STEPHEN MILLIGAN, the Conservative MP, spent his final two days concerned about a BBC Television programme which he felt had portrayed him unfairly and damaged the image of his constituency, an inquest was told yesterday.
But Dr John Burton, the Hammersmith and Fulham coroner, said there had been no evidence that the MP for Eastleigh, Hampshire, had taken his own life or that anyone else was involved. He concluded that Mr Milligan had suffocated himself accidentally in the early hours of Sunday 7 February. There were no drugs or alcohol in his blood.
The inquest was told that Mr Milligan, 45, was found dead on the kitchen table at his west London home, with his clothes on the floor. A cord was around his neck and tied to his feet, his head was covered and there was an orange in his mouth. Police searching the house discovered no pornographic material, which the coroner said was 'often found in these cases'.
Dr Iain West, a Home Office pathologist, said Mr Milligan died through using a home- made apparatus which was meant to constrict the main artery in his neck. Compression of the artery could have made Mr Milligan faint after which he would 'be unable to regain consciousness and would be unable to free himself'.
Dr Burton described it as a 'tragic and entirely personal case', and warned of the extreme danger of carrying out solitary sexual acts which involved pressure on the neck.
Recording a verdict of misadventure, he said he saw two or three similar cases each year.
Vera Taggart, the MP's secretary, told the inquest she had met him at the Commons on 5 February. The previous night the documentary about employment in Eastleigh had been broadcast. Knowing he had helped to make it she had asked him how it had gone.
'He was concerned it had appeared to be less balanced than he had thought it would be. He thought it showed his constituency in a negative light,' she said. But she insisted he had not been suicidal, and had taken part in a debate in the Commons that day.
She had asked Mr Milligan if he had any plans for the weekend. 'He said he had no plans but expected to discuss the programme with his family and would see me on the Monday,' she said.
He would normally arrive at the Commons at 10.30am on Monday mornings unless he had rung to tell her. This time he did not arrive, and she had tried to find if he had a meeting she did not know about, but constituency officials did not know of any.
By 2.30pm when the House began sitting, his car was still not in the car park. She left a message on his answerphone. Finally she drove to his house, and found his car outside, the front curtains drawn and milk on the doorstep. She was worried because it was out of character for him to miss the start of the Commons, and wondered if he had had trouble sleeping, taken sleeping pills and overslept. 'It was so uncharacteristic for him not to be at the House of Commons that I felt something completely out of the ordinary had happened,' she said.
She telephoned a friend of the MP, who had told her where to find a hidden key and let herself in. 'The Sunday papers were on the floor, covered by some post.' There were lights on in the kitchen. 'There was somebody lying on the table and I could not at first see who it was. I rang 999,' she said.
Penny Wrout, a BBC journalist, said she had known Mr Milligan since working for the BBC in the region which covered his constituency. When he had been asked before Christmas to make the television programme, about where new jobs would come from, he had discussed it with her, and on her advice asked the producer to write the terms of reference down in detail.
She said he had telephoned her out of the blue on the Saturday evening at about 7.30pm. When she had asked him how he was he had said he had had a bad couple of days.
She told the inquest that he said he had not slept and he was worrying about it. By the time he called her, he had already telephoned a senior BBC manager to complain about the programme, and the manager had promised an inquiry.
'At the time I was cooking supper and because he wanted to talk more I asked him to come over and have something to eat,' Ms Wrout said. He had arrived about 8.30pm, and was 'preoccupied and a bit subdued'. They had talked for a long time about the programme, then about politics. She said the MP 'had a small gin and tonic and a couple of glasses of wine' and was feeling much more cheerful when he left at about 11.30pm.
'One reason I felt suicide was not the case here was because I didn't think he was anywhere near depressed enough to kill himself. He was talking about a forthcoming ministerial trip to Paris and projecting into the future.'
Asked what had upset him about the programme, she said she thought he may have felt it made him look a little foolish and may have felt he had made some sort of mistake by doing the film.
TonyGosling wrote:
Did MI5 murder Stephen Milligan MP & Justin Fashanu over Tory minister sex scandal?
Should NSPCC chief executive Peter Wanless be running a child abuse enquiry with all this possible scandal hanging over his head? With Jimmy Savile having been a major fundraiser for the NSPCC surely the organisation too is utterly discredited. They control and operate 'Childline' by the way....
'He gave us the names of two cabinet ministers he claimed he had sex with,' says Phil Taylor, the People's reporter who negotiated with Fashanu. 'If the story could have been proved, it is just possible we might have coughed up pounds 300,000. But we discovered he had absolutely no evidence. We never knew what is the truth and what is not the truth. You have to be very, very careful when dealing with Mr Fashanu.'
Nevertheless, last Sunday the People used its headline to top a story about Fashanu's machinations: 'He demanded pounds 1,000 expenses in cash and complained about his hotel.' On Monday the player himself denied he ever spoke to the paper and contacted the Press Complaints Commission. On Tuesday, Scott Hardie, his agent, in an attempt to revive a potential money-spinner, alerted the police investigating the death of Stephen Milligan MP, suggesting Fashanu could help; the officers who interviewed him angrily announced that he was wasting their time, he knew nothing. On Wednesday he admitted he was making the whole story up in the hope of some quick cash. On Thursday he was sacked by Heart of Midlothian Football Club for 'conduct unbecoming a professional footballer'. On Friday he left the country.
The late Stephen Milligan MP9 FACTS:
1."Officially police would only say that they were investigating a death in suspicious circumstances, indicating that
it was believed that Mr Milligan, aged 45, had either been murdered or had illed himsel!
."2."a leading pathologist suggested that the circumstances surrounding the death did not necessarily point to a solitary sexual experiment that went wrong. Ian Lauder, professor of pathology at Leicester Royal Infirmary, said
he and several "olleagues were ba!!led
y details of the case. !e said #$hese %ind of cases are dealt with y forensic pathologists all thetime ut I#ve never heard of one involving a ag and ligature. &eople normally use one or the other ut
to use both would be ver# strange
#." '."(ndrew )eil, his former editor at the *unday $imes, was
"onvin"ed he$d been murdered
... #I also spo%e privately to his past girlfriends to find out if there was anything aout him that we didn#t %now. (ll of them said there was nothing aout his private life that would ma%e you thin%the way he died was possile#."+."
Milligan made desperate "alls to %ustin Fashanu hours be!ore he died
... ut according to -ashanu#s former security guard oy unro, -ashanu refused to ta%e the phone calls at his /dinurgh flat."0."r -ashanu tried to sell a story claiming he had shared a ed with two government ministers...hen r illigan, & for /astleigh, was found dead, r -ashanu#s agent telephoned *cotland ard to suggest his client might e ale to help them. $wo detectives flew to /dinurgh to interview him. $hey concluded he had no %nowledge which would aid thein3uiry.
Mr Fashanu told the Sun that Mr Milligan was $a wea man&&&the weaest lin$&
" 4-ashanu suse3uently told police he had never met illigan and had made up the account of having sex with two ministers56.ichael &ortillo "hit $ory stardom after rising through #a
homose'ual ma!ia
,# some of whom too% part in
violent se' and "riminal devian"#
. $he political pals that young &ortillo turned to as he cut his teeth at
Peterhouse, Cambridge
, included future 7onservative &s
Stephen Milligan
and (lan (mos and another, now senior, $ory."8."r illigan...already had a foot on the ministerial ladder as
parliamentar# private se"retar#to the (e!en"e Pro"urement Minister, Mr %onathan Aiten
." ... "hile r illigan would not have had access to top secret information, he would have attended ministerial meetings, %nown who his minister was seeing, and had some idea aout what commercially sensitive su9ects were eing discussed.":."/ven though it has never een proven, there are strong suspicions that illigan...had
"lose lins to the intelligen"e "ommunit#
)rian *dwards
, who investigated the death of *tephen illigan, was in ay 1;;; put in charge of the
%ill (ando murder investigation
, replacing <etective 7hief Inspector !amish c7ampell as the senior investigating officer. /dwards was descried y the $imes =1' ay1;;;> as a #veteran murder s3uad officer#." In 1;;6 "
a "omputer holding poli"e se"rets was stolen
from ac% seat of /dwards# car in !ammersmith."
?1 source $he @uardian, : -eruary 1;;+?2 source the @uardian 1A -eruary 1;;+?' source <aily ail, 0 ay, 2A12?+ source <aily Record, 6 ay 1;;;?0 source $he @uardian, 11 -eruary 1;;+?6 source )ews of the orld, 12 *eptemer 1;;;?8 source $he (ge, ; -eruary 1;;+ and $he $imes, ; -eruary 1;;+?: source <aily ail, 0 ay 2A12?; source irror, 1 Buly 1;;6
&&&and one T+*-.:
$here are "persistent rumours aout anless# close friend and confidant
Mi"hael Portillo
eing involved in a estminster sex scandal. Rumors circulated in 1;;+ that &ortillo and another $ory *ecretary of *tate,
Peter /ille#
, had got sexually involved with
%ustin Fashanu
.Cnfortunately for the two secretaries of state though, a disgruntled -ashanu supposedly decided to
'blow the lid,'
threatening to
'bring down the government'
y lea%ing evidence of these affairs to the <aily /xpress. hen
allegedly threatened -ashanu, $ory &
Stephen Milligan
is said to have weighed in on the footaller#s ehalf on a mission to get to the ottom of it all and
'clean up the Tory party.'
ithin days, however, illigan was found hanged in his London flat, na%ed, with an orange in his mouth in an apparent suicide, made to loo% li%e he was a sexual deviant. -ashanu was swiftly sac%ed y his footall clu ... *everal years later
Fashanu was also tragi"all# !ound hanged
, this time in a garage in *horeditch, London.""ere the deaths of illigan and Bames Rusridger accidents, suicides, or coincidencesD Or were their tragic ends, and the manner in which they died,
a wa# o! silen"ing and dis"rediting people who new too mu"h and had be"ome unstable1
"*ource *callywag Issue 21, 1;;+ and Russia $oday, 10 (ugust 2A1+
$he @uardian, : -eruary 1;;+yline &atric% intour, <uncan 7ampell and Louise Bury
MP$s lurid death sho"s Tories:
Fears o! !urther part# s"andal as poli"e loo into dis"over#o! Stephen Milligan
&OLI7/ are investigating the suspicious death of the 7onservative & *tephen illigan, whose ody was found at his home in !ammersmith, west London, yesterday. $he nature of his death and estminster rumours aout its circumstances sent shoc% waves through the 7onservative &arty. (ccording to police sources, r illigan#s ody was found na%ed except for a pair of women#s stoc%ings on the %itchen floor of his house. *ome reports said the & had a plastic ag over his head.Officially police would only say that they were investigating a death in suspicious circumstances, indicating that it was elieved that r illigan, aged +0, had either een murdered or had %illed himself.7onservative &s were staggered at the news. *enior party sources at estminster feared that the death of the & for /astleigh, !ampshire, would inevitaly lead to another in the se3uence of scandals that seems to afflict the party at every turn.&olice were alerted at +.2'pm when r illigan#s secretary made a ;;; call for police and the amulance service. On arrival at r illigan#s terraced house in lac% Lion Lane less than 1A minuteslater police found r illigan#s ody. $here were no signs of a rea%Ein. Relatives and memers of theparty were as%ed to identify the ody.Initially police would only confirm that a white male had een found and that suspicious circumstanceswere eing investigated. Reports that r illigan had een strangled were not confirmed y the police, ut they denied he had een ound and gagged. $he fact that it was r illigan was confirmed officially three hours later y his regional whip, (ndrew acFay.$he ody was ta%en to -ulham mortuary for a postEmortem last night after Iain est, a leading !ome Office pathologist, had made a rief examination at the house. One of the area#s most experienced detectives, <etective *uperintendent rian /dwards, is handling the investigation.$he 7onservative &arty chairman, *ir )orman -owler, went to !ammersmith police station for details,ut left refusing to comment.Bohn a9or expressed his distress at r illigan#s death. ( statement from <owning *treet said #$he &rime inister has een shoc%ed and saddened y *tephen illigan#s untimely death. !is deepest sympathies and condolences go to *tephen#s family and friends.#$he <efence inister Bonathan (it%en, for whom r illigan acted as parliamentary private secretary,said on 7hannel + )ews #!e was a hard wor%er and destined for great things. Our hearts go out to his family at this time.#7hancellor Fenneth 7lar%e said as he entered the @rosvenor !ouse !otel in central London for the 7onservatives# winter all #I am 3uite shoc%ed. r illigan was one of the est of our new memers.#r acFay said he %new of no prolems in r illigan#s life #I would e a very ad whip if I did not %now whether there were any.# !e added #!e was a very ale, wellEli%ed & who was also en9oying eing parliamentary private secretary to Bonathan (it%en. !e was one of the last &s to spea% in the !ouse last -riday and was a regular contriutor of high 3uality. !e had a good career ahead of him.#
r acFay added that he had discussed with r illigan, a /urophile, the progress of his career and told him he was doing well.Roert Fey, the Roads inister and & for *alisury, said #!e was a wonderful friend and neighour to wor% with on issues affecting our part of the country.#Bames !ill, & for *outhampton $est, said #!e loo%ed as if he was dedicated to the !ouse. !e really seemed to e the %ind of person that would not e under any stress. It will e very difficult to hold the seat, ut we will try.# (lthough r illigan increased the government ma9ority over the Lieral <emocrats to 18,8A2 at the 1;;2 election, few 7onservative seats are safe in the present climate. In a yelection last year the Lieral <emocrats overturned a ma9ority of 2',AAA in 7hristchurch, 'A miles along the *outh coast./lected to estminster at the last election after a distinguished career in 9ournalism for the 7 in russels, the /conomist and the *unday $imes, r illigan was seen as potential 7ainet material. ( fellow $ory & to enter the 7ommons in 1;;2, ichael -aricant, & for id *taffordshire, said #/veryone respected his enthusiasm, dedication and sense of purpose. $his enthusiasm was reflectedin his early appointment as a parliamentary private secretary. !e had a glittering career ahead of him. e shall miss him as a colleague and a very thorough politician. !e was a popular memer of the 7ommons.#$ony !all, managing director of 7 )ews and 7urrent (ffairs, said #e are very saddened at the news of *tephen#s death. !e was a firstErate 9ournalist and in his time at the 7 he ro%e new ground in the coverage of /urope.#Bac% ilne, who until six months ago was honorary secretary of r illigan#s local 7onservative (ssociation, said #!e was 9ust a super chap.#r illigan was on the left of the party and had flirted with the *<&. Regarded as earnest, diligent andhardEwor%ing, he was interested in foreign affairs and had experience and authority from extensive periods aroad as a correspondent.!e is the third & to die in less than a fortnight, following the Laour memers Bimmy oyce, & for Rotherham, and Bo Richardson, & for ar%ing.
$he (ge, ; -eruary 1;;+yline &eter /llingsen
Tor# MP$s bi2arre death ro"s Ma3or
London, $uesday. $he news could not have een worse for r Bohn a9or. Bust as the ritish &rime inister was eginning to crawl out of the morass of sexual scandal that has dogged his @overnment,one of his strongest supporters and rightest young &s has een found dead in iGarre and suspicious circumstances.$he ody of r *tephen illigan, a +0EyearEold achelor, was discovered last night on the %itchen floor of his est London flat with a lac% plastic ag over his head. !e was wearing only women#s stoc%ings and suspenders. &olice elieve that the $ory & either was murdered or that he died duringa transvestite sex session that went too far.r illigan#s death means an unwelcome yelection for r a9or, whose $ory @overnment is trailing oth Laor and the LieralE<emocrats in the polls. ith support elow 'A per cent, the 7onservatives are certain to lose r illigan#s seat of /astleigh !ampshire. *candals have plagued the @overnment in recent wee%s. $wo ministers have resigned, one after cheating on his wife in an affair that led to him fathering a daughter and the other as a result of his wife committing suicide. $he private lives of $ory &s have come under the spotlight after the &rime inister#s "ac% to asics" campaign, interpreted y some as a call to traditional moral values. r illigan, one of r a9or#s strongest supporters, when as%ed a few wee%s ago if the campaign was lin%ed to personal morality, said, "es, in part it is." !is death comes 9ust as r a9or had moved at the wee%end to reassert his authority with a strong speech demanding loyalty. r a9or was told of the death ;A minutes after the ody was found. ( statement from <owning *treet said the &rime inister was shoc%ed and saddened. r illigan, a wellE%nown face through his former 9o as a prominent 7 9ournalist, already had a foot on the ministerial ladder as parliamentary private secretary to the <efence &rocurement inister, r Bonathan (it%en.
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Joined: 30 Jul 2006 Posts: 6060 Location: East London
Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 10:48 pm Post subject:
The above article reads OK if you go to the original link, but in copying it it has become gobbledegook.
But here is another important piece of the jigsaw:
''The Lilley-Portillo Rumour Factory':
Go to 'Articles: Scallywag magazine':
Click on 'Issue 21', then press '6' in green (presumably page six) and you get the article.
'...On the morning of 3 May 1998, Justin was found hanged in a deserted lock-up garage, in Shoreditch, London, after reportedly visiting Chariots Roman Spa, a local gay sauna.
"'He gave us the names of two cabinet ministers he claimed he had sex with,' says Phil Taylor, the People's reporter who negotiated with Fashanu. 'If the story could have been proved, it is just possible we might have coughed up pounds 300,000. But we discovered he had absolutely no evidence. We never knew what is the truth and what is not the truth. You have to be very, very careful when dealing with Mr Fashanu.'" (Justin Fashanu, dribbling round ...)..'
"It was alleged at the time by Scallywag magazine that Stephen Milligan was originally approached by the security services to attempt to dissuade a well-known footballer coming towards the end of his career from continuing to hawk his story of gay sex sessions with two then serving cabinet ministers around Fleet Street.
"Milligan was a well respected MP and part time journalist. Milligan allegedly approached the footballer who was not prepared to drop his attempts to sell the story.
"Milligan allegedly reported back to the security services who informed Milligan that unless the footballer did keep matters quiet he would be eliminated.
"Apparently there was more to the story than simply the gay sex aspect, the introduction of the footballer to the cabinet ministers was allegedly arranged by a third party who had very close links with an extremely powerful paedophile ring.
"The implication was that the cabinet ministers may also have been involved with the paedophile ring although this was not confirmed in the Scallywag report, however it was very clearly hinted at...
"The cabinet ministers involved were very high profile indeed and the alleged paedophile link, if revealed, would have had a catastrophic effect on not only public confidence in domestic government but would have had repercussions on the image of Britain right around the world...
"Milligan was allegedly informed by the security services that, his efforts at dissuasion having failed, the footballer would be killed with his death being made to look like an accident. Milligan then allegedly threatened the security services that, if anything happened, he would tell the whole story to The Sunday Times.
"Shortly afterwards Stephen Milligan died, having apparently hanged himself..."
The second last sentence is the 'killer':
'..Milligan then allegedly threatened the security services that, if anything happened, he would tell the whole story to The Sunday Times...' _________________ 'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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