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28Feb1986: Olof Palme, Swedish prime minister assassinated

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:25 am    Post subject: 28Feb1986: Olof Palme, Swedish prime minister assassinated Reply with quote

I'd like to share this information with you 911forum users out there ----

Olof Palme was prime minister and leader of the Social Democratic Party
in Sweden in the seventies and the eighties, and he got murdered in
Stockholm in 1986 by a lone assassin. I'd like to call him "the Swedish
Kennedy", in terms of popularity and because of the murder. During his
time, Sweden had friendly ties with Cuba and the Soviet Union, and
was a shelter for political refugees from South Africa (ANC members
during apartheid), Angola (FNLA) and USA (Black Panthers), among
others. Whenever you read about these and other progressive
organizations during this time, Sweden and Palme is highly praised.
Swedens era of progressive solidarity ended with the murder.

My stance has always been that the Swedish secret police was behind it,
but I've never really read much about the case. I browsed about it this
evening -- there is not very many updated websites about it -- and here's
some excerpts of what I found --- an astonishing read!

Naturally the investigation follows all the examples of a secret service
cover up: death threats, severe blunders, dropped threads, lone madmen
fed to the media, all kinds of red herrings.. you name it.


notice: this text is published 2002
(my translation from Swedish)


Unverified claims

A telegram was sent three days before the murder from Licio Gelli, grand master of the Italian freemason lodge P2 (Propaganda Due), to Philip Guarino, close confidant to the American vice president George Bush. Text: "Tell our friend that the Swedish tree is about to be cut down".
P2 is suspected to be involved in kidnappings, terror bombings and murders.

In a radio interview in Los Angeles -97 the CIA-agent Gene tatum revealed that a special CIA-team called Operation Sub-Groups (OSG), created by vice president George Bush, was behind the murder.

A tip about South African involvement, possibly with the involvement of SÄPO (the Swedish secret service), came from a Swedish civil defence chief and stated that a by him known Englishman had recieved this information from MI6. The tape containing this information disappeared.

An American politician had supposedly recieved a letter from a prioner in California who said that WACL (World Anti Communist League) was involved in the murder. The letter disappeared between the American
Ministry of Justice and the Swedish Ambassy of Washington.

Last edited by AntonH on Sat Jul 05, 2008 2:27 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:28 am    Post subject: 2 Reply with quote

http://pages.prodigy.net/benede/_import/pages.prodigy.net/benede/index 15.html

Site in English!
(my underlining)

Chapter five

The Prime Minister of Sweden, Olof Palme, was assassinated in 1986 as he exited a cinema at around 10 PM with his wife. Olof Palme was certainly a controversial politician in Sweden, and had during the decades before his murder become controversial even outside the borders of Sweden. He became the social democratic Prime Minister for the first time in the late 60's and by this time he had already acquired a high profile on the Swedish political scene and was even somewhat known on the US one. As the Vietnam quagmire deepened, Palme took a strong stand against the American policies and even led anti Vietnam War demonstrations through the streets of Stockholm. I myself participated in some of these demonstrations, although I never caught a glimpse of the well known politician.

The assassin managed to escape from the death scene , running through some small streets towards a local park. In the aftermath of the murder, the police authorities gravitated towards investigating the small Kurdish community in Sweden. Soon the newspapers were filled with stories of threats made against Palme by Kurdish extremists because of some actions taken by Palme that were considered detrimental to the Kurdish cause. In the long run these suspicions didn't pan out and within a few years a local Swedish hoodlum, Krister Pettersson was indicted for the crime and subsequently convicted of it. The conviction was appealed and the Swedish Supreme Court soon freed Mr. Pettersson for insufficient evidence. The prosecution again tried to bring the suspect to court but was stopped by the same Court for similar reasons. From afar in the US I occasionally followed the developments, noticing the mushrooming leads that seemed to point in all kinds of different directions. Parts of the local Swedish police were suspected of the crime, then the Kurds again, followed by other suspects like the Chilean "Operation Condor", the European terrorist organization P2, the South African apartheid regime's intelligence services, not to mention the local Swedish Extreme Right.

When I first heard of the assassination I was sure it was politically motivated. I knew for a fact that Palme was hated like few other politicians in Sweden by his opponents, somewhat for his effectiveness but mainly for his cutting and sarcastic political debating style that left his opponents frequently in tatters. My own father, a farmer, was no lover of social democracy in general, and Palme especially was like a red shirt in front of a bull to him, leaving him frequently sputtering with indignation. It wasn't farfetched to believe that a local Swedish political fanatic could have committed the deed. But I thought I knew it was atypical of the Swedish temperament to commit such a brutal political crime, the papers afterwards frequently lamented the fact that Sweden now had lost its innocence, not unlike the US reaction to the JFK assassination.

My early suspicions inevitably turned towards the US Intelligence Services since I knew that they would have no qualms about getting rid of Palme if it would further their purposes. From my studies of the Reagan administration I knew that it was very likely that the CIA had sabotaged the Carter rescue attempt of the American hostages in Iran. The attempt turned out to be a disaster with helicopters and airplanes colliding even before any serious attempt was under way. I was sure that the rumors of the "October Surprise" were correct, since even a Reagan insider confirmed that the Reagan campaign had closed a deal with the mullahs in Teheran to delay the release of the American hostages so that President Carter wouldn't be able to claim credit for the release and thus win the 1980 election.

A friend of mine, who had become tired of my interest in the JFK assassination , suggested that political murders in the US were no big deal, even Sweden had prominent politicians murdered. This was during the time that the prosecution still was pursuing Krister Pettersson, the freed suspect. I recall having to bite my tongue, since I wanted to reply that the murder of Palme could probably be traced to the CIA and its sister organizations. A few years later, my suspicions gained considerable credence. During my perusal of political controversies on the Internet I ran across a former American CIA agent by the name of "Chip"Tatum, whose spilling of the beans were interesting to say the least. According to Tatum, the US had been awash in political shenanigans during the 80's , the CIA had financed the Contras with drug sales in targeted black neighborhoods and corrupted the then Governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton, in the process. All this activity was headed by George Bush, the Vice President. Any individual standing in the way of this criminal operation was summarily done away with. I bolted upright when Tatum revealed that the Prime Minister of Sweden, Olof Palme, was murdered on behalf of a hidden organization, the OSG, which had a certain colonel Oliver North in a leading role. North's ultimate superior was Vice President George Bush.

I quickly drew the conclusion, that the investigation into Palme's murder was the same type of cover-up operation as the Warren Commission had been. It seemed to me that the reach of the American intelligence agencies extended all the way into the top echelons of Sweden's political elite and police authority. In my mind I conjured up training facilities somewhere in the US, where naïve Swedish politicians and police investigators were sent to learn how to run an investigation in such a fashion that the cover-up would have a minimal chance of being exposed. I have a feeling that their teachers were somewhat confounded with some of the careless statements by leading Swedish pupils though. One investigator let slip: "If the truth about the assassination of Olof Palme were ever to be known, it would shake Sweden to its foundation!" Another commented: "It would be best if the murder of Palme were never solved."

One of my suspicions from the elections of 1992, the fact that there had to be some political dirty tricks behind the inexplicable withdrawal of candidate Perot during the summer of 1992, turned out to be correct. "Salandria's Law" definitively suggested that some action on behalf of the Bush campaign had caused Perot's damaging exit, and Tatum confirmed it, in fact he revealed that this episode was the determining factor in his decision to quit intelligence activities. Tatum had been approached by the OSG and Bush to assassinate Perot, but had refused, since he didn't want to be involved in the killing of American citizens as opposed to foreign ones. He informed the shocked officials that he had stacked away evidence of criminal activities by the Reagan/Bush administrations in at least six countries, and if he didn't check in at certain times, these recipients were to release the documents. He agreed to let himself be framed on minor charges in order to acquire a felon status that could be used against him in case he went public, but when his wife was subsequently also jailed, Tatum went public anyway. Since a few years now, he has disappeared totally from the scene, some say he has made a deal with the establishment to keep quiet and some say he probably has been mixed in concrete and is resting on the ocean floor.

In early 1999, I had managed to acquire a tape featuring "Chip" Tatum, where he disclosed how Palme had been set up and murdered, and I was pondering if it was worth it to try to alert Swedish newspapers to the fact that this valuable tape existed. I decided to write a story about the new evidence and sent it by e-mail to the three largest Swedish newspapers. Then I proceeded to wait to see if there would be any reaction. I was soon disappointed, there were no mention of this new angle to the continuing Palme investigation. In fact, other gossipy assassination angles frequently appeared, but the tape of Tatum disappeared into the dark recesses of the papers. One such story featured the Kurd leader, Ocalan, who with the help of CIA had been captured by Turkish authorities and transported in bondage to Turkey. Soon afterwards reports from Turkey had Ocalan saying to his captors that his former wife was behind the assassination of Palme. I had to laugh to myself, the CIA and its Turkish sister organization certainly didn't waste any time putting out disinformation.

Last edited by AntonH on Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:50 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:29 am    Post subject: 3 Reply with quote


Later I ran across a Swedish retired journalist, who had set up a web site about the Palme murder. This journalist, who during his career often had met with Palme, was on the right track when he thought that it was worthwhile to pursue the CIA angle of the assassination. I decided to sent him the story I had written for the Swedish papers and hit pay dirt. Within a few days he had plastered a shortened version on his web site, where the story promptly died. Not one paper followed up on the revelations. I quickly drew some conclusions about the reach of the American intelligence agencies, they obviously had their tentacles all the way into the managing structures of the main Swedish media. Here is the whole story from which excerpts were published:

"My name is John Anderson, I was born in Sweden, emigrated to the United States in the 1970’s. During my youth I participated in anti Vietnam War demonstrations in Stockholm and saw Olof Palme as a political hero of mine. As we all know Olof Palme was assassinated in 1986 and the case is still unsolved although there is an abundance of theories about who and what was behind the assassination. Since the advent of the Internet I have been able to follow the news in Sweden about the continuing investigation while living in the United States slowly absorbing its culture and political secrets. This perspective of mine, gained over the last two decades, have led me to a simple conclusion. The responsibility for Olof Palme’s murder belongs with the CIA and the political network controlled by the American intelligence apparatus. In my hands I have a tape of a CIA “black bag operative” stating knowledge of a decision by the same apparatus to eliminate Palme using a South African operative. I believe this person to be telling the truth. How did I arrive at such a conclusion.

I grew up with a youthful admiration for all things American, not unusual in the late 50’s and early 60’s. As I gained more knowledge this was tempered by my distaste for US support of all “Tin Pot dictators” around the world and of course because of Vietnam. A defining moment in my life was the assassination of JFK in 1963. Since I came to the US I have studied this assassination a great deal and in the process discovered the truth about American democracy. Not only was there a coup d’etate in 1963, but the modern history of the USA is bunk, a myth propagated by the mastering of “public relations” at the service of a “Shadow Government” instituted in 1947 if not earlier.

In order to understand what has happened we need to go back to the 30’s. The Great Depression brought FDR to power and with him policies that were abhorred by the powers that be in the USA. Within a year of FDR’s ascent to the Presidency, large parts of the establishment were conspiring to overthrow FDR in favor of a fascist state. This is verifiable history, the coup failed because the general, who had been tapped to lead the overthrow balked. The media wouldn’t reveal the coup attempt since the economic elite was behind it. This same elite watched Hitler tame the depression by turning his countrymen against the Jews and establishing a war economy while profits were still low to nonexistent back home. They watched Hitler go down in flames and they decided that what was needed for the USA was a set-up like Hitler’s but concealed in such a way that the people would have no reason to object to fascist policies.

And this is exactly what they created in the years following WWII. The enemy was easy and right around the corner, world wide Communism, even better than the Jews, by now we know that the war economy lasted for a half century, it hasn’t petered out yet because there are always other enemies right around the corner. The public relations and other aspects of the new system fell to the newly created CIA, which has put its operatives in every elite media institution in such a clever way that the vast majority of the people have no idea that they are spoon fed only approved news.

Here, finally, are the reasons for all undemocratic policies the US has followed since WWII, the establishment knew of no other way of keeping a modern economy going but through the creation of a series of wars supported by the people through secret manipulation.

George Herbert Walker Bush was recruited by the CIA in the 50’s, he was part and parcel of the ”Bay of Pigs” invasion in 1961, he became CIA director in 1976 to protect the agency, he directed the efforts to defeat President Carter successfully through dirty tricks like sabotage of the Carter rescue mission to Teheran in 1979, he then closed a deal with the Iranians to delay the release of the American hostages so that Ronald Reagan would be elected, whereupon he wrestled the presidency away from Reagan with the help of the CIA. He continued the policies of wars for profit with deliveries of weapons to Iran, Iraq and the Contras.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:34 am    Post subject: 4 Reply with quote


Regarding Iran though, he had a problem, these deliveries had to be kept a secret because Iran was an enemy. In order to accomplish this he needed third countries to collude with him by allowing “end certificates” for weapons to be routed through their countries to Iran. And this is where Olof Palme met his destiny, he was approached about letting Bofors route American weapons to Iran through false “end certificates” and he refused. By this time the powers that be had policies in force to “align” wobbly and weak-kneed leaders of nations within the US sphere of influence. So Palme was “aligned” by a South African operative. There is no doubt that influential Swedish politicians know what happened as well as parts of the Swedish police, but they are precluded from revealing what they know through threats and their own powerlessness. As far as all the false leads leading nowhere, this is the specialty of CIA since JFK’s murder. They are masters at this game, the way they win is when people are so confused that they throw up their arms in defeat.

(some text missing..)
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 5:29 am    Post subject: 5 Reply with quote

This is insane...

http://www.martinfrost.ws/htmlfiles/p2notes.html#Iran-Contra_and_assas sination_of_Swedish

P2 : Propaganda Due
P2 is the common name for the Italian Freemasonic lodge Propaganda Due (Italian: Propaganda Two). P2 came to public light with Michele Sindona's inculpation and the Banco Ambrosiano scandal, in which the Vatican Bank had many shares. P2 has been involved in Gladio's strategy of tension - Gladio was the name of the secret "stay-behind" NATO paramilitary organizations. Between 1965 and 1981, it tried to condition the Italian political process through the penetration of persons of confidence to the inside of the magistracy, the Parliament, the army and the press. Beside Italy, P2 was also active in Uruguay, Brazil and especially in Argentina's "Dirty War".


Iran-Contra and assassination of Swedish prime minister Olof Palme

According to an interview given by formal CIA agent Richard Brenneke and Ibrahim Razin to RAI journalist Ennio Remondino, P2 received funds from the CIA and has been involved in the Iran-Contra affair as well as in the strategy of tension; apparently the CIA supported it because of its determination to stage a coup should the Communist party take power. Due to the importance of the matters discussed, this interview gave rised to a letter from Italian president Francesco Cossiga to prime minister Giulio Andreotti. Extracts:

"Q: Excuse me, but your statements are very serious. You say that the P-2 was a creation, the financial and organizational arm of the CIA to destabilize, to run cover operations in Europe?

Richard Brenneke: There is no doubt. The P-2 since the beginning of the 1970s was used for the dope traffic, for destabilization in a covert way. It was done secretly to keep people from knowing about the involvement of the U.S. government. In many cases it was done directly through the offices of the CIA in Rome and in some other cases through CIA centers in other countries."

Richard Brenneke: "The P-2 was involved in the operation for which I ended up in court, that is the delay in the liberation of the American hostages in Iran in 1980" (known as "October surprise").

Richard Brenneke claims to have met Licio Gelli in Paris in October 1980, in relationship to the "October surprise". According to him, William Casey, who would later become head of the CIA but was at that time manager of the Reagan-Bush campaign, was present, as well as Donald Gregg, who became ambassador to South Korea but at that time worked for the CIA and the National Security Council.

Also interviewed, agent Ibrahim Razin claimed that three days before Swedish prime minister's Olaf Palme's assassination, in 1986, Philip Guarino, a member of the Republican circle around George H.W. Bush, received a telegram signed by Licio Gelli and sent by one of his men, Ortolani, from "one of the southernmost regions of Brazil". The telegram said: "Tell our friend that the Swedish palm will be felled." As yet, Olaf Palme's murder has not been solved.

According to Ibrahim Razin, "P-2 was at the center, one of the main participants in the illegal arms traffic, which was connected to the drug traffic from the outset. P-2 also made a substantial contribution to the recycling of large amounts of money used for this arms and drugs traffic from one country to another." Answering to a question on CIA-P2 relations, Razin says: "Suffice it to see how the P-2 was involved with Banco Ambrosiano and with Michele Sindona and how the CIA was involved with them in several financial manipulations. For example, in the United States the big scandal involving the S&L banks is big news. The Texas state prosecutor has found evidence of CIA involvement in the bankruptcy of many of these banks which used illegal funds for their operations. The man who knows a lot about this is Richard Brenneke, a former CIA agent from Oregon."

http://www.martinfrost.ws/htmlfiles/silvio_berlusconi.html#Member_of_P ropaganda_Due_masonry_lodge


Member of Propaganda Due masonry lodge

Some of the suspects on Berlusconi's person arise from real or perceived blank spots in his past. Notably, in 1981 a scandal arose on the discovery by the police of Licio Gelli's secret freemasonry lodge (Propaganda Due, or P2) aiming to move the Italian political system in an authoritarian direction to oppose communism. A list of names was found of adherents of P2, which included members of the secret services and some prominent personalities from the political, industrial, military and press elite, among which Silvio Berlusconi, who was just starting to gain popularity as the founder and owner of "Canale 5" TV network. The P2 lodge was dissolved by the Italian parliament in December 1981 and a law was passed declaring similar organizations illegal, but no specific crimes were alleged to individual members of P2. Berlusconi later (1989) sued for libel three journalists who had written an article hinting at his involvement in financial crimes and in this occasion he declared in court that he had joined the P2 lodge "only a very short time before the scandal broke" and "he had not even paid the entry fee". Such statements, however, conflicted with the findings of the parliamentary commission appointed to investigate the lodge's activity, with material evidence, and even with previous testimony of Berlusconi, all of which showing that he had actually been a member of P2 since 1978 and had indeed paid a 100,000 Italian liras entry fee. Because of this a court of appeal condemned him for perjury in 1990, but the crime was extinguished by the previous 1989 amnesty so he was never actually convicted.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

British documentary about the assassination about Swedish secret police
complicity and the cover up of the investigation:

Murder in Stockholm - the forbidden trail


http://video.google.com.au/videoplay?docid=-8055010193712898676&q=murd er+in+stockholm&ei=DzeJSIvkOIzuiQKq-5nPCA
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scienceplease 2
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Eva Rausing 'had information' on murder of Swedish PM

http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2012/aug/29/eva-rausing-information-murde r-olaf-palme


Eva Rausing 'had information' on murder of Swedish PM

Metropolitan police passes information to authorities in Sweden about killing of Olof Palme in 1986

The Guardian, Wednesday 29 August 2012

Eva Rausing, who was found dead in July at the London home she shared with her husband, an heir to the TetraPak fortune, had passed on information about the unsolved 1986 murder of Swedish prime minister Olof Palme, Swedish prosecutors have revealed.

Scotland Yard confirmed on Tuesday night that it had given information to authorities in Sweden, where investigators are now reported as wanting to question Hans Kristian Rausing as a possible witness about the information his wife claimed to have obtained.

A Swedish author who has written two books on the Palme killing said Mrs Rausing first contacted him in June 2011. She claimed she had learned that Palme had been killed by an entrepreneur who feared the politician was a threat to his business.

The author, Gunnar Wall, said he had engaged in email correspondence with Rausing, who told him she had written to the businessman on three occasions about the allegations. In one email to Wall she wrote: "Don't forget to investigate if I should suddenly die! Just joking, I hope."

Wall told the Guardian: "When her emails stopped, I did not think too much about it, until I heard that she had died in circumstances that were unclear."

"She also told me that she was going to inform the prosectors in Sweden and it seemed like she had some arrangement to meet them."

Hans Kristian Rausing was given a 10-month suspended custodial sentence earlier this month after admitting preventing the lawful burial of his wife, a fellow drug addict. Rausing kept her body hidden at their home in Belgravia, London, for two months under a pile of clothing and bin bags.

Sweden's Dagens Nyheter newspaper says British police found information regarding Palme's murder when they searched Eva's computer.

Kerstin Skarp, Sweden's deputy prosecutor general, said: "I can confirm that Eva Rausing contacted the Palme investigators and that we have received information from the British authorities. I cannot disclose any other information about the status of the investigation."

A Scotland Yard spokesman said: "We are in the possession of information that we have sent on to the Swedish authorities."

Palme was shot by a single assailant in central Stockholm on the evening of 28 February 1986, while walking home from the cinema with his wife Lisbeth.

A Social Democrat, he was a strong critic of the Vietnam war, earning Washington's wrath, was a mediator to end the Iran-Iraq war, and was active in the South African anti-apartheid struggle.

Palme's wife identified the gunman as Christer Pettersson, a petty criminal, and he was given a life sentence by a district court. However, the appeal court later ruled that her eyewitness account was not credible and released him. Pettersson later confessed to a newspaper, only to retract his statements, and died in 2004.

Other suspects have included Kurdish militantsand the South African and Yugoslav secret services.

Tony, this article should be moved to the assassination category rather than false flag perhaps?
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Everything but the name?
Any educated guesses?
Possible clues...

Eva Rausing Passed Name of Olof Palme Killer to Swedish Police
According to Wall, Rausing believed the person behind Palme's murder was a businessman who feared that the then prime minister was a threat to his business.
Wall and Rausing exchanged emails in which she told him she had made her allegations clear to the businessman and was afraid of him.
"Don't forget to investigate if I should suddenly die! Just joking, I hope," she wrote to Wall.
http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/articles/378526/20120829/eva-rausing-olof-pal me-murder-information-dead.htm

scienceplease 2 wrote:
A Social Democrat, he was a strong critic of the Vietnam war, earning Washington's wrath, was a mediator to end the Iran-Iraq war, and was active in the South African anti-apartheid struggle.

'I know who killed Palme': Eva Rausing
Published: 28 Aug 12 17:10 CET | Double click on a word to get a translation
Billionairess Eva Rausing claimed to know who killed Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme. Rausing, who died last month, made the claims in emails to an expert on the murder, adding she feared for her life.
Rausing first told journalist Gunnar Wall of her suspiciosn in an email in June 2011. The email had as its subject line “I know who killed Olof Palme”.
“Of course I was surprised and a bit suspicious at first,” Wall told daily Dagens Nyheter (DN).
On Tuesday the correspondence between Wall and Rausing was handed over to the deputy chief prosecutor Kerstin Skarp, according to the paper.
“My name is Eva Rausing and I am married to Hans K Rausing and I recently found out from my husband, whom I have been married to for 20 years, that XX was behind the murder of Olof Palme. My husband had found out by coincidence many years ago and it affected him very, very badly. I think I know where the murder weapon is hidden”, Rausing wrote according to DN.
Eva Rausing told Wall that the motive for Palme’s death had been strictly financial. The businessman who was behind the deed had thought that “Palme was a threat to his business and he didn’t want to lose it”.
She also said she feared the man greatly.
“I am afraid of XX. He is not a good man but I would never tell any of this if it wasn’t true.”
Wall and Rausing exchanged several more emails over the course of three weeks before she ceased to answer.
Although the emails show that Rausing wavered in her belief that it was the businessman who was behind the murder of Palme, and despite admitting that some of what she wrote in her emails came from “visions” she had had, she kept referring to information she had been given by her husband.
"Don´t forget to investigate if I should suddenly die! Just joking I hope," Rausing wrote to Wall in one of her later emails.
Wall told DN that he didn’t really take seriously Rausing’s fear that she could be in danger because of what she knew about Palme’s murder.
“Her information about a Swedish businessman wasn’t completely incredible as Palme did have some rather fierce antagonists in private industry. At the same time her theory wasn’t any more credible than all the other similar tips I have received over the years, and in the end the whole thing was just left to lie while I was busy with something else,” Wall told DN.
“When I heard she had died one year later and that police were suspicious that she might have been murdered, I asked myself if I had underestimated her worry and her information.”
The autopsy however showed that Rausing died of an overdose and her long lasting drug addiction was no secret, but finding her dead, husband Hans Kristian had hidden her body under a heap of clothes in a sealed room for 57 days, carrying on like normal.
She was finally buried in New York on August 9th and her husband pleaded guilty to the charges of preventing the burial of his wife, was given a suspended sentence, and is currently being treated in a rehab clinic in London.
When British police searched Eva Rausing’s computer they found information regarding Swedish Prime Minister Palme’s unsolved murder from 1986.
There are indications that Eva Rausing tried to establish contact with the Palme group as early as 2010, but that they then did not find her story credible, according to the paper.
Last week Swedish media reported how uncorroborated sources had revealed that the Palme group in Sweden had decided to question Hans Kristian Rausing.
Deputy Chief Prosecutor Skarp however, does not want to disclose too many details about the information from Eva Rausing.
“We have had some information from the UK and she did contact the group previously, but I don’t want to elaborate on what we are focussing on next,” Skarp told newspaper Aftonbladet.
Olof Palme, prime minister and leader of the Social Democratic party, was gunned down by an unapprehended assailant on a street in Stockholm in February 1986. His murder has not yet been solved.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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scienceplease 2
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The latest news from the house of horror where Eva lay dead for two months is that husband, Hans, is building a £2m underground swimming pool there.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2408509/Hans-Rausing-invests-2 million-basement-extension-horror-house-hid-dead-wife.html

The article makes no reference to Olof Palme or his 1986 murder or Eva's desire to name the murderer.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The International Arms Trade And Its Connection To The Assassination Of Olaf Palme


This is part 3 of a show that Dave Emory and Nip Tuck did on October 13, 1987.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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scienceplease 2
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 4:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Friends, my name is ole: dammegård, I'm a prize winning author, investigator, former journalist, etc. For some 30 years I have worked hard on exposing some of the biggest conspiracies around the globe, something that has turned out to be a very dangerous task.

I humbly believe that I've managed to more or less solve the assassination of the Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, one of the world's greatest murder mysteries.



For more than 20 years I have worked on solving the mystery behind the assassination of the Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, something that has turned out to be a very dangerous task and has cost the lives of two dear friends.

My book “Coup d’etat in Slowmotion” / 'Statskupp i Slowmotion' is not just any book, but an intense study of one of the biggest murder investigations in modern history (with some 1000 pages with lots of photos, documents, detailled maps and images).

What is still claimed to be the deed of a madman has turned out to have its roots within the international military complex and world finances at the very highest level.

The book has been called 'a true Bomb of Truth' and my extensive research has revealed incredible links to other big political 'events' like the killing of JFK, John Lennon, Robert Kennedy, Che Guevara, Salvador Allende, and Pablo Neruda as well as the sinking of m/s Estonia, killing almost 1000 people.

Hear his interview here: http://theunexplained.tv/paranormal-podcasts/edition-146-ole-dammegard
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

investigative reports: Ole Dammegard, author of book ‘Coup D’etat in Slow Motion’ on the assassination of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme. He discusses conspiracies behind the assassination of Prime Minister of Sweden, Olof Palme, in 1986: Gladio Network in Sweden; motives for killing Olof who was about to visit Moscow; Iran Contra; Sweden, Bilderberg and NATO; Swedish Wallenberg family: Jacob Wallenberg Bilderberg connections, likes to have maximum money and power with minimum visibility; recent terrorist attack in Denmark; false flags; Bilderberg Meeting 2014.



For more than 30 years I have worked on solving the mystery behind the assassination of the Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, something that has turned out to be a very dangerous task and has cost the lives of two dear friends.

My book “Coup d’etat in Slowmotion” / 'Statskupp i Slowmotion' is not just any book, but an intense study of one of the biggest murder investigations in modern history (with some 1000 pages with lots of photos, documents, detailled maps and images).

What is still claimed to be the deed of a madman has turned out to have its roots within the international military complex and world finances at the very highest level.

The book has been called 'a true Bomb of Truth' and my extensive research has revealed incredible links to other big political 'events' like the killing of JFK, John Lennon, Robert Kennedy, Che Guevara, Salvador Allende, and Pablo Neruda as well as the sinking of m/s Estonia, killing almost 1000 people.

People in the publishing business have been interested, in Germany, England, Denmark, Holland, USA, Spain, France and on Ireland, but none has had the courage to be the first one to publish it.

After many years I have now decided to make the book available online as an ebook/pdf. Since this is a document which according to many readers is of of great historical value, I humbly ask all owners of images used for their permission. I deeply thank you for your contribution in solving one of the world's greatest murder mysteries.

Circumstantial evidence suggests that Olof Palme was killed on the orders of South African President P W Botha's State Security Council (SSC), whose sub-committee member Craig Williamson admitted being the person responsible on the SSC for "target selection".[2] According to Swedish investigative journalist Stieg Larsson, Craig Williamson orchestrated Palme's murder and mercenary Bertil Wedin carried it out.[3] Williamson was granted amnesty for a number of crimes he committed during the apartheid era, but has never applied for amnesty in respect of the murders of Olof Palme, Samora Machel or Bernt Carlsson.[4]
On 21 February 1986, Olof Palme made the keynote speech at the opening session of the 'Swedish People's Parliament Against Apartheid' which was held in Stockholm and attended by hundreds of anti-apartheid sympathisers as well as leaders and officials from the ANC such as Oliver Tambo. In his speech, Olof Palme declared: "Apartheid cannot be reformed, it has to be eliminated" (reproduced in a 1986 poster by Cuban artist Rafael Enriquez). One week later, on 28 February 1986, Olof Palme was fatally wounded by gunshots while walking home from a cinema in central Stockholm with his wife Lisbet Palme, who was shot in the shoulder.
Olof Palme's protégé and political ally, UN Commissioner for Namibia Bernt Carlsson, was targeted by apartheid South Africa when Pan Am Flight 103 was sabotaged over Lockerbie, Scotland on 21 December 1988. Bernt Carlsson was on his way to New York to attend the signing ceremony on 22 December 1988 at United Nations headquarters of an agreement granting independence to Namibia, which had been illegally occupied by apartheid South Africa in defiance of UN Security Council Resolution 435.
Following his release from prison on 11 February 1990, Nelson Mandela chose Sweden as his first port of call in Europe because of all the support the ANC had received over many years from the Swedish government, especially from Olof Palme. Ingvar Carlsson, the new prime minister, invited British politicians Neil and Glenys Kinnock to come to Stockholm in April 1990 and greet Mr Mandela. That meeting was recalled by Neil Kinnock in a television interview on 8 December 2013 (three days after Nelson Mandela's death).
https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Olof_Palme/Assassination#Western_Intellige nce_agencies

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 1:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Questions Nag in Sweden 30 Years After Leader’s Assassination

http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/02/27/world/europe/olof-palme-killing.h tml

The site in Stockholm where Prime Minister Olof Palme of Sweden was gunned down on Feb. 28, 1986, in a photograph taken the next day.
FEBRUARY 26, 2016
GOTEBORG, Sweden — Three decades after Prime Minister Olof Palme was gunned down on a Stockholm street, his unsolved killing continues to reverberate through Swedish politics and society.

In the prelude to the 30th anniversary of the shooting on Sunday, news organizations are recounting a range of theories about the identity and possible motivation of the killer, including that the crime had been committed by an unemployed Swede with a grudge, or by an American acting on orders from the Pinochet government in Chile. One tabloid published a list of items this week to help younger readers understand the leader “who put Sweden on the world map.”

The continued fascination with Mr. Palme stems in part from the mysteries surrounding his death — he was shot as he and his wife, Lisbet, walked home without bodyguards from a movie on a Friday night — and in part from his legacy as the embodiment of left-leaning values that once seemed to define his country: commitment to a robust welfare state at home and a foreign policy driven by moral considerations.

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 1:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

But here's the real dope for this weekend's Olof Palme assassination anniversary

CIA, NATO and Swedish Military Plotted Regime Change in Sweden in 1980s
‘Heroes’ and victims of 80’s US disinformation provide clues to today’s Russian scare
By Alexei Pankin

http://www.globalresearch.ca/cia-nato-and-swedish-military-plotted-reg ime-change-in-sweden-in-1980s/5508970

Global Research, February 19, 2016
Russia Insider 16 February 2016
Region: Europe, Russia and FSU Theme: Intelligence, US NATO War Agenda

To win the cold war President Ronald Reagan formed a secret ‘deception committee’ for a disinformation campaign against the USSR

On several occasions ‘disinformation’ put the world on the brink of nuclear war

The ‘Soviet’ U-boat scare that shook Sweden in the 80s was caused by US and UK subs that penetrated Swedish territorial waters disguised as Russian ones

Swedish military were fully aware of these operations but did not report to Prime Minister, Olof Palme

The number of Swedes believing in a Soviet threat increased fourfold

‘Dove’ Palme had no choice but to take anti-Soviet stance

He was assassinated the day before his trip to meet Gorbachev whom he saw as a like minded person
The 52 minutes documentary “Deception: The Methods of Reagan” by German director Dirk Pohlmann premiered last May on ‘ARTE’ the French/German highbrow channel. Broadcast late at night and early in the morning, it generated no reaction.



It has not been shown in Sweden, although it throws light on two of the most dramatic episodes in modern Swedish history – the Soviet U-boat scare of the 1980s that was suddenly repeated in 2014, and the assassination of the Swedish premier Olof Palme in 1986. This film is not a Hollywood thriller, but a sequence of stories told by people who have faces, names, titles and ranks.
Several months after this documentary aired, we are hearing that Russia plans to invade the Baltic states, that in March 2013:
“Russia’s air force practiced a nuclear strike against Sweden, according to a report by NATO’s secretary general.”
The US and NATO increase defense spending and start a massive build-up on Russian borders…
The Deception Committee

According to the documentary, after a period of détente in the seventies, the ‘hawk’ Ronald Reagan came to power in 1981, determined to win the cold war. The arms race gave the US military superiority and exhausted the Soviet Union. It was supplemented by a major disinformation campaign and a war of nerves aimed at sapping the will of the Soviet leadership.
To achieve this, an informal group, known as the ‘deception committee’ was formed. It answered directly to President Reagan and was headed by the director of the CIA ,William Casey. Military and intelligence officers were responsible for operational activities, deflecting responsibility from the White House in case of disclosure.
The scale of operations was impressive. Among the plots analyzed in detail in the film, the US ramped up naval activity near the Kola Peninsula, which hosts Russia’s main nuclear submarine base. Military exercises were supplemented with disinformation considerably overstating the scale of maneuvers, leading the Kremlin to believe the US was planning a nuclear strike.
US Secretary of the Navy of the time, John Leman, tells the filmmakers :
“We knew that any mistake could provoke an unintended war”.
Soviet strategic bombers were ready to counterattack in 1983 during ‘the Able Archer’ maneuvers. Only a miracle saved the world from nuclear war.
‘Soviet’ U-boats were NATO’s

The Swedish episode (see viedo) of “Deception: Methods of Reagan” begins on 27 October 1981 when the Soviet diesel-electric Whiskey-class submarine C-363 hit an underwater rock in Swedish territorial waters. The Soviet military said the submarine lost its way, the Swedes said the Russians were conducting reconnaissance. The incident made a lot of noise but was ultimately settled through diplomatic channels.

A year later, the social-democrat Olof Palme, who coined the notion ‘common security’, challenging Reagan’s cold war strategy, became the Swedish Prime Minister. Two weeks later, a periscope was detected in Swedish territorial waters…
The documentary shows the unidentified object thought to be a submarine being chased. Military helicopters and warships dropped depth bombs and laid antisubmarine mines for the world’s cameras. No submarine was destroyed and nothing was found.
During Palme’s tenure, there were more than a hundred antisubmarine alerts: the media reported stories of people witnessing Soviet frogmen manipulating something near a Swedish naval base and published undersea tracks left by the mysterious submarines.
Every time, the USSR was blamed, and although it denied everything, no one believed it. From 1981 to 1983, the number of Swedes who perceived a Soviet threat increased from 27% to 83%.
Palme the peacemaker was forced to make harsh anti-Soviet statements instead of promoting his ‘common security’ concept. My father, Boris Pankin who was Soviet ambassador to Sweden in those days, said this caused Palme an almost physical suffering, but he had no choice.
Many years later it turned out there were submarines in Swedish waters, but they were American and British! They carried out maneuvers in Swedish territorial waters disguised as Soviet vessels. The Swedish military authorities were aware of this, but didn’t tell the head of government. Former US Defense Minister Caspar Weinberger and his counterpart in the Royal Navy said they were careful not to hit anything.
The point was that officially neutral and non-aligned Sweden was actually a US military ally, these maneuvers carried out with the consent of the Swedish military. There was supposed to be an ‘unsinkable aircraft-carrier’ near the Soviet border, a scheme the election of Palme disrupted, earning him the enduring hatred of American politicians, the Swedish military and conservative elites. He was a ‘fifth column’, ‘a public enemy’ and they were ready to use ‘whatever it takes’, according to Ola Tunander, professor at the International Peace Research Institute in Oslo .
On 28th February 1986 Olof Palme was shot in the center of Stockholm. The murder has never been solved.
“This couldn’t have been done by a lone wolf. It was a political contract killing”, Mikhail Gorbachev tells the filmmakers.
Palme was killed the day before his visit to Moscow, where he was to meet with Gorbachev, his ‘common security’ associate.
The world was taken for a ride

… The head of the Swedish Government Commission on the Submarine Incident Investigation describes sabotage carried out by his own military:
“Sweden was taken for a ride. The Swedish parliament and Swedish government were taken for a ride as well as the Swedish media. What kind of world are we living in?”
These questions make this documentary highly topical today. Seeing it, you realize that it’s easier to understand Europe’s post cold-war history in terms of conspiracy theories rather than as it is currently presented by the ‘free’ western press. And you realize why there are no new Olof Palmes on the European political scene today.

The original source of this article is Russia Insider
Alexei Pankin, Russia Insider , 2016
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'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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