The Sun newspaper claimed Betty Shine as the world's number one healer which is a ridiculous statement since
how can human being be called that? What about all the doctors, surgeons, consultants and GPs who regularly
heal people and, indeed, save lives?
Compare this woman with Jesus Christ. It is not known how many He healed. We read that all who came to Him,
He healed. He even raised both Lazarus and the daughter of Jairus from the dead. Is Betty Shine a greater healer
than Christ?
The Independent said that all who encounter Betty and her supernatural powers will find it hard to remain
sceptical. That is also untrue. I know people who have encountered her and say the exact opposite. Two very dear
friends of mine were victims of her nonsense and, as a result, they are now nervous wrecks. Before they encountered
Shine, they were normal well-balanced individuals.
In 1984 we put advertisements in several well-known and popular journals asking people who had been helped
by Betty Shine to write to us with their experiences of her. We did not get one positive reply but, from one
journal, we had 127 letters from people saying that they all had proved that she was a fraud.
Like many spiritualists, she uses words and expressions which do no make sense and which you will not find in
dictionaries. She talks about mind waves which she says gives simple answers to the whole structure of the
paranormal and is a must for budding psychics. She also talks about mind magic, another invented phrase. Magic
is illusion, trickery and deception. Look the word up in any dictionary. Therefore mind magic must be deception
and illusion.
But what are mind waves? You won't find this expression in any 2008 dictionary. The mind is the part of a human
being that is responsible for thoughts, feelings and intentions. Waves are (1) the gesture to say goodbye, (2) to
guide or direct someone as in backing a car, (3) to hold something up and wave to gain attention, (4) a ridge of
the surface of the sea or other body of water, (5) a curve in the hair, (6) a prolonged spell of weather as a heat
wave and, ( 7) in science, a disturbance that carries energy by a series of vibrations without any movement of
matter. Again, consult a dictionary.
She says that mind waves control both our private lives and the whole world, and that individual minds linking
with others becomes an ocean and if the waves are not positive we could lose everything to a mass of negative
What in the world is she talking about? It is mumbo jumbo and needs translation. But if she used words correctly
we might understand her.
People who think the same positive thoughts can benefit the world seems to be her message. But it is not an
original concept and despite the efforts of man through the centuries all such positive thinking by groups of
people has not made the world a better place..
Perhaps she means telepathy, but the word really means suffering from afar; tele means far and pathy is the word
pathos. But spiritualists state that telepathy means the direct communication of thoughts or feelings between two
people without using speech, writing or touch. How do we arrive at this definition from suffering from afar?
However, this erroneous meaning is in our language and we have had to accept it. But why have a word for
natural events?
Let me quote some examples.
Those of us who love the music of Beethoven are like minded. We share similar opinions. We do not issue a
direct communication from our respective minds of our views without speech, writing or touch. And the word
communication means the exchange of views, thoughts and feelings by speech, writings, including e mail, or
through another person, a second or third party.
If I met someone for the first time and sat down with them in an empty room I am not going to know what they
think of Beethoven unless they tell me.
What about love at first sight? I know it happens.
Would Betty Shine say it was telepathy? Was it the minds of two people communicating with each other without
speech, writing or touch ?
It was the result of what the eye saw. Beauty is said to be in the eye of the beholder.
In one of her books, Shine talks of her ability to perform psychic surgery. Psychic surgery is another erroneous
and ridiculous expression and concept. Psychic surgery does not and cannot exist. Surgery is the medical procedure
by which a qualified person cuts the patients body to treat or remove the problem. Is Shine a qualified surgeon ?
For example, has she performed an appendicectomy in an operating theatre in a hospital ?
She talks about an operation in two parts carried out by her and then by spirit doctors on a boy with brain
damage. What she does not tell us is what had to be done to that damaged brain, why the medical profession did
not conduct an operation and she does not speak about the subsequent medical evidence to show the healing such
as the resultant X ray of the brain.
She talks of another one of her patients, another wrong use of a word, who had a problem with their stomach. She
saw a small cloud of energy which changed into a scalpel and then the hands of the spirits cut into the patient's
stomach and pulled out a substance that looked like balls of cotton wool. Shine does not say what the medical
condition was or why doctors did not attend to it. She asserts that after these psychic operation she draws her
finger along the cut so that there will not be a scar. She calls that finger her energy knife.
Alastair had an infected appendix and the surgeons were loathe to operate fearing they might spread the infection.
Shine said she could do the operation by psychic power although she was 6,000 miles away. Shine informed the
patient that she had removed his appendix and in a few weeks time all the infection would also be gone. She was
adamant about this. Alastair believed this but a month later had a X ray. The appendix had not be removed and
the infection had spread.
Shine prevented people going to the doctor or a consultant stating that she could heal them on payment of a fee
and produced so-called documents and testimonies from those she had healed. Many of those people who submitted
to her claims died. Had they seen a doctor, many of them could have been saved. Therefore Shine is guilty of
unlawful killing and there have bee recent cases of this in the press where mediums like Shine have made these
claims and patients have died.
I am sure that she has 'healed' people with psychosomatic illness and such people are grateful to her. But wise
people and psychologists do this all the time.
I am told that all her books are nauseating self-promotion in which she constantly says how wonderful she is. It
is this Elgarian pride and pomposity that is hard to take, as are her claims. In the book of hers which I have read
she does not identify any of those she has healed, nor is there any neutral testimony to support anything that she
says. It is all self.
She talks of a patient with damaged knees who came to her, and then she puts doctors down by cruel crushing
remarks stating that they could not make a diagnosis. With a scalpel that appeared from nowhere she made a cut
in one of the knees. She writes, " The energy body opened and balls of energy were revealed."
What is she talking about ? What is an energy body? You won't find this expression in any dictionary as I write
this in 2008.
Energy is (1) the capacity for intense activity, vigour, (2) a vitality of action or expression or forcefulness. Body
refers to ( 1) the human form with flesh and blood, or ( 2) a mass of land or sea and (3) the main part of anything.
She uses more gobbledegook, pretentious and unintelligible language and talks about chakras which are vortices
of energy that draw in life-force. According to David Icke, we have seven chakras in our body. I cannot find the
word chakras in any top class dictionary. What is Shine talking about ? If she spoke in plain language, one might
understand her.
Vortices of energy. A vortex is (1) a whirling mass or motion, or ( 2) a situation in which people are drawn in
against their will.
What does she mean by life-force? That is not in the dictionary either.
One can understand how people turn away from her because they are frustrated and bamboozled at her unintelligible
language and linguistic nonsense. And, so far, I have only got through 38 pages of her book of 280 pages.
She says that we all have these chakras, hot spots, focal points of energy in our body. Most of us did not know
that. She explains that hot spots are a sign of congestion. Congestion means crowded to excess, clogged or
blocked. If I have that congestion how am I to find out where they are?
Like other mediums she says that unless you are psychic you cannot understand such things. There are words and
phrases are not in dictionaries not even modern ones. That only psychics can understand these words is a standard
cop out.
She emphasises that mind waves or telepathy, if that is what she means, is the ultimate energy that could change
the world. The remedy for the world's ills is only to be found in spiritualism. She ridicules without mercy, people
who question both her beliefs and motives to the point of sheer rudeness and people have complained that she
does not speak in plain language, and we have certainly seen this.
She writes about a pop concert in Hyde Park in 1991 which was held in the pouring rain but everybody had a
wonderful time and that this is an example of mind wave energy which can have great healing potential. But she
has previously explained mind wave energy as telepathy.
I cannot see how pop music has healing potential. It can produce enjoyment and, indeed, euphoria for those who
like this type of entertainment, and very great irritation for those who dislike it. Healing does not exist in pop music.
She makes claims about automatic writing which is when the author receives messages from the spirits and
writes them down at their dictation. It is spirit communication.
There are cases of people who claim that God has spoken to them and they have written down sayings by the help
of the spirits and often what they have written is blasphemy insulting God and issuing curses against Him.
Rosemary Brown believes that she has visitations from the great dead composers who dictate their new music to
her from beyond the grave and, therefore, what she writes is automatic writing. The composer Liszt dictated a
new piece to her and it was shown to the Liszt expert Humphrey Searle who dismissed it as a fraud. Rosemary
Brown says in her book that the dead composers can only dictate piano versions. They cannot dictate instrumental
details or orchestration.
But they could write for instruments and the orchestra when they were alive.
Betty Shine believes that Rosemary Brown is genuine and a respected medium.
This so-called world's greatest healer says that she communicates with wild animals and pets. She knows how
they think and what they think. She asserts it has all to do with mind waves. Animals have this energy too and
they can perform amazing telepathic feats. We must have more telepathic contact with them insists Betty Shine.
A close relative sought her advice. Shine told her all sorts of things about this relative's father and every single
statement was wrong and outrageously so.
She also said that a certain person was not physically dead and would not die for another twenty years. He was
dead and buried and an exhumation was carried out which proved this. Shine was a lair and a fraud.
Shine now introduces us to regression phenomenon. That expression does not appear in any dictionary either,
but she defines this as receiving information about our past lives. There is no evidence that any of us have had
past lives and no evidence of reincarnation. Some spiritualists believe that after death a soul is reborn in another
body and this cycle is a continuous one.
She writes, "Regression phenomenon comes to me through survival evidence and, second, in a more spectacular
way when an energy face manifests over a normal physical face".
Oh dear !
What is survival evidence ? Can someone translate this into common sense? What is an energy face?
It does not make any sense.
From regression phenomenon she goes on to talk about ghosts and how real they are, whereas normal people
regard them as hallucinations, the seeing of someone that is not there.
She states that the evidence of poltergeists is overwhelming. That is a lie. She asserts that many psychologists
and psychiatrists agree with her, but, in all the books on psychology and psychiatry I have, and that numbers over
one hundred, including modern writings, not one psychologist or psychiatrist say that they believe in ghosts or
poltergeists, but have sick patients who do
A poltergeist is a noisy and troublesome ghost who throws things around.
One could continue listing Shine's beliefs and produce further evidence to show that she is misguided.
But it has to be remembered that spiritualism and mediumship is blatantly anti-Christian as are the belief in past
lives and reincarnation, ghosts and poltergeists. Spiritualism is out to attack and discredit Christianity and yet it
offers absolutely no evidence, but only offers the explanation that only psychics can understand and believe
these matters. All thee healings supposedly performed by Shine using her psychic surgery have no names of the
patients so that we can pursue our enquiries with them. Therefore we have no collaborating evidence.
We do have evidence of many of her frauds!
However, one of her patients was David Icke who lived yards from me on the Isle of Wight. I observed him
regularly and heard his sayings over many years. He persistently said that he was Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
the Messiah. And yet on the introduction to his book Truth Vibrations it is said that he was guided by master
souls from other dimensions and has helped to balance the disturbed earth's energy system. He claims to answer
questions about God and Jesus. Wait a minute. He is, or was, Jesus. He alleges that he has all the answers to what
happens to us when we die and can explain crop circles. He is also able to tell us what steps we can take to reduce
the physical and emotional impact changes about to confront our planet. His message is vital to every man,
woman and child in the world.
Is it?
David Icke asserts that Jesus believed in and taught reincarnation. That is utter rubbish. Jesus taught that after
death we would have eternal life whether it be in heaven with God and Jesus Christ, or whether it was in hell
with the Devil. On death, the Christian would be forever with the Lord Jesus in heaven. Christians in heaven
would not come back to earth as a ghost, or as a spirit or be reborn in another body.
The God that metes out punishment and retribution does not exist. He states that God is neither male of female
but both. Does that mean that God is a hermaphrodite? Of course not. God is not a person but a Spirit. He does
not have a body since He is not a person. A person is someone with a human body, eyes, ears, legs, arms, a body,
blood and bones. A spirit does not have a body.
Even some in the Christian church are hopelessly wrong on the subjects of spirit and person. They say that the
Trinity is God as three persons but God the Father is a Spirit, the Holy Spirit is a spirit, the Eternal Word of God
became flesh, became a person, Jesus Christ and yet He was and is eternal as are the two other members of the
triune God.
Who is David Icke to teach us about God? Is he a theologian ? Has he studied the Bible, the Hebrew, Greek and
Aramaic languages? Has he read the secular contemporary literature written by non-believing Romans and non-
believing Jews evidencing the life, death and resurrection of Christ? Has he read the Roman records of the time
when the Romans wanted to kill all Christians so that all the eye witnesses to the miracles, death and resurrection
of Christ would be silenced forever ? Has Icke had a miraculous experience of Christ as millions have throughout
two thousand years ?
It is clear that Icke has been influenced by Betty Shine and yet before this encounter he was personable and
likeable man, a goalkeeper for Coventry City although not a very good one. He was charming as a television
presenter but then, after 1990, he went off the rails claiming to be Christ. He then became scruffy, wore purple
because the spirits told him to... but why?
In his book Truth Divided he complains about people on the Isle of Wight saying that everyone on the island has
a closed mind. The truth is that he was so grossly objectionable to people and caused so many people incalculable
trouble including driving someone to suicide so that he could not possibly stay.
I have seen some of the letters that Betty Shine wrote to people. In one letter she revealed that the dead father of
a friend of mine had shown her the tattoo on his right arm and spoken of his many years service in the Royal
Navy. That man was never in the Navy and did not have a tattoo on his arm.
In another letter Shine spoke of a dead eighteen year old sister and how this dead person had told her about her
travels to the Philippines in 1966. This dead person had never left her home city of Coventry and had spent all of
1966 in a hospital. In fact she was in the same hospital for 15 months.
One could quote endless proven cases like this, and I emphasize proven cases, which will only confirm that
Betty Shine was a charlatan, a mad and fraudulent woman. She made money out of people's gullibility.
As she was a mad or misguided person anyone who believes in her is also on the wrong road and a dangerous one
at that.
(See articles on
spiritual dimensions,
psychics ar
e pscychotic
zoomer wrote:
Craig W wrote:
Welcome, zoomer. And thanks for an interesting post.
Don't be disheartened by the lack of responses - and do not take it as a reflection of the quality of your post.
Thanks for your kind welcome and advice
A couple of thoughts about this forum from a relative newcomer:
- there are some good, and a few very good, posters on here (and some not so good and some "troublemakers", in my opinion)
- there is some good, and some very good info, posted on here (amid lots of less good info and some disinfo, in my opinion)
- use the forum search facility at the top of every page to look back at past discussions. You will very often find a topic has been debated before.
- don't expect all your posts to be responded to promptly (there are many active threads at any one time and people's time is finite)
OK, I see....again thanks for your good advice
Regarding your post: it is very interesting. This is not a subject with which I am very familiar but I can see it's relevance to the question at hand (Icke and his "aliens").
Thankyou, and I respect you lots for diving in here
To clarify for my own understanding, are you suggesting that various psychedelic funghi were used by early humanity and became known in occult lore as "fallen angels" (I note that some mushrooms are still called angels)? And that these "fallen angels" were later misinterpreted (accidnetally and/or deliberately) to mean "alien" type creatures?
Let me quote you the relevant passages from John Allegro's book, The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross:
"The "Rephaim", as their name can now be seen to mean, were those "cast down from heaven", the fallen angels of the sixth chapter of Genesis, and a common theme of Jewish mythology."--page 140
"Such very special kinds of vegetation were, then, "angels" and to know their names was to have power over them" --page 46 ibid
These sacred mushrooms, according to Allegro's deciphering of anceint words, and mythological motifs, were also referred to as 'giants'.
You make a point about use of these drugs giving an impression of communicating with higher intelligences - a point which could be used to back up the "alien" hypothesis. Could you elaborate on that aspect? Does Allegro explain that phenomenon?
Well , many New Age people now have sometimes swapped the so-called 'channelling' with 'masters' and 'spirits' with 'aliens'. This is a common thing. Now we have to be very carefgul here---ie., of throwing baby out with bathwater.
For example, The Disclosure Project's Dr Steven Greer claims to have contacted ET beings. So does my criticizing New Age channellers claiming the same thing, or Illuminati putting it out they are hybrids with aliens, include's Greer's claims?
I think we have to LISTEN to what the channelers calim these contacts say! For example, if you are familiar with the so-called information from ushc influential channelers like Madame Blavatsky--founder of Theosophy, and Alice Bailey, whose a huge influence on New Agism, and really look at their stuff, it is racist, and dualistic.
We of COURSE know about the Illuminati who also are part of this New Age. We know their intentions don't we? Hiler and the Nazis also beived to be in contact with 'masters/superman', being influenced by Blavatsky, etc, and we know about them, right? So...............we must be very very careful how we look at all this. To look at it not only with reason, but being always aware of patterns, and our feelings about what's being shown.
Some of Dr Greer's claims regarding contact with other beings seems benevolent. But we must keep really on the ball is what I am saying!
by the way. Allegro doesn't meantion about Extraterrestrials in his book.
And I very recently listened to an interview with Alan Watt where he also voices that originally the Illuminati gave out the myth they were the 'fallen rebels'/angels, and how the Greeks even wrote down such stories, but when questioned about what he thought about David Icke's theories of reptilians said that this was a new thing coming from them. Although , in the interview he doesn't elaborate on this, here and elsewhere is implied that they are using this myth to create an awe about themselves as being more than human whilst we, to them are the 'lesser humans'.
I agree that the "lizards" thing has become a joke to many people and is used to mock and discredit anyone who expresses any of the many more plausible (and in my view very probably true) elements of Icke's work. I say this as a fan of his. I have learnt much from his work and he has a great gift for communication and getting to the heart of the matter. But I have always taken his more outlandish assertions with a large pinch of salt. And I share an earlier poster's unease at Icke's willingness to believe anything that fits his theories, regardless of the lack of any real evidence (citing anonymous or single internet sources as references , for example). That said, I still believe his work to be of significant value, as long as the reader retains a critical eye.
I am the same. previously, before I got a computer, I wrote him off because of these theories, but when I listened to the rest, he is very articulate. But believing in the other stuff does tend to undermine his judgement. Now I believe he has had an experience inspired with Ayahuasca.
I am also interested in your reference to the debunking of Zecharia Sitchin's work. Though I am familiar with his thesis, I have never "believed" in it as it was so unverifiable and didn't seem to "mesh" with anything that i felt more certain about. I would be interested in any references/links you could supply which offer a critique.
Of course. This is
important, because such Annunanki, and reptilian myths depend on Sitchin's so-called research. If his research can be proven to be really insubstantial then we can begin to dispell this myth, and explore other avenues which is what I am trying to do.
I want to dis-awe the Illuminati. I don't know if that word exists, but you know what I mean.. They are just extremely extremely arrogant people, who feel themselves so superior that any humanity has gone long ago. I don't mean they are not human now, but when a person chooses to be superior, and will go to any lengths to get and keep control, they ARE dehumanized. NOT angel, or ET, but vile people with no feelings. Sure, they might feel they have for their own 'kind', like the mafia does for its kind..........Sitchin is Wrong
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 12:17 am Post subject:
by Dr David C. F. Wright
Let me begin with the repetition of the final part of my article about Betty Shine in order to introduce David Icke who lived yards away from me on the Isle of Wight. I observed him and heard his sayings over many years. He persistently said that he was Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Messiah. He would walk into our Post Office and make this pronouncement. If I were to walk around this town and state that I was Henry VIII people would think I was mad or insane and is that what Icke s? Is he insane?(See article Psychics are Psychotic)And yet on the blurb to his book, Truth Vibrations, it is said that he was guided by master souls from other dimensions which has helped him balance the disturbed earth's energy system. In this book it is asserted that he has all the answers about God and Jesus. Wait a minute. He is, or was, Jesus. He claims that he has the answers to what happens to us when we die and can explain crop circles. He alleges that he is also able to tell us what steps we can take to reduce the physical and emotional impact changes about to confront our planet. His message is vital to every man, woman and child in the world. Is it? What are master souls? What is meant by another dimension? What is this other dimension? Does he mean another world?(See article Spiritual Dimensions)The word dimension means an aspect or factor, or the scope and size of something in a particular direction David Icke asserts that Jesus believed in and taught reincarnation. That is utter rubbish. Jesus taught that after death we would have eternal life whether it be in heaven with God and Jesus Christ, or whether it was in hell with the Devil. On death, the Christian would be forever with the Lord Jesus in heaven. Christians in heaven would not come back to earth as a ghost, or as a spirit or be reborn in another body. That is a very clear Biblical principle. Icke states that the God that metes about punishment and retribution does not exist. There was a time when the Jews were deeply distressed because of their years of disobedience to God and feared Divine punishment. They pleaded with Jesus to have Moses reappear and warn the Jewish nation of impending judgment, but Moses had been dead for 1500 years. Jesus said that people would not believe it if Moses were to come back from the dead simply because these things do not happen asit is not God's will. Icke states that God is neither male of female but both. Does that mean that God is a hermaphrodite? The idea is blasphemous. God is not a person but a spirit. A spirit does not have a body since He is not a person. A person is someone with a human body, eyes, ears, legs, arms, blood and bones. A spirit does not have a body. Even some in the Christian church are hopelessly wrong on the subjects of spirit and person. They say
that the Trinity is God as three persons but God the Father is a Spirit, the Holy Spirit is a spirit, the Eternal Word of God became flesh, became a person namely Jesus Christ, and yet He was and is eternal as are the two other members of the triune God. Who is David Icke to teach us about God? Is he a theologian? Has he studied the Bible, the Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic languages? Has he read the secular contemporary literature written by non-believing Romans and non-believing Jews evidencing the life, death and resurrection of Christ? Has he read the Roman records of the time where it is recorded that the Romans wanted to kill all Christians so that these murders would eliminate all the eye witnesses to the miracles, death and resurrection of Christ? Has Icke had a miraculous experience of Christ as millions have through two thousand years? That he states that Jesus taught and believed in reincarnation shows that he does not know what he is talking about and, if he is wrong on such a fundamental issue, which he is, he can be wrong on other things as well. To the spiritualist, reincarnation is when a soul after death is reborn in another body. It is clear that Icke has been influenced by Betty Shine and yet before this encounter he was a personable and likeable man, a goalkeeper for Coventry City although not a very good one. He was charming as a television presenter but then, after 1990, he went off the rails claiming to be Jesus Christ, the only Son of God. But most Psychics renounce the idea that Christ is the Son of God, so don't they renounce Icke? Icke then became scruffy, wore purple because the spirits told him to... but why? He looked a sight and was asked why he dressed like this. He replied, "The master souls in another dimension have told me to do so! "If I were to walk around dressed solely in bright yellow for a few years I would be deemed as insane. In his book Truth Divided he complains about people on the Isle of Wight saying that everyone on the island has a closed mind. The truth is that he was so grossly objectionable to people and caused somany people incalculable trouble including driving someone to suicide, that he could not possibly stay. He was a troublemaker and Islanders recognised that he was clearly a fraud and probably insane, mentally ill and clearly irresponsible. In a recent newsletter (April 2010) he says that all Islanders are either paedophiles, drug suppliers or takers, breed children to sacrifice, satanists and that the local police are the most corrupt in Britain and Ted Heath, who regularly visited the island was a satanist and child killer! How has Icke helped balance the disturbed earth's energy system? What is the earth's energy system? You won't find that phrase in any dictionary in 2008 either! I understand that people who are into spiritualism claim that they understand what these words mean, but those who are not into spiritualism cannot be expected to understand this jargon. If these spiritualist books had a glossary at the back explaining what these words and phrases meant and explained them in simple terms that would help. The fact that such glossaries do not insist only adds to the frustration. There is obviously a clear intention to baffle and perplex. What is an energy system? A system is a method or set of methods for doing or organizing something, orderliness, how something has been arranged, the manner in which something is done, how a government works, a scheme or set of rules used to classify or explain and calculate, a network of communication, one’s physical or mental condition or an arrangement of electronic or mechanical devices. Which definition does Icke mean? Why doesn't he speak plainly? Is it because he wants to sound intelligent and clever? In his weekly newsletter available over the internet, and for a fee, he makes libellous statements about people. He attacks President Obama calling him a puppet and that he should not be in politics, that the
money he acquired for his presidential campaign was obtained by devious and dishonest means. Icke makes racist comments about Obama. I have heard Icke speak of his hatred for black people. He uses words that do not exist in our best dictionaries such as illuminati. You won't find that in any major respectable dictionary in 2008. Why does he invent words and expect the ordinary man in the street to know what he is talking about? He also uses a word obamatise, another word that does not exist. What does he mean? We could guess, but would we be right? Having known this man, I can tell you that he is racist and, because Obama is black, that may explain his libellous attacks on him. There are those who have said that David Icke has been accurate in his predictions about the British government and the corruption in the Labour Party but that is not a revelation but an obvious observation of things that were bound to happen. He explains that politics is a dirty game. He should know. He was in politics and was a spokesman for the Green party. He says that it was in politics that he began his spiritual journey. Then he read a book by Betty Shine which he described as honest, simple and totally credible. He immediately made arrangements to meet her. She helped relieve the pain of his arthritis which he had had since a boy. She said that one of his two cats had diarrhoea back at home and when he rang his wife this was true. Shine said that she had a visitation of a Chinese mandarin, Wang Yee Lee, who told her to pass a message on to Icke about earthquakes coming as a warning to the human race and that taking oil from the sea bed is destabilising the middle earth and that sea spirits will rise up and prevent men from taking oil out of the oceans. What is the middle earth? What are sea spirits? Betty Shine told him that one man, such as him, could change the world, that he would write five books in three years and that politics was not for him since he was too spiritual and, furthermore, that he would leave the Isle of Wight because the people there had closed minds and this move will takeaway fear from his daughter, Kerry.(see article on Betty Shine)I have already explained why he left the Isle of Wight and I should know. I was there. It was not only politics that he criticised. He criticised Jesus Christ and yet actually said that he was Jesus Christ for some time. I heard him say this as did many others as he walked around our town. As with many people, he was disillusioned with the Christian Church and had turned his back against Christianity and was seeking another set of doctrines to assimilate. The failures of the Church are many but that does not invalidate Christ or His teaching. David Icke writes, "It is clear that the traditional views of God and the ways of the universe are fundamentally flawed." Then he makes the incorrect statement that Jesus taught and believed in reincarnation. He dismisses the Old Testament law such as an eye for an eye not understanding that it is God who takes the eye for an eye since God says, "Vengeance is mine saith the Lord, I will repay”. It is amazing how people misquote the Bible in an argument showing that they do not understand the scriptures. Icke says that the God of the Bible does not punish wrong doers. Icke makes other ridiculous remarks such as the parable of the prodigal son is an example of the way the spirit leaves the Godhead, learns lessons and returns to the Godhead. That does not make any sense. How can the spirit of Godleave the Godhead. God is a spirit. Does Almighty God need to learn any lessons?
The Godhead is the Trinity, the Father, the Eternal Word who is Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit but clearly Icke does not know that. He talks about karma which he explains is the law stating that no one escapes the punishment of their actions. Who does the punishing? Icke says God does not, since He is not a God of retribution. The work karma is a Hindu/ Buddhist word which Icke does not understand. It means that a person’s actions which will affect his life in his reincarnation. Icke writes, "There is no sense of retribution in karma”. He talks about the Monophysites who rejected the Christian teaching on reincarnation but Icke does not know the teaching on this subject as we have seen. He makes another preposterous claim that Elijah was reincarnated as John the Baptist by misquoting Matthew 17. 11-13 where Jesus compared John the Baptist to Elijah, just as we might compare the style of a present day footballer with a famous footballer of the past. David Icke does not quote the other New Testament passage where the Lord Jesus asks His disciples, “Who do people say that I am?" The disciples replied, "Some say you are Elijah, Jeremiah or one of the prophets". That does not mean that one of these Old Testament worthies was reincarnated in the body of Christ. It means that the Jews were comparing Christ to the Old Testament prophets just as I might compare an early work by Beethoven with Mozart. Icke then takes on the guise of a medical doctor and pontificates about cot deaths and says that often the souls of cot death babies are spiritual teachers and these souls have to leave the body to teach adults lessons. What evidence does he have for this? An infant is an infant untrained and uneducated in the ways of life. Imagine this. A young couple has difficulty in starting a baby. After years of trying the woman becomes pregnant and has the nine months of carrying the child and it is born to the delight of the parents. Then, some time later, it dies in its cot. According to some spiritualists it had to die to release its soul to become a spiritual teacher for adults. The spirits needed its soul. That notion is cruel and insensitive and yet Icke in his book condemns insensitivity At some stage in his spiritual journey, that expression is also a misnomer, David Icke was told by the spirits to wear purple and that he had no control over this and yet he writes, "We have all been given the gift of free will and make all our own decisions”. The expression spiritual journey is misleading. Lexicographers, who are not Christian, point out that the origin of spiritual means the spirit of man seeking the belief in the God of the Bible and the truth about Jesus Christ in their quest for eternal salvation. But now, the word spiritual means a person’s religious or non-religious beliefs. Spiritualism does not advocate the quest for the true God as apriority in its beliefs. Icke is not on a spiritual journey. He is on a journey into spiritualism. His next chapter is Letters from the Gods in which he talks about the earth's energy system and how science does not believe it exists. He says that each planet is a pulse-point and sends its energy on to the next one and so on, as do stars.
What is he talking about? He then says that the energy referred toin the Bible is the psychic communications of the Holy Spirit, the Christ spirit or, most often, the Light. What Icke is saying is that Christ is a psychic. It is true that His acts are beyond both the normal and scientific experience, but to call Him a psychic along with spiritualists and mediums is outrageous. It suggests that He is on a parity with people like Helen Duncan, Doris Stokes and Betty Shine.
He then goes on to say that the world is changing and that the North will become the South and the East will become the West, the old ways are being reviled and he actually says that men will speak with forked tongues (one is tempted to ask, Are they Apaches?) and will seek only wealth and have no thought for the generations to come. There are many false prophets in the land (indeed, there are).David Icke has made a lot of money. His books and his lectures are condemning the old ways and he is clearly prejudicial. His attacks on people are vicious and in his scurrilous weekly newsletter he has nothing good to say about anyone. As to all his pronouncements, you make up your own mind. Now we enter another realm of the absurd. God is everything says Icke. God is that mountain, thattable, that grain of sand, every leaf on every tree, every raindrop and snowflake and to take this hypothesis to its conclusion, God is every piece of toilet paper. That is blasphemous. God is good but God can be evil assert spiritualists. There is no such place as hell as God is love (and yet He can perform evil) and in the eternal life, the life after life, will have as occupants such as Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and the rest. Heaven cannot be heaven if such villains are there. "Ah," say the spiritualists, “they are there but on a different level and at a different dimension”. The Bible states those that will not enter heaven includes sorcerers which is the New Testament wordfor spiritualists, mediums and those who conjure up spirits and are involved in witchcraft. But spiritualists say that there is no Heaven but the astral plane. When someone dies they do not die they pass into spirit. There are many who believe that their astral body leaves the physical body which looks down on their dead physical body and they see a tunnel and a light at the end of the tunnel which spirits welcome them to enter. There is no such thing as an astral body. Astral means of the stars or of the spirit. A spirit does not have a body. Astral means of the spirit ; body means of the physical. Astral body are two words which contradict each other. Consult your dictionary. It is as ridiculous as saying, That dress is entirely made of a beautiful red is a glorious shade of yellow. Why does David Icke and other spiritualists use words and phrases wrongly and which are so utterly wrong? But Icke says that in the womb we have two bodies, one we see and one that is etheric. I am looking at my dictionaries of 2008 and the word etheric does not appear in any of them. I assume that he has invented this word from the adjective ethereal which means extremely delicate or refined, or heavenly and spiritual. So what is formed in the womb for each child is the physical body and a second body which is heavenly and spiritual or does he mean refined and delicate? Where does he get these notions from? This master souls from another dimension? What is clear is that what he says is not factual. As with Betty Shine his books are all nauseating, narcissistic and self-promoting. He speaks of his going around the country clearing energy-blockages, charging up energy centres and learning about the mineral kingdom. I did not know that minerals had appointed a king. The ordinary man in the street and those of us who have had a good education cannot understand what he is talking about, but Icke uses the cop out explanation... only psychics can understand these words, these phrases and other things. He talks about the psychic power in stones and rocks and their healing potential but does not identify anyone who has been helped in this way or submit any other testimony or evidence to confirm any such healing. Spiritualism is blatantly anti-Christian and the Bible states that the world is being deceived by spiritualism and that all spiritualists will be judged, condemned and eternally punished by God.
David Icke believes and claims as true that the human race was not created by God or by the process of evolution, which insists that all human life began with an amoeba in the sea. Some spiritualists claim that all human life was planted on the earth by aliens from outer space. Icke say that he, his wife and children originated from the planet Oreal which exists in another solar system and that this family were around at the time of the city of Atlantis which had aliens as their High Priests who kept the energy force and initiated others into the secrets of life. The Atlanteans could manifest and de manifest things and move things by levitation. As in the television programme Star Trek, when the astronauts could be beamed up and transported in seconds to planets millions of miles away, Icke says that the aliens of Atlantis probably had this power. (See article on Atlantis) Some spiritualists wants us to believe all of this and yet can offer not one shred of proof, and yet they demean Christians who believe four basic facts namely (1) the God of the Bible, (2) the Eternal Word of God who became flesh as Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, (3) His life, miracles, death and resurrection all of which has secular contemporary evidence in addition to Biblical accounts, and(4) salvation through faith in Christ which will result in eternal uninterrupted life in Heaven. Icke uses more words and expressions not in dictionaries because they are invented words and expressions such as the Luciferian Consciousness and the Attaro Consciousness. He talks about the freeze vibration, another ridiculous phrase which is a further example of linguistic nonsense. But there is absolutely no evidence of any of this. At one time when claiming to be Jesus Christ, Icke then says that there was a time when he was with Christ and Icke perpetrates the myth that Jesus was married and had at least three children by at least two women one of whom was Mary Magdalene. He goes on to say that Joseph of Arimathea was the father of Jesus and that the Garden of Gethsemane belonged to him as did the site of the crucifixion. Icke, obviously, has not referred to the contemporary Roman records, does not know his history or the facts. He says that Jesus did not die but was offered a drug while He was on the Cross which made Him appear to be dead. Icke insists that the Virgin birth is a lie and that Jesus was born as is every other child. It is one thing to challenge the Bible but he is also contradicting proven facts in the secular evidence of the time and the evidence of hundreds of eye witness. The Romans made certain that Jesus was dead, supervised His burial and sealed the tomb. This is in the secular Roman records of the time and this was why the Romans wanted to put all Christians to death so that all the eye witnesses to His miracles, death and resurrection would be dead and unable to give evidence. I suppose Icke will say that all these lies were revealed to him by the sprits of the dead. The traditional churches will crumble says Icke and he may be right but it does not invalidate the truth of the Bible or the veracity of Christianity. It is clear that psychics like Icke want to destroy Christianity and set up their own doctrines and want to rule the world or, at least, people's minds. According to some spiritualists we are expected to believe that aliens are responsible for life on Earth and aliens are still in charge of life here and visit us to see how we are getting on. Spiritualists can heal where doctors fail, they can communicate with the dead, they preach reincarnation asserting that Jesus taught this, which He did not, there is no heaven but an astral plan and when a single child is conceived it has two bodies in the womb, aliens formed the city of Atlantis which, it is said, was destroyed 8, 500 years before the time of Moses, that Jesus is not the Son of God and was not born of a Virgin, that only spiritualists can save the world, that planets talk to each other by energy communication and so on.
Icke is calling Jesus a fraud and the Bible complete falsehood. Therefore he is guilty of what the New Testament calls the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit which is the sin for which there is no forgiveness. This sin is the denial that Jesus Christ is Divine and the only begotten Son of God. Spiritualism is all speculation and fiction but, tragically, some people believe it and many such adherents have two goals in mine, the dismantling of Christianity and their self promotion which could lead to their making a lot of money. Many spiritualists have made a fortune and it is interesting to note what spiritualists do not tell you. For example, why did the Ickes divorce? There is a wonderful actress, Shirley MacLaine, who fought for feminist rights and was into spiritualism and made outrageous statements such as, for example, that spirits or aliens drive her car and take her to functions. She has made the point that most mediums are women and that has always be the case. Women have all the answers! It is feminists and spiritualists who state that love, care and sensitivity is the product of the female brain and that if men are caring, loving and sensitive it is because they have a feminine side. Consider my article on this subject which supplies medical evidence. David Icke and people like Betty Shine are against Christianity and one day God will judge them. The enemies of Christ shall perish. The New Testament states many times that sorcerers (spiritualists, mediums and those that call up spirits and those who practise witchcraft) will be judged as evil doers and not have eternal life but, with hell, will be cast in to the lake of fire that burns forever. But let us put aside the Biblical teaching, since, without it, there is irrefutable evidence to prove that spiritualism and its cousins is nonsense. The point of this article is not to preach the Bible but to tell the truth, to highlight the errors and dangers of spiritualism, of which there are many, to reveal spiritualists beliefs for which there is absolutely no proof at all, to show how they use words and expressions wrongly, how they are frauds, self-promoting in a money making business, how they give false information and false hope to the bereaved and how they are irresponsible. This is not meant to be a personal attack on anyone but an attack on their beliefs with the hope that these people will abandon this dangerous nonsense and find the right road. Brenda committed suicide because of Icke's teaching. Mavis died young because Icke was constantly telling her that her mother was speaking to her from the grave. Her mother was not even dead. Mavis ended her days in a secure mental institution and a padded cell. I want to repeat the ridiculous claims of his newsletter of 18 April 2010, in which he rants about the Isle of Wight and all who live there; he states that the Isle of Wight Police are the most corrupt in Britain, the Island is ruled by Freemasons and Islanders are leaders in money laundering and drug smuggling claiming that 50 millions pounds of drugs go through the Island every year, that the Island is full of paedophiles, satanists and people who bred children to offer them up as sacrifices. He goes on to say that the former Prime Minister, Ted Heath, who regularly visited the Island, was a child killer and a Satanist. When asked to supply any evidence of these outrageous tales he refused, which says a lot about him. A Satanist is someone who worships the devil but not necessarily in a religious sense. A Satanist is anyone who is against the God of the Bible and members of the Divine Trinity. A Satanist is someone who is wicked and corrupt and does this not refer to Icke himself? David Icke is now stating that the moon is hollow.
Sadly, David Icke is back on the Isle of Wight. He says that the Antichrist in the book of Revelation is a reptile. He obviously does not know what heis talking about and has not studied this matter and he is not a theologian. The Antichrist is someonethat is opposed to Christ and Icke is to some extent. However, he should read the authoritative workson the Antichrist and eschatology by such experts as Dr F A Tatford or Walter Scott available fromgood Christian bookshops.He has divorced his second wife Pamela because of her fidelity to the human species. I believe this is on his website. He has said that the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games was a satanic rite and ruled over by lizards or other reptiles since we are all descendants of reptiles from the constellation Draco and that the Queen and other notables are reptoids. He then asserts that we are all holograms ruled by reptiles. This is on his website. He insists that the Queen is fuelled by children’s blood and says that he has seen her drinking human blood. This is on his website. It is now said that his GP believes that Icke may be mentally ill. If I walked around the town dressed in the costumes of the 16th century and insisted that I was Henry VIII people would say that I was mad. Icke said he was Jesus Christ and walked around the town saying this some years ago and over a period of time. Does that not make him mad and, coupled with his other sayings, does this mean that he is insane? Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. In legal terms, insanity is showing that someone has lost the ability to distinguish right from wrong, fact from fantasy and truth from lies. It is a serious mental illness showing that the patient cannot distinguish fantasy from reality and usually cannot control his own affairs carefully or well due to his psychosis. Psychosis is a severe condition in which thoughts and feelings are so impaired that contact is lost with reality and truth and the patient suffers from delusions. A man believed he was being stalked by some London gangsters. He was convinced of this and would not accept any other explanation. He hired private detectives and paid them handsomely but there was absolutely no proof that confirmed his claim. But he was not being stalked. A girl lived alone but was convinced that someone was breaking into her house when she was out and stealing her knickers. A friend kept guard for her over a week and nothing untoward happened and yet,in that time, more of her underwear went missing and other items went missing as well and some items were put in different places. She blamed her loyal boyfriend of trying to drive her mad. In that particular week, he was on holiday abroad some three thousand miles away. This type of severe mental illness means that the patient holds on to something that they believe to be factual but which is not true and, furthermore, has no evidence or logic to support that view whereas there is evidence to show that what is tenaciously being held is false. Some patients regularly repeat a falsehood in an attempt to convince others and to acquire mastery. Some wake up each morning with irrational fears and have a persecution complex. Insane people are subject to impulsive behaviour and irrational claims. Icke is entitled to his opinions but they are not facts and much of what he says and believes is so absurd and unreal that its shows his mental condition. Does the Queen drink children’s blood regularly? Is the new woman in his life a
beautiful sexy reptile and that sex with her is so wonderful? Did Ted Heath kill children? Is Icke Jesus Christ or was he ever that? Is the moon and other planets hollow? Are we all reptiles and/or holograms? Is the moon a giant space craft? How is it that he alone can explain crop circles? Was the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games a satanic ritual? How could Icke have lived in Atlantis all those centuries ago? This man makes a lot of money out of his predictions and writings. Is this his purpose? I have been accused of victimising Icke and that what he does and says is nothing to do with me. Victimisation is to punish or discriminate UNFAIRLY abut someone. Facts and other truths cannot be unfair. We have a right to protect society and, at the least, warn people of danger of such people, some of whom may be so naïve as to be influenced by some madness and fraud. One remembers a girl who wanted to know that her late father was safe on the other side. Shine demanded a fee of £200 and wrote a full report about the deceased including his five years in the Philippines and other nonsense. The man never left the UK. Why do a minority believe in him and the Betty Shine’s of this world? Are they also mad or insane? Some people will always have an interest in the sensational and absurd. As for Icke, he needs help and that is the most important facet. Normal people will agree that he is, sadly, mentally ill. _________________
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 12:19 am Post subject:
Icke, like other conspiracy researchers such as Jordan Maxwell, Michael Tsarion, and Acharya S, is an ardent critic of the Illuminati, but presents the myriad speculations of Theosophy as the truth being suppressed. All his main teachings are Theosophical, and therefore identical to those of the Illuminati, which is he is purportedly denouncing.
Although most recently popularized by David Icke, the notions of the connection of a worldwide conspiracy orchestrated by Reptilian beings, like the UFO mythos itself, has its origins in Theosophy, the occult tradition founded by H. P. Blavatsky, godmother of the New Age movement, and pre-eminent personality of the Occult Revival of the late nineteenth century.
Essentially, Icke, like other conspiracy researchers such as Jordan Maxwell, Michael Tsarion, and Acharya S, is an ardent critic of the Illuminati, but presents the myriad speculations of Theosophy as the truth being suppressed. All his main teachings are Theosophical, and therefore identical to those of the Illuminati, which is he is purportedly denouncing.
H. P. Blavatskyi
Alice Bailey
As revealed in another excellent documentary by Chris White, called David Icke Debunked, Icke claims to be imparted with insights from a spiritual entity named Rakorski, who he also identifies with the name St. Germain, a notorious charlatan who was a key occult figure of the late eighteenth century, and regarded as a spiritual master of Freemasonry.
Rakorski is none other than the “Master Rakoczi” of Alice Bailey, Blavatsky’s leading representative in the twentieth century, whose channeled information not only shaped much of the New Age, but guide many of the programs of the United Nations, which is seen to be the seat of World Government awaited with the coming of the Age of Aquarius. To Baily, Rakoczi is one of the “Ascended Masters” of Theosophy, the “Lord of Civilization,” whose task is the establishment of the new civilization of the Age of Aquarius. Icke calls Rakorski the Lord of All Creation, saying that he is “directly responsible for the changes the earth will undergo.”
The concept of making contact with extra-terrestrial beings begins with the Occult Revival, when it became popular to conduct séances to make contact with lost relatives or long-gone famous personalities. Blavatsky contributed to this trend by claiming to be in contact with a beings she called “Ascended Masters,” who resided in the mystical city of Shambhala of Buddhist legend, led by Sanat Kumara, as King of the World, which she identified with Lucifer and the Fallen Angels. Alice A. Bailey believed that Sanat Kumara came to Earth 18,500,000 years ago from the etheric plane of the planet Venus, accompanied by 30 “Lords of the Flame.”
Guy Ballard
Thus the spirit channeling of the Occult Revival became the “UFO” contact of the twentieth century, a mythos that continued to be closely tied with Theosophy. Christopher Partridge wrote that the works of Bailey and Theosophy in general all influenced the so-called “UFO religions.”[1] “UFO religions” are groups which deal with alleged communication between humans and extra-terrestrial beings, and include the Aetherius Society, Church of the SubGenius, Heaven’s Gate, Industrial Church of the New World Comforter, Raëlism and even the Nation of Islam.
Partridge writes that the first UFO religion was the “I AM” Activity, founded by Guy Ballard, in 1930. Almost all communication from his Ascended Masters though came “telepathically,” or by appearing to him from the etheric plane. During his first encounter he met the ascended master St. Germain in a cave underneath Mount Shasta, who showed him a television set that could receive transmissions from the planet Venus. An I AM offshoot was the Church Universal and Triumphant, established in 1958 in Montana and led by Mark Prophet and later by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, where St. Germain was also a central figure. The movement gained media attention in the late 1980s and early 1990s while preparing for potential nuclear disaster.
Mount Shasta
Mount Shasta is a volcanic peak in northern California, which has long been rumoured to be inhabited by faeires and Sasquatch figures, known for frequent UFO sightings, and which contributed to the legend of the Reptilians. It was first brought to attention in a novel, A Dweller on Two Planets (1894), in which Frederick Oliver related information he received telepathically from “Phylos the Tibetan.” Oliver’s account, which discussed a hidden citadel of Atlantean Masters within the mountain, became popular with occult and Theosophical communities in America.
Spencer Lewis
Spencer Lewis, founder of the Rosicrucian order AMORC (Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis), published Lemuria: The Lost Continent of the Pacific (1931), which claimed Shasta was riddled with caverns in which ancient Lemurian masters preserved their ancient wisdom. According to the ancient manuscripts allegedly in his possession, northern California was once part of Lemuria, a lost continent mentioned in the works of Blavatsky, where Shasta was among the highest mountains in the world, making it an ideal refuge for those seeking to escape the great Flood.
A similar account was also put forward by Maurice Doreal, also known as Claude Doggins—or Dr. Doreal as he preferred to be called. In Denver about 1930, Doreal founded the Brotherhood of the White Temple, the first major occult movement to refer to Shambhala, which to Doreal was an underground city. Doreal claimed that as he was lecturing in Los Angeles in 1931, the year after Ballard’s experiences, he met two Atlanteans who transported him to a gigantic cavern twelve miles beneath Shasta.[2]Fearful of nuclear attack, he relocated the Brotherhood to a rockbound valley west of Sedalia, Colorado, in the late 1940s and early 1950s.
Maurice Doreal
Doreal was also in part responsible for the dissemination of the theory that linked UFOs to Reptoids. In a pamphlet called Mysteries of the Gobi, Doreal offered a revisionist history of the world, which featured an ancient war between human beings and a “Serpent Race.” The latter, he wrote, had “bodies like man, but… heads… like a great snake and… bodies faintly scaled.” They also possessed hypnotic powers that allowed them to shapeshift into human form.[3]
Similar ideas appeared in a long poem, The Emerald Tablets, reputedly the work of “Thoth, an Atlantean Priest-King.” The work recalls a text by the same title prized by the Arab alchemists of the Middle Ages, who attributed it to an ancient Egyptian sage named Hermes Trismegistus, also identified with the god Thoth. Doreal claimed to have translated the work when he was given the tablets from the Great Pyramid of Egypt in 1925. In his accompanying commentary, Doreal adds a dire political warning about this Serpent Race: “gradually, they and the men who called them took over the control of the nations.”[4]
H. P. Lovecraft
These ideas, suggests Barkun, author of A Culture of Conspiracy, may have originated with an obscure pulp fiction author, Robert E. Howard (1906 – 1936). Howard is regarded as the father of the sword and sorcery subgenre and is probably best known for his character Conan the Barbarian. In 1929, Howard published a story in Weird Tales magazine called “The Shadow Kingdom” in which the evil power was the snake-men whose adversary Kull came from Atlantis. These creatures had bodies of men but the heads of serpents, and like Doreal’s Serpent Race, had the capacity to shapeshift into human form. In Howard’s story they were thought to have been destroyed, but returned by insinuating themselves into positions of power.
Howard became a member of “The Lovecraft Circle,” a group of writers all linked to H. P. Lovecraft, who consequently incorporated serpent men into his own work. Lovecraft (1890-1937) was an American author of weird fiction, is best known for his Cthulhu Mythos story cycle and the Necronomicon, a fictional grimoire of magical rites and forbidden lore. Stephen King called Lovecraft “the twentieth century’s greatest practitioner of the classic horror tale.”[5]
Lovecraft constantly refers to the “Great Old Ones,” a pantheon of ancient, powerful deities from outer space who once ruled the Earth and founded ancient civilizations and were worshipped as gods. Lovecraft summed up the significance in “The Call of Cthulhu,” wherein a young man discovers the shocking secret of a race of aliens that served as gods to a strange cult:
There had been aeons when other Things ruled on the earth, and They had had great cities. Remains of Them… were still be found as Cyclopean stones on islands in the Pacific. They all died vast epochs of time before men came, but there were arts which could revive Them when the stars had come round again to the right positions in the cycle of eternity. They had, indeed, come themselves from the stars, and brought Their images with Them.[6]
Although Lovecraft referred to Theosophical material as “nonsense,” he drew inspiration from the Book of Dzyan, which formed the basis of Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine, in developing the Cthulhu Mythos’ own account of pre-human or occult texts. Blavatsky claimed to have discovered the book, written in the language of Senzar in Tibet, where it was guarded by an Occult Brotherhood. Lovecraft declared that they “antedate the earth,” in The Diary of Alonzo Typer, in which he transformed Theosophy’s spirit Venusians into aliens who flew across the solar system in space ships to “civilize” planet Earth.
Lovecraft’s The Great Old Ones from the Cthulhu Mythos equate with The Great Old Ones of the Night Time, a phrase which occurs in rituals of the Golden Dawn. Crowley’s disciple Kenneth Grant, head of the Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis, suggested in his book The Magical Revival (1972) that there was an unconscious connection between Lovecraft and the Golden Dawn’s most notorious member, Aleister Crowley.
Ernst Dickhoff’s Agharta
Also contributing to the Reptoid theory was the 1951 publication of Robert Ernst Dickhoff’sAgharta, the underground realm of occult legend, closely associated with Shambhala. Dickhoff styled himself the “Sungma Red Lama of the Dordjelutru Lamasery,” though his lamasery was located in his New York City bookshop. Dickhoff referred to The Emerald Tablets, but without mentioning their “translator” Doreal. Dickhoff claims to have studied in Asia, from a Buddhist Lama who told him that the King of the World came from Venus, and initially inhabited a serpentine or reptilian form, but has since transformed into a human one, and asserts that this being is the serpent of the Bible.
In addition, Dickhoff also wrote about humanoid serpent men who came from Venus, who exploited an pre-Flood tunnel system in order to infiltrate and capture Atlantis and Lemuria. Survivors of these sunken continents supposedly escaped to underground hideouts in Agartha and in the Antarctic Rainbow City. Although the serpent men were to have been defeated, they and their agents have infiltrated circles of political authority through their powers of “mind control.” The remaining reptilians lie in polar suspended animation, waiting for the moment to strike.[7]
Paul Bennewitz
The belief of reptilian aliens had begun to gain popularity in the 1990s, through the influence of Albuquerque physicist and businessman Paul Bennewitz, who was also involved in the infamous Majestic 12 (or MJ-12) documents hoax, and important contribution to the government “cover-up” myth. MJ-12 was the supposed code name of a secret committee of scientists and government officials formed in 1947 by an executive order of US President Harry S. Truman, purportedly to investigate the recovery of a UFO north of Roswell in 1947.
As revealed by Greg Bishop in Project Beta, the earliest mention of the term “MJ Twelve” surfaced in a US Air Force Teletype message from 1980. Known as the “Project Aquarius” Teletype, it was given to Paul Bennewitz in 1980, by US Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) counterintelligence officer Richard C. Doty. It was part of a disinformation campaign to discredit Bennewitz, who had photographed and recorded electronic data of what he believed to be UFO activity over and nearby Kirtland AFB, a sensitive nuclear facility. Bennewitz reported his findings to officials at Kirtland, including Doty. Later it was discovered the Aquarius document was phony and had been prepared by Doty.[8] As Greg Bishop writes:
Here, near the bottom of this wordy message in late 1980, was the very first time anyone had seen a reference to the idea of a suspected government group called ‘MJ Twelve’ that controlled UFO information. Of course, no one suspected at the time the colossal role that this idea would play in 1980s and ’90s UFOlogy, and it eventually spread beyond its confines to become a cultural mainstay.[9]
What came to be known as the “MJ-12 papers” first appeared on a roll of film in late 1984, in the mailbox of television documentary producer Jaime Shandera, who had been collaborating with Roswell researcher William Moore since 1982. Moore had also been contacted by Doty in 1980, who described himself as representing a shadowy group of 10 military intelligence insiders who claimed to be opposed to the UFO “cover-up.” In January 1981, Doty provided Moore with a copy of the phony Aquarius document with mention of MJ-12. Moore would later claim in 1989 that he began collaborating with AFOSI in spying on fellow researchers such as Bennewitz, and dispensing disinformation ostensibly to gain the trust of the military officers, but in reality to learn whatever truth he could glean about UFOs, and how the military manipulated UFO researchers.
Richard C. Doty
Moore claims that he tried to push Bennewitz, who had been in a mental health facility on three occasions after suffering severe delusional paranoia, into a mental breakdown by feeding him false information about aliens. Later it would turn out that some of the UFO documents given to Moore were forged by Doty and compatriots, or were retyped and altered from the originals.[10]
However, Bennewitz apparently became convinced he had located a secret alien facility that he called Dulce Base, after intercepting what he thought were electronic communications originating from alien spacecraft located outside of Albuquerque, New Mexico. According to his account, a treaty was brokered between the aliens and the US government, according to which the base was to be operated jointly by the aliens and the CIA. However, treaty violations on the part of the aliens led to open conflict. The aliens are of such power, however, that they cannot be removed.
By 1982, Bennewitz had begun to spread his ideas about the Dulce base to others in the ufology community. Bennewitz wroteProject Beta in 1988, which was mostly concerned with how the base might be successfully attacked. In 1988, William F. Hamilton III and Jason Bishop III both visited Dulce and wrote extensively about the base. Hamilton described the aliens as “small humanoid beings [that] may belong to the class we know as Reptilia rather than Mammalia.” Bishop called them “descendent [sic] from a Reptilian Humanoid Specie.”[11] Thomas Edwin Costello, who claimed he had been a security guard at Dulce, called the aliens at Dulce “reptilian humanoids.”
Dulce Base
As Barkun also noted, the area had already attracted the attention of people interested in the paranormal. The Colorado-New Mexico border region had emerged as one of the major sites for the cattle-mutilation stories then current in the West. Dulce is also only about 150 miles from the Baca ranch in the San Luis Valley of southern Colorado, owned by Maurice Strong, which is one of the areas of most intense paranormal activity in the US. Strong, who has been heralded as the “indispensable man” at the center of the U.N.’s global power, is also the Finance Director of the Lindisfarne Center. According to the authors ofDope Inc, Strong is also a top operative for British Intelligence and controls the Order of the Golden Dawn, which is now an international drug ring.[12]
The San Luis Valley and northern New Mexico also happen to be regions where there has been discovered a tradition of secret Jews, descended from Spanish Marranos, and still secretly Catholic.[13] This may suggest a Kabbalistic and perhaps Sabbatean origin of the paranormal phenomena.
Maurice Strong
The modern history of unexplained occurrences at Baca began in the 1950s when green fireballs were reportedly seen by thousands, and even before that were rashes of “UFOs” that sound like what the Natives called “spirit lights.” So frequent are such reports in the valley that a UFO “watchtower” was erected. “From the fall of 1966 through the spring of 1970 there were hundreds of unidentified flying object sightings and many of the first documented cases of unusual animal deaths ever reported,” notes Christopher Obrien, inThe Mysterious Valley, a website dedicated to a study of the strange occurrences and sightings in the region. According to Obrien, “During peak ‘UFO’ sighting waves in the late 1960s dozens of cars would literally ‘line the roads’ watching the amazing aerial displays of unknown lights as they cavorted around the sky above the Great Sand Dunes/Dry Lakes area.”[14]
A mystic had informed Strong and his wife Hanna that the ranch, which they call “the Baca,” “would become the center for a new planetary order which would evolve from the economic collapse and environmental catastrophes that would sweep the globe in the years to come.” The first groups to join the Strongs in setting up operations at the site were the Aspen Institute and the Lindisfarne Association. The Baca is replete with monasteries, and Ashram, Vedic temple, Native American shamans, Hindu temple, ziggurat, and subterranean Zen Buddhist center. Shirley MacLaine’s astrologer told her to move to the Baca. Another of Strong’s friends, Najeeb Halaby, a CFR member, former chairman of Pan American, and father of the Queen of Jordan, wife to Freemason King Hussein, has built an Islamic ziggurat at the Baca. Apparently, the Kissingers, the Rockefellers, the McNamaras, the Rothschilds also make their pilgrimage to the Baca.[15]
The Illuminati, to Icke, are descended from ETs, called the Babylonian Brotherhood, reptilian humanoid beings from the constellation Draco, who live in tunnels and caverns inside the earth. In his book on the reptilians, Children of the Matrix, Icke also made extensive use of Maurice Doreal’s translation of the so-called Emerald Tablets, where he presented dire political warnings about a Serpent Race. According to Icke, the tablets were found in a Mayan temple where they had been deposited by Egyptian priests. Their supposed author, Thoth, had written them thirty-six thousand years ago in an Atlantean colony in Egypt. Based on the influence of Zecharia Sitchin, Icke argues that the reptilians are the race of gods known as the Anunnaki in the Babylonian creation myth, Enuma Elish.
Icke and Swerdlow
One of the main sources for David Icke’s reptilian hypothesis is a woman who goes by the name of Arizona Wilder. But on her Facebook page, she apparently retracted anything she confessed to David Icke, claiming she was deliberately programed for the interview.[16] Another of David Icke’s sources for the reptilian theory is Stewart Swerdlow, who claims to have been a victim of a mind control operation at Montauk Point from the age of 14 in the early seventies, when he was one of the so-called “Montauk Boys.” He claims to have personally witnessed Lawrence Gardner, author of Bloodlines of the Holy Grail, and conservative pundit William F. Buckley, shapeshift info reptilian form during human sacrifice rituals.
Swerdlow also claims his great-uncle, Yakov Sverdlov, was the first president of the Soviet Union, and that his grandfather helped found the Communist Party in the United States in the 1930s. To ensure his loyalty to the US government, he says, he was “recruited” for specific government mind-control research, including 13 years at the Montauk Project, which was supposed to have enhanced his natural abilities.[17] Janet Diane Mourglia-Swerdlow, Swerdlow’s wife and partner in offering their psychic healing services, “sees and hears frequencies on all levels,” an ability she ascribes of her mix of American Indian and Celtic ancestry, as well as her lineage from Mary Magdalene, which extends back through to the Waldensian heretics.[18]
Icke is a classic example of the Aryan racism that typifies the channeled information of the occult. Icke teaches that Martians came to Earth and founded the Aryan race, which the reptilians used as a vehicle to overtake the planet, and that the Aryans who inhabited Atlantis were blond giants whose skin glowed white. As Atlantis was destroyed, our ultimate objective is to re-attain the powers we once had. According to Icke, we will enter the New Age by rediscovering our hidden psychological potential. Icke said, “Many of you will remember the Atlantean times, you will remember you communicated with, say, dolphins and whales, you understood these sentient creatures, you could levitate, you could manifest things, you could cause spontaneous combustion by not miraculous means at all.”[19]
Icke is gifted with an affable charm that is the key to his popularity, and gives every impression that he is sincere. According to Nicholas Goodrick-Clark, author of Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity, “it is clear from Icke’s book that he is a transmitter of this information rather than its originator. …Who is then guiding Icke and his New Age following toward the beliefs of the millenarian-conspiracy cults?”[20] He remarks that recent investigations by Matthew Kalman and John Murray of Open Eye magazine suggest that far-right and neo-Nazi groups are exploiting Icke to penetrate the Green and New Age movements.
In his book The Robots’ Rebellion, Icke praised the popular New Age magazine Nexus, which has been exposed for its far-right links. Although formerly concerned primarily with Green issues and Third World causes, Nexus took up the subject of the U.S. Patriot movement under its new editor Duncan M. Roads. Roads visited Qaddafi in Libya in 1989, and is a close friend of the right-wing Qaddafi supporter and convert to Islam, Robert Pash. In the late 1970s, Pash was the Australian contact for the U.S.-based Aryan Nations and distributed material of the Ku Klux Klan.
As chairman of the Australian Peoples Congress, Pash is also closely involved with the Australian League of Rights, an ultra-right anti-Semitic organization. Among Pash’s other introductions to Libya is John Bennett, president of the Australian Civil Liberties Union, and an associate of Holocaust denier David Irving and Willis Carto. Bennet serves on the editorial committee of Carto’s Journal of Historical Review. Nexus’ British agent is also an admirer of David Irving and Holocaust denier.[21]
The London-based New Age magazine Rainbow Ark maintains an influential relationship with Icke, printing excerpts of his work and helping to organize his lectures and meetings. The magazine betrays a wide range of far-right links. In particular is Donald Martin, the anti-Semitic publisher of Bloomfield Books, who is the leader of the British League of Rights. Donald Martin represents the Australian League of Rights that Robert Pash is involved in. Martin has also run the ultra-right British Federation for European Freedom and the UK arm of the CIA-connected World Anti-Communist League (WACL).
Donald Martin has published in Spearhead, the magazine of John Tyndall, leader of the British National Party, who regards Martin as his ally in opposing immigration. Tyndall, an admirer of Sir Oswald Mosley, founder of the British Union of Fascists, was a former deputy to Colin Jordan of the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement in the early 1960s, and corresponded with Savitri Devi, a leading figure in esoteric Hitlerism. In 2004, Tyndall joined in signing the New Orleans Protocol, written by David Duke, former Grand Wizard of the KKK.
The editor of Rainbow Ark has steered Icke toward meetings with militant US patriots, and recommended Bloomfield Books. The same editor has hinted at their manipulation of Icke, by suggesting Icke wasn’t “ready for this yet,” referring to a spoof document entitled Further Protocols, outlining plans of “secret Zionism” for the “Goyim.”
Ultimately, David Icke’s message like that of the New Age itself, spells consequences with fascist overtones, foreboding a new holocaust intended for the “fundamentalists” of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, who refuse to adapt their age-old faiths for the ecumenism of the New Age movement. According to New Age or occult interpretation, the Atlanteans were destroyed because of their transgressions. Likewise, despite their wishy-washy claims of universal brotherhood and tolerance, the New Age warns of a coming confrontation with all those who resist the transformation promised by the Age of Aquarius.
Betraying these same fascist tendencies, according to Alice Bailey, “…let us never forget that its the Life, its purpose and its directed intentional destiny that’s of importance; and also that when a form proves inadequate, or too diseased or too crippled for the expression of that purpose, it is—from the point of view of the Hierarchy—no disaster when that form has to go. Death is not a disaster to be feared; the work of the Destroyer is not really cruel or undesirable… Therefore, there is much destruction permitted by the Custodians of the Plan and much evil turned into good…”[22]
Similarly, according to David Icke:
I do not seek to hide the severity of this period of fundamental change. It will be tough for every one of us… Many will return to light levels (die) in the wake of the physical events and the quickening vibrations. The Earth Spirit is already rising up the subplanes, and through the years ahead she will progress through the whole frequencies in her journey back to Atlantis and beyond… Those who cannot quicken their own vibrations through love and balance will find themselves out of synchronization with the environment around them. This process is already apparent.[22]
[1] Christopher H. Partridge, UFO Religions. (Routledge, 2003), p. 8–9.
[2] Michael Barkun, A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America. (Berkeley, Calif: University of California Press, 2003 2003) p. 115.
[3] Ibid., p. 119.
[4] Barkun, A Culture of Conspiracy, p. 120.
[5] Curt Wohleber, “The Man Who Can Scare Stephen King,” American Heritage Magazine. (December 1995)
[6] Lovecraft, The Best of H.P. Lovecraft: Bloodcurdling Tales of orror and the Macabre, (Del Rey Books. New York, 1982), p. 88.
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David Icke Debunked
This is 2.5 hour film from Chris White takes a very close look at
David Icke’s history and beliefs. It reveals the true sources of David
Icke’s theories which are often shocking , and should be very
concerning for a genuine seeker of truth. This is a well rounded
expose which is done respectfully, while still attempting to get the
average truther to reevaluate what they really know about the
“endgame” of the Illuminati.
A few of the things covered are:
His connections to Alice Bailey
His channeling several of Bailey’s specific “Ascended Masters” and
them being his lifelong guides.
The “Solar Logos” and “Galactic Logos”
The Seven Ray theory
The source of his galaxy-god to sun-god spiritual evolution is Bailey
The ghost of Carl Sagan
He supports “elite” worship of the sun
His new moon theory is retelling of his earlier crazy version
His moon theory is from Alice Bailey
The “Earth Spirit” or Gaia is from Alice Bailey
His support of Earth Spirit led Genocide
Atlantis and Lemuria
Hitler similarities include, Atlantis, spiritual evolution, arayans,
– Show quoted text –
the moon, hollow earth, Lemuria, contacting ascended masters, taking
drugs to increase the connection, and more.
Icke denounces Bailey and Lucius trust..and implications for him
Chapter 2
Brian Desborough, who is this guy?
Desborough’s crazy unbelievable story
Desborough is the source for a huge amount of material including the reptilians
Desborough introduces Arizona Wilder to Icke
Arizona “made to learn”
Ivan Fraser connection
Desborough writes “Alice in Wonderland”
Arizona’s “Old Ones” are really behind the NWO
Credo Mutwa
Reptilians on Youtube
Shapshifting according to Svali
Desborough’s new Jesus
Babylon supplied by Desborough
Debunking Babylon
David talks to “Jesus”
David has very conflicting views about the crucifixion
Davids claim to be “The Son of God” (actually his claim was that he IS
the second coming of Christ)
Debunking the Zeitgeist version of Jesus
Quick History
Queen of Heaven
Mother and child statues, Jesus and Mary
Dagon fish hat (pope)
Michael Talbot
The Holographic Universe
Holonomic Brain Theory
Sai Baba
The hypnotist that made the man see through his daughter.
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 12:30 pm Post subject:
TonyGosling wrote:
Icke, like other conspiracy researchers such as Jordan Maxwell, Michael Tsarion, and Acharya S, is an ardent critic of the Illuminati, but presents the myriad speculations of Theosophy as the truth being suppressed. All his main teachings are Theosophical, and therefore identical to those of the Illuminati, which is he is purportedly denouncing.
Although most recently popularized by David Icke, the notions of the connection of a worldwide conspiracy orchestrated by Reptilian beings, like the UFO mythos itself, has its origins in Theosophy, the occult tradition founded by H. P. Blavatsky, godmother of the New Age movement, and pre-eminent personality of the Occult Revival of the late nineteenth century.
"yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service." -John 16:2b
"Countless people will hate the new world order and will die protesting against it" -H.G. Wells, The New World Order
This is a world revolution, a world revolution against the OLD world order.
It is important to note that the old world order is everything we are currently entrapped and enslaved in. It is important that the system creates absolute polar opposites to what we are currently used to, that way when the NEW world order comes, they can con as many people as they can into accepting this system. And I bet they will, the lack of understanding of how the world works to the average person nowadays is minimal, at best. For this to happen they must establish the challenges that humanity faces, which they have done, and most of them engineered by them. Remember, problem-reaction-solution right?
Many people do not like the problems that plague us in this world. Wars, famine, plagues, poverty, hatred towards your fellow man, greed, corruption, the list goes on and on. And what would people say the cause of these problems are? Most would say, Capitalism and Religion. Why is this important? We all know the NWO are the masters of propaganda. They control public opinion. So why so much hatred towards capitalism and religion? Because, they plan to destroy both. They plan to implement a one world socialist dictatorship, and a one world religion right behind the dictator. This has been the agenda for years, and is directly prophesied to happen in the scripture.
One of the initial things to happen, probably as a result of some global crisis, will be a one world government. Their aim will be to force everyone to accept a satanic mark on their right hand or forehead in order to buy or sell (Rev 13:16-17).
(taken from The Bible predicts two one world leaders or Antichrists who will rule the entire world (Rev 13, Dan 7:8, 11, 23). One will be the main leader, or the Beast, while the other, the False Prophet, will perform miracles and force the world to worship the Beast and his Image. The False Prophet, whose number is 666, will enforce the mark, which could be a tattoo or computer chip. Initially they will promise peace, and deceive many that they are good. They will reign for 7 Jewish (360 day) years, after they sign a treaty with many people. The day the agreement is signed will begin the 7 year tribulation (Dan 9:27). During that period, there will be tribulation on the earth worse then any ever before (Math 24:21). They will reign over 10 powers initially, and later they will gain more power and overthrow 3 of them (Dan 7:7, 8, 20, 24, Rev 13:1, Rev 17:13, 14). In the middle of the 7 year tribulation, 1260 days after the agreement is signed, the Beast will break the agreement, gain ultimate control and enter the temple he built, claiming to be God and blaspheming against God (Dan 9:27, 7:25, Rev13:5, Rev 11:2, 2Thes 2:3-9). At this time he will stop Jewish sacrifices in this temple he promised the Jews. There will be widespread genocide and persecution, especially of Christians and people who don't worship the Beast or his Image, which the False Prophet will cause to speak (Rev 13:15). The world leaders will deceive many, as the Beast is prophesied to be put to death and later regain life again (Rev 13:3, 12). The world leaders will form a more cruel dictatorship than any before them (Dan 7:7).
From my research, I have come to the conclusion that the ever so popular Internet film Zeitgeist is nothing more than NWO propaganda. I often times hear people after watching Zeitgeist, particularly the sequel, Zeitgeist Addendum go from being against a NWO to being for it, but only if it was headed by different people. The film mainly focuses on attacking religion, specifically Christianity, the monetary system and the capitalistic system as a whole. “A world government would be good, we need to integrate and work together to provide a more stable future for humanity or we might die off.” This is the ever so important mindset the powers that be want us to think. This concept of “Evolve or die” is being pushed on the masses through many New Age gurus. The major threats sprouting up that could threaten humanity’s very existence in the future. These threats are:
Global warming, energy saving (according to them)
Religious wars ending in nuclear holocaust, particularly in the middle east
Monetary system (they will lump it as “Capitalism”) and world economic system as a whole collapsing
What a coincidence these major concerns among people are specifically addressed in Zeitgeist and offered a viable, yet plausible, solution. The beginning part of the first movie attacks Religion, most notably Christianity, alleging that the story of Jesus of Nazareth was just another deity that has the same story and similarities from other “sun gods” throughout history. Some of these “sun gods” include Horus, Krishna, Attis, and Dionysus. There is a website, that offers $1000 USD to anybody who can prove all the claims in Joseph’s film are correct and accurate. Joseph boldly states these assertions with literally no sources, and many people have done active debunking concerning these claims. This claim is false, and if you do the research you will find these stories have more differences than similarities with the Jesus of Nazareth. Here are a few links you can visit to find out the Truth about this subject. The Youtube video I recommend watching is Zeitgeist Refuted Final Cut.
That website above is EXCELLENT for many people who have questions on the Bible and supposed similarities of the ancient texts. This topic is very important as I believe the new world religion will be paganized Christianity teaching that Jesus was just the SUN of God for the Piscean Age and now we have to have another NEW world teacher (The Christ) for the coming Aquarian Age. It is important to note that for the most part all of the world’s religions are eagerly waiting for this new world teacher. The Buddhists are waiting for the fifth Buddha, the Hindus are waiting for the return of Krishna, the Jews are still waiting for their messiah, the Muslims are waiting for their Imam Mahdi to come and TEACH them a new form of Islam, and many New Agers know that the world needs a world teacher to teach the “Truth” as they would call it, which is the ancient mysteries and the New Age/Luciferian doctrine/philosophy.
When asked about the end times in Matthew chapter 24, Jesus responded 4And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
5For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
Later in the chapter he reiterates this point:
23Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
24For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Luke chapter 21 verse 8, it is also important to note that many New Agers refer to themselves as “I AM”. God reserves this name specifically for himself in Exodus 3:14 by telling Moses “I AM THAT I AM” when asked who he is.
8And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I AM Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.
This is happening because many people look at Jesus as a representation of what we can become if we spiritually evolve ourselves. Take a look at Luke 2, 10-11
10And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
11For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
Here it plainly says that Jesus is the messiah, the Christ, just as he was coming out of the womb. So this should tell you that he wasn’t a master of the mystery religions, or he wasn’t the greatest wizard that walked on earth, and he isn’t what we can become. He didn’t come to be a great teacher, although he was one. He didn’t come down to show us how we can achieve his “Christ Consciousness” like Oprah will tell you. He came down to die for our sins, so that we could receive forgiveness from an all-powerful holy God. We all need God’s forgiveness and mercy ladies and gentlemen, and we don’t realize how wicked we really are. Imagine God taking you and showing you every single act against somebody you’ve ever done and making you feel exactly how they felt. This is common in near-death experiences. Think about it this way, if somebody killed your child, and a judge said well you are clearly guilty. But because I am a LOVING judge, I’ll let you go with no punishment. That’s not very fair to the victim and the family/friends. No, a LOVING God would punish the perpetrator so that the family and friends receive justice for their kid being slaughtered.
Anyway, back to the scripture. The Bible foretells of the Antichrist(The beast) and the false prophet performing lying signs and miracles to deceive the whole world. It speaks of this many times.
2 Thessalonians 2:9 "Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,"
Revelation 13:
{11} And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
{12}And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
{13}And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
{14}And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
{15}And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
Revelation 19:
{19}And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.
{20}And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
Revelation 16:
{13}And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
{14}For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
Notice the whole world above is doing miracles, and they are not from your "inner self"... They are not from the "collective consciousness", they are from devils.
Matthew 24:24 "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
Even the very elect might be deceived, that shows you how strong this deception really is.
Deuteronomy 18:9-13 says regarding a variety of subjects dealing with magic and sorcery,
“9When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.
{10}There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.
{11}Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
{12}For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.
{13}Thou shalt be perfect with the LORD thy God.”
Why does our Creator not want us doing this? Is it because he wants to keep us from contacting these ascended masters who are bringing us knowledge so that we can attain Godhood? No, these things are lying to you. This lie that you can be God can be traced back to the original sin. What was the original sin? Adam and Eve eating from the tree of knowledge, which God clearly told them not to eat from, as they will surely die. How did the serpent deceive Eve into eating from the tree of knowledge? Genesis 3:4-5 says, “ 4And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
5For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”
The New Age lie is just the original lie repackaged. It is Satan’s carrot he puts in front of the masses to deceive them into accepting this philosophy that we are all God. It’s the original lie, but it’s such a good lie, because he can deceive people through supernatural experiences to make them think they have an inner power inside them. There was an experiment done in Because we are living in such turbulent times, if people are promised Godhood and don’t receive because our “collective consciousness” is not in complete unity, there will be an attempt to eradicate the non-believers or those who are unwilling to participate in the ritual, thus leading to a genocide and persecution on a level this world has never before seen.
To a Christian, the Masonic equation of God with humanity recalls the lie of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden, when the Serpent told Adam and Eve, "Ye shall be as gods" (Gen. 3:5). As we know, humanity again attempted to become like God at Babylon after the Great Flood, whence Mystery Babylon was born. Freemasonry has adopted the belief of Mystery Babylon that God and man are the same.
So let’s separate Christianity from all other religions
Christianity is does not teach works based salvation
Christianity says their messiah has already come
Christianity exalts God as a holy, separate entity that is made perfect in love, but is separated from us by sin
Christianity makes it very clear that you are in no way, shape or form a God and that all the power comes from Jesus Christ, and in this function separates Christianity from the New Age as being the one and only religion that teaches this. Even muslims are very New Agey, believing in the pagan moon God Allah and even their kabba is on a major ley line, which is another common belief in the new age.
After we have clearly separated Christianity as being an allegory for the New Age, the individual is left with 2 possibilities. That the God of the Bible is the loving God as the Bible portrays that wants the best for humanity, that our heaven is after we die, and that his laws are designed to instill maximum freedom for us while we are here our short time on Earth. But the contrary is exactly what Theosophy teaches, that the God of the Bible is the enemy, and that he is trying to keep man from becoming Gods.. This is why Lucifer is coming to save us (with knowledge) from this evil oppressive force who kept Adam and Eve prisoner in the Garden of Eden. This is exactly what the Illuminati and the freemasons believe, that man can become God. Given the links to Theosophy and Freemasonry we have described earlier, you can come to a conclusion many high level freemasons are luciferians.
The theosophists themselves admit that they are going to indoctrinate the world into witchcraft and the one world religion of mystery babylon. Check this quote out by Alice Bailey, founder of the Lucis Trust publishing company and many would argue, the mother of the New Age movement behind Blavatsky,
"There is no question therefore that the work to be done in familiarizing the general public with the nature of the Mysteries is of paramount importance at this time. These mysteries will be restored to outer expression through the medium of the Church and the Masonic Fraternity… When the Great One comes with His disciples and initiates we shall have (after a period of intensive work on the physical plane beginning around the year 1940) the restoration of the Mysteries and their exoteric presentation, as a consequence of the first initiation. Why can this be so? Because the Christ, as you know, is the Hierophant of the first and second initiations and He will, if the preparatory work is faithfully and well done, administer the first initiation in the inner sanctuaries of those two bodies. Many faithful workers will, during His period of work on earth, take this first initiation, and some few will take the second. The race has now reached a point where many souls are on the Probationary Path and need but the heightening of their vibration (made possible by His Presence) to reach the portal of the Path itself." -Alice Bailey, Externalization of the Hierarchy p273
You see, there is simply no room for Christians in the New World Order. We will not adopt socialism, we will not adopt a New Age religion under Lucifer. We will not worship the beast and his image. We stand on the Word of God, the rock that Jesus told us we should build our house on at the end of Matthew 7. We Christians are "too judgemental" and "unaccepting of others beliefs" to fit into the New Age of Aquarius.
“The hierarchy is struggling hard with the so-called “forces of evil”, and the new group of world servers is the instrument… These forces of evil… the entrenched ancient ideals… which must now disappear if the New Age is to be ushered in as desired”
“The old established rhythms, inherent to the old forms of religion, of politics and of social order, must give place to newer ideals, to the synthetic understanding, and to the new order.” -Alice Bailey, founder of the New Age movement, Externalization of the Hierarchy
"We are now entering a period of fantastic change, and the happening of events are speeding up all the time. We have two challenges here in front of us... people [have to] get access to that information, and start to realize who they really are and the nature of life, then we can go into stage 2 which is the Incredible Consciousness shift that is going to happen (and is happening with many people already, but can happen for everybody if we open up to the knowledge of whats going on and to do that the edifies of suppression has to go{meaning religion, specifically Christianity}. What I see so often in the New Age movement, is that they're focusing on the second but they're in denial of the first. And the second is not going to happen for many people unless we remove the suppression." David Icke, Love Changes Everything
"Lavedi Lafferty and Bud Hollowell, two New Agers, started the discussion about how their religion sanctions the use of violence against the Christian community. They wrote the following in their book, entitled The Eternal Dance: 'This is a time of opportunity for those who will take it [[apparently] meaning the New Agers [the Initiates of the Mystery Religions, Socialists].] For others [apparently the Christians] if the earth is unsuitable for them [if they will not accept the New Age religion] they will go on to other worlds.'"
"Another New Age spokesman, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the 'guru' sought out by the rock 'n roll group known as the Beatles [and others], has been quoted as saying: "There has not been and there will not be a place for the unfit...The fit will lead, and if the unfit are not coming along [if they will not accept the New Age religion] there is no place for them.
"The concept that a new race of people will inhabit the world in the New Age millennium has been expressed by other believers in the religion. Ruth Montgomery, previously mentioned, has written about that change: 'Those who survive the shift will be a different type of people from those in physical form today, freed from strife and hatred, longing to be of service to the whole of mankind...the souls who helped to bring on the chaos of the present century [apparently the Christians and the Jews] will have passed into spirit to rethink their attitudes.'
"To show that the New Agers are talking about the physical death of the 'enemy', one must only search the writings of other New Agers. Another believer to write on the subject of the destruction of those who will not accept the new religion was Ruth Montgomery. [And] she has been quoted as saying in a transcribed interview carried by a magazine called Magical Blend: 'Millions will survive and millions won’t. Those who won’t will go into the spirit state because there is truly no death.'
And my personal favorite,
“Out of the full spectrum of human personality, one-fourth is electing to transcend…One-fourth is ready to so choose, given the example of one other…One-fourth is resistant to election. They are unattracted by life ever-evolving. One-fourth is destructive. They are born angry with God…They are defective seeds…There have always been defective seeds. In the past they were permitted to die a ‘natural death’…We, the elders, have been patiently waiting until the very last moment before the quantum transformation, to take action to cut out this corrupted and corrupting element in the body of humanity. It is like watching a cancer grow…Now, as we approach the quantum shift from creature-human to co-creative human—the human who is an inheritor of god-like powers—the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body. We have no choice, dearly beloveds. It is a case of the destruction of the whole planet, or the elimination of the ego-driven, godless one-fourth who, at this time of planetary birth, can, if allowed to live on to reproduce their defective disconnection, destroy forever the opportunity of Homo sapiens to become Homo universalis, heirs of God…Before this stage of power can be inherited by the God-centered members of the social body, the self-centered members must be destroyed…Fortunately you, dearly beloveds, are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge of God’s selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death. We come to bring death to those who are unable to know God…The riders of the pale horse are about to pass among you. Grim reapers, they will separate the wheat from the chaff. This is the most painful period in the history of humanity…” - Barbara Marx Hubbard, New Age Guru/Futurist/Socialist
Oprah and her new age guru, Eckhardt Tolle, has advocated "Evolve or die", basically saying that if the human race does not evolve into the new world order, we will die as a species. They cannot evolve with us Christians "holding them back".
Another thing that's important to note is science is now in agreement with the new age, particularly quantum physics. Even though we have just delved into this realm, many new agers take the position that because we, just by observing something are changing it, that means that we can physically change it in our realities through our huge field of "one consciousness". The way you tap into this altered consciousness field or "christ consciousness" is by getting yourself into an altered state of consciousness, the primary ways of doing this is through deep mind clearing meditation, drugs like DMT, mushrooms, acid, and marijuana will stimulate this effect. This is dangerous, God prohibits tapping into altered states because it is a doorway for demons to come through and influence you, not only that but talk with you and teach you things and make you speak out about things. There are NUMEROUS examples of people speaking with these beings and all the sudden they found out they weren't as "nice" as they thought they would be. Here is a quick example, Terence Mckenna, who was a huge DMT head and is pretty well known in the conspiracy movement for creating the program "Timewave Zero" which is based off the I CHING which predicts that Dec 21st, 2012 will be a huge day in human history. He had a personal experience with this "mushroom" he was talking to and he asked this thing how we can save the world. The thing responded "every person should be allowed to parent only once".....
Then Mckenna, as nice sounding as he could say it, basically agrees with this "mushroom" and talks for like 8 minutes about this justifying a policy that the communists have tried to implement for centuries now, with the only possible way of enforcement being murder.
Timothy Leary claims to have been picked by Aleister Crowley. He claims to "carry on Aleister Crowley's work". Aleister Crowley was one of the most wicked men that ever lived on this planet, and a high level satanist. In his book "Magick: In Theory and Practice", he gives step by step instructions on how to sacrifice animals and humans inside a pentagram. In order to achieve the "highest spiritual working" he says, you have to sacrifice a small young boy, preferably of high intelligence. He had been talking with interdimensional entities his whole life and absolutely hated Christianity.
The more you investigate these interdimensional beings, the more you will realize they are not nice. They are promoting a new world order of lawlessness. The Bible calls the antichrist "the man of lawlessness".
Turn to Jesus, He wants you to be saved and receive forgiveness of sins. Your true Creator is calling you, turn to Him and He will release you from this enslavement of the world, and sin.
I host a weekly podcast called "Escape the Beast" on the Mystery Babylon Rising Radio Network, if you'd like to listen to my previous shows, I upload them in high quality at, or if you'd like to check out my website, it is
Thank you all,
-Trey Alderson-Cloutier
1 Peter 5:8 "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:"
Age of Aquarius, Age of Genocide and Persecution Like None Other
By Trey Alderson-Cloutier on Monday, 1 August 2011 at 22:28
"Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake." -Matthew 24:9
"yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service." -John 16:2b
"Countless people will hate the new world order and will die protesting against it" -H.G. Wells, The New World Order
This is a world revolution, a world revolution against the OLD world order.
It is important to note that the old world order is everything we are currently entrapped and enslaved in. It is important that the system creates absolute polar opposites to what we are currently used to, that way when the NEW world order comes, they can con as many people as they can into accepting this system. And I bet they will, the lack of understanding of how the world works to the average person nowadays is minimal, at best. For this to happen they must establish the challenges that humanity faces, which they have done, and most of them engineered by them. Remember, problem-reaction-solution right?
Many people do not like the problems that plague us in this world. Wars, famine, plagues, poverty, hatred towards your fellow man, greed, corruption, the list goes on and on. And what would people say the cause of these problems are? Most would say, Capitalism and Religion. Why is this important? We all know the NWO are the masters of propaganda. They control public opinion. So why so much hatred towards capitalism and religion? Because, they plan to destroy both. They plan to implement a one world socialist dictatorship, and a one world religion right behind the dictator. This has been the agenda for years, and is directly prophesied to happen in the scripture.
One of the initial things to happen, probably as a result of some global crisis, will be a one world government. Their aim will be to force everyone to accept a satanic mark on their right hand or forehead in order to buy or sell (Rev 13:16-17).
From my research, I have come to the conclusion that the ever so popular Internet film Zeitgeist is nothing more than NWO propaganda. I often times hear people after watching Zeitgeist, particularly the sequel, Zeitgeist Addendum go from being against a NWO to being for it, but only if it was headed by different people. The film mainly focuses on attacking religion, specifically Christianity, the monetary system and the capitalistic system as a whole. “A world government would be good, we need to integrate and work together to provide a more stable future for humanity or we might die off.” This is the ever so important mindset the powers that be want us to think. This concept of “Evolve or die” is being pushed on the masses through many New Age gurus. The major threats sprouting up that could threaten humanity’s very existence in the future. These threats are:
Global warming, energy saving (according to them)
Religious wars ending in nuclear holocaust, particularly in the middle east
Monetary system (they will lump it as “Capitalism”) and world economic system as a whole collapsing
3D to 5D Consciousness 60K subscribers
SUBSCRIBE Published on 22 Feb 2020
Did you think David Icke was one of the good guys? Waking up the people? Helping the people to become more "awaken?" Think again. In this video, you will find out the truth about David Icke, that he's another tool/pawn used by the Deep State to deceive the collective consciousness. _________________ --
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
It was at this point that David Icke lost his temper completely. He started shouting that I was the most divisive character that he had ever met in the media and that everyone hated me at TPV. He asked Liz Roberts to back this statement up but she couldn’t. Given that Liz has previously stated in public in the office that I am ‘an example to all of us’, I didn’t feel that she could really back up his accusation with any credibility.
tpvvThe following is a statement made by Sonia Poulton concerning her leaving The People’s Voice. It makes very interesting reading:
I have been overwhelmed by the support I have received following my departure from The People’s Voice on Monday, January 6, 2014.
This is my statement of events.
During the brief period when I worked as a full-time journalist and presenter at The People’s Voice office in Wembley – every week day, sometimes 12 hours a day for the period from November 18th to January 6th – various volunteers and staff made alarming comments to me about the financial accounting at The People’s Voice.
I was told that public money had been ‘squandered’, ‘spent unwisely’ and ‘in an easy-come, easy-go manner’. I was informed that various pieces of equipment, including a handheld camera, had ‘gone missing’. It was alleged that money had been paid to someone who did not warrant being paid and who shared a property in Wembley with David – amongst other accusations.
Given these suspicions I was not happy with David Icke and Sean Adl-Tabatabai – TPV’s station manager – suggesting a second telethon on January 3, 2014. This was to raise more money for TPV following a two-week Christmas break from live programming.
I realised that the public, who had already donated far in excess of £300,000, was losing some goodwill towards TPV – and for a number of reasons.
I felt, as did other members of staff who said it to me – but did not have the courage to say it to David Icke directly – that all financial dealings should be public and transparent.
I believe, and conveyed this to David Icke, Sean ADL and Liz Roberts – in their respective roles as Station Manager and Production Manager – that all money paid out – including expenses and staff wages should be published monthly. This idea never progressed beyond the asking stage.
This, and other issues reached a head for me on Friday night when I was asked to take part in the telethon to raise money even though I didn’t know entirely where the previous public money had gone to.
I should add I refused point blank to take part in the first telethon in early November before the station had even launched. Not only was I unimpressed with some of the content of that telethon, as a representation of TPV, but I felt there was something wrong in asking the public for more money BEFORE they had seen even one programme.
So it was that I was not happy to do this latest telethon but I did it because I wanted TPV to succeed.
Despite my misgivings, I put my heart into it including organising a Question Time-style panel and a film recorded on New Year’s Eve about people who are doing important activism to make positive changes to our world.
I was, and remain, proud of this input – and output – and all the people involved in making this happen and all for only the petrol money to cover the filming.
After the telethon, I slept badly on Friday night and by Saturday morning I had sent an e-mail to David Icke outlining my serious concerns about the finances at The People’s Voice.
I heard nothing back from him. This was unusual because David is not only a prolific writer but he has always responded within hours, sometimes minutes, of my sending him an e-mail.
I arrived at the TPV office on Monday about 10am. David’s office door, a glass-type partition, was closed and I tapped on it. He refused to look up at me and kept staring at the screen in front of him.
Undaunted, I opened the door, said ‘good morning’ and asked if I could have a talk with him. He refused. He said he had to wait until Sean arrived before we could talk. I asked him when that would be. He said any minute.
Sean arrived about 45 minutes later. Liz Roberts, Head of Production, came to me and said they were ready for the meeting. Then, somewhat oddly, she led me to the darkened, sound-proofed studio where the music and performance segment of TPV is recorded.
I was uncomfortable with this as I was uncertain why we were meeting in here seeing as David normally conducts meetings in his or Sean ADL’s office, both at the end of the TPV main office.
Several chairs had been placed in the darkened studio in a semi-circle and I sat down on the chair that was most set apart from the others. Sean ADL took a seat and Liz Roberts went to get David Icke. It was silent between Sean and I and we waited a minute or so until David Icke joined us.
I could see that David was already furious when he arrived in the room. He looked how I had seen him on several other occasions when he has lost his temper with members of staff. He sat down on the chair directly opposite me and in the middle of Sean ADL and Liz Roberts and I said, ‘who’s going to start?’
David said that seeing as I was the one with the allegations, it should be me.
I told him that for the past few weeks people in the office – including volunteers and paid staff – had been coming to me and making troubling accusations about misappropriation of the funds.
I had heard stories of nights out on expenses, of many rounds of drinks and food being bought in pubs, of takeaways and alcohol being ordered to the People’s Voice by – and for – paid staff members.
There were even more outrageous accusations told to me including people who received money from TPV who had some personal involvement with David Icke.
I told David, Sean ADL and Liz Roberts that TPV was struggling financially because public goodwill towards TPV was at a low ebb because, amongst other things, a lack of transparency.
I said that I felt it personally important to see how the money had been spent up to this point – and not least because David always agreed with me about the importance of transparency in all dealings.
David’s voice was raised and he demanded to hear more of my allegations and who they involved.
I felt that this was some kind of a trap and I said I wasn’t going to name names at this stage and that I just wanted to see where the money had been spent. He refused. He said I would have to wait until the end of the year. He was furious that I dared to question the funds.
His entire attitude was indignant and outraged by my request. I asked him if I would need to put in a Freedom of Information request to get the information from The People’s Voice regarding accounting.
I was shocked by the corporate front that David Icke, Liz Roberts and Sean ADL were showing me with regard what had happened with the money and I said that I believed TPV was operating no differently – with it’s hierarchy of decently paid management, numerous unpaid volunteers and no accountability – to the corporations we despised.
It was at this point that David Icke lost his temper completely. He started shouting that I was the most divisive character that he had ever met in the media and that everyone hated me at TPV. He asked Liz Roberts to back this statement up but she couldn’t. Given that Liz has previously stated in public in the office that I am ‘an example to all of us’, I didn’t feel that she could really back up his accusation with any credibility.
This emotional attack from David alarmed me greatly. I had only asked for financial transparency and not only was he refusing to let me have this information but he tried to use intimidation techniques to deflect me from pursuing it too.
David Icke tells everyone I am a PROPER journalist. His words. When I am on air I am told he walks from office to office, pointing at the screen and saying ‘that’s real journalism’. The big problem here is
David Icke is only happy when I am investigating anyone or anything other than him and The People’s Voice.
I am not saying that anyone has carried out fraud at TPV. I have no proof of that. What I am saying, however, is that I believe there exists a cavalier attitude, at times, to the spending of public funds.
At TPV I have seen the letters of people who donate their hard-to-come-by cash. Children giving up their pocket money and pensioners contributing part of their pension. It greatly upsets me to see the laissez faire attitude towards their money.
The statement on my departure released by TPV and written by David Icke – according to Liz Roberts in correspondence with presenter Barrie Sharpe – was designed to smear me.
None of what was said even came up in the meeting yesterday morning. David Icke’s statement was an affront not only to me but to anyone who supports me and to anyone who donated their time, efforts and money to TPV. Thank goodness so many people have seen right through it and reacted accordingly.
I would be more than happy to debate TPV with David Icke, Sean Adl-Tabatabai and Liz Roberts on camera and in a neutral environment. I have nothing to hide.
It is not me who seeks to take people into a darkened room away from other people in the office at the point when the person wants to address important questions about alleged financial mismanagement. I am, and remain, transparent in my dealings.
I am informed by a member of staff that there have been orders to ‘remove me’. This includes taking down a great deal of information I have conveyed on film at TPV including a video we shot on New Years Eve about children being taken into care and about people campaigning against fracking.
David Icke says The People’s Voice is about ‘the content and not the personality’. If that is so, why would he have sanctioned the removal of ‘the content’ that I contributed to The People’s Voice?
Content, I might add, that I have already copied and feel totally at liberty to post on to Youtube. I believe that the public, who paid for this, is entitled to that and it should not be stopped because of the vindictive behaviour of people who claim to know better.
I am in no doubt that David Icke shouted at me in the meeting because, rather than accept that there may be a problem of a certain culture growing at TPV, he chose to deflect the blame for his failings onto me and my character.
I acknowledge that I am capable of being a fiery character. I’ve said it on camera. It’s part of who I am but it is entirely wrong – as they suggest in the official statement about my departure – to suggest that I don’t treat people with respect.
You only have to look at the wonderful things that have been said about me following my departure from TPV. I am quite blown away by the strength of support.
So I have to ask: why would David Icke attempt to smear my character? I only asked where The People’s Voice money had gone to?
Hardly an unreasonable question, I thought, given myself – and many others – were contributing great amounts of time and money to making TPV happen.
I’m not looking for a medal but I did more than work at TPV, I have also put my hand in my own pocket and have funded a hire car, petrol, pictures and food for volunteers.
I am far from financially wealthy and I am a single parent with only my income coming in, but I have contributed what I could because I believed in what TPV was capable of.
I am deeply upset what has come to pass. It has taken me a day to compose my thoughts into any semblance of order. I believed in the capability of TPV. I don’t anymore. As it stands, it is not capable of being the true media we so desperately need in this world.
When I was sat in the meeting yesterday morning I realised that these three people before me were not capable of creating an alternative media. I knew that if I were to stay a moment longer I was in danger of damaging my own hard-won reputation of honesty and misleading the public too. I could not do that and that is why I left.
I am also upset because there are people at TPV whom I have become very fond of. Good people who want to make a better world but who are unaware – or don’t know how to deal with – the real issues of injustice right under their noses.
It won’t stop me trying to create that media I can imagine, though. I have gained a great deal of understanding of what not to do and I have plans right now how to implement my own show. I will only do this if it can be completely transparent because that is what I believe we need more of in this world. I thought TPV could offer that. It didn’t.
For the record, David Icke needs to understand that respect – as his official statement about me calls for – is a two-way street. He is so used to being all-powerful in his environment that he responds badly to being challenged.
Despite repeatedly saying that ‘presenters have free-will’ David Icke did not hesitate to make known some of his dissatisfactions with me inviting on guests whom he had fallen out with in the past.
I witnessed that side of him and so did Sean ADL and Liz Roberts. They sat back and allowed it to happen. That’s why they are still there. They do not challenge him because to do so would challenge the comfortable and unaccountable existence at TPV that they have come to enjoy.
Both Sean ADL and Liz Roberts publicly have stated that TPV may not survive beyond the end of January unless the station gets more money in. Well, as two of the people who have access to TPV’s funds, they would know.
As of this afternoon I have not received the requested information on financial accounting. How difficult can it be to show how much has been donated to The People’s Voice and where and by whom it has been spent?
Upon receipt of the information from The People’s Voice, I will report on my findings just as I report on the behaviour of other organisations.
The silence from the station, in response to the extraordinary support of people who are appalled at the statement issued by David Icke on behalf of The People’s Voice, speaks volumes.
This is my statement of the events of yesterday at The People’s Voice with David Icke, Liz Roberts and Sean Adl-Tabatabai. I have sent this statement to all these three people as well as posting it on my website and on social network sites.
Sonia Poulton, January 7th, 2014
Not really any surprises in there concerning the Icke brigade, and similar statements have been made about Icke by his ex-wife – which we will be covering in the near future. _________________ --
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
Age of Aquarius, Age of Genocide and Persecution Like None Other
By Trey Alderson-Cloutier on Monday, 1 August 2011 at 22:28
"Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake." -Matthew 24:9
"yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service." -John 16:2b
"Countless people will hate the new world order and will die protesting against it" -H.G. Wells, The New World Order
This is a world revolution, a world revolution against the OLD world order.
It is important to note that the old world order is everything we are currently entrapped and enslaved in. It is important that the system creates absolute polar opposites to what we are currently used to, that way when the NEW world order comes, they can con as many people as they can into accepting this system. And I bet they will, the lack of understanding of how the world works to the average person nowadays is minimal, at best. For this to happen they must establish the challenges that humanity faces, which they have done, and most of them engineered by them. Remember, problem-reaction-solution right?
Many people do not like the problems that plague us in this world. Wars, famine, plagues, poverty, hatred towards your fellow man, greed, corruption, the list goes on and on. And what would people say the cause of these problems are? Most would say, Capitalism and Religion. Why is this important? We all know the NWO are the masters of propaganda. They control public opinion. So why so much hatred towards capitalism and religion? Because, they plan to destroy both. They plan to implement a one world socialist dictatorship, and a one world religion right behind the dictator. This has been the agenda for years, and is directly prophesied to happen in the scripture.
One of the initial things to happen, probably as a result of some global crisis, will be a one world government. Their aim will be to force everyone to accept a satanic mark on their right hand or forehead in order to buy or sell (Rev 13:16-17).
From my research, I have come to the conclusion that the ever so popular Internet film Zeitgeist is nothing more than NWO propaganda. I often times hear people after watching Zeitgeist, particularly the sequel, Zeitgeist Addendum go from being against a NWO to being for it, but only if it was headed by different people. The film mainly focuses on attacking religion, specifically Christianity, the monetary system and the capitalistic system as a whole. “A world government would be good, we need to integrate and work together to provide a more stable future for humanity or we might die off.” This is the ever so important mindset the powers that be want us to think. This concept of “Evolve or die” is being pushed on the masses through many New Age gurus. The major threats sprouting up that could threaten humanity’s very existence in the future. These threats are:
Global warming, energy saving (according to them)
Religious wars ending in nuclear holocaust, particularly in the middle east
Monetary system (they will lump it as “Capitalism”) and world economic system as a whole collapsing
Written By David Livingstone - The Conspiracy-Conspiracy
Facebook has been targeting QAnon ads towards those interested in alternative health, resulting in what academics have identified as “Conspirituality,” a strange blend of the New Age movement and right-wing conspiracy theories.[1] The merger of these seemingly paradoxical influences can be traced back to David Icke, who has introduced into conventional conspiracy theories a blend of New Age and Theosophical ideas, which have long had a close relationship with fascism, and in particular, Nazism. Effectively, through the influence of QAnon and the advent of Covid-19, Icke’s message is gaining increasing appeal within the New Age movement, who have adopted his right-wing conspiracy theories, such that they have come to identify the Left as the enemy of political and spiritual freedom. Merging their New Age beliefs, they hope to prevent the advent of a “New World Order,” and to assist instead in an “Ascension” to the utopian promises of the Age of Aquarius, which in fact, is the true goal of the Luciferian and fascist conspiracy.
One of the major supporters of QAnon has been Major General Paul E. Vallely. In 1980, Vallely wrote a MindWar article with Michael Aquino, a former member of the Church of Satan who founded the Temple of Set. Aquino’s satanic activity was connected to a pedophile and blackmail network with ties to the White House. The operation was run by Edwin Wilson, a member of Ted Shackley’s team of rogue CIA agents known as the “Secret Team,” who were linked with the JFK assassination, the Golden Triangle heroin trade and the Iran-Contra Affair.[2] According to John DeCamp, author of The Franklin Cover-Up, Wilson’s operation was merely a continuation of the one set up by Donald Trump’s mentor Roy Cohn during the McCarthy era with Lewis Rosenstiel and J. Edgar Hoover.[3]
Nevertheless, Vallely backed QAnon, who claimed the existence of a “Deep State” operated by a satanic pedophile network, who are supposedly being opposed by a group within the government and military referred as “white hats.” Vallely was interviewed by Mike Filip on AmeriCanuck Internet Radio of Canada, on October 14, 2019, where he explained:
Q-Anon is information that comes out of a group called ‘The Army of Northern Virginia.’ This is a group of military intelligence specialists, of over 800 people that advises the president. The president does not have a lot of confidence in the CIA or the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) much anymore. So the President relies on real operators, who are mostly Special Operations type of people. This is where ‘Q’ picks up some of his information.[4]
QAnon is disinformation, deceiving those who suspect the world around them may not be as it seems, but who may not be sufficiently informed about the true nature of the conspiracy to discern the deception. The reason for the conspiracy to have been able to proceed unchecked for at least the last 250 years has not been attributable to any lack of documentation or public exposure. Sufficient literature has been produced to bring to light the activities of the conspirators and their identities, including John Robison’s Proof of a Conspiracy (1797), Augustin Barruel’s Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, and more recently Nesta Webster’s Secret Societies and Subversive Movements (1924). So, we shouldn’t be overly enthusiastic about the proliferation of “conspiracy theory” among the alternative media in recent years.
There are many reasons for the inability of a significant enough opposition to coalesce against the conspiracy, primary among them being of course elite control of the media. However, the opposition that has been able to form has been not been able to blossom into a broader movement, largely because of internal disunity. Most disruptive is the fact that, while the conspirators and the organizations they operate have been for the most part identified, conspiracy researchers, due to their different political affiliations, are not agreed as to their goals, and therefore, the appropriate solution either.
Part of the reason for this confusion is what appears to be a disinformation campaign to hijack any growing opposition to the conspiracy. As I have revealed in my recent six-volume book, Ordo ab Chao, the key modus operandi of the conspiracy has been to deploy what I call a “conspiracy-conspiracy.” It is a deliberate attempt to cultivate an errant interpretation of the conspiracy to create a controlled opposition of naïve dissidents who are ultimately recruited into inadvertently serving the conspiracy. The reason this happens is that is those who are dismayed with the direction our societies have taken tend to become desperate for change, and too ready to throw in their support with anyone who appears to represent their interests. They look at a leader’s words, not what they stand for, which makes them easily duped.
The tactic dates back to at least the Enlightenment, and the fomenting of the French and American Revolutions by rallying the masses into believing they were fighting “tyranny,” in the person of the aristocracy and the Catholic Church, or King George III of England. The same tactic was employed by using the cause of communism to channel the Russian people’s frustration against the state to bring about the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. Most importantly, the Nazis made use of the notorious Protocols of Zion, which purported that the Russian revolution was the outcome of a worldwide Judeo-Masonic conspiracy, to frighten the Germans into accepting Hitler’s fascist dictatorship to prevent the same happening to their country. This was despite the fact that the Nazis were funded by the same bankers who funded the Bolsheviks.[5]
The key conspirator in this plot was a double-agent named Boris Brasol, working simultaneously for the British and the Russians, who then imported the same tactic to the United States.[6] During the 1930s, Brasol maintained a wide array of contacts among right-wing Russians in the United States, among them was “Count” Anastasy Vonsiatsky (1898 – 1965). Vonsiatsky was also associated with a textile magnate Wickliffe Draper (1891 – 1972) Draper, who was fascinated by eugenics, and sympathetic to the Nazis, founded the Pioneer Fund in 1937, “to advance the scientific study of heredity and human differences.” According to a 1960 article in The Nation, an unnamed geneticist said Draper told him he “wished to prove simply that Negroes were inferior.”[7]
Brasol became involved with the American branch of the Knights of Malta, known as the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Although it poses as a Catholic organization, the order is a Masonic group that merely claims to be the real Knights of Malta.[8] Also known as the “Shickshinny Knights,” the group was headquartered in the small town of Shickshinny, Pennsylvania. Father Peter Baptiste Duffee, or “Father Duffy,” linked Brasol to an occult order called the Ancient and Noble Order of the Blue Lamoo, which he claimed was a rogue branch of the Shickshinny Knights of Malta and the ubiquitous Sovereign Order of St. John.[9] The Blue Lamoo was said to be founded by “Atlantian Initiates of the Sun.” Membership was limited to “Aryan People of all classes.” The purposes of the group were to free Aryans from the “financial bondage of the Judeo-Mongols,” and “To Unite Science and Religion, whereby the Aryans again may be Supermen and Superwomen and establish the Aryan Race as the Christ Race leading the World into the Millennium.”[10] This lore, Duffee insisted, disguised the order’s true function as a “Nazi propaganda organization,” which he linked to the better known German propaganda front, the Fichte Bund, of which Brasol was allegedly a representative.[11]
Brasol was described as one of the principal advisers and the “brain trust” of the America First Committee (AFC).[12] Founded in 1940 to lobby to keep the United States out of World War II, the AFC represented a confluence of right-wing organizations, including the Silver Shirts, the German America Bund, the Ku Klux Klan, and was funded by the Nazis.[13] The AFC and its successor organization, the American Security Council (ASC) are considered the founding organizations of the Old Right.
The ASC, which has been referred to as the “heart” of the Military-Industrial Complex, exploited the same fear of communism to help justify the enormous military buildup to protect America’s “freedom,” while simultaneously feeding directly into their profits.[14] Their fascist agenda, known as corporatism, was disguised as a support of neoliberalism, using the fear of communism to call for a reduction or elimination of the role of government in the economy, a function that was characterized by Friedrich Hayek as tantamount of “totalitarianism.” The main objective, however, was to remove impediments to their further profits through tax reductions, deregulation and privatization, ultimately allowing the function of the government to be handed over into their hands through private corporations.
The primary backers of the Old Right were the Regnery family, who would serve as the godfathers of the American right for the remainder of the century, up to and including the rise of the Alt-Right. ASC member Henry Regnery, son of AFC founder William Regnery, founded the conservative Regnery Publishing. According to E. Howard Hunt, the CIA subsidized Regnery Publishing because of its pro-Nazi stance.[15] Regnery Publishing did its part to promote libertarian economics, publishing works of Friedrich Hayek, Lugwig von Mises, Alfred Jay Nock and Frank Chodorov, who became editor of Human Events in 1951.
Regnery also had a hand in fanning the UFO phenomenon by publishing ufologists like Jacques Vallée, whose work inspired Steven Spielberg’s film Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and Josef Allen Hynek. In 1973, betraying an interest in MK-Ultra, Regnery published Sybil, a book about multiple personality disorder (MPD), later made into a film for television starring Sally Field and Joanne Woodward.[16]
The Silver Shirts were founded by William Dudley Pelley (1890 – 1965), who was closely connected to the founders of the “I AM” Activity, Guy and Edna Ballard.[17] The I AM” cult is what Christopher Partridge has characterized as a “UFO religion,” all of which were influenced by the works of Alice Bailey and Theosophy.[18] During his first telepathic encounter, Ballard met St. Germain in a cave underneath Mount Shasta, who showed him a television set that could receive transmissions from the planet Venus.
Pelley was associated with George Hunt Williamson, one of the original “Four Guys Named George” UFO contactees. Williamson who was connected with the Council of Nine, the same group of “extraterrestial” entities contacted by Andrija Puharich during his work on behalf of the CIA.[19] Williamson was likely the first to propose the existence of a government conspiracy to suppress knowledge of extraterrestrials, when he wrote in UFO Confidential:
Many people have asked the inevitable question: ‘If visitors from other worlds are here, why doesn’t our government inform us of such a momentous event?’ The reason is obvious… all governments, yes all, are under the complete control of the ‘International Bankers’ who also control all money and thus create depressions and prosperity whenever they want it. They want and need a divided world so that wars may continue and their wealth steadily increase.[20]
In 1953, I AM member Robert LeFevre, an associate of AFC founder Merwin K. Hart, founded the Freedom School in Colorado Springs, Colorado.[21] Notable teachers at the Freedom School, also known as Rampart College, included Mont Pelerin Society members and godfathers of the libertarian movement in the United States, such as Rose Wilder Lane, Milton Friedman, F.A. “Baldy” Harper, Frank Chodorov, Leonard Read and Ludwig von Mises. From 1957 to 1961 Chodorov, who spent World War II working for Merwin K. Hart, went each year to teach at the Freedom School.[22]
The Freedom School’s main financial support was provided Roger Milliken, CEO of his family’s company, Milliken & Company, who is known as a political godfather to the American conservative movement.[23] Milliken was also the chief backer of the National Review, of William F. Buckley Jr., Knight of Malta, member of Skull and Bones and former agent of the CIA.[24] From the ASC evolved the John Birch Society, who through their association with the National Review, helped give rise to the New Right. Buckley and John Birch Society founder Robert Welch met in 1952 when they were introduced to each other by their mutual publisher, Henry Regnery, who published the book the book that ignited Buckley’s career, God and Man at Yale.[25]
Roy Cohn, who was legal counsel to Senator Joseph McCarthy during the anti-Communist Senate investigations of the 1950s, later became a member of the John Birch Society. According to a 1976 investigation by the New York Assembly’s Office of Legislative Oversight, Birch Society member John Rees’ Information Digest was supplying information to the FBI, CIA, and the National Security Agency.[26] Despite these ties, the JBS railed against the usual suspects of conspiracy theorists, such as the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group.
The John Birch Society, which was closely associated with the Klan, formed part of the cabal involved in the JFK assassination, working with Shackley’s Secret Team and in coordination with Texas Oil tycoons, Sid Richardson, Clint Murchison and H.L. Hunt, member of the Council of the John Birch Society.[27] According to William Torbitt, the pseudonymous author of Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal, H.L. Hunt and Murchison were the principal financiers of Permindex—a trade organization headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, and a front organization for the CIA—which orchestrated the JFK assassination.[28] The president of Permindex was Prince Gutierez de Spadafora, whose daughter-in-law was related to Hjalmar Schacht.[29] Clay Shaw, who was indicted by Jim Garrison, represented the United States on the board of directors of Permindex. According to Torbitt, the assassination was headed by Louis M. Bloomfield of Montreal, and involved J. Edgar Hoover, Lyndon B. Johnson, John Connally, Wernher von Braun, Gordon Novel, Guy Banister, David Ferrie, Jack Ruby, Sergio Arcacha Smith, Lee Harvey Oswald and Ruth and Michael Paine.
Cohn was also close to Lew Rosenstiel, who was part of a consortium with underworld figures like Samuel Bronfman and Meyer Lansky.[30] Rosenstiel’s fourth wife, Susan Kaufman, alleged that Rosenstiel hosted lavish parties that included “boy prostitutes” that her husband had hired “for the enjoyment” of certain guests, which included important government officials and prominent figures in America’s criminal underworld.[31] One of the “blackmail parties” was hosted by Cohn in 1958 at Manhattan’s Plaza Hotel, suite 233. Kaufman testified that young boys were present and Kaufman claimed that Cohn, Hoover and her ex-husband engaged in sexual activity with these minors.[32] Declassified New York government files and research by a private detective corroborated that Cohn was providing “protection” and that “there were a bunch of pedophiles involved. That’s where Cohn got his power from–blackmail.” As Berton Hersch observed, “Like scorpions investigating coitus, Roy Cohn and J. Edgar Hoover would continue to circle each other with wary fascination for decades.”[33]
John Birch Society was co-founded in 1958 by Robert Welch, with Harry Lynde Bradley, co-founder of the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, and Fred C. Koch, founder of Koch Industries, and father of the infamous Koch brothers, members of the CNP, a powerful and highly secretive umbrella organization and networking group for American conservative activists, founded in 1981. The CNP was described by The New York Times as a “little-known group of a few hundred of the most powerful conservatives in the country,” who meet three times yearly behind closed doors at undisclosed locations for a confidential conference, “to strategize about how to turn the country to the right.”[34] Like Kerry Thornley, a friend of Lee Harvey Oswald and the founder of Discordianism, Charles Koch also attended the LeFevre’s Freedom school, and was converted to Libertarianism, when he was first exposed to Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek. Charles Koch was a major funder and trustee of the school by 1966.[35]
Jane Mayer is the author of Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right, which in particular discusses the Koch family and their political activities, along with Richard Mellon Scaife, John M. Olin, and the DeVos and Coors families, who work in tandem to influence academic institutions, think tanks, the courts, statehouses, Congress, and the American presidency for their own benefit. The Sarah Scaife Foundation was endowed and chaired by Richard Mellon Scaife (1932 – 2014), an American billionaire, a principal heir to the Mellon empire. Scaife’s mother Sarah was the niece of former United States Secretary of the Treasury Andrew W. Mellon, an important supporter of the fascist American Liberty League and a supporter of Hitler.[36] Andrew’s son was Paul Mellon, who served with the OSS in Europe during the war, and who was co-heir to one of America’s greatest business fortunes, derived from the Mellon Bank. In 1957, when Fortune prepared its first list of the wealthiest Americans, it estimated that Sarah Cordelia Mellon, her brother Richard King Mellon, and her cousins Ailsa Mellon-Bruce and Paul Mellon were all amongst the richest eight people in the United States.[37] After the war, a number influential members of the Mellon family maintained close ties with the CIA, and Mellon family foundations have been used repeatedly as CIA fronts. During his tenure as CIA director, Richard Helms was a frequent guest of the Mellons in Pittsburgh.[38]
Paul Mellon and his wife created the Bollingen Foundation, which financially supported the Eranos conferences, founded by by Olga Froebe-Kapteyn and Theosophist Alice Bailey, and which had extensive ties to representatives of the German Conservative Revolution which gave rise to the Nazis.[39] As admitted by Michael Murphy, one of its founders, the Eranos conferences served as one of the models for the development of Esalen Institute.[40] According to Wouter Hanegraaff in New Age Religion and Western Culture, in addition to the hippies, Esalen had been the second major influence of the 60s counterculture and the rise of the New Age movement.[41]
Paul’s sister Ailsa was married to David Bruce, also a former OSS officer and later US ambassador to Great Britain. Sarah Cordelia’s cousin, William Larimer Mellon Sr., the founder of Gulf Oil, was the grandfather of William Mellon Hitchcock, who funded Leary’s LSD projects at the family’s Millbrook Estate.[42] Hitchcock was sent by his uncle by marriage, David Bruce, to meet with Dr. Stephen Ward to investigate the rumors of Masonically-themed “black magic” parties at Cliveden House connected to the Profumo Affair.[43] J. Edgar Hoover suspected, as did others in American intelligence, that Kennedy may also have been one of Ward’s clients.[44] Another of Ward’s girls was former Scientologist Mary Anne MacLean, who with her husband Robert de Grimston co-founded the Process Church of the Final Judgment, which was connected with the Charles Manson murders.[45]
Reptilian Hypothesis
Ultimately, David Icke’s message like that of the New Age itself, spells consequences with fascist overtones, foreboding a new holocaust intended for the “fundamentalists” of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, who refuse to adapt their age-old faiths for the ecumenism of the New Age movement. By example, according to New Age or occult interpretation, the Atlanteans were destroyed because of their transgressions. Likewise, despite their wishy-washy claims of universal brotherhood and tolerance, the New Age warns of a coming “Ascension” when all those who resist the transformation promised by the Age of Aquarius will be destroyed. Betraying these same fascist tendencies, Alice Bailey warned, “…let us never forget that its Life, its purpose and its directed intentional destiny that’s of importance; and also that when a form proves inadequate, or too diseased or too crippled for the expression of that purpose, it is—from the point of view of the Hierarchy—no disaster when that form has to go. Death is not a disaster to be feared; the work of the Destroyer is not really cruel or undesirable… Therefore, there is much destruction permitted by the Custodians of the Plan and much evil turned into good…”[46] Similarly, according to David Icke:
I do not seek to hide the severity of this period of fundamental change. It will be tough for every one of us… Many will return to light levels (die) in the wake of the physical events and the quickening vibrations. The Earth Spirit is already rising up the subplanes, and through the years ahead she will progress through the whole frequencies in her journey back to Atlantis and beyond... Those who cannot quicken their own vibrations through love and balance will find themselves out of synchronization with the environment around them. This process is already apparent.[47]
In 1989, Icke began to feel a presence around him, and in 1990 a voice told him to look in a bookstore at a particular section of books, one of which was by Betty Shine, a psychic healer. When he met her, Shine told him that she had a message for him from Wang Yee Lee, a being who she said looked like a Chinese mandarin and had Socrates standing next to him, that Icke had been sent to heal the Earth and that the spirit world was going to pass ideas to him. Icke decided in 1991 to visit the pre-Inca Sillustani burial ground near Puno, Peru, where he became fixated at a certain mound in a circle of stones, and felt a number of powerful sensations and new ideas began to pour into him. He described it later as the “kundalini,” exploding up through his spine, activating his brain and his Chakras, triggering a higher level of consciousness. He returned to England and began to write a book about the experience, which he titled Truth Vibrations. Icke wrote that he had been channeling for some time, and had received a message through automatic writing that he was a “Son of the Godhead,” interpreting “Godhead” as the “Infinite Mind.”
As revealed in an excellent documentary by Chris White, called David Icke Debunked, Icke claims to be imparted with insights from a spiritual entity named Rakorski, who he also identifies with the name St Germain. Rakorski is none other than Bailey’s Master Rakoczi, identified by Alice Bailey as the Master tasked with establishing the Age of Aquarius. Icke calls him the Lord of All Creation, saying that he is “directly responsible for the changes the earth will undergo.” Essentially, Icke, like other conspiracy researchers such as Jordan Maxwell, Michael Tsarion, and Acharya S, is an ardent critic of the Illuminati, but presents the myriad speculations of Theosophy as the truth being suppressed. All his main teachings are Theosophical. His descriptions of Atlantis in 1992’s Love Changes Everything are clearly indebted both to Blavatsky and Bailey.[48]
Also derived from the tradition of Theosophy is the central theme of Icke’s conspiracy theory, his reptilian hypothesis.[49] One of Icke’s key sources is American author Zecheriah Sitchin. Born in Soviet Azerbaijani, but raised in Israel, Sitchin received a degree in economics from the University of London, and taught himself Sumerian cuneiform. However, Sitchin wrote his books at a time when only specialists could read the Sumerian language, and since then, sources such as the 2006 book Sumerian Lexicon have made the language more accessible to non-experts. Sitchin’s ideas have been rejected by scientists and academics, who dismiss his work as pseudoscience and pseudohistory, and criticized for flawed methodology and mistranslations as well as for incorrect astronomical and scientific claims.
According to both Sitchin and Icke, humans are the result of a genetic experiment carried out by a race of reptilian aliens called Anunnaki. The Anunnaki are analogous to the Anakim of the Book of Genesis, the “Fallen Angels” who supposedly intermarried with the female descendants of Cain to produce a race of giants. The myth, which was associated with the Jewish Kabbalah, contributed to the development of the theory of Aryan race, whose civilization of Atlantis was supposedly destroyed by the Flood, after which they fled to the mountains of Asia.[50] There, according to Blavatsky, their influence resulted in the rise of Tibetan Buddhism, a theory that particularly fascinated the Nazis.[51] The same legend has contributed to the Ancient Astronauts hypothesis, or “White Gods” theories, the belief that ancient cultures like those of the Egyptians and the Maya of South America, were visited by Caucasian civilizers who were ignorantly worshipped by primitive peoples as “gods,” as popularized by authors like Graham Hancock.[52]
However, as noted by Tyson Lewis and Richard Kahn, “while Icke draws upon Sitchin’s ‘ancient astronomer’ theory, he develops it in favor of his own New Age and conspiratorial agenda.”[53] Through the encouragement of wars, genocide, sexual perversions, and black magic ritual and sacrifice, Icke believes, the Anunnaki release large amounts of negative energy, which is then absorbed by Anunnaki waiting in the fourth dimension. Needing overseers of their human slaves, Icke claims that the Anunnaki interbred with another alien race, commonly referred to as the “Nordics” because of their blond hair and blue eyes. The resulting “super-hybrids” are none other than the Aryans who inhabited Atlantis.[54] Icke writes in The Biggest Secret, “The Brotherhood which controls the world today is the modern expression of the Babylonian Brotherhood of reptile-Aryan priests and “royalty’.” Their reptilian characteristics, which “top-down control, emotionless ‘cold-blooded’ attitudes, an obsession with ritualistic behavior, and so on,” is directly related to fascist militarism, technocratic rationalism, and racism.[55] According to Icke, the Aryans, like their reptilian forebearers, can also shape-shift, and have been Sumerian kings, Egyptian pharaohs, and, more recently, American presidents and British prime ministers, including George Washington and George W. Bush, and the Queen Mother herself, who was “seriously reptilian.”[56]
Icke took his both his focus on extraterrestrials and the Protocols of Zion from Behold a Pale Horse (1991) by William Cooper, who was associated with the American militia movement. In the Robots’ Rebellion, Icke refers repeatedly to the Protocols, claiming they were not the work of the Jews, but of Zionists, and calling them the “Illuminati protocols,” and defining Illuminati as the “Brotherhood elite at the top of the pyramid of secret societies world-wide.” Icke’s endorsement of the Protocols, in The Robots’ Rebellion and And the Truth Shall Set You Free (1995) led his publisher to stop handling his books, which have been self-published since then.[57]
A crowd of over 4,000 people filled the Gospel Tabernacle in Fort Wayne, Ind., to hear Col. Charles Lindbergh address a rally of the America First Committee on October 3, 1941.
According to Nicholas Goodrick-Clark, author of Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity, “it is clear from Icke’s book that he is a transmitter of this information rather than its originator. …Who is then guiding Icke and his New Age following toward the beliefs of the millenarian-conspiracy cults?”[58] He remarks that recent investigations by Matthew Kalman and John Murray of Open Eye magazine suggest that far-right and neo-Nazi groups are exploiting Icke to penetrate the Green and New Age movements.
Political Research Associates has described Icke’s politics as “a mishmash of most of the dominant themes of contemporary neofascism, mixed in with a smattering of topics culled from the U.S. militia movement.”[59] Icke endorses or recommends antisemitic and far-right publications such as Spotlight and On Target.[60] Spotlight was founded by Willis Carto (1926 – 2015), who was associated with Merwin K. Hart, one of the original founder of the America First Committee (AFC).[61] The patriot movement is considered to have evolved from the John Birch Society and its opposition to communism, the United Nations and the civil rights movement, while an insurgent wing has been traced in origins to the Liberty Lobby, founded by Carto in 1958, with promotion of themes of White supremacy and anti-Semitism.[62]
The Liberty Lobby was run by a steering committee which included ASC members General Charles A. Willoughby of the the Shickshinny Knights, John Birch Society members Major General Edwin Walker and Robert J. Morris, and Senator Strom Thurmond.[63] On the Liberty Lobby’s policy board were Joseph P. Kamp, the founder of the Constitutional Education League, Tyler Kent who was imprisoned in the Tower of London during World War II for sharing information with the enemy while a member of the American embassy staff, R.G. Johnson author of Patriots of Northern Arkansas, Lt. Col. Frederick A. Kibbe the founder for the Florida Minutemen, Archibald E. Roberts who served as the information officer for General Walker and Lt. Gen George E. Stratemeyer.[64] Stratemeyer was a member of the Military Affairs Committee of the Shickshinny Knights.[65]
Carto eventually became an adherent of Christian Identity, a racist and white supremacist interpretation of Christianity.[66] Christian Identity, which traces its origins to British-Israelism and the pre-Adamite hypothesis first proposed by La Peyrère—Menasseh ben Israel’s co-conspirator—offers a racist interpretation of Christianity where in some cases non-whites are regarded to not have souls.[67] British-Israelism, which gained influence in Britain during the nineteenth century, before being imported to the United States, teaches that many white Europeans are the descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel and God’s Chosen People, whereas modern Jews are Khazars and impostors.[68] By the 1960s, when Christian Identity was established as an important influence on the extreme right, the Khazar ancestry of the Jews was firmly believed.
When ASC-connected Roger Pearson established himself in the United States in the 1960s, he worked together with Carto in contributing to publications of white supremacist and anti-Semitic literature, such as Western Destiny, a Liberty Lobby publication. Pearson, a notorious racialist, was a close associate Wickliffe Draper, founder of the Pioneer Fund, which supported most of Pearson’s publishing ventures.[69] In the late 1950s, Pearson founded the Northern League as an organization that recruited ex-officers of the SS and promoted Pan-Germanism, anti-Semitism and Neo-Nazi racial ideology.[70]
In 1961, Pearson founded Mankind Quarterly along with Robert Gayre, Henry Garrett, Corrado Gini, Luigi Gedda, Reginald Ruggles Gates and Nazi doctor Otmar von Verschuer, former director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, whose students included Joseph Mengele.[71] Mankind Quarterly was published by the Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics (IAAEE), founded in Scotland in 1959, whose principal benefactor was Wickliffe Draper, founder of the Pioneer Fund. The American branch of the IAAEE was founded by Lord Malcolm Douglas, the brother of the host of Rudolph Hess on his secret flight to Scotland in 1941. Hess sought to meet with the British aristocratic circles known as the Cliveden Set, who were sympathetic to Hitler. When Douglas and his wife Lady Douglas came to the US, he helped establish a branch of the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem, a racist network based in Scotland.[72] Nelson Bunker Hunt, his brother William Herbert Hunt and Senator Jesse Helms, who also belonged to the Order of Saint Lazarus, were also members of the IAAEE.[73]
From the beginning, Northern League and Mankind Quarterly were allied with GRECE and Nouvelle Ecole.[74] GRECE, the Groupement de recherche et d’études pour la civilisation européenne (“Research and Study Group for European Civilization”), the leading organization of the French Nouvelle Droite, was founded by de Alain de Benoist and others who belonged to the World Union of National Socialists (WUNS), an an umbrella group for neo-Nazi organisations across the globe, founded in 1962 by George Lincoln Rockwell of the American Nazi Party.[75] Some of the prominent names that have collaborated with GRECE include Arthur Koestler, Hans Eysenck, Konrad Lorenz, Mircea Eliade, Jeune Europe founder Jean-Francois Thiriart, Thierry Maulnier and Anthony Burgess, author of A Clockwork Orange. Koestler had been an active agent of the CIA, working closely with Bill Donavan and later Allen Dulles, and a core founder of the CIA-front, the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF). In 1976, Koestler published The Thirteenth Tribe, to prove that the bulk of Eastern European Jews were descended from the Khazars. Although Koestler apparently wrote the book with the hope that he could demolish the racial basis of anti-Semitism, the book was widely used by anti-Semites who attempted to demonstrate that the European Jews were imposters.[76]
GRECE member Raymond Abellio (1907 – 1986) was regarded as the “Gnostic” inspiration of the Nouvelle Droite.[77] Abellio was the pseudonym of French writer Georges Soulès, who was also the leader of the synarchist Mouvement Social Révolutionnaire (MSR), which grew out of the fascist Cagoule.[78] According to Guy Patton, author of Masters of Deception, Abellio and his protégé French occult author Jean Parvulesco (1929 – 2010), were part of a network that tried to create a New Europe, ruled by a priest-king, whereby they exploited various modern myths, like the Priory of Sion, which they exploited to exert their influence and for money and power.[79]
Abellio was also a friend of Antoine Pinay, one of the original founding members of the Bilderberg Group and of Le Cercle.[80] With ties to the Bilderberg Group, the Knights of Malta, Opus Dei and all the world’s leading intelligence organizations, Le Cercle served as the umbrella organization of the Fascist International, composed of numerous neo-Nazi organizations around the world. Le Cercle was co-founded in 1952-53 by Bildeberger Antoine Pinay, SDECE and BND agent Jean Violet, and Otto von Habsburg, a Knight of Malta and also co-founder of the Pan-European Union (PEU), with Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, which gave birth to the European Union. Le Cercle was one of the primary organizations behind the CIA’s Operation Gladio in Italy, which coordinated with fascist terrorists to carry out acts of terror that would be blamed on the communists.[81]
In 1978, Pearson became the World Chairman of the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), a right-wing organization with extensive ties to the CIA and Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church. The WACL emerged in 1966, when the Asian People’s Anti-Communist League (APACL), established in South Korea in 1954, merged with another fascist organization, the Anti-Bolshevik Block of Nations (ABN), a co-ordinating center for anti-Communist émigré political organizations from Soviet and other socialist countries.[82] The ABN took its current name in 1946 and claims direct descent from the Committee of Subjugated Nations, which was formed in 1943 by Hitler’s allies, including the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), founded by Stepan Bandera (1909 – 1959), and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA).
The OUN split into two organizations: the less militant OUN-M, and the more extremist group of Stepan Bandera, known as OUN-B, a clandestine group financed in part by German intelligence. After the start of the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union in 1940, the OUN-B in the person of Yaroslav Stetsko (1912 – 1986) declared a short-lived Ukrainian Government under the control of Nazi Germany, and pledged to fight as an ally for Hitler’s “New Order.” Supported by the Nazis, the OUN-B formed Ukrainian death-squads which carried out pogroms and massacres. Nevertheless, during the Cold War western intelligence agencies, including the CIA, covertly supported the OUN.[83]
Pearson also associated with the Philadelphia Society, established in 1964 by Henry Regnery along with William F. Buckley, and to which belonged many members who have exercised considerable influence over the development of the neoconservative movement in the United States. Also contributing to its founding were M. Stanton Evans and Milton Friedman. Former Presidents of the Society include Edwin Meese, Midge Decter and George H. Nash. Philadelphia Society meetings attracted hardline conservatives and neoconservatives such as Heritage Foundation founder Paul Weyrich, Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, William Casey, Richard V. Allen, Richard Pipes, Ernest W. Lefever and Frank Shakespeare. Notable speakers at past meetings of the Society have included Vladimir Bukovsky, Friedrich von Hayek, Henry Hazlitt, Irving Kristol, Norman Podhoretz, George J. Stigler, George Gilder, Victor Davis Hanson, Eric Voegelin and Paul Ryan.
When Joseph Coors—of the Coors beer empire and a supporter of the John Birch Society—established the Heritage Foundation in 1973, he had chosen Pearson as co-editor of the foundation’s publication Policy Review. The Heritage Foundation is part of a network of right-wing and neoliberal think tanks funded by charitable foundations and known CIA fronts, who in turn are funded primarily by ExxonMobil.[84] These included a number of other Rockefeller-affiliated foundations like the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Sarah Scaife Foundation and John M. Olin Foundation, who are also responsible for funding the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. To this day, AEI’s board is composed of top leaders from major business and financial firms.[85] John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, in their controversial bestseller, The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy, list the AEI as a principal aspect of America’s powerful Zionist lobby, which is dominated by American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the foremost pro-Israel lobbying organization in the US.
The Heritage foundation was founded by Knight of Malta Paul Weyrich, who worked closely with Franz Joseph Strauss, Bavarian head of state, a longstanding fixture of Le Cercle and a very close friend and associate of Third Reich banker Hermann Abs. Strauss was Chairman of the Christian Social Union in Bavaria (CSU), which is represented in a common faction with Adenauer’s CDU, called CDU/CSU. In 1953, Strauss became Federal Minister for Special Affairs in Adenauer’s second cabinet. According to T.H. Tetens, the British press once referred to Strauss as “the most dangerous man in Europe.”[86] As head of the state government of Bavaria, Strauss saw to it that funding was provided to the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), which formed the ABN. When Strauss came to the United States in the early 1970’s, Weyrich and Strauss’ Washington representative, Armin K. Haas, planned his schedule, including Capitol Hill appointments. Joseph Coors also helped Haas make new political contacts in Congress.[87]
As detailed by Russ Bellant in The Coors Connection, Jesse Helms’ political operative Tom Ellis formed the Leadership Coalition for Freedom Through Truth in 1987 with funding from the Pioneer Fund. Its board included Richard Schoff, a North Carolina businessman, who was a generous funder of the KKK.[88] Ellis was a member of The Conservative Caucus (TCC), which according to Bellant, “is among the most radical of reactionary groups in the US.” The TCC was funded by Coors and headed by Joseph Phillips. The Caucus created the Citizens Cabinet Organization Committee, which included Heritage president Frank Walton, Paul Weyrich, Richard Viguerie and a number of leading members of the John Birch Society, including its president Larry McDonald.[89] The TCC also shared members with the United Council for World Freedom of Secret Team member Major General John K. Singlaub, the American branch of the WACL, financially supported by Joseph Coors. USCWF and the Nicaraguan Refugee Fund, another Coor’s cause, helped fund the Nicaraguan contras.[90]
The Tower Commission revealed that also part of the Iran-Contra funding network was the Western Goals Foundation, founded by J. Peter Grace in 1979 and John Singlaub, and sponsored by Henry Regnery and Nelson Bunker Hunt, son of H.L Hunt.[91] Western Goals was also associated to Reinhard Gehlen, with whom they shared a connection with the Order of the Knights of Malta (SMOM). J. Peter Grace was also chairman of the Knights of Malta in the United States, as well as belonging to the CFR, and key figure in in Operation Paperclip.[92] Grace’s company, W. R. Grace & Company, was founded by Peter’s grandfather, William Grace, who was a close associate of George de Mohrenschildt. After the end of World War II, de Mohrenschildt moved to Venezuela where he worked for Pantepec Oil, a company with abundant connections with the newly created CIA, and owned by the family of SMOM and Skull and Bones member, William F. Buckley.
Roy Cohn also became a principal figure in its intelligence gathering operation the Western Goals Foundation. Like the Safari Club created with the Saudis, Western Goals was set up to side-step restrictions imposed after the Watergate and COINTELPRO revelations. As a consequence, intelligence files passed into the hands of “retired” officers and their most trusted operatives. Many of these officers, like John Rees and Congressman Larry McDonald, were members of the WACL, the John Birch Society and similar organizations, and joined Singlaub in forming the Western Goals Foundation in 1979. Western Goals acquired a reputation of acting as a “clearinghouse” for some police departments whose intelligence-collecting functions were restricted by laws such as the Freedom of Information Act.[93]
In 1979, Paul Weyrich, Paul Dolan, Richard Viguerie and Howard Phillips persuaded rising televangelist Jerry Falwell to form the Moral Majority in 1979, signaling the birth of the Christian Right.[94] Falwell was a close ally of the ASC, and part of the ASC’s Peace Through Strength campaign in 1983, along with ASC president John Fisher and General J. Milnor Roberts. Falwell’s Religious Council of 56 included General Daniel O. Graham and Clay Claiborne of the ASC, Larry McDonald of Western Goals and Nelson Bunker Hunt. Fisher was described by the Religious Roundtable as a “close friend,” as was Joseph Coors, who served on the board of the American Security Council Foundation (ASCF) through the 1980s.[95]
Viguerie was also a member of the George Town Club, which was the base of Edwin Wilson’s pedophile and blackmail operation.[96] During Koreagate, Viguerie had been involved with South Korean lobbyist Tongsun Park and the Korean CIA. In 1979, shortly after he retired from the CIA, Ted Schackley’s associate Tom Clines moved the offices of EATSCO to 7777 Leesburg Pike, as tenants of Viguerie. “The reality is that 7777 Leesburg Pike became the headquarters for the private CIA,” said former Cappucci employee Mike Pilgrim.[97] The George Town Club was founded by Tongsun Park with high-powered Washington lobbyist, Robert Keith Gray, whom John DeCamp asserted was a specialist in homosexual blackmail operations for the CIA. Together with ASC strategy board member General Robert Richardson, Gray also served on the board of Consultants International, one of Wilson’s front companies.[98] Gray’s personal secret that made them vulnerable to requests from the intelligence community, it was a secret history of homosexuality.[99] Gray was investigated in 1982 by a House Ethics Committee concerning allegations of “using drugs and sexual activity to lobby Congressman.”[100]
Gray was reported to have collaborated with Roy Cohn.[101] Cohn admitted to NYPD detective James Rothstein that he was part of an elaborate sexual blackmail operation that compromised politicians with child prostitutes, carried out as part of an anticommunist crusade. According to Rothstein, “Cohn’s job was to run the little boys. Say you had an admiral, a general, a congressman, who did not want to go along with the program. Cohn’s job was to set them up, then they would go along. Cohn told me that himself.”[102]
Maury Terry, author of The Ultimate Evil, linked Cohn to the Son of Sam serial killer. Terry gathered compelling evidence that the cult behind the Son of Sam crimes was the satanic group known as The Process Church of the Final Judgment which he also implicated in the Charles Manson murders. Terry portrayed The Process as being the major player behind a vast Satanic underground network that dealt in pornography, drugs, and ritual murder. According to Berkowitz, The Process provided children for sex at parties held by wealthy people in Westchester, Manhattan, Connecticut, and Long Island. Berkowitz informed Terry that one of these parties were held at Cohn’s house in Connecticut. Additionally, two further witnesses maintained that occasionally present at these parties were a Yonkers judge, at least two Westchester County politicians, a high-ranking New York state politician, a celebrated but later-murdered physician, a Nobel Prize-winning doctor, and two aides to then-mayor of New York City Abraham Beame.[103]
Gray was the chairman and CEO of Hill & Knowlton, one of the two biggest public relations firms in the world, with such blue-chip clients such as AT&T, IBM, Xerox, and DuPont. CBS’s 60 Minutes has called Hill & Knowlton. Notable clients of Gray & Company, which Gray established in 1981 after leaving Hill & Knowlton, included Saudi billionaire and Iran-Contra arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, the government of Haiti under Duvalier, American, the Teamsters Union, and Reverend Moon. Gray also joined the board of the board of BCCI after its acquisition of First American Bank. According to an affidavit filed by Daniel Sheehan for the Christic Institute, when Edwin Meese, Vice President Bush, CIA director Bill Casey, national security adviser Robert McFarlane, and Oliver North were devising a strategy to circumvent Congress to arm the Contras, they turned to Gray & Company.[104]
Pearson was forced to leave Heritage after the Washington Post exposed the racist and fascist orientation of the WACL. Pearson was criticized for the presence in the WACL of neo-Nazis, war criminals, and people linked to death squads and assassinations.[105] According to William H. Tucker, he “used this opportunity to fill the WACL with European Nazis—ex-officials of the Third Reich and Nazi collaborators from other countries during the war as well as new adherents to the cause—in what one journalist called ‘one of the greatest fascist blocs in postwar Europe.’”[106] In that same year, Pearson hosted the 11th annual conference of the WCAL, which included representatives of the Gladio-linked Italian Social Movement (MSI), the Liberty Lobby and the Nouvelle Ecole.[107] Pearson’s connection with other organizations continued, and as late as 1986 Covert Action criticized his continued association with James Jesus Angleton, General Robert C. Richardson and other American Security Council members.[108]
The US chapter of WACL, the United States Council for World Freedom (USCWF), was founded in 1981 by Singlaub. Singlaub, along with John Birch society members like Cleon Skousen and J. Peter Grace were also members of the Council for National Policy (CNP). Among CNP’s founding members were: Tim LaHaye, then the head of the Moral Majority, Nelson Bunker Hunt, Joseph Coors and Paul Weyrich. Members of the CNP have also included Rev. Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Senator Trent Lott, former United States Attorneys General Ed Meese and John Ashcroft, gun-rights activist Larry Pratt, Col. Oliver North and philanthropist Else Prince, mother of Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater USA. CNP members have supported legislation proposed by the Church of Scientology, and John Singlaub is also a member of the national policy board of the American Freedom Coalition, a political organization with extensive ties to the Unification Church.
On Target
Julian Amery (1919 – 1996), member of the Conservative Monday Club, president of Le Cercle, and son of Leo Amery, who was designated by Lord Alfred Milner to succeed him in guiding the Round Table group, also helped draft the Balfour Declaration.
On Target is the magazine of the white supremacist group, the “anti-semitic and white supremacist” British League of Rights, an offshoot of the Australian League of Rights founded in 1971. In the early 1970s, the British League came under the direction of Don Martin, a former member of the Australian Young Liberals. The General Secretary of the British League was Conservative Monday Club member Lady Jane Birdwood (1913 – 2000). Born Joan Pollock Graham, Birdwood was a far-right political activist in the United Kingdom who took part in a number of movements, and was described as the “largest individual distributor of racist and antisemitic material” in Britain.[109] Through her work with the Association of Ukrainians, she came into contact with such groups as the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN) and befriended OUN leader Yaroslav Stetsko.[110]
The Conservative Monday Club had links to Le Cercle president Brian Crozier, who created his intelligence network The 61 with funding from both the CIA and the Heritage Foundation.[111] According to David Teacher, the “co-organisers” of the Cercle were “dissident veterans of the Anglo-American intelligence community – rogue agents”: Ted Shackley; Nicholas Elliott, ex-senior man in MI6 whose close friends included James Jesus Angleton, Kim Philby and Miles Copeland; Donald Jameson a veteran of the CIA’s Directorate of Operations; and the leader of the group, Brian Crozier, a British intelligence agent and journalist who succeeded Jean Violet as chairman of Le Cercle in 1980.[112]
Crozier’s friend Frank Barnett of the National Strategy Information Center (NSIC) persuaded Richard Mellon Scaife, who funded the Heritage Foundation, to also fund a London-based CIA propaganda operation called Forum World Features (FWF). In 1965, the CIA decided to use the CCF to create a new propaganda outlet, the FWF, chaired by Crozier, which would become one of the CIA’s main covert propaganda outlets. Initial control of FWF ran via two CIA officers, one of whom was CCF President Michael Josselson. The legal and financial infrastructure for FWF was provided by one of the CIA’s “quiet channels,” millionaire John Hay Whitney, former member of the OSS, former US Ambassador to Britain and future publisher of the International Herald Tribune.[113]
The Monday Club was set up within the Conservative party in 1961 to bring together defenders of South African Apartheid and White Rhodesia, in opposition to the decolonization and immigration policies of Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. A member and later patron of the Conservative Monday Club was Julian Amery, prominent MP on the Conservative Right with a long history of extensive intelligence, who succeeded Brian Crozier as president of Le Cercle. Julian’s father Leo Amery, who was of Hungarian Jewish descent, and also an active Freemason,[114] was designated by Lord Alfred Milner to succeed him in guiding the Round Table group.[115] Leo Amery also helped draft the Balfour Declaration. Julian’s brother, John Amery, British Free Corps (BFC), a unit of the Waffen-SS made up of British and Dominion prisoners of war who had been recruited by Germany. John was eventually hanged for treason for his recruitment efforts and propaganda broadcasts for Nazi Germany.
Julian Amery attended the founding conference organized by Arthur Koestler in Berlin of the CIA-front, the Congress for Cultural Freedom, and served on its International Steering Committee. At the time, Amery was also one of the leading members of the Central and Eastern Europe Commission of the European Movement.[116] Another Monday Club associate was Amery’s Private Secretary as Housing Minister, Sir Winston Churchill. Amery would also become a consultant to BCCI, which CIA assistant director Robert Gates once referred to jokingly as the “Bank of Crooks and Criminals.”[117] Julian was also a good friend of David Stirling, founder of the SAS, with whom he helped orchestrate British involvement in the North Yemen Civil War with Saudi funding.[118]
One of the Monday Club’s earliest members was Sir John Biggs-Davison, a Conservative MP who had served on the PEU Central Council with Otto von Habsburg and Florimond Damman, founder of the Academie Européenne des Sciences Politiques (AESP) funded by Carlo Pesenti, a close friend of Le Cercle founder Antoine Pinay. Also included was George Kennedy Young, a Deputy Chief of MI6 who was involved with the CIA’s Project Ajax, the coup against Mossadeq in Iran in 1953. Another early member was Geoffrey Stewart-Smith, later a Conservative MP from 1970 to 1974, who had founded the Foreign Affairs Circle, the British section of the WACL.[119]
By 1974, the British League of Rights became the British chapter of the WACL replacing Geoffrey Stewart-Smith’s Foreign Affairs Circle, which claimed to have left due to the Anti-Communist League’s anti-semitism.[120] In 1975 the British League established an association with the Britons Publishing Company. Although not officially connected, the League of Rights had links to the neo-Nazi National Front and during the leadership of John Tyndall articles that appeared in League of Rights publications were regularly reprinted in Tyndall’s organ Spearhead.[121] Tyndall was an admirer of Sir Oswald Mosley, a devotee of Aleister Crowley and the founder of the British Union of Fascists.[122] Tyndall was a former deputy to Colin Jordan of the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement in the early 1960s, and corresponded with Savitri Devi, renowned exponent of “esoteric hitlerlism” and a founding member of WUNS. In 1963, Tyndall eventually fell out with Jordan over Françoise Dior— the former wife of a French nobleman and the niece of the French fashion designer Christian Dior—who, though originally engaged to Tyndall, hastily married Jordan who had been released from prison before him, to avoid being expelled from Britain as an undesirable alien.
Nexus Magazine
Icke has been closely associated with antisemitic New Age periodicals such as Rainbow and Ark Nexus, magazine which is financed by far-right activists and affiliated with the National Front.[123] In his book The Robots’ Rebellion (1994), Icke calls Nexus “incomparable” and “excellent.” Nexus’ range of topics cover “prophecies, UFOs, Big Brother, the unexplained, suppressed technology, hidden history and more.” Although formerly concerned primarily with Green issues and Third World causes, Nexus took up the subject of the U.S. Patriot movement under its new editor Duncan M. Roads.
In 1989, Roads visited Mouamar Gadaffi in Libya. According to Australian journalist David Greason, he is a close friend of Robert Pash, a supporter of Libya and the Australian contact for the Aryan Nations network in the late 1970s and distributed material of the Ku Klux Klan. Alan Myers, of Australia’s Green Left Weekly, said that Pash was also part of the Australian League of Rights.[124] In the late 1980s, Pash was the Australian distributor for Gadaffi’s Green Book, and was in contact with the National Front, acting as a conduit for their attempts to make political contacts with the Libyan regime. Among Pash’s other introductions to Libya is John Bennett, president of the Australian Civil Liberties Union, and an associate of Holocaust denier David Irving and Willis Carto. Bennet serves on the editorial committee of Carto’s Journal of Historical Review.[125]
In the mid-1990, issues of Nexus have included the call by Linda Thompson, self-proclaimed “adjutant-general” of the American militias, for a march on Washington to arrest and try Congressmen for treason. Icke appeared at a 1994 Nexus conference in Amsterdam at which Thompson was billed as a star speaker. It was Thompson who produced the Waco video that influenced Timothy McVeigh, the perpetrator of the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. Nexus distributes the video, and even produced a special version for Europe.
Others influenced by Nexus’ pro-militia line were the leaders of the Gladio-connected Order of the Solar Temple, a UFO cult that claims to be based upon the ideals of the Knights Templar, and who referred to articles in the magazine just before they committed mass suicide in Switzerland on October 5, 1994.[126] The Solar Temple was founded in 1984 by Gladio-operative Luc Jouret with Joseph di Mambro, a member of the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosæ Crucis (AMORC), founded in 1915 by Harvey Spencer Lewis, derived from the Ordo Templi Orientis of Aleister Crowley, the godfather of twentieth-century Satanism.[127] The Solar Temple was officially recognized by Prince Rainier III of Monaco, member of the P2 Masonic lodge behind the Gladio operation, with his wife Princess Grace Kelly becoming a member.[128]
In 1981, Jouret had become acquainted with Julien Origas, founder of Renovated Order of the Temple (ORT).[129] Some reports have claimed that Origas was a Nazi SS member during WWII.[130] Origas also reconstructed the teachings his Renewed Order of the Temple (ORT) based on the I AM Religious Activity. Origas’ idea of creating the ORT was embraced by Raymond Bernard, Grand Master of AMORC and the organization’s leading figure in France in the 1970s. All but two of the purported Grand Masters of the Priory of Sion are also found on lists of alleged “Imperators” and “distinguished members” of AMORC, and most of the names found in the fictitious List of Priory of Sion Grand Masters originate from a document compiled by Raymond Bernard, a friend of Pierre Plantard, who fabricated the hoax.[131]
The ORT was closely associated with the Ordre Souverain du Temple Solaire (OSTS), which was founded at the chateau of Arginy in the Beaujolais region of France in 1952. OSTS’ origins date back to the so called “Arginy Renaissance.” In 1952, the same year that Puharich made contact with the Council of Nine, Breyer began to communicate with The Nine at Arginy, identifying them with the souls of the nine founding knights of the Knights Templar.[132] Breyer drew substantially on Alice Bailey’s ideas, and Di Mambro himself used Bailey’s Great Invocation to commence OTS ceremonies.[133] According to the Solar Temple, the star Sirius was the home of a number of Ascended Masters, also known as the Great White Brotherhood, who came to earth and inhabited Agartha.[134]
Origas was also a member the “L’Ordre Vert” (Green Order) and the Internationale Luciferienne (“Luciferian International”).[135] Andre Wautier, a French author and Theosophist, claimed that in 1945 members of the Thule Society and the Brotherhood Polaires founded a new Order, the Green Order, whose adherents honor Lucifer, Mithra, Kali, and Lilith.[136] On May 14, 1975, the representatives of the various Luciferian associations were present in Brussels, made a pact with Lug to prepare the advent of a “Luciferian International.”[137]
Nexus’ British agent, who, like the Rainbow Ark group, was at the launch of Icke’s book, unselfconsciously provided further shocking details of this growing anti-Semitic propaganda network. Sitting in Nexus’ UK office, he eagerly displayed his copy of the Protocols of Zion, as reported Matthew Kalman and John Murray, in a 1995 article for the New Statesman & Society, and spoke admiringly of David Irving. As he began to describe the “global conspiracy,” the authors explained, he claimed to have helped Icke with a chapter in his forthcoming book, which also called into question the facts of the holocaust.[138]
The editor of London-based New Age magazine Rainbow Ark has steered Icke toward meetings with militant US patriots, and recommended Bloomfield Books. The same editor has hinted at their manipulation of Icke, by suggesting Icke wasn’t “ready for this yet,” referring to a spoof document entitled Further Protocols, outlining plans of “secret Zionism” for the “Goyim.”[139] Rainbow Ark maintains an influential relationship with Icke, printing excerpts of his work and helping to organize his lectures and meetings. The magazine betrays a wide range of far-right links. In particular is Donald Martin, of the British League of Rights who has published in Spearhead, the magazine of John Tyndall, leader of the British National Party, who regards Martin as his ally in opposing immigration.[140] In 2004, Tyndall joined in signing the New Orleans Protocol, written by David Duke, former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. In an attempt to overcome the divisiveness that had followed the death of William Pierce in 2002, Duke presented a unity proposal for peace within the movement. His proposal, now known as the New Orleans Protocol, pledged adherents to a pan-European outlook, recognizing national and ethnic allegiance, but stressing the value of all European peoples. The Protocol was signed by and sponsored by a number of white supremacist leaders and organizations, including Don Black and Willis Carto.
Left to right: John B. Alexander, Permindex member Gordon Novel, and John’s wife Victoria.
Vallely’s MindWar article, co-authored with Michael Aquino, argued for the application of Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) and “psychotronics” at the national level both in the target country and at home. Their paper was inspired by an article written earlier in the year, titled “The New Mental Battlefield,” by John B. Alexander, one of the chief architects of the CIA’s remote viewing program known as Operation Stargate. Vallely and Aquino wrote:
Psychotronic research is in its infancy, but the U.S. Army already possesses an operational weapons systems designed to do what LTC Alexander would like ESP to do – except that this weapons system uses existing communications media. It seeks to map the minds of neutral and enemy individuals and then to change them in accordance with U.S. national interests. It does this on a wide scale, embracing military units, regions, nations, and blocs. In its present form it is called Psychological Operations (PSYOP).
Alexander and C.B. Scott Jones are members of what is called “the Aviary,” a group of intelligence and Department of Defense officers and scientists involved MILABS operations—black operations by rogue military-intelligence units who are said to stalk, harass, terrorize, kidnap, drug, gang-rape and mind-rape innocent civilians, using hypnotic mind-control programming to implant a false post-hypnotic “memory” that the episode was an “alien abduction.”[141] Each member of the Aviary bears a bird’s name. Alexander, the leader, is “Penguin” while Jones is “Falcon” and Hal Puthoff is “Owl”. Others include Ron Pandolphi (“Pelican”), who is a PhD in physics and works at the Rocket and Missile section of the Office of the Deputy Director of Science and Technology, CIA.
Alexander was director of the Advanced Theoretical Physics Working Group (ATPWG), which also included United States Army Colonel Philip J. Corso. SRI remote-viewer Hal Puthoff and Corso have both claimed that the ATPWG “operated at the highest levels of government.”[142] Corso was a former military intelligence officer under General Charles Willoughby, ASC member, Shickshinny Knight and Black Eagle Fund conspirator implicated in the JFK assassination.[143] In 1961, he became Chief of the Pentagon’s Foreign Technology desk in Army Research and Development. In this position, Corso claims to have supposedly been assigned to oversee the reverse engineering material recovered from crashed alien spacecraft, resulting in several technological breakthroughs, including accelerated particle beam devices, fiber optics, lasers, computer chips and Kevlar. With help from William J. Birnes, Corso published The Day After Roswell in 1997, with a forward from Strom Thurmond. Their book claims that an extraterrestrial spacecraft crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947 and was recovered by the United States government who then sought to cover up the evidence. The book concludes with reproduction of information about Project Horizon, a 1950s US Army plan for bases on the moon.
In amongst the many disturbing revelations in Netflix’s recent two-part documentary series, Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story, keen viewers would also have caught a brief glimpse of the creepy Savile sitting next to a youthful, permed David Icke on the set of the BBC program Breakfast Time. This brief footage cropped up during a segment focusing on Breakfast Time’s anchor Selina Scott who was recalling her uncomfortable encounters with Savile on that program in the 1980s. The reaction of a number of viewers, though, was to focus on the sheer bizarreness of Savile, Icke and the disgraced Frank Bough, all sharing the same couch with Scott (Figure 1). Missing from this bemused commentary was recognition that David Icke had once denied that an encounter like this had ever taken place. Looking beyond the grim humour of the moment, this few seconds of footage refuted one of the pillars of Icke’s claims to being both ignorant of and separated from Savile while at the BBC.
Figure 1: Couch-Surfing with Jimmy, David and Frank
As I detailed in this earlier post, Icke made a number of dubious claims in 2011-12 that he had known about Jimmy Savile’s countless sexual crimes before the mainstream media, but had only heard about them after he had left the BBC. Icke had also mounted a successful campaign to create the impression that he had been a lone voice warning about Savile’s depravations as far back as the 1990s. Incredibly, this evidence-free claim that was embraced by journalists in the Sunday Express and The Independent, as well as by Icke’s thousands of supporters, despite there being no mention of Savile in any of his books or other writings and media, before Savile’s death. Many well-meaning Icke fans nevertheless believed that Icke had exposed Savile’s crimes in one of his books before the star of Jim’ll Fix It met his demise; though mysteriously no one could find any reference to Savile. Icke also made a more explicit claim to having told “anyone who would listen”, to having tried to “circulate”, this information about Savile. Though, tellingly, Icke then and now has failed to provide any evidence about who he allegedly told.
Part of Icke’s effort to distance himself from any charges he was yet another BBC employee who had heard the rumours or worse about Savile, and done nothing, was to insist he had only found out about Savile from a non-BBC source after he had finished his TV career. In one piece of commentary on his website in November 2012, for example, Icke not only claimed to have learned the truth about Savile from a “royal insider”, but he also denied having ever met Savile while they both worked at the BBC:
Curiously this explicit claim has not been repeated in Icke’s subsequent writings about Savile. In fact, this posting is no longer on his website and can only be accessed through the Wayback Machine. Only in his 2016 book Phantom Self, does Icke attempt to resurrect a version of this claim. This occurred in his rebuke to commentary, presumably from myself and others, about whether Icke had heard rumours about Savile’s activities while he was at the BBC, given that (as Icke admits in one of his books) “Savile was well known as a paedophile by many police officers and BBC employees throughout most of his decades of child abuse…” (The Perception Deception, Vol.1, p.285). Icke’s explanation implicitly suggests, not only was he not around to hear the rumours about Savile, but their paths probably did not cross because they worked in different parts of the BBC:
I have seen some Phantom Self idiots claim on the Internet that I must have known about Savile when I worked at the BBC in the 1980s but this based on the usual ignorance about the size of the BBC and how I worked – almost entirely from home or on location – for a completely different area of the corporation. My knowledge about Savile came from Christine Fitzgerald not the BBC (Phantom Self, pp.188-189; emphasis added).
It seems there may be a good reason for Icke’s coyness on this matter. In the 2016 Jimmy Savile Investigation Report by Dame Judith Smith it was noted that:
In addition to his core work on BBC Television and Radio, Savile made countless guest appearances on a wide variety of programmes such as The Generation Game, Swap Shop, Breakfast Time, Children in Need, The Time of your Life, and Daytime Live (Report, p.238).
Coincidentally, David Icke happened to be sports news presenter for Breakfast Time from 1983 through to 1985 (Figure 2). It might be reasonable to suppose that if Savile was a regular visitor to such programs, then perhaps Icke and Savile’s paths had crossed.
Figure 2: David Icke the ‘TV Celebrity’ on BBC’s Breakfast Time
And thanks to the Netflix documentary about Jimmy Savile we now know for certain that they did indeed meet at the BBC on Breakfast Time (Figure 3). Maybe it only happened that single time, although Savile apparently made quite a few appearances on that program raising the possibility of more couch-sharing moments. But contrary to the bold declaration Icke made in 2012, he and Savile did meet at the BBC in the 1980s, and this revelation exposes yet again why Icke is an unreliable and untrustworthy source.
Figure 3: “I never met Jimmy Savile at the BBC…”
One might easily dismiss this revelation as trivial and attribute Icke’s false claim to an unfortunate memory lapse. Perhaps. But why after making that explicit claim in 2012 did Icke avoid making it again? Why hasn’t he written about his encounter with Savile in the same vein as his supposedly supernatural encounters with Jimmy Carter and Edward Heath? Didn’t he feel anything weird when he met with Jimmy Savile on Breakfast Time? But what conclusion should we draw about Icke’s curious omission, including his curious failure to acknowledge this? We could just let it go as an innocent (yet uncorrected and unacknowledged) failure of memory; or we could adopt the same standard Icke applied to Savile over the latter’s apparently false claim in 2008 that he hadn’t visited the notorious Haut de la Garenne children’s home on Jersey.1 According to Icke: “Savile denied any knowledge of ever being at the home, but a picture surfaced of him there to show that he was lying” (Perception Deception, p.288; emphasis added). This sentence could easily be completed in the same way: “Icke denied meeting Savile at the BBC, but pictures have surfaced to show that he was…….” But we cannot be as certain about Icke’s motives for not remembering as he was about Savile’s recollection issues.
Perhaps Icke will revisit this issue in his next lengthy book, with an explanation for this apparent oversight as part of the new content. Although it is more likely it, too, will be cast down the memory hole, along with David Icke’s dubious Freedom Foundation; the financial and ethical fiasco that was The People’s Voice, Icke’s TV and radio venture; his former collaborators Royal Adams and Sean Adl-Tabatabai;2 and psychic Betty Shine’s public disassociation from Icke’s grandiose claims in 1991.3
1 Savile had taken legal action against the Rupert Murdoch-owned The Sun newspaper in 2008 for implying that he was somehow involved in the child abuse that had allegedly occurred at the children’s home. His lawyers issued a carefully qualified non-denial about whether Savile had ever visited the home: “[Savile] has no recollection of visiting the home over 30 years ago and any such visit would have been unexceptional” (quoted in The Lawyer, Mar. 17, 2008). Subsequent official enquiries after his death implicated Savile in a number of incidents of child abuse at Haut de la Garenne.
2 On the basis of hand-shake deal, Royal Adams was for a few years in charge of distributing Icke’s books in the US, until Icke realized Adams was stealing most of his profits. Icke took Adams to court to recover the money, winning his case, while Adams was sent to prison for tax evasion (St Louis Post-Dispatch, Jun. 11, 2008). Icke had dedicated a number of books to Adams. Sean Adl-Tabatabai served as David Icke’s webmaster and later co-founder of The People’s Voice. There was a dedication to Adl-Tabatabai in Icke’s The Perception Deception (2013). After the failure of the TPV, the relationship broken down and Adl-Tabatabai left to establish a new career as purveyor of a “fake news.”
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