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Middle East 'Arab Spring' Revolts? Orchestrated by whom?
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 12:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Zionists, NATO real culprit behind anti-Islam plots

Fri Sep 14, 2012 3:53PM GMT - By Gordon Duff
http://presstv.com/detail/2012/09/12/261184/cia-mossad-team-up-to-insu lt-islam/

This week of violence lands entirely on his doorstep, his and his “lapdogs” in the US, extremists at the fringe of power still controlling America’s massive private armies and intelligence groups, a major portion of the entire world’s might wielded by corporations, used to advance the plots and conspiracies of groups now long accepted as eccentric, homicidal and apocalyptic."

Much has happened this week, conflicting stories, the hand of intelligence agencies and special operations groups seen everywhere, controlled and orchestrated press, jumping from one farcical conspiracy theory to another.

Behind it all, two names are seen as so desperate to try to light the world aflame, an effort underway in Syria for some time, an effort perhaps not working out as well as hoped.

The names are Netanyahu and Romney though few believe “Mitt Romney” to be more than a puppet. A careful examination of his life, misrepresented as one of wealth and accomplishment shows him to be emotionally unstable, shallow, lazy and inept, a life of trickery and deceit under the protection of a powerful family and its even more powerful friends.

Netanyahu, perhaps another puppet, but not so benign, fumes away at the world, reports of his encroaching insanity and its threat to Israel and world peace are now impossible to hide. There is nothing “Jewish” or “Semitic” about Netanyahu, just psychotic.

This week of violence lands entirely on his doorstep, his and his “lapdogs” in the US, extremists at the fringe of power still controlling America’s massive private armies and intelligence groups, a major portion of the entire world’s might wielded by corporations, used to advance the plots and conspiracies of groups now long accepted as eccentric, homicidal and apocalyptic.

This week with the upheavals across the Middle East over a mysterious and extreme attack on Islam and its institutions, the real culprits are using the press to hide their intention and identities.

To cover their tracks, the real conspirators, stories about “youtube” and “Coptic Christians” and a forgotten and tasteless film long consigned to the trash heap are used to disguise the real criminals.

Ethnic and religious attacks like the ones largely responsible for the protests, all except the US Embassy attack in Libya, are considered crimes in most nations. In Canada, Australia, Germany, France and many other nations, anyone who has questioned Israel’s politics or accused anyone of Jewish background, no matter if they are caught with a bloody knife in their hands, of wrongdoing are considered criminals and consigned to a decade or more in prison.

In the United States, there is a long history of jailing anyone whose actions lead to violence. By the standard of law applied to the Chicago 7 and other Vietnam War protest groups, Terry Jones would be arrested for not only inciting a riot but for conspiracy to commit murder, acts in support of terrorism and hate crimes.

American laws cover each of these areas and his actions, were he who he says he is, an Islamophobe fanatic responsible for a massive internet onslaught of pornography, bigotry and purposeful instigation of attacks on Americans overseas, he would be in jail now, and should expect never to be released.

However, the “reverend” Terry Jones, the real culprit, can expect, any time he wishes, full support for anything he does, even if millions of emails are sent out, even if the bandwidth of the entire Internet is needed to spew his filth.

Terry Jones has worked for the CIA for much of his life, initially coordinating recruitment of terrorist groups in Germany under the Gladio program. Years ago, NATO hired social misfits and psychopaths to set up terror groups that were intended to become “underground cells” if the Soviets invaded Europe and Latin America.

Terror groups organized by NATO were set up in 36 nations on 3 continents. When no Soviet invasion happened, they began operating independently, 20 years of bombings across Europe as “P2,” war in El Salvador, Guatemala, Chile, Argentina, Angola, drug operations in Columbia, revolutionary groups in Nicaragua and Mexico, the “saviors of NATO” became the basis of terror organizations around the world, organizations now blamed on “extremists.”

The real extremists were NATO and the story is a simple one. After World War II, there were two influxes of recruits into US intelligence. First was the Galen group from NAZI Germany, brought into the US by CIA head Allen Dulles under Operation Paperclip and eventually run by George H.W. Bush and former German SS General Walter Dornberger.

This group arranged the murder of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, partnered with extremist groups in Israel and led the US down the path to oligarchical control, as is so obviously exhibited in America’s behavior around the world.

Gladio was one of their ploys, a Hitleresque plan to fight communism hijacked by a cabal of powerful international organizations, banking, oil, weapons, intent on world domination.

The second input to this organization was after the fall of the Berlin Wall when hundreds of highly trained STASI spies and killers were recruited by right wing extremist groups within the US.

They were brought into the CIA and other intelligence agencies, took over key security agencies in Europe and used their unparalleled training, skills and brutality to reinvigorate efforts toward world domination by the interests we never see except when watching Israel or the Wall Street Banks, the clumsy and stupid buffoons of the New World Order.

The truth can be difficult to accept, if not impossible. Those who sacrifice in brutal wars are hesitant to admit, no matter how compelling the evidence, that their efforts were, in actuality, in service of great evil.

During the early 20th Century, a Marine General, two time winner of the Medal of Honor came to the realization that all wars were economic, that all use of military force was a form of robbery. Smedley Butler was his name. He considered himself a “gangster for Wall Street” and, for those familiar with his teachings and military theories, considered one of the greatest men of our time.

Butler was a famous American hero, a lifelong enemy of both communism and fascism, once imprisoned for insulting Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini over an incident where Mussolini ran down a small child with his Bugatti and drove off without notice.

Today the single dead child might well be the endless dead from 9/11, an event now believed by most legitimate experts to have been staged with no Muslim terrorists involved and considerable complicity from the Bush administration with very strong evidence pointing toward Israeli operational capabilities.

The realities of human development, long stifled by decades of colonial rule, were coming to an end. The fall of Mubarak, in particular, an Israeli stooge wearing the mask of a Muslim leader, being the most dramatic.

With Egypt “in the wind” as it were, only a civil war between Christians and Muslims could put off the disaster Netanyahu feared, an America sick of war, an American military unwilling to occupy the Middle East as an Israeli surrogate and a people who may well be slowly awakening to find their government infiltrated and bought by criminal interests hard wired to Netanyahu and his gangster friends.

Intelligence sources in Libya tell us that a team arrived from the UAE set to infiltrate the demonstrators and butcher the American ambassador and his elite security team.

Perhaps it is this relationship that is the sickest of all, the circle of deception between the Gulf States, Saudi Arabia and Israel, all nations based on foreign slave labor, American military protection and rule by brutality and deception.

I am reminded of a line from a film, “The Usual Suspects.”

“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn’t exist.”

With the web collapsing around Tel Aviv and the maniac unlikely to die outside a bunker as his enemies close in around him, Netanyahu still has his hands on the strings that control puppets around the world, the press, entertainment industry, key world leaders, the list is considerable as is his ability to do evil as this week has shown us.

Netanyahu and his brother in strife, Rupert Murdoch, put three consecutive British prime ministers in office and controlled them and the security services through bribery and blackmail.

His empire nearly brought down President Clinton, helped rig the election of President Bush 43 twice, started two wars and almost a third and, despite opposition, stands ready to destroy the world over Syria and Iran.

In the process, the only surviving economy in the world may be the US, though hopelessly in debt and battered by a decade of rule by foreign gangsters.

Even the super-economy of China has become brittle; the German money-machine is grinding to a halt and nations hoping for the benefits of science and human development languish yet another decade.

All of this was no accident.

The last week was no accident either, every member of the press pouring out the deceit, so many governments silent or complicit and those responsible knowing they will never be called to settle accounts. Not yet anyway.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The whole Muslim video scam is covered quite well here:

http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2012/09/14/world-on-fire-innocence-psy op-justification-for-sweeping-imperialist-aggression/

All across the Middle East, the CIA created “professional jhadists” are raging against the machine in many of the “7 countries in 5 years” nations that were targeted for regime change over a decade ago. Embassies are being assaulted by roaming bands of young, yuppie “rebels” looking to help spin up a justification for military intervention in their countries and the ensuing neoliberalization of the economy which is sure to follow. In Sudan and Yemen and Egypt specifically, the attacks are fermenting a national consensus back here about having to send in military troops though technically speaking, the president doesn’t need to build such a consensus when embassies come under attack. The marines are already in Libya and Yemen at this point and Sudan is probably not far behind in the planning stages.

Keep in mind all of this is based on the narrative that Muslims throughout the world are suddenly outraged over a sketchy little 14 minute video that appears to have been made by a career criminal turned confidential informant for the FBI.

Also remember that while “al Qaeda” is attacking our embassies across the Middle East in all those countries that we need to invade, they are fighting ON OUR SIDE against Bashir Assad in Syria, a fact seemingly lost in all the MSM hype taking place.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Could not connect to smtp host : 111 : Connection refused"

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Could not connect to smtp host : 111 : Connection refused"

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Apologies again.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My emphasis in ( )

"Lib Dems Eject Baroness Jenny Tonge for Criticising (counterfeit) Israel about treatment of the Palestinians"

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Apologies again.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Test and apologies again.

Baroness Jenny Tonge has long been a target of the Israeli lobby in the UK for her outspoken remarks on Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. But now her own party leader, Nick Clegg, has turned on her, after she spoke at a meeting at Middlesex University.

Her words were in the context of a debate on whether Zionism equated to apartheid.

Her remarks are shared by a growing number of activists and critics of Israel who are calling for a one-state solution. But venturing down that path seems unacceptable within the British establishment.

Nick Clegg, leader of the liberal democrats and deputy Prime Minister, ordered Baroness Tonge to apologise, and when she refused, he announced her departure from the party. That, while at the same time claiming that the Lib Dems are proud to campaign for Palestinian rights.

It seems politicians are falling over each other to condemn her remarks. Labour leader Ed Miliband has gone further, stating that there is no space in British politics for questioning the existence of Israel.

Jenny Tonge had in fact only questioned the sustainability of the status quo, including Israel's siege of Gaza, and its occupation of the West Bank which prevents the existence of a Palestinian state.

Activist Ken O'Keefe, who also spoke at the meeting, says pro-Israel activists had been heckling and goading the panellists all evening.

As deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg broke with previous party policy in supporting a change in the law of universal jurisdiction, making it more difficult to prosecute alleged Israeli war criminals in the UK.

And ultimately this incident will be seen by many as political censorship of criticism of Israel, from a party leader who has become increasingly keen to court the Israeli lobby in the UK.

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Uploader Comments ( zenicaone )

how long is the view counter is going to be stuck on 349 views. I just sent this to 2 friends and they tell me the counter is still 349. WTF??

robmeister944 4 months ago

I see you are new to that problem Smile

Anti Zionist videos in general always have problems with viewcounts and likes etc

its nothing new - unfortunatly nothing much can be done Sad

zenicaone in reply to robmeister944 4 months ago

Top Comments

Israel is an evil apartheid lunatic state....that would be quite happy to start ww3 using the lives and money of the americans.....* ISRAEL......AMERICA FIRST.

lumpfish99 6 months ago 3

This is disgusting! Until the citizens of their respective countries start voting out politicians who pander to Jewish lobbies and oppress freedom of speech when it comes to criticism of Israel! Eventually the efforts of these lobbies will begin to backfire on them, as people will eventually realize that the interests of Israel are being promoted with no regard for the host country that they operate in.

TheBiotchify 6 months ago 3

see all
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Wow... It's the twilight zone. Censorship much? So what if lots of people have seen this? Someone can't handle the truth.

robmeister944 in reply to zenicaone (Show the comment) 4 months ago
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The issue of the huge Gas resources found and officially acknowledged in 2010 by the USGS of the coasts of Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Cyprus, Turkey And Greece

I have collated some info about it on a blog I fill in for a former colleague of mine who still works at the EU Commission. http://desperado-theory.blogspot.com/2012/09/a-war-over-east-meditterr anean-gas.html

Israel was the first to move and has (2 weeks ago) started leasing to Nobel Energy

As I outline on that blog post

Unlike the other countries concerned, Israel is not a signatory to the UN Law of the Sea treaty serving as basis to make claims to Exclusive Economic Zones but nevertheless it has recently attempted to make formal claim to its own EEZ by submitting the map of its bilateral agreement with Cyprus to the UN. This has special implications for Gaza's own territorial claims on its coastal waters (and the Gas underneath it). Having already started exploration, Israel had to establish its claims over water areas via bilateral agreement with Cyprus in 2011, currently challenged at the UN by Lebanon.

But no one seems to have looked at someone called

Harris Samaras: http://www.pytheas.net

Chairman & Group CEO at Pytheas Limited, which is a UK registered company .. Harris Samaras shows up as the author of many editorials in English language papers (mostly from Cyprus and Greece) promoting this as the new panacea for Southeastern and even south europe gas ‘independence’. He also appears to have a stake in the entire business. Cyprus holds the presidency of the EU until December, which means that they control the agenda until then.

Another individual who seems to have taken an interest in this area though it is not clear what his agenda may be .. - except that he appears willing to skip the (gigantic) environmental dimension altogether -is Michael Leigh (GMF Senior Advisor Michael Leigh Given a Knighthood for Services to EU « German Marshall Fund of the United States ) who recently moved from the middle management of DG Enlargment at the Commission to the German Marshall Fund ..and appears to focus on what the industry calls the Eastern Mediterranean Mega Project but from a policy point of view.

PS: Martin Summers' once co-author, and seemingly our single most decent Commissioner, broke new grounds recently when he invited the excellent Bill Mitchell, MMT (aka NeoChartalist) proponent of the Job Guarantee at a High Level Conference (there is a protocol definition for this at the Commission, which means minister-level attendance) where Bill Mitchell proceeded to berate the economists in the audience and it is worth watching on youtube

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 1:16 pm    Post subject: a war over east meditterranean gas ? Reply with quote

This is a suggested issue for further research for anyone with the skills and interest in this largely ignored piece of the middle east policy puzzle
The issue is that of the huge Gas resources found and officially acknowledged in 2010 by the USGS of the coasts of Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Cyprus, Turkey And Greece

I have collated some info about it on this blog post
http://desperado-theory.blogspot.com/2012/09/a-war-over-east-meditterr anean-gas.html
Here are A few recent links ..
July 2010 Natural Gas Find In Mediterranean Could Lead To New Lebanon-Israel War - The National (Beirut, Lebanon) http://www.thenational.ae/news/world/middle-east/natural-gas-find-in-m editerranean-could-lead-to-new-lebanon-israel-war

August 2011 GEO Expro Syrian Offshore: Exciting New Frontier (Industry Press)- http://www.geoexpro.com/article/Syrian_Offshore_Exciting_New_Frontier/ 9747e096.aspx

September 2011 Brinkmanship In The Eastern Mediterranean | Les Blogs (France24, Paris, France)- http://gmf.blogs.france24.com/article/2011/09/26/brinkmanship-eastern- mediterranean-0

January 2012 The Economic And Geopolitical Importance Of Eastern Mediterranean Gas Fields For Greece And The Eu. (Technical Paper, Sales Pitch By Pytheas Limited, Cyprus) http://www.pytheas.net/docs/20120119 The Economic and Geopolitical importance of Eastern Mediterranean gas fields for Greece and the EU.pdf

February 2012 New Mediterranean Oil And Gas Bonanza William Enghdahl on Russian Television http://rt.com/news/reserves-offshore-middle-east-engdahl-855/

March 2012 Energy Resources In The Eastern Mediterranean: Source For Cooperation Or Fuel For Tension, By Michael Leigh And Charlotte Brandsma – Policy Paper, Brussels Forum (German Marshall Fund)- http://www.gmfus.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files_mf/leigh_brandsma_ea sternmedenergy_bf12.pdf

June 2012 Eastern Mediterranean Tensions Simmer Over Gas Riches - Upi.Com (Press Agency, Us) - http://www.upi.com/Business_News/Energy-Resources/2012/06/22/East-Med- tensions-simmer-over-gas-riches/UPI-23121340391652/

July 2012 Geofinancial: Offshore Oil Treasures In Eastern Mediterranean Sea (Industry Press)- http://geofinancial.blogspot.be/2010/07/offshore-oil-treasures-in-east ern.html

Israel was the first to move and has (2 weeks ago) started leasing to Noble Energy http://www.nobleenergyinc.com/Operations/Overview-51.html
Unlike the other countries concerned, Israel is not a signatory to the UN Law of the Sea treaty:
http://treaties.un.org/Pages/ViewDetailsIII.aspx?&src=TREATY&mtdsg_no= XXI%7E6&chapter=21&Temp=mtdsg3&lang=en
The Treaty serves as basis to make claims to Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) but, nevertheless, Israel has recently attempted to make formal claim to its own EEZ by submitting the map of its bilateral agreement with Cyprus to the UN. This has special implications for Gaza's own territorial claims on its coastal waters (and the Gas underneath it). Having already started exploration, Israel had to establish its claims over water areas via bilateral agreement with Cyprus in 2011
http://www.un.org/Depts/los/LEGISLATIONANDTREATIES/PDFFILES/TREATIES/c yp_isr_eez_2010annex.jpg
currently challenged at the UN by Lebanon
http://www.un.org/Depts/los/LEGISLATIONANDTREATIES/PDFFILES/communicat ions/lbn_re_isr__listofcoordinates_e.pdf

More info on the following could be useful:
HARRIS SAMARAS, Chairman & Group CEO at Pytheas Limited, which is a UK registered company http://www.pytheas.net/

Harris Samaras shows up as the author of many editorials in English language papers (mostly from Cyprus and Greece) promoting this as the new panacea for Southeastern and even south europe gas ‘independence’. He also appears to have a stake in the business side of this. Developments are more likely on this front now since Cyprus holds the presidency. If, as in the past, the press focuses mainly on the latest urgent point of the euro crisis, any formal arrangement on Oil&Gas issues are very likely to remain out of the frontpages.

MICHAEL LEIGH, Currently at the German Marshall Fund of the United States as Senior Advisor.

Michael Leigh was given a Knighthood for Services – http://www.gmfus.org/archives/gmf-senior-advisor-michael-leigh-given-a -knighthood-for-services-to-eu/.
He recently moved from the middle management of DG Enlargment at the Commission to the German Marshall Fund and seems to have taken an interest in this area though it is not clear what his agenda may be .. - except that he appears willing to skip the (gigantic) environmental dimension altogether -.According to policy briefs on the site, he appears to focus on what the industry calls the Eastern Mediterranean Mega Project but from a policy point of view. Quite what the Eastern Mediterranean Mega Project or where the idea originated is unclear to me at this stage other than industry magazines do provide a map of what it covers. See: http://www.pgs.com/en/Pressroom/Calendar_of_Events/Campaigns/2011/Mult iClient-Newsletter/Middle-East-News/More-MC3D-in-the-Levantine-Basin/

Given how blurry the motivations of the various parties involved in the Syria conflict and other conflicts in the region are to most of us, being better informed on the stakes and motivations around that Underwater Oil and Gas resource - on which most eastern Mediterranean countries could ultimately make a claim - would seem especially useful for the rest of us who are involuntarily involved, or simply kept in the dark.

Last edited by courant.didees on Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:57 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 11:02 pm    Post subject: Update on East Med Underwater Gas Reserves Reply with quote

Two blogs have been adressing the issue
1 "Washington Blog" - 8 October
"A Primer On the REAL Global Geopolitical Battle"
Which also covers Syria and has plenty of good maps
http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2012/10/the-wars-in-the-middle-east-and -north-africa-are-not-just-about-oil-theyre-also-about-gas.html

"The Slog" - 4 October


"GREEK AEGEAN BONANZA: New study confirms potential Greek wealth"

"A new study commissioned by Antonis Samaras vindicates The Slog’s engineering sources, who have long said that Greece’s undersea wealth was being deliberately understated

I was told categorically during 201o that American engineers working for previous Greek governments had deliberately understated the energy and rare earths potential beneath Greece’s territorial waters. An entirely different but equally qualified source told me the following year that the EU was fully aware of the ploy. Ever since then, The Slog has consistently maintained that, behind the demands of the Troika, a tussle was going on between the US and the EU as to who could benefit most from the country’s mineral and energy potential. Now a new study strongly supports that view.

Greece has “at least” $600 billion worth of gas and oil reserves beneath its territorial waters, according to a new study presented to Prime Minister Antonis Samaras within the last few months. Reuters has also confirmed the story.

Collating all the scientific data available, the study says geological similarities indicate that reserves off Crete alone should match the prolific Levantine Basin, the Israeli and Cypriot discoveries mainly are. Estimates suggest that to the south of Crete lie a minimum of 3.5 trillion cubic metres (tcm) of gas – apparently enough to cover around six years of EU demand. The site almost certainly has roughly 1.5 billion barrels of oil in addition to the gas find.

“We feel this is a very conservative figure,” said Elias Konofagos, whose Athens-based company advises the Samaras government on energy. The two other authors of the report, Antonis Foscolos and Nikos Lygeros, agreed that subsea methane emissions – and the presence of gas hydrate mounds on the seabed – indicated the presence of large reservoirs.

A study published in the Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering in June in turn estimated that Greece had 4 tcm of gas and a further 3 billion barrels of crude oil at other sites. And one of the world’s biggest seismic surveyors, Petroleum Geo-Physical (PGS), also wrote in July 2011 of ‘significant hydrocarbon potential’ beneath the Greek waves.

As well as offering ClubMed economies the chance to cut deficits caused by energy shortfalls, the growing evidence of Greek offshore wealth reduces the EU dependence on Russian gas in general – and the gangsters from Gazprom in particular. It also explains the desire of Israel to form an energy alliance with Greece and Cyprus…and the original American plan to ‘amputate’ Greece from the EU, befriend the country, and shower it with aid. What Washington (as ever) hasn’t taken into account is that most Greeks would rather chew glass than be under US hegemony."
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 9:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, would make a good 'Panorama' this
Certainly seems to be at the bottom of everything that's going on
Sunni, Shia, Cemical weapons & all the rest just a load of chaff

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Thomas Tol
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 8:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Letter 'written by US Confederate officer 150 years ago predicted first two World Wars and said the third would be between Islamic leaders and the West'... but is it just a hoax?

Don't know about that, but this article in the Economist from 1992 got the date of the 'Arab Spring' bang on.

The full text document from this site here:


The failure of clear thinking applied to all three members of the victorious coalition--the United States, the European Community and Japan. They could, if they wished, have brought a share of liberty and prosperity to much of the rest of the world by the end of the 21st century. They did wish it. But they failed to see that to succeed they had to remain a partnership. Instead, each of the three almost at once started to assert itself against the others. By 2006, the year of the last American military withdrawal from Europe and Asia, the coalition had collapsed.
At first this was blamed on economic rivalry. There were indeed, even before 1991, sharp animosities in American-European-Japanese trading relations. These grew still sharper in the 1990s. After a brief glow of optimism, the attempt to draw up a more liberal set of trading rules had to be abandoned as protection led to retaliation, which produced counter-retaliation, and so on. By the end of the century there was virtually no rule book at all. The disruption of trade hurt the rich of the world; but it hurt the poor even more, because in the trade war that followed they were defenceless.
Beneath the economic rivalry, however, it can now be seen that a deeper cause of division was at work. It had become common in the late 20th century for the "advanced" countries to claim that they, at least, had overcome the disease called nationalism. They exaggerated their cure. Worse, the force that had given birth to nationalism in the 18th and 19th centuries had now moved on to a larger stage. The desire to create a sense of identity by marking oneself off from others--by separating "us" from "them"--had spread from single countries to whole regions. No shared political or philosophical belief was strong enough to resist it. Hyper-nationalism had appeared. The hoped-for new world order broke up into the European Restoration, the China-Japan Co-operation Sphere, and the New Americanism.

The failure of Muslims to match the political and economic advance of the democracies had puzzled the 19th and 20th centuries. These people had, after all, an earlier history of dazzling achievement; more recently many of them had shown great skill in science and the arts; and, since the early 20th century, their lands had contained most of the industrial world's chief source of energy. All they lacked, it seemed, was the right combination of circumstances for organising themselves into a coherent power. That this analysis was correct was demonstrated by the results of Colonel Algosaibi's coup in Saudi Arabia in 2011.
Algosaibi succeeded, where so many would-be unifiers of Islam had failed, because he quickly took control of almost all the Gulf's oil; because he could point Muslims towards a new geopolitical target; and, above all, because by 2011 Muslims felt that at last they had a chance to work off their ancient resentment against the now-splintered western world.

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Last Chance Saloon
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 1:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

British architect firm LCE Architects build schools in Libya, and have a relationship with ARK (Absolute Return for Kids).

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Location: Westminster, LONDON, SW1A 2HB.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 10:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

US Army officer turned whistleblower Scott Bennett says the Arab Spring was a 'Rand Corporation product'.

Terrorist Finance: Swiss UBS bank & fake news: US Army whistleblower Scott Bennett



'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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