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US NATO Israel as a Nazi succession alliance - direct links

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Joined: 25 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 12:31 pm    Post subject: US NATO Israel as a Nazi succession alliance - direct links Reply with quote

NATO has the same number of letters as NAZI and it begins with an 'N'.
And ex No. 2 to Hitler, SS Oberstgruppenführer Paul Hausser, claimed that the foreign units of the SS were really the precursors of the NATO army.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Joined: 25 Jul 2005
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Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England

PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 12:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

NATO’s Nazi Beginnings: How the West implemented Hitler’s goals
by Robert S. Rodvik
Who gave NATO the right to rule the world? This author elucidates how the Western elite, many of whom were Hitler supporters, rescued a vast number of Nazi hierarchy and placed them in positions to continue the many decades long fight against Russia. The One Percent of the time and the One Percent of today have sent millions to their deaths in formulating and enacting Winston Churchill’s 1918 pledge to "strangle at its birth" the Bolshevik menace. Total control of the so-called mainstream media has furthered that odious task.


Welcome to Munich: the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, during a controversial visit to Germany, are greeted by Hitler in the city in 1937.
Many writers have documented how British and American elites bankrolled Hitler’s rise to power and not until he turned his forces westward did they begin to mount defensive actions against the Third Reich. In Britain, elite members of The Right Club, often with government collusion, secretly supported Hitler’s actions against the Jews and against communists and socialists. The Duke of Wellington was a noted anti-semite and a member of the Right Club. Edward the VIII, known as "the Traitor King" was close friends with Adolf Hitler and was forced to give up his throne, not because of Wallis Simpson, but because it was discovered that he was passing British war operations documents to the Nazis. The aristocracy, after all, have never submitted to sharing the wealth with the lesser classes and Adolf was equally amenable to those ends, the destruction of the untermenschen being foremost in Plan A of his conquest strategy for Europe and Russia.

Until 1977 the BIS headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, hid itself from the world. Bankers told visitors to go to Frey’s Chocolate Shop and enter the unmarked entrance of the former hotel next door.
The Bank for International Settlements was a joint creation in the 1930’s of the western world’s central banks, including the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Montagu Norman, governor of the Bank of England was a wholehearted supporter of Hitler and, when the Nazis marched into Austria in 1938 most of the country’s gold was packed and loaded into vaults controlled by the Bank for International Settlements - the main central bank for the western world. One day later the Nazis marched into Prague, took the directors of the Czech National Bank as hostages and demanded they cede control of the country’s gold reserves representing some $48 million. Informed that the gold had already been transferred to London’s vaults, efforts were made to contact Montagu Norman - who immediately transferred the money to the Germans to outfit their war machine. Friends indeed.

The United States of America had not yet arrived at the position of world’s leading imperialist power, but many of its elites were aligned with British elite sentiments. One of the leading lights in furthering the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party was none other than Prescott Bush, father to George Herbert Walker Bush and grandfather to G.W. Bush, both future presidents and G.W. H. Bush as head of the CIA. These war criminals have maintained their popularity among right-wing Americans mostly due to a compliant media that has obscured their Nazi-loving history from the populace at large.

GIF - 62.5 kb
In their book George Bush:The Unauthorized Biography, Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin write the following:

In October 1942...Prescott Bush was managing partner of Brown Brothers Harriman. His 18-year-old son George, the future U.S. President, had just begun training to become a naval pilot. On Oct. 20, 1942, the U.S. government ordered the seizure of Nazi German banking operations in New York City which were being conducted by Prescott Bush. Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the government took over the Union Banking Corporation, in which Bush was a director. The U.S. Alien Property Custodian seized Union Banking Corp.’s stock shares, all of which were owned by Prescott Bush, E. Roland "Bunny" Harriman, three Nazi executives, and two other associates of Bush. [1]

Tarpley and Chaitkin add the following:

President Bush’s family had already played a central role in financing and arming Adolf Hitler for his takeover of Germany...By deciding that Prescott Bush and the other directors of the Union Banking Corp. were legally front men for the Nazis, the government avoided the more important historical issue: In what way were Hitler’s Nazis themselves hired, armed and instructed by the New York and London clique of which Prescott Bush was an executive manager? [2]

Among those supporting the rise to power of Adolf Hitler was industrialist Henry Ford, a noted Jew hater. Among his other crimes, Ford..."refused to build aircraft engines for England and instead built supplies of the 5-ton military trucks that were the backbone of German army transportation." [3] The list of US industrialists linked to the Nazis is too long to recount here but can be accessed in Charles Higham’s excellent book, Trading With The Enemy: the Nazi-american plot 1933 - 1949. [4]

Clearly the west’s leading financiers were in Hitler’s camp, busy supplying funds for his military buildup and not till he betrayed them by attacking England did the Allies unite to defeat the Nazi forces. In this effort an unholy alliance was formed; that of the western powers and of the Soviet Union, the major force in defeating Hitler’s legions. Yet long before the war ended the Brits and Americans were plotting to redirect their energy against the Soviets, a déjà vu of the 1918 invasion that the west mounted against the Bolsheviks and certainly the most unknown major event of modern history. To this end the British and US rescued the most murderous Nazi war criminals being sought by investigators of the same governments and mingled them into British and US apparatus of terror.

As Michael McClintock writes:

It was immediately after the creation of the United Nations that American leaders found it necessary—as a matter of interest—to break the new rules they publicly lauded. In doing so, they developed new systems by which to evade accountability for lawbreaking–including an enormous apparatus for covert intervention–and, by means of extraordinary effort, to present the United States’ actions, whatever their nature, as in accord with international law. [5]

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At the same time as the west was planning its covert actions against its WWII ally, it also created the formation of the terror club known as NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Almost in its entirety it was a Nazi enterprise. Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen, for example, who had headed the Russia Desk in the Oberkommando der Wermacht (OKW - Hitler’s Supreme Headquarters) and a consultant on the Final Solution, was secretly brought to the United States where he would deliver his vast storehouse of previously hidden files on the Soviet Union and then set up the Russia Desk for the soon-to-be-formed CIA. [6]

Gehlen would then be returned to postwar Germany where he was put in position as head of Germany’s new Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), the German Secret Intelligence Service. In essence, two Russia desks (at least) now functioned instead of just one; both with the same ultimate aim: destroy the Soviet Union and communism.

Hundreds if not thousands of old Nazis found new life working for the US, Britain, and Canada as the Cold War was cranked up and now the mass murderers were brought into policy making for the same Lords of the Manor who had supported Hitler to begin with. And, with the same old Nazis back in charge, every foul means was employed against the Soviets to prevent any challenge of global capital’s right to dictate the terms of enslavement.

West Germany, now being run by ex-Nazis under Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, joined NATO in 1954 and Gehlen liaised with his pro-Nazi mentor Allen Dulles who would become head of the CIA, with brother John Foster as Secretary of State. Soon NATO began appointing the old tried and true Nazis into high positions within the organization.

General Hans Speidel, for example, became commander-in-chief in 1957 of AFCENT (Allied Forces Central Europe). Nazi Admiral Friedrich Guggenberger joined the highly important NATO military committee in Washington and General Adolf Heusinger (Gehlen’s old chief at Hitler’s OKW), became its chairman. At Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers in Europe (SHAPE), Gehlen managed to install several Nazi collaborators into vital positions [7]. Amongst these was Col. Hennig Strumpell, who became deputy to British Maj. Gen. Charles Traver, the Assistant Chief of Staff (Intelligence) at SHAPE. Col. Heinz Koller-Kraus was made head of logistics at Speidel’s AFCENT. Many other Gehlen men would soon join NATO to define its policies. [8]

With the same Nazis well integrated into NATO and the CIA becoming an extension of Gehlen’s old Nazi intelligence agency, the Nieue World Ordnung was essentially relocated from the Reichstag in Berlin and dropped into the Pentagon and CIA Langley, Virginia.

Added to the anti-Soviet battle plans, US elites recognized the value of Goebbel’s Ministry of Truth and turned the lessons learned into the world’s most sophisticated propaganda network ever created. All western wars would now be given illusionary titles, such as: "wars for democracy", "wars for peace", "wars for justice", "wars for humanitarianism" and on and on. The corporate funded elites that run the UK and Canada were quick to adopt the same essential elements.

Two of those components of the propaganda wars for the US/UK/Nazi Nieue World Ordnung was the creation of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty - both staffed with Gehlen’s old Nazis and funded by the CIA. [9]

These Nazi mass murderers set up an Hungarian Desk, provided arms and assistance to underground pro-Nazi elements in Hungary and together with the CIA, instigated the Hungarian uprising - which the Soviets brutally put down [10]. The prime use of this episode however, had little to do with the dead and dying, rather it was the propaganda value which portrayed an "Evil Empire" that had to be destroyed. [11]

Dr. Eberhardt Taubert joined the Nazi party in 1931 and was soon promoted to the rank of Sturmführer, following Goebbels to the Ministry of Propaganda. After the war Taubert slid down to South Africa where he found comfort among the neo-Nazis in power in Johannesburg busy designing the apartheid system. In 1950 he returned to Germany and joined his old Nazi pal Reinhard Gehlen, becoming a member of the BND. In his new BND/CIA post, Taubert became chairman of the CIA-backed "National Association for Peace and Freedom" becoming also an adviser to German Minister of Defense, ex-Nazi Franz Josef Strauss and was then assigned by Strauss to NATO as adviser to the "Psychological Warfare Department". Goebbel’s Ministry of Truth being recirculated to feed the Christian fundamentalists some newly constructed, yet old and familiar Tales from the Dark, only having different packaging. [12]

GIF - 56.1 kb
"NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe" by Daniele Ganser, Contemporary Security Studies, February 2005.
NATO has also been closely linked to a series of terrorist bombings in Italy in the 1980s in order to create a "Strategy of Tension" designed to allow the fascist right wing into power and thereby bring "stability" to the country. This program made use of numerous far right terrorists like Stefano Delle Chiaie of Ordine Nuovo and other demented souls who planted bombs in public places that killed hundreds, aided in implementation by Gehlen’s NATO/Nazi terrorists. Though well covered in Europe, thanks to media complicity, the story barely made a blip here.

In essence these and their followers are the people that run NATO, presently killing its way around the world thanks to the likes of Barack Obama, Steve Harper, and the rest of the West’s puppet satraps; while posing as defenders of humanity. It’s all too much to embrace without losing one’s dinner over and over again.

Robert S. Rodvik
<:ver_imprimer:> <:recommander:recommander:> Facebook Twitter Delicious Seenthis Digg RSS
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Voltaire Network.

[1] Office of Alien Property Custodian, Vesting Order No. 248. The order was signed by Leo T. Crowley, Alien Property Custodian, executed October 20, 1942; F.R. Doc. 42-11568; Filed, November 6, 1942, 11:31 A.M.; 7 Fed. Reg. 9097 (Nov. 7, 1942). See also the New York City Directory of Directors (available at the Library of Congress). The volumes for the 1930s and 1940s list Prescott Bush as a director of Union Banking Corporation for the years 1934 through 1943.

[2] Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography.

[3] Charles Higham, Trading With The Enemy, A Dell Book, 1983, p.23.

[4] Ibid, p.177.

[5] Michael McClintock, Instruments of Statecraft, Pantheon Books, NY 1992, P.24.

[6] E. H. Cookridge, Gehlen, Spy of the Century, Random House, NY, 1972.

[7] Ibid, p.301.

[8] Ibid.

[9] Ibid.

[10] Ibid.

[11] The Progressive, "Turn it Off" September 1993, p.10.

[12] Ibid, pp.10-11.[GVideo][/GVideo]

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

Last edited by TonyGosling on Sat May 30, 2015 12:35 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 25 Jul 2005
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Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England

PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2015 12:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Adolf Heusinger
Adolf Heusinger : Nazi Germany
Adolf Heusinger was born in Holzminden, Germany, on 4th August 1897. He joined the German Army and served throughout the First World War.

Heusinger remained in the army and soon after the outbreak of the Second World War was promoted to colonel and appointed chief of operations at the OKH. When General Kurt Zeitzler became sick in June 1944, Heusinger became temporary army chief of staff and was standing next to Adolf Hitler when the bomb planted by Claus von Stauffenberg exploded on 20th July 1944.

Heusinger, who was slightly injured in the blast, was arrested by the Gestapo and accused of being involved in the July Plot. He appeared before Roland Freisler and his People Court on 7th August, 1944. Although there was evidence that Heusinger had contact with many of the conspirators he was exonerated but was not allowed to return to his senior post in the German Army.

After the war he played an important role in NATO and was chairman of its military committee (1961-64). Adolf Heusinger died in 1982.

Adolf Heusinger Nato Nazi
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"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Joined: 25 Jul 2005
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Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

this important site and article are now intermittent offline


Welcome to Munich: the Duke and Duchess of
Windsor, during a controversial visit to Germany,
are greeted by Hitler in the city in 1937.
Many writers have documented how British and
American elites bankrolled Hitler’s rise to power
and not until he turned his forces westward did
they begin to mount defensive actions against the
Third Reich. In Britain, elite members of The
Right Club, often with government collusion,
secretly supported Hitler’s actions against the
Jews and against communists and socialists. The
Duke of Wellington was a noted anti-semite and a
member of the Right Club. Edward the VIII, known
as "the Traitor King" was close friends with
Adolf Hitler and was forced to give up his
throne, not because of Wallis Simpson, but
because it was discovered that he was passing
British war operations documents to the Nazis.
The aristocracy, after all, have never submitted
to sharing the wealth with the lesser classes and
Adolf was equally amenable to those ends, the
destruction of the untermenschen being foremost
in Plan A of his conquest strategy for Europe and Russia.


Until 1977 the BIS headquartered in Basel,
Switzerland, hid itself from the world. Bankers
told visitors to go to Frey’s Chocolate Shop and
enter the unmarked entrance of the former hotel next door.
The Bank for International Settlements was a
joint creation in the 1930’s of the western
world’s central banks, including the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York. Montagu Norman,
governor of the Bank of England was a
wholehearted supporter of Hitler and, when the
Nazis marched into Austria in 1938 most of the
country’s gold was packed and loaded into vaults
controlled by the Bank for International
Settlements - the main central bank for the
western world. One day later the Nazis marched
into Prague, took the directors of the Czech
National Bank as hostages and demanded they cede
control of the country’s gold reserves
representing some $48 million. Informed that the
gold had already been transferred to London’s
vaults, efforts were made to contact Montagu
Norman - who immediately transferred the money to
the Germans to outfit their war machine. Friends indeed.

The United States of America had not yet arrived
at the position of world’s leading imperialist
power, but many of its elites were aligned with
British elite sentiments. One of the leading
lights in furthering the rise of Adolf Hitler and
the Nazi party was none other than Prescott Bush,
father to George Herbert Walker Bush and
grandfather to G.W. Bush, both future presidents
and G.W. H. Bush as head of the CIA. These war
criminals have maintained their popularity among
right-wing Americans mostly due to a compliant
media that has obscured their Nazi-loving history from the populace at large.

GIF - 62.5 kb
In their book George Bush:The Unauthorized
Biography, Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin write the following:

In October 1942...Prescott Bush was managing
partner of Brown Brothers Harriman. His
18-year-old son George, the future U.S.
President, had just begun training to become a
naval pilot. On Oct. 20, 1942, the U.S.
government ordered the seizure of Nazi German
banking operations in New York City which were
being conducted by Prescott Bush. Under the
Trading with the Enemy Act, the government took
over the Union Banking Corporation, in which Bush
was a director. The U.S. Alien Property Custodian
seized Union Banking Corp.’s stock shares, all of
which were owned by Prescott Bush, E. Roland
"Bunny" Harriman, three Nazi executives, and two other associates of Bush. [1]

Tarpley and Chaitkin add the following:

President Bush’s family had already played a
central role in financing and arming Adolf Hitler
for his takeover of Germany...By deciding that
Prescott Bush and the other directors of the
Union Banking Corp. were legally front men for
the Nazis, the government avoided the more
important historical issue: In what way were
Hitler’s Nazis themselves hired, armed and
instructed by the New York and London clique of
which Prescott Bush was an executive manager? [2]

Among those supporting the rise to power of Adolf
Hitler was industrialist Henry Ford, a noted Jew
hater. Among his other crimes, Ford..."refused to
build aircraft engines for England and instead
built supplies of the 5-ton military trucks that
were the backbone of German army transportation."
[3] The list of US industrialists linked to the
Nazis is too long to recount here but can be
accessed in Charles Higham’s excellent book,
Trading With The Enemy: the Nazi-american plot 1933 - 1949. [4]

Clearly the west’s leading financiers were in
Hitler’s camp, busy supplying funds for his
military buildup and not till he betrayed them by
attacking England did the Allies unite to defeat
the Nazi forces. In this effort an unholy
alliance was formed; that of the western powers
and of the Soviet Union, the major force in
defeating Hitler’s legions. Yet long before the
war ended the Brits and Americans were plotting
to redirect their energy against the Soviets, a
déjà vu of the 1918 invasion that the west
mounted against the Bolsheviks and certainly the
most unknown major event of modern history. To
this end the British and US rescued the most
murderous Nazi war criminals being sought by
investigators of the same governments and mingled
them into British and US apparatus of terror.

As Michael McClintock writes:

It was immediately after the creation of the
United Nations that American leaders found it
necessary—as a matter of interest—to break the
new rules they publicly lauded. In doing so, they
developed new systems by which to evade
accountability for lawbreaking–including an
enormous apparatus for covert intervention–and,
by means of extraordinary effort, to present the
United States’ actions, whatever their nature, as
in accord with international law. [5]

JPEG - 13 kb
At the same time as the west was planning its
covert actions against its WWII ally, it also
created the formation of the terror club known as
NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Almost in its entirety it was a Nazi enterprise.
Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen, for example, who
had headed the Russia Desk in the Oberkommando
der Wermacht (OKW - Hitler’s Supreme
Headquarters) and a consultant on the Final
Solution, was secretly brought to the United
States where he would deliver his vast storehouse
of previously hidden files on the Soviet Union
and then set up the Russia Desk for the soon-to-be-formed CIA. [6]

Gehlen would then be returned to postwar Germany
where he was put in position as head of Germany’s
new Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), the German
Secret Intelligence Service. In essence, two
Russia desks (at least) now functioned instead of
just one; both with the same ultimate aim:
destroy the Soviet Union and communism.

Hundreds if not thousands of old Nazis found new
life working for the US, Britain, and Canada as
the Cold War was cranked up and now the mass
murderers were brought into policy making for the
same Lords of the Manor who had supported Hitler
to begin with. And, with the same old Nazis back
in charge, every foul means was employed against
the Soviets to prevent any challenge of global
capital’s right to dictate the terms of enslavement.

West Germany, now being run by ex-Nazis under
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, joined NATO in 1954
and Gehlen liaised with his pro-Nazi mentor Allen
Dulles who would become head of the CIA, with
brother John Foster as Secretary of State. Soon
NATO began appointing the old tried and true
Nazis into high positions within the organization.

General Hans Speidel, for example, became
commander-in-chief in 1957 of AFCENT (Allied
Forces Central Europe). Nazi Admiral Friedrich
Guggenberger joined the highly important NATO
military committee in Washington and General
Adolf Heusinger (Gehlen’s old chief at Hitler’s
OKW), became its chairman. At Supreme
Headquarters Allied Powers in Europe (SHAPE),
Gehlen managed to install several Nazi
collaborators into vital positions [7]. Amongst
these was Col. Hennig Strumpell, who became
deputy to British Maj. Gen. Charles Traver, the
Assistant Chief of Staff (Intelligence) at SHAPE.
Col. Heinz Koller-Kraus was made head of
logistics at Speidel’s AFCENT. Many other Gehlen
men would soon join NATO to define its policies. [8]

With the same Nazis well integrated into NATO and
the CIA becoming an extension of Gehlen’s old
Nazi intelligence agency, the Nieue World Ordnung
was essentially relocated from the Reichstag in
Berlin and dropped into the Pentagon and CIA Langley, Virginia.

Added to the anti-Soviet battle plans, US elites
recognized the value of Goebbel’s Ministry of
Truth and turned the lessons learned into the
world’s most sophisticated propaganda network
ever created. All western wars would now be given
illusionary titles, such as: "wars for
democracy", "wars for peace", "wars for justice",
"wars for humanitarianism" and on and on. The
corporate funded elites that run the UK and
Canada were quick to adopt the same essential elements.

Two of those components of the propaganda wars
for the US/UK/Nazi Nieue World Ordnung was the
creation of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty -
both staffed with Gehlen’s old Nazis and funded by the CIA. [9]

These Nazi mass murderers set up an Hungarian
Desk, provided arms and assistance to underground
pro-Nazi elements in Hungary and together with
the CIA, instigated the Hungarian uprising -
which the Soviets brutally put down [10]. The
prime use of this episode however, had little to
do with the dead and dying, rather it was the
propaganda value which portrayed an "Evil Empire"
that had to be destroyed. [11]

Dr. Eberhardt Taubert joined the Nazi party in
1931 and was soon promoted to the rank of
Sturmführer, following Goebbels to the Ministry
of Propaganda. After the war Taubert slid down to
South Africa where he found comfort among the
neo-Nazis in power in Johannesburg busy designing
the apartheid system. In 1950 he returned to
Germany and joined his old Nazi pal Reinhard
Gehlen, becoming a member of the BND. In his new
BND/CIA post, Taubert became chairman of the
CIA-backed "National Association for Peace and
Freedom" becoming also an adviser to German
Minister of Defense, ex-Nazi Franz Josef Strauss
and was then assigned by Strauss to NATO as
adviser to the "Psychological Warfare
Department". Goebbel’s Ministry of Truth being
recirculated to feed the Christian
fundamentalists some newly constructed, yet old
and familiar Tales from the Dark, only having different packaging. [12]

GIF - 56.1 kb
"NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and
Terrorism in Western Europe" by Daniele Ganser,
Contemporary Security Studies, February 2005.
NATO has also been closely linked to a series of
terrorist bombings in Italy in the 1980s in order
to create a "Strategy of Tension" designed to
allow the fascist right wing into power and
thereby bring "stability" to the country. This
program made use of numerous far right terrorists
like Stefano Delle Chiaie of Ordine Nuovo and
other demented souls who planted bombs in public
places that killed hundreds, aided in
implementation by Gehlen’s NATO/Nazi terrorists.
Though well covered in Europe, thanks to media
complicity, the story barely made a blip here.

In essence these and their followers are the
people that run NATO, presently killing its way
around the world thanks to the likes of Barack
Obama, Steve Harper, and the rest of the West’s
puppet satraps; while posing as defenders of
humanity. It’s all too much to embrace without
losing one’s dinner over and over again.

Robert S. Rodvik
<:ver_imprimer:> <:recommander:recommander:>
Facebook Twitter Delicious Seenthis Digg RSS
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article
are those of the author and do not necessarily
reflect those of Voltaire Network.

[1] Office of Alien Property Custodian, Vesting
Order No. 248. The order was signed by Leo T.
Crowley, Alien Property Custodian, executed
October 20, 1942; F.R. Doc. 42-11568; Filed,
November 6, 1942, 11:31 A.M.; 7 Fed. Reg. 9097
(Nov. 7, 1942). See also the New York City
Directory of Directors (available at the Library
of Congress). The volumes for the 1930s and 1940s
list Prescott Bush as a director of Union Banking
Corporation for the years 1934 through 1943.

[2] Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, George
Bush: The Unauthorized Biography.

[3] Charles Higham, Trading With The Enemy, A Dell Book, 1983, p.23.

[4] Ibid, p.177.

[5] Michael McClintock, Instruments of
Statecraft, Pantheon Books, NY 1992, P.24.

[6] E. H. Cookridge, Gehlen, Spy of the Century, Random House, NY, 1972.

[7] Ibid, p.301.

[8] Ibid.

[9] Ibid.

[10] Ibid.

[11] The Progressive, "Turn it Off" September 1993, p.10.

[12] Ibid, pp.10-11.[GVideo]

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 1:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay not a DIRECT link but fascinating stuff & illuminating image!
World Conquest: The United States’ Global Military Crusade (1945- )

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 2:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Adolf Heusinger, Adolf Hitler’s Chief of the General Staff of the Army during World War II, went on to become Chairman of the NATO Military Committee from 1961 to 1964.
Submitted by IWB, on February 21st, 2016

http://investmentwatchblog.com/adolf-heusinger-adolf-hitlers-chief-of- the-general-staff-of-the-army-during-world-war-ii-went-on-to-become-ch airman-of-the-nato-military-committee-from-1961-to-1964/

General Adolf Heusinger (August 4, 1897 – November 30, 1982) was a German general officer who served as Adolf Hitler’s Chief of the General Staff of the Army during World War II and then served as the first Inspector General of the Bundeswehr, the West German armed forces, from 1957 to 1961. Heusinger also served as Chairman of the NATO Military Committee from 1961 to 1964.

A prisoner of war from 1945 to 1947, Heusinger testified during the Nuremberg Trials.

According to documents released by the German intelligence agency (Bundesnachrichtendienst, or BND) in 2014, Heusinger may have been part of the Schnez-Truppe, a secret army that veterans of the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS sought to establish in the early ’50s.[2]

In 1950, he became an advisor on military matters to Konrad Adenauer, the first Chancellor of West Germany. He served in the Blank Office Amt Blank, the office headed by Theodor Blank, which became the West German Ministry of Defense in 1955.

With the establishment of the West Germany Army Bundeswehr in 1955, Heusinger returned to military service. He was appointed a Generalleutnant (lieutenant general) on November 12, 1955.[3] in the Bundeswehr and chairman of the Military Leadership Council (Militärischer Führungsrat).

In March 1957, he succeeded Hans Speidel as chief of the Bundeswehr’s all-armed forces department (Chef der Abteilung Gesamtstreitkräfte).

Shortly thereafter, in June 1957, Heusinger was promoted to full general and named the first Inspector General of the Bundeswehr (Generalinspekteur der Bundeswehr), and served in that capacity until March 1961. In April 1961, he was appointed Chairman of the NATO Military Committee in Washington, D.C., where he served until 1964, when he retired. He was, according to news reports, wanted by the Russians in the early 1960s in respect of organizing the Koriukivka massacre. [4]

Heusinger died in Cologne on November 30, 1982, aged 85.


He got all his sins forgiven and US citizenship as part of Project Paperclip. The Nazis didn’t lose, they just moved- and took their penchant for human experimentation with them.

1947–1953: Navy’s Project CHATTER tested drugs for interrogation

The Naval report about the Dachau mescaline experiments was the catalyst for Project CHATTER which focused on identifying and testing drugs for interrogations and recruitment of intelligence agents.

http://ahrp.org/category/scientific-racism/cia-mind-control-experiment s/

These mind control operations, started by the Nazis in Germany, continued in America and are still operational. The focus now is on Directed Energy Weapons.


https://paxsims.wordpress.com/2016/02/12/sabin-the-continuing-role-of- manual-conflict-simulation/

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 6:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

HARDLINER10.13.15 6:00 PM ET
Did CIA Director Allen Dulles Order the Hit on JFK?
In a blistering but painstaking profile of the Cold War CIA chief, David Talbot’s damning accusations include the allegation that Dulles was behind the Kennedy assassination.
http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/10/13/did-allen-dulles-orde r-the-hit-on-jfk.html

An affable scion of the Northeastern establishment, a committed interventionist in foreign affairs, and fervent disciple of American exceptionalism, Allen Welsh Dulles served as director of the Central Intelligence Agency from 1953 to 1961. International affairs were the Dulles family business. Allen’s maternal grandfather, John W. Foster, was secretary of state under Benjamin Harrison. His uncle, Robert Lansing, held the same office under Woodrow Wilson. John Foster Dulles, his elder brother, served as secretary of state in the Eisenhower administration, and Allen reputedly wanted the job for himself. Yet, when Allen ran the CIA and his brother was ensconced as head of State, there was little of the usual friction between the two agencies of government. The brothers worked together like a well-oiled team. Critics have argued ever since that the country and the world would have been better off had this not been the case.
After graduating from Princeton Phi Beta Kappa, Dulles joined the Foreign Service, where he served with distinction from 1916 to 1926, and developed a taste for intelligence work that lasted all his life. He then went on to join his brother’s Wall Street law firm, Sullivan & Cromwell, with a view to making real money. The firm represented some of the most powerful corporations in the world, and Dulles succeeded in his objective, but he sorely missed the excitement of cloak-and-dagger work.
Then came World War II. Recruited by Wild Bill Donovan to run the OSS office in Bern, Switzerland, he developed invaluable connections with the German resistance movement against Hitler, and established a reputation as a superb spy with a flair for running networks of agents and planning covert operations. By the time of his ascent to the directorship of the CIA, the Cold War had blossomed from a conflict centered on Europe into a truly global contest waged by proxy armies and secret agents in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. It was above all else a complex, multifaceted conflict with diplomatic, military, and propaganda components. The West had already suffered a number of serious reverses—the compromise of most of its agents behind the Iron Curtain as a result of Kim Philby’s defection, the “loss” of China, and the shocking invasion of South Korea by Communist North Korea, widely (and incorrectly) believed to have been ordered by Stalin, to name but a few.

Like his more dour and grumpy older brother, Allen Dulles had a deep aversion to Communism, and viewed the Cold War as struggle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness, between liberty and “enslavement.” Dulles threw himself into his work, writes intelligence historian Thomas Powers, “with a patriot’s devotion, an appetite for combat, and an elastic sense of the permissible … The fears and alarms of the Cold War seem melodramatic and overdrawn now, but the Dulles who ran the CIA during the Eisenhower years was fired by a steely resolve to carry the fight to the enemy, and prevail.”
Together, the Dulles brothers impressed upon Ike the need to check the expansion of Soviet influence wherever it appeared—and in some cases, it must be said, where the faint shadows of a Communist presence on the margins of political life in a foreign locale could provide cover for paramilitary intervention on behalf of American corporate interests that the Dulles brothers conflated with the national interest. Allen Dulles was a staunch advocate and leading orchestrator of the successful CIA-led coups in Iran in 1953 and Guatemala in 1954, where the agency proclaimed local Communist provocateurs were laying the foundations for direct Soviet intervention, thereby threatening Western oil supplies, the Suez and Panama canals … and, of course, the financial interests of a host of British and American oil companies (in Iran) and the United Fruit Company (in Guatemala), an important Sullivan & Cromwell client.
Many other interventions and anti-communist campaigns of varying levels of success and subtlety were carried out by Dulles and his recruits from the “old boy” network of Ivy League-OSS-Wall Street establishment types, including the agency’s almost single-handed creation of the Republic of South Vietnam to challenge the ascendancy of the visionary Communist-Nationalist Ho Chi Minh.
Neutrality was a dirty word in the Dulles lexicon. When President Sukarno declared Indonesia neutral in the East-West conflict, Eisenhower authorized “all feasible covert means” to force the Indonesian strong man in a Westerly direction. The CIA went to considerable expense to spark a coup, but it had poor intelligence on the ground and the operation was badly botched.
You couldn’t win them all, but the Dulles brothers could be counted on to keep trying.
On Dulles’s watch, the CIA did a very good job of keeping track of what the Soviets did to forward their agenda around the globe. It formed a reasonably accurate picture of Soviet military and nuclear capababilities and its fundamental foreign policy objectives. This painstaking, laborious work was hardly the stuff of James Bond novels, but it laid the foundation for American defense and foreign policy during the height of the Cold War, and thus must be given a fair amount of credit for the prevention of nuclear holocaust. We do not and cannot know the full extent of either Allen Dulles’s or the CIA’s contribution to the West’s victory in the Cold War, but an educated guess is that it was considerable on both counts.
The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government, David Talbot’s sprawling and ambitious new book, is at one and the same time a damning biography of the CIA’s longest standing director, and an exposé of American politics, foreign and domestic, from the earliest rumblings of the Cold War up through the assassination of JFK. The overarching argument put forward in this disturbing, compulsively readable book is that an ominous “counterreformation” in American politics took place during this time, and that our civil liberties, our politics, and our moral standing in the world has suffered grievously as a result to this very day.
As Talbot sees it, New Deal liberalism, which stands as the apotheosis of 20th century American democracy, was gradually eclipsed by men highly placed in government who saw democracy “as an impediment to the smooth functioning of the corporate state”:
Washington was gradually taken over by business executives, Wall Street Lawyers, and investment bankers … During the Eisenhower administration, the Dulles brothers would finally be given full license to exercise their power in the global arena. In the name of defending the free world from Communist tyranny, they would impose an American reign on the world enforced by nuclear terror and cloak-and-dagger brutality … The Dulles brothers would prove masters at exploiting the anxious state of permanent vigilance that accompanied the Cold War.
The rise of Dulles’s CIA, “the most potent agency of the Eisenhower era,” further undermined an American democracy “already seriously compromised by growing corporate power.”
This is by no means a new thesis. In fact, it has been around since the mid-’60s and recapitulated, with varying degrees of subtlety and sophistication, by many journalists and historians. In The Devil’s Chessboard, Talbot, the founder and first editor-in-chief of the online magazine Salon, builds on the work of others, deepening and complicating the basic storyline with the help of newly released classified documents, fresh interviews with participants, and recent additions to the secondary literature.
Talbot brings an encyclopedic knowledge of the sources, passionate curiosity, and the literary tool kit of a superb espionage novelist to his retelling of the tale. And what a tale it is! No doubt about it, The Devil’s Chessboard contains a bucketful of sensational allegations. What follows is a small, but representative sampling:

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• Allen Dulles “undermined or betrayed every president he served.” In the waning days of World War II, the future CIA director tried to strike “a realpolitik deal … between Germany and the United States that would take Hitler out of the equation but leave the Reich largely intact.”
• Claims of Soviet/Communist subversion that served to justify the CIA-led coups d’état in Iran and Guatemala were for all intents and purposes fabricated. Threats to U.S. corporate interests were what really spurred these “successful” covert operations by the CIA.
• Allen Dulles oversaw a CIA program that conducted extremely dangerous experiments on the human brain. He was interested in finding out whether “LSD could be used to program zombielike saboteurs or assassins.”
• “Extraordinary rendition,” the CIA’s notorious War on Terror practice of kidnapping suspected enemies and turning them over to “the merciless security machinery” of U.S. allies in undisclosed locations, actually began in 1956, when a Columbia University academic hostile to Dominican strongman Raphael Trujillo was flown to the Dominican Republic, tortured, boiled to death, and fed to the sharks.
• “Over the final months of the JFK presidency, a clear consensus” emerged within Dulles’s sinister network of financial, intelligence, and military associates: “Kennedy was a national security threat. For the good of the country, he must be removed. And Dulles was the only man with the stature, connections and decisive will to make something of this enormity happen.” And so he did. (Gulp!)
Does Talbot make a convincing case for such allegations, and for the argument that unites them?
That Allen Dulles exercised enormous power and abused that power in myriad ways; that he ordered assassinations of undesirables abroad; that his CIA destabilized foreign governments in the Third World based on grossly exaggerated assessments of Soviet subversion; that he integrated high-level Nazi intelligence agents into CIA and West German intelligence networks—all these allegations are clearly borne out by the facts presented here, and confirmed by the work of many other investigators.
The evidence that Dulles was the ringleader of a network of hardline, Cold War national security types that constituted a secret government, and that that “government” assassinated a president, is brilliantly and alluringly presented—so well presented, in fact, that one could almost believe it. But not quite.
For one thing, Talbot’s defense of these allegations rests far too heavily on hypothetical scenarios and intricately stitched together reconstructions of clandestine schemes, most of which are too heavily larded with innuendo, gossip, and hearsay to be credible. Too often, we are asked to accept that person X was engaged in some nefarious undertaking because person Y said they were, and person Z weighs in with some vague confirmation, along the lines of, “Oh, yes, that probably happened. It would have been just like X to do that …”
Then, too, one has the distinct sense time and again in the narrative that we are simply not being told the whole story, that evidence that conflicts with Talbot’s reconstruction of a given series of events has been left out, which engenders a certain skepticism about the author’s version of history. Much of the real political context in which Dulles and the CIA operated has been left out of the story. It’s troubling in a book so tightly focused on American Cold War strategy and initiatives that Soviet machinations are either buried deep in the background or absent altogether.
Indeed, in the cloak-and-dagger world of intrigue so deftly conjured up in The Devil’s Chessboard, the Soviet threat to both American interests and democratic values around the world seems to be a chimera, not the very real and formidable challenge it appeared to be to American policymakers at the time. Without a reasonably detailed picture of what the Soviets were up to, it’s rather difficult to place the shenanigans of Dulles and his merry band of Wall Street and national security acolytes in proper perspective.
In reflecting back on this long and discursive account, it strikes me that a great deal of what passes for “secret government” in Talbot’s imagination would probably be described by a judicious national security historian as the day-to-day practice of the politics of espionage by an aggressive, but deeply flawed, master of the game.
Talbot’s reconstruction of the plot engineered by Dulles to assassinate JFK contains so many key and bit players, and is so packed with qualifications concerning their actions, whereabouts, and intentions, that it’s close to impossible to keep one’s bearings. Tantalizing coincidences, clues, and statements from investigators and participants accumulate, casting doubt on the lone gunman theory accepted by the Warren Commission, but no truly credible alternative explanation seems to emerge.
In the end, and with all due respect for Talbot’s dogged detective work, the case he makes for Dulles’s masterminding the assassination strikes me as far-fetched and highly speculative. Even if one grants the existence of a Dulles-led, malign, and anti-democratic network of “deep power” conspirators—a tall order in and of itself—it’s hard to see why they would see the need to liquidate Kennedy. Contrary to Talbot’s claims, JFK’s policies, foreign or domestic, simply did not pose a dire threat to “deep power” interests. As Columbia historian Alan Brinkley points out, the consensus among historians today is that JFK’s “differences with the hardliners … were mostly tactical not strategic.”
Finally, from a practical standpoint, is it at all plausible that John McCone, the Kennedy-appointed CIA director at the time of the assassination, stood by passively as the retired Dulles waltzed back into CIA headquarters two years after having been fired to spearhead the greatest conspiracy in U.S. history? And if Dulles was behind it all, one wonders why Robert Kennedy pleaded with President Johnson to ask the gentleman spy to serve on the commission to investigate the murder of his beloved brother. Was Bobby in on it, too?
Still, one would be hard pressed to find a book that is better at evoking the strange and apocalyptic atmospherics of the early Cold War years in America, and the cast of characters that made the era what it was. One of the singular pleasures of reading The Devil’s Chessboard are the wry, closely observed character sketches that punctuate the narrative. John Foster Dulles “brought the gloom of a doomsday obsessed vicar to his job, with frequent sermons on Communist perfidy and his constant threats of nuclear annihilation.” Richard Nixon “may have suffered from a tortured psyche, but it made him acutely sensitive to the nuances of power. He had a Machiavellian brilliance for reading the chessboard and calculating the next series of moves to his advantage.”
Neither le Carre nor Graham Greene could do any better at conjuring up Dulles’s counterintelligence chief, the chain-smoking aesthete James Jesus Angleton:
He was known as the “Gray Ghost” in intelligence circles—a tall, stooped, ashen faced figure, with a bony, clothes-rack frame, draped in elegant, European-tailored suits, and wreathed in rings of smoke … Angleton’s activities ranged from purloining documents at foreign embassies to opening the mail of American citizens (he once jocularly referred to himself as “the postmaster”) to wiretapping the bedrooms of CIA officials. It was his job to be suspicious of everybody, and he was, keeping a treasure trove of sensitive files and photos in the locked vault in his office. Each morning … Angleton would report to Dulles on the results of his “fishing expeditions,” as they called his electronic eavesdropping missions, which picked up everything from gossip on the Georgetown party circuit to Washington pillow talk … As Dulles was well aware, Angleton even tucked away explosive secrets about the CIA director himself. That is why Dulles had rewarded him with the most sensitive job in the agency, Angleton confided [to a journalist] near the end of his life. “You know how I got to be chief of counterintelligence? I agreed not to polygraph or require detailed background checks on Allen Dulles and 60 of his closest friends. They were afraid their own business dealings with Hitler’s pals would come out.”
Talbot’s main contribution with The Devil’s Chessboard has been to pull together a welter of sensational and controversial story lines in the history of American politics and espionage into one gripping but speculative narrative of betrayal, arrogance, and duplicity. As such, the book is bound to become an instant classic of political conspiracy literature, and to spur further debate about a number of important questions we are unlikely to answer definitively any time soon.

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 11:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

November 5, 2014
The Nazis Next Door
How America Became a Safe Haven for Hitler's Men
by Eric Lichtblau

Hardcover, 266 pages purchase
http://www.npr.org/2014/11/05/361427276/how-thousands-of-nazis-were-re warded-with-life-in-the-u-s

In the early '70s, New York Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman received a confidential tip that American immigration authorities knew of dozens of former Nazis — some implicated in serious war crimes — who were living in the U.S.

Holtzman looked into it and discovered that it was true, and that the formerly named Immigration and Naturalization Service wasn't doing much about it.

But that was just the tip of the iceberg, according to investigative reporter Eric Lichtblau.

In his new book, The Nazis Next Door, Lichtblau reports that thousands of Nazis managed to settle in the United States after World War II, often with the direct assistance of American intelligence officials who saw them as potential spies and informants in the Cold War against the Soviet Union.

Lichtblau says there were whole networks of spy groups around the world made up of Nazis — and they entered the U.S., one by one.

"They sort of had put in their service," Lichtblau tells Fresh Air's Dave Davies. "This was their 'reward' ... for their spy service ... coming to the United States and being able to live out their lives basically with anonymity and no scrutiny."

Most Americans knew little about the Nazis among them. And then in 1979, media reports and congressional interest finally spurred the creation of a Nazi-hunting unit with the Justice Department.

That prompted the first wave of Nazi-hunting, Lichtblau says.

"You had teams of lawyers and investigators and historians at the Justice Department who began ... looking at hundreds and hundreds of names of suspected Nazis and Nazi collaborators who were living all around the country, in Queens, in Baltimore, in Florida and Chicago," he says.

And, in some cases, the CIA had scrubbed the Nazis' files, Lichtblau says.

"They actively cleansed their records," Lichtblau says. "They realized that guys who had been involved at senior levels of Nazi atrocities would not pass through immigration at the INS — and they basically removed a lot of the Nazi material from their files."

Eric Lichtblau is an investigative reporter for The New York Times. In 2006, he won a Pulitzer Prize with James Risen for their stories on the National Security Agency's secret surveillance of American citizens.
Sonia Suter/Courtesy of Houghton Mifflin
Interview Highlights

On the treatment of the Jews after liberation

Even after the liberation of the camps, they were still prisoners. They were kept under armed guard; they were kept behind barbed wire; they were bunked with Nazi POWs. And in some cases, believe it or not, the Nazis still lorded over them while the Allies ruled the camp.

When I started researching the book, this was a book about the Nazis who fled to America. I really had no intention of looking at the survivors — it seemed sort of irrelevant to what I was doing.

And then the more I got into it, and the more horrified I was by the conditions that the survivors lived in — where you had thousands and thousands of people dying even after the liberation, of disease, of malnutrition. I realized it was relevant to the story because as easy as it was for the Nazis to get into America, it was just as horribly difficult for the Jews and the other survivors to get out of the camps.

It took them months, and in some cases a couple of years, to get out of these displaced-person camps. It made me realize that the liberation that I had learned about years ago was in some sense sort of a mockery.

On Nazis running the camps even after the liberation

[U.S. Army] Gen. [George] Patton believed that the Nazis were best suited to run these camps. In fact, he openly defied orders from then Gen. [Dwight] Eisenhower, who was in charge of the European forces after the war.

Patton was in charge of the displaced persons camps. Patton had sort of an odd fondness almost for the Nazi prisoners, believe it or not. He believed that they [were] the ones in the best position to efficiently run the camps — and he gave them supervisory approval to basically lord over the Jews and the other survivors.

On Nazis and Nazi collaborators getting visas to the United States

In the early months, and first few years after the war, beginning in mid-1945, [there were] only a very limited number of immigration visas to get into the United States.

There were many, many thousands of Nazi collaborators who got visas to the United States while the survivors did not — even though they had been, for instance, the head of a Nazi concentration camp.
Eric Lichtblau
Of all the [Holocaust] survivors in the camps, only a few thousand came in in [the] first year or so. To get a visa was a precious commodity, and there were immigration policymakers in Washington who were on record saying that they didn't think the Jews should be let in because they were "lazy people" or "entitled people" and they didn't want them in.

But there were many, many thousands of Nazi collaborators who got visas to the United States while the survivors did not — even though they had been, for instance, the head of a Nazi concentration camp, the warden at a camp, or the secret police chief in Lithuania who signed the death warrants for people. ...

The bulk of the people who got into the United States — some were from Germany itself, some in fact were senior officers in the Nazi party under Hitler — but more were the Nazi collaborators.

On U.S. intelligence using Nazis as spies

There were upwards of a thousand Nazis who were used by U.S. intelligence after the war by the CIA, the FBI, the military and other U.S. intelligence agencies — both in Europe as well as inside the United States, in Latin America, in the Middle East, even a few in Australia. And these were seen as basically cold warriors who served as spies, informants and in other intelligence roles.

On whether it was an official policy to bring in Nazis as spies

I think it was ad hoc. It was not a formal policy approved by the White House or even [Director Allen] Dulles at the CIA to say, "We are going to actively recruit Nazis, their pasts be damned."

There's no document that I found which gives blanket authority for that. But it grew sort of organically because you had whole networks of Nazi spy groups in Europe ... as well as the Middle East and Latin America, and often these guys made it into the United States sort of one by one.

There's very little evidence that [the Nazis] had much to do with each other once they got to the United States.

On the remaining classified documents

There are still documents that remain classified today about the CIA's relationship with Nazi figures in the '40s and '50s and into the '60s. A lot of these documents have become declassified just in the last 10 or 15 years. ... There are documents that may open up whole new chapters that still remain classified that I'd love to see.

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2020 8:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

#VEDay75, #VEDay2020 Are NATO Forces Today's Nazis? An Insult To VE Day Vets? Today's no-nonsense commemoration with @CraigMurrayOrg Tony Gosling & Martin Summers


#VEDay75, #VEDay2020 Are NATO Forces Today's Nazis? An Insult To VE Day Vets? Today's no-nonsense commemoration with @CraigMurrayOrg Tony Gosling & Martin Summers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KMPlyBzoQo

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2022 9:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Return of the Leviathan: The Fascist Roots of the CIA and the True Origin of the Cold War
https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2021/03/07/return-of-leviathan- fascist-roots-of-cia-and-true-origin-cold-war/

Cynthia Chung March 7, 2021

In whose interest did the creation of the Cold War serve and continues to serve? Cynthia Chung addresses this question in her three-part series.

In 1998, the Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group (IWG), at the behest of Congress, launched what became the largest congressionally mandated, single-subject declassification effort in history. As a result, more than 8.5 million pages of records have been opened to the public under the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act (P.L. 105-246) and the Japanese Imperial Government Disclosure Act (P.L. 106-567). These records include operational files of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the CIA, the FBI and Army intelligence. IWG issued three reports to Congress between 1999 and 2007.

This information sheds important light and confirms one of the biggest-kept secrets of the Cold War – the CIA’s use of an extensive Nazi spy network to wage a secret campaign against the Soviet Union.

This campaign against the Soviet Union, which began while WWII was still raging, has been at the crux of Washington’s tolerance towards civil rights abuses and other criminal acts in the name of anti-communism, as seen with McCarthyism and COINTELPRO activities. With that fateful decision, the CIA was not only given free reign for the execution of anti-democratic interventions around the world, but anti-democratic interventions at home, which continues to this day.

With the shady origin of the Cold War coming to the fore, it begs the questions; ‘Who is running American foreign policy and intelligence today? Can such an opposition be justified? And in whose interest did the creation of the Cold War serve and continues to serve?’ This paper is part one of a three-part series which will address these questions.

Allen Dulles, the Double Agent who Created America’s Intelligence Empire

Allen Dulles was born on April 7th, 1893 in Watertown, New York. He graduated from Princeton with a master’s degree in politics in 1916 and entered into diplomatic service the same year. Dulles was transferred to Bern, Switzerland along with the rest of the embassy personnel shortly before the U.S. entered the First World War. From 1922 to 1926, he served five years as chief of the Near East division of the State Department.

In 1926, he earned a law degree from George Washington University Law School and took a job at Sullivan & Cromwell, the most powerful corporate law firm in the nation, where his older brother (five years his senior) John Foster Dulles was a partner. Interestingly, Allen did not pass the bar until 1928, two years after joining the law firm, however, that apparently did not prevent him in 1927 from spending six months in Geneva as “legal adviser” to the Naval Armament Conference.

In 1927 he became Director of the Council on Foreign Relations (whose membership of prominent businessmen and policy makers played a key role in shaping the emerging Cold War consensus), the first new director since the Council’s founding in 1921. He became quick friends with fellow Princetonian Hamilton Fish Armstrong, the editor of the Council’s journal, Foreign Affairs. Together they authored two books: Can We Be Neutral? (1936) and Can America Stay Neutral? (1939). Allen served as secretary of the CFR from 1933-1944, and as its president from 1946-1950.

It should be noted that the Council on Foreign Relations is the American branch of the Royal Institute for International Affairs (aka: Chatham House) based in London, England. It should also be noted that Chatham House itself was created by the Round Table Movement as part of the Treaty of Versailles program in 1919.

By 1935, Allen Dulles made partner at Sullivan & Cromwell, the center of an intricate international network of banks, investment firms, and industrial conglomerates that helped rebuild Germany after WWI.

After Hitler took control in the 1930s, John Foster Dulles continued to represent German cartels like IG Farben, despite their integration into the Nazi’s growing war machine and aided them in securing access to key war materials. (1)

Although the Berlin office of Sullivan & Cromwell, (whose attorneys were forced to sign their correspondence with “Heil Hitler”) was shut down by 1935, the brothers continued to do business with the Nazi financial and industrial network; such as Allen Dulles joining the board of J. Henry Schroder Bank, the U.S. subsidiary of the London bank that Time magazine in 1939 would call “an economic booster of the Rome-Berlin Axis.” (2)

The Dulles brothers’, especially Allen, worked very closely with Thomas McKittrick, an old Wall Street friend who was president of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Five of its directors would later be charged with war crimes, including Hermann Schmitz, one of the many Dulleses’ law clients involved with BIS. Schmitz was the CEO of IG Farben the chemical conglomerate that became notorious for its production of Zyklon B, the gas used in Hitler’s death camps, and for its extensive use of slave labour during the war. (3)

David Talbot writes in his “The Devil’s Chessboard”:

“The secretive BIS became a crucial financial partner for the Nazis. Emil Puhl – vice president of Hitler’s Reichsbank and a close associate of McKittrick – once called BIS the Reichsbank’s only ‘foreign branch.’ BIS laundered hundreds of millions of dollars in Nazi gold looted from the treasuries of occupied countries.”

The Bank for International Settlements is based in Switzerland, the very region that Allen Dulles would work throughout both WWI and WWII.

The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was formed on June 13, 1942 as a wartime intelligence agency during WWII. This was a decision made by President Franklin Roosevelt. William J. Donovan was chosen by Roosevelt to build the agency ground up and was created specifically for addressing the secret communication, decoding and espionage needs that were required for wartime strategy; to intercept enemy intelligence and identify those coordinating with Nazi Germany and Japan.

The OSS was the first of its kind, nothing like it had existed before in the U.S., it was understood by Roosevelt that such an agency held immense power for abuse in the wrong hands and it could never be allowed to continue once the war against fascism was won.

Allen Dulles was recruited into the OSS at the very beginning. And on Nov. 12th, 1942 was quickly moved to Bern, Switzerland where he lived at Herrengasse 23 for the duration of WWII. Knowing the shady role Switzerland played throughout WWII with its close support for the Nazi cause and Allen Dulles’ close involvement in all of this, one should rightfully be asking at this point, what the hell were Donovan and Roosevelt thinking?

Well, Dulles was not the only master chess player involved in this high stakes game. “He was a dangle,” said John Loftus, a former Nazi war crimes investigator for the U.S. Justice Department. They “wanted Dulles in clear contact with his Nazi clients so they could be easily identified.” (4) In other words, Dulles was sent to Switzerland as an American spy, with the full knowledge that he was in fact a double agent, the mission was to gain intel on the American, British and French networks, among others, who were secretly supporting the Nazi cause.

One problem with this plan was that the British MI6 spy William Stephenson known as the “Man Called Intrepid” was supposedly picked to keep tabs on Dulles (5); little did Roosevelt know at the time, how deep the rabbit hole really went.

However, as Elliott would write in his book “As He Saw It”, Roosevelt was very aware that British foreign policy was not on the same page with his views on a post-war world:

“You know, any number of times the men in the State Department have tried to conceal messages to me, delay them, hold them up somehow, just because some of those career diplomats over there aren’t in accord with what they know I think. They should be working for Winston. As a matter of fact, a lot of the time, they are [working for Churchill]. Stop to think of ’em: any number of ’em are convinced that the way for America to conduct its foreign policy is to find out what the British are doing and then copy that!” I was told… six years ago, to clean out that State Department. It’s like the British Foreign Office….”

As the true allegiance of BIS and Wall Street finance became clear during the war, Roosevelt attempted to block BIS funds in the United States. It was none other than Foster Dulles who was hired as McKittrick’s legal counsel, and who successfully intervened on the bank’s behalf. (6)

It should also be noted that Bank of England Governor Montague Norman allowed for the direct transfer of money to Hitler, however, not with England’s own money but rather 5.6 million pounds worth of gold owned by the National Bank of Czechoslovakia.

With the end of the war approaching, Project Safehaven, an American intelligence operation thought up by Roosevelt, was created to track down and confiscate Nazi assets that were stashed in neutral countries. It was rightfully a concern that if members of the Nazi German elite were successful in hiding large troves of their wealth, they could bide their time and attempt to regain power in the not so distant future.

It was Allen Dulles who successfully stalled and sabotaged the Roosevelt operation, explaining in a December 1944 memo to his OSS superiors that his Bern office lacked “adequate personnel to do [an] effective job in this field and meet other demands.” (7)

And while Foster worked hard to hide the U.S. assets of major German cartels like IG Farben and Merck KGaA, and protect these subsidiaries from being confiscated by the federal government as alien property, Allen had his brother’s back and was well placed to destroy incriminating evidence and to block any investigations that threatened the two brothers and their law firm.

“Shredding of captured Nazi records was the favourite tactic of Dulles and his [associates] who stayed behind to help run the occupation of postwar Germany,” stated John Loftus, former Nazi war crimes investigator for the U.S. Justice Department (Cool

It is without a doubt that Roosevelt was intending to prosecute the Dulles brothers along with many others who were complicit in supporting the Nazi cause after the war was won. Roosevelt was aware that the Dulles brothers and Wall Street had worked hard against his election, he was aware that much of Wall Street was supporting the Germans over the Russians in the war, he was aware that they were upset over his handling of the Great Depression by going after the big bankers, such as J.P. Morgan via the Pecora Commission, and they hated him for it, but most of all they disagreed with Roosevelt’s views of a post war world. In fact, they were violently opposed to it, as seen by his attempted assassination a few days after he won the election, and with General Smedley Butler’s exposure, which was broadcasted on television, of how a group of American Legion officials paid by J.P. Morgan’s men (9) approached Butler the summer of 1933 to lead a coup d’état against President Roosevelt, an attempted fascist takeover of the United States in broad daylight.

Roosevelt was only inaugurated March 4, 1933, thus it was clear, Wall Street did not have to wait and see what the President was going to do, they already had a pretty good idea that Roosevelt intended to upset the balance of imperial control, with Wall Street and the City of London as its financial centers. It was clear Wall Street’s days would be marked under Roosevelt.

However, Roosevelt did not live past the war, and his death allowed for the swift entry of a soft coup, contained within the halls of government and its agencies, and anyone who had been closely associated with FDR’s vision was pushed to the sidelines.

David Talbot writes in his “The Devil’s Chessboard”:

“Dulles was more instep with many Nazi leaders than he was with President Roosevelt. Dulles not only enjoyed a professional and social familiarity with many members of the Third Reich’s elite that predated the war; he shared many of these men’s postwar goals.”

The True Origin Story of the Cold War

In L. Fletcher Prouty’s book “The CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy,” he describes how in Sept 1944, while serving as a captain in the United States Army Air Forces and stationed in Cairo, he was asked to fly what he was told to be 750 U.S. Air crewmen POWs who had been shot down in the Balkans during air raids on the Ploesti oil fields. This intel was based off of his meeting with British Intelligence officers who had been informed by their Secret Intelligence Service and by the OSS.

Prouty writes:

“We flew to Syria, met the freight train from Bucharest, loaded the POWS onto our aircraft, and began the flight back to Cairo. Among the 750 American POWs there were perhaps a hundred Nazi intelligence agents, along with scores of Nazi sympathetic Balkan agents. They had hidden in this shipment by the OSS to get them out of the way of the Soviet army that had marched into Romania on September 1.

This September 1944 operation was the first major pro-German, anti-Soviet activity of its kind of the Cold War. With OSS assistance, many followed in quick succession, including the escape and carefully planned flight of General Reinhart Gehlen, the German army’s chief intelligence officer, to Washington on September 20, 1945.”

In Prouty’s book, he discusses how even before the surrender of Germany and Japan, the first mumblings of the Cold War could be heard, and that these mumblings came particularly from Frank Wisner in Bucharest and Allen W. Dulles in Zurich, who were both strong proponents of the idea that the time had come to rejoin selected Nazi power centers in order to split the Western alliance from the Soviet Union.

Prouty writes:

“It was this covert faction within the OSS, coordinated with a similar British intelligence faction, and its policies that encouraged chosen Nazis to conceive of the divisive “Iron Curtain” concept to drive a wedge in the alliance with the Soviet Union as early as 1944—to save their own necks, to salvage certain power centers and their wealth, and to stir up resentment against the Russians, even at the time of their greatest military triumph.”

The “official history” version has marked down the British as the first to recognise the “communist threat” in Eastern Europe, and that it was Winston Churchill who coined the phrase “Iron Curtain” in referring to actions of the communist-bloc countries of Eastern Europe and that he did this after the end of WWII.

However, Churchill was neither the originator of the phrase nor the idea of the Iron Curtain.

Just before the close of WWII in Europe, the German Foreign Minister Count Lutz Schwerin von Krosigk made a speech in Berlin, reported in the London Times on May 3, 1945, in which he used the Nazi-coined propaganda phrase “Iron Curtain,” which was to be used in precisely the same context by Churchill less than one year later.

Following this German speech, only three days after the German surrender, Churchill wrote a letter to Truman, to express his concern about the future of Europe and to say that an “Iron Curtain” had come down. (10)

On March 4 and 5, 1946, Truman and Churchill traveled from Washington to Missouri, where, at Westminster College in Fulton, Churchill delivered those historic lines: “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an Iron Curtain has descended across the continent.”

The implications of this are enormous. It not only showcases the true origin of the source that trumpeted the supposed Cold War threat coming from Eastern Europe, the very Nazi enemy of the Allies while WWII was still being waged, but also brings light to the fact that not even one month after Roosevelt’s death, the Grand Strategy had been overtaken. There would no longer be a balance of the four powers (U.S., Russia, Britain and China) planned in a post war world, but rather there would be an Iron Curtain, with more than half of the world covered in shadow.

The partners in this new global power structure were to be the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, and Japan, three of the WWII victors and two of the vanquished. It did not matter that Russia and China fought and died on the side of the Allies just moments prior.

With Ho Chi Minh’s Declaration of Independence on Sept. 2nd, 1945, the French would enter Vietnam within weeks of WWII ending with the United States joining them a few months after Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech. And thus, in little over a year after one of the bloodiest wars in history, the French and the Americans set off what would be a several decades long Indochinese war, all in the name of “freedom” against a supposed communist threat.

Prouty writes:

“As soon as the island of Okinawa became available as the launching site for [the planned American invasion of Japan], supplies and equipment for an invasion force of at least half a million men began to be stacked up, fifteen to twenty feet high, all over the island. Then, with the early surrender of Japan, this massive invasion did not occur, and the use of this enormous stockpile of military equipment was not necessary. Almost immediately, U.S. Navy transport vessels began to show up in Naha Harbor, Okinawa. This vast load of war materiel was reloaded onto those ships. I was on Okinawa at that time, and during some business in the harbor area I asked the harbormaster if all that new materiel was being returned to the States.

His response was direct and surprising: ‘Hell, no! They ain t never goin’ to see it again. One-half of this stuff, enough to equip and support at least a hundred and fifty thousand men, is going to Korea, and the other half is going to Indochina. ‘ “

The Godfather of the CIA

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”.

– The inscription chosen by Allen Dulles for the Lobby of CIA Headquarters from John 8:31-32

On Sept. 20th, 1945, President Truman disbanded the OSS a few weeks after the official end of WWII. This was the right thing to do, considering the OSS was never intended to exist outside of wartime and President Roosevelt would have done the same thing had he not passed away on April 12th, 1945. However, Truman was highly naïve in thinking that a piece of paper was all that was required. Truman also had no understanding of the factional fight between the Roosevelt patriots who truly wanted to defeat fascism versus those who believed that it was always about war with the Soviet Union, and would even be open to working with “former” fascists in achieving such a goal.

Truman thought of the OSS as a homogenous blob. He had no comprehension of the intense in-fighting that was occurring within the United States government and intelligence community for the future of the country. That there was the OSS of Roosevelt, and that there was the underground OSS of Allen Dulles.

Soon thereafter, on Sept. 18th, 1945, the CIA was founded, and was to be lamented by Truman as the biggest regret of his presidency. Truman had no idea of the type of back channels that were running behind the scenes, little did he know at the time but would come to partially discover, the disbanding of the OSS which took control away from William J. Donovan as head of American intelligence opened the door to the piranhas. The FDR patriots were purged, including William J. Donovan himself, who was denied by Truman the Directorship of the CIA. Instead Truman foolishly assigned him the task of heading a committee studying the country’s fire departments.

In April 1947, Allen Dulles was asked by the Senate Armed Services Committee to present his ideas for a strong, centralized intelligence agency. His memo would help frame the legislation that gave birth to the CIA later that year.

Dulles, unsatisfied with the “timidity” of the new CIA, organised the Dulles-Jackson-Correa Committee report, over which Dulles of course quickly assumed control, which concluded its sharply critical assessment of the CIA by demanding that the agency be willing to essentially start a war with the Soviet Union. The CIA, it declared “has the duty to act.” The agency “has been given, by law, wide authority.” It was time to take full advantage of this generous power, the committee, that is Dulles, insisted.

Dulles, impatient with the slow pace of the CIA in unleashing chaos on the world, created a new intelligence outpost called the Office of Policy Coordination in 1949. Frank Wisner (who worked as a Wall Street lawyer for the law firm Carter, Ledyard & Milburn and was former OSS, obviously from the Dulles branch) was brought in as OPC chief, and quickly brought the unit into the black arts of espionage, including sabotage, subversion, and assassination (11). By 1952, the OPC was running forty-seven overseas stations, and its staff had nearly three thousand employees, with another three thousand independent contractors in the field.

Dulles and Wisner were essentially operating their own private spy agency.

The OPC was run with little government oversight and few moral restrictions. Many of the agency’s recruits were “ex” Nazis. (12) Dulles and Wisner were engaged in a no-holds-barred war with the Soviet bloc with essentially no government supervision.

As Prouty mentioned, the shady evacuation of Nazis stashed amongst POWs was to be the first of many, including the evacuation of General Reinhart Gehlen, the German army’s chief intelligence officer, to Washington on September 20, 1945.

Most of the intelligence gathered by Gehlen’s men was extracted from the enormous population of Soviet prisoners of war – which eventually totaled four million – that fell under Nazi control. Gehlen’s exalted reputation as an intelligence wizard derived from his organization’s widespread use of torture. (13)

Gehlen understood that the U.S.-Soviet alliance would inevitably break apart (with sufficient sabotage), providing an opportunity for at least some elements of the Nazi hierarchy to survive by joining forces with the West against Moscow.

He managed to convince the Americans that his intelligence on the Soviet Union was indispensable, that if the Americans wanted to win a war against the Russians that they would need to work with him and keep him safe. Therefore, instead of being handed over to the Soviets as war criminals, as Moscow demanded, Gehlen and his top deputies were put on a troop ship back to Germany! (14)

Unbelievably, Gehlen’ spy team was installed by U.S. military authorities in a compound in the village of Pullach, near Munich, with no supervision and where he was allowed to live out his dream of reconstituting Hitler’s military intelligence structure within the U.S. national security system. With the generous support of the American government, the Gehlen Organization –as it came to be known – thrived in Pullach, becoming West Germany’s principal intelligence agency. (15) And it should have been no surprise to anyone that “former” SS and Gestapo officials were brought in, including the likes of Dr. Franz Six. Later, Six would be arrested by the U.S. Army counterintelligence agents. Convicted of war crimes, Six served a mere four years in prison and within weeks of his release went back at work in Gehlen’s Pullach headquarters! (16)

For those who were able to believe during the war that the Russians were their true enemies (while they died for the same cause as the Americans by the millions in battle) this was not a hard pill to swallow, however, there was pushback.

Many in the CIA vehemently opposed any association with “former” Nazis, including Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, the CIA’s first director, who in 1947 strongly urged President Truman to “liquidate” Gehlen’s operation. It is not clear what stood in the way of this happening, but to suffice to say, Gehlen had some very powerful support in Washington, including within the national security establishment with primary backing from the Dulles faction. (17)

Walter Bedell-Smith, who succeeded Hillenkoetter as CIA Director, despite bringing Allen Dulles in and making him deputy, had a strong dislike for the man. As Smith was getting ready to step down, a few weeks after Eisenhower’s inauguration, Smith advised Eisenhower that it would be unwise to give Allen the directorship of the agency. (1Cool Eisenhower would come to deeply regret that he did not heed this sound advice.

With the Eisenhower Nixon victory, the culmination of years of political strategizing by Wall Street Republican power brokers, the new heads of the State Department and the CIA were selected as none other than Foster and Allen Dulles respectively; and they would go on to direct the global operations of the most powerful nation in the world.

It is for this reason that the 1952 presidential election has gone down in history as the triumph of “the power elite.” (19)
Also by this author
Cynthia Chung
Cynthia Chung is a lecturer, writer and co-founder and editor of the Rising Tide Foundation (Montreal, Canada).
From Trotskyism to Radical Positivism: How Albert Wohlstetter Became the Leading Authority on Nuclear Strategy for America
In Search of Monsters to Destroy: The Manufacturing of a Cold War
Huxley’s Ultimate Revolution: The Battle for Your Mind and the Relativity of Madness
The Origins of the Counterculture Movement: A Gathering of Anarchists, Occultists and Psychoanalysts for a New Age
The War on Science and the 20th Century Descent of Man
See also
March 22, 2021
Nuclear Energy in the World 10 Years After Fukushima
February 18, 2021
The Victory Day
February 15, 2021
The Fascist ‘Big Lies’ – Deceptive Names Are Back
January 27, 2021
The Liberation of Auschwitz
February 17, 2022
The U.S. Needs Cold War but the Real Enemy Is Within
February 16, 2022
War Inc. Throws an Invasion Party and No One Shows Up
February 8, 2022
In Search of Monsters to Destroy: The Manufacturing of a Cold War
February 6, 2022
Olympic Games 1936: How USA Supported Hitler Amid International Protest
February 17, 2022
Why Is the U.S. Peddling Dangerous Lies About a ‘Russian Invasion’ of Ukraine?
February 15, 2022
Lavrov’s Trolling Reveals the Joke Is Actually on Russia
February 14, 2022
Why QUAD Is Irreplaceable
February 11, 2022
Forget Diplomacy… Russia Should Shun UK’s Toxic Foreign Secretary Liz Truss
February 9, 2022
UK's Johnson Hails Diplomacy While Stoking Russia War
February 9, 2022
“Do You Want a War Between Russia and NATO?”
January 21, 2022
U.S. Says ‘Wants Peace Not War’ as It Arms Ukraine to the Teeth
January 17, 2022
Dialogue of the Deaf in Geneva
January 17, 2022
Challenge for World Peace… the United States and NATO Are Incapable of Disarming Cold War Mentality
January 13, 2022
This Is How the U.S. Does ‘Dialogue’
December 30, 2021
America’s Malaise and Its ‘Failure of National Purpose’ – ‘Things Are Not Getting Better’
December 24, 2021
A Mass-Murdering Regime Dares to Lecture the World on Human Rights
November 15, 2021
The Glory of the American Experiment
November 9, 2021
CIA Chief Comes to Moscow… Russia Gets the U.S. Deep State to Pay Attention
November 2, 2021
Washington Breaks International Law With Impunity but Forgets the Blowback Factor
May 27, 2021
The Company They Keep
May 4, 2021
Nuclear Climate Change: Washington Heats Things Up
February 14, 2022
The Greater Eurasian Partnership Revives America’s Forgotten Hamiltonian Tradition
February 12, 2022
American Overlord Demands Europe Sign Suicide Note
February 10, 2022
Cubans Will Not Forget U.S. Treachery
February 1, 2022
President JFK’s Murder Is Graphic Proof of Entrenched Cold War Ideology and Why Peace Eludes U.S.-Russia Relations
December 31, 2021
Will ‘Godless Liberalism’ Force Russia to Close Its ‘Window on the West’?
December 23, 2021
American Civil War: Of Roman Plagues, Handmaid’s Tales & the Real Geopolitics of Fiction
November 16, 2021
Australia Refuses to Reveal Additional Proof of Its Role in Chile’s CIA-Backed Coup
November 13, 2021
Mendeleyev, Witte and the Revival of Russia’s Lost Revolutionary Potential of 1905
November 1, 2021
Why Putin Criticized the Bolshevik Counter Revolution: Trotsky, Parvus and the War on Civilization
October 31, 2021
Still No Accountability From Israel Over the 1956 Massacre of Kafr Qasem
October 26, 2021
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Transhumanism and the Cult of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
October 24, 2021
Putin Warns of League of Nations Revival: What Are the Implications?
October 18, 2021
Debunking Anti-Chinese Psy Ops: Jesuits, Tavistock and the Battle for the Soul of China
June 22, 2021
After Longest Day, the Longest Night of Horror Still Shadows Europe
February 15, 2022
How Europe Squandered Its Chance to Become a Global Power
February 10, 2022
Will Erdogan’s Peacekeeping in Ukraine Work?
January 27, 2022
Cracks Open Up in America’s Fragile Leadership Over Ukraine Crisis
January 18, 2022
U.S.-Russian Relations Are a Dumpster Fire. With Finian Cunningham. The Strategy Session, Episode 44
January 13, 2022
VIDEO: Why Russia Is Ready to Check-Mate the U.S. and its Western Empire
January 11, 2022
Why Russia Is Ready to Check-Mate the U.S. and Its Western Empire
December 31, 2021
VIDEO: Russia and Westernization
December 17, 2021
Germany’s Traffic Light Coalition Blinks Green for NATO Hostility to Russia
December 10, 2021
Arrest of Surveillance Officers Shows Denmark Is US’s Lead Eye Into Spying on Other European Allies
December 8, 2021
Americans Need a Conspiracy Theory They Can All Agree on
December 6, 2021
Former DINA Agent Living in Australia Is One Step Closer to Facing Justice in Chile
November 17, 2021
Boris’ Solution for Europe Freezing From Gas Shortage – Start Hot War With Russia!
November 17, 2021
Frozen Deutschland
November 3, 2021
The Controlled Demolition of the EU: To Avoid It, Berlin Looked South When It Bet on Draghi (but Had to Look Northeast As Well)
October 29, 2021
Julian Assange Exposes Western Corruption More Than Ever, Even While in Solitary Confinement
October 25, 2021
Tim Kirby, Joaquin Flores – The Strategy Session, Episode 35
October 3, 2021
Taking Argentina’s Collective Memory to International Recognition
September 26, 2021
Will Germany Succeed in Detaching Itself From the Death Grip of the Anglo-American Empire?
September 20, 2021
American Revenge
September 19, 2021
Australia’s Role in Chile Confirmed in Declassified Documents
September 10, 2021
Two Decades After 9/11 the Biggest Casualty is U.S. Empire
June 19, 2021
The Good Nazis and Bad Nazis of Western Media
March 22, 2021
Nuclear Energy in the World 10 Years After Fukushima
February 18, 2021
The Victory Day
February 15, 2021
The Fascist ‘Big Lies’ – Deceptive Names Are Back
January 27, 2021
The Liberation of Auschwitz
February 17, 2022
The U.S. Needs Cold War but the Real Enemy Is Within
February 16, 2022
War Inc. Throws an Invasion Party and No One Shows Up
February 8, 2022
In Search of Monsters to Destroy: The Manufacturing of a Cold War
February 6, 2022
Olympic Games 1936: How USA Supported Hitler Amid International Protest
February 17, 2022
Why Is the U.S. Peddling Dangerous Lies About a ‘Russian Invasion’ of Ukraine?
February 15, 2022
Lavrov’s Trolling Reveals the Joke Is Actually on Russia
February 14, 2022
Why QUAD Is Irreplaceable
February 11, 2022
Forget Diplomacy… Russia Should Shun UK’s Toxic Foreign Secretary Liz Truss
February 9, 2022
UK's Johnson Hails Diplomacy While Stoking Russia War
February 9, 2022
“Do You Want a War Between Russia and NATO?”
January 21, 2022
U.S. Says ‘Wants Peace Not War’ as It Arms Ukraine to the Teeth
January 17, 2022
Dialogue of the Deaf in Geneva
January 17, 2022
Challenge for World Peace… the United States and NATO Are Incapable of Disarming Cold War Mentality
January 13, 2022
This Is How the U.S. Does ‘Dialogue’
December 30, 2021
America’s Malaise and Its ‘Failure of National Purpose’ – ‘Things Are Not Getting Better’
December 24, 2021
A Mass-Murdering Regime Dares to Lecture the World on Human Rights
November 15, 2021
The Glory of the American Experiment
November 9, 2021
CIA Chief Comes to Moscow… Russia Gets the U.S. Deep State to Pay Attention
November 2, 2021
Washington Breaks International Law With Impunity but Forgets the Blowback Factor
May 27, 2021
The Company They Keep
May 4, 2021
Nuclear Climate Change: Washington Heats Things Up
February 14, 2022
The Greater Eurasian Partnership Revives America’s Forgotten Hamiltonian Tradition
February 12, 2022
American Overlord Demands Europe Sign Suicide Note
February 10, 2022
Cubans Will Not Forget U.S. Treachery
February 1, 2022
President JFK’s Murder Is Graphic Proof of Entrenched Cold War Ideology and Why Peace Eludes U.S.-Russia Relations
December 31, 2021
Will ‘Godless Liberalism’ Force Russia to Close Its ‘Window on the West’?
December 23, 2021
American Civil War: Of Roman Plagues, Handmaid’s Tales & the Real Geopolitics of Fiction
November 16, 2021
Australia Refuses to Reveal Additional Proof of Its Role in Chile’s CIA-Backed Coup
November 13, 2021
Mendeleyev, Witte and the Revival of Russia’s Lost Revolutionary Potential of 1905
November 1, 2021
Why Putin Criticized the Bolshevik Counter Revolution: Trotsky, Parvus and the War on Civilization
October 31, 2021
Still No Accountability From Israel Over the 1956 Massacre of Kafr Qasem
October 26, 2021
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Transhumanism and the Cult of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
October 24, 2021
Putin Warns of League of Nations Revival: What Are the Implications?
October 18, 2021
Debunking Anti-Chinese Psy Ops: Jesuits, Tavistock and the Battle for the Soul of China
June 22, 2021
After Longest Day, the Longest Night of Horror Still Shadows Europe
February 15, 2022
How Europe Squandered Its Chance to Become a Global Power
February 10, 2022
Will Erdogan’s Peacekeeping in Ukraine Work?
January 27, 2022
Cracks Open Up in America’s Fragile Leadership Over Ukraine Crisis
January 18, 2022
U.S.-Russian Relations Are a Dumpster Fire. With Finian Cunningham. The Strategy Session, Episode 44
January 13, 2022
VIDEO: Why Russia Is Ready to Check-Mate the U.S. and its Western Empire
January 11, 2022
Why Russia Is Ready to Check-Mate the U.S. and Its Western Empire
December 31, 2021
VIDEO: Russia and Westernization
December 17, 2021
Germany’s Traffic Light Coalition Blinks Green for NATO Hostility to Russia
December 10, 2021
Arrest of Surveillance Officers Shows Denmark Is US’s Lead Eye Into Spying on Other European Allies
December 8, 2021
Americans Need a Conspiracy Theory They Can All Agree on
December 6, 2021
Former DINA Agent Living in Australia Is One Step Closer to Facing Justice in Chile
November 17, 2021
Boris’ Solution for Europe Freezing From Gas Shortage – Start Hot War With Russia!
November 17, 2021
Frozen Deutschland
November 3, 2021
The Controlled Demolition of the EU: To Avoid It, Berlin Looked South When It Bet on Draghi (but Had to Look Northeast As Well)
October 29, 2021
Julian Assange Exposes Western Corruption More Than Ever, Even While in Solitary Confinement
October 25, 2021
Tim Kirby, Joaquin Flores – The Strategy Session, Episode 35
October 3, 2021
Taking Argentina’s Collective Memory to International Recognition
September 26, 2021
Will Germany Succeed in Detaching Itself From the Death Grip of the Anglo-American Empire?
September 20, 2021
American Revenge
September 19, 2021
Australia’s Role in Chile Confirmed in Declassified Documents
September 10, 2021
Two Decades After 9/11 the Biggest Casualty is U.S. Empire
June 19, 2021
The Good Nazis and Bad Nazis of Western Media
March 22, 2021
Nuclear Energy in the World 10 Years After Fukushima
February 18, 2021
The Victory Day
February 15, 2021
The Fascist ‘Big Lies’ – Deceptive Names Are Back
January 27, 2021
The Liberation of Auschwitz

Soon to follow in this series ‘The Fascist Roots of the CIA’: Part 2 Cold War Lessons from Vietnam and Part 3 Dulles vs Kennedy: The Last Stand

The author can be reached at cynthiachung@tutanota.com


(1) David Talbot Devil’s Chessboard, pg 21
(2) Ibid., pg 22
(3) Ibid., pg 27
(4) Ibid, pg 26
(5) Ibid, pg 23
(6) Ibid., pg 28
(7) Ibid., pg28
(Cool Ibid., pg 29
(9) Ibid., pg 26
(10) L. Fletcher Prouty “The CIA, Vietname and the Plot to Assasinate John F. Kennedy”, pg 51
(11) David Talbot “The Devil’s Chessboard”, pg 128
(12) Ibid., pg 128
(13) Ibid., pg 228
(14) Ibid., pg 228
(15) Ibid., 228
(16) Ibid., pg 229
(17) Ibid., pg 229
(1Cool Ibid., pg 174
(19) C. Wright Mills “The Power Elite”

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 10:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ukraine war: Russia investigating reports of SAS SABOTAGE in western Lviv region
https://news.sky.com/story/ukraine-war-russia-investigating-reports-of -sas-sabotage-in-western-lviv-region-12597027

Russia's main federal investigating authority says it will look at whether - according to a media report - the SAS has been sent in to "assist the Ukrainian special services in organising sabotage on the territory of Ukraine".

By Andy Hayes, news reporter

Sunday 24 April 2022 01:15, UK
A bomb was dropped by the Russian air raid on residential areas in Lviv, western Ukraine on April 19, 2022. Russia has demanded the surrender of Ukraine troops in Mariupol and the Russian military continued to attack the capital of Kyiv. ( The Yomiuri Shimbun via AP Images ) PIC:AP
Image: Damage in Lviv after a bomb was dropped in a Russian air raid this week. Pic: AP

Why you can trust Sky News

The top investigative body in Russia is looking at whether the SAS is "organising sabotage" in Ukraine.

The Investigative Committee - Moscow's main federal investigating authority - said it would be following up on a report from Russia's RIA Novosti news agency.

RIA quoted a Russian security source as saying about 20 members of the SAS had been deployed in the western Lviv region, close to the border with Poland.
The Azovstal steel and ironworks is the last stand for Ukrainian troops inside the besieged city of Mariupol, which is now almost entirely occupied by Russian forces. 0:41
In the bunkers beneath holdout district

The Investigative Committee said it would look at whether - according to the report - the SAS had been sent in to "assist the Ukrainian special services in organising sabotage on the territory of Ukraine".

The possible presence of British special forces - from a NATO country - is significant, given that Moscow has warned the West not to get in the way of what it calls its "special military operation" in Ukraine.

Other key developments:

• Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says he will meet US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Kyiv on Sunday
• Boris Johnson speaks to Mr Zelenskyy about "new phase" of military aid including heavy weapons
• British intelligence suggests Russia has made no major gains in the last 24 hours
• Attempt to evacuate civilians from Mariupol fails
• Satellite images appear to reveal mass grave outside Mariupol
Ukrainian soldiers near Izyum in the Donetsk region
Image: Ukrainian soldiers near Izyum in the Donetsk region

Information on the SAS - the Special Air Service - is often highly classified. Its operations include direct action and covert reconnaissance.

A Ministry of Defence spokesperson said: "We do not comment on special forces."

A defence source said: "We don't comment on stories around special forces, especially ones that are being pushed out by the Russian news agencies, because inaccurate speculation can put people's lives at risk, which is why we neither confirm nor deny reports."

A week before the Russian invasion began, the British government said it had pulled all its troops out of Ukraine, except those needed to protect its ambassador.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said the temporarily closed Kyiv embassy will reopen next week.

He also confirmed for the first time during his trade trip to India earlier this week that Ukrainian forces were in Britain.

More than 20 Ukrainian soldiers arrived last week for training on the 120 armoured vehicles that are being supplied to the resistance against Moscow, the government said.

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The Ukrainian president said the war can only be stopped by whoever started it. 0:54
'My family are scared,' says Zelenskyy as train passes

Zelenskyy not afraid to meet Putin

During a news conference in Kyiv, President Zelenskyy said he has "no right to be afraid" of meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin "because our people have shown they have no fear".

He spoke in an underground station and had to stop at one stage to allow a train to pass.

The war can only be stopped by those who started it, he told reporters, adding that any "healthy person would choose the diplomatic way" over a military way to end the conflict.

He went on to say that foreign countries will sponsor different Ukrainian regions as part of a post-war reconstruction plan.
Russian President Vladimir Putin attends the Orthodox Easter service in the Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow, Russia, Sunday, April 24, 2022. Eastern Orthodox churches observe the ancient Julian calendar, and this year celebrate the Orthodox Easter on Apr. 24. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko, Pool)
Image: President Putin attends an Orthodox Easter service in Moscow. Pic: AP

Meanwhile, President Putin attended an Orthodox Easter service on Saturday evening.

The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, officiated at the service in Moscow's Cathedral of Christ the Saviour.

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Sky News has verified and located videos shared on social media that show two airstrikes on buildings in Odesa. 0:21
Multiple airstrikes reported in Odesa

Missile strike on Odesa

The battle for Donbas in eastern Ukraine continues to rage but Saturday also saw fresh attacks in the south, with a missile strike in the port city of Odesa.

At least five people were killed - including a three-month-old baby - and a further 18 people were injured, Ukrainian officials said.
Firefighters walk past an apartment building damaged by Russian shelling in Odesa, Ukraine. Pic: AP
Image: One of the apartment buildings damaged by shelling in Odesa. Pic: AP

Missiles are said to have struck a military facility and two residential buildings in the city.

Russian forces fired at least six cruise missiles, but most were shot down by Ukrainian forces, the officials said.

The Russian defence ministry said it had used high precision missiles to destroy a logistics terminal where a large number of weapons supplied by the US and European nations were being stored.

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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