cem Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Joined: 28 May 2008 Posts: 484
Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:45 pm Post subject: 'Suicide bomber' swoop in Glasgow |
The Scotsman, 9 March 2011
______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________
'Suicide bomber' swoop in Glasgow
[propaganda alert]
compiled by Cem Ertür
9 March 2011
http://thescotsman.scotsman.com/scotland/39Suicide-bomber39-swoop-in-G lasgow.6730842.jp
excerpt from: 'Suicide bomber' swoop in Glasgow
International terror hunt leads to Scotland as 'student nurse' is held in connection with Stockholm attack
by Alastair Dalton and Gareth Rose, The Scotsman, 9 March 2011
Quote: | POLICE are searching three properties and planning to interview more witnesses as a major anti-terrorism investigation continues following the arrest of a man in Glasgow in connection with the Stockholm suicide bombing [in December 2010].
The 30-year-old foreign national, said by neighbours to be a nursing student from Kuwait, was seized in a dawn raid yesterday after a month-long investigation, police said. |
related links:
Background: Bomber was radicalised in Britain and named baby son after Osama bin Laden
by Stephen McGinty, The Scotsman, 9 February 2011
http://thescotsman.scotsman.com/terrorismintheuk/Background-Bomber-was -radicalised-in.6730844.jp
Targeting Scotland
The Scotsman, 9 February 2011
http://thescotsman.scotsman.com/terrorismintheuk/Targeting-Scotland.67 30843.jp
from the archives:
MI5: Our regret over failing to prevent 7/7 bombings
911Blogger, 21 February 2011
http://911blogger.com/news/2011-02-21/mi5-our-regret-over-failing-prev ent-77-bombings
Wikileaks and Daily Telegraph escalate their war propaganda
911Blogger, 4 February 2011
http://911blogger.com/news/2011-02-04/wikileaks-and-daily-telegraph-es calate-their-war-propaganda
2005 London bombings: "Terrifying pictures of 7/7 bomb factory revealed"
911Blogger, 2 February 2011
http://911blogger.com/news/2011-02-02/2005-london-bombings-terrifying- pictures-77-bomb-factory-revealed-reports-daily-mirror
"Enemies of Britain"
911Blogger, 4 November 2010
‘Mumbai-style terror plot’ against UK uncovered
Dandelion Salad, 29 September 2010
http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/09/29/mumbai-style-terror-plo t-against-uk-uncovered/
Last edited by cem on Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:10 pm; edited 1 time in total |
Disco_Destroyer Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Joined: 05 Sep 2006 Posts: 6342
Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:07 am Post subject: |
lol is he the one in the yellow jacket? _________________ 'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Help, help, I'm being repressed!'
“The more you tighten your grip, the more Star Systems will slip through your fingers.”
www.myspace.com/disco_destroyer |