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The London July 7th 2005 Timeline of Events

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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 8:54 am    Post subject: The London July 7th 2005 Timeline of Events Reply with quote

A pretty amazing collection of research!!!


7/7: Europe's terror scam -the final clues?
by ewing2001
August 18, 2005

The following timetable might point on the identities of the real perpetrators of 7/7 and its follow up attack on 7/21.
This abstract is based on already prepared research at team8plus.org, as presented here during the first days after the attack, which brought us attention at prisonplanet, breakfornews and wikipedia.
However they also withdraw the references after a short time.

The most important patterns of this timetable had been also presented during a workshop of Webster Tarpley and an afterhour at the DC "truthemergency" on July 23, 2005.
Please read also "conclusion".


Globalist warheads and neocon fascists, close to the real perpetrators of 9/11, decide after the "successful" outcome of the attacks, that 9/11 should also work for Europe.
The idea for an european 9/11 is born.
Instead of political targets, this time a subway is chosen, either in London or Paris.

The power brokers decide for London, heartbeat of intelligent setups.

For a success of an european 9/11, the plotters decide to test most important details in some terror drills, to be planned within the next 2 years.
They forward their secret ideas to their associated "organizers".

January 2003

Globalist plotters of the forthcoming "european 9/11" believe, that their script must also include a subtle connection with Africa, via victims and alleged suspects.
(http://www.team8plus.org/forum_viewtopic.php?9.616.0 )

Their concern is to oppose liberal members of the G8, who have different plans for africans debt situation.
For their new 'anti-african' psyOP, they develop a list (here called A-CHIP = African-Caribbean Helping Idiots-PsyOP).
scripted into this list, but unrelated to crime or any conspiracy, is also Bob Geldof and as usual, some helpful 'foot soldiers' of the religious right.

The masterminds decide to work with moles in MI5/MI6 (also founder of Mossad).
They also sit at top banking positions of G8.
Symbolically the attack will therefore be also coordinated with this summit.

For their manipulation of a new "pro"-africa/"anti" terror africa mindset, the masterminds already prepare the US nation with a new bogus support plan of Africa, carefully scripted into a speech of George Bush, using "AIDS" and "hunger" as a cover:

"... Today, on the continent of Africa, nearly 30 million people have the AIDS virus -- including 3 million children under the age 15...
... AIDS can be prevented...and to meet a severe and urgent crisis abroad, tonight I propose the Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief -- a work of mercy beyond all current international efforts to help the people of Africa..."

(http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/01/20030128-19.html )

February 2003

The final plannings and meetings for the London attacks begin officially in Leeds, London and Lahore (Pakistan).

As usual, the real perpetrators select their targets also for political reasons, to tie their alleged suspects to 'radical pakistani terror cells' in Leeds, but also Lahore, Pakistan.
The alleged pakistan connection is also constructed for political blackmailing, to ensure that the military coalition with U.S. still continues.

The script for the attack is using military codes to simplify their"arrangements":
London/Leeds/Lahore =LLL, turned upside down, is 777 (7/7, 2005).

For this "plotline" they also need some scapegoats and fall guys (also called "destraction agents").
One of them will become Mohammed Junaid Babar, a Pakistani-American computer programmer (originally from Queens, New york), already under British surveillance.

Babar was later forced to plead guilty in 2004 to supplying military equipment to an alleged al-Qaeda camp in Pakistan.
Babar is possibly a deceived double agent for CIA/ISI.
(http://www.capetimes.co.za/index.php?fSectionId=272&fArticleId=283261 4 )

After spending two and a half months with Zeeshan Siddique in Lahore, the masterminds also scripted Siddique into an alleged ringleader.
However Pakistani security officials arrest Siddique already on May 18, 3 weeks before the 7/7 attack.
(http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,22989-1726730,00.html )

April 2003

Defense Contractor Bombardier receives a £3.4 billion contract awarded by UK Metronet for 1,738 metro cars and new signalling systems for the Victoria line and the sub-surface lines.

May 13th, 2003

Motorola appoints TagMaster an application partner.
One of the first projects of Tagmaster is to supply Motorola with RFID equipment for London
Underground trains.
The reader of this divice is positioned under the train cab and the ID-tag is fitted to a bracket, mounted on the sleepers between the rails.

In April 2005, Tagmaster is also selected as RFID supplier to Madrid Metro and Bombardier, who runs a London Underground projects Division.

http://www.tagmaster.com/applications/transportation/examples.php )

July 2003

George Bush selects former Eli Lilly & Co. chief executive Randall Tobias as the coordinator for a new $15 billion program to "slow the spread of AIDS and to treat it in Africa and the Caribbean".

(http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/07/20030702-3.html )

NOTE: Bush' father was former head of Eli Lilly, after he left the CIA in 1977.
Eli Lily, not only strongly tied with the religious right, is interestingly also marketing their first recombinant-DNA product in 1982, just barely after the AIDS epidemic started.

December 2003

A report by the London Resilience, a consortium of emergency services and transport operators, reveals that the Sep 2003 london tube drill "shows flaws".

(http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/3320809.stm )

The London Resilience Forum was set up in May 2002 to lead emergency planning, led by Minister Phill Woolas.

This forum will later also plan some speeches at the Local Government Association (LGA) conference during the beginning of June 2005, with Rudoph Giuliani, as one of the keynote speakers.
(http://msnbc.msn.com/id/8669397/ )

In the following year, the LGA would reorganise their political structure.
(http://www.lga.gov.uk/About.asp?lsection=456&ccat=1021 )


Bob Kiley becomes Commissioner of Transport for London.

Kiley worked for the CIA between 1963 and 1970, then starting to work as an assistant director at the Police Foundation in Washington D.C.

During 80s he was Chairman and CEO of the New York City Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA).

It's obvious, that Kiley's function is either to coordinate, allow or tolerate moles into the Transport System who supervise and coordinate the upcoming 7/7 attacks.

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Kiley )

TfL is directed by a management board whose members are chosen for their
understanding of transport matters and appointed by Ken Livingstone, Mayor
of London, who chairs the TfL Board.

TfL’s Commissioner, Bob Kiley, and his Chief Officers are responsible and accountable for the day to day operations of TfL and the work of its
17,000 employees.
TfL manages London’s buses, London Underground, the Docklands Light Railway (DLR) and London Trams. Transport for London was formed in July 2000 and is a functional body of the Greater London Authority
(http://www.tfl.gov.uk/tfl/pdfdocs/tfl_factsheets.pdf )

April 2004

Abdul-Salaam Patel dies.
His wife is mother-in-law of one of the alleged 7/7 suspects, Mohammad Sidique Khan.
(http://www.capetimes.co.za/index.php?fSectionId=271&fArticleId=262427 8 )

The real perpetrators of 7/7 are still interested in an "african connection".
For symbolical reasons, they also choose the name Patel, which refers to the "Gujarati Patel Muslims".

Khan's mother was found in a database of Buckingham Palace, Queen Elisabeth.
She later also received an award of the Queen.
(http://www.guardian.co.uk/attackonlondon/story/0,16132,1528112,00.htm l )

However also Patel's father Ismail Patel was known as an anti-apartheid activist, who died in 1973 after he had been under house arrest for 10 years.
(http://www.news24.com/News24/World/Londonattacks/0,,2-10-1854_1738031  ,00.html )

It's easier for the real masterminds to profile people close to their environments.
Farida Patel, a well-known British teacher, was decorated by the Queen.
(http://www.tribuneindia.com/2005/20050802/main9.htm )

The real plotters however don't get their own databases straight.
On July 13, 2005, the wrong Hasina Patel and her husband, Rashid Facha, are getting arrested.

April 2, 2004

A NY Subway drill is testing more details for 7/7.

An explosion in a subway in prep for a global event,
In this exercise it refers symbolically to the GOP Convention, while 7/7 happened during G8.

"...Police officers from across the city played out terrorist scenarios yesterday, from a gas attack in a hotel room to an explosion in a subway in preparation for the Republican National Convention in August..."

(http://www.newyorkmetro.com/nymetro/news/features/n_8286/ )

The symbolism of this "hotel room" let us allow a speculation.
It's plausible, that an earlier blueprint of 7/7 also included an assassination of power broker and IASPS/PNAC Insider Benjamin Netanyahu.

This would explain, why on the morning of 7/7 he was indeed waiting "in a hotel room" for a phone call, when he was "warned" by Scotland Yard.

Only three weeks later, Netanyahu resigned from his Cabinet position, officicially to protest the pullout from Gaza, but obviously to get him now finally out of radar.

The name of this April 2004 drill is also very significant.
COBRA will later also refer to Tony Blair's emergency unit in London. A perfect cover name for important communications and plausible "protocol leaks" over the phone or other unsafe communication tools.

(http://politics.guardian.co.uk/columnist/story/0,9321,1535172,00.html  )

May 16th, 2004

Operation Transit SAFE London is testing more details for 7/7.
At the same time, a partner terror drill in New York, another "four-hour drill" is supervising logistics and PR, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and headed by NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly.

http://www.nyc.gov/html/oem/html/events/2004.05.16_transitsafe.html )

Jul 2004

Africa is forged into their first major wargames in the new century, starting in Kenya.
(http://www.army.mod.uk/rwf/news.htm )

July 2004

The UK House of Parliament is providing the real perpetrators of 7/7 with yet another profile:

"...ONE of the London suicide bombers was allowed to tour the Houses of Parliament...
...Mohammad Sidique Khan, 30, was a guest of the Labour MP Jon Trickett..., four months after he had been identified by intelligence officials as a "criminal associate"
(http://news.scotsman.com/index.cfm?id=1637032005 )

Trickett is a strong supporter of anti-terrorism laws and ID cards.

September 2004

Verint Networked Video Solution receives a contract to improve Railway Security of London Underground.
Verint Systems Inc., is headquartered in Melville, New York, but is also a subsidiary of Israel's Comverse Technology.

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news.php3?id=69208 )

October 2004

Bechtel, as partner of a joint-venture with British-based Jarvis, and Spanish-owned Amey, starts to overhaul the Tube Lines, with Mike Adams as president of Bechtel Civil.

A new Tube Lines signaling system is based on Alcatel technology used in Vancouver, Hong Kong, and Kuala Lumpur.

Jim Haynes (Bechtel) is director of rebuilding Tube Lines.
Train Systems Program Manager is Siv Bhamra, upgrading the Northern and Jubilee lines.

[] )

NOTE: Metronet is owned by Atkins, Balfour Beatty, Bombardier, EDF Energy and RWE Thames Water.

November 2004

The official "plotline" of 7/7 needs another upgrade.
Logfiles of yet another "computer specialist", Naeem Noor Khan, are helpful to script his address book contacts into other masterminds.

However also this "suspect" was closely monitored by ISI and their handlers and they secretly arrested him already in July 2004.
(http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/3541952.stm )

We therefore can assume, that he got tricked into a fake plot, maybe also under the typical cover of an "informant" for alleged terror plots, which had nothing to do with 7/7 and later put on hold.

The scripting of more profiles continues.
The only purpose is to develop a database on alleged helping hands, which will be later forwarded to associated intelligent services.

(http://www.newsline.com.pk/NewsAug2005/cover1aug2005.htm )

It's also plausible, that in the same time period, MI 6 'hires' Haroon Rashid Aswat as another alleged "informant" to set him up by scripting him later into yet another alleged masterminds of the London attacks.

~November 2004

During this time, Ira Greenberg, formerly Intelligence Division for several years, is being sent to London as intelligence officer for NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly.
(http://www.nydailynews.com/news/wn_report/story/326214p-278843c.html  )

Coordination of further details are developed.

December 2004

Business Week is describing the coming threat at the G8: The BRICs.

BRIC is a coalition of a forthcoming business alliance towards the G8: Brazil, Russia, India, and China (with close association Venezuela and South Africa).
(http://www.indiadaily.com/editorial/02-05a-05.asp&e=912 )

The author Ricardo C. Amaral suggests, that "these four countries should consider the creation and adoption of a new currency similar to the "Euro." and "name the new currency "The Global."
(http://www.brazzilmag.com/content/view/2346/49/ )

It's possible, that during 2004, brazilian 7/21 victim de Menezes was not only chosen as a secret helping hand, but also for a "political assasination", signalling Brazil a secret message.

Furthermore de Menezes' assassination, under the cover of an accident, was also orchestrated for a domestic increase of a police state.

April 4-8, 2005

More final details for 7/7 are getting tested.
Terror drill exercise "atlantic blue" includes now also "'bombs' being placed on buses and explosives left on the London underground", which is coincidentally later also the same scoop of the official plotline of 7/7.

In this drill, participants, close to the real perpetrators and masterminds of 7/7, are also testing other logistical details:
"Evacuation" and moving trains "to the safety of a platform".
(http://observer.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,6903,1525247,00.html  )

Atlantic Blue is also part of a much larger US sponsored emergency preparedness exercise labeled TOPOFF 3, which included the participation of Connecticut, New Jersey, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
An internal Virtual News Network (VNN) and news Website provides real-time reporting of the story like an actual TV network would.
An opposition force (OPFOR) within this major drill called “RED TEAM.”

Weeks before 7/7

Chatter becomes louder among intelligent inside circles, being now fully aware of a new setup by globalist warmongers, close to G8.

Ex-Saudi Intel head Prince Turki al-Faisal is one of them, as also his former agency leaders.

NOTE: al-Faisal retired from his post as intel chief one week prior 9/11 and is still connected with the insiders of London, since he became Saudi ambassador to the UK.

Saudi Intel later decides to use their 'prior knowledge' as a political 'bombshell', by claiming they passed their info to to MI5 and MI6 in time.

As a cover they will later claim, they believed to have been obtained this knowledge "from terror suspects under interrogation in the desert kingdom".

If the forwarded warning is really true or not, is not really important, because it only shows the calculated power competition of international globalist bankers.

(http://news.scotsman.com/latest.cfm?id=1741882005 )

We can assume, that now also high ranks from CIA and Mossad are fully aware of time and place of the london attacks as well.

Also, weeks before 7/7, "...fears of terror attacks have prompted FBI agents based in the U.S. Embassy in London to avoid traveling on London's popular
underground railway (or tube) system..."

(http://www.salon.com/politics/war_room/index.html?blog=/politics/war_ room/2005/07/07/fbi/index.html
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6514619/site/newsweek )

Apparently also British Police had received advanced Warnings of a terrorist attack
(http://globalresearch.ca/PrintArticle.php?articleId=657 )

May 2005

Metroline announces that Steve McAleavy is to step down as Managing Director of Metroline. Plc. Sean O’Shea becomes new director.
(http://www.metroline.co.uk/100505.html )

June 2005

The influence of strategic warmongers in Africa becomes stronger, with the only reason to control their resources.
"A major african terror exercise, named FLINTLOCK 05 takes place in Dakar, Senegal, where the U.S. and Senegalese forces along with troops from Niger, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Algeria and Tunisia will be thrown into a crisis to solve.

"Flintlock 05" is what U.S. European Command calls a "Phase Zero" exercise, meant to prevent the need for future "phases" used in the buildup to war..."

http://www.defenselink.mil/news/Jun2005/20050617_1761.html )

According to PNAC supporters Eliot Cohen, James Woolsey and Norman Podhoretz, an endgame of what they call "Ww4" (WW3 happened to be the cold war, in their eyes), has also to topple Africa, Australia and Europe at the same time.

It's important to know, that some of the final strategic countries on their target list had been Egypt and China.
While China would be psychologically weakend with either overexaggerated or orchestrated bird flu (ironically "flu" was also the result of overvaccination after WW1), future attacks have to be provoked in Egypt to fulfill the same purpose.

Plotters decide also to threaten wildcard members of the european community:
Netherlands, Germany and Italy.

June 1, 2005

Rudy Giuliani and Vice President Todd P. McDermott of Verint (who is improving Railway Security in London) are both invited to speak at the canadian Infosec conference.

McDermott once retired from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police as Officer in Charge Engineering Branch, Technical Operations.
McDermott also has been deemed an expert witness Canada wide on all aspects of electronic surveillance.

Are these meetings used as a cover to exchange some final details for a forthcoming London terror drill?

http://www.canadianinfosecsummit.com/securityEvent/bios/mcdermott.html  )

June 12th, 2005

Yet another final test drill in London's tube.
This time the exercise takes place at Tower Hill station.

(http://tfl.gov.uk/tfl/press-centre/press-releases/press-releases-cont ent.asp?prID=384 )

June 17th, 2005

The US is closing its consulate in Lagos, Nigeria because of an unspecified security threat.
Nigerian security officials said there were "telephone calls to the embassy" which warned of attacks.

(http://www.cbc.ca/story/world/national/2005/06/17/lagos-shutdown05061 7.html )

The Foreign Office in London said also Britain shut its Deputy High Commission in Lagos "as a precaution following the closure of the nearby U.S. Consulate".

http://msnbc.msn.com/id/8862171/ )

What makes this story interesting is, that forthcoming 7/7 victim Anthony Fatayi-Williams, who got killed in front of Tavistock Building, was actually from Nigeria, working for controlled demolition company AMEC (one of the customers of KINGSTAR UK, which white van was visibly seen next to the attacked london bus).

Kingstar has no office in London City.
It's at 104 Waverley Road, Plumstead, which is 11.9 miles away.

(http://www.amec.com/news/mediareleasedetails.asp?Pageid=876&MediaID=3 10 )
http://www.vanguardngr.com/articles/2002/cover/july05/12072005/f312072 005.html )

Was there any 'sensitive channel', which leaked prior knowledge from AMEC to Nigeria?

Led by top African producer Nigeria, the Gulf of Guinea already delivers about 15 percent of America’s oil supply. By 2015, that figure may swell to 25 percent, according to the U.S. National Intelligence Council, a CIA think-tank.
(http://msnbc.msn.com/id/8862171/ )

On June 21, 2005 (the day of the follow up 'attack' in London, AMEC also announced the aquisition of UK nuclear services business NNC Holdings.
Customers include the Ministry of Defence (MoD), BAE Systems and Rolls-Royce.
(http://www.forbes.com/business/feeds/afx/2005/06/30/afx2117367.html  )

During 2004, as one of the biggest profiteers from 9/11, AMEC wins major reconstruction contracts in Iraq.
During 2002, they win a seven-year Ministry Of Defence contract in Scotland and become key supplier to US Air Force Centre for Environmental Excellence.
Chief executive Sir Peter Mason is knighted.

NOTE: The pentagon wing, which was attacked on Sep11th, was freshly renovated by AMEC before 9/11. They immediately received a follow-up contract to remove the rubble, also at Ground Zero in New York.

June 26-30, 2005

A secret 'gas' test is staged at Grand Central in NYC.

The significance of this drill might refer to the controlled explosions in the London Tube on 7/7.

In this test drill, the Homeland Security released gas, officially to study how dangerous "chemicals might flow through the landmark in a terrorist attack".

Nontoxic "tracer gases" were released into the terminal between June 26-30, observed by physicists from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California..."


Here is a plausible, but still speculative scenario for the importance for this drill:

As a matter of fact, Livermore, which terror unit is called "B Division", is using an electronic hand-held device to detect radiation...

NOTE: There is a huge market for these kind of devices.
Rudy Guiliani'c company Bio ONE™ is one of the profiteers, yet another one is Northrop Grumman, which has been installing a $US175 million ($A225 million) Postal Service biohazard detection system this year.
Bio Pharmacy is one of the biggest war profiteers, especially after Sep11th.

http://www.smh.com.au/news/Technology/On-the-terror-trail/2005/01/10/1 105206038400.html

...Let's now assume, a prototype of this Autonomous Pathogen Detection System (APDS) had been installed on the tube.

With an electronic manipulation of the relays, the device was now triggered by harmless tracer gases and forced a power surge, which was later used to provoke the first evacuations in the tube and an alleged explosion, which was possibly only a gas explosion or controlled air pressure implosion. (Some reports point on an installed divice placed under the trains).

Another speculation implies that brazilian victim Jean Charles de Menezes (playing the british "Nick Berg"), as part of the real time exercise on 7/7, was tricked into this electronic deception or maybe even also installed some explosion devices.

One plausible position could have been next to the Tagmaster devices, as part of a regular "routine check".

What de Menezes or whoever installed the devices, didn't know, was that he didn't install cold, but 'hot devices'.

Let's go back into the logistics, how this APDS detector works:
"... If more than one of our APDS detect the presence of a lethal pathogen, an alarm will go off...
...This alarm will include an electrical signal that will be relayed from the devices to the headquarters..."

In this scenario, the "headquarters" had been the METROLINE, or better their CENTCOM.
Because of CENTCOM's close connection to Scotland Yard, they proceeded with regular reactions, not being aware, what's going on.

July 2005

Sir Mark Moody-Stuart, formerly chairman of Royal Dutch/Shell, is chairing the G8 Business Action for Africa summit.
In a first statement, he "believes change can only be brought about in Africa if aid is accompanied by increased enterprise on the continent".

Moody-Stuart is also Chairman of the "Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS"

(http://www.politics.co.uk/issueoftheday/sir-mark-moody-stuart-busines s-community-ready-$160953
http://www.businessfightsaids.org/site/pp.asp?c=nmK0LaP6E&b=245210 )

July 2, 2005
According to an interview of prisonplanet.com with an employee of Stagecoach, the company responsible for the attacked bus, a contractor came to inspect the CCTV on the buses at their depot.

If both interview and witness reports are true, then according to his supervisor the person spent more than 20 hours over that weekend.

The employee furthermore claims, "that person who came was not a regular contractor..
For security reasons the same few people always come to the depot to carry out work, this time it was different".

(http://www.propagandamatrix.com/articles/july2005/150705busbombing.ht m )

NOTE: One of the contractors of Stagecoach is D|Sign, which also supports the US Navy.
Did a US Navy intelligence officer imposter as security contractor for Stagecoach, to disable the CCTV system with a timing script?

July 7, 2005

At the same time, when Peter Power's blueprint for his Visor Drills is obviously exercised by another unknown unit, a simultanous NYC Subway Security Drill is testing the final logistics by the US handlers for 7/7.
They also use Peter Powers database, who "was heavily involved in the aftermath of the King's Cross fire in 1987".

In this drill, "armed officers entering the New York subway", instead of firefighters first, exactly like it later happened in London.

(http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4660939.stm )

It's possible, that Peter Power's Visor drill was scripted as a decoy, to divert from his tabletop exercise to the actual drill, performed now by someone else, still based on his blueprint, but also to distract from the NY drill and their supervisors.

Power had no chance as to reveal his knowledge in a BBC2 interview.

Here are the main reasons to use a drill as a cover for a real time controlled terror attack:

*Security stand-down:
Drills that disable any security measures in place. e.g. Vigilant Guardian, Northern Denial

To draw attention away from the actual attack location

Flooding the ether with "terror" chatter so NSA, NRO, MI5/6 or which ever agency monitors communications these days, becomes helpless

*Window Dressing:
Erroneous drills providing plausible deniability by creating the perception that drills are common place, harmless, and a good excuse for the locals to cover themselves in fake blood and guts.

*Dual track drillers:
Attacks carried out by a compartment of the participating agencies

(*thx for the definitions to Culhavoc)

The perpetrator timeline on 7/7

The following timeline from the morning of 7/7 might show, what really have happened.
Most obviously the first events had been based on a blueprint for a terror drill.

6:29 AM
According to some reports, the Northern line is "suspended between Morden and Stockwell from 06:29 due to a defective train at Balham"

7:00 AM
According to another witness, the Northern Line from Stockwell to Morden is getting closed, with tube emergency vans and police outside.

7:40 AM
According to Thameslink Customer Relations, the "Luton Train" started to run "with delays due to problems with the overheadlines in the Mill Hill Area".
(http://www.team8plus.org/forum_viewtopic.php?9.871 )

7:46 AM
Another train to King’s Cross is cancelled.

7:57 AM
Piccadilly Line is "suspended between King's Cross St Pancras and Arnos Grove from 07:57 to 08:28 due to a defective train at Caledonian Road"..."

(Sources: http://disruptive.org.uk/ )

8:00 AM
Already since Thursday, 2 days earlier, Arnos Grove was down.
Unable to enter station, sign reads "DUE TO FIRE, Piccadilly Line suspended between Arnos Grove and Kings Cross - 08:00".

8:07 AM
Bakerloo Line is "suspended between Paddington and Elephant and Castle in both directions from 08:07 due to a defective train in Piccadilly Circus"

8:17 AM
Another witness claims, that his "friend got the Piccadilly line Tube to Leicester Square ...and as he got off he was told they're shutting down the line because of a fire near King's Cross.."
The witness claimed, he sent a text message to his girlfriend at that time.
(http://letsroll911.org/ipw-web/bulletin/bb/viewtopic.php?p=75134#7513 4 )

8:20 AM
In case, the main alleged Hussain suspect arrived now at King's Cross (according to first reports), it's still too much time left to arrive at Russell Square, which is just two stops away. One more reason to believe, that timers had been used.
(http://www.tcn.co.uk/map/tube.png )

8:25 AM
According to witnesses, a fire engine parked outside Caledonian Road station.

Another information reveals, that the station was already closed "Monday to Friday until 18th July 2005 for refurbishment"

8:35 AM
At Rayners Lane, at 8:35am, the station attendant announced that the Piccadilly was experiencing delays due to a DEFECTIVE TRAIN at Caledonian Road; however a train did come in fairly soon.

Another witness, related to some of the victims, also points out, that "on the day of the bombings at least one Northern line train did not stop at Angel, and the passengers were not allowed off the train until Euston.
(http://www.lse.co.uk/ShowStory.asp?story=PN1515352H&catid=7 )

It's possible, that the logistical significance of Angel Station, was also inspired by a codename for US Air Force One.
On September 11th, 2001, facing a possible threat, George Bush told an aide, “Angel is next.”
(http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/09/11/60II/main521718.shtml )

~8:50 AM
Most obvious, a controlled power surge is forcing the following trains to halt:
Between Aldgate and Liverpool Street stations on the Circle Line; between Russell Square and King's Cross stations on the Piccadilly Line; and at Edgware Road station on the Circle Line.

Something was put on trails to make sure, that these trains stop:

"The train jumped and skidded along a bit. It felt like we had hit something."
(Train from Kings Cross to Russell Square).

"...Linda Williams, 51, from Berkshire, was on the eastbound train. "We heard a loud bang. It felt like the train had hit something. It came to a stop next to the train that had been blown apart..."

A witness reports at around the same time claims that his "train was derailed"
(http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/talking_point/4659237.stm )

Officially 21 people died at Russell Square, 7 people at Aldgate/Liverpool.

Many indications speak for a controlled power surge:

-the first indication of any disturbance was the opening of circuit breakers in the Underground, which was observed in the control room
-the first witness reported a "flash and a bang (not a big one)"
-a second witness didn't hear any explosion for "20 minutes"!

-Stephen Webb, deputy head of news at Transport for London, reported "something that might have come from a massive power surge".
Webb said that this information was passed on to early callers, including the Evening Standard.
He insisted that no professional would deliverately put out a false information

-According to other witness reports, This eye witness report would back up the power surge:
"...there was a loud, muffled bang. some "thought it was an electricity power box jumping..."

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/talking_point/4659237.stm )

8.51 AM
As revealed in a London Underground log a first call was made to police at this time.

(http://tinyurl.com/dylts )

8:56 AM
Due to a calculated delay, the Russell Square/King's Cross "blast" is reported 6 minutes after the event.
Interestingly, in the first version, this was the official time of a "second attack" at King's Cross.

9:10 AM
According to the London Underground log, Metline staff requested ambulances- but it was another seven minutes before the Met received a call specifically stating an explosion had occurred.

Tube chiefs also decided not to switch to Code Red - the immediate shutdown of the network.
Instead they called a Code Amber - telling drivers to head for the nearest station and let people out..."

The Edgware blast is reported, officially five people die.
No names of these victims had been released.

At this time, Bus No.30 arrives at Euston Road, near the junction with Gower Street, heading east.

Because of the closure of King's Cross station, the bus is now getting officially diverted as part of a controlled drill function.
The bus driver even ignores to call his office and asking someone for the way:

(http://www.portal.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/07/0 8/nbomb208.xml )

*"Ade Soji, 35, a parking attendant from Dagenham, east London, said
he had given directions to the driver of the diverted bus just before
it exploded. "The bus stopped and the driver asked me the name of the
street," Mr Soji said. "I told him Tavistock Square and he called me
over. Just as I was about to go, I heard the bus explode. *

9:41 AM
AMEC eployee Anthony Fatayi-Williams is one his way to his office and gives them a call.
Was this part of an instruction of the drill?
http://www.vanguardngr.com/articles/2002/cover/july05/12072005/f312072 005.html
http://allafrica.com/stories/200507150452.html )

Interestingly, also Fatayi-Williams is a prominent african figure.
He's the grandson of one-time Chief Justice of Nigeria, Atanda Fatayi-Williams.

(http://allafrica.com/stories/200508090661.html )

The No. 30 bus on Upper Woburn Place near Tavistock Square is destroyed by a controlled explosion.
AMEC junior executive Williams is getting killed, too.

Williams started to work for AMEC in in January 2002 for helping them to "develop business opportunities in Africa"
(http://www.amec.com/news/mediareleasedetails.asp?Pageid=876&MediaID=1 049 )

Many details speak for a controlled demolition and that the bus was standing:

-Too many passengers had been in too good condition after the explosion
-The explosion was at the rear
-The bus was at a stand still because it seems to be placed in the road without signs of an emergency stop.
-Photos reveal, bus was behind the stop.
-Not one broken window of the Tavistock building
-front of the bus still intact

-Detonation takes place close to the British Medical Association (BMA) building on Upper Woburn Place, to take care of the injured victims

-Even according to the official plotline, Hassib Hussain's rucksack (CCTV photo) would have been too big for a small explosion device.
We can assume, that he wasn't on this bus and yet another secret timer had been used.

Scotland Yard says it is dealing with a "major incident."

Almost 3 hours later, London police chief finally confirms to Reuters news agency there are "indications of explosives" at one of the blast sites.

More military codes?

Officially the internal numbers of the attacked tube trains had been 204, 216, 311

Did "311" symbolize the madrid attack?

The explosion of train 204 was one the third carriage of the train, which could be also spelled '103'.

The second official bomb exploded on the second carriage of train number 216 (='202')
The third explosion hit train number 311.
The explosion took place on the first carriage (='301')

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7_July_2005_London_bombings )

(see also http://www.infotransport.co.uk/trains/operator/7 )

The perpetrator group system

Here is a possible hierarchie of involved persons, either participating as active or passive participants of the 7/7 drill, including their active or passive "supervisors":

GROUP 1 ("Toys")
Toys are participants, who are not aware, that they're participating in a drill or the follow up-"logistics".

Trent Morgan ("Surviving Victim aka Jessica Lynch effect").
Morgan has the PR function. He survived a Bali attack and will now also "survive" the London attacks and reporting to the tabloids.
One has to find out, if he was tricked into a vacation in London at the very same time.

Jamie Gordon ("Cell Phone")
Victim Gordon was scripted into a subtle deception of tabloid readers. His cell phone was found, which let the readers come to the wrong conclusion, that this could have been the triggering device of one of the suspects, instead from a victim.
In reality, no cell phone ever was found and linked to the alleged suspects.
(http://www.itv.com/news/index_2062437.html )

GROUP 2 ("Teamsters")
Teamsters are participants, who are aware, that they're participating in a terror drill, no matter of the real outcome.

George Psaradakis ("Bus driver")
Originally Psarabakis, who has worked at the bus company Stagecoach’s Hackney depot for eight years, was "meant to be on another bus route but swapped with a colleague at the last minute to the No 30".

(http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,22989-1687566,00.html )

It's plausible that Psaradakis was deceived into a cover terror exercise and later found out about it.
That would explain, why he later was put under police protection "at a secret location".

(http://www.ekathimerini.com/4dcgi/_w_articles_politics_100019_12/07/2 005_58512 )

A Driver is only allowed to divert from line of route under specific instructions for either (a) a Controller (usually at the Garage), or (b) the overall control for London, called CentreCom.
The automatic AVL system (also introduced early July 2005 in Jamaica) is not reliable enough to pinpoint a bus - with certainty - in a short space of time.
Therefore british undercover police MUST have been tailing that bus.
That is the only realistic way they could have singled it out and diverted it.

In case Psaradaki was not aware of participating in a drill, he also might have wondered, why the CCTV system on his bus did not work.
(http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/tm_objectid=15717499%26method=full%26sit eid=94762%26headline=exclusive
%2d%2d58%2d%2dthe%2dhunt-name_page.html )
Since late July 2005, Psaradakis wasn't mentioned in the media anymore.
Expect a promotion of 'any kind'.

Richard Jones ("Witness")
Alleged Witness and Computer Consultant, who was wrong on some details of the alleged suspects.

GROUP 3 ("Consultors")
Consultors are coordinators, advisers and supervisors of the drills, not necessarily aware of the real outcome of a drill.

Among possible participants of this group could have been:

1) Peter Power
The exact role of Peter Power (Visor Consultants) has yet to be developed.
It's possible, that his inside knowledge on the london subway had been used to develop a 'blue print' for the attack, under the cover of a terror 'exercise'.

Peter has a senior Scotland Yard background which includes setting up the multi agency operational management structure at the Kings Cross fire in 1987.
He is also a regular panelist and contributor to many UK magazines on Crisis Management (CM) and Disaster Recovery.

Power stated in a BBC2 interview, that "at half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning...
...we planned this for a company and for obvious reasons I don't want to reveal their name..."

2) Richard Sheirer
Sheirer is member of Guiliani and Partners and met Power on earlier emergency conferences.
His experience would suggest an adisor role in terror exercises.
Sheirer was also Commissioner of New York City’s Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM).
For the morning of Sep12th, 2001, he was actually involved in the logistics for the bio terror drill "triPOD".
(http://www.senate.gov/~gov_affairs/121101sheirer.htm )

The OEM also drilled "building collapses" and "plane crashes" prior 9/11, as confirmed by former NYPD Commissioner Bernhard Kerik, at a May 2004 testimony for the 9/11 panel.

NOTE: Only a few days after TEAM8+ mentioned Sheirer's associations with Peter Power, his name is getting removed from a forthcoming disaster event with Power.
(http://tinyurl.com/9hs6g )

3, 4) Rudy Guiliani, Bob Kiley

On 7/7 Rudy Giuliani was in London nearby the attacks, coming from a conference in Yorkshire, 200 miles away.

Coincidentally, Yorkshire is the same city, where U.K. police are searching for six suspect addresses and soldiers carry out a controlled explosion.

(http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000087&sid=a6m7bcf39GTk&refe r=top_world_news
http://www.yorkshiretoday.co.uk/ViewArticle2.aspx?SectionID=55&Article ID=1077572 )

Giuliani's reason for the visit in London has yet to be established.

(http://observer.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,6903,1525446,00.html  )

Giuliani is also a supporter of ex-CIA Bob Kiley, since at least March 2001

Interestingly Giuliani also shared the same Great Eastern hotel with former Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, near the Liverpool Street subway station.

5, 6, 7) Ira Greenberg, Ray Kelly, David Cohen
On the morning of 7/7, intelligence officer Ira Greenberg, Ray Kelly's contact in Scotland Yard, is on the subway on his way to work when the attack occurs.

Greenberg claims, his train was evacuated, and he walked to Scotland Yard.
Shortly after the blast, which officially occurred at 3:51 AM New York time, Greenberg was on the phone with Intelligence Commissioner David Cohen.

David Cohen was named deputy commissioner of intelligence January 27, 2002.
Cohen was with the CIA for 35 years.

(http://www.yorkshiretoday.co.uk/ViewArticle2.aspx?SectionID=55&Articl eID=1077572 )

Pasquale J. D'Amuro
In case, Giuliani was involved as an advisor of the drills, one should also examine the possible involvements of other executives from Giuliani Security & Safety LLC, a division of Giuliani Partners LLC.
One of them, Pasquale J. D'Amuro has valuable experience.

D'Amuro was appointed Inspector in Charge of the FBI's investigation of the Sep11th attacks.
He also was involved in the investigations of the 1998 bombings of the American Embassies in East Africa and the 2000 attack on the USS Cole in Yemen, as well as the latter stages of the investigations of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the Manila Air plot, and the crash of TWA Flight 800.

(http://www.giulianipartners.com/damuro.aspx )

9) Tim McLarthy III
In May 2002, Giuliani Partners LLC announced that Giuliani has agreed to chair the board of advisors of Leeds Weld Equity Partners IV, L.P., the largest private equity fund in the United States.

More interesting is, who else is on that board:
Thomas F. McLarty, III, Vice Chairman of Kissinger McLarty Associates.
Here we have an interesting association to one of the biggest plotters of staged terrorism:
Henry Kissinger.

"...Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence...
...The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government..."
Henry Kissinger, May 21, 1992

10) Efraim Halevi

Former Ex-Mossad Chief Efraim Halevi called immediataly for 'World War' after the london attack.
(http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article9410.htm )

In an interesting slip, Halevi also remarked, that all bombs went off simultaneously,
though London police did not confirm this for days.
Also, he mentioned a "near-perfect execution".

Which execution was he talking about? Was that another hint on Netanyahu?
Did he have some kind of advanced knowledge?
Was he part of an advisory team?

11) Phil Swann, Tavistock Institute
Tavistock was founded in 1922 by the British military to wage psychological warfare.
The Institute engages in research and consultancy work in the social sciences and applied psychology for the European Union, several British government departments, and private clients.
During WWII, many of the Tavistock's professional staff joining the armed services as psychiatric specialists.
Today, the Tavistock's trauma unit offers a training workshop in the understanding of trauma, and has been called upon to help in national and international disasters.

The attack on the 7/7-bus occured in front of Tavistock institute.
The location could have been inspired as an inside joke by themselves, also to control the outcome.

NOTE: R. D. Laing is one of the prominent psychiatrists who was associated with the Institute. Laing, who also served in the British Army Psychiatric Unit, became well known, and highly controversial, for his experimentation with LSD and his views on schizophrenia. Laing suggested that schizophrenia was a way of experiencing the world, not a disease.

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tavistock_Institute )

12) Michel Boussard
Michel Boussard is Chief Executive Officer of Interxion.
As a leading provider of carrier-neutral data centers, Interxion was in charge of a main hub of London's CCTV system on the streets.
Interxion was established in 1998 in The Netherlands and has raised more than 300 million from major international investors, including Baker Capital, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley.

[www.interxion.com] )

12) Sir John Chisholm
Chisholm is Chief Executive of QinetiQ.
In 1991, Sir John was asked to bring together the UK Defence Research Establishments to form one new organisation which was to become DERA. Sir John guided the organisation through its launch into the commercial world as QinetiQ plc in July 2001. Knighted in 1999.

QinetiQ is testing scanning technology for the british tube system.

On July 10th, 2005, they received a contract to creat "computer simulations to show the precise location of where the bombs were planted and direction of the blast."
Did QinetiQ already develop simulations on the tube prior 7/7?

http://www.qinetiq.com/ )

GROUP 4 ("Plot Manager")
Plot Managers are super coordinators, who decide, which participants had to be included in Groups 1-3. Logically their numbers are small.
They also organize "spinmasters" and "PR coordinators" for the media.

Possible suspects:

Few blackOPs within MI5/MI6 ("intel advice"), Porton Down ("explosives") and Bechtel ("Transport logistics").
Also, interesting to know, that since 1988, Halliburton KBR has been enhancing the safety and security of the London Underground.
(http://www.halliburton.com/kbr/govServ/UK/integratedSecuritySolutions .jsp?printMe )

GROUP 5 ("Masterminds")
Masterminds are coordinating both "plotline" and actual false-flag operation.
As described in the introduction, they must have been military-, intel and G8 connected.

July 21, 2005

More parts of the official plotline meanwhile are breaking apart.

A photograph of a passport purporting to show alleged bomber Hasib Hussain was in fact that of a 16-year-old British boy with the same name.

Pakistan's Federal Immigration Agency (FIA) claimed that Hasib Hussain, carrying a British passport number, arrived in the port city of Karachi from Riyadh in Saudi Arabia on 15 July 2004.

(http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A//news.bbc.co.u k/1/hi/world/south_asia/470442
7.stm&ei=HhABQ9GwC5yk-gHdueTaDg )

Other significant details of the official plotline, which broke apart, are carefully analysed by Team8+ member John Doe II.

There are flaws in claims on timeline, explosives, timing device, suicidal hipothesis and alleged masterminds.

(http://www.team8plus.org/forum_viewtopic.php?9.435 )

The flaws within the official version were obviously expected by the real perpetrators, who had a backup plan on hold. A follow-up attack to cover critical questions.

A slip of ex-CIA Vincent Cannistraro, reveals this plan accidentally right after 7/7, when he speaks of 6 planted bombs, instead of only 4.

(http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,,1523819,00.html )

Metropolitan Police Ian Blair seemed to confirm this too, when he speaks of “six events”:

"...He says he believes the six affected areas are Edgware Road, King's Cross, Liverpool Street, Russell Square, Aldgate East and Moorgate, but says it is "still a confusing situation".”
(http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4659331.stm )

On 7/21, new attacks occur at Warren Street, Oval and Shepherds Bush subway stations and at a double-decker bus in east London.

August 14, 2005

The final pieces of the official terror story are breaking apart.
Now both 'terror teams' from 07/07 and 07/21 are not linked together anymore and TEAM 1 turned back into a suicide team, although this version already was denied in between.

(http://www.sundaymirror.co.uk/news/tm_objectid=15855173&method=full&s iteid=106694&headline=7-7--21-
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4694069.stm#week6 )

The question remained, if TEAM 1 organised some explosives, let's call them TYPE ABC, why is british police not able to identify "ABC" but changed the story 6-8 times until it reaches XYZ?


7/7, like 9/11, was yet another false flag operation, organized by private intel-military contractors and allowed and orchestrated by higher ups from british intelligence, -government puppets and their related global intel- and bank circles.

The author of this 'conclusion' is aware, that the described scenario above is also based on some speculations, however the author is not interested to distract from particular suspects, which hadn't been mentioned so far. Any individual or technical input is appreciated.

The author is NOT interested in symbolisation, vague generalizations or puppet ideologies
(Zionists, "Illuminati", Sharon or Blair 'did it'), but hints on individual helping hands.

The author also thinks, that any kind of research is useless and meaningless without any political- oractivist input and progressive input.
Experience over the last 3- 4 years however showed, that intense wannabee educationalism or "political correctness" among 'activists' blocked an effective process of research, also often described as "gatekeeping".

This was also one of the reasons, why the author retired in january 2005 from 9/11 research and -activism and turned his weekly blog 911skeptics.blogspot.com and the daily news portal inn.globalfreepress.com into archive status only and left INN World Report.

7/7 however was an opportunity to prove how easy a false flag operation can be debunked and how easy it also breaks apart by itself.
Unfortunately the majority of the 9/11 'truth' movement did not see this chance and unsurprisingly also 911truth.org did ignore the opportunity completely on their website.

My hope is therefore at excellent new british 9/11 researchers, especially from London, who recently achieved also fresh support by Jimmy Walter and a 3 page article in Daily Mail.
Without their help, also many details of this conclusion wouldn't have been established so fast.

9/11 research, is usually manipulated by gatekeepers, saboteurs, infiltrators and ignorants.
Often also using fake excuses, they're unable to analyse technical expertise and ironically are more impressed by articles including sensational 'insider sources'.

It's pretty clear to me, that a forthcoming world war (as mentioned above) within the next 20 months (i.e. a fake Taiwanese Al Quaeda cell attacks China with 'weaponised flu') and increased fascism cannot be stopped by "research" only.

Whether these articles are based on a 'political correct' context, precise sources, slippery or disinfo, doesn't matter anymore.

The responsibility is therefore in the hand of those "activists" to also oppose self-appointed fake opposition leaders, who are working into the hand of the very same warmongers and bogus war on terror approachers.

Activists have not only to oppose the warmongers and fascists, but also their controlled opposition, i.e. cointel-pro stylish 911truth.org (David Kubiak/Russ George connection and many other disturbing background details), disillusionalists like Fintan Dunne, fearmongers like Alex Jones/GLC, sensationalists like Heneghan/Webb, psyOP fronts like oilempire.us, insider con artists like Karl Schwarz or Mike Ruppert, but basically everyone who denies psychological and visual deception within our society, which had been the framework for 9/11.

As long as these issues are not clearly addressed, any kind of 9/11 research remains just "popcorn" research.

The US mainstream media is already trimmed for any controlled opposition and fake debates.
Part of the original script for 9/11, was to keep the media under control from military interest groups.

In 1995, defense contractor Westinghouse Electric Corporation acquires CBS.

In 1996, the year of the establishment of PNAC, TBS, as biggest part of the Turner Entertainment holding company (CNN), is sold to Time Warner.
In the same year, Rupert Murdoch, already controlling a majority of newspapers, he established the FOX News Channel.
Also in the same year, defense contractor General Electric and Microsoft launch MSNBC and Disney Company acquired Capital Cities/ABC TV.

Finally, in 2000, the marriage between "old" media Time Warner and "new" media AOL, made sure to control more media contents.

Meanwhile, every so called alternative media is controlled by conservative think tanks as well, among them Ford Foundation (member Afsaneh M. Beschloss works for Carlyle Asset Management Group, also Alain J. P. Belda is chairman of war industry think tank Rand Corporatio).

Ford Foundation once also was criticized by Binghamton University professor James Petras for alleged links with the CIA.

Chevron Texaco has sponsored PBS, the list of other war- or oil related industry sponsoring alternative media, is endless.

But supporters of "alternative media" are still closing their eyes, to continue their own self-constructed deceptions and to hide behind false hope campaigns.

Here are "77 questions" reg. official plotline and inconsistencies of 7/7

Here are other key questions, which might point on the real perpetrators of 7/7 AND 7/21:

Who gave the official order to divert George Paradakis bus?
What was the name of the company who hired Visor for a terror drill exercise?
Who was able to obtain copies of Peter Power's blueprint for this drill?
Who arranged to shut down some stations beginning at 6:00 AM in the morning?
Who is supervising the archives of the CCTV cameras within the tube?
What was the official reason for Rudy Giuliani's visit in London on 7/7?
What was the official reason for KINGSTAR UK having been in the attacked area?
Who drove their van?

Which company is Richard Jones really working for?

Where was Bob Kiley on the morning of 7/7?
Who tipped of Scotland Yard on Curtis House, in Bounds Green, North London?
Why did Scotland Yard do not foward their warning to Benjamin Netanyahu also to the british public?
Who told them not to do so?

(*thx to Ron Winn, Culhavoc, Greg Nixon, Webster Tarpley, Team8+, and many UK-/London researchers )


Ask the Tough Questions, Folks!
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

Joined: 27 Jul 2005
Posts: 881
Location: Woking, Surrey, UK

PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 3:40 pm    Post subject: The London July 7th 2005 Timeline of Events Reply with quote

An introduction to the many and varied reports of what happened on July 7th. This is working document with regular updates.

Prior to July 7th
11 September 2001
The Mayor of New York, Rudolph Giuliani, was organising a ‘terror drill’ called Tripod II at New York’s Pier 92. It was modelled on a biochemical attack upon New York citizens, and was scheduled for the two days of the 11th and 12th September. As the events of 9/11 unfolded, Giuliani found himself well able to co-ordinate rescue events from that pier, because ‘the equipment was already there’ for establishing a command centre. His terror drill had mysteriously synchronised with the real thing (1). In the weeks following, Giuliani ordered that all the steel wreckage of the twin towers be swiftly removed, without allowing experts to analyse it, as would have given an indication of how the towers had fallen; and he further gave the order that any photography around ‘ground zero’ was illegal.
6 May 2004
A BBC Panorama program depicted a fictional terrorist attack involving four simultaneous suicide bombs: three trains on the London Underground were blown up between 8-9 am, and one more happened on a large street-vehicle an hour or so later, in central London. The Home Secretary concluded (in the program) that this attack ‘bears all the hallmarks of Al-Qaeda’. The programme featured the Managing Director of ‘Visor Consultants,’ Peter Power, as an advisor and commentator throughout (2).
4-8 April 2005
The anti-terror drill ‘Exercise Atlantic Blue’ (UK-US-Canada) played out terrorist attacks on UK transport networks that coincided with a major international summit. It aimed to ascertain ‘how safe London Transport systems were from attack’ and included bombs being placed on buses and also explosives left on the London Underground. Over two thousand UK personell were involved in planning and delivery of the exercise (3). It was a ‘command post’ exercise, which meant that it worked on a strategic rather than an operational level and did not involve live action on the ground. Its command centre was located at Hendon, on the Northern line. The concurrent American exercise, which involved several times more personell and did involve live action on the ground, was codenamed TOPOFF 3.
2-4 July 2005
Live 8 happens: At ten venues in four continents, rock musicians played for free. They called for a ‘historic breakthrough’ in cancelling of Africa’s debt at the forthcoming G8 summit.
4th July 2005
The British government announce a ‘significant’ withdrawal of UK troops from Iraq over the next 18 months. Ministers from France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK met up in France to promote the agenda of electronic national ID cards; also, they agreed to step up the anti-terrorist struggle: 4-6th July (4).
6th July 2005
London awarded 2012 Olympics, leading to a mood of national jubilation G8 summit begins in Scotland, President Bush arrives at 3 pm. Mayor Giuliani, over from New York, spoke to UK councillors in Harrogate, Yorkshire, at a Local Government Association conference. He praised the ‘war on terror’ being conducted by Bush and Blair and the importance of taking a tough stance on the matter. He then travelled down to London that evening, staying at a hotel at Liverpool Street near where the Aldgate tube bomb went off. The purpose of his visit remained undisclosed.

The Day of July 7th
The Northern line was "suspended between Morden and Stockwell from 06:29 due to a defective train at Balham" (According to Transport For London) [Source]
A Northern Line train stops in tunnel for 15 mins between Tooting Bec and Balham. Passengers finally have to disembark at Balham (exiting via driver’s carriage at front of train) and see many firemen around, scrutinising the bottom of another train already at the station. (5)
The Piccadilly Line was "suspended between King's Cross St Pancras and Arnos Grove from 07:57 to 08:28 due to a defective train at Caledonian Road." Reports of a fire at the station exist and fire engines were reported outside Caledonian Road station. [Source]
Bakerloo Line was "suspended between Paddington and Elephant and Castle in both directions from 08:07 due to a defective train in Piccadilly Circus." [Source]
A fire engine parks outside Caledonian Road station.
It is claimed the four alleged suicide bombers were recorded on CCTV at King’s Cross station at 8.26 or (later on) 'about 08:30'. None these pictures have never been made public.
A notice at Arnos Grove Underground states, "Due to fire, Piccadilly Line suspended between Arnos Grove and Kings Cross".
The Eastbound Circle line train No. 204 leaves King's Cross.
The Westbound Circle line train No. 216 leaves King's Cross.
Mossad office in London was alerted to a pending terror strike, 6 minutes before the first explosion (8). Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (who had been calling for war with Iran) happened to be staying in a hotel close to one of the bomb blasts, for a Deutsche Bank and Tel Aviv Stock Exchange conference. Sometime between 8:43am and 9:15am he was warned not to go out due to a possible terrorist attack. He (and the Israeli Embassy) originally said that it was Scotland Yard who called in the warning, but they later denied this. London’s Mossad office has not clarified from whom they received this warning (9).
The Westbound Piccadilly Line train No. 311 leaves King's Cross.
Explosions occur almost simultaneously on three London Underground trains: between Aldgate and Liverpool Street stations on the Circle Line, between Russell Square and King's Cross stations on the Piccadilly Line, and at Edgware Road station on the Circle Line. Originally police thought only the Aldgate/Liverpool Street train was hit at about this time. The Russell Square/King's Cross blast was first reported at 8:56, and the Edgware Road blast at 9:17. They went off within a period of some 50 seconds. It is possible that two Piccadilly line trains exploded, with wounded passengers streaming out from King’s Cross and Russell Square. The cause of these events somewhat resembled a power-surge event. Let’s quote Bruce Lait, survivor of the Aldgate blast, speaking from his hospital bed: "We'd been on there for a minute at most and then something happened. It was like a huge electricity surge which knocked us out and burst our eardrums. I can still hear that sound now". Later, a policeman said to him, 'Mind that hole, that's where the bomb was' and Lait recalled, ‘The metal was pushed upwards as if the bomb was underneath the train’ (reported in Cambridge News). That does sound like a bomb planted underneath the train, however all sorts of electrical parts of the trains were also blown out and frazzled.
Rudolph Giuliani, who was mayor of New York City at the time of the 9/11 attacks, was staying at the Great Eastern hotel, close to Liverpool Street station, when the bombs went off. That was where a Tel Aviv Stock Exchange conference was due to begin, with Israel's Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as keynote speaker. Earlier, as Israel’s Prime Minister back in 1996, Netanyahu had been officially welcomed to New York City by Giuliani. After quitting as Mayor of New York, Giuliani had set up the firm ‘Giuliani Security and Safety,’ and this specialized in "mock terror drills" and "emergency preparedness," just like Peter Power’s ‘Visor Consultants.’ The two companies enjoyed business contacts in these areas (10). After being told of the blasts, Giuliani went back to his hotel, to finish his breakfast.
A suspicious-looking CCTV image that allegedly shows Hasib Hussain entering the main concourse from Kings Cross Boots’ chemist at 9.00am (there is no time stamp on the picture, no shadows, no feet are shown). At Marble Arch, a No. 30 bus turned around and started its return route. It arrived at Euston bus station at 09:35, where crowds of people had been evacuated from the tube and were boarding buses. This bus and no other then followed a diversion from its normal route, supposedly because of road closures in the Kings Cross area resulting from the earlier tube bombings, and it visited Tavistock Square.
According to Martin Flaherty, London Ambulance Director of Operations, this is when the first ambulance call-out to Russell Square was received: "Our first call for Russell Square was at 0918hrs and the first resources were on scene at 0930 and 0931, followed by the first manager at 0938. These were then followed by several more managers at 1004. It is clear, however, that sufficient numbers of ambulances to clear all the casualties were not in place until after 11am."
The first reports: “British Transport Police say the incident was possibly caused by a collision between two trains, a power cut or a power cable exploding. Police report "walking wounded" (11). Not until after the bus explosion did reports of bombs on the underground start to appear. Camden police arriving at Russell Square found the injured lying on the platform and ‘the train itself was obliterated,’ according to PC Phillippa Mason (12).
Visor Consultants were in the process of holding a ‘terror drill’ focussed on the London Underground. Peter Power, Managing Director of Visor Consultants revealed later that day on BBC Radio Five Live and again on the ITV ten o'clock news. The following quote is from the first interview:
POWER: At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now.

HOST: To get this quite straight, you were running an exercise to see how you would cope with this and it happened while you were running the exercise?

POWER: Precisely, and it was about half past nine this morning, we planned this for a company and for obvious reasons I don't want to reveal their name but they're listening and they'll know it. And we had a room full of crisis managers for the first time they'd met and so within five minutes we made a pretty rapid decision that this is the real one and so we went through the correct drills of activating crisis management procedures to jump from slow time to quick time thinking and so on. (13)

Police say power surge incidents have occurred on Aldgate, Edgware Road, King's Cross, Old Street and Russell Square stations.
The diverted No. 30 bus stopped - not at a bus stop, but in front of Tavistock House. It did this, so that the driver could ask a couple of parking wardens where he was. Ade Soji, 35, a parking attendant from Dagenham, East London, said he had given directions to the driver of the diverted bus just before it exploded. "The bus stopped and the driver asked me the name of the street," Mr Soji said. "I told him Tavistock Square and he called me over. Just as I was about to go, I heard the bus explode.”
A bomb tears the roof off of a diverted number 30 bus, at the junction of Woburn Square and Tavistock Place, splattering blood over the frontage of the British Medical Association’s front door. A ‘van belonging to Kingstar van is photographed near the rear of the bus (Kingstar is a firm specialing in controlled demolition), while top floor passengers are standing about, looking rather unharmed. On the side of the bus, the remains of an advert for The Descent, a horror film that was to be released the following day, proclaims: 'Outright Terror! Bold and Brilliant'.

The bus explosion also happened to occur right in front of the headquarters of two Israeli-based security firms, Fortress GB and ICTS UK Ltd, both based in Tavistock House, and having Underground-line security contracts (14). Also not terribly far away in Tavistock Square are the the British Transport Police headquarters. The BTP had three officers driving behind the bus when it exploded - the first officers on the scene (15).

Alongside the bus when it exploded is a van belong to a company called Kingstar who provide, to quote from their website, ‘Demolition in areas where minimal disruption and minimal noise requirements are paramount.’
The number 30 bus driver George Paradakis says he helped wounded people after the blast, and he is then said to have walked West for seven miles in one hour (fast walker?) and “and sought help only once he reached the Central Middlesex Hospital in Acton, West London, at about 10.50am” (16).

On 17 February 2006, PC Walker (Camden branch) described how he became suspicious of a ‘microwave box’ on the lower deck of the exploded 30 bus (17).

According to his report the bomb squad was called and a second, controlled, explosion was conducted This seems to confirm the stories of a Richmal Oates-Whitehead, a New Zealand born lady that worked for the British Medical Journal, also based in Tavistock Square.
Scotland Yard says it is dealing with a "major incident."
Witness Christina Lawrence, who was on a train leaving King's Cross, tells BBC: "There was a loud bang in the tunnel and the train just stopped and all of a sudden it was filled with black, gassy smoke and we couldn't breathe."
Report of a bus ripped apart in an explosion in central London. This is the first real sign of a ‘terrorist attack’.
Metropolitan police issue the following press release: "At approx 08:50 on 7.7.05 we were called to Aldgate LT station to assist the City of London police and British Transport Police regarding an incident on the underground system. All of the emergency services are on scene. This has been declared as a major incident. Too early to state what has happened at this stage. There have been further reports from multiple locations in London of explosions. It is too early to say what has caused these explosions. Police are responding to reports from: Edgware Rd, Kings Cross, Liverpool St, Russell Sq, Aldgate East and Moorgate underground stations. Furthermore there has been a confirmed explosion on a bus in Tavistock Place."
Police confirm an explosion on a bus in Tavistock Place. Unable to reach any of the tube bomb-sites, media attention will now focus on Tavistock Square, though no eyewitnesses saw any Muslim bomber (18).
Transport union officials say they have reports of explosions on three buses (19), in Russell Square and in Tavistock Place. Witness Belinda Seabrook said of the Russell Square blast: "I was on the bus in front and heard an incredible bang. I turned round and half the double-decker bus was in the air."
Two ‘bombers’ are reported to have been shot dead by police at Canary Wharf next to the HSBC tower. Following the shooting, the eight thousand workers in the 44-storey tower were told to stay away from windows and remain in the building for at least six hours (Reuters) (20,21).
Home Secretary Charles Clarke says multiple London blasts have caused "terrible injuries."
Police say there are serious casualties, but no deaths are confirmed.
A passenger on a train at Edgware Road says he saw several bodies in the wreckage. A police spokesman says two trains remained stuck in tunnels at Edgware Road.
Home Secretary Charles Clarke makes a statement outside Downing Street about "dreadful incidents" causing "terrible injuries". He says Mr Blair has been informed and advises the public not to make unnecessary journeys.
A doctor says there are at least 90 casualties at Aldgate.
European Union commissioner for justice and security affairs Franco Frattini tells reporters in Rome that the blasts in London are terrorist attacks.
London's Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair tells the BBC he knows of "about six explosions", one on a bus and the others at train stations.
The president of the European Parliament, Josep Borrell, blames terrorism for a "co-ordinated series of attacks".
Signs on major roads into London warn: "Avoid London. Area closed. Turn on radio."
(12.38 in Italy) Italian report by interior minister Giuseppe Pisanu, that at least 50 people had died in the London blasts (Until 3 pm the UK media were only alluding to ‘possible deaths’), in Italian news agency ANSA.
The entire public transport system is shut down in London and people are advised to stay at home.
Mobile phone systems in and around London go dead for four hours. Many reasons for this materialise including sheer weight of traffic and reports that the shutdown was ordered by police. In early December 2005 it was revealed that the shutdown had been called by City of London police, contrary to the agreed procedure. [New Nation, Print Ed., 5th December 2005 ]
British Prime Minister Tony Blair says there has been "a series of terrorist attacks in London ... people have died and are seriously injured ... It is reasonably clear this is designed and timed to coincide with the opening [sic - actually it was the second day of three; if the bombings had happened 24-30 hours earlier they would have scuppered London's Olympic bid] of the G8 (summit)". He says he will return to London within hours, and the summit will continue without him.
BBC News reported that a website known to be operated by associates of al-Qaeda had been located with a 200-word statement claiming responsibility for the attacks. BBC Monitoring reported that a group named "Secret Organisation — al-Qaeda in Europe" (or, the Group of al-Qaeda of Jihad Organization in Europe ) had posted an announcement claiming responsibility on the al-Qalah ("The Castle") Internet forum. The announcement claims the attacks are a response due to the British involvement in the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. The letter also warned other governments involved in Iraq (mentioning specifically Denmark and Italy) to withdraw troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. A Saudi commentator in London noted that the statement was grammatically poor, and that a Qur’anic quotation was incorrect (NB, The site, located in Houston, was later found to have connections with the Bush family).
Instructions are given for all journalists of 60 weekly newspapers located in London and the South-East belonging to Trinity Mirror Southern titles, to return to their offices and then go home, and then the offices were shut – for safety reasons (22).
Emergency services personnel tells CNN writer William Chamberlain that all survivors had been evacuated from Kings Cross station, leaving the dead below ground "in the double digits."
Britain's Home Secretary Charles Clarke tells the House of Commons there were four explosions in central London and the underground system will be closed all day. They would decide later whether to resume bus services. Earlier, six attacks had been reported.
Blair departs from Gleneagles, returning to London.
By 14.20 Italian time, there was a debate on Italian state radio (RAI) about Pisanu's comments (see 11.38am), and why the 50 deaths were not being confirmed or denied in Britain (23).
U.S. law enforcement sources say the British government has said that at least 40 people have been killed. London hospitals report at least 300 wounded, the Associated Press reports.
Brian Paddick, Deputy Assistant Commissioner of London police, says police had no warning of the attacks and have not received any claims of responsibility. He says police are keeping an open mind over who carried out the attacks and that it is unclear whether a claim of responsibility by al Qaeda is genuine or whether suicide bombers were involved. No arrests have been made in connection with the attacks.
Assistant chief ambulance officer Russell Smith says the service has treated 45 patients with serious or critical injuries, and a further 300 patients for minor injuries.
Transport authorities say Docklands Light Railway services in east London and mainline rail services have resumed, except out of King's Cross and Victoria stations. Buses in central London are also returning to service. All underground services remain suspended.
BBC News 24 still reporting 7 explosions across London with blast locations listed as per the Metropolitan Police press release earlier in the day [Ref: 10:20am]
After chairing a London meeting of the government’s Emergency Committee ‘COBRA’ at Downing Street, Tony Blair made his first public statement, in which he averred of the bombers: ‘We know that these people act in the name of Islam.’ He stated that Britain would not be intimidated by terrorism and promised intense police and security services action to bring those behind the bombings to justice.
The United Nations Security Council passes a resolution condemning the London attacks and expressing "outrage and indignation at today's appalling terrorist attacks against the people of the United Kingdom that cost human life and caused injuries and immense human suffering."
The BBC reports the number of people confirmed dead in the London bomb attacks has risen to 37, Deputy Assistant Police Commissioner Brian Paddick says. Twenty-one were killed at Kings Cross/Russell Square, seven died at Edgware Road, seven died at Liverpool Street and two died on the bus at Upper Woburn Place. A further 700 were injured, 300 of whom were taken to various London hospitals by ambulance.
Sky News carries a Reuters report of a French government minister saying there were 50 dead in the London bombings and claiming the home secretary, Charles Clarke, as their source.
The BBC News website ran a story that 37 had died.

Post July 7th
8th July 2005
Sir Ian Blair, Head of the Metropolitan Police, said no evidence suggested that the attacks involved suicide bombers, but officials hadn't ruled out the possibility. Ian Blair curiously alluded to the number of bombers: 'If London can survive the Blitz it can survive four miserable bombers,' but then hastily added 'I am not saying there were four bombers', words then edited out of subsequent news reports (24). The concept of four suicide bombers was not published until the 12th. The BBC News website ran a story at 12.30 UK time quoting Sir Ian Blair that the death toll would reach at least 50. Later that day, British media came to admit 52 deaths from the bombings, as reported yesterday by Italian (& other nations’) media.
The New York times reported that timers had detonated the tube explosions, and CNN cited US law enforcement sources as saying investigators had found fragments of timing devices that might have been used in the three train blasts, but that no such fragments had been found in the bus explosion (25). One of the sources for this information was Vincent Cannistraro, the former head of the CIA's counter-terrorism centre (26) Elsewhere it is reported, however, that no timing devices have been found (27).
In Beeston, Leeds, a letter arrives for 18-year old Hasib Hussain, informing him that his exam results have been successful, and that he now had a place at the Leeds business college. He would never open that letter.
9th July 2005
Police reveal that, contrary to earlier reports, the bombs on the underground had not occurred over a 30-minute period and confirmed the three devices detonated within moments of each other (28). It is alleged that “confused tube staff took nearly 30 minutes to tell police there had been explosions on the underground”.
It was disclosed that all four CCTV cameras on the 30 bus were not working: one senior Yard source said: "It's a big blow and a disappointment.”
The Guardian finally published an abbreviated, chopped-up version of Mark Honingsbaum’s report, from the 7th. Their journalist Honingsbaum spent all morning outside Edgware Road tube helping traumatised and wounded passengers and recording their stories. Their narratives involved what sounded like a bomb under the floor of the carriage, and of a blast lifting a coach off the rails, so that it in some degree collided with an oncoming train; these could not be gathered from what the Guardian published, but his audio report remains (29).
10 July 2005
The mastermind is revealed: “Mustafa Setmarian Nasar- also known as Abu Musab al-Suri - a Syrian suspected of being Al Qaeda's operations chief in Europe, according to unidentified investigators cited in British newspapers The Sunday Times, The Sunday Telegraph and the Mail on Sunday. Nasar, 47, allegedly played a key role in setting up an Al Qaeda structure in Spain and was indicted there in connection with the Sept. 11 attacks. There turned out to be a problem with his arrest however, because he was already in prison, in Spain.
Christophe Chaboud, France's new antiterrorism coordinator, states that he knew ‘the nature of the explosive’ in the London bombings: It ‘'appears to be military, which is very worrisome,’' he said, adding: ‘'We're more used to cells making homemade explosives from chemical substances’ (Le Monde, 11th July) (30).
The whole of central Birmingham is evacuated due to a bomb threat, with local residents having to spend the night away from their homes, but nothing resembling the threat ever materialises.
11 July 2005
Blair, in his first report to the Commons, rules out an official inquiry.
European counter-terrorism experts said that the bombs were ‘technically advanced’ and had used military-grade explosives (31).
At 8 p.m. the police, sifting through CCTV camera footage, allegedly see their first pictures of the ‘four,’ at King’s Cross Thameslink station at 8.26 or 8.30 am.
These pictures are never made public, nor will any independent witnesses testify to their existence.
12 July 2005
Altogether five bodies are identified, four of which just happened to be the ‘suicide bombers’. No DNA tests were necessary to identify them, because the suspected bombers all happened to be carrying personal documents (source: Boston Herald) , which survived the bomb blasts. On another story, the alleged bomber Tanweer was identified by “strong forensic evidence”, despite the fact that only one victim had then been identified from all four blasts.
That evening, police raided six properties in the Leeds area: two houses in Beeston, two in Thornhill, one in Holbeck and one in Alexandra Grove, Burley. One man was arrested. West Yorkshire police stated that a significant amount of explosive material was found in the raids and a ‘controlled explosion’ was carried out at one of the properties. The Headingley area (next to Beeston) was cordoned off and hundreds of its inhabitants were herded into the Kirkstall leisure Centre, and not allowed home for three days and nights (LookNorth News).
Luton railway station was sealed off from the public and ‘controlled explosions’ were also performed there. Explosives were reportedly found in a car parked there, hired from Luton. For their final, 240-mile nocturnal drive, had three tall lads from Leeds with big rucksacks somehow squeezed into one of the smallest cars available, a ‘Nissan Micro’? Had they also stashed home-made nail bombs etc into the car, for no discernable purpose? Whether this hired car was destroyed by the ‘controlled explosions’ remained unclear. A second car from Aylesbury may have been towed off on July 7th.
13 July 2005
Traces of the military explosive ‘C4’ were found at all four blast sites, The Times reported. ‘C4,’ manufactured mostly in the United States, is very deadly and efficient - easy to hide, stable, and often missed by traditional bomb-sniffing detection systems. (United Press International)
11 pm Scotland Yard named six more victims of the bombs, bringing the total of identified bodies to 11.
14 July 2005
Police release a picture of a young man with a rucksack, said to be Hasib Hussain and to have been taken at 07.20 at Luton train station.
A new ‘mastermind’ was arrested in Cairo, having a similar name to the previous one, who turned out to be in jail. “British police have identified the man thought to be the mastermind behind last week's bombings in London,” namely Magdi El-Nashar. On 7/7 he was holidaying in Cairo, having left his belongings at home in Leeds as he planned to return home soon. Friends of his questioned could not recall any ‘fundamentalist’ tendency in him. As a biochemist at Leeds, he had just gained his PhD that May. Dr el-Nasher knew Jermaine Lindsay and let him move into a flat he rented, and was introduced to Jamal's friend Hasib Hussain.
16 July 2005
Sun headline, ‘Prove it’: Pregnant Samantha Lewthwaite, 22, refused to accept that Jamaican-born Lindsay Jamal, father of her child, was the fourth London bomber. She sobbed, ‘He wasn’t the sort of person who’d do this. I won’t believe it until I see proof’.
17 July 2005
Photo released of the 4 ‘bombers’ Mohammad Sidique Khan, 30, Germaine Lindsay, 19, Hasib Hussain, 18, and Shahzad Tanweer, 22, were pictured in Luton at 07.22.54 BST on Thursday 7 July.” (32) This picture (a) contradicts the earlier account that the four were at Luton at 8.20, (b) jars with the earlier lone picture of Hussain at Luton station at the same hour and minute, (c) was rather clearly a photoshopped forgery, (d) was too blurred to identify the men (33), and (e) showed no-one else present on the street even though it was rush hour.
19 July 2005
Scotland Yard still has no clue as to what explosives were used, declared the Metropolitan police commissioner, Sir Ian Blair, despite explosives having been found in Leeds in a bathtub, in rented cars, etc. (33).
The Egyptian government affirms that Magdi El-Nashar, arrested by the Egyptian police at the request of Britain five days ago, has no link to the London bombings.
27 July 2005
Twelve bombs are now reported as having been found in the rented car, and not 9 as earlier (35). The train station is closed and the public are removed, as ‘controlled explosions’ are let off by the police, as a bomb-disposal procedure. Was this the red Fiat car left by Germaine Linsey from Aylesbury? Stories about the two cars keep changing, with one towed away on July 7th and the other detonated on the 12th. Media pictures are released showing a ’nail bomb’ with nails stuck onto outside of a glass bottle, with conjectures that these were intended for some other purpose: ‘16 bombs were found in the red Nissan car parked at Luton railway station. It is believed the car was rented in Leeds by Shehzad Tanweer’, according to The Times (36): were they packed on the roof of this tiny Nissan Micra, as three tall men plus rucksacks crammed inside it to drive down from Leeds?
3 September 2005
The Video of Khan speaking as an ‘al-Qaeda’ agent was broadcast on Al-Jazeera TV station. None of Khan’s family have as yet been heard to comment upon it (his Father Tika Khan in Nottingham, wife Hasina Patel, mother-in-law Farida Patel, or even Sarah Trickett, head of primary school where he taught.), however locals who had known Khan seem not to have regarded it as genuine (36). It was him and his voice, however the speech did not match with his lip movements.
20 September 2005
Release of CCTV images of three of the four ‘bombers’ on a day-trip to London at both Luton and King’s Cross (lacking Hasib Hussein). These are genuine images, taken at 3-second intervals. The blurred, Photoshopped image presented as from Luton on July 7th may have come from this sequence, as Germaine Lindsey is in both cases shown carrying a white plastic bag and wearing a black baseball cap, while Khan wears a white baseball cap on both occasions.
18 December 2005
An interview with traumatised policewoman Lizzie Kenworthy recalled the worst moment in her life, as she stepped through the mangled door of the Circle line tube at Aldgate that morning: she saw ‘a big hole in the floor’ and screaming passengers who had lost their legs. One woman was ‘trapped in the metal, which had twisted up through the middle of the carriage.’ (38)
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 8:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Photo released of the 4 ‘bombers’ Mohammad Sidique Khan, 30, Germaine Lindsay, 19, Hasib Hussain, 18, and Shahzad Tanweer, 22, were pictured in Luton at 07.22.54 BST on Thursday 7 July.” (32) This picture (a) contradicts the earlier account that the four were at Luton at 8.20, (b) jars with the earlier lone picture of Hussain at Luton station at the same hour and minute, (c) was rather clearly a photoshopped forgery, (d) was too blurred to identify the men (33), and (e) showed no-one else present on the street even though it was rush hour.

"contradicts the earlier account that the four were at Luton at 8.20".
What earlier account? There is no factual basis for, or confirmation of, this claim.

"rather clearly a photoshopped forgery"?
Only to those who are looking for anomalies and who allow their imagination to run riot. There were NO photographic anomalies, merely victims of optical illusions who were too lazy to examine the photo in the very software the falsely claim created the photo, as it would have shown them that the rail bar behind one of the bombers does not pass in front of his body because they mistook the edge of the building behind him for his torso.

"showed no-one else present on the street"?
So there have to be lots of people entering a station every single second during rush hour? LOL! That's clutching at yet another straw, I must say. The CCTV photo
happened to be taken at a moment when no one was near the entrance. If you carefully look through the glass wall of the building in the background, you will see several people.

It is really about time people moved on beyond the false evidence for 7/7 being a black op and focussed on the genuine evidence. Presenting bogus evidence and bad analysis does not help the cause of those campaigning for the exposure of what really happened on 9/11 and on 7/7.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 2:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Micpsi wrote:

It is really about time people moved on beyond the false evidence for 7/7 being a black op and focussed on the genuine evidence. Presenting bogus evidence and bad analysis does not help the cause of those campaigning for the exposure of what really happened on 9/11 and on 7/7.

It's about time THEY stopped claiming that it was four Muslim suicide bombers on no evidence. As it does not help the cause of those trying to cover it up.

Tony, this has become a pointless exercise here.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 4:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Andrew. wrote:
Micpsi wrote:

It is really about time people moved on beyond the false evidence for 7/7 being a black op and focussed on the genuine evidence. Presenting bogus evidence and bad analysis does not help the cause of those campaigning for the exposure of what really happened on 9/11 and on 7/7.

It's about time THEY stopped claiming that it was four Muslim suicide bombers on no evidence. As it does not help the cause of those trying to cover it up.

Tony, this has become a pointless exercise here.

I could not agree more. But presenting bogus evidence only helps the cover-up.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Micpsi wrote:
Andrew. wrote:
Micpsi wrote:

It is really about time people moved on beyond the false evidence for 7/7 being a black op and focussed on the genuine evidence. Presenting bogus evidence and bad analysis does not help the cause of those campaigning for the exposure of what really happened on 9/11 and on 7/7.

It's about time THEY stopped claiming that it was four Muslim suicide bombers on no evidence. As it does not help the cause of those trying to cover it up.

Tony, this has become a pointless exercise here.

I could not agree more. But presenting bogus evidence only helps the cover-up.

It is THEY who have presented a photoshopped forgery as evidence.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Andrew. wrote:
Micpsi wrote:
Andrew. wrote:
Micpsi wrote:

It is really about time people moved on beyond the false evidence for 7/7 being a black op and focussed on the genuine evidence. Presenting bogus evidence and bad analysis does not help the cause of those campaigning for the exposure of what really happened on 9/11 and on 7/7.

It's about time THEY stopped claiming that it was four Muslim suicide bombers on no evidence. As it does not help the cause of those trying to cover it up.

Tony, this has become a pointless exercise here.

I could not agree more. But presenting bogus evidence only helps the cover-up.

It is THEY who have presented a photoshopped forgery as evidence.


Where's the evidence? It is not very impressive to go on sounding like a scratched LP despite the argument for forgery having been refuted.

Being dogmatic has no place in the 9/11 truth movement.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 7:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Micpsi wrote:
Andrew. wrote:
Micpsi wrote:
Andrew. wrote:
Micpsi wrote:

It is really about time people moved on beyond the false evidence for 7/7 being a black op and focussed on the genuine evidence. Presenting bogus evidence and bad analysis does not help the cause of those campaigning for the exposure of what really happened on 9/11 and on 7/7.

It's about time THEY stopped claiming that it was four Muslim suicide bombers on no evidence. As it does not help the cause of those trying to cover it up.

Tony, this has become a pointless exercise here.

I could not agree more. But presenting bogus evidence only helps the cover-up.

It is THEY who have presented a photoshopped forgery as evidence.


Where's the evidence? It is not very impressive to go on sounding like a scratched LP despite the argument for forgery having been refuted.

Being dogmatic has no place in the 9/11 truth movement.

Would you claim as the Press and Establishment do all the time, that those four men were guilty on the evidence of that fake evidence.

Just because it has been "having been refuted" by zionists
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No, of course not.

It's rather desperate when you try to create the false impression that your opponent holds a view that is easily discredited merely to make it look like you won the argument with him. Especially when his posts have demonstrated that he does not accept the official 7/7 story.
(Sigh! Such transparent sophistry) Sad
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 10:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Andrew. wrote:
Micpsi wrote:
Andrew. wrote:
Micpsi wrote:
Andrew. wrote:
Micpsi wrote:

It is really about time people moved on beyond the false evidence for 7/7 being a black op and focussed on the genuine evidence. Presenting bogus evidence and bad analysis does not help the cause of those campaigning for the exposure of what really happened on 9/11 and on 7/7.

It's about time THEY stopped claiming that it was four Muslim suicide bombers on no evidence. As it does not help the cause of those trying to cover it up.

Tony, this has become a pointless exercise here.

I could not agree more. But presenting bogus evidence only helps the cover-up.

It is THEY who have presented a photoshopped forgery as evidence.


Where's the evidence? It is not very impressive to go on sounding like a scratched LP despite the argument for forgery having been refuted.

Being dogmatic has no place in the 9/11 truth movement.

Would you claim as the Press and Establishment do all the time, that those four men were guilty on the evidence of that fake evidence.

Just because it has been "having been refuted" by zionists

No, of course not.

It's rather desperate when you try to create the false impression that your opponent holds a view that is easily discredited merely to make it look like you won the argument with him. Especially when his posts have demonstrated that he does not accept the official 7/7 story.
(Sigh! Such transparent sophistry) Sad

"No, of course not."

I agree.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If they knew, why didn't they tell?
Is Israeli state an ally or an enemy of Britain?
It's 5 years since the 7/7 carnage this summer.
A reminder about Netanyahu's 6 minute warning

...And while they're at it, they need to add a few more media source to the list, including some of the Israeli media. Israel Insider cites Mossad chief Meir Dagan, in an interview with the German newspaper Bild am Sonntag:

Bild am Sonntag wrote:
'The Mossad office in London received advance notice about the attacks, but only six minutes before the first blast, the paper reports, confirming an earlier AP report. As a result, it was impossible to take any action to prevent the blasts.'

http://www.antiwar.com/blog/2005/07/18/mossad-chief-confirms-netanyahu s-warning-of-london-bombing/

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

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PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 8:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

TonyGosling wrote:
If they knew, why didn't they tell?
Is Israeli state an aly or an enemy of Britain?
It's 5 years since the 7/7 carnage this summer.
A reminder about Netanyahu's 6 minute warning

...And while they're at it, they need to add a few more media source to the list, including some of the Israeli media. Israel Insider cites Mossad chief Meir Dagan, in an interview with the German newspaper Bild am Sonntag:

Bild am Sonntag wrote:
'The Mossad office in London received advance notice about the attacks, but only six minutes before the first blast, the paper reports, confirming an earlier AP report. As a result, it was impossible to take any action to prevent the blasts.'

http://www.antiwar.com/blog/2005/07/18/mossad-chief-confirms-netanyahu s-warning-of-london-bombing/

Not sure if thius has been referred to elsewhere, in which case I missed it, but this definately adds a new perspective on the Netenyahu fore-knowledge story.

Andrew S. MacGregor

Who rules the world?

... I would like to quote from Efraim Halevi, a former head of Mossad in an article that was printed in the Jerusalem Post on the 7th July 2005. This article was headed, 'Rules of conflict for a world war.'

"The multiple, simultaneous explosions that took place yesterday on the London transportation system were the work of perpetrators who had an operational capacity of considerable scope. They have come a long way since the two attacks of the year 1998 against the American embassies in Nairobi and Dar-Es-Salaam, and the aircraft actions of September 11, 2001."

Like the rabbit that hops out of the top hat before the magician is ready for his stunt, the truth has been exposed. This article was written prior to the actual bombing that took place in London, and thus, Efraim Halevi had to have been one of the planners for this 'Terrorist' event.

The Jerusalem Post describes Efraim Halevi as: "The writer, who heads the Center for Strategic and Policy Studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, is a former head of the Mossad. (C 1995-2005, The Jerusalem Post 07/07/05)"

In simple words, The London bombing was a 'planned' terrorist attack by a group of people including Efraim Halevi, of the 'Centre for Strategic and Policy Studies' at the 'Hebrew University' in Jerusalem.

But Efraim Halevi groups two other events with the London bombing; the 1998 bombing of the American embassies at Nairobi and Dar-Es-Salaam, and most importantly 911.

In simple terms, Efraim Halevi and company planned the attacks of 911.

In the end, it's not the words of your enemies you will remember, but the silence of your friends. Martin Luther King
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PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 8:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The 77 stuff from that article is the explosive bit!!

The explosions did not take place 'yesterday', they took place on the 7th July, 2005, the very same day this article was printed by the Jerusalem Post. In other words, this article had to have been composed prior to the explosions that occurred in London. That simply means that the 'former head of Mossad, Efraim Halevi' had prior knowledge of the event.

The 7/7 London Bombings top smoker out of smoking guns wrote:

The explosions did not take place 'yesterday', they took place on the 7th July, 2005, the very same day this article was printed by the Jerusalem Post. In other words, this article had to have been composed prior to the explosions that occurred in London. That simply means that the 'former head of Mossad, Efraim Halevi' had prior knowledge of the event.

Rules of conflict for a world war
Sunday, October 4, 2009

7/7 London Bombings top smoker out of smoking guns wrote:

The Dissemination of: Rules of conflict For A World War by Efraim Halevi (07/07/05)

http://rolandsanjuan.blogspot.com/2009/10/rules-of-conflict-for-world- war.html


When the former head of any major Intelligence body talks about world events, a person should try to comprehend exactly what is being stated. It is also understandable that what the general public is told can frequently be taken in more than one way. So let's see just exactly what Efraim Halevi told us on the 7th July 2005, the day of the London Bombing.

["The multiple, simultaneous explosions that took place yesterday on the London transportation system"]

The subway bombings were never classified as 'simultaneous'. The subway bombings were initially put down as occurring at the actual time they were reported, not at the time they were detonated. Furthermore, the initial reports of these explosions were not of bombings, but rather 'power surges' and it wasn't until the bus bomb exploded that Londoners realised they were under attack.

The explosions did not take place 'yesterday', they took place on the 7th July, 2005, the very same day this article was printed by the Jerusalem Post. In other words, this article had to have been composed prior to the explosions that occurred in London. That simply means that the 'former head of Mossad, Efraim Halevi' had prior knowledge of the event.

Again, that the Jerusalem Post ran with this article also means that the article was published prior to the actual bombing, as any editor on hearing of the bombing taking place in London, would have realised the error and immediately 'corrected' Halevi's mistake.

"The London transportation system" is more than just the 'Subway'. It includes the Omnibus (Bus) system as well. So what does this mean? It means that Efraim Halevi is telling us all about the planning of the 'London Bombing', not what happened as it hasn't occurred at the time Halevi wrote this article, but exactly what was planned. That means that the bus bomb was also supposed to detonate at the same time as the subway bombs, and since that didn't happen, then something has gone wrong.

Now this is important. Had any bus been a target, then the bomber could have caught any bus and detonated the bomb at the preset time, for as Halevi has stated the bombs were 'simultaneous'. However, it had to be that particular bus with 'route 30' which was the target, even though the bus was behind schedule, which again means that the event was planned in this manner.

Why couldn't the 'bomber' catch any particular bus and then detonate the bomb? The only reason the 'bomber' couldn't detonate the bomb on any bus would be that he wasn't carrying the bomb. And then the final piece of planning, the 'route 30' bus was diverted and the bomb detonated within the area preselected as per Halevi's article, which explains:

["were the work of perpetrators who had an operational capacity of considerable scope."]

Now the official story is that four young Muslim men, three from Leeds and one from Aylesbury, with 'home-made' explosives, packed in rucksacks, carried out a 'suicide bombing attack' on the London transportation system.

This simply means that the 'bombers' had an operational capacity of 'one strike only'. If it was as Efraim Halevi has stated, that is that the 'perpetrators had an operational capacity of considerable scope', then it is not these men that Halevi is talking about, but of the team that organised these 'bombers'.

Also go back to the fact that the bus 30 was the only bus that could have been bombed, and thus the bomb had to be on the bus prior to the supposed 'bomber' boarding that bus, and thus the bomber was not carrying the bomb in his rucksack, then, were any of the 'supposed 'bombers' actually carrying bombs? The answer has to be 'No"!

Again, remember that this article was written prior to the event which simply means that Halevi had prior knowledge, and the only way Halevi would have such knowledge would be that Halevi was part of the planning team.

["They have come a long way since the two attacks of the year 1998 against the American embassies in Nairobi and Dar-Es-Salaam, and the aircraft actions of September 11, 2001."]

What Efraim Halevi has done here is to group all of these 'terrorist attacks' together. Halevi tells us that the London bombing, 911, and the American embassy attacks were by the same group. Both the American and British governments tell us that this group is called 'al Qaeda' and run by the 'terrorist' Osama bin Laden, the younger brother of Salem bin Laden, George W. Bush's partner in George's first oil business venture.

What is noticeable is that Efraim Halevi has only inferred that this operation, of which he has prior knowledge, is 'al Qaeda', and again, if Efraim Halevi has prior knowledge of 'al Qaeda', it can only mean that Halevi is part of al Qaeda. But, Efraim Halevi is a former head of Mossad! What this means then is that 'al Qaeda' must be connected to Mossad.

["There was careful planning, intelligence gathering, and a sophisticated choice of timing as well as near-perfect execution."]

If we consider the actual 'bombing event' as per the government and media perspective then where was the 'careful planning'? Perhaps in the manufacture of the bombs? The 'intelligence gathering'? There was no sign of such. 'A sophisticated choice of timing'? Well considering that the train the bombers were supposed to catch from Luton didn't run on the day, then the choice of timing doesn't appear to be that sophisticated. A near-perfect execution of four bombings? Again there was no evidence that the execution of the bombs was near perfect.

However, if you remember that this article was written prior to the event, and then consider that this event was a 'false flag' operation, then Efraim Halevi is very much spot on; he is totally correct, and that is what he is telling us, it was indeed a 'false-flag' operation.

["We are faced with a deadly and determined adversary who will stop at nothing and will persevere as long as he exists as a fighting terrorist force."]

This is the conclusion that Efraim Halevi has decided for us. However, once we can determine that the enemy who has attacked us was Halevi and his associates, then we destroy him as a 'fighting terrorist force'.

["One historical irony: I doubt whether the planners knew that one of the target areas, that in Russell Square, was within a stone's throw of a building that served as the first headquarters of the World Zionist Organization that preceded the State of Israel."]

Right! It has already been demonstrated that this article was written prior to the event. That being the case, then the bus being bombed outside Tavistock Place, which is very close to Russell Square, has to be part of the planning.

Now for Efraim Halevi to be aware prior to the event that the bus was to be bombed at this location, again demonstrates that Halevi was part of the planning process. It would also mean that the detonation would be handled by someone other than the so-called 'bomber' as had things gone wrong, then the bomb would have been detonated by the 'bomber' at some other point.

So this is part of the careful planning and sophisticated choice of timing that Efraim Halevi has mentioned previously, having the bus bombed outside Tavistock House, at Tavistock Place. We have already worked out that the bomb was not carried in a rucksack, but had to be on the targeted bus, and because the location was specific, we can also conclude that the person detonating the bomb would also have been on location near Russell Square, and the main suspect for this act has to be Richard Jones, not Dr Richard Jones of the Tavistock Institute, but rather Richard Jones of Ayrshire who told everybody he had just got off the bus.

Again, be aware that it was 'Richard Jones' who alerted everybody that the 'suicide bomber' was not wearing a vest, but was carrying a 'rucksack'. This was the only clue to 'rucksacks' supposedly being used in all four bombing events, and this clue was vital, as it informed the public at the time of the events, how the bombs had supposedly been conveyed to the targets.

However, the one difference between a 'suicide vest' and a rucksack, is that the 'suicide vest' cannot be removed by the wearer, but the rucksack could have been dumped anywhere, and the perpetrators would have survived to bomb another day, just as the IRA did twenty years prior.

["It was at 77 Great Russell Street that Dr. Chaim Weizmann, a renowned chemist presided over the effort that culminated in the issuing of the Balfour Declaration, the first international recognition of the right of the Jewish people to a national home in what was then still part of the Ottoman Empire."]

This is for 'local' consumption. This is to remind the Jews of Israel of the history that went into creating the modern Israel.

["We are in the throes of a world war, raging over the entire globe and characterized by the absence of lines of conflict and an easily identifiable enemy."]

There is another name for this type of terrorism. It is called, "Low Intensity Operations", and it was invented by General John Rawlings Rees of Tavistock in the 1920's.

["There are sometimes long pauses between one attack and another, consequently creating the wrong impression that the battle is all over, or at least in the process of being won."]

This is again part of General Rees theory of Low Intensity Operations, which is designed to keep the people in a state of flux, and thus easily controlled.

["Generally speaking, the populations at large are not involved in the conflict, but by and large play the role of bystanders. But once in a while, these innocents are caught up in the maelstrom and suffer the most cruel and wicked of punishments meted out by those who are not bound by any rules of conduct or any norms of structured society. For a while, too short a while, we are engrossed with the sheer horror or what we see and hear, but, with the passage of time, our memories fade and we return to our daily lives, forgetting that the war is still raging out there and more strikes are sure to follow."]

Please note here that what Efraim Halevi is stating is that it is the general populace that is the target of these incidents of 'politically motivated violence'. Why the general populace? Why not the government? Well what Halevi is telling us here is that attacks such as the London Bombing are a 'government sponsored' terrorist act. You see, when people rise up and attack government it is called rebellion or treason, and when governments desire to usurp something outside their constituted powers then the governments use 'terror' against their constituents.

["It cannot be said that seven years after this war broke out in East Africa, we can see its conclusion. We are in for the long haul and we must brace ourselves for more that will follow. The 'Great Wars' of the 20th century lasted less than this war has already lasted, and the end is nowhere in sight."]

Now how many politicians have stated this lie? What is interesting is that Halevi equates the start of 'this war' with the so-called 'al Qaeda' attacks on the American embassies, yet terrorist atrocities associated with Israel have been occurring since the 1940's. Why differentiate?

["There will be supreme tests of leadership in this unique situation and people will have to trust the wisdom and good judgment of those chosen to govern them."]

Here Halevi is telling us that we must trust our government.

["The executives must be empowered to act resolutely and to take every measure necessary to protect the citizens of their country and to carry the combat into whatever territory the perpetrators and their temporal and spiritual leaders are inhabiting."]

In the aftermath of the London bombing the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair joined with the Australian Prime Minister, John Howard and both immediately pledged more troops for the war in Afghanistan. Normally such a pledge would be the responsibility of the Parliaments, but, almost as if knowing what Efraim Halevi wanted, both of these politicians made the commitments that normally are the responsibility of the parliament.

The question that now has to be considered is; 'was this the purpose of the London bombing?' If the purpose of the London Bombing was to enable these Prime Ministers to make such a pledge, then what are the possibilities that both Prime Ministers were in some manner complicit with the bombings?

["The rules of combat must be rapidly adjusted to cater to the necessities of this new and unprecedented situation, and international law must be rewritten in such a way as to permit civilization to defend itself. Anything short of this invites disaster and must not be allowed to happen."]

Efraim Halevi calls this a 'new and unprecedented situation', but he had already stated that 'this war' has been going since 1998 with the bombing of the two American embassies in Africa. Thus this is not a new or unprecedented situation, but rather an excuse for upgrading the war in Afghanistan, a country that is totally irrelevant to the London bombing, but as Halevi has stated, 'territory the perpetrators and their temporal and spiritual leaders are inhabiting'. No wonder Halevi is calling for the rules of combat, as well as International law to be rewritten.

["The aim of the enemy is not to defeat western civilization but to destroy its sources of power and existence, and to render it a relic of the past. It does not seek a territorial victory or a regime change; it wants to turn western civilization into history and will stop at nothing less than that."]

Now for the first time we are told what the 'London bombing' was about. There are two main sources of power that control western civilization; usury and oil. If these two 'powers' were destroyed, then western civilization as we know it would be destroyed, along with all the chains and servitude that binds the people of that civilization. In other words, the London Bombings were designed to maintain the 'status quo' of 'Big Business' and to keep us in perpetual servitude.

["It will show no mercy or compassion and no appreciation for these noble values when practiced by us."]

Now hang on for one moment. When has Mossad ever shown mercy, compassion or appreciation?

["This does not mean that we can or should assume the norms of our adversaries, nor that we should act indiscriminately. It does mean that the only way to ensure our safety and security will be to obtain the destruction, the complete destruction of the enemy."]

To obtain the complete destruction of 'the' enemy requires that we show no compassion or mercy, just as Joshua did at Jericho. But who is 'the' enemy? Halevi has already stated that, "Generally speaking, the populations at large are not involved in the conflict." So the main populations are not our enemy per se according to what Halevi has already stated. Efraim Halevi has though pointed out the enemy as thus; "those who are not bound by any rules of conduct or any norms of structured society". So who does Halevi consider as the 'enemy?

["Much has been said in recent years about the vital need for international cooperation. There is no doubt that this is essential. Yet no measure of this will suffice and it cannot replace the requirement that each and every country effectively declare itself at war with international Islamist terror and recruit the public to involve itself actively in the battle, under the direction of the legal powers that be."]

So Efraim Halevi has designated 'the enemy' as International Islamist terrorists'. Halevi has also stated that this war has been ongoing for the past seven years, but Israel and Mossad have been battling 'International Islamist terrorists' since at least the 1960's, so why differentiate?

But Efraim Halevi even though he has called on every country to combat the International Islamist terrorists has demonstrated prior knowledge of this terrorist attack, including the actual area of at least one of the bombings. And yet Efraim Halevi has failed to warn Britain of the pending attack. This goes against every argument that Halevi has put forward to combat the terrorists.

Furthermore, when we consider the media reports that the former Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, the then Israeli Finance Minister, had received a warning of the 'terrorist bombing attacks' prior to the event, then we must consider, at the very least, that Efraim Halevi to be the source of that warning.

["In the past, governments have been expected to provide security to their citizens. The responsibility is still there, in principle. But in practice, no government today can provide an effective 'suit of protection' for the ordinary citizen. There can be no protection for every bus, every train, every street, every square. In these times the ordinary citizen must be vigilant and must make his personal contribution to the war effort. Private enterprise will have to supplement the national effort in many walks of life."]

Well, one would have thought that the reason Britain had so many CCTV cameras installed throughout the country was to offer some protection to its citizens, but it is amazing just how many heinous crimes are committed when these cameras are turned off.

["The measures that I have outlined above will not be easily adopted overnight. When the US entered World War Two, Congress approved the momentous decision by a majority of one vote. Profound cultural changes will have to come about and the democratic way of life will be hard-pressed to produce solutions that will enable the executive branch to perform its duties and at the same time, to preserve the basic tenets of our democratic way of life. It will not be easy, but it will be essential not to lose sight of every one of these necessities."]

Maggie Thatcher once made the remark that she would not give in to (IRA) terrorism. Efraim Halevi states that we must give up some 'cultural' aspects to preserve the 'democratic' way of life. However, once Prime Ministers Tony Blair and John Howard announced prior to any Parliamentary meeting that their countries would be sending more troops to Afghanistan, we witnessed the Cromwellian takeover of the Crown. This is what Efraim Halevi was preluding to when he spoke of 'Cultural changes'.

["This war is already one of the longest in modern times; as things appear now, it is destined to be part of our daily lives for many years to come, until the enemy is eliminated, as it surely will be."]

The so-called 'Cold War' ran from the 1950's to 1989 with the collapse of the Berlin Wall, and Gorbachev's surrender to the west. Efraim Halevi equates seven years with almost fifty years, but says that we will still win. Well only time will tell, but there is a fifty, fifty chance we could also lose.

["The writer, who heads the Center for Strategic and Policy Studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, is a former head of the Mossad. (C 1995-2005. The Jerusalem Post 07/07/05)"]

Think about this for a moment! Efraim Halevi is not only a former head of Mossad, he was at the time of the London Bombing, the 'Head' of "The Centre for Strategic and Policy Studies" at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Could the London Bombing have been a 'strategic' study for the criminalisation of Islam in Britain? Consider this site.

http://intifada-palestine.com/2009/08/how-israel-wages-game-theory-war fare/

[In 2005, the Nobel Prize in Economic Science was awarded to Israeli mathematician and game theory specialist Robert J. Aumann, co-founder of the Center for Rationality at Hebrew University. This Jerusalem resident explains: "the entire school of thought that we have developed here in Israel" has turned "Israel into the leading authority in this field."

Israeli strategists rely on game theory models to ensure the intended response to staged provocations and manipulated crises. With the use of game theory algorithms, those responses become predictable, even foreseeable-within an acceptable range of probabilities. The waging of war "by way of deception" is now a mathematical discipline.

Such "probabilistic" war planning enables Tel Aviv to deploy serial provocations and well-timed crises as a force multiplier to project Israeli influence worldwide. For a skilled agent provocateur, the target can be a person, a company, an economy, a legislature, a nation or an entire culture-such as Islam. With a well-modeled provocation, the anticipated reaction can even become a powerful weapon in the Israeli arsenal.]

What we should consider here is if there is any possible link between Halevi's "The Centre for Strategic and Policy Studies" at the Hebrew University" and Robert J. Aumann's "Center for Rationality at Hebrew University". Efraim Halevi's statement of, "There was careful planning, intelligence gathering, and a sophisticated choice of timing as well as near-perfect execution" certainly suggests there is a connection between these two bodies and the London bombing on the 07th July, 2005.

Halevi has already told us by writing his article prior to the London Bombing that he was aware of the event prior to its occurring. Halevi has also told us that he was aware of much of the planning of this terrorist attack. And then we are supposed to believe that the perpetrators were Islamists. We then look at the behaviour of the British Prime Minister, and of the Head of the metropolitan Police, and again we must ponder what these people knew that was not in the public domain.

There is though one other major error made, and that was by Benjamin Netanyahu, who stated on the morning of the London Bombing that he had been warned by Scotland Yard prior to the actual bombing. When Scotland Yard denied issuing such a warning, Netanyahu then stated that the warning from Scotland Yard came via the Israeli Embassy, and Scotland Yard apparently then became mute.

However when journalists on a later BBC program reporting and attempting to debunk the so-called 'Conspiracy Theorists' on the London Bombing spoke to Benjamin Netanyahu in regard to the warning he had received, Benjamin Netanyahu again stated that he had received a 'warning', but only after the first bombs went off. Now this must be considered an impossibility as the first bombs that exploded on the London subway were initially thought to have been 'power surges', and it was only after the bus bombing that the terrorist event was realised.

Thus, Benjamin Netanyahu has twice given us the knowledge that he had prior warnings of the London Bombing, much the same as his former head of Mossad.

Andrew S. MacGregor.

7/7 London Bombings top smoker out of smoking guns wrote:
The Dissemination of:
Rules of conflict For A World War by Efraim Halevi (07/07/05)

http://rolandsanjuan.blogspot.com/2009/10/rules-of-conflict-for-world- war.html


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"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

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PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 9:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

...........Israeli game theorists operate not from the Center for Morality or the Center for Justice but from the Center for Rationality. As modeled by Zionist war planners, game theory is devoid of all values except one: the ability to anticipate—within an acceptable range of probabilities—how “the mark” will react when provoked. Thus we see the force-multiplier potential for those who wage war with well-planned provocations and well-timed crises.

Israeli behavior is often immoral and unjust but that does not mean it is irrational. For Colonial Zionists committed to the pursuit of an expansionist agenda, even murderous provocations are rational because the response can be mathematically modeled, ensuring the results are reasonably foreseeable. That alone is sufficient for a people who, as God’s chosen, consider it their right to operate above the rule of law.

http://intifada-palestine.com/2009/08/how-israel-wages-game-theory-war fare/

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sat May 22, 2010 6:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tony Gosling wrote:
The 77 stuff from that article is the explosive bit!!

The explosions did not take place 'yesterday', they took place on the 7th July, 2005, the very same day this article was printed by the Jerusalem Post. In other words, this article had to have been composed prior to the explosions that occurred in London. That simply means that the 'former head of Mossad, Efraim Halevi' had prior knowledge of the event.

As the Jerusalem Post was not online in those days, it really needs a copy of the actual newspaper for confirmation of this.

Anyone know a researcher living in Israel?

In the end, it's not the words of your enemies you will remember, but the silence of your friends. Martin Luther King
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PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 9:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

redadare wrote:
Tony Gosling wrote:
The 77 stuff from that article is the explosive bit!!

The explosions did not take place 'yesterday', they took place on the 7th July, 2005, the very same day this article was printed by the Jerusalem Post. In other words, this article had to have been composed prior to the explosions that occurred in London. That simply means that the 'former head of Mossad, Efraim Halevi' had prior knowledge of the event.

As the Jerusalem Post was not online in those days, it really needs a copy of the actual newspaper for confirmation of this.

Anyone know a researcher living in Israel?

How about people who read and/or made a copy of the article, as witnesses ?


Later that same day, Efraim Halevi, a former head of the Israeli Mossad, wrote in an article published on the Jerusalem Post website, at 18:10 PM (London time), that the attacks had been carried out simultaneously with "near-perfect" execution. How did he know they had only been “near-perfect”? How could he have known what the "perfect" results should have been, in order to know that the actual results were not perfect, unless he was in on the plot? How many more people had they intended to murder, in order for it to be considered "perfect" execution? How did he know, at least two days before the London authorities released the information on the 9th of July, that the bombs were detonated simultaneously, unless he was in on the plot? As proof that this too was a slip-up, the Jerusalem Post article in question was completely removed from their website, after people began to ask similar questions.

Ex-Mossad Chief Calls For World War After London Attack

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Finance Minister, said that he was warned by Scotland Yard; not to leave his hotel-room, on the morning of 7/7/2005, before the first explosion was reported; implying that they had foreknowledge of the plan. Scotland Yard then quickly denied being the ones who provided the warning,

[this highlighted part made it to the national press in the UK]

but have not told us who did warn Netanyahu, if they did not. Why was Benjamin Netanyahu warned, but not the British people who pay their wages, and whom they are paid to protect? Was it because it would have spoiled their evil plan, to murder British people, to change the nation’s mind, about British troops fighting in the Middle-East?

Two weeks later the head of the Israeli Mossad, General Meir Dagan, said that he had warned Benjamin Netanyahu at 08.40 AM, on 7/7/2005, ten minutes before the first blast occurred. How did he know what was going to happen in London, if Scotland Yard did not warn him? Did he wait, to warn Benjamin Netanyahu, until it was too late to warn the British people, so as not to spoil their evil plan? Was the London bombing a covert MI5 operation, or an Israeli Mossad operation, or a joint operation by both of them? The British people have the right to know.

Tony Blair said on the day of the explosions, that, “We KNOW this was done in the name of Islam”, when there was no proof whatsoever of who had done it, therefore indicating he possibly had foreknowledge of the plan and who they intended to blame, and the reason why they were going to blame the Muslims.

As proof that this was a slip-up, and needed covering up, look at how the BBC later falsely reported his actual words, giving further proof that the BBC is a government propaganda machine and the coverage was “organised”, exactly as Michael Portillo said it would be, in the BBC Panorama programme in May 2004.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

BBC radio say 7 explosions!
1. Edgware Road
2. Kings Cross
3. Liverpool Street
4. Russell Square
5. Aldgate East
6. Moorgate (=5?)
7. The Bus (=4)

I thought there were only 4 explosions.
4/7 and 5/6 could be the same but that still makes 5....

BBC announcer says 7 explosions

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"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 11:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

7/7 attacks: What is MI5 hiding?
http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/07/07/370268/77-attacks-what-is-mi5- hiding/

By: Jane Calvari, Investigative Journalist and Film Maker

Lower Manhattan, New York City, September 11, 2001; a shocking event leads to the declaration of the so-called global “War on Terror” lead by the United States Government.

The world changed after 9/11. Since then Governments across the world and the British Government in particular have introduced anti-terror laws that have compromised essential liberties in the society.

But that was not enough for the British officials. There was a need for another shock to the society to introduce laws to discipline those who were outspoken about the Government’s behaviors.

On the morning of July 7, 2005, Londoners started their day with panicking news. On that day, several explosions occurred on the public transport system in the city of London.

Fifty-six people, including four alleged suicide bombers, died in three explosions on the London underground and one explosion on a London bus.

Within hours, the British Government, the Metropolitan Police, Intelligence agencies and many others started to propagate stories that do not simply add up to common sense.

Nine years on and there is still no clear picture of what happened that day. British officials hoped that time will erode the ambiguities, but they are now turned to snowballs attracting more attention among the public.
Preliminary Events: Coincidence or Planned?

In May 2004, the BBC’s investigative current affairs program “Panorama” had a panel of experts discussing how Britain would react to a terrorist attack just like the future 7/7 bombings. The scenario included three explosions on the London Underground and one of a vehicle.

The program entitled “London Under Attack” depicted a fictional terrorist attack. It was presented in a documentary style as if it were really happening. Surprisingly the simulation was as similar as possible to the real event that happened months later.

On the morning of 7 July 2005, there was one more territory that has caused controversy ever since. Senior Metropolitan police officer Peter Power was conducting a tabletop exercise that morning, that not only envisage the attacks on the Underground involving three simultaneous explosions at 3 tube stations but a bombing on a bus. Power’s scenario involved the very same underground locations that were attacked in real life that morning.

Israel is Here Again

On the morning of 7/7 In London, Israeli Finance Minister of the time, Benjamin Netanyahu was scheduled for an economic conference in London but he never left his hotel room adjacent to the site of the first explosion. In the confusions after the attacks, Associated Press reported that Scotland Yard had tipped off the Israeli delegation. A senior Israeli official admitted that, minutes before the explosions it had informed the Israeli delegations that it had received warnings of possible terror attacks.
Netanyahu and Scotland Yard have since denied the reports. The story itself was being reported by other sources and travelled right around the world's media.

The former mayor of New York and a staunch Zionist, Rudi Giuliani was also in Britain. On July 6th, he appeared up in Yorkshire, where he gave a rousing pro-war on terror speech. He admired Tony Blair, while deploring the way the world had allowed terrorists to get out of control through failing to take the problem seriously enough.

What was Giuliani doing in London that morning or indeed the UK? No one has ever answered that. Was it a coincident that Giuliani who was the mayor of New York on 9/11 was in London just the day the London bombs went off?

The Secret Services Knew about the Threat and Colluded with the Terrorists

Although there have been suspicions and anecdotal evidence of a fifth or more bombers, the official 7/7 story claims that only four home-grown extremists were responsible for the attacks. They were Mohammed Siddique Khan age 30 from Beeston Leeds, accused of the Edgware Road blast. Shehzad Tanweer aged 22 also from Beeston, accused of the Liverpool Aldgate blast. Jamaican-born Germaine Lindsay age 19 from Aylesbury, allegedly set off the bomb at the carriage heading from Russell Square station and Hasib Hussain the youngest at just 18 said to have blown himself up on the number 30 bus outside of Tavistock Square.

One may ask why were all these radicals and potential terrorists with links to networks overseas, residing in Britain in the years leading up to 7/7? That question is a long and complex one that includes elements of collusion by the state and security services with the extremists.

In his book “7/7: What Went Wrong” former British army officer and intelligence expert Crispin Black, wrote of a secret Government policy known as the covenant of security.

He says this refers to the long-standing British habit of providing refuge and welfare to extremists on the unspoken assumption that “if we give them a safe haven they will not attack us."

Under the covenant Britain spent years harboring preachers like Abu Hamza former Imam of the Finsbury Park mosque and Omar Bakri former leader of “Almuhajeruns” now “Muslims Against Crusades."

In fact at various stages, both men were assets of the MI5 and the MI6.

Abu Hamza became an informant for special Branch and the MI5 in 1997 and despite his inflammatory sermons and role in recruiting for terrorism he was told that what he was doing fell under freedom of speech.

“You don't have to worry unless we see blood on the street” the authorities told him.

While they were turning a blind eye, Hamza was training young men how to use AK-47, handguns and mock rocket launchers during country retreats. He was preparing them for the tougher times they could face overseas that the authorities also knew he was funding.

Hamza was so protected on British soil that the French even considered kidnapping him to stop him. Egypt was so concerned that they offered to swap him for a British prisoner, but they were turned down.

Richard Reid the “Shoe Bomber” was a regular attendee of Hamza's Finsbury Park Mosque before he attempted to down American Airline’s flight 63.

Hamza's influence also did not escape those surrounding the future 7/7 bombings. Alleged bombers Mohammed Siddique Khan, Shehzad Tanweer and Jermaine Lindsay had all attended his sermons at various stages.

It is hard to understand why there was such a careless policy of appeasement.

Was Britain really in such a position that it was safer to harbour extremists than it was to challenge them? One possibility is that the covenant was really to benefit Britain's foreign policy goals. It's easy for the Government to say four Muslims attacked Britain, but things get a lot more complicated when those four Muslims grew up in an extremist environment which the Government themselves permitted.

On the one hand, British citizens were told we’re fighting a war on terror but, on the other hand, their Government helped and supported the terrorists. What’s more worrying is that they may not have learned the lesson about this appeasement and collusion.
Since at least the 90s, the Government and its intelligence agencies put Britain at risk by harboring Wahhabi extremists and allowing them to groom young British men for terror overseas when it suited their foreign policy.

Paving the Way for Attacks

Despite all of the data, on June 2, 2005, just over a month before the attacks, the terror threat level was lowered, and police were moved out of the city. The official announcement stated “at present there is not a group with both the intent and the capability to attack the UK."

So on the one hand, officials were warning about attacks on the underground and were conducting drills and exercises in preparation, yet on the other hand they lowered the threat level stating nobody was planning to attack, and had since claimed they had no inkling that anything like this was going to take place. Subsequent Government investigations have never adequately addressed this massive contradiction.

Resisting against Transparency

On May 1, 2007, survivors and relatives of those killed on July 7 2005, delivered a letter to the Home Office calling for an independent and impartial public inquiry into the attacks. That was brusquely rejected by the Government.

Perhaps what’s nonsensical and offensive is that survivors and family members of the victims had to wait five years for any judicial hearing.

What did take place was an inquest although it was long overdue. Its scope was limited, and the coroner's main goal without certain guilt was to determine how the deaths occurred.

This proved extremely difficult because there were no internal post-mortems carried out on the bodies. There was no forensic evidence from the scenes as to why explosives were used. There was no CCTV on the trains or buses to verify the conflicting eyewitness’ reports and even the locations of the blasts in relation to the passengers have not been adequately determined.

The Home Office narrative gives locations for 3 of the alleged bombers on the tube and says that all of them took off their rucksacks containing the bombs, putting them on the floor and blew themselves up and killed those people. But the problem is that the Metropolitan police entered into evidence at the inquest with a series of diagrams that do not for the most parts, correspond with where the Home Office narrative says the explosions took place. So to talk about the official story of what exactly happened is a falsehood. There isn’t any accurate and clear official story.

The British establishment theory is that there was a conspiracy of four home-grown suicide bombers who were not known to the intelligence agencies, who attacked in London using home-made bombs with no outside help.

The MI5 were not challenged, or cross-examined at the inquest. It rejected recommendations put forward by the families to help prevent this happening in the future.

James Eadie QC arrogantly stated : “The evidence simply does not give rise to any concern about other deaths in the future or continuing risk.”

This echoed the King's Cross Underground fire of 1987 when the authorities failed to implement recommendations even by 2005.

Consecutive Governments Tried to Hide Something?

Nick Clegg and David Cameron picked up on the events when they were in opposition and scalded Blair from rejecting the public's wishes.

But now the coalition is in full swing. They too have shown no interest in getting to the truth behind Britain's most devastating terrorist atrocity. Rather than becoming more transparent about their actions and protocols and more importantly their collusion with the very terrorists that citizens are supposed to be protected from, in November 2011 foreign secretary William Hague revealed plans to restrict further the ability of courts to discuss in public the work of the MI5 and the MI6, who suggested intelligence data should only be discussed in secret court hearing.
If that was the case following 7/7, we may not have been privy to most of the information covered in this report. What exactly are they trying to hide?


"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 11:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

my take

The 7/7 London bombings, big questions never asked, let alone answered

Nine years ago this week, London saw four devastating bomb attacks which killed 56 people on three London Underground trains and a bus. To mark the occasion graffiti was daubed on the Hyde Park 7/7 memorial, saying "Blair lied thousands died" and "Four innocent Muslims". These are views which, though quite common on the streets, particularly of Leeds where three of the four alleged bombers came from, they are never articulated in the British mass media at all.

Questions, objections and evidence raised by the long standing July 7th Truth Campaign, families of the victims and some of those caught up in the attacks still hits a cold hard wall of police, government and security service silence. Nine years and fifty broken families on, national media discussion has been reduced to safe questions about amounts of compensation money paid to families and how far to curtail civil liberties to stop ‘this kind of attack,’ as if it’s all done and dusted, ever happening again.

When the government's so-called 'narrative' was published in May 2006 researchers immediately spotted glaring errors with the alleged bombers journey into London. Home Secretary John Reid was forced into the House of Commons to announce that the train the police said they caught did not run that morning. Although the official story had it they were 'clean skins,' it later transpired MI5 had been following them for years. Those were just two in a series of shameful omissions and embarrassing errors in a police investigation and Home Office narrative with a frighteningly short shelf life.

The London Underground CCTV cameras bristling every few yards on the tube and every bus has several, so why were no CCTV pictures ever produced which showed any of the alleged bombers in or getting onto the bombed trains or bus? Verint Systems, an Israeli firm, won the private CCTV contract five months before the attack but no questions appear to have been asked during their vetting, despite Verint's group chairman, Kobi Alexander, running off with tens of millions of dollars, wanted by Interpol, the FBI and Wall Street regulators the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

On the morning of 7/7, Associated Press in Jerusalem reported Israel's then Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who happened to be in London that day, had received a warning from Scotland Yard before the bombs went off. Bibi changed his plans and stayed in his hotel, the report said, instead of setting off for a conference he was due to be attending at the Great Eastern Hotel at Liverpool Street Station.

Later that day, and subsequently on the BBC's 2009 'Conspiracy Files' documentary the Israeli embassy denied getting that warning but in the German newspaper ‘Bild am Sonntag’, Mossad chief Meir Dagan confirmed - yes they got the warning and passed it to Netanyahu in his hotel before the bombs went off. Even more embarrassing than this inability to get the story straight was that the official Home Office narrative, as well as all the evidence produced at the inquest, said there was no warning: the bombings were a surprise attack.

Former police officer Peter Power, sacked from his job in the Dorset constabulary after fiddling his expenses, appeared across global television on 7/7 representing his private security firm ‘Visor Consultants’. He described a terror drill exercise he was supposedly conducting that morning envisaging bombs at the same three tube stations where the real bombs went off.

With 275 stations on the London tube network, the chances of this really being as he said, a coincidence, come out around 275 to the power of three multiplied by the number of days in the year, 365 - around a cool eight billion to one, Peter. He described it on one TV network that day as a ‘spooky coincidence.’ An oblique reference perhaps to 'spooks,' the nickname given to the secret services?

Sunshine reflects from the pillars of the memorial to the victi
Sunshine reflects from the pillars of the memorial to the victims of the July 7, 2005 London bombings, in Hyde Park, central London (Reuters / Andrew Winning)

He subsequently revealed to the BBC that his ‘terror drill’ had been sponsored by event organizers and publishers Reed Elsevier who, until 2007, ran Britain’s biggest arms fair, the Defence Security Equipment Exhibition (DSEI), where private military companies advertise everything, right up to fighting nuclear wars for you, and by the way torture equipment is openly on sale.

The proper judicial procedure would have been a public inquiry into the attacks, which would consider evidence systematically in front of a jury. Instead an inquest, designed to investigate a single death was convened in October 2010 under Lady Justice Heather Hallett, but her all-important jury was mysteriously missing. As the inquest dragged on through 52 separate hearings, survivors, and families of the victims, complained their big questions were not being addressed.

Previous attacks in public places and on public transport across Europe such as the 1980 Bologna railway station bomb, which killed 85 people and the 1985 Brabant Supermarket massacres which killed 16, have been conclusively traced to NATO intelligence by parliamentary enquiries in Italy, Belgium and Switzerland.

If the spooks had planted the 7/7 London bombs, it would not be the first time the network of NATO & Swiss secret services known as the ‘Club of Berne’, have done so. Under the guise of national security, they live a publicly funded life far from democratic oversight, and have been proven to run secret armies, immune from prosecution, in structures that run parallel to the regular armed forces.

“You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game,” stated NATO Operation Gladio soldier, Italian fascist Vincezo Vinciguerra. The objective, he explained from jail in a 1992 BBC Timewatch documentary, was "to force the people to turn to the state to ask for greater security." Back in the 1980s the fake enemy was the Soviet Union, today it’s Islamic Extremists.


"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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