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A Much Greater Prize

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 9:30 am    Post subject: A Much Greater Prize Reply with quote

A Much Greater Prize

Mike James in Frankfurt, Germany – July 26, 2006

The face of a Zionist Jewish girl, ably captured by a passing Reuters cameraman, radiates wondrous joy as she writes her name, "with love", on a missile of death. Moments later, the object of her erotic fascination smashes and shatters the bodies of two Lebanese toddlers near a playschool, whose only crime was not belonging to the Synagogue of Satan. The missiles were made in "Christian" America and were delivered by "Christian" American hardware.

The outlaw state of Israel, rapaciously conceived in the blood of native Palestinians and in mocking disobedience to God's biblical prohibition on a Jewish homeland, continues to disfigure and distort this fallen creation, filling the world with a vile and cankering stench of death and a darkness so pernicious that it blackens the fairest of hearts. Yet not one nation has rallied to the defence of Lebanon, neither Arab nor European, neither Asian nor Pan-American. Oh, I heard the cynically nuanced calls for restraint and saw the scented garlands heaped on high by the scabrous, money-obsessed, mentally ill prostitutes that have the barefaced effrontery to call themselves national leaders.

It is taken as said that American Congressmen and Senators, British Members of Parliament, Germany's elected representatives and the parasitic vermin that crawl steaming from the dung-heap of the European Soviet's nomenklatura hold their richly lubricated anal passages wide-open at all hours for every passing Zionist huckster. It is no stretch to say that the mouthpieces of this loathsome New World Order, massively subsidised by the Jewish money power and boasting among their ranks Fabian Marxist and liberal filth indentured to the BBC, The Guardian, The Observer and The New York Times, are also only too eager to suck and swallow until they are kicked spitting and choking back into their holes.

But what stirs me the most in my rage is the deafening sound of silence on the part of the British and American people, because it was the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Celtic and Gaelic tribes that God far-sightedly blessed through Father Abraham, making of them the "people of the promise", more numerous than the stars and predestined to take legal stewardship of his earthly creation for all eternity. Yet true Israel, the Israel of George Washington, William Shakespeare, John Wesley, Oliver Cromwell, Thomas Hardy, William Wallace, Thomas Jefferson and Mark Twain, has grown fat in Egypt and has all but surrendered to sloth and indifference, hardly perceiving the distant crack of Pharaoh’s whip and the faintly whispered rumours of slavery close at hand.

The British and American people have had over three years to apprehend the war criminals Tony Blair and George Bush and punish them in accordance with God’s perfect laws handed down to us by Moses and sanctioned by the Geneva Convention. Three hundred million British and American adults break the law every day by failing to arrest and execute these evil men in accordance with humane international laws that have the consent of God. Yet these monsters still live, breathe, laugh, eat and defecate. Their hearts have not been mortally stilled and their mouths have not been stopped to bring about a cessation of their wicked lies and murderous schemes.

While evil Jewish Zionists, who ritually urinate on Christian Bibles and the Cross of Calvary as part of their IDF "political training", shatter the limbs of Palestinian babies and rip the life out of Lebanese children as they cavort in a world of joy and innocence, millions of junk-addicted Britons and Americans are either given over to the hypnotising perversions of television or the equally mesmerising abominations of apostate Christianity, both systemics of which are mutually complementary, one giving image to the other, the Beast.

How deceived my people have become; how they bespeak good of evil and evil of good. And though you may protest, I discern you protest too much; for every nation is apportioned the government it deserves, and if your government be evil, it is because you, in your cowardice, are evil. If your nation has become a cesspit, a dumping ground for every foul creature from every corner of the earth and your house has become a Babel of many tongues, a place of fear and confusion and violence and disease, it is because you failed to challenge the lies of the hatemongering multiculturalist Zionist entity, preferring instead not to bite the Ashkenazi Jewish hand that feeds you and pulls your politically-correct chain.

Or you bought into the malicious deception sold to you by your pastor, who knowingly chose not to tell you about the difference between Jew and Judean, Sephardim and Ashkenazim, Kennite and Edomite. You actually believe that the Jews of our age are genetically related to the Judeans of Christ's ministry in the flesh, and that they in turn were of pure Hebrew stock. You may never have heard of the Greek translation of the Septuagint, even though it was from these texts that Jesus quoted and not the deliberately skewed literature written by Jews more in love with Lucifer's pornographic Talmud than with the Word of God. You swear by the Judaized King James Bible, despite its 20,000 translation errors, because some television evangelist with white teeth and a whoring luxury wife told you to read it in conjunction with the fraudulent Jewish-financed Scofield Reader, or burn in hell.

You’re Rapture-ready and you've got the DVD to prove it. You're a Promise Keeper, a soldier in Joel's Army; it's Armageddon time and a cheque is in the post to Israel. But listen to my words of warning, Brother Israelite, and listen very carefully. Each and every Christian, so-called, who assists in any shape, form or fashion the Zionist Ashkenazim or the birthright-stealing Edomites who call themselves Judeans but are not, and who therefore drunkenly partakes in drinking the blood of Lebanese, Palestinian and Iraqi babies and children, all the while singing the praises of evil, Antichrist Israel, will have his or her name unceremoniously removed from the Book of Life without appeal.

Cross your heart and hope to die you may, but if you follow viciously reprobate and demonically possessed men such as John Hagee, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Tim LaHaye and Hal Lindsey, all of whom preach the Zionist Jewish doctrine of violence, greed, deception and theft -- a doctrine written in the blood of Ishmael's children by the pen of Satan -- you are following them down the broad, dominionist path to destruction and Yahweh will shed not one tear for your soul, because he never knew you.

Enabling in any way, morally or financially, the premeditated murder of innocent Arab children in pursuit of profit, geopolitical gain and a mischievously carnal interpretation of sacred and unknowable eschatology is blasphemy against the Spirit of God, and this will not be forgiven, neither in this world nor in the next.

Now is the time for all men and women of good virtue, Americans, Canadians, Englishmen, Australians, Scots, Welsh, New Zealanders, Irish and others of an ethnic European heritage to hear the voice of their God, who is Christ Jesus, and who gave his life on the cross to free you from the curse of Satan's people. Now is the time appointed unto you to rally to the standard, unfurl the flag and tilt your sword at the lawless and barbaric New World Order.

Let none say that his life of comfort and easy pleasures is so precious that he is not prepared to lose it for a much greater prize. For I tell you this, though I be ageing and ailing terribly in health, and yet that I am also the least among you and in the eyes of God a burden of disappointment and a failure of spirit and promise, I, Michael James, shall fight with you, and I shall fight to the death.

From the foothills of the Taunus in my adopted, beloved German homeland to the vast open plains of America the Beautiful, from the sacred shores of Galloway and Connacht to the Great Divide of the Antipodes, let all free men and women of True Israel who remember their God and mourn their ancestry cry out in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ:

"I shall not go down on bended knee and hand my children over to the Zionist money power. I shall no longer toil on this plantation or pay tribute to the usurious Prince of this World and his demonic puppet system of parliaments and debating chambers, trading blocs and treasonous committees. I shall not give heed to those who preach a false gospel and articulate a Satanic, Antichrist dominion in my name. I shall neither bless nor assist those who murder the children of another kin, for though the ways of such children are different to mine, God has ordained it so, each nation being judged separately, each race unto its own. I shall never kiss the whip of my tormentors, for I am not a slave; nor shall I sell them my soul for a potter's field of worldly gain. I shall make of these murderers and liars mine enemy, and though all around me are fallen in battle, my sword will find no resting place until I have destroyed the New World Order."

"For this is my destiny and the destiny of My People, written in the stars long before I was born."

Michael Danesfield James
Germany, 26 July 2006.

Michael James is a British freelance journalist and translator, resident in Germany for over 14 years. Permission to republish his work in any media is freely granted.


Telling the Truth in the Realm of Lies

Is the Emperor Naked, Half-Naked Of Fully-Clothed?

Big Pharma Pushes "Miracle Cure" For Holocaust Denial Syndrome

French and Dutch Patriots Rout the New World Order

The Image

The British Prime Minister: Only Murderers and Liars, Please

The 'Blood Price' That Could Hang Tony Blair

What Hutton Is Really Saying

'Lying Is Good Government'

Impugning Tony Blair's Honour And A Challenge To Fight

Also see: Mideast calling cards

Then contrast those images of death and destruction with the photos of ultra-orthodox Israelis dancing and celebrating the destruction:
Die with Love, version 2.0
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Each and every Christian, so-called, who assists in any shape, form or fashion the Zionist Ashkenazim or the birthright-stealing Edomites who call themselves Judeans but are not, and who therefore drunkenly partakes in drinking the blood of Lebanese, Palestinian and Iraqi babies and children, all the while singing the praises of evil, Antichrist Israel, will have his or her name unceremoniously removed from the Book of Life without appeal.

He'd better be sure he's speaking on God's sayso though....
But interesting
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 5:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Have a read of this article again, have a read of his other writings and tell me honestly can you not see how offensive this is to people of Jewish faith. Can you not see how the content of this article is designed to inflame? Can you not see how this breaks our principles.

Namely the one stating posts which refer to jews (people of the judiac faith) in any way that is less favourable than non jews (and visa versa) will be considered offensive and liable to promote hatred and violence and will be deleted.

I have tried repeated to explain how the highly sensitive issues of zionism, Israel and 9/11 should be discussed (if in doubt search zionism under my name) and repeated urged people to make clear distinction between criticism of the Israeli state and criticism of people who promote zionism and people of the Jewish faith. This article like the one post yesterday by John Kaminski fails to do this.

Your post will be editted to remove offensive material and a firmer line will be taken on removing material that is or can easily be perceived as offensive from the site. We will retain the link to the article on other sites so people can read and judge for themselves if this is the correct decision.

I wish those that see the PTB solely through a zionist lens could realise the damage they cause and the amunition they provide to our critics to label 9/11 truth as a bunch of neo-nazi nut jobs when this is not true. Indeed I have made the point before that I strongly suspect the PTB may be responsible for stoking interest in 9/11 truth in 'far-right circles' precisely for the purpose of discrediting the wider movementby guilt by association. Either knowingly or unwittingly the promoters of 'it's all a giant zionist conspiracy' message are playing straight in to the hands of the very people they claim to be opposing. Go figure
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John White
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 8:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, as hes got a British Passport, why doesnt he pop back and arrest Blair himself?

Raging in an Ivory Tower does not command my respect: heck, i doubt that "God" is a fan of that either

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 9:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes I do understand how offensive it is. Take it off the site if you like. The thing is that because of the climate that the Zionist-dominated media have created everyone is much more concerned at not appearing anti-semitic than pointing out hard facts:

1) The absolutely racist state of Israel is uncritically supported by, as far as I can see, almost the ENTIRE Jewish community (both here and in the US).
2) The media, which is owned and controlled by Zionists, has lied to us or ignored all the most serious issues....the War on terror, 9/11, the money creating bankers scam etc., etc. This, of course, favours these Zionist powers. We hear SO MANY Jewish voices forcing these agendas down our throats. Where are the dissenting Jews. I know they exist I have met one or two and admire them greatly. But we need Jews to recognise and challenge the evil of Zionism in their own communities. I am not being hysterical, Ian. You know and I know that this could kill us all......and the only chance we stand to win is to expose the depravity of the PTB, their Zionist project and its ideology.

Christ (am I meant to be ashamed of standing up for the teaching of Christ) absolutely rejected the Zionist message and the 'spirituality' of the Talmudists who rewrote scripture to advance the Jews material rather than spiritual well-being. He took his message to 'The Jews'.

If I think 'The Jews' have made a disastrous error by rejecting Christ and adopting what is basically a self-serving and therefore ungodly faith should I not say so. If the act of saying this is racist, it is a racism that mirrors exactly their own mentality. I mean, read Howard Jacobson or Melanie Phillips. These writers are Jews first and everything else second. If it is OK for them to be racist why is it not OK for people like me to point out what is going on here. There is something here that is fixed, psychologically aberrant and morally reprehensible. It needs breaking not pandering to.

But yes, the article is offensive...but not as offensive as the state of Israel destroying an entire country and killing hundreds (so far) including mostly women and children. It is not as offensive as their deliberately murdering 4 UN peacekeepers in order to prevent the possibility that a new UN peacekeeping force will be imposed on them.

I will not put up any more of these posts but be aware that, (like our 'sceptical' friends) most of the people whose feelings and dignity you, gentleman that you are, wish to protect....THEY will not offer YOU 1% of the consideration that you afford to them.

I know that if I ever find myself digging my kids out of the rubble I will wonder why we were all so restrained in the face of WHAT WE ON THIS SITE, AT LEAST, know to be an enormous threatening evil....and I am not implying we should resort to physical violence in any way.
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John White
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 9:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

1) The absolutely racist state of Israel is uncritically supported by, as far as I can see, almost the ENTIRE Jewish community (both here and in the US).

But not in Isreal: go to the Isreali press to find out whats happening on the ground there, its no free lunch

2) The media, which is owned and controlled by Zionists, has lied to us or ignored all the most serious issues....

Is it? Or is it heavily invested in and influenced?

We are up against it with the deepening Isreali situation, theres no doubt about that, which is why we must (in my view)make extra effort not to be dominated by our emotion, to stay calm, and seek clarity

Like I said, were up against it: I am hopefull though that there are enough of us who can make the effort succesfully and get some real communication

Pointing fingers is a game which has been expertly set up for decades, and now that card is being played: we must be better!

"(anyone) controls everything!" is realistically a foolish statement to ever make: I know as a truth that (anyone) does not control me: I do

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 9:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not precisely how i see things but anyway:
Monotheism is often a cause of this divide and conquer seen throughout the ages. I see no need at all for people to make every post a reflection of their monotheism or to blame one group or another.
Ive seen on other sites what d-bs/hufschmid style zionist-obsessionists can cause. See concen for an example.
Im not saying zionism isnt a problem but the majority of people will automatically think you mean jews and thereafter ignore everything else you have to say/associate everyone else here as being a nazi etc. Perhaps thats not your fault but a reflection of the media influence you mention, that doesnt change the impact it can have. Often these articles mix up jew with zionist anyway which is even worse.
Its very dangerous and i get the feeling those who talk about it often havent considered how others perceive it much and dont really care.

I see us all as ONE. regardless of nationality, religion, race, colour, sex blabla all unimportant. Inside we are all exactly the same. A spirit inside a vessel of whatever description.
Monotheism seeks to divide us as do many other beliefs. Submission or Heresy.
Beliefs are just learned.
Unity is essential if we are to beat that which we face.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 10:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Perhaps the best compromise would be for kbo234 to just post an intro and a link to the article. Surely nineeleven.co.uk can't be held responsible for content on other sites?
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 10:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

very true Leiff.
even kbo cant be held responsible for articles on other sites.
Often people post and say "what do you think of this"
Like scubadiver did earlier here:

The reply was "Neo Con Christian nonsense"
"OMG you neocon christian nazi"
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John White
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 1:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Scar, yes that was one of mine: I chose the words quite specifically to describe exactly what I saw in the article

I favour two qualities whilst posting: Clarity and Honesty

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John White
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 1:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

BTW: "Isreal" is egyptian:

ISis Ra EL

The Moon Goddess, The Sun God and El, Saturn, the planet of order and dominance

Its all mythology: to die for it is utterly stupid and unessacary, we should be having poetry debates about it instead

Anyway, Ive studied a lot of this stuff, I could put together interesting perceptions on religion going far further back than 2000 years..so Im always up for lively debate on these topics, but not on this forum

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