The English Wikipedia site of course only refers to AZF. But if you look at the french wikipedia site, it is actually the location of the French military establishment: SNPE.
The SNPE factory made rocket fuel: nano-thermite! The explosion was blamed on a Muslim that had started work there just 5 days previously. Within those 5 days, he managed to discover a way of making the largest peacetime explosion on French soil, killing himself in the process. It took another N days for the police to gain access to home by which time all evidence for and/or against him had been destroyed. Does the word "Patsy" ring a bell?
Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 9:57 am Post subject: I have been kicked off FACEBOOK
My alias on FACEBOOK was NineEleven IsAn Insidejob
I was informed by Facebook that my account was closed on 5th October 2013 after being active since 2009
They wanted me to change my name....but I refiused...
I had over 3500 friends or if you like ... sympathetic ears on Facebook
I was even friends with Rachel Parent the Anti-GMO activist
and Eathan McCord the guy who was in the WIKILEAKS video collateral murder I had sent him money to get out of some bogus legal $hit when they tried to falsely arrest him....
I still have contact with John Bursill the one who arranged the Hard Evidence Tour with Richard Gage in Sydney Australia.
I had the pleasure of shaking Mr Richard Gage's hand at the conference 2009
he is one of my HEROes.
a lot of that footage is mine
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Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 10:27 am Post subject: NIST LIED when they said they were always going to
NIST LIED when they said they were always going to do a report on Building-7.. it was only because of the heated discussions based on SOUND SCIENCE by 9-11 researchers
concerning the CONTROLLED DEMOLITION of Building-7 that forced NIST to backtrack and pull a rabbit of LIES out of their hat.
There is no mention of Building-7 in the 9/11 Commission Report
THE FBI, the CIA a,d the NTSB all lied about the TWA-800 plane crash in 1996 over New York killing 230 souls with 3 missiles..... HOW is interfering with the NATURAL COURSE OF JUSTICE not a crime ??????
Thomas Kean said in 2004 I think it was that they NEVER MENTIONED WTC-7 (Building-7) in the 9/11 Commission report because they didn't think it was important and because no-one died in Building-7 but that is another LIE according the murdered witness Mr Barry JENNINGS who was killed 2 days before NIST released its PLETHORA OF LIES AND CONTRADICTIONs of SCIENCE AND THERMODYNAMICS by first saying there was NO FREE-FALL acceleration in the collapse of Building-7 on 9-11 and then on another day a 9-11 researcher, David Chandler made them do a back-flip and admit there was FREE-FALL acceleration which is a HALL-MARK feature of CONTROLLED DEMOLITION.
Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 11:08 am Post subject: To me... how I came about this info is perhaps more interest
To me... how I came about this info is perhaps more interesting
I was trying to write a book on a UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE SYSTEM
around 2008 which largely dealt with translating a ~200 year old French text.
This became tedious and boring at times... translating 200 year old French so I tried translating 200 year old German instead...
I like Heinrich Brugsch a famous translator of the Rosetta Stone and its two Ancient Egyptian Demotic (common) and Sacerdotal (Occult) Egyptian.
There was also the Ancient Greek. A better example of triple languages was the Canopus Decree as it is more complete.
Anyway back to the story at hand....I was attempting to translate some 150 year old German and I got stumped on this word that started with the letter O.
I could not find it in any dictionaries I had at home so I thought I would Google it.
I came across a german website which contained the Whole text of the Holy Bible in German with English translation beneath it.
Well I found the german word I was looking for with a nice english translation beneath it.
I thought, you beauty... I will have to thank this fellow for helping me out...then this thought popped into my head that I would have to share the plans for the water-car with him if I get them... another long story.
I thought I should clear some of the air between us so I imagined asking some questions first... one of which was "Do you believe 9-11 was an inside job?" I was only expecting a simple yes or no reply....
To my surprise he said YES he did believe 9-11 was an inside job, and,
that he was involved with people close to the FBI to write a report on what would happen if you flew a Boeing 757 into one of the Twin Towers at the WTC and that this report was done in June of 2001 , just three months before September 11th, 2001.
A year would pass from 2008 when I first contacted him, when in 2009 he would mail me a photo of himself signed and dated with his contact details and qualifications. He was a German Physicist for the German Govt.
The funny thing is that the german word I was looking for starting with the letter "O" meant openning or discovery... sometimes the TRUTH is stranger than FICTION ditto
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 11:00 pm Post subject:
ok, that's enough of this
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