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UK VIPaedophile enquiry: Butler-Sloss, Woolf, Goddard, Jay..
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Child sex abuse inquiry: Leading Westminster figures including ex-Home Secretary Leon Brittan named in Government documents
18:49, 22 JULY 2015
The documents name Margaret Thatcher's former parliamentary secretary the late Sir Peter Morrison, former Home Secretary Sir Leon Brittan, former diplomat the late Sir Peter Hayman and former minister the late Sir William van Straubenzee
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/child-sex-abuse-inquiry-leading-6 119145

Leading Westminster figures from the 1970s and 80s including the late Leon Brittan have been named in Government child abuse documents, it was reported last night.

Sky News said that after months of requests Whitehall has finally revealed that papers do exist relating to Margaret Thatcher's former parliamentary secretary the late Sir Peter Morrison, former Home Secretary Sir Leon, former diplomat the late Sir Peter Hayman and former minister the late Sir William van Straubenzee.

It came after the Government released the details in January of a file prepared for Mrs Thatcher's office on the ‘unnatural sexual’ behaviour of one of the men Sir Peter Hayman.

The new batch of file names reveal there were further Government papers relating to the former MI6 man and career diplomat.

The content of the papers have not been revealed, however.

Sky News said the documents have been shared with the police and will be passed to the Child Abuse Inquiry led by Justice Lowell Goddard.

Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty ImagesBritish diplomat and former High Commissioner in Canada, Sir Peter HaymanFormer British diplomat Sir Peter Hayman
There was fury from MPs that ministers had revealed the information on the day after the Commons rose for its summer break.

Labour MP Tom Watson, who has campaigned against child abuse, accused the Government of "sneaking out" the documents during the parliament recess.

This meant MPs could not "scrutinise properly" the papers nor "hold ministers to account," he said.

"They suggest allegations were made around child abuse in the mid 1980s involving politicians and for whatever reason the security services and police failed to follow through these allegations," he said.

"Three years ago no one would have believed that very powerful people could have abused people and the agencies of the state covered them up to protect their reputations.

Margaret Thatcher’s former parliamentary secretary the late Sir Peter MorrisonSir Peter Morrison
"Now everyone believes that happened.

"The Goddard inquiry now needs to make sure it gets access to all these files and documents."

A review of government papers last year by Wanless and Whittam failed to find many of the relevant abuse files held by Government departments.

The Cabinet Office apologised for the "flaw" in the way they responded to the request for the information.

Permanent Secretary Richard Heaton wrote to Whittam and Wanless in May saying: "I deeply regret that the Cabinet Office failed to identify the papers in question when you first asked for them."

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 7:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why is the Goddard Inquiry a threat to the Crown?
Posted on July 25, 2015 by lawrence serewicz
https://lawrenceserewicz.wordpress.com/2015/07/25/why-is-the-goddard-i nquiry-a-threat-to-the-crown/

Mobbing the Tories by American Patriots in 1775-76; the Tory is about to be tarred and feathered (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The inquiry threatens the UK regime’s very fabric. What the recent Cabinet Office documents indicate is that the powerful pedophile predators were known.[1] The Crown knew about them. The police had files on them. The Home Office and the Cabinet Office had files on the allegations. In itself, this is not surprising given they have a responsibility for law enforcement within the UK. [2] Most of the names mentioned were already known or publicly suspected. Three things in particular make the inquiry a threat to the UK regime.

The government and its defenders need to prove their integrity.

First, the revelations and the inquiry undermine all official pronouncements by powerful figures that they and their cohort are beyond reproach. The defense based on authority and status has suddenly crumbled.[3] The files that confirmed what victims and survivors had claimed about the powerful predators. Those who had defended the reputation now face a reckoning. Were they deceived about the past or did they know? Either way, the claims of other powerful defenders is now in doubt. The integrity of any public person or any public statement must be taken with a grain of salt. There can be no more arguments from authority where a powerful political figure bullies the public into submission with claims of unimpeachable rectitude and integrity.[4] Not only is individual integrity in doubt, the integrity of the regime is in doubt. The best parallel to this is the Watergate crisis. In that crisis, the government lied to the American people and tried to cover it up. The President was shown to be dishonest. The arcana imperii were revealed[5] and people stopped trusting the government.[6] In response, government sought to reassure the public through open meetings laws, FOIA amendments to make it stronger, and more stringent financial reporting. As an aside the UK is in the midst of review to *restrict* the FOIA. Yes, that is correct, in the midst of a crisis of confidence that involves claims of a large scale cover up, the government has embarked on a review of FOIA to *reduce* its effectiveness.

The UK is founded in force and coercion not consent and reason.

Second, the regime is based on coercion not consent.[7] Such a regime, while it has a democratic veneer, is only in place from force of arms. No election or constitution created the Crown. Its legitimacy comes from the force of arms. Even though the coercion is now implicit rather than explicit, it is ever present. The implicit nature of that coercion is seen in the Oaths of Office. Through the Oaths of Office, the Crown has a monopoly of force. All the Crown’s major elements, not including the civil servants, swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen. The Army’s oath is the most extreme. They swear to protect the Monarch, not the state or the people, against all enemies.[8] In such an oath, the People might be a threat. If the people were to attempt to change the regime by force, the Army is duty bound to the Queen not to the people. Even in a situation where the Crown’s behavior is egregiously immoral and inhuman, the Army are bound to her not to a constitution or a higher law. Without consent, the regime has to rely on its force. If the institutions of force, the police and the military refuse to enforce the political order, the regime collapses.

The Crown only exists to promote the public good. How is protecting predators a public good?

Third, the Crown has broken its covenant with the people. The Crown is only accepted as long as it acts for the public good. In fact, its powers only exist for the public good.[9] The regime relies on an implicit social contract that the Crown protects the people. At a basic level, the Crown protects them from foreign enemies. At a more advanced level, it is to protect them from powerful predators, such as criminals, who prey on the people. The Crown through the force of arms and the laws will suppress criminals and the powerful who would prey on people. In other words, the Crown keeps the peace and ensures justice. Yet, the bargain or the contract only works if the Crown does not prey on the people. If the people, aware that the Crown knew about the powerful predators, continue to obey it? Should they obey it? What will sustain the Crown once people realize its complicity in these crimes?

No regime is stable that allows the powerful to prey on the weak and the vulnerable

History has shown that a regime will remain stable so long as the poor and weak are not exploited. The weak will not revolt or challenge the rulers if they are protected and free of abuse.[10] The regime, though, has to restrain the predatory few within the privileged. In this task, the Crown failed. It knew about and the predatory few. It did not bring them to justice. We now know that the government knew and the Crown failed to keep its bargain.[11]

The Crown exists to protect the people. When it fails to protect them why keep it?

At its root, the CSA Inquiry reveals a constitutional crisis. The regime, the Crown, has failed to protect its people. The Crown knew about the abuse and did not stop it. The same Crown, the same regime, is in power today. Unless it reforms itself, it cannot claim to have any moral legitimacy in the public’s eyes. How can anyone working for the government justify this behavior? How can any one look at a police officer or a government official knowing that the regime they work for allowed this to happen and did nothing about it for more than 30 years? What is truly frightening is that these are only the ones they have been willing to disclose. What about the other issues?

Who would obey a regime that relies on force and allows the powerful to prey on the people?

Who would obey such a regime or believe what it has to say? Over the next five years, the disclosures are going to get worse not better. The inquiry will show the public just how corrupt it is and nothing will change that fate. What happens as a result will determine the regime’s fate. You can have the soldiers, the courts, the judges, the police and the politicians, but that does not make your rule legitimate or honourable, which is what the Goddard Inquiry has begun to reveal.

[1] See for example this article that reveals the Home Office had the files http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2919664/Secret-file-detailing- unnatural-sexual-behaviour-Westminster-VIP-paedophile-scandal-80s-disc overed-probably-seen-Margaret-Thatcher.html and http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2919664/Secret-file-detailing- unnatural-sexual-behaviour-Westminster-VIP-paedophile-scandal-80s-disc overed-probably-seen-Margaret-Thatcher.html

[2] For an analysis of their search efforts see https://lawrenceserewicz.wordpress.com/2014/11/17/records-management-a nd-the-wanless-report-on-home-office-files/ and more generally http://thoughtmanagement.org/2015/02/01/who-cares-if-records-get-lost/

[3] See for example Dominic Lawson’s stout defense of Leon Brittan before the revelations of 22 July 2015 http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/comment/columns/dominiclawson/arti cle1513628.ece

[4] One is reminded of Lord Scarman writing is almost bullying tones about anyone who would dare impugn the integrity of the senior Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) officers. Writing in 1981 he said

“The direction and policies of the Metropolitan Police are not racist. I totally and unequivocally reject the attack made upon the integrity and impartiality of the senior direction of the force. The criticisms lie elsewhere – in errors of judgment, in a lack of imagination and flexibility, but not in deliberate bias or prejudice”. (Para 4.62, p 64).

Found in the MacPhereson Report https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/f ile/277111/4262.pdf Paragraph 6.8 concerning the allegation that the MPS was a racist force. Events proved Lord Scarman’s statement to be false and suggested he was either completely unaware of the police corruption, which is strange given the numerous scandals, even at that time, or he was making the statement to protect the establishment from criticism.

[5] The child abuse is some of the UK’s arcana imperii https://lawrenceserewicz.wordpress.com/2015/04/13/official-secrets-act -and-child-sexual-abuse-inquiry-arcana-imperii-and-the-secrets-of-stat e/

[6] The chart shows how trust in US government declined steadily from 1968 and accelerated after Nixon’s resignation. The graph, copyright of the PEW foundation, shows the decline over 50 years.

http://www.people-press.org/2013/10/18/trust-in-government-interactive  /

[7] See Xenophon’s Memorabilia. Book I 2.41-46. If a regime rules without consent, it is tyrannical. The UK citizens have not consented to have the Queen as their ruler and they must accept the next ruler, as they have no choice in the matter. The people may change the party in power, but they can change neither the government nor the regime. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01. 0208%3Abook%3D1%3Achapter%3D2%3Asection%3D41

[8] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oath_of_Allegiance_%28United_Kingdom%29# Armed_forces .“I swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will, as in duty bound, honestly and faithfully defend Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, in Person, Crown and Dignity against all enemies, and will observe and obey all orders of Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, and of the generals and officers set over me.”

[9] “The reason is constitutionally fundamental: the Crown’s powers exist not for its own benefit but for the public good”. See the Lecture by Stephen Sedley The Royal Prerogative Then and Now. http://www.innertemple.org.uk/downloads/members/lectures_2014/lecture_ sedley.pdf

See also

The claim that the Crown may do anything an individual may do logically involves a claim that Ministers have an unfettered discretion in doing such things. But, as Sir William Wade once pointed out (in a passage subsequently approved by the Appellate Committee106),
“The powers of public authorities are…essentially different from those of private persons… a public authority [must act] reasonably and in good faith and upon lawful and relevant grounds of public interest. Unfettered discretion is wholly inappropriate to a public authority, which possesses powers solely in order that it may use them for the public good”. www.blackstonechambers.com/document.rm?id=373

[10] Aristotle Politics 1297b “For the poor are willing to remain tranquil even when they have no share in the prerogatives, provided no one acts arrogantly towards them nor deprives them of any of their property. Yet this is not easy; for it does not always turn out that those sharing in the governing body are the refined sort.” Politics Carnes Lord Translation University of Chicago Press

[11] http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/mi5-helped-margaret-thatcher-cove r-6120006

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 11:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Making sure the screams can finally be heard
For years reports on Nottingham’s children’s homes were simply ignored. One inspector tells Margarette Driscoll what drove her to keep her heartbreaking files
Margarette Driscoll Published: 21 June 2015

Nottingham council used Childrens Home Inspector Joni Cameron-Blair so they could cover-up crime



When Joni Cameron-Blair first saw the forbidding red-brick facade of Beechwood children’s home in Nottingham she was already close to despair. She was 15 years old and her home life was in disarray. She had been beaten up by her father, who was suffering from a psychiatric disorder, and was taken into care for her own protection. Beechwood was supposed to be a place of safety but turned out to be a nightmare that has left lifelong scars.

“It had previously been a remand home and the cells, with barred windows, were still there,” she says.

“I was locked in solitary confinement for hours in a cell with no toilet and no access to water or food. I’d done nothing wrong. The staff were meant to be looking after us but kids were routinely kicked and beaten. These were children with no one to protect them or speak up for....

http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/newsreview/features/article1571054 .ece

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 7:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What a weird looking woman Goddard is
New inquiry has drawn most of its staff from the Home Office and other government offices.

Survivors Question Role of U.K. Home Office in Child Abuse Inquiry
By Leah McGrath Goodman 8/17/15 at 3:33 PM

http://europe.newsweek.com/survivors-question-role-u-k-home-office-chi ld-abuse-inquiry-331656

After years of horrifying revelations about sexual abuse of children by people of power and influence, Britain called in a judge from New Zealand in a bid to guarantee the independence of a new inquiry into what appears to have been a massive institutional cover-up for decades.

In an opening statement July 9, Judge Lowell Goddard said she will lead a team that will investigate thousands of allegations of abuse perpetrated by "people of prominence in public life." Cases involve both present and former high-ranking officials in central government, MI5 intelligence and security services, the Metropolitan Police Service's Special Branch and the state-owned BBC.

The department that oversees many of those authorities is the Home Office, a catchall ministry that is one of Britain's most potent institutions, in charge of immigration, police, domestic security and MI5. So when survivors like Andrew Lavery, who was abused in his early teens at the hands of Benedictine monks, learned that dozens of Home Office staff were being seconded for the inquiry, he was stunned. "How can the Home Office investigate themselves?" he asks. "It's toxic."

The Home Office is at the center of some of the most egregious allegations the inquiry will be investigating, including accusations that Leon Brittan, who was home secretary in the 1980s and died in January, was an abuser.

In late July, it emerged that the Home Office failed to turn over documents to an inquiry in 2014 that sought to determine whether the office deliberately "lost" key evidence that might have resulted in the apprehension of accused child abusers working in the highest echelons of government, including Brittan. Among the documents reportedly lost was a list handed to Brittan in the early 1980s, while he was still home secretary, by a member of Parliament. The list named suspected child abusers in positions of influence and power, including members of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's Cabinet.

The Home Office subsequently destroyed the list, along with more than 100 other files relating to child sex abuse, according to the 2014 review. The review was unable to determine what Brittan did with the files or if the destruction of them was deliberate.

In July, the files the Home Office failed to turn over to the 2014 review were made public, including documents about an unnamed "MI5 officer convicted of sex offenses." According to the 2014 inquiry reviewers, Peter Wanless and Richard Whittam, the recently released documents give rare insight into the attitude of MI5 and the Home Office when it came to suspected pedophiles operating inside the government. As a case in point, they released an excerpt of a memo from former MI5 Director-General Sir Antony Duff to then-Cabinet Secretary Sir Robert Armstrong from 1986.

In it, Duff warns Armstrong about a member of Parliament with a "penchant for small boys," but adds that he's satisfied with the politician's denial. "At the present stage...the risks of political embarrassment to the government is rather greater than the security danger," he says.

Both Duff and the man he was talking about—Thatcher aide and Deputy Conservative Party Chairman Peter Morrison—are now deceased. Armstrong (now Lord Armstrong) has denied any recollection of the memo.

Newsweek has also confirmed that the private papers detailing the minutes of home secretary meetings from 1978 to 1984—key periods of the abuse allegations—are missing from the U.K.'s National Archives, the official document repository of the British government. Officials at the archive say the documents should have been declassified by 2004 (after 20 years), and they are not sure why the papers have not yet been released. The Home Office has not responded to inquiries regarding their whereabouts.

In light of the Home Office's track record, Andrew Kershaw, another survivor of abuse, says he feels deeply uneasy about it having any role in the child abuse inquiry. In an email to Newsweek, he writes, "It was very clear that the Home Office was keen to keep their department and its employees from being investigated by this inquiry. The original terms [of the probe] were drafted to exclude the Home Office from ever being investigated." That changed, he says, only after public protest.

A third abuse survivor and activist, Phil Frampton, says the Home Office ignored survivors' objections to its hands-on approach to what it was publicly billing as an "independent" inquiry. "It is greatly troubling that an inquiry that inevitably will be forced to look at the failings or otherwise of the Home Office has been set up by and is being run by Home Office employees and career civil servants," he says.

Newsweek learned that as of August, 24 of the inquiry's permanent staff members (out of a total of 70) were seconded from the Home Office, and those people were appointed to some of the inquiry's most sensitive senior roles, including those handling highly delicate matters with abuse survivors.

Newsweek also confirmed that an additional 40 of the inquiry's staffers previously held positions in the British government, after cross-referencing with multiple databases, including the office of Britain's attorney general, which has been accused of not prosecuting prominent accused abusers. The inquiry declined to provide Newsweek with a full list of which departments had seconded staff and how many staff came from each department. Some of the departments, it said, included the Department of Health, the Department for Work and Pensions and the National Archives.

John O'Brien, for example, was formerly head of safeguarding for vulnerable children and adults at the Home Office. He has been employed as head secretariat to the inquiry and personally "recruited the core administrative and support staff," as well as "managed all of the essential preparatory work over the past three months," according to Goddard, who approved the senior appointment. O'Brien declined to comment through a representative, as did Goddard.

Those who moved from the employ of the Home Office to the inquiry also include a team of Home Office staffers who previously worked under O'Brien, such as Usha Choli, appointed head of engagement and stakeholder relations for the inquiry, as well as Cheryl Mendes and Helen Griffiths, who worked in administrative roles under O'Brien at the Home Office and continue to do so with the inquiry.

The survivors say that until more is known about the Home Office's role in the scandal, they are particularly sensitive to any long-serving Home Office staff joining the inquiry, as they fear that even staff members not accused of any wrongdoing may be more inclined to hold the Home Office's priorities above those of the abuse survivors. One staffer, Angela Kyle, the Home Office's director of strategic risk and analysis, was seconded to a leadership post within the inquiry, setting up operations and administration as head secretariat for the inquiry, until O'Brien took over that role. (She has since returned to the Home Office.) Kyle's career at the Home Office goes back to 1978, overlapping with Brittan's tenure. "When the survivors group met with the new inquiry team for the first time in April, we were shocked to see John O'Brien was running it, and all the people we'd previously met as the Home Office staff—down to O'Brien's secretary—moved over to run the inquiry with new job titles," Lavery says. "It was all the same faces. It was repugnant."

Inquiry spokeswoman Charlotte Phillips—recruited from an office under the attorney general—says Goddard does not view the recruitment of the two dozen staffers from the Home Office, many of whom moved over before the judge's appointment this spring, as compromising to the independence of the inquiry. "Independence is at the heart of the inquiry, and this is protected by the independent decision making of the chair, panel and counsel," she tells Newsweek. She added that the inquiry plans to advertise outside the government to fill an additional 20 jobs.

In response to questions from Newsweek, the Home Office said in a statement it does not believe its shifting of staff to the inquiry created a conflict of interest. "The inquiry is completely independent and responsible for its own recruitment and staffing. Where the inquiry has chosen to take staff on secondment from government, those staff are not reporting to—and are acting entirely independently from—the Home Office and government."

As of late May, an estimated 1,433 alleged offenders, both alive and deceased, were being investigated for child abuse allegations, including 76 politicians, 43 people from the music industry and 135 from TV, film or radio.

At the launch of the inquiry, Goddard promised she would "not hesitate to make findings in relation to named individuals or institutions where the evidence justifies this." She emphasized that while the inquiry cannot impose criminal convictions or mete out punishments, at its core, it will use its statutory powers to investigate claims and engage in "the naming of people that have been responsible for the sexual abuse of children, or institutions that have been at fault in failing to protect children from abuse."

Lavery says he fears that Goddard will not be able to act in the best interests of abuse survivors if she doesn't ensure her team is more independent. "There is an appearance of being sincere and of listening, but in reality the government is still trying to control its interests over the interests of the survivors," he says. "We don't want to be treated with threat or favor. We are not asking for anything other than justice."

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 8:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Harvey Proctor accuses police of 'homosexual witch-hunt' over paedophile ring murder claims
'I am not a murderer or paedophile', says former Conservative MP, as he accuses Operation Midland police of 'witch-hunt' that has 'wrecked his life'
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/11823190/Harvey-P roctor-accuses-police-of-homosexual-witch-hunt-over-paedophile-ring-mu rder-claims.html

By Victoria Ward, video source ITN6:31PM BST 25 Aug 2015
A former Conservative MP who faces allegations of raping and murdering teenage boys while in a pedophile sex gang with Sir Edward Heath has claimed he is the victim of a "homosexual witch-hunt".
Harvey Proctor revealed graphic details of the police investigation into historic child sex abuse in Westminster, including the alleged torture and murders of young boys.
Mr Proctor also named alleged co-conspirators including Sir Edward Heath, Leon Brittan and former chiefs in the British intellgences services, though none have been accused of murder.
The 69-year-old said the "ludicrous" allegations amounted to a "homosexual witch-hunt" that had wrecked his life and would be laughable were they not so serious.
He said he had been accused of the murders of two young boys and implicated in the death of a third during depraved Westminster sex parties.

At a dramatic press conference in central London, he revealed that the other members of his "gang" were​ said​​ to have included Sir Edward, Mr Brittan, Lord Janner, Lord Bramall, the late Maurice Oldfield, former head of MI6​ and the late Sir Michael Hanley, director general of MI5.
"I did not move in such circles," he said, adding that he and Sir Edward had "despised" each other.
Mr Proctor admitted the raft of allegations made against him, about which he has been interviewed twice by police, had left him feeling angry, vulnerable and "in difficulty".
He suggested that he felt he had no other choice but to hold the police, and specifically Scotland Yard's Operation Midland unit, set up last year to probe claims of a VIP paedophile ring in Westminster, to account.
His fury largely stemmed from the fact that all of the allegations have come from one man, a complainant dubbed "Nick", who has been granted the anonymity and who has stated that he was the victim of "systematic and serious sexual abuse" by a group of adult men over a period between 1975 to 1984.

"They amount to just about the worst allegations anyone can make against a person, including the multiple murder of children, their torture, grievous bodily harm, rape and sexual child abuse, Mr Proctor said.
"I'm completely innocent of all these allegations. I'm a homosexual. I'm not a murderer or a paedophile. This whole catalogue of events has wrecked my life."

Mr Proctor said that he should either be charged so he could fight the "preposterous" allegations in open court or his mystery accuser, dubbed Nick, should be identified.
Reading from a police disclosure document that had been sent to his solicitors, the former politician disclosed the harrowing detail at the heart of the investigation, warning before he did so that they were not for the faint hearted.
'I am completely innocent of all these allegations. I am homosexual. I am not a murderer or a paedophile...'
- former MP Harvey Proctor
The first murder was said to have taken place in 1980. "Nick" told police that when he was around 12 he had been driven to a house in Pimlico with another boy of around the same age and they were led to the back of the property.
"Mr Proctor then stripped the victim and tied him to a table," he said, reading from the document. "He then produced a large kitchen knife and stabbed the child through the arm and other parts of the body over a period of 40 minutes.
"A short time later Mr Proctor untied the victim and anally raped him on the table. Mr Proctor then strangled the victim with his hands until the boy's body went limp."
The second alleged murder took place at some point between 1981 and 1982 in central London.
"Nick" claimed he was picked up from Kingston Station before being taken to a party at a residential address in central London at which several men were present.

A group of four boys were told "one of them would die that night" and they had to chose who it would be. When they did not pick a victim they were each taken and raped "for punishment".
Quoting from the document, the former MP said: "Mr Proctor and two other males then began beating the chosen victim by punching and kicking. The attack continued until the boy collapsed on the floor and stopped moving."
Police said "Nick" claimed he had also witnessed the killing of a third boy who was knocked down by a car between May and July 1979.
He said he believed that Mr Proctor and his "group" were responsible. The various allegations of violent sexual abuse were said to have taken place at various locations in London including Dolphin Square, the Carlton Club and various residential addresses.

On one occasion, Mr Proctor is alleged to have abused "Nick" before producing a pen knife and threatening to cut off his genitals before being pursuaded otherwise.
"It was suggested it was Edward Heath who persuaded me not to castrate Nick," Mr Proctor said.
"I was obviously so persuaded by Mr Heath's intervention that I placed the pen knife in Nick's pocket ready for him to present it to the Metropolitan Police over 30 years later as evidence."

The former politican, who at times appeared emotional but was also stoic in his defence, said he had also been asked by detectives if he knew Jimmy Savile, whom was alleged to have attended the sex parties, as well as Leslie Goddard and Peter Heyman.
He was also asked if he had ever visited Elm House guest house in Barnes, South west London, at which various depraved orgies are said to have taken place.
Mr Proctor said the allegations and the way they had been dealt with had eroded his trust in the police.
"The police involved in Operation Midland are in a cleft stick of their own making," he said. "They are in a quandary. Support the 'victim' however ludicrous his allegations or own up that they got it disastrously wrong but risk the charge of a cover up."

Mr Proctor said the police should stop referring to victims of alleged historic sexual abuse as victims as start calling them complainants.
He also called for new laws to be passed to better balance the right to anonymity of alleged victims and the accused.
He said he had "nothing to hide and nothing to fear" and appealed to any witnesses who could place him at the scenes of these crimes to come forward.
"My situation has transformed from kafka-Esque bewilderment to black farce incredulity," he added.
He accused Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe of shedding "crocodile tears" when criticising the IPCC and Wiltshire Police for naming Ted Heath as a suspect.

He claimed that his own name had been leaked while his home was searched and called for him to resign for the "sin of hypocrisy".
He also called for Det Supt Kenny McDonald to resign or be sacked from his position as head of Operation Midland, having publicly declared Nick's evidence to be "credible and true" and that the unit should be wound up.
Mr Proctor was MP for Billericay, but stepped down in 1987 after pleading guilty to acts of gross indecency, following a sex scandal involving male prostitutes.
Earlier this year, his home was searched by officers and a short time later he quit his role as private secretary to the Duke of Rutland. He was interviewed by officers from operation Midland for the second time on Monday.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 10:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ex-cops behind half the VIP paedophile claims investigated in cover-up probe
19:05, 10 OCT 2015 UPDATED 19:05, 10 OCT 2015 BY JONATHAN CORKE
More and more officers are coming forward with allegations that cases involving high-profile figures were dropped
Half the probes into alleged cover-ups of abuse by VIP paedophiles are due to claims by former police officers.
While cops are said to have failed to stand up some reports by alleged victims, more ex officers are coming forward to insist cases were canned.
Sources said this adds “serious credibility” to the inquiries.
Papers seen by the Sunday People on 16 cover-up probes reveal disturbing claims.
One retired officer says that in a search of a paedophile’s home he found a document from the Houses of Parliament listing prominent individuals involved in a child sex ring.
Another claims an operation targeting rent boys in London’s Dolphin Square – said to be the HQ of one ring – was stopped “due to officers being too near prominent people."
An outraged officer says no action was taken against VIPs during a probe into a paedophile ring that led to other abusers being convicted.
Up to five other retired officers claim VIPs were shielded.
London’s Met Police are probing almost 30 allegations involving politicians and dignitaries. Sources said more are expected.
But doubt has been cast over some alleged victims’ accounts. Last week’s BBC Panorama aired claims campaigners encouraged one man to make up allegations.
Some related to late Tory peer Leon Brittan , who was probed over abuse claims but no charges brought. But our revelation that ex-cops are behind half the probes adds extra weight.
Their allegations – of serious corruption and criminal activity by senior officers dating back to the 1970s – are in papers sent by the Met to the Independent Police Complaints Commission. We obtained them after a freedom of information battle.
Yesterday it was claimed Det Chief Insp Paul Settle had quit as head of the Met’s VIP abuse inquiry last year after MP Tom Watson complained to the Director of Public Prosecutions that a rape probe into Lord Brittan had been dropped.
Mr Watson said it was his duty to notify the DPP of the allegations.
A spokesman denied the MP played a part in DCI Settle leaving.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 1:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The job nobody wants: £500,000-a-year New Zealand judge RESIGNS as head of child abuse inquiry over legacy of 'failure' after just a year - the THIRD chairwoman to quit
Dame Lowell Goddard has resigned as head of the child sex abuse inquiry
She is the third person to quit as head of the inquiry set up two years ago
New Zealand judge admitted she was unfamiliar with British law
She was on £360,000 basic salary but spent 70 days abroad or on holiday
PUBLISHED: 19:29, 4 August 2016 | UPDATED: 12:05, 5 August 2016
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3724178/The-360-000-year-New-Z ealand-judge-RESIGNS-head-child-abuse-inquiry.html

Victims today warned the major public inquiry into child abuse must continue despite the surprise resignation of its third chairwoman.

Dame Lowell Goddard shocked campaigners with her decision to quit last night, citing the 'legacy of failure' from the inquiry's repeated false starts and the challenges of working so far from her native New Zealand.

Dame Lowell's decision, which was accepted by Home Secretary Amber Rudd, came hours after criticism of her £500,000 a year pay and benefits package.

Dame Lowell Goddard has resigned as head of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse
Dame Lowell Goddard has resigned as head of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse

Ms Rudd has insisted the inquiry will continue 'without delay' as she begins her search for a replacement. Dame Lowell was herself the third appointment after Baroness Butler-Sloss and then Dame Fiona Woolf were earlier given the job.

The massive inquiry, which includes 13 different investigations, is expected to last at least ten years and is due to consider allegations of abuse dating back decades.

Lucy Duckworth, who sits on the Victims and Survivors' Consultative Panel, today said Dame Lowell had done an 'incredible job' getting the probe up and running.


New Zealand judge who is paid £500,000 a year to lead...

The judge leading the Government's inquiry into historical...
Campaign groups and politicians have called for a replacement to be found 'urgently' but Ms Duckworth said necessary work to put in place support for victims and survivors has been ongoing and must be allowed to continue.

The Home Office created a package for Dame Lowell Goddard that made her Britain's best paid civil servant.

Her basic salary was £360,000 and the deal was worth £500,000 a year including all benefits.

Dame Lowell's rent, car, driver and £12,000-a-year utility bills allowance were all picked up by the taxpayer.

Four business-class return flights to New Zealand for her and her husband, plus two return economy flights a year for her children, were also part of her package.

The cost of all these flights would have cost about £55,000 a year.

Before she even took the job, the judge billed the Home Office for £15,000 in first class flights for her and her husband.

She told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme: 'It's not called the Goddard inquiry, it's the independent inquiry; there are many staff there that are working extremely hard to lay down the infrastructure, which they have done as a foundation.

'We need to make sure that, going forward, survivors that are encouraged to come and share their story with the inquiry are well supported and that is what is taking the time.

'This is a huge undertaking and it would be wrong to instantly start hearing evidence having not put those policies and procedures in place.'

She added: 'It's obviously a very frustrating situation, I'm sure not least for Justice Goddard.

'She did an incredible job, she has set an ethos which puts survivors right at the front of the inquiry.

'I'm frustrated by the situation, I don't think anybody isn't, but I think Justice Goddard gave up a lot, she came over to England from the other side of the world and she worked very hard, she was incredibly professional.'

Justice Goddard, who was appointed in April 2015, tendered her resignation to Home Secretary Amber Rudd (pictured)
Justice Goddard, who was appointed in April 2015, tendered her resignation to Home Secretary Amber Rudd (pictured)

Ms Duckworth continued: 'We need to continue the work that we are doing and there are many staff there who are very committed, who are very good at their jobs, who are working very hard.

July 7, 2014 - Theresa May, then home secretary, announces a public inquiry with the remit of investigating whether 'state and non-state institutions' have taken seriously their duty of care to protect children from sexual abuse within England and Wales. Its chairwoman will be Baroness Butler-Sloss, a retired High Court judge.

July 9 - Baroness Butler-Sloss faces calls to quit due to a potential conflict of interest over a family connection. Her late brother, Sir Michael Havers, was attorney general in the 1980s. Then prime minister David Cameron stands by the appointment.

July 14 - Baroness Butler-Sloss steps down.

September 5 - Dame Fiona Woolf, a leading tax lawyer and then Lord Mayor of the City of London, is appointed as the new chairwoman of the inquiry.

October 22 - Child sex abuse victim launches a legal challenge against Dame Fiona's appointment over her suitability for the role. She is accused of having 'close association' with Lord Leon Brittan, the late Labour peer against whom allegations of sex abuse were later dropped.

October 31 - Dame Fiona quits as chairwoman.

February 4, 2015 - Mrs May tells the House of Commons she is disbanding the former inquiry into child sex abuse and setting up a new statutory inquiry. Dame Lowell Goddard - described as 'one of the most respected and experienced judges in the Commonwealth' - is announced as its chairwoman.

March 12 - New inquiry is set up with same remit as first.

April 29 - Dame Lowell announces the inquiry will conduct a full investigation into the issues surrounding the allegations of sexual abuse against Lord Greville Janner, citing 'clear public interest' over the adequacy of institutional responses to allegations against public figures.

July 9 - Dame Lowell officially opens the inquiry.

October 16 - Former child protection manager Peter McKelvie resigns from the inquiry's Victims' and Survivors Consultative Panel as it is revealed that he may face questioning over his own handling of pursuing allegations of child sex abuse.

November 27 - Inquiry announces its first 12 investigations and Dame Lowell says she is committed to completing the in inquiry in five years.

December 19 - Lord Janner dies aged 87.

March 9, 2016 - Inquiry holds first hearing on the investigation into allegations against Lord Janner.

August 4 - Dame Lowell writes to Home Secretary Amber Rudd to offer her resignation citing her career and family life.

'This inquiry has never happened on this magnitude ever, so there is no point in comparing it to other inquiries like Hillsborough - it is very, very different.'

Labour deputy leader Tom Watson, who campaigned for the inquiry to be set up, urged Ms Rudd to make clear her continued support for the investigation today.

He told the BBC: 'First of all she needs to reassure people that she's still committed to this inquiry, that it will be far-reaching, it will be properly resourced, and have the powers it needs to get to the truth.

'I hope she will be able to explain precisely why Lowell Goddard is gone, I think that's important, but also provide reassurance and a remedy to this very shortly.'

Mr Watson endorsed the structure of the inquiry, which is due to bring together 13 separate investigations - including allegations of abuse at Westminster, in the Church and online.

Justice Goddard, who admitted after her appointment that she was unfamiliar with British law, was selected by Theresa May in February last year.

In a statement following her resignation, the judge said she had found the job a 'struggle' and said she missed her 'beloved family' in New Zealand.

Announcing the resignation, the Home Secretary said: 'I can confirm that Dame Lowell Goddard wrote to me today to offer her resignation as chair of the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse and I have accepted.

'I want to assure everyone with an interest in the inquiry, particularly victims and survivors, that the work of the inquiry will continue without delay and a new chair will be appointed.

'I would like to thank Dame Lowell Goddard for the contribution she has made in setting up the inquiry so that it may continue to go about its vital work.'

Justice Goddard, who was appointed in April 2015, quit last night in a resignation letter that was sent to Ms Rudd.

She wrote: 'I regret to advise that I am offering my resign as chair of the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse, with immediate effect. I trust you will accept this decision.'

Accepting the resignation, Ms Rudd replied: 'I know that this will have been a difficult decision for you to make, and something you will have carefully considered.

'I was sorry to receive your letter, but I accept your decision.'

Ms Rudd described the inquiry as the 'most ambitious public inquiry ever established in England and Wales' and praised Justice Goddard for her work.

'I know how personally committed you have been to ensuring that the inquiry is a success for those at its heart: the survivors and the victims,' Ms Rudd wrote.

'You have consistently demonstrated your desire to leave no stone unturned in order that the voices of those victims might be heard.

'It is a testament to your commitment that you have taken the difficult decision to stand down now, having set the inquiry firmly on course, and allow someone else to lead it through to the end.

'With regret, I agree that this the right decision.'

Dame Lowell Goddard spent 70 days abroad during her first year heading an abuse inquiry
Dame Lowell Goddard spent 70 days abroad during her first year heading an abuse inquiry

Justice Goddard spent more than 70 days of her first year in job abroad or on holiday, it was emerged yesterday.

During her first 12 months in the £500,000-a-year role, she spent 44 working days abroad and 30 days on annual leave.

She earned a basic salary of £360,000, but her rent, car, driver and £12,000-a-year utility bills allowance was also picked up by the taxpayer.

Four business-class return flights to New Zealand for her and her husband, plus two return economy flights a year for her children, were also part of her package.

The cost of all these flights would have cost about £55,000 a year.

The first version of the inquiry was set up in 2014 amid claims of an establishment cover-up following allegations that a paedophile ring operated in Westminster in the 1980s.

Goddard says she'll probe prominent people at inquiry launch
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Baroness Butler-Sloss
Dame Fiona Woolf
Baroness Butler-Sloss (left) and Dame Fiona Woolf (right) both stepped down from the role as head of the child sex abuse inquiry after concerns about their links to the establishment

The inquiry has been beset by delays and controversies since it was first announced by the then home secretary Theresa May.

Baroness Butler-Sloss stood down in July 2014 amid questions over the role played by her late brother, Lord Havers, who was attorney general in the 1980s.

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse is to carry out 13 separate investigations:

Allegations of child sexual abuse linked to Westminster - This will be an 'overarching inquiry' into allegations of abuse and exploitation involving 'people of public prominence associated with Westminster'. It will examine high profile claims involving 'current or former' MPs, senior civil servants and members of the intelligence and security agencies.

The Roman Catholic Church - This will look into the extent of any institutional failures to protect children from abuse within the church in England and Wales.

The Anglican Church - This investigation will look at the extent of any institutional failures to protect children from abuse within the Anglican Church.

The internet - The inquiry will look into institutional responses to child sexual abuse and exploitation 'facilitated' by the internet. This will include investigations of the policies of internet firms.

Residential schools - This will investigate abuse and exploitation of children in residential schools in both the state and independent sector.

Nottinghamshire councils - This will look into the extent of any institutional failures to protect children in the care of Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire councils following allegations of widespread sexual abuse and exploitation.

Lambeth Council - This will examine the extent of any institutional failures to protect children after allegations of abuse in children's homes run by the London authority.

Lord Janner - This will look into allegations of child sex abuse against Lord Greville Janner. The peer, who died aged 87 in December, is alleged to have abused children over a period spanning more than 30 years.

Protection of children outside the UK - This will scrutinise 'grave allegations' that have emerged regarding abuse by individuals working for British institutions and organisations abroad.

Sexual abuse of children in custodial institutions - This will examine the scale of abuse within the secure estate for children and young people. The inquiry has identified Medomsley Youth Detention Centre, County Durham, as the first case study.

Child sexual exploitation by organised networks - This will focus on institutional responses to systematic grooming and sexual abuse of children by groups of offenders as seen in cities including Rotherham, Rochdale and Oxford.

Cambridge House, Knowl View and Rochdale - An inquiry into allegations of the sexual abuse and exploitation of children residing at or attending Cambridge House Boys' Hostel, Knowl View School, and other institutions where their placement was arranged or provided by Rochdale Borough Council.

Accountability and reparations for victims and survivors of abuse - This arm of the inquiry will focus on the support services and legal remedies available to victims and survivors of child sexual abuse.

Her replacement Dame Fiona Woolf resigned following a barrage of criticism over her 'establishment links', most notably in relation to former home secretary Leon Brittan, who died in 2015.

Mrs May officially reconstituted the probe under Justice Goddard in March 2015 and placed it on a statutory footing, meaning it has the power to compel witnesses to give evidence.

The inquiry's terms of reference say that its purpose includes considering 'the extent to which state and non-state institutions have failed in their duty of care to protect children from sexual abuse and exploitation'. It covers England and Wales.

Matthew Reed, chief executive of The Children's Society, said: 'The crucial work of the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse must not be derailed by the departure of the chair.

'The inquiry was established in order to identify the extent to which institutions across England and Wales have failed to protect children against sexual abuse over successive generations. For the sake of victims of abuse, it is important that progress is made quickly to appoint a new chair.

'However, there have now been three chairs appointed since the inquiry was first announced. Given this, it is equally important to ensure the new chair is the right person for the task ahead.'

A National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children spokesman said: 'Whatever the reasons for Judge Lowell Goddard's decision to stand down it is essential that the inquiry continues with minimum disruption and a replacement chair is found urgently.

'Victims and survivors have already waited too long to have their voices heard and for the abuse they suffered as children to be acknowledged and believed.'

Richard Scorer, specialist abuse lawyer at Slater and Gordon who represents more than 50 victims giving evidence at the inquiry, said: 'It is incredibly important for survivors that the inquiry continues so the truth is uncovered and their voices are finally heard. It is crucial that the Home Secretary appoints a new chair as soon as possible so this can happen.'

Labour MP Keith Vaz, chairman of the Commons Home Affairs committee, said the decision to quit was 'astonishing'.

He said: 'This is the third head of the inquiry who has now resigned.

'Serious questions need to be asked about why the Home Office has not monitored events more carefully.

'We will expect a full explanation from both the Prime Minister and the new Home Secretary about these matters. We need to examine again the remit, cost, purpose and ambition of what the inquiry was tasked with.'

One of the 13 strands of the inquiry looked it allegations against Lord Janner, who died aged 87 in December.

Some of Lord Janner's accusers have started civil proceedings to sue his estate, according to his son Daniel Janner QC.

Mr Janner told the Press Association: 'I was about to demand Justice Goddard's resignation as she had refused my application last week to adjourn the inquiry pending the civil proceedings.

'The obscenity of a proxy prosecution against a dead and innocent man who cannot defend himself must stop.

'This is a manifestation of a national frenzy. My late father is not an institution and Goddard was set up to look at institutional failings.

'We are not even given the right to cross-examine in the Goddard inquiry which is why we refused to participate.

'We now seek justice in the civil proceedings.'


'The conduct of any public inquiry is not an easy task, let alone one of the magnitude of this.

'Compounding the many difficulties was its legacy of failure which has been very hard to shake off and, with hindsight, it would have been better to have started completely afresh.

'While it has been a struggle in many respects, I am confident there have been achievements and some very real gains for victims and survivors of institutional child sexual abuse in getting their voices heard.

'I have nothing but the greatest of respect for the victims and survivors, and have particularly enjoyed working with the Victims and Survivors Consultative Panel which I established.'

Dame Lowell stated her resignation was 'with immediate effect' as she quit in a resignation letter to Home Secretary Amber Rudd on Thursday afternoon.

In her statement, Dame Lowell recalls having thought long and hard before taking on the crucial role.

This included 'careful' top-level talks with senior legal and political officials, both in Britain and New Zealand, about it.

She did not give full details about her departure but stated: 'I decided that I should undertake the role, given my relevant experience and track record in the area.

'It was, however, an incredibly difficult step to take, as it meant relinquishing my career in New Zealand and leaving behind my beloved family.'

The scale of child abuse is revealed for the first time as data reveals more than 500,000 women were 'raped' as children

Almost 600,000 women were raped as children, official data revealed today in the first study of its kind.

The Office for National Statistics said 567,000 women aged 16 to 59 suffered 'sexual assault by rape or penetration' as minors. Around 102,000 men in the same age bracket were also attacked.

The data, drawn from the Crime Survey for England and Wales, reveals one in 14 of all adults in England and Wales was sexually abused as a child.

The findings came after the Office for National Statistics (ONS) introduced new questions about childhood abuse in the survey for 2016, which was released on Thursday.

The Office for National Statistics said 567,000 women aged 16 to 59 suffered 'sexual assault by rape or penetration' as minors
The Office for National Statistics said 567,000 women aged 16 to 59 suffered 'sexual assault by rape or penetration' as minors

Javed Khan, the Barnardo's chief executive, said: 'The sheer scale of those who reported witnessing or being abused as children is utterly staggering. It is everyone's responsibility to keep children safe.'

Apart from sexual abuse, 9 per cent of adults who took part in the survey said they had suffered psychological abuse and 7 per cent physical abuse. Some 8 per cent said they had witnessed domestic violence or abuse at home.

Other than in physical abuse cases, women were 'significantly' more likely to report they had been an abuse victim than men, the ONS report found.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 9:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

With the Abuse Inquiry in Disarray, Who Polices the Establishment?
08 August 2016 | Updated 08 August 2016
Will Black Writer with a background in anthropology and mental health care

A day in the life of a child can be very long, intense and memorable. Hopefully most readers can remember some wonder-filled days from their childhood. Special days out with family or adventures with friends, these hours become indelibly imprinted on our minds. They become part of us.

Unfortunately, it is the same with bad experiences. Experiences of child abuse, for example, can remain with the individual for life, casting a shadow over the world. These experiences can also have a detrimental impact on relationships - with relatives, oneself and with society itself - including social institutions that are meant to be trusted.

Therefore, when survivors of abuse have courageously disclosed their experiences (often to then be dismissed), campaigned relentlessly and repeatedly returned to horrific events in a quest for justice, being let down by a public inquiry is a betrayal. But this is exactly what has happened, again and again and again.

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA), was finally established as a statutory inquiry in early 2015, after decades of allegations about children abused within institutions. After the death of BBC presenter and prolific paedophile Jimmy Savile, in 2011, there was a flood of reports of his crimes and those of other abusers in positions of influence. As well as allegations about individuals, a broad range of institutions were accused of failing to protect children and covering up abuse. Politicians were among those accused of abusing children and aiding cover-ups.

When it emerged that more than 100 files pertaining to abuse by ‘VIPs’ had gone missing from the Home Office, then prime minister David Cameron made the outrageous suggestion that those alleging abuse and a cover-up are ‘conspiracy theorists’, Theresa May, home secretary at the time, was less dismissive, stating: “There might have been a cover-up. I cannot stand here and say the Home Office was not involved in a cover-up in the 1980s, and that is why I am determined to get to the truth.”

This was followed by what seemed like an interminable time, in which politicians and the media languidly discussed what sort of inquiry would be required to look into the large scale abuse of children over decades. In the meantime, those who had been abused, whether decades or months ago, risked being triggered by abuse being all over the news, while little progress was being made with an inquiry.

Two attempts, in 2014, to get the inquiry off the ground failed in troubling circumstances. Two chairs in a row quit as a result of links to people alleged to be involved in cover-ups and abuse. The first chair, retired judge Baroness Butler-Sloss, was appointed by Theresa May, but after a few days stepped down. Her late brother, Sir Michael Havers, a former attorney general, had attempted to prevent diplomat and intelligence operative Peter Hayman from being prosecuted for exchanging images of child abuse.

A fresh chair, corporate lawyer Fiona Woolf, was subsequently appointed, but she quit within weeks. Woolf’s reason for quitting was eerily similar to Butler-Sloss’, which raises questions about May’s vetting procedures. Woolf had been a social acquaintance of Leon Brittan, who was home secretary when a dossier about ‘VIP’ child abusers went missing and also had been linked to child abuse and an alleged rape.

One of the most troubling things about political discourse after Woolf quit was the suggestion that it would be hard to find a qualified person to lead the inquiry who doesn’t have links to those under scrutiny. Even if it were true that any notable lawyer is embedded in the establishment, it surely cannot be impossible to find someone who not linked to those accused of abuse or cover-ups. But rather than identify such a person in the UK, Theresa May, in February 2015, appointed New Zealand judge Dame Lowell Goddard, who suddenly stepped down last week.

Having waited decades, in many cases, to be listened to, many survivors are outraged and also worried that the inquiry could fail. Prominent campaigner Ian McFadyen, who was abused at Caldicott Preparatory School, where a paedophile ring operated, told Channel 4 News that May must take some responsibility for the inquiry having no chair.

He said: “I and many other survivors have invested ourselves and our lives in trying to ensure that an inquiry would be set up and would be fit for survivors’ purposes. We have fought hammer and tooth over this, and so I’m actually really beyond disappointed. I’m so angry with what’s happened here. I am angry that, if Justice Goddard was fit for purpose for this role, she would still be in place. So Theresa May has to bear some consequences for this.”

In relation to who should be appointed chair of the inquiry, Mr McFadyen went on to say: “We need somebody who survivors feel they can trust and has demonstrated that they will go the distance with regard to inquiries, and I think Michael Mansfield would be my choice.”

Having cast her net as far as the other side of the world to get Goddard, apparently to avoid someone close to the establishment, it will be interesting to see if May disregards Michael Mansfield, who has said he would perform the role. The QC is far from being an establishment lapdog - he has routinely taken on the establishment on behalf of the underdog and overturned miscarriages of justice, such as the Birmingham Six case. As a result, it is likely that Mansfield would be a more popular choice among abuse survivors than among the creaking political establishment.

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 12:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hatton Garden: Secrets of Tory abuse cover-up that even made heist boss sick
18:01, 3 SEP 2016 UPDATED 18:04, 3 SEP 2016
Brian Reader and his gang found sickening images featuring a prominent Tory cabinet minister during a massive raid in 1971, according to an insider
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/hatton-garden-secrets-tory-abuse- 8762865

Bankers stopped police from uncovering an alleged Tory child abuse scandal unwittingly stumbled on by burglars, a new book claims.

Master thief Brian Reader and his gang found sickening images featuring a prominent Tory cabinet minister during a massive raid in 1971, according to an insider.

The crooks allegedly discovered the vile pictures after tunnelling into a branch of Lloyds in London’s Baker Street and rifling through scores of safety deposit boxes.

Reader – who four decades later masterminded the £14million Hatton Garden heist which also used tunnelling – was said to be disgusted by the images.

But despite claims that the gang left the evidence scattered across the floor for police to find, nothing was ever done – and the pictures never emerged.

Incredible story of how Hatton Garden mastermind Brian Reader became Britain's most prolific thief
Last January the Mirror reported how Reader’s gang had left the damning photos for cops, hoping the paedo politician would be brought to justice.

GettyBrian ReaderBrian Reader
Now, 45 years on, it has been revealed that bank staff were “extremely uncooperative” with police, refusing to provide a full list of safety deposit box holders or let them remove property from the vault.

The Baker Street heist has gone down as one of the most infamous in British history. A gang dubbed the “millionaire moles” tunnelled 40ft under Baker Street – famed as the HQ of detective Sherlock Holmes – and blasted their way into the Lloyds branch.

They stole £3.5million from 268 boxes – worth the equivalent of £40million today – making it Britain’s biggest ever burglary.

For years the main gang members were never known.

But in a new Mirror book, One Last Job, it is claimed that Reader – now aged 77 and serving six years for his part in 2015’s Hatton Garden heist – had a leading role.

A close confidant of Reader said: “It was a shock for the gang when they found photographs of a famous politician abusing children.

MirrorpixRubbish and rubble left in the basement of the Le Sac shop by the robbersRubbish and rubble left in the basement of the Le Sac shop by the robbers
MirrorpixRubbish and rubble left in the basement of the Le Sac shop by the robbersRubbish and rubble left in the basement of the Le Sac shop by the robbers
“They were disgusted and left the photos lying on the floor of the vault for the police to find but nothing was ever done.”

Freshly unearthed documents found in the National Archive reveal there was a “heated argument” between detectives and bank officials inside the ransacked vault.

Police were never even told about any alleged pictures the raiders left and the bank refused to reveal the names of safety deposit box holders without their permission.

The documents suggest bank staff were concerned with protecting their clients’ privacy above all else.

Watch shocking moment cashbox robbers pounce on delivery drivers and spray ammonia in their faces
An internal Scotland Yard memo from 1975, now released, stated: “There was a considerable quantity of property left in the vault and tunnel but after a heated argument with bank officials they took possession of it.

“This property was never handled by police and to this day it is not known what that property consisted of or its value.”

After the raid, detectives wrote to Lloyds asking for details of all deposit box holders and a breakdown of their visits to the vault.

This was prompted by suspicions that one of them could have gained the “knowledge of the room” required to pull off the heist.

PA'Basil' on the second floor at Hatton Garden on day one of the robbery. Carl Wood, William Lincoln and Hugh Doyle have been convicted at Woolwich Crown Court of involvement in the Hatton Garden raidCCTV captured much of the robbery
Gettyhatton garden robberySmashed safe deposit boxes are pictured in the underground vault of Hatton Garden
But Lloyds’ head of security refused, saying it was “a fundamental concept” of British banking to preserve secrecy over the affairs of those who used its services.

An internal police memo from one of the first officers on the scene, Detective Sergeant Barrie Newman, stated: “The vault was in complete disarray with property, including jewellery etc, being scattered about the floor.

“Any property dropped by the thieves was, in fact, retained by the bank on their insistence that it was on their premises and their responsibility. Police are not in a position to say what was left behind and what the bank did with this property.”

Some of the victims of the robbery took civil action against Lloyds and senior officers were asked to provide High Court statements.

Drafts of several statements are in the National Archives.

Pensioner who masterminded Hatton Garden heist is seriously ill in hospital still handcuffed to a prison officer
In one dated 1974 former Detective Chief Inspector John Candlish said: “Whilst the bank provided us with every facility which we required during our investigations they were extremely uncooperative when it came to dealing with the stolen property itself.”

One Last JobDetails of the alleged cover-up are revealed in a new book
Another was from Commander Robert Huntley, who described the disagreement between police and bank staff over who should get “custody” of items taken from safety deposit boxes but left on the floor.

He added: “I recall that there were various inspectors of the bank at the premises and I spoke to the chief inspector and the manager who told me that they had decided not to hand over the property.

“This was probably on the basis that they felt a duty of secrecy to their clients.”

When the bank did finally provide a list of box holders it was incomplete.

Reader, who will be played in next year’s film The Hatton Garden Job by former EastEnders star Larry Lamb, has never confessed to being on the Baker Street raid – but several sources insist that he was there.

Two of his old gang members were eventually convicted.

GettyHoles drilled to access a vault in a safe deposit centre in Hatton GardenThe Hatton Garden raid was the most lucrative in British criminal history
One was car dealer Reg Tucker, 37, who had rented a deposit box and visited the vault more than a dozen times, using his umbrella to measure its dimensions.

Also convicted was Tony Gavin, 38, a barrel-chested former Army PT instructor who lost a stone and a half while digging the tunnel.

Excavations began from the basement of Le Sac, a leather goods shop an associate had leased two doors along.

One gang member who said his doctor had told him to avoid confined spaces was posted as a lookout on a nearby roof, later becoming known as “Sleepy Bob” for complaining about being tired. The blast to blow a hole into the bank vault was timed to coincide with a traffic light turning green so the noise would be masked by rumbling traffic.

How the Mirror reported the story earlier this year
Gavin and Tucker were later jailed for 12 years along with two minor gang members. Reader was believed to have jetted off to Spain while the rest of the team were never caught.

The 2008 film The Bank Job, starring Jason Statham, suggested MI5 orchestrated the break-in to steal compromising pictures of Princess Margaret with a lover.

But the gang insider insists reality was even stranger – and even more disturbing – than fiction.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 7:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

How inquiry into child abuse in England and Wales lost three chairs – timeline
Lowell Goddard has become the most recent person to quit the public inquiry into institutional child abuse
https://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/aug/05/uk-child-abuse-inquiry -lost-three-chairs-timeline

Nadia Khomami @nadiakhomami Friday 5 August 2016 10.30 BST Last modified on Friday 5 August 2016 13.44 BST

On Thursday the chair of the public inquiry into institutional child abuse, Dame Lowell Goddard, resigned from her position, throwing the future of the unprecedented inquiry into doubt.

In a statement, Goddard said the inquiry was beset with a “legacy of failure” which was hard to shake off. Below, we take a look at all the twists and turns.

7 July 2014
Theresa May, then home secretary, announces a public inquiry into child abuse prompted by allegations of a cover-up of the crimes of prominent offenders such as Jimmy Savile and Cyril Smith. She says the inquiry has the remit of investigating whether “state and non-state institutions”, including churches, Westminster, schools, the BBC, hospitals and care homes, have taken seriously their duty of care to protect children from sexual abuse within England and Wales. May says:

Our priority must be the prosecution of the people behind these disgusting crimes … Wherever possible – and consistent with the need to prosecute – we will adopt a presumption of maximum transparency. And … where there has been a failure to protect children from abuse, we will expose it and we will learn from it.

Elizabeth Butler-Sloss, the retired senior judge who chaired the Cleveland child abuse inquiry in the late 1980s, is appointed as chairwoman. The former president of the family division of the high court, who coined the phrase “listen to the children” in her Cleveland report, says she is honoured to be asked to carry out “this important work”.

Elizabeth Butler-Sloss.
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Elizabeth Butler-Sloss. Photograph: Rex
9 July 2014
Lady Butler-Sloss faces calls to quit due to a potential conflict of interest over a family connection. Her late brother, Sir Michael Havers, was attorney general in the 1980s, when reports of child abuse were allegedly not examined properly. But both May and the then prime minister, David Cameron, stand by her appointment.

14 July 2014

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Butler-Sloss resigns as chair of the panel, saying in a statement:

It has become apparent over the last few days that there is a widespread perception, particularly among victim and survivor groups, that I am not the right person to chair the inquiry. It has also become clear to me that I did not sufficiently consider whether my background and the fact my brother had been attorney general would cause difficulties.

Butler-Sloss’s decision to stand down is a blow to the government, which appears to have rushed into appointing her.

5 September 2014
Dame Fiona Woolf, a leading tax lawyer and then lord mayor of the City of London, is appointed as the new chairwoman of the inquiry. She says:

Ensuring lessons are learned from the mistakes which have been made in the past and resulted in children being subjected to the most horrific crimes is a vital and solemn undertaking. I was honoured to be approached to lead such an important inquiry and look forward to working with the panel to ensure these mistakes are identified and never repeated.

Fiona Woolf.
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Fiona Woolf. Photograph: Jonathan Goldberg/Rex
22 October 2014
A child sex abuse victim launches a legal challenge against Woolf’s appointment over her suitability for the role. She is accused of having a “close association” with Leon Brittan, the late Conservative peer against whom allegations of sex abuse were dropped. Calls for Woolf to resign intensify after it emerges that the Home Office helped her rewrite a letter detailing her contacts with Lord Brittan seven times in a way that played down their relationship.

31 October 2014
Woolf becomes the second person to quit as chair. In interviews, she says she realised she needed to “get out of the way” after losing the confidence of victims.

I am obviously sad that people are not confident in my ability to chair what is a hugely important inquiry impartially. I don’t think that it was going to be possible for me to chair it without everybody’s support.

The departure is a major embarrassment for the government and raises questions about May’s judgment.

4 February 2015
May tells the House of Commons she is disbanding the former inquiry into child sex abuse and setting up a new statutory inquiry. Dame Lowell Goddard – described as “one of the most respected and experienced judges in the Commonwealth” – is announced as its chairwoman.

Goddard has been chair of New Zealand’s Independent Police Conduct Authority and sits on the UN subcommittee on the prevention of torture. She is reported as having said:

There have been very few people throughout my career that I have not been able to relate to in any way. These were the paedophiles and the psychopaths. Usually I could relate in a professional way to anyone, no matter what they had done.

11 February 2015
Goddard’s appointment is officially endorsed by the home affairs select committee. Goddard says she has no links to the establishment, telling MPs: “We don’t have such a thing in my country.”

12 March 2015
The new inquiry is set up with the same remit as the first. May says she has listened to demands from survivors that the period of time covered by the inquiry be extended. She says the inquiry is to be placed on a statutory footing “to compel witnesses to determine whether state and non-state institutions have taken seriously their duty of care to children”.

29 April 2015
Goddard announces the inquiry will conduct a full investigation into the issues surrounding the allegations of sexual abuse against Greville Janner, citing clear public interest over the adequacy of institutional responses to allegations against public figures.

Greville Janner.
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Greville Janner. Photograph: ITN/Rex/Shutterstock
9 July 2015
Goddard officially opens the inquiry at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre in London. She says it will not shrink from naming individuals who have abused children and the institutions that allowed it to happen.

16 October 2015
The former child protection manager Peter McKelvie resigns from the inquiry’s victims’ and survivors consultative panel as it is revealed that he may face questioning over his own handling of pursuing allegations of child sex abuse.

27 November 2015
The inquiry announces its first 12 investigations and Goddard says she is committed to completing the inquiry in five years.

The investigations include allegations of child sexual abuse linked to Westminster. Also in its sights are children in the care of Lambeth and Nottinghamshire councils; Cambridge House and Knowl View school in Rochdale and Rochdale council; the Anglican church and the Roman Catholic church. The inquiry will also investigate child sex abuse on the internet, custodial institutions, residential schools and child exploitation by organised networks. Goddard says:

To run 12 investigations in parallel represents an organisational challenge that is unprecedented in a public inquiry in the United Kingdom. We are determined to succeed and expect full co-operation of all institutions and individuals who can assist us in our work.

19 December 2015
Lord Janner dies aged 87 after suffering dementia. He was due to face a “trial of the facts” after a high court judge ruled he was unfit to stand trial on charges relating to child abuse. Liz Dux, abuse lawyer at Slater and Gordon, who represents six of Janner’s alleged victims, says:

This is devastating news for my clients. They have waited so long to see this case come before the courts. To be denied justice at the final hurdle is deeply frustrating. Worse still is that so many opportunities to bring this matter to justice whilst he was well were missed. All they have ever wanted is to give their evidence in court and have these very serious allegations tested and to be believed.

9 March 2016
The inquiry holds its first hearing on Janner, who faced allegations that he had abused 30 victims from the mid-1950s until the late 1980s.

4 August 2016
Goddard writes to the home secretary, Amber Rudd, to offer her resignation citing her career and family life. It comes 24 hours after she is criticised in reports for taking three months’ holiday since being appointed. But her statement suggests there are deeper reasons for resigning, which date back to the inquiry’s inception, and its troubled beginnings. Rudd says the inquiry will “continue without delay” and a new chair will be found.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 7:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Child abuse inquiry judge Dame Lowell Goddard did not resign - she was 'sacked', legal sources reveal
Dame Lowell did not leave her post voluntarily, as she was effectively fired
Left chair of Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse role on Thursday
Had already lost confidence of senior staff and members of inquiry panel
In her first year, she spent 30 days on leave and 44 'working' in Australia
PUBLISHED: 00:42, 7 August 2016 | UPDATED: 02:02, 7 August 2016
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3727441/Child-abuse-inquiry-ju dge-Dame-Lowell-Goddard-did-not-resign-sacked-legal-sources-reveal.htm l

Dame Lowell Goddard, the New Zealand judge who resigned on Thursday as chair of the £100 million Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA), did not leave her post voluntarily but was effectively fired, The Mail on Sunday has learned.

Dame Lowell, appointed by then-Home Secretary Theresa May just over a year ago, had already lost the confidence of senior staff and members of the inquiry panel, according to two well-placed legal sources.

After she gave a stumbling performance at a preliminary hearing on the case of former Labour politician Greville Janner, when she appeared not to understand her own legal powers, this was picked up by Mrs May’s successor as Home Secretary, Amber Rudd, and her advisers.

Dame Lowell Goddard resigns as head of child sex abuse inquiry

Dame Lowell had already lost the confidence of senior staff and members of the inquiry panel, according to two well-placed legal sources

The final straw was the disclosure – prompted in part by questions from this newspaper – that in her first year in the job, she spent 30 days on leave and 44 days supposedly ‘working’ in Australia, although in all that time she held only two meetings with members of a child abuse inquiry underway there. A Home Office spokeswoman last night insisted it was ‘her decision’ to offer her resignation. But asked whether this had been suggested to Dame Lowell by officials because her position was becoming untenable, she refused to comment.

The judge’s departure leaves the IICSA in disarray, for she is the third chair in just two years – though the inquiry has not yet heard a single piece of evidence, and is not set to do so until next year. Dame Lowell’s pay and expenses package was worth more than £500,000 a year. This newspaper has learned that Ben Emmerson QC, counsel to the inquiry, who some have suggested could end up as her successor, is paid £1,700 a day, and in the past financial year earned £408,000 – more than Dame Lowell’s £360,000 basic salary.

There was widespread disbelief at Dame Lowell’s resignation letter, which gave no reason for her departure

There was widespread disbelief at Dame Lowell’s resignation letter, which gave no reason for her departure. Keith Vaz, chairman of the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee, has said he will insist on her giving evidence to explain her actions to MPs. She followed up her letter with a public statement, in which she spoke of IICSA’s ‘legacy of failure, which has been very hard to shake off’ – apparently a reference to the departure of the two previous chairs. The Home Office spokeswoman said the Government rejected the notion that IICSA was a failure, saying: ‘They were her words, not ours.’

This newspaper was instrumental in causing the departure of the second IICSA chair, former Lord Mayor of London Fiona Woolf, after we revealed she was socially close to the family of former Home Secretary Leon Brittan – then subject of allegations, later dismissed, of sexual abuse.

Legal sources say there was widespread dismay among IICSA’s staff and advisers that Dame Lowell seemed unable to get to grips with the colossal amount of material the inquiry was generating, which left her ‘overwhelmed and drowning’, while handicapped by her ‘blurry’ knowledge of English law.

At the preliminary Janner hearing, she seemed to struggle with the very law under which IICSA was established, the Inquiries Act 2005, and unsure whether she could issue orders restricting media reporting. It was also noted that she appeared unfamiliar with the role of a judge during a hearing, failing to invite opposing arguments in the normal way.

‘There were a lot of bewildered barristers in court that day,’ one source said.

She added: ‘This has been building up for months. It wasn’t what Dame Lowell wanted, but what the world saw in court has been evident behind the scenes for a long time. In the end, her resignation became inevitable.’

Dame Lowell Goddard, the New Zealand judge appointed only a year ago by then-Home Secretary Theresa May
Dame Lowell Goddard, the New Zealand judge appointed only a year ago by then-Home Secretary Theresa May

'So, how many days have you had off,' I asked... 24 hours later she was gone

Analysis by David Rose

On Wednesday last week, I put some questions to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA), the ill-starred £100 million behemoth that has lost no fewer than three chairwomen in two years – without having heard a single piece of evidence.

I had been briefed by well-placed sources that Dame Lowell Goddard, the New Zealand judge appointed only a year ago by then-Home Secretary Theresa May, had been spending an awful lot of time in the Southern Hemisphere. It was also being said that she was out of her depth – ‘overwhelmed and drowning’ – as one unkind soul put it: unsure of the facts of the myriad of cases she was investigating, and equipped with only a ‘blurry’ understanding of her role in UK law.

So I sent her a list of questions addressing these issues, including ‘how many days has Dame Lowell worked since she was appointed, and how many days has she taken as leave?’ Just 24 hours later, Dame Lowell, along with her £500,000 pay package, had gone and the first daily newspaper report appeared revealing that on top of 30 days’ leave, she had spent 44 days in Australasia, supposedly ‘working’ – yet held only two meetings with her Antipodean counterparts, the Royal Commission looking into sexual abuse in Australia.

We can say that beyond her £360,000 salary, £110,000 rent allowance, £12,000 utilities stipend, chauffeur-driven car and business-class flights to New Zealand, she was not greedy for more. Her expenses claims, the inquiry spokeswoman told me, amounted to £120.65.

But make no mistake: Dame Lowell did not resign voluntarily, and has given no plausible reason for doing so. Fatally, she had lost the confidence of other members of her inquiry panel, and her senior staff. By the beginning of last week, this had spread to the Home Office.

Look closely at Home Secretary Amber Rudd’s words when she accepted the judge’s resignation: ‘With regret, I agree that this is the right decision.’ This was not a resignation in the usual sense at all. Dame Lowell was fired.

But make no mistake: Dame Lowell did not resign voluntarily, and has given no plausible reason for doing so
But make no mistake: Dame Lowell did not resign voluntarily, and has given no plausible reason for doing so

However, it is impossible not to feel some sympathy for her. It is a truth that if publicity is given to allegations that a famous person once committed acts of sexual abuse, many others will pile in with similar claims. Some may be genuine, but the multi-million-pound industry run by lawyers seeking damages for abuse ‘survivors’ has established a strong financial motive for those prepared to lie. And where police, politicians, and, yes, public inquiries have made clear that their bias is towards ‘believing the victims’, there is little risk of such perjury being exposed.

Mrs May announced the formation of IICSA on the day after Leon Brittan was (we now know falsely) accused of rape. The febrile claims of a ‘VIP paedophile ring’ embracing not only sexual depravity but multiple child murders, peddled by the now-defunct website Exaro and, disgracefully, the BBC, followed swiftly in its wake. By the time Dame Lowell took over, the flood of publicity had given rise to an allegations tsunami. The open-ended remit Mrs May gave IICSA effectively meant nothing could be ruled off limits – while the current rate of new allegations being forwarded to the inquiry team is running at more than 100 a day.

The inquiry is tasked with investigating a bewildering range of diverse institutions from the churches to the NHS. Its scope is simply too vast and amorphous for any chair, no matter how talented, to stand a realistic chance of producing useful conclusions.

But it isn’t just a tighter focus that IICSA needs. Last week this newspaper revealed that the man who, for many years, was the main and only source of claims against the late Labour politician Greville Janner, also made false allegations of sexual abuse against the woman in charge of his children’s home – claims that were dismissed.

From this, there are two lessons for IICSA: one specific, one general. As well as the large institutions the inquiry is set to investigate there has been, until now, just one individual: Janner, who is dead and cannot answer back. The inquiry has, nevertheless, insisted it will make ‘findings of fact’ about him. This inquiry strand should be dropped.

The second lesson is more significant. The loudest voices raised after Dame Lowell’s resignation came from victims and survivor groups. They have an essential role in IICSA’s future, but they cannot be allowed to dictate its form or proceedings, and what the inquiry needs most of all is a degree of what, to them, is anathema – a modicum of scepticism, that accepts that sometimes, for a variety of reasons, supposed survivors of sexual abuse tell lies.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 9:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Labour Party Paedophiles.
Labour are the new Tories
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 11:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shirley Oaks: paedophile ring survivors - no confidence in Alexis Jay
Shirley Oaks: paedophile ring survivors demand action on Alexis Jay


Victoria Derbyshire & BBC London News 14 September 2016

Alexis Jay will receive salary of £185,000pa and London living allowance of £35,000pa as chair of the national child abuse

The council that employed an abuser to look after children
By Nick Hopkins and Jake Morris
BBC Newsnight 1 March 2016

Why have successive investigations failed to establish the full truth behind sexual abuse at care homes in a south London borough?
Justice Lowell Goddard will this month begin preliminary hearings into historical allegations that hundreds of children were abused in a wide range of institutions across the UK.
Establishing the truth about the number of paedophiles who looked after, or had inappropriate access to, children in the care of Lambeth Council in south London is one of her priorities.
In the 1970s, 80s and 90s, Lambeth had it all. Local politics in south London was dominated by big characters with radical ideas. Lambeth was a melting pot - and it became a byword for corruption, fraud and abuse. Abuse, that is, of children who had been placed in the care of the local authority, where they should have been safe.
Lambeth Town HallImage copyrightALAMY
Image caption
Lambeth town hall in south London
Over the last 18 months, Newsnight has spoken to former police officers, officials and survivors who have expressed deep concerns about what went on in Lambeth - not just during the period when children were being abused, but as successive police investigations were launched.
Between 1974 and 1994, more than 14,000 children passed through the care of Lambeth social services, and more than 7,000 were placed in its children's homes. But during the same period, a number of child abusers were employed in Lambeth's children's homes, some of whom have been prosecuted.
The most recent was Les Paul, convicted (for the third time) in January of abusing four boys in his care in Lambeth in the 1980s and jailed for 13 years.
Les PaulImage copyrightMPS
Image caption
Les Paul was jailed for 13 years for abusing four boys in his care
Goddard recently said her inquiry would examine events at five children's homes in Lambeth - Angell Road, Monkton Street, Ivy House, South Vale, and Shirley Oaks. These five care homes were places where children were exposed to sexual abuse and cruelty - Monkton Street and Ivy House were homes for children with special needs.
All of Lambeth's homes had been closed by the mid-1990s but by then, they had been infiltrated by paedophiles for at least 30 years - and survivors are still coming forward.
Documents obtained by Newsnight show investigators believed there were at least seven men who were abusing children at Angell Road alone. This was regarded as an "inner circle". The suspicion was that many more were involved.
Five Lambeth-run children's homes where sex abuse took place
A long-running police inquiry - Operation Middleton - which looked at all the borough's children's homes over a 20-year period, concluded there were at least 35 men and women who had abused children. In its final report, investigators said 16 suspected abusers died before the inquiry began - and another 19 could not be identified.
This figure does not include the men who have been arrested and charged. One killed himself on the eve of his trial. Add those to the total and there were up to 50 paedophiles abusing children in Lambeth's homes.
The recently set-up Shirley Oaks Survivors Group believes that is a severe underestimate. The group already has more than 600 members. Many of the survivors do not trust the police and are undecided about whether they will ever feel confident enough to come forward.
Goddard will hold a preliminary hearing on 24 March at the High Court when her team will set out how it intends to look at Lambeth. But she has already said her team will probe "the extent to which there was a culture within the council which inhibited the proper investigation, exposure, prevention, and reparation for child sexual abuse".
Over the years there have been a number of inquiries - by the council, the police, and independent experts - into Lambeth. But they were all limited in scope. None of them attempted to tell the whole story, to pull all the strands together. That is what Goddard is attempting to do.
Judge Justice Lowell Goddard
Lowell GoddardImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Born in Auckland, New Zealand, she is leading the Independent Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse into historical child sex abuse in England and Wales
Third person to be appointed chair of the inquiry since it was set up in 2015
Serving judge of the High Court of New Zealand and UN committee member with experience of working with victims of sexual assault
In 2007, she was appointed chairwoman of New Zealand's Independent Police Conduct Authority
Survivors believe this might be the last chance of unravelling what went on in the borough. Goddard's team is already asking questions that will take her into deeply sensitive territory.
Nobody doubts that paedophiles were operating seemingly at will in Lambeth - the question that remains is whether successive inquiries unravelled the full extent of the abuse, and to what degree this behaviour was coordinated by a large group of abusive men.
How did Lambeth find itself so compromised?
In the days when police checks were not as rigorous as they are today, councils were occasionally unlucky enough to employ predatory paedophiles. Lambeth was unlucky time and again, over 20 years, in several children's homes. Was that just negligence? Or was something else at play?
One man - Michael John Carroll - will be central to the investigation.
Goddard says she will examine "the involvement of Michael Carroll in the sexual abuse of children in the care of the council; his recruitment and continued employment by the council; and the circumstances surrounding his application to foster a child and the council's subsequent account to the Clough Inquiry".
Carroll is better known by his second name, John. He was employed by Lambeth in 1978, became manager of the Angell Road home in 1981, and continued to run the home in Brixton until he was sacked for fiddling his expenses in late 1991.
To begin with, Carroll was considered an exemplary manager who ran a model home. But he had a reputation as a bully to other staff - and as a disciplinarian with the children in his care, who were as young as three.
Former Angell Road care home
Image caption
The former Angell Road care home where Carroll was manager
Lambeth knew Carroll was a problem long before he was eventually dismissed. In 1986, it discovered something that should have excluded him from working with children. Carroll already had a conviction for child abuse - which he hadn't disclosed when he had applied for a job in Lambeth. But the conviction, and his failure to disclose it, did not lead to his dismissal.
In mid-1986, three of Lambeth's most senior officials held a secret disciplinary hearing, and decided to leave him in post. And when Carroll asked if he could turn Angell Road into a centre to provide therapy for victims of child abuse, Lambeth agreed. The police even sought advice from him when they were investigating alleged child abuse in another home, South Vale.
When Carroll was sacked in 1991, the press discovered he had a previous conviction for child abuse - and it provoked a huge row within the council. The then chair of the social services committee demanded an inquiry to look at why he hadn't been sacked in 1986. It was run by Richard Clough, then general secretary of the Social Care Association.
In June 1993, Clough ruled that Lambeth should not have left Carroll in charge of children. He pointed out: "It is now unlikely that a schedule one offender, anywhere, would be permitted to remain in employment in such a sensitive post."
Lambeth was supposed to disclose to this inquiry everything it knew about Carroll. In particular, they were looking at claims Lambeth lobbied on Carroll's behalf when he asked councils for permission to foster children of his own.
John Carroll with kids (faces blobbed out)
Image caption
Carroll, pictured during his employment by London Borough of Lambeth
Carroll approached another south London borough, Croydon, for approval, but officials turned him down flat when they discovered he was already a convicted paedophile. Another London borough, Wandsworth, had the same reaction. And Southwark too.
Clough was told about Carroll's approaches to Croydon and Wandsworth. But he wasn't told anything about Southwark.
Newsnight has spoken to two witnesses who say Lambeth officials pressured Southwark to reverse its decision to refuse Carroll's fostering application. This culminated in a face-to-face meeting, which ended in an almighty row.
Carroll was arrested in 1998 - and a year later a he was convicted of 35 offences, including buggery of young boys. Another 40 charges were left on file. He was sentenced to 10 years in jail and served five.
Michael John Carroll
Mug shot of Michael
Image caption
A police shot of Carroll at the time of his conviction in 1999
In charge of Angell Road children's home in Lambeth 1981-1990
In 1999, plead guilty to 35 charges of indecent assault and buggery of young boys in the 1970s and 80s in Merseyside and London
Had originally pleaded not guilty to 70 offences
Sentenced to 10 years in prison, released after five years; now lives in the Midlands
Carroll wasn't the only paedophile working in Angell Road.
Another was Steven Forrest - and Goddard has made him another strand of her inquiry. Forrest was a social worker and a team leader from January 1983 until he died of Aids in 1991. A year after his death, a boy who had been in his care began to talk about abuse at the home.
At this stage, Lambeth had known for six years that Carroll had a previous conviction for child abuse, but nobody at the council saw the complaint about Forrest as grounds to investigate further. Nothing was done.
In 1996, the boy, who was now 16 and living in Wales, told a social worker he had been raped by Forrest. The information was passed to Lambeth - but again, it failed to launch an investigation.
This only came to light two years later when Merseyside Police arrested John Carroll and approached Lambeth for information about him and the children in Angell Road. Only then, under pressure from the police, did Lambeth acknowledge that an allegation of child abuse had already been made about Forrest - and nothing had been done.
Detectives were aghast at the council's failure to act. Officers also thought the boy who had been abused had a right to know that Forrest had died of Aids. But Lambeth resisted telling him.
The furore around this led to another inquiry, led by John Barratt. He concluded in 1999 that "shocking" levels of organisational incompetence were partly responsible for Lambeth's inaction. But he said he was unable to fully comprehend why Lambeth had done nothing: "Even when it was pointed out that nothing had happened, still nothing happened."
Some of the inquiries into sex abuse in Lambeth
Front page of Operation TrawlerImage copyrightMPS
Operation Trawler (July-November 1998) - Led by Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll, investigated possible sex abuse in Lambeth by John Carroll, who had run a children's home there
Operation Middleton (November 1998-July 2003) - Led by Detective Superintendent Richard Gargini after removal of Driscoll, covering allegations of child abuse across all of Lambeth's children's homes over 20 years; team included specially-trained social workers alongside police, known as Child Abuse in Lambeth Team (Chile)
Independent Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse (March 2016-ongoing) - Led by Justice Lowell Goddard, reviewing past institutional failures in England and Wales and investigating whether "public bodies and other non-state institutions have taken seriously their duty of care to protect children from sexual abuse"
This may not have been the only case where complaints of abuse were ignored in the early 1990s.
It was quite clear that staff who were paedophiles were recruiting each other and supporting each other and tending to gather in certain homes
Nigel Goldie, Former Lambeth official
Newsnight has been told that a girl accused Carroll of abusing her in Angell Road. Senior officials knew about this by 1993, but nothing was done. Files which might have had potentially important information about the homes were lost or destroyed. Documents were misplaced or suddenly turned up without warning.
In one confidential document, an investigator said: "There have been efforts made to frustrate [our] works, and files have had to be removed with police and it is believed that some people have interest in files not being investigated."
The borough had been "effectively lawless", one very senior Lambeth official says.
Another official, former assistant director Nigel Goldie, says: "It was quite clear that staff who were paedophiles were recruiting each other and supporting each other and tending to gather in certain homes."
There was an intimidating atmosphere in Lambeth at the time the abuse was going on - and this continued when police began their investigations.
Goddard's inquiry will look at "allegations that individuals with information about the sexual abuse of children in the care of the council were the subject of intimidation and potentially lethal violence; and allegations that there was inappropriate interference in law enforcement investigations into the sexual abuse of children in the care of the council".
One woman received threatening phone calls when she began to tell the police what she knew. She claimed someone tried to run down her daughter. A police officer was threatened too. A caller told him he knew where he lived - and mentioned the names of his children.
And there is the unsolved murder of Bulic Forsythe.
He was a senior manager in Lambeth's housing department when he was murdered in February 1993. His death is now being reinvestigated by Scotland Yard. Those who knew Forsythe say he was worried about things he had discovered - and was considering going public. But nobody has ever been able to establish what he had discovered or whether this provoked his murder.
Witnesses told the police they saw three men walking away from Forsythe's flat, carrying bags of documents and files - shortly before his home was set alight. Forsythe's body was inside - his skull had been fractured.
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Media captionNow retired, Det Insp Clive Driscoll had a 34-year career in the Met
Scotland Yard is also re-investigating what happened in late 1998 when an officer, Detective Inspector Clive Driscoll, was removed from his post in Lambeth. Driscoll had set up an investigation called Operation Trawler which was looking at Carroll and his behaviour in Angell Road.
Newsnight has obtained copies of confidential documents that set out the information he was gathering - with names of potential witnesses.
Multiple sources have told the BBC that Driscoll had a number of people he wanted to contact. One of them was a government minister, Paul - now Lord - Boateng.
He had been named by a social worker, Teresa Johnson, as someone who had visited the home while Carroll was manager.
There is no suggestion Boateng had done anything wrong. And he has told the BBC he has no recollection of going to Angell Road or of meeting John Carroll. He says he would have been happy to help the police if he had been approached.
"As a campaigning youth justice lawyer in the 1970s and 1980s, I acted for many young people in care, met many of their social workers and visited many youth facilities in the course of my work."
But might Boateng have had information that could help Driscoll's inquiry? The detective wanted to meet him to find out.
Before Driscoll had a chance to do that, he was axed. He says he was told he was being removed - and disciplined - because he was indiscreet about his plans.
But could it have been that approaching a minister was simply too sensitive?
None of this seems at all clear - which has left many in Lambeth perplexed about what happened behind the scenes to prompt Driscoll's dismissal.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 8:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interesting list sent to Chris Spivey
The who's who of British child sexual abuse VIPaedophilia

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 1:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Theresa May accused of cover-up over child abuse inquiry concerns
It comes after a string of high-profile resignations from the inquiry into historic abuse

Joe Watts Political Editor @JoeWatts_ Wednesday 19 October 201615 comments
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/theresa-may-child-abuse- inquiry-cover-up-concerns-dame-lowell-goddard-stories-a7369976.html

No 10 officials admitted Ms May knew about concerns when she was still Home Secretary PA
Theresa May faces claims of a cover-up after she admitted knowing about concerns over how the child abuse inquiry was being run weeks before any official action was taken to address them.

The Prime Minister accepted there had been “stories around” about the troubled probe when she was Home Secretary, but that it had been impossible for her to act on hearsay.

It follows a string of resignations from the inquiry into historic child abuse allegations, including that of former chair Dame Lowell Goddard who quit earlier this year amid concerns about her professionalism and competence.

Ex abuse inquiry chair was difficult to work with, colleagues tell MPs
Downing Street had said the first Ms May officially knew about concerns was in late July, but inquiry staff revealed issues were raised with the Home Office months earlier.

After being confronted with the new information, No 10 officials admitted Ms May knew about concerns when she was still Home Secretary, some weeks before the end of July.

Following the revelation, Labour MP Lisa Nandy said: “For far too many child abuse survivors, cover-ups, secrecy, institutions that act in denial will be far too familiar.

“And I’m not the first person to say that this feels like a cover-up. In fact there are a number of child abuse survivors who have been involved in the inquiry who are voicing those concerns as well.”

Speaking to Sky News, she added: “If Theresa May is serious about allowing the truth to emerge, and for people to have confidence in this inquiry, then she needs to come clean about what she knew and when.”


Child sex abuse inquiry
Asked by Ms Nandy in the Commons why she had not intervened to address concerns earlier, the Prime Minister claimed it was important the Government not be seen to interfere with the inquiry.

Ms May went on: “There were stories around about the inquiry and about individuals related to the inquiry, but the Home Secretary cannot intervene on the basis of suspicion, rumour or hearsay.”

The Prime Minister accepted claims that some information was discussed with the director general at the Home Office, but said that the individual involved had asked for the conversation to be kept confidential. She said when the Home Office was officially informed in July, it did take action.

Speaking in the Commons, Ms Nandy said: “She set up the inquiry, she appointed the chair, she was the individual responsible for the inquiry’s success.

“She was the Home Secretary in April and she was the only person who had the power to act.”

The inquiry into historical child sex abuse must swiftly recover
PM: no action over racism claims on child sex abuse inquiry chair
Home Office staff 'ignored' warnings about child sexual abuse judge
Row over child sex abuse judge ‘Asian paedophile’ claims
Top lawyer quits child sex abuse inquiry a day after being suspended
The child sex abuse inquiry is failing to achieve justice
National child sex abuse inquiry counsel suspended from duty
New Zealand High Court Judge Dame Lowell resigned from the inquiry after the Home Office was made aware of concerns about her conduct.

But she has since strongly denied allegations against her, including claims that she used racist language, describing them as falsities, malicious and part of a vicious campaign.

The new chair of the inquiry Professor Alexis Jay told a select committee hearing on Tuesday that there had been difficulties between staff because, “it was clear from the beginning that Lowell Goddard really would have preferred to sit on her own without the assistance of a panel.”

Another panel member Ivor Frank told the same hearing that the inquiry’s work was easier when Dame Lowell was out of the country.

On Monday, Professor Jay set out her aim to complete a significant amount of the inquiry’s work by the end of 2020. An interim report is due in March.

Described as the most ambitious public inquiry ever in England and Wales, it was earmarked to take five years, but there have been suggestions it could run for as long as a decade at a cost of up to £100m.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 3:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Former police chief Gordon Anglesea found guilty of historical child sex abuse
He was a senior Freemason
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/gordon-anglesea-wales-p olice-chief-verdict-guilty-child-sex-abuse-paedophile-a7374176.html

Gordon Anglesea would force teenage boys to exercise naked, watch them in the shower and abuse them

Gabriel Samuels @gabs_samuels 20 hours ago
Former superintendent Gordon Anglesea was found guilty of four charges of assault at Mold Crown Court Getty Images
A former police chief who forced teenage boys to exercise naked and spied on them showering before assaulting them has been found guilty of historical sex offences.

Former superintendent Gordon Anglesea, who worked in Wrexham in north Wales, was convicted of one charge of indecent assault against a boy and three charges of indecent assault against another.

The separate incidents took place between 1982 and 1987, against victims who were aged 14 or 15 at the time and lived “chaotic” lives. Anglesea had denied all the charges made against him.

The inquiry into historical child sex abuse must swiftly recover
PM: no action over racism claims on child sex abuse inquiry chair
13,000 Britons seek help to stop looking at child sex abuse images
Top lawyer quits child sex abuse inquiry a day after being suspended
Anglesea ran a Home Office attendance centre in Wrexham in the 1980s where teenage boys convicted of petty crime would be given a "short, sharp, shock" of military-style physical training, marches and parade sessions along with woodwork classes on Saturday afternoons.

The jury heard how the victims were forced to do naked sit-ups and squat thrusts. Anglesea was “answerable to no-one” at the centre and would loiter while the boys were showering.

One of the victims accused Anglesea of "grabbing him by the hair" and indecently assaulting him on one occasion, calling him "scum" and telling him he had the "power to send him away".

At Mold Crown Court, Anglesea told the jury he was the victim of a malicious "conspiracy of lies" by men bitter about how their lives had turned out and motivated by getting compensation, while his defence lawyer accused the victims of “crocodile tears”.

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Giving evidence from the witness box, one victim, now in his 40s, told the court how the attacks by Anglesea had “ruined his life”.

Anglesea was first arrested in 2013 as part of the National Crime Agency's Operation Pallial investigation into historical abuse across north Wales.

Outside court, Ed Beltrami, chief crown prosecutor for Wales, said: "Gordon Anglesea abused a position of power and authority in order to prey on very young and vulnerable victims.

"I would like to thank the victims, survivors and witnesses who had the courage to come forward and provide important evidence in this case. Anglesea's conviction today is a direct result of the prosecution being able to call on first-hand accounts of what happened.

"Operation Pallial continues to have success in bringing perpetrators of abuse against children to justice and today's conviction of Gordon Anglesea represents another important milestone in that process.

"I hope that it will also prove to be a meaningful step in the recovery process of his victims, who have had to live with what happened for a long time before seeing their abuser brought before the court."

Judge Geraint Walters granted Anglesea bail until he is sentenced, at a date to be fixed, but confirmed would be going to jail.

The jury also heard how Anglesea was accused of having "a connection" to notorious North Wales paedophiles John Allen, Gary Cooke and Peter Howarth, who were part of a ring operating in the region using children's homes as cover for their abuse.

In 1994, Anglesea won damages of £375,000 in a joint action against The Independent on Sunday, The Observer, HTV and Private Eye, which were ordered to pay his legal costs after the publications suggested he had been involved with the paedophiles.

Anglesea, now 79, began his police career in 1957 in Cheshire after serving in the Royal Air Force, before being transferred to Wrexham in 1976 where he was promoted to the rank of inspector.

Additional reporting by Press Association


Justice denied has formed a pressure group to protect those denied justice. Join us now by going to www.justice-denied.com every-one welcome! The more of us who join together the more we can use the power we already have to make a real difference.
Thursday, 16 January 2014
http://google-law.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/freemason-and-ex-north-wales- police.html

Freemason and ex North Wales Police Superintendent Gordon Anglesea arrested by operation Pallial for historic child abuse
RETIRED FREEMASON and NORTH Wales Police superintendent Gordon Anglesea has been arrested on suspicion of historic physical and sexual assaults against children.

Rebecca Televison reveals that Anglesea was detained at his Colwyn Bay home in December by officers of the National Crime Agency. He was the 18th person to be arrested as part of Operation Pallial, based at North Wales Police headquarters.
Operation Pallial was set up by David Cameron in November 2012.

ON 12 DECEMBER officers from the National Crime Agency knocked on the door of a house in a quiet suburban street in Old Colwyn on the North Wales coast.
Inside the property they arrested a 76-year-old man and later took him to a police station in Cheshire.

Gordon Anglesea
Anglesea finally Arrested
The detectives were part of the Agency’s Operation Pallial team.
They questioned the arrested man about allegations of child abuse dating back to the 1970s and 1980s.
Seven men have alleged that they were sexually or physically abused by the retired police officer in the period 1975 to 1983 when they were between 8 and 16 years of age.
The following day the National Crime Agency, which is in charge of Operation Pallial, said the pensioner had been released on police bail until mid-April.
The Agency would not reveal his identity. But it is Gordon Anglesea.

Between 1975 to 1983 he was a North Wales Police Inspector based in Wrexham.
He served as a policeman for more than 34 years and reached the rank of Superintendent by the time he retired in 1991.
Anglesea is a Rotarian and a Freemason.
Shortly after his arrest last December, he informed his local Rhos on Sea Rotary Club that he had been detained.
Six days after the arrest, on December 20, Rebecca Television in North Wales rang John Roberts, secretary of the Rhos club. They told him they were planning to name Anglesea. Roberts replied that Anglesea had not resigned.

Roberts said the retired police officer had applied for leave of absence and that the request would be considered at the club’s January meeting. At that meeting, which took place on January 7, Anglesea was given leave of absence until April.

He is a long-standing Rotarian, one of 51,000 members in Britain and Ireland.
He has been President of the Rhos on Sea club on three occasions — 1989-90, 1990-91 and 2007-8.

In 2010 he was the club official in charge of “Youth Service”.
A spokeswoman for Rotary International told Rebecca Television that “while there was a legal process under way, the organisation could not comment.”

Anglesea is also a Freemason of more than 30 years standing.
There are 250,000 masons in England and Wales — outnumbering Rotarians 5 to 1.
In 1976 Anglesea joined a masonic lodge in Colwyn Bay.
In 1982 he became a member of Wrexham’s Berwyn lodge.
He left in 1984 to join a new Wrexham lodge called Pegasus becoming its Master in 1990.

The secretary of the North Wales Province of Freemasonry, Peter Sorahan, said:
“In view of the fact that Operation Pallial is an ongoing investigation, it would be inappropriate for me to comment.” “However”, he added, “I can assure you that if requested by the Police to do so, the Province of North Wales will provide full assistance with their inquiries.”

Masonic HQ, the United Grand Lodge of England based in London, also confirmed it would assist the police if asked.
On January 8 Rebecca Television wrote to Gordon Anglesea informing him that the website intended to reveal that he was the man arrested on December 12.
We asked for a comment. Royal Mail confirmed delivery of the letter. There was no reply.

The present accusations are not the first he has faced.
The background is laid out in the article The Trials Of Gordon Anglesea.

In 1994 a libel jury found journalists had falsely accused him of abusing children at the Bryn Estyn children’s home in Wrexham.
Private Eye, The Observer, Independent on Sunday and the broadcaster HTV paid him combined damages of £375,000 with their legal bills running into several million pounds.
These and other allegations were also considered by the North Wales Child Abuse Tribunal of 1996-2000.
In its 2000 report Lost in Care, the Waterhouse Tribunal found no evidence that the retired police officer had abused children.

story curtesy of Rebecca TV

Gordon Angelsea not only took advantage of and abused children in North Wales Care Homes but made a small fortune from his perjury to the High Court in London. Will operation Pallial now also look at the child porn trade supported by the North Wales Police?

Operation Pallial can be contacted on 0800 118 1199 or by email at operationpallial@nca.x.gsi.gov.uk.

Act Now at 02:55


Anonymous16 January 2014 at 03:42
Will that silence the police paid twitter trolls who have been claiming Angelsea was falsely accused?


Anonymous17 January 2014 at 14:54
What kind of evidence the victims presented? And how come some one investigated for child abuse, was aloud to be around kids? Nothing make sense!


Act Now18 January 2014 at 03:14
As with most child abuse the evidence is the 'victims'. Children do not take videos or photographs of being abused. Children in care homes had no-one to listen to them they were treated as commodities hence no forensic evidence.


Anonymous18 January 2014 at 04:21
Here's the think it should be law that a serving officer cannot be a freemason..


Anonymous18 January 2014 at 13:29
ive spoken to operation pallial and was asked if they could access my medical files and social services files I was told there be no stone left un turned they never accessed any of my files and have just been told they will not take my case further,i was left in a home chevet hey over xmas 85 when Jackie Thomas was meant to be on duty she bought beer for dave birch her shift partner so she could go of and rape a child from another home they attack me but I was able to fight them of (I think) she brought two paedophiles with her to chevet hey on the night, I was there first choice (I feel sick) no one ever asked me any questions about this night but I told social services after I ran away they got me remanded to risley an adult jail at 15 instead of listening and helping me , leave no stone un turned is a phrase they use to make you think they will do everything they can operation pallial chief dci coulton does not even return my calls ,,DISGUSTING


Anonymous19 January 2014 at 12:08


C Rehill22 January 2014 at 08:59
I have been following this case for ages. Was Anglesea protected for so long because he was a mason? Or a bent cop? Or both? Links to child abuse in Norfolk.


Act Now23 January 2014 at 03:21
Perhaps he knew too much! He appears to have been protected well into his old age. Will he be charged? Will he live to go to court?


Anonymous14 October 2014 at 12:46

This is the kind of thing that happens to people who contact the National Crime Agency, Operation Pallial, they end up being totally smeared, have their property smashed, stolen or otherwise interfered with, and are victimised to the point of not being able to live in their homes.


Anonymous28 April 2015 at 02:41
North Wales police are sexual predators, in particular Wrexham police. They are scum!


bobchewie19 November 2015 at 10:47
North Wales cops ran north Wales as their own private fiefdom
Security plod were also there keeping watch for IRA activity coming over via the ferry from Northern Ireland to North Wales coast

Along with them was s bunch of business types who owene and ran Hotels of which Michael John Carroll was part of running
The Hand Hotel.
Also in that ring was crest hotel
Named in North Wales care home abuses


bobchewie17 November 2015 at 10:48
15 year old Peter Watts from Colwyn bay was murdered and died on way to hospital nearby found by a taxi driver
He had suffered skull fracture and internal injuries
His body had been washed clean and his clothes changed

He had left home earlier to meet a friend in Chester with the intention of returning home
Instead his body was found in London on Euston underpass

Peter Morrison was MP for Chester
And Gordon Anglesea was cheif inspector for Colwyn Bay

Note: after the murder of Jason Swift it was said that leslie Bailey from Sidney cooke gang washed and bathed Jason swift body
The cooke gang operated in Piccadilly circus in 70s

Peter Morrison had been frequenting that area too in
same period

Peter Morrison name appeared on hidden govt document along with Leon Brittan and others
Why was there no reporting of Peter Watts murder in any British newspapers at the time?

Why of late the daily mail do a turn around and claim Leon Brittan totally innocent after reporting his name
on that hidden govt list and condemning Fiona woolf
Assocoating with lady Brittan whose now late husband was criticised by the same news papers for
" losing " dossiers and documents
And this turnaround since that disgusting
BBC panorama program?


Anonymous26 March 2016 at 04:50
Peter Morrison was arrested and charged for importuning in the Gents toilets on Crewe station and also elsewhere, eg Gresford. His case came up in Chester Crown Court but was not reported in the press, despite the fact many of the locals knew about it. He had a history of paedophile activities at the time of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE)which was based in Chester, his constituency.

He was involved in the North Wales care home child abuse along with Tom Kenyon, son of Lord Kenyon.

Morrison was reputed to have died from AIDS.

One of the Sunday papers had compiled a dossier on Morrison at the time he was in Thatcher's Cabinet. They were about to publish it when Thatcher contacted their proprietor and got him to agree to cover it up.


Anonymous10 April 2016 at 11:45
During the 1980's, I remember over hearing my "father" say that something abusive had happened to him when he was a teenager (in the 1960's) and that he'd reported Gordon Anglesea to the police, I think it must have been around the time of the Bryn Estyn abuse scandal, and that something had been mentioned on the radio about Anglesea being arrested. That name (Anglesea) had been mentioned a lot when I was growing up, and his name was always spoken of with derision, I always got the impression my "father" hated him. I found out that Anglesea had been the local bobby in a village near Northwich during the 1960's, before I was born. I think this is where he may have started his career. There was a network of abuse around this area, even after he left, as I and my sibling (F) were both subjected to the most heinous forms of abuse by my own "father" "uncle" and members of the local "buffs" of which my "grandfather" was a member. This was during the 1970's and we were very young. F is an alcoholic, we don't speak as unlike F, I am unwilling to pretend it didn't happen though I can understand the choice F made, as the level of brainwashing was extreme. I have struggled for years to come to terms with the abuse, and still am, it has coloured my whole existence,. Even acknowledging that my so called "father" was abused by Gordon Anglesea, and probably by his own father, (my "grandfather") is no excuse, my "father" was a sadist. But it does go some way to explaining why the things which happened to me and F happened. I contacted Rebbecca television concerning Anglesea's connection with my own story some time ago, and it was they who confirmed that Anglesea had indeed lived and worked in the village where I was born. for all I know there could be other people in my birth village who were subjected to Anglesea's abuse, way back in the 1960's before the other allegations surfaced, though I doubt my so called "father" would say anything now, not after what he did. I opened a historical abuse case a few years ago concerning my own abuse, needless to say, it's come to nothing, both parents (my "mother" colluded with my "father", though I know he was very violent towards her when we were young,) tried to diagnose me with (amongst other things) schizophrenia; when they couldn't get a diagnose, they threatened to report the psychologist I was seeing at the time, to the false memory society... My "father" and "uncle" continue to live, in the village, I heard that my uncle was baby sitting someones boy, a few years ago, it made me feel sick, knowing what he used to do to me when he baby sat for us. I also knew of an incident involving a young member of my family, I informed the police, and for some reason they interviewed the parent (F) about the incident, not the child, and of course, F denied it had happened! Judging from the e mails I got from the police, I felt as though they weren't interested at all, eg, when I asked why it had taken so long for them to interview "father" and "uncle", they said it was because it had "taken a long time to track them down" they both live in the same small village and have been residing at the same addresses (the ones that I was abused at in the 1970's) I had made it even easier for them by giving them their addresses! When they eventually questioned the people I'd accused, I was told in an e mail that they "vehemently denied the allegations", (well they would, wouldn't they) I hope justice catches up with both Anglesea and the members of my family who abused me, and F and any of those other people who are still alive; before they die. though I have enormous reservations; it might seem ridiculous but Anglesea has been getting away with it for more than 50 years.


merry k Welsh19 October 2016 at 23:33
Freemasonry Northern Ireland is kindness in the home, honesty in business, courtesy in society, earnest in work, pity and concern for the unfortunate


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'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 6:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Who is Harvey Proctor suggesting would be 'Whitewashed'?
Ah, those wicked SURVIVORS

Ex-MP Harvey Proctor refuses to give evidence to Operation Midland review
Former MP Harvey Proctor has refused to give evidence to a review of Scotland Yard's handling of historical sex abuse probes, which he claims will be "a whitewash".
http://home.bt.com/news/uk-news/ex-mp-harvey-proctor-refuses-to-give-e vidence-to-operation-midland-review-11364059925272

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 12:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Looking back to the great British paedophile infiltration campaign of the 1970s
The furore about links between senior Labour figures and a pro-paedophilia activist group has its roots in a half-forgotten cultural revolution
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/looking-back-to-the-grea t-british-paedophile-infiltration-campaign-of-the-1970s-9155610.html
Christian Wolmar Thursday 27 February 2014

Looking back from 2014, it seems extraordinary that an organisation with a name like the Paedophile Information Exchange was taken so seriously for a time in the 1970s that it was able to present itself as a legitimate pressure group. Yet the continuing row involving Harriet Harman, Patricia Hewitt, Jack Dromey and the Daily Mail reminds us that this was indeed the case.

While superficially it may seem that there were a lot of gullible people in the 1970s prepared to consider PIE’s arguments, the reality is more complex. The boundaries of what was acceptable in terms of sexual behaviour were changing rapidly. Homosexuality had been decriminalised in 1967 but there was still considerable discrimination against gay people. Gays were beginning to hold demonstrations; even the word “gay” was just starting to be accepted.

The wider political movement of the libertarian left encompassed a whole range of other issues, from abortion rights and domestic violence to getting troops out of Northern Ireland and supporting liberation movements in third world countries. Naturally a lot of confusion ensued about what was acceptable and where the boundaries should lie.

Into this maelstrom plunged PIE, which was formed in 1974 by a group of paedophiles who defined themselves as child lovers – as the word literally means in Greek – rather than necessarily being interested in sex with children. The strategy was masterminded by Tom O’Carroll, the organisation’s public face. (This did eventually cost him his job as press officer for the Open University.)

PIE’s aim was “to alleviate suffering of many adults and children” by campaigning against the laws on the age of consent, to allow adults to have sex with children. Knowing that the idea of middle-aged men buggering young children was an unpalatable image to promote, members transformed their message into a language of liberation in tune with the zeitgeist. Since the Gay Liberation Front represented homosexuals and the feminist movement supported women, paedophile activists could be for children’s rights. People interested in children were to be considered as “kind persons”. just as homosexuals had managed to appropriate the word “gay”. It seems a preposterous plan; but for a while it came close to working.

Under O’Carroll’s astute leadership, PIE developed a strategy to infiltrate the wider libertarian movement. I had personal experience of this. I worked for Release, an agency that helped people with legal and drug problems. When I started there in 1976, PIE was using its address, the respectable sounding 1 Elgin Avenue, London W9. There were plenty of offices available, but allying itself with the Home Office-funded Release and an auspicious address gave PIE respectability. When I asked other members of the collective about it, they were very vague, and so we invited a speaker from PIE to a meeting. He gave us the benefit of his views, which were not only that there should be no age of consent, but that by banning underage sex adults were actually being cruel to children by denying them their sexuality and excluding them from an enjoyable experience. The poste restante arrangement was ended forthwith.

Patricia Hewitt, general secretary of the National Council for Civil Liberties, 1974-83 (Rex)
The man from PIE had, however, gone off-message. That was because he had been challenged and forced to answer the questions which PIE members normally avoided. The image O’Carroll was trying to sell was very different. Armed with its soft child-liberation message, PIE set about infiltrating that diffuse and divided movement characterised by the term “libertarian left”. This was, after all, the era of Militant’s attempts to take over the Labour Party and of the Socialist Workers Party, whose tactic was to infiltrate all areas of the left by hijacking other organisations’ political campaigns. The National Council for Civil Liberties was an early target.

It was in the gay movement, though, that PIE really hoped to establish itself. Gays and paedophiles were both oppressed minorities; consequently, argued PIE, they should do battle together. It was a seductive argument. In my 2000 book, Forgotten Children, I quote Andrew Lumsden, a former editor of Gay News, as saying: “We were fighting against a lot of outmoded laws, and perhaps the ones against paedophilia were as outmoded as those against homosexuality or cannabis.” It was precisely that thought that PIE was trying to instil among the organisations it targeted.

Ultimately, the argument did not wash. PIE attempted to get a regular listing in Gay News as a helpline and tried to persuade the Campaign for Homosexual Equality to support the “liberation of paedophiles”. But the early gay campaigners realised the last thing they needed was an association with paedophiles, and PIE was rebuffed.

PIE had outriders, too, who helped its cause through sympathetic analysis of its activities. The most prominent was Peter Righton, a respected social worker and educator who was director of education at the National Institute of Social Work in the mid-1970s, as well as being a consultant for the National Children’s Bureau. He was widely regarded as an expert on residential care.

Yet, despite these positions at the heart of the child welfare movement, he was quite open in putting forward views that seemed on the border of legality. In 1977, in an article in Social Work Today, he was quoted as saying that sex between workers and residents in homes was perfectly acceptable. “Provided there is no question of exploitation, sexual relationships freely entered into by residents – including adolescents – should not be a matter for automatic inquiry,” he wrote. Later, in a contribution to a book called Perspectives on Paedophilia, he tried to distinguish between paedophiles and child molesters: “Most child molesters, if paedophile at all, are so only incidentally. Most of those I have called ‘dispositional’ paedophiles, when they engage in sexual activity with children, do not molest them... On the contrary, the child’s consent is usually of cardinal importance to them.” The very fact that Righton could publish such a work and yet retain his standing in the wider social work movement is a key insight into the confusion over sexuality that characterised this era. Righton, now dead, was convicted of importing illegal pornographic material in 1992 and has been subsequently accused of abusing young boys.

Harriet Harman (centre) and Patricia Hewitt (right) with the NCCL in 1990 (PA)
The consequences of this type of confusion sown by the likes of Righton were far-reaching. There were countless abuse scandals in children’s homes. Some, indeed, as in Islington, were clearly targeted by individuals seeking sexual gratification, either by getting a job there or by befriending residents. Most, however, were the result of lax standards and a lack of clarity about boundaries. The way these were blurred was highlighted by a youth social worker who told me: “If we opened a door and saw a worker having sex with a resident, we would probably have just shut the door again.” That is the perfect illustration of how Jimmy Savile and his fellow celebrities got away with what they did.

O’Carroll was put on trial following a News of the World exposé and subsequent police investigations, but the police had been unable to find any hard evidence of abuse and had therefore gone for the extremely vague common law offence of “conspiracy to corrupt public morals”.

In a pamphlet, PIE characterised the prosecution as a “show trial”. It was all couched in kids’ lib terms: “We can be certain of a clampdown on the autonomous activities of children inside the family in all spheres of life, and specifically of an attempt to smash any gay youth groups. And we can be certain of a concentrated effort to split the women’s movement on the question on which they have been historically the weakest: paedophilia and child sexuality.” That did not save O’Carroll. He was given a two-year sentence, and that spelt the demise of PIE.

Ultimately, however, some of the confusion of that time remains. O’Carroll, who wrote a book recently on Michael Jackson’s bizarre relationship with children, is still arguing that sexual activity with children does not cause harm. He has even attracted some support within academic circles. Even now, it seems, we haven’t learnt.

Christian Wolmar is author of ‘Forgotten Children: The secret abuse scandal in children’s homes’ (available on Kindle via Amazon) and was until recently a trustee of the Railway Children, a charity supporting vulnerable children

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 2:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Raymond Stevenson, chairman of the Shirley Oaks Survivors Association, said it is now preparing to publish its own report naming 60 people as paedophiles.

Child sex abuse inquiry descends into further chaos as fourth chairwoman faces calls to be sacked
Labour’s Chuka Umunna said Professor Alexis Jay – as a former social worker – did not ‘command the confidence of the majority of survivors’

Rob Merrick Deputy Political Editor @Rob_Merrick 9 hours ago13 comments

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/child-sex-abuse-inquiry- chairwoman-alexis-jay-chuka-umunna-calls-to-be-sacked-a7424286.html

The child sex abuse inquiry descended into further chaos today when a senior MP called for its fourth chairwoman to be sacked.

Labour’s Chuka Umunna spoke out after the largest victims’ group, representing 600 victims who lived in London children's homes, quit the inquiry – calling it an “unpalatable circus”.

The Shirley Oaks Survivors Association said its members had voted “overwhelmingly” to pull out, warning it had no confidence in Alexis Jay, its fourth leader.

Theresa May accused of cover-up over child abuse inquiry concerns
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/theresa-may-child-abuse- inquiry-cover-up-concerns-dame-lowell-goddard-stories-a7369976.html

Many of the group’s abuse victims live in the South London constituency of Mr Umunna, a member of the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee, which recently quizzed Professor Jay.

Today, the Labour MP told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that only the leadership of a judge, at High Court level or above, could rescue the inquiry.

He said: “The concern here is whether you've got a chair that can command the confidence of the majority of survivors and whether they are up to doing the job.

“Can Professor Jay bring the heft and forensic capacity of a judge to this inquiry, which is what is needed? I’m not confident that she can.

“There’s an ongoing issue about the fact that she's come from three decades in social work.

“For many of the survivors that is a problem, because a lot of the perpetrators came from that profession. You can’t just sweep that under the table and it's never been dealt with by the panel properly.”

Raymond Stevenson, chairman of the Shirley Oaks Survivors Association, said it is now preparing to publish its own report naming 60 people as paedophiles.

“In the last inquiry, some of our members committed suicide, and people need to take that on board,” Mr Stevenson told Radio 4.

“The inquiry needs to sort itself out. They need to get rid of Alexis Jay, who’s been parachuted in by the Home Office. She’s not the right person.”

Ex abuse inquiry chair was difficult to work with, colleagues tell MPs
Child abuse victims say they have no confidence in inquiry
More than 500 potential victims of child abuse identified
The developments are the latest, possibly mortal blow to the troubled inquiry, set up by Theresa May, in July 2014, when she was Home Secretary.

It is investigating historical abuse allegations made against local authorities, religious organisations, the armed forces and other institutions in England and Wales, as well as people in the public eye.

Three chairwomen – former president of the High Court Family Division Baroness Butler-Sloss, leading lawyer Dame Fiona Woolf, and Justice Goddard, a New Zealand high court judge – have already stood down.

Labour MP Lisa Nandy used Parliamentary privilege to name the inquiry’s most senior lawyer, Ben Emmerson QC, who also resigned, as the person accused of a sexual assault in its offices – an allegation his lawyer described as “categorically untrue”.

A number of senior lawyers on the inquiry have also quit – the most recent of which was Aileen McColgan, on Wednesday, amid growing concerns about the inquiry’s leadership.

And, this week, it was announced the inquiry has also delayed hearings into the late Lord Janner.

However, Ms May defended the inquiry and its current leadership in the Commons, saying: “Having seen the work that Professor Alexis Jay has done in the Rotherham inquiry that she undertook I have absolute confidence in her ability to undertake this inquiry.”

The Prime Minister said it was the victims and survivors “that we must always keep at the forefront of our minds”.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 1:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Michael Mansfield QC: "Is 2½ years of historic abuse inquiry inaction & failed chairs deliberate?"



Interesting comment by so-called representative of child sexual abuse survivors

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 8:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alexis Jay
An 'Inspiring' historic abuse inquiry chair....?
https://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/jul/13/alexis-jay-politicians -rotherham-report-child-sex-abuse-social-worker-claims-westminster-bbc -nhs


IN addition to the previous blog article regarding some of the article above, in which Alexis Jay chairwoman of the IICSA talks about the Rotherham scandal etc.

There are two other sections of it, I want to draw attention to separately.

Firstly This :

When consider the allegations against Goddard re racism this above is hardly inspiring from Jay.

I’ll let you draw your own conclusions on her attitude towards the abuse.

Secondly, this :

“I would say my confidence is middling [seeing that abusers would be brought to justice]. I could not say with absolute confidence that some of the worst perpetrators would be brought to justice”

Also hardly inspiring words from the now chair of the biggest public inquiry into alleged acts of child abuse : the IICSA.

Again, draw your own conclusions as to whether this sort of attitude from Jay means that she’s a suitable person to be seeking justice for survivors.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 3:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Child sex abuse: Inquiries into claims of police failings
By Tom Symonds
Home Affairs correspondent
24 November 2016

The Independent Police Complaints Commission says it is handling 187 investigations into potential police failures in dealing with past child sex abuse cases in England and Wales.
A BBC Freedom of Information request revealed 27 completed inquiries have resulted in potential disciplinary action against up to 15 officers.
Eighteen forces are the subject of complaints about the handling of abuse.
These include what the IPCC has called potential "high-level corruption".
Of the investigations, 56 cases relate to alleged failures by South Yorkshire Police in responding to child sexual exploitation in Rotherham; 46 follow allegations against the Metropolitan Police, and 58 against Essex Police.
Historical cases
Julian Blazeby, the IPCC's director of major investigations, said: "We continue to receive referrals on police actions in child sexual abuse cases from forces across the country.
"The IPCC is committed to investigating the most sensitive and serious incidents of alleged police wrongdoing and many child sexual abuse cases fall within that remit."
Some of the cases date back decades and include damaging claims that investigations were brought to a halt despite evidence of abuse being uncovered.
In Rotherham, the 2014 report by Professor Alexis Jay revealed police suppressed evidence of the widespread sexual abuse of teenagers and failed to arrest the abusers.
In London, allegations also centre on investigations being halted and evidence suppressed.
They include claims that investigations were shut down prematurely or prosecutions not pursued because the suspects were politicians.
However, in May 2016 one claim - that a prosecution was stopped when a defendant threatened to name the former prime minister, Sir Edward Heath, as an abuser - was dismissed by the IPCC.
The suggestion that the powerful have been protected by the police is far from being proven.
The current allegations span 17 English police forces and one in Wales.
There are 84 independent IPCC inquiries - in which the commission directly investigates - under way, into:
Avon and Somerset (Three cases)
Cambridgeshire (One case)
Cleveland (Four cases)
Essex (Three cases)
Greater Manchester (Two cases)
Kent (One case)
Leicestershire (One case)
Merseyside (One case)
Metropolitan Police (Three cases)
National Crime Agency (One case)
Northamptonshire (Two cases)
South Wales (One case)
South Yorkshire (53 cases)
Sussex (One case)
West Mercia (One case)
West Midlands (Four cases)
Wiltshire (Two cases)
There are 102 managed inquiries, in which the IPCC oversees internal police investigations, in four forces:
Essex (55 cases)
Metropolitan Police (43 cases)
South Yorkshire (Three cases)
West Mercia (One case)
There is one supervised case, in which IPCC managers monitor the internal police investigation, taking place at Norfolk Police.
The 27 completed cases have resulted in disciplinary action against two officers and disciplinary proceedings against 13 more.
The IPCC says it is liaising closely with the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse and Operation Hydrant, the police team co-ordinating child abuse investigations.
In an attempt to handle the increase in complex inquiries, the commission has created a new directorate of major investigations.
The National Police Chiefs' Council lead for child protection, Chief Constable Simon Bailey, said the police service has "risen to the challenge" in changing the way it engages with victims and how it investigates abuse.
But he added: "Although we have improved our response, there is still more to do. If there is concern that a victim hasn't received a full and impartial investigation into their allegations this should be referred to the force or IPCC to be scrutinised."

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 1:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shirley Oaks and Lambeth Paedophiles

The paedophile John Carrol sexually abused boys in 2 south London children's homes. Many children who attended Shirley Oaks and South Vale were moved to Angell Road after it closed. Carroll had close working relations with the Police and other politicians in Lambeth. He was sentenced to jail for child sex abuse in 1999 following a Merseyside police probe called Operation Care; however he was only convicted for offences on a number of boys and many more victims remain on file having not received justice. Carroll is alleged to have links with politicians which had protected him in the past.

Many boys have come forward with allegations towards the sports facilitator Geoff Clark at Shirley Oaks children's home. The former Lambeth Council staff member volunteered his services at the children's home however we have discovered he was not working alone. Children mentioned that Geoff Clark was friendly with other paedophiles, some of whom also worked at Lambeth. Geoff has also been linked to other homes in South London. Geoff Clark committed suicide before being brought to trial under Operation Middleton.

In 1999 William Hook, 62, was one of the few paedophiles to be prosecuted in the Middleton and CHILE operation conducted by the Police and Lambeth Council. He was jailed at Kingston Crown Court after admitting 26 charges of serious sexual assault and indecency against 6 boys, 4 of whom have attempted to commit suicide. Hook was the swimming instructor at Shirley Oaks and used this to his advantage to get close to the children. He has also been linked to other Shirley Oaks houses but we now know he was not working alone.

Out of the 52 houses that operated on the 72 acre site, we have identified 24 houses where improper sexual activity was taking place. The victims were all under 16 and the perpetrators were either house parents, volunteers or staff. This list does not include the activity in which the Council has dismissed or prosecuted because they will not reveal this to us.

The superintendent's office was situated in the Redwood house in the middle of the Shirley Oaks grounds. The superintendent had ultimate control over Shirley Oaks which included hiring staff and repremanding children. There are allegations from girls that one of the superintendents had abused them during their time at Shirley Oaks. The abuser had previously worked at another children's home where abuse had also taken place.

Boys have come forward stating that the deputy superintendent had abused them sexually and physically. The abuser used to interfere with boys at the back of the Lodge where he used to stay. There are claims that he had abused over 150 children whilst working at Shirley Oaks. The person in question died in the 1980's from a heart attack.

We have claims from children who had attended Shirley Oaks that a house parent was dismissed for abusing boys and girls in the house. This is the house where Peter Davis lived and when the house was closed down, Peter was sent to another home where it was later said he hung himself. We now know that two paedophiles also operated in the houses next door to Peter and we believe that Police should now open up the case of Peter Davis due to this new evidence.

Hoare had worked at Shirley Oaks in the 1970's where there are numerous claims that he had abused girls in his care. He then went on to work at Chevington children's home where he abused other girls in his care. Other abusers joined him at the house either visiting or working there.

Leslie worked as a Residential Social worker for Lambeth at Gipsy Hill assessment centre. This serial abuser has been convicted and charged with 15 sexual assault offences against boys under the age of 16 between 1973-1983. He was also caught posessing indecent child images which were not related to any of the children who he abused. He also had connections to other children's homes and other paedophiles.

UPDATE 21/12/15: Leslie Paul has been convicted of a series of sexual assaults on children whilst in South Vale. He was sentanced to 13 years in prison.

Susan Smith
The former Labour Counsellor was convicted when a terrified 15 year old girl came forward stating that Susan and her transvestite lover made her participate in a 3 way sex session. The court heard that Smith, who once served on Lambeth's social services committee, missed council meetings to repeatedly molest the girl. She was a former member for the St Martins Ward in Lambeth. Her 'lover' Ronald Lineker was jailed for 3 years after being convicted of two charges of indecent assault and six charges of unlawful sex.

Toren Smith
The Lambeth Labour counsellor admitted possessing more than 94,000 images and videos of abused children. Toren was given a suspended sentence at Southwalk Crown Court after pleading guilty to 24 counts of possessing and producing indecent images of children. When he was given a suspended sentence, a child protection charity attacked the "appaulingly lenient" decision not to jail the counsellor.

John McCarthy
The housing department office manger, John McCarthy, was suspended prior to a disciplinary hearing at which he faced charges of sexual harassment and gross misconduct. 5 other senior officers had also been suspended after an investigation into allegations that an officer subjected a feamle staff member into serious sexual harassment. This investigation unearthed a ring that was circulating porographic videos and magazines within the Lambeth borough.

Hundreds of people who have suffered abuse at the hands of a Lambeth Children’s Home have formed an action group (Shirley Oaks Survivors Association) which aims to get justice for the many that have been sexually, mentally and physically abused whilst in the supposed care of Lambeth Social Services. The abuse suffered at The Shirley Oaks Children’s Home over a period of years dating from the 1950s to 1983 was the catalyst for the endemic sexual abuse that later spread across the UK.

7000 children passed through the gates of Shirley Oaks, which was situated on a site which was approximately 70 acres in size, complete with its own school, swimming pool, works depot and a doctor’s surgery. For most vulnerable children aged between 2 -14 years, it was easy to believe they had been sent to an outpost of heaven. Lush green fields surrounded the village style setting with houses branching off the enclosed ring road which for many would end up being a road paved to hell.

Whether you suffered abuse or not was a lottery depending on which house you were sent to - your fate was sealed. Behind the closed doors of a Victorian style care system was a Victorian style ethos. Children should be seen and not heard and can be abused and not listened to. In the early sixties this seemingly picturesque environment became a breeding ground for predators as they drove their cars around offering sweets and other inducements looking to seduce their vulnerable prey.

The Shirley Oaks Survivors Association (SOSA) is a support group that has been set up to listen and document the accounts of those who have suffered or witnessed a variety of horrific abuse whilst in care in Lambeth Children's Homes.

Acclaimed author Alex Wheatle, a victim of abuse whilst in the Lambeth Care system states, ‘We have been forced to form this group because of the failures to take our allegations seriously. We would like to see those who have committed these crimes and those who have failed in their care of duty to extremely vulnerable children, to be made responsible and accountable for their abject neglect’.





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All proceeds go towards SOSA and their fight for justice.


In response to IICSA and the latest statement from Professor Alexis Jay: We at SOSA now have no option but to continue delivering our own justice, whilst the contrived chaos ensues.
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"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 10:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Further intelligence about Lambeth Council – historic abuse over decades
Thursday, February 28th, 2013 by admin

This website is being sent intelligence about Lambeth Council and child abuse on a daily basis. Note the dates in the following reports. It would appear from an analysis of the intelligence that comes into the office that there has been a long period of historic abuse of children in schools and children’s homes operated by Lambeth Council and it would also seem that Executive Officers of Lambeth Council are complicit in covering up the abuse.

In the public interest, this website reproduces articles about abuse below:

The Independent, July 6th 1999
By Kim Sengupta

A SOCIAL worker who carried out dozens of sex attacks was allowed to keep his job as the head of a children’s home, despite the fact that local authority officials knew he had been convicted of a paedophile offence.

The decision by Lambeth Council in south London not to dismiss Michael Carroll after learning about his indecent assault on a 12-year-old boy emerged yesterday as he pleaded guilty at Liverpool Crown Court to 35 charges of child sex abuse over 20 years.

The council found out about Carroll’s conviction in l986 when he was running a children’s home in the borough, and issued him with a written warning. He was dismissed five years later after an investigation into financial irregularities.

Heather Rabbatts, Lambeth’s chief executive, admitted last night that the decision not to sack Carroll was a “serious error” which would not happen under today’s regulations. “Knowing what we know today about the nature of these offences and the nature of those who commit them, it was a mistake not to have dismissed this man. However, different legislation applied at that time and Carroll was allowed to continue in his post,” she said.

Ms Rabbatts, who was not in charge while Carroll was employed, said restrictions imposed by police and social services inquiries into alleged child abuses meant no further details about his actions as a council employee could be disclosed.

Scotland Yard has amassed a database of 14,500 names of children in the borough’s care between l974 and l995. Lambeth closed all its homes for children in care in l995 in response to concern about abuse.

Yesterday, Carroll, 50, of Oswestry, Shropshire, pleaded guilty to 24 indecent assaults, five cases of buggery and five of attempted buggery, and one act of gross indecency against 12 boys. All the offences took place while he was working in residential care in Merseyside and London between l966-86.

Carroll was originally charged with 76 offences. The Recorder let the remaining indictments lie on file. Sentencing will take place on 30 July.

Carroll, who was born in Liverpool and grew up in care, studied child care and obtained qualifications at Liverpool and Salford universities and the Mabel Fletcher College, Liverpool. He got a job at St Edmund’s Orphanage in Bebington, Merseyside, in the mid-Sixties and in l978 became deputy officer at a children’s home in Lambeth, taking charge in l980.

He was convicted of indecent assault against a 12-year-old in l966 when he was at St Edmund’s Orphanage. He failed to declare this conviction when he took up the post in Lambeth, but it came to light in l986 through police checks when he applied to foster two children from another borough.

Following a written warning, Carroll continued in his post until his dismissal over allegations of financial malpractice in l991. He moved to Chirk, Clwyd, and bought a hotel business. In l997 he came under suspicion during a major investigation into child abuse launched by Merseyside Police. He was arrested shortly afterwards.

Paedophile network abused 200 children (19.2.00)

The Independent, February 19th 2000
By Jason Bennetto, Crime Correspondent

MORE THAN 200 children are believed to have been abused by a network of paedophiles in London care homes.

Seven people have been arrested and 11 council workers suspended in the on-going police inquiry covering 20 years of sexual and physical abuse.

Scotland Yard is still trying to trace suspected paedophiles who worked in up to 25 children’s homes in the south London borough of Lambeth.

The inquiry, codenamed Operation Middleton, was set up last year after a former care worker in Lambeth was jailed at Liverpool Crown Court for abusing 12 boys. He admitted 35 offences both on Merseyside and in Lambeth. The London-based inquiry focused initially on Lambeth children’s homes, but has since expanded to local authorities nationwide.

The investigation is examining alleged abuse in Lambeth homes from 1974 to 1994.

So far the team has traced about 200 children who have claimed they were abused, including allegations of rape, buggery, and physical assault. The youngest victims were only nine at the time of the alleged assaults, which are said to have taken place from the 60s to the late 80s. In the past 24 hours another five victims have contacted the police.

Scotland Yard disclosed yesterday that they were still seeking the whereabouts of dozens of former care workers.

About 1,400 people worked at the children’s homes in Lambeth – which were all closed down by 1995 – but police are concentrating on tracing the alleged abusers named by the victims. About 7,000 children stayed at Lambeth’s homes during the relevant period.

So far police have arrested five men and two women during the 14-month inquiry. Eleven employees of Lambeth council have been suspended and face disciplinary charges for a range of offences including mismanagement.

A small number of people accused of child abuse have been found working in local authorities outside Lambeth, and have now been suspended.

Links have also been discovered between several of the key suspects. They were found to have worked together in the same homes, given each other references and carried out training courses together.

Detective Superintendent Richard Gargini, who is leading Operation Middleton, said: “There appears to be some linkage between people who were operating in the care system between 1974 and 1994.”

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Hugh Orde, of the Metropolitan Police, said he estimated the number of likely victims to be about 200, although more were being identified all the time.

Because the alleged abuse took place so long ago it has been difficult to obtain enough evidence to bring charges. “It ends up with almost word against word,” he said.

All the victims have been offered counselling. Anyone with information about the case should contact the police on 0171 926 3050

Two key workers at a children’s home were sentenced yesterday to a total of 23 years in prison for a string of sexual assaults on boys in their care.

Former Deputy Principal Barrie Alden, 66, from Norwich, and ex-house master John Wright, 56, from Talgarth, Powys, were sentenced at Newport Crown Court. Alden and Wright committed the offences on a total of eight boys at the Ty Mawr residential home, near Abergavenny, South Wales, from the 1960s to the 1980s.

Paedophilia: Beck’s appalling crimes just the tip of child abuse scandal – Further scandals may be revealed as inquiries show widespread cases (8.1.01)

February 26, 2013

Frank Beck, Lambeth Children’s Homes, North Wales

The Independent, January 8th 2001
By Jason Bennetto, Crime Correspondent

THE APPALLING abuse committed by Frank Beck, who was entrusted with the running of three children’s homes in Leicestershire, was what alerted police officers to the possibility that a national scandal had gone undetected.

Before the conviction of Beck, who was sentenced to five life terms in 1991 for sexual assaults against more than 100 children, few officers believed that such widespread and systematic abuse was possible.

The true scale of Beck’s crimes may never be fully known but he is estimated to have assaulted between 100 and 200 children over 13 years. He was sentenced to a further 24 years on 17 charges of abuse, including rape. He died in jail from a heart attack, aged 52, in June 1994.

Tony Butler, the Chief Constable of Gloucestershire and spokesman on abuse issues for chief police officers, said: “In the past social workers and police officers simply didn’t believe the children. We didn’t think that short of thing went on in children’s homes. With Beck’s trial it became painfully clear that they could and did go on in children’s homes.”

Since Beck, many other abuse inquiries and trials have taken place, including the report by Sir Ronald Waterhouse into the horrific abuse of children in care homes in North Wales, which was first revealed by The Independent.

But as a survey by this newspaper has found, an unprecedented number of investigations are continuing and many more scandals may emerge.

The survey gives the fullest picture to date of where the inquiries are taking place. Many police forces have attempted to keep their work secret, partly for not wanting to alert potential offenders. Some are also concerned that by going public former residents may come forward and make bogus allegations in the hope of obtaining compensation.

These forces would rather approach potential victims and question them away from the spotlight of publicity. Others believe publicity is one of the best ways of obtaining new witnesses.

The Independent survey has identified 67 separate investigations at 32 of the 44 forces in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, where inquiries are either continuing or have recently been completed.

A national database of historic abuse inquiries, most concerning children’s homes and schools in the Seventies and Eighties, held by Gwent police, has a list of 34 forces involved in 98 separate inquiries. The numbers are increasing on a monthly basis.

The database aims to link alleged perpetrators to different inquires, and expose paedophile rings and examples of travelling abusers. So far the police have 59 links or “hits”. These cases are taken from a list of more than 1,800 names of suspected paedophiles, convicted abusers, and care workers, teachers and individuals, who have aroused suspicion.

A total of 67 investigations have been identified by The Independent. The police have asked for details of some of them to remain a secret because they are at a particularly sensitive stage. They involve more than 400 homes and school, at least 2,000 victims, 415 suspects, and have in excess of 400 detectives working on them full-time. They have so far resulted in at least 51 convictions and there are 25 trials pending.

Many of the inquiries are huge and involve substantial resources. In Greater Manchester, Operation Cleopatra is investigating more than 66 care homes. Operation Flight in Gwent is investigating 19 homes, including the former children’s home at Ty Mawr near Abergavenny in west Wales. The police want to trace 10,000 former residents.

In Devon and Cornwall, Operation Lentisk is examining allegations of abuse throughout the two counties between 1960 and 1985. A 34-strong team is investigating allegations from more than 230 former pupils and residents against 102 alleged offenders.

Not surprisingly, considering the vast area it covers, the Metropolitan Police has the most investigations, with 22 recorded on the national police database. These include a 31-strong team to look at 30 local authority care homes in Lambeth over allegations of abuse against up to 200 children, said to have happened from 1974 to 1994.

Operation Care in Merseyside is investigating 84 care establishments. So far 27 people have been convicted of physical and sexual abuse.

The care scandal started to emerge in 1989 when the police investigated a series of complaints from past residents about abuse in Castle Hill, a privately owned home in Ludlow, Shropshire, which took in children from local authorities. Allegations of abuse were made by 57 victims, and in 1991 Ralph Morris, proprietor of the home, was jailed for 12 years.

The inquiry sparked off a series of new investigations, most notably in Staffordshire, North Wales and Leicestershire.

The extent of the institutional abuse, in which hundreds of vulnerable children suffered the most appalling assaults and mental torture, was illustrated by the Tribunal of Inquiry headed by Sir Ronald Waterhouse. His report, published last February, said at least 650 people had been abused in children’s homes in North Wales.

But while many people had hoped that the worst of the care scandals had already come to light, the extent of the current investigations, and likelihood that these will mushroom, make this a vain hope.

The latest child abuse scandal to hit the Catholic church came to light yesterday as police confirmed investigations into accusations of sexual abuse and brutality by monks.

A report is said to name 12 former teachers and care workers at St Ninian’s List D School. The school, operated by the Catholic teaching order the De La Salle Brothers in Gartmore House, Stirlingshire, was closed almost 20 years ago.

The allegations, which cover more than two decades – between 1960 and 1982 – are believed to centre on seven monks and five staff. Two of the monks have since died while the remaining five have retired.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 4:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tuesday, 20 December 2016
http://aanirfan.blogspot.co.uk/2016/12/shirley-oaks-murders-bigger-pic ture.html

Shirley Oaks Survivors Association.

Shirley Oaks was a children's care home in the London area.

A child abuse ring operated at Shirley Oaks.

At least 700 children were sexually abused at Shirley Oaks.

The child abuse ring had at least 60 members.

At Shirley Oaks, "doctors, teachers, priests, police officers, sports coaches and council workers were part of a 60-strong paedophile ring."

Shirley Oaks.

Some of the sports coaches were linked to Chelsea football club, and other football clubs.

Police corruption "meant that almost all of the abusers have escaped justice."

Shirley Oaks was run by the notorious Lambeth Council in London.

Back To shirleyoaks.com.

"48 children died in Lambeth's care system between 1970 and 1989."


"Children from Lambeth Care Homes were being taken to a Police Station for sexual abuse, rape and use in child pornography."

Lambeth Police Station Paedophile Sex Ring Dungeon Scandal.


Jimmy Savile may have abused children from Shirley Oaks.


Jimmy Savile has been linked to the top people in the UK and in Israel.

Lambeth, a London borough, has been a major centre of child abuse.

Children were murdered at Shirley Oaks.

Shirley Oaks Care Home: Two boys murdered.

According to a130-page report by Raymond Stevenson:

Two boys were murdered at Shirley Oaks and their bodies buried in a nearby golf course.

Retired Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll, who led an investigation into suspected abuse in Lambeth, "confirmed he received the same information from a different source in 1998."

Note that 48 children died in Lambeth's care system between 1970 and 1989.

Shirley Oaks: Two boys murdered at children council home / Two-boys-murdered-Shirley-Oaks-care-home

The top child abuse rings are usually run by the security services, reportedly.


Are there links to Yuri Geller and Michael Jackson?

Below, is what we wrote earlier:


Peter Davis, 15, was found hanged at Lambeth Council's Shirley Oaks children's home in Croydon in South London.

Peter was probably murdered.

A coroner ruled it was "death by misadventure".

The police say that the case is closed.

Shirley Oaks abuse.

Peter was found hanged in a toilet with a cord around his neck.

There were signs of sexual activity.

Peter had been a witness in a rape trial two years before he died.

When journalists looked for court documents from the time, they found that in 2003 they had been made secret for 100 years.

Former senior detective Clive Driscoll said reopening the Peter Davis case would be a "great opportunity for detective work".

Chuka Umunna, Labour MP, who has constituents who are Lambeth abuse survivors said: "The police should reopen the inquiry into Peter Davis' death.

In recent times, three people have been convicted of the child abuse at Shirley Oaks that took place in the 1970s and 80s.


Shirley Oaks children's home was run by Lambeth Council, in London.

The child abuse rings in Lambeth are linked to the child abuse rings in Islington, Jersey, Richmond, Yorkshire and elsewhere.

Top people are involved.

Award-winning author Alex Wheatle (above) was abused at Shirley Oaks children’s home which is thought to be linked to a paedophile ring involving an MP in Tony Blair’s government.

Yuri Geller, Michael Jackson, David Blaine, Paul Boateng, Greville Janner.

Paul Boateng was a UK cabinet minister.

He was in Tony Blair's government.

Paul Boateng has links to Lambeth, a London borough famous for 'child abuse rings operating in its children's care homes'.

Janet Boateng, wife of Paul Boateng [25], was chair of Lambeth Council’s social services committee, which had overall responsibility for the running of children’s homes in Lambeth.

"In November 1997 the South London Press reported the finding of a sex dungeon complete with manacles, chains, bedding and a sleazy red light in Lambeth High-Security Police Head Quarters in South London.

"The civilian staff who leaked the story were suspended...

"From the copious amounts of child pornography found at the Police Station, it was soon realised that Children from Lambeth Care Homes were being taken to the Police Station for sexual abuse, rape and use in child pornography.

"It is believed several senior Police Officers were renting out Children and using the Police Station as a brothel...

"All 25 of Lambeth’s Childrens’ Homes had been run by a large paedophile network for over 20 years.

"There were around 50 Children who had entered Lambeth Childrens’ Homes and never been seen again by their families.

"The leader of Lambeth Council at the time was Ted Knight (Labour) who was a close friend of Margaret Hodge (Labour) who was leader of nearby Islington Council.

"It is believed that Children were “traded” between Lambeth and Islington Councils."

Lambeth Police Station Paedophile Sex Ring Dungeon Scandal.

Kiddist Forsythe, at the grave of her father Bulic, is urging police to fully reopen the investigation

"Sky News has obtained details of an internal investigation documenting sexual assaults and abuse carried out by officers within Lambeth Council in the 1990s.

"That abuse involved senior figures in Lambeth who were using council premises for the rape of women and children, according to the report's remarkable findings."

"In the 1990's, senior staff members in Lambeth council were producing pornographic material of a 'sadistic, bestial and paedophile' nature in the basement of the housing department, where they knew they would not be interrupted.

"A female member of staff disclosed how she was subjected to a rape on council premises 'of horrendous proportions' which she was still suffering serious injuries from one month later.

"She described being raped alongside children and animals by senior figures in the council.

"The findings of a report which included rape, assault and posession of indecent images of children, was never formally investigated by the police at the time or made public."

Abuse in Lambeth, Operation Ore, and the Blair Minister

Reportedly, a local council official in Lambeth, Bulic Forsythe, was murdered to stop him exposing the VIP child abuse ring operating in Lambeth.

"Detectives are investigating claims Bulic Forsythe was silenced by a children's home vice ring said to have included a future minister in Tony Blair's government."

Council official 'murdered days after he vowed to expose VIP child abuse ring'....

Bulic Forsythe - 'murdered 22 years ago'.

A friend of Bulic, traced by the Daily Mirror, says:

"I will never forget one evening in the pub when Bulic told me and my wife: 'There are some people in Lambeth Council who are doing really horrible, disgusting things and I am going to expose them. I won't let them get away with it...

"Several days later, he was murdered."

Council official 'murdered days after he vowed to expose VIP child abuse ring'....

Bulic's friend contacted the police with the information at the time.

Bulic's friend says: "It was a very short conversation with no interest expressed by the police and no one ever called me back.”

Another of Bulic's former colleagues has said that Bulic had become aware of claims that children were being sexually abused at a Lambeth children's home.

A restricted document newly uncovered by the Daily Mirror shows officials in the Blair government were aware in 1998 of claims the murder of Bulic had been linked to a Lambeth paedophile ring and the children's home child abuser John Carroll.

Bulic Forsythe's wife Dawn.

Bulic died in February 1993.

A BBC Crimewatch broadcast revealed that three official looking men were seen by a neighbour carrying files away from his flat in Clapham, South London.

Two more men were seen in a car behind the property.

His bedroom was torched at 1am and the oven turned on.

Yuri Geller, Michael Jackson, David Blaine, Paul Boateng, Greville Janner.

Child abuse rings are used by the powers-that-be to control the world.

A top people's child abuse ring made use of around 20 children's care homes in Lambeth in London.

cathyfox / 'murder linked to a VIP paedophile abuse network'

Allegedly, a 'Godfather' controlled Lambeth council [28], child abuse victims had petrol poured over them, and the Lambeth Police HQ had a basement where children may have been abused.[15][8].

In the case of Lambeth, a large number of people died in mysterious circumstances before any perpetrators could be brought to justice. [1] [2] .

Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll was removed from the original police investigation after superiors learned that politicians, including an MP, were among the suspects. [3]

Benjamin Boateng, pictured left with Amy Winehouse in 2009. Boateng untouchable.

The Daily Mirror asks: was Bulic Forsythe killed to protect a paedophile ring 'linked to a future minister in Tony Blair’s government?'


The police are probing, or pretending to probe, the murder of Lambeth council official Bulic Forsyth who vowed to expose a paedophile ring allegedly linked to a future minister in Tony Blair’s government.

A former social services manager told Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll in 1998 that she saw the future Blair minister making evening visits to the Angell Road children’s home in Brixton in the early 80s.

She claimed she learnt he had visited South Vale.

http://www.mirror.co.uk/ /Tony Blair and the paedophiles .

"John would sometimes come down and select one of the boys to go up to the flat."


Reportedly, one of Tony Blair's government ministers sexually abused children at a children's care home in Brixton in London in the 1980's.

Angell Road children's home, in Brixton, in Lambeth

The Angell Road children's home in Brixton in Lambeth was run by the convicted child abuser Michael John Carroll.

Daily Mirror

Convicted paedophile: Michael Carroll ran the Angell Road home .

Two whistleblowers are saying that there was a cover-up

Blair (centre) with Brown and Mandelson.

In 1998, after the government minister became implicated in the child abuse ring investigation, the detective in charge, Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll, was removed from the case and disciplined.

The investigation of the minister was dropped.

Tony Blair, campaigning with Ron Davies

Former Lambeth council child protection chief Dr Nigel Goldie says: 'There were a lot of very senior people trying to put a lid on it. There was something very unfortunate about the way the whole thing was dealt with.'

The Mirror says it has seen a Lambeth council memo that shows there was an intention to brief then Health Secretary, Frank Dobson, about the police investigation.

Dobson says he does not remember being briefed.

A number of children's care homes throughout the UK are believed to have been run as child brothels for the elite and are believed to have been protected by the security services.

Clive Driscoll

Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll was on the trail of certain politicians involved in child sexual abuse.

He was removed from the case.

Paedo MP cover-up claim: policeman removed from sex abuse probe after naming politicians as suspects

BRIXTON is in Lambeth

Clive Driscoll began his investigation of child sex abuse in the London borough of Lambeth in 1998.

Clive Driscoll "suddenly found himself booted off the case and put on 'a disciplinary' after revealing politicians were among the suspects."

Paedo MP cover-up claim: policeman removed from sex abuse probe after naming politicians as suspects


Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll said: "I was unhappy with the interference of some senior officers who did not appear to have a logical connection to my investigation into child sex abuse in Lambeth.

"There were allegations made by several people that named politicians had been involved but I never had a chance to investigate them because I was moved before I could do so."

Lambeth Palace.

Clive Driscoll was asked if a file naming politicians as suspects was lost.

Clive Driscoll says: "I handed the file to an officer and I have no knowledge where it went after that."

Anna Tapsell

Former Labour councillor Anna Tapsell says she was visited by a police chief to 'warn her off'' after she raised concerns that police would not properly investigate pedophile rings in children's care homes.

Anna Tapsell, a chairwoman of Lambeth’s social services committee, has highlighted sexual abuse of children in Lambeth's care for more than twenty years.

Lambeth - home to the MI6 HQ and various gay clubs.

Anna Tapsell says: "When I learned that Clive (Driscoll) was being removed, not only from the case but also from Lambeth, I realised that the Met (London Police) were caving in to political pressure that was far more powerful than Lambeth Council.

"I was aware of allegations about an MP and the Met's failure to act on those allegations and its apparent desire to silence those who called for them to be investigated fully was deeply shocking to me.

"Council employees who tried to expose staff they suspected of sexual abuse were sidelined and ignored."

Paedo MP cover-up claim: policeman removed from sex abuse probe after naming politicians as suspects

Former kids' home - Angel Road

Clive Driscoll had been investigating child sex abuse at Brixton’s Angell Road children’s home and South Vale youth assessment centre in West Norwood

Sir Jimmy Savile, 'pedophile ring organiser', in West Norwood.

After Clive Driscoll's removal, Anna Tapsell told how she raised fears about the depth of the investigation during a meeting of the Community Police Consultative Group.

She says that a high-ranking officer later arrived at her home.

AnnaTapsell says: "I doubt whether I was the only person to be visited by a senior police officer in an attempt to warn me off.

"I had cast doubt on the Met’s inclination to get to the bottom of the paedophile activity within Lambeth’s care system...

"I have found the minutes of that meeting in the archives of Lambeth’s Community Police Consultative Group but no mention is made of the high-ranking officer’s contribution and the tape recording is also missing."

The police did trace 200 victims between 1998 to 2003.

There were only three convictions.

A total of 19 suspects were never identified.

Convicted paedophile: Michael Carroll ran the Angell Road home .

Michael John Carroll, the former boss of the Angell Road home, was arrested in 1998.

Anna Tapsell had spent more than 10 years highlighting his case.

Lambeth bosses had let him run children's homes until 1991 despite knowing in 1986 that he was a convicted paedophile.

In 1994, Tapsell told a judge that Carroll was 'protected' by Lambeth social services bosses along with paedophile Les Paul who worked in South Vale.

According to Anna Tapsell: "I have no doubt Angell Road may have been used for organised child abuse which involved adults other than staff.

"This view is reinforced by the strong investment that officers and politicians have in blocking any effective investigation.”

Clare Whelan, a Lambeth Tory councillor since 1990, claims she was repeatedly ignored by police when she tried to highlight the Carroll case.

Paedo MP cover-up claim: policeman removed from sex abuse probe after naming politicians as suspects

Inspector Mick Starkey of the Yorkshire police, with Sir Jimmy Savile, who is suspected of having links to the security services.

South Yorkshire Police "ignoring hundreds of reports of sexual abuse against young girls."


Tony Brookes, a former policeman with 30 years' service, claims the South Yorkshire Police knew that girls as young as 12-years-old were being raped and assaulted but chose to ignore it.

A document from the police's intelligence base "shows that girls aged as young as 12 to 15 were subjected to abuse including rape, trafficking, physical assaults, abduction and threats to kill.

Ann Lucas, who formerly ran the city's sexual exploitation service, has revealed that that senior officers failed to act.

She says that more than 660 children were referred to Sheffield's sexual exploitation service between 2011 and 2013.

She says that none of the reports resulted in prosecutions.



One MP wore only underpants and a dog's collar around his neck

Kate Middleton's friend: How I sneaked a Labour MP in a ....


'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2016 2:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Establishment figures who helped disgraced bishop avoid prosecution for sex abuse revealed
Disgraced ex-bishop Peter Ball
The disgraced bishop Peter Ball evaded prosecution for decades
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/12076285/Establishment-fi gures-who-helped-disgraced-bishop-avoid-prosecution-for-sex-abuse-reve aled.html

By Nicola Harley 5:00PM GMT 31 Dec 2015
Former Lord Justice Anthony Lloyd and David Cameron's late godfather Tory MP Tim Rathbone among figures who wrote in support of former Bishop of Gloucester, Peter Ball, one said he was a "saint"

The Establishment figures whose intervention helped a disgraced Bishop evade prosecution for decades have finally been revealed following an investigation by the Telegraph.

The former Bishop of Gloucester, now aged 83, groomed and abused 18 aspiring young priests over a period spanning 15 years and was finally jailed in October.

Peter Ball had escaped justice over the same charges years earlier after he was given support by a member of the Royal family and establishment figures.

"He is quite simply the most gentle, upright and saintly man I have ever met. If there is a latter day St Francis, then Peter Ball is him."
Former Lord Chief Justice Anthony Lloyd

A Freedom of Information request by the Telegraph has led to the release of the letters written by some high profile figures in his support, they include former Lord Justice Anthony Lloyd, former Archbishop of Canterbury Donald Coggan and David Cameron's late godfather Tory MP Tim Rathbone, who gave Mr Cameron his first work experience in the House of Commons.

Mr Rathbone, who died from cancer in 2002, aged 69, wrote that he found it "literally inconceivable" that Ball would ever become involved with anyone in the way described.

Anthony Lloyd, who was a Lord Justice at the time, described Ball as a "saint" in one of more than 2,000 letters sent to the Crown Prosecution Service and Gloucestershire Police in his support from acquaintances.

"He is quite simply the most gentle, upright and saintly man I have ever met," he wrote.

"If there is a latter day St Francis, then Peter Ball is him."

Margaret Thatcher's former Chief Whip Tim Renton MP said any criminal action against Ball was "far too great a punishment".

Former Archbishop of Canterbury, Donald Coggan, who died aged 90 in 2000, had ordained Ball in 1977 and said he held him in the "highest regard and respect".

He wrote: "I have seen a good deal of excellent qualities in his work. I have known him as a godly man, totally devoted to his church. He has had an unblemished record."

Headteachers from some of the country's top private schools, including Lancing College and Radley College, Oxford, also wrote in his support.

Mr Justice Wilkie, sitting at the Old Bailey, jailed Ball for two years and eight months for his offending in October.

Ball was first reported to Gloucester Police by novice monk Neil Todd and others in 1992.

But no charges were brought against him after police received supportive telephone calls from "many dozens of people- including MPs, former public school headmasters, Jps and the Lord Chief Justice", the court heard.

It was also revealed that there had been "two thousand letters of support...including letters from cabinet ministers and Royal Family".

The member of the Royal family was not named by Ball's barrister.

A retired bishop has been arrested by police investigating historic allegations of child sex abuse in the Church of England.
The Rt Rev Peter Ball BBC

Today the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said: "In the matter of Bishop Peter Ball the CPS has not received any correspondence nor seen any correspondence to others from any member of the Royal family."

On its decision to release some of the letters, it added: "Whilst we appreciate some embarrassment may be caused by the release of these letters we believe this is outweighed by the public interest in accountability under their respective titles."

While Ball has in his past described Prince Charles as "a loyal friend", a spokesman for Clarence House said: ""The Prince of Wales made no intervention in the judicial process on behalf of Peter Ball."​

The court has previously heard how the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey had personally contacted the CPS about the case in 1993.

Ball accepted a caution for indecency in 1993 and resigned his position as Bishop of Lewes.

He then became the tenant of a Duchy of Cornwall cottage.

Once there he was given permission to officiate as priest for six months in the Diocese of Truro in 1995, which was extended for three years by the then Archbishop Carey from September 1995.

Reverend Graham Sawyer, the vicar of Briercliffe, in Burnley, was abused by Ball in the 1980s.

He has attacked the Establishment in light of the support received by Ball in 1993.

"It is terribly sad he was not prosecuted in 1993 and it has not served anyone well," he told the Telegraph.

"There needs to be a full investigation.

"Unfortunately the Establishment in this country is still strong and the relationship between the church and the establishment needs to be looked at.

"We cannot allow the Establishment to collaborate in this way, it is not fit for purpose."

In 2008 the Church reviewed the case and in 2012 referred it to Sussex Police, who reopened the investigation which saw him arrested and charged.

Ball attempted to avoid justice by pleading unfit to stand trial, and argued his role as a bishop was not a “public office” he finally admitted his years of offending this year.

He pleaded guilty to two counts of indecent assault and misconduct in public office between 1977 and 1992, while he was Bishop of Lewes.

Ball groomed 18 vulnerable victims to commit acts of "debasement" in the name of religion, such as praying naked at the altar and encouraging them to submit to beatings.

He told many of them he would not approve their applications to become priests unless they participated.

Victims said he used "power and control" to manipulate them and said they had looked up to him and regarded him as "a living saint".

Mr Justice Wilkie told him he had misused his position to "persuade selected individuals to commit or submit to acts of physical or sexual debasement under the guise of being part of their austere regime of devotion when they were not".

He said the delay in victims getting justice was also due to the "protection" given to him by the Church and its "continued acceptance" of him as a priest.

The current Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has commissioned an independent report into how the Church dealt with the allegations against Ball.

Cambridge-educated Ball, of Langport, Somerset, was Bishop of Lewes between 1977 and 1992 and Bishop of Gloucester from 1992 until his resignation the following year.

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 6:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

BBC covered up Jimmy Savile’s child abuse because he was friends with Prince Charles, claims veteran broadcaster Bill Oddie
October 19, 2012 | by SWNS Reporter | 18 Comments
http://swns.com/news/jimmy-savile-scandal-bbc-covered-abuse-friends-pr ince-charles-claims-bill-oddie-26272/

Veteran BBC presenter Bill Oddie has backed claims disgraced Jimmy Savile’s abuse was covered up – because he was friends with Prince Charles.

The Springwatch star, who appeared on TOTP with the Goodies when Savile presented it during the 1970s, said there was a “running sick joke” at the BBC about Savile being a paedophile.

He suggested there might have been some sort of “censorship committee” preventing the truth being released because of Savile’s royal connections.

Scroll down for video

The Prince of Wales and Sir Jimmy Savile in Glencoe in July 1999
The Prince of Wales and Sir Jimmy Savile in Glencoe in July 1999
The presenter also backed claims made by other former BBC presenters that Savile’s antics were well known at the time.

He said: “The idea that youngsters were prey – everybody knew that.

“I was not surprised at all. And the surprise is in a sense that that didn’t happen years ago.

“The establishment or who ever it is decided to keep it all quiet and decided to give him a knighthood. He was, to a certain amount, a friend of royalty.”

The pair of friends chat happily during the charity trip, where Savile kept a holiday cottage
The pair of friends chat happily during the charity trip, where Savile kept a holiday cottage
He added: “I do not know why it took so long to come to light. That is what I am curious about.

“Whether there is somewhere in Britain, some sort of censorship committee that we don’t know about that suppresses these thing and somebody gets together in a room and says ‘come on he was a friend of Prince Charles, it would look awfully bad on Prince Charles if we said he was a bit of a perv’.

“And someone decides ‘yes you are right, we will keep it quiet, nobody will ever find out.’

“I don’t know who that would be.”

Speaking after a question and answer session with students of Cambridge University’s historic debating society – The Union Society – on Tuesday, Oddie said Savile’s reputation was “just taken for granted.”

The Prince of Wales is shown round the holiday cottage, which Savile had hoped would be turned into a retreat for disabled children
The Prince of Wales is shown round the holiday cottage, which Savile had hoped would be turned into a retreat for disabled children

He said: “There was just this running sick joke that Jimmy Savile pestered the young youths of both sexes.

“It was just taken for granted. It doesn’t mean anyone thought they must do something about it – and it probably wasn’t realised how serious it was – it certainly wasn’t realised to the extent of the hospital – which is horrendous.

“When this came out it was not a surprise at all. The surprise is that it did not come out a lot earlier and the puzzlement is or the question is was it covered up or did people just chose to ignore it or was there an order and if so from whom, by whom and with whom saying we are not going to allow this to get published.

“It does make you think who would you look at. Would you look at the BBC, the police, would you look at the NHS hospital people? Did they all know and didn’t say?”

Bill Oddie claims the BBC covered up Savile's sex abuse
Bill Oddie claims the BBC covered up Savile’s sex abuse
Oddie revealed there was a “naive groupies scene” at the time.

He said: “This is not a mitigating circumstance obviously, but the only thing I will say is that that was a time in history in television and radio and live shows where there was a sort of naive groupies scene.

“I do not think the girls were incredibly promiscuous, certainly not the younger ones.
“There were people who hung around after gigs and tried to get to the stars – or the disk jockeys.

“You haven’t half got a booby prize if you went for Cliff Richard and ended up with Jimmy Savile.”

He added: “The thing that you could not ignore was that it was the era of the sort of groupies.

“Not the heavy groupy, but it was an extension of those shots of the Beatles in the 60s where there is hundreds of girls crying and screaming and god knows what – well that was pretty rife.

“My wife was saying the other day about a friend of hers from way back when they went to see the Monkeys and the girl said ‘I am going to try and get in the dressing room’ and my wife said ‘he will only want one thing you know’ and she said ‘yes, I know. that is what I am going for’.

“But that is not quite the same thing as a paedophile – that was just rock bands and includes other people I am sure and is due to availability and other things. The 70s was like that.”

Oddie, who started on BBC radio with his show I’m Sorry I’ll Read That Again, reiterated claims that former director general of the BBC Mark Thompson must have known what was going on with Savile.

He said: “It is so extraordinary that there is any sort of mystery – when the ex head of the BBC Mark Thompson the other day said ‘I don’t know anything about it’.

“You worked at the BBC and you don’t know anything about it – don’t be ridiculous.

“That is absolute nonsense.”

Oddie claimed Savile “bribed his way out” of getting found out for molesting children in hospital because he was a large donor.

He said: “Anyone of that era knew something – he had a reputation for being a groper.

“The most awful aspect is the idea of molesting kids in hospital – that is just unbelievable. He was sort of bribing his way out of it by giving millions of pounds to the hospital – that is staggering.”

As well as Savile’s contact with children at the BBC, his interaction with sick youngsters at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, in Sussex, and Leeds General Infirmary, is also being investigated.

William says:
March 9, 2013 at 10:24 am
Joe – A big concern for millions of us who wish to see the truth aired, is that in spite of the reputable Bill Oddie’s comments there has been NO police interview with Prince Charles. If not why not as it is well recorded that he had a close relationship with Saville. I am sure you will agree that millions of us who question his involvement are not naive.

Robbin says:
May 26, 2013 at 4:11 pm
Government officials stepped in to hide Prince Charles’ close relationship with Jimmy Savile when documents about the paedophile telly host were released. Details relating to Savile and Prince Charles were blanked out, so the public was prevented from knowing how close the pair were.
It is only after a seven month battle to reveal the full truth that civil servants were trying to hush up.

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 11:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow - a whole load of new info from Eric Simon on Faceache today

Facebook wrote:
Eric Simon
What happened there HAS TO BE LINKED to what Andrea Davison exposed already. She clearly stated that she was given copies of the Geoffrey Dickens files on paedophile rings in Westminster. She clearly said that at the time what would become main figures of the Labour party, such as John Mann (ex Lambeth Councillor if I remember well) Ken Livingstone, and the future Blairite clique, Tony Blair first, knew what was happening in Lambeth elsewhere but used these informations to make their way into the Labour party and to ultimate power. The continuing cover up is on to avoid all responsibilities to be pointed out. AND IT MAKE ALL SENSE WHY ?
We know Israel was much fabricating Tony Blair's rise in the Labour party. He was introduced to his fundraiser Michael Levy at an Israeli embassy dinner party by who is now Israel's diplomacy n°2 Gideon Meir (and probably still Tony Blair's handler now). And we know how he used all Zionist interests. The aim of Blair to power was to reak the real opposition to economic liberalism and a road to neo conservatism. As Maggie Thatcher gloated : We destroyed the Labour party. So I personally have little doubt that the real muppetering master of the controlled pedo rings were behind both Blair and previously Thatcher ... Victor Rothschild and family ? Peter Mandelson and Tony Blair ? Leon Brittan and cousin Michael Rifkind ex head of Intelligence select committee overseeing MI5/6 the Met's work. Was it that dark web Alaisdair Milne and Duncan Campbell were trying yo blow the lid on through their secret societies program in 1987 ... ? Secret Cabinets, secret lodges ... and the Zionist agenda. Ruining the Nemrod sattelite and anti missile program to be depending on the american AWACS system. Ooooh? Who controls the AWACS company nowadays. The very Zionist Rabbi Dov Zarkheim ... the very friend of MICHAEL RIFKIND. And who, in 1987 ordered as a Scottish secretary the Duncan Campbell's secret society dossiers to be seized in BBC GLASGOW ?!? Yep, Michael Rifkind ! Who ordered Alaisdair Milne to be sacked from BBC director ? Victor Rothschild !
And wasn't Dov Zarkheim the guy in charge of investigating the disappearance of 2.3 trillion dollar from the Pentagons budget which was announced on September 10th 2001 ? One day prior to 9/11 ? And we should remember what Andrea Davison revealed. The well connected North Wales Dolphin Square Zionist Jimmy Savile and quite probably so Kincora boys home paedophile networks were tied and bound to the arms to Iraq trade scandal just as the Bush father admin was glued into the IRAN/Contra scandal behind which lies the Larry King Franklin Boystown paedophile scandal. What we see now is that at least on both sides of the Atlantic we see a shadowy pro Zionist pedophiliac entwined network who manipulated internal external security services, the course of international politics, and the course of the Iran/Iraq war which led to the now situation in the middle east much impacting world peace ... WE HAVE TO DESTROY WHAT CLAMPS OUR SOCIETIES DOWN, through unjustified wars, undue public debt and controlled criminality.

Eric Simon
And links between the Leon Brittan Elm Guest House ring were established with french pedo established. In the early 1990s, french special branch handed a tape showing Leon Brittan violently abusing a young boy, sexually and beating him with a cane.This has been acknowledged by a senior HM Custom officer who reported it in front of Chris Faye (ex social worker and anti paedophile activist) and (I'm not sure which one) TOM WATSON or SIMON DANCZUK MP. You can check Chris Faye interview on you Tube with Bill Maloney. On the record.
It came out not long after the Pasteur Doucet scandal erupted in France. He was found dead in 1990. He was advocating for "sexual minorities rights" but surely just as PIE snuk through the NCCL in the 1970's in the UK, he was promoting paedophilia and lowering the age of consent. It came out he was a close friend with an English priest (Nicola Glencross not to be confused with Peter Glencross) who had a parish in France in ex french president Mitterrand early constituency and was a close acquaintance of him. Pasteur Doucet and priest Nicola Glencross both died in mysterious circumstances after it came out they were running a very "professional" photo lab ... They knew a lot about many and it seems Doucet who was becoming vocal (he even was interviewed on popular french talk show) was about to use all his "database" to promote "legality" of pedophelia ... It seems he was well allowed to have his potentialy blackmailing activities BUT NOT to make it public.
Anyway. I'm absolutely convinced the paedophilia networks are internationally connected and run by shadowy forces for blackmailing purposes to achieve political agenda.

Ian Cresswell
London seemed to be a epicentre for this. Islington. All 12 council run homes infiltrated by child abuse cells
Margaret Hodge,Then Labour Council Leader, big Tony Blair Follower heavily implicated
Massive cover ups.
Something darker Tony, remember Michael James, maverick journalist who fled to Germany after he claimed someone shot at him.
The same who spoke of child abuse cells to cabinet level.
Article I showed you at Lytham St.Anne's before Tories won election.
All connected.

Ian Cresswell
Not just child abuse. But covering up of abuse and neglect in care homes Croydon, Camden, Islington. Starting with BUPA around 2004-2005, Croydon. Still ongoing see recent Croydon stories. Care homes for the elderly.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 12:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

LISTEN: Historic child abuse panel member: “I was silenced by Theresa May’s advisors to ensure she became PM”
By J.D McGregor - 12th August 2017
http://evolvepolitics.com/listen-historic-child-abuse-panel-member-i-s ilenced-theresa-mays-advisors-ensure-became-pm/

Theresa May Sharon Evans Child Abuse Inquiry



In an extraordinary interview recorded yesterday, a child abuse survivor who served on the Government’s independent inquiry into historic child sexual abuse has claimed she was silenced by Theresa May’s advisors to ensure that Ms May became Prime Minister.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg of Ms Evans’ startling claims about her time serving on the inquiry.

Speaking to talkRADIO, Sharon Evans, a former journalist and the founder of Dot Com Children’s Foundation, said that the panel were “promised the child abuse inquiry would be open”, but after a short while she saw that it was ‘so obvious that everything was about the control and suppression of information” and that the supposedly independent inquiry had absolutely “no independence’.

Ms Evans claimed that the contracts panel members were made to sign by the Home Office were used to stop them from speaking openly about “very serious allegations about very public figures” – allegations which she says were taken back to the inquiry leaders, but ‘nothing was being done about” them.

The former panel member, who quit after questioning the true ‘independence’ of the inquiry, told talkRADIO:

It became very clear to myself and Graham when we went round to listening meetings, and were being given very serious allegations about very public figures, which we took back to the inquiry and nothing was being done about. Months in, they couldn’t actually tell us how the information was going to be used.

I was chairing the panel on one day, and I suggested that we wrote to Theresa May, who was the Home Secretary, to express our concerns. At the end of the day I was taken to one side and it was made clear to me – this is what I was told – that Theresa May was going to be Prime Minister, that this inquiry was going to be part of this, and that if I didn’t toe the line and do as I was told, if I tried to get information out I would be discredited by her advisors.

Ms Evans also says that she was gagged by the Home Office during a Parliamentary Committee meeting, describing how she was given a 23 page document detailing exactly “what she may and may not say”.

Evans says that she believes it was the Home Office – then under the leadership of Theresa May – trying to suppress and control precisely what information was released to MPs during Committee meetings:

I have got a document, it’s 23 pages. When I appeared in front of the Home Affairs Select Committee – which should be where you openly and honestly answer the questions and challenges of MPs, and where it’s actually an offense not to tell the truth – they (the Home Office) provided me with a 23 page document telling me exactly what I may and may not say.
Ms Evans says that she was so alarmed by the nature of the Home Office gagging document that she went to the clerk of the Parliamentary Committee to tell him that she feared she may not be able to tell the truth because of it.

Sharon Evans also had an extremely depressing message for the victims of the Grenfell tragedy about what she has learned about Establishment collusion during supposedly ‘independent’ inquiries such as this:

When asked by interviewer John Nicholson about her advice to the Grenfell Inquiry panel members, Evans said:

I think from what I’ve been hearing that people are already being encouraged to come and give information informally – and this is where we started on the child abuse inquiry – but the thing is it seems like it’s exactly the same. I want to stop them going down the same road where their information is controlled and suppressed, because when there is an inquiry they can control information and decide what is released.
You can listen to Ms Evans’ extraordinary interview with talkRADIO below:
http://evolvepolitics.com/listen-historic-child-abuse-panel-member-i-s ilenced-theresa-mays-advisors-ensure-became-pm/

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 11:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

'Spectre of conspiracy' `Spectre of collusion´ raised by MI5 dossier on Cyril Smith child abuse claims
By Press Association
11:26 10 Oct 2017, updated 11:41 10 Oct 2017
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/pa/article-4966018/Spectre-collusion- raised-MI5-dossier-Cyril-Smith-child-abuse-claims.html

MI5 intelligence on allegations of paedophilia by the late politician Cyril Smith “raises a spectre of collusion” which could explain why he escaped justice, an inquiry has heard.

A dossier of information on the Liberal MP was held by the security services and has been disclosed to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse for examination.

Laura Hoyano, representing seven alleged victims of Smith, asked in her opening statement to the inquiry: “Why was MI5 involved at all?”

Cyril Smith
It came as the Crown Prosecution Service criticised “some elements” of a decision by the Director of Public Prosecutions not to press sexual abuse charges against Smith in 1970.

Despite allegations and police investigations dogging the career of the 29-stone politician, he was never prosecuted.

The inquiry heard during the first day of evidence regarding child abuse in Rochdale, where Smith was a prominent councillor and later an MP, that journalists had been lied to regarding the collapsed 1970 investigation into Smith.

MI5 was told by Sir Thomas Hetherington, then the DPP, in 1979 that his office falsely told the press that they had no record of a police file of evidence against the politician.

In reality, prosecutors had been given a file in 1970 saying the allegations against Smith, made by eight boys associated with the Cambridge House hostel in Rochdale, “stand up”, but chose not to take him to trial.

Ms Hoyano asked the second day of hearings: “Was political pressure brought to bear upon the DPP from politicians and members of the Liberal Party from 1969 to 1970?”

She added: “Why would Sir Thomas Hetherington decide he should lie to journalists, stating that he had not submitted a prosecution file?

“Why would the DPP contact MI5 about this at all? Why was an apparent South African connection suspected?

“There is also a reference in the covering letter to another child sexual abuse investigation into Cyril Smith by the Metropolitan Police Service in the mid-1970s. Again, why would MI5 hold that information? Why was MI5 involved at all?

“We say this dossier from MI5 raises a spectre of collusion.”

In the MI5 documents shown to the hearing on Monday, the security service’s legal adviser wrote that he suspected Smith was embroiled in a plot orchestrated by South Africa.

He said: “There had been a scandal involving a South African diplomat some years ago in one of the newspapers ... in which it had been suggested that the South Africans were trying to obtain compromising information about political figures.

“I thought there was an innuendo at the time that Cyril Smith was involved.

“The Metropolitan Police had investigated this incident.”

The inquiry is holding evidence hearings to examine how Smith was able to carry out his alleged offences at institutions across Rochdale, including Cambridge House hostel and the Knowl View residential school.

The Crown Prosecution Service said it had reviewed three decisions not to prosecute Smith while he was still alive, made in 1970, 1998 and 1999.

An examination of the 1970 decision, made by DPP Sir Norman Skelhorn, took into account the legal landscape of the time, which required any accusation made by a child to be corroborated.

It was alleged by eight boys that during the 1960s Smith had spanked their bare bottoms and carried out intrusive medical examinations despite not being qualified to do so.

Edward Brown, representing the CPS, told the hearing: “The CPS can only comment on the position as it was in law, many years before the CPS came into existence.

“However, we criticise some elements – some elements – of the legal ratio that lay behind the DPP’s decision, although recognising that the true state of the law as it was applied in the criminal courts, even then, was perhaps not straightforward and not closed to debate and legal argument.”

He added: “Had the DPP in 1970 considered the overall evidential picture carefully, including Smith’s arguably unsatisfactory claims of innocent association, and in light of the precise reasoning, as set down by the Court of Appeal, it is perhaps difficult to see how he would have come to any other conclusion but that there was, indeed, corroboration of the complainant’s account, that is, one supporting the other.”

Addressing allegations that the 1970 decision was influenced by political pressures, he said the CPS could not reach any conclusions about what informed the DPP at the time.

Of the later decisions, he said the conclusions of the lawyers “cannot, even in hindsight, be described as unreasonable”.

“The evidence reveals no suggestion that any CPS lawyer considering any allegation of abuse arising out of Cambridge House and/or Knowl View was improperly influenced at all in coming to the judgment he did.”

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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