TonyGosling Editor
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 10:36 pm Post subject: Pro-Zionist hate blogs demonise some brilliant thinkers |
In an Orwellian world criticism can be an endorsement
Mixed in with caustic far right Nazi apologists you'll find some of the greatest new writers/thinkers in the world here.
Fascinating sorting the one from the other.
I'm talking about anti-masonry, Harry's place and Adam Holland
Washington based blogger Adam Holland
Adam Holland funded by a seed grant from the London-based Herzen Foundation and a grant from the the New York-based Institute of Modern Russia
Harry's Place - David Toube - all about UK but with postal address in Washington
Marshall Almarode - Uses the tired 'oath swearing' argument and whines because he found rituals that he were told were secret but really weren't (as a result of anti-Masonic exposures by people just like himself). Circular reasoning in the extreme. He also blames much of his problem on membership in DeMolay and yet doesn't even know how to spell the name of the organization to which he belonged for several years. One really must question the discernment involved. You can find his 'testimony' here.
James M. Baker - Claims to have been a Mason for 18 years and Master of an lodge SIX times!!! as well as a son, son-in-law, grandson and brother of Masons but still - apparently - had no idea that Freemasonry allowed men of different faiths to become members. Supposedly after a year of studying, he discovered that Freemasonry wasn't compatible with Christianity and now he evangelizes with Ed Decker. You can read how someone could have missed all of these things for so long and after having been so involved right here.
Eric Barger - Blending religious fanaticism with new world order paranoia, this 'recovered' drug and alcohol addict who abused his spouse will now tell you about all the wrongs in the world - and has, from the pictures, made a pretty fair living out of doing so. An adherent of Gary Kah's conspiracy theories as well as folks like Ed Decker, you can visit Eric's website and learn lots more.
Dave Barley - A 'Christian Identity' preacher, Barley teaches white/adamic domination of race and, along with the many other groups he seems to despise, Freemasonry gets tossed in right there beside the conspiracy theories and hatred. Identified on the well-respected hatewatch. org and by the Southern Poverty Law Center (use the word "Barley" in the search engine there) as a prime example of hate, it's not surprising that Jews and Freemasons would be included in his diatribes. You can find a LOT of Barley's hate-oriented material at his 'America's Promise Ministries'.
Mark Bayonne - This individual who works in the computer industry is among the 'religious zealot' variety who's convinced that his interpretation of the Bible supersedes that of the many clergy and those trained in religion who've found no objection to Freemasonry. He's promised to pray for this site's author - and we're appreciative. Because our exchanges with Mark were via e-mail, there's no web site or quoted commentary: suffice it to say, however, that we feel his understanding of Scripture is totally incorrect.
Steward Bedellion - This Baptist minister claims that Masons practiced "spiritual warfare" against him, causing him to be removed from his pastorate. Crazy to think that whoever he follows religiously wouldn't have the power to defeat such evil, don't you think? You can read all about his claims right here.
Josh Bempechat - If you're in Venice Beach, California, you can visit Josh's 'legalization of hemp/marijuana and political conspiracy' stand. Mr. Bempechat claims to have discovered the medicinal properties of marijuana at age 13 and since then has actively used it for - as he claims - "medical reasons". He also states "HEMP / Cannabis Marijuana was outlawed directly by the Freemasons in this country <the United States> and internationally for the sole purpose of creating synthetic petrochemical and pharmaceutical alternatives that they could sell through multinational corporations they control, at highly inflated prices." and he adds "BUT, when the FREEMASONS find it in their interest to get rid of something for profit and power, it doesn't matter if GOD put it there, it won't get in the way of business as usual for the FREEMASONS." As of 2002, he was proud to note that he had been studying the sovereignty and redemptionist movements for some 7 years. We're naturally curious as to how someone so involved with illegal drugs (he claims, on doctor's orders but fails to say what medical condition necessitates this and the person he claims as his 'doctor' was disqualified as a court witness as being merely a shill for marijuana users) and who ekes out a living by selling brochures at a stand on a pier (apparently for the past several years) is able to uncover these hugely secret world conspiracies. His "Freedom Domain" website will tell you all about them though. Mr. Bempechat writes "I am not stupid, and I am very spiritual and the Spirit guides me in my life, and God is on my side, and looks after me." <chuckle>
William A. BeVier - The president of an organization called 'Religion Analysis Service, Inc.' of Robbinsdale, Minnesota, USA. a supposedly "non-profit interdenominational ministry dedicated to combating false teachings through the printing and distributing of literature covering a large number of cults." Their organization lists anti-Mason Ron Carlson on their 'Board of Reference'. Apparently the business of deceit is profitable for them as their web site was recently advertising a job opening for an office manager.
Lawrence Blanchard - We had originally referred to this individual as a {'Christian Identity' "minister" from Eatonville, WA, USA and active White Aryan Nations member. Supporter of the 'Protocols'. Need we say more?} but on February 5, 2003, we received an e-mail from him stating "I am not a Christian Identity ministry. <sic> I am a pastor of a Christian covenant church and I am not located in Eatonville Washington. Furthermore, I am not, nor have I ever been, an active member or a member at all of any White Aryan nations organization." Perhaps we got it wrong when we wrote that he was a member. If so, we certainly apologize. Nevertheless, he has written a book titled "Standing on the Premises" about which he writes in the Forward: "The Christian-Israel Identity movement is steadily being received by an increasing number of Anglo- and Celto-Saxon people in America with great joy and encouragement." It continues: "...of course, an overwhelming preponderance of Biblical evidence supporting the claim that the White race of European stock, and not the Jews, are God's "peculiar treasure"". And while in his e-mails he says he's discontinued his book, we find it clearly still for sale on the website of the "Tabernacles of the Phineas Priesthood/Aryan Nations" website here. Blanchard claims that the CI label was too broad to describe him but he doesn't seem to want us to find out what flavor of "Christian covenant" beliefs he now holds. We wonder too who's taking care of the orders at that PO Box in Washington since Mr. Blanchard now seems to be using an ISP in the Cincinnati, Ohio area.... You can find an analysis of the 'Christian Identity' movement which Blanchard now ostensibly eschews which includes comments about Blanchard's work by clicking here.
Gary D. Blevins - In 1990, this former life insurance agent privately published a lavishly illustrated paperback book titled "666 - The Final Warning" which explained his conception of yet another end-times conspiracy based on the very tired 'bible code' concept. Using his clearly fool-proof method, Blevins "proved" that Ronald Reagan was the anti-Christ even though in 1990 when it was published, Reagan was not even in power and would soon be totally incapacitated with Alzheimer's Disease. Nevertheless, Belvins argued that Reagan would regain power on a global scale, would rule the world with a supercomputer and would be assisted in his satanic plans by - you guessed it! - the (according to him) satanic cult Masons. Blevins was quite certain of these things and, in fact, advised that in 1991-94 New York City would be destroyed and UFOs would land. In 1998, Reagan would be cast into the Lake of Fire, the faithful will experience the rapture and Jesus will come back. "Most real theologians in our day flatly state that we will not see the year 2000 before the Lord returns! I strongly agree with that statement." Uh-huh...
President Reagan continued to live - although ostensibly without use of his mind due to the ravages of his disease - until 2004. 2000 came and went as pretty much a non-event and those aliens haven't made an appearance now over a decade later. Like many anti-Masons before and since, these absurd claims that a fraternal organization was somehow plotting to overthrow the world is just so much stupidity.
Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz - The evangelical Roman Catholic Bishop of Lincoln, Nebraska who in 1996 threatened mass excommunication of parishioners if they didn't terminate their membership in or support of 12 specific organizations. Excommunication means that they cannot receive Holy Communion or any of the sacraments of their Church. One of the most prestigious US Catholic newspapers, The Pilot, was quite critical of Bishop Bruskewitz for his unilateral actions and Chicago's much-beloved Cardinal Bernardin, in a highly unusual move breaking the solidarity amongst Catholic leaders, questioned the Bishop's wisdom. It appears that the Bishop's action was to stifle dissent in his diocese and was targeting 'Call to Action' - a group for reform within the Church. You can read more documentation on this issue here. We also found it quite comical to see John Vennari, rabid anti-Mason, castigating the Bishop, Freemasonry AND the 'Call to Action' group all in the same essay! Read it here. In December, 2006, some TEN YEARS after Bishop Bruskewitz's threat, and in a little-noticed action, the Vatican affirmed his right to excommunicate those who belong to the organizations he had targeted. It remains to be seen whether after all this time he'll chose to re-stir this pot but sadly, this action shows that Pope Benedict retains his animosity towards Freemasonry that was shown during his tenure as head of the church group formerly known as the Inquisition.
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David Buehler - Identified by Larry Kunk's anti-Masonic organization as one of their 'Directors'. Otherwise, it would appear, he lives 'below the radar'....
'Pastor' Keith Burd - We don't presently have much information on this person except his acknowledged support of anti-Masonic author Jack Harris about whom he writes, "I have known Jack for years and read his books...they are most credible and well worth reading."
Sean Burden - In 1998, 22 year old Sean wrote in an internet-published biography that he had been tossed out of a private high school and had served 4 years with the U. S. Marine Corps as a ground radio repairman. Prior to and during this time (according to Sean's responses in the alt.freemasonry newsgroup), he determined that there was a major conspiracy afoot in the world. Sean says his first inkling of a conspiracy came from a book published in 1797 by a Scottish historian. (In the world of anti-Masonry, it's a 'classic' - John Robinson's "Proofs of a Conspiracy" since then totally discredited.) Added to this was his military experience fixing radios (as a junior enlisted man), which gave him the ability to divine the entire plan for world domination that he says is using "Smart Cards". Sean had posted an extensive document at a free web site to tell us all about it but that site is long gone. As of March, 2006, there's no evidence of the continued existence of his much vaunted TRuSA, something he referred to as a non-organization! In addition to his conspiracy theories, Sean railed against lawyers and said that he refused to pay taxes. Wonder how that's working out for him. Is that the reason TRuSA has been abandoned perhaps? He posted to the alt.freemasonry newsgroup that when he was in the Marine Corps, he'd spit in the food he cooked as part of his military duties. Oh, yes: needless to say, in his mind, Freemasonry is tied in along with the Bildeburgers, the OTO and others. High School dropout figures out world-domination plans: just another day in the whacky world of anti-Masonry.
Lora Burton - A self-described "former Rainbow girl" supposedly for nine years, she claims that she suffered spiritual and psychological abuse from her membership. She has founded "Rooftop Ministries" to - ostensibly - counter cults, especially Freemasonry. There are over a million former and present Rainbow Girls today who would vigorously dispute Lora's claims. Parents are welcome at all Rainbow events, including initiation. Once one sees the beautiful ritual and friendship in Rainbow, the strangeness of this person's claims will become readily apparent.
David Cameron - Marginally literate, Mr. Cameron practices a religion.... Well, we'll let him tell you about it: "1. I believe in the spiritual awareness I attain when smoking marijuana. 2. 6 million who regularly smoke marijuana in this country are them self’s a culture. 3. CAMERONISSIM is my religion." We'd give you that link but because of the language he uses and the links that he has placed on his site, we're simply not going to help him get higher in the filth-link fame. Convinced that the Masons somehow caused spoors to grow in his flat in Scotland, now every checkered black and white thing he sees, not to mention the hand positions of every politician in the world at all events, signal that they're Masons (even though he's told everyone they are so who cares, right?) and that they're plotting to get him and send him back to the hospital. 41 years old, you'd never know it.
bullet Daniel D. Carlen - An anti-Masonic Baptist (type unknown) who had a "bi-vocational ministry" in an undisclosed location. In a lengthy discourse, he points out how he learned of the "...false and deceptive spiritual teachings of Freemasonry." from the book written by Jim Shaw, who lied about his own Masonic credentials and more. (You can read about the Shaw lies on our site and others by clicking here.) Buttressed by his interpretations of the works of Albert Pike and others, he then concludes that all of the problems in this unidentified church were as a result of Freemasonry. When one starts with lies as the basis for their beliefs - and then reinforces them at every opportunity, it is evident that the erroneous conclusion will remain. In the past, you could have read about how Carlen was "Standing for Truth" based on lies on the Kunk website. Now, though, it's gone. Strange how whenever we note the so very obvious flaws in the logic of the anti-Masonic rhetoric there that it subsequently disappears....
bullet Ron Carlson - "Pastor" Carlson's tape about the 'evils' of Freemasonry achieved widespread distribution in the late 1980s-early 1990s. Ostensibly a "sermon", Masonic author Art deHoyos has noted in his excellent work titled "Cloud of Prejudice - A Study in Anti-Masonry" that a friend (Father Charles E. Maier, O.C.R.) had noted the similarity in both form and content to an anti-Masonic booklet from an earlier time by E. M. Storms. Using primarily Albert Pike as his 'whipping boy', Carlson's theme will not be unfamiliar to anyone who has looked at the work of contemporaries Ankerberg et. al. More recently, Carlson teamed with Ed Decker and together, they made audacious claims to having expert knowledge of "cults and false religions". Curiously, however, his complaints seem to center around Freemasonry. Carlson had developed quite a business out of his speaking tours. You can read more about him here. He died June 16, 2011.
bullet Anton Chaitkin - Writing as a surrogate for Lyndon LaRouche (yes, that Lyndon LaRouche), Mr. Chaitkin is described by the LaRouche camp as a "historian and investigative reporter". If one looks at his works (here's one), however, they might get a different impression. He lashes out against many things including (but certainly not limited to) former U.S. President George Bush, NATO, some kind of British world-domination theory, the Promise-Keepers, and even another anti-Mason, Pat Robertson! Because of the number of things Mr. Chaitkin rails against, Freemasonry sometimes gets lost amongst the confusion of his multiple conspiracies. It's there, nevertheless, and it's not pretty! Continuously raising the specter of the KKK in relation to Albert Pike and the Scottish Rite, he's convinced that Pike's statue in Washington, DC should be removed. Here's that misleading text.
bullet Roger Chernoff - A great majority of newspapers from high schools and colleges are nothing more than exhibits of immaturity and self-indulgence. I speak from experience having written for newspapers in both venues. Having moved on in life, however, it's always pleasurable to see material which exhibits both wry humor while touching upon human foibles in a way that hopefully improves society. This was extraordinarily evident with an October 20, 2009 piece in the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, student newspaper article by Tannara Yelland, Associate News Editor titled "Civic politics brings out the crazies: Freemasons and squirrels take centre stage at mayoral forum". It's hilarious and you should read it. One of their local candidates is another of those conspiracy-obsessed Masonophobes, convinced that Masons own the big businesses and that they're controlled by Queen of England. Hey, I'm a King! Do you suppose that'll get me something extra?
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'Pastor' Tony Ciarlante - Leader of another of the many online 'Ministries', this person is a strong supporter of Jack Harris. Birds of a feather.... You can find his website here.
John Conner - So pathetically desperate to be noticed (and probably to sell his book), this anti-Mason self-admits to being an anti-Mason and has ASKED to be added to this website. Mr. Conner was 'good enough' to send along a Chapter in his book about Freemasonry. Somehow (although not explained just how) Freemasonry is at the root of all the world's problems - ALL of them, it would seem. His rhetoric jumps from subject to subject, never managing to draw a connection except by proximity of his paragraphs. We found his claims totally laughable. As just one example, he uses the long-debunked Taxil Hoax as part of his screed. He talks about how a candidate's picture is posted on a bulletin board, something that the majority of Masons in the world would scratch their heads over. (There are some unrecognized/irregular lodges that do this....) In fact, he seems to dredge up nearly every ludicrous claim about Freemasonry (ALL of which are debunked on this website) while he draws his conclusion that 'something' is going to happen. We even considered making a Chicken Little award for this one. While he rails about the Master of a Lodge being called "Worshipful Master" (see our page on that topic here), he doesn't make a bit of mention about the HORRID title of "Lord Mayor of London". Calling a Mayor LORD? Oh, the heresy.... And probably the most ridiculous part of it all is that he constantly has quoted Jasper Ridley but either he hasn't read the book or doesn't want you to know what Mr. Ridley REALLY says about the rubbish of anti-Masons. We're sorry, Mr. Conner: you're not likely going to get a rush of additional book sales as a result of begging for OUR notice!
Milton William Cooper - One of the most extraordinary examples of paranoid conspiracy to be found, Cooper saw a connection between everything from the Bolshevik Revolution to Orson Welles' War of the Worlds on through Communism and extraterrestrials (although before his death, he had ceased calling the denial of UFOs "the big lie" as he did when he believed that UFOs were real). He had identified radio personality and conspiracy theorist Art Bell as a Freemason totally without proof and believed that everything was part of a Masonically-controlled Illuminati. To give you a better idea, here's what Cooper had to say about the moon landings:
"All names, missions, landing sites, and events in the Apollo Space Program echo the occult metaphors, rituals, and symbology of the Illuminati's secret religion. The most transparent was the faked explosion on the spacecraft Apollo 13, named "Aquarius" (new age) at 1:13 (1313 military time) on April 13, 1970 which was the metaphor for the initiation ceremony involving the death (explosion), placement in the coffin (period of uncertainty of their survival), communion with the spiritual world and the imparting of esoteric knowledge to the candidate (orbit and observation of the moon without physical contact), rebirth of the initiate (solution of problem and repairs), and the raising up (of the Phoenix, the new age of Aquarius) by the grip of the lions paw (reentry and recovery of Apollo 13). 13 is the number of death and rebirth, death and reincarnation, sacrifice, the Phoenix, the Christ (perfected soul imprisoned in matter), and the transition from the old to the new. Another revelation to those who understand the symbolic language of the Illuminati is the hidden meaning of the names of the Space Shuttles, "A Colombian Enterprise to Endeavor for the Discovery of Atlantis... and all Challengers shall be destroyed."
"Exploration of the moon stopped because it was impossible to continue the hoax without being discovered. And of course they ran out of pre-filmed episodes. No man has ever ascended much higher than 300 miles, if that high, above the Earth's surface."
In fairness, we should point out that Cooper later wrote "For many years I sincerely believed that an extraterrestrial threat actually existed and that it was the most important driving force behind world events. I was wrong and for that I sincerely apologize." So the guy gets it wrong and apologizes. Does that somehow mean THIS TIME he's gotten it right? Perhaps, folks - just perhaps - he's gotten it wrong YET AGAIN! His imagined 'Masonic Illuminati' made for apparently lucrative book and tape sales. He had multiple web sites but one we were sending folks to had become a porn site and his 'Harvest-Trust' web site had been closed down as part of an apparent tax avoidance scheme prior to his demise.
Mr. Cooper was killed in late 2001 when two Sheriff's Deputies attempted to serve a warrant on him for threatening a neighbor with a handgun. Cooper drew a weapon and shot one of the Deputies. He was fatally shot in return. Some Cooper disciples whined about it being some part of a conspiracy and that the demurrals on Cooper's website are manipulations by the 'NWO'. Just can't win.... Oh, and if you came here from the late Mr. Cooper's website where they say "Milton William Cooper is listed as one of the biggest anti-Masons on this site.", just look around. The guy didn't even merit his own separate page as at least three dozen others did! It is to laugh - and it's not only because of that claim.... There's more on Mr. Cooper on this Masonic website.
Oh, and did you hear that Cooper was shot dead by a Masonic Deputy? Well, we'll tell you the actual source of THAT stupidity: click here and you can see that the origin of this lie was none other than "S", another usenet identity of Sam Moser, identifiable by his e-mail address and other postings. Sam has, sadly, had VERY severe mental health problems for which he has been incarcerated numerous times. Even as the news of the shooting was breaking, Sam posted a message that Cooper was killed, "...shot by Mason Deputy". Sam was good enough to include the story from which he got his information: an Associated Press newswire piece which said that the Deputy was none other than the well-known and easily identified as a Mason, "name withheld". Someday we'll see Sam's stupidity about this event regularly repeated by the conspiracy theorists.
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Dan Corner - With his Evangelical Outreach website, Mr. Corner praises a bunch of 'ministers and ministries' in what appears an attempt to garner support for his book which he'll gladly sell you. His anti-Masonry position seems a bit hidden under things, it's nevertheless there in an apparent attempt to seduce his potential audience. Oh, and don't believe his counter: if you leave that home page and then come back, it'll count your soul twice! <chuckle>
Lorraine Day, M.D. - She has cured herself (although it's pretty shaky: see here) of cancer and she can cure you too, but more, she believes the Holocaust never happened and expresses quite a distaste for those of the Jewish faith, says Swine Flu is a hoax ("It is a U.S. Government Psychological Operation (Psy/Op) to TERRIFY the Public!"), supports all sorts of folks who hate Jews, and - of course - thinks that Freemasons and every other conspiracy group boogey man are hell-bent on taking over the world. Of course, she uses such impeccable sources as the Taxil Hoax and Texe Marrs. I particularly loved her statement that "Its Jewish origins and nature are further demonstrated by the following: 1) It uses only the Old Testament for saying oaths. Use of the New Testament is forbidden....". Apparently 99% of the hundreds of lodges I've visited over the years never got the memo on that one since they've ALL had a King James Bible on the altar. Oh, and if her claim on this were true, why would a so-called Masonic Bible have both the Old and New Testament? Duh! One wonders what it was in her orthopaedic training that prepared for such advanced thinking. Her site is here - and she'd probably love it if you'd buy something.
bullet William Deagle - One of the 'leading lights' of "The Prophecy Club", an entity which fancies its ability to provide clues to the coming end of the world. This individual claims to have had supernatural dreams and visions of the angel Gabriel who, among other things, took him inside the highly classified US missile command (NORAD). See also our listing for Stan Johnson for further information about these folks.
bullet Pierce Dodson - We sometimes wonder about the discernment abilities of a 'pastor' who can read one small anti-Masonic book filled with lies and on that basis decide that an organization of 3-5 million men, many of whom are clerics, is anti-Christian. Dodson (who endorses the lies propounded by Jim Shaw in his book, "The Deadly Deception") went to a church in an unnamed Tennessee town "...(hoping) that the church was not full of Masons." It's odd that someone who wants to save souls seemed so threatened. Based on his attendance at a Southern Baptist Convention meeting where a resolution was discussed (see our page on Larry Holly for more information), his preconceived notions were affirmed. All of his subsequent problems with his church were then - in his mind at least - the result of the "New World Order" and Freemasonry. He cites a statement by a Deacon saying that he'd rather give up being a Deacon than quit the Masonic Lodge. Dodson cites this as an example of his lack of Christianity. To others reading such a statement, it's quite clear that this Deacon had no intention of giving up his religion or renouncing his beliefs in Christ; rather, he was willing to abdicate a position of church leadership if it meant there would be a conflict with a fraternity to which he belonged.
Dodson quotes Adrian Rogers who said, in part, that " is better to stand alone with truth than to be wrong with the multitude." In reality, Dodson stands virtually alone in this case with lies and wrong. A speaker and supporter of the Ephesians 5-11 "ministry", you can read Dodson's laments here, where he states that he has not taken a pastorate since 1992 and has been effectively 'banned by the Masons'. Perhaps one might wonder about the motivations for this person's position....
bullet Jerome Domínguez, M.D., Ph.D. - While his real name is 'Jeronimo', he really is a medical doctor. He's also a Catholic religious zealot who rails against not only Freemasonry on his '' web site but also about the imagined 'New World Order'. We think many Baptists, Presbyterians, and all other denominations would find his comments on their faiths to be.... errrrr.... arguable! And if you think the Doctor has made some serious errors in his assessment of your faith, do you think he's any more accurate on Freemasonry?
bullet Eric Dubay - "I'm a 26 year-old American living in Thailand where I teach English part-time and fight the New World Order full-time." Wow! Such a big deal. (WOO-HOO: Now, a couple of years later, he's given up the English and is teachng martial art part time.) While young men his age are fighting and dying for their country, this self-aggrandizing dilettante wants you to think he's actually DOING something. After having attended a state-sponsored college in the United States with reduced tuition because of his residency, he's now off on a quest to prove that everything is related to everything else whenever it's bad - ignoring, of course, those things which would contradict his fanciful notions. What's particularly sad is that he's even gotten his father involved in this horse-hoohey. Like the other Masonophobes, everything is wrong but only a 26 year old in Thailand has had the capacity to link it all together. Ah, that we should all be so smart. Faked moon landings, aliens controlling the world, bloodlines, and more: nothing escapes his attempt to be the most comprehensive person to have ever written on this stuff - even though there are five dozen other people who'll make the same claim this year alone. You have to wonder when he became so smart: certainly attending the University of Maine at Orono wasn't the place he picked it all up, was it? If you want a laugh, head for his website. What's particularly ironic is that he NEVER mentions those little things taking place in the so-called 'Constitutional Monarchy' of Thailand. Perhaps you remember: the military coup in September, 2006, the rigged elections in December, 2007, the street demonstrations in May, 2008 which were on the nightly news for several nights in succession as the military shot and killed demonstrators, and the takeover of Bangkok's airport.... Since January 2004, thousands have been killed as separatists where he's living but Eric is obviously too busy 'fighting the New World Order' to notice those 'little things', eh? His father seems to hide behind the internet for his anonymity as well, never even causing a small ripple in the Maine news venues which are often desperate for anything to report. "Cows loose in Hampden. Details at 11." was a 'teaser' one night: you'd think with all of the 'stuff' that Eric and Roger know about, they'd both be hollering from the rooftops rather than just blathering impotently on the internet. What's particularly hysterical too is his recent claim that his oft-quoted heroes are government dupes. Have your cake and eat it too, it would seem. WARNING: Trying to sell you everything, it seems, his websites have LOTS of active advertisements, chewing up your bandwidth and staggering normal machines. Be forwarned!
bullet Ronald Joseph Dubois - This individual proudly trumpets both his address and phone number as he posts one of the most comprehensive packages of anti-Masonic diatribe to be found on the internet, challenging Masons to take action against him. Apparently a former Senior Deacon of a lodge in his town, Mr. Dubios has adopted Pentecostal beliefs and makes charges of anti-religious activity combined with world domination theories. Mr. Dubois uses all of the well-worn claims of earlier anti-Masons as documented on this site but we must wonder if he can cite any specific actions which would support his claims by showing attempts of or by Masons to take over the Maine State government or the Archdiocese of Maine as he asserts. In the state where there are more Masons per capita than anywhere else in the United States, one would think that Mr. Dubois' would be a prime candidate for 'retaliation' yet, curiously, he remains free to rant and rave. In a state which elects governors who are Independents, female senators (the only state with two as of 2002-2010!) and where a Catholic Bishop met with the Maine Lodge of Research, we find his rants sadly empty - and think that anyone who considers the entirety of the situation would likewise. Sorry, Mr. Dubois.
bullet Eliza Earsman - When people don't even know the name of an organization they're writing about, you've really got to wonder - but the self-publishing available to everyone today just begs for this type of foolishness. In a claim we've never seen before, it's the "Scottish Ritual Freemasons" who're responsible for not only building the White House but plotting World War III. What the two have to do with one another is really not worth $30 for us to find out but from poking around her website, we found she's not talking about the "Scottish Rite Freemasons" but rather those Masons who live in.... SCOTLAND. "Scottish Ritual Freemasons!", see? And it's TRUE! Those pesky Scots have lodges all over the world including countries like Ghana, Nigeria, and even Jamaica and Korea. If she only knew that somebody of Scots descent was writing this stuff, she'd just KNOW it was a conspiracy. Yep, the Scots are conspiring with the Queen to wreak havoc so you'd better pray hard to avoid this all. Read all about it here.
bullet Dr. Peggy Elliott - Holding an "honorary doctorate" from an unaccredited Christian College (which never even mentions her on their website with any announcement of the award, curiously enough) and boasting that she is a speech writer for "a former president" (apparently the ONLY presidential speech writer in the United States who doesn't brag about which particular president they worked for), she has a 'ministry' apparently not associated with any formal belief set. For someone who is trying to claim a tie to Washington, DC through her supposed past work, it's hilarious to note that her prayer list of governmental officials included two Cabinet Members (Richardson and Daschle) who were never even nominated to serve in those posts. This, then, speaks volumes as to her discernment capabilities because this is not 'just a typo': it's a major error (or lie or obfuscation?). Bashing Freemasons is apparently profitable sport these days, though, and her screed about Freemasonry (beginning with the typical foolishness about the honorific of 'Master') is the ONLY book of hers that she's flogging (or that she even mentions authoring despite claims as an 'author'). She's also giving classes on 'Disaster Preparedness'. It would appear that she's clearly understood the maxim, "Follow the money!". She claims that President Obama is a Mason (he's not) and "Elliott’s father was an Illuminate, a very elite group of Free Masons, who shortened his life at age 47 by committing suicide. Elliott has spent almost two decades researching." (See here for book description.) Not quite sure how THEY shortened HIS life by HIS committing suicide but nevertheless.
bullet Ralph Epperson - Blending American patriotism with conspiracies behind every tree and that wonderful desire to earn money from tapes and books, Ralph is another of those who're convinced that he's found the solution to it all. He's a darling of MANY of the religious-conspiracists. Take a peek at his site here to see it all. He can also be found on the Wide World of Kooks page....
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Billy Evertsen - Creator of yet another "Cult Prevention and Research Ministries" that was really nothing more than a web site which, we now learn, was created by a teen-ager! Mr. Evertsen railed vigorously against Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, the "New Age", Christian Science and, of course, Freemasonry. Previously, at his now defunct web site which you can see a copy of here, he had a large announcement that "CPRM to shut down!" and it was "Due to lack of traffic and lack of good information....". After examining his material on Freemasonry, we certainly agreed with the latter reason. He'd offered to let anyone interested take it over but after a year with no takers, he found the time again in 1999. In 2007, he wrote to us stating that "Long ago and far away, I was a right wing religious zealot and had a website, a section of which was 'dedicated' to spreading lies about the Masons. Now, at 25, I've realized that my 'ranting' about the Masons should have been better directed at the right wing zealots." We don't discuss politics on this site nor is there any commonly accepted definition for the term "right wing zealots" that would translate internationally. Regardless of where Mr. Evertsen feels his efforts should have been placed, he nevertheless defamed and defiled an organization which had done nothing whatsoever to or against him. While apparently he now has woken up, it's a pity that some never leave their state of delusion about the ills of Freemasonry.
Mark A. Flynn - The person behind the HUGE volume of endtimes prophesy and millennium apocalypse pages at the 'Watcher' web site is none other than a 31 year old college student living in Montana, USA but who wanted to move to the Seattle area to find work. Interestingly, his online resume now no longer online made no mention of his fascination with the huge volume of alien, conspiracy, and endtimes theories on which he regularly comments along with the state of the world - but after all, he claims to have two bachelor's degrees: one in Psychology/Economics and the other in Computer Science. We find it interesting that someone whose interests include ", motorcycles, meteorology, travel and computers" could stir such interest with his dark pages and foreboding predictions. We wonder what Seattle's rainy weather will do to his outlook - and we would have thought that, for someone so convinced that the 'endtimes' is near, Montana would have been a much better place to be. Who knows: maybe after telling us all about the Masonically-controlled fake moon landings, Mark's keeping one secret to himself: it's safer with a Starbucks on every corner! Turning into the 2000s, Mark appeared to become obsessed with numerology, yet another obvious way of getting to the truth. (And as an update, in January 2003, we received a message from Mr. Flynn claiming that it was his twin brother David who did the 'Watcher' website and who is writing the books which the website is now hawking. (You know: the 'evil twin brother' story, right? Yeah....) While the site's author was previously quite well hidden and only revealed through considerable sleuthing, curiously "David" now appears to take credit for much of the material quite visibly. We wonder what caused the change - and how strange it was that "David" would have previously written about the job 'he' needed to get - just like his 'twin brother' whose resume was online. It is to laugh!). And since the end of the world didn't arrive in 2000 as he'd predicted, Mark and his twin brother David have moved on to an end arriving in 2012 - or maybe 2016, just to hedge his (their) bets.
Jerry Golden - We won't address the issues of his religious eccentricities: you can read them on his site for yourself. Mr. Golden, it appears, has a REALLY nice boat from which his 'ministry' operates. Ah, it must be nice to get tax deductions for such a 'ministry'.... He seems to be obsessed with the imaginary Illuminati and is convinced that it's the 'high-ranking Masons' who've created it. Here's one example.
Tony Gosling - An eclectic combination of conspiracy theorist and self-absorbed clarifier of the many truths which the rest of mankind seems to have somehow overlooked, Gosling appears (and here) as a younger soul-mate of VOMIT/James Todd and has a large amount of material on his web site where he attempts to prove Masonic corruption, along with the many other corruptions he finds, in his homeland of England. He biggest paranoia is the Bilderberg organization but he also rails about the BBC who charge him (and everyone else in Great Britain) for a UK television license and US President Bill Clinton. We've found it ironic that an individual who ostensibly cries out for human equality would find Freemasonry - which has had such strong concepts of equality since its beginnings - so troublesome. For some, it seems, 'equality' is simply a means for them to get something for 'nothing'.... In March, 2007 Mr. Gosling started yet another website - ostensibly for Joe Stirling with many more mindless rants, threats and inaccuracies about Freemasonry and its supposed all-powerful world-domination.
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Anthony Grigor-Scott - Describing himself as a "non-denominational minister since 1981" (a what?), Mr. Grigor-Scott maintains a very large web site under the rubric of Bible Believers in Australia. While he suggests in one of his newsletters "Don't argue or debate the faith with any who can not or will not see It." he nevertheless reproduces a huge volume of anti-Masonic material including various New World Order and paranoid tracts (Apollo/Masonic connection etc.). You can find nearly every objection to Freemasonry ever conceived here. We found it sadly comical to see his listing of "Selected Elites" in which he tries to name those who're supposedly part of the Bildeburgers, Council on Foreign Relations, Rhodes Scholars, Trilateral Commission Members and members of Yale's Skull & Bones Society - as well as Masons. Of the 329 'Elites' he had identified as of July 13, 1999, only 12 were identified as Masons - and three of those whom he identified as such, were NOT! Using Grigor-Scott's logic, Freemasonry must be powerful indeed; comprising only .027% of the 'Elite' but totally controlling it! Check it out here. You might also want to note that noted journalist and television personality Bill Moyers is named there as both a member of the Bildeburgers and the Council of Foreign Relations (two groups that are regularly used as the boogey-men for all the world's problems) and yet, curiously, another essay on Mr. Grigor-Scott's site praises Moyers' comments ostensibly against secret societies. As with SO many anti-Masons, the old saying "Oh what a tangled web we weave...." is totally apropos. Sadly too, Mr. Grigor-Scott is completely convinced that the Holocaust was a hoax and writes extensively about it here using David Irving's fallacious material for support. Based on all of this, can you truly believe what he thinks about Freemasonry?
Jason Guenther - In his puerile and insult-filled e-mails, this individual refers to Freemasonry as a "filthy fraternity"! Although we've never bothered to respond to his tripe, in early September, 2001 he threatened to have our site shut down. His website was a total joke of the most bizarre claims but, as with most anti-Masonic raves, it was on a free site that has now disappeared.
Larry Edw Hall - Larry's father, he says, was a Mason and so was he until he 'found' Christianity after - he claims - being away from it for many years. Hall is convinced from his "research" (using works from so-called "researchers" like Ed Decker and John Ankerberg) that Masonry is, in fact, evil. When we first created this site, Mr. Hall was proud to proclaim the evilness of the alleged quote by Albert Pike perpetrated by the Taxil Hoax. Since that time, he has created a page about this which demurs, taking another approach to misconstrue Pike's words. As of mid-2001, he was eagerly supporting Jim Shaw's fantasies so we'll wait and see what happens when he discovers that Shaw and his co-author lied. You can find out about Mr. Hall's 'ministry' which uses the catchy title of here. Warning! His pop-ups will virtually take over your screen so if you've got a small one, be ready to re-boot!
Hank Hanegraaff - Billing himself as "The Bible Answer Man", Hank's 'ministry' (the "Christian Reasearch Institute" which he 'took over' from another evangelist) has a large web site which features a multitude of books and even his self-created "Equip University" biblical courses for sale. Like others who find profit in selling their thoughts to those seeking answers, he also features the nearly obligatory anti-Masonic material as well. Check it out here.
Walton Hannah - Not a 'current' anti-Mason, Hannah's name during the 1950s and 1960s was well recognized for his publication of "Darkness Visible: A Revelation & Interpretation of Freemasonry" which helped fuel the hysteria of the USA during the times in which nuclear war was thought imminent and air raid drills were regularly practiced in schools. His writings sought to claim an incompatibility between Christianity and Freemasonry and, in a later volume, he claimed that many UK Masons bought his book because they could not read the small print in their own rituals. Current anti-Masons have plagiarized with abandon from Hannah's work.
Dan Harting - We must admit that we don't know much about Harting or his wife Augusta, apparently also a 'minister' in his Mt. Carmel Outreach of Carmel, Indiana, USA. What we do know is that he's the organizer of the 2nd Annual Conference on Cults (or what he and his cohorts define as such) and that he's a Director of Larry Kunk's Ephesians 5-11 Ministry to Masons.
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Chuck Helton - Having 'found' Jesus, this individual then tells us of the dissolute life he led for some 15 years. He became a Mason (ostensibly following in his father's and grandfather's footsteps although we doubt their behavior was like his) and a couple of years later finds Jesus (again?). He now apparently is of the belief that Freemasonry is anti-Christian. What will he have to say in another few years? Who knows - but you can see his (perhaps) current feelings right here.
Leslie H. Higgins - To those over the age of 25 or 26, it probably seems ludicrous to profile someone age 18 as an anti-Mason. Nevertheless, these are people who are old enough to drive, to drink, and to serve their country in time of war so they are as much a part of society as anyone despite the fact that we know fully well how immature and uninformed their ideas can be. Mr. Higgins' 'Crusader 88' blog identifies him as a cashier who wants to be a lawyer (uh-huh!) and who is interested in Jewish girls in order to raise a large Catholic family. Mr. Higgins comes from an area where some have been magnetically attracted to what others deem a heretical pseudo-Catholic enclave, the anti-Masonic Crusade of Saint Benedict Center who want to "...turn America into one true Church". It's sad to see young people with such malleable minds being told that the Masons are anti-religion and worse. We wish Mr. Higgins luck as he continues on life's journey. Hopefully when we look in on him a few years from now he will have matured and won't still be a cashier in some store.
Michael A. Hoffman, II - Another of the 'Holocaust Revisionists', Hoffman has a number of theories which claim to refute much of the evil 'supposedly' done by the Nazi regime and is also convinced of multiple government conspiracies. In the wake of the Littleton, Colorado school shootings he was quick to claim that he had forseen such a tragedy. You can find some examples of his 'work' on our page dealing with the Kennedy Assassination. Underlying much of his 'logic' is the strong vein of anti-Semitism and his theories often lead back to an imagined Jewish-Masonic connection. His website will give you a better idea of what he's all about; don't forget his plea to buy books and tapes there!
Daniel Hopkinson - Evangelical religious intolerants, from every faith camp, always manage to find all sorts of corners of the internet from which to spout their beliefs. When their misunderstandings (often deliberate) are challenged, they simply ignore the facts and continue their rants. Mr. Hopkinson is no different. Co-opting a growing website which was set up specifically to provide LOCAL information about LOCAL events (things like sports, concerts, etc. - but is in many ways just a money-maker with lots of online ads), the 'Examiner' sites claim to have subject matter experts to help others find relevant, local information. In a very few cases that may be true but in general, their hiring ('by e-mail') has caused the site to be overrun with bigoted and personal-objective oriented individuals who otherwise couldn't get a soul to read their blather. This includes the greatly growing number of "Evangelical Examiners" who proselytize their religious beliefs which include, of course, a skewed view of Freemasonry - specifically the tired old saw that 'Freemasonry excludes Jesus' or that Freemasonry promotes its own brand of eschatology. Because of some strong search engine formulas, these people are popping up more and more on search engines when, in fact, they're usually not worth even a three second scan. Mr. Hopkinson is an example of this new breed of online gadflies. When his arguments are refuted in comments to his claims, he falls back on the expectation that Freemasonry must provide written documentation to prove him wrong. He delights in the power of his temporal bully pulpit to spew one more sham using tired arguments while referring to himself in the third person as "this Examiner", apparently quite proud of his self-created position. Even when irrefutable facts relative to the phoniness of the claims made by Jim Shaw are presented, he hides under the cover that 'no one person speaks for Freemasonry'. He's simply not intellectually capable of realizing or intellectually honest enough to accept that FACTS speak for themselves. ...............
Robert Howard - Even those most paranoid about 'evil interrelations' cannot hold a candle to Mr. Howard who likes to use the moniker of "Lord Visionary". Everyone seems tied up in a world-wide, horrible conspiracy including (but certainly not limited to) NATO, the Miller Brewing Company (which makes evil beer apparently), Paramount Pictures, Time Magazine, the Office of Naval Intelligence, the American Medical Association, Chrysler Automobiles and - believe it or not - Martha Stuart! Do head here or here to read some of his works. We particularly enjoyed seeing Mr. Howard's claims about the evil Shriner Masons' activities in 1773 - particularly because the Shriners weren't even formed until 125 years later! Mr. Howard on numerous web pages repeats the Taxil hoax and has a list of supposed 33° Masons including folks like Jim Shaw. So very comical too is the page here purloined from our site several years ago, claiming that these many "fine researchers" have found problems with Freemasonry. "Fine researchers" such as Adolph Hitler and Francisco Franco. Yep, Mr. Howard, you sure do know your stuff, don't you?
Mark E. Howerter - This individual brags that he is so conservative that he makes the U.S.'s arch-conservative Rush Limbaugh look like a 'flaming liberal'. Does it seem logical to expect an appreciation of Freemasonry and its principles of tolerance from the founder of 'Intolerance International'? Enough said....
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Pastor David S. Janssen - Circulating on the web from time to time are a compilation of three anti-Masonic sermons delivered in September, 1997 in State College, Pennsylvania, USA. In these sermons, the pastor urged members of his church to disassociate themselves from Freemasonry and he further announced that Masons would be ineligible for membership in his church. (Masonicinfo Note: Interesting concept - Throw out the 'sinner' so they won't hear the Good News! Perhaps it's that the Pastor doesn't want to be 'soiled' by having those whom he thinks are doing wrong in his congregation. Not a concept in the recognized Christian concept of salvation, is it?)
The single source for the Pastor's condemnation was a 1914 printing of Charles T. McClenachan's THE BOOK OF THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE (first edition 1867). This work was one person's interpretation of the Scottish Rite rituals in existence even before they were revised exhaustively by Albert Pike. Mason Art deHoyos has written a detailed analysis of Pastor Janssen's ten top errors and this has been published by the Masonic Service Association in their June, 1998 Short Talk Bulletin.
Paul Jenkins - There's an old saying about 'birds of a feather' and this individual is a friend of Maurice Kellett which says quite a bit. Like Maurice, he wants to blame everything ill in the world on Masons and quickly ascribes Masonic status to those whom he sees as somehow thwarting his claim for a house fire in 1977. It is obvious to all but those so intent on their personal agendas and vendettas that when someone doesn't achieve what they wish as an outcome it obviously has to have something to do with Freemasonry. In SO many of these cases, there is far more to the story than a vexatious litigant wishes us to know. Realistically, Mr. Jenkins feels wronged. That Masons would somehow single him out for such odd and sustained persecution defies imagination. Oh, and we should note too that Mr. Jenkins writes a lot about the evils of Zionism as well so the Jews are out to get him as well it seems. Just check his websites here and here.... 'Scratch and anti-Mason and find an anti-Semite!'
"T J" Jensen - We just howled with laughter when we found the website (now seemingly gone with the demise of the free web hosting service where it was located) which sought to denigrate an anti-Mormon, Kurt VanGorden, by asserting that VanGorden was an "important Mason". How did Mr./Ms. "T J" Jensen reach this curious conclusion? Well, they discovered - thanks to the web - that the Scottish Rite's National Heritage Museum in Lexington, Massachusetts had a 'VanGorden-Williams' library. Apparently it never occurred to Jensen that there might be more than one person in the world with that surname! It will probably not surprise you when we note that the late Brother VanGorden, a highly respected and well-loved Scottish Rite Mason, was NOT the same person as the anti-Mormon minister. Nevertheless, it is an interesting object lesson on what foolish conclusions can be drawn when people don't do even a modicum of research before condemning Masonry and Masons.
Keith/Alan Johnson - Apparently we find what we look for & what we think. If it's inane to you, then so be it.
(Alan Johnson Alt.Freemasonry post of 10 June 2007)
Some who regularly participate in the USENET newsgroup alt.freemasonry may take exception at the inclusion of Keith Johnson simply because for the first few years of his now decades-long posting, he was generally benign and past did not exhibit overt hostility. As we moved into his second decade of being told how to spell the word "NO", however, his undefined 'end of days' philosophy makes him more shrill. He is also more insistent on getting attention but carefully avoids posting when there are other flame-wars erupting so as to avoid getting lost in the crowd. Keith loves attention if nothing else!
He rants seem to involve some sort of unified field theory about Freemasonry and his postings are - well, convoluted at best. When he began posting, he claimed he was named Alan while his son - whose account he was using - was named Keith. More recently he was alternating between those two names but now seems to have switched to Keith entirely. Regardless. He uses a software program (Copernic - it's a GREAT program!) to search out the most obscure word connections on the internet and then will post a message with a link to some obscure website with some pithy and provocative comment or (pseudo-) question that - three-quarters of the time - has no relationship whatsoever to the content on the cited site (which about 95% of the time has no relationship to Freemasonry whatsoever). It seems that Mr. Johnson seeks the 'answers to the universe' on the internet and is somehow convinced that the Masons have (or had) this information and are deliberately obfuscating things so that he cannot find the answers he seeks. Like a child on a beach collecting individual grains of sand, Mr. Johnson seems at a loss to explain what he's got but he's certainly convinced that he's 'onto something' - and he'd be able to identify it if only the Masons would let him. While the inability to create his unified field theory evades him (and escapes his ability to even logically address what he's seeking), he continues undaunted. After over a decade of rejection, often delivered with painful truths that would make even a child embarrassed, Mr. Johnson perceives any comment or criticism as being part of a huge conspiracy to keep HIM from finding 'the truth' - and to be the first one to do it as well. In over a decade too, he has been unable to properlyy configure his newsreader to provide appropriate and intelligible quote-backs despite repeated requests and helpful instructions. He has, on occasion, attributed his sloppiness in both research and message formatting to the effects of dyslexia and ADHD. Upon closer questioning, however, he admitted that these problems are self-diagnosed. Is he an anti-Mason? Based on his bizarre contentions, one could easily put him in that category.
Getting a simple yes or no answer out of Keith is an exercise in futility. Because the human mind seems to value order and congruity, readers of Mr. Johnson's vague allusions seek to 'flesh out' his beliefs so as to better understand what, specifically, he's questioning and/or claiming. Assuming his postings have logic, however, is a huge stretch of imagination (as becomes quickly obvious). For a couple of years, his ramblings seemed to lead back to his belief in crop circles and aliens which, he hinted is part of the knowledge Freemasons have but just won't share with him. It is telling that Mr. Johnson, while apparently believing that he is solving the secrets of the universe, still has not mastered the basics of grammar and punctuation. He adamantly refuses to engage in conversation in more relevant online venues because, clearly, he's completely ignored anywhere else. When confronted with examples of how his 'connect-the-dots' methodology has been erroneous or even when he's asked the most basic of questions, he quickly changes the subject and offers additional - and even more totally irrelevant - website links, never wanting to either admit error or accept the fact that his fanciful claims are entirely without either relevance or merit. Some have suggested that he use this link but each post asserting the irrelevance and absurdity of his 'findings' is met with more resolve as he becomes increasingly convinced that he's 'getting close' and is being sidetracked by those with the knowledge he wants! He knows he can define Freemasonry and Freemasons if only the Freemasons would let him! His 2008 posts were actively warning of immediately impending 'end times' disasters and have more Biblical predictions accompanied by demands that Masons 'fix the problems' of the world. We expect to some day find a photo of him carrying a sign proclaiming "the, end i snear" <including the misspelling> or some such thing.
In November, 2008, Mr. Johnson announced that he'd be leaving the alt.freemasonry newsgroup with the words "I am no dog Sir and with that I bid you farewell and good riddence! <sic>" Of course, in the whacky world of online anti-Masonry, nothing ever lasts forever and July, 2009 saw him back again with the start of likely a lot more ramblings based on his misunderstandings of a work of fiction. In one post on 7/25 he signed as "Keith" and less than 10 hours later was "Alan". Ya just gotta wonder about this boy....
Diamuid Johnson - One of those whose demons caused him to believe that the Freemasons were controlling his life. His incorrectly treated schizophrenia caused him to wreak havoc on his family including a horrible knife stabbing of his wife while she slept. Story is here.
Stan Johnson - The founder and a director of "The Prophecy Club®", a group which embodies all sorts of apocalyptic believers. (I've added the Registered Trademark symbol because he's got it on his site. However, a simple check of the US Trademark office don't show any such registration!) This organization has hosted numerous anti-Masonic speakers and sells anti-Masonic books. Of course, their interpretations of things are quite suspect. In 1997, Johnson stated that we would not make it through 1998 without an internal revolution in America, a war in the Middle East, or a stock market crash, none of which happened and we're still here more than a dozen years later. To 'cover their bets' on their predictions, they'll tell you how to buy diamonds (and from whom!) as a hedge for potential Y2K problems and for the truly needy, there's a 'Video of the Month Club' for just $250/year. If you REALLY want to get involved, you can fast for one day a week until God sends him a sign about the actual date of the endtimes - and also a million bucks to publicize it. Of course "Stan estimates we need at least $10 million dollars to effectively reach America in the remaining months." (Must be expensive to put such announcements on the nightly news, eh?) Anyone want to bet that if he got that much money, the 'sign' wouldn't be telling him to head to some foreign country without extradition laws? Anybody?
E. Michael Jones - Described as a "radical traditional Catholic", he mongers hatred for Jews in particular. The Southern Poverty Law Center's HATEWATCH had an interesting article on him which can be found here.
Peter Fotios Kapnistos - It seems to follow like day the night that when someone's name appears on our 'list of people' they tend to react. Some of them even add material about how 'the Masons' are after them using this site as an example. It is to laugh.... So often, they'll write to comment on how being listed on our site will ultimately help them in some way and they congratulate us for noticing them. Almost invariably, though, at some point shortly thereafter they're back sending e-mails to wail about being 'noticed'. Some, like Mr. Kapnistos, then proceed to try and justify their foolishn _________________
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung |