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Babylon must REALLY love David Shayler

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 1:21 pm    Post subject: Babylon must REALLY love David Shayler Reply with quote

Well - poor old Shayler has just had a full page article on him in The Independent, 28th July 2009. And which blatant False-Flag crime gets thrown into the mire with Dave's wacky ideas? Yes - it's 9/11.

Babylon must love Shayler so much; like loads. He's more of a gift to them than even that most preposterous of buffoons David Icke was. Tragically David Shayler, who's pre-breakdown work and input was superb and credible, does seem to be genuinely ill unlike Icke who's simply gullible, foolish and ridiculous. God forbid that they ever do meet up and form a double act.

There is, it seems, a niggling question which hangs over the whole Shayler affair - has he been nobbled or psy-opped in some way? The change of state from level-headed campaigner and good public speaker to Messiah/Delores is extreme to say the least.

What renegade MI5 officer David Shayler did next...

The renegade MI5 officer who blew the whistle on his former colleagues is now living in a squat, dressing as a woman, and railing against the 'Zionist empire'.

By Cahal Milmo

The Independent, Tuesday, 28 July 2009

With its trout stream, village cricket pitch and sedate tearoom, Abinger Hammer is a quintessential slice of village England. Recently, this jewel of the Surrey stockbroker belt has added a more unconventional element to its list of attractions – a 6ft transvestite squatter called Delores Kane who believes he is the Messiah and happens to be Britain's best-known renegade former spy.

A short distance from the home of the novelist E M Forster, David Shayler and his miniskirt-clad alter ego have taken up residence in a 17th-century National Trust farmhouse after a decade of spiritual contemplation which has led the one-time MI5 officer to the conclusion that he is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ and that all of humanity's ills can be cured by a four-year programme of hemp cultivation.

For the man who came to public attention in spectacular fashion 12 years ago by lifting the lid on a catalogue of dark deeds allegedly carried out in the name of Queen and Country by the intelligence services, it is a reinvention every bit as dramatic as his claims that MI6 funded Islamist fighters to assassinate Libya's Colonel Gaddafi and that MI5 failed to keep track of an IRA bombing cell – revelations that ultimately forced him into exile and earned him two spells in prison.

But as he came to the door of the salubrious squat close to Guildford dressed as Delores in a blonde wig, sheer black tights, a leopard skin skirt and a cropped top with prosthetic breasts, before explaining that the world as it is known will end of 23 December 2012, it is perhaps clear why some of his former friends are concerned that he has suffered some form of mental collapse.

Sat on a floor cushion in a fug of joss stick smoke in the sitting room of Hackhurst Farm, a 400-year-old rural idyll at the end of a country lane which he has occupied since last month with a group of eco-campaigners, the 43-year-old former spy outlined his journey from an atheist in charge of MI5's Libya desk to the stiletto-heeled messianic proclaimer of a crusade to dismantle a "Zionist empire", whose control is apparently exerted over the planet by nefarious means from vaccines to mortgages.

Far from being unwell, Mr Shayler insisted he was merely following the same instincts that persuaded him to blow the whistle on the alleged misdeeds of MI5 and MI6 in 1997 – and illegally print extracts from Spycatcher while a student – by bringing into the open unpalatable "facts" about the state of humanity.

He said: "I am absolutely well. I have not had a breakdown. My job in MI5 was to stop terrorism and violence. What I saw within the service showed that was not always the case and I had the courage to stand up and tell the difficult truths about what was going on.

"I have spent my life telling difficult truths and now I am in the same situation again. I am the latest reincarnation of the Christ and live a life of unconditional love. Suddenly my whole life makes sense. By exercising the common law right of free will, we can all break out of the system that has enslaved us, started wars and left us mired in debt."

Looking much thinner than the rotund spy who spent four months in a French prison without charge in 1998 and was then later sentenced to six months' imprisonment in Britain for breaching the Official Secrets Act, Mr Shayler is fond of expounding on the many "signs" (from biblical codes to the film The Da Vinci Code) which he says have proved him that he is the current incarnation of the Messiah – a role he says was previously performed by King Arthur, Mark Antony, Macbeth, Lawrence of Arabia and his immediate predecessor as the embodiment of Christ, Che Guevara.

Between drags on a roll-up cigarette, he explained how the engravings on the Rod of Aaron, the staff carried by Moses' older brother in the Old Testament, contained an anagram of "David Shayler, Righteous King".

Referring to the moment on 29 June 2007 when he said he realised his divinity after a premonition that he had stopped a bomb attack on a London nightclub, he said: "It was a deeply, deeply humbling experience. I felt this incredible energy, way beyond any sexual or physical experience. It was way, way beyond where I had been before.

"What do you do in those circumstances? I fell to my knees and prostrated myself. I had become the spirit of Jesus."

Some 12 years after he first revealed the details of intelligence service operations to the Mail on Sunday for £40,000 – including claims that MI5 kept files on senior Labour Party figures in the early 1990s and ignored warnings of an attack on the Israeli embassy which subsequently took place – Mr Shayler's transformation has revived suggestions that he is as much a showman as an earthly cipher for "difficult truths".

One former counter-terrorism official told The Independent: "It would not be right to form any opinion about his current state of mind. But [David Shayler] chose to go public in 1997 and he made it clear that he was going to make the most of it. I suppose the question is whether that was underpinned by some inner need for spectacle."

Whatever his motivation, the result is a bewildering mishmash of conspiracy, practicality and spirituality that wanders from the well-trodden hypothesis that 9/11 was "an inside job" to the idea that widespread planting of hemp as a source of food, drugs and building materials would provide a sustainable basis for all human life within four years.

Alongside disarming frankness about his transvestism (Delores is the manifestation of a clothes-swapping habit that dates back to his teenage years and his conviction that "Jesus is a tranny"), Mr Shayler outlines how Castrol GTX adverts are a subliminal reference to God, and Gaia, the spirit linking all life, will rise up in December 2012 and reshape the cosmos.

He is also complimentary about David Icke, the former BBC sports presenter who has gone before him in revealing himself as Jesus's reincarnation before suggesting the world is controlled by shape-shifting lizards. Mr Shayler said: "David has done some enormously important work. I see him as the John the Baptist to my Christ. I have spoken to him on the phone and suggested we meet."

Those who know the former MI5 operative, a fanatic Middlesbrough FC fan who also believes his channelling of "unconditional love" propelled his side into the 2006 Uefa Cup Final, believe he is paying the psychological price for the years of media pressure and pursuit by the authorities. Annie Machon, his former girlfriend, said: "I believe David is a good and honorable man but he has had some form of severe breakdown. I do blame the Government and the intelligence agencies for what he had become."

Psychologists warned that the espousal of unusual beliefs should not be interpreted as proof of mental illness. Simon Gelsthorpe, a clinical psychologist based in Bradford, said: "A lot of research over the last decade has looked into the occurrence in the normal population of traits that society has traditionally seen as a mental illness. Hearing voices is way more common than we had thought, as is the holding of unusual beliefs. A lot of these so-called indicators of mental illness are in fact relatively common and part of normal life."

For his part, the former spy and self-confessed user of cannabis and magic mushrooms is unapologetic in his certainty that he is now the subject of a higher calling: "I don't give a * what other people think of me. A bloke in a frock is whole lot less offensive than blowing up innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan."

Link - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/what-renegade-mi5-offic er-david-shayler-did-next-1763246.html
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 6:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

David Icke makes a lot of sense.
Your character assassination of him is a result of your own narrow vision.

With Regards to Shayler I noticed that comments posted on
The Independent's own website are very encouraging in that
people see straight through the attempt to use Shayler to discredit truthers.


http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/what-renegade-mi5-offic er-david-shayler-did-next-1763246.html
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

i agree that what david says is hard to beleive but so is everything else, so don't bad mouth things you don't know.
anything is possible including reptiles. if you cant prove it wrong don't say anything.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:55 am    Post subject: Icke In The Reptile House Reply with quote

So - Bush, Blair, The Queen, Henry Kissinger, Hillary Clinton, a whole host of business people, the corrupt Corporate Elite, most prominent politicians AND even Boxcar Willie the County & Western singer (I kid you not) are all really Reptiles who, when no-one's looking, actually (not metaphorically) change into twelve foot tall Lizards and drink Human blood? . . . OK he's probably right about Boxcar Willie but you get the point.

And all this is mixed together in the Icke pot with serious issues like 9/11 and the 21st Century Fascist takeover.

Icke is an asset to Babylon - how perfect it is for the criminals who have usurped power in the world and who pulled off 9/11 to have a character like Icke publicly and in all seriousness mixing in with the exposition of their crimes statements that "they're all Lizards".

Like I said - Shayler is tragic and genuinely ill but Icke is, from the perspective of 9/11 Truth, a disaster area on two legs.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Some people can see auras around people whilst most do not.

Dogs can hear dog whistles but humans cannot.

Follow this logic and you will understand that just because you cannot see extra terrestrial life it doesn't mean it is not on earth.

David Icke is someone who should be respected for all he says and has written.
Just look at his book sales and how quickly his seminars sell out.
Yet in the early days he was laughed at by nearly everyone.

The 'latest headlines' section on his website continually posts new information.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:44 pm    Post subject: Book sales & applause Reply with quote

amaninblack wrote:
"Just look at his book sales and how quickly his seminars sell out"

If that is a benchmark then the Bible and Hitler must really have been on to something . . . not to mention J.K. Rowling and Cliff Richard.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

He's now Babylon's creature - witting or unwitting.

There is an important ethical aspect to this about press intrusion into someone's personal mental tragedy.
Seems to me the papers are feeling their way across that particular Rubicon.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 7:08 pm    Post subject: quick cafe job... Reply with quote

loginsux wrote:
i agree that what david says is hard to beleive but so is everything else, so don't bad mouth things you don't know.
anything is possible including reptiles. if you cant prove it wrong don't say anything.

a) LOVE yer nym - says it all really ;-)
b) Amen to that message and you only have to go as far as Florida to see reptiles - from State Senate all the way to the Everglades.

Totally OT: Tony - a site you may find useful as we move into total surveillance mode (Switzerland kicking off on 1st August) - http://www.herdict.org/web/ more info at wikileaks

As for Dolores, perhaps people should just leave her alone to chill out? Be sure, she's having a laugh on all of you ;-) Maybe you should get out more often? Only takes a rave or two to see where trannies are coming from - no big deal, imo.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I dont think Shalyer gives a *!!
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Frank Freedom wrote:
Stephen wrote:
I dont think Shalyer gives a *!!

A distraction Stephen,the question now is, who is doing the "shill and dodgy poster" labelling?

Shayler might be either very clever,or a total dick I don't really know for sure.

I just dont think he's letting it bother him. It's making a big deal out of nothing. Why should 9/11 Truth movement expect him to live a certain way thats society says. Leave the guy alone. he's been in prison for telling the truth after all. How many would do that?
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Has anyone figured out the significance of the banana on the chessboard?

Simon - http://www.patriotsquestion911.com/

David Ray Griffin - 9/11: the Myth & the Reality
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 12:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Self discreditation, he has been in prison is a well known whistle blower. He probably feels it offers him some protection. Ultimately it will not.

In the allegorical storey of King Arthur, sir’s Bors, Galahad and Percival were the only ones that found the "Truth" the Holy Grail, because they were both Pure and Brave.

Where as Arthur and Lancelot fought over a Woman.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 6:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I can't see the relevance of this post

xmasdale wrote:
QuitTheirClogs wrote:
Has anyone figured out the significance of the banana on the chessboard?

I can't see the relevance of this picture, banana or no banana.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's probably one of the greatest alternative or counter occultist pictures of these times
Brimful of humour and symbolism, not least the banana on the chess board

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 12:42 am    Post subject: picture Reply with quote

It's a manipulated image of course? Like art, I might interpret what the creator means; I might get it wrong. A comment on the use of the hippie movement in the 60's to create a classic problem-solution. Hence the chess board. Banana - Velvet Underground: 60's indulgence. How does it relate to David Shayler? I won't pretend to know. Or was it just a bit of fun?
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 8:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

What about mad auntie Penelope in the background with her green cup of cocoa and her hat of bubbly grass, half-eaten fruit and tomohawk heads.

What oblique insinuations is this sinister Jessy attempting to imprint into our unwitting subconscious minds!

Just don't look at any of this stuff.

It's dangerous.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 1:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

kbo234 wrote:
What about mad auntie Penelope in the background with her green cup of cocoa and her hat of bubbly grass, half-eaten fruit and tomohawk heads.

What oblique insinuations is this sinister Jessy attempting to imprint into our unwitting subconscious minds!

Just don't look at any of this stuff.

It's dangerous.


Wise words, kbo234


29:3 Whoso loveth Wisdom maketh his father rejoice: but he that keepeth company with harlots squandereth [his] substance.
29:4 The king by judgment establisheth the land: but he that receiveth bribes overthroweth it.
29:5 A man that flattereth his neighbour spreadeth a net for his feet.
29:6 In the transgression of an evil man [there is] a snare: but the righteous doth sing and rejoice.
29:7 The righteous considereth the cause of the poor: [but] the wicked chooseth not to know [it].
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 2:22 pm    Post subject: Re: Babylon must REALLY love David Shayler Reply with quote

Wakeymedia wrote:
There is, it seems, a niggling question which hangs over the whole Shayler affair - has he been nobbled or psy-opped in some way? The change of state from level-headed campaigner and good public speaker to Messiah/Delores is extreme to say the least.

Methinks he's been icked.

> this is a crisis i knew had to come
> destroying the balance i'd kept
> turning around to the next set of lies
> wondering what will come next
[ passover / joy division ]
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 8:43 pm    Post subject: Re: Icke In The Reptile House Reply with quote

Wakeymedia wrote:
So - Bush, Blair, The Queen, Henry Kissinger, Hillary Clinton, a whole host of business people, the corrupt Corporate Elite, most prominent politicians AND even Boxcar Willie the County & Western singer (I kid you not) are all really Reptiles who, when no-one's looking, actually (not metaphorically) change into twelve foot tall Lizards and drink Human blood? . . . OK he's probably right about Boxcar Willie but you get the point.

And all this is mixed together in the Icke pot with serious issues like 9/11 and the 21st Century Fascist takeover.

Icke is an asset to Babylon - how perfect it is for the criminals who have usurped power in the world and who pulled off 9/11 to have a character like Icke publicly and in all seriousness mixing in with the exposition of their crimes statements that "they're all Lizards".

Like I said - Shayler is tragic and genuinely ill but Icke is, from the perspective of 9/11 Truth, a disaster area on two legs.

I have no time for Icke's 'lizards', but my take on them for a long time is that they were demonic manifestations.
Annie has said both David's were supplied the Amazonian mind-bending drugs by the same high-class society 'pusher'; I personally believe both were 'got at', to discredit them and their messages.
Again, imo it would be perfectly possible to'see' people tranforming into lizrds, and back again, just as drunks see elephants climbing the walls; just another form of 'DT's', which I also believe are demonically inspired.
My apologies if I offend the sensibilities of those of you who don't believe in demons.

By the way, this video clip I came across earlier may be of interest; it pretty closely follows the way I have seen things for some time:


'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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