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Applying Critical Thinking to 9/11
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 6:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


why are you on this forum? i am all for a debate with critics but most of your posts are just pathetic insults.

how is debating the very unusual collapse of the wtc1, 2 and (especially) 7 similar in anyway to talking about alien lizard people?

you are clearly blinded by your own opinions so much that rational consideration of other peoples is impossible for you.

at the moment you are the only critic who i think should be banned from this forum.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act"
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 6:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jay Ref wrote:
Eckyboy wrote:
Even if Building7 had raging fires on 20 floors and a massive hole in it how could that possibly result in a neat and tidy collapse of the structure in on itself? WTC7 was brought down in a controlled demolition, plain and simple. If this is the case the building had to have been rigged before 911 therefore it was planned . Do you honestly believe fires brought down this building Jay Ref?

Fell "into it's own footprint" did it? You folks are awfully predictable. Debris from WTC7 caused considerable damage to nearby buildings. Besides, WTC7 was burning on 20 floors and bulging and sagging hours before it collapsed.

Weirdest CD I ever heard of!


20 floors you say?

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Jay Ref
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 6:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mal Jones wrote:
Jay Ref

I acknowledge your reply. I had hoped we had dealt with the scope of the MIT report but since you have accused me of knowingly dealing in falsehoods we had better re-visit it. I hope that you have merely misread or misinterpreted the report and that you don’t really think that this is so desperately important to me that I would lie about it.

In the Abstract section (bottom of page no. 33) the authors state, and I quote:

“At the end of this article several important factors pertinent to the global collapse of the buildings are discussed. However, a more precise sequence of events which triggered the ultimate implosion of the buildings is left to a future continuation of this research”

There follows 25 pages of detailed discussion and calculation on the impact force and how that force was dissipated by the exoskeleton, the floor structure and eventually the central columns at the impact site but no calculations or discussion of the collapse after initiation. I have already acknowledged the quality of this work, albeit based on incomplete data.

Section 6 ‘Comments on structural collapse’, which you pasted to your first post on this subject deals solely with the initial collapse at the impact site, and states as much:

“The following section is not intended to perform a full analysis of the global collapse but rather brings up a few important issues relevant to the accident reconstruction.”

Finally, I contacted the main author of the report, Professor Tomasz Wierzbicki, who has kindly directed me to some more authoritative studies of the collapse mechanism. Now if you want to argue the toss with the authors then that’s your business but for my part I would like to draw a line under this.

To the couple of questions you have asked:

You ask me to which theory I subscribe but I don’t feel obliged to get into one camp or another. I have already stated that I am neither in the business nor the habit of speculating. This is how some people get themselves in knots – frustrated at not getting answers to their legitimate questions they overstretch themselves with (often fanciful) theories. You keep referring to the conspiracy theory as if all those with doubts are all dancing around the same totem pole. Again, you misinterpret the situation. I’m sure there is no one who subscribes to all the various theories that abound. That is why there are no structural engineers who agree with the CT. As to those who agree with the MIT report, I don’t blame them – it is a sound piece of work on the effects of the aircraft impact – but it doesn’t examine the global collapse mechanism.

(At this point could you stop using bold caps as it’s using up all my printer ink!)

My own doubt about the OS (I guess that means official story?) is the nature of the collapse of the buildings. I can’t speak for anyone else.

After reading some of your posts this evening I was in two minds about bothering to post this as you have clearly taken leave of your meagre senses. However, as I have spent yonks typing it out, here you go.

At the start of our exchange I asked you in all sincerity if you could help me out with some information to allay my doubts over the collapse – but on reflection, don’t bother.

I will leave you with an old British proverb that you may take as advice:
When you are in a hole - stop digging.

That's all well and good...but you still haven't once said what you believe caused the collapses. I think it's awfully disingenuous of you to expect everyone else to offer theories for you to find fault with. Obviously there is some opinion that you hold on the cause of the collapses. Please share it with us or at least stop insisting that other people research your questions for you.

I'll leave you with an old American proverb:
nonsense or get off the pot.


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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 7:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jay Ref wrote:
Fell "into it's own footprint" did it? You folks are awfully predictable. Debris from WTC7 caused considerable damage to nearby buildings.

Evidence of this considerable damage? I've only seen damage to the lower 5 floors of the Verizon Building from sections of WTC7 resting on it. It did fall vertically too didn't it? Or do you have evidence that gravity went sideways again? If it hadn't fallen roughly into it's own footprint, it should have fell sideways with the structure mainly intact. Like common sense dictates. But it didn't. Hmm. You need another spade there?

Jay Ref wrote:
Besides, WTC7 was burning on 20 floors

Photo's? Evidence? Even according to the NIST report it wasn't burning on 20 floors - ooh dear, your Bible must be lying to you.

Jay Ref wrote:
bulging and sagging hours before it collapsed.

Laughing That cracks me up - you and your crazy theories with no evidence. Nothing less would I expect from an OTard like you.
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 7:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jay Ref

I didn't notice the link to Captain Chris Boyle's interview at Firehouse but I have read the report now thanks.


FEMA published their report in June 2002 and the Firehouse article quoting Captain Boyle and others was published in August 2002

So, if there were such huge fires and such fundamental damage at WTC7 why didn't FEMA know about them ?

Why didn't FEMA interview Captain Boyle ?

Maybe they just missed him.

Would Captain Boyle's evidence have been sufficient for FEMA to boldy proclaim that WTC7 was in fact the first steel framed building in history to have collapsed from fires alone, and have been able to explain why.

We will never know.

But the fact remains, the official story means that WTC7 suffered exactly that fate. The very first steel framed building in the history of the planet to have collapsed from fire.

I don't believe that story.

Anyway, I have read the critique of the section of the FEMA report dealing with WTC7 and even to a lay man like me the critique casts serious doubt over the FEMA report itself.

Sorry Jay Ref but I cannot find an official peer review of the FEMA report anywhere, so this one will have to do.


I watch the videos of the WTC7 collapse and I see a controlled demolition.

Nothing you, FEMA, NIST or anyone else says will change that.

Nothing you, FEMA, NIST or anyone else says will change what Larry Silverstein said on the PBS documentary.

I watch the videos of WTC1 & WTC2 in an explosive collapse and I see a controlled demolition.

No amount of words will change what I see with my own eyes.

I am astounded that "professional" bodies attribute the collapse of those buildings to aircraft impact and fire damage.

As my welder father in law says to me "I should have been buying jet fuel all those years instead of oxyacetylene"

Nothing anyone says, no amount of words will change what I see with my own eyes.

If I had the funds I would build a skyscraper and then crash an airliner into it so we could all end the argument one way or another.

But, if they did not collapse as a result, something tells me that people like you would try to persuade me that the weather conditions were different, or the jet fuel was contaminated or some such nonsense.

I will end my discussions with you Jay Ref by saying this.

I thought you and your colleagues might be able to add something to our knowledge and further our quest to find out what really happened on 9/11.

In a rather unexpected way you have.

I have never claimed to be an expert on anything in my life let alone the events of 9/11.

I agree with you on one thing and that is we must exercise caution in our claims and hypotheses for to do otherwise would enable our arguments to be easily dismantled and ridiculed.

I do not however see any evidence of you doing the same. Your delivery and the spiteful, abusive nature of your posts I have absorbed and tolerated in the hope that you will show yourself for all the world to see.

This, you have achieved without me responding in the nasty vindictive manner in which you address others.

If I was as sure of my story as you claim to be of yours, I would adopt a calm reasoned approach to debating rather than the arrogant, aggressive approach you exhibit. Still that is your choice and I say others will be the judge.

I like many others have serious doubts about many aspects of the official story of 9/11 and meeting you and your colleagues has reinforced those doubts by giving me some personal experience of what I see as a systematic process of smearing, denigration, abuse and ridicule.

Your motives I can only guess at. But at least I now know that you and the body of argument you represent actually exist, not at the corrupt and perverse level we all know exist in government but at some everyday level, from a less obvious quarter where we do not expect it.

I do not believe your claims to be students of critical thinking for you illustrate your case by uncritical acceptance of the official story and uncritical denial of everything otherwise.

That is the exact opposite of critical thinking.

This is my last post to you.

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 9:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

mark is spot on.

jref. i don't like to make bold statements about other peoples opinions.

but i can confidently say that you are not thinking critically about the collapse of wtc7

either apologise and revaluate your words.. or * off

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 8:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jay Ref wrote:
DeFecToR wrote:
Okay Jay Ref. I'd like you to present an answer for this question so that everyone can view an example of your 'critical thinking'.

This is my favourite example of the bending of logic that apologists like yourself like to do.

So come on then JR. Lets all hear about the pressure wave. Laughing

Oh that? That's the detonation wave from the explooopdy sooper thermate charges!! Shocked Wow you got me!!! I guess you guys are right that the reptiles and joos blew up the towers!! Why that's simply the only thing it could be right?

Now...seriously....look at that picture again. What's happening at the top of the picture? Looks to me like the collapse in full progress. What do you think is happening to the air inside the structure? Compressing? What do you think the vents in the machine rooms of the tower are going to do? Suck perhaps? Well, the oinly thing I see sucking is your theory based on a picture. Here's a hint; thermite/thermate/sooper thermate does not explode. It's incindiary, it's not an explosive. Another thing, CD squibs go off and then the collapse begins. Not the other way round.


Not only is that the most pathetic answer i think i have ever heard on this issue but it also happens to be an explanation that has absolutely NO verifyable data to back it up.

If you truely believe that those blasts are being caused by a pressure wave running down some vents then YOU ARE INSANE.

Oh and by the way, hate to point this out JJ but super-thermite is very versatile and can be mixed in different ways to either burn slowly or explode.

I say again. Do your homework.

Actually, dont bother. Your opinion is worthless either way.

Super-Thermite Electric Matches are designed to replace the conventional electric matches used in pyrotechnics applications. Unlike conventional electric matches, Super-Thermite matches produce no toxic lead smoke and are safer to use because they resist friction, impact, heat, and static discharge, thereby minimizing accidental ignition. The principal application is in the entertainment industry, which uses fireworks displays for a variety of venues such as sporting events, holiday celebrations and musical and theatrical gatherings. Secondary applications include uses for triggering explosives for the mining, demolition, and defense industries; setting off vehicle air bags; and igniting rocket motors.


A lot of work has been accomplished recently
with nanopowders in energetic materials. For
example, it has been proven that because of their
large surface area, the nanopowders can increase the
burn rate in some types of propellants1,3,8-10. There
were also significant developments made in the
“super thermite” area with mixes of nanometric
aluminum and metal oxides11. Those compounds are
said to react at rates approaching (and under
particular conditions even equivalent to) those of
high explosives.

http://www.intdetsymp.org/detsymp2002/PaperSubmit/FinalManuscript/pdf/ Brousseau-193.pdf

An energetic material has been routinely manufactured from nano-metric powders of
aluminum (Al) and molybdenum trioxide (MoO3). When optimized, the burn-rate of these
materials (~400 m/s) exceeds that of conventional thermites (based on micron-sized powders),
but is less than that of conventional explosives. Similar burn-rates around 350 m/s are measured
for these “super-thermites” using n-Al powder in the size range between 30 and 90 nm in
diameter (20-60 m2/g, 60-80 wt%Al) and an oxygen to fuel (O/F) mass ratio of 1.4.


"A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 8:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey, J Wave. One other thing. These vents of yours, were they facing the windows or what?
Why do all the blasts look the same. Why arent they irregular?
Look at the distance between the collapse and the blasts. Is there just one long continuous vent running all that length?

Actually. Dont bother answering those. Just provide some actual physical data for us to look at. Perhaps some floor plans including these nifty vents of yours, and maybe some mathematical data showing how a pressure wave can excellerate so quickly and so far down the building.

If you cant. Then apologise for your racist comments (i come from a Jewish family) and admit that you cannot provide a decent, science based explanation for these blasts.

You have been a complete a**hole since you started posting here and i for one am sick of it. You have no interest whatsoever in answering the remaining questions of 911 as is evident by your slurs and insults. Ive said this once already, grow up or P**s off.

"A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 10:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

For the 'pressure wave' theory to work, the ejected dust plume would be constant and prolonged rather than of short duration as observed.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 12:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

For the 'pressure wave' theory to work, the ejected dust plume would be constant and prolonged rather than of short duration as observed.

Let's see what drivel he comes up to answer that one! My guess is he will ignore it.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 4:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I can guess what he'll say. He'll parrot the nonsense at those 911 debunk sites. There is a clip of one of the squibs (very close to the top of the collapse) that shows the ejection speeding up rather than slowing down. This, they say, is evidence that it is not a detonation of explosives as the ejection from this would slow down.
The obvious problem here though is that the clip used as an example is of a squibb close to the collapse, so you would well expect a continuation of debris being ejected as the collapse comes closer to the hole that has just been blasted out.
Also, i have seen many other clips that show initial squib detonations that do indeed slow down once fired.

Jesus. It really does make me sad that there are people who cant see what happened on 911 despite having looked at the evidence.

"A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 7:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jesus. It really does make me sad that there are people who cant see what happened on 911 despite having looked at the evidence.

But they DO see what happened!! They know all right but want to prevent others from becoming informed. It is no coincidence that several of these disinfo people arrived at the same time.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 8:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So is Jay Ref going to respond to the picture above of WTC7 which he claims has raging fires on 20 floors?
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doubting _thomas
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 12:16 am    Post subject: Problem with "squibs" Reply with quote

Just to weigh in a little on the discussion regarding the collapses and squibs.

I do have a problem with the theory of the "squibs" being caused by explosives during the collapse of buildings 1 and 2. This is mainly because of the unlikelihood of anyone being able to plant explosives throughout these two buildings without being discovered and also because any resulting explosions would probably shatter numerous windows near the point of detonation.

If you wanted to demolish towers 1 and 2, there would probably be sufficient energy created by just cutting all the core columns at the base. The effect would be such that the outer columns and internal floors would be left holding up what remained of the core and, as the buildings were exceptionally high (and thus the cores exceptionally heavy), the inevitable collapse of the cores would pull the buildings down with the external visible effects starting at the top of the towers and/or at the point of impact from the planes.
This might explain the huge dust clouds ejected and the apparent exploding of the buildings from top downwards. In addition, it may explain why the buildings fell so quickly i.e. the core columns, severed at the base, would be pulling them down at roughly free-fall speed.
In the scenario above, the "squibs" are likely to be pressure release point as the core shunted downwards causing the internal floors to collapse.

It is likely that the considerably smaller WTC 7 would have been demolished in the standard way with explosives throughout and that the squibs in this case were from demolition explosives.

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 12:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fair comment doubting _thomas

I would say however, there are some big chunks of debris and steel girders ejected a long way horizontally during the collapses of WTC1 and WTC2. It is hard to account for this large lateral movement if there was only a collapse of the building. 911 Revisited has some good footage showing this and it is quite small to download (94 mb).

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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 2:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Regarding the issue of opportunity to plant explosives in WTC.

Could this be such an opportunity ?

We are told by Scott Forbes, a British Database Administrator who worked in the South Tower for the Fiduciary Trust that the South Tower had a planned "power down" from the 48th floor up on the weekend prior to 9/11.

"As a result of having its electricity cut, the WTC’s security cameras were rendered inoperative, as were its I.D. systems, and elevators to the upper floors."

“Without power there were no security cameras, no security locks on doors, and many, many ‘engineers’ coming in and out of the tower.”

"The reason: the Port Authority was performing a cabling upgrade to increase the WTC’s computer bandwidth. "

This has been widely reported on the web and was followed up when Scott Forbes was further interviewed here about his claims.

http://georgewashington.blogspot.com/2005/11/interview-with-scott-forb es.html

I have worked in IT for 30 years and just cannot see why a building or half a building has to have no power whatsoever in order that engineers can upgrade cables to increase the WTC's computer bandwidth.

I have been involved in many projects where IT Networks are upgraded. If you want computers, data routers, switches or any ancilliary equipment powered down to perform a cabling upgrade you just simply switch them off.

You do not have to lose power to every other systems, access security, lights, air con, elevators and the vending machine to do a network upgrade.

It would be worth knowing if it was actually just the 48th floor up and if indeed it was just the South Tower.

But I guess we'll never know that.

Last edited by Mark Gobell on Sun Jul 30, 2006 10:21 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 7:27 am    Post subject: Re: Problem with "squibs" Reply with quote

blackcat wrote:

But they DO see what happened!! They know all right but want to prevent others from becoming informed. It is no coincidence that several of these disinfo people arrived at the same time.

Sorry BC but i cant agree. These people are clinging desparately to the info presented on the debunk sites, i believe, not out of a desire to spread disinfo, but a genuine aversion to the idea of 'conspiracy theory'. I have friends like this. They see such ideas as inherently unintelligent and demeaning. They start off with the position that anyone who believes in conspiracy theories is just 'looking for something to believe in', and filter everything thusly.
These guys have this written all over them.
I admit when areas of my arguement are weak. These people cant by their very nature.

doubting _thomas wrote:

I do have a problem with the theory of the "squibs" being caused by explosives during the collapse of buildings 1 and 2. This is mainly because of the unlikelihood of anyone being able to plant explosives throughout these two buildings without being discovered

There have been quite a few stories about how areas of the building had various renovations taking place in the buildings, though it must be said that there is no need to limit the amount of time taken to plant explosives in the towers. They may have been at it months or even years.

This point though is moot if it can be proven that explosives were used, as Steven Jones' latest work does completely.

doubting _thomas wrote:

and also because any resulting explosions would probably shatter numerous windows near the point of detonation.

Not necessarily. It would depend on how the energy of the blast is being directed.

doubting _thomas wrote:

If you wanted to demolish towers 1 and 2, there would probably be sufficient energy created by just cutting all the core columns at the base.

Very good point. And i believe that those lower floor collumns were blown to weaken the structure. Though as Steven Jones and others have pointed out, if they intended this to be the sole cause of collapse, the buildings would have fallen from the bottom (most likelt toppling over), whereas we can see that the collapse started from the top of the buildings and worked downwards.

doubting _thomas wrote:

The effect would be such that the outer columns and internal floors would be left holding up what remained of the core and, as the buildings were exceptionally high (and thus the cores exceptionally heavy), the inevitable collapse of the cores would pull the buildings down with the external visible effects starting at the top of the towers and/or at the point of impact from the planes.

But then you would have cold steel falling on to cold steel which would cause a lot of resistance and an irregular collapse. It would be nothing like the regular collapse that we witnessed.

doubting _thomas wrote:

This might explain the huge dust clouds ejected

That was a pyroclastic flow. Enormous amounts of energy were needed to turn concrete in to what we saw. This is certainly consistant with large amounts of explosives.

doubting _thomas wrote:

and the apparent exploding of the buildings from top downwards. In addition, it may explain why the buildings fell so quickly i.e. the core columns, severed at the base, would be pulling them down at roughly free-fall speed.
In the scenario above, the "squibs" are likely to be pressure release point as the core shunted downwards causing the internal floors to collapse.

I see what your saying but it just doesnt fit with the physics of the collapse. Check out some of Steven Jones' latest work for an excellent analysis of the collapse. (It also shows confirmation of the discovery of thermite in the rubble - so its pretty much case closed all round)

"A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 10:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Its interesting that Jay Reff hasn't replied to the picture I posted regarding WTC7?
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 10:38 am    Post subject: Re: Problem with "squibs" Reply with quote

doubting _thomas wrote:

It is likely that the considerably smaller WTC 7 would have been demolished in the standard way with explosives throughout and that the squibs in this case were from demolition explosives.

And if this is the case as it certainly looks like IMO and as many others suspect, then when do you think the demolition charges were planted in WTC7 ?

Impossible to achieve in the 8 hours between the planes crashing into WTC1 & 2 and the straight down controlled demolition collapse of WTC7.

This is the reason why so many choose WTC7 as one of the foremost "smoking guns" of the numerous smoking guns surrounding 9/11
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Mal Jones
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 2:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I wouldn’t get too carried away with the significance of the amount of dust created by the collapses. One of the notable design features in the construction of the towers was the amount of gypsum planking used, both to save weight and also as fireproofing. Anybody who has done any DIY with gypsum plasterboards will know how much dust they produce and how easily they are pulverised. Also the passive fire protection sprayed on the steel floor trusses is lightweight mineral fibre.
You will notice from video footage taken before the collapses that there was already a good deal of dust over everything just from the planes punching through.


ps can you link me to Steven Jones's work on this?
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 6:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hello Mal

Stephen Jones work can be accessed here http://www.st911.org

Estimates for the amount of concrete in each of the twin towers WTC & WTC1 vary from between circa 66,000 to 90,000 tons each.

This paper uses a mid range estimate of 78,000 tons each.

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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 6:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here are some more resources and peer reviewed work.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 7:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mal Jones wrote:

I wouldn’t get too carried away with the significance of the amount of dust created by the collapses. One of the notable design features in the construction of the towers was the amount of gypsum planking used, both to save weight and also as fireproofing. Anybody who has done any DIY with gypsum plasterboards will know how much dust they produce and how easily they are pulverised. Also the passive fire protection sprayed on the steel floor trusses is lightweight mineral fibre.
You will notice from video footage taken before the collapses that there was already a good deal of dust over everything just from the planes punching through.


ps can you link me to Steven Jones's work on this?

I can feel pretty certain that there was a fair bit more concrete than gypsum plasterboard in those towers. Besides, the dust was analysed after the attacks and was confirmed to be pulverised concrete.

"A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."
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Mal Jones
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 8:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks DeFecTor & Mark

Interesting stuff

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 9:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No prob MJ. It certainly is interesting stuff. And its good that you are asking questions about the various aspects of 911 in with a genuine attitude, unlike some of the tw&ts we've had here recently.
"A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."
-William James
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Jay Ref
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 3:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mark Gobell wrote:
Here are some more resources and peer reviewed work.


Which of the papers on that site is "peer reviewed"?

"Knowledge is good"
-Emil Faber

"God in heaven. Here's the hard-headed, evidence-only freak who will not, like we CTers, indulge himself in self-inflating, utterly misconceived fantasies." -kbo234 (who is NOT a nazi) briefly makes sense
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 6:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

scubadiver wrote:
Its interesting that Jay Reff hasn't replied to the picture I posted regarding WTC7?

Sure is. Maybe he can't think of anything sarcastic to say for once and has decided to just leave it. Well done Rolling Eyes
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Jay Ref
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 6:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

gypsum wrote:
scubadiver wrote:
Its interesting that Jay Reff hasn't replied to the picture I posted regarding WTC7?

Sure is. Maybe he can't think of anything sarcastic to say for once and has decided to just leave it. Well done Rolling Eyes

BS...I have posted responses in several threads to that picture. Here's one of them:
Funny that. But all theories are not equal. My theory posits the existance of vents and machine rooms in buildings....(not very exciting though is it?) ...and then your theory posits the existance of a massive government conspiracy guilty of placing demo charges in the building. (wow, exciting stuff no!!??)

My theory requires: Vents and machine rooms to exist,..and air pressure.. :yawn: No controversy there I'd guess...even you would have to agree that 1. the buildings had vents and machine rooms...and 2. the collapse pushed air ahead of it.

Your theory requires:

  • Expert demo techs working in secret.
  • Explosives, det cord, blasting caps,..etc...
  • Thousands of everyday people not noticing the demo techs.
  • Drone planes to disguise the demolition.
  • More techs to create the drone conversion.
  • NORAD to "stand down"
  • hundreds or more to keep their mouths shut. etc...etc...

That's just a partial list...there's also much to go wrong. The planes impacts could easily damage the detcords and primer connections. The demo charges might be found in the wreckage...and for what gain? To attack Iraq? By using Saudi patsies??

Insanity...that's the word for your theory.

"Knowledge is good"
-Emil Faber

"God in heaven. Here's the hard-headed, evidence-only freak who will not, like we CTers, indulge himself in self-inflating, utterly misconceived fantasies." -kbo234 (who is NOT a nazi) briefly makes sense
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jay Ref wrote:
gypsum wrote:
scubadiver wrote:
Its interesting that Jay Reff hasn't replied to the picture I posted regarding WTC7?

Sure is. Maybe he can't think of anything sarcastic to say for once and has decided to just leave it. Well done Rolling Eyes

BS...I have posted responses in several threads to that picture.

Dodging the issue again.

Was I talking about the twin towers? Planes? No, I was responding to your claim that there were raging fires on 20 fires on WTC7 (your words, not mine), a building that wasn't even hit by a plane. Yet you can't even respond specifically to the picture I have posted.

Watch the link in the message I posted about William Rodrigues in the "general" forum.

Instead of fighting us, why don't you spend some time reading a few books and watch a few on-line videos?

Is your mind really that closed?

What is your opinion of this?

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Jay Ref
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 6:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

scubadiver wrote:
Jay Ref wrote:
gypsum wrote:
scubadiver wrote:
Its interesting that Jay Reff hasn't replied to the picture I posted regarding WTC7?

Sure is. Maybe he can't think of anything sarcastic to say for once and has decided to just leave it. Well done Rolling Eyes

BS...I have posted responses in several threads to that picture.

Dodging the issue again.

Was I talking about the twin towers? Planes? No, I was responding to your claim that there were raging fires on 20 fires on WTC7 (your words, not mine), a building that wasn't even hit by a plane. Yet you can't even respond specifically to the picture I have posted.

Watch the link in the message I posted about William Rodrigues in the "general" forum.

Instead of fighting us, why don't you spend some time reading a few books and watch a few on-line videos?

Is your mind really that closed?

What is your opinion of this?


Sheesh! How tedious you people are becomming!
WTC7 had a 20 story hole in it! It was burning on 20 floors! It wasn't hit by a plane...but it was clobbered by massive chunks of the WTC towers. Saying that "it was hit by no plane" is a terribly dishonest argument. Showing pics of only the most undamaged side of WTC7 and claiming it as evidence is another dishonest tactic.

  • There was no "powerdown" @ WTC7
  • There was no motive to destroy the building
  • There were no explosives, residue, det cord, etc found in the rubble
  • There are no witnesses who saw explosives set.
  • There are no explosives techs who agree that it was a CD.
  • There are no structural engineers who agree that it was a CD.

You startin to see why I have a problem with your hunch?


"Knowledge is good"
-Emil Faber

"God in heaven. Here's the hard-headed, evidence-only freak who will not, like we CTers, indulge himself in self-inflating, utterly misconceived fantasies." -kbo234 (who is NOT a nazi) briefly makes sense
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