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The Drax campaigners well out of line

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paul wright

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 12:20 am    Post subject: The Drax campaigners well out of line Reply with quote

They say it's so polluting and giving out greenhouse gases. I'm sure a conversion to low energy lightbulbs would be a help - I've got them and they seem to last a long time
Ruppert says peak oil and we're all doomed
Some say the greenhouse gases given out in the Mount Helena explosion equalled the total output from the Industrial Revolution but still the Earth managed to resolve that in a few years
AJ says the climate change is a natural part of the cycles of warming and cooling, and that the environmentalists are a part of the crackdown with responders in your cars and payment by the mileage. Surveillance and control by the environmental cause
I was charged with being a Rockefeller-funded environmentalist once, and I'd agree I was in that particular case, though having no access to Rockefeller funds, unfotunately
Is the Climate Change camp symptomatic of a clampdown on personal freedom?
Why do I find that the uprate of the Schumann resonance might be a better explanation of global warming than the greenhouse gas effect?
Why do I find the smoking ban an abhorrent intrusion on personal freedom while finding the tobacco and oil and other exploitive corporations guilty of corruption and complicity?
Why do I find a comrade saying that the thousands of years half-life nuclear is must to avoid all that gw?
Why is this pissing me off so much?

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Dr Doom
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The problem with peak oil is, all the crucial data required to determine whether it is a real imminent danger, or a manufactured scam is confidential. So there is no way of proving one way or the other.

At school I remember being told that we were forecast to run out by 2050, peak oil fits in with that fact, assuming what they said is true.

I read Mike Ruppert's book about 18 months ago, and it was quite a shocking read for me to be quite honest, when you hear Alex Jones say these elites are insane, they want to kill 85% of us, he makes it easy to dismiss him. But when you see the bare facts, behind why these elites might decide they need to kill 85% of the worlds population it is quite a scary thought.

Another thought I had was that maybe we are running out of oil, but that doesn't excuse the fact that the oil industry has been responsible for suppressing alternative technologies for the entire time that they have monopolised cheap energy, obviously Rockefeller has been a key player in this area from the beginning.

It does seem like an awfully convienient excuse to plunge the world into the dark depths of WW3, and consolidate the global population into a size managable under a new world order system.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 3:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


My gosh I actually find myself agreeing with you. I wonder about the near future, say 2015, when all our cars have these transponders, supposedly put in place at least partly for environmental reason. Conveniently the government and god knows who else can track your whereabouts 24/7. What if then a new clean technology with zero environmental consequences is invented to power cars (as is often mooted). The uptake is massive and everyone can enjoy unlimited motoring with no guilt concerning the environment (although personally I've never had any guilt anyway). Will the government then decide to stop the transponder scheme, hmmm, I wonder? The green lobby has often struck me as having autocratic tendencies, being very good at telling people what they should and should not do, dressed up of course in a politically correct cloak. Is it all part and parcel of the same thing? I mean if you reduce the mobility of the masses, surely your control of them increases correspondingly?
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 3:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Even if you think that Co2 is causing global warming it's clear that the government plans to use it as an excuse to track and trace us through a high tech control grid costing billions to set up and maintain. It's a great way for them to steal our money and give it to their corporate masters who will get the lucrative contracts while forcing the poorest off the roads and others out of jobs onto welfare. I think it's called the techno-feudal society.

I don't doubt that phoney environmental agendas have been pushed while the real ones like GM is hardly mentioned.

Apparently the ultimate goal is to enshrine environmentalism as a one world relegion thereby instituting a kind of social darwinist, brave new world type system which permits any violation against the individual.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 2:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Definitely. When I researched 'Global Warming' in the 1990's the results were.... inconclusive. There was no agreement amongst the scientific community as to what was happening, why it was happening or even if it was happening at all.

It does however provide Mr Blairs government with an awfully convenient excuse to keep track of people and eventually reduce their mobility, ultimately restricting transportation to the elite. It goes cap in hand with many of the other sub-plots perpetrated by this, the worst government in British history. For example their policy of squeezing the housing market by allowing in far too many immigrants, people are so busy paying their mortgages they have no time to think about everything else. Their policy on crime reduction, their education policies, I could go on.

I used to be a sceptic, but things are becoming clearer.....
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marky 54
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 8:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

i totally disagree that the draxx campaigners were out of line. by the time the power produced reach our homes from these powerplants two 3rds of the energy is lost, which means they are not as efficent as you might think, the goverment dont seem to be making these stations more efficent yet are the only ones who can. draxx emits 20million tons of co2 a year, and with only one 3rd of that power reaching our homes roughly 13million tons of co2 a year are being added to the problem of global warming which is just wasted. if the goverment worked to make them more effcient they would cut 13 million tons of co2 in that one power station alone as all power produced would reach us with no wastage, meaning less coal would need to be burnt and making our energy stockpile last longer. technology is there to make what we have more efficent thus doubling the outage capacity of draxx whilst halving the c02 output. the goverment needs to take responsibility to, not all co2's are down to peoples bad choices in lifestyle, some things we carnt avoid unless the goverment pull there finger out to, same with companies who profit from products that pollute our planet. or are we saying the only responsibility lies with those who have no power and little money, and didnt build these damned things in the first place.
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James C
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 3:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I believe that peak oil is happening now and I don't agree that the proof of this is being covered up. The figures are out there for all to see, it's just that the politicians and mainstream media as usual will not discuss it. There is a great website called oildrum which looks at each new piece of data very carefully and some of its conclusions are stark.

Peak oil theory has been around since the mid 1950's since Hubbert invented it. The US peaked in supply in 1970 and now produces half of what it once was able to. The UK peaked in 1999 and most other countries have peaked except for the Middle East. The CIA went public with their findings that the Middle East would peak in oil production sometime at the turn of the new millenium - the only thing was that they revealed this information at public hearings in congress during the Watergate scandel so few people were listening (Source: Twilight in the Desert (book) by Matt Simmons). That time of course is now.

I don't believe that this event is being used as a convenient reason for hiking up prices and plunging the world into chaos although I agree that the oil companies will exploit it for all it is worth. I think it's quite simply greed and denial which has led us to create a situation where drastic measures are called for by politicians who do not want to lose face and be accused of inaction over the past years despite the warnings from geologists and petroleum engineers of this problem. Basically its too late to react effectively to falling oil production and the world's leaders know it. Fighting for oil and creating subterfuge using the 'war on terror' tagline to prevent too much public outcry is now their only choice.

Peak oil theory is not about oil running out - there's masses of the stuff (far more than we've consumed already). It's about production being limited by geology. Basically, the world has consumed most of the easy to extract oil (sweet crude) and only the hard to extract, difficult to refine oil is left (sour crude) which although plentiful cannot be turned into usuable oil fast enough to cope with demand. And when demand outstrips supply, economies across the globe will suffer and wars will begin. 9/11 was, in my mind, the first calling shot in the great oil war which will dominate everything for the next 50 years or so. This is not to condone the 9/11 event since it wasn't done for the benefit of the US people but for the benefit of the US elite who without oil would be nothing.

Unfortunately, climate change is another problem which will compound the oil wars. In reality, coal will probably make a big come back to cope with the shortfalls created by peak oil and this will add further to climate change. Either way, the future does not look too rosy.
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Dr Doom
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

James C,

I largely agree with what you say, except there isn't conclusive proof
that it is an imminent threat.
Go to any peak oil meeting, and the researchers say this themselves,
the data just isn't available to know anything with any degree of certainty.

I can see where guys like Alex Jones and Greg Pallast are coming from when they say that it is an oil company conspiracy.
There are documents that Pallast dug up stating that invading Iraq was to quote "enhance OPEC".

Another very suspicious thing about the peak oil movement is Matt Simmons is a CFR member,
which is central to most Illuminati conspiracy theories.

Having said that there are huge gaps in Jones & Pallasts "proof"
that peak oil is a wholly manufactured scam.
Just because the objective in Iraq was control of the oil,
does not automatically mean peak oil isn't real.

From watching Jones interview Pallast they really didn't seem to get
Peak Oil at all. Judging by when they said we've got loads of (heavy)
oil. Peak oil, is not about running out of oil, it's about running out of
reasonably cheap oil.

At the end of the day, whether we really are in an unsolvable energy
situation, which requires WW3 and 85% population reduction,
or elites are just making it up for fun.

It's entirely their bloody fault, they had the power to invest money and
resources into alternative technologies, and they could also have changed
peoples' attitudes using the media which they also control.
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9/11 Truth critic
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 9:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Since I found out about 911, I have as a result discovered that we are being lied to about many other things such as Cancer, Aids, UFO's, Aspartame and the money system.

At school in religious education we are taught creation, then in the biology class we are taught evolution (both cannot be right).

My recollection from school is that oil was formed from the dead bodies of various creatures over millions of years.

This now puzzles me because most of the oil is miles under the ground - how did these creatures manage to die there or in some instances miles below the sea bed. I believe that this is a lie.

The centre of the earth is still molten as evidenced by volcanic eruptions,
we all know that the pressure of the earth can create diamonds - then why can these forces not produce oil? This would explain the mystery of why some oil reserves appear to be self replenishing.

Has anybody heard any other theories?

And please - no answers saying I'm a nutter - I already know that
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 11:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

There are lots of people who believe that oil is not formed from decaying plant/animal life.


The deposits of hydrocarbons in the crust of the Earth have long been regarded by many investigators as deriving from materials incorporated in the mantle at the time of the Earth's formation. Outgassing processes, active in all geological epochs, then transported the liquids and gases liberated there into porous rocks of the crust. The alternative viewpoint, that biological debris was the source material for all crustal hydrocarbons, gained widespread acceptance when molecules of clearly biological origin were found to be present in most commercial crude oils.

Modern information re-directs attention to the theories of a non-biological, primeval origin. Among this information is the prominence of hydrocarbons—gases, liquids and solids—on many other bodies of the solar system, as well as in interstellar space. Advances in high-pressure thermodynamics have shown that the pressure-temperature regime of the Earth would allow hydrocarbon molecules to be formed and to survive between the surface and a depth of 100 to 300 km. Outgassing from such depth would bring up other gases present in trace amounts in the rocks, thus accounting for the well known association of hydrocarbons with helium. Recent discoveries of the widespread presence of bacterial life at depth point to this as the origin of the biological content of petroleum. The carbon budget of the crust requires an outgassing process to have been active throughout the geologic record, and information from planets and meteorites, as well as from mantle samples, would suggest that methane rather than CO2 could be the major souce of surface carbon. Isotopic fractionation of methane in its migration through rocks is indicated by numerous observations, providing an alternative to biological processes that have been held responsible for such fractionation. Information from deep boreholes in granitic and volcanic rock of Sweden has given support to the theory of the migration of gas and oil from depth, to the occurrence of isotopic fractionation in migration, to an association with helium, and to the presence of microbiology below 4 km depth.

In favor of an origin from deeply buried materials incorporated in the Earth when it formed, the following observations have been cited:

(1) Petroleum and methane are found frequently in geographic patterns of long lines or arcs, which are related more to deep-seated large-scale structural features of the crust, than to the smaller scale patchwork of the sedimentary deposits.

(2) Hydrocarbon-rich areas tend to be hydrocarbon-rich at many different levels, corresponding to quite different geological epochs, and extending down to the crystalline basement that underlies the sediment. An invasion of an area by hydrocarbon fluids from below could better account for this than the chance of successive deposition.

(3) Some petroleums from deeper and hotter levels lack almost completely the biological evidence . Optical activity and the odd-even carbon number effect are sometimes totally absent, and it would be difficult to suppose that such a thorough destruction of the biological molecules had occurred as would be required to account for this, yet leaving the bulk substance quite similar to other crude oils.

(4) Methane is found in many locations where a biogenic origin is improbable or where biological deposits seem inadequate: in great ocean rifts in the absence of any substantial sediments; in fissures in igneous and metamorphic rocks, even at great depth; in active volcanic regions, even where there is a minimum of sediments; and there are massive amounts of methane hydrates (methane-water ice combinations) in permafrost and ocean deposits, where it is doubtful that an adequate quantity and distribution of biological source material is present.

(5) The hydrocarbon deposits of a large area often show common chemical or isotopic features, quite independent of the varied composition or the geological ages of the formations in which they are found. Such chemical signatures may be seen in the abundance ratios of some minor constituents such as traces of certain metals that are carried in petroleum; or a common tendency may be seen in the ratio of isotopes of some elements, or in the abundance ratio of some of the different molecules that make up petroleum. Thus a chemical analysis of a sample of petroleum could often allow the general area of its origin to be identified, even though quite different formations in that area may be producing petroleum. For example a crude oil from anywhere in the Middle East can be distinguished from an oil originating in any part of South America, or from the oils of West Africa; almost any of the oils from California can be distinguished from that of other regions by the carbon isotope ratio.

(6) The regional association of hydrocarbons with the inert gas helium, and a higher level of natural helium seepage in petroleum-bearing regions, has no explanation in the theories of biological origin of petroleum.

Another site http://www.gasresources.net/DisposalBioClaims.htm

There are lots more if you do a search.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 11:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Centralised control by a global fascist government is at the heart of proposed green authoritarianism. Just a few Greens are aware of this - the rest are blissfully ignorant. The jury is quite definitely out as regards global warming. IMHO it is a cycle the planet is going through - ask any geo-archaeologist. As regards oil, there is plenty still out there and 'they' know it - more to the point are the suppressed clean and free technologies and 'who' is doing the suppressing. Still, look on the bright side, once people are aware of what really happened on 9/11, the unraveling will begin and the house of cards will collapse. That's my penny's worth anyway!
Connect to Infinite Consciousness - enjoy the ride!
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 11:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

For what it's worth here is my twopenneth

1) The issues of peak oil have been discussed at some length on this thread


As those who have followed 9/11 and Mike Ruppert/Oilempire will know Peak oil is potentially a devisive issue amongst 9/11 campaigners, so it is worth reiterating that both peak oilers and non-peak oilers are v welcome here

2) Setting aside abiotic oil theories and working within the mainstream, I agree with Dr Doom that whether or not we face imminent peak oil really depends on whose oil reserves data you believe. Given the level of uncertainty and secrecy around oil reserve data and its global significance, demanding greater transparency as Simmons does, must be a priority.

Peak Oil is rising up the agenda. I know DFID have started taking an interest in the issue and there was a BBC radio 4 programme, driven by oil, just yesterday focussing on it

3) As for climate change, I (along with the vast majority of scientific opinion) reckon that man-made climate is a real enough phenomenon. Indeed I tend towards the belief that the risks of climate catastrophe are being greatly under played. There is mounting evidence to support the very real risk of sudden onset, runaway climate change and a precautionary approach demands urgent and radical action to reduce our impact on the climate.

In particular I draw your attention to the potential for global warming to generate “surprises”, or what IPCC refers to as “large-scale singular events”.

The House of Lords Select Committee on Economic Affairs report on ‘The Economics of Climate Change’ addresses this issue highlighting the consequences of the ‘gulf stream’ shutting down. One reason for being concerned about surprises, apart from their potential for large scale impacts, is that evidence suggests that some past climate change has occurred within very short periods of time.

In his evidence to the committee, Sir David King thought this shut-down process might take only a decade and that the temperature might fall by -20C in this country. He suggested the tipping point would be the disappearance of the Greenland ice sheet and estimated a global temperature rise of just 2C would cause this. Given that a sample of leading models averages a typical increase of 3C by 2100, this is surely grounds for serious concern.

4) However you look at it, the PTB will use crises (both real and manufactured) to try to drive forward their agenda, restrict our freedoms and increase their control.

Oil and energy is at the heart of their plans. Peak oil and energy insecurity(artificially created through the war on terror) pushes prices up and serves their agenda.

Oil is a curse both on the environment and on people especially in poor countries where it fuels corruption and war. Whether you accept imminent peak oil or human induced climate chaos as a reality, does not change the fact that we should move away from oil towards decentralised sustainable energy solutions that we have greater control over

The solutions are out there in technologies that have been suppressed by oil interests and approaches and thinking that moves us from battling with nature to living in harmony with it.

The key to making this shift is removing the power mad, fascist, globalist psychos from power and exposing the true depth of their lies and corruption to the wider public. 9/11 is a key, maybe the key, to kick starting this domino effect.
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James C
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dr Doom wrote:
James C,

I largely agree with what you say, except there isn't conclusive proof
that it is an imminent threat.
Go to any peak oil meeting, and the researchers say this themselves,
the data just isn't available to know anything with any degree of certainty.

I can see where guys like Alex Jones and Greg Pallast are coming from when they say that it is an oil company conspiracy.
There are documents that Pallast dug up stating that invading Iraq was to quote "enhance OPEC".

Another very suspicious thing about the peak oil movement is Matt Simmons is a CFR member,
which is central to most Illuminati conspiracy theories.

Having said that there are huge gaps in Jones & Pallasts "proof"
that peak oil is a wholly manufactured scam.
Just because the objective in Iraq was control of the oil,
does not automatically mean peak oil isn't real.

From watching Jones interview Pallast they really didn't seem to get
Peak Oil at all. Judging by when they said we've got loads of (heavy)
oil. Peak oil, is not about running out of oil, it's about running out of
reasonably cheap oil.

At the end of the day, whether we really are in an unsolvable energy
situation, which requires WW3 and 85% population reduction,
or elites are just making it up for fun.

It's entirely their bloody fault, they had the power to invest money and
resources into alternative technologies, and they could also have changed
peoples' attitudes using the media which they also control.

Hi Dr Doom,

Do you go on any of the peak oil forums only there is someone on one forum with the same name and who talks about 9/11?

To answer your first point, it really depends on who you listen to and on whether you are seeking a definite date or not. Colin Campbell and Kenneth Deffeyes (who have no affiliation with any elitist groups) are both quite explicit with their analysis of when the peak will be or was (in the case of Deffeyes). Campbells ASPO charts are pretty accurate I believe (world peak 2010). Deffeyes' mathematical analysis is pretty overwhelming also. Of course no date can be placed exactly (only history will do that) but the point is that a downturn will be likely sometime within the next few years and in the meantime the output will fluctuate depending on refinery capacity (which is also possibly at peak), price and seasonal demand.

If we extrapolate between the peak dates given by different analysts including the USGS, EIA, APSO and others it puts the event within 10 years and 10 years aint long. I remember events from 10 years ago like they happened yesterday. 9/11 was 5 years ago of course and here we are discussing it today. Then again, the peak could have happened last year as predicted by Deffeyes which you might say is just speculation but then that's what most people would say about the stuff that's being dicussed on this forum. Even if we take one of the best scenarios by the EIA which has claimed a peak in 2021 it assumes a modest growth in oil demand of 3% and a peak output of 133 million barrels per day which means increasing production capacity by 166%!. However, demand growth is likely to increase by greater than 3% and it is very doubtful that production will be able to increase that much, especially when half of all oil producing countries are now in decline and major oil discoveries peaked in the 1960's. It also assumes that technological advances will allow production and discoveries to increase although neither has done that significantly so far. THe USGS and EIA also stated that the Noth Sea would peak in 2006 yet it peaked in 1999 and is in serious decline.

As for you later points I agree with you totally. I think you have repeated what I said anyway.
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James C
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 6:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

blackcat wrote:
There are lots of people who believe that oil is not formed from decaying plant/animal life.


Abiotic oil could be true although there is no real proof - just conjecture. The old oil wells that appear to be re-filling are probably due to the remaining oil sinking and collecting at the base of the source rock. Why is there always still some beer left in an empty glass after drinking it? - could it be because the beer that is stuck to the sides of the glass has fallen to the bottom under gravity and pooled. Even Alex Jones keeps getting that wrong.

But if it were true, the length of time the earth needs to make oil will still not help to ameliorate the effects of peak oil. Peak oil is not about the end of oil, it is about a constraint on the current output of oil for geological reasons i.e only the hard to reach, hard to refine oil is left and that can't be pumped out and made commercially available as fast as required. If oil output declines then so does economic output since economic growth requires energy. Reduced energy = no economic growth = recession.

I for one have stopped paying into a pension. There's just no point. Modern pensions are tied up with the stock market and when oil production output starts to decline over the next 10 years it will cause a major and unrecoverable downturn in the stock market. Bang - there goes your pension. I won't retire for another 30 years and by then oil output will be very low.

No wonder the government wants ID cards and detention without trial. When economic collapse begins to happen they'll need all the tools they can lay their stupid hands on to maintain law and order. Remember the riots under Thatcher?
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Dr Doom
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Do you go on any of the peak oil forums only there is someone on one forum with the same name and who talks about 9/11?

Yeah that's me, I've been in many long arguments about 9/11.
Some people do get really upset and angry arguing about it, it is an
impossible argument to lose because the truth is on our side.

On the whole I've found peakoilers generally do not want to talk about it,
and say "it's bad for peak oil to be associated with wacky 9/11 conspiracy
theories". Similarly many 9/11ers are anti-peak-oil.

I think this is because believing in both things is incredibly depressing,
and people need to have hope that things can be changed for the better.

I think Deffeyes is looking forward to peak oil a bit too much, and his
mathematical analysis however impressive, is pretty meaningless unless
it is based on comprehensive and accurate data, which is not available.
End of suburbia, he is there saying peak oil has already happened in 2003.
His December 2005 prediction has also fallen flat on its face.

Campbell was also saying in the 90s that world production had
plateaued at 67-68mbd.

You say they aren't affiliated with elitist groups, but they both held senior
positions at major oil corporations. Which are all part of Rockefeller's
Rothschild financed oil monopoly.

Having said all this though, I do think peak oil is real, but that doesn't
necessarily mean peak oil isn't a scam. What these elites have done is to
make the probable effects as dramatic as possible, which will more than
likely lead to global hyperinflation, more staged terror, and some terrible
wars. Hopefully the world will wake up to how we've been setup.
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marky 54
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 3:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

its in the news today that they found an oil field in the mexican gulf and one in india wont be ready till 2009 as they were hoping it would be 2008, just wondering what implications this news has on the oil peak claims is it good news or bad news because of global warming
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James C
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 8:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

marky 54 wrote:
its in the news today that they found an oil field in the mexican gulf and one in india wont be ready till 2009 as they were hoping it would be 2008, just wondering what implications this news has on the oil peak claims is it good news or bad news because of global warming

Hi marky 54,

In terms of adding more oil to the market then it will of course help. In terms of preventing peak oil it will doubtless offer little relief for the simple reason that any oil field has a limit to its output. Even if it could produce as much as the biggest oil field in the world, Saudi Arabia's Ghawar, which pumps out 4.5 million barrels per day, it might just offset the equivalent decline in other oil field production rates across the globe, although within 10 years the global decline will be much greater than what this field could produce.

Having said that, this oil field might not even be in full production in 10 years time - oil fields take years to come online by which time peak oil could be taking full effect. This oil field might not even be very big. According to the BBC, it says that this oil field could pump 400,000 barrels/day for 20 years even at its lowest rate - which is a drop in the ocean compared with the 80+ million barrels of oil the world consumes a day.

As for global warming, well we are stuffed anyway so nothing is going to help that IMO.
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 9:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

James C wrote:
As for global warming, well we are stuffed anyway so nothing is going to help that IMO.

As is clear from my previous post, the potential for global warming to trigger rapid and catastrophic change is very real and underreported IMO. That does not mean that we have already reached some tipping point where positive feedback mechanisms reinforce and accelerate change with chaotic and unpredictably dire consequences. As with peak oil, we will not know that we have reached such a point until several years after we have passed it. The truth is there is still considerable uncertainty about the science and modelling of climate change.

But if you truly believe we are all already stuffed, that we have passed some point of no return, I wonder what motivates you to try and influence others and wake them up to the dangers. Surely if you are right (and I don't believe you are) we are all best off enjoying our last few decades living on this planet before it becomes uninhabitable, jumping on planes and sitting under outdoor gas heaters and hang the consequences. Certainly don't bother trying to alert people to the evils of the globalist psychos, since it will all be in vain anyway. This is the logical conclusion of this statement.
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James C
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 1:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ian neal wrote:
James C wrote:
As for global warming, well we are stuffed anyway so nothing is going to help that IMO.

As is clear from my previous post, the potential for global warming to trigger rapid and catastrophic change is very real and underreported IMO. That does not mean that we have already reached some tipping point where positive feedback mechanisms reinforce and accelerate change with chaotic and unpredictably dire consequences. As with peak oil, we will not know that we have reached such a point until several years after we have passed it. The truth is there is still considerable uncertainty about the science and modelling of climate change.

But if you truly believe we are all already stuffed, that we have passed some point of no return, I wonder what motivates you to try and influence others and wake them up to the dangers. Surely if you are right (and I don't believe you are) we are all best off enjoying our last few decades living on this planet before it becomes uninhabitable, jumping on planes and sitting under outdoor gas heaters and hang the consequences. Certainly don't bother trying to alert people to the evils of the globalist psychos, since it will all be in vain anyway. This is the logical conclusion of this statement.

Hi Ian,

Personally, I couldn't care less about climate change. I don't know why, it just doesn't interest me. I have, however, read quite a few books on the subject - James Lovelock's, The Revenge of Gaia is a good one and in it he clearly demonstrates the links between CO2 levels and the planet. I am certainly not active in promoting awareness although I always question people who state, as you have just done, that there is no evidence for imminent concern. Perhaps you could offer me your proof of this as I am genuinely interested, although I'm not sure why I should believe you and not Lovelock?

I entirely agree with you that one option would be to say sod it. The US and China are clearly not doing anything about it so why should we? I guess it comes down to personal choice. I happen to be aware of my carbon footprint and I feel good if I keep tabs on it. I also do it for my children. But if you want to fly in private jets everywhere then I'm not going to stop you. Do you have children Ian?

The problem with globalist psychos as you put it is that, rightly or wrongly, people don't care about them. Their conscience might say otherwise but the public couldn't give a stuff that their leaders might be sucking the world dry of oil and gas; are destroying parts of the world and killing people on other lands for resources. If they did then they'd be marching in the streets. As long as they can buy the latest 4x4 on credit and go abroad on a cheap flight package holiday once a year then that is fine. Do you honestly think they are going to listen to me when I tell them their leaders are corrupt? "Where's your proof?", they'll demand for which I'd have to agree there is very little deep down. It's all very well for Webster Tarpley and Alex Jones to say that all terrorism is state sponsored, but when you read their books and articles you soon realise that most of it is conjecture so similarly why should anyone believe my rants based on these guy's shoddy evidence?

Last edited by James C on Wed Sep 06, 2006 1:44 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 1:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Haven't they found oil offshore in Cuba? will this, if true, be the end of the Cuban organic agriculture experiment now they can afford chemical pesticides and artificial fertilisers? Might Bush now dust off the 'Operation Northwoods' file?
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