item7 Moderate Poster
Joined: 20 Sep 2008 Posts: 641
Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:22 am Post subject: The Fall of America ? |
Quote: | The FALL of AMERICA ?
By: Cincinatus
The word from many of our establishment lecturers and cozy media pundits is that the fall of American power is now. And it’s sinking fast, headed for sunset at about year 2025. But not all is as it seems. Witness one Michael Klare – an apparent expert on the issue, he offers 6 signs of U.S. pride before the fall. Based on U.S. secret police findings, his reasons published at the Nation magazine and other sites are shocking to some and incredible to others.
They are edited into compact form below:
1] At Pittsburg (September 24-25) The Big G-8 powerhouse nations decided the global economy should be managed by not just the usual G-1 gorilla at the head of the table (the U.S.) or the G-8 it supposedly ran but by the new G-22 kids on the block, China, India, Brazil, Turkey and others.
2] U.S. economic opponents want to take steps to dump the highly troubled American dollar as an international trade standard.
3] The U.S. (Washington) has been shot down in “diplomatic” attempts to make IRAN the international bad guy for pursuing nuclear power.
4] CHINA and IRAN state leaders are closer than ever in promoting trade and energy deals with each other.
5] Washington U.S. support for its so-called “war on terror” in AFGHANISTAN has close to zero support in the world.
6] The International Olympic Committee (IOC) rejected Chicago as a site for the 2016 Winter Olympics and instead chose Rio de Janeiro.
How do such reasons stack up as valid news by the fall of American power?
Let’s follow the money trail at the top of the economic pyramid (reasons 1 & 2). I begin here because Big Money and control of the global monetary process has historically been the power behind practically every throne and nation. That includes the ones presumed to be democratic. It’s safe to say money power tends to (at minimum) influence if not call the playbook anywhere and everywhere it’s used. And it’s always used.
To claim that real economic policy was ever made by the G-8 (not a formal organization) qualifies as more than a stretch. Of course, the usual photo ops of passing world “leaders” are snapped at these events but there is case to be made that most “leaders” of G-8 countries (America, France, England, etc) are essentially frontmen for corporate powers that bankrolled their positions. Under that worldview, such people are the equivalent of well-rehearsed actors. Most read their teleprompt messages reasonably well but don’t exercise much real power.
An obvious example was an embarrassingly inept oddity known as GW Bush visited weekly by Henry KissingerHenry Kissinger. Some would say the Kissinger stopovers were to lay out the Bush script and Monday wake up call. Then there is Bush successor Barack ObamaBarack Obama who went from a raw virtual nobody to president in barely 5 years on Wall Street connections and funding. These could hardly be called genuine “leaders” in the sense of say JFKJFK, Abe LincolnAbe Lincoln or old Otto Von Bismarck. (In the case of JFK, Kennedy used his own family money to win the presidency and was beholden to no one).
There is one exception to that G-8 rule: whatever can be said of Vladimir PutinVladimir Putin – the ex KGB boss is a genuine leader. Putin may listen to others but the man is no runway actor. The king of Russia does not front for anyone. Interesting that he is considered a problem for the U.S.
Some would argue that in corporate rigged “democracies” real power players are masked and pull the money strings from behind the curtain. Of course that would mean democracy and capitalism are a three-card monty.
On that theme, there is another unofficial hush-hush meeting of “world leaders” that convenes annually (ordinary press never invited). It is called the Bilderberg Group. According to economist F. William Engdahl (his book A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order) Henry Kissinger initiated the master policy for global oil shocks at an early 1970s Bilderberg summit along with the long-term devaluation and destruction of the dollar. That decision was about real power and real leadership although clearly not the kind most of us would prefer.
A leadership tidbit to consider:
“I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression. You're right, we did it. We're very sorry. But thanks to you, we won't do it again.”
Federal Reserve Governor Ben BernankeBen Bernanke (conference to Honor Milton FriedmanMilton Friedman, Rockefeller funded economic theorist. University of Chicago 2002)
It would be hard to overestimate the importance of this quote admitting “Fed” blame for the Great Depression out of the official “Federal Reserve” site. It was given by the still sitting governor of the “Federal Reserve” Corporation that is not federal and has no reserves. None whatsoever. Go figure. Ben Bernanke is the same “Fed” governor that claimed “the U.S. economy appears likely to expand at a moderate pace over the second half of 2007, with growth then strengthening a bit in 2008” (quote: Congress July 18, 2007). The same “Fed” governor that supported trillions of dollars in “too big to fail” unlimited Wall Street bailouts on the public nickel as he continues to do non-stop.
Another favored quote of “Fed” watchers:
“In 1913, the money power of the country was taken away from the people. By constitutional privilege it belongs with the Congress, but it was given up in the Federal Reserve Act. The Federal Reserve is no more Federal than Federal Express. But yet it has the power to determine the direction and use of money in our economy. If we could take that power back and put the Federal Reserve under Treasury, we start to be in a position of being able to control monetary policy on behalf of the United States people.”
Congressman Dennis KucinichDennis Kucinich (former Presidential candidate at Congress C-Span January 9th, 2009)
So a global private bank monopoly better known as the “Federal Reserve” not only caused the Great Depression but promoted Wall Street boom-bust bubbles under “Sir” Alan GreenspanAlan Greenspan (knighted by Queen Elizabeth at the behest of English lords and bankers) and now Bernanke. That’s the same Ben Bernanke that is solidly behind bailout welfare for the international corporate Wall Street super rich and devil-take-the-peasants set. And although Bernanke himself may be at best a temp manager for private Wall Street banks that run the co-called “Federal Reserve” he certainly helps rig the lives of Americans and of people everywhere.
Now that is power. And it is Wall Street power as international as money.
As to #3 and #4 on the power list: along with Iran and China, Russia and Venezuela threaten global entrenched corporatist agendas. These places certainly have their problems but can it be an accident most of those nations are consistently demonized in what is popularly called the corporate media?
#5 – According to the Center for Public Integrity the so-called “war on terror” literally fought over top of Iraq Big Oil fields is based on roughly 1,000 lies. Made in Januray 2008, that number is not news. But it’s not well known and it’s a giant load of fibs by anyone’s count. Estimates for innocent war dead go as high as a million plus Iraqis and millions more homeless. And the war lies were not just palmed off by the Bush / Cheney regime. The “war on terror” farce is being continued wholesale under Barack Obama.
On top of all this, the “war on terror” (war on a noun) project in Afghanistan just so happens to be fought in a nation with a jumbo black operations opium drug trade that has grown vastly under American occupation: opium production jumped 50% in 2006 to a record 6,100 tons to supply more than 90% of the world's heroin. It hasn’t gone down since for a massive world-wide market. That would be tens of billions of dollars worth of off-the-books profits for global bankers and well-connected corporate players. Afghanistan is also a beachhead and highway for Big Oil pipelines and the next major killing field.
Yes, at the end of the day, the U.S. is broken and losing its power. And what amounts to a global corporate super-class that broke America down does better than ever. As an example, Olympic item #6 may be a bit of a sideshow but it points out a key fact. People dislike U.S. behavior for very practical reasons. They are not the ones tub-thumped by professors a la Mister Kane through his $40 billion a year secret police sources. The same sources that say they got it all wrong on 9/11 and WMD in Iraq – among other whoppers.
The real hands-on reasons are as important as it gets.
Some would say the dark, bloody end of Wall Street leadership is about random business coincidences, accidental self-interest and profitable misunderstanding. After all, there’s no such thing as organized corporate crime. Is there?
Or could it be the American Empire is a disposable tool and not at all what it seems?
That depends on whether you see the glass half full or empty of action on DC vows much like Obama flavor “hope you can believe in” for ending non-stop war and monopoly corporate rule. Because if that’s not really “hope” in your glass, it may well be something more like MSM emotional sewage made to confuse and mislead.
Sadly, all this has happened before and will happen again. |
_________________ Tooth Fairy denier
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