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Martin Bormann postwar Nazi 4th Reich financial Mafia empire
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 3:43 pm    Post subject: Martin Bormann postwar Nazi 4th Reich financial Mafia empire Reply with quote

Martin Bormann - Hitler's No.2 - Continuity SS - ODESSA

by retired oil worker Alf Mendes

The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) was a very influential lobby group set up in early 1997 by Robert Kagan and William Kristol. The latter was founder/editor of Murdoch’s “Weekly Standard”, and his father, Irving Kristol, had been an avid Reaganite neo-con. Furthermore, the younger Kristol had also, from 1989 to 1992, been Chief of Staff to G.H.W.Bush’s Vice-President, Dan Quayle.
The group considered itself “a non-profit, educational organisation whose goal is to promote American global leadership”, and on January 26th 1997, eighteen members of the PNAC (including such as: John Bolton, Robert Kagan, Zalmay Khalilzad, William Kristol, Richard Perle, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wofowitz, James Woolsey, and Robert Zoellich) sent a letter to the then President, Clinton, advising him that he “should aim, above all, at the removal of Saddam Hussein’s regime from power”, adding that “American policy cannot continue to be crippled by a misguided insistence on unanimity in the UN Security Council”. (shades of what was to come later!). On cue, in December of that same year, Clinton launched Operation Desert Fox, whereby the American air force heavily bombed Iraq - but did not occupy it, much to the chagrin of the PNAC.
Of crucial importance to reaching an understanding of the PNAC is the article it published in 2000, entitled “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” which, throughout its 90 pages, repeatedly stressed the need for “American global leadership..by maintaining the pre-eminence of US military forces”, and proudly stating that “The United States is the world’s only superpower”, et al. (ref: www.newamericancentury.org/RebuildingAmericasDefences.pdf). Here, in their own words, the Americans are, in effect, conforming to a fascist agenda. As defined in the Readers Digest dictionary: fascism is “a philosophy and system of government that advocates or exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of State and business leadership together with an ideology of belligerent nationalism”, which is as close a definition of the US Administration as one can get.
In any case America cannot rightly claim to be a democracy for three reasons: (a) it embodies capitalism, which is a system whereby very few profit from the labour of many; (b) for decades now, it has manipulated elections, either by ‘buying’ or electronically manipulating votes; and (c) as illustrated above, it’s government is hell-bent on achieving global supremacy. We are therefore justified in assuming that the term ‘neo-con’, commonly used by the media, is a dissimulative term to conceal its real meaning - fascist - which is understandable, when it is recalled that the capitalist corporatioins own/control said media.
None of the above should be surprising when it is recalled that, in the aftermath of WW 1 - and with the Bolsheviks now in charge in Russia: (a) US corporations, in the form of Averell Harriman, George Herbert Walker, Prescott Bush, Major William Draper, the Dulles Bros., and others were quick to merge with their German counterparts - and helped to finance Hitler, who had made it quite clear that The USSR was his main enemy. Hitler became Chancellor in 1933 (with not-a-little-help from the Bank for International Settlements!). (b) In 1932, the third International Conference on Eugenics, financed by the eugenicist William Draper (see above), was held in New York, and Dr Ernst Rudin (who had been the chief architect of the law which resulted in the Holocaust) was elected President of the International Federation of Eugenics Societies. (c) The Americans did not join ‘the Allies’ in WW 2 until it became clear that the Russians had counterattacked the Germans and were quickly advancing westwards. (d) In the immediate post-war period, Richard McGarrah Helms, of the intelligence group Office of Special Operations (OSO), was put in charge of intelligence and counter-intelligence operations in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, and thus involved in the setting up of the Gehlen Organisation under the control of the notorious Nazi spymaster, General Reinhard Gehlen. Many Nazi agents were then recruited in order to run covert operations in Soviet-occupied Eastern Europe.(Helms was later to serve as Director of the CIA). (e) During that same period, US Intelligence recruited Nazi scientists, concentration camp doctors and psychologists (such as Dr. Joseph Mengele and Sidney Gottlieb) with a view to utilising their experimentation in mind control and manipulation. Known as Operation Paperclip, this was to evolve into the notorious CIA-run MK ULTRA. (f) In 1958, Eisenhower appointed Draper (see above) as head of a committee to study the proper course for military aid to other countries. Draper changed the focus of the committee and recommended that the US goverment react to the threat of the population explosion by formulating plans to depopulate the poorer countries, as the growth of the world’s non-white population should be regarded as dangerous to the national security of the United States! In1969, Draper became Congressman G.H.W.Bush’s ‘population expert’.
The above is surely evidence that there had been a close relationship between America and fascist Germany for decades - which brings us back to the PNAC, who would become firmly ensconced in the US Administration on the election of G.W.Bush in 2001 - with the likes of Richard Cheney as Vice-President, and Donald Rumsfeld as Defense Secretary - plus 15 others in administrative positions. And nine days after the 9/11 attacks, the PNAC wrote president Bush, advocating “a determined effort to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq”. Result? G.W.Bush in his State of the Union Declaration of Jan. 28th 2003 stated that America will act alone, if it must, but “..the course of this nation does not depend on the decision of others”. He by-passes the Security Council and invades Iraq on March 20th 2003 - exacerbating the chaos we see today. (There were a number of other such cases of America by-passing the UN).
It must once again be recalled that both the IMF and World Bank were set up at the Bretton Woods Conference of July 1944, and the following year incorporated into the newly-formed United Nations. Intriguingly, Governors of the World Bank would be appointed by the President of the US -not the UN! Not surprising, in view of the fact that, as noted by this author in his article “In The Name Of The International Community” the UN has been under the control of the US since its inception. (www.bilderberg.org/wwiii.htm). If this is not arrogant supremacy - what is it?
Finally, in 2007, G.W.Bush appoints Robert Zoellich to replace Paul Wolfowitz as Governor of the World Bank - a case of one PNAC member replacing another! Enough said.

Henry Kissinger & Martin Bormann
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"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 6:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

1957: Notorious ex-Gestapo captain Klaus Barbie, convicted with the death penalty for his war crimes, escapes to Bolivia with assistance from the American Counter-Intelligence Corps (CIC). Here he works as a US agent, assisting a succession of military regimes during the 1970s and 1980s, teaching soldiers torture techniques and helping protect the flourishing cocaine trade before finally being deported to France to face his crimes in 1983.


The CIA's Worst-Kept Secret - Newly Declassified Files Confirm United States Collaboration with Nazis

by Martin A. Lee - published May 7, 2001 in the San Francisco Bay Guardian

Pried loose by Congress, which passed the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act three years ago, a long-hidden trove of once-classified CIA documents confirms one of the worst-kept secrets of the Cold War – the CIA's use of an extensive Nazi spy network to wage a clandestine campaign against the Soviet Union.

The CIA reports show that U.S. officials knew they were subsidizing numerous Third Reich veterans who had committed horrible crimes against humanity, but these atrocities were overlooked as the anti-Communist crusade acquired its own momentum. For Nazis who would otherwise have been charged with war crimes, signing on with American intelligence enabled them to avoid a prison term.


Simon - http://www.patriotsquestion911.com/

David Ray Griffin - 9/11: the Myth & the Reality
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 6:58 pm    Post subject: Re: A Trail of Neo-Conservatism Reply with quote

A stitch in time saves 9 . .

TonyGosling wrote:
The group considered itself “a non-profit, educational organisation whose goal is to promote American global leadership”, and on January 26th 1997, eighteen members of the PNAC (including such as: John Bolton, Robert Kagan, Zalmay Khalilzad, William Kristol, Richard Perle, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wofowitz, James Woolsey, and Robert Zoellich) sent a letter to the then President, Clinton, advising him that he “should aim, above all, at the removal of Saddam Hussein’s regime from power”, adding that “American policy cannot continue to be crippled by a misguided insistence on unanimity in the UN Security Council”.

The PNAC letter was actually delivered on January 26th 1998, not 1997.

The same day that Clinton was forced to finally make made his “deliberately false” and impeachable statement “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” which was also the 1911th day since his 1st election on 3.11.92 and an interval of 2 years, 9 months and 11 days until the Democrats would lose the next election on 7.11.2000

This statement, made during a televised White House press conference which led to charges of perjury and obstruction of justice was made the same day as the PNAC delivered their letter warning Clinton about Iraq and the need to remove Saddam Hussein and on the eve of Clinton’s 1998 State of the Union Address.

After a long wrangle over the status of Lewinsky’s testimony she was finally granted immunity by Kenneth Starr on 28.07.1998 exactly 119 weeks before the next election on 07.11.2000 which the Democrats lost.

Clinton finally admitted to having an "improper physical relationship" on 17.08.1998, which, funnily enough was an interval of 1 year, 9 months and 11 days since his 2nd election victory of 5.11.96

3 days later on the 3rd week and 3rd day of her immunity, Monica Lewinsky provided her testimony to the Grand Jury on 20.08.1998, which, funnily enough was the 1st day and 19th month of Clinton being sworn in for his 2nd term on 20.1.97

This same day, 20.08.1998, somebody decided to launch Operation Infinite Reach, exactly 1 day and 19 months into Clinton's 2nd term, sending cruise missiles into Afghanistan & Sudan in retaliation for the US Embassy bombings in Dar es Salaam and Nairobi, 13 days earlier on 7.8.98, 7 months and 7 days into the year and an interval of 1 day, 1 year and 9 months since his 2nd election victory on 5.11.96

Clinton eventually signed the Iraqi Liberation Act on 31.10.98, Halloween and his 23rd wedding anniversary and exactly 1 year, 9 months and 11 days since he was sworn in for his 2nd term on 20.1.97

1 month and 19 days after signing the ILA, Clinton was eventually impeached on 19.12.98 - 11 months and 19 days into the year and 1 year, 10 months and 19 days until Bush 43's election theft of 7.11.2000 and 1 day, 109 weeks until Bush 43 would be sworn in on 20.1.2001

Knit one. Pearl one.

These are just some of the facts.

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 8:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why Israel's capture of Eichmann caused panic at the CIA
Information that could have led to Nazi war criminal was kept under wraps

Julian Borger in Washington
Guardian - Thursday June 8, 2006

On May 23 1960, when Israeli prime minister David Ben-Gurion announced to the Knesset that "Adolf Eichmann, one of the greatest Nazi war criminals, is in Israeli custody", US and West German intelligence services reacted to the stunning news not with joy but alarm.

Globke was the main point of contact between the Bonn government, the CIA and Nato. "Globke was a timebomb for Nato," Mr Naftali said. At the request of the West Germans, the CIA even managed to persuade Life magazine to delete any reference to Globke from Eichmann's memoirs, which it had bought from the family.

But it was not just Globke. When Eichmann was captured the CIA combed files it had captured from the Nazis to find information that might be useful to the Israeli prosecution. The results caused near panic among the CIA's leadership because, unknown to the junior staff who had looked through the files, a few of Eichmann's accomplices being investigated had been CIA "assets".

Protected Nazis

Adolf Eichmann: The SS colonel who organised the final solution was so enthusiastic about his work that he carried on even after Heinrich Himmler had called a halt. He was captured by US troops but escaped to Argentina. Israeli agents tracked him down in 1960 and he was hanged in 1962.

Hans Globke: A Nazi functionary working with Eichmann in the Jewish Affairs department who helped draft the laws stripping Jews of rights. After the war he rose to become one of the most powerful figures in the government. As national security advisor to Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, he was the main liaison with the CIA and Nato.

Reinhard Gehlen: A major general in the Wehrmacht who was head of intelligence-gathering on the eastern front. He sold his supposed inside knowledge of the Soviet Union to the Americans who made him head of West German intelligence, an organisation he led until 1968.

Simon - http://www.patriotsquestion911.com/

David Ray Griffin - 9/11: the Myth & the Reality
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 3:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Quiller Memorandum - Interesting video clip here from a 1966 film where Alec Guinness hunts post WWII Nazis in 1960s Berlin who have taken off their uniforms so are difficult to identify.

Nazis In Mufti - trailer for film The Quiller Memorandum (1966)



"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 8:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, it's rings true doesn't it - the many Jewish neo-conservatives are really New World Order Nazis, or tools of the Nazis perhaps? This is the Alex Jones/Jim Marrs school of thought which was challenged by a caller - Dave from Massachussetts - into the Mark Dankof show last Sunday...starts 37 minutes into the second hour.
http://www.republicbroadcasting.org/index.php?cmd=archives.month&Progr amID=45&year=8&month=10&backURL=index.php%253Fcmd%253Darchives.getyear %2526ProgramID%253D45%26year%3D8%26backURL%3Dindex.php%253Fcmd%253Darc hives
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 7:34 pm    Post subject: Jerry Building: Unholy Relics of Nazi Germany Reply with quote

Jonathan Meades' - Jerry Building: Unholy Relics of Nazi Germany - 37 min
This BBC4 programme, Jerry Building, by Jonathan Meades begins with the words...
"Nazism did not die in the ruins of Berlin in 1945, nor on the gallows at Nurnberg in 1946. It merely buried its uniform, slipped into mufti, and sauntered into the postwar world."

Pure Genius - one of the sharpest ever examinations of Nazi legacy, Architecture and pseudo-philosophy.

BTW: Jonathan Meades: Jerry Building, Unholy Relics of Nazi Germany



Old Google Video link: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7166801834924005619

Using Berlin as his starting point, writer and presenter Jonathan Meades goes in search of the architectural relics of the genocidal Third Reich, which was steeped in mysticism and pagan death cults. These include a model village for SS Doctors, Himmler's Castle at a crossing of ley lines and a seaside utopia for 20,000 of the master race. He shows that far from Nazi Germany having existed in a void, it left a regrettable architectural legacy for the rest of post war Europe

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The title of this interview, NAZI INTERNATIONAL, refers to Joseph Farrell's most recent book, in which he details - as do Camelot witnesses Jim Marrs and Peter Levenda, and many other researchers (including Jim Keith, who died in unusual circumstances and to whom we pay tribute here) - how the Nazis were experimenting with technology extremely advanced for their time, and how many Nazi scientists, evaluated as being valuable resources for post-war America, were repatriated to the US under Project Paperclip.



We first heard of Joseph Farrell from Richard Hoagland - and soon after from Nick Cook, the author of The Hunt for Zero Point. Farrell, like Peter Levenda, is essentially an academic: a document researcher who digs deep into historical detail and has become fascinated, as many others have, with the hidden history of the Third Reich. He has continued Igor Witkowski's and Nick Cook's research into the enigmatic Nazi Bell: an experimental device, classified at the highest level, that seems to have been used to investigate time distortion effects or antigravity - very possibly both - based on the beginnings of theoretical torsion physics that was being developed in the 1920s and 1930s by a number of brilliant European scientists, themselves very much ahead of their time.

In this interview, Bill Ryan takes the lead and talks with Joseph Farrell in some depth about his work. The interview takes the viewer on a journey which starts before the Second World War, and explores just what German scientists may have been doing in great secret, with the full support of the SS. And, as the title of the video indicates, the story by no means ends there. This video may be of considerable interest to students of wartime advanced technology, and of the hidden history of the Third Reich.

http://www.amazon.co.uk/Mass-Control-Engineering-Human-Consciousness/d p/1931882215

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nazi Gold
Part 3: Bormann’s Aktion Feuerland

The British Ministry of Economic Warfare (MEW) estimated the Merkers hoard was only twenty percent of all the gold Germany held. In August 1945, the Bank of England estimated there would only be enough gold available at the maximum for a 58% restitution against the claims. This only included the claims from the central banks and not the private claims. Where did the rest of the gold go? To this day the CIA (in reference 12) denies the Nazis had a plan for a comeback despite captured Nazi documents showing otherwise. Even members of Congress and in particular members of the Kilgore Committee were aware of Nazi plans for a comeback. The translations of the Nazi comeback plans are located in the appendix of the preceding chapter. They come from documents captured near the end of the war. To understand where the missing gold went, we need to look at the German plans for a comeback.

The Nazis definitely had organized plans for a comeback. At the center of the plan was Martin Bormann, the Reichsleiter. Bormann had risen through the ranks to Party Secretary, the number two spot in the Nazi hierarchy. Hitler had entrusted Bormann with ensuring the Reich would be able to stage a comeback once hostilities ceased. The meeting in the Red House was the beginnings of Bormann's effort to expand his plan to include industrialist and top ranking office. The meeting had been the result of Bormann’s order. However, Bormann did not attend the meeting.16 The Treasury Department has a transcript of the meeting from a captured document. The SS agent conducting the meeting told the group that all industrial material was to be evacuated to Germany immediately; admitting the battle for France was lost. He also assured the gathering the "Treason against the Nation Law" about foreign exchange was repealed. At a smaller conference that afternoon, Dr. Bosse of the German Armaments Ministry indicated the Nazi government would make huge sums available to industrialists to help secure bases in foreign countries. Dr. Bosse advised the industrialists that two main banks could be used for the export of capital: Schweizerische Kreditanstalt of Zurich and the Basler Handelsbank. He also advised the industrialists of Swiss cloaks that would buy Swiss property for a five-percent commission. A month later, Bormann countermanded Hitler’s scorched earth policy to preserve Germany’s industrial base.

Bormann knew the Nazis had lost the war once the allies landed in Normandy on D-Day. He gave himself nine months to place into operation his flight capital program to find a safe haven for the Nazis' liquid assets. Essentially, the Alsace-Lorraine area would serve as a microcosm for his plans. Germans owned the controlling interest in many of the French banks in the area. A German majority ownership also controlled many of the factories. In essence, Bormann would rely on tarnung (see chapter 3 for the German practice of tarnung) to hide German corporations. Bormann was close friends with Schmitz, a director of I.G Farben and studied I.G.’s method of tarnung extensively. Bormann sorted his records and then shipped them to Argentina via Spain. Bormann began his flight capital, already having control of the Auslands-Organisation and the I.G. Verbindungsmanner. Both organizations placed spies in foreign countries disguised as technicians and directors of German corporations.

By the time, the Battle of the Bulge was raging; Bormann had already been very successful in moving assets out of Germany. In 1938, the number of patent registrations to German companies was 1,618 but after the Red House meeting it had risen to 3,377. Bormann had also created a two-price system with Germany’s trading partners. In it, the lower price was the price cleared or settled at the end of the banking day, the higher price was retained on the books of the neutral importer. The difference accumulated to a German account, becoming flight capital on deposit. Under this system Bormann amassed about $18 million kroner and $12 million Turkish lira. Balance sheets in Sweden showed Bormann acquired seven mines in central Sweden.17 Bormann created 750 new corporations. The corporations were scattered across the globe and represented a wide array of economic activity from steel and chemicals to electrical companies. The firms were located as follows: Portugal 58, Spain 112, Sweden 233, Switzerland 234, Turkey 35 and Argentina 98. All the corporations created by Bormann issued bearer bonds, so the real ownership was impossible to establish. 18

Bormann had several means of dispersing the Nazi assets. He used the diplomatic pouches of the Nazi’s foreign policy minister, von Ribbentrop, to send gold, diamonds, stocks and bonds to Sweden twice a month. A similar pattern was used to ferry more valuables to South America. In addition to Bormann’s Aktion Feuerland project, Bormann allowed other Nazis to transfer their own valuables through the same channels.

In Turkey, both the Deutsche Istanbul and the Deusche Orient banks were allowed to retain all their earnings rather than send them back to Berlin. The earnings were mere bookkeeping items that were ready to be transferred anywhere in the world.

In 1941, German investments in United States corporations held a voting majority in 170 corporations and minority ownership in another 108 American corporations. Many of these corporations were part of the I.G. Farben cartel. Additionally, American corporations had investments in Germany totaling $420 million. With his program for flight capital well on its way, Bormann gave permission for Nazis to once again buy American stocks.

The purchase of American stocks was usually done through a neutral country, typically Switzerland or Argentina. From foreign exchange funds on deposits in Switzerland and Argentina, large demand deposits were placed in such New York banks as National City, Chase, Manufacturers Hanover, Morgan Guaranty, and Irving Trust. Manning reports that over $5 billion dollars of American stocks was purchased in such a manner. 19 These same banks were active in supporting Germany. In addition, every major Nazi corporation transferred assets and personnel to their foreign subsidiaries.

The United States and Britain never could fully grasp the extent of the Nazi flight capital. John Pehle provides an interesting insight to why the United States was unable to stop Bormann and his movement of Nazi assets to neutral countries. Pehle was the original director of the Foreign Funds Control. Pehle’s reasoning is given below:

"In 1944, emphasis in Washington shifted from overseas fiscal controls to assistance to Jewish war refugees. On presidential order I was made executive director of the War Refuge Board in January 1944. Orvis Schmidt became director of Foreign Funds Control. Some of the manpower he had was transferred, and while the Germans evidently were doing their best to avoid Allied seizure of assets, we were doing our best to extricate as many Jews as possible from Europe."20

Pehle’s explanation seems overly simple. Additional personnel would have been useful and more could have been accomplished. However, the real problem was the rot and corruption within the United States. The leaders of America’s largest corporations were all in sympathy with the Nazis and almost all of them had invested heavily in Nazi Germany. Additionally, there were many in Congress that sympathized with the Nazi cause. The mood in Congress was one of "get the boys home and get on with business." When Orvis Schmidt testified before congress to the extent of the Nazi infiltration of neutral countries before the end of the war, it fell on deaf ears. An excerpt of his testimony is given below.

"The danger does not lie so much in the fact that the German industrial giants have honeycombed the neutrals, Turkey and Argentina, with branches and affiliates which know how to subvert their commercial interest to the espionage and sabotage demands of their government. It is important and dangerous however, that many of these branches, subsidiaries and affiliates in the neutrals and much of the cash, securities, patents, contracts and so forth are ostensibly owned through the medium of secret numbered accounts or rubric accounts, trusts, loans, holding companies, bearer shares and the like by dummy persons and companies claiming neutral nationality and all of the alleged protection and privileges arising from such identities. The real problem is to break through the veil of secrecy and reach and eliminate the German ability to finance another world war. We must render useless the devices and cloaks which have been employed to hide German assets."

We have found an I.G. Farben list of its own companies abroad and at home--- a secret list hitherto unknown--- which names over 700 companies in which I.G. Farben has an interest."21

The list referred to in the quote list does not include the 750 companies Bormann set up. Following the war Schmidt testified again to congress as follows:

"They were inclined to be very indignant. Their general attitude and expectations was that the war was over and we ought now to be assisting them in helping to get I.G. Farben and German industry back on its feet. Some of them have outwardly said that this questioning and investigation was in their estimation, only a phenomenon of short duration, because as soon as things got a little settled they would expect their friends in the United States and England to be coming over. Their friends, so they say would put a stop to activities such as these investigations and would see that they got the treatment which they regarded as proper and the assistance would be given to them to help reestablish their industry.22

Here again we see how the 4-D program was sabotaged. In fact, in every country liberated there was a great reluctance to disturb the machinery of money and industry connected to Germany through cartel agreements. The German presence was reduced but not eliminated. The cloaked ownership ensured continuity for the Nazis. Even the Grand Duchess, Charlotte of Luxembourg, had her own ideas. On returning home from exile, the Duchess dismissed the United States investigative team and ordered them out of the country. On June 26, 1945, chairman of the US Senate subcommittee on military affairs, Elbert D. Thomas, commented on Luxembourg. An excerpt of his comments follows.

" We had a mission in Luxembourg which was obtaining quite a bit of information on the steel cartel until the Grand Duchess returned. Information was then blocked off from us and the mission had to retire with what information they had already collected. There was much to learn about the way in which small states like Luxembourg had been used by the cartels. The episode suggests that some rulers, whom we have befriended, may be expected to assist the cartelists in their postwar efforts to regain dominance."23

What the Grand Duchess had learned from her finance minister was simple. Don’t tamper with the cartel. Luxembourg had made a vast amount of money and there was every indication that they stood to make a great deal more. All that Luxembourg needed to do was readjust the stock ownership to please the Allies. Powerful friends of the Bormann organization had understood what was at stake and planned accordingly. Scattered across the globe in various control points such as Wall Street, Washington, London and Paris was a group of bankers that were well aware of the financial benefits of cooperating with the Nazi underground.

The Nazi plans rested on American fears of communism. Free enterprise and property rights were to take center stage while morality was conveniently dismissed as superfluous. Such was the case in the four to one vote by the appeals board to free Richard Freudenberg, the largest shoemaker in Germany. Freudenberg was a regional economic adviser to Bormann and a die hard Nazi. He was in the automatic arrest category. Ambassador Murphy expressed the argument of free enterprise in his comments in defense of Freudenberg. This is the same Murphy that was part of the control council. His comments follow below.

"What we are doing here through denazification is nothing short of a social revolution. If the Russians want to Bolshevize their side of the Elbe that is their business, but it is not conformity with American standards to cut away the basis of private property. This man is an extremely capable industrialist, a kind of Henry Ford."24

In testimony given at Nuremberg, Herman Schmitz praised Bormann for the manner in which he spread German assets around the globe. Of particular interest was Schmitz's view of what lay in-store for the directors of I.G Farben once the war was over. The passage follows below.

"We can continue. We have an operational plan. However, I don’t believe our board members will be detained long. Nor will I. But we must go through a procedure of investigation before release so I have been told by our N.W.7 people who have excellent contacts in Washington."25

The last phrase in the quotation above, "who have excellent contacts in Washington," should have set off alarm bells of the U.S. prosecuting team at Nuremberg. Here is direct proof of people in power in Washington collaborating with an integral part of the Nazi war machine. Where was the follow up investigation determining who those contacts were? There are reasons why many files for WWII have not been released. Besides revealing the industrialists and congressional members mentioned in the previous chapters as traitors such files would reveal many career employees of the State Department and the military-intelligence community as traitors.

Instead of being investigated, like so many other productive leads, it was dropped. This attitude of top I.G. Farben directors was typical. They knew in advance that they would suffer only minor penalties. As George Seldes reminded us, there are people too powerful or too rich to be subjected to our laws, even when it involves treason. Schmitz's information was slightly wrong in that twelve I.G. Farben executives were tried at Nuremberg. Schmitz received a four-year sentence. However, all the sentences were later reduced to time served and all were returned to their previous positions.

At this point, we need to return to the Merkers hoard. Intelligence reports since 1940 indicated the Nazis were accumulating a fortunate of roughly one billion in 1940 dollars or ten billion in today’s dollars. The discovery of the Merkers hoard created an amazing complex set of problems. First, the find was only about half of the estimated Nazi treasure. While the Merker’s hoard was the bulk of the Reichsbank’s holdings, there were additional gold and currency left in Berlin. Second, dividing the treasure presented a myriad of problems, which still remains a controversy today.

Also troublesome were the accounts of Melmer and Max Heiliger. Interrogation of Nazi banking officials soon revealed the nature of these accounts. Albert Thoms explained the booty seized by the Wehrmacht went straight to the Reichshauptkasse, or Treasury. However, the Reichsbank exclusively handled the loot seized by the Schutzstaffeln (SS). The bank would first credit the loot to the Melmer account. After the bank had assessed the value the Reichsbank credited the amount to the Heiliger account. Only five people were privy to the Heiliger account: Reichsbank president Walter Funk, Reichsbank vice president Emil Puhl, chief cashier Kropf, and director Fronknecht, and Albert Thoms, Chief of the Precious Metals Department. The SS account held the earnings skimmed from the Action Reinhardt operation that began in 1943 to strip the concentration camp inmates systematically of all gold coins, jewelry and clothing. Puhl aided in this operation as besides his Reichsbank position he was also a director of the International Bank for Settlements. Thus he was in the perfect position to act as an international fence after the concentration gold was melted into gold bars.26

The Melmer account was indicative that other private accounts might exist. Indeed many of the top ranking Nazis from colonel on up had gathered their own treasures. Some of these private treasures such as Goering’s were substantial treasures in their own right while others were more modest. The total value of these private treasure hoards is unknown, as is the fate of many of them.

There were additional finds in the Merkers area. In another mine, the allies found 400 tons of records from the German Patent Office, enough records to fill thirty railroad cars. Another finds included over two million books, the records of the German High Command, and much more material.





"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here it is at last folks.
The second hand book that would otherwise cost you a small fortune which picks up the trail of the 'disappeared' right hand man to Adolf Hitler throughout the second world war.
Even though the Western Press peddles lies about his body being found he was in fact living a life of luxury in South America having been spirited away along Nazi ratlines - almost certainly with the help of the likes of Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and his privileged access to KLM royal dutch airlines


Martin Bormann — Nazi in Exile
Posted by FTR ⋅ July 17, 2006Post a comment Email This Post Print This Post
Tags Paul Manning, Underground Reich

by Paul Manning 1980, Lyle Stuart, Inc.
ISBN 0–8184-0309–8
Illustrated, 302 pages.
Download PDF (1.6MB)

See also: About Paul Manning

In late 2005, American popular culture paid homage to one of the greatest journalists of all time. In “Goodnight and Good Luck,” the life and work of CBS radio and television journalist Edward R. Murrow provided the material for a Hollywood feature film. Paul Manning was arguably the greatest of “Murrow’s Boys”—the group of skilled journalists Murrow ran in Europe during World War II. After training as a gunner and flying combat missions in both Europe and over Japan, Manning broadcast the surrenders of both Germany and Japan on the CBS radio network. After the war, Manning undertook an investigation of Hitler’s Deputy, Martin Bormann, and the postwar capital net­work he ran. Partially underwritten by CBS, the story of the Bormann organization proved too sensitive for the net­work to report.

A decisively powerful network of corporate entities run by hardened SS veterans, the Bormann group constitutes what one veteran banker termed “the greatest concentration of money power under a single control in history.” The founda­tion of the organization’s clout is money—lots and lots of money. Controlling German big business and, through invest­ments, much of the rest of the world’s economy, the organization was the repository for the stolen wealth of Europe, estimated by British intelligence to have totaled more than $180 billion by the end of 1943 (not including the money taken from Greece and the former Soviet Union, nor that taken after 1943.) [For more on the global economic signifi­cance of the Bormann group, see—among other programs—FTR#99.] This organization literally constitutes a postwar “Underground Reich” with (as discussed in FTR#155) a governing hierarchy composed of the sons and daughters of SS men, holding military ranks and titles from the Third Reich.

In addition to the enormous power deriving from its consummate economic clout, the Bormann group has wielded tremendous global influence through its intelligence and enforcement network. Administered by SS general Heinrich Mueller, the wartime head of the Gestapo, the Bormann group’s intelligence and security network was composed of some of the toughest, most capable veterans of the SS. In addition, the Bormann organization and Mueller’s security outfit have commanded the loyalty of the political, intelligence and military elements requisitioned by the Allies after the war. In that regard, the Bormann/Mueller operation could draw on the loyalties of the Reinhard Gehlen spy outfit that handled the CIA’s intelligence on the former Soviet Union and which ultimately became the intelligence service of the Federal Republic of Germany. In addition, Bormann and Mueller were the political masters of the numerous scien­tists recruited by the U.S. and other nations for their expertise during the Cold War, as well as the numerous Nazis brought into the U.S. under the auspices of the Crusade For Freedom. Those latter ultimately coalesced into a major element of the Republican Party. (For more about the Crusade for Freedom, see—among other programs—FTR#465.)

With its economic, political and espionage capabilities, the Bormann group embodies the triumph of the forces of National Socialism in the postwar period. Whereas the United States was the dominant element within the interna­tional cartel system prior to, and during, World War II, the Bormann group is the primary entity in the postwar global corporate economy.

The organization’s clout has successfully obscured its existence in the face of journalistic investigation. Compare the “official” fate of Bormann (supposedly killed at the end of the war) with demonstrable historical fact, as researched by Manning. Relating information from the FBI’s file on Bormann, Manning writes: “ . . .The file revealed that he had been banking under his own name from his office in Germany in Deutsche Bank of Buenos Aires since 1941; that he held one joint account with the Argentinian dictator Juan Peron, and on August 4, 5 and 14, 1967, had written checks on demand accounts in first National City Bank (Overseas Division) of New York, The Chase Manhattan Bank, and Manufac­turers Hanover Trust Co., all cleared through Deutsche Bank of Buenos Aires. . . .”
(Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile, p. 205.)

FTR#305 is a condensation of some of the key segments of text from Manning’s landmark book. The story of the active suppression of Manning’s work on Bormann is contained in FTR#152 (side A). The moving tale of Manning’s heroic, decades-long investigation into the Bormann group is contained in a professional biography of Paul Manning that accompanies the text. That professional biography also recounts the professional retribution to which Manning was subjected in retaliation for his work (including the 1993 murder of his son Gerry.)

Readers interested the Manning text on Bormann should also investigate Gold Warriors by the Seagraves—the story of Japan’s postwar capital network and its profound relationship with the global economy.

Martin Borman — Nazi in Exile has also been posted as html by animalfarm.org.

Martin Bormann, Nazi In Exile by Paul Manning 1981 - read it

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Martin Bormann Nazi In Exile - very important rare book by Paul Manning

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"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Remember Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was deeply involved in this through his abuses of his KLM position
BBC Radio 4 - Document - Nazis fleeing to Argentina - Monday 21 January 2008
Sixty years on Dutch MPs are calling on KLM to open it’s books and allow an independent enquiry. Mike Thomson travels to the Netherlands to investigate.

Secret files reveal 9,000 Nazi war criminals fled to South America after WWII
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2117093/Secret-files-reveal-9- 000-Nazi-war-criminals-fled-South-America-WWII.html
As many as 5,000 Nazis went to Argentina
Between 1,500 and 2,000 ended up in Brazil
Around 500 to 1,000 settled in Chile
The rest started new lives in Paraguay and Uruguay
By Allan Hall - Daily Mail - 19 March 2012 | UPDATED: 08:38, 20 March 2012
Nine thousand Nazi war criminals fled to South America after the Second World War, it has been revealed for the first time.
After receiving tip-offs, German prosecutors were recently granted access to secret files in Brazil and Chile that confirmed the true number of Third Reich immigrants.
According to the documents, an estimated 9,000 war criminals escaped to South America, including Croatians, Ukrainians, Russians and other western Europeans who aided the Nazi murder machine.
Most, perhaps as many as 5,000, went to Argentina; between 1,500 and 2,000 are thought to have made it to Brazil; around 500 to 1,000 to Chile; and the rest to Paraguay and Uruguay.
These numbers do not include several hundred more who fled to the safety of right-wing regimes in the Middle East.
Previous estimates as to how many Nazis fled to South America have varied wildly from 5,000 to 300,000.
The files also showed that during the war Argentine President General Juan Peron sold 10,000 blank Argentine passports to ODESSA – the organisation set up to protect former SS men in the event of defeat.
Kurt Schrimm, 62, head of the central war criminal authority in Germany, is among the legal team sifting through archives.
He said: 'These documents provide the hottest leads we have had for years.'
Mr Schrimm said a female historian provided the clues about the Nazis who got away, who included Holocaust mastermind Adolf Eichmann, Auschwitz doctor Josef Mengele and Treblinka death camp commander Franz Stangl.

Adolf Eichmann hid under the alias of Ricardo Klement in Argentina as early as 1952. He raised his family and worked in a car plant. During the war, Eichmann was the right-hand-man to SS chief Heinrich Himmler in the Third Reich - who was responsible for the trains that carried millions to their deaths at extermination camps in Nazi occupied Poland. Eichmann was hanged in Israel in 1962.
Josef Mengele was known for his horrific genetic experiments in concentration camps including the dissection of live babies and injecting dye into the eyes of prisoners. He hid out in Argentina until his death in 1979.
Several others escaped to Chile. Walter Rauff a high-ranking SS officer who invented the 'Death Trucks' - with which 500,000 prisoners were murdered with lethal gas at Auschwitz - arrived in South America in 1950. He spent a short amount of time in jail and died in Santiago in 1984.
Paul Schaeffer began his career in the Hitler Youth before rising through the ranks and arrived in Chile in 1960. He was a known paedophile but was not locked up by Chilean authorities until 1996. He died in 2010.
There is also the hope that the mountain of documents may throw up a living fugitive.
But Mr Schrimm added: 'Each day that passes makes that less and less likely but I do not want people to say in the future that we did not try.'
Mr Schrimm and his colleague Uwe Steintz, 52, believe the archives may also provide clues to Nazis who sneaked back to the Fatherland to live out their days undetected.
Of particular interest to the hunters are details of the so-called 'rat lines' - the escape routes out of a shattered Europe after WW2 that allowed an estimated 800 murderers to escape on passports provided by the Vatican.
Since arriving in South America three weeks ago, Mr Schrimm and Mr Steintz have pored over the Arquivo Historico records in Rio de Janiero.
The Archivo Nacional is the repository for all immigration documents.
They show that 20,000 Germans settled in Brazil alone between 1945 and 1959.
Mr Schrimm said: 'Many are under a false name with a dark past.'
Many South American countries postwar were ruled by fascist-style military dictatorships that welcomed the brutal servants of Nazism with few questions asked.
Mr Steintz said: 'Already we see something of a pattern in the way these criminals operated. They almost always entered the country alone and sent for their families afterwards.
'And most entered on a passport of the International Red Cross. Eight hundred higher functionaries of the SS and Nazi state entered Argentina alone on such passports.'
The files show that the contact point for many was German Bishop Alois Hudal, priest-confessor to the German Catholic community in Rome.
Investigators hope that the files will yield up cross references to the secret services of Chile and Brazil detailing names of intelligence agents who helped the Nazi war criminals.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here you can free download the book Martin Bormann Nazi In Exile by Paul Manning - you might even want to re-publish it if you have the courage!

Just uploading the easier to read version now

TonyGosling wrote:
A decisively powerful network of corporate entities run by hardened SS veterans, the Bormann group constitutes what one veteran banker termed “the greatest concentration of money power under a single control in history.” The founda­tion of the organization’s clout is money—lots and lots of money. Controlling German big business and, through invest­ments, much of the rest of the world’s economy, the organization was the repository for the stolen wealth of Europe, estimated by British intelligence to have totaled more than $180 billion by the end of 1943 (not including the money taken from Greece and the former Soviet Union, nor that taken after 1943.) [For more on the global economic signifi­cance of the Bormann group, see—among other programs—FTR#99.] This organization literally constitutes a postwar “Underground Reich” with (as discussed in FTR#155) a governing hierarchy composed of the sons and daughters of SS men, holding military ranks and titles from the Third Reich.

Martin Bormann Nazi In Exile by Paul Manning 1983

 Filename:  MartinBormannNaziInExilePaulManning.pdf
 Filesize:  1.63 MB
 Downloaded:  3987 Time(s)

Martin Bormann Nazi In Exile by Paul Manning 1981

 Filename:  MartinBormann-NaziInExile-PaulManning-1981.doc
 Filesize:  844.5 KB
 Downloaded:  5106 Time(s)

Nazi In Exile

 Filename:  MartinBormann-NaziInExile-PaulManning-1981.rtf
 Filesize:  1.99 MB
 Downloaded:  9719 Time(s)

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 10:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Miscellaneous Archive Shows M1—M30
Posted by FTR ⋅ January 2, 2005
http://spitfirelist.com/miscellaneous-archives/shows-m1%e2%80%94m30/#M 11

M1 Accuracy in Media vs. One Step Beyond
Part 1 42:36 | Part 2 34:58 | Part 3 15:36

Covers the attempt by right-wing media activist Reed Irvine and his organization to drive Mr. Emory’s show from the airwaves. The program details Irvine’s close association with the World Anti-Communist league (AFA program numbers 14, 15) and rebuts Mr. Irvine’s charges point by point. Includes a listener phone-in section.

M2 Discontinued
See AFA program 7.

M3 Expressway Show
Part 1 42:50 | Part 2 40:56

While appearing as guest on a San Jose, California radio talk show, Mr. Emory spoke for about 20 minutes with Gor­don Novel, a principal figure in New Orleans’ District Attorney Jim Garrison’s investigation into the assassination of Pres­ident Kennedy. Novel maintained his innocence in the Kennedy assassination, but revealed some fascinating informa­tion concerning his connections to the Watergate scandal.

M4 Gloria in Excelsis: The CIA, Women’s Movement and the News Media
Part 1 44:48 | Part 2 43:26 | Part 3 5:34

Details Gloria Steinem’s background in the CIA and her numerous connections to reactionary political elements. In addi­tion, the program sets forth the relationships between the publishing empire of Katherine Graham and the CIA.

M5 KKK, The Fehme and the Founding of the Nazi Party
Part 1 23:58 | Part 2 20:12

Side 1 of this cassette describes the assassination program which eliminated the democratic leadership of Weimar Ger­many paving the way for Hitler’s rise to power. The second side details the formation of the Nazi Party as a front for German military intelligence.

M6 Knights Of Malta, Parts 1 and 2
60 minutes
Covers the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, a lay military order of the Catholic Church which wields tremendous inter­national political power. Particular emphasis is on the profound influence the Knights wield on the U.S. national secu­rity establishment.

M7 Rajneeshpuram
Part 1 44:48 | Part 2 23:26
Examines the working hypothesis that the Rajneeshpuram commune in Oregon was a front for intelligence functions, reactionary politics and mind control.

M8 South Africa, The Third Reich and the Bomb
Part 1 29:29 | Part 2 23:23
Details the connections between the Third Reich and South African society. Particular emphasis is on the Broederbond (the Afrikaner elite society which effectively controls South Africa) and how that organization developed with help from Nazi Germany. Much of the discussion reveals how residual elements of the I.G. Farben chemical cartel helped the growing South African nuclear industry. (For more on I.G. Farben see M11, and AFA program numbers 1 and 2.)

M9 The King Alfred Plan: The Final Solution for the “Negro Problem”?
Part 1 44:24 | Part 2 44:04 | Part 3 44:14 | Part 4 18:44
5/13/90, 160 minutes
This program sets forth disturbing plans the U.S. national security establishment has for the mass incarceration of black Americans. Includes material from AFA program numbers 6,7 and 8 as well as supplemental material not included in previous shows. The King Alfred Plan is also discussed in AFA program number 32 in conjunction with the Rex 84 mar­tial law contingency plan.

M11 Uncle Sam and the Swastika
Part 1 44:43 | Part 2 44:44 | Part 3 44:22 | Part 4 44:30
Part 5 44:47 | Part 6 44:09 | Part 7 44:33 | Part 8 44:26
Part 9 44:29 | Part 10 44:44 | Part 11 44:49 | Part 12 43:53
Part 13 44:49 | Part 14 44:26 | Part 15 32:01
5/23/80 (with updates)
One of the most important of the archive shows, this program documents the Third Reich as a historical outgrowth of the multi-national corporate capitalism. Focus is on the dominant role of American-based multi-nationals in financing and arming Nazi Germany. Assisting Mr. Emory on this program is fellow researcher, Mark Ortiz.

M12 Euthanasia in Contemporary America and Nazi Germany
Part 1 44:41 | Part 2 44:03 | Part 3 14:55 | Part 4 44:31 | Part 5 25:54

Highlights the evolution of the Third Reich’s extermination programs from the “mercy killing” of handicapped children to the Auschwitz death factory. The Nazi liquidations are exposed as a direct outgrowth of the international eugenics and mental hygiene movements, both mainstream movements with important implications for contemporary society.

M13 The Pink Triangle: Gay Rights, Reproductive Rights and the Third Reich
Part 1 44:12 | Part 2 43:49 | Part 3 44:43 | Part 4 8:46

Details the Nazi persecution of gays and Third Reich attitudes toward reproductive rights. In addition to discussing the nascent gay rights movement in Weimar Germany and its founder Magnus Hirschfeld, the program illustrates how the Nazis used homophobia to discredit and stigmatize progressive political forces they opposed.

M14 The Ultimate Evil: Mind Control, Satanism and U.S. Security Establishments
Part 1a 44:14 | Part 1b 44:49 | Part 1c 44:35 | Part 1d 44:31 | Part 1e 43:57 | Part 1f 4:44
10/25/87, 11/1/87 and 11/8/87

Illustrates the U.S. intelligence agencies’ apparent use of certain satanic cults as front organizations. In addition to drug trafficking, terrorism, and sexual blackmail for the purposes of political control and assassination. Particular emphasis is on the military intelligence connections to the Temple Of Set, the Son of Sam and Manson Family killings.

M15 The Ultimate Evil, Part 2
Part 2a 44:21 | Part 2b 43:35 | Part 2c 43:51 | Part 2d 30:18

Continues the discussion begun in Part 1. This broadcast draws heavily on material from AFA program number 5, and M13, to further illustrate the role of front groups such as the “Process” umbrella cult.

M16 The Ultimate Evil, Part 3
Part 3a 44:28 | Part 3b 44:45 | Part 3c 43:46 | Part 3d 16:51

This installment in the series documents the historical background of the cults in question. Material from AFA program number 12 illustrates “evidentiary tributaries” linking the Manson operation with members of the intelligence commu­nity involved in the Kennedy assassinations.

M17 The Ultimate Evil, Part 4
Part 4a 43:52 | Part 4b 43:25 | Part 4c 42:14 | Part 4d 16:51
Continues the discussion of the political and psychological functions of the cults described in the first 3 programs in the series. In this final installment, particular emphasis is on apparent connections of some of these cults to many of the “serial killings” that have plagued the country in recent years.

M18 Election 1988
Not available at this time.

M19 The Fascist “Third Position”, The Far Right and Their Attempt to Co-opt Progressive Forces
Part 1a 43:22 | Part 1b 44:11 | Part 1c 35:00
The first program in a two-part series, this broadcast focuses on the growing intersection of third reich veterans, Mid­dle Eastern terrorists, European neo-fascists and European ultra-leftists in a new form of international fascism. Particu­lar emphasis is on support by these forces for Libya’s Qaddafi, the late Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran and American Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan.

M20 George Bush and the Shooting of Ronald Reagan
Part 1 37:20 | Part 2 37:19
Presents circumstantial evidence suggesting that then Vice– President George Bush may have been involved with the attempt on the life of former President Reagan. Discussion centers on the close connections between the family of con­victed would-be assassin John Hinckley and the Bush family as well as Hinckley’s Nazi background. NOTE: tape two of M20 is M22.

M21 The Fascist “Third Position”; Part 2
Part 2a 44:21 | Part 2b 26:17
Continues the discussion from M19. Much attention is given to the role of the Third position in staging terrorist inci­dents to be blamed on the left.

M22 The Shooting of George Wallace
Part 1 29:25 | Part 2 18:39
Analyzes the probable role of the U.S. national security establishment and the Committee to Re-Elect the President (Nixon) in the shooting of Governor Wallace. The available evidence suggests that Wallace was eliminated to prevent him from jeopardizing Nixon’s reelection by running as a third– party candidate. Parafin tests on convicted would-be assassin Arthur Bremer were negative, proving that he didn’t fire a gun. (Note: M22 is the second tape of M20.)

M23 What Really Happened at Port Chicago? Was the First A-Bomb Tested in the San Francisco/Bay Area?
Part 1 43:41 | Part 2 43:44 | Part 3 30:24
Presents startling evidence that the explosion of the U.S. munitions ship E. A. Bryan in July 1944 was a test of the “gun” weapon dropped on Hiroshima in August 1945. Hundreds of black American sailors appear to have been deliber­ately sacrificed in the incident. Includes interviews with Port Chicago researcher, Peter Vogel.

M24 The Nazis & Anti-Semites on George Bush’s Campaign
Part 1 44:16 | Part 2 21:16
Sets forth the participation of elements of the Gehlen organization, the World Anti-Communist League and the P-2 Lodge in George Bush’s 1988 election campaign.

M25 Lloyd Bentsen, The Defense Industrial Security Command & the assassination of John F. Kennedy & Dr. Mar­tin L. King
Part 1 43:43 | Part 2 22:30
Documents the connections of 1988 Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Lloyd Bentsen to elements involved with the assassination of President Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King.

M26 Japanese Fascism: Its Structure & Significance for Contemporary Americans
Part 1 27:59 | Part 2 29:28
Analyzes the contributions of Emperor Hirohito and the Zaibatsu (giant family trusts) in creating and sustaining Japan­ese fascism. Particular emphasis is on connections between the Zaibatsu and American corporations.

M28 Your Hit Parade!
Suspicious Deaths, Political Murders & Untimely Disappearances in America
Part 1 44:19 | Part 2 28:24 | Part 3 44:51 | Part 4 25:08
10/23/88 & 10/30/88
Covers the alarming number of untimely deaths and disappearances of politically significant people. In addition to activists and participants in politically-connected criminal investigations, many journalists have died under question­able circumstances in recent years. This broadcast confronts the issue of whether these deaths and disappearances are symptomatic of an organized program of repression by the U.S. national security establishment and/or right-wing political interests.

M29 The Political Resume of George Bush
Sets forth commonly ignored aspects of George Bush’s political history, including connections to the assassination of President Kennedy, involvement with residual Nazi elements discussed in other archive shows and his connection to the “Rex ’84″ martial law contingency plans discussed in AFA32.

M30 The Patriotic Assassin & Fascist/Zionist Connections
Part 1 29:47 | Part 2 29:52
The first side of this cassette presents an interview with a U.S. government assassin who discusses the use of mind control in covert operations, the methodology of American political assassination and the U.S. military’s on-going con­trol of the American political process. The second side explores the fascist political background of Israeli politicians Menaghem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir, as well as documenting the history of the Betari, an explicitly fascist element of the Zionist movement.

Please consider donating to support the work of Dave Emory.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very interesting but a total lie at the end about Bormann committing suicide with no evidence whatever.
The way of many modern doc's is to get you right into the topic then lead you off over a cliff of lies.
Scum that made this film should be sacked from all professional bodies as Nazi collaberators.

Hitler's Henchmen - The Secretary Martin Bormann


"Hitler's Henchmen" is a six-part series that portrays the men who aided Adolf Hitler in his rise to power and serviced the infernal machinery of the Third Reich. The Nuremberg Trials play an important role here: in a historical first, the International War Crimes Tribunal passed judgment on leading Nazi paladins for their unparalleled atrocities while exposing to the world the infamy of the Hitler regime and its leaders. ZDF uses newly discovered archive material and interviews with surviving family members and Nazi insiders to draw historical psychograms of Hitler's closest aides. Conceived as a sequel to our six-part series "Hitler," "Hitler's Henchmen" offers in-depth personal and political profiles of six men who became architects of the destruction of Europe. Portraits of the men who carried out Hitler's plans: ZDF's sequel about the men who consolidated Hitler's reign and turned his plans into action. They wove the complicities and plots without which Hitler could have never perpetrated the crime of the century. They helped to sway the judges and the bureaucrats, the armed forces and the police, the scientists and the industrialists, the students and their teachers to the regime's ways of thinking. What kind of people were they? What inspired them to serve a corrupt administration with such enthusiasm and devotion? How did their careers unfold and their fates end? The series answers these and other questions by examining six of Hitler's cohorts. The portraits of these aides-de-camp provide viewers with a revealing psychogram of "Hitler's willing executors." The films present for the first time newly discovered film clips and sound recordings from international archives. Recent revelations provided by historical research and interviews with former coworkers, relatives, and victims are also shown.
Hitler's Henchmen 1 Episodes:
1. The Propagandist/Firebrand - Joseph Goebbels - German with English Subtitles
2. The Marshall - Hermann Goering - German with English Subtitles
3. The Deputy - Rudolf Hess - German with English Subtitles
4. The Executioner - Heinrich Himmler - German with English Subtitles
5. The Admiral - Karl Doenitz - German with English Subtitles
6. The Architect - Albert Speer - German with English Subtitles
Hitler's Henchmen II Episodes:
1. Bureaucrat of Murder - Adolf Eichmann - German with English Subtitles
2. The Secretary - Martin Bormann - German with English Subtitles
3. The Corruptor of Youth - Baldur von Schirach - German with English Subtitles
4. Diplomat of Evil - Joachim von Ribbentrop - German with English Subtitles
5. Doctor of Death - Josef Mengele - German and English with Swedish Subtitles
6. Arbitrator over Death and Life - Roland Freisler - German with English Subtitles

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 8:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

on sky channel 200 last night wrote:
hi tony just watched you on on the edge with theo chalmers and have followed your work for a while now since i first saw you on edge media . i would like to ask you have you any views on adolf hitler and what really happened to him after the second world war . do you really believe he killed himself or as I believe he really left germany and escaped to south america were he was then hidden and kept safe by all his loyal followers for which he had many as he still does today ..

IMO there is no evidence whatever that Hitler survived the end at the bunker. As I indicated last night.
However I have an open mind on it so please indicate any facts from a reliable source that proves he did - book web links etc etc

However the evidence for Bormann surviving and his death being faked is overwhelming and widely believed in MI6 etc
As well as his being chaged with 'keeping the toxic flame alive'

In my experience this 'Hitler survived' thing is a typical intelligence/mafia/nazi disinformation trick to divert attention from Bormann

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2012 12:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

FTR #305 The Bormann Organization
http://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-305-the-bormann-organizatio n/
MP3 Side 1 | Side 2

Originally recorded in June of 1997, this program sets forth the basic facts concerning the genesis and functioning of the remarkable and deadly Bor­mann organization, named for Reichsleiter Martin Bormann. (This site con­tains extensive material documenting the profound connections between the Bush family, the administration of George W. Bush, and the Bormann organization.)

1. The economic and political component of a Third Reich gone under­ground, the Bormann organization controls corporate Germany and much of the rest of the world. Created and run by Martin Bormann, the organi­zational genius who was the “the power behind the throne” in Nazi Ger­many, the Bormann group is a primary element of the analysis presented in the For the Record programs.

2. The broadcast begins with discussion of the resumption of long-dormant investigations of the Nazi money trail created as the Third Reich siphoned off its wealth, in an effort to politically survive the inevitability of military defeat.

(“Nazi Money Trail Heats Up after 50 Years” by Greg Steinmetz; Wall Street Journal; 4/28/97; p. A1.)

3. As noted in this article, much of the Nazi money was reinvested in German corporations.


4. Although it is not mentioned directly in this article, the story of the Nazi money trail leads, inevitably to the Bormann organization. The purpose of the Bormann flight capital program was set forth by Paul Manning, the heroic author who wrote the story of the Bormann organization.

“Martin Bormann, forty-one at the fall of Berlin, and strong as a bull, was at all times at Hitler’s side, impassive and cool. His be-all and end-all was to guide Hitler, and now to make the deci­sions that would lead to the eventual rebirth of his country. Hitler; his intuitions at peak level despite his crumbling physical and mental health in the last year of the Third Reich, realized this and approved of it. ‘Bury your treasure,’ he advised Bormann, ‘for you will need it to begin a Fourth Reich.’ [Emphasis added.] That is precisely what Bormann was about when he set in motion the ‘flight capital’ scheme August 10, 1944, in Strasbourg. The treasure, the golden ring, he envisioned for the new Germany was the sophisticated distribution of national and cor­porate assets to safe havens throughout the neutral nations of the rest of the world.”

(Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile; Paul Manning; Copyright 1981 [HC]; Lyle Stuart Inc.; ISBN 0–8184-0309–8; pp. 29–30.)

5. The program describes the Strasbourg meeting in detail.

“The Staff car had left Colmar at first light for Strasbourg, carrying SS Obergruppenfueherer Scheid, who held the rank of lieutenant general in the Waffen SS, as well as the title of Dr. Scheid, director of the industrial firm of Hermadorff & Schenburg Company. While the beauty of the rolling countryside was not lost on Dr. Scheid, his thoughts were on the meeting of impor­tant German businessmen to take place on his arrival at the Hotel Maison Rouge in Stras­bourg. Reichsleiter Martin Bormann himself had ordered the conference, and although he would not physically be present he had confided to Dr. Scheid, who was to preside, ‘The steps to be taken as a result of this meeting will determine the postwar future of Germany.’ The Reishsleiter had added, ‘German industry must realize that the war cannot now be won, and must take steps to pre­pare for a postwar commercial campaign which will in time insure the economic resurgence of Germany.’ It was August 10, 1944. The Mercedes-Benz bearing SS Obergruppenfuerher Scheid moved slowly now through the narrow streets of Strasbourg. Dr. Scheid noticed that this was a most agreeable city, one to return to after the war.”

(Ibid.; pp. 23–24.)

6. The meeting was crafted by Bormann and presided over by SS lieutenant general Dr. Scheid.

(Ibid.; p. 23.)


“The staff car drew up before the Hotel Maison Rouge on the Rue des France-Bourgeois. Dr. Scheid, briefcase in hand, entered the lobby and ascended in the elevator to the conference suite reserved for his meeting. Methodically he circled the room, greeting each of the twelve present, then took his place at the head of the conference table. Even the pads and pencils before each man had been checked; Waffen SS technicians had swept the entire room, inspect­ing for hidden microphones and miniature transmitters. As an additional precaution, all suites flanking the conference suite had been held unfilled, as had the floors above and below, out of bounds for the day. Lunch was to be served in the conference suite by trusted Waffen SS stew­ards. Those present, all thirteen of them, could be assured that the thorough precautions would safeguard them all, even the secretary who was to take the minutes, later to be typed with a copy sent by SS courier to Bormann.”

(Ibid.; p. 24.)


“A transcript of that meeting is in my possession. It is a captured German document from the files of the U.S. Treasury Department, and states who was present and what was said, as the economy of the Third Reich was projected onto a postwar profit seeking track.”

(Ibid.; p.24.)


“Present were Dr. Kaspar representing Krupp, Dr. Tolle representing Rochling, Dr. Sinceren rep­resenting Messerschmitt, Drs. Kopp, Vier, and Beerwanger representing Rheinmetall, Captain Haberkorn and Dr. Ruhe representing Bussing, Drs. Ellenmayer and Kardos representing Volk­swagenwerk, engineers Drose, Yanchew, and Koppshem representing various factories in Posen, Poland (Drose, Yanchew, & Co., Brown-Boveri, Herkuleswerke, Buschwerke, and Stadtwerke); Dr. Meyer, an official of the German Naval Ministry in Paris; and Dr. Strossner of the Ministry of Armament, Paris.”

(Ibid.; p. 25.)

10. Scheid briefed the leaders of German industry on Bormann’s plan, and gave them contacts—many of them in New York.

“Dr. Scheid, papers from his briefcase arranged neatly on the table before him, stated that all industrial materiel in France was to be evacuated to Germany immediately. ‘The battle of France is lost to Germany,’ he admitted, quoting Reichsleiter Bormann as his authority, ‘and now the defense of the Siegfried Line (and Germany itself) is the main problem. . . . From now on, Germany industry must take steps in preparation for a postwar commercial campaign, with each industrial firm making new contacts and alliances with foreign firms. This must be done individually and without attracting any suspicion. However, the party and the Third Reich will stand behind every firm with permissive and financial support.’ He assured those present that the frightening law of 1933 known as Treason Against the Nation, which mandated the death penalty for violation of foreign exchange regulations or concealing of foreign currency, was now null and void, on direct order of Reichsleiter Bormann.”

(Ibid.; p. 25.)

11. One of the firms that he cited as an example of a company that had been particularly useful to Germany was the Hamburg-Amerika Line. As discussed in FTRs 273, 346, the Hamburg-Amerika Line was part of the Bush family’s busi­ness operations on behalf of the Third Reich.

“Dr. Scheid also affirmed, ‘The ground must now be laid on the financial level for borrowing con­siderable sums from foreign countries after the war.’ As an example of the kind of support that had been most useful to Germany in the past, Dr. Scheid cited the fact that ‘patents for stain­less steel belonged to the Chemical Foundation, Inc. New York, and the Krupp Company of Ger­many, jointly, and that of the United States Steel Corporation, Carnegie, Illinois, American Steel & Wire, National Tube, etc., were thereby under an obligation to work with the Krupp con­cern.’ He also cited the Zeiss Company, the Leica Company, and the Hamburg-Amerika line as typical firms that had been especially effective in protecting German interests abroad. He gave New York addresses to the twelve men.”

(Idem.) Hamburg-Amerika Line’s operations in the U.S. were controlled by the grandfather and great grandfather of George W. Bush.

12. The group also discussed provisions to continue to fund the Nazi party in an underground fashion after the war.

“A smaller conference in the afternoon was presided over by Dr. Bosse of the German Arma­ments Ministry. It was attended only by representatives of Hecko, Krupp, and Rochling. Dr. Bosse restated Bormann’s belief that the war was all but lost, but that it would be continued by Germany until certain goals to insure the economic resurgence of Germany after the war had been achieved. He added that German industrialists must be prepared to finance the con­tinuation of the Nazi Party, which would be forced to go underground, just as had the Maquis in France.”

(Ibid.; p.26.)


“From this day, German industrial firms of all rank were to begin placing their funds—and, wher­ever possible, key manpower—abroad, especially in neutral countries. Dr. Bosse advised that ‘two main banks can be used for the export of funds for firms who have made no prior arrange­ments; the Basler Handelsbank and Schweizerische Kreditanstalt of Zurich.’ He also stated, ‘There are a number of agencies in Switzerland which for a five percent commission will buy property in Switzerland for German firms, using Swiss cloaks.’”

(Ibid.; p. 27.)


“Dr. Bosse closed the meeting, observing that ‘after the defeat of Germany, the Nazi Party rec­ognizes that certain of its best known leaders will be condemned as war criminals. However, in cooperation with the industrialists, it is arranging to place its less conspicuous but most impor­tant members with various German factories as technical experts or members of its research and designing offices.”


15. Bormann set up 750 corporations in neutral countries, and these became repositories for the liquid wealth of the Third Reich. Overseas subsidiaries of key German corporations were also central to the realization of the Bormann assets.

“The movement of German assets into Switzerland had also gone well, Bormann noted from his reports. Flight capital investments had been accomplished principally through the establish­ment of subsidiaries of powerful German firms. Over half of the total German capital in Switzer­land was used in setting up holding companies representing I.G. Farben, Merck, Siemens, Osram, Henkel, and others. A holding company may not trade in any form. It may only hold stock in other companies, but through this device the existing German firms, and the 750 new corporations established under the Bormann program, gave themselves absolute control over a postwar economic network of viable, prosperous companies that stretched from the Ruhr to the ‘neutrals’ of Europe and to the countries of South America; a control that continues today and is easily maintained through the bearer bonds or shares issued by these corporations to cloak for real ownership. Bearer shares require no registration of identity, for such shares are exactly what they mean; the bearer of the majority shares controls the company without need­ing a vestige of proof as to how he acquired them. Thus the Germans who participated as a silent force in Bormann’s postwar commercial campaign—which is sometimes referred to by aging nazis as ‘Operation Eagle’s Flight’ or ‘Aktion Adlerflug’-insured their command over the industrial and financial institutions that were to move the new Federal Republic of Germany back into the forefront of world economic leadership.”

(Ibid.; pp. 134–135.)


“Seven hundred and fifty new corporations were established in the last months of the war under the direction of Reichsleiter Bormann, using the technique perfected by Hermann Schmitz [of I.G. Farben]. A national of each country was the nominal head of each corporate structure and the board was a mix of German administrators and bank officials, while the staffing at senior and middle management levels was comprised of German scientists and tech­nicians. In the background were the shadowy owners of the corporation, those Germans who possessed the bearer bonds as proof of stock ownership. The establishment of such compa­nies, usually launched in industries requiring high technical skills was welcomed in Spain and Argentina, to give two examples because those governments appreciated that German compa­nies would generate jobs and implement a more favorable balance of trade. Country by coun­try, a breakdown by U.S. treasury investigators of these new 750 German firms was as fol­lows: Portugal, 58; Spain, 112; Sweden, 233; Switzerland, 214; Turkey, 35; Argentina, 98.”

(Ibid.; pp. 135–136)


“In addition to overseeing his 750 new corporations, Martin Bormann was also kept apprised of I.G. Farben’s activities in neutral countries, as well as the intensified activities of other major firms that were utilizing the new Bormann policy of transferring Third Reich money to sub­sidiaries. Farben had eight subsidiaries in Argentina, three in Portugal, four in Sweden, six in Switzerland, and fourteen in Spain. A.E.G., the giant electrical equipment manufacturer had six subsidiaries in Argentina, three affiliates in Spain, and four in Sweden. In brief, every major German corporation with an international operation strengthened its branches, subsidiaries, and affiliates with an influx of new money and talent that included scientists and technicians arriving weekly ready to perform laboratory research in Spain and Buenos Aires.”

(Ibid.; p. 140.)

18. One of the factors that permitted the realization and perpetuation of the Bormann organization was the profound connection between the above-ground German corporate structure, the 750 flight capital corporate fronts established in neutral countries, and major corporate and political elements in Western nations. (Read more about the connections between American corporations and their Axis counterparts.)

“Powerful friends of the Bormann organization in all Western countries, including those sprin­kled in control points throughout the administration in Washington and in the financial and bro­kerage businesses of Wall Street, the City of London, and the Paris establishment, did not wish a coordinated drive to get at these external German assets. They had understandable reasons, if you overlook morality: the financial benefits for cooperation (collaboration had become an old-hat term with the war winding down) were very enticing, depending on one’s importance and ability to be of service to the organization and the 750 corporations they were secretly manipulating, to say nothing of the known multinationals such as I.G. Farben, Thyssen A.G., and Siemens; and, as a second reason, the philosophy of free enterprise and preserva­tion of private property.”

(Ibid.;. 156.)

19. The vast international scope of the I.G. Farben firm and its various subsidiary operations was a principal element of the Bormann organization. I.G. Farben chief Hermann Schmitz discussed I.G.’s involvement with the Bormann program.

“In testimony later given to Nuremberg investigators, Schmitz praised Bormann for the way he had directed the distribution of German assets around the world. His own Farben organization had, of course, contributed to the success of the operation. Every regional representative working for Hermann Schmitz was an exceptional businessman, or he would not have been with I.G. All had contributed sound advice in their areas of competence, the regions of the world where they represented Farben while keeping an eye on the subsidiaries of the parent concern and the 700 hidden corporations they controlled. They had provided assistance and continuing guidance in establishing the 750 new companies created on order of Bormann, who wanted more than hidden assets; Bormann wanted the money and patents and technicians put to work to create even greater assets that would bolster Germany in the postwar years. In their meeting in the chancellery, both men checked over the figures of sums disbursed, and they were accurate to the pfennig.”

(Ibid.; pp. 157–158.)

20. Bormann and Schmitz then discussed I.G.’s prospects for the postwar period. The cozy relationship with powerful elements within the power elites of the Western allies was foreseen by Schmitz as boding well for the company’s future.

“The Reichsleiter asked Schmitz his views of the future. Schmitz replied, ‘The occupation armies will be understanding in the West, but certainly not in the East. I have instructed all Farben administrators and technicians to come to the West, where they can be of use in resuming our operations once the disturbances of 1945 come to a halt.’ Schmitz added that, while general bomb damage to the I.G. plants was about 25 percent of capacity, some were untouched. He mentioned speaking with Field Marshal Model, who was commanding the defenses of the Ruhr. ‘Model had planned to turn our Bayer-Leberkusen pharmaceutical factory into an artillery base, but he agreed to make it an open, undefended factory. Hopefully, we will get it back untouched.’ ‘What about your board of directors and the essential executives? If they are held by the occupation authorities, can I.G. continue?’ Bormann asked. ‘We can continue. We have an operational plan for such a contingency, which everyone understands. However, I don’t believe our board members will be detained too long. Nor will I. But we must go through a pro­cedure of investigation before release, so I have been told by our N.W. 7 people who have excellent contacts in Washington.’”

(Ibid.; p. 158.)

Schmitz’s predictions were relatively accurate. Neither Schmitz nor any of the I.G. Farben executives were severely punished and the firm’s three successor firms carried on effectively in the postwar period. (See FTR 179.)

21. Even the postwar perpetuation of I.G.’s poison gas-producing firms was prepared. (Degussa, now a subsidiary of Eon, was obviously part of this nexus.)

“Schmitz also told Bormann of his visit to Switzerland earlier in the month. ‘Germany will have a poor image problem this time. Much worse than after the First World War. It can all be placed on the doorsteps of Goering, Himmler, and Heydrich. Goering and Himmler thought up the Final Solution for the Jews, and Heydrich made it a fact.’ Bormann agreed, asking, ‘How does that affect I.G.?’ ‘We produced the poison gas on Himmler’s orders,’ Schmitz explained, ‘so I’ve been making some corporate name changes in Basel, which may help our overseas situation.’”

(Ibid.; p. 159.)

22. The Manning text highlights the pivotal role of the Bormann organization in German heavy industry and, in turn, the influence of the Hermann Schmitz trust in the Bormann organization.

“The Bormann organization continues to wield enormous economic influence. Wealth continues to flow into the treasuries of its corporate entitities in South America, the United States, and Europe. Vastly diversified, it is said to be the largest land-owner in South America, and through stockholdings, controls German heavy industry and the trust established by the late Hermann Schmitz, former president of I.G. Farben, who held as much stock in Standard Oil of New Jersey as did the Rockefellers.”

(Ibid.; p. 292.)

The relationship between the Bormann organization, Degussa and Eon is one to be carefully considered

23. Bormann made a point of maintaining investment in blue-chip American corporations.

“With such funds accumulating rapidly in Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, and Argentina, Bormann and his group, who were handling the fortunes of 750 new corporations, would use these corporations in neutral countries as cloaks for investing in American companies. Bormann always had a high regard for U.S. blue chip stocks as a stable investment consistently purchas­ing a vast number of shares from the European offices of such New York stock brokerage houses as Merrill, Lynch on behalf of the Reich chancellery and Hitler, until war became official between the United States and Germany and the buying stopped, for a time.”

(Ibid.; p. 138.)


“In 1941, investments in U.S. corporations by German companies and assorted German individ­uals held voting ownership in 170; minority ownership was held in another 108 American com­panies. These businesses covered the following fields: manufacturing, foodstuffs, chemicals, electrical and automobile equipment, machinery and machine equipment, other metal prod­ucts); petroleum production, refining and distribution; finance; trade; and miscellaneous.”

(Ibid.; pp. 138–139.)


“American industry, of course, had a financial stake in German industry. In the same year, 1941, 171 U.S. corporations had major investments in German firms amounting to $420 million. A listing of these corporations is identical to the general categories under German ownership in the United States.”

(Ibid.; p. 139.)


“When Bormann gave the order for his representatives to resume purchases of American cor­porate stocks, it was usually done through the neutral countries of Switzerland and Argentina. From foreign exchange funds on deposit in Swiss banks and in Deutsche Sudamerikanishe Bank, the Buenos Aires branch of Deutsche Bank, large demand deposits were placed in the principal money-center banks of New York City; National City (now Citibank), Chase (now Chase Manhattan N.A.), Manufacturers and Hanover (now manufacturers Hanover Trust), Mor­gan Guaranty, and Irving Trust. Such deposits are interest-free and the banks can invest this money as they wish, thus turning tidy profits for themselves. In return, they provide reason­able services such as the purchase of stocks and transfer or payment of money on demand by customers of Deutsche bank such as representatives of the Bormann business organizations and and Martin Bormann himself, who has demand accounts in three New York City banks. They continue to do so. The German investment in American corporations from these sources exceeded $5 billion and made the Bormann economic structure a web of power and influence. The two German-owned banks of Spain, Banco Aleman Transatlantico (now named Banco Com­ercial Transatlantico), and Banco Germanico de la America del Sur, S.A., a subsidiary of Deutsche Bank served to channel German money from Spain to South America, where further investments were made.”

(Ibid.; p. 139.)

27. Among the many countries that figured in an important way in the Bormann structure was Argentina.

“Argentina was the mecca for such money in the Western Hemisphere, and when Bormann gave the go-ahead in his overall flight capital program after the decisions at Strasbourg, over $6 billion of this money flowed into Buenos Aires for investment there and elsewhere in Latin America. The investments covered factories, hotels, resorts, cattle, banks, land, sugar and cof­fee plantations, metallurgy, insurance, electrical products, construction, and communications. It as much the same investment spectrum as established in Spain. West German investments today account for nearly 45 percent of all foreign investments in Spain.”

(Ibid.; pp. 139–140.)

28. French financial institutions were central to the Bormann plan.

“Before D-day four Paris banks, Worms et Cie., Banque de Paris et de Pays-Bas, Banque de l’Indochine (now with ‘et de Suez’ added to its name), and Banque Nationale pour le Com­merce et l’Industrie (now Banque Nationale de Paris), were used by Bormann to siphon NSDAP and other German money in France to their bank branches in the colonies, where it was safe­guarded and invested for its German ownership.”

(Ibid.; p. 140.)

29. As discussed in FTR 372, there were strong connections between French industrialists and their German counter­parts, a structural relationship that contributed to and facilitated political cooperation during the Occupation.

“In the years before the war, the German businessmen, industrialists, and bankers had estab­lished close ties with their counterparts in France. After the blitzkrieg and invasion, the same Frenchmen in many cases went on working with their German peers. They didn’t have much choice, to be sure, and the occupation being instituted, very few in the high echelons of com­merce and finance failed to collaborate. The Third Republic’s business elite was virtually unchanged after 1940 . . . They regarded the war and Hitler as an unfortunate diversion from their chief mission of preventing a communist revolution in France. Antibolshevism was a com­mon denominator linking these Frenchmen to Germans, and it accounted for a volunteer French division on the Eastern Front. . .The upper-class men who had been superbly trained in finance and administration at one of the two grand corps schools were referred to as France’s permanent ‘wall of money,’ and as professionals they came into their own in 1940. They agreed to the establishment of German subsidiary firms in France and permitted a general buy-in to French companies.”

(Ibid.; 70–71.)

30. The German economic control of the French economy proceeded smoothly into the postwar period.

“Society’s natural survivors, French version, who had served the Third Reich as an extension of German industry, would continue to do so in the period of postwar trials, just as they had sur­vived the war, occupation, and liberation. These were many of the French elite, the well-born, the propertied, the titled, the experts, industrialists, businessmen, bureaucrats, bankers. . . .Economic collaboration in France with the Germans had been so widespread (on all levels of society) that there had to be a realization that an entire nation could not be brought to trial. Only a few years before, there had been many a sincere and well-meaning Frenchman—as in Belgium, England, and throughout Europe — who believed National Socialism to be the wave of the future, indeed, the only hope for curing the many desperate social, politi­cal, and economic ills of the time. France, along with other occupied countries, did contribute volunteers for the fight against Russia. Then there were many other Frenchmen, the majority, who resignedly felt there was no way the Germans could be pushed back across the Rhine.”

(Ibid.; p. 30.)

31. Long after the war, the Bormann organization continued to wield effective control of the French economy, utilizing the corporate relationships developed before and during the occupation.

“The characteristic secrecy surrounding the actions of German industrialists and bankers dur­ing the final nine months of the war, when Bormann’s flight capital program held their complete attention, was also carried over into the postwar years, when they began pulling back the skeins of economic wealth and power that stretched out to neutral nations of the world and to formerly occupied lands. There was a suggestion of this in France. Flora Lewis, writing from Paris in the New York Times of August 28, 1972, told of her conversation with a French pub­lisher: ‘It would not be possible to trace ownership of corporations and the power structure as in the United States. ‘They’ would not permit it. ‘They’ would find a way to hound and torture anyone who tried,’ commented the publisher. ‘They’ seem to be a fairly small group of people who know each other, but many are not at all known to the public. ‘They’ move in and out of government jobs, but public service apparently serves to win private promotion rather than the other way around. The Government ‘control’ that practically everyone mentions cannot be traced through stock holdings, regulatory agencies, public decisions. It seems to function through a maze of personal contacts and tacit understandings.’ The understandings arrived at in the power structure of France reach back to prewar days, were continued during the occupa­tion, and have carried over to the present time. Lewis, in her report from Paris, commented fur­ther: ‘This hidden control of government and corporations has produced a general unease in Paris.’ Along with the unease, the fact that France has lingering and serious social and political ailments is a residue of World War II and of an economic occupation that was never really termi­nated with the withdrawal of German troops beyond the Rhine. It was this special economic rela­tionship between German and French industrialists that made it possible for Friedrich Flick to arrange with the De-Wendel steel firm in France for purchase of his shares in his Ruhr coal com­bine for $45 million, which was to start him once more on the road back to wealth and power, after years in prison following his conviction at Nuremberg. West Germany’s economic power structure is fueled by a two-tier system: the corporations and individuals who publicly repre­sent the products that are common household names around the world, and the secretive groups operating in the background as holding companies and who pull the threads of power in overseas corporations established during the Bormann tenure in the Third Reich. As explained to me, ‘These threads are like the strands of a spider’s web and no one knows where they lead — except the inner circle of the Bormann organization in South America.’”

(Ibid.; pp. 271–272.)

32. Bormann’s FBI file revealed that he had been banking under his own name in New York for some time.

“The file revealed that he had been banking under his own name from his office in Germany in Deutsche Bank of Buenos Aires since 1941; that he held one joint account with the Argentinian dictator Juan Peron, and on August 4, 5 and 14, 1967, had written checks on demand accounts in first National City Bank (Overseas Division) of New York, The Chase Manhattan Bank, and Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co., all cleared through Deutsche Bank of Buenos Aires.”

(Ibid.; p. 205.)
33. The broadcast sets forth numerous aspects of the Bormann group’s operations and power. These include:
Gestapo chief Heinrich Muller’s role as security director for the Bormann group
The close and thorough surveillance that Muller maintained on Manning while he was writing the book Manning’s unsuccessful direct negotiations with the Bormann group in an effort to gain an interview with Bormann
German spy chief Reinhard Gehlen’s professional relationship with Muller
Muller’s working relationship with the CIA (this and above points discussed in FTR 283)
The Bormann group’s enormous influence in Israel (FTR 294)
The organization’s use of Jewish businessmen (FTR–294, 397.).

34. Manning relates his direct negotiations with the Bormann leadership group and its security director Heinrich Mueller, the former head of the Gestapo. In addition to attempting to secure a videotaped interview with Bormann, Manning was negotiating to secure documents from the organization itself.

“During years of research for this book, I have become aware of Heinrich Mueller and his secu­rity force, which provides protection for the leadership in Latin America and wherever else they may travel to Europe and to the United States to check on investments and profits. Through intermediaries, I have attempted unceasingly to penetrate to the central core of the organiza­tion in South America, but have been denied access. At the last meeting that I know about, it was voted: ‘Herr Manning’s writing would focus undue attention on our activities and his request must once again be denied.’ The elderly leaders, including Reichminister Bormann, who is now eighty, wanted me on the scene to write of their side of the story, above all his story, of one of the most amazing and successful financial and industrial cloaking actions in history, of which he is justifiably proud. I had sent word to Bormann that the true story, his firsthand account, should become a matter of historical record, and stated that I would be agreeable to writing it if I could tell his true story, warts and all.”

(Ibid.; p. 272.)


“Back came the word: ‘You are a free world journalist, and can write as you think best. We, too, are interested only in truth.’ They agreed to my request to bring along a three-man cam­era crew from CBS News to film my conversations with Martin Bormann, and even approved my wish for at least a personal thumbprint of the former Reichsleiter and party minister, which would be positive proof of his identity. At the organization’s request, I sent the background, names, photos and credentials of the particular CBS cameramen: Lawrence Walter Pierce, Richard Henry Perez, and Oden Lester Kitzmiller, an award-winning camera crew (which got the exclusive film coverage of the attempted assassination of Governor George Wallace when he was running for president).”

(Ibid.; pp. 272–3.)

36. The younger members of the organization vetoed this effort.

“I am sorry to say that the younger leaders , the ones now in virtual command, voted ‘No.’ They did agree, however that 232 historical documents from World War II, which Bormann had had shipped out of Berlin in the waning days of the war, and which are stored in his archives in South America, could be sent to me anonymously, to be published. They said their lengthy investigation of me had produced confidence that I was an objective journalist, as well as a brave one, for their probing stretched back to World War II days, and up to the present.”

(Ibid.; p. 273.)


“Heinrich Mueller, now seventy-nine years old, who also serves as keeper of these archives as well as chief of all security for the NSDAP, rejected this decision: when the courier reached the Buenos Aires international airport bearing these documents for me he was relieved of them by the Argentine secret police acting under an initiative from Mueller.”



“As Mueller had explained previously, he had nothing against me personally; I had been cleared of any ‘strange connections’ by his agents in New York City, whose surveillance efforts were supplemented by the old pros of the Gestapo, up from South America to assist in watch­ing me. This continued intermittently for years, and efforts were stepped up in response to the intensity of my investigations. The statement I had originally made to their representatives in West Germany, that I was only a diligent journalist trying to dig out an important story, finally proved satisfactory to them. I observed that Mueller hadn’t lost his touch in the field of surveil­lance, judging by the quality, skill, and number of men and women who tracked me, at what must have been enormous cost, wherever I went in New York City, Washington, and overseas.”


39. Mueller didn’t restrict his security activities on behalf of the Bormann group to surveillance.

“Israeli agents who move too closely to these centers of power are eliminated. One such termi­nation was Fritz Bauer, formerly attorney general for the State of Hesse in Frankfurt, a survivor of Auschwitz and the man who tipped off the Israeli Mossad about the presence of Adolf Eich­mann in Buenos Aires, who was killed on orders of General Mueller. . . .Mueller’s ruthlessness even today is what deters Artur Axmann from altering his testimony that he saw Bormann lying dead on the roadway the night of their escape from the Fuehrerbunker, May 1–2, 1945. . . .To this day, Axmann, the only so-called living witness to the ‘death’ of Bormann in Berlin, knows his life is in jeopardy if he reverses himself. General Mueller is thorough and has a long mem­ory, and for a Nazi such as Axmann to go against Mueller’s original directive would make him a traitor; retribution would surely follow.”

(Ibid.; pp. 289–90.)

41. Bormann’s business operations have included Jewish participants as a matter of strategic intent. In turn, this has given the Bormann organization considerable influence in Israel.

“Since the founding of Israel, the Federal Republic of Germany had paid out 85.3 billion marks, by the end of 1977, to survivors of the Holocaust. East Germany ignores any such liability. From South America, where payment must be made with subtlety, the Bormann organization has made a substantial contribution. It has drawn many of the brightest Jewish businessmen into a participatory role in the development of many of its corporations, and many of these Jews share their prosperity most generously with Israel. If their proposals are sound, they are even provided with a specially dispensed venture capital fund. I spoke with one Jewish busi­nessman in Hartford, Connecticut. He had arrived there quite unknown several years before our conversation, but with Bormann money as his leverage. Today he is more than a million­aire, a quiet leader in the community with a certain share of his profits earmarked, as always, for his venture capital benefactors. This has taken place in many other instances across Amer­ica and demonstrates how Bormann’s people operate in the contemporary commercial world, in contrast to the fanciful nonsense with which Nazis are described in so much ‘literature.’ So much emphasis is placed on select Jewish participation in Bormann companies that when Adolf Eichmann was seized and taken to Tel Aviv to stand trial, it produced a shock wave in the Jew­ish and German communities of Buenos Aires. Jewish leaders informed the Israeli authorities in no uncertain terms that this must never happen again because a repetition would perma­nently rupture relations with the Germans of Latin America, as well as with the Bormann organi­zation, and cut off the flow of Jewish money to Israel. It never happened again, and the pur­suit of Bormann quieted down at the request of these Jewish leaders. He is residing in an Argentine safe haven, protected by the most efficient German infrastructure in history as well as by all those whose prosperity depends on his well-being. Personal invitation is the only way to reach him.”

(Ibid.; pp. 226–227.)

42. The program relates an incident in which organized crime kingpin Meyer Lansky tried to blackmail the Bormann group, which resulted in his removal from Israel.

“A revealing insight into this international financial and industrial network was given me by a member of the Bormann organization residing in West Germany. Meyer Lansky, he said, the financial advisor to the Las Vegas—Miami underworld sent a message to Bormann through my West German SS contact. Lansky promised that if he received a piece of Bormann’s action he would keep the Israeli agents off Bormann’s back. ‘I have a very good relation with the Israeli secret police’ was his claim, although he was to be kicked out of Israel when his presence became too noted—and also at the urging of Bormann’s security chief in South America. At the time Lansky was in the penthouse suite of Jerusalem’s King David Hotel, in which he owned stock. He had fled to Israel to evade a U.S. federal warrant for his arrest. He sent his message to Bormann through his bag man in Switzerland, John Pullman, also wanted in the United States on a federal warrant. Lansky told Pullman to make this offer ‘which he can’t refuse.’ The offer was forwarded to Buenos Aires, where it was greeted with laughter. When the laughter died down, it was replaced with action. Meyer was evicted from Israel and was told by Swiss authorities to stay out of their country, so he flew to South America. There he offered any presi­dent who would give him asylum a cool $1 million in cash. He was turned down everywhere and had to continue his flight to Miami, where U.S. marshals, alerted, were waiting to take him into custody.”

(Ibid.; pp. 227–228.)


“The Bormann organization has the ultimate in clout and substance, and no one can tamper with it. I have been told: ‘You cannot push these people. If you do it can be extremely risky.’ Knowing their heritage I take this statement at face value.”

(Ibid.; p. 228.)


“A former CIA contract pilot, who once flew the run into Paraguay and Argentina to the Bor­mann ranch described the estate as remote, ‘worth your life unless you entered their air space with the right identification codes.”

(Ibid.; 292.)

45. While serving in his capacity as director of security for the Bormann organization—the NSDAP in exile and its eco­nomic infrastructure—Mueller worked closely with US intelligence. worked directly with U.S. intelligence, the CIA, in particular.

“The Bormann organization had many commercial and political links to the capitals of these three nations, and real clout was available should the chase become too hot. The CIA could have pulled aside the gray curtain that obscured Bormann—at any time. But the CIA and Mueller’s crack organization of former SS men found it to their mutual advantage to cooperate in many situations. There is no morality in the sense that most of us know it in the strange world of professional secrecy, and when it was to the advantage of each to work together they did so.”

(Ibid.; p.211.)

46. As might be surmised, Mueller’s operatives also worked with the organization of Reinhard Gehlen.

“Even General Gehlen, when he was chief of the Federal Republic’s intelligence service, sent his agents to confer with General Heinrich Mueller in South America.”

(Ibid.; p. 274.)

47. Bormann’s personal influence in Germany proper is exemplified in the following incident.

“This man, who legally succeeded Hitler and therefore is the leader of over several million NSDAP members in south America and Germany, demonstrated the ultimate in clout in 1971, when he summoned the president of the Federal Republic of Germany, then Walter Scheel, and the latter’s wife Mildred, to Bolivia, whence they quickly returned to Europe with a newly adopted one-year-old boy who bore the first name Simon-Martin. The child, now eleven years of age, is being reared and educated in one of Germany’s most influential families. The belief is, of course, that he is a son of Martin Bormann, who insisted that this child of his old age he brought up as an upper-class German in his fatherland and receive appropriate advantages befitting a son of the leading Nazi.”

(Ibid.; p. 291.)

48. The Bormann group maintains effective control over the German economy.

“Atop an organizational pyramid that dominates the industry of West Germany through banks, voting rights enjoyed by majority shareholders in significant cartels, and the professional input of a relatively young leadership group of lawyers, investment specialists, bankers, and industri­alists, he is satisfied that he achieved his aim of helping the Fatherland back on its feet. To ensure continuity of purpose and direction, a close watch is maintained on the profit state­ments and management reports of corporations under its control elsewhere. This leadership group of twenty, which is in fact a board of directors, is chaired by Bormann, but power has shifted to the younger men who will carry on the initiative that grew from that historic meeting in Strasbourg on August 10, 1944. Old Heinrich Mueller, chief of security for the NSDAP in South America, is the most feared of all, having the power of life and death over those deemed not to be acting in the best interests of the organization. Some still envision a Fourth Reich. . .What will not pass is the economic influences of the Bormann organization, whose commercial directives are obeyed almost without question by the highest echelons of West Ger­man finance and industry. ‘All orders come from the shareholders in South America,’ I have been told by a spokesman for Martin Bormann.”

(Ibid.; pp. 284–5.)

49. The Bormann group’s enormous influence has led to an effective cover-up over the years.

“. . .were he to emerge, it would embarrass the governments that assisted in his escape, the industrial and financial leaders who benefited from his acumen and transferred their capital to neutral nations in the closing days of World War II, and the businessmen of four continents who profited from the 750 corporations he established throughout the world as depositories of money, patents, bearer bonds, and shares in blue chip industries of the United States and Europe. . . When I penetrated the silence cloaking this story, after countless interviews and laborious research in German and American archives for revealing documents of World War II, I knew that the Bormann saga of flight capital and his escape to South America was really true. It had been covered up by an unparalleled manipulation of public opinion and the media. The closer I got to the truth, the more quiet attention I received from the forces surrounding and protecting Martin Bormann, and also from those who had a direct interest in halting my investi­gation. Over the period of years it took to research this book, I was the object of diligent observation by squads of Gestapo agents dispatched from South America by General ‘Gestapo’ Mulller, who directs all security matters for Martin Bormann, Nazi in exile, and his organization, the most remarkable business group anywhere in the secret world of today. Mueller’s interest in me, an American journalist, confirmed the truth of my many interviews and my ongoing inves­tigation. . . There are also those in international government and business who have attempted to stop my forward movement on this investigation. In Germany, France, England, and the United States, too many leaders in government and finance still adhere to Winston Churchill’s statement to his Cabinet in 1943 ‘In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies’ . . . Oddly, I encountered less resistance from Mar­tin Bormann and his aging peers than I did from the cover-up groups in West Germany, Paris, London, Washington, and Wall Street.”

(Ibid.; pp. 11–12.)

50. In response to investigations that revealed Bormann’s escape and postwar activities, the German government arranged for a DNA testing of the remains—supposedly of Bormann—that were found in Berlin in the 1970’s. The DNA tests were never independently verified and the remains that were supposed to be Bormann’s were disposed of in a secret location, precluding the possibility of future verification of the test.

The corpses placed in the ruins of Berlin were, in fact, concentration camp inmates whose dental work was meticu­lously altered under the supervision of Dr. Hugo Blaschke, Hitler and Bormann’s personal dentist. The inmates’ dental work was made identical to Bormann’s, right down to the wear and aging of the oral architecture.

The inmates were then killed, and their remains buried in the rubble of Berlin. These corpses were the remains found—and tested—by the German government to “verify” Bormann’s supposed death in World War II!

” . . . A deception plan for Bormann had been completed by Mueller in Berlin. Tops in police work and crafty beyond imagining, he provided for a matching skeleton and skull, complete with identical dental work, for future forensic experts to ponder over and to reach conclusions that suited his purpose. . . . When Heinrich Mueller visited Sachsenhausen he walked through the engraving, printing, and document areas looking for any inmates who might resemble Bormann.

In one, he noticed two individuals who did bear a resemblance in stature and facial structure to the Reichsleiter. He had them placed in separate confinement. Thereupon a special dental room was made ready for “treatment” of the two men. A party dentist was brought in to work over and over again on the mouth of each man, until his teeth, real and artificial, matched pre­cisely the Reichsleiter’s. In April 1945, upon completion of these alterations, the two victimized men were brought to the Kurfuerstenstrasse building to be held until needed.

Dr. Blaschke had advised Mueller to use live inmates to insure a believable aging process for dentures and gums; hence the need for several months of preparation. Exact dental fidelity was to play a major part in the identification of Hitler’s body by the invading Russians. It was to be of significance in Frankfurt twenty-eight years later, when the West German government staged a press conference to declare that they had ‘found Bormann’s skeleton proving he had died in Berlin’s freight yards May 1–2, 1945.’ Dr. Hugo Blaschke was the dentist who had served both Hitler and Bormann. . . . In Bormann’s case, the problem was more complex, more challenging.

Yet under Mueller’s skillful guidance, two bodies were planted; their discovery was made possi­ble when an SS man, acting on Mueller’s orders, leaked the information to a Stern magazine editor as part of a ploy to “prove” that Bormann had died in the Berlin freight yard.

The stand-ins for Bormann were two unfortunates from Concentration Camp Sachsenhausen, who had been killed gently in the Gestapo basement secret chambers with cyanide spray blown from a cigarette lighter. . . .

At Gestapo headquarters, the night of April 30, the bodies were taken by a special SS team to the freight yards near the Weidendamm Bridge and buried not too deep beneath rubble in two different areas. The Gestapo squad then made a hurried retreat from Berlin, joining their leader, SS Senior General Heinrich Mueller, in Flensburg.

The funeral and burial caper was to be a Mueller trademark throughout the years of searching for Martin Bormann. The Mossad was to point out that they have been witnesses over the years to the exhumation of six skeletons, two in Berlin and four in South America, purported to be that of Martin Bormann. All turned out to be those of others . . .”

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hitler's Will - extracted from the seminal

Martin Bormann — Nazi in Exile
by Paul Manning 1980, Lyle Stuart, Inc.
ISBN 0–8184-0309–8
Illustrated, 302 pages.
Download PDF (1.6MB)

Adolf Hitler's private will was a simple document:
Since I did not think I should take the responsibility of entering into marriage during the years of combat, I have decided now before termination of life on this earth, to marry the woman who, after many years of true friendship, entered voluntarily into this already almost besieged city, to share my fate. She goes to death with me as my wife, according to her own desire. Death will replace for us that of which my work in the service of my people robbed us.
What I own belongs-as far as it is of any value at all-to the Party. Should the Party no longer exist, it will belong to the state. Should the state also be destroyed, any further decision from me is no longer necessary.
The paintings in the collections which I have bought during the years have never been acquired for private purposes, but always exclusively for the creation of an art gallery in my native town of Linz a. d. Donau.
It is my heartfelt desire that this legacy shall be fulfilled. My most faithful party member, Martin Bormann, shall be the executor of this testament. He is authorized to make all decisions to be final and legal. He is permitted to take everything which either has personal souvenir value or which is necessary for the maintenance of a small bourgeois household and give it to my brothers and sisters, and especially to the mother of my wife and my faithful co-workers who all are well known to him. There are most of all my old secretaries, Mrs. Winter, etc., who for many years gave me loyal cooperation.
I and my wife choose death to escape the disgrace of being forced to resign or to surrender. It is our wish to be cremated immediately at the place where I have done the greatest part of my work during the twelve years of service for my people.
The will was signed on April 29, 1945, by Adolf Hitler, witnessed by Martin Bormann, Dr. Goebbels, and Nicolaus von Below, Hitler's air force adjutant.
His political testament was an expression in greater detail of work done for Germany and the German people. He lays blame for the war "on those international statesmen who were either of Jewish origin or who worked in the Jewish interest." There exists nowhere in the official records even a scrap of paper attesting to the fact that Hitler caused the creation of death camps for Jews and others. But one significant speech, made on January 30, 1939, and directed at President Roosevelt, who was giving every indication of supporting a war against Germany, outlined the course Hitler planned for the future.
"Today I will once more be a prophet. If the international Jewish financiers inside and outside Europe should again succeed in plunging the nations into a world war, the result will not be the bolshevization of the earth and the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race throughout Europe." This, in 1939.
In his political testament, signed in Berlin on April 29,1945, Hitler returns again to this same theme, arguing that death camps for Jews were more humane than death under bombardment. I left no doubt that it would not be tolerated this time, that millions of European children of the Aryan people should starve to death, that millions of grown-up men should suffer death, and that hundreds of thousands of women and children should be burnt and bombed to death in the cities, without the real culprit suffering his due punishment, even though through more humane methods.
Swayed by a philosophy thus expressed and repeated many times over, Goering, Hitler's decreed successor at that time, ordered Reinhard Heydrich to "make all necessary preparations for bringing about a complete solution of the Jewish question in the German sphere of influence in Europe."
Hitler then completed the second part of his political testament, which was to expel former Reichsmarshal Hermann Goering from the party, in his place appointing Grand Admiral Doenitz as president of the Reich and as supreme commander of the armed forces. He also expelled Heinrich Himmler and appointed Gauleiter Karl Hanke as Reichsleiter of the SS and chief of the German police, and Gauleiter Paul Geisler as Reichsminister of the interior.
Martin Bormann had finally won out over Goering and Himmler; Dr. Goebbels, who was made Reichschancellor, would also be shortly gone, in a suicide pact with his wife, shot on his orders by an SS guard, and with their six children quietly put to death by injections administered by a physician. The newly created Party Minister Bormann then sent copies of all these documents by special courier to Doenitz. He composed the covering letter as follows:
Dear Grand Admiral!
Since all our divisions failed to appear our situation seems to be beyond hope. The Fuehrer dictated last night the attached political testament. Heil Hitler!
Yours, (signed) Bormann

With the last will and testament drawn up and signed and a ceremony of marriage between Hitler and Eva Braun performed before Walter Wagner, city councilor and registrar of Berlin, Eva Braun from force of habit signed her name Eva B,- scratched out the "B," and completed the signature as "Eva Hitler." Those present in the chancellery bunker knew it was time for the climactic scene, for the death of the Hitlers. There was, however, first a champagne breakfast for senior officials, and following that the usual morning staff conference. It was estimated that the Russians would overrun the bunker by May l. A nearby bridge was being defended by youngsters of the Hitler Youth, and heavy fighting elsewhere was by SS units largely composed of Ukrainians, Romanians, Bulgarians, Hungarians, and Croats, long ago joined with the Nazis, who had reasoned that it was better to die in battle than in a Russian slave camp. The last airplane to depart from Berlin had landed on April 28, flown by a sergeant pilot of the Luftwaffe who had circled down from 13,000 feet and rolled to a stop on the east-west axis roadway leading past the Tiergarten and the chancellery. It was there to fly to safety Ritter von Greim, much decorated fighter pilot and new field marshal of the Luftwaffe, who had replaced Goering, and Hanna Reitsch, the lauded woman test pilot. On Hitler's orders, Greim was to leave this night and, once secure at Luftwaffe headquarters, was to mount an attack on Russian positions in Berlin. They took off after midnight, and as the Arado 96 aircraft climbed it was tossed about by exploding shells. Leveling out of reach of the fire, they could see the city being consumed far below, and they headed for Ploen and German command headquarters, where both von Greim and Reitsch met with Grand Admiral Doenitz.
On this same night an officer courier also left by ground route with a special message for Field Marshal Keitel at Combined General Staff Headquarters at Ploen: he carried Hitler's valedictory to the German armed forces. The remainder of April 29 was taken up with brief farewells to staff members. In the early morning of the next day, Hitler, on Bormann's arm, left his office to bid goodbye to twenty women of the staff. Then he retired to his quarters and at 3:30 A.M. a single shot was heard. Those who rushed into the suite saw Hitler, dead from a bullet through his mouth, and Eva Hitler, sitting in a chair, dead from a poison capsule. It was their choice--capture and degradation or self-inflicted death. Following instructions of hours before by Hitler, SS guards bore the bodies up to the garden, doused them with gasoline, and set them aflame. The tragically fated pair had learned what furious partisans had done to Mussolini and his mistress, Clara Petacci: following the retreat and surrender of German armed forces in northern Italy, the former dictator and his love were hanged upside down in a Milano marketplace and pelted with stones.
Bormann dispatched two teletype messages to Flensburg:

A third teletype was received by Doenitz:

It is noted that Bormann's name had been unintentionally omitted from the message at the receiving end by Doenitz's cipher clerk.
But one individual in the bunker was determined to live. Martin Bormann had remained unflaggingly loyal to Hitler to the end; through hard work and dedication he had gained permanent leadership of the National Socialist Party and of its members and adherents in Germany and elsewhere in the world. It was his legacy from the Fuehrer. He had known that the Goebbels family had planned to die, and that Doenitz would leave office after surrender of the Third Reich. He was certain too that Seyss-Inquart, the Reich Commissioner for the Netherlands who had succeeded von Ribbentrop as foreign minister, would not last the course; that he and he alone, Party Minister Bormann, would be left as leader, competent to command the global network of commerce he had painstakingly fostered. With this, Germany would move again into the forefront of world economic leadership.
At this moment Bormann's thoughts must have turned inward. It was a time for introspection. He knew he had bested his peers in one of the most grueling contests ever waged for control of the executive suite. Bormann had won out because of his Machiavellian proclivities, his attention to detail, his brutality to those who opposed him. With Hitler always behind him and the unlimited power which this represented, it was wise to step aside when the Reichsleiter made his moves, which were always well planned and never made on the spur of the moment. As one example, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, Hitler's famed general of the North African and French campaigns, told of a brush he had with Martin. Bormann during the Polish campaign of 1939. When Warsaw fell on September 19, Hitler entered Danzig and broadcast to the Third Reich. Afterwards, he drove on a sightseeing trip to the port of Gdynia. The entry was narrow and crowded and as the Hitler motorcade approached Erwin Rommel, as temporary traffic controller, permitted only Hitler's car and one other to pass through the barricades. The third car carried Reichsleiter Bormann, who was furious at being denied entry with his Fuehrer. "I am headquarters commandant," Rommel told Bormann, "and you will do what I say."
Bormann waited five years, Rommel was to observe, to take his revenge. Following the German defeat in Normandy in 1944, those in military command came under critical review at Hitler's headquarters. When Rommel's record of hostility to the regime came to Bormann's desk, and he remembered being snubbed in Gdynia, he scribbled on the margin of the report which was to go to Hitler: "This confirms other, even worse facts that have already reached me." It was the coup de grace for Rommel, who was later to be given his choice of death by cyanide capsule and a Field Marshal's funeral in Berlin, or death by hanging and disgrace for his family.
As it became decision time for escape from the bunker, Bormann gathered together the personal papers that remained on his desk, everything else having long since been shipped in cartons via Munich to South America. He could hear a celebration in the eating halls of the bunker: piano music, dancing, and laughter as champagne was consumed, for with the death of Hitler the tension had been broken, and there was the frenzy of "What next?" for them all. In a way it was like the breakdown of other headquarters, as in Saigon years later, or in the White House after the formalities of President Nixon's departure, when the staff felt that the symbolic power generated by the executive branch had been turned off, disconnected. But in the Fuehrerbunker, of those who survived and made their escape, many would later be rounded up by the Russians and sent to Moscow for imprisonment. The Soviet command didn't know what to do with the bunker crowd, and prison, they reasoned, was as good a place as any until the Hilter-Bormann situation could be sorted out.
In the Fuehrerbunker, on the night of May 1,1945, Bormann assembled the staff: high party officials, soldiers, women workers. He informed them of the escape plan and the designated order of exodus. They were to move in compact groups through tunnels to the subway station in the Wihelmsplatz, then to creep along the tracks to the Friedrichstrasse station and surface to the street, after which they were to make their way over the Weidendamm Bridge over the Spree, and to personal safety, to vanish among the general population. Instructing them all to be ready by 11:00 P.M., Bormann dismissed them.
In the privacy of his office, Bormann finished his own plans for evading surrender and trial. He had discussed his intended total escape in detail on the night of April 28-29 with his close confidant since 1941, Heinrich Mueller. Mueller was to become his security chief in South America; he was SS chief group leader and senior general of the Waffen SS. During the siege of Berlin, Mueller had not been quartered in the chancellery bunker. Regularly, he went there to report to Bormann, always returning to the Kurfierstenstrasse building that Gestapo headquarters had moved to after being bombed out of the Prinz- Albrecht-Strasse offices. Its underground shelter was as safe as Hitler's, and it had many advantages: secret rooms accessible only through ingeniously disguised doors, water and electricity, stores of food and medical supplies, and a radio transmitting room whose signal was powerful enough to reach Buenos Aires; also several tunnels leading to emergency exits. Here Mueller felt at ease, able to plan with care the flight of Bormann and himself out of reach of any Allied or Russian captors, beyond the borders of Germany, once they had extricated themselves from metropolitan Berlin.

Martin Bormann Nazi In Exile by Paul Manning

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"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

On June 16, 1948, President Truman became involved in the hunt for Martin Bormann. Robert H. Jackson, who had once taken a leave from the Supreme Court to serve as U.S. chief prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials, wrote to the president that a quiet search should be made by the FBI for Bormann in South America.
"My suggestion, therefore," he wrote, "is that the FBI be authorized to pursue thoroughly discreet inquiries of a preliminary nature in South America. . . . I have submitted this summary to Mr. Hoover and am authorized to say that it meets with his approval. You may inform him of your wishes directly or through me, as you prefer."
The presidential authorization was given, and John Edgar Hoover assigned the investigation to his most experienced and skillful agent in South America, who proved that he was just that by eventually obtaining copies of the Martin Bormann file that were being held under strict secrecy by Argentina's Minister of the Interior in the Central de Intelligencia. When the file (now in my possession) was received at FBI headquarters, it revealed that the Reichsleiter had indeed been tracked for years. One report covered his wherabouts from 1948 to 1961, in Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil and Chide. The file revealed that he had been banking under his own name from his office in Germany in Deutsche Bank of Buenos Aires since 1941; that he held one joint account with the Argentinian dictator Juan Peron, and on August 4,5, and 14,1967, had written checks on demand accounts in First National City Bank (Overseas Division) of New York, The Chase Manhattan Bank, and Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co., all cleared through Deutsche Bank of Buenos Aires.
The surveillance report of Martin Bormann's movements stated the following, in brief:

German Nazi politician, born in 1900, in Halberstadt, Magdeburg, Germany. Titular head of the National Socialist party. The Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal sentenced him to death, along with other criminals of the Third Reich. Came to Argentina in a clandestine manner, disguised as a Jesuit priest, arriving from Genoa, Italy, with false papers, around 1948.
1948 Bormann was seen and identified in the federal capital. (Information given by Doctor Pino Frezza, an Italian doctor who met Bormann on an occasion when Bormann accompanied the Fuhrer-- S.I.R No. 0318.) Bormann made contact with a h e r German army officer at the ABC Brewery, at 500 Lavalle Street, in the federal capital. (S.I.R. 01319. Juan Felisiak.)
1951 Bormann went to Parana, in Entre Rios province, where he was once again interviewed by the engineer Juan Felisiak, during a brief trip Felisiak made to Entre Rios Province, where Bormann was concealing himself by mixing with the abundant colony of Germans, Croatians, and Poles.
The same year, he went to Brazil. Existing versions show that he situated himself in the impenetrable jungle in Mato Grosso. In his comings and goings in Argentina, he used various pseudonyms, one of them being Juan G6mez. Under the cover of this name, in 1948, Martin Bormann received the bulk of the treasure that had made up the financial reserve of the Deutsche Bank, whose last owner, Ludwig Freude, had died of poisoning. Other pseudonyms were Jose Perez, Eliezer Goldstein, and Bauer. (Report S.I.R No. [?l 320, Tadeo Karlikosky.)
Martin Bormann had various children, one of whom, an ordained Jesuit priest, helped his father in his escape from Germany, even going so far as to claim that Martin Bormann had died in 1945-a lie calculated to interfere with the search for the war criminal.
It is known that even though Martin Bormann divided his permanent residence more or less between the states of Mato Grosso and Santa Catalina in Brazil, he made frequent brief trips to various localities, such as Paraguay; Valdivia, Chile; and Bariloche and Asochinga, Argentina. In the last-mentioned place, in the province of Cordoba, he made contact with the central command of Arana, an organization founded in a distant prisoner-of-war camp, among German prisoners, for the purpose of providing aid and protection to Nazis throughout the world and resurrecting the "ideal" of national socialism.
1953/54/55 and 56: In this last year, he was identified by a woman in Sao Paulo, Brazil. He visited Bariloche once.
1957 Bormann stayed in Brazil and curtailed his travels to Argentina, because in that year Israeli agents began infiltrating the last mentioned country in search of war criminals, who by now had begun to lose some of the support they once enjoyed.
1958/59 Bormann is now living on a solitary farm near Curitiba, Brazil.
1961 In this year, using the pseudonym Bauer, he attended the Ali Baba nightclub in Asuncion, Paraguay, apparently in the company of Mengele.
He was now lost to sight, disappearing into the area known as Swiss Chide. More or less bounded by the Pacific Ocean, the Argentine border, and the cities of Valdivia, Chile, and Bariloche, Argentina.

He was born in Halberstadt, in the district of Magdeburg, Germany. He was leader of the Nazi party council. The Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal sentenced him to death.
He had various sons, one of whom, an ordained Jesuit, circulated the story of Bormann's death in 1945, a lie calculated to put an end to any search for the criminal.
His birth was registered in the year 1900. He was considered Adolf Hitler's right-hand man and was mentioned as a possible successor to Hitler, when the conflict ended.
Like other fugitives, he entered Argentina in 1948, coming from Genoa on a second-class ticket, with forged Vatican documentation. (This had all been made possible by an organization called La Esclusa, which facilitated the exit of various fugitives.)
Between 1943 and 1945, Martin Bormann had maintained contacts with Heinrich Doerge (councilor of the Central Bank of Argentina), Ricardo Von Leute (Director of the German. Trans- Atlantic Bank), Ricard Staud, and Ludwig Freude-names associated with the annals of Nazi treasure.
At the end of 1943, Martin Bormann prepared to put into force Operation Tierra Del Fuego, which involved transporting large quantities of gold, money, stocks, paintings, and other works of art to Argentina via submarine. However, owing to the staggering situation of the German armies, all terrestrial routes were cut off. Bormann therefore (counting on the collaboration of the Argentine government) decided that the transfer of this treasure should be accomplished via night flights from Berlin to Madrid and thence to Buenos Awes. (Even after the fill of Germany, submarines arrived at Mar de Plata and the vicinity of Patagonia and unloaded mysterious merchandise.)
At one point, Martin Bormann slipped his diary into the pocket of a cadaver, in an attempt to create the impression that he was dead. The subterfuge was discovered, however.
In 1948, it was noted that he passed through Buenos Aires. According to reports DAE 356148 and DAE 481150, he was observed in the street, when he ran into Doctor Pino Frezza, who recognized him, having met him in Germany (to be precise, in Berlin, during Hitler's visit to a brewery). The person who reported observing this chance meeting was an engineer, Juan Felisiak. The meeting took place at 500 Lavalle Street.
Later he went to the city of Parana, where Jan Felisiak saw him again. In Paran he called himself David. He stayed there until 1951.
Bormann moved to Santa Catarina, Brazil, where he used the pseudonym Eliezer Goldstein. Here, he was intensely active coordinating the activities of the German colonists in Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil. However, all indications are that his permanent residence is at Mato Grosso, where a large number of fugitives, refugees, and delinquents live. This is where Martin Bormann maintains contacts with couriers of the well-known organization called La Arafia, which is dedicated to providing help for all Nazi fugitives. In fact, Bormann is known as the Fuehrer of South America, since, according to various versions, he made it possible for the Nazis to salvage a great deal of money, gold, valuable objects, and works of art, with the result that fugitives who escaped from the tribunals and prisons of Europe are able to live without major difficulty.
At the end of 1954, Martin Bormann was seen in Mina Clavera, Cordoba, in the company of two men with Spanish surnames. He was calling himself Jost Ptrez. He arrived at the hotel in Mina Clavero suffering from stomach problems and requested that the hotel manager bring him medicine for gastritis. One of his companions, named Jimenez, made a trip to Rio Zeballos with the owner of the hotel. He took certain documents with him, and once there, he received documents for Martin Bormann-Ptrez.
The hotel manager overheard some conversations, in which the names of the cities of Bariloche [Argentina], Valdiva [Chile], and Sao Paulo [Brazil] were mentioned. Later, when he handed "Ptrez" a glass of milk, the hotel manager realized that this was actually Martin Bormann. The hotel proprietor began to think that these people must have very important characters backing them, so he made the circumstance known to an agent of the S.I.R. (Cordoba sector) and went with the agent to Rio Zeballos, where Bormann and his friends were headed.
With the fall of the Peronista government, an evident gathering of the Nazi element began to descend on Chile, Paraguay, and Brazil, particularly Brazil. So it was that in 1956 Martin Bormann was in Sao Paulo, where a large number of addicts of the Nazi philosophy were gathering, little knowing that they would not find here the accommodation they had so long enjoyed in Argentina.
In Sao Paulo, Bormann linked up with members of the Odessa organization, which existed to give aid to former SS soldiers. Odessa was a branch of La Arafia.
Martin Bormann now adopted the name Goldstein. He tried to hide permanently, since Jewish elements were frequently around, painstakingly looking for Nazi war criminals who were attempting to elude justice.
In the streets of Sao Paulo, Martin Bormann was recognized by a woman who knew him, so he rapidly left the city and the Nazi group that was developing power in the triangle of Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil.
In 1957, he was seen in the city of Bariloche, where again he was developing and coordinating Nazi activities. He always hid under a Jewish last name, to escape the attention of the Israeli commandos, who operated more freely in Argentina now that the Nazis no longer enjoyed the support they had had during the Peronista era.
From Bariloche, Bormann went to Valdivia, apparently to acquire a farm or to establish contact with a secret Nazi organization that operated in the south of Chile.
In 1958, Bormann stayed at his secure residence in Mato Grosso, but the following year he went to Paraguay, where a former Wermacht member observed him in a meeting with Doctor Josef Mengele, a Nazi who practiced medicine in Argentina and who, like Bormann, was sought by the Israeli secret services. This meeting took place in Hohenau, a town practically founded by German colonists in this zone.
Bormann and Mengele headed for Asuncion, Paraguay, because Bormann was ill. His health became worse, and a doctor was called. Doctor Otto Biss, a resident of Asuncion, examined Bormann and Mengele. He observed that Bormann had a scar on his forehead and that, other than a recurrence of his gastritis, he was in good health. This is how it was established that Bormann was in Paraguay, well guarded by Colonel Arganas, who controlled all the contraband operations between Asuncion and Sao PauIo--operations conducted by former German flyers.
In 1961, Bormann went from Mato Grasso to the city of Iguazu, staying at the house of a former SS soldier. He stayed scarcely three days, since he never stayed in one place for long. He didn't trust anyone and nearly always traveled alone, seldom with a companion.
During the following years, apparently, the trail of Bormann was lost, even though there was always news of the activities of Doctor Mengele in Paraguay, where he developed intense activities. The situation with Bormann was quite different-he could rely on the enormous amounts of money he had invested in different firms, and therefore, he didn't have to work and could concentrate his efforts on staying hidden, protecting himself, and continuing to encourage the Nazi ideology. All those who had the opportunity to meet him agree that Bormann was a notably astute man.
It was evident that since the capture of Adolf Eichmann, another Nazi criminal, the activities of Jewish groups were intensifying.
In 1964, Bormann was again seen, in the area of Villa Ballester, at a brewery frequently visited by Germans. The informant in this case was T. Karlokowski, a well-known swindler who sold bogus gold coins. Karlokowski used to travel among these neighboring countries, and therefore, he was able to find out that Josef Mengele was well protected by Colonel Arganas of the Paraguayan army and that he was involved in selling agricultural machinery.
Karlokowski found out that it had been a long time since Mengele had seen Bormann. On an unusual occasion, however, the engineer Juan Felisiak, a friend of Karlokowski, told him that Bormann was in Villa Ballester. Karlokowski proposed a business deal with Bormann, since he had plenty of money, but the engineer was not agreeable.
In that event, they ultimately found themselves at the same brewery when Goldstein (evidently Bormann) appeared. He was accompanied by a young blond man, apparently a German. The salutations were short. Bormann said that on the following day they were heading south again, to a farm in Patagonia.
Again, Bormann's trail was lost. In 1968 he turned up in the medical offices of Doctor Francisco Ubistondo, on Arenales and Pueyrredon Streets. He was suffering with hepatitis-related pain. When Doctor Urbistondo commented on the German's case with the informant Zuccarelli, the latter reported it to agent Rodriguez. Rodriguez showed a photograph of Bormann and Mengele to the doctor, who identified Bormann as the sick man he had attended in his consulting office.
But his movements in more detail, as reported to me by trustworthy confidants, showed that Martin Bormann remained for only a short time in Buenos Aires. He moved to a mountain retreat in the Argentinian Andes, a 5,000-acre cattle and sheep ranch about 60 miles south of San Carlos de Bariloche, and lived there until Juan Peron was forced from power in 1955. At that time Mueller thought it advisable for Bormann to leave the mountain hideaway, so the party minister was transported over the Andes to Chide to another remote house for two years. Throughout this period, Mueller kept receiving information that Bormann continued to be the object of an international manhunt. British, American, and West German agents sought him, but not too hard. The Bormann organization had many commercial and political links to the capitals of these three nations, and real clout was available should the chase become too hot. The CIA could have pulled aside the gray curtain that obscured Bormann-at any time. But the CIA and Mueller's crack organization of former SS men found it to their mutual advantage to cooperate in many situations. There is no morality in the sense that most of us know it in the strange world of professional secrecy, and when it was to the advantage of each to work together they did so. For example, Klaus Altman, the so-called Hangman of Lyon, France, was recognized in Lima, Peru, as Klaus Barbie by a Frenchwoman who has made a career of pursuing Nazis, although she was only five years old at the time of the occupation when Altman-Barbie was an SS officer. Altman, upon his return to Bolivia, where he is a Bolivian citizen and director and stockholder of Transmaritime Boliviana, a shipping company partly owned by the Bolivian government, admitted that he was Klaus Barbie. But, he said, "I was an officer in a regular army in a formally declared war." He added that both American and French authorities had questioned him after the war, doing nothing to hinder his emigration to Bolivia in 1950. Yet he became a cause celebre after Mrs. Beate Klarsfeld, an official of the International League Against Anti-Semitism and Racism, announced his identity. Georges Pompidou of France was then forced to become involved and to take a stand, offering $4 million to the Bolivia government for the extradition of Barbie. It was refused. Babie had participated as a Gestapo officer in the destruction of the two underground resistance networks, "Prosper" and "Scientist," in 1943, which resulted in the death of Jean Moulin, a French resistance hero. In South America, Altman-Barbie was under the protection of General Heinrich Mueller, and in certain instances had worked for the CIA, so his sponsorship was impeccable and incontrovertible, and he continues to enjoy immunity from arrest.
Mueller never leaves Latin America, but his agents roam the Americas and Europe. They provide protection for the NSDAP leadership in exile who can still manage to travel to Madrid, Sweden, Switzerland, France, Italy, or North Africa, and they have been known to take on lucrative secret police assignments. When Colonel Nasser became president of Egypt, he asked the CIA for assistance in establishing a similar organization in his country. The CIA did not wish to become involved, and so referred him to General Gehlen, then chief of the West German federal intelligence organization, which was in fact maintained by the CIA. But Gehlen ducked the request, suggesting that former SS General Otto Skorzeny, son-in-law of Hjalrnar Schacht, one-time Minister of Finance for Hitler, should be approached. Skorzeny, who made his headquarters in Spain, did not want the assignment either, for he was doing too well as an engineer and businessman in Spain, and was also owner of a large farming establishment outside of Dublin. But, urged by Schacht, he had Heinrich Mueller in Brazil send him a team of secret police specialists, who all arrived in Cairo as a German mission led by Skorzeny, who promptly returned to Spain after introductions had been made. Mueller's team established such an effective intelligence service for Nasser, known as the General Intelligence Service, that Colonel Qadhafi of Libya, then the new revolutionary leader of his country, asked Nasser to make the German team of advisors available to him also. This was done, and upon arrival the Germans started with a thorough housecleaning of the Libyan secret police hired by the previous ruler, King Idris. Two thousand Libyan police were put in jail and continue to languish there today, and the Germans rebuilt from scratch. Today Libyan intelligence agents are stationed in all Libyan African and overseas embassies and consulates, and they are tough and ruthless., Perhaps as a quid pro quo to this service to Libya, the Colonel granted the West German racket company Ortag rights to a vast test range 600 miles south of Tripoli in 1980. An attitude of benevolence toward Bormann, the German who created so much commercial activity for them, is held by Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay. In the last named country, the son of a Bavarian cavalry officer, President Stroessner, cooperates with the United States military authorities and with the CIA, as he does with Bormann and his representatives. During the Vietnam war, President Stroessner permitted the U.S. Army Chemical Corps to send in teams of 2,500 men and CIA agents to carry out field tests, in the Mato Grosso jungles of Paraguay, of chemicals for use in Vietnam. In one instance, several American soldiers became casualties when they were accidentally sprayed with the gas. They were taken to a Paraguayan military field hospital; the doctor who treated them was Josef Mengele, now a Paraguayan citizen and an officer in the Paraguayan Army Medical Corps. Under Mengele's treatment all soldiers recovered. None, of course, knew the true identity of their medical benefactor. The Israelis have tried repeatedly to extradite Mengele, who was the notorious doctor of Auschwitz concentration camp. But when President Stroessner is approached through diplomatic channels for such a purpose, he responds: "Shall I also expel the 1,500 Jews who have made a good life for themselves in Paraguay, and who have contributed so much to our economic growth?"
Despite the assistance Martin Bormann has received from various leaders in Latin America since his arrival, including help from members of U.S. embassies and consulates and several CIA station chiefs, Heinrich Mueller continues to exercise extreme caution in protecting Bormann. In 1955 and again in 1957, following the transporting of the party minister to new locations, he leaked the story of Bormann's "death," repeating the old ploy of providing a body in a grave marked "Martin Bormann." Each time an exhumation took place it was found to be the remains of a deceased Indian, although one was that of a Jewish person, an Israeli agent who had gotten too close to his target.
In 1957 Mueller established Bormann on a remote plantation at the southernmost tip of Brazil, at a point that touches Paraguay, one mile inland from the west bank of the Parana River and 15 miles north of the Paraguayan border. It was a drab, depressing plantation area, but a natural fortress, stretching in a rectangle 40 miles along the Parana River, 100 miles inland from the sea. To the east it was protected by the river, which at that point is ten miles wide. To the south it had the impenetrable jungle for protection; the all-but-impassable pathways one would take to approach the plantation were guarded by Indians whose role was to alert the SS guards. The settlement was known as Kolonie Waldner, and SS men I have talked with who were with Bormann then spoke of the heat and the general lassitude there. Food and other supplies were brought by river boat, then trucked inland to the colony. Visitors came and went by Piper Cub, which upon landing would taxi up to a large hangar and disappear from view. A bowling alley down one side of the hangar provided about the only recreation, but the SS men I interviewed said that the best German cooking in the world was provided by former SS mess sergeants, and that this was an incomparable feature of the dining room. To quote one: "Still, it was small consolation for being stuck in such a place. We worked to construct proper housing, but it was hard to put out of one's mind the memories and thoughts of Germany and the good days of long ago."
Martin Bormann continued to conduct his complex business affairs from Kolonie Waldner by remote control. A cadre of skilled professional business administrators would periodically return to this dismal, isolated area and make their reports on investments and on the prosperity and growth of the corporations they controlled in so many different countries. Bormann appeared very much the plantation overseer, with boots, white pants and shirt, and a wide-brimmed Panama hat. Such a hat, I am told, along with being protection from the ubiquitous hot sun, was also protection from poisonous spiders that dropped from trees. I asked one of my SS informants why they didn't use poison gas as the Americans had done in the Mato Grosso to defoliate the trees and exterminate the spiders. His bitter reply: 'We used up all our poison gas during World War 11."
The plantation stay finally ended, and Bormann was moved again to the high mountains of Argentina that border Chide. The hue and cry had died down. An occasional journalist would take up the hunt, but would be tracked by Mueller's men. At one point in time, NBC News in New York sent a news team to South America. But NBC News abandoned the principles of journalism when it made this a combined operation with Israeli secret agents and a Zionist organization in South America. It is probably still unaware that Mueller had penetrated the Zionist group, and that every step taken was known to him beforehand. It was quite impossible-and still is today-to surprise Mueller and therefore Bormann. They have a fail-safe system of protection that dates back to World War I1 when the espionage agents of Germany, Japan, and Italy were operating effectively throughout the Western Hemisphere; this is part of the infrastructure to which they became heir, which serves them today.
The German fifth column in South America was far-reaching and effective, and when the war ended in Europe agents and station chiefs were instructed to stay in position and await their orders. They were to continue in their commercial careers as cover for the work they would be called on to perform: assistance to the 10,000 veterans of the SS who would need relocation help as they poured into Buenos Aires and fanned out to various nearby countries, and full cooperation with Reichsleiter and Party Minister Bormann and the other 50,000 German VIP's of industry and research. All members of the NSDAP in South America were familiar with the Organization Book, which they had been receiving from Berlin for some years as leaders of local chapters of the (overseas) Auslands- Organization. A basic element in the book dealt with the relationship of members to the Principles of Obedience:
Through his incorporation in the NSDAP the brother or comrade (Parteigenosse) promises to maintain an unchangeable fidelity to Fuehrer Adolf Hitler and unconditional obedience to the leaders whom he shall designate.
How extensive this Nazi apparatus was during the war years, and how it was able to guard and assist Martin Bormann after his arrival in South America in 1947, was spelled out by J. Edgar Hoover, head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
In a 1943 report prepared by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, whose wartime responsibility had been extended to spotting Axis agents and their activities in all Latin American countries by order of President Roosevelt, the FBI stated:
After the rupture of diplomatic relations with the Axis by various countries of Latin America, the Axis began to use Argentina as the base of its espionage and sabotage activities against all American nations. It had been established that from this base of operations the Germans have spread the net of their subversive organizations to at least ten American countries, and that as a result of their work a large number of American lives, considerable American property, and the lives and property of the citizens and countries of the united nations which are engaged in the struggle against the totalitarian powers have been lost.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

third extract from this book and explaining quite a lot about Jewish Nazi money

"Money Talks, Nazi money talks & can buy Jewish leaders"

Since the founding of Israel, the Federal Republic of Germany had paid out 85.3 billion marks, by the end of 1977, to survivors of the Holocaust. East Germany ignores any such liability. From South America, where payment must be made with subtlety, the Bormann organization has made a substantial contribution. It has drawn many of the brightest Jewish businessmen into a participatory role in the development of many of its corporations, and many of these Jews share their prosperity most generously with Israel. If their proposals are sound, they are even provided with a specially dispensed venture capital fund. I spoke with one Jewish businessmen in Hartford, Connecticut. He had arrived there quite unknown several years before our conversation, but with Bormann money as his leverage. Today he is more than a millionaire, a quiet leader in the community with a certain share of his profits earmarked as always for his venture capital benefactors. This has taken place in many other instances across America and demonstrates how Bormann's people operate in the contemporary commercial world, in contrast to the fanciful nonsense with which Nazis are described in so much "literature." So much emphasis is placed on select Jewish participation in Bormann companies that when Adolf Eichmann was seized and taken to Tel Aviv to stand trial, it produced a shock wave in the Jewish and German communities of Buenos Aires. Jewish leaders informed the Israeli authorities in no uncertain terms that this must never happen again because a repetition would permanently rupture relations with the Germans of Latin America, as well as with the Bormann organization, and cut off the flow of Jewish money to Israel. It never happened again, and the pursuit of Bormann quieted down at the request of these Jewish leaders. He is residing in an Argentinian safe haven, protected by the most efficient German infrastructure in history as well as by all those whose prosperity depends on his well-being. Personal invitation is the only way to reach him.
A revealing insight into this international financial and industrial network was given me by a member of the Bormann organization residing in West Germany. Meyer Lansky, he said, the financial advisor to the Las Vegas-Miami underworld, sent a message to Bormann through my West German SS contact. Lansky promised that if he received a piece of Bormann's action he would keep the Israeli agents off Bormann's back. "I have a very good relation with the Israeli secret police” was his claim, although he was to be kicked out of Israel later when his presence became too noted--and also at the urging of Bormann's security chief in South America. At the time, Lansky was in the penthouse suite of Jerusalem's King David Hotel, in which he owned stock. He had fled to Israel to evade a U.S. federal warrant for his arrest. He sent his message to Bormann through his bag man in Switzerland, John Pullman, also wanted in the United States on a federal warrant. Lansky told Pullman to make this offer "which he can't refuse." The offer was forwarded to Buenos Aires, where it was greeted with laugher. When the laughter died down, it was replaced with action. Meyer Lansky was evicted from Israel, and was told by Swiss authorities to stay out of their country, so he flew to South America. There he offered any president who would give him asylum a cool $1 million in cash. He was turned down everywhere and had to continue his flight to Miami, where U.S. marshals, alerted, were waiting to take him into custody.
The Bormann organization has the ultimate in clout and substance, and no one can tamper with it. I have been told: 'You cannot push these people; if you do it can be extremely risky." Knowing their heritage, I take this statement at face value.

Quote is from this show
Does Bilderberg sit on a mountain of Nazi flight capital?

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"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

THIS IS THE STUFF: The Israeli government lost its soul and moral conscience in 1963 when they sacked their Nazi hunter Isser Harel, the then head of Mossad who had captured Adolf Eichmann. In addition to Mengele both Martin Bormann and Klaus Barbie might also have faced justice if Harel had been able to continue to his pursuit of Nazi war criminals.
So why did the Jewish state give up the fight?
See Paul Manning's book 'Martin Bormann, Nazi in Exile' where he explains that money talks, laundered Nazi money talks and Nazi money can buy corrupt Jewish leaders.
World In Action: Nazi War criminal Dr. Josef Mengele's secret life in South America


The Hunt for Dr. Mengele: transmitted on UK ITV channel 3 on Monday 20th November 1978.

A WIA investigation into claims that Paraguay is a refuge for Nazi criminals. Dr. Mengele is remembered for his vile experiments carried out on inmates in concentration camps and WIA traces several of his hideouts in Paraguay and talks to people who have met him there.
In 1967 Mengele moved to Nova Europa, about 200 km (120 mi) outside São Paulo, where he lived with Hungarian refugees Geza and Gitta Stammer, working as manager of their farm. In the seclusion of his Brazilian hideaway Mengele was safe. In 1974, when his relationship with the Stammer family was coming to an end, Hans-Ulrich Rudel and Wolfgang Gerhard discussed relocating Mengele to Bolivia where he could spend time with Klaus Barbie, but Mengele rejected this proposal. Instead, he lived in a bungalow in a suburb of São Paulo for the last years of his life. In 1977, his only son Rolf, never having known his father before, visited him there and found an unrepentant Nazi who claimed that he "had never personally harmed anyone in his whole life".
Mengele's health had been deteriorating for years, and he died on February 7, 1979, in Bertioga, Brazil, where he accidentally drowned, or possibly suffered a stroke, while swimming in the Atlantic. He was buried in Embu das Artes under the name "Wolfgang Gerhard", whose ID card he had used since 1976.
You can buy part 2 of the World In Ation collection on DVD which includes this historically important film included here on YouTube in the public interest...

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

BMW's Nazi Minis and Rolls Royces, One Step Beyond EMTV
- 4th Reich Red House Nazi continuity meeting with Theo Chalmers- guests Dave Barnby and Tony Gosling,


with Theo Chalmers, Dave Barnby and Tony Gosling.
Subscribe to EMTV's One Step Beyond' show here http://www.emtvonline.co.uk/personalpage.php?user=419

Revealed: The secret report that shows how the Nazis planned a Fourth Reich ...in the EU
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1179902/Revealed-The-secret-re port-shows-Nazis-planned-Fourth-Reich--EU.html

Let's go back to the little village of Oosterbeek in Holland, just West of Arnhem, where it all began at the inaugural Bilderberg meeting, chaired by a former SS officer, in 1954.
The site, exactly a decade before, of one of the most controversial battles of the second world war.

Do have a listen to this hour long show if you didn't yet
show page http://radio4all.net/index.php/program/58485

Many have questioned why Eisenhower backed Monty's Operation Market Garden (MG) and failed to back US General Patton who, with hindsight, stood a better chance further south of dealing a decisive blow to the Nazis. Was indeed Eisenhower's choice to back Montgomery over Patton perversely exactly what the Nazis wanted?
The question has always been what could the motive possibly have been for Horrocks to halt the Irish and Grenadier guards' advance at the crucial moment just as they crossed the Nijmegen Bridge at 7pm on Wednesday 20th September 1944. Now we have a possible motive. Something very secret and very big was afoot. The Nazi capital flight had just begun at the notorious Red House meeting of which Martin Bormann was in charge, it was going to take best part of a year to achieve and nothing could be allowed to stop it. Not even the combined forces of the British & American post D-Day armies.
Martin Bormann — Nazi in Exile
A decisively powerful network of corporate entities run by hardened SS veterans, the Bormann group constitutes what one veteran banker termed "the greatest concentration of money power under a single control in history." The foundation of the organization's clout is money—lots and lots of money. Controlling German big business and, through investments, much of the rest of the world's economy, the organization was the repository for the stolen wealth of Europe, estimated by British intelligence to have totaled more than $180 billion by the end of 1943

Mossad Nazi hunter Isser Harel, who said Simon Wiesental played no part in Eichmann's capture
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The Hunt For Dr Mengele World In Action titles
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Title for the World In Action Mengele documentary
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Nazi Mengele Map
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Henrike Muller Roschmann
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Alban Krugg - chief harbourer of Nazis
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"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

Last edited by TonyGosling on Mon Jul 02, 2012 11:32 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bormann lived for a long time on property owned by a German named Alban Krug in the German community of Colonia Hohenau, about 250 miles south-east of Asuncion. He died in the home of Werner Jung, then East Germany's consul to Paraguay. Jung and a man identified only by his last name, Von Eckstein, who was a collaborator of Stroessner's, took Borman to Ita, Noticias reported.

Bormann 'escaped but died as Mengele's patient'
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/bormann-escaped-but-die d-as-mengeles-patient-1475068.html

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Seems pretty clear that Simon Wiesenthal tried to claim the credit for Isser Harel's sucessful operation to kidnap Eichmann. In fact Wiesenthal was plying Mossad with bum steers. No wonder Harel was so annoyed with him!

'Fabrications' About Eichmann

In more than 40 years of "Nazi hunting," Wiesenthal's role in locating and capturing Adolf Eichmann is often considered his greatest achievement. [32] (Eichmann headed the wartime SS Jewish affairs department. He was kidnapped by Israeli agents in Argentina in May 1960 and hanged in Jerusalem after a trial that received worldwide media attention.)

But Isser Harel, the Israeli official who headed the team that seized Eichmann, has declared unequivocally that Wiesenthal had "absolutely nothing" to do with the capture. (Harel is a former head of both the Mossad and Shin Bet, Israel's foreign and domestic security agencies.) [33]

Wiesenthal not only "had no role whatsoever" in the apprehension, said Harel, but in fact he endangered the entire Eichmann operation. In a 278-page manuscript, Harel carefully refuted every claim by Wiesenthal about his supposed role in identifying and capturing Eichmann. Claims by Wiesenthal and his many friends about his supposedly crucial role in capturing the former SS officer, said Harel, have no foundation in fact. Many specific assertions and incidents described in two books by Wiesenthal, said the Israeli official, are "complete fabrications." [34]

"Wiesenthal's reports and statements at that period prove beyond any doubt that he had no notion of Eichmann's whereabouts," said Harel. [35] (For example, just before Eichmann's capture in Argentina, Wiesenthal was placing him in Japan and Saudi Arabia.) [36]

Characterizing Wiesenthal as a rank opportunist, Harel summed up: "All the information supplied by Wiesenthal before and in anticipation of the [Eichmann] operation was utterly worthless, and sometimes even misleading and of negative value." [37]

'Fabrications' About Eichmann

In more than 40 years of "Nazi hunting," Wiesenthal's role in locating and capturing Adolf Eichmann is often considered his greatest achievement. [32] (Eichmann headed the wartime SS Jewish affairs department. He was kidnapped by Israeli agents in Argentina in May 1960 and hanged in Jerusalem after a trial that received worldwide media attention.)

But Isser Harel, the Israeli official who headed the team that seized Eichmann, has declared unequivocally that Wiesenthal had "absolutely nothing" to do with the capture. (Harel is a former head of both the Mossad and Shin Bet, Israel's foreign and domestic security agencies.) [33]

Wiesenthal not only "had no role whatsoever" in the apprehension, said Harel, but in fact he endangered the entire Eichmann operation. In a 278-page manuscript, Harel carefully refuted every claim by Wiesenthal about his supposed role in identifying and capturing Eichmann. Claims by Wiesenthal and his many friends about his supposedly crucial role in capturing the former SS officer, said Harel, have no foundation in fact. Many specific assertions and incidents described in two books by Wiesenthal, said the Israeli official, are "complete fabrications." [34]

"Wiesenthal's reports and statements at that period prove beyond any doubt that he had no notion of Eichmann's whereabouts," said Harel. [35] (For example, just before Eichmann's capture in Argentina, Wiesenthal was placing him in Japan and Saudi Arabia.) [36]

Characterizing Wiesenthal as a rank opportunist, Harel summed up: "All the information supplied by Wiesenthal before and in anticipation of the [Eichmann] operation was utterly worthless, and sometimes even misleading and of negative value." [37]

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

FTR #125 Interview with Peter Manning
Posted by FTR · December 7, 1998Post a comment Email This Post Print This Post
Tags CIA, Nazi, Paul Manning, Underground Reich
http://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-125-interview-with-peter-ma nning/
Listen: Side 1 | Side 2 (second is better of the two interviews)

After receiving an off-air call from Peter Manning, the son of Paul Manning, author of the landmark text Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile, Mr. Emory conducted a spontaneous, off-the-cuff interview.
The interview concerned the remarkable and deadly Bormann flight capital organization (the main economic and politi­cal component of a Third Reich gone underground) and Paul Manning’s work in documenting that organization in his text (originally published in hard cover by Lyle Stuart, copyright 1981. There is a new cloth-cover edition available from the Carol publishing group.)
A member of the CBS radio news team that covered World War II in Europe, along with Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite, Manning diligently began researching the Bormann flight capital organization that spirited the Third Reich’s capital out of Europe for later use in the German “economic miracle” of the post-war years. The focal point of “Opera­tion Safehaven”, an abortive allied intelligence operation aimed at interdicting the flight capital program, the Bormann group dominates the corporate economy of Germany and the European Union.
The Bormann Organization may prove to be the decisive element in human affairs world wide. In the interview, Peter Manning echoes the analysis of the political and historical importance of the Bormann Organization. Peter endorses Emory’s stated view that the Third Reich is as real in the late 1990s as it was during World War II, that it will prove tri­umphant (barring decisive intervention) and that whenever one sees a major German corporation, one sees the Third Reich.
Of particular interest is Peter’s moving account of the troubles his father and the family experienced as a result of his father’s work on the book.
In addition to surveillance and harassment, the family experienced economic hardship as a result of the deliberate eclipsing of the book by elements hostile to its message.
Jerry Manning, Peter’s brother, was murdered, and Paul Manning believed the killing was in retaliation for the publish­ing of the book. The head of Lyle Stuart had his legs broken the week the book was released and Paul believed that also was punitive action by the Bormann group.
Other highlights include: Paul’s belief that the Bormann Organization had infiltrated the CIA without the CIA’s knowl­edge; Paul’s belief that the Bormann Organization was behind the assassination of President Kennedy; and Peter’s ruminations on the effect of the advent of television on journalism in general and his father’s career in particular.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

From the book 'Four Reichs' by Harry Beckhough
Systematic German Acquisitions of British companies - a partial glimpse of recent history:


Boots Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals BASF
Cornhill Insurance Insurance Allianz
Grattan Mail Order Mail-order Otto Versand
Kleinwort Benson Global investment banking Dresdner Bank
Lansing Forklift manufacturing Linde
Lloyds Chemists Parmacy chain Gehe
Morgan Grenfell Bank Deutsche Bank
One2One Mobile Communication Deutsche Telecom
Plessey Digital communication Siemens
Powergen Electricity & gas provider E.ON AG
Rolls-Royce Automotive & aviation Volkswagen
Thames Water Water utility supplier RWE
Thomas Cook Travel WestLB

German powerful RWE busily buying British and American waterworks, major-size Thames Water and New Jersey base of Water Works Co. Inc. and now penetrating other overseas markets including Australia and Chile, in their attack on strategic utility companies. The American Water Works (vide The Trumpet) is the largest and most diversified, publicly traded water services company in the U.S. This acquisition will give RWE presence in 44 countries on 6 continents, serving a population of 56 million. Strategic implications warrant a command position to Germany for any nation in dispute with them. A highly dangerous position! America take heed!

Why no protecting screen, to prevent industry yielding control of the basic resources upon which our nations depend for daily operations and survival? Quick profits may put nations in danger, with the people paying the penalty, as always, for their appointed leaders' lack of security.

Four Reichs by Harry Beckhough as a PDF file

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Four Reichs by Harry Beckhough as a Word Document

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"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nazi Bormann Network causing the Financial Crisis?

Over an hour of yours truly waffling on - on the George Butler show
DO please send on to those who don't know about the Bilderbergers and this Nazi financial network

George Butler welcomes Tony Gosling to the program for an update from Bristol England.......
both hours ad free http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/program/61486

Topics of Discussion: Olympic Games G4S private security flap - and BMW Martin Bormann network's Nazi Connections

Germany's Four Reichs: Origins and Development, seeking World Domination in ruthless terror by Harry Beckhough
Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile - By Paul Manning
Revealed: The secret report that shows how the Nazis planned a Fourth Reich ........
............in the EU - ECHOS OF SYNARCHISM
first hour with ads http://archives2012.gcnlive.com/Archives2012/jul12/SecretTruth/0714121 .mp3
second hour with ads http://archives2012.gcnlive.com/Archives2012/jul12/SecretTruth/0714122 .mp3

The Hunt for Dr. Mengele: transmitted on UK ITV channel 3 on Monday 20th November 1978.

Martin Bormann Post-War Nazi Financial Network

George Butler spent three years in the U.S. Army, the last year in West Berlin, Germany, he witnessed the vulgarities and cruelties of the Berlin Wall. Today he speaks out about preserving our rights. His concerned about America's and the World's slide toward fascism motivated him along with Charlotte "Littlefield" Brown to launch the radio talk show program in the fall of 2006 "The Secret Truth". In addition his musical drama GIVE THEM A CHANCE was performed in Austin, Texas in the summer of 2007. The musical drama not only speaks about giving our children a chance but also vehemently reflects present struggles and echoes, warnings from the past that must not be ignored. Today, America and the World are experiencing a great transformation and Mr. Butler is intent on trying to awaken the citizenry to present dangerous trends. This new program will focus on worldly, national and local changes affecting our freedoms and liberties.
Notes: Despite the assistance Martin Bormann has received from various leaders in Latin America since his arrival, including help from members of U.S. embassies and consulates and several CIA station chiefs, Heinrich Mueller continues to exercise extreme caution in protecting Bormann. In 1955 and again in 1957, following the transporting of the party minister to new locations, he leaked the story of Bormann's "death," repeating the old ploy of providing a body in a grave marked "Martin Bormann." Each time an exhumation took place it was found to be the remains of a deceased Indian, although one was that of a Jewish person, an Israeli agent who had gotten too close to his target.
In 1957 Mueller established Bormann on a remote plantation at the southernmost tip of Brazil, at a point that touches Paraguay, one mile inland from the west bank of the Parana River and 15 miles north of the Paraguayan border. It was a drab, depressing plantation area, but a natural fortress, stretching in a rectangle 40 miles along the Parana River, 100 miles inland from the sea. To the east it was protected by the river, which at that point is ten miles wide. To the south it had the impenetrable jungle for protection; the all-but-impassable pathways one would take to approach the plantation were guarded by Indians whose role was to alert the SS guards. The settlement was known as Kolonie Waldner, and SS men I have talked with who were with Bormann then spoke of the heat and the general lassitude there. Food and other supplies were brought by river boat, then trucked inland to the colony. Visitors came and went by Piper Cub, which upon landing would taxi up to a large hangar and disappear from view. A bowling alley down one side of the hangar provided about the only recreation, but the SS men I interviewed said that the best German cooking in the world was provided by former SS mess sergeants, and that this was an incomparable feature of the dining room. To quote one: "Still, it was small consolation for being stuck in such a place. We worked to construct proper housing, but it was hard to put out of one's mind the memories and thoughts of Germany and the good days of long ago."
Martin Bormann continued to conduct his complex business affairs from Kolonie Waldner by remote control. A cadre of skilled professional business administrators would periodically return to this dismal, isolated area and make their reports on investments and on the prosperity and growth of the corporations they controlled in so many different countries. Bormann appeared very much the plantation overseer, with boots, white pants and shirt, and a wide-brimmed Panama hat. Such a hat, I am told, along with being protection from the ubiquitous hot sun, was also protection from poisonous spiders that dropped from trees. I asked one of my SS informants why they didn't use poison gas as the Americans had done in the Mato Grosso to defoliate the trees and exterminate the spiders. His bitter reply: 'We used up all our poison gas during World War II."

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

More on Hitler's treasurer & successor Martin Bormann here

Martin Bormann's Escape



and more for the sceptics
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bl7liMfTWGA&feature=results_video&playn ext=1&list=PL8EA1C4A03FC20701

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Red house meeting august 10th 1944
Extracted from Martin Bormann, Nazi In Exile by Paul Manning

IT WAS EARLY MORNING AND THE HAZE COVERING the broad Alsatian plain was lifting to reveal glistening mountainside acres of wine grapes and the string of fortresses that dominate the hillsides and vineyard villages on the road from Colmar­fortresses old when Joan of Arc was young. A Mercedes- Benz, flying Nazi swastika and SS flags from the front bumpers, was moving at high speed through columns of German infantry marching toward Colmar from where the command car had come. A mountainous region, some of World War II’s bitterest fighting was to take place there as winter approached, once American divisions had bypassed Paris and moved through Metz into the Colmar Gap.
The staff car had left Colmar at first light for Strasbourg, carrying SS Obergruppenfuehrer Scheid, who held the rank of lieutenant general in the Waffen SS, as well as the title of Dr. Scheid, director of the industrial firm of Hermadorff & Schenburg Company. While the beauty of the rolling countryside was not lost on Dr. Scheid, his thoughts were on the meeting of important German businessmen to take place on his arrival at the Hotel Maison Rouge in Strasbourg. Reichsleiter Martin Bormann himself had ordered the conference, and although he would not physically be present he had confided to Dr. Scheid, who was to preside, “The steps to be taken as a result of this meeting will determine the postwar future of Germany.” The Reichsleiter had added, “German industry must realize that the war cannot now be won, and must take steps to prepare for a postwar commercial campaign which will in time insure the economic resurgence of Germany.” It was August 10, 1944. The Mercedes-Benz bearing SS Obergruppenfuehrer Scheid moved slowly now through the narrow streets of Strasbourg. Dr. Scheid noticed that this was a most agreeable city, one to return to after the war. It was the city where in 1792 the stirring Marsellaise was composed by Rouget de Lisle, ostensibly for the mayor’s banquet. The street signs all in French, the names of the shops all in German, were characteristic of bilingual Alsace, a land that has been disputed throughout known history, particularly since the formation of the two nations, Germany and France. After World War I, the Treaty of Versailles restored Alsace-Lorraine to France, but after the fall of France in World War II the Germans reannexed these 5,600 square miles of territory, and life went on as usual, except for the 18,000 Alsatians who had volunteered to fight for the Third Reich on the Eastern Front.
The staff car drew up before the Hotel Maison Rouge on the rue des France-Bourgeois. Dr. Scheid, briefcase in hand, entered the lobby and ascended in the elevator to the conference suite reserved for his meeting. Methodically he circled the room, greeting each of the twelve present, then took his place at the head of the conference table. Even the pads and pencils before each man had been checked; Waffen SS technicians had swept the entire room, inspecting for hidden microphones and miniature transmitters. As an additional precaution, all suites flanking the conference suite had been held unfilled, as had the floors above and below, out of bounds for the day. Lunch was to be served in the conference suite by trusted Waffen SS stewards. Those present, all thirteen of them, could be assured that the thorough precautions would safeguard them all, even the secretary who was to take the minutes, later to be typed with a copy sent by SS courier to Bormann.
A transcript of that meeting is in my possession. It is a captured German document from the files of the U.S. Treasury Department, and states who was present and what was said, as the economy of the Third Reich was projected onto a postwar profit-seeking track.
Present were Dr. Kaspar representing Krupp, Dr. Tolle representing Röchling, Dr. Sinceren representing Messerschmitt, Drs. Kopp, Vier, and Beerwanger representing Rheinmetall, Captain Haberkorn and Dr. Ruhe representing Bussing, Drs. Ellenmayer and Kardos representing Volkswagenwerk, engineers Drose, Yanchew, and Koppshem representing various factories in Posen, Poland (Drose, Yanchew, & Co., Brown-Boveri, Herkuleswerke, Buschwerke, and Stadtwerke); Dr. Meyer, an official of the German Naval Ministry in Paris; and Dr. Strossner of the Ministry of Armament, Paris.
Dr. Scheid, papers from his briefcase arranged neatly on the table before him, stated that all industrial matériel in France was to be evacuated to Germany immediately. “The battle of France is lost to Germany,” he admitted, quoting Reichsleiter Bormann as his authority, “and now the defense of the Siegfried Line (and Germany itself) is the main problem. . . . From now on, German industry must take steps in preparation for a postwar commercial campaign, with each industrial firm making new contacts and alliances with foreign firms. This must be done individually and without attracting any suspicion. However, the party and the Third Reich will stand behind every firm with permissive and financial support.” He assured those present that the frightening law of 1933 known as Treason Against the Nation, which mandated the death penalty for violation of foreign exchange regulations or concealing of foreign currency, was now null and void, on direct order of Reichsleiter Bormann.
Dr. Scheid also affirmed, “The ground must now be laid on the financial level for borrowing considerable sums from foreign countries after the war.” As an example of the kind of support that had been most useful to Germany in the past, Dr. Scheid cited the fact that “patents for stainless steel belonged to the Chemical Foundation, Inc., New York, and the Krupp Company of Germany, jointly, and that of the United States Steel Corporation, Carnegie, Illinois, American Steel & Wire, National Tube, etc., were thereby under an obligation to work with the Krupp concern.” He also cited the Zeiss Company, the Leica Company, and the Hamburg-Amerika Line as typical firms that had been especially effective in protecting German interests abroad. He gave New York addresses to the twelve men. Glancing at his watch, Dr. Scheid asked for comments from each of the twelve around the table. Then he adjourned the morning session for lunch.
At his signal, soldier stewards brought in a real Strasbourg lunch. On a long side table they placed plates of pâté de foie gras, matelote, noodles, sauerkraut, knuckles of ham, sausages, and onion tarts, along with bottles of Coq au Riesling from nearby wineries. Brandy and cigars were also set out and the stewards left the room, closing the doors quietly as guards stood at attention.
Following lunch, several, including Dr. Scheid, left for the Rhine and Germany, where they would spread the word among their peers in industry about the new industrial goals for the postwar years.
A smaller conference in the afternoon was presided over by Dr. Bosse of the German Armaments Ministry. It was attended only by representatives of Hecko, Krupp, and Röchling. Dr. Bosse restated Bormann’s belief that the war was all but lost, but that it would be continued by Germany until certain goals to insure the economic resurgence of Germany after the war had been achieved. He added that German industrialists must be prepared to finance the continuation of the Nazi Party, which would be forced to go underground, just as had the Maquis in France.
“From now on, the government in Berlin will allocate large sums to industrialists so that each can establish a secure postwar foundation in foreign countries. Existing financial reserves in foreign countries must be placed at the disposal of the party in order that a strong German empire can be created after defeat. It is almost immediately required,” he continued, “that the large factories in Germany establish small technical offices or research bureaus which will be absolutely independent and have no connection with the factory. These bureaus will receive plans and drawings of new weapons, as well as documents which they will need to continue their research. These special offices are to be established in large cities where security is better, although some might be formed in small villages near sources of hydroelectric power, where these party members can pretend to be studying the development of water resources for benefit of any Allied investigators.”
Dr. Bosse stressed that knowledge of these technical bureaus would be held only by a very few persons in each industry and by chiefs of the Nazi Party. Each office would have a liaison agent representing the party and its leader, Reichsleiter Bormann. “As soon as the party becomes strong enough to reestablish its control over Germany, the industrialists will be paid for their effort and cooperation by concessions and orders.”
At both morning and afternoon conferences, it was emphasized that the existing prohibition against the export of capital “is now completely withdrawn and replaced by a new Nazi policy, in which industrialists with government assistance (Bormann to be the guiding leader) will export as much of their capital as possible, capital meaning money, bonds, patents, scientists, and administrators.”
Bosse urged the industrialists to proceed immediately to get their capital outside Germany. “The freedom thus given to German industrialists further cements their relations with the party by giving them a measure of protection in future efforts at home and overseas.”
From this day, German industrial firms of all rank were to begin placing their funds­and, wherever possible, key manpower­ abroad, especially in neutral countries. Dr. Bosse advised that “two main banks can be used for the export of funds for firms who have made no prior arrangements: the Basler Handelsbank and the Schweizerische Kreditanstalt of Zurich.” He also stated, “There are a number of agencies in Switzerland which for a five percent commission will buy property in Switzerland for German firms, using Swiss cloaks.”
Dr. Bosse closed the meeting, observing that “after the defeat of Germany, the Nazi Party recognizes that certain of its best known leaders will be condemned as war criminals. However, in cooperation with the industrialists, it is arranging to place its less conspicuous but most important members with various German factories as technical experts or members of its research and designing offices.”
The meeting adjourned late. As the participants left, Dr. Bosse placed a call to Martin Bormann in Berlin over SS lines. The conversation was cryptic, merely a report that all industrialists at the one-day Strasbourg conference had agreed to the new policy of “flight capital” as initiated by the Reichsleiter. With the report completed, Bormann then placed a call, to Dr. Georg von Schnitzler, member of the central committee of the I.G. Farben board of directors.
I.G. Farben had been the largest single earner of foreign exchange for Germany during the years of the Third Reich. Its operations in Germany included control of 380 companies with factories, power installations, and mines, as well as vast chemical establishments. It operated in 93 countries and the sun never set on I.G. Farben, which had a participation, both acknowledged and concealed, in over 500 firms outside Germany. They grew as the Third Reich did, and as German armies occupied each country in Europe they were followed by Farben technicians who built further factories and expanded the I.G. investment to RM (Reichsmarks) 7 billion. The Farben cartel agreements involving trade and the related use of its chemical patents also numbered over 2,000, including such major industrial concerns as Standard Oil of New Jersey (now Exxon), the Aluminum Company of America, E.I. du Font de Nemours, Ethyl Export Corporation, Imperial Chemical Industries (Great Britain), Dow Chemical Company, Rohm & Haas, Etablissments Kuhlman (France), and the Mitsui interests of Japan.
I.G. Farben was a formidable ally for Reichsleiter Bormann in his plans for the postwar economic rebirth of Germany. In a telephone conversation with Dr. von Schnitzler, Bormann asked what would the loss of factories in France and the other occupied countries mean to German industry in general and to I.G. in particular. Dr. von Schnitzler said he believed the technical dependence of these countries on I.G. would be so great that despite German defeat I.G., in one way or another, could regain its position of control of the European chemical business. “They will need the constant technical help of I.G.’s scientific laboratories as they do not own appropriate installations within themselves,” he further told Bormann, adding that he and other industrialists such as Hermann Röchling “do not think much of Hitler’s recent declaration of a scorched-earth policy for Germany. Destruction of our factories will surely inhibit Germany’s recovery in the postwar world,” he affirmed.
Bormann pondered this exchange with von Schnitzler. It was then that he determined to countermand Hitler’s order for the ruthless destruction of German industry. He was aware also that the Gauleiters, the regional political supervisors and area com- manders of the party, who reported to him as party chief, shared the same view as expressed by Dr. von Schnitzler.
However, Bormann waited nearly four weeks until the right moment came to go against Hitler’s directive. It came when Albert Speer, minister for armaments and war production, sent a teletype on September 5, 1944, to headquarters for Hitler’s attention. In this message, Speer outlined the realistic reasons why industrial plants should not be destroyed; Bormann lost no time sending this on to all the Gauleiters of Germany with his own imperative: “On behalf of the Fuehrer I herewith transmit to you a communication from Reichsminister Speer. Its provisos are to be observed strictly and unconditionally.”
Speer had commented, “Even Bormann had played along with me. He seemed to be more aware than Hitler of the fearful consequences of total devastation.” Speer also noted, in this month of September 1944, that “Hitler’s authority in the party was no longer what it had been.”
Such authority had long since passed quietly to Reichsleiter Bormann, who had succeeded in outmaneuvering all the old gang: Goering, Goebbels, Himmler, the various generals, and Speer, who was told in 1944 by Hitler always to deal directly with Bormann on all matters. As Speer put it, “I had lost for good.” He was embittered and envious, and his feelings were to color every utterance he made about the Reichsleiter. Martin Bormann was now the leader in fact of Germany.
Hitler, exhausted, drained of the charisma of the glory days of the thirties and the conquest years of the early forties, was going through the gestures of military leadership mechanically as his troops fell back on all fronts. Martin Bormann, forty-one at the fall of Berlin, and strong as a bull, was at all times at Hitler’s side, impassive and cool. His be-all and end-all was to guide Hitler, and now to make the decisions that would lead to the eventual rebirth of his country. Hitler, his intuitions at peak level despite his crumbling physical and mental health in the last year of the Third Reich, realized this and approved of it. “Bury your treasure,” he advised Bormann, “for you will need it to begin a Fourth Reich.” That is precisely what Bormann was about when he set in motion the “flight capital” scheme August 10, 1944, in Strasbourg. The treasure, the golden ring, he envisioned for the new Germany was the sophisticated distribution of national and corporate assets to safe havens throughout the neutral nations of the rest of the world.
Martin Bormann knew in his heart that the war in Europe was over when Normandy was lost. The day Hitler’s troops were defeated at the Falaise Gap was the day he ordered swing industrialists of Germany to Strasbourg to hear his plans for Germany’s future.
Society’s natural survivors, French version, who had served the Third Reich as an extension of German industry, would continue to do so in the period of postwar trials, just as they had survived the war, occupation, and liberation. These were many of the French elite, the well-born, the propertied, the titled, the experts, industrialists, businessmen, bureaucrats, bankers. On the other hand, the intellectuals, the writers, the propagandists for the Germans, and the deputies of the Third Republic were among those purged with a heavy hand. The number of Frenchmen who were part of the resistance during World War II was never large, about 2 percent of the adult population. With the liberation of France, old scores were settled: 124,750 persons were tried, 767 being executed for treason or contact with the enemy in time of war. Sentenced to prison terms were 38,000, who also endured “loss of national dignity”–disenfranchisement and ineligibility to hold public office. Even before any arrests and trials could take place, another 4,500 were shot out of hand.
Still, economic collaboration in France with the Germans had been so widespread (on all levels of society) that there had to be a realization that an entire nation could not be brought to trial. Only a few years before, there had been many a sincere and well-meaning Frenchman­as in Belgium, England, and throughout Europe­who believed National Socialism to be the wave of the future, indeed, the only hope for curing the many desperate social, political, and economic ills of the time. France, along with other occupied countries, did contribute volunteers for the fight against Russia. Then there were many other Frenchmen, the majority, who resignedly felt there was no way the Germans could be pushed back across the Rhine.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alan Whicker tracks down Martin Bormann on 1970 edition of WHicker's World...!

Nazi fugitive Martin Bormann in Paraguay: Whicker's World President StroeSSner 07Apr1970 YTV



Alban Krugg and Josef Mengele again
This time on The History Channel



In 1996, in his book, (Operation James Bond) OPJB: The Last Great Secret of WW2, page 238, former Royal Navy Commander Christopher Creighton (Director/Actor/Producer John Ainsworth Davis) concluded that Nazi party leader Martin Bormann died in 1959 in Paraguay and his body was moved to West Germany to try to con us that he had died there in 1945. The conspirators goofed in that the body contained red clay only present in Paraguay and not Germany as well as several bones were missing.



This video clip of a recent 2009 History Channel documentary verifies what Commander Creighton had revealed years before--further verifying that he is indeed who he says he is--and has done what he says he has done:

The Paladin (with Brian Garfield)


The Khrushchev Objective (with Noel Hynd)


In 1996, JAD wrote the startling non-fiction account of his 1945 mission with Commander Fleming titled:

OPJB: The Last Great Secret of the Second World War

Did Commander Fleming Bust Hitler to Spain When Diverted from OPJB?

http://okkulte-nazis.blogspot.com/2010/03/greg-hallett-author-of-hitle r-was.html

James Bond is Real.


"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 11:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm slowly coming to the conclusion folks thatthis is what it is all about

We look at the criminality infesting our political parties and our mainstream media in the West. Europe, North America and Israel.
The power elite have used their financial wealth firstly to ensure they can put that wealth outside tax, in tax havens and using 'non-domicile' status, then they have systematically used that wealth to buy up all institutions that threaten them through laws and scrutiny: The police, the media and political parties of the lawmakers are now almost entirely owned by the same power elite that they should be scrutinising and keeping in check.
As if that were not bad enough it looks like this network of financial criminals is being bankrolled and co-ordinated by the Bormann network, a covert network of companies and individuals with Nazi sympathise that has been thriving for the last 60 years on the proceeds of looted goods, precious metals, paintings, securities and patents as the Nazis rolled across Europe and into Asia and Africa in world war two.
For more on the factual evidence for this Bormann network see the free PDF copies of the 1982 book by former world war two CBS news correspondant Paul Manning entitled Martin Bormann Nazi In Exile. Which is available in several places online. It was Manning's 'magnum opus' which he spent two years researching and writing alone. His first son was subsequently shot dead and his publisher had his legs broken.
If you have ot read Martin Bormann Nazi In Exile please do, it will open your eyes to the continuing, if disguised, Nazi influence in financial crimes and events today.

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Daily Express 1942 Martin Bormann
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Martin Bormann Daily Express November 1972
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Martin Bormann Alive! Daily Express, Saturday November 25th 1972
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 Viewed:  3042 Time(s)


"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

Last edited by TonyGosling on Tue Dec 03, 2019 1:18 pm; edited 2 times in total
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