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NK - The Mystery of Flight 93

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:45 pm    Post subject: NK - The Mystery of Flight 93 Reply with quote

by Nick Kollerstrom

Three major films and five bestselling books have now been released on the subject of the United Airlines Flight 93, that took off from Boston airport on the morning of September 11th, 2001. They all told that same story, whereby a plane bound for San Francisco was hijacked, its passengers rebelled, and the plane crashed [1]. More recently, the insighful Flight 93 Revealed by Rowland Morgan has argued that this passenger plane did not crash in a field in Shanksville, Pittsburgh that morning, but was, instead, deliberately blasted from the sky. We will here argue against all of these views, and in so doing we shall be guided by Sherlock Holmes’ maxim: ‘..when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.’

1. No Grieving Relatives
It is an American custom, after a flight crash, for the bereaved to gather at the airport where the plane was due to arrive, to share their grief. San Francisco officials turned up shortly before noon on 9/11, to comfort the bereaved families, following the crash of the hijacked United Airlines flight 93, which had departed from New Jersey’s Newark International Airport at 8.42 that morning. After a couple of hours they went home, however, because – nobody showed up:
" No family members showed up at San Francisco International Airport to greet the passengers at its normal 11:15 a.m. arrival time, said Ron Wilson, spokesman for San Francisco International Airport [2].
Dozens of clergy members gathered at United's VIP lounge to await survivors. San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown had planned to meet the victims' families, but cancelled his visit once he got to hear that not a single grieving relative had turned up. The plane’s scheduled arrival time of 11.15 am came and went, with no trace of a relative appearing in the specially prepared counselling lounge.

The passengers Mark Bingham and Thomas Burnett, who achieved fame though the phone calls they supposedly made that morning from the doomed plane, lived in the San Francisco area: should not their wives or mothers have appeared? In May, 2004, when billions of dollars were being given out by the ‘9/11 Victims Compensation Scheme,’ no families related to passengers on UA93 came forward to claim the compensation offered [3].

2. Maiden Flight
This fact remained a mystery for three years, until in October 2004 it was realised that the UA flight 93 was not a regular, scheduled flight, but had been newly inserted into the system. The UK’s ‘ThoughtcrimeNews.com’ website pointed out, that the Bureau of Transportation Statistics – which records which planes fly where, when - had recorded previous flights of UA93 for only a few days, and this was its first-ever Tuesday flight:
‘The first `United Flight 93' from Newark to San Francisco on a Tuesday was on the day of 9-11. Taken at face value, 11th September 2001 saw the maiden Tuesday voyage of United Flight 93 from Newark to San Francisco. In that respect, Flight 93 could not have been a regularly scheduled and recurring flight.’[4]

In contrast with other more regular flights, the UA93 plane would have been hardly noticed by the ordinary public. Being unknown, it would not have attracted many public passengers. For this mission it may have been an advantage not to have ordinary members of the public aboard - who might, after all, be awkward to dispose of. The plane was a Boeing 757, seating up to 182 passengers, but was carrying merely 40 on that morning. That is a very low capacity, compared with other transcontinental US flights that morning that were generally three-quarters full [5]. A domestic flight with such a low booking would normally expect to be cancelled.

The other fact to emerge from the BTS database, is that the plane is undestroyed. The plane which flew that morning as flight UA93 had ‘N591’ as its tail-number, according to the BTS database (Bureau of Transportation Statistics). That is a permanent identification, and that plane retains to this day a valid Federal Aviation Authority registration [6]. It was, therefore, not destroyed on September 11th.

3. Dodgy Passengers
Who were the passengers? From the list of forty [7] names given, sixteen of them appear as only on that plane 'by chance,' due to a last-minute change of schedule, having e.g. planned to take Flight 91, or some other plane: they had not expected to be on it [8]. For example, we learn concerning one passenger: ‘Barbara Welsh who had been a flight attendant for more than 25 years, usually avoided early-morning flights, but she had agreed to trade shifts with another worker.’ Frank Levi commented: ‘Several of the people mentioned above were originally supposed to be on another flight - Flight 91, scheduled for 9 a.m. According to the stories above, they arrived early at the airport and got standby tickets on Flight 93 - although flight 93 was delayed and didn't take off until around 8:42 anyway.’ One might want to view these stories as explaining why these persons had not purchased tickets in advance. He added, ‘There are numerous stories like this for passengers on the other flights … but it appears to be Flight 93 which has the most significant number.’

The American ‘Social Security Death Index’ is a vast database, a register of everyone in America who has died. To get onto that list a deceased person merely needs to have had a ‘social security’ number, and financial transactions in America are hardly feasible without this. Everyone has such a number, and after death this unique number will eventually get added onto the massive SSDI database, although this process can take a while [9]. Of the seven crew members of UA93, including pilot Jason Dahl and co-pilot Leroy Homer, I found that not one are registered on the SSDI, four years after the event. This could mean, that none of the crew really died, on that day. I checked thru the 16 above-mentioned, and discovered the remarkable fact that not one of them came up on the SSDI list. On that basis, we must assume that none of this group really died.

Concerning the other 24, ten of them did come up on the SSDI list, as having died on that day [10]. This means that these ten persons really lived and really died. I also noticed that the average age of these persons was (with one exception) 65 years. Here they are:
Really dead UA93 passengers: William Cashman 60, Patricia Cushing 69, Joseph F. Deluca 52, Patrick J Driscoll 71, Colleen Fraser 51, Jane Folger 73, Richard J Guadagno 38 yrs, Hilda Marcin 79, Mark Rothenberg 52, John Talignani 74.
Average Age: 62 years (one of these, Richard Guadagno, lived in the San Francisco area).

4. Last Contact
Ed Balinger was the air traffic controller handling flight UA93. As soon as he realised that ‘hijackings’ were in progress, he sent out the warning, ‘Beware of cockpit intrusion’ to all of the pilots in his domain; and then, as he later explained, ‘93 called me back and says Hi, Ed. Confirmed.’[11] Ed’s warning was received at 9.24 am in the cockpit and the reply came back to him a couple of minutes later. That appears as being the last, valid record of communication with flight UA93. Balinger was so traumatised by the events of that day, that he could no longer continue with his job.

Some minutes after that reply, and flying at about 40,000 feet around Cleveland/Pittsburgh, ‘Flight 93 switched off its transponder right next to an area with no primary radar coverage,’ thereby becoming effectively invisible [12]. Did it there make its hairpin bend [13] - or, was what then emerged, a different plane? I suggest that any version which has the plane fly all that way due West and then make that hairpin bend and fly back East again, will never make much sense. The story will always be baffling, if not absurd. That seeming hard-turn was made very close to Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, and adjacent to the NASA Glenn Research Centre [14].

The Kean report gives UA93’s altitude as being over thirty thousand feet when it was supposedly hijacked at 9.28 [15], and mobile phones cannot work at that height. They work up to somewhere around eight thousand feet, and at higher altitudes they cannot make the connection to a ground radio mast [16]. At least ten cell-calls are reported to have taken place on flight 93, and their status is problematic. It is far from evident that there were any phone masts on the mountain ranges that UA93 was flying over, around 9.45 am travelling Eastbound from Cleveland to Shanksville. The Kean Report has responded to the impossibility of using mobile phones, by emphasising more the Verizon Airfones embedded in the seats [17], however these may not have been usable in mid-flight, only at the start and end of a voyage.

The technology for cell phone transmission at normal flight altitudes only became available for commercial aircraft in 2006. A July 2004 article in Aviation Weekly described this new opportunity for passengers: ‘Qualcomm and American Airlines are exploring ways for passengers to use commercial cell phones inflight for air-to-ground communication.’[18] Clearly, that technology was not working in 2001.

5. Phantom Phone Calls
‘Todd Beamer’ was one of the passengers listed as on board UA93 that morning [19]. On Sunday, 16th September, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s released its account, based on its interview with the widow Lisa Beamer the day before – who said she had been rung up at 8 pm on Friday the 14th by Lisa Jefferson, an Airfone supervisor at GTE Customer Care Center in suburban Chicago. On this initial version of events, Lisa J. had waited over three days after receiving the call from ‘Todd Beamer’ (during which conversation he had made her promise to phone his wife), before she did so.

‘Beamer’ had, one gathered, asked Lisa J. to call his wife and children and tell them he loved them, but he did not request to be put through to them himself - even though the call lasted 13 minutes. He asked her to pray with him and recite a psalm together, then after saying ‘God help me. Jesus help me,’ he finally exclaimed as a summons to other passengers ‘Let’s Roll!’ - then dropped the phone. That was the story. Also on Saturday the 15th, Lisa J. was called up by a newspaper, but declined to make any comment, except to say that Verizen (the phone company) would be making a statement on Monday.

On Monday 17th, as reported by the Washington Post, Lisa B. gave her answer to the question, as to why her husband had not asked to be put through to her: 'She said her husband knew she was at home, but she believes he called the GTE operator to spare his wife pain and to get word of the hijacking to authorities. He gave Jefferson his home phone number and asked her to call.' The message was now ‘Tell her I love her and the boys.’ We are here informed, by the widow, that Lisa J. was given her phone number.

On Tuesday 18th, as reported on the NBC news, Lisa B. was interviewed in person, and explained how Lisa J. had not, after all, called her: an unnamed person from United phoned her on Friday, and told her that he had received a 'correspondence from GTE Airphone that one of their operators spoke to Todd during the hijacking' - and he gave her Lisa J's number. Lisa B. then phoned Lisa J., the next day. Why would she wait a day to phone someone with such important tidings, and would she really want to give media interviews on the very same day (Saturday 15th) as she first received the breathtaking tale of how her husband died? Then, as if this account were rather dangerous, the Pittsburgh Post Gazette on Wednesday 19th swung back
to the earlier account: 'Jefferson, with the FBI's approval, made a phone call...'

Not until ten days after 9/11 was the primary witness, Lisa J., prepared to make her own statement. Interviewed on the 21st, she told how, working as a senior Airfone supervisor, she had happened to walk out of her office at around 8:45AM Central time, and noticed that the air-phone operator Phyllis Johnson at station 15 ‘appeared to be traumatised’ by whatever she was hearing. Very considerately, she took over the call [20]. The shock traumatising the operator turned out to be coming from a call put through from a hijacked United Airline, flight 93, from ‘Todd Beamer’ (A later version has the operator Phyllis Johnson give the call over to her supervisor as soon as she realised what it was about). Lisa J. not only did not recollect Beamer’s legendary, final words ‘Let’s roll,’ but the final words she did recollect were dramatic and memorable: “God help me. Jesus help me!” - then, speaking to others, “Are you ready? OK.” ‘That's the last I heard from Todd Beamer,’ Jefferson affirmed, without equivocation. ‘The line was still open, but it was silent.’

On subsequent interviews, however, she did manage to recall that his final words were ‘Let’s roll!’ After all, she had already told Lisa B about this phrase on 14th, at least according to the Pittsburgh Post Gazette’s report from Lisa B.

Clearly, the first thing anyone would want to hear at this point, would be testimony from the phone operator who first took the call: no-one, however, gets a story from Phyllis Johnson - or even corroboration of her existence. Was she employed at GTE in Chicago?

On the original story (Sept 16th , Pittsburgh Post-Gazette), Lisa J., with the call over, had ‘hung up the phone at 10:00AM EST, realizing that the plane had gone down. Officials said it crashed at 9:58 a.m.’ [21] Persons who want to believe that flight UA93 terminated in a crash, may tend to accept its time of 10:06:05AM, from a seismic record [22], while a subsequently-released cockpit voice-recorder had messages end abruptly at 10.03 AM. This personal account by Lisa J. given on the 21st was reported in next day’s Pittsburgh-Post Gazette: readers heard of how, after the line went dead, ‘For the next 15 minutes, Jefferson stayed on the line,’ feeling ‘very upset and emotional and crying.’ This version had the advantage of avoiding her having to field awkward questions about the crash time. It starts with her lifting the phone off an operator who was looking ‘traumatised,’ and ends with herself crying for 15 minutes into the phone – with the FBI listening.

6. The Fabric of Deception
Continuing with the Lisa J. interview, reported in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette on Saturday, 22nd : Lisa J. explained why she had let three whole days go by before phoning (or rather not phoning) the distraught widow:
‘For the next three days she continued to mourn, waiting for FBI clearance to tell Beamer's wife about the call. "I wasn't ready to talk to Lisa," Jefferson said. "I wanted to call and give her that information just like Todd had given it to me. But I don't think I would've been able to be that calm." Last Friday, someone from United Airlines told Lisa Beamer about her husband's call. On Saturday morning, Mrs. Beamer called Jefferson at her Chicago home and heard the news that lifted her spirits.
In this story, it becomes the phone operator rather than the widow who is in mourning. The widow cannot recall whether she made or received the most important phone call of her life – or even which day it was on! Was it Friday evening or Saturday morning? … O what a tangled web we weave, when once we labour to deceive!

The first version of Lisa J’s story (Saturday 16th) had her informing Todd Beamer about other hijackings going on that Tuesday morning. Other news broadcasts on the 17th and 19th confirmed this central, apocalyptic theme, that she had told Beamer about planes crashing into buildings. Then, when Lisa J. finally gets to face the media herself, on the 21st, she denies this: ‘No, I didn’t’ was her unequivocal reply, as to whether she had informed Beamer of the other hijackings. Also, she gave a reason why she had not told him: it was because she ‘didn’t want him to get upset’. This interview, related on both NBC and CBS news, did not prevent next day’s Pittsburgh-Post Gazette from reaffirming the original story, in which Lisa D. had told Beamer about the two planes crashing into buildings in New York.

When Lisa J. first told her story on the 21st, Americans must have been startled to hear that ‘The FBI was on another line offering guidance.’ Do you really want to believe that Beamer had Lisa J. humming a psalm with him and saying the Lord’s Prayer, with the FBI listening in? No details of this supposed guidance from the FBI were ever offered: their guidance, we conclude, involved the weaving of the tale. A couple of days earlier, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette had informed readers that the call was recorded: if so, it seems odd that the official 9/11 Commission never listened to it, or even alluded to its existence [23] - and nor did anyone else. If Todd Beamer were really planning a decisive passenger-action on which the fate of the whole plane would hinge – and that is the story - would he really want to spend the previous ten minutes talking down the phone to complete stranger?

Lisa J’s story on the 21st has the pilot and co-pilot sprawled on the floor in front of the cabin, probably dead. How terrible! But, hang on a minute: four calls were put through by ‘Tom Burnett’ to his wife, seated in the first class near to the pilot cabin, giving no hint of any close-action combat in the front of the plane: should not his calls have mentioned the pilot and co-pilot lying dead on the ground beside him? [24]

A general characteristic of the 9/11 phone calls, was that: ‘the content of the calls are seldom revealed by first-hand’[25]. An exception here, is the call allegedly put through by ‘Mark Brigham’ from UA93 to his mother. His strange opening words were ‘Mom, this is Mark Brigham.’ He then spoke a few words about the hijack, and added: ‘You believe me, don’t you?’ His mother gave a reply which he did not even answer, he just hung up. Clearly, that was a fudged attempt to imitate a son’s last words to his mother.[26] It is not irrelevant, that she was a United Airlines flight-attendant.

7. Shot Out of the Sky
There were no passenger remains, around the alleged crash. One version has it that ‘Nearly all the passengers were reduced to charcoal on impact and the largest piece of human tissue found was a section of spine eight inches long’ [27]. Senior coroner Wallace Miller (the ‘elected county coroner for Somerset, PA,’) was allowed to inspect the crash site - which the general populace had been kept well away from – and concluded, ‘Only eight per cent of the wreckage was recovered’. ‘Everything else was vaporised’[28]. That sounds far too hot for a plane crash. In the event of a crash, plane passengers do not fry to a crisp - in fact, they don’t fry at all. Usually some are still alive, and intact bodies are normally found [29].

Another story was that ‘Victim recovery efforts were hampered because most of the salvageable human remains were in the treetops.’ [30] Uh-huh. The coroner Miller endorsed the ‘massive crater’ story:
‘"We found remains 50 feet deep," he [Miller] said of the massive crater the plane left on impact’.
The Kean report has a picture of yellow-clad agents standing around a small hole [31]. Come on you guys, dig it up! But then, Nena Lensbouer, who had prepared lunch for the workers at the scrap yard overlooking the crash site, and was the first person to go up to the smoking crater, reported that the hole was five to six feet deep … and described hearing “an explosion, like an atomic bomb,” not a crash. A spokesman for the Air National Guard then explained how the ground had ‘liquefied’ - regarding how the wreck and much of the fuel had disappeared [32].

The book Among the Heroes by Jere Longman kept pretty close to the official story, as its title implies. But, it interviewed scrap metal worker Lee Purbaugh, the first man on the Shanksville scene. Running to the crash site, he found himself wondering where the plane was: ‘It was unbelievable [that] something that big had scattered that quick. There was nothing there.’ This book also quoted Wallace Miller the coroner as regards the absence of human remains – ‘If you didn’t know, you would have thought no-one was on the plane… You would have thought they dropped them off somewhere.’ [33] Maybe they just did…

The above stories are for a very gullible public. The chief coroner couldn’t find anything more than a short section of spine? Human remains in treetops? But, veins of local scepticism also shine through the official mythmaking, and tend to endorse the view that no or hardly any passengers were on the plane when it was shot down. Flight ‘UA93,’ blasted out of the sky over Shanksville, Pennsylvania that morning, was an empty – or almost empty - drone.

The plane may have had some human bodies in it. The human remains collected from the fields around Shanksville, amongst the scattered debris, added up to two or three whole bodies: ‘The collective weight of the forty-four people aboard the plane was seven thousand five hundred pounds, the coroner said. Only six hundred pounds of remains were discovered.’[34]

Shortly before the crash, CBS television reported that two F-16 fighters were tailing the flight. Likewise, a flight controller reported on an F-16 fighter, in close pursuit of flight 93.[35] A plausible story was narrated by retired Colonel Donn de Grand-Pre, who has a long history of having worked for the US military [36]: a fighter-jet belonging to the North Dakota Air National Guard took off from Langley Air Base a few miles from the Pennsylvania crash (Its team members are known as the ‘Happy Hooligans’) It shot two Sidewinder missiles that downed the plane, at or slightly before ten o’clock.[37] ‘It turned out to be an old friend of mine from the Air National Guard and this is my home state of North Dakota. And I attended the ceremony in North Dakota and watched the Adj. General [garbled] the pilot being decorated a year later for this activity that happened on 9/11 with Flight 93.’[38] This decoration of a fighter-pilot could take place because (I suggest) there were no passengers on board the plane that he had shot down [39], i.e. the military ethic had not been violated – as it certainly would have been, had the plane been full of civilians [40].

On September 10th the Cambria County Local Emergency Planning Committee carried out the last of several terror practice-drill rehearsals, which took place in the area around Shanksville. Thus the site had been well-prepared for the event [41]. An insignificant spot in the middle of nowhere became a focus of the world’s attention, thanks to these preparations. Various other planes were reported flying around the site, and on one theory there were two flight 93 planes [42]. Witnesses reported seeing a low-flying plane, debris showering down from the sky, a fireball, a white plane circling and a plane crash. Some kind of theatre took place around that site.

An explosion [43] caused the earth-tremor reported at 10.06 am. On-the-ground research by Victor Thorn and Lisa Giuliani (for their book Phantom flight 93 – the Shanksville Flight 93Hoax) [44] indicated that a missile had been fired to create the ‘crash site’ hole, while the plane shot down – supposedly, Flight UA 93, but probably not - crashed a few miles away, in the rural hamlet of New Baltimore.

8. The Landing at Cleveland
Initially, UA93 was announced as having landed at Cleveland, Ohio airport that morning [45]. The Mayor of Cleveland Michael White held a televised news conference at 11:00AM after an emergency landing had taken place. At 11.43 am the news on that tumultuous morning – before the official story had been overlaid upon events - was:
‘A Boeing 767 out of Boston made an emergency landing Tuesday at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport due to concerns that it may have a bomb aboard, said Mayor Michael R. White. White said the plane had been moved to a secure area of the airport, and was evacuated. United identified the plane as Flight 93.’[46]
Did this mean that a swap with some ‘lookalike’ plane had taken place, rather resembling the plan outlined in ‘Operation Northwoods’?

9. ‘Operation Northwoods:’ the Blueprint
In 1962, the Joint Chiefs of Staff gave their seal of approval to ‘Operation Northwoods’ and information about this only became public a few years ago [47] Was something like this plan enacted in the case of ‘Flight 93’? The authors of Operation Northwoods wanted war with Cuba, and proposed a war-precipitating deception: they would paint up an aeroplane to be an exact replica of a registered plane, and this painted plane would be secretly swapped with the real aircraft, which was loaded with passengers using fake identities. The plane with the fake passengers on board would fly very low and land in a prepared airbase. The real craft would be converted into a remote controlled drone, loaded with explosives, and would emit distress signals when over Cuba, before being blown up by remote detonation. Casualty figures would be placed in US newspapers to ‘cause a wave of national indignation’[48] – although there would not actually have been any loss of life. That was the plan, which was for whatever reason not implemented. People ask, ‘What happened to the passengers?’ but it may hardly be our business to answer this question: the military authors of ‘Operation Northwoods’ did not see it as a problem.

Rowland Morgan’s Flight 93 Revealed bore the ambitious subtitle, What really happened on the 9/11 ‘Let’s Roll’ flight. It told the story of how a plane carrying 40 passengers was shot sown in cold blood, with passenger remains etc scattered over an eight-mile wide area in Shanksville [49]. This article has argued against that view, mainly because of:
• the paucity of passenger deaths recorded
• absence of grieving relatives at the airport that morning
• passenger remains were notably absent from the remains dug up
• the plane which flew as UA93 remained undestroyed
• Flight 93 was reported as landed at Cleveland airport.
No hijackers were present and no hijacking took place, I suggest, which is consistent with the absence of Arab names on the flight manifests and with the fabricated nature of the phone calls made, implicating Arabs as hijackers. We have argued that the apparent ‘hairpin bend’ was made inside a ‘radar hole’ at a time when it had descended to a fairly low altitude, to enable the swapover of planes. The decoration of the pilot who obeyed his orders to shoot down the plane is hardly imaginable, had it really been full of civilian passengers.

Flight 93 stayed in the air 81 minutes and, as a hijacked aircraft, could not have any possible alibi for remaining un-intercepted a moment longer. Delayed at departure, its time had quite run out. But, why did it have to be shot down, could it not be allowed to crash? It could not be allowed to crash, because it did not contain the passengers, let alone any hijackers, as would have been evident at a crash site. So, what was the aim of the exercise? Its aim was, to provide the Pentagon with its rallying-cry, ‘Let’s roll!’ used for its Iraq war recruitment. It was successful.

Appendix I A Comment on the SSDI
‘The Social Security Death Index (SSDI) (Social Security Death Index) is a privately-owned website that is not affiliated with Social Security. It boasts an accuracy rate of about 83% (e-mail them any questions you may have). Anyway, to check its reliability, I inputted the names of people I knew that had died in my family, along with friends and neighbors. Being a true skeptic, I had no way of knowing whether they were telling the truth or not. With the exception of a cousin, I found everyone I was looking for.’ But, comparing passenger names on the 4 planes using this Index: ‘Have you noticed anything strange yet? Of the passengers and crew of Flight 11, 77, 175 & 93, only 22%, 22%, 28%, 13% respectively are in the SSDI.’ Then, comparing these results with the families who claimed compensation from the 9-11 Victims Compensation Fund, this investigator found that for flight UA93: of the 45 people who are listed as dying on this flight, only 6 are listed in the SSDI (13%) Of these 45 people, none are on the 9-11 Compensation Fund list: Not one.’ (Sammartino) (My figures are slightly different but I accept the drift of his argument.)
The SSDI records only one ‘Todd Beamer’ who lived & died in America, born on September 11th, 1968. The Todd Beamer associated with UA93 worked as a software consultant for Oracle, a Strategic Alliance Partner for Legato Systems. His father, David Beamer, was the chief operating officer for Legato Systems, in Mountain View, California. This company, a leader in open software for information management, announced in December 2003 that it had received a $4.3 million competitive award for ‘business continuance and availability solutions’ from the Pentagon Renovation Office.[50]

Appendix II: Details of the Shootdown team
From Donn-pre interview with Alex Jones: ‘… out of Hector Field, Fargo, North Dakota. A bunch, this 119 Fighter Group and they are called the Happy Hooligans. They are probably the best interceptors that we have in the country. They were moved to Langley Air Force Base from Hector Field down to Southern Virginia. And when the klaxon horn went off at 9:35, those two pilots put down their coffee and shot into their aircraft and took off. They didn't know where they were going initially but by 10:00 hours, they had rendezvoused over Southern Pennsylvania. That's about 250 miles in just a matter of minutes and engaged 93 with two side-winder missiles. And they accomplished their objective… I know the National Guard Adj. General. And they were decorated about a year later and I have the full write up of that story in my book.’ [51]

Appendix III – Families claiming compensation
William Rodriguez (http://www.911keymaster.com/) is deeply involved with families of 9/11 victims, and I asked him about this on his recent visit to London. He replied that a ‘RICO’ lawsuit was presently going through on behalf of the victims’ families and so he could not give a definite answer; but after that (in 2007) he would be able to tell me; he seemed to indicate that there had been one or two families of ‘flight 93’ victims who had claimed compensation; however his answer did also involve an allusion to ‘Operation Northwoods:’ which had involved shooting down an empty plane. I will update this article as and when this info becomes available. NB, for a victim’s family to accept the compensation offered, they have to sign a pledge of remaining silent

1. Lisa Beamer ghost-wrote Let’s Roll! in 2002, one million copies; Jere Longman (NYT journalist) Among the Heroes 2002, Jon Barrett Mark Bingham, Hero of Flight 93 2003; Deena Burnett Fighting Back 2006 Lisa Jefferson Called 2006. Films: Let’s Roll’ 2002, ‘The Hamburg Cell’, 2004, ‘The Flight that Fought Back,’ 2005.
2. San Jose Mercury News, September 12, 2001, Wednesday, Domestic News section. www.sjmercury.com/ (Thanks to G.H. for this).
3. See Appendix III; the 9-11 Passenger List Oddity, Vincent Sammartino,
4. www.thoughtcrimenews.com/flight93notscheduled.htm. The present writer had explained to Simon Aronowitz something of the workings of the BTS database.
5. This is stated by Eric Hufschmid in his video ‘painful deceptions.’
6. Here it is:
7. The Kean report cites a flight crew of 7 and 37 passengers ‘including hijackers’ (p.10) however the latter do not appear on the published lists of passenger-names. CNN cites 45 persons on board - but lists only 26 passengers: www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/trade.center/victims/ua93.victims.html.
8. This was discovered by Frank Levi, see his www.the-movement.com re flight 93..
9. http://ssdi.genealogy.rootsweb.com/ It helps first to have any details of date & place of birth (eg from ref Cool, to limit the SSDI search for dates of death. The SSDI dovetails in with ‘Ancestry.com,’ a vast database of American lives. See Appendix I.
10. A study on this topic was posted on ‘Democratic Underground’ by Dulce Decorum www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address= 125x18365#18369 showing that not one of the 7 flight crew members of UA93 had died, by the SSDI records. He found 7 ‘really dead’ passengers, but unfortunately used the too-small CNN list (ref 7) of only 26 passengers so missed 3 of them. A more recent study www.apfn.net/messageboard/04-23-05/discussion.cgi.31.html claims only 6 ‘real deaths’ using the SSDI but gives no details.
11. Ruppert Crossing the Rubicon, 2004, p.378. The Kean Report p.11 has slightly different wording.
12. www.the-movement.com/Radar/Radar.htm
13. For moving flight-path see http://irvingshapiro.tripod.com/cgi-bin/Flight_93/Video2.htm
14. http://thewebfairy.com/killtown/flight93.html#WCPO
15. It later described a gain in altitude: ‘Between 9.34 and 9.38, the Cleveland Controller observed United 93 climbing to 40,700 feet…’ Kean Report, p.29.
16. www.physics911.net/cellphoneflight93.htm
17. Kean Report, p.12 ‘…calls from GTE airphones and cellular phones.’
18. www.rense.com/general56/moreholes.htm
19. This section developed from discussions with Andreas W. (aka ‘John Doe II’), see his www.team8plus.org/forum_viewtopic.php?7.288
20. Source: NBC News on Friday 21st Sept.
21. This is in the initial PPG report on the 16th Sept.
22. www.911timeline.net/#1006
23. The Kean Report alludes to FBI reports on interviews with the recipients of calls from Bingham etc, with no hint of any tape-recording: p.456 n.80.
24. Tom Burnett’s calls were made on 9.27, 9.34, 9.45 and 9.54am: D.R. Griffin, The New Pearl Harbour, 2004, p.49.
25. http://geocities.com/AAUAplanes09112001whathappened/index.html
26. Bingham’s mother (Alice Hoglan) was visiting his sister-in-law, and the call came thru to the latter, who handed it over to his mother www.team8plus.org/forum_viewtopic.php?7.316.
27. http://usaattacked.com/what_happened.htm
28. www.fpp.co.uk/online/04/03/UA93.html
29. www.airdisaster.com
30. Ibid.
31. The 9/11 Commission Report (‘Kean Report’), NY 2004, p.313.
32. http://thewebfairy.com/killtown/flight93.html
33. Quotes from Rowland Morgan, Flight 93 Revealed, 2006, p.25.
34. Longman (ref. 1), p.260; Webster Tarpley, 9/11 Synthetic Terror Made in USA, 2005, p.270.
35. Tarpley (ref 34), p.266-8.
36. For an interview with retired Marine Comm. Donn de Grand Pre, see:
www.arcticbeacon.com/19-Nov-2004.html .
37. For his story, where F-16s from the so-called ‘happy hooligans’ National Guard Unit were responsible, see: www.prisonplanet.com/022904degrand.html (See Appendix II) www.arcticbeacon.com/articles/article/1518131/18047.htm
38. www.prisonplanet.com/022904degrand.html
39. Out of respect for Grand-Pre’s deep erudition, let’s quote his view: ‘the aircraft, you see, had totally unconscious people on board. There were no hijackers.’ A gassing scenario! (ref 35)
40. See also www.nineeleven.co.uk/9keys.htm key 9.
41. www.team8plus.org/e107_plugins/content/content.php?content.20
42. www.team8plus.org/e107_plugins/content/content.php?content.26
43. Morgan, Flight 93 p.67.
44. Sisyphus Press: www.wingtv.net/flight93.html www.wingtv.net/thorn2006/shanksville.html
45. Ruppert Crossing the Rubicon p.587, or http://inn.globalfreepress.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=323
46. http://letsroll911.org/ipw-web/bulletin/bb/viewtopic.php?p=69468&
47. James Bamford, Body of Secrets 1999.
48. David Ray Griffin The New Pearl Harbour 2004 p.103.
49. Morgan, p.159.
50. www.team8plus.org/forum_viewtopic.php?7.199
51. Grand-Pre’s self-published opus, Barbarians Inside the Gates (three volumes: The Serpent's Sting, The Viper's Venom and The Rattler's Revenge) remains, for whatever reason, unknown in the UK.

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The Mystery of Flight 93
by Nick Kollerstrom

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