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Arani & Co Solicitors

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 7:56 am    Post subject: Arani & Co Solicitors Reply with quote

Hi to everyone!

I have already sent this to local people but I have decided to post it on the Forum as well:

Hi All!

What I am going to say may not be any great "revelation" to any of you
(!) and some if not all of you may have already spoken to the owner of
the computer shop on Dewsbury Road that got raided by the police just
after the 7/7 event - but just to check you know about this - please
read below:

When I visited this shop to tell the owner (who's name I wrote down and
subsequently lost!) about the meeting next Wednesday (14th December)
he told me that he thought one of the reasons his shop had been targeted
by the police was because of some leaflets he had been giving out,
warning Muslims of what could happen. The leaflet is entitled "Know Your
Rights." When I looked at this leaflet briefly in the shop I assumed it
was just warning them about what to do if arrested by the police for
being a "terrorist" suspect, get a good solicitor, etc. Thankfully I
asked if I could have one of these leaflets and have managed not to
loose it! I even started reading it before last night - but I don't
think I quite "took in" what it was saying!! To "assume" makes an ass of
you and me" as my boss keeps telling me!

Reading this leaflet properly on the train going home from work last
night - I understood what it was really saying: "What to do if you are
approached by British Intelligence and Security Services......" ; "There
is no obligation for you to work as an Mi5 agent"
etc. The leaflet has
been produced by a Mulim solicitors called Arani & Co in Middlesex.
Amongst other things it urges anyone arrested by the police to get a
good solicitor like themselves and not to settle for the duty solicitor.
It also states "Under new laws the police can deny you access to a
solicitor. They may make it seem that you are not allowed a solicitor at
all, This is FALSE".

Have any of you contacted Arani & Co? If not, I would like to email
them.What we badly need is evidence of all these things (ie that
Muslims have been and are being contacted by MI5 to act as agents for
them - better still if we could produce evidence that the Leeds "suicide
bombers" had been approached by MI5 previously.

As I said you may all know all this and there may already have been
discussions about it on the 9/11 board - I just don't seem to have the
time to read it as much as I should.

Please let me know what you think about all this.

If this matter has already been discussed on the Forum, please could someone direct me to it? I have just contacted the solicitors via email. I wonder which 9/11 group is situated nearest to them in Southhall, Middlesex? London I would think!

Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 8:15 pm    Post subject: Worth following up, I think Reply with quote

This is the first I've heard of it, Jane. I think it would be worthwhile contacting these solicitors and the London group are closest to them. It would be interesting to know if their advice is based on complaints from people who have been approached by the security services.

Thanks for this

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 11:25 am    Post subject: Arani & Co Solicitors Reply with quote

Hi Noel

Thanks for responding to this - I was going to drop this as no one else seemed to be interested. I even mentioned it at the meeting last Wednesday as a question to David Shayler (ie adressed to all there) but no one seemed to make much of it! Nadeem Batt (Media Activist & also actor in Karl Dallas's play) who was chairing the meeting did take the leaflet and look at it - I think he still has it. I also pointed out that the man from the computer shop that was raided after 7/7 was at the meeting. (I might go see him again soon). Then someone started talking about Sri Lanka (which seemed to have no connection with anything so far as I could see!) and Arani & Co were forgotten!

I've just looked up at bit more about them and the author of the "Know Your Rights" leaflet (see below) she seems like someone we should be in contact with, it's a shame I never got any response to my two emails to the firm. Do we have a general "contact" email attached to our website and if so is someone checking it and responding all the time? I know how it can happene that emails just seem to "get lost" but I must admit to feeling a bit "miffed" when it happens to me and I'm trying to contact someone about something really important. I recently left a message for the people in Manchester who produce leaflets on Depleted Uranium saying I would come over if necessary to collect some to give out at Karl's play (Into the War Zone) where he show images of babies affected so teribly by this Hellish stuff. No response back! Noel, I will email you with more details about the firm!

Ms Arani has dealt with several high profile and complex cases.

She has a wealth of experience in dealing with anti-terrorism cases; she represented Sulayman Zain-ul-abidin the first Muslim to be charged, tried and acquitted after September 11th in the UK; she has represented Sheikh Abu Hamza in the Finsbury Park mosque and when he was arrested under the Terrorism Act, she is still representing Sheikh Abu Hamza in respect of the novel provisions under the Immigration and Nationality Asylum Act 2002 whereby he is the first person to be deprived of his British Nationality. Further she is representing a British detainee being held in Guantanamo Bay. Ms Arani has been instructed by the family of Asif Hanif (alleged suicide bomber) to represent their son.

Ms Arani has also appeared in the media as an expert/commentator on issues relating to terrorism and the Muslim community.

She is the author of "Know Your Rights¡" leaflets part i and part ii published by the Islamic Human Rights Commission as shown on Panorama, which has been distributed widely amongst the Muslim community since the Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Act 2001 came into force which informs individuals of their rights under extended police stop and search powers.

Muddassar Arani has been a tireless advocate of civil liberties over many years. She has spent the last two year in particular working with a deeply disenfranchised community that has come under intense scrutiny and harassment i.e. the British Muslim community.

Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

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paul wright

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 11:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, Jane - that solicitors would bother to produce a leaflet advising people in some detail how to respond to MI5 threats or offers, aimed at the Muslim community is clear evidence that this has and does happen, and I'm sure the intimation is that the 7/7 and 21/7 people may have been propositioned in entirely different ways, but from the same source, to participate in the fashion required
Some hard stories of people who have been approached, and who have had suggestions as to employment opportunities, would be useful
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 3:41 am    Post subject: Producing the Evidence Reply with quote


Yes, it would indeed be more than a good idea to try to get hold of some of those people who have been approached by MI5 (if they are not, understandably, too "scared" to come forward so publically) to work for them, and get them to "give evidence" at a public meeting - even better if we could also get someone from Arani (I nearly said "Armani" - must betraying my attempts at being "stylish"!) Solicitors to speak at the same meeting!

It seems like we have all the "evidence" to contront all the lies we are constantly being fed, if we can only "get it together!" This would indeed, be true "style"!

Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 10:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Jane

I love where your heading with this.

by the way have you seen this unfair outcome
talk about Draconian laws


Al-Qaida suspect jailed in Belfast

Tuesday December 20, 2005

An Algerian with suspected links to al-Qaida was today jailed for six years for downloading instructions on how to blow up an aircraft with a bomb.
The 27-year-old man, sentenced at Belfast crown court, was found guilty of possessing and collecting information connected with terrorism.

Authorities have admitted they are unsure exactly who he is. During his six-week trial, he appeared in court under the name Abbas Boutrab. He has used at least seven aliases since his first known arrest for stealing a bag in Paris 13 years ago.

Detectives in Northern Ireland, the British security services and the FBI along with police in the Irish Republic, France and Holland, were all involved in the intelligence operation that led to Boutrab's capture.

Police initially arrested him on suspicion of being an illegal immigrant. He was detained during a raid on his flat at Whiteabbey, on the northern outskirts of Belfast, in April 2003.

Officers then found 25 computer discs containing instructions downloaded from the internet in the city's central library three months earlier.

The files detailed how to construct a bomb and smuggle it on board a passenger jet, the trial heard. They also included information on how to make a silencer for an assault rifle using household items.

Boutrab - who protests his innocence and plans to appeal against his conviction - was also found guilty of possessing a stolen Italian passport.

Mr Justice Weatherup told him he would be recommending his deportation.

During sentencing, the judge spoke about the threat of terrorism by Islamist extremists. "This new threat has an added horror because the terrorist stands amongst the innocent men, women and children," he said.

"That's a feature in the material that was recovered here. It provides instructions for improvised explosives with the object of bringing down an aircraft and the lives of all those on board."

Boutrab, who refused to stand throughout the sentencing, is the first Islamist extremist to go on trial in Northern Ireland under the non-jury Diplock court system normally used for the trial of loyalist and republican paramilitaries.

Prosecutors said Boutrab was suspected of links to al-Qaida, citing telephone records and unspecified documents seized at his home.

During the trial, explosives expert Donald Sachtleben, of the FBI, said he had built and successfully detonated three bombs based on the instructions found in Boutrab's home.

A video showing the explosions, which blew apart a mocked-up row of airline seats and aircraft shell, was screened at the court.

At the time of his arrest, Boutrab was seeking work in Northern Ireland using a false passport in the name of Fabio Parenti, an Italian tourist whose passport was stolen at Dublin airport on September 1 2001.

Police also revealed Boutrab was wanted in the Irish Republic for attempted murder in 2002. Prosecutors said he had unsuccessfully sought asylum in the Netherlands, Ireland and the UK using several aliases.

He has already spent two years on remand, and it is possible he could be released in a year's time under rules for good behaviour.

After his conviction, the officer who led the investigation, Detective Superintendent Esmond Adair, said a dangerous man had been removed from the streets. "I believe he is an unrepentant terrorist," he added.


Would seem Muslims have to be careful what they read from now on.

I believe my Boss has the office bugged at work
But I can't get him arrested !!!! on beliefs

seems to tie in with your Human rights Muslim lady's leaflet etc.


good read for everyone as well as Muslims.
you never know who the next HIGH RISK target group may be.

By the way I would like to help the cause if I can.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 3:33 am    Post subject: Muddassar Arani Reply with quote

Hi Techybloke!

Thanks very much for all the info on Muddassar Arani - I had not realised that this lady is already so well known to our dear "Sun" readers:

The first volley in the attack against Sr.Arani was fired by the Sun newspaper which devoted three pages including its front page in its attack on her, stirring its readership against her by claiming she is using their tax money to defend terrorists. Whilst the Sun is Britain's most popular paper, its readership is also known to be of the lowest IQ in the land - those that wallow in porn, gossip and xenophobia - so gullible that they will actually believe what they read. Consequently she has received death threats, hate mail and abusive telephone calls, and even her parents home has been hounded by a mob of Sun "reporters".

No wonder I did not get a response to my emails - they probably think I am a Sun reporter busy working on another article! My email may indeed have sounded a little naive as I had no idea about all the controversy that already exists regarding this firm!

Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 8:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A pleasure Jane

have you seen this on your travels
Defend Sister Muddassar Arani

FAIR (Forum Against Islamophobia & Racism) was the first to send out an alert and they gave some background saying:

“On 9th February 2004, The Sun Newspaper published an Islamophobic and xenophobic article on Muslim professional, Ms Muddassar Arani. In the article concerned, The Sun implied that Arani & Co had been paid £200,000 for representing Abu Hamza. This is entirely false and inaccurate. Miss Arani and Arani & Co. have not received any money regarding the case concerning action taken to deprive Abu Hamza of his nationality. Furthermore, neither Miss Arani nor Arani & Co. are at present representing Abu Hamza – these facts were made known to The Sun prior to the publication of the article. “

FAIR has urged campaigners to contact the Press Complaints Commission asking them to order The Sun to publish Ms Arani’s Press Release, correct the breaches of the Code of Practice that they have made, and to ensure that such intimation does not take place.

While most Muslims, particularly men, sit and do nothing or fight over Fiqh matters, we have a brave sister who is striving to protect oppressed Muslims.

Muddassar Arani is probably the best Muslim human rights lawyer around. She is well known for defending the rights of Muslims and has on many occasions taken on cases without charging her Muslim clients a single penny. The Sun’s smear campaign has resulted in sister Muddassar receiving death threats, hate mail and abusive telephone calls. Why is it that Muddassar Arani is targeted and demonised for defending Abu Hamza’s human rights when other non-Muslim lawyers who represent terror suspects, paedophiles, child-killers and rapists are not portrayed in the same manner?

Such blatant Islamophobia is unacceptable.

Course of Action

Below is a sample letter by FAIR. We suggest that you E-mail it (or compose your own letter if possible) to the following addresses:



source http://www.iacn.org.uk/alerts/defend060304.htm

It is quite apparent even in what I would call intelligent people in the UK that they are beginning to accept the hatred of Muslims as the norm.

This is evident in my office at work from time to time, these people have degrees etc and are not sun readers !

In fact if one stands up to suggest any sort of defence of Muslims in general one gets plenty of verbal abuse !.

In my opinion there is a US/UK plan to make these people the enemy and bring about a war in the middle east big style.

I hope theres still a chance to get these people thinking outside their current belief systems before its too late.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 9:35 am    Post subject: Simmering hatred of Muslims on the backburner Reply with quote

Hi Techy

Yes, I totally agree:

It is quite apparent even in what I would call intelligent people in the UK that they are beginning to accept the hatred of Muslims as the norm.

I have been seeing this slowly building up for what seems a very long time. A while ago, well before 9/11, I saw it in the endless "sound bites" given out in the media about "asylum seekers." People I worked with were getting really worked up about the areas they lived in being totally swamped by "asylum seekers." They always seemed to have a view of these people as Pakistani Muslims - perhaps with a few East European "gypsies" thrown in. When I asked people how many asylum seekers they had living near them they couldn't name any! Ironically enough I have become aware recently that there appear to be a lot of African people in the Beeston area some of whom I think may be asylum seekers - yet I have yet to hear any mention of them - as I don't think they fit the stereotype (although some of them may well be Muslims!).

Anyway things have "moved on" now and it is not so much Muslim "asylum seekers" who we have to look out for - but "Muslim Terrorists" on our door step!

The thing that really gets me is that nice people who get on with the individual Muslims they come across in day to day life can be so manipulated by the constant lies they are told by the media - I think they start to see this mass of people "the Muslims" who are "different" from themselves and want to take the country over or kill everyone because "it tells them to kill white people in the Koran" as a well informed taxi driver told me on 7/7! If the message just keeps on and on - let alone, God forbid, if we have any more staged "bombings" then the ignorence and dislike will turn more and more into hatred.

Don't worry, I know what you are saying. This is what makes it so difficult to try and put the alternate view on things across. People are so convinced they "know" the truth already and are up in outrage when you suggest things may not be just as they think.

Also the BNP has been deliberately targetting Muslims for some time - I remember a chilling "Newnight" I once saw where this BNP candidate in the last election (Bradford South I think it was) was saying that Hindu and Seikh people were voting for them as they could see "the Muslims" taking over their area! The candidate also spoke of "these people" having "genetic defects." It all reminded me too much of The Third Reich!

I will send the email complaining about "The Sun" and its unjust and unfounded (joke) "reporting".

Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

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paul wright

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Abu Hamza undoubtedly has human rights
As someone able to enlist Haroon Aswat his status is questionable - while he may be under house arrest right now, he served his purpose at the time
Just like Abu Qatada who was safe-housed somewhere in the North of England for six months by MI6
Some of these Imams are just tools
There's no denying Muddassar Arani's right to defend them
Isn't that little Iranian president just showing his colours right now?
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 8:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Isn't that little Iranian president just showing his colours right now?

he sure is !

Playing right into the Neocons hands, I wonder if he is on their payroll ?
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 8:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Found out an interesting fact today relating too Abbas Boutrab

he was tried in court for Terrorist activities but there was NO JURY !

Al-Qaeda terror suspect is jailed

Police believe Abbas Boutrab is a false identity
An Algerian man with suspected al-Qaeda links has been jailed for six years for downloading information on how to blow up a passenger jet.
Abbas Boutrab, 27, was arrested in Newtownabbey, near Belfast, over suspected immigration offences.

Police later found computer disks with downloaded bomb-making instructions. He had denied the terror charges.

He has been on remand in prison for two years and seven months and is expected to be released in April 2006.

When Boutrab was convicted last month, Crown Court judge Mr Justice Weatherup said the information could have been of use to terrorists.

He also said that modifications made to the circuitry on a cassette player indicated intent.

That's a feature in the material that was recovered here - it provides instructions for improvised explosives with the objecting of bringing down an aircraft and the lives of all those on board

Mr Justice Weatherup

"I am satisfied that his possession of the material was not out of curiosity but was for terrorist purposes," the judge said.

The FBI built a bomb at a Virginia test centre using the instructions and illustrated the devastation it could cause on a plane.

At Tuesday's sentencing, the judge said Boutrab should be deported once he is released from prison in Northern Ireland.

"Now we find the terrorism threat is subsiding (in Northern Ireland) and a new threat is emerging," said the judge.

"This new threat has an added horror because the terrorist stands amongst the innocent men, women and children.

"That's a feature in the material that was recovered here. It provides instructions for improvised explosives with the objective of bringing down an aircraft and the lives of all those on board."

The FBI built a bomb using Boutrab's method and tested it

During the trial, the court heard computer discs containing instructions on how to make explosives for use on board aeroplanes, and how to carry out an attack, were found at his flat in the Whitehouse area of Whiteabbey.

Details on how to make a silencer for an assault rifle were also found as were a number of false identities and passports.

Boutrab was tried under the Diplock system, where a judge in a terrorist case sits without a jury.
Police have described him as "a very dangerous man", and said Abbas Boutrab was not his real name, but another assumed identity.

A senior detective said he remained "a determined terrorist who has become expert in the procurement and forging of false identities" and had "a strong allegiance to a terrorist group that is linked to the al-Qaeda network".

Police believed Boutrab had lived and operated throughout Europe and that the discovery of an international terrorist in Northern Ireland was "unusual."

Italian, Dutch, French and Irish police forces assisted the investigation along with the FBI and the UK's Security Service.


yet more things to worry the Muslim population !
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 5:02 pm    Post subject: Invited Trojan Horse in for Christmas! Reply with quote

Just to inform anyone who may be interested - Jane P stupidly invited a "Trojan Horse" in for Christmas Dinner! Sending this from my friend's house -will be back on line as soon as "Tim The Computer Man" can call round to help!
Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 8:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

HI Jane

oooooooooooo Trojan Horses bad news
Which one is it ?

is it a full rebuild or a removable one ?

apart from the PC prob is Xmas going ok ?
I opened a prezzy today with a small Jack Daniels in it.
Some kind folk about !

Merry Xmas all

and a happy new year
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 2:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

has isolated a lot of my nasties
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:51 pm    Post subject: This whole thread is a crude disinfo tactic Reply with quote

I think the title says it all.
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 11:16 pm    Post subject: Re: This whole thread is a crude disinfo tactic Reply with quote

gordboy wrote:
I think the title says it all.

Post subject: This whole thread is a crude disinfo tactic

Needs some justification!
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 9:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What are you on about DH ?
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 11:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

See below

Last edited by paul wright on Thu Dec 29, 2005 11:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 11:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Techybloke666 wrote:
What are you on about DH ?

gordboys Post Subject title- I dont think he's referring to the 'Arani' thread heading but his own - that this thread is all disinfo - his assertion not mine,Techybloke - one that I would disagree with and which he or she makes no effort to justify
That's my reading Very Happy
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 5:30 pm    Post subject: Still stuck with Trojan Horse Reply with quote

Hi to all

Just to apologise for not being "in touch" for a while - I am sending this from work - first day back. My computer at home is still buggered with the Trojan Horse business.

I will try and catch up with what has been going on whilst I have had no access to the Net.


Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

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