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Lebanese Die as Condi Plays Piano in Malaysia

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 11:57 pm    Post subject: Lebanese Die as Condi Plays Piano in Malaysia Reply with quote

Friday July 28th 2006, 11:08 am
It is certainly a myth that Nero played a fiddle while Rome burned—since the violin was not invented for a full fifteen centuries after his rule—but it is true Condi Rice, Bush’s Secretary of State, played the piano in Kuala Lumpur as Lebanese continue to die under a hard rain of Israeli bombs and apparently chemical weapons, a situation allowed to continue after Condi nixed the “false promise” of a cease-fire and thumbed her nose at the Syrians and Hezbollah.

“In keeping with her ’serious’ mood the Secretary of State performed two pieces from the brooding repertoire of Johannes Brahms—a solo Intermezzo number two, and Brahms Sonata for violin and piano, opus 108, with a Malaysian guest soloist,” reports the Gulf Times. “She arrived at the Istana hotel in downtown Kuala Lumpur for the annual gala dinner wearing a glamorous red dress and red jacket made of traditional Malaysian batik material…. Regional ministers swooned over the performance as they left the dinner. ‘Oh, beautiful, beautiful. She’s a great pianist. She’s a concert pianist,’ said Philippines Foreign Secretary Alberto Romulo, who insisted that despite the geopolitical realities a good time was had by all.”

How utterly disgusting.

Of course, the Lebanese, facing “the geopolitical realities” of Israeli aggression and indiscriminate murder, are not having a good time, but then they hardly matter, as became obvious the moment Rice’s plane touched down and she engaged in “discussions” with the Israelis, talks designed to do little more than provide the Israelis with more time to kill Lebanese civilians.

Once upon a time, U.S. officials at least put on a somber face when engaging in peace talks during international crises, but Condi simply could not be bothered—she smiled and joked at every turn, even yucked it up during photo ops with Kofi Annan.

Meanwhile, over at the New York Times, the terror transformation is in full swing. According to Neil MacFarquhar, so-called analysts believe “by taking on Israel, Hezbollah had instantly eclipsed Al Qaeda,” in other words, the two groups—or one legitimate resistance group, since “al-Qaeda” is a black op designed to scare the pants of weak-kneed and half-witted Americans—are in a race of sorts to see who is the baddest terrorist.

Over at Fox, they are involved in race of their own—to blur the lines between Hezbollah and “al-Qaeda,” the terrorist group nobody can demonstrate actually exists.

“The latest dispatch from the Al Qaeda killers urges all Islamic fascists to travel to the Middle East and kill Jews. Bin Laden’s second in command, Zawahiri, issued that order on videotape yesterday,” avers Fox News loudmouth Bill O’Reilly, who has “been telling you all along that these jihadists are joined together by hatred of Jews and Americans. The World War III concept is that Islamic fascism has to be confronted in all its forms.”

Problem is, though, most Americans are not onboard with this “Islam as fascism” paradigm—more accurately a crude and absurd propaganda device—trotted out like a gaudy frat house float during a homecoming parade now that Hezbollah is kicking IOF tail.

“But many Americans do not yet get that, as the CBS poll demonstrated,” continues the arrogant one, puffed up grotesquely with poisonous neocon hubris. “If anybody thinks we can sit out the jihad, they’re wrong. Right now, Israel is doing us a favor by attacking Hezbollah. We Americans are fortunate we have an ocean between us and the Islamic killers. If we didn’t, we’d be facing this in the good old USA…. So bottom line, whoever is fighting the terrorists is our friend. Whoever is helping them is our enemy.”

Need he say more?
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 11:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

'So bottom line, whoever is fighting the terrorists is our friend. Whoever is helping them is our enemy.'

Yes but, who are the terrorists?
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Garcon Warrior
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 3:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I'm not with Blair or Bush, so I guess I am.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 6:46 pm    Post subject: Well I'm not with Blair or Bush, so I guess I am. Reply with quote

In the eyes of Blair & Bush, anyone who is compassionate, who seeks justice , who is peace loving human with feelings are terrorists !!
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 7:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Condi tinkles the ivories and Tony Blair attends the fun and rituals at Bohemian Grove?
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Garcon Warrior
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 9:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh yeah I forgot thats this weekend thats why Blair has a press conference with Rupert Murdoch and his News International next week. Choosing when Blair leaves and Cameron begins no doubt.
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 10:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Garcon Warrior wrote:
Oh yeah I forgot thats this weekend thats why Blair has a press conference with Rupert Murdoch and his News International next week. Choosing when Blair leaves and Cameron begins no doubt.

Spot on assessment, I should imagine, Garcon

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 12:38 pm    Post subject: Condi Plonks Whilst Lebanon Burns Reply with quote

How to trick puppet states into attacking your enemies for you, and possibly start WWIII:

(i) Shell a picnicking Palestinian family on a Gaza beach. When challenged, dispute the exact time of the shelling and claim a Palestinian mine must have coincidentally just happened to have exploded a few minutes after your gunboat shelled the area, irrespective of the fact that the physical evidence such as injuries to the head and chest would indicate a shell dropping from the sky rather than a mine exploding under the sand. If the "wrong timing" excuse is debunked, say that your shells landed elsewhere, studiously ignoring the absence of any supporting evidence for the "wrong place" claim.

(ii) With the Palestinians suitably riled, place the bait. Small, isolated groups of your soldiers should be stationed at the border. This might consist of a single tank, a decoy armored personnel carrier (APC), and a guard tower. All must be orientated such that they are facing away from the mouth of a tunnel known to be used by Palestinians. Do not provide any additional cover. There should be no more than four soldiers manning the guard tower and four in the tank.

(iii) If Palestinian "terrorists" attack and manage to take one or two soldiers alive, then you have just won the jackpot. However, the probability of this is quite remote. It requires that about eight enemy fighters crawl undetected through a sand tunnel of horizontal section approximately 650 meters by 0.4 to 0.6 meters by 0.4 to 0.7 meters whilst carrying a couple of handheld anti-tank grenade launchers (RPGs), a few hand grenades and two or three rifles. After splitting up, one group of three hits the decoy APC, and two "guerrillas" take on the tower's four soldiers. Another three fighters blast through the rear of the tank and throw in grenades, killing two occupants outright and severely injuring another. Inexplicably, a fourth soldier, in the same tank that was hit by an RPG and had grenades hurled into it, incurs such minor wounds as to be able to run 300 meters to the security fence and then a further 350 to 500 meters across no-man's-land after the Arabs blast a hole through the barrier, before snipers in the guard tower can pick off the fleeing Arabs. At seven-minute mile pace on sand, for example, plus time to blast through the perimeter, your forces would have to "stand down" for four minutes or more. Hence, you will almost certainly need to improvise. For example, shoot some Palestinian prisoners and claim them as "terrorist attackers" who were shot in the raid. Send two or three of your soldiers across the border, or better still, shoot them yourself. Offer the enemy a chance for glory by broadcasting the "tunnelling cross-border raid" spin; by the time they discover they have been tricked it will be too late to change their story.

(iv) Order your Air Force to bomb Gaza, targeting civilians and infrastructure. Kill dozens of civilians, including children, and ensure you use illegal weapons. Send in armored vehicles and ground troops and illegally arrest dozens of democratically elected government ministers, as planned weeks in advance of any alleged provocation. The pretext is one of attempting to free a captured soldier or soldiers, even though your government is currently holding over 9,000 Palestinians, 900 of them jailed without trial.

(v) As a distraction, stage an "11 series" phony terror attack, e.g. 7 bombs detonated within 11 minutes of each other on 7/11. The target will ideally have a regular Jewish contingent and a large number of Israeli tourists, and will be selected on the basis of which country has done the most to annoy Israel over the previous few weeks.

(vi) With world opinion conditioned into perceiving Israeli bombings as a regular feature of the Middle East, ramp up the action by staging a similar pretext for military action against Lebanon. Send small units of your soldiers across the border into Lebanon until one or two are captured or arrested by Lebanese police or militia. Instruct the Zionist press to spin the event so that it appears that "Arabs started it" by conducting a "cross-border raid".

(vii) Order your Air Force to bomb Lebanon, on a pretext of attempting to free a captured soldier or soldiers, even though the operation will lead to the deaths of dozens of Israeli soldiers and civilians within a fortnight. Kill hundreds of Lebanese civilians. Ensure you use illegal weapons such as cluster bombs, phosphorus incendiaries and thermobaric or vacuum bombs. Warn civilians to evacuate an area after bombing bridges to make this impossible, then target them like sitting ducks. If they try to shelter in the basement of a building, then demolish it killing dozens of women and children. Reduce the country's infrastructure to rubble. In order to further terrorize civilians and volunteers, fire at the very center of the crosses on Red Cross ambulances. If the UN does not grovel wholly in support of your massacre of civilians, show them who's boss by bombing and killing UN observers after providing a personal assurance that UN positions will not be targeted; you can then profess "deep regret" even though ten telephone calls were made over a period of six hours warning Israel not to bomb the UN.

(viii) Have "al Qaeda" announce that they will come to the support of their brothers in Palestine and Lebanon.

(ix) [Optional] Stage another phony terror strike a la Mumbai, as a distraction for the next phase.

(x) Target a US or UK ship as you did with the USS Liberty; with any luck, this time the damned thing will obligingly sink. If not, express "regret" and try again a couple of weeks later. After all, it didn't take long for most of the "dumb goyim" to forget the holocaust of tens of millions of Russian Christians at the hands of Jewish Bolsheviks, the King David hotel attack, the Lavon Affair, the USS Liberty attack, the Global Hawk UAV "attack" on the Pentagon and the WTC controlled demolitions insurance scam, etc. The ship incident may then be blamed on Syria or Iran. Whatever the target, the event will need to be at least on the scale of 9/11.

(xi) Order the US to hit Syria or Iran with nuclear "bunker buster" weapons. Kill hundreds of thousands or millions of civilians.

At this point, the Zionist billionaires in the US and Canada might decide to jettison their Israeli colleagues. Should Russia or China elect to defend Iran with a nuclear strike on Israel, the North American Zionist mafia will be hiding in their bunkers ready to pick up the pieces and turn the situation to their advantage. You can bet your bottom dollar that in the event of a WWIII which killed, say, a billion people, international Zionists would bounce back with headlines along the lines of "Sixty million Jews murdered by Iranian fascists". This time they would demand not just Palestine, but the entire world. Anyone who pointed out that the Jewish population was never anywhere near sixty million would be dubbed an "anti-Semite" and "neo-Iranian". The few surviving Iranians would then be paying reparations to the billionaire gangsters for the next 60 years, with the remaining masses enslaved, impoverished, and facing a poor prognosis.

The immediate goal of the Gaza and Lebanon operations is to enable premeditated Israeli crimes against humanity and have some gullible observers believe that Israel "has a right to defend itself against terrorists". However, the hawks would love to go much further. Leaders of the global Zionist crime syndicate, descendants of a Turkic Asiatic tribe who were chased from their former Khazaria homeland north of the Caucasus by the Rus'ians and Genghis Khan's Mongols, are very like the fictional Dalek race of the Dr Who sci-fi series. They are absolutely ruthless, and lack even the most rudimentary moral compass, conscience, or sense of compassion. They are hell-bent on conquest and world domination. And they are obsessed with extermination: exterminating everyone around them (e.g. forcing hundreds of Egyptian POWs to dig their own graves, with each batch being machine-gunned before the next line is ordered to fill in and dig the next graves), and fabricating hoax claims of having been "victims of extermination campaigns" for fraudulent business and political purposes.

The monstrous terrorist state of Israel, created under false pretenses by the House of Rothschild and international Zionist organizations, should be erased from the map without further ado, so that Jews and Arabs might once again live in peace with each other.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 9:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Excellent post.

One thing that certainly hasnt escaped the attention of many Jews within Israel is the fact that those who run Israel are by no means Jewish and are setting up the average Jewish population to bare the brunt of horrific retaliatory actions by its neighbours and the wider world.
It is said by many that the infamous 'wall' that has been built within Israel/Gaza/West Bank has not only the effect of keeping out the Palestinians but also keeping in the Jews.
I feel so sorry for all those people over there, and us, the powerless masses. We are at the whims of killers. And regardless of our race or religion, we hold no place in their vision of the future.

How will history remember these days? Truth be told, with the type of world our masters have planned, i doubt very much that in 100 years from now history will even exist. After all, what need would there be for history to decieve the minds of the masses when all free though will be gone. The most anyone will know is that a great war once occured, but it gave birth to a new world long dreamed of.

"A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."
-William James
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