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22Oct2014 - Gunmen open fire at OTTAWA Parliament

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 4:33 pm    Post subject: 22Oct2014 - Gunmen open fire at OTTAWA Parliament Reply with quote

Gunmen open fire at Ottawa War Memorial & Parliament
Police chased the gunmen INTO the Canadian Parliament
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/ottawa-shooting-canad ian-soldier-shot-at-national-war-memorial-9811144.html
Radio coverage just now said at least two people involved

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 11:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Canada Shooter Media Hoax: FOX News says ‘It’s Terrorism, It’s ISIS’
21st Century Wire - SPECIAL REPORT
http://21stcenturywire.com/2014/10/23/canada-shooter-isis-media-hoax-f ox-news-says-its-terrorism-its-isis/

Uncanny timing. Just as the book on Ebola is closed, suddenly, a new chapter on ISIS is open. Have intelligence agencies finally dragged Canada into the ‘War on Terror’?

This morning, the Canadian Parliament building located in the capitol of Ottawa, was reported to have been besieged by a Canadian citizen – a ‘lone wolf gunman’ named Michael Zehaf-Bibeau (pictured below).

According to FOX News, this is a shooter “with possible connections to ISIS” (Islamic State terrorist organization). Really?

BREAKING | This is a photo of Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, gunman in this morning’s shootings in Ottawa. #cbcOTT #OTTnews pic.twitter.com/OLSxlYPelj
— CBC Ottawa (@CBCOttawa) October 22, 2014

Rest assured, ‘John Kerry has been briefed’…

FOX News reported, “In Washington, the State Department said the U.S. Embassy in Ottawa is on lock-down, and Secretary of State John Kerry has been briefed. President Obama also has spoken with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.”

We’re told how the Canuck shooter was dressed in black, wearing “an Arab scarf” covering his face, before he fatally shot a security guard at a war memorial, before “storming” Canada’s Parliament building.

Shooter Zehaf-Bibeau was then shot and killed by a ceremonial Seargent-at-Arms.

Canadian police say the downtown Ottawa “safety perimeter” has now been lifted. Crisis over. Another radical Islamic terror event. Case closed, or so we’re told…
BREAKING VIDEO | Dash cam video appears to show gunman moments after shooting http://t.co/MltEFiZ5SJ #cbcOTT #OTTnews pic.twitter.com/yktVn6yr9B
— CBC Ottawa (@CBCOttawa) October 23, 2014

Bizarrely, at least one hundred Canadian armed police wearing various outfits, and some wearing ski masks, could be seen all Wednesday during international news coverage, running in various directions, groups of 20 officers running 2×2 in single file, drawing and pointing weapons in various directions, etc. All very impressive for the cameras.

STAGED: The scene across the street include officers posing, pretending to aim their weapons, wearing ski masks for dramatic effect.

A number of armed officers outside the building could also be seen laughing and joking even as they drew their weapons. Others appeared to be posing for the news crew cameras. In one shot, two officers pointed their guns in unison up at the building across the street – then taking cover behind a police vehicle – while the officer behind them is casually leaning up against a wall. These scenes could be an indicator that the Ottawa shooting was staged and part of a major terror drill gone live – apparently.

Watch the Globe and Mail’s footage taken inside the Parliament building…

As expected, US media are pushing hard to try and connect this bizarre shooting event to ISIS. Right-wing news outlets like FOX and The Blaze are claiming that, “according to multiple reports” (we’re not sure which reports they mean as there are no links to these reports) the shooter was a “recent convert to Islam”, according to multiple reports.

Other loose reports claim that security services had been watching Bibeau “for some time”, and feared he had “terrorist ambitions”.

As the shooter is not alive to tell his tale, you can expect the media will fill in the blanks with the usual litany of hyperbolic and cliched statements:

“A loner”
“A disturbed individual”
“Friends say he became more radicalized”
“Influenced by ISIS”
“His manifesto was posted on Facebook”
“Security services flagged him as a person of interest” (and of course, did nothing)
“He was taking SSRI medication for depression”
“Neighbors say he was a loner and kept to himself”
“Family, friends are shocked, but not surprised”

Shooter Zehaf-Bibeau has the perfect modus operandi for typical directionless loser turned informant – where government agencies like the FBI or intelligence services will take control of their mentally ill, repeat offender asset, hoping he can radicalize other male youths at his local mosque in order to create a new domestic terror cell that the agency can observe and report on. Amazingly, this Canadian shooter fits the bill perfectly.

Montreal reporter Domenic Fazioli (below) confirmed that Zehaf-Bibeau has already been arrested five times for drug possession and violating parole.


As far as informant patsies go, so far it’s reading like a fairytale story.

Pressured By Canadian Security Services

According to the Globe and Mail, Zehaf-Bibeau was already designated as a “high risk traveller” by the Canadian government’s security services – who had also seized his passport. Could this be the reason why the shooter had snapped? Was he being targeted or being pressured into becoming an informant – just like dozens of similar FBI-entrapment cases in the US (read about similar cases in detail, further below in this article)?

Read more about how the FBI and other government agencies recruit, train, and deploy their terror patsies to create the public perception that there are terrorists constantly running amok among the populace in North America and Europe (see the ‘Informant Game’ below).

FOX News has led the charge today, wasting no time tying the Canadian Shooter to ISIS.

FOX NEWS SPOKESMODEL: Overly flippant Guilfoyle takes on a nasty Neoconservative, warmongering veneer.

FOX’s latest addition to its news team, a Victoria Secrets lingerie model named Kimberly Guilfoyle, was flippant as usual, seeming to be over doing it in her attempt to nail the shooting as an Islamic terrorist attack, with her and her guest claiming that, “ISIS chatter spiked just before the shooting”.

Guilfoyle underlined her segment by concluding, “this is terrorist attack right across our border… in Canada!“. (Yes, it’s true, Canada really is located along the north US border)

Spokesmodel Guilfoyle was also quick to remind her viewers that personal sacrifices will be required in the War on Terror, and reminded viewers that they must focus on, “the bigger theme here, we have to be hyper-vigilant about terrorism”, and added that we all may have to sacrifice some privacy to maintain that security. She might as well be a spokesmodel for the NSA.

FOX goes on, dutifully filling in all the relevant terror blanks in the story they would like you to remember:

“A counter-terrorism source tells Fox News that there was a spike in Islamic State-related online chatter focusing on Canada in the days leading up to the shooting Wednesday in the capital of Ottawa.”

A counter-terrorism source tells Fox News? Of course, there is no way to validate that claim… because it’s a secret.

TERROR EXPERT: FOX’s Agent Gilliam blames political correctness for the Ottawa shooting.

One of the FOX ‘experts’, a former FBI officer, Jonathan Gilliam, went straight for the midterm election Obama jugular, creatively trying to tie the Canadian shooting with US immigration policies. “We’re making it very easy for them (Muslims) to come in, because we’re not screening them properly – and this is because of very ‘liberal immigration policies’.

Incredibly, Gilliam also blames the Canadian shooting on political correctness”, because politicians and activists don’t want to infringe on religious rights (of Muslims)”.

‘The Informant Game’

Of course, Agent Gilliam would also know that the majority (if not all) of the major ‘terror busts’ in the US since the first World Trade Center bombing – have all been cooked up through the FBI’s opaque entrapment/informant program. In other words, the FBI has profiled, targeted, recruited, trained and deployed countless “Muslim radicals” – all groomed by the agency to carry out contrived terror attacks in the US and beyond.

Human Rights Watch explains, “The 214-page report, “Illusion of Justice: Human Rights Abuses in US Terrorism Prosecutions,”examines 27 federal terrorism cases from initiation of the investigations to sentencing and post-conviction conditions of confinement. It documents the significant human cost of certain counter-terrorism practices, such as overly aggressive sting operations and unnecessarily restrictive conditions of confinement.”

The list of terror informants and puppet is as long as it is colurful, starting with the infamous ‘Underwear Bomber’, who was allowed to travel to the US without a passport and was accompanied by an intelligence agent on his flight from Amsterdam to Detroit.

Who can forget the FBI’s ill-fated 1993 World Trade Center bombing attempt, where FBI handlers trained the driver and gave them explosives – and worst of all – stood by and watched as their sting subjects went ahead and detonated their concoction underneath the world’s tallest building in New York City.

Other recent FBI terror stooge/informant nightmares include:

Tamerlan Tsarnaev (see his informant story here)
Buford Rogers (see his informant story here)
Jerad Miller (see his informant story here)
Naji Mansour (see his informant story here)
Quazi Mohammad Nafis (see his informant story here)
Mohamed Osman Mohamud (see his informant story here)
Timothy McVeigh (see his informant story here)

… plus many others, and along with their European counterparts like the curious case of mass shooter, Anders Breivik aka “Andrew Berwick” in Norway.

And it’s not just the FBI running these ‘terror cells’. New York City’s Police Department (NYPD) have also been caught doing their own version of this type of operation.

Another classic case of a young ‘convert to Islam’ who was being targeted, or pressured, by British government security services to become an informant – the case of the ‘Woolwich Slasher’, Michael Adebolajo. It was later revealed during a BBC interview with his childhood friend, Abu Nusaybah, that Adebolajo was in Kenya and was being recruited or ‘groomed’ in some way – by British intelligence service MI5, and was also arrested and tortured ‘anti-terror’ police in Nairobi.

Watch as the BBC carefully smooth over the allegations regarding MI5, as “perfectly normal procedure”…

Other ‘Recent Converts’ to Islam

1-FBI-Alton-NolenThis Canadian shooter – a ‘recent convert to Islam’ (that’s the story line), is very similar in profile to another ‘recent convert’ who made big headlines in the US last month, Alton Nolen (photo, left), 30 years old, who was “very angry” after losing his job and violently beheaded his co-worker at Vaughn Foods in Moore, Oklahoma.

Right-wing media outlets like FOX were insisting with non-stop coverage – that this was “ISIS in America”. FOX and other sensational news outlets quickly spun the story into an Islamic terror event, claiming it was “linked to ISIS in our Homeland”.

It’s important to note that Nolen was yet another mentally ill ex-con, and like this week’s L‘enfant terrible of terror, Canadian shooter Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, the Oklahoman had a perfect M.O.for any FBI or CIA handler worth his hummus.

The Ottawa shooting looks more like an informant who has snapped under pressure, and rather conveniently (for authorities anyway), did not live to testify.

A more likely explanation for the Ottawa Shooter and a number of other lone gunman events, is that these individuals had taken part in well-documented government-run psychiatric projects like MK ULTRA, which combine trauma and stress based techniques with pychiatric drugs to produce a type of mind control where a handler is able to ‘manage’ the subject.

Aside from coaxing the general public into more military intervention in Syria and Iraq, the end result of this crisis will be that western government buildings will eventually be sealed off from the public – for ‘security reasons’, to protect us against terrorism – but also to keep dissenters away from corrupt and self-serving politicians.

It will be interesting to see if the media eventually retract their ISIS claims surrounding the Canadian shooter, or if the story fades away quickly.

Watch this space…

Contributors to this report were 21WIRE senior researcher Peter Sterry, sub editor Jason Smith and writer Patrick Henningsen.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 12:59 pm    Post subject: Anglo-Americans are losing allies Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 1:15 pm    Post subject: Anglo-Americans losing allies Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 11:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ottawa shooter Zehaf-Bibeau has perfect modus operandi for typical directionless loser turned informant

Ottawa gunman: 'I'm a religious crack addict, please keep me in jail'
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau robbed a McDonald's so he could go to jail and 'clean up' from his crack cocaine addiction, but was not considered mentally ill, according to court records
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/canada/11184268  /Ottawa-gunman-Im-a-religious-crack-addict-please-keep-me-in-jail.htm l

As the shooter is not alive to tell his tale, you can expect the media will fill in the blanks with the usual litany of hyperbolic and cliched statements:

“A loner”
“A disturbed individual”
“Friends say he became more radicalized”
“Influenced by ISIS”
“His manifesto was posted on Facebook”
“Security services flagged him as a person of interest” (and of course, did nothing)
“He was taking SSRI medication for depression”
“Neighbors say he was a loner and kept to himself”
“Family, friends are shocked, but not surprised”

Shooter Zehaf-Bibeau has the perfect modus operandi for typical directionless loser turned informant – where government agencies like the FBI or intelligence services will take control of their mentally ill, repeat offender asset, hoping he can radicalize other male youths at his local mosque in order to create a new domestic terror cell that the agency can observe and report on. Amazingly, this Canadian shooter fits the bill perfectly.

Montreal reporter Domenic Fazioli (below) confirmed that Zehaf-Bibeau has already been arrested five times for drug possession and violating parole.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The "Conspiracy Show" is based in Canada


Episode talks through the evidence of what is most likely to be a false flag attacks:
- fake photographs
- lack of blood
- lack of reaction by guards
- the exercises
- bullet holes claimed to be made by gunman on a video from 2013
- TV crews in place
- relationship of gunman with CIA
- gunman able to go to/fro across the US border on expired passport
- politicians roughed-up by security staff after the attack had finished
- new anti-terror legislation ready to roll in 5 days
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 9:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is Barrie Zwicker's take - too long to paste it all in.

http://truthandshadows.wordpress.com/2014/11/08/canadas-false-flag-ter ror-fingerprints-of-u-s-involvement/


THE “TERRORIST” EVENTS of Wednesday October 22nd in Ottawa and two days earlier in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu bear all the hallmarks of a coordinated cross-border one-two punch false flag operation.

The first, the left jab hit-and-run killing of a Canadian soldier, would be the psychological softening up for the follow-up right cross, the killing of another Canadian soldier in Ottawa. Together they dazed the public to an extent that even the ostentatiously-iconic murder at the National War Memorial alone might not have achieved.

The context was within the intensification of the so-called “global war on terror” and in concert with the pro-military Stephen Harper government’s deployment of warplanes supposedly fighting “the terrorists” of the suddenly-emerging “Islamic State.” The first bombing sorties of Canadian F-18s took place hours after the violent acts of supposed “homegrown” and “self-radicalized” supporters of “Islamic jihad.”
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 11:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

One Year After Canada’s October 22nd Shootings: We Need a Public Inquiry
By Graeme MacQueen
Global Research, October 18, 2015
Region: Canada
http://www.globalresearch.ca/one-year-after-canadas-october-22nd-shoot ings-we-need-a-public-inquiry/5482609

On the evening of October 22, 2014 I found myself in Toronto sitting alone in a restaurant watching a CNN news broadcast playing on a huge TV in the restaurant’s main room. The Ottawa shootings of the day were front and centre.

When the young waitress brought my bowl of chili I said to her,
“So we’re being attacked by terrorists now?”
“So they say,” she replied evenly.
“You know,” I said, “I have my doubts about this whole thing.”
“Of course,” she replied. “This is obviously meant to support Harper’s military intervention in the Middle East.”
My jaw dropped. Maybe my fellow Canadians were more inclined to skepticism than I thought?
The “war on terrorism” has been a tangle of deceptions, so there were plenty of reasons to greet this latest act of apparent terrorism with suspicion. For my part, I had just finished writing a book about the 2001 anthrax attacks in the US, so I was in a mood for questioning. The anthrax attacks had appeared to be a jihadi attack (“DEATH TO AMERICA…ALLAH IS GREAT,” said the letters) and they were used to justify invasions of other countries and the theft of civil rights in the US. But shortly after the Patriot Act was signed into law in October of 2001 by George W. Bush the jihadi story had collapsed. The anthrax spores in the deadly letters, including the letters to two key Democratic senators holding up passage of the Patriot Act, were revealed to have originated neither in an al-Qaeda lab nor an Iraqi lab, but in a US lab serving the military and intelligence communities. [1]
Here was a theme I would not forget: the very security and intelligence agencies that gain power from a bill intimidate the people’s elected representatives into passing the bill.
Such thoughts were in my mind as I sat in the restaurant in Toronto watching the events on Parliament Hill. Centre Block was, in those moments, still in lockdown. Canadian Members of Parliament, having been exposed to a barrage of gunfire right outside their caucus doors, were trapped, and definitely intimidated, while officers with guns went through the houses of Parliament.
Senator Céline Hervieux-Payette has recalled her experience in her Senate office:
At 2:30 p.m., to cries of “Police,” my assistant opens the office’s main door. He comes face to face with soldiers aiming their machine guns at him and ordering him to put his hands in the air. One by one, our doors are opened and the soldiers point their guns at my other assistants who exit their offices, hands in the air, as if they were criminals… The door we go through is destroyed; glass has exploded all over the floor. The door across the hallway has also been knocked in. Glass litters the hallway. There are more than 50 people crammed into four offices, everyone talking to one another…
I sit near the open window. I’m breathing but stunned: parliamentarians are under the command of the military. Parliament is in the hands of the armed forces. [2]
The people with guns who took control of Parliament were likely militarized police rather than the armed forces per se,but it was not easy to tell them apart. Police of different types swarmed the vicinity, some of them carrying heavy automatic weapons and dressed in helmets, boots and green fatigues.
I wondered on October 22, 2014 if we were witnessing a revised version of the 2001 US fraud—another intimidation of an elected legislature by internal security forces to facilitate a shift in power. Bill C-13, allowing increased surveillance of Canadian citizens, was before Parliament and C-44, further empowering Canada’s spy agency, CSIS, was to be introduced that very day, October 22. Soon we would learn that another bill was on the way. It turned out to be the infamous Bill C-51, now made law as the “Anti-terrorism Act, 2015,” one of Canada’s most repressive and dangerous pieces of legislation.

On October 23, 2014, Kevin Vickers, the sergeant-at-arms responsible for killing the Parliament shooter, got a standing ovation in Parliament. Unity in the legislature as all parties joined in celebrating their safety! Soon citizens were treated to images of the Prime Minister hugging the leaders of the opposing parties. More unity! But the hugs were familiar from the fall of 2001. The image of Democratic senate majority leader Tom Daschle embracing George W. Bush in the wake of the 9/11 attacks was fresh in my mind. This particular unity had enabled the passing of a bill permitting the use of armed force overseas, Authorization for Use of Military Force, 2001. The subsequent anthrax attacks had kept this unity intact long enough to enable the passing of the Patriot Act. [3]
There was another troubling development. Those parliamentarians who did not bow and scrape before the Prime Minister, and who resisted the use of the October 22 attacks to pass repressive legislation, tended to adopt a “lone nut” narrative. According to this story the suspect, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, was simply an unbalanced homeless man acting on his own—a case for social services rather than a sign of coordinated political violence. The problem was that this narrative did not accommodate all the available evidence.
There was evidence that Zehaf-Bibeau had planned his attack carefully and had had access to considerable resources; there was evidence that the October 22 attack was linked to an earlier October 20 attack in the province of Quebec; and there was a good deal of evidence that police knew well in advance that attacks such as those that took place that week were in the works. The story of the drug-addled loner seemed inadequate. Accordingly, I wrote a letter to a local Member of Parliament warning him not to invest all his credibility in this lone nut narrative. I suggested that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police would, at an opportune moment, display the video shot by the suspect just before his killing of a soldier at the War Memorial. The video would show Zehaf-Bibeau to have been cogent and as well as committed to some form of jihadi enterprise.
That, of course, is what happened. After keeping the video from the public for months RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson decided, during the hearings held in association with Bill C-51, that it was time for Canadians to see it. In fact, now we not only could see it, we really should see it. He asked that his showing of the video be televised live in Canada. Sure enough, the Zehaf-Bibeau we saw in that video did not look like an unbalanced homeless man. Clean, well groomed and rational, he appeared to know just what he was doing.
So, if he was not a lone nut, who and what was he? Was he acting with, or on behalf of, others? If so, what others? I did not know at the time, and I still do not know, the answers to these questions. But I do know that the usual two hypotheses—the lone nut and the member of an Islamic terrorist organization—do not exhaust the possibilities, and that a third possibility is being kept from the Canadian public. I also know that the police narrative is tattered, trailing a host of unanswered questions, and kept in place with the help of RCMP secrecy and deception.
As for the third hypothesis, the unspeakable hypothesis, it is merely necessary to recall that the majority of people who come before the courts in North America on charges related to violent terrorism have been aided and abetted by police and intelligence agencies.
This known fact was seldom part of the discourse in the heated discussions on television in the weeks and months after October 22, 2014. Police pretended to be unaware of the pattern. For example, in a CBC Radio interview on March 7, 2015, RCMP Commissioner Paulson stated that when he had first watched Zehaf-Bibeau’s jihad video, he had found it shocking. The clarity, the sense of purpose of this violent man! Mr. Paulson neglected to tell listeners that in the previous year the RCMP had taken a young man similar in many ways to Zehaf-Bibeau—impoverished, adrift in Vancouver, caught between drug addiction and his personal version of Islam—and had done their best over a period of months to turn him into a terrorist. RCMP moles had prompted this man, John Nuttall, and his common law wife to make videos taking responsibility for “violence in the name of Allah.” The moles had assisted in the jihadi video productions and “even provided the black Islamic flag the two used as a backdrop for a video message urging jihad.”
Were we really supposed to believe, then, that Mr. Paulson was shocked by Zehaf-Bibeau’s video? And, given the well established broad pattern of entrapment by police and intelligence agencies in North America, would it not be perverse for any thoughtful person to neglect the possibility that state agencies may have been complicit in the October 22 shootings? Yet avoidance of this possibility has been the rule in this year since the 2014 events, on the part of both the media and Members of Parliament.
We appear to be in the presence of yet another taboo in the Global War on Reason.
Determined that civil society researchers not allow themselves to be silenced by this taboo and determined as well not to allow information available in the early hours and days of this event to be swept down the memory hole, I decided to write a report on the October 22 shootings. My central aim was to see whether the questions many of us had in the wake of the events had been answered. My 25,000-word report, submitted to Canadian NGO, Democracy Probe International, is now available here:
http://democracyprobe.ca/2015/10/report-on-oct-22-2014-attacks-receive d-by-dpi/

The list of important, unanswered questions is a long one. For this reason I am calling for a federal public inquiry.
Why is a public inquiry necessary? First of all, police killed the suspect, putting 31 bullets in his body. There is no sign of further suspects and, therefore, no court case on the horizon. No court case usually means no serious effort to discover the truth. Secondly, several months ago a series of police reports was released but they added little to what we already knew. Redaction in these reports is heavy, methodology is poor, and the most serious questions have not even been asked. Thirdly, the media have not done their job. There were fierce promises on the day of October 22, 2014 that they would pursue the key questions, but for the most part these promises have been broken.
I hope readers who are disgusted when they see foreign military intervention defended, and repressive legislation passed, on the basis of obscure events shrouded in police secrecy will download this report, study it, build on it, and use it.
Graeme MacQueen was the founding director of the Centre for Peace Studies at McMaster University and has been involved in peace-building projects in several war zones. His book The 2001 Anthrax Deception was published by Clarity Press in 2014.


With the exception of the few cases below, sources are given in the report referred to in the article: The October 22, 2014, Ottawa Shootings: Why Canadians Need a Public Inquiry.

[1] Céline Hervieux-Payette, October 22, 2014. The Day the Military Police Took Control of Parliament. Blog of Senator Hervieux-Payette.

http://eurekablog.ca/en/articles/politics/national/october-22-2014-day -military-police-took-control-parliament/

I am grateful to Amy MacPherson for pointing me to this blog.

[2] Graeme MacQueen, The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy. Atlanta: Clarity Press, 2014. See especially Chapter 5.

[3] Ibid. See especially Chapter 3.

http://www.globalresearch.ca/one-year-after-canadas-october-22nd-shoot ings-we-need-a-public-inquiry/5482609

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 3:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why I Believe The Ottawa Shootings Were A Staged False Flag Operation
Orchestrated By The Megacorporation CGI - Part One
By Kelly Marie Richard

On October 22, 2014, it was reported that a gunman shot and killed a soldier at the
Canadian National War Memorial in Ottawa, and that this gunman was then shot dead.
The evidence proves this was a staged false flag operation orchestrated by CGI, who
had the extraordinary means, motive, and opportunity to pull it off, and a continuation of
the American Deep State plan that included 9-11.
CGI (Consultants to Government and Industries) reports it is a Canadian global
information technology (IT) consulting, systems integration, outsourcing, and solutions
company headquartered in Montréal, Quebec. What is not reported is that CGI serves
the American Deep State (the Council On Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission,
the Bilderberg Group, etc.) who are secretly using CGI to achieve their long-planned
New World Order, a one world government ruled by the elite and the bankers.
Harvey Golub – former CEO of American Express and Chairman of the American
International Group (AIG), both corporate members of the Council on Foreign Relations
[1], and Director of the Partnership for New York City founded by David Rockefeller –
was appointed to CGI’s newly created International Advisory Council in 2004 [2], the
year CGI merged with American Management Systems (AMS). Harvey Golub is also
on the Board of Trustees of the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the Godfather of
Washington neo-conservative lobby groups and America's richest, largest and most
influential think tank, and one of the George W. Bush administration's closest allies.
Several members of the Bush administration, most notably Vice President Dick Cheney,
directly connect to the American Enterprise Institute, which shared its address with the
Project for a New American Century (PNAC). PNAC signatories: Paul Wolfowitz, Dick
Cheney, Richard Perle, Eliot A. Cohen, John Bolton, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Danielle Pletka,
Joshua Muravchik and Thomas Donnelly were all involved with the AEI, along with
Irving Kristol (father of PNAC cofounder William Kristol), Frederick Kagan (brother of
PNAC Cofounder Robert Kagan and son of PNAC signatory Donald Kagan), PNAC
Executive Director Gary Schmitt, Lynne Cheney (Vice President Dick Cheney’s wife),
and PNAC Director Bruce Jackson. The American Enterprise Institute was regarded
as a promoter of George W. Bush's war agenda, including the war in Iraq.
Jacques Bougie, another member of CGI’s International Advisory Council, is a member
of the Trilateral Commission founded by David Rockefeller (< click on and watch video)
and Zbigniew Brzezinski (a Bilderberg participant, a member and former Director of the
Council on Foreign Relations, and father of PNAC participant Mark Brzezinskia).[3]
Jacques Bougie served as CEO and President of Rio Tinto Alcan, and as a director on
the boards at SNC-Lavalin Group and Bell Canada [4] – all partners with CGI [5][6][7]
and premier partners of the Montréal Council on Foreign Relations.[8] CGI is also a
member of the Montréal Council on Foreign Relations [8], one of numerous
subgroups and front groups of the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR).
Heather Munroe-Blum, a member of CGI’s Board of Directors, is a member of the
Trilateral Commission and a Bilderberg participant.[9] David Rockefeller attended all
Bilderberg conferences, and was a member of the Bilderberg/Advisory Committee and
the Bilderberg Steering Committee that chooses the guests who are invited to the
attend Bilderberg meetings. Heather Munroe-Blum was President of McGill University
from 2003 to 2013 – a member of the Montréal Council on Foreign Relations [8] and
Zbigniew Brzezinski's alma mater – and she served on the board of Rio Tinto Alcan,
also a member of the Montréal Council on Foreign Relations.[8]
Thomas Paul d’Aquino was a member of the Board of Directors and Lead Director of
CGI until January 2015.[10] Jack Granatstein, a Canadian historian who specializes in
political and military history, lists Thomas d’Aquino as one of the 100 most influential
Canadians of the 20th century, and Canadian author Peter Newman describes d’Aquino
as “the most powerful influence on public policy formation in Canadian history.” I believe
Thomas d’Aquino is a traitor who conspired with the American Deep State to help them
secretly infiltrate and take over Canada.
Thomas d’Aquino served as Special Assistant to Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau –
a Bilderberg participant and protégé of David Rockefeller agent and globalist kingpin,
Maurice Strong [11] – and was on the Advisory Boards of two international banking firms
active in Canada: Schroders (1995-2000) and Lazard (2000-2002, a corporate member
of the Council on Foreign Relations [1], member of the Partnership for New York City
founded by David Rockefeller [27]], Vernon Jordan – member of the CFR, a Bilderberg
participant, a member of the Trilateral Commission and member of Barrick Gold's
Advisory Board – is Senior Managing Director and a member of the Board of Lazard).
Until 2013, d’Aquino also served as a member of the Board of Directors of Manulife
Financial Corporation with Michael H. Wilson (a member of the CFR, a Bilderberg
participant, member of Board of BP; corporate member of CFR [1]). Manulife and CGI
are also both Governor Members of the Montréal Council on Foreign Relations.[8]
Thomas d’Aquino posted this story on his website revealing his significant contact with
President George H. W. Bush (note the Bush and Rockefeller families are very close):
“My visit to the Adlatok River, nestled in the austerely spectacular landscape of Northern
Labrador, revived warm memories of events past and camaraderie never forgotten.
Sitting in the comfort of Camp Adlatok, overlooking beautiful saltwater Adlatok Bay, and
following a hearty lunch, our fishing party of four drank a toast to our generous friend
and host, Harry Steele. My fishing partner, Bob Foster, and I, also reminisced about our
departed comrade and builder of Camp Adlatok, the legendary Craig Dobbin. Thanks to
Harry, over the decades I had come to know and fish some of the finest salmon rivers in
the world – the Adlatok, Eagle, Hunt, Lewis, North, Tom Luscombe’s Brook, and
The morning on the Adlatok had been productive – the fish were rising, six salmon and
a number of grilse were taken and all but several grilse were released. My favourite fly,
the Blue Charm, did not disappoint. A highlight of the morning was bringing to the net a
hard- fighting 14 pound beauty freshly out of the ocean. Three runs and four jumps by
this magnificent fish made for excitement.
Along with my friend Prince Edward Island Lieutenant Governor, Frank Lewis, we were
assigned by Camp Director and helicopter pilot Greg Baikie to the north side of the falls.
I had the good fortune to fish the splendid President George H. W. Bush Pool, so
named by Craig Dobbin for former President Bush Sr. on the occasion of his visit in
Over lunch, I recounted one of my favourite stories. Back in 1993, Craig and his wife
Elaine, in the company of Harry, invited me to Camp Adlatok to fish with the President. I
had met the President on several occasions when he was in office and I was an
admirer. Following his arrival and a fine dinner, he and I were paired to fish the
following morning. At 6 am I was awakened to find the President at the door offering me
a cup of coffee and urging me to gear up and get going. Startled, I remember saying
“I’m not in the habit, sir, of being awakened with morning coffee by the Commander-in-
Within the first hour on the river, and with the help of a Blue Charm, I had brought two
grilse to the net while the President had no luck. I promptly complied when he
suggested that we exchange pools. Within an hour or so later, I took two more grilse
and the President still had not had a strike. En route to the Camp, he humorously
remarked that “the George Bush Pool should be re named the Hillary Clinton Pool!”
Back at the Camp, Craig grinned and wondered if Canada United States relations were
at risk, but assured the President that in the days to come his luck would change and it
did. Following brunch, I presented the President with a gift of newly created salmon
flies. I joked that they had no official name yet but that I thought “weapons of mass
destruction” might be apt. He laughed heartily. We all did.
Over the next days, we delved into momentous events of his time in office – the fall of
the Berlin Wall, German reunification, the Gulf War, the Tiananmen Square massacre,
the collapse of the Soviet Union, as well as his reflections on world leaders such as
Mikhail Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin, Margaret Thatcher, Helmuth Kohl and François
Mitterrand. He expressed his admiration for Brian Mulroney and his satisfaction at
having negotiated the North American Free Trade Agreement. We all understood
what a rare privilege this was.
I had the good fortune to meet President Bush on a number of occasions
Watch video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egqqCYSfV2k
Brian Mulroney is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations International Advisory
Board [13][14], established by the Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations
in 1995 under the chairmanship of David Rockefeller. Brian Mulroney is also a director
of Barrick Gold – a company that benefited when WTC 7 was destroyed on 9/11 – and
George H.W. Bush is a Senior Advisor to Barrick Gold.[15][16] Barrick Gold had close
ties to Bilderberg participant Stephen Harper's Government, including Nigel S. Wright,
a Bilderberg particpant who worked for Brian Mulroney.[17] Nigel Wright is a Managing
Director for Onex Corporation, who are partners with The Carlyle Group. Anthony Munk,
son of Peter Munk (CEO of Barrick Gold) is Senior Managing Director of Onex, and
Timothy C. Collins (a member of the CFR, a Bilderberg participant and member of the
Trilateral Commission) managed Onex’s New York office. Onex was founded by
Gerald W. Schwartz who is married to Heather Reisman, a member of the Bilderberg
Steering committee and Director at Onex. Heather Reisman is niece of Simon Reisman,
who following the election of Brian Mulroney, sent the new prime minister a memo
advocating free trade negotiations with the United States. Mulroney accepted Reisman's
plan, and in 1985, tapped him to lead Canada's trade negotiations with the U.S..
Brian Mulroney is a member of the JPMorgan Chase International Council. [18]
JPMorgan Chase is a corporate member of the Council on Foreign Relations [1] and
owned by the Rockefellers. David Rockefeller served as chairman of the JPMorgan
Chase International Council from 1981 to 1999 and remained a member until 2005.
Executives of JP Morgan were key investors in Barrick Gold: https://wikispooks.com/
w/images/f/f0/September_11_Commission_Report.pdf. CGI serve 22 of the top 30
banks globally, and 23 of the top 25 banks in North America and Europe: https://
www.cgi.com/en/financial-services/banking-and-financial-markets, including JPMorgan
Chase: https://www.cgi.com/en/CGI-renews-credit-facility. Jpmorgan Chase & Co, and
other companies owned by the members of the Bilderberg Group, own CGI. [19]
Notable members of JP Morgan Chase include: Henry Kissinger (a high-ranking
member of the CFR, the Trilateral Commission & the Bilderberg Group & a member
of the Board of American Express with Harvey Golub; a member of CGI’s Advisory
Council), Carla Hills (Vice Chair of the CFR, member of the Trilateral Commission, a
Bilderberg participant, served as U.S. Trade Rep. in George H. W. Bush administration
& as primary U.S. negotiator of NAFTA, a member of the American Enterprise Institute
with Harvey Golub; a member of CGI’s Advisory Council, American Airlines Board
member, member of the Board of AIG with Harvey Golub, Director of Chevron; a
member of the CFR), André Desmarais (President & Co-CEO of the Power Corporation
of Canada; a member of the Montréal CFR, a member of the Trilateral Commission,
son of Paul G. Desmarais; a Bilderberg participant, a member of the Carlyle Group & a
member of Barrick Gold’s International Advisory Board), Edgar Bronfman, Jr. (son of
Edgar Bronfman, Sr.; a member of CFR, owner of Barrick Gold & both are executives
of Seagram & Sons with David Johnston; former Lead Director of CGI [32] & close friend
of Bilderberg participant, Robert Prichard:; a Director of Barrick Gold & Onex Corporation),
Condoleezza Rice (https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/politics-july-dec00-
rice_12-19), David M. Rubenstein (Cofounder of the Carlyle Group, a close friend of the
Bush family & a member of the Trilateral Commission), George Shultz (a member of
the CFR, a Bilderberg participant, adviser to George W. Bush, former President &
Board member of Bechtel, a member of the American Enterprise Institute with Harvey
Golub; a member of CGI’s Advisory Council, Co-Chair of North American Forum with
Thomas d’Aquino; Lead Director of CGI), Riley P. Bechtel (a member of the Trilateral
Commission & Bohemian Grove with George H.W. Bush & George W. Bush, CEO of
Bechtel; Donald Rumsfeld was part of special envoy to Iraq in early 1980s to negotiate
the building of an oil pipeline with Saddam Hussein on behalf of Bechtel, they were
unsuccessful, the Bush administration gave Bechtel the first big Iraqi reconstruction
contract [20]), Robert M. Gates (worked for George H. W. Bush when he was Director of
the CIA, Director of CIA in George H. W. Bush administration, Secretary of Defense in
George W. Bush administration, member of the Aspen Institute), Anatoly Chubais (a
Bilderberg participant & Director of the Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies),
David J. O'Reilly (member of Bohemian Grove & the Trilateral Commission, Chairman
& CEO of Chevron; a member of the CFR), Minoru Makihara (President of Mitsubishi;
a member of the CFR & a member of the Trilateral Commission), Abdallah Jumah
(President & CEO of Saudi Arabian Oil Company), Tony Blair (a Bilderberg participant
who championed the policy on Iraq of U.S. President George W. Bush). [18] [21] [22]
Brian Mulroney is a member of the Board of Directors of The Blackstone Group, a
corporate member of the CFR [1] and the investor behind Larry Silverstein's purchase of
World Trade Center Building 7.[23] The Blackstone Group was founded by Peter G.
Peterson (a member & former Chairman of the CFR and a Bilderberg participant) and
Stephen A. Schwarzman (a member of the CFR, a member of the JP Morgan Chase
Advisory Board and a member of Skull and Bones along with: George H. W. Bush,
George W. Bush and Robert William Kagan; co-founder of the Project for the New
American Century and a Bilderberg participant). Saudi Arabia (involved in 9/11)
pledged $20 billion to The Blackstone Group for American infrastructure. [24]
The Blackstone Group has close ties to American International Group (AIG), also a
corporate member of the CFR [1], and to Kissinger Associates, Inc./Henry Kissinger. [25]
Henry Kissinger is Chairman of AIG’s International Advisory Board, and Harvey Golub –
a member of CGI’s International Advisory Council – is a member and former Chairman
of AIG’s Board of Directors. Maurice “Hank” Greenberg, a long time friend and client of
Henry Kissinger’s, is a major investor in the Blackstone Group, and a member of the
Trilateral Commission, a Bilderberg participant, and Honorary Vice Chairman of the
CFR’s Board of Directors.[26] Maurice R. Greenberg was CEO of AIG on 9/11, which
was co-owner of Kroll Associates and a major share-holder in Marsh & McLennan (a
corporate member of the CFR) run on 9/11 by his son Jeffrey W. Greenberg (a member
of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission). Maurice’s other son, Evan G. Greenberg
(a member of the CFR & a Bilderberg participant) was a member of the Board of AIG
and former President and Chief Operating Officer of AIG.
Watch video to view important evidence that connects to evidence above and below:
AIG and Marsh & McLennan are both corporate members of the Council on Foreign
Relations [1] and Marsh Canada (a subsidiary of Marsh & McLennan) and CGI are
both members of the Montréal Council on Foreign Relations.[8] AIG is a leading
international insurance and financial services organization, and Marsh & McLennan is
the world’s largest insurance brokerage company. CGI are partners with hundreds of
insurance companies, brokers, and agents around the world: https://www.cgi.com/sites/
default/files/brochures/cgi-in-insurance.pdf and “handle” claims and litigation on behalf
of most insurance companies: https://www.cgi.com/en/insurance/loss-adjusting-claimsmanagement.
The insurance companies are controlled by members of the Bilderberg
Group, with the Rockefellers owning the majority of many or most of them.
Brian Mulroney is a Senior Partner at Norton Rose Fulbright [14], an international law
firm and one of the largest law firms in Canada, a member of the Montréal Council on
Foreign Relations [8] and a member of the New York City Partnership [27] founded by
David Rockefeller. Macleod Dixon – the law firm that CGI hired to represent the defence
against the major malpractice claim I filed on behalf of myself and my two children, that
then committed many serious crimes, along with CGI, to obstruct me and my children
from justice to serve CGI’s insurance company client, ING Groep N.V., owned by
members of the Bilderberg Group – merged with Norton Rose Fulbright in 2012. [28]
Norton Rose Fulbright is a member of the Partnership for New York City [27]
founded by David Rockefeller, a member of the Board of Directors of the Partnership for
New York City, with Harvey Golub (a member of CGI’s International Advisory Council),
Stephen A. Schwarzman (co-founder of The Blackstone Group), James Dimon
(President & CEO of JPMorgan Chase, a member of the Trilateral Commission,
President of Citigroup; a corporate member of the CFR [1] & part of the global network
of banks CGI serves [31]), Timothy P. Flynn (Chairman of KPMG Int’l., a member of the
Montréal CFR [8]) & Henry Kravis (married to Marie-Josée Kravis), etc. CGI, formerly
known as American Management Systems, has been partners with the City of New York
– controlled by the Rockefellers – for more than 40 years: https://www.cgi.com/en/nyc.
Watch video to view important evidence that connects to evidence above and below:
Some other notable members of the Partnership for New York City include: AIG,
Marsh & McLennan, The Blackstone Group, Silverstein Properties (the company
owned by Larry Silverstein who leased the WTC buildings, built by the Rockefellers,
right before 9/11, and immediately double-insured them for multiple terrorist attacks,
resulting in him and his partners being paid $4.55 BILLION + as a direct result of 9/11),
Ally Financial (formerly known as GMAC [29], company that helped finance the Larry
Silverstein WTC lease deal), Hearst (Hearst owns Popular Mechanics magazine, who
have made great efforts to try and unjustly discredit the 9/11 Truth movement [30]),
American Airlines & United Airlines (controlled by the Rockefellers), JPMorgan Chase
& Co. (a member of the CFR, owned by the Rockefellers & part of the global network of
banks CGI serves [31]), Morgan Stanley (member of the CFR founded by executives of
J.P. Morgan & Co.), Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. (George H. W. Bush’s father was
a founding partner of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., that has ties to Skull and Bones),
Lazard (a member of the CFR & Thomas d’Aquino, Lead Director of CGI, was member
of Lazard’s Advisory Board [10]), Deloitte (a member of the CFR [1] & a member of the
Montréal CFR [8], David Johnston, former member of Board of Directors & Lead
Director of CGI [32] & on the Board of Seagram & Sons with Edgar Bronfman, owner of
Barrick Gold – is an executive advisor for Deloitte [33]), KPMG (a member of the
Montréal CFR [8]), RBC Capital Markets (part of the Royal Bank of Canada, part of the
global network of banks CGI serves [31] & Heather Munroe-Blum, a member of CGI’s
Board of Directors, is member of Board of Directors of RBC [9]), AT&T (member of the
CFR [1], controlled by the Rockefellers & partners with CGI [34]), HSBC (a member of
Montréal CFR [8] & part of global network of banks CGI serves [31]), The New York
Times Company (David Rockefeller thanked The New York Times at the Bilderberg
meeting in 1991 for helping to keep his plan to create a one world government ruled by
the elite and the bankers from the public), 21st Century Fox, CBS, WarnerMedia
(owned by AT&T), NBCUniversal, Citigroup, Bank of America & Deutsche Bank (all
members of the CFR [1] & part of the global network of banks CGI serves [31]),
Sumitomo (part of the global network of banks CGI serves [31]), IBM (member of the
CFR & partners with CGI [35]), Microsoft (member of CFR & partners with CGI [36]),
Mitsubishi (member of CFR & partners with CGI [37]), Accenture (company that has
close ties to CGI [38]) and Google (a member of the CFR [1]). [27]
Macleod Dixon, now known as Norton Rose Fulbright – a member of the Montréal
Council on Foreign Relations [8], a member of the New York City Partnership [27]
founded by David Rockefeller, the law firm Brian Mulroney; a member of the CFR, is a
Senior Partner at [13][14] and that CGI chose to represent them against the multi-million
dollar claim I filed on behalf of myself and my two children – was a sponsor of the
Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute (CDFAI).[39] The Canadian Defence
and Foreign Affairs Institute (CDFAI), which changed it’s name to the Canadian
Global Affairs Institute following the Ottawa shootings false flag event in 2014, is a
Calgary-based think tank, with offices in Ottawa, formed in 2000.
Some of the other sponsors of the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute
(CDFAI) include: Lockheed Martin (a member of the Council on Foreign Relations [1],
funds the American Security Council & has a significant relationship with CGI [40] [41]),
General Dynamics (funds the American Security Council, Donald Rumsfeld (United
States Secretary of Defense on 9/11, a PNAC signatory, a Bilderberg participant, a
member & former Chairman of the RAND Corporation Board of Directors – CGI,
formerly known as American Management Systems, was founded by 5 RAND Whiz
Kids (Department of Defense)), Richard Armitage (a PNAC signatory & a member of the
Vulcans) & Frank Charles Carlucci III (PNAC signatory, Chairman of the Carlyle Group,
trustee of RAND Corporation, college roomate of Donald Rumsfeld's who was with
George H. W. Bush on 9/11) were members of the General Dynamics Board of
Directors), Enbridge Inc (3rd largest pipeline company operating in the US & Canada),
Talisman Energy (formerly known as BP, a corporate member of the CFR [1], Prime
Minister Stephen Harper’s brother, Grant, works for Talisman, a client of CGI’s [42]),
Royal Bank of Canada (member of the Partnership for New York City [27] & part of the
global network of banks CGI serves [31], David I. McKay, President & CEO of RBC, is a
Bilderberg participant & Heather Munroe-Blum – a member of CGI’s Board of
Directors, a member of the Trilateral Commission & a Bilderberg participant – is a
member of RBC’s Board of Directors [9]), KPMG (a member of the Montréal CFR [8] &
of the Partnership for New York City [27]), Shell (a member of the CFR [1] & partners
with CGI [43]), Raytheon Company (a member of the CFR [1], close involvement with
the CIA & the NSA to the extent that they are "virtually indistinguishable" entities, former
CIA director John M. Deutch (a Bilderberg participant) is member of Raytheon's Board
of Directors, Richard Armitage (a PNAC signatory) is a member of Raytheon's Special
Advisory Board, Saudi arms merchant Adnan Khashoggi (owner of Barrick Gold) was a
sales agent for Raytheon, Stephen Hadley (Condoleezza Rice’s right-hand man in the
Bush administration’s National Security Council) is a director with Raytheon & owns
11,477 shares of Raytheon stock), IAMGOLD (founded by Marc B. Nathanson, a CFR
member & Aspen Institute Trustee, & member of the Board, J. A. Boultbee, was member
of Hollinger International Board with: Henry Kissinger, Peter Munk, Zbigniew Brzezinski
& Richard Perle), Coril Holdings (Thomas d’Aquino, Lead Director of CGI, is on the
Board of Coril Holdings [44]) and C4i Consultants (who report that they have over a
decade of simulation experience for military and crisis response operations, that they
serve all levels of government and commercial organizations across defence, public
safety and homeland security, and that their head office is in Calgary, Canada, with a
regional office in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (involved in 9/11) [45] [46] [47] [48]). [39] [49]
Some notable people involved with the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute
(CDFAI) include: Eric Lerhe [50] (brother of fake Ottawa shooting hero Margaret Lerhe
[51] [52] [53] [54], served in Royal Canadian Navy 36 years, promoted to Commodore &
appointed Commander of the Canadian Fleet Pacific in January 2001, Coalition Task
Group Commander for the War on Terror in 2002 & Director of NATO Policy for the
Department of National Defence), Martin Magnan [55] (fake Ottawa shooting hero, a
former Naval officer & alumni of HMCS Discovery – just as fake Ottawa shooting hero
Barbara Winters is http://site.macleans.ca/longform/heroes/index.html – Communication
Advisor for Department of National Defence [56], liaison between the Department of
National Defence & the Minister of National Defence Peter MacKay’s office (Mackay
dated Condoleezza Rice & awarded CGI government contracts worth more than a
hundred million dollars, including these 2 with the Department of National Defence
worth $36,643,392.00 [57] [58]), moved with his wife & children from Ottawa to Colorado,
where NORAD & USNORTHCOM are headquartered, in August 2012, they arrived
back in Ottawa on October 13, 2014), Major Julie Roberge [55] (fake Ottawa shooting
hero Martin Magnan’s wife, moved with her familiy to Colorado in 2012 to be the liaison
between the Department of National Defence in Ottawa & North American Aerospace
Defense Command (NORAD) [59] (involved in 9/11) & USNORTHCOM (created in 2002
when President George W. Bush approved new Unified Command Plan following 9/11),
planned & conducted Exercise Vigilant Eagle (a means to "develop procedures & unite
Canada, Russia & the U.S. in the fight against terrorism”), member of the Royal Military
Colleges Club of Canada with Alexander Leslie [55] [60], son of Lieutenant-general
Andrew Leslie, head of CGI’s Canadian Defence, Public Safety and Intelligence Unit
[61] [62]), Lieutenant-general Andrew Leslie [50] (Chief of the Transformation of the
Canadian Forces & head of CGI’s Canadian Defence, Public Safety and Intelligence
Unit launched in 2011 “based on similar efforts in the United States”[62], the same unit
Colonel Robert Kearney – who reported to the media that he oversaw the unit that
trained Cpl. Nathan Cirillo [63], the fake victim in the Ottawa shootings false flag
operation – worked for [64]), Thomas P. D'Aquino [65] (member of the Board of Directors
& Lead Director of CGI [10], appointed co-chair of the Council on Foreign Relations’
Independent Task Force on the "Future of North America” by Prime Minister Harper &
President George W. Bush), Dan Hays [66] (appointed to the Senate on the advice of
Bilderberg participant Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, appointed Speaker of the Senate
by Bilderberg participant Prime Minister Jean Chrétien, appointed member of Queen’s
Privy Council by Bilderberg participant Prime Minister Stephen Harper, a senior partner
at Macleod Dixon, now known as Norton Rose Fulbright, member of Montréal CFR &
New York City Partnership [27] & law firm that represents CGI), Stephen Saideman [67]
(spent 2001-2002 on U.S. Joint Staff working in Strategic Planning & Policy Directorate,
part of the Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellowship, former Canada
Research Chair at McGill University, a member of the Montréal CFR), Ian Brodie [68]
(Bilderberg participant, Chief of Staff in Stephen Harper's Prime Minister’s Office from
Harper's ascension to position of Prime Minister until 2008, attended McGill University,
member of Montréal CFR), Rona Ambrose [69] (member of Trilateral Commission [70],
a member of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Cabinet, Director of Manulife Financial,
a member of the Montréal CFR [8], Thomas d'Aquino, Lead Director of CGI, also
served as a member of the Board of Directors of Manulife, connected to the CFR & the
Bilderberg Group, including Michael H. Wilson), Jean Charest [71] (a member of the
Trilateral Commission [72] & a member of Prime Minister Brian Mulroney’s Cabinet),
Hrach Gregorian [50] (teaches at Royal Roads University [73] where Ottawa shooting
hero, Margaret Lerhe, attended in 2014 [74] & Julie Roberge, wife of Ottawa shooting
hero Martin Magnan, attended from 2010 - 2012 [75], consultant to United States Army
Training and Doctrine Command (part of United States Army Combined Arms Center)
CGI has contracts with the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command:
https://www.cgi.com/en/CGI-awarded-contract-deliver-intelligence-suppo rt-US-Army-
Training-Doctrine-Command & Colonel Robert Kearney, who oversaw the unit that
trained Corporal Nathan Cirillo [63] – the fake victim in the Ottawa shootings false flag
operation – was trained at the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command
in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas in 2006 & then was hired by CGI in 2012 [64], the year CGI
were hiring Military simulation professionals: https://www.cgi.com/en/us-federal/careers/
tradoc-ft-leavenworth), Tom Flanagan [50] (advisor to Stephen Harper & key player in
Harper's political rise to Prime Minister of Canada, he & Doug Finley were accused of
offering Chuck Cadman a million-dollar life insurance policy in exchange for his vote
against the Liberal budget in May 2005, that would have caused the government to fall
and triggered an election, a senior fellow of the Fraser Institute that has received
hundreds of thousands of dollars from Peter Munk (CEO of Barrick Gold) & ExxonMobil;
a corporate member of the CFR [1] owned by the Rockefellers, that has given millions to
the American Enterprise Institute), John P. Manley [76] (a member of the Trilateral
Commission [77], member of Council on Foreign Relations’ Independent Task Force on
the "Future of North America”, Chairman of the Cabinet Committee on Public Security &
Anti-terrorism & counterpart to U.S. Homeland Security Chief, following terrorist attacks
on 9/11, Senior Counsel at McCarthy Tétrault, a member of the Montréal CFR [8], a
Director at CIBC, a member of the CFR [1] & part of the global network of banks CGI
serves [31]), Hugh Segal [78] (a member of the Trilateral Commission, a Senior Fellow
at Munk School of Global Affairs funded by Peter Munk (CEO of Barrick Gold), Chief of
Staff to Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, summoned to the Senate in 2005 on the
recommendation of Bilderberg participant Prime Minister Paul Martin, Chair of Special
Senate Committee on Anti-Terrorism, Honorary Navy Captain, Chair of the NATO
Association of Canada, formerly the Atlantic Council of Canada (Brent Scowcroft, a
Bilderberg participant & close friend of the Bush family, is Chairman Emeritus of the
Atlantic Council Board of Directors & International Advisory Board [79]), Richard
Fadden [80] (Deputy Minister of National Defence starting in 2013, Director of the
Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) from 2009 until 2013, (CGI have major
contracts with CSIS), attended McGill University & Université de Montréal, both
members of the Montréal CFR [8]), Dr. Jack M. Mintz [81] (serves on the board of
Imperial Oil, owned by Exxon Mobil Corp., a member of the CFR [1] owned by the
Rockefellers, CGI is a partner to all oil & gas majors globally: https://www.cgi.com/en/oilgas,
serves on the Board of Morneau Shepell, a member of the Montréal CFR [8];
Bilderberg participant, Bill Morneau, was president & CEO of Morneau Shepell, has
consulted widely with the International Monetary Fund & the World Bank, both
connected to the Bilderberg group, including Robert Zoellick, President of the World
Bank from July 2007 - June 2012 & Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank from
July 2005 - June 2007), Marie-Lucie Morin (a member of the Trudeau Foundation along
with Jacques Bougie (a member of CGI’s International Advisory Council & the Trilateral
Commission) & Heather Munroe-Blum (a member of CGI’s Board of Directors, a
Bilderberg participant & a member of the Trilateral Commission), served as the
executive director for Canada, Ireland & the Caribbean at the World Bank from 2010 to
2013, Robert Zoellick was President of the World Bank from 2007 - 2012, national
security advisor to the Prime Minister, a member of the Security Intelligence Review
Committee, a member of Deloitte’s Board of Directors [82]; a member of the CFR [1],
member of the Partnership for New York City [27] & member of the Montréal CFR [8],
attended Université de Sherbrooke; a member of the Montréal CFR [8]), Brad Wall [83]
(Bilderberg participant), Jeffrey Simpson [84] (Bilderberg participant & member of the
Trilateral Commission), Fraser Holman [85] (Director of the Atlantic Council of Canada,
in 1993 was assigned to NORAD headquarters in Colorado Springs, Colorado, he
served as Vice-Director of Plans, then Deputy Commander of the Cheyenne Mountain
Operations Centre, before being promoted to major-general in 1995 & becoming the
J-3, Director of Operations for the North American Aerospace Defense Command
(NORAD), then from 1997 to 2010 he worked for the Canadian Forces College as a
senior mentor and facilitator involved in the development and implementation of two
advanced courses in senior officer professional development — the Advanced Military
Studies Course and the National Security Studies Course – Colonel Robert Kearney,
who reported to the media he oversaw the unit that trained Corporal Nathan Cirillo [63],
the fake victim in the Ottawa shootings false flag operation – took this course at the
Canadian Forces College from August 2004 to June 2005 & earned a Master of
Defence Studies and International Security and then was hired by CGI in 2012 [64],
Robert Fowler (a Bilderberg participant, Corporate Social Responsibility Advisory Board
for Barrick Gold, Foreign Policy Advisor to Canadian Prime Ministers Pierre Trudeau
and Brian Mulroney, Ambassador to United Nations posted at UN headquarters in New York
from 1967-1978, he and his colleague Louis Guay “were captured by al Qaeda in the Islamic
Maghreb (AQIM) on the 14th of December 2008, and held hostage in the Sahara Desert for 130
days”, attended McGill University; a member of the Montréal CFR [8], appointed
Executive Assistant to the Under Secretary of State for External Affairs, Allan E. Gotlieb
(a Bilderberg participant, member of the Carlyle Group's Canadian advisory board, a
member of the Trilateral Commission, Canadian ambassador to US from ’81 to ’89,
during his years in Washington, D.C. he got to know Vice-President George H. W. Bush,
and many senior officials in the White house, such as Caspar Weinberger, James Baker
and George Shultz, he and his wife Sondra were known for their parties attended by
powerful figures in Washington, Sondra attracted a blaze of international publicity in
1986, when she slapped her social secretary at an official dinner she and her husband
were hosting in honour of the Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and U.S. Vice-
President George H. W. Bush) & Alexander Moens [86] (Senior Fellow at Fraser Institute,
Fraser Institute's board includes: Martin Feldstein (member of CFR, Bilderberg participant,
member of Trilateral Commission, member of JP Morgan Chase International Council,
member of the Board of American International Group (AIG), with CGI’s Harvey Golub),
author of, “The Foreign Policy of George W. Bush: Values, Strategy, Loyalty”, published
in November 2004, in 1992, served in the Policy Planning Staff of Canada's Foreign
Affairs Department; a member of the Montréal CFR [8], and in the Spring of 1999 he
was a visiting fellow at the National Defense University in Washington, D.C.), etc.
Colin Robertson, a former Canadian diplomat specializing in Canada–United States
relations who served at UN headquarters and Canadian Consulate in New York City, is
Vice President of the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute (CDFAI) [87] and
the former President of the Canadian International Council (CIC). The roots of the
Canadian International Council trace back to Escott Reid, a Rhodes scholar who won
a Rockefeller Fellowship, and it’s current Board includes: Janice Stein (Director of the
Munk School of Global Affairs funded by Peter Munk (CEO of Barrick Gold), Bill Graham
(a member of the Trilateral Commission), Raymond Chrétien (a Bilderberg participant
& nephew of Bilderberg participant Prime Minister Jean Chrétien & a partner &
Strategic Advisor at Fasken Martineau, a member of the Montréal CFR [8] and a law
firm that represents CGI, including in their $4.5 billion dollar deal with Bell Canada [88]).
Colin Robertson, Vice President of the CDFAI, works with the Canadian Council of
Chief Executives; Thomas d’Aquino, Lead Director of CGI, was President and CEO of
the Canadian Council of Chief Executives from 1981- 2009.[89] In 2010, Peter MacKay
appointed Colin Robertson an Honorary Captain of the Royal Canadian Navy [90], the
Navy was significantly involved in the Ottawa shootings false flag event, including that
the Ottawa shooting “heroes” Martin Magnan and Barbara Winters are both former
Naval officers, and Margaret Lerhe’s brother is Commodore Eric Lerhe. [91]
Colin Robertson, Vice President of CDFAI, and Thomas d’Aquino, Lead Director of CGI,
are founding members of the Pacific Council on International Policy headquartered in
Los Angeles, California.[87] [92] [93] The Pacific Council on International Policy was
founded in 1995 in partnership with the Council on Foreign Relations, following Thomas
d’Aquino going fishing with President George H. W. Bush in 1993 and them joking about
“weapons of mass destruction.” The document announcing the launching of the
Pacific Council on International Policy states: “we have worked to build primary
strategic alliances with the Council on Foreign Relations and with the University of
Southern California, to forge close working relationships with the Times-Mirror Company
(and the Los Angeles Times, the largest and most influential newspaper in the western
region), and with the RAND Corporation (one of the West’s most important “think
tanks”), and to build cooperative ties with a host of other institutions throughout the
western states, on the Atlantic coast of the United States, and in other countries.” [93]
In 2000, the Times-Mirror Company was purchased by the Tribune Co., owned by
JPMorgan Chase. A December 28, 2000 CBS News report on Donald Rumsfeld stated
he was a member of the boards of the Tribune Company and the RAND Corporation,
and was Chairman of the Salomon Smith Barney International Advisory Board.”[94] Vice
President, Dick Cheney, was also a member of the Salomon Smith Barney International
Advisory Board. Salomon Smith Barney is now known as Citigroup, a corporate
member of the Council on Foreign Relations [1], a member of the Partnership for New
York City [27] and part of the global network of banks CGI serves [31]. The RAND
Corporation, headquartered in California, is funded by the Ford, Rockefeller, and
Carnegie foundations, and the interlocks between the trustees at RAND, and the Ford,
Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations are numerous. The Ford, Rockefeller and
Carnegie foundations also fund the Council on Foreign Relations.
American Management Systems (AMS), now known as CGI, was founded by five
RAND Corporation experts: Charles O. Rossotti (member of the CFR, Senior Advisor
to the Carlyle Group, member of the Board of Booz Allen Hamilton, Bank of America &
Merrill Lynch), Ivan Selin (member of CFR, nominated by President George H. W. Bush
to be Under Secretary of State for Management), Frank Nicolai, Patrick W. Gross (a
member of the CFR, chairman of several companies owned by the Carlyle Group) &
Jan M. Lodal (member of the CFR, Deputy for Program Analysis to Henry A. Kissinger,
President of the Atlantic Council of the United States, Executive Director of the Aspen
Strategy Group) – all part of a group known as the Whiz Kids (Department of Defense).
Donald Rumsfeld is a member of the RAND Corporation Board of Directors, and was
Chairman of the RAND Corporation Board from 1981–1986 and again from 1995–1996.
Founding corporate sponsors of the Pacific Council on International Policy include:
Chase Manhattan Bank (David Rockefeller was chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, a
founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations [1], owned by the Rockefellers, a
member of the Partnership for New York City [27] & part of the global network of
banks CGI serves [31], known as JPMorgan Chase since 2000), J.P. Morgan & Co. (a
founding member of the CFR [1], a member of the Partnership for New York City [27],
part of the global network of banks CGI serves [31], known as JPMorgan Chase after it
merged with Chase Manhattan Bank in 2000), AT&T (a corporate member of the CFR,
a member of the Partnership for New York City [27], owned by the Rockefellers,
partners with CGI [34]), Bank of America (a founding corporate member of the CFR [1],
now Bank of America Merrill Lynch, member of the Partnership for New York City [27],
part of the global network of banks CGI serves [31]), ARCO (an American oil company
acquired in 2000 by BP who funded the CDFAI), The Boeing Company (a corporate
member of the CFR [1]), Microsoft Corporation (a corporate member of the CFR [1], a
member of the Partnership for New York City [27] & partners with CGI [36]). [93]
Some notable members of the Pacific Council on International Policy include:
George W Bush: https://www.pacificcouncil.org/about/network/profile/george-w-bush,
President on 9/11, son of George H. W. Bush, brother of Jeb Bush (a PNAC signatory)
Governor of Texas from 1995 to 2000 – CGI have been partners with Texas for more
than 25 years: https://www.cgi.com/en/texas
Paul Wolfowitz: a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg participant,
member of the Trilateral Commission, a PNAC signatory, Under Secretary of Defense
for Policy for the George H.W. Bush administration, gave speech in June 2001 about
Pearl Harbor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcxI5wpDueE, member of the RAND
2001 Transition Panel [95] (prepared report for President-Elect George W. Bush on
November 13, 2000), Deputy Secretary of Defense George W. Bush administration, a
member of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, President of the World Bank
Condoleezza Rice: https://www.pacificcouncil.org/about/network/profile/condoleezzarice,
a member of the CFR, a Bilderberg participant, National Security Advisor to
President George W. Bush, served on President George H.W. Bush’s National Security
Council staff, led The Vulcans, a member of the board of Directors for: Chevron, the
International Advisory Council of J.P. Morgan (https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/
politics-july-dec00-rice_12-19), the Carnegie Corporation & the Rand Corporation [93]
Henry Rowen: a RAND Department of Defense Whiz Kid [101], with the five founders of
American Management Systems, now known as CGI, a PNAC founding member &
signatory, a member of the CFR, former President of the RAND Corporation, served as
Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs at U.S. Department of
Defense under Dick Cheney in the George H. W. Bush administration, named a member
of the the Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD Commission) by President George W. Bush,
deputy assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs in the Kennedy
administration 1961-64, the evidence supports he was involved in developing the false
flag plot Operation Northwoods: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rp3P2wDKQK4,
that Kennedy rejected – a false flag plan very similar to what happened on 9/11 [93]
Albert Wohlstetter: a member of the CFR, a Bilderberg participant, long time director of
the RAND Corporation, Neocon ‘Godfather’, Paul Wolfowitz’s mentor, Zionist war hawk,
collaborated extensively with RAND Department of Defense Whiz Kid Henry Rowen [93]
Roberta Wohlstetter: wife of Albert Wohlstetter, a member of the CFR, worked for the
RAND Corporation, in the months leading up to the 9/11 attacks, Secretary of Defense
Donald Rumsfeld gave out hundreds, if not thousands, of copies of her 1962 book on
Pearl Harbor that pushed the false ‘Surprise Attack’ and “Intelligence Failures’ line, click
on link to video and watch from 50:34 minutes in to see Donald Rumsfeld (United States
Seccretary of Defense on 9/11, a PNAC signatory & RAND Corporation board member)
mention Roberta Wohlstetter and her book about Pearl Harbor during his confirmation
hearing on January 11, 2001: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3xgjxJwedA [93]
Nicholas Rockefeller: https://www.pacificcouncil.org/about/network/profile/nicholasrockefell er,
a founding member of the Pacific Council on International Policy [93] [96],
member of the Council on Foreign Relations [97], member of THE Rockefeller family[98],
on Center for Asia Pacific Policy Advisory Board of the RAND Corporation [99][100], an
Aspen Institute participant, a member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies
founded by Bilderberg participants, told movie producer Aaron Russo in 2000 that the
CFR were planning 9/11: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gwcQjDhZtI
Watch the first 27 minutes of this video below for the purpose of this document:
Harold Brown: a RAND Department of Defense Whiz Kid [101], a member of the CFR,
a member of the Trilateral Commission, a member of Le Cercle with: Paul Wolfowitz,
David Rockefeller, Donald Rumsfeld, Henry Kissinger, Richard Armitage, Richard Perle,
William Schneider, Paul Bremer, Zbigniew Brzezinski, John Bolton, etc.), a RAND
Corporation Trustee, a member of the RAND 2001 Transition Panel [95], former U.S.
Secretary of Defense, worked under Robert McNamara as director of defense research,
was involved in developing the false flag plot Operation Northwoods: https://
www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rp3P2wDKQK4 – similar to what happened on 9/11 [93]
Marc B. Nathanson: Co-Chairman of the Pacific Council on International Policy, a
member of the CFR, founder of IAMGOLD (sponsor of the Canadian Defence and
Foreign Affairs Institute (CDFAI) connected to the Ottawa shootings fake heroes),
Aspen Institute Trustee, a member of the World Affairs Council with Patrick W. Gross (a
RAND Department of Defense Whiz Kid who co-founded AMS, now known as CGI)
Carla A. Hills: Vice Chair of the Council on Foreign Relations, a Bilderberg participant,
a member of the Trilateral Commission, served as U.S. Trade Representative in the
George H. W. Bush administration, Director of Chevron (founding member of the CFR),
a member of the International Advisory Council of JPMorgan Chase, a member of the
American Enterprise Institute with Harvey Golub (a member of CGI’s International
Advisory Council), a member of the Board of Directors for American International Group
(AIG), (a corporate member of the CFR [1]), along with Harvey Golub (a member of
CGI’s International Advisory Council), member of the Board of American Airlines [93]
Brent Scowcroft: a member of the CFR, a Bilderberg participant, a close friend of the
Bush family, National Security Advisor to President George H.W. Bush, Chairman of the
President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board under President George W. Bush, Vice
Chairman of Kissinger Associates, Atlantic Council Director, member of Aspen Institute
Strategy Group, Atlantic Institute for International Affairs member with Donald Rumsfeld
George Shultz: a member of the CFR, a Bilderberg participant, closely associated with
The Vulcans, Co-Chair of the North American Forum along with Thomas d’Aquino,
Robert William Kagan (co-founder of PNAC) was his principal speechwriter, a member
of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (which Kevin Barrett termed "a brazenly
pro-false-flag-terror think tank”), a member of the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq,
an outspoken proponent of the Iraq invasion & a hefty beneficiary of the reconstruction
process (the Bush administration gave Shultz’s company, Bechtel, the first big Iraqi
reconstruction contract, a prized $680 million deal over 18 months that put Bechtel in
the driver's seat for the long-term reconstruction of the country, worth $100 billion [20]),
Chairman of JP Morgan Chase International Advisory Council, Atlantic Council Honorary
Director, a member of Bohemian Grove with George W. Bush & George H.W. Bush, etc.
Michael D. Rich: [93] member of the CFR, President & CEO of the RAND Corporation,
adviser to George W. Bush, a member of the RAND 2001 Transition Panel [95]
(prepared a report for the President-Elect George W. Bush on November 13, 2000 that
pinpointed "the most important areas and actions for his engagement”), Ben Rich, his
father, was a prominent aeronautical engineer with the Lockheed Martin Skunk Works
Leslie H. Gelb: Council on Foreign Relations President (1993-2003), a member of the
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (President of the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace has always been a member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee),
a member of the Board of the International Crisis Group founded by George Soros
Robert Hormats: Board of Directors of the CFR, member of the Trilateral Commission,
a Bilderberg participant, Vice Chairman of Kissinger Associates, US Security Council,
adviser to Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft and Zbigniew Brzezinski, Vice Chairman of
Goldman Sachs, corporate member of CFR, Advisory Board of RAND Corporation [93]
Richard W. Fisher: a member of the CFR, a member of the Trilateral Commission,
Vice Chairman of Kissinger Associates, former Brown Brothers Harriman executive
(George H. W. Bush’s father, Prescott Bush, was a partner at Brown Brothers Harriman)
James B. Steinberg: Board of Directors of the Pacific Council on International Policy,
a PNAC signatory, a member of the CFR, a member of the Trilateral Commission, a
Bilderberg participant,, senior analyst at RAND Corporation, member of Aspen Institute
Strategy Group, a member of the IISS, Deputy National Security Advisor (1997-2001)
Brigadier General Stephen A. Cheney: Deputy Executive Secretary under Secretary of
Defense Dick Cheney, won a military fellowship at the Council on Foreign Relations [93]
William Schneider: PNAC participant, member of "Rumsfeld Commission", appointed
Chairman of the Defense Science Board by Donald Rumsfeld, a member of Le Cercle
with: David Rockefeller, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Henry Kissinger, etc. [93]
Warren Christopher: Chairman of the Carnegie Corporation Board of Trustees,
Director & Vice Chairman of the CFR, Director of the Trilateral Commission, a
Bilderberg participant, April 13, 1993, it was reported eleven Iraqi intelligence agents
smuggled a car bomb into Kuwait in an attempt to kill George H. W. Bush as he spoke
at Kuwait University, Christopher urged President Clinton to make a retaliatory strike
against Iraq, June 26, 1993, the US launched 23 Tomahawk missles against the
Baghdad intelligence headquarters, oversaw the Gore campaign's Florida recount effort
in the aftermath of the disputed 2000 presidential election settled in Bush's favor, sought
to expand NATO, a member of pro-false-flag Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Jerrold D. Green: President & CEO of Pacific Council, a member of the CFR, Director
at the RAND Corporation, a member of the RAND 2001 Transition Panel [95][93]
John McCain: PNAC participant, member of CFR, Committee for the Liberation of Iraq,
Special Operations Warrior Foundation Board of Advisors with Frank Carlucci
Lloyd Axworthy: a Bilderberg participant, served as Minister of Foreign Affairs in
Bilderberg participant Jean Chrétien's Cabinet, a mentor at the Trudeau Foundation
along with: Jacques Bougie (a member of CGI’s International Advisory Council & the
Trilateral Commission) http://www.trudeaufoundation.ca/en/community/jacques-bougie
& Marie-Lucie Morin (member of CDFAI https://www.cgai.ca/advisory_council#Lucie,
http://www.trudeaufoundation.ca/en/community/marie-lucie-morin) & Heather Munroe-
Blum (a member of CGI’s Board of Directors, a Bilderberg participant & a member of
the Trilateral Commission) is a member of the Board, the Trudeau Foundation was
established in 2001 & in 2002 Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Government (who
awarded CGI contracts worth more than a BILLION) donationed $125 million to it
Kenneth Adelman: a member of the CFR, a PNAC signatory, a member of the RAND
Corporation, a member of the RAND 2001 Transition Panel [95], served as Assistant to
U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, member of the International Crisis Group
Executive Committee, member of the Defense Policy Board with: Henry Kissinger,
Robert Zoellick, George P. Shultz, Richard Armitage, Ashton Carter, Richard Perle,
RAND Department of Defense Whiz Kid Harold Brown [101], R. James Woolsey, Jr., &
RAND Department of Defense Whiz Kid Henry S. Rowen [101], etc.
Kim Campbell: http://www.clubmadrid.org/miembro/kim-campbell/ former Prime Minister
of Canada, Minister of National Defense under Brian Mulroney, a member of the Board
of the International Crisis Group founded in 1995 by Bilderberg participant and member
of the Carlyle Group, George Soros; other members include: Zbigniew Brzezinski,
Leslie H. Gelb Carla Hills, Ken Adelman, Richard Perle, etc., chairperson for Canada’s
Supreme Court Advisory Board; Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, son of Bilderberg
participant Pierre Elliott Trudeau, announced Kim Campbell would chair a seven-person
committee to prepare a list of candidates to succeed Thomas Cromwell on the Supreme
Court of Canada, the committee recommended the appointment of Malcolm Rowe who
previously worked for Global Affairs Canada, a member of the Montréal CFR [8]
Rockwell A. Schnabel: a member of the CFR, a Bilderberg participant, in this photo
with George W. Bush at the Pacific Council on International Policy: https://
www.pacificcouncil.org/about/network/profile/rockwell-schnabel [93]
David Gergen: a member of the CFR, a Bilderberg participant, a member of the
Trilateral Commission, American Enterprise Institute Resident Fellow, a member of
Bohemian Grove, adviser to George H. W. Bush presidential campaign, member of the
Aspen Institute Strategy Group – in 1993 said he resigned from groups, after initially
refusing to: http://articles.latimes.com/1993-06-11/news/mn-2037_1_david-gergen [93]
Dianne Feinstein: a member of the CFR, a Bilderberg participant, a member of the
Trilateral Commission, US Senator, a member of the Aspen Institute Strategy Group,
married to Richard C. Blum (member of the CFR, member of Board of Sumitomo Bank
of California; part of the global network of banks CGI serves [31], World Wildlife Fund
Board of Directors with Thomas H. Kean (chair of 9/11 Commission), Robert Zoellick,
Maurice Strong (David Rockefeller agent & globalist kingpin & Rockefeller Foundation
Trustee) & Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (co-founder of the World Wildlife Fund,
member of The 1001 Club, founder of the Bilderberg Group, member of the Bilderberg/
Steering committee, father of Bilderberg participant Queen Beatrix, who has a
substantial relationship with CGI; the New World Order’s real-life Big Brother network
run by CGI was rolled out in the Netherlands: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=YJ7TJ8z6SLo, & is being implemented around the world: https://www.youtube.com/
watch?v=xBQQ1dQ_2Ow, their Big Brother network in the U.S. & Canada will be
called FirstNet & is currently being set up, as the following two videos prove: (NOTE:
Jay Rockefeller (a member of the CFR, Trilateral Commission & Rockefeller family),
Thomas H. Kean (chair of the 9-11 Commission, member of the CFR, Carnegie
Corporation Board member, World Wildlife Fund member & former Governor of New
Jersey; CGI have been a trusted advisor to New Jersey governments for more than 25
years: https://www.cgi.com/en/newjersey), Sam Ginn (a member of Bohemian Grove
with George H.W. Bush & George W. Bush, RAND Corporation Trustee, member of the
Board of Chevron; a corporate member of the CFR [1], former VP at AT&T; a corporate
member of the CFR [1]; controlled by the Rockefellers, partners with CGI [34] & a
member of the Partnership for New York City [27]), Lee H. Hamilton (a member of the
9-11/Commission, a member of the CFR, a Bilderberg participant (Bilderberg/1997) &
member of the Trilateral Commission), Joseph Biden (deep state actor), John McCain
(a member of the CFR & the Pacific Council)… are all in the first video, pushing for the
U.S. government to fund FirstNet, which is deceptively being promoted as a response
to 9/11 and other terrorist attacks that they were involved in orchestrating): https://
www.youtube.com/watch?v=owAofzkOrN4, FirstNet is also being set up in Canada:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoI2M5WEoxo, more than $47 Billion has been
spent on FirstNet as of September 2016: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/
archive/2016/09/the-47-billion-network-thats-already-obsolete/492764/, as of Nov. 2,
2017, more than half of America had committed to being TRANSFORMED with
FirstNet, and AT&T (a member of the CFR [1], controlled by the Rockefellers & partners
with CGI [34]) have been awarded the FirstNet contract, but the evidence supports that
CGI will actually be the ones running it: https://www.firstnet.gov/news/more-halfamerica-
has-already-chosen-transform-first-responder-communications-firstnet-a tt, Jeff
Sessions, Attorney General of the United States (DOJ), is a FirstNet Board Member:
https://www.firstnet.gov/content/jeff-sessions, based on the substantial research I’ve
done on the subject, I believe they plan to have their one world government, real-life
Big Brother network, run by CGI, fully set up by 2020), etc.
Thomas d’Aquino, a member of the Board of Directors and Lead Director of CGI until
January 2015, was also a member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, a
UK-based think tank that describes itself as a “world-leading authority on global security,
political risk and military conflict.”[92] The International Institute for Strategic Studies
was founded by several Bilderberg participants, including Denis Healey, a member of
the Bilderberg Steering committee with connections to the CIA, the RAND Corporation,
and Robert S. McNamara (a member of the CFR, the Trilateral Commission and the
Aspen Institute, and a Bilderberg participant who worked very closely with the RAND
Corporation Whiz Kids (Department of Defense) who founded American Management
Systems, now known as CGI, & a member of The 1001 Club with: David Rockefeller
(close friend of George H. W. Bush and the Bush family), Salem bin Laden (Osama bin
Laden’s brother and an investor in George W. Bush's oil company, Arbusto Energy),
Peter Munk (the founder of Barrick Gold, directly connected to George H.W. Bush),
Stephen D. Bechtel (a member of Bohemian Grove along with George H.W. Bush and
George W. Bush, former Chairman & Director of Bechtel; connected to the Bin Laden
Group & the Bush family; the Bush administration gave Bechtel the first big Iraqi
reconstruction contract worth approximately $100 billion in total [20]), Agha Hasan Abedi
(founded the infamous BCCI, that had close ties to the George H. W. Bush
administration & Kevin Ryan summarised as a "CIA-linked terrorist financing network.”)
Photo of Robert McNamara with Denis Healey below:
The initial financing to set up the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)
was provided by the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, who also fund the Council on
Foreign Relations and the RAND Corporation. Joseph Slater (a Bilderberg participant
& chief economist for the Standard Oil Company, founded & owned by the Rockefellers,
who worked for the Ford Foundation and later set up the Aspen Institute, also funded
by the Ford Foundation, Carnegie Corporation and Rockefeller Brothers Fund, was
the driving force behind the creation of the International Institute for Strategic Studies.
NATO – controlled by the Bilderberg Group and partners with CGI [102] – along with
the Carnegie Corporation of New York – known to fund the think tanks that serve the
Council on Foreign Relations – provide funding for the IISS’s research and conference
activities. Some of the other companies and organizations who provide funding to the
IISS include: Chevron, Shell (who also funded the CDFAI), Boeing, Lockheed Martin
(who also funded the CDFAI), Soros Fund Management (George Soros is a member of
CFR: https://www.cfr.org/membership-roster-q-u, a Bilderberg participant & member of
the Carlyle Group), BP (who also funded CDFAI), Northrop Grumman (Paul Wolfowitz
& Dov S. Zakheim were Advisors for Northrop Grumman), Raytheon (who also funded
the CDFAI), Mitsubishi Corporation (partners with CGI [37], member of the Partnership
for New York City [27] and board member & former President of Mitsubishi, Minoru
Makihara, is a member of the JP Morgan Chase International Council & the Trilateral
Commission) – all corporate members of the Council on Foreign Relations, Rio Tinto,
KPMG (who also funded the CDFAI), Department of Foreign Affairs, Canada – all
members of the Montréal CFR [8], and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. [103] [104]
The Cohen Group also funded the IISS. Founder and CEO of The Cohen Group is
William Cohen, Secretary of Defense (1997-2001), while CGI had major contracts with
the DOD, member of CFR Board of Directors, member of the Trilateral Commission,
member of the Advisory Board of Barrick Gold, a member of the Board of the American
International Group (AIG) with Harvey Golub; a member of CGI’s International Advisory
Council, member of Center for Strategic & International Studies & Brookings Institution,
witnessed the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum shooting, then appeared on
CNN after. Other executives of The Cohen Group include: Lord Robertson (Bilderberg
participant, Secretary General of NATO (1999-2003); appointed by the Bilderberg
Group, similar to William Cohen being connected to a "lone nut" event, Robertson is
connected to the Dunblane school massacre: in 1996 gunman Thomas Hamilton
murdered 16 children and their teacher, it’s been claimed that Robertson was "one of
the people who gave references for Hamilton's firearm license", and that he attended
the same masonic lodge as Hamilton), Retired Air Force General Joseph W. Ralston
(Supreme Allied Commander for NATO, member of Atlantic Council of the United States
at time Jan M. Lodal, one of the RAND Department of Defense Whiz Kids who cofounded
American Management Systems, now known as CGI, was President, one of
the military officers involved in the Pentagon military analyst program; participants
appeared on television and radio news shows as military analysts, and/or penned
newspaper op/ed columns to help sell the public on "a possible Iraq invasion”, Director
of Lockheed Martin (sponsor of the CDFAI), lobbyist for General Dynamics (sponsor of
CDFAI) and Marc Grossman (Bilderberg participant & member of Board of DynCorp,
who’s clients include General Dynamics and Raytheon; sponsors of the CDFAI).
The IISS also received funding fr

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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