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Mon22May MANCHESTER 'Salman Abedi suicide bombing', 22 dead
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Joined: 25 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2017 12:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rufus Hound sparks Twitter outrage over conspiracy theory linking May to Manchester terror
http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/808985/Manchester-Bombing-Comedian-Tw itter-terror-conspiracy-theory-Rufus-Hound
COMEDIAN Rufus Hound sparked Twitter outrage over an outrageous conspiracy theory linking Theresa May and the Manchester terror attack.

Libyan soldiers responsible for rape and mayhem on UK training programme went on £500,000 barracks wrecking spree
EXCLUSIVE: Figures reveal Ministry of Defence has asked Libyan government to pay for damaged property at Bassingbourn Barracks
Damage understood to include broken furniture and vandalised buildings
Training programme abandoned after allegations of rape and sex assault
Repairs invoice part of a revised £13.9m bill for the abandoned programme
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3086108/Libyan-soldiers-respon sible-rape-mayhem-UK-training-programme-went-500-000-barracks-wrecking -spree.html
The Ministry of Defence had agreed to train Libyan cadets in support of the country's new government after the fall of Colonel Gaddafi.
But within months of the troops arriving at Bassingbourn Barracks in June, they were sent back to Libya in disgrace amid allegations of rape and sexual assault, as well as reports of drunken vandalism and fighting.
On Friday, five of the soldiers were jailed for their actions during a night of drunken rampaging through a city centre in which a man was raped and four women sexually assaulted.

Saturday, 27 May 2017
http://aanirfan.blogspot.co.uk/2017/05/manchester-arena-false-flag-ari ane.html

The Manchester Arena atrocity is like the Bologna Bombing.

According to the BBC documentary above, the security services (CIA and its friends) carried out the massacre in Bologna as part of its Operation Gladio.


The CIA-Mossad's Operation Gladio B involves the employment of Moslems to carry out terrorist attacks.

Operation Gladio/B.

Salman Abedi's father is alleged to have been in touch with ABU QATADA who is 'an MI5 ASSET'.

[]Image result for Haroon Rashid Aswat
Haroon Rashid Aswat (right)

Haroon Rashid Aswat was described as being the mastermind of the 7 July London bombings.

The authorities stated that Aswat had made mobile telephone calls to two of the 7 July bombers.

('Yorkshire Evening Post)

After Aswat was handed over to the UK police, Scotland Yard police headquarters said, on 7 August 2005, that detectives were not interested in speaking to Aswat about the London attacks.


Reportedly, Aswat worked for MI6.



Al Qaeda's Anwar Al-Awlaki (above) was born in the USA.

He was once a chaplain at George Washington University.

He was recruited by the CIA.

On 21st October 2010, Al Qaeda's Anwar Al-Awlaki was 'invited to the Pentagon for lunch after 9 11'.


In 1996 and in 1997, Al-Awlaki was arrested in San Diego for soliciting prostitutes.[14][38][58][59]

President Mubarak, after the Luxor massacre, stated: "There are people who carried out crimes and who were sentenced (in Egypt) and live on British soil."


Who are the brains behind the 'terrorism'? www.theworldoftruth.net...

Israel is run by terrorists?

Mossad and its friends have always employed lots of Moslems.

Moslems can be seduced by money and sex, or can be intimidated and mind controlled.


The UK has more than one foreign enemy?

What links does the family of Salman Abedi have to the CIA?


In 1946 Jewish terrorists tried to drop a bomb on the House of Commons from a hired plane.

The House of Commons was saved when French Police discovered members of the Jewish Stern Gang preparing to fly across the channel in a plane containing a large bomb.

Source: BBC - Radio 4 Document - A Laudable Invasion


Declassified intelligence reports show that after World War II, the main priority for MI5 was terrorism carried out by the Jewish terrorist groups - the Irgun and the Stern Gang.

How Zionist Extremism Became British Spies' Biggest Enemy / Empire of Secrets by Calder Walton


The Jewish terrorists were supported by top people in the USA, who saw Britain as a rival power.

How Zionist Extremism Became British Spies' Biggest Enemy / Empire of Secrets by Calder Walton

King David Hotel

On 22 July 1946, the Irgun bombed the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, which housed British officials and the headquarters of the British Army in Palestine.

91 people died.

The Zionists like to carry out their attacks on the 22nd day of any month.

In November 1944 the Stern Gang assassinated the British government minister Lord Moyne.

In March 1947, Irgun bombed the Colonial Club in London.

In April 1947, Irgun placed a bomb at the Colonial Office in London.

In June 1947, the Stern Gang launched a letter-bomb campaign in Britain.

How Zionist Extremism Became British Spies' Biggest Enemy / Empire of Secrets by Calder Walton

Marvin Paice and Clifford Martin, the two british sergants who were hanged by the Irgun.

In mid-June 1946, the Irgun bombed five trains and 10 of the 11 bridges in British controlled Palestine.

In October 1946, Irgun bombed the British Embassy in Rome

In late 1946 and early 1947, Irgun carried out attacks on British military transportation routes in British occupied Germany.

How Zionist Extremism Became British Spies' Biggest Enemy / Empire of Secrets by Calder Walton

Kim Philby worked for Victor Rothschild, MI6, the CIA, the KGB and MOSSAD.

The British army contained Jews who were members of Irgun and the Stern gang.

MI5 and MI6 contained Jews who supported Israel.

Loord Victor Rothschild worked for MI5 and MI6 and is said to have given away secrets to Israel.

The British cabinet contained Jews who supported Israel.


It can be said that, gradually, Zionist Jews and their allies came to influence every key institution in the UK, including the media.


It is said that Zionist Jews and their allies came to control every key Islamist leader.

Jewish home secretaries allowed large numbers of Moslems to enter the UK.

Members of the IRA, such as Robert Briscoe, supported the Jewish terrorists.


CNN's Paul Cruickshank suggested the possibility that the Manchester Arena attack was a False Flag attack.

False Flag attacks have been researched by historians such as Dr Daniel Ganser.

Dr Daniel Ganser explains that western governments have carried out many acts of false flag terrorism.

CIA-NATO Gladio agent Vincezo Vinciguerra explained the Gladio "strategy of tension" in sworn testimony.

He said:

"You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game ... to force the public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security.

"This is the political logic that lies behind all the massacres and the bombings which remain unpunished, because the state cannot convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened."

NATO’s secret armies linked to terrorism


Armed police point a gun at the head of a white man in Hulme, Manchester. Manchester armed cops force man to the ground

A 'Libyan anti-terror official', Ahmed bin Salem, has said that Salman Abedi phoned his mother and said "forgive me".

Salman Abedi called mother .

We should not necessarily trust a Libyan anti-terror official, who may well be working for the CIA.

It was the CIA and Mossad who wrecked Libya in their Arab Spring, because they had fallen out with Gadaffi.

Salman Abedi's family may be working for the CIA and its friends.

Al Qaeda's Abu Anas

Al Qaeda's Abu Anas al-Libi lived in Manchester.

Abu Anas al-Libi reportedly worked for MI6.

(MI6 hired Al Qaeda men)

Abu Anas al-Libi was granted asylum in the UK.

The wife of Abu Anas al-Libi was once a friend of Salman Abedi's mother.


Salman Abedi's father has been linked to al Qaeda.

The late UK foreign secretary Robin Cook explained in the UK parliament that al Qaeda is the CIA.

The newspaper Scotland on Sunday reported that Osama bin Laden worked for the Jewish mafia.


It is alleged that Salman Abedi may have stayed at a flat in Granby House immediately before the Manchester Arena attack.

Manchester armed police storm property in city centre

Granby House is in Manchester's Gay Village.

Was Mossad controlling Abedi through sexual blackmail?


The originally Catholic Ariana Grande 'is a mind-controlled Jewish kabbalah supporter'?

Illuminati & Kabbalah symbolism

'There was a stage, when I was three or four, where my mom thought I might grow up to be a serial killer,' Ariana told Billboard.

She continued: 'I always wanted to have skeleton face paint on or be wearing a Freddy Krueger mask.'


Peter Chamberlin, in NEOCONSERVATISM - FASCIST ZIONISM, links the powerful Zionist Michael Ledeen to the false flag terrorism that has hit Europe and the USA.

CCTV (above) has captured someone, said to be Salman Abedi, buying a rucksack.

The alleged Manchester Arena bomber, Salman Abedi, lived close to a number of fellow Libyans and a number of 'Christians' who apparently worked for the CIA and its friends.

The Manchester Libyan connection

Stephen Gray.

Stephen Gray, 31, from Manchester, served in the UK's Royal Air Force.

Gray tried to travel to Syria to fight for ISIS, which is said to be run by the CIA and its friends.

ISIS fighter and jihadi bride network active in Manchester.

Raphael Hostey.

Rapper Raphael Hostey, 22, from Manchester, joined ISIS.


Belhadj (centre), leader of LIFG, with John McCain. Washington's Al Qaeda Ally.

Salman Abedi's father, Ramadan Abedi, was reportedly a member of Abdelhakim Belhadj's
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG).

Abdelhakim Belhadj worked with the US and NATO to overthrow Gaddafi.

The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) has a large presence in the Manchester area.

LIFG is now being linked to the Manchester Arena attack.

LIFG works for the CIA and its friends.

UK Government Harbored Terrorists.

Mohamed Abrini, the 'Man in the Hat'

Detectives have linked the alleged Manchester Arena attacker Salman Abedi to the 'Mossad-CIA terror attacks in Paris, in 2015, and in Brussels, in 2016'.

Mohamed Abrini, the 'Man in the Hat', who has connections to the attacks in Paris and Brussels, is known to have visited Manchester in 2015.


Zakaria Boufassil, who says he worked for MI5.

Zakaria Boufassil says he worked for MI5.


Zakaria Boufassil gave money to Mohamed Abrini who was involved in the November 2015 Paris attacks and the 2016 Brussels bombings.

Boufassil gave £3,000 to Mohamed Abrini in a park in Small Heath, Birmingham in July 2015.


Boufassil, 26, says he was approached by MI5, held several meetings with MI5 agents and was paid by MI5.

"His claims can now be published after an order banning mention of his alleged links to the security services was lifted at Kingston Crown Court."


Why was Salman's family given asylum in the UK when the family was known to the security services. Why was Salman allowed to travel freely between Libya and the UK? dailymail. One can assume that Salman and family worked for the security services?

Authorities told ABC News they found a kind of bomb-making workshop in Salman Abedi's home and he had apparently stockpiled enough chemicals to make additional bombs.

However, according to the UK police, "No bomb-making equipment was found at Salman Abedi's home."


In the London Tube train attacks, the explosives were placed under the train compartments, presumably by the security services.

One witness said that there was no Moslem and no backpack in his compartment where a bomb went off.



The Manchester Arena bomb had a sophisticated remote, cell-phone detonator.


It could have been detonated by an asset of the security services, some distance away.

Salman Abedi (third from left) and Bilal Ahmed (second from left).

Salman Abedi used to hang around with Bilal Ahmed.

Ahmed is now serving nine-year prison sentence for gang raping a schoolgirl, 16


Lots of English Moslems work for the drugs gangs, work for the child abuse rings and work for the security services.


Washington's Al Qaeda Ally.

The ARAB SPRING was a CIA-Mossad operation.

ISRAEL and its friends control the MAD MOSLEMS.


Salman Abedi's family. dailymail.

Salman Abedi's mother, Samia, is a nuclear scientist, with alleged links to the security services.

Salman Abedi, the alleged Manchester Arena bomber.

A schoolmate of Salman Abedi, who was in the same class throughout secondary school, told MailOnline that Salman Abedi had never shown any interest in religion.


'He was just a normal kid, not one of those who ever particularly stood out,' he said.

One friend said: 'He didn't show any outward signs of being radicalised."

Debbie Smith, 53, a chef who lives opposite the Abedi house, said: 'We never had any problems with the family.

"They seemed quite Western, they wore Western clothes.

'The women didn't wear veils.'



If Salman Abadi was working for ISIS, then he was working for the CIA and its friends, and had probably been mind-controlled.

On the left, 11-year-old Joe Dixon of ISIS.

Joe Dixon, of ISIS, is from Chatham in Kent.


He appears to have been mind controlled by the security services.


Max von Oppenheim (above), of the Jewish banking family, had a plan to incite religious violence in various countries.

He described Islam as 'one of our most important weapons'.

Mullahs were bribed with large sums of money to get them to support Jihad.

Max von Oppenheim.

Salman Abedi

In false flag attacks, real witnesses often describe the alleged attacker as being 'normal', but, fake witnesses describe the alleged attacker as being 'not normal'.

One alleged neighbour said of Salman Abedi's family: 'The family is super religious...

'The mother always stayed in the house and whenever I saw her she was wearing a veil.'


"Salman Abedi"

Salman Abedi's father, Ramadan Abedi, is an airport security officer who is thought to have worked at Manchester Airport.


The bomb used in the attack is a 'big and sophisticated bomb' using materials not widely available in Britain.

A CIA or Mossad bomb?



The UK Prime Minister Theresa May is strongly pro-Zionist.


"The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children," Rabbi Manis Friedman wrote.

Chabad rabbi: Jews should kill Arab men, women and children during war - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Salman Abedi, photoshopped onto a scene. Here's what we know.

The police linked Salman Abedi to the Manchester attack "through a bank card found in his pocket."

Here's what we know.

In false flag attacks, the security services are said to 'plant' fake evidence.

9 11 hijack 'suspects' alive and well. / 9-11 Hijackers Passports were issued by the CIA

According to an NBC News report, citing U.S. intelligence officials, "Abedi traveled abroad to multiple countries, including Libya, within the past year to train with the Al Qaeda terrorist group."

We should remember that the CIA and its friends created Al-Qaeda and ISIS.

1996 bombing in Manchester. By 1973, British intelligence (MI5 and MI6) had fully penetrated the IRA. (dailymail). It is believed that assets of the security services carried out the 1996 bombing in Manchester, in order to discredit the Republican movement, and get people scared so they would vote for the rich elite. DID MI5 BOMB LONDON IN 1973?

Salman Abedi took business classes at the University of Salford in Manchester.

"Friends remember him as a good footballer, a keen supporter of Manchester United and a user of cannabis."

Manchester attack.

He is believed to be currently living in Libya.

Salman Abedi

Saffie Rose Roussos

Why might the security services want to kill Saffie Rose Roussos at the Manchester Arena?


Sir Peter Hayman (above) was the deputy boss of the UK security service MI6.

The police found diaries in which Sir Peter Hayman had recorded his sexual experiences with children. The police also found letters to fellow child abusers.

Two of the letter writers had an interest in the extreme sexual torture and murder of children.

How the Establishment hid the monster.


Can we trust the UK military?



As a child, Paul Bonacci (above) was kidnapped by the US security services and forced to watch the sexual abuse, torture and the ritual murder of children.

KIDS CONTROLLED BY SPOOKS / The torture of American children, by the US military

Above we see Jihadi Jack of ISIS. The security services allegedly mind control children, use them as sex slaves, and then recruit them to ISIS. ISIS REVEALED.

22-year-old Salman Abedi is the alleged Manchester Arena bomber.

Salman's parents moved from Libya to London because they wanted to escape the Gaddafi regime.

Salman was born in Manchester in 1994.

There have been reports in Manchester that Salman and his parents recently returned permanently to Libya.

Salman Abedi -Telegraph.co.uk


As in most false flag attacks, the alleged suicide bomber 'was known to the security services.'

The alleged attacker had probably been mind controlled by the security services?



22 May 2017 was the date of the 'false flag, inside-job' attack at the Manchester Arena, where Ariana Grande was performing.

22 is a number said to be favoured by the security services.

As happens in false flags, the security services had held a practice drill.


Ariana Grande would appear to have been mind controlled by the elite.

Her manager is Scooter Braun.



Before the attack, an unverified Twitter account posted Tweets showing the ISIS flag alongside the hashtags #IslamicState and #Manchesterarena.


ISIS is run by the security services of the West.


Rita Katz is tweeting that ISIS is likely to blame.


Andy Burnham is the newly elected Mayor of Manchester.

Andy Burnham had his latest trip to Israel sponsored by Labour Friends of Israel.

Manchester has a very large Jewish population.


After the attack, we see people fleeing in panic.

On 22 May 2013, Lee Rigby was allegedly killed in Woolwich in London. On 22 March 2017, an attack took place on Westminster Bridege.



The purpose of Operation Gladio attacks, like the one in Manchester, is to get people scared so that they will vote for politicians who work for the Deep State.



The Manchester attack may be a preparation for a Theresa May government invading Syria.

Former Assistant Chief Constable of Manchester, Rebekah Sutcliffe. Shamed 'boobgate' rant cop

Should we trust the Manchester police?

Manchester and Salford Police's Chief Constable, W J Richards (centre), with Jimmy Savile.

Manchester Chief Constable Michael Todd's 'murder' refuses to be cleared up.

VOCATE Bassingbourn
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"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

Last edited by TonyGosling on Sun May 28, 2017 12:11 am; edited 3 times in total
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Joined: 25 Jul 2005
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Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England

PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2017 1:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

'He supports terrorism': Salman Abedi's Muslim peers warned cops about Manchester suicide bomber Salman Abedi 5 years ago
Abedi killed 22 innocent people and injured nearly 120 when he detonated a bomb at Manchester Arena on Monday
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/worried-friends-called-anti-terro r-10492183

17:14, 24 MAY 2017UPDATED03:54, 25 MAY 2017

Little girl sobs on This Morning whilst talking a

Police were tipped off by members of the Muslim community that Salman Abedi was a dangerous extremist.

Two members of the public called a special anti-terrorist hotline to report the ISIS killer’s horrific views.

One community worker – who asked not to be identified – said two people who knew Abedi at college made separate calls to the police begging them to take action.

He said: “All of the publicity is about Muslims not coming forward and this shows that they are coming forward and expressing their concerns.”

Both callers said they had been worried that “he was supporting terrorism” and had expressed the view that “being a suicide bomber was OK.”

British-born Salman Abedi was behind the terror attack on Monday
Salman Abedi was behind the terror attack on Monday (Photo: Handout)

Crime scene investigators were carrying out examinations at the home of Salman Abedi in Manchester (Photo: Daily Mirror)
Music-mad Manchester terror attack victim Olivia Campbell sings favourite song - which will now be played at her funeral
The calls are thought to have been made around five years ago.

It’s still unclear whether police acted on the tip-offs.

Last night it also emerged that Abedi’s own family warned British authorities they feared he was dangerous.

US intelligence officials said they had been told relatives contacted officials to express their concerns.

Last night both his dad Ramadan and brother Hashem were arrested by Libyan Police in Tripoli.

Ramadan Abedi was arrested in Libya
It’s believed they had been contacted by the British authorities asking for their help.

Last night Libyan security forces claimed Hashem ‘was aware of all the details’ of Salman’s plans.

Hashem Abedi was also arrested
Before he was taken in for questioning Ramadan gave several interviews claiming his son Salman was innocent and not responsible for Monday’s horrific attack.

"My son does not have extremist thoughts": Father of Manchester terror attack 'suicide bomber' believes son is INNOCENT
He said: “Until now my son is a suspect, and the authorities haven’t come up with a final conclusion.

Hashem, pictured in 2012, ‘was aware of all the details’ of Salman’s plans
“Every father knows his son and his thoughts, my son does not have extremist thoughts.”

He said he had only spoken to his son last week to discuss meeting up soon.

But a family friend disputed this and said that Salman’s father had recently hid his passport to try and stop him returning to the UK.

Armed police executing a raid at a flat in Manchester city centre
However the suicide bomber convinced his father that he was going on a trip to Saudi Arabia - before flying to Britain to launch his barbaric attack.

The friend said: “Ramadan hid their passports but Salman apparently asked for his back saying he wanted to go to Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage.

“But instead he went back to the UK for the bombing.”

Forensics carry out a table of evidence from Abedi's house in Manchester (Photo: SWNS - Leeds SWNS.com)
The Mirror has established how evil Salman had flown to Libya with his ISIS supporting brother Hashem.

And we have uncovered evidence online linking Hashem, 20, to extremist views.

In one post, he expresses admiration for so-called Islamic State fighters, commenting under a picture of a procession of vehicles carrying black IS flags.


Amir Khan says he is worried about division in Ma
Under another picture of IS fighters chopping off a man’s hand, he wrote: “This is a punishment prescribed by Allah, you idiot”.

Today, it emerged that Ramadan, also known as Abu Ismail, was a member of the Al-Qaeda linked terrorist Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, which was banned in the UK in 2005.

Abdel Wahab Gaydi, former member of LIFG group and a former member of the Libyan General National Congress, told the Mirror: “Ramadan was a member of the LIFG group but we never were close”.

"Beautiful" eight-year-old schoolgirl, Saffie Rose Roussos, died in the attack
"Beautiful" eight-year-old schoolgirl, Saffie Rose Roussos, died in the attack (Photo: SWNS.com)
Ramadan worked for the Libyan security service until 1991, when he fled the country and went to Saudi Arabia.

It was claimed that he joined LIFG in 1994, after moving to Manchester and starting a family with his wife Samia.

He was a regular at Didsbury Mosque where he led the call to prayers. The mosque follows the hardline conservative Salafi version of Islam.

Another victim, Georgina Callander (left), is pictured with singer Ariana Grande (centre) and a friend two years ago
Another victim, Georgina Callander (left), is pictured with singer Ariana Grande (centre) and a friend two years ago (Photo: Instagram)
There were a number of LIFG members living in the same area of south Manchester as the Abedi family.

One, Abd al-Baset Azzouz, a father of four from Manchester, left Britain to run a terrorist network in Libya overseen by Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden’s successor as leader of al-Qaeda.

Another man, Salah Aboaoba, said in 2011 that he had been fund-raising for LIFG at Didsbury Mosque, the same one attended by Abedi, but the mosque denied the claim.

Manchester Bombing

Latest news after Arena attack

PRIO - All EIGHT Manchester victims
Manchester Arena attack victims

Manchester bomber Salman Abedi

'Critical' terror threat level

Manchester terror attack arrests


Manchester bombing video

What happened in Manchester?
It was reported today that the Abedi family returned to Libya in 2008 and renounced membership of LIFG and extremism.

But he is understood to have remained supportive of the Islamic Groups battling to control Libya in the chaos that has engulfed the country after the collapse of the Gaddafi regime in 2011.

And the Mirror also spoke to one of Abedi’s closest friends at school.

Alison Howes, left, and Lisa Lees, right, were also killed in the attack while waiting to collect their daughters
Alison Howes, left, and Lisa Lees, right, were also killed in the attack while waiting to collect their daughters (Photo: @SparkleMax15 /Twitter)
He asked to remain anonymous but gave an extraordinary insight into the mindset of the terrorist.


It 'seems likely' Manchester bomber Salman Abedi
He sat next to him for two years during his media class at the Burnage Media Arts College now called Burnage Academy for Boys.

He recalled: “On school holidays he went to Libya and he joined the forces to fight Colonel Gaddafi.

John Atkinson was among those killed in the blast
John Atkinson was among those killed in the blast (Photo: Facebook)
“He hated that man.

“He once told me how he wanted to kill him - and kill him with his own bare hands.

“It was animalistic.

“I used to be his friend on Facebook and I can vividly remember him posting pictures of himself brandishing weapons.

“He talked about Libya all the time.”

Abedi apparently joined the forces to fight Colonel Gaddafi (Photo: Getty)
And he revealed Abedi was a heavy cannabis user between lessons.


CCTV shows moment teacher kisses pupil on the lips
The pal said: “He was a weed smoker - he was one of the four or five in the school that would smoke weed and cigarettes every day.

“They used to hide behind a hall.

Forensics attend the scene of the blast yesterday morning
Forensics attend the scene of the blast yesterday morning (Photo: SWNS)
“I remember he always wore his trousers really low so everyone could see his butt. And he was always joking about girls

“He always tried to portray this image as a type of hard gangster type - wearing a large silver chain but no-one was taken in.

“He really was off with the fairies some-times.

“I used to sit next to him in media studies and he was very nice when he wanted to be.

The Burj Khalifa in Dubai was lit up with the colours of the UK's Union flag in tribute to the victims of the Manchester attack
The Burj Khalifa in Dubai was lit up with the colours of the UK's Union flag in tribute to the victims of the Manchester attack (Photo: PA)
“But he had an insidious side to him.

“But he stopped talking to me when he overheard a conversation and realised I was Sufi.

“His face went mottled. He was shocked and be barely spoke to me again.

“He always asked for my help during the media class. We studied newspaper articles and how journalism worked.

“He seemed to enjoy it.”

The water fountain, Jet D'eau, was also lit up in Geneva, Switzerland
The water fountain, Jet D'eau, was also lit up in Geneva, Switzerland (Photo: REUTERS)
Dominic Grieve, who chaired the powerful Commons intelligence and security committee before Parliament was dissolved, said the security services face ‘difficult’ decisions about who to keep an eye on.

He said: “I appreciate questions are being raised about whether this man came to the attention of the security services earlier.

“That’s obviously going to be of interest in finding out exactly what happened. It’s very difficult for the security services if they do get such a reference to them - they have to make an assessment if this is someone who is actually likely to pose a risk or is actively getting involved in a terrorist network.

Civic leaders and politicians listen as Greater Manchester Police chief constable Ian Hopkins (centre) speaks about the attack
Civic leaders and politicians listen as Greater Manchester Police chief constable Ian Hopkins (centre) speaks about the attack (Photo: PA)
“The mere fact that a reference is made, doesn’t necessarily mean that several years down the line he would have to be a subject of interest.

“It all has to be, inevitably, prioritised in terms of where the security service sees the risk as being greatest.”

Mr Grieve also stressed that for a man with Libyan heritage to travel back to Libya does not necessarily mean they have terror links.


“The family were as I understand it refugees from Gaddafi’s Libya,” he said.

“It’s not necessarily an indication of a link to Daesh extremism if somebody decides to go back to Libya, after the fall of Gaddafi, to visit relatives.

“The fact that he may have gone to Syria may be another matter. But in itself I would not necessarily infer that because somebody has a Libyan connection, it necessarily means they must be linked to terrorism.”

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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moeen yaseen
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2017 6:44 am    Post subject: Manchester suicide bombing Reply with quote

https://crescent.icit-digital.org/articles/manchester-bomber-known-to- uk-authorities-yet-no-action-was-taken[color=red]

A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought

Manchester, Friday May 26, 2017

While the Theresa May regime in Britain has put the country on maximum alert with armed troops patrolling the streets following the Manchester terrorist bombing of Monday (May 23) night, news has emerged that the alleged bomber, Salman Abedi was known to the authorities.

The British Home Secretary Amber Rudd has also confirmed this saying British-born Abedi of Libyan parents, was known “up to a point” to the British intelligence services and police.

Her “up to a point” remark is misleading. Muslims in Britain had warned the British anti-terrorism hotline, not once but twice and as early as 2011, about Abedi’s radical views and behavior, according to Mohammed Shafiq of the Ramadan Foundation in Manchester.

In a May 25 interview with CBC’s ‘As it Happens’ program, Shafiq told the host Carol Off that on two separate occasions Muslim leaders in Manchester contacted the anti-terrorism squad hotline warning them about Abedi. Why the British authorities took no action against him raises serious questions.

Shafiq’s revelation also puts to rest the scandalous allegation that Muslims do not condemn terrorist attacks and that they do not cooperate with the authorities. Several terrorist acts in Britain have been thwarted as a result of information provided by Muslims, according to Shafiq.

Interestingly, a day after Shafiq’s interview, a search of the CBC website found no link to his interview. Instead, the ‘As it Happens’ lead story is about a pregnant teenage girl at an American school who has been barred from participating in the graduation ceremony to receive her diploma because she broke the school rule by indulging in immoral activity and becoming pregnant. Immoral conduct, according to the student, Maddi Runkles, is quite common at the Maryland school, indeed the norm. She just happened to be unfortunate to get pregnant.

The British regime has said that MI5, the domestic intelligence agency, was aware of Abedi’s extremist views as early as 2011, according to the New York Times (May 25, 2017). The regime, however, insisted, he was “only a peripheral figure, and not someone whose behavior would have warranted immediate action.”

There is clearly more to the Abedi story than the regime in London is admitting. As Tony Cartalucci, writing on his landdestroyer blog [May 24, 2017] (http://landdestroyer.blogspot.ca/2017/05/uk-government-harbored-terro rists.html) pointed out: “As suspected and as was the case in virtually all recent terror attacks carried out in Europe - including both in France and Belgium - the suspect involved in the recent Manchester blast which killed 22 and injured scores more was previously known to British security and intelligence agencies.”

Quoting from the Rupert Murdoch-owned right wing daily, The Telegraph, “Salman Abedi named as the Manchester suicide bomber - what we know about him,” Cartalucci points out: “Salman Abedi, 22, who was reportedly known to the security services, is thought to have returned from Libya as recently as this week.”

The same Telegraph article would also admit (emphasis added), according to Cartalucci: “A group of Gaddafi dissidents, who were members of the outlawed Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), lived within close proximity to Abedi in Whalley Range [in Manchester].

“Among them was Abd al-Baset Azzouz, a father-of-four from Manchester, who left Britain to run a terrorist network in Libya overseen by Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden’s successor as leader of al-Qaeda.

“Azzouz, 48, an expert bomb-maker, was accused of running an al-Qaeda network in eastern Libya. The Telegraph reported in 2014 that Azzouz had 200 to 300 militants under his control and was an expert in bombmaking.

“Another member of the Libyan community in Manchester, Salah Aboaoba told Channel 4 news in 2011 that he had been fund raising for LIFG while in the city. Aboaoba had claimed he had raised funds at Didsbury mosque, the same mosque attended by Abedi.”

While the British regime had placed the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) on its list of terrorist organizations as early as 2005 (it is listed on the UK government website as a terrorist group: Proscribed terrorist groups or organisations) as had the US State Department, the group continued to operate freely in Manchester, even fund-raising.

The fact is, Western regimes have for a long time used terrorist groups and organizations to advance their nefarious agendas worldwide. Al Qaeda, al Nusra Front and ISIS/ISIL are all part of this, as was LIFG that was used to overthrow the government of Muammar Qaddafi.

But terrorists can also go their own way, as happened with al Qaeda and LIFG. The terrorists rampaging in Iraq, Syria and a number of other places have all had close links with the LIFG and with the Western regimes. Weapons taken from Libyan army depots have also been used in Syria, courtesy of the American CIA.

The Manchester bombing, while tragic, shows once again the sordid conduct of Western regimes and their intelligence agencies in using groups and patsies to carry out their criminal agendas.

It is ordinary people—in this case the people of Manchester—that end up paying the price for such policies.

While visiting injured teens in a Manchester hospital, Queen Elizabeth said what the terrorist did was “very wicked”.

Perhaps, her Majesty should also have said what her own government, led by Teresa May and her predecessors have done over the years is not just wicked, it is absolutely criminal.

But who should hold these war criminals to account?

http://www.hizb.org.uk/resources/leaflets/muslim-response-manchester-k illings/

The truth is that the tragic deaths in Manchester only serve to remind us of the bloodshed and insecurity that wreaks havoc across this chaotic world dominated by capitalist states. What had seemed to afflict the Muslim world daily for the past 17 years, now sadly seems to occur periodically in Britain and Europe. The numbers may not be as great but the sense of fear is nonetheless apparent.

Politicians may escalate security measures but sadly nothing will change whilst they are unwilling to admit the causes of terror in the world – whether the oppression of rulers who are courted for their petrodollars; or the interventionist policies of the colonial powers that have destabilised whole regions of the world for decades.

Muslims in Britain can speak out strongly against such violence, but should not let it change our Islamic way of life, that is targeted by politicians every time such events happen, ironically exposing the contradictions in the rights and values they pretend to be upholding.

Muslims should present Islam as a solution and not to allow this beautiful deen to be put in the dock. When Islam was the basis of intellectual and political life in the Muslim world, the world witnessed a phenomenal civilisation, able to create a society where justice and security was for all citizens, and where technology and education flourished. And since the colonisation of that part of the world, it has seen nothing but instability, insecurity and despair.

Muslims should hold firmly to their deen (way of life) and always speak out for what is right and against all terror – not selectively according to what the media highlights.

Muslims should interact with the wider society and explain Islam – its beliefs and values – and its alternative political vision for the Muslim world. A vision that will actually break the political mould of this world as it currently is. That is so badly needed, and without it, anarchy and vigilantism like this is unlikely to cease.

We have a message for those Muslims who may be angry and frustrated at the oppression and injustice they see created by western states. Unlike western states, we do not take innocent human lives in order to achieve political objectives. The carnage created by western states angers Muslims and non-Muslims across the globe. However, any action a Muslim does must be in accordance with the Shariah – and Islam does not advocate that such indiscriminate killings are the way to change the situation. Rather the Messenger ﷺ gave a method for change – which was a political and intellectual struggle based on his model, that led to the establishment of a righteous Islamic Khilafah state, that looked after people’s affairs by Islam and carried the light of Islam to the world. That is the only way to success in this world and the next. Any alternative, whether adopting a secular method, or the way of indiscriminate killing, can only lead to the Hellfire.


http://www.hizb.org.uk/viewpoint/collectively-blaming-muslim-community -distraction-real-cause/

In the aftermath of tragedies like Manchester – when Islam becomes part of the causal narrative – media interviewers are adamant that Muslim leaders and personalities do more to ‘condemn’ such events.

Even to question a Muslim to condemn such an incident is insulting, as it questions their human concern towards others, expecting them to prove it more than others.

Muslim do not need to join in that sort of condemnation, that is part of a political agenda to demonise their community, their deen and distract from the real issues – especially when our own creed, which demands we follow only what Allah Azza wa Jall and what the Prophet (saw) commanded, has made it clear that the action of taking innocent lives is explicitly forbidden.

No community should feel the need to apologise for tragedies that they did not initiate, encourage, or carry out. Expecting Muslim families, colleagues and individuals to apologise is unfair and unjust, and implies a collective blame.

When the MP for Batley, Jo Cox was murdered by a man radicalised by far right/fascist ideas, the media did not call on all white British men to apologise.

When a woman is assaulted, no one expects all men to apologise.

When Western governments waged wars across the Middle East with tens of thousands of people losing their life, or leaving them with horrendous life changing injuries, no government has offered an apology for such inhumane activities- even though they have been directly involved.

So it is nonsense to expect Muslims to apologise for what happened in Manchester.

What needs to be examined is the cause of this global chaos and bloodshed.

It is not Islam that is dominant in the world, it is global capitalism and two hundred years of a colonial foreign policy that has brought us to this sorry state.

This is where the narrative needs to begin and end.


http://www.hizb.org.uk/viewpoint/manchester-attacks-show-prevent-faile d/

Upon the tragic deaths of children in Manchester, as expected, the media and politicians have once again turned their head towards the Muslim community. Whilst we may never know what caused Salman Ramadan Abedi to murder and maim so many young people at Manchester Arena on Monday night, the conclusions have already been implied by the politicians and media, that due to his connections with war-torn Libya and Syria, he was likely to have been “radicalised by an extremist ideology.” There is now a debate taking place once again about the effeciveness of the Government’s PREVENT strategy which is based upon the theory of radicalisation.

Since the time of Tony Blair where he infamously stated that the ‘rules of the game have changed’, the British government has pinned the actions of a very few to an entire community. The strategy has been heavily criticised throughout the last few years for discriminating against Muslims and viewing them as a suspect community, but now it is being given vindication by some in light of the Manchester attacks. Ironically, what the attacks show is that the PREVENT strategy has failed to prevent such attacks.

Preventing violent extremism has been the mantra but it has not been able to ‘prevent’ horrors in mainland Britain. Instead it has focused on law abiding Muslims in every town and city in England. It has questioned Muslim children in Schools and Colleges, leaving them psychologically damaged by the experience. It has integrated draconian legislation into statutory services, where normal Muslim families have not been able to travel without disclosing their entire family makeup and political views. Mosques have been ordered to curtail legitimate Islamic opinions and integrate their views with British values.

An entire community has been viewed with suspicion and contempt, because of deficient narratives engineered by a government that is adamant to change Islam, not to prevent violence.

The Muslim community in Britain has endured a torturous journey of villification from the media and the government, for actions it did not commit.

Whilst Islamic values have been criticised and British values celebrated, Muslims have been at the receiving end of endless violation of their core Islamic ideas. This has included indisputable beliefs around world politics, segregation, caliphate, marriage and many other aspects.

However the time has now arrived to question the government in these difficult times- what has the Prevent agenda and anti- radicalisation agenda actually achieved? It did not stop the murder of Lee Rigby. Neither did it stop the dreadful killing of children in Manchester.

So what has it acheived, apart from marginalizing the Muslim community, instilling fear and creating discord between Muslims and non Muslims? Absolutely nothing.

The Muslims in Britain have exhausted themselves, by making it explicitly clear that Islam does not allow the killing of innocent men, women and children. However the British government still throws out the narrative that there is a problem with Islam and that the community needs to do more to tackle ‘extremism’.

The very few committing violent atrocities is not because of Islam. It is not because Muslims encourage these actions. It is not because of Mosques preaching hate to people. It most definitely is not because Muslim women cannot speak English, as indicated by the poorly articulated Casey Report.

Indeed Islam does not associate itself to any of these crimes – therefore it is the apt time for the government to take a deep look at itself and ask another question – why do these violent actions take place?

British foreign policy will be a good starting point. It’s actions in Iraq and Afghanistan will provide an insight. Propping up tyrants in the Middle East and the rest of the Muslim world will give a perspective.

An attempt to answer these questions will provide an understanding of the reason why the very few engage in physical violence. The Prevent agenda does not even attempt to answer or engage the real narrative, rather it completely misses the point and as one critic described “barking up the wrong tree.”

Muslim will continue to challenge the perverse government narratives of extremism and question draconian policies- especially as they have achieved no outcome whatsoever.

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ كُونُواْ قَوَّامِينَ بِالْقِسْطِ شُهَدَاء لِلّهِ وَلَوْ عَلَى أَنفُسِكُمْ أَوِ الْوَالِدَيْنِ وَالأَقْرَبِينَ إِن يَكُنْ غَنِيًّا أَوْ فَقَيرًا فَاللّهُ أَوْلَى بِهِمَا فَلاَ تَتَّبِعُواْ الْهَوَى أَن تَعْدِلُواْ وَإِن تَلْوُواْ أَوْ تُعْرِضُواْ فَإِنَّ اللّهَ كَانَ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ خَبِيرًا

“O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even though it be against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, be he rich or poor, Allah is a Better Protector to both (than you). So follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest you may avoid justice, and if you distort your witness or refuse to give it, verily, Allah is Ever Well-Acquainted with what you do” {An-Nisa: 135}

Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain
23rd May 2017/ 26th Sha’ban 1438[/color][/size][/color][/color][/color][/color][/color][/size][/co lor][/color][/color]
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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2017 11:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Terror attacks just before big vote: Swedish politician’s assassination 14 yrs ago mirrors that of British MP Jo Cox http://cnb.cx/1Oun1rq

Swedish politician’s death 13 years ago mirrors murder of UK lawmaker
Kalyeena Makortoff | @kalyeena
Friday, 17 Jun 2016 | 9:48 AM ET
http://www.cnbc.com/2016/06/17/swedish-politicians-death-13-years-ago- mirrors-murder-of-uk-lawmaker.html

The fatal attack on a pro-European British lawmaker just a week ahead of the key Brexit referendum vote has shaken politicians and voters across the U.K.

While this is the first time in nearly a quarter of a century that a U.K. politician has been murdered, the case bears startling similarities to the assassination 13 years ago in Sweden of pro-EU Anna Lindh.

Days before Sweden would vote on whether to join the euro in 2003, a 46-year-old lead campaigner for Sweden's to adopt the euro was stabbed while shopping in a Stockholm department store. She had been shopping for clothes for a euro zone debate scheduled that evening. The next day, on September 11, Social Democratic foreign minister Lindh died from her injuries.

Both sides of the Swedish political campaign suspended their activities following the news, with TV ads campaigns cancelled and billboard and print media ads withdrawn.

On the following Sunday, Swedes rejected proposals to adopt the common currency.

Solemn tone

Back in Britain, the death of Labour member of parliament (MP) Jo Cox has set a similarly solemn tone around the otherwise raucous Brexit debate.

The 41-year-old was shot in the small town of Birstall in the north of England while on her way to meet with constituents in a nearby library Thursday afternoon.

According to reports of unconfirmed eyewitness accounts, the attacker shouted 'Britain first,' potentially referencing a right-wing, anti-immigration and eurosceptic group in the U.K.. It has led to speculation that the politician's murder may be linked to the upcoming June 23rd referendum.

Media reports have identified the suspect as a 52-year-old local man Tommy Mair, who is said to have lived alone in a nearby estate.

A full investigation is underway by authorities to determine the motives of the suspect, who is believed to have acted alone.

Though it's unclear whether there was any political intent behind Cox's murder, both sides of the EU referendum have since suspended campaign activities.

Cameron, Corbyn on killing of Jo Cox Cameron, Corbyn on killing of Jo Cox
Friday, 17 Jun 2016 | 8:47 AM ET | 07:48
The political pull-back is in stark contrast to a debate that was otherwise reaching fever pitch less than a week before Brits headed to the polls.

Just on Wednesday, Cox's husband and children were on a boat on the River Thames in support of the 'Remain' camp, as Brexit supporters took to their own flotilla. Both sides trading insults over loud speakers and in one of the stranger moments, protesting fishermen deployed water hoses.

Since news of the attack, the tone has darkened.

On Thursday night, Bank of England Governor Mark Carney, who has been criticized for making comments on the economic risks of the upcoming referendum, changed direction in a speech to London City bankers, taking the opportunity to pay tribute to the slain politician.

Meanwhile, the International Monetary Fund, which has warned about the consequences of leaving the EU, delayed the release of a report on the impacts of a Brexit.

Political impact

In the wake of the suspended campaigns, markets rebounded, sending sterling and the U.K.'s FTSE 100 higher. There are suspicions that the attack on the pro-EU politician may temper the momentum of the pro-Brexit camp and reduce the prospects that voters will want to leave the European Union.

However, while the attack on Sweden's minister in 2003 didn't beckon voters towards closer ties to the EU, voters notably opted for the status quo.

"It is difficult to know whether or not a specific incident such as this will have a decisive impact on the overall result of the referendum," Matthew Goodwin, a politics professor at the University of Kent and senior visiting fellow at Chatham House told CNBC via email.

"We currently know little about the event, individual and his potentially political motivations," Goodwin stressed.

A woman adjusts the candle next to red roses and a portrait of late Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh who was attacked with a knife and later died of her injuries.
Sven Nackstrand| AFP | Getty Images
A woman adjusts the candle next to red roses and a portrait of late Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh who was attacked with a knife and later died of her injuries.
In Sweden, it took nearly a decade for the motivations of the attack to reach the public.

Mijailo Mijailovic would break his silence eight years later, telling Swedish tabloid Expressen that he hadn't planned to target Lindh in particular, but took his hatred of politicians out on the minister after spotting her in the store while high on the hypnotic drug Flunitrazepam.

The 32-year-old Serbian-Swede also admitted that he made up claims that he'd heard voices in an effort to escape a normal prison sentence.

Mijailovic was sentenced to life in prison.

Kalyeena Makortoff
Blog Writer, CNBC.com

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2017 3:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sky news is itself highly suspect but...
"There was a suspicious woman"



Mother blasts lax security at Manchester Arena before bomb that killed 22
Charles White for Metro.co.uk Tuesday 23 May 2017 1:46 pm
http://metro.co.uk/2017/05/23/mother-blasts-lax-security-at-manchester -arena-before-bomb-that-killed-22-6655517/

A woman who witnessed the terror attack in the Manchester Arena has condemned the venue for a ‘lack of security’ surrounding the event.

The mother, who was with a friend and her daughter at the Ariana Grande concert, says their bags were not searched before they entered the venue and claims her report of a ‘suspicious’ woman was dismissed.

Her group became concerned by a woman sitting next to them who was ‘acting suspiciously’. They reported the woman to security, who did attend to further investigate, but the woman says that their concerns were ultimately dismissed.

She said: ‘We had somebody sat next to us. She looked very suspicious and was fidgeting all the time with her bag on the floor and she was by herself.

Woman speculates about 'suspicious behaviour' of concertgoer

‘She was looking in the direction of where the explosion actually happened all night. She was smirking to herself and we got suspicious. My friend who was sitting next to her said, “I don’t like this”‘.

Speaking with Sky News she revealed: ‘I told security who then informed higher security and they were up and down the stairs where she was, discreetly watching her. Nothing was done about it.

‘Later on, as the concert was going on, she was becoming more and more agitated, with her bag on the floor. I actually sat next to her and I nudged her arm intentionally to speak to her and said “Sorry about that – are you by yourself?” and she said “Yes” and spoke to me, but I didn’t understand her.’

Clearly distressed, the woman added: ‘Security did not listen to me.

‘Holly, my daughter, got very upset about things and went to security but then they asked her “How would you like it if someone accused you of this?’

Mother blasts lax security at Manchester Arena before bomb that killed 22
She claimed no one checked her bags (Picture: Sky News)
‘One to two minutes before the concert finished she disappeared and the explosion went off.’

The woman added to Sky: ‘The security was awful and they did nothing about it. There should have been more security. They never checked bags at all.’

'Big flash of light' concert go-er describes explosion

Speaking to Sky News, witness Kirstyn Pollard, who was at the concert with her nine-year-old daughter, said that their bags were not searched by security either. ‘We were late and that could have been why, but no, they didn’t search my bags,’ she said.

Another witness, Chris Pawley, told Fox News there was seemingly ‘no security whatsoever’.

He said: ‘I’ve been to concerts before and sometimes you get patted down and empty your pockets. There was absolutely nothing at this concert tonight. We just literally got our tickets scanned and went straight in.’

The suicide bomber is thought to have detonated the bomb outside the arena, on the walkway between the venue and the station, in what experts have called a ‘security soft spot‘.

It has now been confirmed that 22 people died and 59 people were injured. They are now being treated in eight hospitals across the Greater Manchester area.

Witnesses Say Concert Security was Lax before Bombing

Concert-goers have slammed “lax security” at the Ariana Grande show that was targeted this week in a terrorist attack
May 24, 2017
https://securitytoday.com/articles/2017/05/24/witnesses-say-concert-se curity-was-lax-before-bombing.aspx

Police have identified the suicide-bomber in the Manchester attack as Salman Abedi but they have yet to figure out how he was able to detonate a bomb in the rotunda area of the arena where families and teens were enjoying an Ariana Grande concert.

Since the explosion, witnesses have come forward telling local news stations that the arena security was very lax as they entered the venue. Many say the security guards were more interested in whether or not the attendees were carrying water bottles than checking bags for weapons.

Three weeks prior to the incident, a woman who was in attendance at an Ed Sheeran concert at the same arena voiced her concern on security measures on TripAdvisor. According to her comment, the arena security guards just scanned her ticket and let her in without having her pass through a medal detector or bag check.

Security experts believe that the lone wolf chose the weakest part of the stadium to attack: the exit. As people flooded out of the stadium area after Grande’s encore performance Abedi detonated a “very sophisticated device” that could be heard from inside the stadium and blocks away in neighborhoods surrounding the area.

Others who were at the stadium said they did not see security as they left the arena after the bomb exploded. The only instruction attendees had was from a voice coming over the loud speaker in the arena telling people to “take your time. No problems here.”

Since the explosion, security around the world has been beefed up. Arenas and venues in the United States, Norway and France have seen additional units deployed despite the fact there are no credible or specific threats to the areas.

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2017 10:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

In a speech today Jeremy Corbyn will address "the connections between wars our government has supported or fought in other countries and terrorism here at home". Do you believe that wars that the UK has supported or fought are or are not in part responsible for terror attacks against the UK?
https://yougov.co.uk/opi/surveys/results#/survey/88c1aff0-41f4-11e7-94 a8-2ab0a50a8b9c/question/a76fff10-41f4-11e7-aa59-c62e889b3830/toplines

Wars the UK has supported or fought ARE responsible, at least in part, for terror attacks against the UK 53%
Wars the UK has supported or fought ARE NOT responsible for terror attacks against the UK 24%
Don't know 23%

FBI 'warned MI5 in January that the Manchester bomber was planning an attack on Britain'
The FBI told MI5 that Abedi was planning an attack in Britain in January this year
But they thought he might be planning to assassinate a key political figure
MI5 investigated but 'nothing came of it' and he slipped down the pecking order
It will pile more pressure on MI5 to reveal when and how they knew of Abedi
PUBLISHED: 00:59, 28 May 2017 | UPDATED: 11:04, 28 May 2017
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4548892/FBI-warned-MI5-Manches ter-bomber-planning-attack.html

UK security chiefs were warned in January that Salman Abedi was planning an attack in Britain, it was claimed last night.

According to a security source, the FBI told MI5 that Abedi was part of a North African Islamic State cell plotting to strike a political target in the UK.

The information came from a US investigation into Abedi and his links to terrorist groups in Libya. The Mail on Sunday has also been told that US security services put him on a terror watch list – used by agents to identify key suspects – in 2016.

The shocking claim piles further pressure on MI5 to reveal when and how it became aware of Abedi, and why UK spies decided he did not pose a significant threat to British security.

The source told The Mail on Sunday: 'In early 2017 the FBI told MI5 that Abedi belonged to a North African terror gang based in Manchester, which was looking for a political target in this country.

'The information came from the interception of his communications by US federal agents, who had been investigating Abedi since the middle of 2016, and from information unearthed in Libya, where his family was linked to terrorist groups.

'Following this US tip-off, Abedi and other members of the gang were scrutinised by MI5. It was thought at the time that Abedi was planning to assassinate a political figure.

'But nothing came of this investigation and, tragically, he slipped down the pecking order of targets.'

Last night, The Mail on Sunday put the claim to the FBI but a bureau spokesman declined to comment, while UK security sources did not confirm the specific claim about the tip-off.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2017 10:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Or was this the real bomber?
Mum claims she reported ‘suspicious, smirking woman’ to security at Manchester Arena Ariana Grande concert shortly before bomb went off
Dawn Waddy said she noticed the woman behaving strangely before the blast at the gig in Manchester this week
https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/3655954/manchester-arena-bombing-ariana- grande-concert-mum-reported-woman-to-security/

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2017 2:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"My son does not have extremist thoughts": Father of Manchester terror attack 'suicide bomber' believes son is INNOCENT
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/my-son-not-extremist-thoughts-104 91476

Ramadan Abedi claims 22-year-old son Salman Abedi, who killed 22 and injured 119 in a suicide attack at Manchester Arena, was 'always against extremist attacks'

16:18, 24 MAY 2017UPDATED09:14, 25 MAY 2017
Manchester terrorist Salman Abedi
Manchester Arena terrorist Salman Abedi

The father of Manchester bomber Salman Abedi has claimed his son is INNOCENT, declaring: "My son does not have extremist thoughts."

Ramadan Abedi said 22-year-old son Abedi, who killed 22 and injured 119 in Monday's suicide attack on Manchester Arena, was "always against those (extremists) attacks."

Ramadan Abedi told Bloomberg: “I was really shocked when I saw the news, I still don’t believe it.

“As we were discussing news of similar attacks earlier, he was always against those attacks, saying there’s no religious justification for them.

"I don’t understand how he’d have become involved in an attack that led to the killing of children.

Police at an address on Aston Avenue, in Fallowfield Manchester, where three people where arrested in connection with terrorist Salman Abedi (Photo: Daily Mirror)
Headteacher of eight-year-old Saffie Roussos
“Every father knows his son and his thoughts, my son does not have extremist thoughts.”

Mr Abedi, who arrived in the U.K. from his native Libya in the 1990s, said his son had made frequent trips to visit his family in Libya and was in the country last week.

While there he told his mother he intended to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca during Ramadan, Mr Abedi claimed, as he spoke from Tripoli, Libya.

Sorrel Leczkowski, 14, killed in terror attack after watching Ariana Grande concert at Manchester Arena
However, Prof Hamid El-Sa'id, who advises the UN on extremism and radicalisation, said he had also spoken to a family friend of the terrorist.

The academic said Abedi's unnamed friend, a fellow Muslim who also lives in Manchester, told him the killer was a "very typical disaffected" youth.

He said he didn't have a good relationship with his family and they had tried to make him come to Libya many times, but were unsuccesful.

The devastation at Manchester Arena after the attack (Photo: PA)er

Heartbreaking tribute notes from kids at Manchest

He said the contact described British Libyan Abedi as a "troubled" individual who had poor grades at school, dropped out of university and smoked cannabis.

Prof El-Sa'id said: "He has not got a very good relationship with his family.

"His parents are in and outside the country most of the time, trying to move back to Libya.

"They have tried to take him back to Libya several times and that was not really very successful.

"They are very worried about his future. He really seemed to have no future. He wasn't succeeding in most of the things he was doing.

Saffie Rose Roussos, who died in the attack (Photo: SWNS.com)

Manchester terrorist Salman Abedi 'had help making big, sophisticated bomb' as it's claimed family 'warned officials he was dangerous'
"They were very concerned about that.

"They never really thought he was radicalised. He certainly didn't really show radical tendencies.

"They knew he was taking cannabis. He wasn't really very religious. He didn't seem to be a very very religious individual.

"Terror is a very social thing. This individual somehow got involved with a group of individuals who have led him to what he did.

"They could have met at school or university or in the neighbourhood. They radicalise one another.

"That is precisely, to my mind, what happened to this individual.

"The family is totally devastated. They are terrified at the moment and they really don't know what to do.

"Obviously this has come as a shock to them."

Prof El-Sa'id, who teaches international business and political economy at Manchester Metropolitan University, added: "He was having a hard time here in Manchester.

"He wasn't doing very well at school. His grades were not very good. He entered university and dropped out and he was sometimes using cannabis."

In the interview with the BBC on Wednesday, Prof El-Sa'id described the bomber as a "very typical disaffected" youth.

He said he got to know the family friend of Abedi while undertaking research work linked to radicalisation in the community.

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2017 2:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Martyn Hett's Parents Interview: Is This Normal? Manchester Hoax


The father gives it away by saying "This is so Martyn, this is like the sort of thing he does". Also, the mother is more concerned about selling her craft dolls she makes on her lap than her sons 'death'. This is so absurd it pisses me off. People are so dumb they will actually fall for this bs!

Photos show detonator, shrapnel, battery used by Manchester bomber
Business Insider
Mark Abadi
May 24, 2017, 8:10 PM 4,392
Photos from the scene of Monday's explosion at Manchester Arena shed new light on the improvised bomb detonated by Salman Abedi.

The suicide bomb, which killed 22 people and injured at least 64, detonated in the arena's foyer as fans trickled out of a concert where singer Ariana Grande had just performed.

The photos, obtained from British authorities by The New York Times on Wednesday, show some of the remnants of Abedi's improvised bomb - a shredded backpack where he may have stored it, a possible detonator found in his left hand, a 12-volt battery, and nuts and screws that were used as shrapnel.

Abedi manchester bomb
Remnants of a backpack used by Manchester suicide bomber Salman Abedi.Manchester bomb forensic images
The location where officials found the bomber's torso suggests he carried the bomb in his backpack and was propelled across the foyer, according to the Times, citing an explosive disposal technician.

manchester bomb shrapnel nails
Nuts and screws used as shrapnel.Manchester bomb forensic images
Authorities found nuts and screws that had been packed inside the bomb. According to the Times, some of the shrapnel penetrated metal doors and left deep marks in the floor.

Attackers often use these items in homemade bombs to increase the amount of damage inflicted. Media reports stated that doctors and bystanders helped remove nails, nuts, and bolts from the bodies of survivors of the bombing.

manchester bomb detonator
A possible detonator found in Abedi's left hand.Manchester bomb forensic images
This detonator was found in the attacker's left hand. According to the Times, it's possible the device could have been operated remotely as well, suggesting the bomber could have multiple ways to detonate the bomb.

manchester bomb battery
A 12-volt, 2.1-amp lead acid battery found at the scene.Manchester bomb forensic images
Officials found a "mangled Yuasa 12-volt, 2.1 amp lead acid battery" at the scene, the Times reported, adding that such a battery can be commonly bought for $20. The battery is more powerful than those typically found in suicide bombs, according to the Times.

That the photos were leaked to the Times has angered some officials in the UK. One government official told the Guardian the leaks were "completely unacceptable," and echoed the comments of Home Secretary Amber Rudd, who urged US authorities not to release certain details of the incident.

"We are furious. This is completely unacceptable," the unnamed government official told The Guardian. "These images leaked from inside the US system will be distressing for victims, their families and the wider public. The issue is being raised at every relevant level by the British authorities with their US counterparts."

Greater Manchester Police confirmed on Wednesday they were investigating a "network" of terrorists linked to the British-born Abedi. His older brother was arrested in Manchester on Tuesday in connection with the attack, while his younger brother and father were both detained in Libya, according to media reports.

On Tuesday, while searching a Manchester home believed to be linked to Abedi, forensic experts found a book labeled "Know Your Chemicals." Authorities are still trying to determine the type and size of the bomb.

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2017 8:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Did Manchester bomber SWITCH SIDES? Claims Salman Abedi once fought against ISIS in hardline Libyan militia
Salman Abedi, 22, boasted to friends of spending summer fighting in his homeland
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/manchester-bomber-switch-sides-cl aims-10502683

The Manchester bomber Salman Abedi was injured fighting AGAINST Islamic State in Libya, it has been claimed.

The 22-year-old boasted to friends that he spent his summers battling extremists in his family's homeland and posted pictures of him with weapons.

His father Ramadan Abedi fled the Gaddafi regime in the early 90s but later returned when he was toppled during the Arab Spring uprisings of 2011.

And one pal told The Mirror that Salman was part of hardline outfit Al-Bunyan Al-Marsous which ousted ISIS from their Libyan stronghold just last year.

The unit, backed by the UN and US forces, was formed to reclaim the coastal city Sirte and it is claimed Abedi may even have been injured while fighting in the area.

The revelation raises the prospect that at some point Abedi switched sides before carrying out Monday's atrocity in the name of ISIS.

Al-Bunyan Al-Marsous rebel group (Photo: LibyaProspect)

Did Abedi switch sides and join ISIS? (Photo: Reuters)
It is not unheard of for Islamic extremists to defect from one group to another, especially in Libya which still lacks a central functioning government following years of civil war.

And it comes amid claims that British-Libyan terror suspects were encouraged to return in 2011 to help topple Colonel Gaddafi.

Several former rebel fighters had their counter-terrorism control orders lifted "no questions asked" if they intended to travel back to Libya, according to the Middle East Eye.

One told the MEE how he was approached by an MI5 agent on his return from Libya in 2011 and told: "The British government has no problem with people fighting against Gaddafi."

Colonel Muammar Gaddafi (Photo: Reuters)
Home Secretary Amber Rudd has said Salman Abedi was known "up to a point" by British security services.

Abedi's father Ramadan was a member of Libya’s secret service under ousted Col Muammar Gaddafi but fled in 1991.

In Manchester, he worked as an airport guard and also as a pizza driver and at Didsbury Mosque, where he led prayers.

Friend Ahmed Bashaala said: “Ramadan was an Islamist but not an extremist.”

Bomber Salman Abedi 'planned Manchester terror attack for a YEAR'
During the final years of Gaddafi’s rule, Abedi Snr was one of a number of Libyans who returned home to join one of the armed anti-government groups.

Ramadan Abedi, Salman's father, fled Gaddafi's regime in 1991 (Photo: Reuters)

Salman told his father he was making a pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia
He found work in Tripoli with the police under the new regime while his three sons returned to Manchester.

But the family continued to travel between Libya and Britain.

Ramadan brought Salman and Hashim to Libya in mid-April.

A friend told us: "He hid their passports but Salman asked for his, saying he wanted to go to Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage.

"But instead he went to the UK for the bombing.”

Libyan authorities said yesterday they had summoned Abedi’s mother and three siblings – believed to be another younger brother and two younger sisters – for questioning.

They have accused Hashim of planning a terror attack in Tripoli while knowing of Abedi’s plans.

A treaty exists between Libya and the UK and police could try to extradite him to face charges of conspiring over Monday’s attack.

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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2017 9:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Manchester suicide bomber's IED was 'sophisticated kilo of explosives packed with nuts, bolts and screws - and he couldn't have built it alone'
According to experts, the attack shows a level of planning not seen since the 7/7 bombings - meaning the terrorist didn't act alone
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/manchester-suicide-bombers-ied-so phisticated-10486127

BY NEAL KEELING SCARLET HOWES 21:43, 23 MAY 2017The Manchester suicide bomber's IED was a 'sophisticated' device packed with 'nuts, bolts and screws' in order to inflict maximum injury.
Col de Bretton Gordon, former head of chemical and biological weapons for the British Army and NATO, told the Mirror: "It shows to me a capability you can't just learn on the internet so I would be very surprised if the attacker worked alone.
"They would need to get hold of the explosives which aren’t readily available. They would need to get hold of various devices to form the detonator.
"It would need around a kilo of explosives to have that sort of effect."

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2017 11:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why are there two helicopters circling over Manchester and Salford
The two helicopters have been seen hovering over Manchester city centre and parts of Salford for the past couple of hours
http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/li ve-helicopters-manchester-two-salford-13033377


Two helicopters are causing a stir in Greater Manchester after they were spotted circling above the region.

The aircraft have been seen flying low over Manchester city centre and Salford for more than two hours, however at this stage it is unclear why.

Some eyewitnesses report that they are police helicopters but this has not yet been confirmed.

One person said: “Don’t know what it’s about but looks like two police helicopters tracking a car or something in Salford.

“Saw them flying slowly in tandem from around East Lancs Road at Swinton towards Irlams O’Th Height just now.”

Eyewitness Wes James told the M.E.N he could see two helicopters hovering over the city centre at 3pm.

He said: "I saw them in town earlier on and they flew away, but they've come back again now. They've been hovering over Canal Street for about an hour now. You can hear them really clearly. I don't know what the hell's going on but hopefully it's nothing serious."

Why are there two helicopters circling over Manchester and Salford? - updates
The two helicopters have been seen hovering over Manchester city centre and parts of Salford for the past couple of hours
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"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2017 12:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

MI5 opens inquiries into missed warnings over Manchester terror threat
Security service will explore whether it was guilty of failings, as raids take place in Moss Side and rising terror threat sparks political war of words
https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/may/28/mi5-launches-inquiries -into-failings-on-manchester-arena-bomber-salman-abedi-moss-side-raids -amber-rudd

by email wrote:


Let's focus on Ramadan, father of the Manchester “martyr” Salman Obeidi; now that’s a nasty piece of work.

He hails from the al-Obeidi tribe, from al Gubbah in eastern Libya. Under Gaddafi he was a Sgt. Major, very pious and Islamist-connected. He left Libya in 1991 and settled down in the Saudi Wahhabi paradise where – cruciially – he trained mujahideen fighting in Afghanistan aggainst the Najibullah government, after the Soviet retreat.

In 1992 the mujahideen enter Kabul, as in bomb it to death, including the recently “normalized” Hekmatyar. Ramadan goes to London and then Manchester, joining the Libyan Islamist diaspora that coalesces around the Libya Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG).
Ramadan connects with none other that Abu Anas Al-Libbi – who alsso lives in Manchester – and will become the brains behiind the al-Qaeda attacks on Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.

Ramadan also connects with the infamous Abdelhakim Belhaj – former mujahid in Afghanistan and VERY close tto… Osama Bin Laden. Belhaj convinces Ramadan to ggo back to Libya.

After the Cameron/Sarkozy/NATO “liberation” of Libya, Ramadan joins the Al Umma party, whose leader is Sami al Saadi, one of the LIFG’s top commanders, and gets very close to the Grand Mufti Sadeq al-Ghariani, the spiritual guide of hardcore Islamist militias linked to Belhaj.

Three years ago Ramadan was part of the Islamist militia raid that re-conquered Tripoli’s airport; son Salman flew from Manchester for this one, was shot, and treated in Turkey.

Ramadan was also part of the Benghazi Defense Brigades; a mish mash of Islamists from Katiba 17 (financed by Qatar and instrumental in the Benghazi revolt against Gaddafi) and Ansar al Sharia. You all remember what happened on 9/11, 2012; it was Ansar al Sharia operatives who attacked the US consulate in Benghazi.

Arguably the key point in all this mess is that Ramadan profited from the MI5 rat line transporting Libyans back to the home country to fight Gaddafi. The minister in charge of authorizing this “policy”? Theresa May.

MI5 and the British government always knew, all along, what Ramadan was all about. He was certainly an asset; the Brits were heavily involved in eastern Libya from the start. He has not been arrested; he’s now under protection, Mafia-style. His “arrest” took place –“ how lovely! - just as a shadow flight carrying US Special Forces landed in Misrata.

The only missing link is why son Salman “betrayed” his al-Qaeda Dad by converting to Daesh.

This is just an ultra-concise summary of the whole stinking-to-high-heavens scam. But you get the drift.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2017 10:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Iffy site but possibly useful compilation

http://www.digitalnewsnetwork.net/2017/05/29/theresa-may-ignored-bombe rs-mother-who-reported-that-her-son-was-member-of-isis/
French authorities warned that Salman Abedi had been making suspicious visits to Syria
A relative told MI5 this year he was “dangerous”
A neighbour reported suspicious activity at Abedi’s home five years ago
Two of Abedi’s friends called an anti-terror hotline after he told them “being a suicide bomber was OK”
Two community leaders also reported Abedi over his extremist views
Mohammed Shafiq, of the Ramadhan Foundation, reported Salman Abedi to the authorities over his pro-ISIS behaviour
But perhaps the most damning report came from Salman Abedi’s own MOTHER, Samia Tabbal, whose report of her son being a pro-ISIS threat to the British people was IGNORED BY THERESA MAY.

British police in race to find Manchester terror network
By James Masters, CNN
Updated 0600 GMT (1400 HKT) May 29, 2017
http://edition.cnn.com/2017/05/28/europe/manchester-terror-attack-ambe r-rudd/

Ariana Grande to play Manchester benefit concert on Sunday

Scooter Braun Ariana Grande's manager (& Justin Bieber's) 'handling ALL aspects of her career' is an ardent Zionist & visited Israel/Netanyahu on the 5th May. After reading this article it's difficult not to think there could have been far darker reasons behind the Manchester attack.
https://www.algemeiner.com/2017/05/05/justin-biebers-jewish-manager-sc ooter-braun-lights-up-instagram-with-photos-from-israel-trip/

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"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 11:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The causes of the Manchester atrocity, in which 22 died, are being suppressed to protect UK's secret foreign policy
http://johnpilger.com/articles/terror-in-britain-what-did-the-prime-mi nister-know
John Pilger - 31 May 2017

The unsayable in Britain's general election campaign is this. The causes of the Manchester atrocity, in which 22 mostly young people were murdered by a jihadist, are being suppressed to protect the secrets of British foreign policy.

Critical questions - such as why the security service MI5 maintained terrorist "assets" in Manchester and why the government did not warn the public of the threat in their midst - remain unanswered, deflected by the promise of an internal "review".

The alleged suicide bomber, Salman Abedi, was part of an extremist group, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, that thrived in Manchester and was cultivated and used by MI5 for more than 20 years.

The LIFG is proscribed by Britain as a terrorist organisation which seeks a "hardline Islamic state" in Libya and "is part of the wider global Islamist extremist movement, as inspired by al-Qaida".

The "smoking gun" is that when Theresa May was Home Secretary, LIFG jihadists were allowed to travel unhindered across Europe and encouraged to engage in "battle": first to remove Mu'ammar Gadaffi in Libya, then to join al-Qaida affiliated groups in Syria.

Last year, the FBI reportedly placed Abedi on a "terrorist watch list" and warned MI5 that his group was looking for a "political target" in Britain. Why wasn't he apprehended and the network around him prevented from planning and executing the atrocity on 22 May?

These questions arise because of an FBI leak that demolished the "lone wolf" spin in the wake of the 22 May attack - thus, the panicky, uncharacteristic outrage directed at Washington from London and Donald Trump's apology.

The Manchester atrocity lifts the rock of British foreign policy to reveal its Faustian alliance with extreme Islam, especially the sect known as Wahhabism or Salafism, whose principal custodian and banker is the oil kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Britain's biggest weapons customer.

This imperial marriage reaches back to the Second World War and the early days of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. The aim of British policy was to stop pan-Arabism: Arab states developing a modern secularism, asserting their independence from the imperial west and controlling their resources. The creation of a rapacious Israel was meant to expedite this. Pan-Arabism has since been crushed; the goal now is division and conquest.

In 2011, according to Middle East Eye, the LIFG in Manchester were known as the "Manchester boys". Implacably opposed to Mu'ammar Gadaffi, they were considered high risk and a number were under Home Office control orders - house arrest - when anti-Gadaffi demonstrations broke out in Libya, a country forged from myriad tribal enmities.

Suddenly the control orders were lifted. "I was allowed to go, no questions asked," said one LIFG member. MI5 returned their passports and counter-terrorism police at Heathrow airport were told to let them board their flights.

The overthrow of Gaddafi, who controlled Africa's largest oil reserves, had been long been planned in Washington and London. According to French intelligence, the LIFG made several assassination attempts on Gadaffi in the 1990s - bank-rolled by British intelligence. In March 2011, France, Britain and the US seized the opportunity of a "humanitarian intervention" and attacked Libya. They were joined by Nato under cover of a UN resolution to "protect civilians".

Last September, a House of Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee inquiry concluded that then Prime Minister David Cameron had taken the country to war against Gaddafi on a series of "erroneous assumptions" and that the attack "had led to the rise of Islamic State in North Africa". The Commons committee quoted what it called Barack Obama's "pithy" description of Cameron's role in Libya as a "* show".

In fact, Obama was a leading actor in the "* show", urged on by his warmongering Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and a media accusing Gaddafi of planning "genocide" against his own people. "We knew... that if we waited one more day," said Obama, "Benghazi, a city the size of Charlotte, could suffer a massacre that would have reverberated across the region and stained the conscience of the world."

The massacre story was fabricated by Salafist militias facing defeat by Libyan government forces. They told Reuters there would be "a real bloodbath, a massacre like we saw in Rwanda". The Commons committee reported, "The proposition that Mu'ammar Gaddafi would have ordered the massacre of civilians in Benghazi was not supported by the available evidence".

Britain, France and the United States effectively destroyed Libya as a modern state. According to its own records, Nato launched 9,700 "strike sorties", of which more than a third hit civilian targets. They included fragmentation bombs and missiles with uranium warheads. The cities of Misurata and Sirte were carpet-bombed. Unicef, the UN children's organisation, reported a high proportion of the children killed "were under the age of ten".

More than "giving rise" to Islamic State - ISIS had already taken root in the ruins of Iraq following the Blair and Bush invasion in 2003 - these ultimate medievalists now had all of north Africa as a base. The attack also triggered a stampede of refugees fleeing to Europe.

Cameron was celebrated in Tripoli as a "liberator", or imagined he was. The crowds cheering him included those secretly supplied and trained by Britain's SAS and inspired by Islamic State, such as the "Manchester boys".

To the Americans and British, Gadaffi's true crime was his iconoclastic independence and his plan to abandon the petrodollar, a pillar of American imperial power. He had audaciously planned to underwrite a common African currency backed by gold, establish an all-Africa bank and promote economic union among poor countries with prized resources. Whether or not this would have happened, the very notion was intolerable to the US as it prepared to "enter" Africa and bribe African governments with military "partnerships".

The fallen dictator fled for his life. A Royal Air Force plane spotted his convoy, and in the rubble of Sirte, he was sodomised with a knife by a fanatic described in the news as "a rebel".

Having plundered Libya's $30 billion arsenal, the "rebels" advanced south, terrorising towns and villages. Crossing into sub-Saharan Mali, they destroyed that country's fragile stability. The ever-eager French sent planes and troops to their former colony "to fight al-Qaida", or the menace they had helped create.

On 14 October, 2011, President Obama announced he was sending special forces troops to Uganda to join the civil war there. In the next few months, US combat troops were sent to South Sudan, Congo and the Central African Republic. With Libya secured, an American invasion of the African continent was under way, largely unreported.

In London, one of the world's biggest arms fairs was staged by the British government. The buzz in the stands was the "demonstration effect in Libya". The London Chamber of Commerce and Industry held a preview entitled "Middle East: A vast market for UK defence and security companies". The host was the Royal Bank of Scotland, a major investor in cluster bombs, which were used extensively against civilian targets in Libya. The blurb for the bank's arms party lauded the "unprecedented opportunities for UK defence and security companies."

Last month, Prime Minister Theresa May was in Saudi Arabia, selling more of the £3 billion worth of British arms which the Saudis have used against Yemen. Based in control rooms in Riyadh, British military advisers assist the Saudi bombing raids, which have killed more than 10,000 civilians. There are now clear signs of famine. A Yemeni child dies every 10 minutes from preventable disease, says Unicef.

The Manchester atrocity on 22 May was the product of such unrelenting state violence in faraway places, much of it British sponsored. The lives and names of the victims are almost never known to us.

This truth struggles to be heard, just as it struggled to be heard when the London Underground was bombed on July 7, 2005. Occasionally, a member of the public would break the silence, such as the east Londoner who walked in front of a CNN camera crew and reporter in mid-platitude. "Iraq!" he said. "We invaded Iraq. What did we expect? Go on, say it."

At a large media gathering I attended, many of the important guests uttered "Iraq" and "Blair" as a kind of catharsis for that which they dared not say professionally and publicly.

Yet, before he invaded Iraq, Blair was warned by the Joint Intelligence Committee that "the threat from al-Qaida will increase at the onset of any military action against Iraq... The worldwide threat from other Islamist terrorist groups and individuals will increase significantly".

Just as Blair brought home to Britain the violence of his and George W Bush's blood-soaked "* show", so David Cameron, supported by Theresa May, compounded his crime in Libya and its horrific aftermath, including those killed and maimed in Manchester Arena on 22 May.

The spin is back, not surprisingly. Salman Abedi acted alone. He was a petty criminal, no more. The extensive network revealed last week by the American leak has vanished. But the questions have not.

Why was Abedi able to travel freely through Europe to Libya and back to Manchester only days before he committed his terrible crime? Was Theresa May told by MI5 that the FBI had tracked him as part of an Islamic cell planning to attack a "political target" in Britain?

In the current election campaign, the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has made a guarded reference to a "war on terror that has failed". As he knows, it was never a war on terror but a war of conquest and subjugation. Palestine. Afghanistan. Iraq. Libya. Syria. Iran is said to be next. Before there is another Manchester, who will have the courage to say that?

Follow John Pilger on twitter @johnpilger

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 12:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Infowars granted White House press credentials, promptly smears victims of Manchester bombing
Many of the victims were children.
Aaron Rupar, Journalist, ThinkProgress. Twitter: @atrupar. Email: arupar@americanprogress.org May 23
https://thinkprogress.org/alex-jones-smears-manchester-victims-on-same -day-trump-white-house-gives-infowars-credentials-1c3ab1501ad9

CREDIT: Screenshot
On Monday, Infowars announced it has been granted press credentials that will allow Washington bureau chief Jerome Corsi — a prominent swiftboater and birther — to attend White House press briefings.
Later that same day, Infowars founder Alex Jones smeared the victims of the attack during the Ariana Grande show in Manchester that killed at least 22 people, describing them as “liberal trendies.”
“The same people — God love them — on average who are promoting open borders, bringing Islamists in,” he added.

Later during his rant, Jones characterized the victims as “a bunch of liberals who have already run up the white flag to the Islamists, and this happens so more of our liberties can be lost, and so governments in Europe, the U.K., and the U.S. can say, ‘Don’t criticize Muslims, or they’ll blow you up, because they’re the religion of peace.’”
Grande, whose first national exposure came on Nickelodeon, has many teen and pre-teen fans. As the U.K.-based Metro publication reported, “Twelve children under the age of 16 were among the 59 casualties taken to hospital after the terror attack at Manchester Arena.” One of the first confirmed fatalities was an 8-year-old girl named Saffie Rose Roussos.

One witness who saw the aftermath of the attack told CNN, “It was a lot of children, with blood all over them." These are the people Jones went out of his way to smear on Tuesday night.
He’s done stuff like this before. Infowars is perhaps best known for relentlessly spreading the conspiracy theory that the 2012 school shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, was a hoax. Leonard Pozner, father of one of the 20 children killed in that mass shooting, told the Daily Beast during Jones’ recent custody trial, “I wish I could be there in the courtroom to stare him down to remind him of how he’s throwing salt on a wound, and so he can remember how he handed out salt for other people to throw on mine.”
During that trial, Jones described himself as a “performance artist” instead of a journalist. But his act has real and negative consequences for people like Pozner, who described to the Daily Beast how he was threatened and harassed by Jones’ conspiracy-obsessed fans.
Jones’ promotion of baseless Sandy Hook conspiracies wasn’t enough to keep then-candidate Trump for going on his show in December 2015 and telling him, “Your reputation is amazing… I won’t let you down.”
Eight months later, Jones said he was advising Trump about “election fraud.” According to Jones, Trump took him seriously, telling him he’s “already concurred and absolutely was on the same page and was already right there with me or even ahead of me.”
America’s ‘Most Prolific Conspiracy Theorist’ Reveals He’s Now Advising Donald Trump

Trump is taking him very seriously.
Indeed, in the months that followed, Trump pushed a baseless conspiracy theory that millions of illegal votes were cast during a presidential election where he received nearly three million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. Earlier this month, the Trump administration announced the official creation of a Mike Pence-headed election integrity committee including anti-immigration vote-suppression specialist Kris Kobach.
After the election, Jones played a leading role in pushing a baseless WikiLeaks-fueled conspiracy about prominent Democrats being involved in a pedophilia ring. But in a carefully worded statement he read during his broadcast two months ago, Jones apologized, saying “we regret any negative impact our commentaries may have had” on the people involved. He did so only after the owner of a business targeted by Jones as part of the so-called Pizzagate story sent him a letter asking him to retract statements he made during his broadcasts.
The Infowars article announcing the publication’s new White House credentials notes that Jones “may even attend some White House press briefings in person.”
PoliticsConspiracy TheoriesAlex JonesDonald TrumpInfowars

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 11:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Manchester bombing: message still not understood
29th May 2017 Britain, Home, Highlights
By Stuart Littlewood
http://www.redressonline.com/2017/05/manchester-bombing-message-still- not-understood/

The Manchester atrocity certainly succeeded in derailing the General Election campaign here in the UK. It has now resumed with the focus on homeland security and a lot of fresh babble about the “war on terror”, much to the frustration of party strategists who planned to preach Brexit… Brexit… Brexit.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn seized the moment to say that our military interventions in the Middle East threaten safety at home. Theresa May and her Tory team, in denial as ever, have been trying to slap him down.

Poison of Balfour

The link is obvious. So, when did all the aggravation start? Probably 1917 with the insane Balfour Declaration in which Tory Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour, in a letter, promised Lord Rothschild a homeland for the Jews in Palestine. He pledged assistance for the Zionist cause, totally disregarding the consequences for the Arab majority there.

Lord Sydenham warned: “What we have done, by concessions not to the Jewish people but to a Zionist extreme section, is to start a running sore in the East, and no-one can tell how far that sore will extend.”

It was surely the cruellest and most idiotic foreign policy decision by a British government. Today there are 6.5 million dispossessed Palestinian refugees worldwide. More than 1.5 million live a miserable existence in 58 refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, waiting in vain to return to their family homes and farms. Those who still live in the shredded remnants of Palestine have been under brutal Israeli military occupation or blockade for 69 years. The Western powers’ failure to implement international law and deliver justice to the Arab communities in the Holy Land is deeply resented by Muslims worldwide.

The Holy Land has been a powder-keg since 1948 when Britain walked away from its mandate responsibility and the Israelis immediately declared statehood without defining borders. They have been stealing Palestinian lands and resources ever since. It will remain a powder-keg until the international community comes to its senses.
Servility of Theresa May

There have been many calls for us to apologise for Balfour’s betrayal. Theresa May responds by announcing her government will mark the centenary of the Balfour Declaration later this year “with pride”. For good measure, she has invited Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who is on many a wanted list for crimes against humanity, to join the jollifications. What terror-risk assessment has been done on this latest stupidity?

Of course, whenever we talk about the chaos in the Middle East the elephant in the room – Israel – is never mentioned. Yet the Israel lobby has huge influence (some say “control”) over US foreign policy and considerable leverage in Westminster through organisations like Conservative Friends of Israel, whose aim is to promote the interests of that regime in the UK Parliament. Over 80 per cent of Tory MPs are said to belong to it, despite a recent United Nations report (now suppressed) branding Israel an apartheid state. Why such a concentration of zombies in the corridors of power?

I recently heard one of May’s cabinet cronies blurt out that the Iraq war couldn’t possibly have been a cause of terrorist attacks here because it came after 9/11. When was 9/11? Ah yes, 2001. We imposed sanctions on Iraq for 12 years before waging the illegal war of 2003 – sanctions so vicious that they killed over half a million Iraqi children. “We think the price was worth it,” said the loathsome US secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, at the time.

Let’s not forget that Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon and Iran are Israel’s enemies, not ours. Those wars, or interventions, are largely for Israel’s benefit, although the Establishment spins a different story.
Oil theft and plots against Iran

As for our inexplicable hostility towards Iran, does anyone remember the crimes we committed against that country? The way government-controlled Anglo-Iranian Oil (later BP) cheated Iran out of its oil revenues? The way, in 1953, we and the US overthrew their democratically elected prime minister, Dr Mohammad Mossadeq, imprisoned him, crushed Iran’s fragile economy and reinstated the hated Shah for a further 25 years? This led inevitably to the Islamic revolution of 1979. A few years later another Tory government backed Saddam Hussein in the Iraq-Iran war, leaving the Iranians in the lurch. Iran remembers even if we don’t.

As Corbyn reminds us: “This is the fourth General Election in a row to be held while Britain is at war and our armed forces are in action in the Middle East and beyond. The “war on terror” which drove these interventions has failed. They have not increased our security at home – just the opposite. And they have caused destabilisation and devastation abroad.”

We reap what we sow, Mrs May. You should urgently revise your foreign policy for all our sakes.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 10:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

MI5 Don't Need A Press Office, Most Home Affairs Journalists Are MI5 Press Officers'


Interview with Charles Shoebridge, former police Special Branch and Army Officer, about failings of MI5 around the Manchester terror attack. Shooting of PC Yvonne Fletcher in 1984 at Libyan Embassy in London - to set up a case against Gaddafi – 'Murder in St. James' Dispatches film about this. Charles Shoebridge discusses lack of MI5 and MI6 accountability – has their conduct been seen as a failure or an achievement? 50 year anniversary of 1967 Israel/Palestine 6 Day War that was the start of Israeli occupation The Six Day War has endured for 50 years. This conflict has caused untold misery for those living its consequences – the Israeli sinking of the USS Liberty was ignored by the US Navy, Golan Heights – oil concessions and support area for ISIS fighters.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 4:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sat, 03 Jun 2017
Manchester Attack Briefing: Blurring the lines between 'blowback' and complicity

Mark Curtis and Nafeez Ahmed
Insurge Intelligence
Sat, 03 Jun 2017 13:43 UTC
(This briefing will be updated as more evidence emerges. Sources are overwhelmingly from mainstream media, except where clearly stated).
https://www.sott.net/article/352813-Manchester-Attack-Briefing-Blurrin g-the-lines-between-blowback-and-complicity
A PDF version of this briefing is available here


The evidence suggests that the barbaric Manchester bombing, which killed 22 innocent people on May 22nd, is a case of blowback on British citizens arising at least partly from the overt and covert actions of British governments. The British state therefore has a serious case to answer. We focus primarily here on UK policies towards Libya but also touch on some of those related to Iraq and Syria.


In summary, the evidence so far shows that there are six inter-related aspects of blowback:
Salman Abedi and his father were members of a Libyan dissident group — the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) — covertly supported by the UK to assassinate Qadafi in 1996. At this time, the LIFG was an affiliate of Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda and LIFG leaders had various connections to this terror network.
Members of the LIFG were facilitated by the British 'security services' to travel to Libya to fight Qadafi in 2011. Both Salman Abedi and his father, Ramadan, were among those who travelled to fight at this time (although there is no evidence that their travel was personally facilitated or encouraged by the security services).
A large number of LIFG fighters in Libya in 2011 had earlier fought alongside the Islamic State of Iraq — the al-Qaeda entity which later established a presence in Syria and became the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). These fighters were among those recruited into the British-backed anti-Qadafi rebellion.
UK covert action in Libya in 2011 included approval of and support to Qatar's arming and backing of opposition forces, which included support to hardline Islamist groups; this fuelled jihadism in Libya.
One of the groups armed/supported by Qatar in 2011 was the February 17th Martyrs Brigade which, some reports suggest, was the organisation which Ramadan Abedi joined in 2011 to fight Qadafi.
Qatar's arms supplies to Libya in 2011 also found their way to Islamist fighters in Syria, including groups affiliated with al-Qaeda and ISIS.

The evidence points to the LIFG being seen by the UK as a proxy militia to promote its foreign policy objectives. Whitehall also saw Qatar as a proxy to provide boots on the ground in Libya in 2011, even as it empowered hardline Islamist groups.

Both David Cameron, then Prime Minister, and Theresa May — who was Home Secretary in 2011 when Libyan radicals were encouraged to fight Qadafi — clearly have serious questions to answer. We believe an independent public enquiry is urgently needed.

The evidence suggests that British actions in three different theatres — Libya, Iraq and Syria — cannot be viewed in isolation:
In Libya, US and UK led intervention destroyed the functioning state and created a vacuum allowing hardline Islamist fighters to consolidate their foothold in the country. This paved the way for the empowerment of ISIS. The direct line between Libyan and Syrian Islamist rebels fuelled jihadism in both countries.
In Iraq, US and UK led intervention also destroyed the existing state infrastructure and fuelled an Islamist insurgency which incubated al-Qaeda in Iraq and culminated in the emergence of ISIS.
In Syria, US and UK covert action, again in partnership with Gulf states such as Qatar, and Turkey, has had the effect of augmenting the role of al-Qaeda in the rebel movement.
This combination of Anglo-American policies across the region has contributed to further instability and the rise of violent jihadism. In fact, an even stronger conclusion may be warranted based on the evidence of the extent of UK covert and overt action in the region in alliance with states consistently supplying arms to terrorist groups: that agencies of the British government itself have, in some senses, become part of the broader 'terrorist network' with which the British public is now confronted.

While a number of factors operate to contribute to an individual's radicalisation, it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that one of these contributory factors is British direct and covert action in Iraq, Libya and Syria. Without these actions — by Britain and its close allies — it is conceivable that Abedi might well not have had the opportunity to become radicalised in the way he did.

1. The Abedis' connection to the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG)

The Manchester bomber, Salman Abedi, then aged 16, is reported to have fought against the Qadafi regime with his father Ramadan in the uprising of 2011.[3] The group that Salman Abedi joined, fighting alongside his father, was reportedly the LIFG.[4] Ramadan Abedi is reported as having been a prominent member of the LIFG, which he joined in 1994.[5]

The LIFG was until 2009 an affiliate of al-Qaeda. Abdel Bari Atwan, editor-in-chief of the Arabic daily, Al-Quds Al-Arabi, reports that the LIFG had "long-standing ties" with al-Qaeda since the Afghan jihad, which were sustained through the role of Libyans and LIFG personnel in key al-Qaeda operations:
"Abu Anas Al-Libi was one the masterminds behind the 1998 US Embassy bombings; Abu Hafs Al-Libi was Al-Zarqawi's lieutenant until his death in 2004; and Ibn Sheikh Al-Libi commanded Al-Khaldan, and Al-Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan."[6]
Other reports suggest that Ramadan fought with the February 17th Martyrs Brigade.[7] The BBC notes that many of Qadafi's opponents living in the UK and connected to the LIFG joined the February 17th Martyrs Brigade, one of the key fighting units in the 2011 war. It reported that Salman Abedi's father was part of the group who left the UK for one last battle against Gaddafi.[8] This group was armed and supported by Qatar in 2011, as part of an overall policy approved by the UK, as we document later.
Box 1: Ramadan Abedi
Abedi's father Ramadan was a member of Libya's secret service under Qadafi but fled the regime with his mother in 1991.[9] They went first to Saudi Arabia in 1991 and in 1992 moved to London after applying for asylum.[10] Ramadan Abedi Ramadan was part of the broad network of opponents in the UK who supported Islamist anti-Qadafi aims.[11] After Qadafi was overthrown, the Abedi family moved to Manchester but Ramadan largely settled back in Libya, with the rest of the family coming and going between Tripoli and Manchester.[12]
2. British covert support to the LIFG, 1996

Leaders in the LIFG had fought together in Afghanistan in the early 1990s, helping the Afghan mujahidin to overthrow the Soviet-backed government in Kabul.[13] The British government and CIA then covertly supported the mujahidin.[14]

In the mid to late 1990s, the LIFG was most active in the eastern province of Cyrenaica, was involved in violent clashes with the Benghazi police, and attempted to assassinate Qadafi. In 1996, there is evidence, now widely-known, that MI6 funded an operation to assassinate Qadafi using the LIFG. (See Box 2) The plot failed but the LIFG continued its violence in eastern Libya and sent fighters to at least two military training camps in Sudan in 1996, in which al-Qaeda was also present, thus helping the LIFG make contacts with al-Qaeda.[15]

When Qadafi clamped down on the LIFG following the assassination attempt, the UK gave refuge to some of its members and dozens were allowed to settle in Britain.[16]

By the end of the 1990s, LIFG activity had slowed drastically and many LIFG members relocated to join al-Qaeda. In 2001, the US Treasury Department listed LIFG as a foreign terrorist organisation linked to al-Qaeda. In 2002, LIFG's al-Qaeda ties came under increasing scrutiny when Anas al-Libi, a senior LIFG commander and companion of Osama bin Laden, was detained by US forces for the 1998 bombings of American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. In May 2003, the LIFG reportedly worked with the Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group (GCIM) to plan five synchronised suicide bombings that killed 45 people in Casablanca, Morocco.[17]

Since then, the LIFG's links to al-Qaeda have been complicated, with the group disavowing a relationship with the terror network in around 2009 and purportedly renouncing terrorism against civilians through the release of a new moral code for jihad. However, despite the fanfare over this renunciation of jihadist ideology, questions have been raised as to whether the contents of the code really go far enough, and the extent to which the disassociation with al-Qaeda ideology and tactics was made under government pressure.[18]
Box 2: The plot to assassinate Qadafi, 1996 [19]
According to former MI5 officer and whistleblower David Shayler, the episode began when a Libyan military intelligence officer approached MI6 with a plan to overthrow Qadafi. The Libyan, codenamed 'Tunworth', proposed establishing links with the LIFG. Shayler asserts that he was told by an MI6 officer, David Watson, that in Christmas 1995 he, Watson, had supplied Tunworth with $40,000 to buy weapons to carry out the assassination plot and that similar sums were handed over at two further meetings. A secret MI6 cable dated December 1995 — leaked in 2000 and published on the internet — revealed MI6's knowledge of an attempt to overthrow Qadafi in a coup led by five Libyan colonels scheduled for February 1996. The cable also noted that one Libyan officer and twenty military personnel were being trained in the desert for their role in the attack, and that "the plotters had already distributed 250 Webley pistols and 500 heavy machine guns among their sympathizers", who were said to number 1,275 people, including students, military personnel and teachers.
The plot went ahead in February 1996 in Sirte, Qadafi's home city, but a bomb was detonated under the wrong car. Six innocent bystanders were killed, and Qadafi escaped unscathed. Annie Machon, Shayler's partner and a former MI5 officer, writes that, by the time MI6 paid over the money to Tunworth, Osama Bin Laden's organization was already known to be responsible for the 1993 World Trade Centre bombing, and MI5 had set up G9C, "a section dedicated to the task of defeating Bin Laden and his affiliates".
US intelligence sources later told the Mail on Sunday newspaper that MI6 had indeed been behind the assassination plot and had turned to the LIFG's leader, Abu Abdullah Sadiq, who was living in London. The head of the assassination team was reported as being the Libya-based Abdal Muhaymeen, a veteran of the Afghan resistance. A spattering of other media investigations confirmed the plot while a BBC film documentary broadcast in August 1998 was told that the Conservative government ministers then in charge of MI6 gave no authorisation for the operation and that it was solely the work of MI6 officers. This contradicted the earlier claim by then Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook, that MI6 involvement in the plot was "pure fantasy". Equally, the government's denial of knowledge of the plot was decisively contradicted by the leaked cable, which showed that civil servants in the Permanent Secretary's Department, GCHQ, MI5 and the MoD were all aware of the assassination attempt some two months before it was carried out. It is inconceivable that none of them would have informed their ministers.
3. British covert action in Libya, 2011

LIFG members played a key role in the opposition forces that toppled Qadafi in 2011. But Britain also facilitated the flow of LIFG dissidents from the UK to fight Qadafi. It also approved massive arms supplies to the opposition to Qadafi by Qatar, much of which went to hardline Islamist groups.

3.1 Facilitating travel to fight in Libya

Middle East Eye has reported that the British government operated an 'open door' policy that allowed Libyan exiles and British-Libyan citizens to join the 2011 uprising that toppled Muammar Qadafi even though some had been subject to counter-terrorism control orders. Several former rebel fighters now back in the UK told Middle East Eye that they had been able to travel to Libya with 'no questions asked'. These dissident were then members of the LIFG and most were from Manchester. One said that, as he was travelling back to Libya in May 2011, he was approached by two counter-terrorism police officers in the departure lounge who told him that if he was going to fight he would be committing a crime. But after providing them with the name and phone number of an MI5 officer he had spoken to previously, and following a quick phone call to him, he was waved through. As he waited to board the plane, he said the same MI5 officer called him to tell him that he had "sorted it out".[20]

The Daily Mail reported that:
"when they returned to the UK, having spent months alongside groups thought by British intelligence to have links with Al-Qaeda, rebels were said to have been allowed back into the country without hesitation."[21]
The Daily Mail also reported:
"Libyan officials have backed up the claims, saying the British government were 'fully aware' of young men being sent to fight, turning the North African country into an 'exporter of terror'".[22]
Peter Oborne, also writing in the Mail, has written that Libyan dissidents were "undoubtedly encouraged" to travel to Libya to oust Qadafi and that this was with the "encouragement of MI6" which released terror suspects from control orders.[23]

Our understanding, however, is that control orders on the Libyan dissidents were actually rescinded in 2009, under the Gordon Brown government, and not in 2011. (See Box 3). Therefore, they were not released from these orders just in time to fight Qadafi. However, we understand their passports were returned early in 2011, enabling them to travel to Libya.
Box 3: The LIFG and Britain
The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group was banned in Britain in 2005 after Blair's 'deal in the desert' with Qadafi in 2004, when Blair agreed to crack down on Libyan dissidents in the UK.[24] But in 2009, Qadafi struck a peace deal with the LIFG following which the Brown government released the LIFG dissident from UK control orders. At the same time, the leaders of the LIFG, most of whom were in jail in Libya, distanced themselves from al-Qaeda and condemned terrorist attacks on civilians.[25] As we show below, however, the LIFG retained connections with al-Qaeda despite formally distancing itself from the group.
3.2 UK covert action in Libya

The opposition forces working to overthrow Qadafi in 2011, which were backed by the UK and its coalition, included Islamist elements, former members of the LIFG and suspected al-Qaeda militants previously imprisoned by the US (see Box 4).

Abdelhakim Belhaj, was LIFG's emir from 1995 to 2010. In 1998, when LIFG members fled to Afghanistan to help the Taliban, Belhaj developed close relationships with Taliban chief Mullah Omar and al-Qaeda leaders.[26] He also wrote a glowing letter of support to the al-Qaeda mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Centre bombing.[27] Yet Belhaj would go on to become a military commander for the NATO-backed National Transition Council in Tripoli to bring down Qadafi in 2011.

During the 2011 war, the Gulf state of Qatar armed the Libyan opposition and in the process supported various hardline Islamist groups. Britain specifically backed the Qatari role in arming the opposition and worked closely with Qatar, supporting its provision of arms and support to fighters on the ground. Indeed, there is evidence that the Qatari role in Libya was specifically proposed by Britain.[28] Qatari arms went to Islamist groups such as the 17 February Martyrs Brigade, a militia comprised in part by Islamist fighters who had fought against Qadafi. Qatari support also went to Rafallah al-Sehati, a group whose extremists later broke away to form Ansar al-Shariah, the militant group that played a role in the death of the American ambassador, Christopher Stevens (see Box 5).

The weapons and money from Qatar strengthened militant groups in Libya, allowing them to become a destabilising force since the fall of the Qadafi regime.
Box 4: Islamists in the Libyan Opposition [29]
Britain provided a range of support to the rebel Libyan leadership, which was grouped in the National Transitional Council (NTC), an initially 33-member self-selected body of mainly former Qadafi ministers and other opposition forces, formed in Benghazi in February 2011 to provide an alternative government. The NTC's military forces were led by various former Libyan army officers, but Islamist elements with links to al-Qaeda were also prominent. Two former mujahidin who had fought in Afghanistan led the military campaign against Qadafi's forces in Darnah, to the east of Benghazi, for example. Abdel Hakim al-Hasidi, an influential Islamist preacher who spent five years at a jihadist training camp in eastern Afghanistan, oversaw the recruitment, training and deployment in the conflict of around 300 rebel fighters from Darnah. Both al-Hasidi and his field commander on the front lines, Salah al-Barrani, were former members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG).
It was also reported that Sufyan Ben Qumu, a Libyan army veteran who worked for Osama bin Laden's holding company in Sudan and later for an al-Qaeda-linked charity in Afghanistan, ran the training of many of Darnah's rebel recruits. Qumu spent six years at Guantanamo Bay before he was turned over to Libyan custody in 2007; he was released, along with al-Hasidi, from a Libyan prison in 2008 as part of Libya's reconciliation with the LIFG.[30] Al-Hasidi, who had fought against the US in Afghanistan in 2001, had been arrested in Pakistan in 2002 and turned over to the US, imprisoned probably at the US base at Bagram, Afghanistan, and then mysteriously released. The US Deputy Secretary of State, James Steinberg, told Congressmen he would speak of al-Hasidi's career only in a closed session.[31]
Other commentators recognised the Islamist nature of some of the rebels. Noman Benotman, a former member of the LIFG who had fought the Soviets in Afghanistan, estimated that there were 1,000 jihadists fighting in Libya.[32] Sir Richard Dearlove observed that the rebel stronghold of Benghazi was "rather fundamentalist in character" and Admiral James Stavridis, NATO's Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, said that US intelligence had picked up "flickers" of terrorist activity among the rebel groups; this was described by senior British government figures as "very alarming".[33] Shadow foreign secretary Douglas Alexander said in parliament that since there was evidence of the presence of al-Qaeda-linked forces among the rebels, Britain should "proceed with very real caution" in arming them. In response, Foreign Secretary William Hague downplayed the concern, saying that
"Of course we want to know about any links with al-Qaeda, as we do about links with any organisations anywhere in the world, but given what we have seen of the interim transitional national council in Libya, I think it would be right to put the emphasis on the positive side".[34]
In mid-March 2011, when the Qadafi regime was still clinging to power in Tripoli, Libyan authorities paraded in front of the world's media a British citizen captured in Libya and branded an Islamic terrorist. Salah Mohammed Ali Aboaoba said he was a member of the LIFG and had moved from Yemen to Britain in 2005, where he stayed until 2010, having been granted asylum, living with his family in Manchester and raising funds for the LIFG.[35]
Box 5: Qatar's role and British support
In April 2011, The Telegraph reported that "Britain will urge Arab states to train and lead Libya's rebels, with former British military personnel in line to play a central role in the escalation of the international intervention". The key role was to be played by Qatar and the United Arab Emirates who "will be asked to put military trainers into Libya to transform the disparate rebels into a coherent fighting force". The Telegraph noted that the British government was proposing using "former British personnel could be used as trainers and 'force multipliers'". And that: "Former members of the Special Air Service, Special Boat Serve and other elite British regiments are frequently employed by private military companies and Middle Eastern regimes as 'advisers' for their own armed forces". The Telegraph noted that Britain was already supplying the rebels with "non-lethal" communications equipment to help them co-ordinate their units. [36]
The Times reported in June 2011 that "Britain and France are using Qatar to bankroll the Libyan rebels". The reason was that NATO airstrikes failed to dislodge the Libyan leader while the rebels lack the firepower and military discipline to take advantage on the ground. The Times noted that "Britain and France are relying on Doha in a bid to tip the balance", according to a senior western diplomat, who was quoted as saying: "We need to reinforce military pressure. It has to bite on the ground. The Qataris are doing what needs to be done." A security source in the Gulf also told The Times that British and French officials discussed selling arms to Qatar with a view to Doha passing them on to Benghazi.[37]
UK covert forces were deployed to Libya to support the rebels. Britain sent military advice into eastern Libya to make contact with opposition leaders.[38] Indeed, it was reported that "dozens" of British special forces soldiers and officers from MI-6 were working inside Libya by March 2011.[39]
General David Richards, then Chief of the Defence Staff, recently told a Parliamentary enquiry that Britain "had a few people embedded" with the rebel forces, saying that they were "in the rear areas" and "would go forward and back".[40] In March 2011, it was reported that a suspected British intelligence and special forces unit, had been caught near Benghazi. A senior member of Benghazi's revolutionary council said: "They were carrying espionage equipment, reconnaissance equipment, multiple passports and weapons".[41]
British special forces working alongside others, including Qatar in the final advance on the Gadhafi regime. British forces assisted rebel units by "helping them get better organised to conduct operations" and to "improve their tactics", a NATO official said.[42]
Qatar was a major financial backer of the Libyan rebels, providing them with a massive $400 million worth of support, much of which was provided to the Islamist radicals. Moreover, Qatar also sent hundreds of troops to fight on the frontline and to provide infantry training to Libyan fighters in the western Nafusa mountains and in eastern Libya.[43] It secretly supplied anti-tank weapons to the Libyan rebels.[44]
Much of Qatar's support went to the so-called 17 February Martyrs Brigade, one of the most influential rebel formations led by Abdel-Hakim Belhaj, a leading member of the LIFG who became the rebel military commander in Tripoli.[45] The group had been hired to protect the US consulate in Benghazi, but largely failed to show up on the evening of the attacks on the embassy in 2012.[46] Another group supported by Qatar was an Islamist militia in Benghazi known as Rafallah al-Sehati that had relatively Western-friendly leaders but extremists in its ranks. The extremists later broke away to form Ansar al-Shariah, the militant group that played a role in the death of the American ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens.[47]
Britain is reported to have approved of Qatari arms supplies to the opposition.[48] The Obama administration also secretly gave its blessing to arms shipments to Libyan rebels from Qatar.[49] The New York Times reported:
"Within weeks of endorsing Qatar's plan to send weapons there in spring 2011, the White House began receiving reports that they were going to Islamic militant groups".
They were "more antidemocratic, more hardline, closer to an extreme version of Islam" than the main rebel alliance in Libya, said a former Defense Department official'.[50] Qatar's chief-of-staff, Major-General Hamad bin Ali al-Atiya, later said: "We acted as the link between the rebels and NATO forces".[51] Qatar also played a key role alongside Britain in the 'Libya contact group' that coordinated policy against the Qadafi regime; the first meeting of the group, in April 2011, for example, was convened by Qatar and co-chaired by Britain in Doha..[52]
As the New York Times reported: 'The weapons and money from Qatar strengthened militant groups in Libya, allowing them to become a destabilising force since the fall of the Qaddafi government".[53] Indeed, some of Qatar's arms were subsequently moved from Libya to militants in Syria and Mali.[54]
4. From Libya to Iraq to Syria: LIFG's links to ISIS and the fuelling of the jihad

NATO's intervention in Libya effectively created the conditions by which the country became a safe haven for jihadists sympathetic to al-Qaeda and ISIS, despite doctrinal disagreements. Far from the LIFG having been simply "deradicalised" as it had claimed in 2009, the documentary and public record evidence suggests that significant numbers of LIFG members remained sympathetic to the violent Islamist cause.

A large number of LIFG fighters in Libya in 2011 had earlier fought alongside the Islamic State of Iraq — the al-Qaeda entity which later established a presence in Syria and became the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, ISIS (and later the Islamic State). They were then recruited into the British-backed anti-Qadafi rebellion.

4.1 Abedi's connection to ISIS

Salman Abedi's connections to the LIFG may have facilitated his military training and Islamist indoctrination. Yet they also appear to have provided him with access to an environment in postwar Libya which had become fertile ground for the promulgation of violent jihadist ideology — conditions partly created by the British-backed intervention.

That Abedi was influenced by ISIS ideology is suggested by reports that he had links to an ISIS cell operating in south Manchester, in particular an ISIS recruiter called Raphael Hostey who "sponsored hundreds of terror recruits." Abedi reportedly had a "significant" connection to Hostey, who is believed to have been killed in a drone strike in Syria.[55]

Salman Abedi was also reportedly connected to another ISIS recruiter, Abdalraouf Abdallah, a Libyan refugee who was jailed for terror offences in Britain for trying to recruit other Manchester-based extremists to join ISIS. Associates of the two families said that Abedi's father Ramadan cared for Abdalraouf in Libya after he was shot and paralysed in 2012. Prosecutors described Abdallah as being "at the centre of a jihadist network facilitating foreign fighters". Sources said that Salman Abedi and Abdallah were "friends".[56]

4.2 The LIFG's links to ISIS

The British-backed intervention in Libya paved the way for violent Islamist groups to expand and consolidate their presence in the country. In particular, Britain's alliance with the LIFG appears to have played a direct role in facilitating the influx into Libya of foreign fighters sympathetic to al-Qaeda and ISIS (see Box 6).
Box 6: The LIFG's links to al-Qaeda and ISIS in Iraq before 2011
According to insurgent personnel records captured by US forces in Sinjar, Iraq, in 2006, LIFG had established early connections during the war in Iraq with the precursor organisation to ISIS. The US Army's Combating Terrorism Centre (CTC) at West Point found in 2007 that LIFG had achieved a "unification" with al-Qaeda evident in "its apparent decision to prioritise providing logistical support to the Islamic State of Iraq." Over 100 Libyans had joined al-Qaeda in Iraq or ISIS between 2006 and 2007.[57] In 2011, the CTC's analysis of the 'Sinjar records' confirmed "a real surge in the number" of Libyan foreign fighters joining al-Qaeda in Iraq in 2007.[58]
Also in 2011, Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, a Libyan rebel leader who headed up security under the NATO-backed National Transitional Council in the city of Derna, confirmed that Libyans who had fought with al-Qaeda against US forces in Iraq had returned to topple Qadafi. He told an Italian daily how he had personally recruited 25 Libyans from Derna to fight coalition troops in Iraq. Some of them, he said, are "today are on the front lines in Adjabiya", a coastal city in north-central Libya which saw some of the heaviest fighting against Qadafi's forces. Al-Hasidi insisted that his fighters "are patriots and good Muslims, not terrorists" but added that the "members of al-Qaeda are also good Muslims and are fighting against the invader".[59]
A June 2008 State Department cable from the US embassy in Tripoli corroborated the 'Sinjar records' and further confirmed a direct connection between LIFG fighters returning to Libya from the jihad with al-Qaeda in Iraq against US forces, and noted their aspiration to use their training to eventually topple Qadafi. The document, written by Ambassador Christopher Stevens — who was killed in the 2012 attack on the US consulate in Benghazi — cites evidence that eastern Libyans were "sending young Libyans to fight in Iraq." Combating US forces "represented a way for frustrated young radicals to strike a blow against both Qadhafi and against his perceived American backers."[60]
The document notes that this mindset had a long history:
"A number of Libyans who had fought and in some cases undergone 'religious and ideological training' in Afghanistan, Lebanon and the West Bank in the late 1970's and early 1980's had returned to eastern Libya... in the mid to late 1980's."
The same individuals were, the cable assesses, pushing forward:
"a deliberate, coordinated campaign to propagate more conservative iterations of Islam, in part to prepare the ground for the eventual overthrow by the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) of Muammar Qadhafi's regime, which is 'hated' by conservative Islamists."[61]
4.3 Arms to the jihad in Syria

Some of Qatar's arms supplies to Islamists in Libya in 2011 were subsequently moved from Libya to militants in Syria, fuelling the jihadist cause there (See Box 7).[62]
Box 7: Arming the Syrian jihad
Document releases under FOIA from the Pentagon and Department of State show that the CIA was well aware of how weapons from anti-Qadafi rebels in Benghazi were covertly shipped to Islamist rebels in Syria by the Gulf states and Turkey.[63]
A September 2012 Pentagon Defence Intelligence Agency document confirmed that the Gulf states and Turkey, with Western support, were supporting Syrian rebel groups consisting of "the Salafist, the Muslim Brotherhood, and AQI [al-Qaeda in Iraq]." Al-Qaeda in Iraq's role among "the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria" was noted in the context of anticipating that the support would lead to the creation of a "Salafist Principality" in eastern Syria. The document even predicted the possibility that al-Qaeda in Iraq's main vehicle, ISI, "could also declare an Islamic State through its union with other terrorist organisations in Iraq and Syria."[64]
The same powers that were involved in supplying Libya's rebels, particularly Qatar, were active in Syria. Around the time that the DIA report circulated in the intelligence community, classified US intelligence assessments made available to President Obama and senior policymakers showed that most Saudi and Qatari arms were going to "hard-line Islamic jihadists, and not the more secular opposition groups".[65]
In 2014, a senior Qatari official revealed that Qatar and Saudi Arabia had for years provided economic and military assistance primarily to both al-Qaeda's Syrian arm, Jabhat al-Nusra, and to ISIS.[66]
A secret memo written for then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in August 2014 (which appeared on the WikiLeaks website in 2016) noted that the Saudi and Qatari governments "are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL [ISIS] and other radical Sunni groups in the region".[67]
Saudi Arabia's neighbour Qatar, the world's only other predominantly Wahhabi state with whom Theresa May's government has recently signed large commercial deals, may have been the biggest funder of the Syrian rebels, with some estimates suggesting the amount may be as much as $3 billion.[68]
While this does not justify labelling all the Syrian rebels as jihadists, it explains why the more secular, democratic forces among the rebels have often been supplanted by hardline Islamist forces.
Mark Curtis is an historian and foreign policy analyst, and the author of five books on UK foreign policy. Website: www.markcurtis.info

Dr. Nafeez Ahmed is an award-winning investigative journalist and author of The London Bombings: An Independent Inquiry. A former Guardian blogger on the geopolitics of environmental crisis, he is 'System Shift' columnist at VICE, and the creator of INSURGE intelligence — a crowdfunded public interest investigative journalism project. His work has officially contributed to the 9/11 Commission and the 7/7 Coroner's Inquest. He has twice been featured in the Evening Standard's 'Top 1,000' list of most influential people in London.

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 4:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Saturday, 3 June 2017
http://aanirfan.blogspot.co.uk/2017/05/manchester-false-flag-part-two. html

The above image is supposed to show Salman Abedi, the alleged Manchester Arena bomber.

The above image reminds us of a similar image which mysteriously appeared on the Facebook page of Alexandre Bissonnette, the alleged Quebec shooter.

This is Alexandre Bissonnette's Facebook AFTER it was interfered with.

We saw the Facebook page of Alexandre Bissonnette before it was interfered with.

The 'horror' images above were added after Alexandre Bissonnette had been detained.

The original Facebook pages showed innocent stuff.

Who has the power to alter the pages of someone's Facebook?

CIA, Mossad or Canadian intelligence services?

Above we see Matthew Bissonnette from Quebec who, as a child, was sexually abused.

Above we see Doug Ellis from Quebec who, as a child, was sexually abused.

Doug Ellis had trips to psychiatric wards, electroshock therapy and a period in Ontario's Millbrook Correctional Centre.

Doug Ellis died in 2015, at the age of 45, of complications from the medications he was on to treat his psychiatric illness.

Mother shares tale of her son's life, shattered by sexual abuse.

Murdered Manchester lad Abdul Wahab Hafidah

The 'Rochdale child sex abuse ring' involved under-age teenagers in Greater Manchester

One child abuse ring in Greater Manchester was led by the Satanist Michael Horgan, who was closely associated with the child abusing politician Cyril Smith, who has been linked to the security services.

There is a suspicion that certain security services organise the terrorism and the top child abuse rings.



The Manchester Arena attack, on 22 May 2017, is the work of the group who did the Norway attack, on 22 July 2011, and the John F Kennedy assassination, on 22 November 1963.

The Manchester Arena bomb was most likely set off by assets of the security services, using a remote control device.

Salman Abedi the 'bubbly, laid back lad' is most likely the 'patsy'.

Salman Abedi's barber says Salman was his 'normal' self when he came in recently for his regular haircut.

'He'd gossip, and tell jokes. He was more or less a laid back person,' the barber told ITV News.

'He didn't have a special character, he was just a bubbly person that always acted normal.

'He never came and spoke to me about something serious.'


Why did Mohamed Atta speak Hebrew? (Atta loved pork chops, cocaine, hookers)

The security services have assets in Manchester, 'including members of Salman Abedi's family'.

Members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) who live in manchester have been used by MI5 and the CIA for more than 20 years.

While Theresa May was Home Secretary, LIFG members were allowed to travel unhindered across Europe so that they could remove Gadaffi in Libya, and then join al-Qaeda groups in Syria.

Manchester attack: What did UK Prime Minister Theresa May know?

Only the very stupid Moslems do not know that Osama worked with the Jewish Mafia in the narcotics trade.

The CIA and its friends promote a 'Strategy of Tension'.


The CIA's original Operation Gladio used former Nazis to carry out acts of terrorism in Europe, so as to promote American power.

The CIA's Gladio B uses Moslems to promote the Pentagon agenda.

The Saudis help Trump, Kissinger and the CIA

Saudi money has helped finance 16 American mosques; four in Canada; and others in London, Madrid, Brussels and Geneva.

Islamic State in Asia: Saudi-Funding.

Saudi money is promoting extremist Islamic groups in the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and elsewhere.

To understand the current 'terrorism' it is useful to understand Propaganda Due (P2), the secret Masonic lodge which carried out acts of terrorism in Italy and beyond.

P2 is linked to the CIA's Operation Gladio, and, P2 is linked to Henry Kissinger.


According to historians, Gladio carried out false flag terror attacks, such as the Bologna train bombing in 1980 which killed 85 people.

According to the Italian Senate, after its investigation in 2000, the bombers were "men inside Italian state institutions and ... men linked to the structures of United States intelligence."

The Bologna Bombing of 1980 eventually led to a trial.

Members of the P2 lodge were found guilty of trying to cover up the involvement of their fascist friends.

Barbara Honnegar, author of 'October Surprise', believes that both Alexander Haig and Henry Kissinger were key members of P2.

ingodsname / rigorousintuition

According to Barbara Honegger's 'October Surprise':

When the Italian police raided (P2 Lodge founder) Gelli's home in March 1981, it was Michael Ledeen who, at the instigation of Alexander Haig and Henry Kissinger, offered to buy the list of 953 P2 members in an apparent attempt to keep it from becoming public.

Henry Kissinger had reportedly sent Ledeen to Italy to try to squash an investigation into his and Haig's involvement in the founding of P2.


"Licio Gelli's P2 was a state within a state [5] or a shadow government. [6]

"The lodge had among its members top journalists, top politicians, top industrialists, top military leaders and the heads of all three Italian intelligence services.

"In 1981, the activities of the P2 lodge were discovered by prosecutors while investigating banker Michele Sindona, the collapse of his bank and his ties to the Mafia.[14

The CIA wants to force its allies to follow the Pentagon's agenda?

The use of terrorism to construct world order.


Just before the 2004 general election in Spain, the Madrid train bombing killed 191 people.

The government of Jose Maria Aznar, accused of a cover-up, fell from power.

Right - Belhaj, linked to the CIA. Centre - Al-Harati, linked to the CIA. Left - Paul Conroy, allegedly of MI6.

Abdel-Hakim Belhaj 'was one of the suspects involved in the Madrid train bombing of March 2004.'

This is according to Spain's Prime Minister at the time of the Madrid Train bombings Jose Maria Aznar.

December 2011 on CNBC

Abdel-Hakim Belhaj has been top the top man in the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG)

Madrid train bombing - the work of the security services? THE NATO LINK TO THE MADRID BOMBINGS / Madrid Bombs / Police linked to Madrid bombs? / The police and the Madrid Bombs

Some members of the LIFG live in Manchester and have been linked to the Manchester Arena attack.

Mahdi Al-Harati, of the LIFG, lived at one time in Manchester.

Al-Harati in Manchester

According to The Sunday World, Mahdi Al-Harati says that representatives of an American intelligence agency gave him a significant amount of money.

Madhi Al-Harati Irish Rebel

Anas Al-Libi was a top Al-Qaeda commander who lived in Manchester in the UK from 1995-2000.

In November 2007 Al-Qaeda’s Ayman al-Zawahiri announced the formal alliance/assimilation between Belhaj’s LIGF and Bin Laden’s Al Qaeda.

The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) has been commanding the brigades fighting Assad in Syria

Land Destroyer


The UK security services do not necessarily work for the people of the UK.

4 hours after the Manchester Arena bombing, UK officials appeared not to know who had carried out the attack.

4 hours after the Manchester Arena bombing, US officials were able to state that Salman Abedi had carried out the attack.

Manchester Bombing by Graham Vanbergen, / NDTV via the Washington Post.

Above, we see a photo of the Manchester event - by Joel Goodman.

The above image appears to be the actual Manchester Arena just after the attack.

Andre Walker, of The New York Observer, works for Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner.

On the evening of the Manchester Arena attack, Andre Walker tweeted the above image.

This was just two minutes after Greater Manchester Police had put out a Tweet stating that they had just begun responding to serious incident.

Manchester Bombing by Graham Vanbergen

75 minutes after the incident no journalists from the BBC or Sky News had been able to get near the scene of the attack.

True Publica

It would appear that the US and UK governments are not on the same side.

Is this Abedi and is this a blue suitcase?

The original version of what happened in Manchester:

According to The Times, CCTV footage showed Salman Abedi placing a suitcase down at the scene of the explosion.

'A mother' said that the bomber was wearing a bright red top.

The suicide bomber, Abedi, was acting totally alone, and was not part of a terrorist group.

Abedi used a home made bomb.

The 'possible torso remains of Abedi' were found, and identified by his bank card.

Is this a backpack found at the scene of the attack, and is it Abedi's backpack?

After leaks from the USA, there was a second version of what happened in Manchester:

The bomb was in a Karimor rucksack, and not in a suitcase.

The bomber was dressed in dark clothes.

The bomber was part of a large group.

The bomber used a very sophisticated bomb, made by an expert, and with a remote control.

Abedi did not have to be at the scene of the crime.

State crime and the Manchester Arena bombing

Andrew Calladine, from Kirkcudbright, in Dumfries and Galloway, in Scotland.

Andrew Calladine was educated at Kircudbright Academy and at the University of the West of Scotland.

Andrew Calladine "was awarded a first-class honours degree in software engineering by the University of the West of Scotland."

Andrew Calladine did computer work for the local council ('Freemasons') and the local police ('the people who organised the cover-up on Lockerbie').


Kirkcudbright, popular with retired 'diplomats'.

There might be a suspicion that Andrew Calladine was taken over by MI5.

Andrew Calladine became Hamza Siddiq.

Hamza Siddiq
Experienced .NET/SQL Server Developer
Nottingham, United KingdomComputer Software
System C Healthcare, Rivo, D.H. Systems Consultancy Limited
University of the West of Scotland

MI5 wants you to think that the Manchester Arena attack was not an Operation Gladio attack.

Andrew Calladine/Hamza Siddiq wants you to think that the Manchester Arena attack was not an Operation Gladio attack.
Operation Gladio / Operation Gladio

Spooky Kirkcudbright.

Recently, Andrew Calladine "did a runner after furious locals in his home town of Kirkcudbright confronted him in Tesco and tried to hound him out...

"Siddiq's rantings sickened locals in Kirkcudbright.

"He has been living in Nottingham, but it's believed he was back home last week for a family funeral...

"A man who lives near Siddiq's mother, Ann Knapton, added: 'The police were here speaking to her for a while on Monday.'"



Surely Andrew Calladine is too intelligent to think that the Koran can be taken seriously.

So, what is going on?

Abdul Wahab Hafidah, murdered in Manchester.

Was MI5 protecting Salman Abedi and various wild Libyans in Manchester?

"Salman Abedi associated with a gang that has for years waged war with a rival grouping in south Manchester...

Salman Abedi had connections to gangs in Manchester

"In south Manchester, community leaders have become increasingly worried that young men of Libyan heritage are being drawn into gang warfare in south Manchester.

reported rising tensions

"In 2015, Ayub Mabrouk, the son of a Libyan diplomat, was jailed for hiding guns and ammunition for gangsters in Hulme, south Manchester."

Salman Abedi had connections to gangs in Manchester

Abdul Wahab Hafidah, murdered in Manchester.

A feud between the Moss Side Bloods and the Rusholme Crips gangs has been blamed for the outbreak of violence in Manchester.

Feud between Bloods and Crips gangs.

On 30 December 2016, a 22-year-old man was blasted in the chest on Salisbury Street in Manchester.

On 22 March 2017, Ahmed Mohammed - known locally as 'Mudz' - was fatally stabbed on Crondall Street.

On 12 May 2017, Abdul Wahab Hafidah, 18, was run over by a Vauxhall Corsa on Moss Lane East during the evening rush-hour before the occupants stabbed him in his neck and abdomen.

The increase in violence comes after the Manchester Police's anti-gang unit, based at Greenheys police station in Moss Side, was reorganised.

The unit had been partly responsible for an uneasy peace between south Manchester's gangs since a peak of shootings in 2007.

In August 2016, a gang which flooded parts of Greater Manchester with heroin, cocaine and other drugs was sent to jail.

Gang which flooded Manchester with heroin.

On 26 July 2015, Paul Massey, above, was shot dead by a mysterious gunman.

"Massey, 55, died in a hail of bullets as he stepped out of a silver BMW car outside his home in the Clifton area of Salford, in Manchester."

Observer / dailymail

Paul Massey was the 'Mr Big' of Salford in Greater Manchester in the UK.

Allegedly, Paul Massey ran protection rackets.

Allegedly, Paul Massey was protected by the police.

Salford Lads Club

"A string of people have now told Greater Manchester Police they were sexually abused by Jimmy Savile in Salford in Manchester."

Allegedly, Jimmy Savile was protected by the police.

Savile lived in Salford from the mid-1950s to the mid-1960s.

Manchester and Salford Police's Chief Constable, W J Richards (centre), with Jimmy Savile.

Anonymous witnesses say that Paul Massey "achieved his notoriety by exploiting teenagers before they were old enough to know better."

Large numbers of people turned out for Paul Massey's funeral.

Paul Massey's funeral.

"After running protection rackets in Salford, and building an estimated £5m fortune though property sales, he was named in 1992 by a social services boss as the mastermind behind organised crime in the city and was even placed under surveillance by MI5.

"Pub landlords and shopkeepers had to each pay on average £400 a week protection money to stop them being put out of business.

"Massey described himself as a security consultant and laundered much of his money gained from property and rackets in a legitimate security firm."

Paul Massey's funeral.

Anonymous witnesses say "the police helped him, backed him up.

"He didn't speak to the local officers; he spoke to the serious end.

"Sometimes if you crossed him, next thing you'd know is that your front door was being kicked in by the police."

Read more: Observer | The Guardian / dailymail

David Cameron visits the Salford Lads Club in 2008

In the 1990s two court cases in which Paul Massey was a defendant both collapsed – one involving an alleged disturbance at a nightclub in Manchester city centre and another a disturbance at a boxing match in Birmingham.

Salford Lads Club

In 1999, Paul Massey stabbed a man in the groin, severing an artery.

After the attack, in Manchester, Massey fled to Amsterdam.

Sources say Massey sold narcotics - ecstasy from Holland and cocaine from South America.

Observer | The Guardian

Arthur Thompson

Paul Massey's friends included Glasgow’s Paul Ferris, who worked for the late Arthur Thompson, known as Scotland’s 'Godfather'.

Observer | The Guardian

The Scottish child killer Ian Brady worked for the top Scottish drugs gangster Arthur Thompson, who was an associate of the Kray Twins.

Arthur Thompson reportedly worked for the British security service MI5.

Former 'Glasgow godfather' Thompson reportedly was selling guns to the UVF (Ulster Volunteer Force).

"He got caught, and decided to turn grass for MI5. They then told him he could pretty much start the drugs trade in Glasgow."

Donal MacIntyre - erutufonnofuture / Aangirfan: NARCOTICS, SPOOKS


In Manchester, on 27 May 2017, University student Yahya Werfalli was arrested.

Yahya is listed on Facebook as a friend of Salman Abedis brother, Hashim, 20.

Aimen Elwafi, 38, reportedly sublet his council flat to Salman Abedi.

According to a 'friend' of Elwafi, stickers of Disney characters which had been stuck on the walls by Mr Elwafi's young son were then scribbled out in black pen.



Anon at 00:01


Anonymous29 May 2017 at 01:16
http://www.globalresearch.ca/syrias-assad-just-explained-how-america-r eally-works/5592310


Anonymous29 May 2017 at 04:04
You want to watch the original Prime Suspects (Helen Mirran... yes I would!)
Prime Suspect 3... Elm Guest House Child Abuse(top police, politicians), London rent boys etc
Prime Suspect 4... mentions a Panamanian law firm specialising in hiding offshore money
Prime Suspect 5... a Manchester gangster protected by top police (BLATENTLY OBVIOUS IT WAS REFERRING TO MASSEY!)
I just watched Prime Suspect 6... in which MI6 are protecting a Serbian war criminal and mass murderer (typical)... there's a really cleverly written scene in which an MI6 officer 'advises' not to arrest him.

Apologies for not commenting with anything more relevant... but watch them, I get the impression the writers where hinting at some pretty big s**t throughout...


Anonymous31 May 2017 at 03:42
Just a thought. Much more relevant than you think. Noticing correlations or patterns or little bits of info is very important.


Anonymous29 May 2017 at 09:53

http://nation.com.pk/international/28-May-2017/shah-salman-gifts-items -to-trump-worth-12-billion

http://nypost.com/2017/05/26/de-blasio-staffer-arrested-for-child-porn ography/


Unknown29 May 2017 at 09:58
Would like to know more about any connections regarding Massey and Manchester/Salford organized crime in general. Manchester is the centre of crime (including pedophilia) and terrorism in England outside of London and there must be huge connections. Just seen another controlled explosion in Rusholme last night after the MCR attack.


Anonymous30 May 2017 at 08:27
Manchester had a gang problem from the early 80's with the end of the 'Quality Street Gang', who where always highly connected and kept Manchester underworld in check (top police, Masons etc).
The gang/gun problem from the likes of Gooch and Moss side reached a peak with the Hacienda rave scene of late 80's/early 90's, with different gangs competing for control of the clubs...
then one day in 1993 a * LOAD of then unknown guys/boys walked into one of the main clubs, unchallenged and literally beat the * out of everyone in there... when the bouncers asked who they where, the response was...
'oh that's just the Salford lads... and they run the show now'
From 93 to his death... Massey ran Salford and half of Manchester.

Seriously... watch Prime Suspect 5... also read 'Gang War: The Inside Story of the Manchester Gangs - Peter Walsh'

Massey's connections ran nationwide, from Glasgow (Paul Ferris) to London (Adams family)... he actually hired Ferris to kill a friend of mine (which didn't happen, not even an attempt... meaning his control did wane towards the end). Security, and also smuggling around Britain (nothing big)... he was always told to stay out of Blackpool/Morecambe area (Alan Lingwood security... look into him!)

Manchester now has a new underworld boss, again backed by local Masons (his solicitor helped him to take over, by plotting a major Manchester hit with him... befriended his rival, lured him into a false sense of security for a period of months... then cut his throat in his own bath, and EVERYONE in Manchester knows!)

Obviously things are different now with 'Muslim' gangs (which was NEVER an issue in Manchester)... it's harder and harder to find a 'boss' who can keep things in check for the Security services and local Masons...


Anonymous29 May 2017 at 09:59
http://www.globalresearch.ca/syria-the-west-only-hates-assad-because-t heir-tv-told-them-to/5592422


Kaivey30 May 2017 at 12:55
Good article!


Anonymous29 May 2017 at 10:12
Fiction has always been the main medium for the truth to be told in these controlled times we are all living.


Anonymous29 May 2017 at 10:13
Trump needs his own! There should be no doubt in any ones mind on here, that the Trump administration will stage a False Flag this year...

Manchester’s Known Wolf: Watched by MI5 with Ties to NATO-Backed Terror in Libya – What Does It All Mean?
http://www.globalresearch.ca/manchesters-known-wolf-watched-by-mi5-wit h-ties-to-nato-backed-terror-in-libya-what-does-it-all-mean/5592444


anon30 May 2017 at 04:14
monday 29th coronation st......
a long lingering shot of a prominent number 22 on the back wall of roy's cafe.


Anonymous1 June 2017 at 01:54
http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/jared-kushner-and-his-partners- used-a-program-meant-for-job-starved-areas-to-build-a-luxury-skyscrape r/ar-BBBKhnz?li=BBnb7Kz


Anonymous1 June 2017 at 03:28
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4561054/Secretive-global-group -gathers-US-mull-Trump-era.html


Anonymous1 June 2017 at 04:12
https://www.rt.com/uk/390366-amber-rudd-saudi-arabia-arms/?utm_source= browser&utm_medium=aplication_chrome&utm_campaign=chrome


Anonymous1 June 2017 at 04:13
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/jared-kushner-donald- trump-lied-base-stupid-voters-supporters-president-son-in-law-white-ho use-a7764791.html


Anonymous1 June 2017 at 04:39
It seems Ariana Grande has assembled some of her fellow MK Ultra'd pals for this Tribute Concert. Justin Bieber, Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus - to name a few.


Anonymous1 June 2017 at 07:21
I think its gonna be a tremendous display of MK ULTRA stuff, looking forward to seeing their "show"


Anonymous1 June 2017 at 05:31

"Manchester attack: What did UK Prime Minister Theresa May know?"

https://independentaustralia.net/article-display/manchester-attack-wha t-did-uk-prime-minister-theresa-may-know,10356


Kaivey1 June 2017 at 10:30
Well, you got there before me. An excellent article. Theresa May is soft on terrorism.

Kaivey1 June 2017 at 10:35
Fancy a laugh, this guy is great. The establishment are complaining about left wing bias in a BBC audience, but they were apparently picked by an independent company to be representative of the general public. After months of media bias against Corbyn, it makes your laugh.


Theresa May's Magic Money Tree.


Anonymous2 June 2017 at 04:32
or, "they were picked by an 'independent media company'"to give the Beeb a limited hangout for blatant anti-Brexit bias. Ho ho.


Anonymous1 June 2017 at 10:07
http://www.globalresearch.ca/islamic-state-in-asia-saudi-funding-and-n aive-policymakers-endanger-region/5592945


Anonymous1 June 2017 at 10:13
https://www.yahoo.com/gma/israeli-ambassador-un-danny-danon-elected-vp -general-224650307--abc-news-topstories.html


Brabantian1 June 2017 at 14:43
Is it possible we have a clever back-hand stitch up to create a win for Jeremy 'my father worked for Victor Rothschild' Corbyn?

Some media & polls say Corbyn is rocketing, difference with Theresa May in single digits

Scenarios are being drawn, Corbyn will unite with the Scotland & Ulster parties, promise 2nd Brexit vote, put together coalition

Tho a 'terrorism' event like Manchester normally serves the Right a bit more ... that may not be true with Theresa May at the helm ... whilst older uncle or grandpa Corbyn has the personality of a classic reasonable, older, life-experienced amiable English chap who can sort things out

And whilst Britons are anti-immigration ... they are nervous about Brexit, & weary too of budget-cutting Tories

In his own way, Corbyn with the British is like Trump with the Yanks, he seems able to make people feel he can take things back to 'better days like in the past' even tho that past was pretty dodgy too

Also like Trump, there is a surface of mainstream media attacking Corbyn - the oily corrupt Guardian bashing Corbyn - but that gives him 'populist credibility', as most have begun to feel the Guardian is rubbish

Maybe an upcoming Corbyn 'surprise victory', is why Theresa May was 'ordered' to call the election for no apparent reason ... maybe the change to Corbyn is what they need to cover for the Brexit cancellation

As Aangirfan has covered, the Corbyns & Rothschilds were neighbours in WIltshire, Jeremy Corbyn's father working for Victor Rothschild during WW2 ... Witnesses report Corbyn refused to act on evidence of disgusting child-violation offences by criminal rings operating 'within all 12 of the borough's children's homes' in his district ... So he is 'qualified' from MI5 - MI6 perspective


Anonymous2 June 2017 at 04:38
- Is it possible we have a clever back-hand stitch up to create a win for Jeremy 'my father worked for Victor Rothschild' Corbyn?

Obvious from the start, imho. Not particularly clever either, merely requiring a largely ignorant electorate.

They are ALL owned/greedy/perverted/corrupt, however you want to look at it.

Such a shame the naïve tendency of having found someone to trust has re-surfaced. Saw the same thing with Blair back in the 90s.

Ffs, humankind !

Anonymous2 June 2017 at 04:58
Corbyn or May same like Hillary or Trump. Two faces of the same coin, nothing new, folks....

Anonymous2 June 2017 at 06:33
All very plausible. One thing for certain, we can always spot the false flags, but the reasons why are much harder to discern.


Anonymous2 June 2017 at 00:33
http://www.globalresearch.ca/left-forum-bans-deep-state-panels-speaker s-refuse-to-be-silenced-come-to-the-left-out-forum/5593031


Anonymous2 June 2017 at 04:57
http://www.globalresearch.ca/intra-elite-warfare-oligarchs-succeed-onl y-the-people-suffer/5593070


Anonymous2 June 2017 at 10:37

http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-real-story-of-zbigniew-brzezinski-tha t-the-media-isnt-telling/5593085


Kaivey2 June 2017 at 11:59
Trump, Brennan and the Intel Community’s Iron Wall of Secrecy

by Mike Whitney

http://www.counterpunch.org/2017/06/02/trump-brennan-and-the-intel-com munitys-iron-wall-of-secrecy/


This is delusional. There’s no evidence “that Russia sought to recruit Americans”. None. This is pure speculation based on the fearmongering blabber of a former CIA Director whose credibility is on a par with Bernie Madoff. We’re not talking about ‘honest’ Abe Lincoln here. We’re talking about the former head of the most diabolical organization in history, an organization that, since its inception in 1949, has engaged in all manner of demonic behavior including torture, death squads, rendition, black sites, kidnapping, extortion, drug trafficking, regime change and, of course, the arming, training and funding of Islamic extremists which is the source of the current terrorist plague that has engulfed the planet. It all started with the CIA. The idea that people take the specious palavering of this man at face value, is beyond belief. The truth is, Brennan’s appearance on the Hill was a thoroughly-rehearsed performance that was concocted to advance the geopolitical agenda of his paymasters, an agenda that, in all probability, involves a war with Russia. Isn’t that the real objective?


Anonymous3 June 2017 at 06:29
It might be the real objective. Only Kissinger and his stooge Putin would know for sure if Russia will play along and usher in the final solution of one world government.


Anonymous2 June 2017 at 14:55
5 star research, coverage and opinion. You are stars.

Is Karen Hudes too good to be true? A reverse stay-behind?

Sorry to interupt.


Anonymous2 June 2017 at 16:41
I call it Scooby Doo Terrorism. The perpetrator is unmasked and was known to everyone and the case is neatly wrapped up and handed on a plate. Whatever happened to stealthy terrorists who evaded detection and kept security services and police on their toes?


Anonymous3 June 2017 at 03:49
http://i4.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article10479138.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/P AY-ICTV_230517_Manchester_Arena-3.jpg
This image shows them struggling to take 2 people on stretchers down stairs
This is what the Manchester Arena accessibility guide says
Venue Facilities
Manchester Arena provides the following facilities to assist customers with access requirements:
Disabled parking is available at an onsite NCP Car Park (please note that this is not operated by the venue)
Lift access within both the NCP car park and Victoria Station allows access to our Box Office and City Room entrance. Lift access to the right of the Hunts Bank steps allows access to our Hunts Bank entrance
So why did they not use the lift access to rescue those on stretcher. It would have been much easier. But may not have provided such a dramatic photo opportunity.

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 8:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whitehall_Bin_Men wrote:
Infowars granted White House press credentials, promptly smears victims of Manchester bombing
Many of the victims were children.
Aaron Rupar, Journalist, ThinkProgress. Twitter: @atrupar. Email: arupar@americanprogress.org May 23
https://thinkprogress.org/alex-jones-smears-manchester-victims-on-same -day-trump-white-house-gives-infowars-credentials-1c3ab1501ad9

CREDIT: Screenshot
On Monday, Infowars announced it has been granted press credentials that will allow Washington bureau chief Jerome Corsi — a prominent swiftboater and birther — to attend White House press briefings.
Later that same day, Infowars founder Alex Jones smeared the victims of the attack during the Ariana Grande show in Manchester that killed at least 22 people, describing them as “liberal trendies.”
“The same people — God love them — on average who are promoting open borders, bringing Islamists in,” he added.

Later during his rant, Jones characterized the victims as “a bunch of liberals who have already run up the white flag to the Islamists, and this happens so more of our liberties can be lost, and so governments in Europe, the U.K., and the U.S. can say, ‘Don’t criticize Muslims, or they’ll blow you up, because they’re the religion of peace.’”
Grande, whose first national exposure came on Nickelodeon, has many teen and pre-teen fans. As the U.K.-based Metro publication reported, “Twelve children under the age of 16 were among the 59 casualties taken to hospital after the terror attack at Manchester Arena.” One of the first confirmed fatalities was an 8-year-old girl named Saffie Rose Roussos.

One witness who saw the aftermath of the attack told CNN, “It was a lot of children, with blood all over them." These are the people Jones went out of his way to smear on Tuesday night.
He’s done stuff like this before. Infowars is perhaps best known for relentlessly spreading the conspiracy theory that the 2012 school shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, was a hoax. Leonard Pozner, father of one of the 20 children killed in that mass shooting, told the Daily Beast during Jones’ recent custody trial, “I wish I could be there in the courtroom to stare him down to remind him of how he’s throwing salt on a wound, and so he can remember how he handed out salt for other people to throw on mine.”
During that trial, Jones described himself as a “performance artist” instead of a journalist. But his act has real and negative consequences for people like Pozner, who described to the Daily Beast how he was threatened and harassed by Jones’ conspiracy-obsessed fans.
Jones’ promotion of baseless Sandy Hook conspiracies wasn’t enough to keep then-candidate Trump for going on his show in December 2015 and telling him, “Your reputation is amazing… I won’t let you down.”
Eight months later, Jones said he was advising Trump about “election fraud.” According to Jones, Trump took him seriously, telling him he’s “already concurred and absolutely was on the same page and was already right there with me or even ahead of me.”
America’s ‘Most Prolific Conspiracy Theorist’ Reveals He’s Now Advising Donald Trump

Trump is taking him very seriously.
Indeed, in the months that followed, Trump pushed a baseless conspiracy theory that millions of illegal votes were cast during a presidential election where he received nearly three million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. Earlier this month, the Trump administration announced the official creation of a Mike Pence-headed election integrity committee including anti-immigration vote-suppression specialist Kris Kobach.
After the election, Jones played a leading role in pushing a baseless WikiLeaks-fueled conspiracy about prominent Democrats being involved in a pedophilia ring. But in a carefully worded statement he read during his broadcast two months ago, Jones apologized, saying “we regret any negative impact our commentaries may have had” on the people involved. He did so only after the owner of a business targeted by Jones as part of the so-called Pizzagate story sent him a letter asking him to retract statements he made during his broadcasts.
The Infowars article announcing the publication’s new White House credentials notes that Jones “may even attend some White House press briefings in person.”
PoliticsConspiracy TheoriesAlex JonesDonald TrumpInfowars

Whilst Alex Jones is very discredited these days, he does still put out some truths. All US Presidential elections ARE rigged (and it seems logical the party in power has the most opportunities to rig them); Sandy Hook WAS a hoax, and prominent Democrats were and still are involved in peadophila rings, and Pizzagate IS real.
Trump could well have (and has) worse 'advisors' than Jones, but don't expect a proper 9/11, Sandy Hook, Pizzagate or Clinton Foundation inquiry any time soon (or Oklahoma City, 1993 WTC bombing, Columbine etc inquiries).

'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 3:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What do folks make of this?
'Who Wears The Pants?':

Pity the people video-taping it on their mobiles don't come forward.

'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 9:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't know if this has been posted already:
'Firefighters are infuriated after they were stopped from helping bomb victims at Manchester Arena':
http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/fi refighters-infuriated-after-were-stopped-13087703

'Firefighters have spoken of their “shame” after being held back by bosses from helping victims of the Arena bomb.

No crews arrived at the scene until 90 minutes after the 10.33 attack.

Firefighters have told the M.E.N. they were aware that paramedics were in urgent need of back up in the aftermath of the bomb which left 22 dead and 120 injured but were prevented from going in.

Eventually five appliances were dispatched, but by then all of the dangerous work of entering the blasted Arena foyer to tend to badly hurt and dying victims had been done.

Now Greater Manchester Mayor, Andy Burnham who has responsibility for Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service, is considering ordering an independent review into decision making by brigade managers on the night of the attack.....'

Perhaps they weren't 'in the know' that it was a 'Hoax', if it was one, and would have blown the whole narrative wide open.

'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

In hours after Salman Abedi blew himself up outside the Manchester Arena, where the American pop star Ariana Grande was performing, isis claimed a grisly attack that killed twenty-two people and injured dozens more. “With Allah’s grace and support, a soldier of the Khilafah (caliphate) managed to place explosive devices in the midst of the gatherings of the Crusaders in the British city of Manchester,” the group boasted on social messaging apps, in multiple languages. The odd thing—for a group that has usually been judicious about its claims and accurate in its facts—is that it got key details wrong.
http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/does-the-manchester-attack-sho w-the-islamic-states-strength-or-weakness

The discrepancies were conspicuous—and clumsy. In one early claim, the message referred to a “security detachment,” as if there were multiple operatives. It implied that the attack involved multiple bombs left on site. It missed the fact that a lone bomb had been detonated in a single suicide operation. It did not refer to a “martyr,” as it usually does when perpetrators are killed. It did not name or claim Abedi.

“It looks like the work of isis,” a U.S. counterterrorism official told me on Monday, although the British investigation was ongoing. Yet the mistakes also spurred speculation about isis’s command of foreign operations, its communications with operatives or sympathizers, and even its access to news, which had already reported the basics of the attack. Just how much has isis been disrupted?

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 6:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

All those arrested since #ManchesterArena attack released without charge. Time to arrest Abedi's #MI5 #MI6 handlers?
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/those-arrested-manchester-arena-a ttack-10605548#ICID=sharebar_twitter

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 4:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

'He was no lone wolf': Hunt for ISIS mastermind continues as security insides insist the Manchester bomb was the SAME design as one used in Paris blasts
By Mark Nicol and Omar Wahid and Barbara Jones for the Daily Mail
03:02 04 Jun 2017, updated 15:15 04 Jun 2017
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4570064/amp/Manchester-bomb-hi ghly-similar-2015-Paris-bomb.html

Bomb used in Manchester attack 'highly similar' to those used in Paris attack
A MoS source was told the bombs may have been made by the same person
Police suggest Salman Abedi, 22, acted alone in attack that killed 22

The explosive device used in the Manchester terror attack was ‘highly similar’ to bombs used by Islamic State jihadis in the 2015 Paris attacks
The explosive device used in the Manchester terror attack was ‘highly similar’ to bombs used by Islamic State jihadis in the 2015 Paris attacks and may even have been designed by the same person, The Mail on Sunday has been told.


The claim was made last night by security sources, who challenged the suggestion by Greater Manchester Police that pop concert suicide bomber Salman Abedi, 22, had largely acted alone.

The police said last week that it was becoming apparent that Abedi acted alone during the four days between him arriving in Britain from Libya and detonating his bomb at the Ariana Grande concert, killing 22 people and injuring 116.

But a security source told The Mail on Sunday: ‘While Abedi carried the device into Manchester Arena, he certainly didn’t design the bomb and more than likely he didn’t even put it together.

Jihadi terrorists shouting 'this is for Allah' kill seven in knife frenzy at 'FIVE' locations in the capital: Hunt for men with 12in blades who began the rampage by mowing down revellers on London Bridge
Kindhearted Londoners offer beds, food and cups of tea to terror attack survivors as #PrayForLondon trends on social media
‘Rather, there was somebody with significant bomb making experience behind Abedi, as there was behind the three suicide bombers who blew themselves up outside the Stade de France in Paris in November 2015. In security jargon, the fingerprints on the Manchester and Paris devices are the same.’

Raffaello Pantucci, Director of International Security Studies at the Royal United Services Institute think-tank, agreed, saying: ‘I can’t believe that he planned and conducted the attack in a vacuum. There are usually commanders, steering from a distance.’

Abedi was born in Manchester to Libyan parents who moved back to Tripoli in recent years. He is believed to have visited Libya before the attack. It has been suggested he received final instructions there and met Libya-based terrorists involved in the Paris attacks.

The claim was made last night by security sources, who challenged the suggestion by Greater Manchester Police that pop concert suicide bomber Salman Abedi, 22, had largely acted alone
Detectives are also searching a landfill site near Manchester in an apparent bid to find a fridge which police suspect Abedi used to store explosives. It is understood that the fridge was removed from student accommodation in the Rusholme area of Manchester before a flat was searched last week. A man was arrested in the area yesterday.

The Mail on Sunday has also established that the FBI has sent up to 12 additional agents to the UK to work alongside British detectives listening to internet ‘chatter’.

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 6:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Libya and the Manchester connection
Alastair Sloan by Alastair Sloan 29 May 2017
http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2017/05/libya-manchester-conn ection-170528081044095.html

There have been few decisions by the British government this century as damaging as those that laid the groundwork for the Manchester bombings. No, you cannot boil the causes of this "terrorist" attack down to one single "cause". Yes, Salman Abedi was an "evil loser", as Donald Trump put it with rare accuracy. Yes, it is unforgivable that Salman Abedi chose to target children.

Yet what was in the British government's clear purview was to limit the possibility of Abedi being radicalised; to prevent a young man travelling abroad as a "foreign fighter" alongside a group that had previously been proscribed as a terrorist organisation. It is there that the British government failed.

This is not only about former Prime Minister David Cameron's decision to partake in removing Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi in 2011, egged on by neoconservatives in his cabinet, nor the subsequent creation of a failed state which has as much to do with Libyan failures as it does Britain's "fire-and-forget" foreign policy. It was also about the methods British security services were prepared to use to depose Gaddafi, the lengths they would go to, and the risks they would take.

All this should put an above-average level of scrutiny on the conduct of the security services. MI6 appear to have funnelled foreign fighters with suspected links to al-Qaeda from the streets of Britain to Libya. Salman Abedi and members of his close family, who are now arrested, were among these people. Abedi would go on, it is alleged, to join the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS).

READ MORE: Manchester's Libyans react to killer in their midst
During Gaddafi's reign, Britain's foreign intelligence agency, MI6, sponsored a group of mujahideen who had recently fought in Afghanistan against the Soviets. They were to assassinate Gaddafi himself. The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) was allegedly given $160,000 for a failed assassination attempt in February 1996, in which several bodyguards were killed. MI6 had strange bedfellows while they propped up the group - Osama bin Laden was also reportedly financing the group at the time.

The British people are wiser than the elites that rule over them, who remain a deluded minority who still think sending teenage foreign fighters abroad, or toppling Gaddafi, was ever good for Britain.
When the so-called "war on terror" began, however, the LIFG was swiftly proscribed. The fact that they denied any formal alliance with Osama bin Laden was irrelevant to British authorities. In 2004 MI6 arranged for an exiled LIFG leader, Abdel Hakim Belhaj, to be transferred into Gaddafi's torture dungeons, with Mark Allen, the head of MI6's counterterrorism unit, saying, "This was the least [the UK] could do for you and for Libya to demonstrate the remarkable relationship we have built in recent years".

In 2011, however, following the Arab Spring, the LIFG was suddenly back inside the British tent.

Before the Arab Spring, some Libyan exiles in Manchester, the city that hosts the UK's largest Libyan community, were believed to be linked to the LIFG. Due to the group's proscribed status and alleged links to al-Qaeda, these exiles' movements were severely restricted by the UK authorities, including passport confiscations.

But the situation was reversed once Libyan regime change was in motion. Passports were returned. Intelligence officers are even said to have "sorted" exit for these exiles, so long as they were prepared to fight, produce propaganda or otherwise assist in removing Gaddafi.

As a result, numerous Libyan exiles in Britain and Brits of Libyan extraction went abroad - many who were brave and had good intentions. Among these is said to have been Salman Abedi, who was only sixteen at the time, and his father, who was a member of the LIFG and had sought refuge in Britain in the nineties.

Some Libyans say Salman Abedi would not have been allowed to join the fighting because of his age, but because the British government appear to have allowed such a young and impressionable man to travel to Libya with his father, who had been a prominent member of the LIFG, obvious questions have to be asked about the wisdom of this policy.

READ MORE: Corbyn: We have to admit 'war on terror' is not working
The overall decision to topple Gaddafi in 2011 is one matter - the way in which it was done is another.

It remains official government policy to topple Bashar al-Assad in Syria. Yet foreign fighters are forbidden from travelling to Syria from the UK, precisely because the British government fears they may join extreme Islamist groups, and one-day return to the UK to bomb, stab or otherwise attack British civilians.

WATCH: Manchester attack sparks show of religious unity (2:16)
But for Libya, British authorities applied an entirely different policy it seems, and actively encouraged people like Abedi to go abroad. Three quarters of all foreign fighters in Libya came from Manchester. Now that one of their number has returned to bomb the same city, apparently under the influence of ISIL, remarkably few are questioning the British foreign policy decisions David Cameron took while in power.

The exception to this is opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn, who gave a truly landmark speech this week in which he said: "The blame is with the terrorists, but if we are to protect our people we must be honest about what threatens our security."

Corbyn was then lampooned by most of the press who misreported his comments by saying he had apportioned blame to Britain. Instead, he had simply pointed out that the "war on terror" was a failed strategy. Home Secretary Amber Rudd still countered it was "outrageous" for Corbyn to make such a statement, while the Defence Secretary, Michael Fallon, said Corbyn was "wrong to link foreign policy to terror".

Thankfully, the British people are wiser than the elites that rule over them, who remain a deluded minority who still think sending teenage foreign fighters abroad, or toppling Gaddafi, was ever good for Britain. 66 percent of the population however, according to pollsters YouGov, agreed that "wars the UK has supported or fought are in part responsible for terror attacks against the UK". When will the elites start listening to them? They did with Brexit - perhaps Middle East policy should be next.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 12:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dawn Waddy - Manchester



Police refuse to deny a SECOND bomb was planted inside the Manchester Arena

POLICE and the Home Office are refusing to deny there was a second bomb that failed to go off inside the Manchester Arena.

PUBLISHED: 22:46, Wed, May 24, 2017 | UPDATED: 22:58, Wed, May 24, 2017
http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/808978/Manchester-terror-attack-secon d-bomb-Salman-Abedi-ISIS-Arena

Police are refusing to deny a second bomb was found inside the Manchester Arena

Witnesses reported a woman acting suspiciously inside the venue and then seeing a “smoking holdall” bag in a corridor.

Islamic State has claimed a number of explosive devices were located inside the Ariana Grande concert - and Greater Manchester Police are refusing to deny there were multiple bombs at the scene.

Dawn Waddy, who was watching the concert with her daughter, told Sky that she reported a “smirking” woman to security guards after becoming suspicious of her behaviour.

She said: “We sat down in our seats. Somebody next to us looked suspicious, she was fidgeting with a bag and was by herself.

“She was looking in the direction of where the explosion happened all night and I got suspicious myself.

“I told security who then informed a higher security, they were up and down the stairs discreetly watching her.

“Nothing was done about it. She was getting more and more agitated.

“I nudged her arm and asked if she was by herself. She said yes.

“I don’t think security did listen to me. My daughter got upset and she went to security and she was told ‘how would you like it if someone accused you of this’.

“Two minutes before the end of the concert this woman disappeared and then the bomb went off at the other end of the arena.”

Lee Tarkington told The Sun he saw a second device smouldering in a corridor that had failed to detonate.

He said: “I think it's something that failed to go off.

“Many more could've died.”

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 5:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

MI5 missed clues over Manchester bomber Salman Abedi
Richard Kerbaj, Security Correspondent
November 5 2017, 12:01am, The Sunday Times
Abedi: ‘suspicious behaviour’
https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/mi5-missed-clues-over-manchester-bo mber-salman-abedi-q8mlmml5r

MI5 officials missed key intelligence warnings that could have put the Manchester bomber under surveillance as a “high-priority” target before he murdered 22 people, The Sunday Times can reveal.

The security service received at least two items of intelligence regarding Salman Abedi’s “suspicious behaviour” that indicated he posed a serious threat before his suicide bombing at the Manchester Arena in May.

The failure to act properly on the intelligence emerged in an MI5 internal review that has triggered deep concerns within the intelligence community about whether the attack — the deadliest in Britain since the 2005 London bombings — could have been stopped. The findings are thought to have been sent to Amber Rudd, the home secretary, last week.

It has also placed the position…

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 5:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The perpetrators sock puppet army in full effect still Rolling Eyes
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/manchester-bombing-victim-m artyn-hett-dan-far-right-abuse-tommy-robinson-a8038346.html
Brother of Manchester bombing victim reveals 'astonishing' abuse from far-right trolls
Dan Hett vows to continue fight against extremism and hatred following his brother Martyn's death
Caroline Mortimer @cjmortimer 3 hours ago
Dan Hett (left) with Martyn's partner Russell Hayward (2nd right) at his funeral at Stockport Town Hall in June Getty
The brother of a Manchester bombing victim has condemned the “astonishing” abuse he has received from far-right trolls after speaking out against hatred and Islamophobia.

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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