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Gagging for WW3? NATO aims new nuke force at Russia China

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:53 am    Post subject: Gagging for WW3? NATO aims new nuke force at Russia China Reply with quote

Satanic USSA lurches insanely toward World War III

NATO's nuclear relapse
Ian Klinke
Last updated: 12 hours ago

Under the public radar , NATO is modernising its tactical nuclear arsenal . Moscow ' s latest tests of intercontinental missiles and its parading of nuclear capable strategic bombers have rightly prompted international concern. In December 2014 , Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov implied that Russia might be moving nuclear weapons to Crimea . From violations of airspace to near mid- air collisions, the number of incidents between Russia and NATO has soared dramatically, increasing the danger of an unintended escalation. Yet , it is rarely mentioned that NATO, too , is back in the game of nuclear deterrence . Washington has recently sent its nuclear capable B- 2 and B- 52 to Europe for training missions with its NATO partners . It also continues to test intercontinental ballistic missiles. Most problematically, the western military alliance is currently modernising the air - launched nuclear gravity bombs that fall under NATO' s nuclear sharing initiative . Brave old world It is a warm afternoon and thick clouds hang over the houses and farmyards of Buchel, a small village in western Germany and home to 20 of NATO' s remaining thermonuclear bombs on European soil . Or so we can only speculate , for the exact location of these approximately 180 air - launched B 61 weapons is of course secret. The local baker smiles uneasily when I ask her about the base and is quick to assure me that there is nothing to see. After a 20 -minute walk through muddy fields , I can glimpse a large barbed wire fence on the horizon and what seems to be a succession of bunkeresque fortifications. A biting smell of kerosene creeps up my nose . A sign warns me that soldiers may make use of their weapons if I enter . As I walk back across the fields , I frighten a herd of deer that scramble into the bushes . Suddenly, a jet plane soars into the sky with a deafening thunder. In the event of a nuclear war, it would most likely be heading East from here. Designed in the 1960 s for use by high -speed aircraft, the thermonuclear B 61 is a versatile weapon that comes both as an intermediate range strategic and a short- range tactical weapon with a wide variety of yields. A relic of the early Cold War, it is not just a US but a " NATO weapon " in that its stationing and delivery also involves non -nuclear member states , such as Belgium , Germany , Italy , the Netherlands and Turkey. Tactical nukes are particularly problematic because their short range provides the missing link between a localised conventional war and a highly improbable global exchange of strategic nuclear missiles between Moscow and Washington . Tactical nuclear weapons are no status quo weapons . Their battlefield purpose increases the chance of a nuclear escalation, which is why the superpowers removed most of them from Central Europe in the late 1980 s and early 1990 s . If everything goes to plan , the controversial B61 weapons will be modernised by around 2020. This " life extension programme" is not simply an initiative to replace rusty old nukes with shiny new ones , but an attempt to increase their accuracy, to replace free fall with precision guided bombs . Ultimately , this will transform the B 61 into a new kind of weapon and undermine any pretence that the West is still in the game of denuclearisation . Interestingly, plans to modernise the B61 were initiated in April 2010, only shortly after NATO decided to scrap its nuclear missile shield in Eastern Europe and in the same month that the two largest nuclear powers signed a new Strategic Arms Reductions Treaty . How does NATO explain this nuclear relapse precisely at a time when the alliance had just " reset" its relations with Russia ? And what role does the B 61 play in the Ukrainian proxy war? Back in the game Jamie Shea is famous in Brussels for his rhetorical skill, expressive body language and London twang . " He could sell you a landmine if he wanted to " , an activist once told me about the man who spun NATO' s war against Serbia to a lethargic European public 15 years ago. The alliance' s Deputy Assistant Secretary General has come to University College London to talk to students about the Ukrainian crisis and Europe ' s new security architecture . Charming his audience with jokes and anecdotes, Shea tells the story of an underfunded alliance that urgently needs to up its military game if it wants to stand up to Putin ' s Russia. He is excited about NATO ' s new " very high readiness joint task force" and about new and larger planned NATO manoeuvrrs in Eastern Europe . One topic he has precious little to say about is the alliance ' s nuclear policy. When I prompt him, Shea explains that while the life extension programme was originally meant to provide NATO with a bargaining chip for future nuclear disarmament talks with the Kremlin, Russia' s involvement in Eastern Ukraine fundamentally altered the strategic context , rendering the B 61 " once again a part of NATO ' s deterrence posture " . " I' m not nostalgic for the Cold War" , he laughs , " but you have to prepare for Cold War mark two even if you don' t want it " . In this, Shea is on the same page as US Secretary of State John Kerry who recently claimed that the crisis in Ukraine was calling NATO " back to the role that this alliance was originally created to perform " . Why this relapse to what Shea calls " the nuclear game"? The first part of the answer lies in NATO' s recent failures. Clearly , the stand off with Russia is a welcome distraction from its fiasco in Afghanistan and the alliance ' s lack of a purpose in the absence of Milosevic or Gaddafi . Yet , there is more to this than just an identity crisis . NATO, as Trine Flockhardt so aptly puts it , is something of a " nuclear addict" - it hangs on to its nuclear weapons despite frequently declaring its desire to abandon them . Both US President Obama and NATO' s new General Secretary Stoltenberg are known advocates of nuclear disarmament - but in 2014 their alliance is stepping up its nuclear deterrence and the US administration is pouring $ 1trn into the future of its nuclear weapons systems . There are obvious pressures behind this nuclear habit , from the nuclear arms industry via hawkish politicians and generals to certain Eastern European NATO members - but the real issue is a lack of public scrutiny . In the UK, the debate about nuclear weapons tends to concentrate on Britain ' s nuclear submarines and what would happen to them if Scotland declared independence . The US is currently preoccupied with the safety of its nuclear silos . These issues are of course important , but they should not cause us to overlook NATO' s nuclear relapse. People like Shea publicly admit their relief that the public has kept so quiet about nuclear weapons since the end of the Cold War. Indeed, governments remember all too well their predecessors ' struggles with the peace and anti - nuclear movement of the 1980s . This is why today ' s NATO does " not want to wake up a sleeping dog" , he explains . The dog that didn ' t bark In 2014, the spotlight briefly returned to that one- time symbol of division in Europe , the Berlin wall . Even Mikhail Gorbachev attended the festivities on November 9, a spectacle of lights , balloons and emotions . Twenty- five years after its fall , the Berlin wall is one of the world ' s most heavily memorialised sites , a tourist attraction like few other 20 th century structures . But while the wall remains the symbol of the Cold War in schoolbooks , op- eds and emotive speeches , it is also a highly problematic one. Rather than representing the threat of mutual nuclear annihilation, it always stood for a much simpler lesson - that of the West ' s moral victory over the " prison " of real existing socialism . If we want to understand the Cold War in all its self -destructiveness, we need to look elsewhere. A visitor to villages that lie near nuclear weapons storage sites in Europe might be surprised to be greeted by American flags in shop windows and front gardens . This form of identification with US nuclear weapons is puzzling given that these sites would be primary targets in the event of a nuclear war with Moscow . The West is currently too preoccupied with Russia' s new nuclear militarism to notice the way that its own military alliance functions as an agent of regional insecurity. Lest we forget , NATO never abandoned its " first use " doctrine. It does not rule out the possibility of being first to go nuclear in an armed conflict with another nuclear power. Some will argue that " now is not the time" to start a public debate on NATO' s tactical nukes , but even these critics would have to concede that the modernisation of the B 61 further compromises the West' s position in the 2015 revision of the Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty . If a new arms race is to be prevented in its infancy, the sleeping dog might have to learn to bark and bite again . Ian Klinke is a researcher at the University of Oxford.


'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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Location: Westminster, LONDON, SW1A 2HB.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Should a world crisis ignite a nuclear war, the
U.S. is ready to keep the president, defense
secretary and key staff members up in the air
and out of danger for days without refueling.
How? In a E-4B doomsday plane.
With new communications upgrades, the most
powerful survivors aboard the plane, a heavily
modified Boeing 747, can manage military
operations with “enhanced connectivity,”
according to Forbes.
Changes to the “national airborne operations
center” are part of a routine “reprogramming”
request to Congress from the Pentagon.
The plane, which is big on electronics and short
on amenities, already has a 5-mile long wire that
can be dropped down to send coded messages
to submarines. It can stay in the air for up to a
week without refueling.
YouTube Guided Tour Inside the E-4B NAOC Doomsday Plane
It’s also equipped with thermal radiation and
electromagnetic shields to defend it
against nuclear attacks. The cockpit windows are
covered with mesh to harden them
against fallout.
Out of four E-4B military crafts that exist, one is
kept on high alert, ready to fly in five minutes,
with a full maintenance crew always on standby,
heavily armed forces to stand guard all
around the plane when it lands, and a precision
tech team.
When the president travels abroad, one of the
planes always follows, much like the military aide
that carries nuclear launch codes and emergency
communications gear.
If needed, the plane can carry over 100 specialists
to monitor the world, communicating via satellite
to transfer command to the most senior official
available should the president and defense
secretary get killed.


'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Joined: 25 Jul 2005
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Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England

PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 1:56 pm    Post subject: Re: NATO aims new advanced nuclear strike force at Russia Ch Reply with quote

Crikey - that story has now gone from Al Jazeera!
moved here
http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2014/12/nato-nuclear-relapse- 2014123161917509924.html

Whitehall_Bin_Men wrote:
NATO's nuclear relapse
Ian Klinke
Last updated: 12 hours ago

Under the public radar , NATO is modernising its
tactical nuclear arsenal .
Moscow ' s latest tests of intercontinental missiles
and its parading of nuclear capable strategic
bombers have rightly prompted international
concern. In December 2014 , Russian Foreign
Minister Sergei Lavrov implied that Russia might
be moving nuclear weapons to Crimea .
From violations of airspace to near mid- air
collisions, the number of incidents between Russia
and NATO has soared dramatically, increasing the
danger of an unintended escalation. Yet , it is
rarely mentioned that NATO, too , is back in the
game of nuclear deterrence .
Washington has recently sent its nuclear capable
B- 2 and B- 52 to Europe for training missions with
its NATO partners . It also continues to test
intercontinental ballistic missiles. Most
problematically, the western military alliance is
currently modernising the air - launched nuclear
gravity bombs that fall under NATO' s nuclear
sharing initiative .
Brave old world
It is a warm afternoon and thick clouds hang over
the houses and farmyards of Buchel, a small
village in western Germany and home to 20 of
NATO' s remaining thermonuclear bombs on
European soil . Or so we can only speculate , for the
exact location of these approximately 180 air -
launched B 61 weapons is of course secret.
The local baker smiles uneasily when I ask her
about the base and is quick to assure me that
there is nothing to see. After a 20 -minute walk
through muddy fields , I can glimpse a large barbed
wire fence on the horizon and what seems to be a
succession of bunkeresque fortifications. A biting
smell of kerosene creeps up my nose .
A sign warns me that soldiers may make use of
their weapons if I enter . As I walk back across the
fields , I frighten a herd of deer that scramble into
the bushes . Suddenly, a jet plane soars into the
sky with a deafening thunder. In the event of a
nuclear war, it would most likely be heading East
from here.
Designed in the 1960 s for use by high -speed
aircraft, the thermonuclear B 61 is a versatile
weapon that comes both as an intermediate range
strategic and a short- range tactical weapon with a
wide variety of yields.
A relic of the early Cold War, it is not just a US but
a " NATO weapon " in that its stationing and
delivery also involves non -nuclear member states ,
such as Belgium , Germany , Italy , the Netherlands
and Turkey.
Tactical nukes are particularly problematic
because their short range provides the missing link
between a localised conventional war and a highly
improbable global exchange of strategic nuclear
missiles between Moscow and Washington .
Tactical nuclear weapons are no status quo
weapons . Their battlefield purpose increases the
chance of a nuclear escalation, which is why the
superpowers removed most of them from Central
Europe in the late 1980 s and early 1990 s .
If everything goes to plan , the controversial B61
weapons will be modernised by around 2020. This
" life extension programme" is not simply an
initiative to replace rusty old nukes with shiny new
ones , but an attempt to increase their accuracy, to
replace free fall with precision guided bombs .
Ultimately , this will transform the B 61 into a new
kind of weapon and undermine any pretence that
the West is still in the game of denuclearisation .
Interestingly, plans to modernise the B61 were
initiated in April 2010, only shortly after NATO
decided to scrap its nuclear missile shield in
Eastern Europe and in the same month that the
two largest nuclear powers signed a new Strategic
Arms Reductions Treaty .
How does NATO explain this nuclear relapse
precisely at a time when the alliance had just
" reset" its relations with Russia ? And what role
does the B 61 play in the Ukrainian proxy war?
Back in the game
Jamie Shea is famous in Brussels for his rhetorical
skill, expressive body language and London twang .
" He could sell you a landmine if he wanted to " , an
activist once told me about the man who spun
NATO' s war against Serbia to a lethargic European
public 15 years ago.
The alliance' s Deputy Assistant Secretary General
has come to University College London to talk to
students about the Ukrainian crisis and Europe ' s
new security architecture . Charming his audience
with jokes and anecdotes, Shea tells the story of
an underfunded alliance that urgently needs to up
its military game if it wants to stand up to Putin ' s
He is excited about NATO ' s new " very high
readiness joint task force" and about new and
larger planned NATO manoeuvrrs in Eastern
Europe . One topic he has precious little to say
about is the alliance ' s nuclear policy.
When I prompt him, Shea explains that while the
life extension programme was originally meant to
provide NATO with a bargaining chip for future
nuclear disarmament talks with the Kremlin,
Russia' s involvement in Eastern Ukraine
fundamentally altered the strategic context ,
rendering the B 61 " once again a part of NATO ' s
deterrence posture " .
" I' m not nostalgic for the Cold War" , he laughs ,
" but you have to prepare for Cold War mark two
even if you don' t want it " . In this, Shea is on the
same page as US Secretary of State John Kerry
who recently claimed that the crisis in Ukraine was
calling NATO " back to the role that this alliance
was originally created to perform " .
Why this relapse to what Shea calls " the nuclear
The first part of the answer lies in NATO' s recent
failures. Clearly , the stand off with Russia is a
welcome distraction from its fiasco in Afghanistan
and the alliance ' s lack of a purpose in the absence
of Milosevic or Gaddafi . Yet , there is more to this
than just an identity crisis . NATO, as Trine
Flockhardt so aptly puts it , is something of a
" nuclear addict" - it hangs on to its nuclear
weapons despite frequently declaring its desire to
abandon them .
Both US President Obama and NATO' s new
General Secretary Stoltenberg are known
advocates of nuclear disarmament - but in 2014
their alliance is stepping up its nuclear deterrence
and the US administration is pouring $ 1trn into
the future of its nuclear weapons systems .
There are obvious pressures behind this nuclear
habit , from the nuclear arms industry via hawkish
politicians and generals to certain Eastern
European NATO members - but the real issue is a
lack of public scrutiny . In the UK, the debate about
nuclear weapons tends to concentrate on Britain ' s
nuclear submarines and what would happen to
them if Scotland declared independence .
The US is currently preoccupied with the safety of
its nuclear silos . These issues are of course
important , but they should not cause us to
overlook NATO' s nuclear relapse. People like Shea
publicly admit their relief that the public has kept
so quiet about nuclear weapons since the end of
the Cold War.
Indeed, governments remember all too well their
predecessors ' struggles with the peace and anti -
nuclear movement of the 1980s . This is why
today ' s NATO does " not want to wake up a
sleeping dog" , he explains .
The dog that didn ' t bark
In 2014, the spotlight briefly returned to that one-
time symbol of division in Europe , the Berlin wall .
Even Mikhail Gorbachev attended the festivities on
November 9, a spectacle of lights , balloons and
emotions . Twenty- five years after its fall , the
Berlin wall is one of the world ' s most heavily
memorialised sites , a tourist attraction like few
other 20 th century structures .
But while the wall remains the symbol of the Cold
War in schoolbooks , op- eds and emotive speeches ,
it is also a highly problematic one. Rather than
representing the threat of mutual nuclear
annihilation, it always stood for a much simpler
lesson - that of the West ' s moral victory over the
" prison " of real existing socialism .
If we want to understand the Cold War in all its
self -destructiveness, we need to look elsewhere.
A visitor to villages that lie near nuclear weapons
storage sites in Europe might be surprised to be
greeted by American flags in shop windows and
front gardens . This form of identification with US
nuclear weapons is puzzling given that these sites
would be primary targets in the event of a nuclear
war with Moscow .
The West is currently too preoccupied with
Russia' s new nuclear militarism to notice the way
that its own military alliance functions as an agent
of regional insecurity. Lest we forget , NATO never
abandoned its " first use " doctrine. It does not rule
out the possibility of being first to go nuclear in an
armed conflict with another nuclear power.
Some will argue that " now is not the time" to start
a public debate on NATO' s tactical nukes , but
even these critics would have to concede that the
modernisation of the B 61 further compromises the
West' s position in the 2015 revision of the Nuclear
Non- Proliferation Treaty . If a new arms race is to
be prevented in its infancy, the sleeping dog might
have to learn to bark and bite again .
Ian Klinke is a researcher at the University of


"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 12:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Satanic USSA lurches insanely toward World War III
February 27, 2015 2:36 pm EST 12 Comments
https://www.intellihub.com/satanic-ussa-lurches-insanely-toward-world- war-iii/

By Dr. Richard Sauder | Event Horizon Chronicle

You can see it coming.

Just as you know that a hard storm is coming when you see towering thunderclouds billow up on the horizon, and see the lightning flash against the dark, angry sky; so, too, can you tell that one hell of a geopolitical storm is coming.

You have but to consider the depth of the insanity in which it is being nurtured and brought to term, and you know of a certainty that it will be wicked beyond all reckoning.

You know it is going to be bad, I mean really, really bad, when the USSA keeps trotting out its deranged Vice-President to insist, among other things, that, “Russia cannot be allowed to redraw the map of Europe,” and that the Russians must get out of Ukraine.

To begin with, the USSA itself has already radically redrawn the map of Europe with its vicious, military dismantling of Yugoslavia in the 1990s. For the lengthy, bloody details please read this and also this analysis of that conflict. There is, indeed, a satanic, psychopathic, fascist butcher of the Balkans and his name is USSA ex-President Bill Clinton. He should be in chains awaiting trial on unpardonable crimes against humanity, with a non-negotiable penalty upon conviction of hanging by the neck until dead.

So who, therefore, is the USSA Vice-President to lecture anyone about redrawing the map of Europe?

As for the Russians having to get out of Ukraine — they have actually been there from its birth centuries ago! The western region of the modern country called Ukraine is part of the ancestral homeland of the Slavic peoples, Russians being one of the Slavic peoples. Ethnic Russians and Russian-speaking people have lived there for centuries. In the case of the Crimea, the peninsula has been Russian territory for more than two centuries and has a majority Russian population. The Russians have had a naval base in the Crimea that goes back to Soviet times, and even well before that, to the rule of Catherine the Great, in the late 18th century.

Is the USSA Vice-President demanding that England vacate Gibraltar, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales? Must France abandon Corsica and Brittany, Alsace and Lorraine? Does he go so far as to require that Spain pull out of Catalonia and the Basque lands? Is he adamant that Italy let Sardinia and the South Tyrol go?

No, no, no and no. So why is there a double standard for Russia?

Moreover, why the feigned outrage over the Russian military presence in the Crimea, which has long been Russian national territory? Why, the Russians have been in the Crimea longer than the USSA military has been in Texas, New Mexico, Alaska or Hawai’i.

By the same standard, the argument could be made that the Pentagon must pull its forces out of Hawai’i, New Mexico, Alaska and Texas. By what right is there one set of rules for Russia and another for the USSA?

But it is much worse than that. The USSA government maintains that Russia must withdraw from the Crimea, and yet the USSA maintains tens of thousands of men at arms, and dozens of military bases, in Germany, Italy, Japan and South Korea. And that is just a small part of the full picture.

A 2007 report by Global Research revealed that the USSA owned 737 military bases in 63 foreign countries, with the presence of USSA military personnel in 156 countries, and over 250,00 military personnel deployed worldwide. Given the militarily aggressive foreign policy of the USSA, those numbers could well be higher today than they were eight years ago.

So who is the USSA to dictate to the Russians that they may not have a military base in the Crimea?

Sanctions and More Sanctions

Against that global, imperial, military backdrop the USSA continues to ratchet the pressure up against Russia, by raising the possibility of yet more, punitive economic sanctions, which are themselves an act of war.

The USSA Secretary of State, John Kerry, has again in recent days threatened more sanctions against Russia over that country’s alleged “craven” actions. And make no mistake about it, there is real danger in the anti-Russia sanctions policy that the USSA power establishment is pursuing. The USSA pursued a similar policy against Imperial Japan in the run-up to World War II; until the Japanese reached the limits of their patience and lashed out militarily against the USSA naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawai’i. The difference in the instant case is that modern Russia is not Imperial Japan of 1941. Russia has the military capability to reduce vast areas of the USSA mainland to smoking heaps of glowing, radioactive gravel and dust.

But that has not deterred the USSA Vice-President, Joe Biden, from upbraiding the Europeans (e.g., French President Hollande) who have questioned the anti-Russian sanctions, as being “inappropriate and annoying.”

You Want to Know What’s Inappropriate and Annoying?

Joe Biden, that’s what, a shrill, ignorant, arrogant, bullying, Delaware blow toad.

And to be repeatedly subjected to the incessant, puffed-up harrumphing of that senescent little nothing, a fatuous, braying, little fart of a limousine liberal, an ass-licking little pisser of an ex-Senator from DuPont leading the charge to a war with Russia that could easily go nuclear?

Now that’s annoying. That’s really annoying.

To think that an absolute know-nothing like him holds high political office in the USSA demonstrates perfectly the great peril in which all humanity stands.

Have you ever seen anything more pathetic?

And none of this would matter; it could all be dismissed as the insane ranting of a foaming at the mouth, raving mad lunatic, except that Joe Biden is Vice-President of the USSA, and he is speaking for the ruling sector of the USSA power establishment

The Run-Up To War

That is not to say that there are not some sane voices out there. French President Hollande has warned of a “bleak outcome“, i.e., war, if the Ukraine peace talks fail, and to his credit did go to Moscow, along with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, to meet with Vladimir Putin to try to work out a peaceful resolution of the Ukrainian civil war. Hollande also called for “broader autonomy” for eastern Ukraine. His position is a sensible and pragmatic alternative to all-out war. It would create political space, very much along the lines of the model in which the South Tyrol is an autonomous region in northern Italy; it is part of Italy, and yet it retains its distinctive, Geman-speaking, Tyrolian culture and a large measure of self-governance. But there is no sign that Kiev is prepared to accept any similar political accomodation with the eastern Ukraine.

The Greek Foreign Minister has warned that the European Union must stop its ‘feverish’ anti-Russian steps, and think about long-term relations with Russia. The Defence Secretary of the United Kingdom has also chimed in to publicly state the obvious: sending weapons to the Ukraine would escalate the violence. It’s hard to fight a war without weapons. Cut off the weapons flow to Kiev and the ability to wage civil war vanishes.

Unfortunately, there are forces in Kiev, in NATO and the EU, and in the USSA that want war. The Pentagon has recently deployed A-10 attack jets, along with 300 support personnel to Germany, in an ominous sign of upcoming land warfare. The A-10 is used in support of close, ground combat, to destroy tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery, etc. There is no land warfare in Germany, but there is in eastern Ukraine, just a short flight away. The obvious inference is that the A-10s have been prepositioned by the Pentagon for use in upcoming ground combat in the eastern Ukraine.

It is likely that the A-10s are but a prelude to much more to come. The Ukraine’s deputy foreign minister announced last week: “… we are preparing for full-scale war,” even as the government in Kiev is demanding that the West supply it with lethal military arms. And right on cue there is a growing movement in the USSA Congress to send weapons to the Ukraine. See how that works?

You could be forgiven for thinking that this psychotic march to war is scripted by madmen whose puppet strings are pulled by invisible demons who want to take down the world. There clearly is a script, with various actors large and small assigned their parts to play. The whole thing has been game played and lined out well in advance. All that remains is to fill in the blanks, send in the weapons and troops, stage a false flag attack or three, perhaps very spectacular, notorious false flag attacks, bark the orders for war — and there you go.

Mushroom cloud city. Or mushroom cloud cities.

That’s no joke.

The Deputy Commander of NATO in Europe, General Adrian Bradshaw, warned last week that tensions with Russian could escalate into all-out war. That is very bellicose rhetoric. Have no illusions about what all-out war with Russia could possibly entail. Please see the mushroom cloud allusions above.

Earlier this month, the Supreme Commander of NATO forces in Europe, General Philip Breedlove, stated, “I don’t think we should preclude out of hand the possibility of the military option.”

The trajectory towards war is obvious and ominous.

It certainly has not escaped Russian notice. The Russian envoy to NATO has labelled NATO’s military involvement in the Ukraine as “destructive” and “unacceptable.” Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov has scathingly pointed out that the USSA has “escalated the Ukraine crisis at every stage and blamed Russia,” whereas Russian President Vladimir Putin has tersely remarked that, “No external pressure on Russia will go unchallenged.”

Earlier this month he put Russia’s mobile nuclear missile launchers on combat patrol in six different regions of the country.

Meanwhile, USSA Secretary of State, John Kerry, continues mewling that the USSA won’t close its eyes to Russian aggression in the Ukraine, and British Prime Minister Cameron has announced that the U.K. is sending military advisers to the Ukraine within a matter of weeks.

While Petro Poroshenko, President of the Ukraine, jetted off to the United Arab Emirates to sign a major weapons supply deal, thus effectively arming the Ukraine military for another round of warfare in eastern Ukraine against the ethnic Russian militias and upping the military ante against Russia, by allying the government in Kiev with the wealthy Sunni Arab monarchies in the Persian Gulf.

You do not need a crystal ball to see where all this is headed. It just gets uglier and uglier. Real evil has been unleashed and it looks like the devil will get his due.

There must be a really heavy, darkly negative, karmic harvest that is coming due, that’s all I can see.


I really do need and accept your donations for support of my writing. I have no bank account(s), no bank card, no pension or trust fund, no stocks and bonds, no ETFs, no puts, no real estate, silver or gold, no inheritance, etc. Since 2010 I have been in voluntary exile in South America, under very reduced circumstances. Your contributions help me continue living and writing. I put a lot of thought, time and effort into my research and blog posts, which are read by many thousands, all over the world. If you find value in my ideas, writings and adventures please support my continued work. Contact me at: dr.samizdat1618@gmail.com for how to donate.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 12:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Russia ready to repel any nuke strike, retaliate – missile forces command chief
Published time: March 01, 2015 14:09 Get short URL

Russia’s Strategic Missile Forces are ready to react to any nuclear strike even if it is lightning fast, SMF Central Command chief said. A retaliatory strike would take place in all circumstances, “without hesitation,” he added.

“If there’s a challenge to repel a lightning-fast nuclear in any given conditions – it will be done in fixed time, that’s dead true,” the Strategic Missile Forces Central Command’s chief, Major-General Andrey Burbin, told Russian News Service on Saturday.

Russia’s strategic missile forces are positioned geographically in such a way that no global strike can knock them out completely, Burbin said.

In case an order is given to carry out a nuclear strike, Russian nuclear weapons operators will fulfill it, he added.

“There would be no hesitation, the task would be executed,” he said.

The unavoidability of a retaliatory nuclear strike from Russia is also guaranteed by the fully automatic and constantly modernized ‘Perimeter’ system, also known as “Dead hand.”

The system collects data from various sources, such as radioactivity and seismic sensors scattered throughout Russia, by scanning radio frequencies and communication activities.

READ MORE: Military dominance over Russia impossible, nuclear deterrent top priority – Defense Ministry

If pooled data indicates that Russia has suffered a nuclear strike, the system launches special missiles that travel through national airspace, sending launch signals to all surviving strategic nuclear missile complexes. In this case a retaliatory missile strike is launched without human input.

Burbin also told RSN that rearmament of the Strategic Missile Forces is ongoing as planned and by 2020 up to 98 percent of Russia’s nuclear deterrent forces will be armed with brand new weapons.

READ MORE: Russian 'ABM killer' intercontinental missile to enter service in 2016

Nationwide war games of Strategic Nuclear Missile Forces were conducted in February, with 30 missile regiments training in 12 regions of Russia.

Missilemen performed ultimate combat operational readiness, counteraction to subversive groups and perfected defenses against airborne precision weapons.

On any given day, over 6,000 servicemen are maintaining the operational readiness of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces.

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