Caz Last Chance Saloon
Joined: 23 Apr 2006 Posts: 836
Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:33 am Post subject: Children Re-Engineered in Schools |
Mon Jan 07, 2008 1:19 am Children 'Re-engineered' in Schools
Quote: | "SUFFER THE LITTLE CHILDREN" under the coming private-political control of schools
Children are to be politically re-engineered in the government’s Fabian-communist plans for new schools, which are to be run by organisations other than their Local Education Authorities.
Name one thing that people will all protect and that is their children. Most parents are just too trusting of the education system however, and many have now learned to their cost that their children are being taught values concerning society, politics and sex which just do not mirror their own.
Control techniques
Many schools and education authorities have disturbingly taken up the practice of ‘Circle Time’. Although conducted with some variations, children are made to stand in a circle and talk for a few minutes about themselves and their families.
All of us have an instinctive understanding of what is personal and what is to be shared with others. But would adults be happy to stand with strangers, or even acquaintances and tell of upset in the family or personal fears or ambitions?
Whilst young children have an understanding of what is personal, they do not understand that in ‘Circle Time’ they are being encouraged to reveal personal information in the wrong way. They do not understand that by revealing themselves to their classmates and their teacher they are actually breaking down their personal identity.
Personal stories for Social Services
The whole process becomes even more sinister when a very young child can reveal immensly personal things which may have occurred within the family, and this information is then transferred from the Teacher to Social Services. Daddy hurt Mummy last night may be adult ‘nooky.’ It is then reported to Social Services as domestic violence.
Take a child who says that the dog bit her. Did the dog bite her deliberately or because she tripped and fell on the sleeping dog? Revealed in a snapshot in front of a class, facts can be quickly distorted. The consequences however can quickly escalate as school staff are becoming integrated with Social Services.
Many children are now being asked to write essays on their families or give biographies on them. One youngster was asked to rewrite her work ‘long hand’ although the school normally required such work to be typed. As the father remarked “My daughter only has to sign that essay and she has made a statement concerning very personal things about this family”.
NLP dark images
Leeds Education authority has taken the whole process even further by using ‘Creative Visualisation’ techniques. This form of Neuro Linguistic programming takes control of young minds by ‘taking children on a verbal journey to new worlds’.
The process is so powerful that some teachers being instructed in the techniques were shocked at dark images which appeared in their minds, and which they found difficult to forget.
So concerned was one teacher that they wrote a report on the ‘Creative Visualisation technique pointing out that if it could affect adults in this way, it could do so in vulnerable young minds. Documents held by the UK Column reveal that the so called ‘expert’ teaching ‘Creative Visualisation’ simply held a combined degree in Geology and Psychology.
Perhaps more surprisingly, although being paid £50,000, he did not have a signed contract with Education Leeds, and therefore it would appear he was uninsured.
Despite his lack of credentials and insurance, this individual was allowed to bring his friends and colleagues into the class room. Who these people were is not revealed - only that they came from Switzerland.
Most distressing for parents, Mr Visualisation did reveal to a UK Column reporter that between 1 and 3% of children can suffer adverse metal affects from this sort of mental training. We should not be surprised becaus it is mild form of hypnosis during which ideas and thoughts can be implemented in the child’s mind. Even an adult going to a hypnotherapist to stop smoking takes about a 1% risk of adverse mental effects after the treatment.
Limited companies as primary schools
In this worrying new experimentation on childrens’ minds, the government is trying to slip in yet another very dangerous political agenda - namely, the passing of control of schools to unaccountable bodies.
In the Westcountry the Plymouth Evening Herald, recently reported that the government is calling for parents, community groups and charities to put forward proposals for a new primary school in the Sherford new Town development.
Sherford is a new satellite town of circa 3,500 houses proposed by former Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott. To be built less than 5 miles from the city of Plymouth itself, construction will start shortly and includes massive windmills backed by Prince Charles.
The Herald report informs readers that the whole process of the setting up a new school will be managed by an independent organisation called the Office for Public Management (OPM Ltd.), itself appointed by the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF). Readers should note that DCSF is the old department for Education.
In fact the Herald story is a gross distortion of the truth because the Office of Public Management is not independent at all. It is a typical ‘Third Sector charity quango’ of the type minister Ed Milliband is working so hard to make part of the (socialist) political system.
Chaired by Hilary Thompson, with a Masters Degree in business administration and a doctorate in theoretical physics, OPM is designed to appear to an unsuspecting public that it is a government body. She is supported by experts in ‘trend analysis, quantitative approaches and futures thinking’, “capacity for change”, “psychometric questionnaires”, “global governance”, “health policy and inter-agency settings”. Clearly all very necessary to build and run a primary school.
Marxist elite
In fact it is a collection of individuals who claim outstanding experience, professional capability and success in every area imaginable. Their true personal backgrounds, beliefs, and police security checks are not declared. They reek of the new socialist elite, ready to implement a socialist utopian agenda under the noses of parents and the wider public. They are also linked to the marxist think tank DEMOS.
True to quango form OPM claim to be regulated, but nothing could be further from the truth. The named so called regulating body is none other than the “Independent Commission on Good Governance in Public Services.”
This is yet another quango organisation and a quick inspection reveals that, as expected,it contains at least two senior EU socialist Common Purpose members.
The UK Column smells a rat. The evidence suggests a plot to place new schools underthe control of unaccountable communistdoctrine. To believe that OPM Ltd, or its regulating body, the Independent Commission on Good Governance in Public Services shares the values of most parents is laughable.
Are little children to suffer “Creative Socialist
Visualisation?” |
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Caz Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 2:06 am
Charlotte Iserbyt, who wrote 'The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America' describes social engineering in schools.
Her film here:
Her free e-book here:
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Caz Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 12:13
If anyone thinks that Circle Time is NOT happening in ARK schools, note that in the job description for an 'Inclusion Coach', employees are expected to run circle time.
Quote: | Running circle time sessions as required |
Quote: | Control techniques
Many schools and education authorities have disturbingly taken up the practice of ‘Circle Time’. Although conducted with some variations, children are made to stand in a circle and talk for a few minutes about themselves and their families.
All of us have an instinctive understanding of what is personal and what is to be shared with others. But would adults be happy to stand with strangers, or even acquaintances and tell of upset in the family or personal fears or ambitions?
Whilst young children have an understanding of what is personal, they do not understand that in ‘Circle Time’ they are being encouraged to reveal personal information in the wrong way. They do not understand that by revealing themselves to their classmates and their teacher they are actually breaking down their personal identity. |
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Caz posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:03 am
Quote: | 22. Isn't OBE mental manipulation and the practice of psychology?
Yes, it is. Psychologists must be licensed before they can practice psychotherapy. However, S.B. 137, which passed the 1993 legislature, (in state of Georgia and in Missouri S.B. 380), cleared the way for all teachers to practice psychology in the classroom WITHOUT A LICENSE. OBE's emphasis on higher order thinking skills (HOTS) places it squarely in the position of requiring psychotherapy in the classroom. |
OBE= Outcome Based Education, alive and well in the UK.
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Fish5133 Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 12:39 am
The kids who play truant will miss all this social engineering in school. Mind you they will be reengineering their brains on all the dope they now smoke and the mobile phones stuck to their ears
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Caz Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:29 pm Now they want to ban mums and dads. an-mums-dads.html
Now they want to ban mums and dads
Quote: | Schools are being ordered to drop the term "mum and dad" in case it offends pupils from a single-parent, homosexual or turkey-baster "family."
Ed Balls, who runs the department of social engineering, also wants four-year-olds to be taught about same-sex relationships.
Teachers should avoid telling boys to "be a man" or stop behaving like a "bunch of old women." And gay teachers are to be encouraged to discuss their private lives in class.
Presumably, pupils should stop saying "Please, Sir" when they put their hands up because it may upset the sensibilities of any maths master going through gender reassignment therapy.
And "Please, Miss" might cause a feminist headmistress to have a fit of the screaming ab-dabs and sue for com-pen-say-shun.
Children who use the playground taunt "gay" - as in "those trainers are so gay" - will be treated the same as racists.
Leave aside the fact that the first person I ever heard say "Oh, you're so gay" was a gay friend of mine. Any child suspected of discrimination will be punished severely under a code of "zero tolerance."
The Government commissioned the homosexual pressure group Stonewall and some obscure outfit called Education Action Challenging Homophobia to draw up guidelines on acceptable behaviour in schools.
Why not ask the Women's Institute or the Mothers' Union? Or Ann Widdecombe?
If you ask something called Education Action Challenging Homophobia, you know what kind of answer you're going to get.
Children's Minister Ed Balls wants four-year-olds to be taught about same-sex relationships
For some unfathomable reason, Labour has franchised out social policy to single-issue headbangers.
Putting Stonewall in charge of what goes on in schools is like putting potty Pete Doherty in charge of the declassification of heroin.
This used to be a sensible organisation, with the laudable aim of ending discrimination against homosexuals.
I supported many of its aims and was one of the first in the mainstream Press to argue the case for civil partnerships.
But having ended inequality in fields such as pensions, housing and health care, and got so-called gay marriage on to the statute books, it should have been wound up.
Instead, it has extended its interference into areas which are none of its damn business.
Stonewall is now effectively an arm of the Government, receiving hundreds of thousands of pounds from the public purse for "research" and "education."
The grand fromage of Stonewall is hereditary Labour lackey "Dame" Ben Summerskill. Ministers fall over themselves to accommodate his every demand.
He gets his own way by screaming "homophobe" at anyone who disagrees with his agenda - whether it's bullying church charities over gay adoption or trying to force through fascistic restrictions on free speech.
And what exactly qualifies him to dictate policy? Absolutely nothing. No one voted for him.
His only claim to fame is as a thirdrate reporter on an unpopular Sunday newspaper and a spell helping Rosie Boycott destroy the Daily Express.
He's a professional homosexual, the political equivalent of Dafydd, Little Britain's Only Gay In The Village.
You can imagine him filling in his census form:
Sex: Gay.
Occupation: Gay.
Religion: Gay.
Get over it, love.
What gives him the right to shove his prejudices down our throat?
This Government is in thrall to the militant gay lobby.
Only last week it was revealed that sex education in schools is under the command of Chris Bryant MP, last seen performing a "sex act" on himself in a Soho nightclub and posing in grubby underpants on the internet in a sordid attempt to attract men to have sex with him.
But where's the outrage? Bryant's plans to spend £150 million teaching nine-year-olds about "alternative lifestyles" and how to roll condoms onto bananas barely raised an eyebrow at Westminster.
Even when there is a fuss in the papers, ministers simply ride it out and the circus moves on. Call Me Dave is so busy cultivating his touchy-feely metrosexual credentials that he's terrified of being smeared as a "homophobe."
It is a disgrace that Gordon Brown has abrogated education policy to intolerant, proselytising homosexuals.
They're the new Jesuits - give them the child and they'll give you the man.
We send our children to school to learn to read and write, not to listen to some self-pitying drama teacher droning on about his sex life.
Is it any wonder parents are deserting state schools in droves, mortgaging their futures to keep their children out of the clutches of Labour's social engineers?
Whoever thought we'd live in a country where the notion of a child having both a "mum and dad" could possibly be considered offensive.
My favourite story of the weekend was the news that someone has stolen a sniffer dog from under the noses of its handlers at Lancashire Police headquarters.
Actually, the police managed to lose three dogs last year, including a cocker spaniel being specially trained by Northumbria Constabulary.
They were among £700,000 worth of property stolen from police premises, including two metal replicas of police officers and one cardboard cut-out.
It is not known whether the dogs have been recovered.
Maybe the metal replicas and cardboard cutout went to look for them. Was it a cardboard sniffer dog?
If it is correct that children are to end up in the control of the state, inhabiting a virtual world, they don't need mums and dads. Obsolete. |