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3rd World Nazi Britain - Torys' fascist regime

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 9:51 pm    Post subject: 3rd World Nazi Britain - Torys' fascist regime Reply with quote

Half-blind woman crippled with back pain killed herself after benefits bosses stopped her disability payments - following a TWO MINUTE assessment
Jacqueline Harris, 53, was told she was fit to return to work
Widow was partially sighted and only able to walk with the aid of sticks
Christine Norman claims benefits ruling drove her sister to kill herself
PUBLISHED: 16:11, 25 November 2013 | UPDATED: 22:51, 25 November 2013
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2513284/Half-blind-woman-cripp led-pain-killed-benefits-bosses-stopped-disability-payments--following -TWO-MINUTE-assessment.html
A partially-sighted woman who suffered crippling back pain killed herself after her disability benefits were stopped following an assessment lasting just two minutes, it has been claimed.
Despite being in almost constant agony, Jacqueline Harris, 53, was told she was told fit for work in November 2012 following a Government health assessment.
Ms Harris's sister claims that the ruling drove the former nurse, from Kingswood, Bristol, to take her own life.
Tragic: Half-blind Jacqueline Harris, who suffered crippling back pain, killed herself after her disability benefits were stopped, it has been claimed
Widow Ms Harris was only able to walk with the aid of sticks after she suffered slipped discs in her back and neck.
She was also unable to use one wrist properly after she was later attacked by a dog.
Her sister Christine Norman, 57, says arthritic Ms Harris was asked just one question in the 'lightning-speed assessment', carried out by private firm Atos Healthcare.
Mrs Norman said: 'They asked her one question - "Did you get here by bus?".
'Jacqueline replied with one fateful word - "yes".
'She hadn't even had the chance to take her coat off.
'Jacqueline said couldn't do it anymore and that no-one was listening to her and no-one cared. She told me she couldn't work and that nobody believed her.
'She just wanted her benefit so she could have avoided the pressure of work - it wasn't a massive amount of money.'
Ms Harris suffered from arthritis in her neck and back and her pain worsened after an unsuccessful operation on her neck last year.
She was left in agony every time one of her arms was touched, while bones from her hand had to be removed after she was attacked by a dog.
Anger: Christine Norman says her sister Ms Harris committed suicide after being put under pressure by the Government to return to work
Anger: Christine Norman says her sister Ms Harris committed suicide after being put under pressure by the Government to return to work
Ms Harris had received incapacity benefit but late last year was asked to attend a fitness-to-work assessment in order to claim its replacement - Employment and Support Allowance.
After she spent two hours struggling on two different buses to get to the centre run by Atos Healthcare her appointment lasted just two minutes.
In January her benefits were stopped.
Mrs Norman, a nurse, said: 'If she was addicted to alcohol or drugs, she would have been given a sick note.
'Being a nurse and a health professional I am so disappointed - anyone could see she wasn't fit to work. She would have loved to have had a job but couldn't.
'How much grief, pain and anguish do you have to go through before they realise?'
It is believed she was later then reassessed after coming forward with additional evidence of her condition, and was found to be eligible for Employment Support Allowance. She was placed in a category of people who receive the allowance, and who one day - with support - may be able to return to work.
But Ms Harris had contested the ruling and her first appeal against the decision failed.
A second Department for Work and Pensions tribunal hearing in Cardiff was due to take place on November 15.
However, Ms Harris was found dead at her home on November 2, having taken a suspected overdose.
Paying tribute to her sister, who lost her husband Brian six years ago, Mrs Norman said: 'She was gregarious and loved dogs, and music and to boogie as much as her back would allow.
An inquest into Ms Harris' death has been opened and adjourned.
A Department for Work and Pensions spokeswoman said: 'Our sympathy goes out to the family of Mrs Harris.
' ‪ A decision on whether someone is well enough to work is taken following a thorough assessment which takes into account the WCA and all supporting medical evidence provided by the claimant. ‬
‪'Often claimants come forward later with additional evidence, in which case we will look at their claim again or people can also appeal.‬
'Someone placed in the work-related activity group for ESA is not considered fit for work at the moment, nor are they expected to look for work.‬'
An Atos spokeswoman said: 'Our sympathies go out to Ms Harris's family.
'Atos Healthcare carries out assessments on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions and under its guidelines.
'But we do not make decisions on people's benefit entitlement, nor are we involved in the appeal process.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2513284/Half-blind-woman-cripp led-pain-killed-benefits-bosses-stopped-disability-payments--following -TWO-MINUTE-assessment.html

Personal Independence Payments (PIPs) replaced the Disability Living Allowance (DLA) as part of the government's welfare reforms.
Under DLA, most people filled in their own application forms, and did not have to re-apply for the benefit, even if their circumstances changed.
The government claimed PIPs would see resources delivered to those who need it most - as money would be distributed more fairly.
But one charity warned almost a fifth of claimants - 600,000 people - could be in danger of losing their benefits as they would be put through strict in-person tests.
Since April new claimants in the north of England were told to apply for PIPs. By October new claimants of working age in the rest of the country were told to apply for the new benefit rather than a DLA.
The government began to re-assess existing DLA claimants last month, but only those whose circumstances changed.
A majority of the 3.2 million people who claimed DLA will not be re-assessed until 2015 or later.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 10:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Remember Stephanie?

Bedroom Tax suicide: Stephanie Bottrill's grieving son Steven hits out at David Cameron
13 May 2013 13:55
Iain Duncan Smith’s punishing new payments were the last straw for the tragic 53-year-old who killed herself to avoid plunging into further poverty

Unable to work because of ­a crippling illness, ­Stephanie Bottrill was already struggling to survive before the hated Bedroom Tax came in.

But Iain Duncan Smith’s punishing new payments were the last straw for the tragic 53-year-old who killed herself to avoid plunging into further poverty after being hit with an £80 a month bill for the two spare bedrooms in her council house.

And last night her distraught son Steven begged David Cameron to scrap the tax to stop anyone else being driven to suicide.

The 27-year-old spoke as an online petition calling for the Work and Pensions ­Secretary Mr Duncan Smith to go over ­Stephanie’s death gained ­thousands of ­signatures.

Steven said: “The man who can change things is David Cameron. I think my mum wanted to get it out there what happened.

“Hopefully now someone will listen. Someone will realise what has gone on and change things.

“They are all sitting in an office in London thinking of ideas how they can make money, but Mr Cameron has to give the seal of approval.

“They haven’t thought it through properly, how it will affect people. For my mum £80 a month is a huge amount of money but for people who are on huge salaries who have gone to Eton it is a different world.

“She was struggling already, it was a lot to ask for.”

Stephanie was so poor she used hot water bottles instead of her central heating. Steven added: “She couldn’t afford it. All the winter she didn’t have the heating on.

“She wrapped up warm, she had hot water bottles even when she was watching the telly.

“In 2013 in Britain you can’t imagine this. To live like that...”

Stephanie Bottrill suicide note

The Sunday People yesterday told how desperate gran Stephanie threw herself in front of a speeding lorry over her dire financial plight.

She was hit with the £80 a month bedroom tax after Steven and his sister Laura, 23, both left home.

In her suicide note to her son, she wrote: “Don’t blame yourself for me ending my life. The only people to blame are the Government.”

Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls warned ministers were pushing struggling ­householders to the brink of despair with their attacks on the poor.

He said: “Two thirds of people affected by the bedroom tax are disabled. It’s not fair. This policy is driving people to the edge of despair in their many thousands. David Cameron, George Osborne and Iain Duncan Smith should stand back from the rhetoric, which is always a little bit nasty and a little bit ­divisive, and say, ‘What are we actually doing?’ People are suffering terrible trauma.”

Stephanie, of ­Solihull, West Mids, had the auto-immune system ­deficiency Myasthenia gravis, an illness which weakens muscles. She was on constant ­medication.

The scene of the M6 motorway in Birmingham where Stephanie commited suicide

Steven said his mum wanted to work, but could not. Doctors told her she was too ill but she was never ­registered as ­disabled, so had no ­disability benefit.

She had wanted to downsize her home but the council had nothing smaller available.

Steven added: “I last saw my mum the day before it happened. She had phoned me up crying and said she couldn’t go on there’s too much pressure. She was asked to find another £20 a week but she just didn’t have it. The system failed her at every stage.” Stephanie died in the early hours of May 4 on the M6.

She had visited neighbours before killing herself, telling them: “I can’t afford to live.”

One, Tracey Hurley, said: “She had gone round everybody giving them hugs. But what I didn’t know was that she had obviously been planning it.”

Tracey described Stephanie as “kind-hearted with a good soul”.

Mr Duncan Smith would not comment yesterday.

Check out all the latest News, Sport & Celeb gossip at Mirror.co.uk http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/bedroom-tax-suicide-stephanie-bot trills-1886058

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 11:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The History Place - Holocaust Timeline

Nazi Euthanasia

In October of 1939 amid the turmoil of the outbreak of war Hitler ordered widespread "mercy killing" of the sick and disabled.
Code named "Aktion T 4," the Nazi euthanasia program to eliminate "life unworthy of life" at first focused on newborns and very young children. Midwives and doctors were required to register children up to age three who showed symptoms of mental retardation, physical deformity, or other symptoms included on a questionnaire from the Reich Health Ministry.
A decision on whether to allow the child to live was then made by three medical experts solely on the basis of the questionnaire, without any examination and without reading any medical records.
Each expert placed a + mark in red pencil or - mark in blue pencil under the term "treatment" on a special form. A red plus mark meant a decision to kill the child. A blue minus sign meant a decision against killing. Three plus symbols resulted in a euthanasia warrant being issued and the transfer of the child to a 'Children's Specialty Department' for death by injection or gradual starvation.
The decision had to be unanimous. In cases where the decision was not unanimous the child was kept under observation and another attempt would be made to get a unanimous decision.
The Nazi euthanasia program quickly expanded to include older disabled children and adults. Hitler's decree of October, 1939, typed on his personal stationary, enlarged "the authority of certain physicians to be designated by name in such manner that persons who, according to human judgment, are incurable can, upon a most careful diagnosis of their condition of sickness, be accorded a mercy death."
Questionnaires were then distributed to mental institutions, hospitals and other institutions caring for the chronically ill.
Patients had to be reported if they suffered from schizophrenia, epilepsy, senile disorders, therapy resistant paralysis and syphilitic diseases, retardation, encephalitis, Huntington's chorea and other neurological conditions, also those who had been continuously in institutions for at least 5 years, or were criminally insane, or did not posses German citizenship or were not of German or related blood, including Jews, Negroes, and Gypsies.
A total of six killing centers were established including the well known psychiatric clinic at Hadamar. The euthanasia program was eventually headed by an SS man named Christian Wirth, a notorious brute with the nickname 'the savage Christian.'
At Brandenburg, a former prison was converted into a killing center where the first Nazi experimental gassings took place. The gas chambers were disguised as shower rooms, but were actually hermetically sealed chambers connected by pipes to cylinders of carbon monoxide. Patients were generally drugged before being led naked into the gas chamber. Each killing center included a crematorium where the bodies were taken for disposal. Families were then falsely told the cause of death was medical such as heart failure or pneumonia.
The smoking chimney of the Hadamar Killing CenterBut the huge increase in the death rate for the disabled combined with the very obvious plumes of odorous smoke over the killing centers aroused suspicion and fear. At Hadamar, for example, local children even taunted arriving busloads of patients by saying "here comes some more to be gassed."
On August 3, 1941, a Catholic Bishop, Clemens von Galen, delivered a sermon in Münster Cathedral attacking the Nazi euthanasia program calling it "plain murder." The sermon sent a shockwave through the Nazi leadership by publicly condemning the program and urged German Catholics to "withdraw ourselves and our faithful from their (Nazi) influence so that we may not be contaminated by their thinking and their ungodly behavior."
As a result, on August 23, Hitler suspended Aktion T4, which had accounted for nearly a hundred thousand deaths by this time.
The Nazis retaliated against the Bishop by beheading three parish priests who had distributed his sermon, but left the Bishop unharmed to avoid making him into a martyr.
However, the Nazi euthanasia program quietly continued, but without the widespread gassings. Drugs and starvation were used instead and doctors were encouraged to decide in favor of death whenever euthanasia was being considered.
The use of gas chambers at the euthanasia killing centers ultimately served as training centers for the SS. They used the technical knowledge and experience gained during the euthanasia program to construct huge killing centers at Auschwitz, Treblinka and other concentration camps in an attempt to exterminate the entire Jewish population of Europe. SS personnel from the euthanasia killing centers, notably Wirth, Franz Reichleitner and Franz Stangl later commanded extermination camps.
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(Photo credit: Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, courtesy of USHMM Photo Archives)

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Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Campaigners demand probe into 'fit for work' claimants death rate
Press Association – 24 minutes ago
https://uk.news.yahoo.com/campaigner-hits-disability-benefits-death-st ats-020155942.html

Press Association - The DWP was ordered to release the death statistics by the Information Commissioner

Campaigners have called for an investigation into the deaths of at least 2,380 people within weeks of being judged "fit for work" by controversial assessments and moved off sickness benefit.

Learning disability charity Mencap said the figure - released by the Department for Work and Pensions following Freedom of Information Act requests - was "tragic" and raised questions about the fairness of the work capability assessment.

And TUC general secretary Frances O'Grady said the "disturbing findings cannot be swept under the carpet".

The DWP, which was ordered by the data watchdog to publish the statistics, insisted "no causal link" could be drawn between benefits status and the likelihood of dying as the individual causes of the deaths were not recorded.

Overall, death rates for unemployed claimants had remained in line with trends in the wider population for a decade, it stressed.

Critics called for a rethink of the system used to decide whether people can be moved from receiving Employment Support Allowance - the replacement for Incapacity Benefit - to standard unemployment benefit, meaning a £30 per week reduction in state help.

The figures showed that between December 2011 to February 2014, 2,380 died within around two weeks of ESA claims stopping following a decision that they were "fit to work".

A total of 1,340 died within the same timescale after appealing against a "fit to work" assessment - thought it is not recorded what proportion of those appeals were successful or failed.

Mencap said the numbers appeared unusually high for people of working age who had so recently been declared fit.

The charity's Rob Holland, who co-chairs the Disability Benefits Consortium, said: "These tragic figures are concerning and warrant further investigation.

"We know the fit for work test is failing disabled people, with devastating consequences. Wrong decisions can mean people are left with little or no support at all, in some cases struggling to pay for their homes and basic essentials like food and heating.

"The Government must act now to reform the work capability assessment so it is fair for disabled people and those with health and medical conditions. Indeed there is real concern that the process itself is stressful and can in fact worsen people's conditions."

Ms O'Grady said: "We urgently need an inquiry into the Government's back-to-work regime.

"The fact that more than 80 people are dying each month shortly after being declared 'fit for work' should concern us all. We need a welfare system that supports people to find decent jobs not one that causes stress and ill health."

Mike Sivier, one of several campaigners who submitted FOI requests, welcomed the publication, saying the DWP had "caved in completely" by releasing the actual numbers of deaths.

He suggested he might now push for details of the causes of death in each case - including cases of suicide.

A DWP spokesman said: "We don't hold information on reason of death, so no causal effect between a fit for work decision and death should be assumed.

"The mortality rate of those who are claiming Jobseeker's Allowance - which includes some of those found fit for work - is still lower than for the general population.

"Furthermore, the overall trend shows the mortality rate for people who have died while claiming an out-of-work benefit, has fallen over a 10-year period."

Shadow work and pensions minister Kate Green said: "These figures should be a wake-up call for the Government.

"Ministers need to focus on sorting out the assessment process so that everyone can have confidence in it, and providing support for disabled people who can work in order to help them do so."

Labour leadership candidate Andy Burnham said they were " shocking figures that for the first time show the human cost of this Government's punishing benefits regime".

"We now need an urgent national debate about these figures, and if elected Leader I would call a full-day debate in Parliament at the first available opportunity."

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Former nurse killed herself after controversial health test led to change in benefits
17:32, 27 NOVEMBER 2014 UPDATED 21:20, 27 NOVEMBER 2014
Jacqueline Harris, aged 53, died after a fitness to work test ruled she could start looking for work and her incapacity benefit was axed
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/former-nurse-killed-herself-after -4707741

SWNSA half-blind woman crippled with back pain killed herself after benefits bosses curbed her disability payments - following a two minute assessmentTragic death: Former nurse Jacqueline Harris
A former nurse killed herself after a controversial test led to a change in her benefits, an inquest has heard.

Jacqueline Harris, aged 53, had her incapacity benefit axed despite being in constant pain.

She was declared able to receive jobseekers' allowance after a check by ATOS, the Government-appointed benefits assessors.

But the half-blind widow pinned a suicide note to her pyjamas and left post-it notes detailing who should be gifted her personal possessions.

The inquest heard Jacqueline had slipped and bulging disks in her back and neck after an accident at work.

Jacqueline was found dead shortly after a failed operation to relieve pressure in her back.

She was preparing for an appeal hearing against the Department for Work and Pensions' (DWP) decision.

Her sister Christine Norman told the inquest: "She had a slipped disk, a compressed disk in her neck, she had radiating pain down both of her arms and was constantly dropping things.

"She decided to take up dog sitting but unfortunately she was badly bitten and ended up in hospital.

"This led to an infection and and several bones had to be removed from her left hand.

"She was also under pressure from ATOS - refit to work.

"She was called as a 'fit to work'.

"She told them she was waiting for an operation but they didn't give her any dispensation or even a review date.

"She had pressure put upon here and she got no help."

The Bristol inquest heard Jacqueline was left partially sighted after an industrial accident in 1987.

She later suffered back pain which became worse and left her struggling to walk.

But a back operation in December 2012 failed to ease the pain.

Jacqueline was expected to attend her local Job Centre because of the benefits decision.

She was found dead on the kitchen floor of her home in Kingswood, Glos, in November last year after taking a cocktail of powerful drugs.

Psychiatrist Dr Helen Sterling told the hearing: "She was not fit to work.

"She could not have fulfilled a job."

Paul ChappellsDemonstration against ATOS
Coroner Dr Peter Harrowing ruled Jacqueline committed suicide.

Sister Christine,58, who is also a nurse, claimed after the hearing that the benefits decision "triggered" Jacqueline's decline.

She said: "It gave her no hope.

"She was defeated.

"What hope did she have?

"A month after her death we got a letter about her appeal hearing. I didn't tell them she had died and went along myself.

"I said to them 'I'm disgusted'.

"Because of them she was having to go along to the Job Centre to look for a job - even the staff in the Job Centre said to her 'what are you doing here? Get back to bed'.

"Just because she said 'yes' to being able to get on a bus, she was declared fit to work."

Christine said the change to Jacqueline's income was minimal after the Atos assessment because her incapacity benefit was replaced by job seekers' allowance.

A spokesman for Atos Healthcare said: “Our sympathies go out to Ms Harris’s family.

"We work hard to treat people with compassion and respect during what we understand can be a difficult process.

“We carry out assessments on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions and under its guidelines, sending them detailed information about a person’s health conditions.

"But we do not make decisions on people’s benefit entitlement, nor are we involved in the appeal process.”

A DWP spokesman said: “Our sympathy goes out to the family of Mrs Harris.

“It is not true that Mrs Harris was found ‘fit for work’ - she was receiving ESA.

“A decision on someone’s benefit entitlement isn’t just based on an Atos assessment but all supporting evidence including evidence from the claimants GP.

“People have the right to appeal and Mrs Harris’ appeal was going through the correct procedure”.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

More Than 4,000 Died Within Six Weeks Of Being Deemed 'Fit For Work', Reveal Government
The Huffington Post UK | By Owen Bennett
Posted: 27/08/2015 10:53 BST Updated: 27/08/2015 16:59 BST
http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/08/27/benefits-death-claimants-we lfare-ids_n_8047424.html

More than 4,000 people died within six weeks of being found “fit for work”, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has revealed.

Figures released today show that between December 2011 to February 2014, 4,010 people died after being told they should find work following a “Work Capability Assessment”.

Of that figure, 1,360 died after losing an appeal against the decision.

Labour branded the figures a "wake-up call" for the Government, who has faced criticism for the way the assessment tests are carried out.

The figures have only been released after the Information Commission overruled a Government decision to block the statistics being made public.

Read more: 7 People Who Died After Having Their Benefits Taken Away

TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady called for an urgent enquiry into the figures, and said: “We urgently need an enquiry into the government’s back-to-work regime. These disturbing findings cannot be swept under the carpet.

“The fact that more than 80 people are dying each month shortly after being declared ‘fit for work’ should concern us all. These deaths relate to just one benefit – Employment Support Allowance (ESA).

“We need a welfare system that supports people to find decent jobs not one that causes stress and ill health.”

The figures show that of the 4,010 who died after being told they were "fit for work", 3,720 were in receipt of ESA, while 290 were on either Incapacity Benefit or its replacement, Severe Disablement Allowance.

The DWP were keen to stress throughout its "Mortality Statistics" report that: “Any causal effect between benefits and mortality cannot be assumed from these statistics."

More than 50 charities, acting as the Disability Benefits Consortium Members, called on the Government to reform the way they assess welfare claimants.

Mencap's Rob Holland, co-chair of the consortium, said: “These tragic figures are concerning and warrant further investigation. We know the fit for work test is failing disabled people, with devastating consequences. Wrong decisions can mean people are left with little or no support at all, in some cases struggling to pay for their homes and basic essentials like food and heating.

He added: "These figures should act as a stark warning to the Government to improve the fit for work test and ensure disabled people get the level of support they need.”

Mike Sivier, a campaigner who requested the statistics under Freedom of Information law, welcomed their release and suggested he might now push for details of the causes of death in each case - including cases of suicide.

Labour called the delay in their publication a "disgrace", and Shadow Minister for Work and Pensions Kate Green said: “These figures should be a wake-up call for the Government. Ministers need to focus on sorting out the assessment process so that everyone can have confidence in it, and providing support for disabled people who can work in order to help them do so."

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Immigration Hits 330,000, The Highest Figure On Record
Labour leadership candidate Andy Burnham called for a "national debate" in light of the revelations.

He said: "These are shocking figures that for the first time show the human cost of this Government's punishing benefits regime.

"It raises serious questions about this Government's punitive approach to people on benefits.

"We now need an urgent national debate about these figures, and if elected Leader I would call a full-day debate in Parliament at the first available opportunity.

"This Tory Government has been playing politics with the lives of vulnerable people."

The DWP said the figures showed death rates had remained in line with trends in the wider population for a decade.

A spokesman said: "The mortality rate for people who have died while claiming an out-of-work benefit has fallen over a 10-year period. This is in line with the mortality rate for the general working-age population.

"The Government continues to support millions of people on benefits with an £80 billion working-age welfare safety net in place."


Total number of ESA and IB/SDA benefit claimants who died between December 2011 and February 2014 - 81,140.

Of the 50,580 ESA claimants who died in that time, 7,200 were placed in the "Work Related Activity Group" - the group which the DWP consider are capable of taking immediate steps towards being in work.

Of the 50,580 ESA claimants who died in that time, 3,720 were deemed "fit for work" after an assessment.

Of the 30,560 IB/SDA claimants who died in that time, 290 were deemed "fit for work" after and assessment.

Between 2003 to 2013, the mortality rate of those on out-of-work benefits dropped from 822 per 100,000, to 723 per 100,000.

The general working age mortality rate dropped from 305 per 100,000 to 240 over the same period.

The mortality rate of those on Jobseeker's Allowance is lower than those in work - 218 per 100,000 in 2003 to 138 per 100,000 in 2013

Clarification: An earlier version of this story incorrectly claimed more than 80,000 people died within six weeks of being "flowed off" benefits. This was incorrect and was changed within 15 minutes of the story being published. We apologise for the error.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 11:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tragedy as baby forced to sleep in car with homeless parents dies
Baby Donald
Lauren Howard / Sunday 27 September 2015 / News
http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/13785482.Tragedy_as_baby_who_sle pt_in_car_with_homeless_parents_dies/

A BABY forced to sleep in a car with his homeless parents has died.
Donald, who was born prematurely at Poole Hospital, was just two-months-old when he passed away.
He and his parents featured in the Daily Echo in July when they spoke about their struggle to find a home in the Bournemouth area.
The cause of Donald's death is not known at this time.
The family's plight was originally highlighted by Claire Matthews, who runs the Hope for Food soup kitchen in Bournemouth. Claire contacted the Echo to say Donald had died and said his parents, now living in Kent, were "grief-stricken."
"They are in a very dark place at the moment, they have nothing to live for now," she said.
Claire, whose organisation has offered to help pay for Donald's funeral, said the parents did not want to talk more about the circumstances of his loss at this time.
The couple are understood to be living in a bed and breakfast and have yet to find permanent housing.
In July, they said they were unable to find enough money for a deposit and had stayed at a Boscombe bed and breakfast for a couple of nights, and had also slept in their car.
They said they felt let down by local councils.
Both Poole Borough Council and East Dorset District Council were contacted for comment after it emerged the mum had contacted their housing departments for help in the past. A spokesman for East Dorset said they had never received any requests to re-home the family.
Poole Borough Council confirmed their housing officers had spoken to the couple, and had offered advice and support, but were unable to help because she was based in Verwood at the time of her inquiry.
Donald's mum, referred to only as 39-year-old Jane, was admitted to Poole Hospital suffering pre-eclampsia and kidney problems. Donald was delivered two weeks early by emergency caesarean section on July 6. The pair were kept in for a week due to ongoing concerns for Jane's health, and the baby boy was also admitted to NICU for a time due to low blood sugar levels.
The first time mum, who didn't think she would ever have children, told the Echo at the time: "I love him to bits. I just want him to be safe."
After hearing of Donald's death, Ben Tomlin, housing services manager, Borough of Poole said: "Borough of Poole was contacted by the mother and though she was not eligible, she was provided with as much support and guidance as possible.
"She last approached us in May and hadn’t returned to Poole for help after her baby was born. Our deepest sympathies are with her at this time."

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 2:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My mum died after being left in her own urine for eight days
17:35, 1 AUG 2015 UPDATED 22:48, 1 AUG 2015
Daughter claims her tragic 69-year-old mum was left in a disgusting condition as carers "neglected her and took away her dignity"

A devastated woman has accused care workers of negligence following the death of her mum – who was left lying in a urine-soaked bed for eight days.

Margot Green, 69, was being visited by carers at her home twice daily but one day pressed her emergency alarm and was rushed to hospital.

Doctors at Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton found the pensioner was in agony with ammonia burns.

Although medics confirmed she had an infection, she was too frail to have more tests and died four days later.

Daughter Corrin Garland, 43, says she returned to her mum’s house and was horrified to find it in a “disgusting” condition. Margot’s bed was covered in urine and faeces and Corrin claims she had not been showered for three weeks.

Corrin has now made an official complaint to Way Ahead Care, who provided Margot with two half-hour care visits each day for £35 a week.

SWNSMargot GreenTragic: Margot Green
The carers were supposed to wash Margot, prepare her meals and make sure she was taking her medication.

Speaking from her home in Ilminster, Somerset, Corrin said: “When I saw the burns all over my mum’s body, I was horrified. Doctors told me she had been lying in her own urine for eight days and that she was in a lot of pain.

“It’s absolutely disgraceful that four different carers saw her during that time and not one of them washed her or changed the bed. It haunts me to think of mum lying in those conditions and too proud to complain. She paid for those carers so she could be as comfortable as possible – but they not only neglected her, they took away her dignity.”

SWNSMargot Green's burns which she suffered whilst in careBurns: Margot Green's burns which she suffered whilst in care
Margot, a former landlady, suffered with bronchiectasis – a condition that left her lungs infected and filled with fluid – for six years and struggled to breathe.

Last year, she developed heart problems and sought help from Way Ahead Care in Taunton, Somerset.

Corrin said: “Mum had taken a turn for the worse and was really poorly. She came to me one day and said she really wanted carers to come into her home. She received disability living allowance so she only had to pay part of the costs. We decided it was worth it so that she would be well looked after.”

SWNSMargot Green's living conditions whilst she was in careSoiled: Margot Green's living conditions while she was in care
But even though the carers were supposed to be visiting, Margot’s condition deteriorated fast.

Corrin said: “Mum was mobile and in reasonable health but then started struggling. She moved from her bed to the sofa, sleeping on a mattress topper with incontinence pads underneath.”

On July 10, Corrin received a call to say her mum had pressed her emergency alarm and been rushed to hospital. She said: “When I got to her bedside, she rolled over and showed me her back, legs and tummy were all covered in raw urine burns. I couldn’t imagine the pain.”

Doctors told Corrin that her mum also had a temperature and would be kept in for observation, so she went to her house for some belongings – and was horrified by what she found.

Corrin said: “As soon as I opened the door I was hit by the smell of bodily fluids. It nearly made me sick, it was so strong. And when I saw where she’d been sleeping, I was shocked. The mattress topper was covered in faeces and urine.”

Corrin immediately complained to Way Ahead Care and health regulator the Care Quality Commission, which agreed to look into the case. But just four days later, she was told her mum had an infection. Margot died later that day.

Corrin said: “They confirmed she had been left in a urine-soaked bed for eight days. They said either she had caught a chest infection from breathing in ammonia for so long, or the urine had got into her blood. I was devastated.”

Corrin is now awaiting the results of a postmortem to confirm where the infection started.

She said: “As soon as we know those details, I can take legal action. The carers’ notes showed they had only been spending 15 minutes with my mum, rather than 30 minutes. My mum deserves justice and I’ll make sure she gets it.”

Way Ahead Care director Richard Smith said: “We are cooperating with the investigation.”

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 11:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

HMRC: 'We have 300 staff chasing £70Bn bank tax evasion & 3,250 chasing £1Bn benefit fraud':

5m 45s in here

'You can steal £22 billion... and nobody seems to go to prison' - Paul Moore on HSBC scandals



"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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