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Turkish Summer = Revolution in Istanbul?

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scienceplease 2
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:32 am    Post subject: Turkish Summer = Revolution in Istanbul? Reply with quote

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What is Happenning in Istanbul?
01/06/2013 by sumandef

To my friends who live outside of Turkey:

I am writing to let you know what is going on in Istanbul for the last five days. I personally have to write this because most of the media sources are shut down by the government and the word of mouth and the internet are the only ways left for us to explain ourselves and call for help and support.

Four days ago a group of people most of whom did not belong to any specific organization or ideology got together in Istanbul’s Gezi Park. Among them there were many of my friends and students. Their reason was simple: To prevent and protest the upcoming demolishing of the park for the sake of building yet another shopping mall at very center of the city. There are numerous shopping malls in Istanbul, at least one in every neighborhood! The tearing down of the trees was supposed to begin early Thursday morning. People went to the park with their blankets, books and children. They put their tents down and spent the night under the trees. Early in the morning when the bulldozers started to pull the hundred-year-old trees out of the ground, they stood up against them to stop the operation.

They did nothing other than standing in front of the machines.

No newspaper, no television channel was there to report the protest. It was a complete media black out.

But the police arrived with water cannon vehicles and pepper spray. They chased the crowds out of the park.

In the evening the number of protesters multiplied. So did the number of police forces around the park. Meanwhile local government of Istanbul shut down all the ways leading up to Taksim square where the Gezi Park is located. The metro was shut down, ferries were cancelled, roads were blocked.

Yet more and more people made their way up to the center of the city by walking.

They came from all around Istanbul. They came from all different backgrounds, different ideologies, different religions. They all gathered to prevent the demolition of something bigger than the park:

The right to live as honorable citizens of this country.

They gathered and marched. Police chased them with pepper spray and tear gas and drove their tanks over people who offered the police food in return. Two young people were run over by the panzers and were killed. Another young woman, a friend of mine, was hit in the head by one of the incoming tear gas canisters. The police were shooting them straight into the crowd. After a three hour operation she is still in Intensive Care Unit and in very critical condition. As I write this we don’t know if she is going to make it. This blog is dedicated to her.

These people are my friends. They are my students, my relatives. They have no «hidden agenda» as the state likes to say. Their agenda is out there. It is very clear. The whole country is being sold to corporations by the government, for the construction of malls, luxury condominiums, freeways, dams and nuclear plants. The government is looking for (and creating when necessary) any excuse to attack Syria against its people’s will.

On top of all that, the government control over its people’s personal lives has become unbearable as of late. The state, under its conservative agenda passed many laws and regulations concerning abortion, cesarean birth, sale and use of alcohol and even the color of lipstick worn by the airline stewardesses.

People who are marching to the center of Istanbul are demanding their right to live freely and receive justice, protection and respect from the State. They demand to be involved in the decision-making processes about the city they live in.

What they have received instead is excessive force and enormous amounts of tear gas shot straight into their faces. Three people lost their eyes.

Yet they still march. Hundred of thousands join them. Couple of more thousand passed the Bosporus Bridge on foot to support the people of Taksim.

No newspaper or TV channel was there to report the events. They were busy with broadcasting news about Miss Turkey and “the strangest cat of the world”.

Police kept chasing people and spraying them with pepper spray to an extent that stray dogs and cats were poisoned and died by it.

Schools, hospitals and even 5 star hotels around Taksim Square opened their doors to the injured. Doctors filled the classrooms and hotel rooms to provide first aid. Some police officers refused to spray innocent people with tear gas and quit their jobs. Around the square they placed jammers to prevent internet connection and 3g networks were blocked. Residents and businesses in the area provided free wireless network for the people on the streets. Restaurants offered food and water for free.

People in Ankara and İzmir gathered on the streets to support the resistance in Istanbul.

Mainstream media kept showing Miss Turkey and “the strangest cat of the world”.


I am writing this letter so that you know what is going on in Istanbul. Mass media will not tell you any of this. Not in my country at least. Please post as many as articles as you see on the Internet and spread the word.

As I was posting articles that explained what is happening in Istanbul on my Facebook page last night someone asked me the following question:

«What are you hoping to gain by complaining about our country to foreigners?»

This blog is my answer to her.

By so called «complaining» about my country I am hoping to gain:

Freedom of expression and speech,

Respect for human rights,

Control over the decisions I make concerning my on my body,

The right to legally congregate in any part of the city without being considered a terrorist.

But most of all by spreading the word to you, my friends who live in other parts of the world, I am hoping to get your awareness, support and help!

Please spread the word and share this blog.

Thank you!

http://welcome2humanity.tumblr.com/post/52044375521/istand-bull-*-watc h-us-rise-up

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scienceplease 2
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 11:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Turkish police arrest 25 people for using social media to call for protest

Turkish authorities in Turkey's third city of Izmir 'spreading untrue information' to incite anti-government sentiment

Luke Harding and Constanze Letsch in Istanbul
The Guardian, Wednesday 5 June 2013 19.03 BST

Turkish police on Wednesday arrested 25 people they accused of using Twitter and social media to stoke anti-government sentiment during protests that have engulfed the country.

Police in Turkey's third city of Izmir said the suspects had been detained for "spreading untrue information" and inciting people to join demonstrations, the state-run agency reported. They were rounded up on Tuesday night. Izmir, in western Turkey, has been the scene of violent clashes between riot police and protesters.

The authorities appear to have taken their cue from Turkey's prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who denounced Twitter as a "menace to society", adding: "The best examples of lies can be found there." Turkey's state-run media ignored the protests, at least at first, instead screening documentaries on cats and penguins.

Families of those arrested gathered in front of Izmir's police station. They said some of those detained, who are all between 20 and 25 years old, don't have Twitter accounts. They added that some of the tweets in question shared information and phone numbers of volunteer doctors and lawyers. Others said: "There are police in x, don't come here" or "this and that street is blocked" or "let's meet tonight at x" Lawyers for the suspects said the accusations were unfounded. "I have looked at their files and examined their tweets," Sevda Erdan Kilic told Radikal newspaper: "There is nothing to provoke the people [into rioting]. They are sentiments we all share." Another lawyer, Imdat Atas, told CNNTurk: "There is nothing in the indictment that points at a crime. We think that [these arrests have been made] because of the prime minister's comments about Twitter."

The arrests came as a small delegation of conservationists campaigning to save Istanbul's Gezi Park met with deputy prime minister Bulent Arinc in the capital Ankara. Erdogan – the main focus of the protesters' ire – is on a tour of North Africa but arrives back in Istanbul on Thursday. He has previously dismissed his opponents as "looters" and fringe extremists. It is unclear whether he is now willing to back down from his earlier abrasive remarks.

The protesters presented Arinc with a list of demands including a halt to plans to redevelop neighbouring Taksim Square and an end to the use of tear gas, fired liberally by police against peaceful protesters last week.

They also demanded the immediate release of all detained activists, the lifting of restrictions on freedom of expression and assembly, and the sacking of officials including governors and top police officers responsible for the violent crackdown.

The group of academics, architects and environmentalists, known as the "Taksim Solidarity Platform," was formed to protect Taksim Square from development, including the rebuilding of an Ottoman army barracks and a shopping mall. "The steps the government takes from now on will define the course of society's reaction," Eyup Muhcu, the head of a chamber of architects, said on Wednesday after the meeting with Arinc.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/05/turkish-police-arrests-soc ial-media-protest
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scienceplease 2
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As the politicians gave what was expected to be a conciliatory speech in Parliament, the Police moved into the Park to clear the protestors with tear gas and water cannons (having previously sent in agents provocateurs to attack the Police and burn one of their own vehicles). But most surprising and potentially explosive of all, they also simultaneously arrested 75 lawyers that were arresting the protestors.

Turkey arrest 75 Lawyers
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scienceplease 2
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I can't believe the quietness of this forum on this day...

The date: 6-11

Riots across Turkey according to the comments section:

http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/11/turkey-police-move-into-ta ksim-square

Street fighting throughout Istanbul. No-one's reporting from other cities: sure it's the same in many parts of the country.

CNN reporting live...
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Lawyers denounce arbitrary police arrests, vow support to protests

Over 1,000 lawyers gathered at İstanbul's largest courthouse on Wednesday to denounce the mass detention of dozens of lawyers a day before and pledge support to Turkey's recently reignited anti-government protests.

Crowding into the main lobby and chanting slogans from balconies of the massive Çağlayan Courthouse, lawyers called out in unison, "Everywhere is Taksim. Everywhere is resistance!” in an expression of solidarity with the countrywide government protests that began two weeks ago in İstanbul's Taksim Square.

At a press conference in front of the building, Chairman of the Union of Turkish Bar Associations Metin Feyzioğlu expressed his alarm at “the threatened state of social freedoms” in Turkey -- and indeed, the scene in Çağlayan Courthouse on Tuesday provided a bitter view of just how threatened personal liberties have become even for the country's lawyers and legal elite. On Tuesday morning, about 45 lawyers were forcibly removed by riot police from the courthouse for staging a brief demonstration in support of the Taksim protesters. A video widely circulated later that afternoon showed police in riot gear tearing apart a human chain of robed justices and lawyers, whom they forcefully dragged onto police buses.

“The protest had not even lasted for two minutes when police entered and began tearing people apart,” lawyer Nilgün Şahinkaya told Today's Zaman. One of the detained protesting lawyers, Şahinkaya spent the night in police custody before being released Wednesday morning. “I'm exhausted and furious about this ordeal,” she said. “We had just gotten through our first few chants, and suddenly people were shouting and screaming while police began taking people away without charge. We all felt powerless, angry and humiliated by what they did.”

Police initially detained two lawyers, but when others attempted to resume the protest, they returned to detain dozens more. Nilgün and other members of the İstanbul Bar Association set the number of detained at 45, though press estimates ranged from 30 to 79.

Feyzioğlu condemned the detentions, declaring that “these detentions were no doubt made without evidence or reasonable suspicion or wrong doing, and were totally contrary to basic principles of law and human rights.” Feyzioğlu added that the Bar feels grave concern for the thousands of protesters who have been arrested during demonstrations. “Now, even members of the justice system who have been called to represent persons injured by police violence in demonstrations have become victims of police violence,” he said. As Feyzioğlu made the remarks to a cheering crowd, a small detachment of riot police waited -- or in many lawyers' opinion, intimidated -- watching over the demonstration from close by.

Press reported similar protests of smaller scales in courthouses in the capital of Ankara, the Aegean city of İzmir, and other provincial capitals on Wednesday.

Zehra, an İstanbul Bar lawyer who attended the Taksim demonstrations on Tuesday, said the detentions were the culmination of strong government pressure on lawyer associations. “Just as regular protesters' freedom to protest has been severely curtailed, so has ours. Recently, it became illegal for lawyers and legal associations to hold press conferences outside the courthouse. One-and-a-half months ago, it became illegal to hold any kind of demonstration inside the courthouse as well. Our freedom of expression has simply been revoked,” Zehra said, declining a request to provide her last name.

Many Taksim protesters who viewed the video of lawyers being forcibly removed from the courthouse said they were proud of the Bar's defiance but felt shame [for their country] by the display of force. As a group of lawyers marched through Taksim on Tuesday to demand a government apology, onlooker and Yeditepe University student Özgür Karaağaç said that this treatment of lawyers “is one of the most embarrassing things I have seen so far in the last two weeks, but I'm happy that they stood up for something.” Fellow onlooker Emre Yıldırım added, “People abroad see that Turkey's government has zero tolerance for dissent, but people should also see that citizens from all over are standing up to resist.”

The lawyer Zehra meanwhile said Turkey has to do more for lawyers' rights than simply limiting detentions like those made on Tuesday. “There are many, many lawyers in jail because they defended persons in terror trials. Why are they in jail when they were doing their job to represent these people? There also should be attention [focused] on this.”

http://www.todayszaman.com/news-318102-lawyers-denounce-arbitrary-poli ce-arrests-vow-support-to-protests.html

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 11:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan prepares to send in the army against his own people who are trying to peacefully protest against his despotic regime in Istanbul - will NATO condemn and attack him?

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

we won't live in a fascist regime, a fascist regime, a fascist regime

Covert crackdown: RT's correspondent water-cannoned in Ankara night raid (VIDEO)
Published time: June 23, 2013 00:48

Turkish police are continuing crackdown on protesters and apparently the press, which RT’s Tom Barton experienced first-hand when attacked by a water cannon. Social media are also flooded with pictures of the wounds from the police’s non-lethal force.

While covering a peaceful protest in Ankara, RT’s correspondent was sprayed by a water canon law enforcement vehicle in front of the cameramen and the crew.

The video shows that the truck deliberately started spraying the correspondent, as the stream of water directly target the news crew. It further shows the police truck spraying anyone on the streets.

“Water cannon and gas vehicles have just charged into the square, if we look down at my legs now, not even the media are safe,” Barton says. “I just got literally knocked off of my feet by the water cannon that has just moved on there.”

Outrage over the police tactics also exploded on social media as rubber bullets were used by law enforcement to disperse the march at Taksim Square on Saturday.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Surely it should have been plain long ago that the 'Arab Spring' and 'linked' mass demo's like Turkey are being organised by the 'Pupetteers', with the Army always the real power brokers in the wings.
Just like Egypt.

'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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