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Royal family: sexual abuse, bisexual, perversion rife, why?

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 7:43 pm    Post subject: Royal family: sexual abuse, bisexual, perversion rife, why? Reply with quote

Former Royal butler jailed for six years for sexually abusing young boys

A former royal butler who sexually preyed on young boys - even taking one of his victims to tea with the Queen Mother - has been jailed for at least six years.

By Caroline Gammell
Last Updated: 5:20PM GMT 22 Dec 2008

Paul Kidd, 55, had assaulted boys as young as 12 for over four decades and downloaded more than 18,000 images of children onto his computer.

The butler, who served both the Queen and the Queen Mother in the Seventies and Eighties, was described by a police as an "excellent groomer".

One victim, who he had been sexually abusing since the age of 14, he introduced to the Queen Mother during a Christmas party at Clarence House and described as a "friend".

Passing sentence at Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court, Judge Mushtaq Khokhar said Kidd had had an overwhelming impact on his victims.

"You were someone who had influenced your victims to such an extent they were under your spell," he said. "They would do anything you asked them to do.

"I regard you as someone who is dangerous and presents a risk to all the young people you may come across."

Kidd, who was senior footman to the Queen Mother from 1979 to 1984 and worked as a butler to the Queen from 1977, admitted a string of offences dating from 1974 to 2006.

He pleaded guilty to nine counts of indecent assault, six counts of sexual activity with a child and one count of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.

He also confessed to 11 counts of making indecent images of a child and two counts of possessing indecent images of children.

Kidd, from Stalybridge in Greater Manchester, was caught after one of his victims read an interview he gave on the 10th anniversary of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, last August.

The victim, now in his 40s, said he had been indecently assaulted by Kidd at the butler's home in the early 1980s.

Kidd left the Royal household in 1985 because of a cancer scare and went on to become a candidate for the UK Independence Party.

He has since carved a career from his experiences, charging £4,000 a night for after-dinner speeches and providing "hilarious stories about his life and work with Britain's most famous family".

Judge Khokhar gave Kidd an indeterminate sentence and recommended that he remain in prison for at least six years for public protection until he could be considered for parole.

He also jailed 57-year-old David Hobday, from Dukinfield, for three years after he pleaded guilty to six counts of sexual activity with a child and one count of possessing an indecent image of a child, namely a video recording.

Outside court, Detective Constable James Teggart from the Child Protection Unit based at Ashton, praised the courage of the victims and encouraged others who may have been abused to come forward.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/3902217/Former-Royal-butler-jai led-for-six-years-for-sexually-abusing-young-boys.html

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 8:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Outrageous secrets of Backstairs Billy: Gay sex on the Queen Mother's favourite sofa.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2994947/The-Queen-Mother-s-wal tzing-mocking-master-mischief.html

Outrageous secrets of Backstairs Billy: Gay sex on the Queen Mother's favourite sofa. Predatory advances on junior butlers. Casual pick-ups left to roam Clarence House: The explosive true story of a favoured retainer
Flamboyant royal courtier William Tallon was known as Backstairs Billy
He spent 50 years as the friend and dance partner of the Queen Mother
Biography claims 'ruthless predator' held gay orgies at Clarence House
One maid said he let young men roam through the corridors at night

PUBLISHED: 22:01, 14 March 2015 | UPDATED: 13:34, 15 March 2015

Flamboyant royal courtier William Tallon, known as Backstairs Billy, spent 50 years as the friend and confidant of the Queen Mother (pictured together)

He was known as Backstairs Billy, the flamboyant Royal courtier who rose from humble beginnings to spend half a century as the friend, confidant and unofficial master of ceremonies for the Queen Mother.

William Tallon was famously Her Majesty's dance partner, the constant provider of her favourite gin and Dubonnet, stage manager of her sometimes ribald lunch parties – and a bawdy, irreverent and deeply camp antidote to the strait-laced life of the rest of the Royal Family.

It was well known that Tallon was gay. But, in an echo of Queen Victoria's relationship with John Brown, the Queen Mother refused to hear the concerns of senior Palace staff who believed his imperious behaviour was a threat to harmony below stairs, and that his promiscuity provided a glaring security loophole at the heart of the Royal Family.

In truth, Billy was driven by two demons: an intense, almost pathological love for the Queen Mother, and a powerful sex drive.

Now, for the first time, a new biography tells the remarkable story of a ruthless predator whose outrageous lifestyle included gay orgies at Clarence House, rampant affairs below stairs, sex on the Queen Mother's favourite sofa – and young men wandering the corridors at night...

For Rita Edwards, it was one of the most shocking and alarming things she saw in all her years as a maid at Clarence House. Late one night, as she crept along the historic corridors of the Queen Mother's official residence, she was horrified to bump into a well-dressed young man casually inspecting one of the paintings.

'I'd never seen him before,' she recalled. 'For there to be a stranger alone in the house at night was a serious security breach. Then I saw Billy suddenly at the far end of the corridor. His hair was all over the place and he was trying to put his jacket on – I'd never seen him so flustered. He quickly reached the young man and was clearly furious. Next time we met he made absolutely no reference to this night-time escapade. But then he always would simply float above any difficulty or embarrassment.'

In truth, such a flagrant compromise of security was far from an exception. Billy Tallon's homosexuality was hardly a secret. But the extent to which he used Clarence House for sexual assignations with strangers – and used it as a lure for prospective partners in the gay bars of Soho – has never fully been grasped. Only now, after countless interviews with former staff and friends, can his extraordinarily risky indiscretions be revealed.

In the bars of Old Compton Street, Billy was famous for his solitary chat-up line. He would explain that he worked in a personal capacity for the Queen Mother and, when met with a sceptical smile, would say: 'Why don't you come back to the house for tea and you can see?'

The loyal servant dancing with the Queen Mother (centre) at Balmoral as Prince Charles (right) watches
The loyal servant dancing with the Queen Mother (centre) at Balmoral as Prince Charles (right) watches

Few could resist that kind of invitation. One former partner, who uses the name Brian Wilson, recalled Billy giving a very rough-looking young man, clearly a drug addict, a tour of Clarence House, including a number of the private rooms.

Billy seems to have been careful to invite young men back one at a time to Clarence House when the Queen Mother was there, but when she was away he frequently threw caution to the wind and invited two or even three at a time. As one of his contemporaries put it: 'I think he rather had a taste for orgies.'

During one group sex session, Brian Wilson, whom Billy had invited back from Soho, remembers Billy suggesting he sit on the Queen Mother's favourite sofa – and there Billy had sex with him. Brian was convinced that was part of the sexual thrill for Billy.

After a night of entertaining dubious young men, Billy would stride along the corridors the next morning 'like the most buttoned-up confidential character you could imagine', Brian added.

Hiding his hangover, he would check the appearance of each room with an obsessive attention to detail. Occasionally he would return from a nocturnal foray looking bruised and battered after a rough encounter with someone who did not appreciate his advances, but he would carry on the next day as if nothing had happened.

Once he was stabbed in the leg by a furious young man he had propositioned, and a drunk Billy had to make his excuses and stay in bed.

But if the Queen Mother suspected anything she did not say, and Billy was sent a get-well card. After another encounter, Billy had to pretend the large plaster on his cheek was the result of a shaving accident. The Queen Mother said: 'I do hope you have not fallen out with one of your young friends!'

Another former friend, Noel Kelly, said: 'I'm sure Billy didn't really think the policeman at the gates believed him when he claimed that a very dodgy looking character shiftily hanging back behind him was an old friend he was simply bringing in for tea. So long as Billy had the confidence of the Queen Mother, they couldn't challenge anyone he chose to take on a tour of the house.'

He was driven by two demons: an intense, almost pathological love for the Queen Mother, and a powerful sex drive
He was driven by two demons: an intense, almost pathological love for the Queen Mother, and a powerful sex drive

William Tallon was a working-class boy born above a hardware shop in a rundown colliery town in County Durham during the Great Depression. Nominally, he was a servant, but in reality he was the Queen Mother's closest aide: a uniquely trusted friend and confidant; a man she could never quite do without.

Backstairs Billy, as he came to be nicknamed, was that rarest of creatures, a very ordinary person who, over more than five decades, carved out an extraordinary role in one of the world's most secretive institutions: the Royal Family. Relying entirely on force of character, he was like a private in the army who becomes a field marshal: the last person one would have expected to reach such a position of influence in a world where education and social class meant everything.

Until her death in 2002, there was only one figure who rivalled the Queen for the world's interest and the nation's affection, and that was her mother, Elizabeth. The Queen Mother seemed to float – cynics would say on a tide of gin – above criticism. But unlike her daughter, the Queen Mother was occasionally indiscreet and frequently off-message. She sometimes found the constraints of life in the Royal Family tedious. The great thing about the her, Backstairs Billy once said, was that she liked to have fun and didn't care who knew it.

Her affection for Billy was genuine, and also her way of teasing well-born advisers, who could not fathom why she seemed so fond of a 'rather common' man. She liked Billy because he was amusing, devoted and discreet when it mattered.

Billy's reputation for loyalty was partly based on his personality, but also because he was gay. The assumption was that he would have none of the distractions of someone heterosexual, who might eventually want his own family. He also had an enthusiasm for service that was becoming rare. The Queen Mother knew Billy was gay and didn't mind in the least – there had been a long tradition of homosexual Royal servants.

Some commentators have said this was partly because the Royals felt that their female children would be safer if the male servants were homosexual, but it almost certainly had far more to do with the fact that homosexual servants were perceived – rightly or wrongly – as having less need for a life outside the Palace. And even though homosexuality was illegal until the mid-1960s, the Royals took a lordly view.

Perhaps the best example of the Queen Mother's tolerance occurred when the News of the World reported that a 'rent boy' had been invited back to Clarence House by Billy. She simply responded: 'How kind of William to invite that poor boy in out of the rain.'

But Billy's roving eye was not confined to pliant young men from the bars of Soho. From the day he arrived for his first job at Buckingham Palace in 1951 he knew – using what today would be called his 'gaydar' – that this was an environment in which he could enjoy himself: that below stairs, the Palace was filled with young gay men. Billy was a dangerous risk-taker; though considerate and amusing, he could also be ruthless and predatory. Almost from the time he moved to Clarence House, Billy spent his free time actively pursuing male servants and bringing back casual pick-ups.

'Billy was two completely different people,' said one contemporary, whom Billy seduced a few hours after he started work at Clarence House. 'He was calm and almost rigidly decorous during the day, but at night he had only one aim: to have sex with as many men as possible. The truth is that Billy's only real interest outside his work was sex.'

He was a bawdy, irreverent and deeply camp antidote to the strait-laced life of the rest of the Royal Family, pictured is the Queen Mother with Queen Elizabeth (left) and Princess Margaret (right)

'Imagine the servants' quarters with half a dozen or more young randy men sleeping there every night,' said another former lover in the mid-1960s.

'We had the time of our lives.

'Sometimes I'd sneak into a boy's bedroom and there would be another servant there already, and even if they were already having sex they'd invite me to join them. I don't remember Billy coercing anyone – he was good looking in those days and really quite a catch!'

There is no doubt that in later years Billy used his position occasionally to exploit junior members of staff. 'Billy offered young men jobs if he fancied them,' said one former male servant, 'and no sooner had they started work than he turned his often unwanted sexual attentions on them. If they failed to respond he could make life very difficult indeed.'

So long as Billy had the confidence of the Queen Mother, they couldn't challenge anyone he chose to take on a tour of the house
Noel Kelly
Up to seven junior butlers worked under Billy, and on quiet weekends there was always a risk that he would pounce. 'If he wanted you, I mean sexually, he made it clear that you wouldn't be at all popular if you turned him down,' recalled one former junior butler. Billy's unrestricted access to the Queen Mother's wine cellars provided a key tool in his seduction kit. 'As long as he didn't actually fall over in front of her she didn't mind a bit how drunk he was,' recalled one fellow servant.

David Smith, who left Clarence House after being pursued by Billy, recalled a ruthlessly efficient seduction technique. 'He was incredibly friendly at first and as I'd just left home and felt slightly lost I found his charm irresistible. I was such an innocent I thought he must be like this with everyone. I sensed a slight change when he suggested one day that I go for tea. When I said no, Billy's manner changed very subtly.

'You really must come, you know,' he said, and I could tell he really meant that this was an order.'

When the day finally ended at Clarence House, Billy would politely open the door to the Queen Mother's private quarters and, having bowed her in, would retire to bed. But the Queen Mother knew that on many nights he had no intention of staying in his room. Instead he trotted quietly down the back stairs and past the policeman into the night.

Once out into The Mall, Billy had two favourite routes. One was up St James's Street and along Piccadilly to Hyde Park Corner – in the 1950s and early 1960s a favourite haunt of gay men. Like the Labour peer Lord Bradwell, better known as Tom Driberg, with whom he may have had a brief affair, Billy was keener on oral than any other kind of sex.

His deepening relationship with the Queen Mother made him increasingly aware of his own power, pictured with Princess Margaret
His deepening relationship with the Queen Mother made him increasingly aware of his own power, pictured with Princess Margaret

'You have to remember that Billy was in his 30s before homosexuality ceased to be a crime,' says Don Jones, who knew Billy well around this time. 'In the old days, cottaging was one of the few ways gay men could get sex with the minimum risk of being caught. But even when it was no longer necessary, a lot of older men still found it more exciting, because it was slightly dangerous. But I suspect that even though this was relatively early in Billy's career, the Queen Mother would not have sacked him. She just seemed to turn a blind eye to that sort of thing.'

By the mid-1970s Billy had moved out of his room at the top of Clarence House. One reason, it was rumoured, was that the Queen Mother didn't want him bringing young men into the main house at all hours. At Gate Lodge, his bungalow away from the main building, he could get people in and out discreetly. All the Queen Mother apparently ever said was: 'You mustn't be too naughty in your free time, William.'

Billy's deepening relationship with the Queen Mother made him increasingly aware of his own power. And if power corrupts, it certainly began to corrupt Billy, who felt to some extent that he was invulnerable, especially when it came to the young men he met on his late-night forays. As one colleague put it: 'Billy began to think he could do as he pleased.'

'Well, of course we're bound to be mad, aren't we,' the Queen Mother once gladly told one of the Balmoral gillies who took her fishing. 'It's because we spent so many centuries marrying our own relatives!'

Remarkably, the relationship between Billy and the Queen Mother echoed that of Queen Victoria and her gillie – or hunting attendant – John Brown.

'The Queen Mother and William were always waving and smiling at each other, even if they were parting company for only a few minutes,' said one gillie.

In fact, William's mannerisms and whole demeanour became uncannily like the Queen Mother's. One of the footmen used to say: 'Billy's the Queen Mother in bloody drag!' But the Queen Mother didn't worry about being thought dotty or eccentric. She believed Billy's stage was Clarence House and his actors the Royals, their advisers and friends, whom he would carefully usher into and out of his mistress's daily routine.

On a typical day, the Queen Mother would 'potter quietly' around Clarence House until she felt it was time for her first gin, which might be around 11am. 'Throughout her life she drank almost continually,' recalled one adviser. If there happened to be no lunch on a particular day her consumption might increase significantly. Billy loved to tell how she almost 'came unstuck' once.

'We were being driven slowly along The Mall and she was doing her wonderful graceful smile, with her head tilted to one side, and waving steadily at the crowds. She'd had a few gins that morning, but no more than usual – and I know that because I poured them myself. Then, out of the corner of my eye I noticed that, very slowly, she was sliding off the slippery leather seat and down on to the floor. As she sank out of sight she continued to smile and wave as if oblivious to the fact that the crowds could no longer see her. She just carried on smiling and waving until she was hauled back up into position – by me. And then she carried on as if nothing had happened.'

'In many ways – compared at least to the lives of ordinary people – her life was rather empty,' remembered one former footman. Lunch, therefore, was something the Queen Mother loved, and her luncheon parties were vital to her good temper.

The royal courtier who rose from humble beginnings to spend half a century as the friend, confidant and unofficial master of ceremonies for the Queen Mother
The royal courtier who rose from humble beginnings to spend half a century as the friend, confidant and unofficial master of ceremonies for the Queen Mother

The Queen Mother at Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew's wedding

Well before lunch, therefore, Billy would start what other servants saw as his 'theatricals'. It is a word that echoes in almost everyone's memories of him. He was intensely theatrical, a director manqué. Like the Queen Mother, what he really loved was showbusiness. Many of Billy's friends were actors from the Queen Mother's favourite TV shows, especially Patricia Routledge from Keeping Up Appearances.

'The Queen Mother did several very good imitations,' said Billy. 'Her Blackadder was very good, but best of all was her extraordinary attempt to imitate Ali G. She would say, 'Darling, lunch was simply marvellous – respec'.'

Billy was famous for making the lunch parties go with a swing. He knew the only way to get the Queen Mother's guests to really relax – as the Queen Mother wanted – was to make them tipsy. She liked to be relatively sober because she enjoyed seeing them become less inhibited as they became more inebriated.

Billy's manipulation of the bottle was legendary. If you tried to stop him filling your glass by putting your hand over it he would simply pour the wine through your fingers. When someone asked for water or a non-alcoholic drink, he would gravely incline his head, turn on his heel, and then ignore the request.

One guest recalled asking for water and receiving an almost savage look from Billy, who gave him a glass of wine as well. The water was quickly removed, while his wine glass was refilled even after the tiniest sip. When the Queen Mother finally entered, everyone would be 'significantly under the influence'.

'We got to the stage,' one lunch guest recalled, 'at which we were vying with each other to say increasingly risque things that might amuse the Queen Mother. Every bit of conversation was directed at her, even though we vaguely pretended we were really talking to each other.

'I remember saying a well-known actor was a complete a***, and then freezing in horror. But then I noticed the Queen Mother was smiling broadly, and she said, 'Did you say complete?'

The Queen Mother was particularly fond of a dish known as oeufs Drumkilbo, a rich mix based on eggs and mayonnaise and named after the next estate to Balmoral.

For pudding she enjoyed After Eight ice-cream, an extraordinary concoction involving two boxes of the mints. Another favourite was soufflé Rothschild, requiring, originally, real gold leaf.

I think she was definitely rather in love with Billy
Noel Kelly
When the Queen Mother's luncheon guests had left, Billy could sense which of them it was safe to ridicule or at least gently mock. 'William, you must tell me what you thought of so-and-so,' she would say. Billy would raise his eyebrows, and toss his head a little to one side. 'Well, I'm afraid words simply fail me. Pearls before swine.' The Queen Mother would throw her head back and laugh out loud.

'I think she was definitely rather in love with Billy,' recalled his friend Noel Kelly. 'We all thought it. He was the only person in the household who seemed to her to be in touch with the bawdy, funny, irreverent world outside the horribly closed-up, serious world of the Royals. He also stood up to her now and then, as no one else ever did, and he reminded her of the fun and gaiety of the 1920s, which is where she really lived.'

A typical day for Billy would start around 6am, when he would spend at least half an hour carefully dressing in his white tie and tails. He would then go into the kitchens to inspect with a very serious look the tray of the Queen Mother's breakfast – tea and biscuits, or tea and a bowl of seeds – and stalk off like an elegant if rather gloomy heron.

It has been said that he was the only male servant allowed into her bedroom without knocking, but this was almost certainly something Billy himself put about.

Living a life that was like a fairytale fantasy was all the Queen Mother ever knew. Near the end of her life, she is rumoured to have employed around 60 personal attendants at any one time.

A new biography has claimed that Mr Tallon held gay orgies at Clarence House and even had sex on the Queen Mother's favourite sofa
A new biography has claimed that Mr Tallon held gay orgies at Clarence House and even had sex on the Queen Mother's favourite sofa

'We had to make sure that fresh flowers were ready every morning,' Billy explained. 'They were changed every day because if they were not fresh she immediately noticed. They affected her whole mood.'

The Queen Mother rarely lifted a finger to help herself, even when she was perfectly healthy. If she wanted the window opened she would ask Billy; if she wanted a book from a side table three feet away she would ask Billy. In later years, when he was a little disillusioned, Billy would sometimes say, almost under his breath: 'I spent most of my life standing around waiting.'

In one photograph he is carrying a corgi wrapped in a blanket up the stairs of an aircraft. 'Well, I did get cross with her sometimes,' Billy recalled, 'because she had no idea how the rest of the world lived. She would have hired an aeroplane just for the dogs if it had been necessary. She would leave me a letter asking me to arrange for a helicopter to arrive 20 minutes later as she wanted a slightly longer luncheon. It never occurred to her that it might have been very expensive to keep a helicopter waiting.'

The Queen Mother disliked bad news or anything gloomy, so most days Billy would put on one of her favourite George Gershwin records, which she might insist on playing over and over again. She told Billy that the happiest period of her life had been her 20s, which coincided with the Jazz Age.

Sometimes she would make Billy waltz her around her private sitting room. Dancing, he recalled, 'was above all things the pastime she pursued with a real passion, and as she had few partners who were deemed suitable, I was often drafted in. And she might decide to dance on a whim when one was least expecting it, perhaps five minutes before her luncheon guests were due to start arriving.'

Billy claimed the Queen Mother could waltz him off his feet even into her 80s, and would say, 'We really are a sprightly pair of old girls, aren't we, William?' or, 'Shall we dance out into The Mall? Wouldn't that surprise everyone? One's relatives would not be amused.' On one memorable visit to Elton John's house near Windsor Castle, accompanied as ever by Billy, she insisted on dancing with the singer while wearing one of his glittering sequined jackets.

Occasionally, the Queen Mother found herself feeling down, so on one such day Billy suggested the two of them take an impromptu lunch at The Ritz. The Queen Mother insisted they should eat in the public dining room. The shock on the faces of the other diners, Billy never forgot. But it was a long luncheon, and no one dared leave until at last the Queen Mother and Billy rose from their table.

As she left, the other diners – no doubt relieved their ordeal was over – broke into applause.

Billy's working day rarely ended before 11pm. Fuelled by her favourite Tanqueray gin, the Queen Mother could keep going for hours, and was often heard to say there was no point going to bed early as she had nothing to get up for in the morning. Typically, it never occurred to her that other people, especially the servants, were not so lucky. When the day finally ended at Clarence House, Billy would politely open the door to the Queen Mother's private quarters and bow her in.

As the long hours and alcohol took their toll, Billy began to slow down. He retained an echo of his good looks, but his face was increasingly puffy and red. He told one friend in the mid-1990s he was enjoying growing old with the Queen Mother, although she was actually more than 30 years his senior. 'He was like an old family pet,' one contemporary recalled.

That the Queen Mother always backed Billy proved, in the long run, a disaster. It meant he was safe only while she lived. He must have known he would almost certainly outlive her, yet he enjoyed making enemies among those who, once she was dead, would have the power to get rid of him.

In the last decade of the Queen Mother's life, Billy's drinking became a serious matter. Sir Alastair Aird, one of the senior equerries, knew there was nothing he could do – for now. Reporting Billy to the Queen Mother would be worse than useless.

But as the Queen Mother approached her centenary, her mind began to fail. She may have looked the same to the public, but in private she forgot things and became muddled. When she could no longer insist that Billy should continue to be her close companion, all the doors were locked against her former favourite.

Billy was hurt by this, as he had a great deal of experience of looking after her when she was ill. When she went down with colds, only he was allowed to make a hot toddy 'strong enough to numb all feeling' After her two hip operations, he was one of the few people she would allow to take her arm – so long as they were in private.

When the Queen Mother died in her sleep aged 101, Billy was not told by a member of the Royal household. Whatever his faults, this might seem particularly callous. When a reporter from a tabloid rang to tell him, he was so shocked he could hardly speak. In the only interview Billy ever gave to the media – a snatched 30-second clip – he said simply: 'I loved her'.

Backstairs Billy: The Life of William Tallon, The Queen Mother's Most Devoted Servant by Tom Quinn is published by Robson Press, priced £20. Pre-order for £16 before March 22 at www.mailbookshop.co.uk – p&p is free for a limited time.

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

Joined: 13 Jan 2007
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Location: Westminster, LONDON, SW1A 2HB.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 2:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

50 Proven Links The Royal’s Have to Sex Offenders
Posted by Sean Adl-Tabatabai in News, UK 1 month ago

50 Proven Links The Royal’s Have to Sex Offenders

Why do the British royal family employ and befriend so many pedophiles and sex offenders?

Below are 50 reasons why The Royal Family should be forced to answer police questions for the UK’s Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse:

16 year old Palace employee, Andrew, Geoffrey Dickens MP said members of Royal Household abused him
Prince Andrew, Duke of York, child abuse allegation (see also Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell)
Sathya Sai Baba, alleged to have sexually assaulted children for decades
Sir Philip Bailhache, alleged to have manoeuvred to discourage CSA victims from testifying / Haute Garenne
Bishop Peter Ball, prosecuted for child abuse
Peter Bick, child abuse allegation
Lord Benjamin Britten, questions over relationships with children
Sir Anthony Blunt, child abuse allegation / Elm Guest House
Sir Arthur Charles Clarke, child abuse allegations
Robert Coghlan, convicted of importing 109 obscene tapes, 70 containing child pornography
Michael Colvin MP, allegation that he ‘arranged’ a fire that killed 5 witnesses to child sexual abuse
Lance Corporal of Horse Simon Wyn-Davies, convicted of raping child under 13 [wife also convicted]
Jeffrey Epstein, convicted of soliciting an underage girl for prostitution
Ghislaine Maxwell, alleged ‘high-class madame’ & ‘co-conspirator’ in Epstein’s sexual abuse & sex trafficking
Michael Fawcett, rape allegation
Reginald Forester-Smith, convicted of sustained child abuse involving his two daughters
Lord Justice Fulford, founder member of a campaign to defend the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE)
Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, child abuse allegation
Patrick Gilbert, convicted of child abuse offences
Gary Goldsmith, pimp allegation
Nicholas Greaves, convicted of child pornography
Stuart Hall, child abuse allegation
Rolf Harris, convicted child abuser
Sir Peter Hayman, child abuse allegation
Benjamin Herman, child abuse allegation
Commander Tom Herman, child abuse images allegation
Charles Nicholas Hornby, convicted for participating in a male prostitution ring that preyed on runaway boys
Paul Kidd, convicted of child abuse offences
Richard Langley, child abuse allegation / Elm Guest House
Anthony Lee, convicted of child abuse offences
Lord Louis Mountbatten, child abuse allegation / Kincora
Lance Corporal Mark Neal, alleged conspiracy to sexually assault a child and possessing indecent images
John Phillips, child abuse (incest and rape) allegation
Harbinder Singh Rana, convicted rapist
Jonathan Rees-Williams, convicted of sex attacks on children
Dylan Roberts, rape conviction
Sir Jimmy Savile, thought to be one of the world’s most prolific child abusers and sex offenders
Stephen Salmon, convicted of child abuse
Douglas Slade, on bail for multiple counts of child abuse
William Tallon, sexual predator allegation
Ross Thomas, convicted of child abuse
(Thomas) George Thomas, 1st Viscount Tonypandy, child abuse allegation
David Tracey, charged with four counts of making indecent images of children
Commander Michael Trestrail, child abuse allegation / Elm Guest House
Sir Laurens van der Post, child rape allegation
Gore Vidal, suspected of child abuse by his half-sister and nephew
The Very Rev Ronald Selby Wright, child abuse allegation
Guardsmen (unspecified number) of the Queen’s Household Cavalry, 1967 vice ring allegation
100 soldiers in the Queen’s Household Cavalry, 1976 vice ring allegation
Coldstream Guardsmen at the Buckingham Palace barracks, 2004 sexual assault and rape allegation
With this many links to sex offenders shouldn’t they be required to answer some very pressing questions? What do you think?

- See more at: http://yournewswire.com/50-proven-links-the-royals-have-to-sex-offende rs/#sthash.lmIqwFN3.dpuf


'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 11:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

'Kakistocracy and elite paedophile networks':
http://freecriticalthinking.org/daily-pickings/1341-kakistocracy-and-e lite-pedophile-networks

'Interview 1024 – Tjeerd Andringa Exposes the Kakistocracy':
https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1024-tjeerd-andringa-exposes-t he-kakistocracy/

Kakistocracy is defined as “rule by the worst.” Today on the program Dr. Tjeerd Andringa of the University of Groningen joins us to discuss his theory of how the kakistocracy uses child abuse to perpetuate their control, both over the victims of that abuse and its perpetrators. We also discuss what the vast majority of decent and moral people can do about this problem.

(Note my 'signature' below: exactly why rotten people rule this world!)

'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 2:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Royal 'rape-claim valet' dies aged 44
00:00, 27 AUG 2005 UPDATED 02:44, 31 MAR 2013 BY WALESONLINE
WELSH former royal servant George Smith, who claimed he was raped by one of Prince Charles's close aides, has died, his father said last night.

http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/royal-rape-claim-valet-di es-aged-2385072

WELSH former royal servant George Smith, who claimed he was raped by one of Prince Charles's close aides, has died, his father said last night.

Peter Smith said his 44-year-old son, who suffered flashbacks after seeing colleagues burnt alive on Sir Galahad during the Falklands War, had become the latest victim of the 1982 conflict.

He had been unwell for some time and died on Wednesday.

George Smith, who lived in Newport, Gwent, was a former corporal in the Welsh Guards and Charles's valet for nine years until being dismissed in 1997.

He became embroiled in a media storm when he alleged that he was raped by another royal servant in 1989, but the claim was never proven and was strenuously denied.

He also claimed to have witnessed Charles in a compro-mising position with a servant.

At the time, Charles's private secretary, Sir Michael Peat, spoke on television to refute the allegations about the heir to the throne.

Yesterday, Peter Smith said his son was rushed into the Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport, on August 18, suffering from internal bleeding. The divorced father-of- two is believed to have had a long-standing drink problem and a history of depression.

His father said, "He hadn't been well for a long time.

"It's another statistic from the Falklands. I can't talk about it too much - I always well up."

A friend of the family, who did not wish to be named, said, "His death wasn't expected. I think you would be safe to say that George is another 'Falklands fallen'.

"The Falklands was a major contributing part of his problems. He used to regularly relive what happened on the Sir Galahad.

"But he was a very happy fellow, a nice man, and well-liked.

"He was a proud man and he was proud of being in the Welsh Guards. To serve the Prince of Wales and Princess Di was just everything. All that happened later on took its toll."

His initial trauma appears to have been triggered when the Sir Galahad went up in flames after being attacked by Argentine fighter planes, an attack that caused the horrific injuries suffered by fellow Welsh Guard Simon Weston.

Then, in 1996, during his time as a royal servant, he alleged he had been raped by a fellow royal servant seven years earlier.

Prince Charles' office did an internal investigation into the claims, which were subsequently dismissed by the Prince's staff and by Hounslow Police - but not by Diana, Princess of Wales.

The Princess, who was then involved in a bitter and public war of words with her former husband, recorded a notorious interview with Mr Smith, which became known as the "rape tape".

The tape's existence emerged when it became a crucial element in the trial of former royal butler Paul Burrell.

It was allegedly kept in a small mahogany box, and Burrell alleged that the lock was broken on the box and the tape removed in the weeks after Diana's death.

In November 2003, Smith triggered an international media feeding frenzy when he went public with his claims about Prince Charles in a newspaper interview.

But he was discredited when he was apparently filmed offering to drop his claims, in a second newspaper interview, for a payment of #60,000.

His constituency MP Paul Flynn said, "He had a rough life. He was very badly treated and they got some of their best public relations people to bad mouth him at the time. They really turned the heat on him.

"I thought it was pretty disgraceful and he disappeared from the scene because of it. It's a sad life and a tragic case."

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 3:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

US tabloid claims Prince Charles is gay
http://www.indiatoday.in/story/prince-charles-gay-globe-report-queen-e lizabeth-boy-toy/1/682300.html

Homosexuality and the Windsor family are old friends.

Lord Louis Mountbatten was certainly bisexual and was famously rumored to have had an affair with Edward VIII when he accompanied the young Prince of Wales on his Empire tours . Another "close friend" was an Irish student whom he met at Cambridge Peter Murphy who became Mountbatten's close and constant companion till the end of his life. Lord Louis, who would go on to become Governor of India married Edwina, a fabulously wealthy socialite, who was to have a torrid affair with Panditji Nehru, Prime Minister of India.

Before his marriage to Marina of Greece, The Duke of Kent he is supposed to have enjoyed the company of thin blonde men. He was arrested for engaging in homosexual activity at least once, but released when his identity was confirmed. The papers may not have reported on his indiscretions, but all of high society knew about them. To this day his papers are sealed at Windsor Castle, and no researchers are allowed to look at them...

Michael Argyropoulos
- See more at:

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Evidence Prince Charles is Bisexual - printed in US, Malaysia, India but not UK!
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'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 2:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Serving the Royals: Inside the Firm
Year: 2012
Country: Canada
Running Time: 50 min
Production: Kaos Productions
Director: John Curtin


The third film in Curtin’s royalty series, AFTER ELIZABETH, CHASING THE ROYALS here is the brand new SERVING THE ROYALS: They iron the Queen’s bed sheets, polish Philip’s riding boots, squeeze Charles’s toothpaste and keep an eye on Harry when he strays into a strip club. They are the 700 men and women of the royal household: servants, consultants, advisers and protectors of the House of Windsor. Privy to the most intimate details of the royal family, they are its biggest asset but also its greatest liability. The spotlight is on their royal highnesses’ long suffering helpers: from lowly valets and chamber maids to more privileged chefs, protection officers and private secretaries. Round the clock they toil, often thanklessly, to keep the monarchy humming… but they see and hear almost everything. Here are some of their stories…
More on Film
They iron the Queen’s bed sheets, polish Philip’s riding boots, squeeze Charles’s toothpaste and keep an eye on Harry when he strays into a strip club. They tread through opulent palaces and courtyards in the shadows of their masters. They are the 700 men and women of the royal household: servants, consultants, advisers and protectors of the House of Windsor. Privy to the most intimate details of the royal family, they are its biggest asset and greatest liability.
The Windsors’ employees are sworn to secrecy but are not above betraying their masters for cash. Diana’s butler, Paul Burrell, sold more than half a million copies of his tell-all memoir, A Royal Duty. The book describes the bizarre and sometimes humiliating tasks assigned to palace domestics. Such as picking up one of Di’s lovers from his hiding spot at a Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet and smuggling him through royal security in the trunk of a car. Assorted underlings have had more modest pay days peddling racy tidbits to the tabloids: Like the time they spilled gravy down the Queen Mother’s cleavage or witnessed an apoplectic Prince Charles tear a wash basin off the wall.
It’s all in a day’s work for the “below-the-stairs” staff who prize face time with the royals as compensation for paltry wages and often cramped living quarters. In fact, the royals barely notice most of their employees, believing that servants should be neither seen nor heard. “Good morning, Sir,” said an ill-advised valet to a still slumbering Duke of York. Prince Andrew’s reply: “* off!”
This documentary turns the spotlight on their royal highnesses’ long suffering helpers: from lowly valets and chamber maids to more privileged chefs, protection officers and private secretaries. Round the clock they toil, often thanklessly, to keep the monarchy humming. “Mums the word” … but they see and hear almost everything. Serving the Royals tells some of their stories.
Using a combination of colourful anecdotes, stock footage and recreations – shot in a stately British mansion where some of the finest butlers get their training – this film will give viewers an unusual glimpse into what royal servants do and see behind closed doors. It also takes a tough look at how the palace treats them.
As a young man, Darren McGrady apprenticed in the palace kitchens, peeling carrots for the Queen’s horses before having them put in the pocket of Her Majesty’s riding jacket. “The Queen thought they grew there,” he says, only half jokingly. Later McGrady graduated to pastry chef, serving royal pudding to presidents and potentates. The chef got on the good side of Princes William and Harry with his cream-filled banana flans. Their overweight Aunt Fergie imprudently wolfed down his yogurt brulée with caramelized apples.
Serving the Queen her twice-daily “cuppa” is the dangerous assignment of the “Coffee Room Assistant”. Her Majesty usually takes her tea with Emma, Linnet, Monty, Holly and Willow. “It sounds like a nice cozy job but those corgis’ bite is worse than their bark,” says one dog-bitten royal tea maker. “Servants hate them, but they can do no wrong in the Queen’s eyes.”
The salary is about $20,000 per annum and requires applicants who know their Breakfast Tea from their Earl Grey and make sure “drinks and food items are presented to the highest standards.” The job description says nothing about dog handling.
Heir to the throne, Prince Charles, employs more than 80 full-time staff, often described as hangers-on. “The only times you see them is on royal tours,” says one observer. “They are terribly grand and tend to become more royal than the royals. Generally, they come from lowly backgrounds, but pretty soon they’re on the Dom Perignon with the rest of them.”
Psychologist David Simons asks “What sort of person would allow themselves to be called ‘servants’ in the 21st century?” (Thereby associating themselves with former menial palace positions like wet nurse, food taster and even maid of the chamber pot.) “There seems to be something about the power, privilege and glamour rubbing off on them.”
With a new generation of royals, the times are changing …somewhat. Prince William and Kate caused a stir last year when – still spending most of their time at a farmhouse in a remote corner of Wales – they announced they had no need of servants and would do their own shopping, cooking and housework. William, terrified of the insider leaks that destroyed his mother, didn’t want to risk employees who might talk to the tabloids.
But only weeks after their spectacular wedding this spring, the newly anointed Duke and Duchess of Cambridge caved in to tradition and advertised for a housekeeper and dresser to help them at Kensington Palace. It was described as “a balancing act” – getting new servants without letting them get too close to them.
A valet, it was argued, would be useful on the day when Prince William went from the Trooping the Colour in London to the horse races at Epsom Downs. Without help, he would be hard pressed to change promptly from an elaborate guard’s uniform into top hat and tails.
Kate, meanwhile, is looking for a dresser with “impeccable fashion sense” to help maintain her new role as style icon. Applicants likely hope to follow in the footsteps of the Queen’s retired dresser, Angela Kelly, a working-class woman who was awarded the Royal Victorian Order and lives rent-free in a “grace and favor” house at Windsor.
But a life of faithful service to the royals has more chance of ending with the boot than a golden handshake. When the Queen Mother passed away in 2002, servants who had spent decades pandering to her every whim were set adrift without a penny.
“When any member of the royal family dies, their staff become redundant,” said a palace spokesman, coldly. That meant 40 people – mistresses of the robe, ladies of the bedchamber, housekeepers, butlers, gardeners, maids and watchmen – were out of a job without pension or cash. Many had no savings to fall back on.
A royal servant’s lot is a pitiful one. Bound by confidentiality agreements, they can rarely talk publicly about their paltry lot. Wendy Berry, who wrote an engrossing account of her servitude, had to flee to America after Prince Charles took out an injunction on her book.
But Berry’s tales of palace misdeeds only confirm the bruising memoirs of Paul Burrell and more senior royal insiders, like Diana’s secretary, Patrick Jephson, and Scotland Yard protection officer Ken Wharfe.
Former palace security chief David Davies made some startling revelations about gay escapades and abuse at the royal palaces amid accusations that they are run by a “gay mafia.”
The Queen Mother certainly had no illusions about the proclivities of her hired help. “When one of you old queens has finished,” she once reportedly told a group of loitering valets and butlers “this old Queen would like a drink.”
There are obvious advantages to having gay servants, notes one royal observer. These men are unthreatening to their mistresses and, having no family responsibilities, can devote themselves almost entirely to their employer.
William (Billy) Tallon, who served the royal court for half-century, was the most famous of the Queen Mother’s servants and her personal favourite. He was a fixture in court circles. But the public Billy – the charmer so loved by “upstairs” people – was not the same man remembered by his “downstairs” subordinates.
Former royal footman Liam Cullen-Brooks recalls him as a nasty drunk driven by predatory sexual instincts. “William would invite new male members over to his cottage at Clarence House,” where he and fellow page Reg Wilcock would force themselves on the young men.
On weekends, Tallon would show up at the palace with a large laundry bag and fill it with wine and food from the royal kitchen. “We called it his Supermarket Sweep,” said Cullen-Brooks. “There were some very expensive wines there, along with food and spirits, and the bag would be bulging by the time he was finished.”
Tallon was let go by the palace shortly after the Queen Mother’s death, which affected him badly and drove him deeper into drink. A few years later, he died of AIDS, a broken man.
It wasn’t an unusual trajectory for royal staff whose palace days are behind them. Even employees who exploited their positions to the hilt and turned a tidy profit selling their stories to the media have drawn some sympathy, lately, in the British press.
Citing an unfortunate valet who helped the Prince of Wales’ give a urine sample, Guardian columnist Catherine Bennett recently wrote a diatribe against the Windsors’ “execrable treatment of their servants”. “How,” she asked, “have they got away with it for so long?
Probably because the servants have put up with it for so long. Who can blame them? There are certainly some perks to their menial jobs that no other employer can provide: the best home address in the UK, two free meals a day cooked in the royal kitchens, Schadenfreude galore courtesy of the bumbling heir to the throne…and enough amazing stories to last a lifetime.

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 11:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

'Eyewitness to medical murder of William Combes':

Death of someone about to testify against Lizzie.

'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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