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Fri22Nov1963 - JFK Dallas assassination CIA LBJ +Chicago Mob
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 6:00 pm    Post subject: Death in Dallas Reply with quote

Death In Dallas
Morgan Reynolds — November 22, 2005
It is of paramount importance to “show the world that America is not a banana republic, where a government can be changed by conspiracy.”
—Member John J. McCloy, at the first meeting of LBJ-appointed Warren Commission

Last November marked the 42d anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy and virtually everyone in America past the 50-year-old mark remembers where he or she was that day. People were stunned. Former Canadian diplomat and assassination researcher Peter Dale Scott wrote, “[A]s a foreigner who lived through it, I could not but observe the depth and centrality of everyone’s response to the assassination of the President.” The assassination still resonates today.
The Warren Commission printed 10 million words in 26 volumes, with yawning gaps between its report and the available testimony and evidence, and there have been thousands of books written on JFK, so things are complicated but, as usual, not that complicated.
To solve a crime, detectives look at cui bono, and more specifically motive, means and opportunity. In his short time in office JFK managed to provoke a swamp full of vicious and powerful enemies. Here are the Big Eight:

• Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson, whose ambition, pride and ruthlessness were unexcelled, was going to be dumped from the ticket after three years of inside ridicule at the hands of the Kennedy crowd, and further the Billy Sol Estes and Bobby Baker scandals were about to end his powerful political career.
• The CIA hated JFK for his coitus interruptus of its (and Dick Nixon’s) all-out Bay of Pigs scheme, his crack down on assassination attempts against Castro, his hands-off-Cuba pact with the Soviets after the missile crisis and his threat to scatter the criminal CIA into a thousand pieces. JFK fired Director of Central Intelligence Allen W. Dulles [future Warren Commission member!] and cronies after the Bay of Pigs, and Dulles is suspect #1 for top supervisor of the JFK ambush. A Fort Worth Press front page photo a few days before the assassination showed Allen Dulles at the LBJ Ranch.
• J. Edgar Hoover and his FBI hated everything about the Kennedys, including their boss, RFK, attorney general of the United States, and Hoover knew that JFK planned to “retire” him after reelection in 1964.
• Texas independent oilmen like H.L. Hunt and Clint Murchison hated JFK for many reasons, especially his promise to eliminate the 27.5% oil depletion allowance, which would have raised their taxes by hundreds of millions of dollars annually.
• The Pentagon and the military industrial complex were agitated because JFK had already signed a National Security memorandum to begin a phased withdrawal of American military “advisers” from Vietnam, had rejected the Joint Chiefs proposal to stage a false-flag terrorist Operation Northwoods to provide a pretext to invade Cuba, and more generally, JFK’s drive for peace and perceived “softness” on communism.
• Wall Street and investment banking powers were threatened by JFK’s intention to terminate the Federal Reserve under his silly theory (!) that a privately-owned central bank served the interests of Wall Street and bankers, not those of America, and it had no right to issue currency under the Constitution. JFK further alienated the business community with his confrontation over price increases by big steel.
• Organized crime, which had worked with the CIA since it began as the OSS in World War II, wanted its lucrative casinos back in Havana, plus its drug-and-gun-running and money laundering profits from Cuba. The mob helped get Kennedy elected and showered him with molls to bed, and for their troubles Bobby cracked down on them. Resentment can be traced back to Joe Senior, who made his fortune running booze during Prohibition, generating plenty of underworld enemies.
• The Israeli government’s determination to go nuclear was fiercely opposed by JFK on the grounds that it would destabilize the middle east and ignite an arms race. Ben Gurion and successors believed that JFK’s resolve threatened Israel’s very existence. Prior to launching its 1981 attack on Iraq’s Osirak nuclear facility, the Israeli commander told his pilots with unusual emotion, “The alternative is our destruction.” After JFK’s demise, LBJ generously supported the Israeli war machine.
• Miscellaneous outsider groups like rednecks, Russians and Cubans, both pro- and anti-Castro, do not make my Big Eight, even though individual Cubans were involved.
Clint Murchison threw a party at his Dallas residence the night before the assassination and his guest list included H.L. Hunt, Richard Nixon, Texas Senator John Tower, John McCloy [‘head of the establishment’ and future Warren Commission member], J. Edgar Hoover, and Lyndon Johnson (pp. 109-10). They went into a private meeting and Lyin’ Lyndon came out and told Madeleine Brown, one of his mistresses, “Those damned Kennedys will not be poking fun at me after today.”
In contrast to this intense cauldron of hatred toward the charismatic Irish Catholic, all the establishment offers us about Oswald’s motive is the loose suggestion that he was a publicity-seeking, lone nut. Like most propaganda about what happened to JFK, little evidence supports the official theory. For example, upon arrest Oswald protested, “Now everybody will know who I am!” This comports with the compelling evidence that Oswald was a CIA and FBI asset.

• Key to opportunity in this case, as Air Force pilot Fletcher Prouty said, is who had “the power to call off or reduce the usual security precautions that are always in effect whenever a president travels?” Only powerful insiders, not outsiders, have this power.
• The Secret Service violated rule after rule of presidential protection, including an blatantly slow 110 degree left-hand turn from Houston onto to Elm Street, no motorcycle escorts alongside the presidential limo (instructed to stay behind the rear wheels), no shield of Secret Service agents on limo running boards, people in the streets and in open upper-story windows, the presidential limo braking during the shooting and even coming to a complete halt as shooters finished their work, secret service agents reacting slowly during and after the shooting, and so on. It was a set up, beyond reasonable doubt.
• One particularly telling fact is that the press photographers’ flat bed truck which usually traveled in front of the presidential limo was cancelled in favor of a station wagon far back in the motorcade, thwarting a major media photo and film record of the assassination.
Fall guy Oswald was in the Texas School Book Depository at the time of the assassination, so he superficially had opportunity. The trouble is that within ninety seconds of the shooting TSBD superintendent Roy Truly and Dallas policeman Marrion Baker found Oswald standing in the lunch room on the second floor calmly drinking a coke, despite (allegedly) committing the “crime of the century.” He did not have enough time to fire on the president, run to the opposite corner of the sixth floor where the weapon was discovered, hide it, race down four flights of stairs without being seen (the elevators were locked in the wrong position for descent), get a coke and show no sign of exertion or emotion. Other TSBD employees concurred that they heard no footsteps and did not see Oswald racing down the stairs for his encounter with Truly and Baker.

• The assassination required money, expert planning, coordination and skilled shooters to insure success.
• Accused clandestine services like the CIA, Mossad, and the French SDECE had money and plenty of experience in assassination. Likewise the FBI and military. The mob had it too, although the military-style triangulation that killed JFK was not their style, favoring instead up-close-and-personal techniques like garroting and 38 caliber slugs. LBJ and Texas independent oilmen were quite familiar with employing professional killers. The list of possible and self-confessed killers is long (E. Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis, Charles Harrelson, Bernard Barker, Mac Wallace, etc.) yet the key is that the professional killers depended on powerful insiders, especially in terms of supplying compensation, a patsy and the cover up that continues four decades later.
Oswald, by contrast, had military experience but was a poor marksman by all accounts. No expert marksman has ever been able to reproduce the Warren Commission script on the first attempt that the lone assassin fired three deadly shots within six seconds from behind a moving limo with a bolt-action Mannlicher-Carcano rifle. The absurdities of the Warren theory are countless, but one is that a real lone gunman on the 6th floor of the TSBD would have shot the president as his limo approached the TSBD on Houston Street rather than waiting until it turned onto Elm Street and went away from the sniper. A leafy tree obstructed half the good shots along Elm Street. Further, the rifle in the fabricated backyard photos used by the Warren Commission to link Oswald to the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle found in the TSBD is not the same weapon! And Oswald’s assassination? The conspirators could not allow Oswald to stand trial since he could easily prove his innocence and implicate insiders as well. Oswald eluded his own scheduled murder on the streets of Dallas following the assassination, so mob figure Jack Ruby was given an order he could not refuse.

The final area proving that JFK’s death was an inside job is the systematic destruction of evidence, fabricated evidence, omissions in gathering evidence and dead witnesses and potential squealers. The medical data—body, autopsy, and X-rays—were criminally tampered with and forged in the case of X-rays, primarily to hide the evidence of the frontal shots and the huge hole shot out the back of the president’s head with the attendant brain loss. He was shot in the head at least twice. The limousine was immediately sent to Michigan for a makeover, covering up the multiple shots and especially to replace the windshield with its bullet hole from the front, likely a fatal headshot. Eyewitnesses were intimidated and their testimony distorted and inverted beyond recognition. The federal government stonewalled New Orleans prosecutor Jim Garrison, governors refused to extradite witnesses and dozens of witnesses and insiders were murdered. Garrison’s chief suspect, David Ferrie, was found dead less than a week after the newspapers broke the story of Garrison’s investigation.

It is not difficult to disprove the lame lone assassin theory in favor of multiple gunmen. Try this out: Oswald could not drive a car, yet he pulled off the crime of the century without help. Then supposedly a second lone nut with no known connections to organized crime according to the Warren Commission, a complete lie, but plenty of cop connections, whacked Oswald in the cops’ stronghold because he said he wanted to prove Jews were not weak, and later that he was worried about Jackie’s health. Who makes this stuff up? We are supposed to believe that these are real motives for murdering a president and his accused assassin?
Shortly after the assassination, national polls showed that 52% doubted Oswald did it alone and this skepticism reached 90% in intervening years. The evidence is overwhelming that multiple gunmen did JFK in at the behest of powerful interests.
Why care today? Surely most of the perpetrators are dead. Yet that rogue network inside and outside the national government remains. It was never rooted out. It would sound familiar to a Roman citizen who experienced the transformation of the Roman Republic into despotic empire and then eventual dissolution to barbarism. Rome shriveled from the first city to attain perhaps 1 million people to a local trading center of about 5,000-10,000.
The network concealed in deep politics has grown more audacious since the Kennedy triumph, with individual assassination still popular (e.g., Senator Paul Wellstone) but escalating to mass murders like the Oklahoma City bombing and the World Trade Center. Do we need CNN to televise the federal government slaughtering Americans in a Tianneman-square-style massacre, more open and visible than the FBI’s massacre of women and children at Waco, before people understand the constitutional crisis? I fail to see how America’s current head-in-the-sand approach can succeed.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 8:27 am    Post subject: Fri22Nov1963 - JFK Dallas assassination CIA LBJ +Chicago Mob Reply with quote

LBJ: "Those SOBs Will Never Embarrass Me Again!"

Outside the debate of magic bullets, multiple shooters and grassy knoll theories - an astounding deposition of a deliberately planned criminal conspiracy straight from the horse's mouth

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | August 30 2006

The night before the Kennedy assassination, Lyndon Baines Johnson met with Dallas tycoons, FBI moguls and organized crime kingpins - emerging from the conference to tell his mistress Madeleine Duncan Brown that "those SOB's" would never embarrass him again. It's a jaw-dropping deposition and it's the biggest JFK smoking gun there is - despite the fact that it has received little media attention.

Before her death on June 22 2002, prolific author and lecturer Robert Gaylon Ross had the opportunity to conduct an 80 minute sit-down interview with Madeleine Duncan Brown and from that lengthy discussion the truth about exactly who was behind the assassination of JFK was exposed.

Though Brown first went public on her 21-year relationship with Johnson in the early 80's, to this day her shocking revelations about how he had told her the Kennedy's "would never embarrass me again" the night before the assassination are often ignored by the media who prefer to keep the debate focused on issues which can't definitively be proven either way (or at least can be spinned and whitewashed).

it is important to note that before her death Brown carried no hostility towards Lyndon Johnson and in fact was just as smitten with him as on the first day they met.

Brown said that the plan to kill JFK had its origins in the 1960 Democratic Convention, at which John F. Kennedy was elected as presidential candidate with Johnson as his running mate, where H.L. Hunt, an American oil tycoon, and Lyndon Johnson hatched the assassination plot.

"When they met in California Joe Kennedy, John Kennedy's father, and H.L. Hunt met met three days prior to the election - they finally cut a deal according to John Currington (an aide to H.L. Hunt) and H.L. finally agreed that Lyndon would go as the vice president....this came from the horse's mouth way back in 1960 - when H.L. came back to Dallas I was walking....with him....and he made the remark, 'we may have lost a battle but we're going to win a war,' and then the day of the assassination he said 'well, we won the war'," said Brown.

Brown said that in the immediate aftermath of the convention Hunt and Johnson mapped out a strategy to kill Kennedy.

"It was a total political crime and H.L. Hunt really controlled what actually happened to John Kennedy - he and Lyndon Johnson," said Brown.

"They had this lodge....outside of Dallas and they would meet there....he chose different people to do certain things for him and I'm sure it went on about two years prior to the assassination of John Kennedy."

In the video Brown describes the make-up and activities of the "8F group" which revolved socially and politically around Johnson and Hunt and included high rolling oil tycoons, judges and then FBI director J. Edgar Hoover.

The group included Jack Ruby, the Dallas nightclub owner who would later shoot the patsy Lee Harvey Oswald dead on November 24.

"We were playing poker at the Carousel Club and Jack Ruby came over and he said 'you know what this is?' and I looked up....he had this motorcade route....it stung me that he would be this involved in knowing where the President of the United States was....at that time in my life I thought they were untouchable," said Brown.

Brown described Ruby as the "in man" in Texas who could be trusted to arrange call girls, drugs, gambling fixes and even contract killings.

The group met for a party in Dallas hosted by Clint Murchison, another business tycoon with close links to the Genovese mafia, on November 21st 1963, the night before the assassination. Those present at the event included J. Edgar Hoover, Clyde Tolson, John J. McCloy, Jack Ruby, George Brown (of Brown and Root), numerous mafia kingpins, several newspaper and TV reporters, and Richard Nixon.

The party began to wind down at around 11 o' clock when the attendees were shocked to witness the arrival of Lyndon Johnson who had traveled from Houston. Clint Murchison immediately called a meeting.

"They all went in to this conference room.....Lyndon didn't stay that much in the meeting and when he came out....he grabbed me by the arm and he had this deep voice and he said, 'after tomorrow those S.O.B.'s will never embarrass me again - that's no threat - that's a promise.'"

Johnson was still irate when he called Madeleine Brown the morning of the assassination, telling her the Irish mafia (meaning the Kennedy family) would never embarrass him again.

Brown was in Dallas in the day of the assassination but just as the parade for Kennedy was beginning she left and began driving towards Austin, first stopping off to have a haircut. Upon entering a hair salon she saw the news that Kennedy had been shot and immediately thought to call Lou Sterrett , who was an Austin media mogul.

"I said my God what has happened Lou?"

"And he said 'well they just shot that S.O.B'"

"It was a political crime for political power," said Brown as she highlighted how people who were set to testify against Johnson for indictment proceedings, related to illegal kickbacks Johnson was receiving from agriculture programs before the assassination, were mysteriously set-up in homosexual scandals or found dead having allegedly shot themselves five times in the head.

"Had the assassination not happened the day that it did, Lyndon Johnson would have probably gone to prison - they would have gotten rid of him - he was so involved with some of this," said Brown.

Having had her own (and LBJ's illegitimate) son and nanny disappeared by Johnson's hitmen after the assassination, and upon hearing of the strange deaths of many other people connected to the events in Dealy Plaza, Brown felt that she was safer out in the light and decided to let the world hear her story.

It's a story that simply hasn't got enough attention, besides a 2003 book written by Barr McClellan, father of White House press secretary Scott McClellan. Hopefully this article and the video clip contained therein will help to bring more attention to perhaps the biggest smoking gun proving that the assassination of JFK was an inside job planned from the very top years in advance.

If they had the gall to blow the President's head off in broad daylight with the world's media watching over 40 years ago - what would stop the same lineage of criminals from carrying out 9/11?
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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 11:51 am    Post subject: E. Howard Hunt & the JFK Assassination Reply with quote


Hunt & the JFK Assassination

First hour guest, Saint John Hunt, the son of the late 'super-spy' E. Howard Hunt, discussed his father's connection to the JFK assassination. Via a tape he sent to his son (an excerpt can be heard here), E. Howard said that he was a "benchwarmer" to the "big event" (his code phrase for the JFK assassination).

LBJ had a "maniacal urge" to be President and was involved in the "coup" along with CIA operative Cord Meyer, Saint John said he learned from his father, adding that a second gunman in addition to Oswald was a Corsican sharpshooter. He also shared that in the photo of the "three tramps" at Dealy Plaza, the man in the hat greatly resembles his father. Streamlink members can hear a full show with Saint John Hunt hosted by Ian Punnett.


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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 8:30 pm    Post subject: JFK Assassination - Cuban Connection!! LOL Reply with quote

Ch. 5 broadcast a programme at 20.00 today, 'The Plot To Kill JFK - The Cuban Connection', which is utter boloney.
Far from wanting to assassinate Kennedy, Castro had put out peace feelers to JFK, which JFK was responding to (much to the chagrin of the US military); according to James Bamford in 'Body of Secrets', a letter had actually arrived from Cuba to JFK on the day he died (Kennedy had many enemies - he was trying to wind down Vietnam, effect a 'rapprochement' with Castro, and stop Israel getting the bomb).
LBJ was said in the programme to have covered up Castro's guilt, and in another place in the programme it was said to have been covered up because if it got out it would cause a war!!! (Maybe we're all imagining Northwoods).
Basically, they claim that 'lone assassin' Lee Harvey Oswald did it at Cuba's behest.
I don't know why they've chosen now to bring out this nonsense. Anyone got any ideas?

'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 9:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The NWO are getting desperate
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 9:16 pm    Post subject: Re: JFK Assassination - Cuban Connection!! LOL Reply with quote

outsider wrote:
Ch. 5 broadcast a programme at 20.00 today, 'The Plot To Kill JFK - The Cuban Connection', which is utter boloney.
Far from wanting to assassinate Kennedy, Castro had put out peace feelers to JFK, which JFK was responding to (much to the chagrin of the US military); according to James Bamford in 'Body of Secrets', a letter had actually arrived from Cuba to JFK on the day he died (Kennedy had many enemies - he was trying to wind down Vietnam, effect a 'rapprochement' with Castro, and stop Israel getting the bomb).
LBJ was said in the programme to have covered up Castro's guilt, and in another place in the programme it was said to have been covered up because if it got out it would cause a war!!! (Maybe we're all imagining Northwoods).
Basically, they claim that 'lone assassin' Lee Harvey Oswald did it at Cuba's behest.
I don't know why they've chosen now to bring out this nonsense. Anyone got any ideas?

that was the biggest load of pap i have had to watch in years and that includes eastenders!.
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Relentless Limpet Shill
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:04 pm    Post subject: Re: JFK Assassination - Cuban Connection!! LOL Reply with quote

outsider wrote:
Basically, they claim that 'lone assassin' Lee Harvey Oswald did it

Its hardly new - the Warren Report and writers such as Normain Mailer have said it before.

I have always gone for Lyndon Johnson myself.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:07 pm    Post subject: Re: JFK Assassination - Cuban Connection!! LOL Reply with quote

I don't know why they've chosen now to bring out this nonsense. Anyone got any ideas?

They're losing it on 9/11, Diana, Lockerbie, and are doing a damage limitation exercise before JFK, Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King etc get out of hand.

It didn't stack up, but I thought it was very well done as a piece of propaganda.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:47 pm    Post subject: Five is getting as bad as the BBC Reply with quote

I watched this as well and it was total garbage from start to finish. The whole thing was pure speculation. There is NO proof that Lee Harvey Oswald ever visited the embassy in Mexico in regards to trying to obtain a visa save for some extremely unreliable and dodgy eye witnesses. One of the best books I have read on JFK is by Mattew Smith and is called JFK the Second Plot. It for me offers the best background into Lee Harvey Oswald and bar a few leaps it is the best explanation of what happened in Dallas.
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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 7:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am not sure how many geezers here heard about this:



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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 9:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Andrew Johnson wrote:
I am not sure how many geezers here heard about this:


Seems to me it could well be the reason they brought out the 'Castro Done It' rubbish.

'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 8:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No, the Cuban intervention is a con trick. Cuba was not involved. The really active folks were the Italian mob, Corsican gunmen and the two US citizens, one, "Lee Harvey Oswald" (the 'patsy' who was set up to take the blame and who was probably originally, a Soviet citizen, well, one of them had to be fluent in Russian and we will never know his real identity), and the other lookalike, Lee Harvey Oswald who probably carried out all kinds of activities and roles in which that Lee, (the other one, did not participate) It's a good trick, one is set up to blame the other. In that kind of world, it happens every day!
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 9:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wokeman wrote:
No, the Cuban intervention is a con trick. Cuba was not involved. The really active folks were the Italian mob, Corsican gunmen and the two US citizens, one, "Lee Harvey Oswald" (the 'patsy' who was set up to take the blame and who was probably originally, a Soviet citizen, well, one of them had to be fluent in Russian and we will never know his real identity), and the other lookalike, Lee Harvey Oswald who probably carried out all kinds of activities and roles in which that Lee, (the other one, did not participate) It's a good trick, one is set up to blame the other. In that kind of world, it happens every day!

Have you actually watched the U Tube presentation? We already know the CIA was heavily involved; this new information rings true to me, makes perfect sense.

'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 4:36 pm    Post subject: CIA role claim in Kennedy killing Reply with quote

CIA role claim in Kennedy killing

New video and photographic evidence that puts three senior CIA operatives at the scene of Robert Kennedy's assassination has been brought to light.

The evidence was shown in a report by Shane O'Sullivan, broadcast on BBC Newsnight.

It reveals that the operatives and four unidentified associates were at the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles in the moments before and after the shooting on 5 June, 1968.

The CIA had no domestic jurisdiction and some of the officers were based in South-East Asia at the time, with no reason to be in Los Angeles.


Kennedy had just won the California Democratic primary on an anti-War ticket and was set to challenge Nixon for the White House when he was shot in a kitchen pantry.

A 24-year-old Palestinian, Sirhan Sirhan, was arrested as the lone assassin and notebooks at his house seemed to incriminate him.

However, even under hypnosis, he has never been able to remember the shooting and defence psychiatrists concluded he was in a trance at the time.

Witnesses placed Sirhan's gun several feet in front of Kennedy but the autopsy showed the fatal shot came from one inch behind.

Dr Herbert Spiegel, a world authority on hypnosis at Columbia University, believes Sirhan may have been hypnotically programmed to act as a decoy for the real assassin.


The report is the result of a three-year investigation by filmmaker Shane O'Sullivan. He reveals new video and photographs showing three senior CIA operatives at the hotel.

Three of these men have been positively identified as senior officers who worked together in 1963 at JMWAVE, the CIA's Miami base for its Secret War on Castro.

David Morales was Chief of Operations and once told friends:

"I was in Dallas when we got the son of a bitch and I was in Los Angeles when we got the little b******."

Gordon Campbell was Chief of Maritime Operations and George Joannides was Chief of Psychological Warfare Operations.

Joannides was called out of retirement in 1978 to act as the CIA liaison to the Congressional investigation into the JFK assassination. Now, we see him at the Ambassador Hotel the night a second Kennedy is assassinated.


Monday, 20 November would have been Bobby Kennedy's 81st birthday. In Los Angeles, his son Max has just broken ground on a new high-school project in memory of his father on the old Ambassador Hotel site.

Paul Schrade, a key figure behind the school project, was walking behind Robert Kennedy that night and was shot in the head. He believes this new evidence merits fresh investigation:

"It seems very strange to me that these guys would be at a Kennedy celebration. What were they doing there? And why were they there? It's our obligation as friends of Bob Kennedy to investigate this."

Ed Lopez, a former Congressional investigator who worked with Joannides in 1978, says:

"I think the key people at the CIA need to go back to anybody who might have been around back then, bring them in and interview them, and ask - is this Gordon Campbell? Is this George Joannides?"

This report was shown on Newsnight on Monday, 20 November, 2006.


I'm surprised the BBC picked this up.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 10:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The report is the result of a three-year investigation by filmmaker Shane O'Sullivan

Filmmaker? says it all.

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john peters
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 2:44 pm    Post subject: are the murders of jfk,rfk brothers connected to 911? Reply with quote

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It is amazing, that even today,certain people in power presume that they can give false information out and it would be believed by the majority of the people.It angers me that conspiracy theorists are made to look as misconceived people.
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john peters
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:15 pm    Post subject: Were Bushes behind 9/11 and all Kennedy murders? Reply with quote

texas-bush connection?

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It is amazing, that even today,certain people in power presume that they can give false information out and it would be believed by the majority of the people.It angers me that conspiracy theorists are made to look as misconceived people.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What is that exactly, excuse my ignorance.
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john peters
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 5:43 pm    Post subject: pandoras box Reply with quote

ballistic test taken ___war showing certain effects made by a certain bullet.Used illegally by snipers ____war crimes.

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john peters
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 5:54 pm    Post subject: look carefully Reply with quote

prove beyond doubt second gunmen.two different types of ammo used.
texas-bush? what to know more,major general _._._
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 6:07 pm    Post subject: BALLISTIC JFK Reply with quote


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paul wright

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 1:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi John. Surprised to see you on here bashing on about the JFK assassination and such.
I'm sure most of us would agree.
And some of us would be in support of your involvement in the D Icke operation also
Anyway, you're quite welcome of course

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john peters
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 7:00 am    Post subject: 911 - JFK RFK Reply with quote

I have found that this forum is fortunate to have members the are articulate,methodical,well researched,critical,well analytical in their postings and topics.

I wish to summarize striking similarity between 11/22/63 and of 9/11/01:
Less than fifteen minutes after the President’s assassination, the height and weight of Kennedy’s alleged killer was posted.
Before the last of the hijacked planes crashed on 9/11, the FBI told Richard Clarke that they had a list of alleged hijackers.

In both cases, it would seem that the people behind the events,are beyond reach.I believe the JFK exexcution,represents the root of both problems.I do not believe in our life time that they will admit the truth regarding 911,but the possibility of forcing the JFK issue may force the way.

With the new administration in the USA,we are entering a dangerous time.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 6:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh dear

Speculation plus old information = 2 reasons why it's not news

double posts

flattery wil get you nowhere here

john peters suspended

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Some old news I guess that proves nothing but maybe useful?

Who Killed JFK? Famous Spook Outs the Conspiracy
By Ryan Singel April 03, 2007 | 6:07:14 PMCategories: Cover-Ups, Spooks Gone Wild
E. Howard Hunt, the country's most notorious spook who later served time for his role as one of the plumbers in the bungled burglary that later toppled Richard Nixon, gave a near-deathbed confession to his long-estranged son, naming then-Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson and a handful of CIA spooks as the cabal behind the assassination of John F. Kennedy, according to a story in Rolling Stone.

That time in Miami, with Saint [his son] by his bed and disease eating away at him and him thinking he's six months away from death, E. Howard finally put pen to paper and started writing. Saint had been working toward this moment for a long while, and now it was going to happen. He got his father an A&W diet root beer, then sat down in the old man's wheelchair and waited.

E. Howard scribbled the initials "LBJ," standing for Kennedy's ambitious vice president, Lyndon Johnson. Under "LBJ," connected by a line, he wrote the name Cord Meyer. Meyer was a CIA agent whose wife had an affair with JFK; later she was murdered, a case that's never been solved. Next his father connected to Meyer's name the name Bill Harvey, another CIA agent; also connected to Meyer's name was the name David Morales, yet another CIA man and a well-known, particularly vicious black-op specialist. And then his father connected to Morales' name, with a line, the framed words "French Gunman Grassy Knoll."

So there it was, according to E. Howard Hunt. LBJ had Kennedy killed. It had long been speculated upon. But now E. Howard was saying that's the way it was. And that Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't the only shooter in Dallas. There was also, on the grassy knoll, a French gunman, presumably the Corsican Mafia assassin Lucien Sarti, who has figured prominently in other assassination theories.

The full story, which includes the lines: "They sure don't make White House bad guys the way they used to. Today you've got flabby-faced half-men like Karl Rove, with weakling names like "Scooter" Libby, blandly hacking their way through the constraints of the U.S. Constitution, while back then, in addition to Hunt, you had out-and-out thugs like G. Gordon Liddy, his Watergate co-conspirator and Nixon's dirty-tricks chief, who would hold his own hand over an open flame to prove what a real tough guy he was," is more than worth your time.

For the record, 27B clings to the single shooter, magical bullet, officially-approved story line. To believe otherwise is to tumble into ontological uncertainty, so deep and dark, as to make us never believe another government press release again. And we can't have that now, can we?

The Last Confessions of E. Howard Hunt http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/13893143/the_last_confessio ns_of_e_howard_hunt/print

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 6:28 am    Post subject: JFK and the Unspeakable Reply with quote


Thursday, July 16 2009
Oliver Stone, the relaunch of "JFK and the Unspeakable", and 9/11

from Barrie Zwicker, July 14, 2009, 911blogger.com

Canadian-born James Douglass of Birmingham, Alabama is a Christian pacifist , a 9/11Truther and author of JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters (Orbis Books).

The book rose to number 31 on Amazon's best seller list two weeks after Oliver Stone appeared on "Real Time with Bill Maher" on June 26th last holding a copy of the 2008 book, which was shown on camera. Stone said it is a "great book."

The question "why" that Douglass's book addresses in the case of JFK's assassination arguably is also the most important question concerning 9/11. Douglass recently has been added under "Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth" on http://PatriotsQuestion911.com

Douglass's book deserves wide readership. It's a tremendously well-researched work, one of the best of the 400+ books on JFK's assassination. Douglass conducted original interviews with people now able and willing to talk after decades of silence. He also drew on thousands of recently released US government documents to reveal the logic of the plot to kill Kennedy. The plot's purpose was not only to assassinate a president who was turning toward peace but also to implicate the Soviet Union and Cuba in his murder so as to justify pre-emptive attacks upon them. The parallels with 9/11 are highly educative.

Douglass's editor, Robert Ellsberg, feels the Stone endorsation is a peg upon which to "re-promote" the book. I agree and commend it thoroughly to all frequenters of 911blogger.com. For the Stone interview, go to

Part One:


Part Two:


I know James through our working together to publicize the trial in Memphis, Tennessee in 1999 to determine who assassinated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968. That trial and its outcome are little known because all the media except for Douglass and one Memphis TV reporter, Wendell Stacy (now deceased), ignored the trial. James Douglass's report on the King trial can be found in Probe magazine at http://www.ctka.net.

The Memphis trial was a civil action brought by the King family. The purpose was not money. The family sought only 100 dollars; the purpose was the truth. At the end of six weeks, after hearing 70 witnesses, a jury of six black and six white people took just 2-1/2 hours to conclude that Dr. King was murdered by a multi-layered conspiracy that included US government agencies.

In his introduction to JFK and the Unspeakable, James Douglass has described how Martin Luther King's murder awakened him to the meaning of John F. Kennedy's. Both Kennedy's and King's false flag assassinations (with Lee Harvey Oswald and James Earl Ray as the patsies) are in turn critically relevant to 9/11, especially regarding provenance, outcome and cover-up. JFK and the Unspeakable illuminates the murderous history of the 60's that laid the ground for 9/11.

Amazon link: http://www.amazon.com/JFK-Unspeakable-Why-Died-Matters/dp/1570757550/r ef...

http://www.amazon.com/review/R1506ETKP24FOW/ref=cm_cr_pr_viewpnt#R1506 ETKP24FOW

And We Are All Mortal, June 8, 2008
By Nick Anez
In James W. Douglass' outstanding new book, "JFK and the Unspeakable," the author explains the title in his introduction. Coined by spiritual writer Thomas Merton, The Unspeakable refers to "an evil whose depth and deceit seemed to go beyond the capacity of words to describe." Regarding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the Unspeakable succeeded due to deniability by the nation's citizens of the horrifying truth of the event and to plausible deniability by the government agencies responsible for the murder. (Vincent Bugliosi's recent fictional paperweight is a perfect example of the plausible deniability that allows the Unspeakable to thrive.)

Many excellent books have proven that the assassination of JFK was the result of a conspiracy. Douglass verifies the certainty of the conspiracy and, as the subtitle of the book states, explains "Why He Died and Why It Matters." He scrutinizes the historical facts surrounding the assassination, from the creation of the CIA to the gradual obliteration of the freedoms upon which this nation was founded.

This book is primarily the story of John F. Kennedy who changes from a Cold Warrior to an altruistic leader willing to risk his life to ensure that the world's children will not become victims of a nuclear catastrophe. Equal time is spent on JFK's presidency as on the assassination but one of the many rewards of this book is the author's capacity to show the relationship between his policies and his death. And the book is a tragedy because it gradually becomes obvious that each step he makes toward peace steadily increases the hatred of his enemies who will eventually betray him.

It is also the story of the designated patsy, Lee Harvey Oswald. Moved around the country like a pawn by government agencies (as was the second "Oswald"), he was being set up as the scapegoat. Enter some despicable characters, including David Atlee Philips, James Hosty and, of course, Michael and Ruth Paine. Simultaneously, the Soviet Union was being set up as the evil empire behind the assassination, along with its satellite Cuba.

Douglass credibly illustrates the origin of the Crime of the Century. During President Truman's administration, the CIA was empowered to be a paramilitary organization with unlimited powers. Truman's successor, President Eisenhower, fell out of favor with the CIA when he planned a summit meeting with Soviet Premier Khrushchev. This was cancelled after a U.S. spy plane crashed in Russia. Eisenhower had reportedly ordered such flights cancelled and had his suspicions about who had ruined his peace plan. He subsequently issued his warning about the "military industrial complex" in his farewell address. But he didn't defy "this conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry." He left that task to his successor, JFK.

The Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba was planned by the CIA to regain control of the island and to re-open the casinos for organized crime. President Kennedy refused to provide air support for the Cuban brigade because he knew that he had been lied to by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and by the CIA; the invasion had been designed to fail without U.S. support but they hadn't told this to JFK who refused to fall into their trap. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, JFK once again enraged the CIA and the Joint Chiefs by resisting their tremendous pressure on him to take military action which would have led to nuclear war.

Following that crisis, JFK became intent on ending the Cold War by establishing a peaceful relationship with the Soviet Union. However, many CIA and Pentagon personnel believed that it was better to be "dead than red" and that it was preferable to destroy civilization rather than let the Communists rule. They also knew that war generated billions of dollars into the arms industry. As a result, they would repeatedly subvert the President's policies and isolate him within his own government. Enter some more despicable characters: Richard Bissell, Charles Cabell, Henry Cabot Lodge, Lyman Lemnitzer, Curtis LeMay and perhaps the most contemptible of all, Allen Dulles. Ironically, JFK learned to trust Khrushchev more than people within his own government.

At American University on June 10, 1963, JFK spoke about his desire for world peace. He communicated his resolve to form a new relationship with Khrushchev. He spoke about the necessity of a pursuit toward disarmament. He related his intentions to establish a Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. He acknowledged his country's past faults and recognized the Russian people as wanting peace as much as the American people. "And we are all mortal," he stated. Though this extremely important speech was ignored in the United States, it was disseminated throughout the Soviet Union, per order of Khrushchev, who was prepared to respond favorably to JFK's peace initiative. The speech also certified JFK's death warrant. With so many powerful enemies opposing his policies and hating him, JFK didn't have a chance as he was being maneuvered into the crossfire in Dallas.

President Kennedy was aware of the power of his enemies and he knew the dangers facing him. But he persevered and mandated that all U.S. personnel would be withdrawn from Vietnam; he was determined to never send in combat troops even if this meant defeat. He also refused to intervene militarily in Laos. He exchanged private letters with Khrushchev, which infuriated the CIA, and secretly initiated plans to attain rapproachement with Cuba, which further incensed the Agency. Cuba's Fidel Castro, whom the CIA hated as intensely as it hated Kennedy, was equally eager to begin an American-Cuba dialogue. In fact, Castro was meeting with a JFK representative when the President was murdered. JFK died a martyr and the forces of evil that killed him also killed his vision of peace.

Lyndon Johnson, the CIA's ally, assumed the presidency. He cancelled talks with Khrushchev and refused Castro's pleas to continue the dialogue. He reversed JFK's withdrawal plan from Vietnam as well as his plan to neutralize Laos. The military industrial complex took control of the country. The policy of plausible deniability led the way to assassinations of foreign leaders, the overthrowing of foreign governments and horrors committed all over the globe. If JFK had not been murdered, we would not have had the prolongation of the Cold War, the Vietnam War, Watergate, the purported War on Terror and the steady moral deterioration of America. Interestingly, one month after JFK's assassination, President Truman wrote an article for The Washington Post cautioning about the threat of the CIA taking over America.

The author meticulously examines the evidence and draws conclusions which ring with unassailable truth: (1) The CIA coordinated and implemented he assassination of President Kennedy, an act of treason which destroyed democracy in the U.S. (2) The Warren Commission was created to propagate lies to conceal the truth from the American people. (3)There has been a continued cover-up by successive administrations and their stooges in the mass media. (4)The murder of JFK is directly related to the current domination of the American people by powerful oppressors within a shadow government that will continue to insist that only sustained war can keep the country safe from its enemies, never admitting that they themselves are the supreme evil.

This is an exceptional book that will be used by future historians to determine the truth about the assassination and how it changed America. And it will also be used to honor John F. Kennedy as a courageous president who believed in doing God's work on earth. In doing so, he came into conflict with the Unspeakable and his life was extinguished.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:33 am    Post subject: 1963, 22nd Nov - JFK assassination in Dallas Reply with quote



JFK assassination: Secret Service Standdown
Author: thetruthwillout http://www.youtube.com/user/thetruthwillout
Description: Watch as the two secret service men assigned to protect president Kennedy's motorcade are ordered to stand down just minutes before entering Dealey Plaza. They are obviously not happy about being given these orders. It brings up another question: Where was NORAD on 9/11, who was in charge and why? (View my other videos)
Date: 27 juillet 2006

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Martin Timothy

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:27 pm    Post subject: The John Kennedy assassination.. the Grassy Knoll assassins! Reply with quote

911 was not the only outrage carried out in broad daylight on American soil, the other was the killing of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in Dallas Texas, on 22 November 1963.

Coretta King appears to be looking over the shoulder of a foreground figure, in this detail below from the Moorman Polaroid taken during the assassination.

The red spot shows the location of the weapon, identified as a "Short Sam" version of an AR 15 rifle, in the super enhanced pic a la the Badgeman pic below, that has disappeared from the internet, which also positively identifies the third tramp Charles Frederick Rogers, as the gunman.

The "pinwheel" pattern is where the flash dissipated thru the flash hider at the muzzle!

This is the original pic taken that day, enhancement of the corner of the rotunda wall...

Carried out by a supercomputer, which individually scrutinized each pixel in the Moorman print...

Revealed a uniformed figure believed to be Gordon H Arnold, talking into a hand held radio to this man believed to be Lucien Sarti...

A Corsican adventurer, accomplice of the so named Umbrella Man whose raised umbrella signaled the shooters, to Arnold's left a uniformed policeman wearing glasses, thought to be Dallas Police Officer Joseph Smith, fires a shotgun, a figure wearing glasses with "Krusty the Clown" hair is to his left, while a face is visible looking over the right shoulder of another figure, thought to be deaf mute Ed Hoffman, behind him.

Cecil B De Mille is the best guess for the identity of the "Krusty" figure!

Charles Frederick Rogers a former US Navy enlisted man, who fired from behind the picket fence some meters past the corner, is pictured behind the policeman in the Three Tramps pic above, the other tramps are E Howard Hunt of Watergate fame at the back wearing a hat, positively identified by his son St John Hunt...

Around 1975 I saw a poster about who killed JFK, it had a picture of the three tramps, the guy in that picture was my dad," the taller one is Charles Harrelson, father of television actor Woody Harrelson.

Everette Howard Hunt, Jr. October 9, 1918 - January 23, 2007 was an American author and spy, he worked for the CIA and later the White House under President Richard Nixon, he along with G. Gordon Liddy and others, were the White House's "plumbers," a secret team of operatives charged with fixing "leaks".

Hunt, along with Liddy engineered the first Watergate burglary, in the ensuing Watergate Scandal, he was convicted of burglary, conspiracy, and wiretapping eventually serving 33 months in prison.

Hunt joined the CIA in 1949, and became station chief in Mexico City in 1950, he and fellow rookie officer William F Buckley Jr worked within the Mexican student movement, Buckley and Hunt remained life long friends.

There is something about William F Buckley that says, "Umbrella Man" to me!

William Frank Buckley Jr.November 24, 1925 – February 27, 2008, was an American conservative author and commentator, he founded the political magazine National Review in 1955, and hosted 1429 episodes of the television show Firing Line from 1966 until 1999, he was a nationally syndicated newspaper columnist, whose writing style was famed for its erudition, wit and use of uncommon words.

Feedback says: ...Good coverage, my understanding of Howard Hunt's deathbed confession, was that the trigger man who was on the grassy knoll was a man named James Files.. have you researched this possibility?

Reply ...I believe that the whole James Files situ is a red herring designed to distract, notwithstanding the wickedness of Files, and that Wim Dankbaar and Jim Marrs are deliberately muddying the waters with this type of material.

The JFK debate is riddled with false flag websites and sham forums, Mr Dankbaar is a polite and co operative man, despite he has banned me from participating in his on line forum at jfkmurdersolved.com.

The same cannot be said of Marrs, whose deportment at Waco Texas in 1993 during the siege of Mount Carmel, that resulted in the deaths of as many as eighty eight Branch Davidians, was reprehensible.

Vernon Howell aka David Koresh had pleaded with the Press Corps for a fair hearing, the ATF had entered shooting, and he fired back in defense of his household, Marrs led the response which was mockery and chanting!!

Update: This exposes what could be the greatest act of treachery in American history.


Martin Luther King in the Kennedy White House!

The Martin Luther Kings at President Kennedy's murder!!

Looks like neither of them wanted to miss any of the action either.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bush connection to JFK assassination (full-length video): 'JFK 2':
(Amazing links with 9/11: Bush, police putting out an immediate description of the 'Patsy' (Lee Harvey Oswald)(just as they had the '19 hijackers' tagged virtually immediately); long-term press 'co-operation' in cover-up; JFK's protection 'stood down' on all fronts:


(be sure to watch part 2 as well; it doesn't come on automatically after part 1)

'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.

Last edited by outsider on Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:09 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 7:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Evidence of Revision.

This is the best JFK based doc I've seen to date.

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