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Zio-Nazi Anders Breivik bombs Oslo, massacres summer camp
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Mark Gobell
On Gardening Leave
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The relationships between the event in Oslo on 22.7.2011, the Madrid Peace Conference and the Oslo Accords are here
The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 11:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Some VERY interesting allegations about individuals funding Breivik, EDL and the UK far right in today's Morning Star. Millionaire Ann Marchini and former investment fund director Alan Ayling.

Rich and powerful feeding far right
Sunday 11 December 2011 - by John Millington
The far-right English Defence League showed itself to be boot boys for the rich and powerful today after revelations that wealthy backers are bankrolling the organisation.
The extremist group, which has been cited by Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik as an inspiration and has links with anti-Islamic groups abroad, pretends to be a grass-roots community organisation - but it has been funded by millionaire Ann Marchini and former investment fund director Alan Ayling.
The aim of the pair was to influence and help shape the organisation to make it appear more credible in the political arena.
Ms Marchini operates a buy-to-let empire in Highgate, London, and is believed to operate under a pseudonym - although her lawyers deny this.
She is a member of the far-right British Freedom Party and friend of chairman Paul Weston.
The EDL is looking to stand in elections in the near future and Ms Marchini is believed to have been trying to foster closer links between the two organisations.
Mr Ayling, who has been operating under the name Alan Lake, used to be director of Pacific Capital investment and is an IT expert.
He was questioned last year by Scotland Yard detectives into possible links he had to Breivik.
Mr Ayling denied any such links and said he believed the brutal massacre to be "wrong."
He said on Norwegian immigration policy: "You let dangerous people who will not share your values, who will destroy your society and take your freedom. You will have to pay the price for that."
Former UK Independence Party candidate Mr Weston tried to distance himself from the situation, describing Mr Breivik as "a psychopathic lunatic."
Speaking to the Morning Star about the story which first appeared in the Sunday Times, Hope Not Hate spokesman Matthew Collins pointed out that the EDL has established links with the anti-Islamic "global crusader movement."
"Alan Lake has become less important, in terms of a global crusader movement," said Mr Collins.
"The EDL has now jumped into bed with Paul Weston - quite a wealthy man."
Mr Collins said he was not worried about the EDL standing in elections as it would "poll very badly" and had less than 1,000 members - well down on the group's own official estimates.
But he said fascists and the far right in Britain had changed their focus in recent years.
"It's not about nazis and hating Jews," he said.
"It is about extremist Christian identity political types who see themselves as crusaders against Islam.
"With this unpleasant English nationalism - the EDL, English Democrats and the British Freedom Party - chuck in this evangelical hatred of Islam and it makes it difficult for traditional anti-fascists to deal with."

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The threat from far-right terrorism
http://www.newstatesman.com/blogs/mehdi-hasan/2012/02/terrorism-threat -breivik
Posted by Mehdi Hasan - 06 February 2012 15:36

The Home Affairs Select Committee has produced an important report on an oft-ignored subject.

For some in the west, and in particular here in the UK, the murder of 77 people in Norway by Anders Breivik seemed unbelievable and inexplicable. It didn't compute. The moment the news broke, for instance, Labour MP Tom Harris took to Twitter to blame - yep, you guessed it - Muslim extremists for the killings. To be fair to Harris, he was just articulating out loud what others - liberals and conservatives alike - were thinking and assuming in their heads. Even after it became clear that it wasn't a Muslim who had perpetrated this atrocity, some refused to call it an act of terrorism, preferring to refer to the perpetrator of the crime as "mad" and "insane".

As Guy Walters noted at the time:

For some commentators, such as Simon Jenkins in the Guardian, Sam Leith in the Evening Standard, and Boris Johnson in the Daily Telegraph, Breivik's actions are explained by insanity, and there is not much need to study Breivik's 'manifesto'. This, the argument runs, was the work of a lunatic who had built a puerile ideology to accommodate his psychopathy. In essence - the madness comes first, then the political justification, then the slaughter.

But Anders Breivik isn't a madman and his crime wasn't prompted by voices in his head. Just read his detailed, 1500-page manifesto, 2083 A European Declaration of Independence, to see how disturbingly rational, thought-through and politicized his hate-filled views and opinions are.

As Walters argued last year:

The roots of Breivik's actions clearly lie in his politics, and when you read his 'manifesto', it is clear why he decided to act as he did. His argument runs thus: Multiculturalism, 'cultural Marxism' and immigration of Muslims is destroying our way of life. The people responsible for this are the ruling Labour Party. These people are traitors. I have tried to act politically, but that has yielded no reward, and little hope of doing so. Violence is the only solution. Therefore, kill the next generation of political Labour Party leaders. This is a necessary evil, but will save us from the greater murderousness of Islam in the long run. And, in a brutally logical way, that is just what Breivik did.

You can read Walter's excellent blogpost in full here.
http://www.newstatesman.com/blogs/guy-walters/2011/07/breivik-murder-f uture-commit

Now, I've written before about the oft-ignored threat from far-right, "white" terrorism - for example, in the New Statesman in July 2009 and in the Guardian in January 2011. In the latter piece, I noted how

FBI figures show between 2002 and 2005 there were 24 acts of terrorism recorded in the US; 23 of those incidents were carried out by non-Muslim,"domestic terrorists".

Often the reaction I get to such pieces amounts to a version of: "You're just saying all this because you're Muslim and you want to deflect attention away from the crimes of your co-religionists." There is an assumption among opinion-formers and decison-makers that the threat from far-right terrorism isn't as serious or worthy of debate and discussion as the threat from Islamist terorrism - despite the killing of 77 people in nearby Norway by a non-Muslim terrorist with extensive links to our own English Defence League (EDL).

Thankfully, the Home Affairs Select Committee, in a new report out today, seems to disagree with the conventional wisdom. MPs on the committee noted that there

appears to be a growth in more extreme and violent forms of far-right ideology. Indeed it is clear that individuals from many different backgrounds are vulnerable, with no typical profile or pathway to radicalisation.

The MPs concluded:

A view was expressed by some of those giving evidence to us, and those to whom we spoke less formally, that the revised Prevent Strategy only pays lip service to the threat from extreme far-right terrorism. We accept that Prevent resources should be allocated proportionately to the terrorist threat, and that to an extent we must rely upon the intelligence and security services to make this judgement. However, we received persuasive evidence about the potential threat from extreme far-right terrorism. The ease of travel and communications between countries in Europe and the growth of far-right organisations, which appear to have good communications with like-minded groups within Europe, suggest that the current lack of firm evidence should not be a reason for neglecting this area of risk. The Prevent Strategy should outline more clearly the actions to be taken to tackle far right radicalisation as well as explicitly acknowledge the potential interplay between different forms of violent extremism, and the potential for measures directed at far-right extremism to have a consequential effect on Islamist extremism, and vice versa.

Will Theresa May and co take notice of the report's conclusions? Will the media start shining a light on the very real threat from far-right terrorism? If not in the interests of fairness and balance, then at least in the interests of safety, security and self-preservation? I have my doubts...

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 3:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

An interesting post on this CIF thread:

Subsequently deleted by The Guardian's mods. Just unbelievable.



17 April 2012 3:58PM

Who is behind the rise of this network of the Far Right in Europe (and the US) that influenced Breivik? It is a question that demands deeper investigation.

Frank Gaffney, one of the founders of The Project for the New American Century (PNAC), is the head of a Neocon think tank called the Center for Security Policy (CSP), of which Christine Brim is Chief Operating Officer. On the advisory council of the CSP are fellow PNAC members, Douglas Feith and Richard Perle. Basically the CSP is a front for the same agenda as PNAC.

Brim founded a group called Center for Vigilant Freedom (CVF). The head of this group in the UK is Chris Knowles (aka Aeneas Lavinium). Accompanying Knowles while representing CVF at far-right gatherings across Europe was a woman under the alias of Dominique Devaux (also thought to be Gaia).

A Sunday Times investigation revealed Knowles and Gaia/Devaux were present at the founding meeting of the EDL. The Times has claimed Gaia is Ann Marchini, a buy-to-let property tycoon. Marchini's name also surfaced on a leaked list of EDL donors.

Marchini – who is also a friend and backer of Paul Weston, formerly of UKIP and now head of the British Freedom Party (BFP), a splinter group of the BNP – was present at the meeting where the BFP and the EDL formed their alliance.

The prominent figurehead who whipped up the outrage against the proposed Islamic Community Centre near the site of 9/11 (provocatively labelled by the right as the 'Ground Zero mosque') was free-market devotee and former financial journalist with the New York Daily News, Pamela Geller. Geller was lauded in the press by Caroline Glick, Deputy Managing Editor of The Jerusalem Post, and senior fellow of Middle East affairs at the CSP. Glick also served as assistant foreign policy advisor to Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Apparently, the registration of the website of the Coalition to Honor Ground Zero was traced to the CSP. The CSP also produced an ad for the Ground Zero Coalition against the 'mosque at Ground Zero.'

Geller also co-wrote a Neocon (& anti-Obama) book with Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch, the foreword of which was written by PNAC associate, John Bolton.

Geller has expressed support for the EDL and advocated ties between the Tea party and the EDL; while Brim, who has direct links with the EDL, has proposed connections with other Far Right factions like Le Pen's National Front on the condition they ditch their traditional anti-semitism. EDL have already met up with Tea Party groups in the US.

Chris Knowles in a US blog radio interview in 2007 unveiled a mission to establish "a network of networks" of Far Right groups across the US and Europe. Also disclosed was the idea of a network of counter-jihad (read Far Right) blogger radio stations. Edward May (aka Baron Bodissey), another director of CVF, also called for "a network of networks." Did this idea originate with CVF head, Christine Brim and her associates at the CSP? Breivik was a contributor to the anti-islamic website, Gates of Vienna, run by Edward May (- a website registered at Virginia, where Brim is a resident). A common feature of the website are calls for lone wolf actions.

So we have a direct link between prominent Neocons in the US, the founding of the EDL, and a network of networks of Far Right groups across Europe and the US.

Behind the counter-jihad front of these shadowy movers is fundamentalist free-market ideology, support for US militarism and pro-Israeli advocacy. The counter-jihad front is aimed not only at Muslim anti-imperialists but at Marxists and Anarchists.

Brim rails against Marxism, Geller’s blog was called 'Atlas Shrugs' in tribute to Ayn Rand, while Breivik told the police he was with the Anti-Communist Resistance Movement. The EDL, who claim to be against Islamification of the UK, have attacked anarchist Indymedia offices, and threatened and harassed Occupy camps (who are radical democrats).

Historical precedents (Operation Gladio, the Pinay Circle etc.) would point to the secret services as the shadowy puppet masters.

The leadership of the EDL have been vigorously pro-Israeli, which has provoked some disapproval among Far Right members who are historically anti-Jewish. From the beginning there have been Israeli flags waved at EDL demos, and in 2010 an EDL Jewish division was set up. The Israeli advocacy is not coming from the rank and file. It is part of a coordinated agenda from a higher command.

I also doubt if it's a coincidence that the EDL was formed around the homecoming parades for soldiers - which are part of a wide-ranging campaign orchestrated by the shadow state to brainwash the public into supporting militarism.

Frank Gaffney, Caroline Glick, Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Paul Weston - are all cited by Breivik in his manifesto.


The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.

Last edited by Mark Gobell on Sun Apr 22, 2012 3:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anders Breivik: Not mad, but definitely a failure

Wayne K. Spear Apr 17, 2012 – 8:52 AM ET
http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2012/04/17/wayne-k-spear-on-anders -breivik-not-mad-but-definitely-a-failure/

It’s odd that a journalist writing of the Norway murders for the Christian Science Monitor would dwell upon Hindu nationalism while failing to consider the Knight’s Templar, but such was the case in the days following this depraved act of violence:

“Mr. Breivik’s primary goal is to remove Muslims from Europe. But his manifesto invites the possibility for cooperation with Jewish groups in Israel, Buddhists in China, and Hindu nationalist groups in India to contain Islam. … [His] manifesto says he is among 12 ‘knights’ fighting within a dozen regions in Europe and the US, but not India. It’s not known yet whether this group, which he calls the Knights Templar Europe, actually exists.”

Of course, a Knights Templar did exist in Europe — and while in business, they made a name for themselves throughout the Crusades of the Middle Ages. I mention this because Andrew Berwick (or as he is now known, Anders Behring Breivik) begins here also. His 1,500-page “manifesto” bears a Knight’s Templar motto on its frontispiece: “Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Solomonici,” or “The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon.” If you detect the aroma of the secret society in this, allow me to remind you that the Freemasons, historically hostile toward to Christianity, liberally appropriated the symbols of the Knights as well. It’s an old business, this cult stuff.

Having gone through his weird and self-absorbed work, I arrive at two observations. The first is that the man has long marinated in the fetish of fame, and the second is that he represents an extreme manifestation of views which are unfortunately not unfamiliar. The current trial of this paranoid also-known-as is in a sense giving him exactly what he wants — a global platform. This fame has been lamented by survivors such as Tore Sinding Bekkedal, but it should be kept in mind that the regrettable gift is extended under the principle that the other hand will simultaneously take. Here I refer to the fact that this lowlife thug employed murder as a cheap marketing trick, the object of which was to get you and me to pay attention to his message. Yes, he’s been given the audience, which is for him a victory of a sort. However, we were then expected under this arrangement to rally around his ugly cause, rather than denounce it. Today the fact that he is a chained man, rather than the hero he clearly wishes to be, is the only consolation in this depressing and disgusting matter. There was a time crusader and bigots of his stamp might actually lead, and how good for us the pseudo-politics of racial hatred and xenophobia are now so widely discredited.

There is some controversy whether or not Breivik is indeed of sound mind. His acts seem to some too mad to be the product of a rational intelligence. The remarkable thing about his writing however is how tediously ordinary it is in many respects. He includes for instance a Question and Answer section which divulges his sexual interests and (limited) experiences. The last eight pages are awkwardly postured photos. In each case Breivik strikes a note of pathos, apparently absorbed in the notion that everything he is and does is inherently interesting. The effort comes across less as madness than as self-importance further puffed up by his chauvinism.

There are further themes in the manifesto one cannot responsibly ignore. The man is a medieval Holy War nostalgist and a cultural Catholic extremist who admires the awful bigot Serge Trifkovic and who, if he could meet two famous persons, chooses the Pope and Vladimir Putin. (This too is covered in the Q & A.) The Pope is valued as a defender of Christian culture, seen by Breivik as under attack from bolshevism and radical Islam. The choice of Putin derives from similar logic, as well as from the recent Chechen Wars, and it is worth noting here the recent political and cultural resurgence of the Russian Orthodox Catholic Church, an institution deeply invested in the Russian dictator’s fortunes.

The last and certainly least of this trio, Serge Trifkovic, is a Serbian nationalist and a former Radovan Karadzic spokesman. A Republika Srpska hack, ethnic cleansing denier and Muslim hater, Trifkovic is most known (along with Walid Phares) for the development and dissemination of the “taqiyya thesis” — the idea that all Muslims are terrorists bent on world domination, required by their religion to lie about this essential fact. Today his tribal prejudices, which had ample indulgences during the Christian-fascist killings of Bosnian Muslims in former Yugoslavia, find a receptive audience among the far right all around the world. This is the sort of folk Breivik most admires.

So if he is mad — and I don’t for a minute think he is — he at least has the lucidity needed to expound at length his thesis. Putting it as plainly as I can, that thesis is as follows. The Christian world is under attack and may only be redeemed through a violent and atavistic effort to repel modernism, as manifested in the twin forces of Bolshevism/Marxism and liberalism. Note that this is the argument which gained an audience in the late Weimar Republic, excepting one important detail: anti-Semitism. Nowhere does Breivik stoop in this manner, and nor does he profess to admire Hitler or the Third Reich. (Mein Kampf comes up, but only to make the point that Goebbels’ propaganda techniques are today being employed by the multiculturalists.) Rather than the familiar scapegoating of the Jews we find instead the Islamic menace, which has the curious effect of aligning this proto-fascist with Israel. Do not be misled however by the character of the creed in this new political sleeping arrangement.

As a parting exercise, I invite you to submit to a thought experiment. Imagine if you will that Breivik’s war does arrive, and in the form for which he has committed mass murder. Whose side will you be on? I myself have no desire to be on either. Precisely the things I detest about jihadism I hate also about Breivik’s holy war and the thinly-veiled authoritarianism of those who have attempted to qualify or explain away his actions. By apologize I refer to those who have publicly denounced his methods only to then say “he has a point.” If you crawl even a bit into his head, you see that you can’t pick and choose so languidly: the disease of his worldview is down to the bone. Returning to the point at which I began, I observe with relief the failure of Berwick’s appeal to Hindutva chauvinism and every other kind of bigotry. His manifesto is a failure, and he is a failure also. Meanwhile the work of civilization — in whose service labour millions of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, agnostics, and Hindus — marches forward. Amen.

National Post

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anders Breivik's spider web of hate

An analysis of the Norwegian killer's manifesto reveals the online network that features in his paranoid universe

Anders Breivik's manifesto mapped

Andrew Brown
guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 7 September 2011 16.04 BST
Article history

Mappin Breivik's manifesto

The Guardian has mapped the webpages Anders Breivik links to, and those pages that link back to Breivik's manifesto. Image: The Guardian

Anders Breivik's manifesto reveals a subculture of nationalistic and Islamophobic websites that link the European and American far right in a paranoid alliance against Islam and is also rooted in some democratically elected parties.

The Guardian has analysed the webpages he links to, and the pages that these in turn link to, in order to expose a spider web of hatred based around three "counter-jihad" sites, two run by American rightwingers, and one by an eccentric Norwegian. All of these draw some of their inspiration from the Egyptian Jewish exile Gisele Littman, who writes under the name of Bat Ye'or, and who believes that the European elites have conspired against their people to hand the continent over to Muslims.

As well as his very long manifesto, Breivik also laid out some of his thoughts on the Norwegian nationalist site Document.no. In his postings there, Breivik referred to something he called "the Vienna school of thought", which consists of the people who had worked out the ideology that inspired him to commit mass murder. He named three people in particular: Littman; the Norwegian Peder Jensen who wrote under the pseudonym of Fjordman; and the American Robert Spencer, who maintains a site called Jihad Watch, and agitates against "the Islamisation of America".

But the name also alludes to a blog called Gates of Vienna, run by an American named Edward "Ned" May, on which Fjordman posted regularly and which claims that Europe is now as much under threat from a Muslim invasion as it was in 1683, when a Turkish army besieged Vienna.

All of these paranoid fantasists share a vision articulated by the Danish far-right activist Anders Gravers, who has links with the EDL in Britain and with Spencer and his co-conspiracist Pamela Geller in the US. Gravers told a conference in Washington last year:

"The European Union acts secretly, with the European people being deceived about its development. Democracy is being deliberately removed, and the latest example being the Lisbon Treaty. However the plan goes much further with an ultimate goal of being a Eurabian superstate, incorporating Muslim countries of north Africa and the Middle East in the European Union. This was already initiated with the signing of the Barcelona treaty in 1995 by the EU and nine north African states and Israel, which became effective on the 1st of January, 2010. It is also known as the Euro-Mediterranean co-operation. In return for some European control of oil resources, Muslim countries will have unfettered access to technology and movement of people into Europe. The price Europeans will have to pay is the introduction of sharia law and removal of democracy."

Spencer's jihadwatch.org is linked to 116 times from Breivik's manifesto; May's Gates of Vienna 86 times; and Fjordman 114 times.

Spencer and Geller were the organisers of the protest against the so-called 9/11 mosque in New York City. They also took over Stop Islamisation of America, a movement with links to the EDL and to a variety of far-right movements across Europe. Of the two, Spencer is less of a fringe figure. He has been fulsomely interviewed by the Catholic Herald in this country and praised by Douglas Murray of the Centre for Social Cohesion, who called him "a profound and subtle thinker". Damian Thompson, a leader writer on the Telegraph, once urged his readers to buy Spencer's works, especially if they believed that Islam was "a religion of peace". Last week, Spencer's blog re-ran a piece from Geller's Atlas Shrugged website claiming that Governor Rick Perry, the creationist rightwinger from Texas, is actually linked to Islamists via Grover Norquist, the far-right tax cutter whom Geller claims is "a front for the Muslim Brotherhood". Geller also once republished a blogpost speculating that President Obama is the love child of Malcolm X.

As well as the "counter-jihad" websites such as Spencer's and May's, analysis of Breivik's web reveals a dense network of 104 European nationalist sites and political parties. Some of these are represented in parliaments: Geert Wilders's Dutch Freedom party; the French National Front; the Danish People's party, the Norwegian Progress party (of which Breivik was briefly a member before he left, disgusted with its moderation); the Sweden Democrats. Others, like the EDL, are fringe groupings. Then there are those in between, such as the Hungarian far-right party Jobbik. But they range all across Europe. They are united by hostility to Muslims and to the EU.

One place where these strands intertwine is the Brussels Journal, a website run by the Belgian Catholic MEP Paul Belien, a member of the far-right Vlaams Belang party. The British Europhobic Conservative MEP Daniel Hannan appeared for three years on the Brussels Journal's masthead. Hannan has since denounced the European neo-fascist parties as not really rightwing at all.

To appear on this list is not to be complicit in Breivik's crime. Peder "Fjordman" Jensen was so shocked by it that he gave himself up to the police and gave an interview to a Norwegian paper in which he appeared genuinely bewildered that his predictions of a European civil war should have led anyone to such violence.

It is still more unfair to blame Melanie Phillips. Although she was cited by Breivik at length for an article claiming that the British elite had deliberately encouraged immigration in order to break down traditional society and she has written that "Bat Ye'or's scholarship is awesome and her analysis is as persuasive as it is terrifying", she has also argued, with nearly equal ferocity, against the "counter-jihad" belief that there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim.

The world view of the counter-jihadis echoes that of the jihadis they feel threatened by. The psychological world of the jihadis has been described by the British psychiatrist Russell Razzaque, who rejected recruitment by Hizb ut-Tahrir when he was a medical student. It is not just a matter of a black-and-white world view, he says, though that is part of it. "It's a very warm embrace. You felt a sense of self-esteem, a sense of real embrace. Then it gives you a sense of purpose, which is also something you've never had so much. The purpose is a huge one. Part of a cosmic struggle when you're on the right side: you're another generation in the huge fight that goes back to the crusades."

This clearly mirrors Breivik's self-image. What makes him particularly frightening is that he seems to have radicalised himself, just as jihadis do, before he went looking for advice and guidance on the internet. But he was able to take the last few steps into mass murder all alone, so far as we know. Jihadi groups also withdraw from the world into a cramped and paranoid universe of their own. Suicide bombers such as the 9/11 and 7/7 groups spent months psyching each other up before the crime, talking obsessively for hours every day. But Breivik, though he withdrew from society to his farm, seems to have spent his time alone with the internet. It allowed him to hear his own choir of imaginary friends, and hear inside his head their voices cheering him on to murder and martyrdom. Here they are, mapped.


The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

And let's not forget how appalingly our Alex Jones dealt in denial with this attack - repeatedly accusing Breivik of being a patsy. Denying the possibility of a white gunman attacking white people.



About time: Breivik brings Knights Templar fake Christian racist banking cult to the public....
Breivik's evil bloodline: Pharoahs, Knights Templar, Masons, Theosophists, Nazis, Zionists, NATO, Bilderberg, EDL

TonyGosling wrote:
Husq wrote:
Of course the Templars admitted blasphemies....under torture no less.

Not excusing torture - despite it being the norm back then. The way led by the Templars!
But if you have a look here you'll see just one crystal clear reference to three Knights Templar whistleblowers who appeared before 13th October 1307.
Charges of heresy compiled with help from former Templar whistleblowers Esquin of Floyan, Bernard Pelet (Baron d’Alais?) & Gérard of Byzol (Caballero de Gisors?).

The Templars still hold a solid grip on modern imaginations and pop culture. They are frequently depicted as the mysterious controllers of the world in books like Umberto Eco's "Foucault's Pendulum" and movies like "National Treasure." "The Da Vinci Code" and "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" set the Templars up as secret keepers of the Holy Grail. They even appear as the enemies in video games like "Assassin's Creed."
Certainly, the organization that Breivik claims to be a member of is equally mysterious. Breivik describes the organization as "a leaderless network, made to be self-driven cells.” He said that “For militants, [Knights Templar] is meant to be a version of Al Qaeda." He has yet to name another member of the group, claiming that to do so would risk their being caught, though he has indicated that his "English mentor" can be found in London and that a Serb "war hero" living in Liberia is among the group's ranks.
Whether or not the Templars in which Breivik claims membership are real, the name is likely meant to evoke both the mysterious nature of the original Templars and their open war against Muslim forces during the Crusades. The historical Templars' modern reputation and supposed influence makes a strong symbolic counterpoint to terrorist groups like Al Qaeda.
http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Global-News/2012/0418/Why-does-Norway-s -Breivik-invoke-the-Knights-Templar-video

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Prosecutors have said they do not believe Breivik's so-called "Knights Templar" group exists.

Breivik insists it does, and said police just had not done a good enough job in uncovering it.

The issue is of key importance in determining Breivik's sanity...

The Independent

Establishing whether Knights Templar exists beyond Breivik's imagination is of key importance in legally determining his sanity.

The Guardian



Today's evidence included Breivik's year long "sabbatical" playing World of Warcraft and Call of Duty in his bedroom, although he was at pains to emphasise that it had nothing to do with his crime ...

Reminiscent of Michael Ryan's postal "game playing" as the throbbing headed Phodius Tei, standing in a forest waiting to begin slaying the Terrans, before his real world massacre began in Savernake Forest, Hungerford...

Jeremy Josephs: One Man's Massacre


Despite the apparent credulity of all those to whom he told his stories, Ryan craved yet more fantasy. Imagine his delight, then, when he discovered that this was available via mail order. As if designed to cater specifically for his needs, Ryan is said to have paid £5 to become a subscriber to a bizarre postal game called ‘Further into Fantasy’. It was a cruder version of the better-known ‘Dungeons and Dragons’, the most popular of such fantasy war games. Power is earned through the murder of enemies and monsters, with players growing in power and status as they execute various grisly assignments allocated to them.

Opting to be a high priest of an evil serpent god, and paying £1.50 for each turn, Ryan adopted the code-name Phodius Tei.

In July 1987 he received a final challenge from Set, the game’s serpent god, who lived on the planet Dorm:

‘You have been one of my greatest Terran priests and as such are worthy of the power I offer. But Phodius, you have one last point to prove ... can you kill your fellow Terrans? I offer you one last challenge.

Will you accept, Phodius, to go back to Terra and slay them, to devour their souls in the name of Set the immortal god?’

TWO weeks later Ryan received what was to be his final message:

’When at last you awake you are standing in a forest, there is a throbbing in your head, a madness that is the exhilaration of the serpent god, you know what you must do, know what power is to be gained from this.’

Ryan had indeed stood in a forest. Sue Godfrey [his first victim] had discovered that.

It is reasonable to assume too that there had also been a throbbing in Ryan’s head, for he had taken two paracetamols on the morning of the massacre.

In fact many of those who encountered Ryan that day would later refer to the blank expression on his face. ‘Brain-dead’ had been the most popular phrase of the day.

And Ryan would himself tell Sergeant Brightwell that the entire day had been ‘like a bad dream’.

Had he not therefore been acting out, in his own way, these coded commands received through the post, unable or unwilling to distinguish between fantasy and reality?

Of course it is one possibility, but by no means the only one.

And in any case no evidence was ever produced to prove conclusively that Ryan had participated in these bizarre fantasy games, despite an investigation carried out by the Thames Valley Police.


Anders Breivik 'trained' for shooting attacks by playing Call of Duty

Breivik tells court he practised his shot using a 'holographic aiming device' while playing video game

Helen Pidd in Oslo
guardian.co.uk, Thursday 19 April 2012 12.08 BST
Article history

Anders Behring Breivik told the court he practised his shot using the 'holographic aiming device' he had bought to use with the war simulation game. Photograph: Stoyan Nenov/REUTERS

Anders Behring Breivik has described how he "trained" for the attacks he carried out in Norway last summer using the computer game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

The 33-year-old said he practised his shot using a "holographic aiming device" on the war simulation game, which he said is used by armies around the world for training.

"You develop target acquisition," he said. He used a similar device during the shooting attacks that left 69 dead at a political youth camp on the island of Utøya on 22 July.

Describing the game, he said: "It consists of many hundreds of different tasks and some of these tasks can be compared with an attack, for real. That's why it's used by many armies throughout the world. It's very good for acquiring experience related to sights systems."

He added: "If you are familiar with a holographic sight, it's built up in such a way that you could have given it to your grandmother and she would have been a super marksman. It's designed to be used by anyone. In reality it requires very little training to use it in an optimal way. But of course it does help if you've practised using a simulator."

The prosecution asked Breivik if he was aware that "there are some bereaved people sitting here in the courtroom who lost children at Utøya". How do you think they are feeling, Breivik was asked. "They are probably reacting in a natural way, with disgust and horror," he said.

The court also heard that Breivik took what he called a "sabbatical" for a year between the summers of 2006 and 2007, which he devoted to playing another game, World of Warcraft (WoW), "hardcore" full time. He admitted he spent up to 16 hours every day that year playing from his bedroom in his mother's Oslo flat.

But he insisted WoW had nothing to do with the attacks he carried out last year, leaving 77 dead.

He said: "Some people like to play golf, some like to sail, I played WoW. It had nothing to do with 22 July. It's not a world you are engulfed by. It's simply a hobby."

He added: "WoW is only a fantasy game, which is not violent at all. It's just fantasy. It's a strategy game. You co-operate with a lot of others to overcome challenges. That's why you do it. It's a very social game. Half of the time you are connected in communication with others. It would be wrong to consider it an antisocial game."

Breivik said he "deserved" his sabbatical because he had worked an average of 12-14 hours every day between 2002 and 2006 on various entrepreneurial projects.

He said: "I felt I had sacrificed a lot. Because of that I felt I deserved to take one year off to do what I wanted. Especially bearing in mind the upcoming so-called suicide action … I wanted to have no remorse as to what I had missed out on."

He denied playing the game and moving back in with his mother because his business ventures, including a firm selling fake diplomas, had failed.

"If you assess what you read in media, you would think I moved back home and rented a room in my mother's house because my company had gone bankrupt," he said, claiming to have had 600-700,000 rone (£65,000-76,000) in bank accounts and 300,000KR (£32,5000) in cash, which he stashed in two safes in his bedroom at the start of his sabbatical. He only filed for bankruptcy to save on the accounting costs associated with winding down a company in a conventional way, he said.

Breivik insisted he only moved back in with his mother to save 15,000KR in monthly rent and spend more time writing his "compendium". He did not claim benefits, saying: "I have never received a single krone from any government subsidy or support because I am in principle against living off such subsidies or welfare."

He said his friends and family, particularly his mother, reacted with "shock and disbelief" when he announced he was going to play on his computer full time.

"I told her that I was going to allocate time to do what I had wanted to do. She reacted in that way, which is [a] fairly normal, healthy reaction," he said, adding: "It would have been quite abnormal if she had just said: 'Oh that's great, go ahead.' I couldn't tell her I was taking a sabbatical because I was going to blow myself up in five years' time. I played on the idea that: 'Ooh, I've become addicted to games.' That was my primary cover."

It was a convenient "cover" and allowed him to isolate himself and concentrate on his forthcoming "operation". But he insisted repeatedly he was not a loner and had been out and about in the months leading up to the attacks in July last year.

Breivik was also asked about his membership of the masons. He said he joined because it was a "Christian organisation which has protected many European traditions" but said he was not an active member.

It was a "hobby", he said, claiming to have only attended "about five" meetings. It was another "militant nationalist" who suggested he join, he claimed.

See also: Anders Behring Breivik trial, day four - Thursday 19 April


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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

For a group that is not supposed to exist it's pretty clear it does exist.

Breivik refuses to tell trial of Malta ‘far-right’ mentor
http://www.maltatoday.com.mt/en/newsdetails/news/national/Breivik-refu ses-to-tell-trial-of-Malta-far-right-mentor-20120418
Norwegian accused of mass murder refuses to tell court of English far-right mentor’s role in Utoya massacre.
Anders Behring Breivik this morning refused to answer questions before a Norwegian court on whether he had an "English mentor" called "Richard" who resides in Malta.
Facing his third day of trial for mass murder and terrorism, the court was shown Breivik's statement to the police from July in which he described three men he met in London as part of an alleged "inaugural meeting" of the Knights Templar, including the so-called mentor - as "some of the most brilliant political and military tacticians" in Europe.
Breivik claimed, the three came up with a "detailed long term plan on how to seize power in Western Europe"....

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:45 am    Post subject: Oslo: Breivik's defense speech at the 22/7 trial Reply with quote

I happened to be present at the Oslo courthouse on Tuesday, April 17th, watching and listening to 22/7 terrorist Anders Behring Breivik's 75 minute main prepared defense speech. A speech that the press and media were banned from broadcasting to the general public. These are my thoughts after following the story for almost nine months.

The first thing that has to be said, is that watching Breivik defend himself for 5 hours this Tuesday removed each and every doubt that he is indeed «legally sane», in the sense that he is absolutely fit to be punished by the Norwegian judicial system for his criminal terrorist acts. All «experts» who say otherwise are flat out lying. This is a sane, rational, logically stringent man of great wit, who happens to also have some pretty effed up ideological views that have made him become a mass murderer and a terrorist.

It should also be said right from the start of this article that there is little doubt that he carried out both the bombing in Oslo and the shooting at Utøya. What remains to be seen is whether he had accomplices and what parts of the misdeeds these people took part in. There were also some pretty amazing instances of police SNAFU - 27 according to one commentator, but a lot more if you look more closely. There's a string of maybe 40 or 50 or 60 grave mistakes on behalf of the police, guards and government, making them unable to stop Breivik before the bombing of Oslo, stop him getting out of Oslo and to nearby Utøya, and to stop the shooting ASAP when Breivik amazingly managed to get himself transported over the sound to Utøya island, using the Labour Party's own ferry.

So many instances of SNAFU, in fact, that the mathematical probability of them all occuring on the same day or relating to the same person, should tell you all you need to know. And of course, in the weeks and months after the terror, documents, tapes and other evidence started disappearing. As by invisible hands.

OK. So, returning to the terrorist's defense speech on Tuesday, April 17th. Breivik started telling us how there'd been no real post-WW2 democracy in Norway, because «nationalists» like himself were not allowed free speech and democratic rights. This should tell us that he wanted there to be more democracy, and that Norwegian democracy should also include «ultra nationalists», a fair point that even I could agree on.

However, he messes it up by contradicting himself completely. He loves America, and especially a certain McCarthy, the postwar communist witchhunt general, and he regrets that McCarthyism didn't go far enough and never succeeded in sending alleged «commie» American citizens to Soviet Russia. So, really, when it comes to a more real and including democracy with less political censorship, our terrorist is only in favour of it when it applies to his chums, and to his «nationalist» parties.

Apart from this ideologically induced blindness or logical breakdown, he argues convincingly that censoring a movement like his own for too long, eventually will make members of that movement resort to other means, even violence.

His speech more generally was aimed at reaching out to a slightly broader audience than his Manifesto and his earlier writing on Norwegian websites, or to «unite national conservatism, which I support, with national socialism and militant cristendom», as he put it himself. So the strategy obviously is to appeal to a broader spectrum of racists, and to play down the Zionist issue, which devides Breivik, JDL, EDL, NDL and Knights Templar, on the one side, from other nationalists and nazis, on the other.

Breivik talks rather openly about the strategy of supporting and expanding «street extremism», like the JDL, EDL and NDL (Jewish, English and Norwegian Defense League, respectively), while at the same time building a network of single cell terror operatives, borrowing tactics from - yup - al-Qaida.

The reason for using terror cells consisting of only one man, says Breivik, is to avoid the eyes of anti-terror agencies. This way he only needed to meet with his comrades once or twice during a decade, if we choose to believe him, and I guess blogs, forums, RSS feeds, social media etc took care of the rest.

Breivik also tries to use the term «counter jihad» as much as possible, rather than «zionism», which is what he really supports, and he has succeeded in having sold this bogus «counter jihad» term to the Norwegian mainstream media. To quote from the terrorist's Manifesto:

«So let us fight together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all anti-Zionists, against all cultural Marxists/multiculturalists.»

So, then, this is what it came to in Norway: Where we could have had the press digging into and revealing the horrific lies of the 9/11 terror attacks ten years after the events, instead we got a snob from the West who bombed his own city using «al-Qaida tactics», and who shot fellow Norwegian kids taking part in a summer youth camp for young politicians and future administrators, because he believed the lies and racist conspiracy theories fed to him for ten years by every newspaper, radio and TV station in this nation and throughout the West. Malicious, racist lies about muslims behind every terrorist act from New York and Bali, through Madrid and London, to Mumbai and Stockholm.

The mythical snake - Midgardsormen - seems to be biting its own tail: False-flag terrorism over a long, sad decade goes unnoticed by the press, the journalists and the editors, and the inevitable end-product of these ten years of lies and cowardice and cover-up is our very own Nordic mass murderer and terrorist; Anders Behring Breivik.

Whether he had handlers or not we don't know, and the press and the police for some reason don't seem very eager to find out, he is now the shining example, or knight in shining armour, intended to inspire many, many followers in Scandinavia, Europe and America.

He will even be allowed internet access in jail, and thus to build, expand and strengthen his zionist terrorist networks, both on the streets and in the single-man sleeper cells.


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> this is a crisis i knew had to come
> destroying the balance i'd kept
> turning around to the next set of lies
> wondering what will come next
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:36 am    Post subject: I changed the title and posted it on 9/11 Truth Norway Reply with quote

Breivik uniting Zionism and Nazism
> this is a crisis i knew had to come
> destroying the balance i'd kept
> turning around to the next set of lies
> wondering what will come next
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 7:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Can we merge this with the main ABB thread please mods ?

Thanks for that Torstein.

Would you be able to expland on the snafus and the lost evidence please ?

Is there a transcript of his 13 page statement anywhere ?

The reasons for non recognition of the court and the news camera blackout in court during his testimony kind of makes his point for him too.

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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scienceplease 2
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Indeed, thanks, Torstein.

How did he lays the bomb(s)? Was it just a single car bomb in Oslo? (The damage was incredible - surely a professional job - what was Breivik's job?)

If he drove the car bomb then how did he escape? Did he have a second car in position to escape in?

How did he cross to the Island so quickly with all that weaponry?

I think they are trying to build a case
a) "The Lone Gunman theory" (No conspiracy here, move along...)
b) Internet censorship or monitoring!
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanx for your response.

I can answer everything you ask, but not now. Totally worn out and sleep deprived. Weekend is looking very good, though... Smile

Take care.

> this is a crisis i knew had to come
> destroying the balance i'd kept
> turning around to the next set of lies
> wondering what will come next
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Torstein.
We discussed the case on the show tonight
Seems pretty clear the prosecuting authorities are playing silly buggers and pretending there is no far right online terror network. Has Breivik been back online and active though as a sort of neo-Nazi hero figure online??
Martin Summers has strong views as usual

Anders Breivik Trial: Norway Killer Refuses To Detail London 'Knights Templar' Visit
Huffington Post - Norwegian mass-killer Anders Breivik refused to give details about a visit to London ten years ago where he claimed anti-Islamic organisation the Knights Templar was founded on Wednesday.
Anders Breivik has refused to give details about his visit to London 10 years ago, during which he claimed an anti-Islamic organisation called the Knights Templar was founded.
Questioned by prosecution on whether he met fellow anti-Islamic activists including a character named 'Richard The Lionheart' in London in 2002, as detailed in his notorious manifesto, Breivik said there was a meeting but was evasive about the exact details. "It is not in my interest to shed light on details that could lead to arrests," he told the Oslo court on Wednesday.
"There is nothing that is made up, but you have to see what is written in a context. It is a glorification of certain ideals," Breivik said in relation to his manifesto.
But he was warned by the judge that a refusal to give details in response to questioning could be used against him.
Prosecutors showed images of Breivik taken from his manifesto. A badge on the uniform read "Marxist Hunter"
Appearing on the third day of his trial for the murder of 77 people in July last year, the 33-year-old did not discuss claims in the document about his "English protestant host" and the founding session of the Knights Templar group.
Prosecutors have said they believe no such organisation exists.
While the killer's credit card was used in London at the time, it is not clear he met with any fellow activists.
An EDL member who blogs under the name "lionheart" has previously denied meeting Breivik.
Breivik told the court on Tuesday said he "would do it all again because he was motivated by goodness, not evil."
During the trial he told the judge: "I do not recognise the Norwegian courts"
The far-right extremist said his bombing campaign and shooting spree was the "most sophisticated and spectacular political attack seen in Europe" since World War II.....

EDL Financer Alan Lake is Breivik's "perfect knight"
12:44 pm, Wed 27 Jul 2011 - MPAC
Norway's Zionist terrorist, Anders Behring Breivik, met the English Defence League leadership at a bizarre 2002 London initiation ceremony of the Knights Templar.
Breivik met EDL financier and political controller Alan Lake, according to the “founding father” of the EDL, Paul Ray, on his own blog. The video above shows Alan Lake being interviewed on Norwegian TV (23 seconds in).
In his 1,500 page terror manual Breivik described how he met a man he calls Richard and describes as a “perfect Knight” at the April 2002 meeting in London.
This was the inaugural meeting of the “European Military Order and Criminal Tribunal” of the “Knights Templar”. Breivik went on to state that;
“The order is to serve as an armed Indigenous Rights Organisation and as a Crusader Movement”
Breivik said he regarded himself as a successor to the medieval Knights Templar, a Christian Zionist group that sought to reclaim Jerusalem from Islamic occupation.

Breivik refuses to tell trial of Malta ‘far-right’ mentor
Malta Today - Norwegian accused of mass murder refuses to tell court of English far-right mentor’s role in Utoya massacre.
Anders Behring Breivik this morning refused to answer questions before a Norwegian court on whether he had an "English mentor" called "Richard" who resides in Malta.
Facing his third day of trial for mass murder and terrorism, the court was shown Breivik's statement to the police from July in which he described three men he met in London as part of an alleged "inaugural meeting" of the Knights Templar, including the so-called mentor - as "some of the most brilliant political and military tacticians" in Europe.
Breivik claimed, the three came up with a "detailed long term plan on how to seize power in Western Europe"....

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 9:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mainstream, ABC, BBC And The Conversation Censor Common Pro-Zionism Of Breivik And US Alliance Mass Murderers

By Dr Gideon Polya - 21 April, 2012 - Countercurrents.org

An Elephant in the Room reality that the endlessly lying, Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist (NAZI)-beholden Western Mainstream media are trying to keep under wraps is that the Norwegian killer Anders Breivik (killer of 77 people) is not just a mass murderer but is like the mass murdering US Alliance and Apartheid Israel leaders (killers of 12 million people in the post-1990 US War on Muslims) in being a racist, genocidal, neofascist, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, pro-Israel, and pro-Zionist mass murderer.

Thus, by way of example, if you Google the term “pro-Zionist ” you will get 6 million results and the number 1 is an article in the pro-Zionist Jerusalem Post that quotes pro-Israel, pro-Zionist mass murderer Anders Breivik attacking anti-racist Jews: “Jews that support multi-culturalism today are as much of a threat to Israel and Zionism as they are to us. So let us fight together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all anti-Zionists, against all cultural Marxists/multiculturalists”, and states of Breivik's Manifesto: “In the 1,500-page tome, which mentions Israel 359 times and “Jews” 324 times, Breivik lays out his worldview, which includes an extreme, bizarre and rambling screed of Islamophobia, far-right Zionism and venomous attacks on Marxism and multi-culturalism.” (see Ben Hartman, “ Norway attack suspect had anti-Muslim, pro-Israel views”, The Jerusalem Post: http://www.jpost.com/International/Article.aspx?id=230762 ).

However if you do an ABC Search of the Australian taxpayer-funded ABC (the Australian equivalent of the UK BBC) just for the term “pro-Zionist” you will get only 8 results, of which 4 are listener comments by me, of these only 2 refer to Breivik, and both of those involve detailed comments by me on ABC deficient reportage about the massacre (see: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/democracy-a nd-extremists/2927952 and http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/justice-and -the-enemy/3958668 ), The latter comment about an article on the ABC Radio National Late Night Live program was eventually completely censored out by the ABC, which by this egregious censorship of anti-racist Jewish opinion is apparently, like mass murderer Anders Breivik, opposing “anti-Zionists” and “Jews that support multiculturalism” (for further ABC censorship of anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish opinion see “ABC censors anti-racist Jewish intellectuals opposed to genocidal, racist, Apartheid Israeli “law of return”: https://sites.google.com/site/abccensorship/abc-censors-anti-racist ” , and “ABC Censorship”: https://sites.google.com/site/abccensorship/ ) .

If you do a BBC Search for the term “pro-Zionist” you find no mention of pro-Zionist Breivik and only1 result, an article about the British imprisonment of 251 Zionist terrorists in Eritrea during World War 2, one of them being genocidal terrorist Yitzhak Shamir who was a member of the genocidal Irgun terrorism group, thence a member of the even more militant Stern Gang terrorist organization and was later to become a prime minister of Apartheid Israel (see “ Britain's Guantanamo Bay””, BBC News, 6 August 2002: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/2175882.stm ; see also “Censorship by the BBC”: https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbythebbc/bbc-censors-bbc ).

The Australian academic-based and Australian university-backed webzine "The Conversation" has a disgraceful record of censorship of anti-racist, humanitarian opinion, and in particular such opinion relating to pro-Zionist mass murderer Anders Breivik (see "Censorship by The Conversation": https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by  ) - good reasons why Asian students, notably Chinese and Indian students, should cease coming to study at the universities of a White Australia that censors informed, credentialled, humanitarian academic opinion opposed to US Asian wars (36 million war-related deaths since 1950) and the post-1990 US War on Muslims (12 million war-related deaths; see “Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/muslimholocaustmuslimgenocide/ ).

Below is one example of repeated egregious censorship by the academic-based The Conversation of comments about the pro-Zionist mass murderer Breivik.

On 16 April 2012 . The Conversation published an article about the sanity or otherwise of Breivik and entitled “Mad or bad – expert witnesses and the Anders Breivk trial”: https://theconversation.edu.au/mad-or-bad-expert-witnesses-and-the-and ers-breivik-trial-6403 . My following carefully researched comments on the article were censored out:

“The article as well as Western and Australian Mainstream media, including the taxpayer-funded ABC, have resolutely ignored the following 2 Elephant in the Room realities of the Norway massacre.

1. Several days before 69 Young Labor activists were murdered by Breivik they had publicly demonstrated for tougher Norwegian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel for its crimes against the Palestinians)(for details and a photograph see BDS, "Palestinian civil society expresses solidarity with people of Norway", 27 July 2011: http://www.bdsmovement.net/2011/solidarity-with-people-of-norway-7684# .T4ybsdnaSeI ).

2. Neo-Nazi mass murderer Breivik was also a pro-Zionist extremist who set out in his 1,500 page Manifesto his demand for the ethnic cleansing of Muslims from Europe, Turkey, China, India, Thailand, the Philippines and Palestine (see "Anders Breibvik": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anders_Behring_Breivik ).


"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 10:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A goodly source of lots of valuable information there Tony. Thanks.

Today on The Guardian's CIF thread, one of my posts included the question about why is it we're discussing Al Qaeda in relation to ABB when the world's media is silent on his allegiance with and support for Zionism.

I included this in that post as evidence:

“In the 1,500-page tome, which mentions Israel 359 times and “Jews” 324 times.

The reaction from the pro-Israel CIF lobby was that a word count is worthless without context ...

I wasn't expecting an in depth analysis of Zionism as an evil ideology that motivated a mass murderer, but please ...

The post above about the PNAC / Zionist axis of evil alliance with all things EDL etc., was actually highly recommended.

The Norwegian style of trial seems to ruffling lots of feathers too. Jonathan Fredland among them.


The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've reviewed the thread and thought that we had this information but all I can find is references to the Oslo anti terror exercise at the Opera House days before 22/7

The following Aftenposten describes an anti-terror exercise in Oslo for "a very similar scenario" or "an almost identical situation" that ended at 3pm on 22/7, just 26 minutes before the (two?) bombs, which involved officers from the same police unit that went to Utoya.

If Torstein can translate more accurately it would be a great help.


Google translation of this Aftenposten article

Trained at Utøya scenario 22 July

Only hours before Anders Breivik Behring began firing at the youths Utøya, police emergency squad completed an exercise where they practiced an almost identical situation.

The four days in advance, and also the same Friday that the attack was carried out, trained police emergency squad to an ongoing terrorist campaign that was approximately equal to the situation hours later encountered the 22 police officers in the emergency squad on Utøya.

Aftenposten has received confirmation from key sources in the management of the Oslo police that the exercise was terminated at 15 the same Fridays.

All officers from the emergency squad that participated in its ministries by car bomb and later came ashore at Utøya and arrested Behring Anders Breivik, had earlier that day and in the days ahead participated in training in a very similar scenario.

Thus did the police as far as to stop the exercise before they had trained on the reality.

The training shall thereafter Aftenposten know, have gone straight into the met police Tyrifjorden the same day: a mobile terrorist attacks in which one or more perpetrators only goal is to shoot as many people as possible and then shoot the police when they arrive.

- It was very close to the answer key. Chance would have it that way, says a key police source, who will not quoted by name.


The police should not be trained on a scenario with as many victims as they met at Utøya.

Police special unit trains continuously. But each quarter, the "blocks" where they train to different types of scenarios.

These are different scenarios police envisions might occur where the emergency squad should be inserted. There may be action indoors, in cities or in other environments.

According to police, this is a scenario they exercise repeatedly in the year and has trained for several years, especially after certain events in other countries.

26 minutes

Only 26 minutes after training for the emergency squad was concluded, went car bomb in its ministries. Emergency Squad was in the early position.

17.30 was the staff of the Oslo police told a shooting at Utøya. They attached so much trust in the message that the emergency squad sat in the cars they already had in Government buildings and cars that came from the police station in Greenland in Oslo.

On the way they struggled to reach the North Buskerud Police District, but at 18.02, six minutes before they arrived, they contact and agreed to meet at Storøya.

There were seven people from the emergency squad and three officers from the Northern Buskerud Police District into a 4.9 meter long rubber dinghy. This was so heavily loaded that it started taking in water. Police were assisted by a civilian boat and drove towards Utøya.


The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 5:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anders Breivik, hates Muslims, loves Al Qaeda ...

Attack on the Labor Party

Google translation [edited for clarity]:

Day 5, word for word: – Tries not to comprehend the families’ suffering


Read Friday’s second part of prosecutors Inga Bejer Engh and Svein Holden questioning by Anders Breivik Behring below:

VG: – The judges are now in court.

Judge Wenche Elizabeth Arntzen: – As negotiations continue.

Defense Geir Lippestad: – Breivik, I have asked you some questions about the preseason and how you acquired your knowledge, and so little about how you did versus the social event. There are not many questions again, but I think they are important. Can you keep a little bit where you were, what you have studied al-Qaeda’s actions?

Anders Breivik Behring: – Let’s see. In other words. One may say that it was created after 9/11. after that, there have been the biggest security risks for Europe, if we are to believe in the intelligence agencies say. And al-Qaeda also have a propagandadel, including a magazine called Inspire.

Defense Geir Lippestad: – Is there a magazine that you read in any way?

Anders Breivik Behring: – There is endless information to Inspire I have access to, which is also used by militant nationalists.

Defense Geir Lippestad: – But this is the magazine readily available? If it is released by al-Qaeda, it is perhaps not so readily available?

Anders Breivik Behring: – Unless it gets hacked by the CIA and it will be added to muffins recipes, it is available. Now of course those who make it have been killed, but it was available earlier.

Defense Geir Lippestad: – And that magazine, I read you?

Comments from VG Morten Hopperstad: Judge Arntzen has set right after the break. Now you want Lippestad and hear Breivik explain how he has studied al-Qaeda terrorist attacks. Arntzen is the court’s administrator management negotiations. She has since 2009 been a member of the EOS range, such as conducting inspections of PST, but the job makes her not disqualified, according to the district court.

Anders Breivik Behring: – I have gained access to some information, yes. [As it was, ask Lippestad] It was well after 2006, between there and 2011. And a well-known strategy for al-Qaida is to camouflage emergency vehicles. You kill a certain number of people and then comes a vehicle and kill emergency personnel. It is not appropriate for me. – But that’s where I got the idea for FedEx uniform and police uniform. [Lippestad: Through this magazine?]

Defense Geir Lippestad: – Are there other things you got inspiration from there? You mentioned having a major attack, and then have a second attack, when the emergency personnel, but there were other things in these actions you are charged?

Anders Breivik Behring: – It was not really the most use of vehicles and information related to vehicles that I have learned from these sources. The problem with militant Islamists is that they are obsessed with explosives, so they shoot based events I was not from them. – But I have learned a lot and have learned a lot of al-Qaeda. [Lippestad follow up: If you can estimate how much time you have studied al-Qaeda and their working methods. Are we talking an hour or one hundred hours?] – There are very many series that have been made, numerous documentaries, war movies, where it is perhaps not very much can learn, but one or two things. If you look at enough documents, you can learn a lot. There has been information retrieval through the usual pop culture.

Defense Geir Lippestad: – In addition to that you simply have read the al-Qaeda’s own magazine? [Breivik: - Yes.]

Do a google search on Anders Breivik Inspire Magazine or Anders Breivik Al Qaeda / Al Qaida Inspire etc

The only hit I get is from the Wordpress blog from where these transcripts have been copied.

Complete global news blackout ...

Good enough to report on the "Stock Exchange Plot" and other plots for Muslims

but not newsworthy in the case of ABB.


The psy-op fly trap Al Q Mag, Inspire is / was so obviously produced by the usual suspects and so for me adds more weight to the possibility of ABB being some kind of mind programmed zomboid.

Nobody who knows anything about these matters, would proclaim inspiration from the fake Al Q Inspire Mag apart from media propagandists / intel agencies / police / prosecution.

Utterly ridiculous and highly curious as to why we cannot be told about the very words ABB testified to on Day 5

Anders Breivik Behring: – There is endless information to Inspire I have access to, which is also used by militant nationalists.



The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mark, I can confirm they (the terror squad) were holding an exercise for five days ending July 22nd at 15.00 (3 pm), just 10-15 minutes before the bomb van was placed in front of the Prime Minister's office.

The Opera terror rehearsal, though, took place in 2010, and not 2011. It got confused with the current situation because of a web server error at Aftenposten.no.

PS: Still working on the list of police SNAFUs, and the list of missing documents, tapes etc post-22/7. Perhaps some of you could try to get them into the English Wikipedia article when the lists are finished?

> this is a crisis i knew had to come
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Torstein,

Mark G just posted fifteen maximum size pages of google translated trial transcript on this thread rendering it virtually impossible to navigate and making it very difficult for meaningful discussion to take place on this earth-shatteringly crucial trial so I have suspended him for a couple of days.

Those acres of transcript have been split off into as separate thread here

rather like Mark's numerology which has been separated out to here

I know this may seem a bit draconian to some but I'm sure Mark's next contribution (if there is one) after Torstein's exellent pieces will be more measured after time and thought and can wait a couple of days.

BTW I just quoted Torstein's piece in this year's (probable) Bilderberg venue announement.
http://groups.google.com/group/pepis/browse_thread/thread/1d82ed80028f da35

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks, Tony.

I was just thinking - having been asked by Jim Fetzer and/or Nick Kollerstrom in a radio interview back in September whether I would now retract the word 'NOT' from my July 28th post title Oslo Zionist terror NOT a false flag op - that maybe you could say it becomes a false-flag now, with huge help from the mass media, when they consistently leave out the fact that he's an extreme, violent Zionist, and that the Zionist cause is also Breivik's cause.

So, in this new twist in deception, the perpetrator is the same physical person, but his image is distorted in MSM media outlets all over the West until everyone thinks he's a Nazi or Nationalist, despite his massacre of Norwegian youths - his own 'tribe' - and despite his preoccupation with Israel, England and America as the Forces of Good in this world.

A true Norwegian nationalist would rather want independence and self-rule for Norway from the EU, NATO, Bilderbergs, CFRs, banksters and freemasons of this world, methinks.

The truth is, Breivik massacred those youth politicians because they were anti-Zionists, perfectly in line with his much quoted line in his Manifest:

«So let us fight together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all anti-Zionists, against all cultural Marxists/multiculturalists.»

> this is a crisis i knew had to come
> destroying the balance i'd kept
> turning around to the next set of lies
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've secured a ticket for the trial again tomorrow.

Tuesday will be the day that the Government HQ security administration are questioned. These are the same people whose leader told NRK back in early August that «wrongly parked cars in that area are NOT a POTENTIAL terror threat» and KEPT their jobs.

Also, they sat and watched the CCTV feed of Breivik arriving, parking his car and leaving it in a hurry with a helmet and a handgun, on his way to the escape car, all without feeling the slightest bit alarmed. As far as I know, they didn't even leave their offices OR call the police.

They were going on in the press about how it would take maybe an hour or so for a bomb-squad from the Oslo police to come along, and yadayadayada.

Some people might ask why they called themselves 'security' at all, in a prime government building in a street without anti-terrorist buffers securing the prime minister's office.

(Angry now, sorry. It's just that these «silly things» pile up, and you sense a more sinister pattern underneath it all.)

> this is a crisis i knew had to come
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Do you know anyone who might be able to have a look for possible odd
stuff in the audio track that Anders Breivik, the anti-'Eurabian' mass
murderer in Norway, used in his video?

The video is here:


It is 12 minutes long. Breivik started weeping when it was played in
court, 8 minutes in.

You probably already know that his 'manifesto' contained latitude and
longitude information, next to other information not yet known to have
been decrypted, in its footnotes.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've forwarded it, Tony.

News from court: 4 new never-before-seen CCTV images were released today (attached).

Also, the tunnels beneath the bomb crater - two levels of them knocked through by the bomb - did NOT diminish the power and impact of the bomb above ground. Despite the tabloid media and everyone saying this from week one.

According to a military explosives expert - Christensen - the shock wave from the bomb had already left the ground BEFORE the hole was knocked through the asphalt and 60 cm of roof (sand, stones, wires) above the government tunnels.

Somehow, I find this guy credible (I was there watching him on screen, and his presentation was also broadcast by national and probably international media).

Oslo bomb explosion 22/7
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> this is a crisis i knew had to come
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

thanks Torstein, but I have some sad news as ever from a British elite institution - this time the Daily Telegraph
This apology for fascist terrorism in the UK mainstream media should be publicised as widely as possible.

Incredibly the Daily Telegraph blogs published a piece a few days ago by some fascist apologist called Roger Hicks who calls himself a 'philosopher' entitled.

In Defence of Anders Breivik.
http://my.telegraph.co.uk/philosopherkin/rogerhicks/891/in-defence-of- anders-breivik/
Britain and western Europe are already, natively and unsustainably, overpopulated - having seen my own country, Britain, transformed beyond recognition in my own lifetime by mass 3rd world immigration and state ideology of multi-racialism and multiculturalism. In many parts of our cities, native (white) Britons are already a minority, and it is predicted (by Professor of Demography at Oxford University, David Coleman) that indigenous Britons will become an ethnic minority in the country as a whole within just 2 more generations (by about 2066). It is a tragedy that Breivik felt compelled by this betrayal to commit such a horrendous act of violence. I will leave it to future generations, with the benefit of hindsight, to judge him....

and so it goes on... I have attached an html copy of the removed telegraph page to this post below

It has been removed from the telegraph website following a request from the Norwegian embassy.

But it is attached to an equally appaling Roger Hicks video blog which is still there - the 'philosopher's cover for the EDL Zionist and Nazi perspective

Here's something a little more refreshing

Roger Hicks Daily Telegraph blog post entitled "In Defence of Anders Breivik"

 Filename:  TelegraphBlogInDefenceOfAndersBreivikPhilosopherKinMyTelegraph.htm
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 Downloaded:  1629 Time(s)

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thousands defy Breivik with song

http://www.talktalk.co.uk/news/article/thousands-defy-breivik-with-son g/45452/

Some 40,000 people stand in drizzling rain in Youngstorget square, Oslo, to participate in the singing of 'Barn av Regnbuen' (AP)

Published: 12:04pm, 26th April 2012
Updated: 6:34pm, 26th April 2012

Facing terror with music, tens of thousands have gathered across Norway to sing a children's song that mass killer Anders Breivik has claimed is being used to brainwash young Norwegians.

The event was organised as an act of defiance against the right-wing fanatic as survivors gave tearful testimony in his trial for the July 22 bombing and shooting massacre that killed 77 people.

In the drizzling rain, 40,000 people converged at a central square in Oslo to sing the 1970's song Children of the Rainbow - a Norwegian version of American folk music singer Pete Seeger's Rainbow Race.

'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Help, help, I'm being repressed!'

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Some are doing the important job of unravelling Breivik's network but not the Western Mainstream press to whom criticism of Zionism appears to be entirely taboo

Anders Behring Breivik, Islam, And Israel
April 26, 2012 - Brit Dee
http://www.blacklistednews.com/Anders_Behring_Breivik,_Islam,_And_Isra el/19171/0/0/0/Y/M.html

The trial of Norwegian mass-murderer Anders Behring Breivik has today entered its second week, with many interesting but chilling details having been revealed about the bombing in Oslo and subsequent shootings on the island of Utøya.

Perhaps most interesting of all, Breivik has provided a clear explanation of exactly what he hoped to achieve through his acts of terrorism. Immediately after the attack, some commentators speculated that the tragedy would be exploited by the political elite, to demonise moderate nationalists - "patriots" who reject mass immigration and the erosion of national culture - and to stifle debates on such issues.

This, it seems, is exactly what Breivik hoped for.

During the third day of his trial, The Guardian reported how Breivik insisted that his goal (in the short to medium term) was to make pariahs of Europe's nationalists – the very people with whom you might expect him to feel kinship. 'I thought I had to provoke a witchhunt of modern moderately conservative nationalists,' he said. Then he claimed that this curious strategy had already borne fruit, citing the example of Norway's prime minister, Jens Stoltenberg, who he said had given a speech since the attacks saying that critics of immigration were wrong. The effect of this 'witchhunt', said Breivik, would be to increase 'censorship' of moderately nationalist views, which would 'increase polarisation'. The effect of this, he said, would eventually lead to 'more radicalisation as more will lose hope and lose faith in democracy'. Ultimately, he said, these new radicals would join the war he has started to protect the 'indigenous people' of Norway and western Europe.
Whilst Jens Stoltenberg's speech may give the impression that Breivik's strategy is indeed going to plan, other evidence suggests that nationalist parties and policies have not suffered at all in the wake of the Norwegian terror attacks. Last week Geert Wilder's fervently anti-Islam Freedom Party, the third largest party in the Netherlands, brought down the Dutch coalition government after withdrawing its support for EU-imposed budget cuts. In France, Marine Le Pen's equally strongly anti-Islam National Front won a record 18 percent of the vote in the first round of presidential elections. Le Pen claims to be fighting the "Islamisation" of France, a position for which there is evidently considerable support, particularly in the aftermath of Mohamed Merah's "Al Qaeda" shootings in Toulouse last month (the fact that Merah was likely an asset being handled by the French authorities of course being rarely mentioned).

Indeed, the far-right appears to be in the ascendancy, and even courted by the mainstream. French President Nicolas Sarkozy, knowing that he will have to attract National Front votes if he stands any chance of re-election, said after the first round that NF voters "must be respected", as their votes were "a vote of suffering, a crisis vote". Comments bluntly critical of Islam, previously the preserve of the far-right, have also been made by leading mainstream politicians in other European countries. Last week the leader of Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats in parliament, Volker Kauder, described Islam as "not part of our tradition and identity in Germany and so does not belong in Germany", though he was careful to add "But Muslims do belong in Germany. As state citizens, of course, they enjoy their full rights."

Whilst Breivik's purported plan to spark a demonisation of nationalists does not appear to be working, or even necessary, his attacks are certainly feeding into the general tension currently building between those of different political parties and faiths; society is indeed becoming polarised.

This may be the natural result of a failed experiment in multiculturalism, the effects of deliberate conspiracies echoing those such as Operation Gladio, or the "strategy of tension", or a combination of the two.

No matter who or what is behind the current ratcheting up of tension, a political, religious and racial tension inextricably linked to the collapsing economies and deteriorating living standards of Europe, the ultimate beneficiaries are clear - the shadowy criminal elite who profit from such "systemic destabilisation" and who Peter Dale Scott characterises as the "overworld".

It must be pointed out that Zionist supporters of Israel are one of the beneficiaries of the tensions currently being played out in Europe. Indeed, the new-found alliance between staunchly pro-Israeli Zionists and ultranational anti-Islamists, is one of the most intriguing aspects of today's political scene.

The extreme right has traditionally been seen, often with good cause, as anti-Semitic - and yet now we see many examples of the anti-Islamic far-right openly embracing Zionism and Zionists. Anders Breivik was himself an avowed Zionist, his 1515-page manifesto containing multiple references to his firm belief that Israel is an ally which must be strongly defended by nationalists at all costs. Breivik was also of course an avid follower of such anti-Islamic, pro-Zionist writers as the American blogger Pamela Geller.

The Dutch politician Geert Wilders, mentioned earlier, is also a staunch supporter of Israel, having reportedly lived in the country for two years during his youth, and visited 40 times in the last 25 years. His Freedom Party allegedly receives financing from supporters of Israel in the US. The English Defence League, to whom some have linked Breivik, openly state their support of Israel, sometimes appearing at demonstrations waving the Star of David flag. The EDL has a Jewish Division, run by the Zionist Roberta Moore, who recently expressed her support for Breivik's murders and claimed that his teenage victims were "not innocent". In France, Le Pen's National Front has also reportedly won support recently, from a previously hostile Jewish community.

We are obviously living in dangerous times and, with the economy collapsing, widespread social tension increasing, peculiar alliances forming, and Muslims seemingly being scapegoated in a role previously allocated to Jews, drawing parallels between today's political climate and that of the 1930s, is unfortunately unavoidable.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

FYI, Tony: I no longer work as a System Developer for the UN Smile
> this is a crisis i knew had to come
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> wondering what will come next
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok - that was Martin who said it and I'll pass that on
TorsteinViddal wrote:
FYI, Tony: I no longer work as a System Developer for the UN Smile

meanwhile, back at the ranch
http://www.thejc.com/blogs/joe-millis/with-friends-anders-behring-brei vik

In the manifesto, titled "2083: A European Declaration of Independence" and published under the name Andrew Berwick, Israel is mentioned no less than 300 times, always in a positive light. In his writings, Breivik appears to be an “ardent Zionist,” praising and exalting “The Jewish State” by Theodor Herzl. He attacks the European political establishment, led by the European Union, for not supporting Israel.
Breivik also praises Israel’s policies saying, “Throughout the years, [Israel] has not granted most of its Muslim residents civil rights -- in stark contrast to Europe, which opened its doors to Muslims and granted them exaggerated rights and citizenship."
Breivik also surprises the reader with his in-depth knowledge of Israel’s internal party politics. He praises Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for creating his right-leaning coalition.
“It’s worth noting that Netanyahu has already found allies in right-wing Yisrael Beitenu and in the religious Shas, but has avoided creating a right-wing alliance because he knows it would collide with the U.S. Obama administration,” Breivik writes.

then there's the ... was this simply a military operation ... option

Was the Norway massacre a reaction to the boycott Israel campaign?
By Gilad Atzmon - 25 July 2011
Gilad Atzmon highlights Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik’s enthusiastic support for Israel and the sympathy he has received from Israelis and, in the light of this, asks whether Breivik might have been a “Sabbath Goy” responding to the Norwegian Workers Youth League’s – to which all of his victims belonged – backing for the boycott Israel campaign.
I learned last night from an Israeli online journal that two days before the Utoeya Island massacre, the leader of the ruling Norwegian Labour Party’s youth wing, the Workers Youth League (AUF), Eskil Pedersen, gave an interview to Dagbladet, Norway's second largest tabloid newspaper, in which he unveiled what he thinks of Israel.
In the course of the interview, Pedersen stated that he “believes the time has come for more drastic measures against Israel, and [that he] wants the foreign minister to impose an economic boycott against the country”.
Anders Behring Breivik’s victims supported boycott Israel campaign
Pederson went on to say, “The peace process goes nowhere, and though the whole world expect Israel to comply, they do not. We in Labour Youth will have a unilateral economic embargo of Israel from the Norwegian side.”

The Workers’ Youth League has been devoted promoters of the boycott Israel campaign, According to Dagbladet, “The AUF has long been a supporter of an international boycott of Israel, but the decision at the last congress demands that Norway impose a unilateral economic embargo on the country and it must be stricter than before.”
“I acknowledge that this is a drastic measure,” stated Pedersen,“but I think it gives a clear indication that, quite simply, we are tired of Israel's behaviour.”
Murderer Anders Behring Breivik – an enthusiastic supporter of Israel
On 23 July, we also learned that mass-murderer Anders Behring Breivik was openly enthusiastic about Israel. According to a variety of internet outlets, Behring Breivik was a regular poster on several Norwegian internet sites, notably the blog Document.no, which is run by Hans Rustad, a former left-wing journalist. Hans Rustad is Jewish, extremely pro-Zionist, and warns against “Islamization”, violence and other social problems he assumes to be connected with Muslim immigration.
The observant among us are becoming increasingly aware of a growing trend of pro-war Zionist internet journals and blogs, such as the UK’s neo-conservative and infamously Islamophobic Harry’s Place, that ostensibly like to give the impression of “rallying for the preservation of Western culture” and of “standing up for democratic values”. For the most obvious of reasons, these sites are almost exclusively focused on “the problem of Islam” and the Muslim migrants’ “troubled and reactionary” communities and politics, while simultaneously, relentlessly and forcefully propounding a propagandistic Zionist agenda. Interestingly enough, other immigrants are routinely depicted on these blog pages as being “harmless”, or as “positive contributors to society” – you won’t find Hans Rustad or Harry Place criticizing the Jewish lobbies, the likes of Lord Levy or the Russian oligarchs’ disastrous impact on “Western culture” and “democratic values” any time soon.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2033322/The-chilling-pictures- English-Defence-League-members-posing-arsenal-deadly-weapons.html

Liam Snaith Middlesborough EDL
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Gilad Atzmon's article

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