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Outfoxing the 9/11 Coverup

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:59 am    Post subject: Outfoxing the 9/11 Coverup Reply with quote

http://salem-news.com/articles/september242009/outfoxing_911_gd_9-24-0 9.php

Outfoxing the 9/11 Coverup
Sep-24-2009 14:26
Gordon Duff Salem-News.com

With the 9/11 Commission rescinding their own report, 9/11 debunking machine is now our "smoking gun".

(CINCINNATTI, Ohio) - When 9/11 Commission Chief Counsel, John Farmer, released his book, The Ground Truth, debunking his own 9/11 commission report and was supported by Chairman Thomas Kean and commission member Senator Bob Kerrey with no dissent, the cover story of 9/11 died.

This leaves us with these inescapable facts:

* We no longer have an official answer to questions about 9/11.

* Perjured testimony and falsified information given to the original commission is a criminal act and demands a Grand Jury investigation and Special Prosecutor.

* Hundreds of respected leaders of the military, law enforcement, intelligence and scientific communities question the credibility of an investigation now proven beyond a doubt a conspiracy in itself.

* The institutions of government, including all 3 branches, Executive, Judicial and Legislative have combined in an unexplainable way in their failure to respond to circumstances that legally require action.

* The press has continued a pattern of distortion of facts, suppression of news and has engaged in a systematic campaign of deception.

Years have passed and soon 10,000 Americans will have died. Taking into account the epidemic of veterans suicides, we may have already passed that figure now. The cascade of events, financial collapse, government spying, oil price fixing, massive military corruption and a dozen more issues as serious have been able to move beyond our ability of everyday citizens to influence.

In fact, the most corrupt and debased groups involved in the 9/11 coverup are being actively recruited by the press as a patriotic resistance.

The tone for the coverup is being set by Australian media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, who controls much of the press in the US and United Kingdom. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see Murdoch's role in covering up 9/11. His networks created the "9/12ers" who are continuing the coverup and Murdoch employees like Fox funnyman, Glenn Beck, are still a major part of the effort to protect those in government who lied to the commission and may have aided the conspirators.

Murdoch's media has held to "party line" on 9/11 and the Iraq/Afghanistan war since day one, suppressing facts any time they threatened an agenda of broad regional war or supported limiting government power to operate above the law.

Conspiracy theorists, largely proven correct thus far, refer to Murdoch's position as leader of the Israeli ultra-right wing Zionist movement as a rationale for his continued involvement in the cover up. No proof of Israeli involvement in the planning and execution of 9/11 has been offered except for Murdoch's relentless disinformation campaign.

Geopolitical theorists accuse Murdoch of orchestrating a plan for Israel to draw America into a wide set of conflicts in the Middle East, tying down forces for many years, while Israel extends broad economic influence into Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. The massive oil and gas reserves of the area, formerly the Jewish Kazhak empire, represent one of the greatest economic prizes in the world.

Only Iran threatens Israel's goals in this area.

Over 40 years ago, the US and Israel engaged in a false flag operation against an American warship called the USS Liberty. The plan was for Israel to attack and sink an American ship, kill the crew and the US would blame Egypt, invade and oust Soviets from the Middle East and control the worlds oil supply.

A Russian spy ship observed and filmed the attack. The Israeli pilots went public. American naval officers reported White House involvement in the plot and it failed.

We only know that 9/11 was not what we were told it was and that it is being covered up by propagandists tied to Israeli extremists. Can we make assumptions from this? I say no but we can and should ask questions.

However, anyone asking a question or advocating an investigation is subjected to vicious personal attacks not limited to attempts to influence violence. The 400% increase in threats against the current president can easily be traced to their source in the media industry.

Was the Bush administration trying to repeat the Middle Eastern takeover tried by Lyndon Johnson long ago? Exposure of their plans to invade Iraq, made long before 9/11 need to be added into the equation.

9/11 could be a massive American intelligence failure with NORAD and the DOD melting down for lack of leadership. The lies told afterward could have been the result of embarrassment at total incompetence.

Nothing points to solid proof that 9/11 was staged by the US, with or without Israel. A long string of odd coincidences and a few violations of the laws of physics don't prove a massive conspiracy, not in themselves. They only raise a need for impartial investigation.

One thing can't be explained. Why are lies, known lies, still being broadcast daily, lies orchestrated from one source, meant to suppress an honest accounting of what may have been a series of mistakes?

Why go so far to cover up mistakes if they were only mistakes? With no 9/11 Commission standing behind the report that was meant to clear the Bush administration of responsibility, why is the Murdoch propaganda machine, the Wall Street Journal, Fox, Hannity, Beck and gang so busy burying something that doesn't exist?

To read more of Gordon's work, you can visit: veteranstoday.com


Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran and a regular contributor to Veterans Today. He specializes in political and social issues. You can see a large collection of Gordon's published articles at this link: VeteransToday.com.

He is an outspoken advocate for veterans and his powerful words have brought about change. Gordon is a lifelong PTSD sufferer from his war experiences and he is empathetic to the plight of today's veterans also suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. We greatly appreciate the opportunity to feature Gordon's timely and critical reports on Salem-News.com, a news organization staffed by a number of veterans, particularly former U.S. Marines.

You can send Gordon Duff an email at this address: Gpduf@aol.com

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 2:58 pm    Post subject: Re: Outfoxing the 9/11 Coverup Reply with quote

item7 wrote:

One thing can't be explained. Why are lies, known lies, still being broadcast daily, lies orchestrated from one source, meant to suppress an honest accounting of what may have been a series of mistakes?

I think the answer to this question may be found in the US military policy of "Full Spectrum Dominance".

Details of how the BBC may be susceptible to this policy can be found here: http://bbc911confile.blogspot.com/2008/06/epilogue.html.

Read this bit:
Is the BBC a tool for US “Full Spectrum Dominance” ?

"Foreign media are clearly targeted in a secret 2003 document entitled [Information Operation Roadmap.pdf]. The Council on Foreign Relations' web site notes that the Roadmap, “details the US military's information operations, including psychological operations, electronic warfare and involvement in foreign journalism”.

“Information, always important in warfare, is now critical to military success.”

And try asking yourselves these questions:
"Is there evidence that the BBC, uniquely among major broadcasting networks, has been excluded from this master plan for American dominance? ...

"How might a BBC programme on 911 dissent fit their war plan?"
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 5:30 pm    Post subject: Re: Outfoxing the 9/11 Coverup Reply with quote

The page seems to have been zapped:
xmasdale wrote:

Details of how the BBC may be susceptible to this policy can be found here: http://bbc911confile.blogspot.com/2008/06/epilogue.html.

Page not found
Sorry, the page you were looking for in the blog --- MONITORING AUTHORITY --- INDEX BBC 911 does not exist.
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Angel - now passed away
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 10:13 pm    Post subject: Re: Outfoxing the 9/11 Coverup Reply with quote

IanFantom wrote:
The page seems to have been zapped:
xmasdale wrote:

Details of how the BBC may be susceptible to this policy can be found here: http://bbc911confile.blogspot.com/2008/06/epilogue.html.

Page not found
Sorry, the page you were looking for in the blog --- MONITORING AUTHORITY --- INDEX BBC 911 does not exist.

Thanks Ian. I'm not sure what's wrong. I now can't find the Full Spectrum Dominance page on the blog. I'll get back to you on this.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Who ever said "zapped" may have it. However if one clicks the "Go To Blog Homepage" in top of right hand side of the blank page that you land on,
or simply copy and paste the url into a new window then the blog opens (at least on my machine) good hunting

It's a good article by Gordon Duff with the out of place query answered adroitly by Noel who rightly points to an enemy at the door of our minds.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 9:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ah! It's just the full stop at the end of the url. I thought I could never be caught out on that one!

setay wrote:
Who ever said "zapped" may have it. However if one clicks the "Go To Blog Homepage" in top of right hand side of the blank page that you land on,
or simply copy and paste the url into a new window then the blog opens (at least on my machine) good hunting

It's a good article by Gordon Duff with the out of place query answered adroitly by Noel who rightly points to an enemy at the door of our minds.

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Angel - now passed away
Angel - now passed away

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So it's not real zapping by the PTB, just a confusion over a full stop? I was feeling quite chuffed that we had highlighted a fact that THEY were so keen to keep from us that THEY had taken the trouble to disable the link, but it seems it's just a boring old technical problem.

Anyway, the main point is that it is US military policy to influence foreign media covertly. There is no information that the BBC is exempt from this influence. Why should they be?
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nevertheless, I took a quick look at the pdf file 'Information Operation Roadmap.pdf'. This seems to be a key document, and will require some study. My first impression was that their objective is to be able to dominate the mass media everywhere (and that means in all languages), in order to be able to intervene as and when necessary. We will have complete freedom of speech, provided that that doesn't change anything.

Hence the illusion of democracy.

It's like a willow that will bend with the wind, but in the end nothing has changed.

xmasdale wrote:
Anyway, the main point is that it is US military policy to influence foreign media covertly. There is no information that the BBC is exempt from this influence. Why should they be?
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 6:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Veterans Today Special Report: 9/11 AND A GENERATION DECEIVED

Has Uncle Sam strayed? Is he cheating on us?
9/11 was not the first and won't be the last

By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor – October 8, 2009
http://www.veteranstoday.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=88 46

We make it easy for them. Lying to us is nothing. Our own government is a pack of philandering cheats, phony attacks, lying about wars, never a word of truth we can depend on. No matter what kind of outlandish thing they do, some "commission" covers it up. We don't need any of their blue ribbon commissions, we need a good divorce lawyer.

What happens when the delusional "super patriots" in our government go totally nuts on us as years of odd coincidences is beginning to prove to even the biggest dullards? What happens to keep one of their conspiracies from blowing up in their faces? First, word leaks out.

A few weeks later, anyone who says anything is called a "conspiracy nut." Newspapers can't carry stories once anyone says "conspiracy." What does it cause? Simple. Give a group total power to do anything they want, no matter how brutal, how insane. Make them above the law. Show them that anything can be covered up, that the press will no longer look into anything and that "national security" can be used to classify evidence for decades, even centuries and we have opened the door to barbarism.

Why is there a huge 9/11 conspiracy movement? Another no brainer. It is no big stretch of the imagination that Bush, Cheney and Rove could get a pack of rogue CIA/Mossad folks to do anything if the end result ended up as the war Bush was put in office to start. We've been between the sheets with these folks for a long time, think about the USS Liberty.

Why are millions willing to believe Obama wasn't born in the US? Simple. If a secret group running our government could rig the Bush elections, blow up the World Trade Center, murder 2 Kennedys, fill out streets with drugs and rob the entire planet's financial system, putting a Muslim from Kenya in the Whitehouse would be a piece of cake.

Where does this leave us? How does a generation of Americans live when confronted with one inexplicable thing after another, all having the look of being a bit too convenient and happening at just the right time.

Many Americans pick up a newspaper or watch TV and as soon as they hear a rumor about an attack or a story about some threat. As soon as we see a pentagon fat ass on TV reading about some imaginary boogeyman on his telepromter, we know what's coming. Its too bad we set up phony terrorist attacks to end wars rather than just start them. We need one right now to get us out of Afghanistan.

Maybe we can arrange one proving that Al Qaeda is in Africa and we can pack up, leave Afghanistan and Iraq and go there instead. The worst part of that, even if there is no enemy for us to fight, as in Iraq, one will show up anyway, just because we are there. Is this always the plan in the first place?

You can't turn on the TV and head to the cable/satellite channels, A&E, Military History, Discovery and others without being confronted by continual assaults on our traditional view of history, many of the shows carefully outlining how what we have always believed was a convenient lie meant to shut us up.

Between the ghosts and UFOs, shows like the Secret History of WW2, which debunks 75% of the accepted history of mankinds greatest conflict, shows us how far government goes and how little newspapers and historians really know. Somewhere, in basements all over Washington DC, classified documents that would make a mockery of everything we hold true sit and collect dust.

How does this make us feel? Its like we are all married to people we find really aren't going to a job every day but heading off to a motel somewhere. One day, we follow them and see them coming out with a mysterious stranger. We confront them. They tell us that we made it all up.

Every American who chooses to believe the government when they yell out "conspiracy theory" is like the spouse being lied to. You can keep quiet and pretend to believe, living a marriage more lie than real or you can break up your family, maybe lose you home, your kids, because you can't live a lie.

In some cases, it goes much further, its like we watched the whole thing through the motel window, hell, it is even as bad as if we kept a video tape. The Iraq War, the rigged elections, the anthrax outbreaks, the Sibel Edmonds spying scandal and the financial bailout are just like this. We have it all, videos, stained sheets, the whole thing and seem to be enjoying the humiliation.

In this analogy, what are we telling the spouse? Are we saying that "boys or girls night out" can be sex in the back seat somewhere and we simply don't care? What are we telling our government? Are we saying that they can go ahead, kill all of us if they want.

Is this the message we want them to have? If this president is from Kenya, maybe the next one won't even speak English. Our last one had the IQ of a chimp but none of the good looks. There is no humiliation we aren't willing to accept.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Senior Editor, Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran and regular contributor on political and social issues.

Simon - http://www.patriotsquestion911.com/

David Ray Griffin - 9/11: the Myth & the Reality
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