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Exclusive JimmyWalter interview..hope this puts the knockers

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mason-free party
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 9:15 pm    Post subject: Exclusive JimmyWalter interview..hope this puts the knockers Reply with quote

...to rest...great guy!


Posted By: FarSight3 <Send E-Mail>
Date: Friday, 19 August 2005, 7:11 a.m.


A group of individuals brought together by philanthropist Jimmy Walter dedicated to opening a real investigation into the tragic attacks on September 11, 2001. Recently Walter‘s team had organized the "911-Truth European Tour"around Europe where he was giving away free DVDs with excellent documentation on the real events on 911, "Confronting the Evidence: A Call to Reopen the 911 Investigation."

The tour team included personalities like Eric Hufschmid, Christopher Bollyn, Barrie Zwicker, Philip Berg, William Rodriguez, Webster Griffin Tarpley and Lisa Pease among other well known names around the tragic events on that September morning in 2001 ....

Jimmy Walter Jr. - is described as an "eccentric multimillionaire" with a social conscience. His leading motto is: "I believe in‚ flood up‘ economics, not in‚ trickle down‘."
The intention of Jimmy Walter’s amazing project is to bring awareness to new available evidence, and to birth a grassroots movement into further seeking the truth of 9/11/2001.

At Reopen911.org you can find all the necessary information and other people who are interested in this mission regardless of political party, race, color, sex, age, religion, political affiliation, sexual orientation, national origin or any other differences. Non-partisan in the true sense of the word in that those are Republicans, Libertarians, Objectivists, Democrats, Socialists, and Greens.

There is no change for the better unless people unite to make it happen. This has been proven time and again throughout history. The most important societal improvements have always come from grassroots movements: The PEOPLE insisted. Remember, the politicians didn't lead, they followed, once they knew their constituencies insisted upon change.

Jimmy Walter’s organization was founded and underwritten by him, an extraordinary individual who has generously given his time and resources to work in a positive and meaningful way.

Jimmy Walter jr. has great visions, explained on http://www.walden3.org -

I had the great experience of meeting this remarkable man in person and want to share his thoughts with you:


Interview with Jimmy Walter jr.
Homepage at:

...about the 9/11, his plans for US-presidency, what he thinks about religion, Armageddon, the "dumming down" of the American people, conspiracies, JFK and lots of more...

by Far Sight 3


Hi Jimmy, nice you could afford some time to meet me. Now - I’ve prepared 11 questions for you. Here we go!


Where have you been on 911 and what were you doing then?

I was at the writing school at Estes Park/Colorado in total seclusion for trying to write - and the woman comes in, who’s teaching me, interrupts me: "Did you hear? An airplane just hit the World Trade Towers". And I thought: "Oh, bad pilot"...
And then the second one hit. And then I knew there was a problem. So I got up, way down to the hotel where there was a TV - I could watch - and started watching what happened...

And I didn’t have a clue, that it wasn’t the fires and the impact. It didn’t enter my mind that they LET IT HAPPEN! But that day I didn’t even think that. That day I was like anybody else - I was shocked! then as I heard about and read the News-reports.

So I was writing my novel-that still is in writing - the Walden-Three-novel -we could go later into that-I was just in shock that it did happen - I didn’t think about it. The days went by and as I did hear more about the story, actually, I was thinking -"How did these guys beat the entire US-Air Force"?

I thought: "They let it happen"!

Did your life change ‘afterwards’?

Dramatically! Very dramatically!
Walden 3 went on the ‘backburner’ - became second thing - it’s not like any ‘other job’ - this is what I REALLY WANT to do - but I totally changed. I started researching, going to the protests, writing papers, running advertisements - and all of that kinda stuff - so I dropped the other - Walden 3 became just a secondary thing. I started making up T-shirts, making fun of Bush, because of the war, called ‘Chicken Hawk in Chief’. Now a ‘Chicken’ is a coward and a ‘Hawk’ is pro-war, so Chicken-Hawk is someone afraid of himself, but not of someone else dying for his purposes.

I ran full-page ads in the New York Times, saying "Powell lied", in USA-Today, the LA-Times refused to run it, I ran it in Santa Barbara and in Newspapers in the South like that. We made TV-commercials for the ‘Army of One’, showing that Bush saying "support the military", while he was cutting funding for the family, cutting health-care for the family - and wouldn’t get healthcare to the reservists who were going over there to die! So I tried running ads in the primary getting people to know, how ‘two-faced’ this guy were.

I am running new newspaper-ads saying: "Are we safer now"? You can see them on our website http://www.reopen911.org ...

I became a ‘war-room’ in the fact. With verbals and visuals.

Just recently- because of all these advertisements and promotions on these books we did now - a national program on the channel SHOWTIME - the name of the program is Penn and Teller - they came on national-TV, they hold a copy of the book, that I have spent three and a half million Dollars promoting, and the say: "If you see anyone with this book - throw him down a flight of stairs"! - On national TV...

That was one of the reasons I left and not gonna come back...

OK, that answers one of the questions - "Why did you go away from the US"...

People attack my car with a bolder - the police wouldn’t investigate - I get death treads - the police wouldn’t investigate - I am at a protest, these guys come up and starting yelling and threatening me , there´s a cop standing right here - he won’t do anything. If I say a word back on him, he quick calls me trouble buddy...
The Americans have become totally polarized. They don’t even think about it. - It´s like from the last Star-Wars - "Either you will be with us- or you’re against us"!

So, yes my life changed dramatically - it really became like a war. And still is. Now my goal was always Walden 3. We have a saying in Florida: "It’s hard to remember the original purpose was to drain the swamp, when you’re up to your neck in alligators". And -we ARE up to our necks in alligators! This thing is NOT SMALL! The complicity of the media, the judges, the law enforcement people into this is "Hitleresque"!

Speaking of your financing and organizing your European "tour" on informing the people about the real happenings of the 9/11, what were the outcomes of this remarkable project when you look back on it?

Just let’s start with the negative: I was completely ignored by the media in England, France and Germany. They wouldn’t talk about it.
Now Spain and Italy were poor - but good. I got really good press. Although we did have a very bad turnout. The reporters had an open mind - in Italy I was on a nationwide TV-show - a serious one. They had three government types: One journalist, one General and one commentator, who were all conservative against me. So I laid out my stuff what happened, and all they could say was -"Oh, these conspiracy-nuts, well you can prove anything you wanna prove"... - But besides - they had nothing to say...
In Spain we were at the nationwide Morning show, the Today-show , I wouldn’t get on any of that type of shows in the United States.

In England they refused to take our ads! In France they refused to take the ads! Germany- they refused to take the ads!

Now, Austria and the Netherlands were GREAT! We got good ads, we got good turnout, we got open-minded people talking to us - so I count those two countries as huge successes.

In England the press was bad -we did two shows in London and in Manchester - Manchester was way better - but only around 200 people - although in Vienna over 3,000 people did show up.

In some of those countries - I think there was an ‘enemy within’! I can’t prove a word and I’m not gonna mention names.

I know a lot of those difficulties, as I am working a lot on that topic, and I see how difficult it is to ‘lead’ people from their indoctrinations away to a new kind of perception of reality. If you fall over them with all your knowledge - they might say you are completely crazy - but you get used to this kind of approach - and you start to work on your goal in a more skillful way than it was when you get started going out and talk to the people. After all we are some kind of ‘warriors’ - as you said with the pen - and it reminds me very much of one of my favorite quotes from my shamanistic background saying: "We are the ones, we have been waiting for"!

It’s a hard struggle, because our opponents don’t play by the rules. At least what we call our rules... OK, what was your most funny experience on that tour?

A good question. I can’t think of any - think - it was a very stressy thing, packed time schedule - I was in pain from my leg, lots of stress - hmm, there were probably some funny things - I just don’t remember it now...
Ah! I am on the Italian TV-station. Now I had all this coaching by professionals about how to act and how not. And if you see me talking - I have Tourette Syndrom - which makes it exiting to begin with. So we are talking - there are all those Italians, gesturing like wild too - I get into it - and all at once this guy says: "Hey, the way YOU are talking, you could be an ITALIAN too"!

I said: "Gracie"...


Good answer - laughing. Like the guy from "La Vita è Bella" - Roberto Benigni who won the Oscar - a ‘typical’ Italian. So - What was your most fearful experience?

It was my body, my back. Just sitting for hours at the podium and my leg gives me just these shooting pains. My body simply reacted due to all that enormous stress. As I came to Europe I got knocked down by this rollerblader in Holland - at full speed - so I had to start those body exercises, and a stretching program, so I think, I simply overstretched. Fearful? No, I am not afraid! I’m at a point of my life - I am 57 years old - my mother, my father at 77, my uncle all died because of chemotheraphy, because of cancer.
When I was young I had panic attacks because of the fear of death. I just got over it. Part of Walden 3 is rational emotive behavior - Albert Ellis’ work - so each and everyone of us will be dead one day - what’s to be afraid of? So dying I might be afraid of - but of being dead - I am not!

Laughing. During my shamanistic work I lead lots of people (and myself) through the process of dying and birth. Let me tell you - it’s not a "bad" thing. It’s an exciting experience. Your "little Ego" dies, but that what’s you never ends or ‘dies’. You take all your memories and emotions with you. OK. Next question:

311, 911, 777 - Have you been aware of that there have been 911 days between Pim Fortuyn’s and Van Gogh’s murder in Holland? And there were exactly 911 days between 911 and the 311 in Spain. Do you think these ‘noetic’ occurances might implicate that ‘somebody is giving us signs’?

Yes, but I don’t think this is someone who is "supernatural". Just take 9/11. It’s the emergency number of the US telephone. ONLY AMERICA thinks that September 11th is 911. The rest of the world says 11th September - so 119. An Arab didn’t decide the Attack on September 11th for that purpose. But. I don’t believe in numerology. I believe in people who USE it. it seems like somebody is telling to their followers: "Look, we are in power for doing THIS! We can get away with this. We can tell it right in your face!"
You talked about your ‘coincidence’-thing? There’s one hotel I went to - in Munich - I have breakfast there - I look up - and here is a picture of Armageddon - staring me in the face. So tell me, why do we sit right under this picture?

I do think this Armageddon-Thing was made to sensibilize people at THAT TIME. With their knowledge and their symbols. A ‘Wake-up Call’ for that time. Actually - we do have a way out of this. It is called know-ledge - knowing your personal ledge - and proper education.

Seems, nothing has changed. Did you ever hear of Alfred Korzybski?"Science and Sanity"? It’s about language. You can look it up on the web.

I felt my purpose in this world often as bringing together Ethics (or you may call it even Religion) and scientific knowledge. It all started after Babylon. Those two - important ‘branches’ have been separated deliberately for a long time - and the Greek people have been influencing our culture to a vast extent under that strategy.

Very funny - but when you start reading Alfred Korzybski - you’ll find that. He´s Buddhist. He gets into this whole thing that we are ONE - and that the arbitrary lines we draw upon reality is what causes insanity. And - it comes right from the Greeks -mainly from a misinterpretation of Aristoteles. Korzybski as well uses the word DELIBARATE...
What does Religion mean to you?

OK - If I have to say which religion I was, I would say - ‘Christian Buddhist’. Now I don’t say this because I think Christ is God, but I believe in what Christ said - was Devine. Mathew Five - If Bush and all other Christians in the World would read Matthews Five - we would have no problems. I say the Buddhists have the best way to handle the problem of sanity of all of the ancient disciplines. And you’ll find that Korzybski - and this other guy - Albert Ellis "Rational Emotive". I don’t believe in the mystical part of Buddhism - about the spirit...
From my own scientific background it is obvious that there is no God as described in the Bible. Well, there may be a God - in that point I am what you may call a pragmatic Atheist. Meaning - I don’t even want to address the question about God’s-existence, BUT - but my observation of the Universe says, that if he does exist - better if IT does exist - it doesn’t interfere.

Look what happened.

Praying to it, doing good things - doesn’t matter. Not to IT. But - lets go back to Ethics. Ethics and morals have the same root. In both of it the root means CUSTOMARY. What I’m saying is - now I have to switch a little... If you look up the word ‘good’ - the best definition is "likely to live or last". Now take Ethics, customary, take good, likely, to live or last - and you get here a picture - all ethic’s means is - these were the morals of the tribe. The tribe survived - and because they survived - they should keep the same morals. Whether or not they now apply to the changed times.

So my religion with the ethical compilation of all of it - I want good - for the human race on Earth to live and last. And anything that doesn’t go along these lines- is evil. Now, I don’t believe in absolute ‘good’ and absolute ‘evil’. The only absolute is - that there are no absolutes. The minute you start the ‘absolute’ - you start wanting to kill people and other weird things.

And what about money or cheating these ‘morals’? After all you are a rich man...

Money -You can cheat and become very wealthy. BUT -you’re still suffering. You’re still losing in the bigger picture. Because -The only thing money can do - is buy you a good feeling. That’s the best, money can do.
And morals - I have a moral code - I forgive people - but not for them - I do it for me. If I hate them - I don´t do good for my self - because hate is a painful feeling.

Being sometimes labeled as a ‚conspiracy-nut‘ - how do YOU define ‘Conspiracy Theories’?

Well, I’m just gonna use United States law: When more than two people get together and decide to make a crime...

Now, that’s clear. If we take the latest global developments - do you think there is a steering force behind it - something? In other words - how is this world functioning up to your experience?

I want to go back to the previous question. The famous fable of the boy who cried ‘wolfe’. Well, eventually he was right. Maybe all those other conspiracy theories are wrong. But this one’s right.
My research into prior events has convinced me that there have been a lot of conspiracies. The burning of Rome, the Maine battleship in Cuba, the Gulf of Tonking, Pearl Harbor...

Interesting, the US admin always has referred to the 9/11 as the "New Pearl Harbor"..

Yes, very revealing! And I told these people - which meant - that they did it. When they cut off the oil they knew the war was coming. Now - I don’t blame Bush - he’s a patsy. Look at some other US presidents, JFK for instance...
I am from Tampa, Florida. There was a man called Trafficante. On his dead bed he said: "The mob killed Kennedy". Now, that doesn’t mean no other people were involved. The CIA has a record of hiring Mafia to do hits. Remember what happened with Kennedy. He pi**ed off the CIA by not supporting the Bay of Pigs, he pi**ed off the mob, because Joe Kennedy’s father promised them a free ride, Kennedy pi**ed off the Military also because he promised not to invade Cuba...

Back to the current administration - we should not punish them – as executing any of them. But we have to stop them! Punishment does not work! Proven by B.F.Skinner the one that all the punishers used - it served just the vacation for punishers...

But back to the ‘powers to be’ and 9/11. They just cared for the money - they don’t care if someone gets killed. There is not a kind of board of directors, that sits down - like the Trilateral Commission - and they make decisions about who’s gonna live and die. I see it more as competing mobs. I call most of them mobs - they just don’t care who is dying, whether children are dying. That’s how sick they are.

It’s like these people are talking about the Illuminaties. Well, if the Illuminati really exist - we’re toast. Because we got no defense against them.

I think we do have. Knowledge and our selves. The methods may sound complicated - but they are not. It’s just necessary to push at the right time at the right place. Like in London after the 777 we have seen now. People are calling for "more police" already...

Yes knowledge for self responsibility. What is happening in America now - is - they are dumming us down. School system is designed in a way - not neccessarily deliberately - to teach you to get ‘disconnected’. Never stay on any task too long...
Just a question from my high school time: How far is Pluto from the Sun? I said some 398... The teacher said - it’s not the right answer! Its about 400... I said - but my answer is just more accurate! He replied - but your answer is not in the book. And then I showed him where it was....

An extreme example indeed! But speaking of being educated - did you know that the US$ and the Iraq war are connected and it’s all about the surviving of the US$...

First you are absolutely correct, historically, because the Dollar - the US economy - was in a tailslide before 911. The net result was the stimulation of the US economy - unfortunately money-economics and real economics are two different things. And, eventually money economics has to come back into line with real economics. And real economics is the old classic question: Guns or butter. And the people are not going to be happy with guns forever or you have to keep them in a 1984-type society. And that’s the real fear about what’s happening here. Like Machiavelli - forget love - go for fear!
But I am also Walden 3! Walden 3 is a model for a city state or a country. It has all the inputs, all the outputs in a balanced way, so become super efficient - without the capitalist media driving you to make you wanting more and more things that you can’t even use. The whole idea is that the energy-cycles are preserved, we’re trying to use the least of amount of materials by the least of amount of labor. That’s true economics.

The economics that learns the IMF - in America we call them "the International Motherfu**ers" - anybody they’ll help - those countries are poorer now than before.

Anyway, all of Walden 3 is built on real economics. Without this driving force.Fact and matter is - by all the technology and industries we do have today - NOBODY needs to work at all. But - meaningful work is necessary for the human spirit.

Capitalism? I think Capitalism is great! Starting up new ideas, - but e.g. Capitalism is a total waste for power companies - originally in the US the power companies were deregulated. They did a bad job. The government came in and regulated them- and then for 65, 70 years we had great power at lower and lower cost almost every year. Then the Republicans come in and they privatized the stuff - what happens? Power bills double. Power supplies get unreliable.

But let’s get back to the media and the school-system. They are dumming us down and are institutionalizing us. What’s happening with the media now is - you sit home - and I wanna go back now to sports - I have a rant: Sports!

That’s were grown delinquents play juvenile games for a sheer amount of money, while their ‘owners’ extort money from the tax-payers to build their collosseums.

And the media is perverting the individual. Media is promoting the size of 110%. The idea of ‘do or die’. No pain no game! And - I am happy because of what somebody else does - not WHAT I DO! i have NO control about. 44 strangers playing a game determined by other people - it can change my life! Even if we speak of a shining example - it will give you the wrong picture: You are not the winner - you are the looser! Because you are not in charge of the events - because it’s not YOU who is responsible. The point and the matter is: The people who are WATCHING are not PLAYING. It teaches them, they are vegetables, and they can do nothing. All left they can do is cheer.

What would you change in the US?

The media! The media must be governmentalized.
But wouldn’t be that again shifting your responsibilities to someone else?

The people can’t run the media!
So what about the emerging Blogger-scene?After all - you are something like "a media" too...

You are speaking of max. 10% of population. Look, they wrote about me on Rense. They called me a ‘futurist’ - because of Walden 3. Rense has a huge readership - but it´s a two-edged sword. I am often called the ‘famous American’. I don’t care what you say - just spell my name right....laughing..
Laughing...Ok, let’s have another: Will you be running for President in 2008?

Laughing...I think I will give you the long answer, OK?
In the last election I went to the state of New Hampshire to try to drum up the support to defeat Bush. Now, the state of New Hampshire is unique among all states of Americas in that. For 2,000 $ you can run for the president of the United States there. You don’t need to have any signatures, nothing. In the beginning of the month of January - their primaries are always in January - they do have these ‘Pro-Democracy-forums’ - where any candidate can come and talk.

It’s a sight show! They had the guy who started the movie "Billy Jack", they had a guy -getting up on stage - and drop trousers! And showed his rear to the audience..

A ‘real’ president...

They had a guy get on stage, who says: "We need to build a barbed wire fence across the Mexican-American border". The signs facing Mexico saying - "You will be shot if you cross the border"! -
We had a guy get up on stage speaking about his foot....

This happened! So, if you gonna say whether I may run for president - I am still alive and I can go back to the United State, and I might put up 2,000 $s just to protest the media-circus in New Hampshire. But believe me -Noone´s gonna vote for me for president...

I have NO political ambitions, I have no material ambitions, my real ambition is to try to stop these crazy people who are driving the world over the edge. Past the - as you explained it - past the KNOW-LEDGE!

Nothing I put out in Walden 3 is that unique. The only thing I am really doing is giving it a form and putting some money about it so I can get it into the media - not the mainstream of course - but get it out to the people. And while ultimately evolution teaches us that survival is OUR responsibility...

There are a lot of voices, claiming that mankind is "doomed for destruction"...

Well, this is correct - but the question is when! I’d like to delay it for a few million years...

Thank you for sharing your experiences with us all!
Far Sight 3

Pic: Jimmy Walter jun.

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FarSight3 -- Tuesday, 14 June 2005, 6:23 p.m.
FarSight3 -- Tuesday, 14 June 2005, 6:48 p.m.
FarSight3 -- Friday, 19 August 2005, 7:11 a.m.
Readers: "I LIKE THIS GUY", HADASHI: "NOT BAD"... (views: 414)
FarSight3 -- Friday, 19 August 2005, 10:53 a.m.
FarSight3 -- Wednesday, 5 October 2005, 6:27 a.m.
FarSight3 -- Wednesday, 5 October 2005, 6:56 a.m.
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FarSight3 -- Wednesday, 5 October 2005, 7:36 a.m.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 11:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here is the orginal source of the interview


Just as a word of caution MFP, the perceptions of Jimmy and the success or otherwise of the UK leg of the European tour as expressed by Jimmy in this interview is not universally shared by all of us.

To put in a nutshell

Those of us who have worked with Jimmy and helped distribute his DVDs during and after the tour are v grateful for all that Jimmy and the reopen911 team have done

That said we should not ignore the problems and issues that were encountered when working with Jimmy

We are hopeful that Jimmy will continue to support all 9/11 truth activists in the UK by continuing to make available DVDs (once the next edition is available) to local groups and network members

Given that we are hopeful to continue to work with Jimmy, I feel it is unwise to comment publicly on the article at present. Since the tour key members of this network have written to Jimmy with the aim of re-establishing cooperation between Jimmy and this network. I am happy to share the background and current state of play of our cooperation (or otherwise) with Jimmy but not in public


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