way of a future, pregnant with the possibility of Muslim success in their struggle for self-determination and self-rule.

The Muslim resistance is indirectly helping the truth-seekers and reformers to identify fascists in their societies and to work to regain their right to making real democratic choices for themselves. This book explains why the struggle must go on despite the fact that there are absolutely no signs of the fascists giving up their totalitarian dreams in the near future. Their adventures are bound to lead to more death and destruction. The mindset they have created is bound to lead to a Muslim holocaust. The good news is that the consistent support extended to racism and aggression against Israelis is bound to result in the totalitarians in the United States losing their empire. Muslims and non-Muslims struggling for liberty and freedom, nevertheless, can reduce the impact of these totalitarians’ actions by struggling for synthesis rather than giving up or joining the totalitarians’ struggle for global supremacy.

This vision to counter modern-day fascism is not utopian. Its realistic beginnings exist in the struggle for self-determination in the Muslim world and the struggle to expose the real face of modern day fascists in the Western world. The key to success lies in persistence and consistency. Besides, both Muslims and non-Muslims struggling against the fascism of our age need to demystify the myths, which have not only pitted Muslims and non-Muslims against each other, but also Muslims against Muslims and vice versa. This book attempts to demystify some of the myths about the Muslim world and the burgeoning movements for Muslim self-rule. Contrary to the reality, modern day fascists present this struggle as Muslims’ attempt to destroy the West. Without a greater public understanding of the reality, reformers in the West and the East will not be able to counter the fascism we are facing today.

This book provides a perspective for peace activists in the West and advocates of the Islamic movements for self-determination in the East to ponder anew over the following points:

Can their collective way of struggle bring political and social revolution to society?

Is Muslims’ way of struggle consistent with the method of the Prophet (pbuh)?

Do they see in their countries and in the international arena the possibility of Muslims exercising their right to self-determination, achieving a real freedom? Can the Islamic movement deliver on this matter in the prevailing circumstances? How can the internal obstacles and external challenges be successfully tackled?

Muslims have been living a life of servitude and misery for several centuries, deprived of freedom and political and financial independence. Living under never-ending colonialism, their sense of freedom and self-respect has dramatically suffered. Can one expect these oppressed nations to get ready for great sacrifices and to deliver the world of the worst form of fascist oppression? Laughing

Last edited by moeen yaseen on Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:17 pm; edited 6 times in total
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moeen yaseen
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 11:14 pm    Post subject: WHEN LOVE OF PROFITS CLASHES WITH THE LOVE OF THE PROPHET Reply with quote

The Strategic Significance of the Hit on India

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

Friday, July 14, 2006

I bring no "good news." Only fools march to battle because the news is good; wise men march with grim and resolute determination, because they know the news is very bad.

Lately, while most of the U.S. Congress has been virtually sleeping through a months-long, lulling delusion, like that which Neville Chamberlain carried back to London from Munich, the world has been lurching toward the brink of a crisis which must be compared, at the very least, to the brink of outbreak of each of two so-called "world wars" of the last century. Actually, what is presently threatened for the immediate future, unless we act now to prevent it, would soon be something much worse than either of those wars. Do not look for the image of troops marching to battle; what is coming down the road now, is something most nearly comparable, in known history, to a nuclear-age version of the Hellish nightmare-scenes of the so-called "New Dark Age" which erupted in the Fourteenth Century, when the King of England repudiated his debts to the Lombard League's House of Bardi.

While the gathering for the G-8 summit brings the world into a great global crisis which has been already over-ripe for eruption, certain events of the past week to date, in Southwest Asia and in the Asian subcontinent, respectively, taken together with escalating issues of the immediate G-8 meeting, have lit the fuse of a simmering force of global strategic explosion like nothing which has happened in history before this time.

So, during Tuesday's late afternoon drive, back from Zürich, Switzerland, to Germany, the car's radio broke the news of terrorist bombing attacks on the commuter trains leaving Mumbai (Bombay), India. By Thursday, reports on the strategic implications of this event received from high-level circles inside India, gave a fuller picture. This attack was comparable, in its strategic implications, if not the size of the death toll, to what struck New York City on September 11, 2001. The principal targets of the coordinated attacks were the first-class coaches of trains leaving Mumbai. The number of reported dead, so far, is significantly less than those who died in the attacks on New York's World Trade Center, but the effect was clearly intended to be comparable, and, given other developments around the world ongoing now, the strategic effects would be much worse than those of "9/11," unless action to prevent such an outcome were taken now.

This was no ordinary sort of "terrorist incident"; the characteristics of the attack themselves bespeak the hand of a leading strategic power.

The admirers of Vice-President Cheney's strategic impulses might be pleased by the intention expressed in these events in India, since what is being served is the same warfare policy expressed by Cheney's wicked partnership with Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu. Worse, although Cheney's conspiring with Netanyahu has been the obvious motive for the presently escalating state of warfare launched, in several directions, by Israel, Cheney himself is merely a disposable pawn in an imperial game played by forces operating from a much higher level than the current U.S. Presidency, levels higher than Cheney's immediate master, George P. Shultz.

With the combination of this strategic attack on India, and the continuing actions of Dick Cheney and his accomplice, Netanyahu, in Southwest Asia, a signaled, actually global threat was delivered, in effect, to those assembling for the "G-8" summit in Russia now. Like the June 28, 1914 assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife at Sarajevo, the Mumbai incident of this past Tuesday has been recognized, in relevant circles in India and elsewhere, as the intended detonator of a global strategic crisis. This is, in fact, a crisis which must be compared with the situation on the verge of the two so-called "world wars" of the Twentieth Century; unless the present threat is promptly reversed, the outcome will be vastly worse than anything experienced in the two "world wars" of the preceding century, but of an essentially different type than either of those two great wars.

These are, once again, times "which try men's souls." The world as a whole is gripped by what threatens to be the world's greatest crisis since the U.S. was founded, in 1776, a worse crisis of European civilization as a whole than anything since the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia. For the U.S.A. itself, it is everything our republic has accomplished since the developments of 1776-1789, which is under attack, and in grave jeopardy from both forces within and without our republic.

Within forty-eight hours of that trip from Switzerland, I understood precisely what the nature of the present concatenation of ongoing and simmering strategic crises signifies. My problem on this account, is that of enabling others, especially some in very important positions, to grasp at least the rudiments of a crisis whose characteristic, fuller implications would probably be, otherwise, beyond their present attempts at comprehension. It is not sufficient that I state the facts, as I shall in the concluding summary section of this report; I must, first, equip those hearers to understand the actual facts of the situation. To prepare for the threats ahead, the audience must, so to speak, weigh the situation within today's equivalent of Wallenstein's Camp.

That point will be made clear as I proceed in this report.

The Weakness in Our Government
We knew, this past Springtime, that Vice-President Dick Cheney was a principal figure behind a proposed, preemptive series of aerial attacks on the nation of Iran. The pressures of circumstances induced the government of President George W. Bush, Jr., to back away, perhaps temporarily, from Cheney's threat of launching such an attack as soon as June 2006. However, Cheney had an alternative; pressures placed upon forces within Israel opened up a new initiative with the same lust for warfare against Iran as Cheney had represented earlier, and also against other targets, in sight.

Now, that alternative detour to Hell on Earth has brought events to the point that a global nightmare beyond the belief of most, is threatened for the early future. The addition of the strategic quality of terrorist mode of attacks on India, combined with the lunatic escalation of events unleashed, chiefly, by the accomplices of Cheney and Netanyahu in Israel, now signal a remarkable convergence of a strategic crisis with the convening of the G-8 negotiations. The potential of this systemic threat is monstrous, with consequences obviously beyond the imagination of the present members of the U.S. Congress.

We should not be surprised by the recent months' trend toward failures of performance in the U.S. Senate. Presently, very few in the U.S. Congress as a whole have shown themselves willing to think clearly about these matters. Their attention is focussed on far less noble goals than world peace or the fate of the U.S. economy. It is therefore indispensable that I intervene, as I intervened in aid of the Democratic Party's 2004 Presidential election-campaign, and, still later, in November 2004, to revive the Party from its moment of post-electoral despair. There are only a few leading figures of the Democratic Party, and others, who are equipped by intention to grasp the essential features of the great strategic issues underlying the presently accelerating world-crisis.

In fact of manifest practice, presently, most of our elected Federal representatives have put the existence of mankind itself "on hold" until some yet to be decided at some time past the coming November elections. Yet, the greatest events, and the most crucial strategic decisions in present world history, will be decided by what happens during these Summer months, while members of the Congress are campaigning, like the "Wynken, Blynken, and Nod" of the children's poem, for a November 2006 election, an election which, just possibly, might not happen after all.

People who do not understand either the nature of mankind, or its history, will ask: "Is it going to happen, or not: Yes, or No?" Such people have yet to recognize that special nature of the human species, which sets mankind apart from the beasts; such people have never grasped the kind of physical geometry of cause and effect within which the great developments of human history have always been shaped. People who say, "My experience teaches me," if they wished to become credible in God's Eyes, should have chosen a different school. Mere personal experience will never teach anyone the nature of that which has yet to be experienced for the first time in history. Whatever comes out of the weeks and months of the presently onrushing world strategic crisis, the persons who live through that time will have experienced mostly things they had never imagined might happen.

One thing, above all others, is certain. The world as it exists for mankind a year or so ahead, will have become already a different world, for better, or for far worse, than most members of Congress, for example, would have the present courage to believe possible. So, most of those influential people in the age-brackets between fifty and sixty-odd years of age, including some members of the Congress, presently, seem to be swimming like fish which the outgoing tide has cast upon the beach; those poor fish, certain members of the Congress, and others, are still trying to swim to safety as they only imagine that past experience might have taught them.

There is a timely precedent for overcoming this hellish danger before us all. We have but to look back, knowingly, to both the election of President Franklin Roosevelt, and to the defeat of those powerful plotters within the U.S. who not only admired Hitler as they admired Mussolini, but who also plotted a military overthrow of the Roosevelt government. These are the forerunners, sometimes of the same families, who later set the leading precedents for the financier and other organizations, such as the so-called Congress for Cultural Freedom, which typify, once again, the source of the principal internal threat to not only our virtually bankrupted U.S.A., but civilization as a whole, today.

This time, those who are willing to understand the actual situation in those historical terms of reference, must lead, or there will be soon no remaining republic for us to defend.

1. The Prerequisites of Comprehension
"The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our stars, but in ourselves..."

The source of the recent apparent inability of most members of our Congress, for example, to grasp the actual nature of the ruinous situation it, unwittingly, is doing so much to create, is a popular conceit, most notably among the university-educated generation, the proverbial "upper twenty percentile," now centered in the 50-65 age-group. That conceit has been shaped by the form of sophistry to which that generation was subjected, virtually from birth, by degrading influences typified by the Congress for Cultural Freedom.

The specific aspect of the problem, which must be emphasized in any effort to bring our republic safely out of the threatened destruction which looms over our nation and its people now, is that we are led by a generation of so-called "Baby Boomers" which has been steeped in a Sophistry which is an imitation of the fatal moral sickness of Pericles' Athens; like Sophists generally, like many among the wilder 68ers whom I recall, they do not recognize the specific, determining distinction of man from monkeys. In other words, at this moment, we are largely ruled by a generation which does not recognize that the shaping of the history of mankind depends upon certain principles of human nature which are, themselves, absolutely contrary to a standard middle-class Baby-Boomer notion of reality.

These foolish notions of such self-destructive people include the idea of individual "free will" in the Kantian and related sense of Kant's doctrine of "Practical Reason"; I refer thus to the so-called doctrine of "negation of the negation," which was copied into the Nineteenth-Century Romantic school of law and history of that follower of Martinist freemasonry's Count Joseph de Maistre known as G.W.F. Hegel, as also Hegel's crony F.C. von Savigny.

In order to approach the strategic issues implicit in the intersection of the Israeli and Indian situations with the issues of the G-8 meeting, two points of principle must be underscored. These are points of principle of which most representatives in government are still ignorant, but which they must now come to know, if they are to discover the way out of the presently menacing mess which they, the unwitting, have helped to create.

First, the Issue of Irony
First, consider the matter of the distinction between ironical and literal speech, in defining the relative intellectual and moral capabilities characteristic of cultures.
Putting aside such Romantic adversaries of the European Classical cultural tradition as Kant and Hegel; the contrary culture, from which the U.S. Declaration of Independence and Federal Constitution sprang, was essentially the Classical culture expressed by the succession of both Europe's Fifteenth-Century Renaissance and the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia. However, there is a lingering, important, ironical distinction of an American scion of European culture who has been relatively liberated from the oligarchical ironies which, still today, pollute the lands whence our founders, and my European forebears came. Otherwise, the best historical root of our national U.S. culture is, thus far, essentially European. However, we must also recognize the danger which lurks in the fact, that the origins and nature of the pro-oligarchical corruption has been promoted within our republic, the danger expressed by that Europe-based oligarchical faction which has been determined, from our nation's beginnings, to eradicate what we represent from this planet.

It is this legacy of European oligarchical culture which is the source of the principal evils of globally extended European culture today. It is this irony which distinguishes the Presidential system of the U.S. Federal Constitution from the implicitly pro-oligarchical, parliamentary cultures of western and central Europe today. It is the reach of this oligarchical defect in Europe's traditions into the U.S.A. itself, which has been the principal source of our nation's own corruption, and the source of the present threat of a collapse of our civilization into a prolonged dark age. It is that pro-oligarchical current which is the principal source of the great evil which menaces civilization as a whole right now.

For example, our Federal Constitution subordinates the uttering of our currency and control over our banking system to the authority of our government; whereas, the usual European system, subordinates the government of the nation to the authority of implicitly imperial, Anglo-Dutch Liberal forms of privately owned and controlled central banking systems. Globalization is nothing but the intention to destroy the U.S. Federal Constitution, in favor of the concerted power of private usurers, that according to the tradition of the same type as the Venetian bankers who created the New Dark Age of Europe's Fourteenth Century.

There are discoverable principles which would help us to find our way to solutions for the present crisis which that inherently pro-imperialist, Anglo-Dutch Liberal system of globalized financial tyranny has brought upon this planet as a whole.

Human development in the individual is centered in the dynamics of individual interaction with transmitted culture. Excepting the mentally ill, ideas are never communicated as the so-called "literal" meanings of words used according to some mechanical-like notion of "dictionary" meaning. All literate use of language relies upon the same natural root as the musical quality of Classical poetry; it is the musical-poetical principle, to be seen as the medium through which ideas are molded: not as mechanically literal meanings, but as ironies. It is not only through the transmission of explicit statements, that one generation communicates to the other; it is through the ironies conveyed within the usages of specific languages, especially in sung forms of Classical polyphony, that the creative powers of human thought, those powers which distinguish man from beast, are transmitted across successive generations. It is the resulting accumulation of irony with a use of a specific language, which touches with relatively greatest immediacy upon those cognitive functions of the individual's mind which are the medium of creative discovery and its transmission.

It is the sharing of the peculiarities of that cultural development within the nation, which enables a people to think together, rather than merely throwing words at one another.

Thus, there can be no representative form of government of peoples which is not based on regard for this aspect of language and thought, and nothing but the impulse for barbarism is possible without adherence to a principle of national sovereignty.

For example. As the substance of the published exchange between Albert Einstein and Max Born illustrates: in physical science, the damaged mind identifies a physical principle with a specific, written mathematical formulation; whereas, the healthy mind, conceives the crucial-experimental form of the discovery as real, and the mathematical formulation, as an intrinsically defective adumbration of the effect of the principle itself. Einstein's notion is of a physical universe as finite, but unbounded, or, as I would prefer, "self-bounded." This points directly to the difference between the two viewpoints. Dry-as-dust mathematical minds dream in black and white; able Classical musicians prefer to dream in color, as do great scientists who prefer Classical music. Color expresses life; black-and-white are the colors of the dead.

It is for this reason that music which conforms to Classical principles of choral singing of polyphony, such as the Florentine bel canto, plays a crucial role in religious services. People who sing in that way are better people than they would be, or could be, otherwise.

Notably, with the maliciously intended replacement of Classical forms of polyphony from popular practice, we encounter today a population which can not speak literate speech; it has little sense of the role of polyphonically ironical utterance in communicating important qualities of ideas. This is especially notable when we compare the news reporting from the generation of Walter Cronkite to intrinsically illiterate tendencies toward mechanical babbling among what passes for yackety-yack news-reporting speech delivered by the mass media today.

For such reasons, we would reject the idea of universal vocabulary such as Esperanto, since Esperanto were a way of reducing societies to virtual, if homogeneous cultural idiocy. It is the ironies of the practice of a familiar language, including its natural, Classical prosody/musicality, which enable a society to unify itself around a common set of ways of deliberation about principled ideas.

Second, Consider Historical Cycles
Now, for our second qualifying point: consider the way in which the most crucial changes in cultures are brought about, usually over relatively long intervals of several or even many generations.

The known history of mankind is arranged as the rise and fall of specific cultures and forms of government over long periods, periods which are often separated from one another by intervening "dark ages," or the like. Consider the case of the history of European civilization, from the emergence of the Ionian and Etruscan cultures as allies of Egypt against the maritime forces of Tyre and its Punic colonies. Proceed to the collapse of Athens following the ruinous Peloponnesian War; the rise of the Roman Empire; the succession of the Byzantine Empire; the attempted renaissance of civilization under Charlemagne's leadership; the imperial reign over the Mediterranean by the ultramontane form of Venetian financier oligarchy and its allies of the Norman chivalry; and, the Fifteenth-Century emergence of modern Europe in the form of the Golden Renaissance. These are examples of the spans of many generations usually defining the rise and fall of entire species of reigning cultures.

On this account, as in competent physical science, cultures and their history reveal their principled characteristics in the way they collapse. A collapse of a society, as the foregoing list of cases illustrates the point, implicitly defines a governing principle which, in the end, brings a culture incorporating some crucially failed principle of social organization, to an end. Every culture is like an experiment based upon some principle; the collapse of that culture confronts us with the evidence of that principle's efficiency in bringing that culture itself down, sooner or later.

To be clear about this crucial point, recognize, as Albert Einstein did, for example, that the existence of any physical principle which can be shown rigorously to be universal, bounds the existence of the system within which it is operating. Thus, Einstein described the universe as "finite, but unbounded." I prefer "finite and self- bounded." So, the principled assumptions operating, often unconsciously, in the relations within a society, bound the existence of that form of organization of a society.

The task of the political analyst who would wish to be competent in his trade, is to uncover the existence of such controlling parameters, as I have done, for example, in my exceptionally successful record of long-range economic forecasting. Rather than attempting to infer the occurrence of crucial events by extrapolation, adduce the principle which functions as a self-bounding feature of the current way in which the system is operating. Avoid the often deadly fallacy of using modes of statistical projection of trends, without first defining the principled character of the specific physical geometry of the system for which the forecast is being projected.

As the case of the August-September 1998 collapse of the LTCM speculative bubble illustrates this point: only a fool seeks to become rich by taking in his own laundry at a substantial rate of profit. All living systems, including economies, are intrinsically dynamic, never the ontologically linear schemes on which the Enron-like hedge-fund charlatans rely.

Example: The Fourteenth-Century New Dark Age:
The self-weakening of the Byzantine system, transferred the Byzantine effort to crush Charlemagne's legacy of statecraft to the hands of the rising power of Venice's financier oligarchy. Venice carried on this heritage through building up the power of that Norman chivalry which had been formerly directed by Byzantium itself. This became known as the system of the Crusades, seeking to crush the vestiges of Charlemagne's system, and against the heirs of Charlemagne's cooperation with the Baghdad Caliphate and Jewry. After crushing and looting both the remains of Byzantium and the targeted opposition, as opposition was typified by the Hohenstaufen Emperor Frederick II, the Venetian-Crusader system began to eat its own legs, as if having nothing else to consume. The result was the Fourteenth-Century New Dark Age, which destroyed an estimated half of the parishes of Europe, and reduced the population by an estimated one-third.

That New Dark Age is the nearest approximation of what the attempt to enforce globalization would do to the world as a whole today.

Example: Oligarchical systems generally:
In all known history, as history, the greatest conflict within society has been between the Athens typified by the leadership of Solon, and the oligarchical model which Friedrich Schiller associated with the Lycurgan constitution of Delphic Sparta. The principled essence of this conflict is summed up in the surviving, middle portion of Aeschylos' Prometheus trilogy, Prometheus Bound. The virtual Satan and "environmentalist" fanatic of Aeschylos' drama, the Olympian Zeus, condemned Prometheus to perpetual torment for the adjudged crime of having permitted mortal mankind to discover the use of fire: science & technology.

Such is the conflict between the actual nature of the human individual, and what was known and widely upheld as the oligarchical model typified by the systems of ancient known Mesopotamia. This is the point of present mortal conflict of the co-ideologues of the financier-oligarchical fanatics of Felix Rohatyn's circles, against all human beings who associate their loyalties with the system of law congruent with our Federal Constitution. On this account, Rohatyn's profession of his nominal citizen's allegiance to the U.S.A. is a brutish lie.

The issues so posed pertain to the fact that the human species differs absolutely from all other forms of life, by virtue of those creative powers of the individual mind which do not exist in any other known living species.

Within the phase-space represented by the population-potential of any living species in any specific setting, the existence of the population is bounded by what are loosely identified as biological characteristics. Thus, the planetary animal potential of the human species would be comparable to that of a member of the higher apes. In fact, the human population today is over six billions individuals This difference is intellectually determined, by the physical effect of the accumulation of discovery and employment of knowledge of universal physical principles. This accumulation occurs only through practices which are banned from the knowledge of the mass of the people, categorically, by the implications of the Olympian Zeus' decreed punishment of Prometheus.

In effect, the oligarchical system typified by the image of the Olympian Zeus, divides the human species among functional types: those who prey upon others, and those who are intended victims of the predators. This defines a limited possibility for the continued existence of any oligarchical form of culture, and also defines a need of humanity to free itself from the limits to human existence imposed by predatory, ostensibly "environmentalist" oligarchical systems. The essential difference between the two cultures, oligarchical versus humanist, is that the oligarchical culture is self-doomed to relive its collapse, whereas the potential for discovery and mastery of new physical principles, by the freed human mind, is implicitly limitless.

The human individual who is relatively freed of submission to the constraints of an oligarchical culture, acts, in effect, as he or she were a member of a different species than the persons who submit to typical oligarchical constraints upon the specific ability of the human individual to increase society's power to exist, that through use of the creative faculty associated with the discovery of universal physical principles.

Example: Euclid as a Sophist hoaxster:
Therefore, for reasons implied in those illustrations, the individual person's assumed knowledge of his experience, usually, still today, takes the defective form of a notion of all direct experience of living individuals, as chiefly limited to the personal, individual life-span of a virtually infinitesimal speck within the rise and fall of entire cultures.

The miseducated individual who accepts that naïve view of experience, is easily induced to swallow the Sophist doctrine of Euclidean geometry, assuming that there are self-evident definitions, axioms, and postulates, from which everything can be deduced, in all times and places. It was on those elementary fallacies that the entire system of deductive argument employed by the Sophist Euclid was premised. Euclid thus misrepresented the method of discovery by which the actual founders of Classical Greek science worked to produce the discoveries which Euclid perverted in his report of them. So, the credulous student's worship of Euclid, or kindred forms of reductionism, creates the fantasy which sees space as a timeless flatland extended into three spatial dimensions and time.

For the dupe of that reductionist persuasion, knowledge is the simple, additive aggregation of local experiences tacked one next to another, all in some wild-eyed fantasy suited to the work of E.T.A. Hoffmann.

In reality, as the study of the rise and fall of empires and comparable social systems illustrates this point, societies are ruled, usually over many successive generations, in each case, by certain sets of underlying, axiomatic-like assumptions. For a long span of elapsed time, as we see in the case of the rise and fall of the cultures of ancient Mesopotamia, nature often tolerates such ruling sets of assumptions over a period of time spanning many successive generations. In these cases, although there are many changes which do occur within each culture, over successive generations, the culture taken as a whole has a certain fixed type of essential characteristic. The collapse of the culture occurs, when it could survive only by rejecting the culture's needed changes in its relationship to humanity generally, and would collapse simply from the continuation of the cumulative impact of its habits upon its own environment.

The Anglo-Dutch Liberal "free trade" system of monetarism is such an inherently self-doomed, intrinsically imperialist system in the footsteps of Babylon.

Take the case of so-called "environmentalism." This was the "68ers" revival, in modern dress (and often, as we saw then, "undress") of the tradition of the ancient Dionysian cult celebrated at the ancient Delphi temple of the Pythian Apollo. This ancient cult became the characteristic of the leading political edge of the Baby Boomer university-student population of the late 1960s and 1970s, in Europe as also in the U.S.A. This cult's influence has been the crucial social factor in destroying the economies—and living standards—of Europe and the Americas, over the 1968-2006 interval to date. Without a reversal of that revival of the dionysiac tradition, there is presently no possibility of the survival of civilization globally. Without the very rapid proliferation of nuclear-fission power, and the early arrival of thermonuclear-fusion technology, it were not possible to sustain the present level of world population. Similarly, without uprooting and banning "globalization," it were not possible to sustain the present world population.

Refusal to abandon such foolish choices of axiomatic ideas of a present culture, should remind us of the way in which ancient Mesopotamian oligarchical culture caused the collapse of that civilization through the salinization caused by the oligarchical exploitation of what had been the bow-tenured agricultural population.

So, ancient imperial Rome destroyed itself. So, ancient Byzantium brought about its own destruction. So, the alliance of Venetian financier-oligarchy with Norman chivalry destroyed the work of Charlemagne and his followers, such as Frederick II, but brought about the destruction of European civilization of that time in the Fourteenth-Century New Dark Age.

Example: real economy:
The best way to understand the principle underlying this aspect of human history as a whole, is to adopt the notion of "potential relative population-density" (i.e., measures of the life expectancy and power of the population, per square kilometer, per capita).

In these processes associated with the successive rise, decline, and fall of cultures, the crucial consideration is the distinction of man from beast. By that, we must understand the notion of a quality of increase of knowledge and use of discovered universal physical principles. Exemplary are those physical principles most readily recognized as means by which the power of man over nature is increased through discovery and employment of universal physical principles. However, that is not the extent of the issue which must be understood in assessing the presently onrushing, global existential crisis of society at this moment.

In physical science as such, the mind of the individual is focussed upon manifest principles of non-living processes, or living processes and their residues: or, what Russia's V.I. Vernadsky identified as the Biosphere. In human social behavior, meaning the cooperation among persons in society, the individual mind is focussed upon the social processes which are categorically non-existent among animal species, but which are determining in considering the principled characteristics of the willful cooperation within society. This latter concern is rightly identified as the subject of natural law. It is therefore useful to treat natural law, so defined, as the chracteristic expression of that domain which Vernadsky identified as the Noösphere.

So, just as we may trace the role of true and false notions of the universal physical principles of the phase-spaces associated with inorganic and living processes, so, we must recognize the role of the true and false notions of the natural law applicable to the Noösphere.

It should be apparent today, that the American System of political-economy has proven itself, when applied, as a certain culmination of a long sweep of the rise of civilization to whatever should be the take-off-point for whatever the next improvement will prove to be. From the outset of our national experience, all of the principal evils which have arisen inside our republic have been imposed upon us by the Venetian-style financier-oligarchical practices known as the imperial British East India Company and its outgrowths.

With the achievements of President Franklin Roosevelt, including his indispensable role in rescuing the planet from the Nazi menace, the U.S. American System of political-economy had reached the level of achievement, that had that President lived, what would have been accomplished during the completion of the term to which he had been reelected, would have represented a virtually irreversible establishment of a planetary system of perfectly sovereign nation-states, whose benefits for all mankind would have been an imperfect, but irreversible step toward a higher order of affairs among nations.

We have fallen far below the standard of morality which Franklin Roosevelt's leadership had realized in practice. We must reverse those losses, and use that recovery of our planet's economy and affairs as an adopted launching-point for whatever new changes the future will require. Otherwise, without a return to the American System of political-economy, instead of the abomination of the decadence which has reigned over us, as a trend, these recent nearly four decades, there is a poor chance for mankind globally, for generations yet to come.

For us, it is back to FDR, or a prolonged sojourn of our posterity in virtual Hell.

The Concept of Immortality in Society
The crucial distinction between man and beast is expressed chiefly in the principle of human immortality. That, whereas death removes the mortal aspect associated with the animal-life functions, the distinction of the human personality is the development of those changes in principle of practice which have the practical, cultural effect of evolution into a higher species than we were, in practice, a generation or so earlier.

We see this process in the development of European physical science since Nicholas of Cusa and Johannes Kepler. We see this process in the development of music, as from J.S. Bach through Johannes Brahms. We see this also in social reforms, such as the Hill-Burton legislation which the Nixon Administration destroyed, and the Social Security system installed by FDR, which the George W. Bush, Jr. Presidency has sought to destroy.

Thus, in such ways, we die as mortal, but, in the human good we do, we live as immortals in the simultaneity of eternity.

In statecraft, as in scientific progress, we pass the torch. The institutions of progress to which we contribute are an integral, functional part of the future of society. The practical expression of the immortality of the deceased lies in the principle of qualitative development, in the progress of peoples which is the progress of our unique species as a whole.

So, there are qualitative changes for the better, or for the worse. In this light, competent statecraft flows from progress, not a fixed order of things. The distinction of the member of the human species from the apes, is the power for progress, for change, lodged in the creative potentials of the individual human mind. By creative, we must not intend mere "innovation." We must mean improvements in the knowledge of principles, especially newly discovered universal principles. We must mean that the policy of good nations, under good self-government, is based on organizing the activity of the nation around the realization of the potential represented by the implementation of discovered advances in discovery of universal principles.

This argument, as it applies to progress in physical science, has a more general expression, as in those forms of development of Classical artistic culture. By Classical artistic culture, we mean that which the beasts could not imitate, nor should man the beasts.

Case in Point: the immortal President:
The character of the truly sane human individual, a category which qualifies him or her to be considered as a prospective President of the U.S.A. in the tradition of exemplars such as George Washington, John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Roosevelt, is a keen sense of immortality, the immortality to which I have referred here. Looking abroad, there was greatness in the President Charles de Gaulle who resisted the attempted Synarchist tyranny over France, and a certain extraordinary goodness in the inspiring attempts of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer under terrible circumstances. However, the institution of the U.S. Presidency is unique among nations to date, because our history and our Constitution are unique.

From the beginning, as the chief crafter of our Constitution's principle, Benjamin Franklin understood very well, our emerging republic had a nearby great enemy in the corrupting influence of the faction of the British East India Company, the so-called "Essex Junto," in our midst. This struggle against the chief foe within our ranks was always, as today, like a wrestling with the Devil incarnate himself. This foe was represented by the modern expression of the same evil which European experience sometimes refers to as "the whore of Babylon," the oligarchical interest typified by the image of the Delphi cult's Pythian Apollo and Olympian Zeus. It represented the Anglo-Dutch Liberal mask of the Venetian financier-oligarchical tradition.

This specific form of evil, the Anglo-Dutch Liberal mask, is to be recognized today as rooted in the role of Paolo Sarpi as the organizer of the new Venice faction which came to be incarnated in the Anglo-Dutch Liberal party of Sir Francis Bacon, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Bernard Mandeville, François Quesnay, Adam Smith, and Jeremy Bentham. The opposing faction within the specific domain of political-economy, has been typified by the founder of the modern science of physical economy, Gottfried Leibniz.

The February 1763 Treaty of Paris, which concluded the so-called "Seven Years War," established the Anglo-Dutch alliance associated with the British East India Company as a growing world-empire-in-fact. With the absorption of the defeated Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte's Banque de France into the orbit of the higher-ranking Anglo-Dutch Liberal system, the present leading constellation of actually imperial financier-oligarchical power was brought into being. The integration of the Synarchist banking circles of France and other nations into the Anglo-Dutch Liberal system of, in fact, global imperial power, has been recently consolidated in a new degree through the emergence of a European Central Bank whose existence and practice have degraded the nations of western and central continental Europe into mere colonies of global Anglo-Dutch Liberal financier power, dying colonies trapped within the orbit of the dying Euro and its satellites.

This system is now implicitly bankrupt beyond redemption. One way or another, a new system's early appearance is virtually inevitable—either for good, or for doom. For the moment, the likely contender for leadership over a bankrupted, globalized world at large, is an inner core of international bankers closely associated with the same France-based Synarchist cabal which played a key role in bringing the regime of Adolf Hitler into power in France, and which was never actually shut down, despite its crimes as an accomplice of the Nazis. This element, associated with the Lazard bank and its Banque Worms links, is the central feature of a system of control over ownership of primary commodities and of crucial elements of industrial and agricultural production, a monster which has situated itself in a position to seize power over, and to devour what survives of the world economy, all this under the conditions of a now threatened global financial collapse comparable, on a world scale, to what happened in Europe during the Fourteenth-Century New Dark Age crisis.

This is a key aspect of the current leading strategic threat to the planet as a whole. If this Synarchist-centered element were to succeed in that gamble, or if it were to nearly succeed but fail, all of this planet's civilization would be in jeopardy. While this is an expression of the greatest evil loose on the planet today, is it only an aspect of the larger problem. This brings us now to the core of my report on the current threat.

2. The Author of the Mumbai Horror
It is not absolutely necessary to know the personal identities of the culpable parties behind the crimes of mass murder perpetrated in Mumbai, India earlier this week. That does not mean that we should not seek to apprehend the particular culprits and their accomplices; it means simply that we already know the name of the enemy species, the guilty species. Our priority must not be to punish scape-goats, but to remove the specific power to do evil which that faction represents. Punishing culprits will not bring the victims back to life; eliminating the power of the evil forces on whose behalf the perpetrators acted, is to honor the victims by removing the power represented by the class which the perpetrators represented. To the victims we owe the assurance that their lives and suffering were not in vain. We must resolve, once more, and mean it, that the evil we face today shall never be allowed to happen again.

The victory over Hitler was made possible by the fact that Franklin Roosevelt was elected President of the United States, and that he prepared and directed not only the recovery of the U.S. from that economic collapse, by about one-half, caused by the combined policies of the Coolidge and Hoover Administrations; he also prepared the U.S. to intervene to prevent the United Kingdom from joining a Synarchist-ruled France, which had prearranged Hitler's military victory, in capitulating to Hitler, in Summer 1940, as France had done. Thus, although the fascist regimes of 1922-1945 Europe had been established with the initial enthusiastic support for fascist regimes in both Europe and the U.S.A. itself, from leading financial groups in New York City, Paris, London, Switzerland, and elsewhere, the alliance among, principally, the U.S., the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union, saved the world from the 1930s likely threat of Nazi world rule.

The logic of that account of history is much the same danger we face, in principle, under the qualitatively new conditions of today. The person, or institution which does not relish reflection on that truth of the 1922-1945 interval, is useless, or worse than useless, in addressing the great global crisis descending upon us all now.

The most significant form of incompetence of political leadership in the world today, is that view which is sometimes expressed either by mentally deranged fellows, or simply frauds, who preach, "I do not believe in conspiracy-theories." Only a bit less extreme incompetence is shown by those who claim to accept the fact of conspiracies in history, but who seek to explain history in mechanistic-statistical ways.

As I have emphasized earlier in this present report, the course of history is shaped chiefly in what may appear to be long waves, long cycles. Mass behavior, and conduct of individuals, is chiefly determined by assumptions which shape the will of individuals and institutions, but of which the individual is often unaware. This is conveniently illustrated by the case of the fraud which is Euclidean geometry.

The quickness with which the all-too-typical student accepts the Sophist fraud, that certain definitions, axioms, and postulates are "self-evident," is the prototype of all of the most successful forms of academic frauds. Until the victim of that miseducation were rescued by discovery of a Riemannian, or corresponding mode in physical geometry, rather than the usual textbook stuff, the victim does not see how he is fooled, and how his behavior is controlled by his belief in assumptions he does not recognize as assumptions. Once any similarly fraudulent assumption is habituated, that assumption takes the form, functionally, of an axiom of the victim's belief-system, and, thus, controls the behavior of the affected population.

How It Happened
Strategically, the enemy who menaces civilization today is, chiefly, an echo of what the Nazi system and its immediate predecessors in the "conservative revolution" represented in the aftermath of the First World War. Unless we recognize the reincarnation of that same evil in the forces menacing civilization at this moment, we shall have lost the war coming upon us, before the great battles had begun.

Many among the core of those royal and other powerful families and related institutions of Europe and the Americas, which had, initially, shared sympathies for the fascist role of Coudenhove-Kalergi and his like, turned against Adolf Hitler, for one reason or another, but, usually, had not abandoned the implicitly axiomatic prejudices which had shaped their former inclinations toward fascism. As psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud would have made the point, they lost their cathexis for the image of Hitler, Nazism, and so on, but had not lost contact with those axiomatic-like impulses which had drawn them into varying degrees of inclinations toward, or attachment to specific fascist commitments earlier. (The followers of those one-time Nazis and the like, are rarely pleased to be reminded of that, publicly, today.) This kind of pattern was more significant as typical of institutions, rather than of isolated persons. Families, or institutions, for example, tended to reinforce pro-ideological attachments in a degree much less probable for the instance of the single individual.

In other words, the relevant predispositions, or inclinations, were much more an expression of social ties than of individual persuasion as such.

This threat was already clear to some at the time President Roosevelt died.

A friend, an OSS veteran close to General Donovan, recalled a moment when he had been waiting outside President Roosevelt's office while Donovan met with the President, inside. The friend recalled the expression on Donovan's face when the General came out. The General muttered something which the friend recalled as, "It's over!" The President was clearly dying, which signified to Donovan and my friend that the old right wing was moving in to take over, and cancel the relevant post-war policies intended by Roosevelt. Hence, the ruinous role played by the waiting Vice-President, Harry S Truman.

After the President's death, the changes in direction of policy came suddenly, and sharply. However, there were some features of the Roosevelt legacy which could not be uprooted so readily as others. The world economy outside the U.S.A. was a ruin; without retaining the core of the Bretton Woods agreements framed by Roosevelt, no stable world order were possible. It would be not until two decades later, in the middle to late 1960s, that the British, first, and the U.S. government, second, would proceed to the immediately following destruction of the Bretton Woods system.

Meanwhile, with the death of President Roosevelt, the core of his lurking adversaries, some with important links to the European financier circles which had backed Mussolini and Hitler, respectively, back during the 1920s and 1930s, were back in the saddle. All that is essential in that drive toward world-wide fascism expressed by circles such as those of Lazard's Felix Rohatyn, including temporarily condemned and imprisoned notable Nazi collaborators, were already back in motion by about 1948.

In the meantime, these who carried the germs of fascism, made another long-term cultural investment, this time in a selected stratum from among those born during the 1945-1957 interval, especially those so-called "Baby Boomers" who were likely to pass into and through relevant universities in their adult rise to positions of relatively great collective influence. The pro-existentialist Congress for Cultural Freedom, typified an array of programs with that intended effect on what was to become the so-called "68ers." Fascism-in-fact was thus spread among the relevant 68ers, not in shirts of black or brown, but in the politically upwardly-mobile green of the fanatically anti-science brigades.

So, over the course of the 1969-1981 Presidency, the Bretton Woods system and the system of regulation on which the U.S. recovery from Hoover had depended, were almost obliterated. Similarly, the beneficial effects of similar, surviving features of Roosevelt's reforms were promoted in Europe, until the turn for the worst during the middle through late post-John F. Kennedy 1960s.

Look at the dwindling ration of science graduates, before and after 1968. Look at the dwindling ration of the total labor-force employed in agricultural and industrial production. Look at the collapse, during the recent more than three decades in the ratio of maintenance of essential infrastructure to total employment. Look at the cultural and economic downshift to enmiserated, unskilled so-called "service workers," clinging desperately to economic survival in the ruins of what had been our nation's most prosperous agricultural and industrial regions. Look at the increasingly depraved standard for quality of education provided, especially to the members of households in relatively lower income-brackets.

Today, my generation of World War II veterans is dying out. The generation ensconced in leading positions of power, between approximately fifty and sixty-five years of age, occupies most of the leading positions of influence in government, academic, and other professional life. The cycle of the 1945-2006 cultural paradigm-shift, from Hiroshima to this week's terror of Mumbai, has been run, with worse implicitly promised as soon to come. It has been those decadent axiomatic-like elements of belief often associated with the name of the "68ers," which work their subtle effect on the scarcely witting, which have done their nasty work to this effect.

You might wish to say, that this is true, and it is terrible. Yet, the fellow standing next to you might say: "You are probably right about that; but you have to be realistic enough to say to yourself that it is inevitable." So, the descent into the ghoulish nightmare of "globalization" is heralded as, "You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube."

In this way, you, to speak generically, have been conditioned, generation by generation, decade by decade, to accept as virtually inevitable conditions you would have sworn never to tolerate a relatively short time earlier. The lapse of a generation, became, thus, as if almost a century away in a past one claims he can scarcely still remember.

In the meantime, a new "power elite" emerges, typified by those sufficiently corrupted to tolerate the company of someone of the obvious characteristics, and included Synarchist (i.e., fascist) pedigree of a Felix Rohatyn. Such miserable political creatures are products of a process of cultural devolution. They are, in the pedigree of many, the rebirth, in successive new generations, of what was left over as the wealthy and related authors of 1922-1945 fascism. The emergence of the successive generations, has also been a process of changes in the qualities of those old institutions which continue to exist, but also new kinds of institutions. These institutions, and their new ways careen as if by social inertia in the direction of the modern mass terrorism, which governments and other powerful agencies deploy in the attempt to bring forth a new kind of world, called globalization, a world which would be a parody of Europe's medieval ultramontane tyranny of Venetian financial oligarchy and the privatized armies of the Norman chivalry: a new form of the design for an international Waffen-SS.

The various actors in this unfolding situation of global crisis, are, in large degree, acting consciously, as if by free will. Yet, if their choices are sometimes willful, the criteria which shape those choices are more bred into them by their social conditioning, than in the form of actually independently rational acts of cognitive judgment. The evil within them, as this is exhibited by Felix Rohatyn, is, as if instinctive, as an evil which commands them, such that they may be conscious of what they choose to do, but they act so because they can not resist the impulse which conditioning has embedded, as virtually axiomatic, in their wills.

So, today's mounting world nightmare unfolds, as if it had been written as a script.

The Simple Matters of Grand Strategy
The only remedy for this kind of recurring type of affliction in known history, is a willful creative action, which goes against the pricks, which goes directly against the kinds of reaction which conditioning compels the virtual puppet to perform. Return to the uncompleted mission of President Franklin Roosevelt for the post-war world of his time.

The only hope for avoiding the now seemingly inevitable plunge into the abyss which the combination of Southwest Asian lunacy and terror against Mumbai foretells, is to induce a voluntary action by governments to go directly against the dominant trend of the recent decades. Like the man who would swim, the survival of civilizations in perils of this kind, has always been the exceptional voluntary action, which both overturns the currently seemingly inevitable trends toward ruin, and which sends society moving in a rational choice of direction, directly against the current, menacing trends.

The power of human creative reason, which is rarely understood, or consciously employed in society today, is that which distinguishes the man from the beast, if he is both conscious of that difference, and has the courage of the fabled Prometheus to cry out, "Zeus be damned!" We could save civilization, if we really wished to do so badly enough.

It is not good news which drives humanity upward, but rather the very bad news which kicks the reluctant people into necessary action to overturn the habits which led them into a self-inflicted peril. It is that impulse which provokes the uniquely human within you, the creative powers of mind lacking in the beasts.

The enemy is he who reveals himself, as in the exemplary personal history and role of Felix Rohatyn. Rohatyn, personally, is a triviality morally; his significance is that he is not merely evil, but has made himself conspicuously so. So, he typifies the kind of evil agency whom humanity must mobilize to defeat. If you can not dare to name him, identify the evil he represents, and act directly and efficiently to frustrate and destroy the enterprise he is building, then it is you who lack the moral fitness to survive.

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P.O. Box 6157, Leesburg, VA 20178, www.larouchepac.com
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moeen yaseen
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 9:46 pm    Post subject: WHEN LOVE OF PROFITS CLASHES WITH THE LOVE OF THE PROPHET Reply with quote

Cheney Unleashes The Dogs of War
Vice President Cheney has ignited a new Middle East war that threatens to spread from Israel & Lebanon, to Syria & Iran

by Dean Andromidas

July 19, 2006
Executive Intelligence Review.
http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=AND2006071 9&articleId=2753

Vice President Dick Cheney has ignited a new Middle East war that threatens to spread from Israel and Lebanon, to Syria and Iran. As EIR recently exposed, (EIR June 30, "Cheney and Netanyahu Conspiring for War"), this latest war was planned at a secret meeting between Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Likud chairman Benjamin Netanyahu, during a conference organized by the American Enterprise Institute in June at Beaver Creek, Colorado.

This war is not intended to make Israel safe from Hamas, Hezbollah terrorism, or Iran's alleged intentions to build nuclear weapons, but is rather a drive by the synarchist financial forces represented by the likes of George Shultz and Felix Rohatyn, who stand behind Cheney and Netanyahu. Their aim is to escalate a global clash of civilizations, to maintain their political and financial hegemony, as their own global financial system crumbles.

Israel is their chosen instrument to launch a war against Syria and Iran, now that U.S. military forces are bogged down in Cheney's insane Iraq war. Their war plan is well known to readers of EIR, and is the policy the Bush Administration has been implementing, with disastrous results, for the last three years. This is based on the notorious policy paper, "A Clean Break: New Strategy for Securing the Realm," which was presented to Netanyahu when he became Israeli Prime Minister in 1996. Its authors included the "Prince of Darkness" Richard Perle, former Defense Department official Douglas Feith, and neo-conservative fanatics such as David and Meyrav Wurmser. That document called for a "clean break from the slogan 'comprehensive peace' to a traditional balance of power." They called for Israel to "seize the initiative along its northern border," against Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran, including "striking at select targets in Syria proper" (emphasis in the original).

Hezbollah is a Lebanese umbrella organization of Islamic Shi'ite groups, and the Shi'ites are the largest religious bloc in Lebanon.

Israel's War Policy
Netanyahu came back from his meeting on the weekend of June 17-18 with Cheney at Beaver Creek, and announced that Israel must reject any form of negotiations with the Palestinians, and instead reassert its military "deterrence." This policy has been embraced by Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, a former Likudnik who enjoys many of the same U.S. financial supporters as does Netanyahu. The June 25 capture of the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, by Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip, served as a pretext to launch Netanyahu's policy of "rebuilding Israel's deterrence" against the Palestinians, by destroying Hamas. After rejecting political negotiations with the Hamas government of Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyah, as well as President Abu Mazen, the Gaza Strip was reoccupied, after chunks of its infrastructure were destroyed, leading to a humanitarian catastrophe.

Now a second front has been opened on the Israel-Lebanon border. Contrary to media reports, Hezbollah members did not cross into Israeli territory to "kidnap" two Israeli soldiers, as the media spin claims. The captured Israeli soldiers were part of a group patrolling inside Lebanese territory. Like the capture of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, their capture became a pretext to launch a large military operation against Hezbollah. Another factor to be considered is that, according to the July 13 Jerusalem Post, the high-alert status that the northern border had been under since the capture of Shalit three weeks ago, was lifted only three days prior to the Hezbollah capture of two Israeli soldiers.

According to a report in the July 13 Israeli daily Ha'aretz, the Israel military had approved a plan for a major exercise along the Israeli-Lebanese border, based on a scenario of a Hezbollah capture of Israeli solders, after which Israel would respond with a heavy air and land assault into southern Lebanon to destroy Hezbollah. It is this plan which is now being carried out. As of this writing, Israel has begun to mobilize its reserves, including a full division, to be deployed on the already heavily fortified northern border.

The Israeli military has similar contingency plans for a strike against Syria. These plans have been the basis of exercises for the last two to three years.

While Israel has bombed targets in Beirut and put the entire country under a siege by air and sea, Hezbollah forces have launched Katyusha rockets into Israeli towns in northern Israel. The head of Hezbollah, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, has declared that the Israeli soldiers will be released only in an exchange of prisoners.

The conflict is now vectored to escalate, and spread to Syria. Israel's intention to attack Syria and Iran has been mooted by several Bush Administration spokesmen, each of whom immediately blamed Syria and Iran. Bush himself, while meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on July 13, declared that "Israel has a right to self-defense."

The most obvious proof that the Bush Administration wants a new war does not lie in its bellicose statements against Iran, Syria, Hamas, or Hezbollah, however. It lies in the fact that it has not lifted a finger either to stop, or even mediate the crisis. Through its Ambassador to the United Nations, the non-confirmable neo-con zealot John Bolton, the Bush Administration is even preventing the issue from being brought before the United Nations Security Council.

No Military Solution
In comments to EIR, veteran Israeli military historian Col. Meir Pa'il (ret.) confirmed that a broad military escalation can be expected. From a military standpoint, Pa'il said, Israel will now have no choice but to occupy southern Lebanon up to the Litani River, which means a return to the so-called "security zone" from which Israel unilaterally withdrew in 2000. Nonetheless, Israel will not be able to sustain a broad land war in Lebanon, as in 1982, or even a permanent occupation of the old security zone.

Although he doubted that Syria would offer Israel a pretext for an attack, he feared that if such a pretext presented itself, a military strike could not be ruled out. While asserting that Israel is not capable of launching a major land war against Syria, and thus would not do it, Colonel Pa'il warned that there has always been a "dream" held by a faction in the military security establishment to put Damascus within range of Israeli artillery. Since the Syrian capital is less than 40 kilometers from the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, such an event is very much within the realm of possibility.

Colonel Pa'il warned that "the real problem is that Israeli leaders are only thinking in military terms," while what needs to be done is to build a political peace with Israel's Arab neighbors. Pa'il, who is a member of the pro-peace Meretz-Yahad party, said that the value of Israel's massive military superiority is to demonstrate to the Arab world that Israel cannot be defeated militarily. Nonetheless, that military must serve to set the stage for a real peace process. "The real issue is to raise the flag of a solution to the problem. I am crying and weeping because of the fact that this government has no political orientation to deal with the Arab world."

While the ex-lawyer Ehud Olmert and the ex-furniture salesman Benjamin Netanyahu are trying to sound like the ex-general Ariel Sharon, there are serious doubts within the Israeli security establishment over their drive to push Israel into a three-front, or even four-front war with the Palestinians, Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran. Even prior to the new crisis with Hezbollah, Ha'aretz cited security sources who have dealt with these situations, saying that Olmert's policy of non-negotiation "infuriates" them. Ha'aretz even quoted slain Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who said, "When there is no military option, we do everything, including negotiations with the kidnappers, to free hostages."

Former Mossad chief Ephraim Halevy expressed similar doubts, when speaking before a business luncheon on July 11. Asked how he would have acted in the current Israeli prisoner crisis, he replied, "I believe that one should never underestimate the enemy, and it always helps and never harms, when you approach your greatest tests with just a grain of humility."

A Basis for Negotiations
Many Israelis also know that the Bush Administration has given Israel a green light to crush Hamas, and now Hezbollah.

Hamas knows this also. Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyah, in a op-ed published in the July 11 Washington Post, under the title "Aggression Under False Pretenses," charged that both Olmert and the Bush Administration were colluding to destroy the Hamas government.

"The current Gaza invasion is only the latest effort to destroy the results of fair and free elections held early this year," Haniyah charged. "It is the explosive follow-up to a five-month campaign of economic and diplomatic warfare directed by the United States and Israel. The stated intention of that strategy was to force the average Palestinian to 'reconsider' his or her vote when faced with deepening hardship; its failure was predictable, and the new overt military aggression and collective punishment are its logical fulfillment.

"The 'kidnapped' Israeli Cpl. Gilad Shalit is only a pretext for a job scheduled months ago. In addition to removing our democratically elected government, Israel wants to sow dissent among Palestinians by claiming that there is a serious leadership rivalry among us. I am compelled to dispel this notion definitively. The Palestinian leadership is firmly embedded in the concept of Islamic shura, or mutual consultation; suffice it to say that while we may have differing opinions, we are united in mutual respect and focused on the goal of serving our people....

"We want what Americans enjoy—democratic rights, economic sovereignty and justice. We thought our pride in conducting the fairest elections in the Arab world might resonate with the United States and its citizens. Instead, our new government was met from the very beginning by acts of explicit, declared sabotage by the White House. Now this aggression continues against 3.9 million civilians living in the world's largest prison camps. America's complacency in the face of these war crimes is, as usual, embedded in the coded rhetorical 'green light': 'Israel has a right to defend itself.' Was Israel defending itself when it killed eight family members on a Gaza beach last month, or three members of the Hajjaj family on Saturday, among them 6-year-old Rawan? I refuse to believe that such inhumanity sits well with the American public."

Haniyah called for a prisoner exchange and put forward the principles for a negotiating process, writing that, "Palestinian priorities include recognition of the core dispute over the land of historical Palestine, and the rights of all its people; resolution of the refugee issue from 1948; reclaiming all lands occupied in 1967; and stopping Israeli attacks, assassinations and military expansion....

"Contrary to popular depictions of the crisis in the American media, the dispute is not only about Gaza and the West Bank; it is a wider national conflict that can be resolved only by addressing the full dimensions of Palestinian national rights in an integrated manner. This means statehood for the West Bank and Gaza, a capital in Arab East Jerusalem, and resolving the 1948 Palestinian refugee issue fairly, on the basis of international legitimacy and established law. "

Haniyah concluded, "If Israel is prepared to negotiate seriously and fairly, and resolve the core 1948 issues, rather than the secondary ones from 1967, a fair and permanent peace is possible. Based on a hudna (comprehensive cessation of hostilities for an agreed time), the Holy Land still has an opportunity to be a peaceful and stable economic powerhouse for all the Semitic people of the region. If Americans only knew the truth, possibility might become reality."

Olmert thinks his hard-line policies, backed by the Bush Administration, will create a new "balance of power" in the region. But Israel is facing an asymmetric war like the one the United States is conducting and losing in Iraq and Afghanistan, where there are no "balances." Already the Israeli military is warning that these operations could continue for many months, and for the first time, put hundreds of thousands of Israeli civilians in the line of fire. Can Israel sustain this, economically and politically? The 1982 Lebanon War bankrupted Israel. Israel avoided bankruptcy in the six-year-long second Intifada of 2000 to 2005 only because the Bush Administration provided $10 billion in loan guarantees. Now, with the United States itself nearly bankrupt, will there be another bailout?

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Last edited by moeen yaseen on Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:25 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 7:45 pm    Post subject: The Weight of 3000 Years - The Dark Side of Judaism Reply with quote

Jewish History, Jewish Religion - The Weight of Three Thousand Years


Foreword by Gore Vidal

Sometime in the late 1950s, that world-class gossip and occasional historian, John F. Kennedy, told me how, in 1948, Harry S. Truman had been pretty much abandoned by everyone when he came to run for president. Then an American Zionist brought him two million dollars in cash, in a suitcase, aboard his whistle-stop campaign train. 'That's why our recognition of Israel was rushed through so fast.' As neither Jack nor I was an antisemite (unlike his father and my grandfather) we took this to be just another funny story about Truman and the serene corruption of American politics.

Unfortunately, the hurried recognition of Israel as a state has resulted in forty-five years of murderous confusion, and the destruction of what Zionist fellow travellers thought would be a pluralistic state - home to its native population of Muslims, Christians and Jews, as well as a future home to peaceful European and American Jewish immigrants, even the ones who affected to believe that the great realtor in the sky had given them, in perpetuity, the lands of Judea and Sameria. Since many of the immigrants were good socialists in Europe, we assumed that they would not allow the new state to become a theocracy, and that the native Palestinians could live with them as equals. This was not meant to be. I shall not rehearse the wars and alarms of that unhappy region. But I will say that the hasty invention of Israel has poisoned the political and intellectual life of the USA, Israel's unlikely patron.

Unlikely, because no other minority in American history has ever hijacked so much money from the American taxpayers in order to invest in a 'homeland'. It is as if the American taxpayer had been obliged to support the Pope in his reconquest of the Papal States simply because one third of our people are Roman Catholic. Had this been attempted, there would have been a great uproar and Congress would have said no. But a religious minority of less than two per cent has bought or intimidated seventy senators (the necessary two thirds to overcome an unlikely presidential veto) while enjoying support of the media.

In a sense, I rather admire the way that the Israel lobby has gone about its business of seeing that billions of dollars, year after year, go to make Israel a 'bulwark against communism'. Actually, neither the USSR nor communism was ever much of a presence in the region. What America did manage to do was to turn the once friendly Arab world against us. Meanwhile, the misinformation about what is going on in the Middle East has got even greater and the principal victim of these gaudy lies - the American taxpayer to one side - is American Jewry, as it is constantly bullied by such professional terrorists as Begin and Shamir. Worse, with a few honorable exceptions, Jewish-American intellectuals abandoned liberalism for a series of demented alliances with the Christian (antisemtic) right and with the Pentagon-industrial complex. In 1985 one of them blithely wrote that when Jews arrived on the American scene they 'found liberal opinion and liberal politicians more congenial in their attitudes, more sensitive to Jewish concerns' but now it is in the Jewish interest to ally with the Protestant fundamentalists because, after all, "is there any point in Jews hanging on dogmatically, hypocritically, to their opinions of yesteryear?' At this point the American left split and those of us who criticised our onetime Jewish allies for misguided opportunism, were promptly rewarded with the ritual epithet 'antisemite' or 'self-hating Jew'.

Fortunately, the voice of reason is alive and well, and in Israel, of all places. From Jerusalem, Israel Shahak never ceases to analyse not only the dismal politics of Israel today but the Talmud itself, and the effect of the entire rabbinical tradition on a small state that the right-wing rabbinate means to turn into a theocracy for Jews only. I have been reading Shahak for years. He has a satirist's eye for the confusions to be found in any religion that tries to rationalise the irrational. He has a scholar's sharp eye for textual contradictions. He is a joy to read on the great Gentile-hating Dr Maimonides.

Needless to say, Israel's authorities deplore Shahak. But there is not much to be done with a retired professor of chemistry who was born in Warsaw in 1933 and spent his childhood in the concetration camp at Belsen. In 1945, he came to Israel; served in the Israeli military; did not become a Marxist in the years when it was fashionable. He was - and still is -a humanist who detests imperialism whether in the names of the God of Abraham or of George Bush. Equally, he opposes with great wit and learning the totalitarian strain in Judaism. Like a highly learned Thomas Paine, Shahank illustrates the prospect before us, as well as the long history behind us, and thus he continues to reason, year after year. Those who heed him will certainly be wiser and - dare I say? - better. He is the latest, if not the last, of the great prophets.

--Gore Vidal

One Planet - One People - One Destiny
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