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9/11, Energy Monopolies, & Oil
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 3:21 pm    Post subject: Oil depletion Reply with quote

The answer would be if they have alternative sources. WHY DON’T THEY USE THEM. They talk about them to the ding dong day. They play with this idea unceasingly and at convenient points for them. Having an unquestioning ingsoc belief in leaders that take you either on a conservative or liberal direction. I know when I am dealing with a mind saturated by propghanda of either persuasion. The idea is to stroke you every once and and while and keep you happy. Once you understand chessboard politics better you will know they will never carry out with alternative fuel sources. There isn’t enough money in it and it can be produced by anyone and that just won’t do. Salute
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Roger the Horse
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 3:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Definitely agree with your point about alternative sources Greenwich.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 6:33 pm    Post subject: World Oil Depletion Reply with quote

In the UK they have something similar they use the title "project". I do not know the particulars on the actual name. I think of the Elton John song Leave on. Just who are the Heralds of Sun and how are you tossed in. At that point you were getting way to close for comfort. Am I a pawn in a game of lets get all the resources the world has? Do your Rothchilds have such a control over the Banking that they can use the IMF which they started to devalue currency in third world nations so there resources are valued at nothing. After all they made the family of Saud happen. They were camel nonsense shovelers before they found them and have been close allies ever since.

They have virtual control over your banking. How in the world did that happen? Not being English one wonders where they came from and how they got control of all of that. Being considered clever isn’t quite good enough you have to have a lot of backing to be in that position. One also wonders how the Rockefeller got control of BP oil when Amoco merged with them. Now there are BP stations all of a sudden all over the U.S. Who owns Ford, BP, Barclays, RBS, Disney, BBC and all of your major companies? Not the people of England. Bought with your tax money though. Both families are considered myth. As if they died off long ago. They did not. They still exist are alive and quite well. Some may have drowned and some may have died from cut throat. But the root is still there. When the apple is rotten you have to look to see the rotten core. The great battle of timor is turned into an argumentative conversation piece somewhere way off in the other sea again you got to close. Worthy

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Robert Martin
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 8:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I do not get your connection bettween oil and 9/11. If that was the case then why not just buy the oil. The countries that are unfriendly after all the world put the oil embargo on Iraq not the other way around.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 2:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It is simply this. The world is running out of oil. This is an undeclared policy. So it does not matter if they buy oil or not. It is the control of the oil. If they do not have that then they are at the mercy of whoever does control the oil. So if Iraq decides to sell oil to China the United States is out of business and has to ration oil. Some of the countries that have nationalized the oil will not sell to the United States directly. This also means they control the priice of oil. So they must by whatever means get control of the oil for the sake of National Security.
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John White
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 5:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Peak Oil raises a lot of controversy: some people are convinced its an Oil company Scam to put us all on "forced rations", others that its the real defining truth about everything

There are three main positions:

1) Peak Oil: Oil is passing/has past/will immanently pass the point of global Peak production

This means, effectively, that at least half the Oil has been extracted from the average of known global reserves (hence "peaked")

This is especially significant becuase Oil Wells have a particular cyclical nature to them, and the deeper Oil is far more difficult and energy intensive to extract, ultimately to the point where the energy value of the oil is less than the energy cost of extraction: hence, when a well has "peaked", it can only become increasingly un-economic and prices can only increase and availability diminish...well, in theory and an open market

2) "Problem what problem?"

this position is that, yes Oil will peak one day, but its not today. Or tommorow. Maybe 50 or a 100 years away, at least. We keep finding more, after all

Having looked into this, I dub it the "Ostrich" position, especially since there have been no really significant finds since the 1960's

3) Deep Hot Biosphere

This position postulates that when it comes to Oil, we dont know half as much as we think we do, and that Oil is formed from a completely different process than commonly believed. The major point is the theory that Oil is self-replenishing, and therefore we cannot run out

A small problem with positions 2) and 3) is the undeniable facts of both global Oil consumption and ever rising demand

In 2004 it was equal to 4 barrells a year for every human being on the planet

Of course, adjusted for "by country" consumption the figures are a lot less balanced: in the case of the USA, 28 barrells per year per citizen

Its difficult to know where to go with this, becuase how can any of us know whats going on under the surface of the planet? We are at the mercy of "experts"

However, if position 1) is wrong: so what? we arnt going to run out of Oil, phew!

If position 2) or 3) are wrong, we are in one huge heap of trouble

Robert Martin wrote:
I do not get your connection bettween oil and 9/11. If that was the case then why not just buy the oil. The countries that are unfriendly after all the world put the oil embargo on Iraq not the other way around.

Hi Robert, welcome Cool

Why buy what you can dominate? And what if an enemy power refused to sell? Better ransom the rest of the world than have the American Empire held to ransom

and we need a "catalysing event" to get the people to go along with the military campaign

These are the kind of thought patterns being looked at here IMO

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 6:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

John has an answer to what I am trying to get across. This is a real policy internal of the U.S. and U.K. government. This overrides even the administration in power. This means there is a security and danger to the general public due to dangerously low oil reserves. The countries survival itself is at stake with this hypothesis of theirs. Peak oil is only a public statement. Heretofore all that has been thought about going on is certain rich oil men with a lot of influence putting all of this together. This left a large part of the functioning government out of the picture. The influence is there. Now they must get the cooperation of the government and the agencies to follow orders and be silent.

How is this now done. An internal policy of this magnitude. If someone did speak would mean criminal prosecution or worse if divulged. This goes from the head of state right down to the agent on the street. Now we have the glue that holds the government together, national security of the highest order. Not only that we have the ability to tap at will, to detain without reasons. This fear is from the doers and is cause to clamp down on anyone who may talk.

This policy not only gives us loyalty it also gives our government agents and lawmakers a good conscience about what they are doing its entirely justified. The entire means of what has to be done may be below the surface for the average lawmaker but accepted as necessary to the survival of the nation as a whole. Mr. Bin Laden has been used in the past. They have invaded everything they can or are trying. The very man that helped cause this is not a focal point. So we may have a small group that is privy to the means. While the rest acquiesce to internal security policy.

Now things can be done. If things aren’t going well they can take some people off the street and claim a potential terror threat. That would keep your people supporting a policy they are unaware of and cant know because it would cause widespread panic and is of a nasty nature. The general public may have a conscience we have to do what we must.

Terror is all of a sudden everywhere even though no Muslim country has declared war on us. Anyone with a brain knows its not possible to protect all our assets its just not possible and nothing whatsoever has happened!

I want to mention one more thing you may not know. The hijackers were not on the manifest and let right through no one new the names or where from. The one thing that blew this whole thing wide open is the fact an agent with media contacts got hold of Atta’s briefcase and gave it to Fox News. He of course was compensated. By the time the people involved caught onto this it was all over the airwaves. This is the ONLY reason why they new where the hijackers were from. This put them to a GREAT deal of trouble. Instead of being able to pick and choose where they were from. They had a great deal of trouble explaining why they were Saudis. Not to mention the lame WMD they had to concoct Some of the cover had to be more trouble and puzzling to the public so they had to give out the fact that some of the Saud royal family and some Bin Ladens were flown out of restricted air space when no one could get off the ground the former was not given any attention.

Also not mentioned is that they were trained Saudi Arabian Air Force many of them. The box cutter statement is totally stupid. You could beat the hell out of someone with a box cutter asking you to ram a plane.
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John White
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 7:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Coming back to this thread, I heartily recommend British Comedian Robert Newman's classic and highly informative 45 minute stage show, "The History of Oil"

http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=7374585792978336967&q=newman +history+of+oil

A little outside the usual net of 911 connections, but most definately worthwhile, especially considering Iraq's October 2000 switch from selling Oil in $US to Euro's...

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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

We had a huge discussion about this on Wednesday evening with Webster Tarpley and a couple of very intense peak oil chaps.

As I understand it, the position of peak oilers seems to be based largely on an act of faith or a belief.

A back foot position was at least conceded by these guys, that being, the cheap oil is coming to an end. This then led to the debate about the dark heavy stuff which as I understand is the basis for the abiotic position due to it's lack of biology.

It was interesting to note also, that the peak oil position was being supported on one level, among many of course, that energy cannot be created of destroyed and so something with energy must have died to provide the resulting energy we get from oil.

The thought of all that latent energy in those ancient microbes seems a tad off the mark to me.

Anyway, if the 911 Wars are really about oil hegemony then the point about cost and extraction etc needs to be weighed against the cost of the 911 Wars which at the time of this post stood at:



Thats an awful lot of exploration and oils isn't it ?

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John White
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes Mark, but it is US dollars: they are simply created at a whim by the Federal reserve, as long as the US Dollar is a currency heavily traded in Oil, the dollar cannot collapse

Without oil its an utterly hollow pack of cards, its not a gold standard, its just credit created by a cartel of private banks: A dollar is a "magic checkbook" becuase dollars have to be traded in when other countries make transactions with each other, including every transaction involving Oil (since the early 70's), so not all the ones going out come back: that is a license to print more: lots more (IMF, World Bank, ergo Conquest by Economic Warfare)

But if countries switched to, say, the Rouble (Putin has rumbled about this) or the Euro (Which Iraq tried, and as Robert Newman hypothesises convincingly, got a punishment beating for, on top of whatever else it has endured) the US Dollar would be in serious trouble

Without Oil, The US Dollar is Mickey Mouse!

Or did I miss a class?

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:13 pm    Post subject: Operation Dangerfield U.S. Policy Reply with quote

Operation Dangerfield,

About a week ago I started a thread. The subject was about internal U.S. and U.K. policy. The internal U.S. Policy is Operation Dangerfield. It exists as an internal security policy of the United States. The policy is real. It says there are only ¼ of the existing oil supplies left in the world. This is the policy that they have used to give the government cohesion in justifying what they call democratization of the Middle Eastern countries. It has also justified their every action. It is operative in all leadership of the U.S. government and several key politicians. Many don’t know, many will.

On Sept 15th morn my original thread was moved you can go look and see. Every comment I made on this subject was deleted and replaced by some public speculative policy called peak oil. Along with a lot of silly talk. I suggest that some of your moderators are FEDERAL MEN. Not to mention they clumsily like everything else they do. Tried to pass themselves off as Englishmen. Whoever did this obviously couldn’t delete the topic. I think you will find that there are FEDERAL GOVERNMENT on here using disinformation to throw people off. If this is the case do not be so trusting. With all of this they think they can intimidate me.

On top of all this I was in AOL chat beliefs christian 20 and lo and behold I had several veiled threats as to leaking sensitive government information and the penalties. I guess they though all this would bother me. It very well doesn’t. The integrity I have as many writing on this board does not bother me at all. You people obviously do not have any.

Now I am going to say something that will really piss them off. Something they fear greatly and have gone to great lengths to cover over the years. Something them and there bagel eating friends have used to deceive the English many over the years. You might call it their worst nightmare. You see it is how I will sign this letter. This is by the descendant of every Henry England has ever had.


By the way hello England I won’t be long. I have to clean up this mess they have made. The weather here in the U.S is getting chilly. My girl is fine. I can not wait to get back. See how I sign this now.

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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

LOL looks like I missed the class John.

OK, point taken.

So the main reason for 911 Wars is to preserve dollar hegemony and the US economy.

So where does Peak Oil fit in with that ?

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John White
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, were are speculating of course: this is a vast subject and I dont pretend to know more than on overview of it

However, it Peak Oil does hold up, or perhaps even on the basis that there is a chance Peak Oil holds up, it changes the balance of power around which OPEC has functioned, becuase demand cannot be matched by supply via capatilism if the supply is becoming restricted by geological reality

It then becomes a Military nessecity to secure those dwindling supplies to avoid another power securing the oil fields for themselves and being forced to go cap in hand to them to run the country...and let us not forget that, in the case of the USA, 4% of the planetary population have consumed 25% of the Oil produced for many many years

Then there is the food issue: Food production has doubled since the 1960's and its all down to oil in the form of nitrate fetilizers and insectisides. If global oil became restricted, there could be real problems feeding the planetary population (let alone the problems the World has with fresh water supplies). Without Oil, there is a high chance of deaths and suffering caused through basic want

Its interesting that you mention:

A back foot position was at least conceded by these guys, that being, the cheap oil is coming to an end. This then led to the debate about the dark heavy stuff which as I understand is the basis for the abiotic position due to it's lack of biology

In your earlier post, becuase of course there are other forms of Oil: RockOil is one (I think theres another name for it, like rock tar), but to extract it requires heating the rock for a substantial time to bring Oil to the surface, and I believe Nuclear Power plants are being proposed to provided the nessacary energy!

One thing seems certain: long after we have exposed 911 and acheived justice for all the victims of that terrible day, we are still going to be talking about Oil and the problems and challenges the world has to solve

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James C
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 4:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

graphicequaliser wrote:
I think you are all wrong about oil. It is a replaceable commodity, despite its current revenue-attracting potential. There are alternative sources of energy that can be used, for example, hemp oil and ethanol, and these have been proven. It's just a matter of time before they are forced into the mainstream.

Subversion of long-standing communities is what the NWO are all about. Their goal is to run everywhere in the world. The spread of consumerism is another string to their bow to keep people away from running their own communities, with no interference from any "government". What is consumed is entirely unimportant. Confused

The world currently consumes over 80 million barrels of oil per day. Reduce the world's energy supply and the world's economy will shrink. Reduce the amount of oil available as a product and global manufacturing will see a massive downturn. Both events will lead to recession and social poverty. To make the equivalent amount of hemp oil would require covering the entire planet in hemp plants and even then there would be a shortfall.

Oil is very important and there is absolutely no energy alternative on the same scale to match our current energy requirements. By 2020 it is expected that the daily consumption of oil will need to rise to over 120 million barrels just to meet an annual 2% growth in demand between now and then. Considering that the discoveries of oil only amount to one barrel for every four barrels consumed, I'd say that we are in trouble - wouldn't you!
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

James C wrote:
To make the equivalent amount of hemp oil would require covering the entire planet in hemp plants and even then there would be a shortfall.

Where do you get the idea that we should remain forever so "industrial", needing all this non-replaceable energy all the while? Society undoubtedly has to change. Also, hemp makes the most energy with its oil, of all such plants. Henry Ford himself declared that he ran his first cars on hemp oil. Hemp's had a bad press and has been stigmatised globally. This completely demonstrates man's incapacity to rule other men. You simply cannot go round declaring the psychoactive hemp plant to be illegal, and yet Deadly Nightshade can be grown all you like. Have a garden full of Deadly Nightshade if you like, and watch little children writhe around, having gone in to look for their ball. It's totally legal, but if that garden has pot plants, then, no, because the little children might get high eating the plants, having gone in to look for their ball. It says in the Bible that in the "End Days" things will seem like they are the wrong way round; good is bad and bad is good, and so on. This is exactly the way society looks to me. For example, I am beginning to notice how the people who are the most insistent on sanity or normality, are precisely the ones who look the most mad! How did I end up here?!? Rolling Eyes
Society undoubtedly has to change.

Patriotism, religion, tradition and political/corporate alliance are the vehicles they use to fool us passive, peace-loving, family-orientated apes into fighting each other.

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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

graphicequaliser wrote:
Where do you get the idea that we should remain forever so "industrial", needing all this non-replaceable energy all the while? Society undoubtedly has to change.

Graphicequaliser you have hit the nail on the head.

I sat in a fast food joint the other night mediating this very theme; a rather emotive discussion between a couple of intense peak oilers and Webster Tarpley.

I suggested that we should abandon our perceived need to sit at plastic tables, drinking from plastic cups whilst eating plastic food, under electric light, 24/7, in our globalised decline.

People are wedded to the fraud that has been sold as progress. Progress in consuming more and more useless products that now define our very being.

We were never like this. Our acquired hunger for stuff should never have defined the human condition.

We need to adjust. That much is clear. Regardless of peak oil, we must find new ways of existing, sustainable, equitable systems of living.

The flip side of that is deranged obstinance, clinging to the flawed paradigm of consumerism and profit.

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mark Gobell wrote:
I suggested that we should abandon our perceived need to sit at plastic tables, drinking from plastic cups whilst eating plastic food, under electric light, 24/7, in our globalised decline.

People are wedded to the fraud that has been sold as progress. Progress in consuming more and more useless products that now define our very being.

We were never like this. Our acquired hunger for stuff should never have defined the human condition.

We need to adjust. That much is clear. Regardless of peak oil, we must find new ways of existing, sustainable, equitable systems of living.

The flip side of that is deranged obstinance, clinging to the flawed paradigm of consumerism and profit.

I couldn't have put it better myself. As Jimmy Pineapple used to say, "Case f**king closed." Either we think of new harmonious ways to live at peace on this pearl of a planet, or our spiritual indolence will be the death of us.

Patriotism, religion, tradition and political/corporate alliance are the vehicles they use to fool us passive, peace-loving, family-orientated apes into fighting each other.

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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mark Gobell wrote:

We need to adjust. That much is clear. Regardless of peak oil, we must find new ways of existing, sustainable, equitable systems of living.

These sustainable ways have been found - repeatedly - and then stolen, hidden and vandalised. See evidence posted earlier in this thread.


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James C
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 9:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

graphicequaliser wrote:

Where do you get the idea that we should remain forever so "industrial", needing all this non-replaceable energy all the while? Society undoubtedly has to change.

I don't care about industry, I certainly don't endorse the single track attitude of profit. It's just that, like it or not, the economy is based upon it.

Banks can loan up to 9 times the value of any deposit made to them. They can do this because they charge interest although in reality the money they loan to others is on paper only - fiat money. In order for those in debt to pay that money back to the bank they need to maker money themselves and that is only possible if the economy is growing. Why do so many people lose their houses and declare bankruptcy during periods of recession? For most people, they work to make money - they drive to work, they sit in an office and use computers or they might be in a factory making things. Whatever the situation you can be guaranteed that (cheap) fossil fuels are making this happen. Now reduce the amount of fossil fuels or increase the price them and all of a sudden the industrial output (of any industry - leisure, agricultural, steel...) drops. Recession develops, people lose their jobs, loans are defaulted, banks lose money and so on. The overall economy is affected and that includes the stock market - which if losses occur will affect everyone's pension and possibly mortgage.

It's a very very simple equation. Reduce the available energy flow and the economy stops growing and inflation increases. Why is economic growth so important? Why is inflation so bad? You might like to read these BBC reports from this week.




You are correct that we need to change the workings of industry and our economy and I'd love to see change to a greener more harmonious planet - I install renewable heating systems for a living. So don't tell me, tell all those people who are happy to buy cheap consumer goods from China, fly around the world using cheap flights, buy the latest TV and home cinema, drive SUV's and so on. These are the people who are probably not interested in and will vehemently oppose any sort of back step in the growth of the modern world and its economy. They see it as a right of modern citizens in a modern world - they call it progress.

As for Henry Ford using hemp oil. The first diesel cars were designed not to run using conventional oil. Dr Diesel, the inventor of the diesel engine, designed it to run off peanut oil. Only when conventional oil became cheap was it used in a mass way. Of course we will use alternative fuel sources in the future such as hemp oil but their availability will be a fraction that of conventional oil - and that, as I have said above, will affect the economy. You can therefore expect massive society reaction to this fact which will likely result in much friction and major wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Africa) for a long time before things settle down and the situation is accepted, just as Cheney was hinting at when he said that this war on terror (war for oil) will last a lifetime.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

James, you have a simplistic way of looking at things. You decide (for some unknown reason) that to run socities of large numbers of people, we need an "economy". You did not define what this "economy" thing is, let alone prove that it even exists.

My solution is for everyone to form small communities globally, no more countries or governments, and local decisions are made by the community on behalf of the community, never elected representatives. The community advisors will change from day to day. No more 7-day weeks, no more countries or their borders, no more forced financing of war machines.

James, you have to snap out of the way you are thinking at the moment. We cannot preserve any of what we may have traditionally entertained as an existence.

Patriotism, religion, tradition and political/corporate alliance are the vehicles they use to fool us passive, peace-loving, family-orientated apes into fighting each other.

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James C
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

graphicequaliser wrote:
James, you have a simplistic way of looking at things. You decide (for some unknown reason) that to run socities of large numbers of people, we need an "economy". You did not define what this "economy" thing is, let alone prove that it even exists.

My solution is for everyone to form small communities globally, no more countries or governments, and local decisions are made by the community on behalf of the community, never elected representatives. The community advisors will change from day to day. No more 7-day weeks, no more countries or their borders, no more forced financing of war machines.

James, you have to snap out of the way you are thinking at the moment. We cannot preserve any of what we may have traditionally entertained as an existence.

I would prefer it if you didn't treat me like an idiot and suggest that I am promoting some way of thinking. I am merely describing our current economic method (one you obviously don't understand or know exists). I am quite aware of and endorse the creation of alternative societies by using such tools as permaculture for instance and I adhere to Bernard Lietaer's view on the future of money whereby we create community currencies such as the LETS system and so on. Ever heard of Bernard Lietaer?

My simplistic view as you like to call it derives from the fact, not fiction, that we do have a definable economic system and among its many absurdities is the premise that growth is required for it to work. Without this growth, the whole process of maintaining a fiat currency system would break down and given such a situation people would be forced to accept great poverty (by todays standards). The answer is, as you say and I agree, to create community solutions. But to pretend that our current economic situtation does not exist or is unprovable is plain absurd. I certainly don't endorse our current situation or am thinking in some way differently to you so why do you suggest otherwise?

Maybe you should read Bernard Lietaer before making any more silly comments and if you still don't believe that we have a definable economic system in place that we all follow (whether we like it or not) then read here or here
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:45 pm    Post subject: Operation Dangerfield Reply with quote

One more fact that is highly upsetting to the people involved in this. The other item posted they moved and deleted all of my posts. Somehow they couldn’t delete the thread.

The hijackers were not on the manifest for the plane. The reason for this was they did not want the fact that they were Saudis known. The names were Saudi.

The only reason this was found out. Was the fact that the briefcase containing all of the names was found. This was found by an FBI agent with media connections. He handed the names to FOX news and was compensated for this. By the time they caught onto this. It was all over the media. THIS CAUSED THEM A GREAT DEAL OF TROUBLE. The situation being they were going to use other names specifically Iraqi in nature. Then later Iranian.

That mistake forced them to go with the WMD. It was a huge mistake and causes them trouble to this very day.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So where does this fit in with the notion that Saudi Hijackers DID fly planes in to the Twin Towers/Pentagon/Shanksville?

Are you suggesting that the original story is accurate, but that they allowed it to happen and helped cover it up rather than orchestrate the whole thing and get their remote control airplanes out?
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marky 54
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 2:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

optimus79 wrote:
So where does this fit in with the notion that Saudi Hijackers DID fly planes in to the Twin Towers/Pentagon/Shanksville?

Are you suggesting that the original story is accurate, but that they allowed it to happen and helped cover it up rather than orchestrate the whole thing and get their remote control airplanes out?
it simply means if the above is true then they were simply making things up, regardless of if hijackers were or wasnt present, does that not worry you? ie: use saudi's blame it on iraq.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 4:01 pm    Post subject: Operation Dangerfield Reply with quote

Saudis were used. They were NOT supposed to be identified. They pulled the manifest because they used Iraqi names. This was on the twin towers.

When the FBI agent with media connections. Who was part of the team. That found the briefcase with the Saudi names. Sold the copied names to Fox. They had to pull the Iraqi names they were going to use. This makes them very very nervous. One thing they flinch on.

One very large bit of disinformation is the pentagon plane. It was real. They used that to confuse things. They love to through the absurd in among the information that makes sense.

Now for the twin towers. Look at the videos. That building did not come down floor by floor. You notice it cascaded down like a waterfall on all sides leaving ash all over NYC and NJ.

I will tell you how they did this. They drove a truck loaded to the top with plastic explosive enough to make a small nuclear explosion near the center support system. They exploded the truck and the center supports blew out. That is why it came apart on all sides and cascaded down. THIS IS ALSO WHY THE FIRE WAS MOLTEN BELOW THE TOWERS FOR SO MANY DAYS. You have seen the side ground view from across the river where the bottom blew out then the smoke from ground level before the buildings fell. Why?
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Robert Martin
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 3:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So what you are saying is that it was not a controlled demolition? What about the puffs of smoke on the side of the buildiing? Also I have not seen the view you are talking about from the side and the river?
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 8:31 am    Post subject: Re: Operation Dangerfield U.S. Policy Reply with quote

Greenwich wrote:

On Sept 15th morn my original thread was moved you can go look and see.

You could post the link. This thread will now be merged.

http://www.nineeleven.co.uk/board/viewtopic.php?p=22704&highlight=#227 04

Greenwich wrote:

Every comment I made on this subject was deleted and replaced by some public speculative policy called peak oil.

The thread was merged with Peak Oil because that was the subject and it has been debated vigourously on that thread. I certainly didn't delete any of your posts, but looking at the thread, it looks like someone else might have, but I don't know who. I will ask the other moderators if you are REALLY bothered, but it seems like there's enough left to get your point across.

If you are interested in Peak Oil specifically, don't keep starting new threads - this board is not about Peak Oil specifically (we are primarily focused on 9/11 Truth). My own personal view is as follows.

Even if Peak Oil is real, we should look towards technologies developed by Tesla, Reich, Stanley Meyer and many others. The cover up and theft of these technologies has been done using the same methods as with 9/11 Truth. I really do think it's that simple. Most people - including those involved with Operation Dangerfield are probably not aware of this.

Along with a lot of silly talk. I suggest that some of your moderators are FEDERAL MEN.

Umm yes - quite a few often come on here and say that. My family would laugh at thsi coment. Here is my name, address and telephone number:

Andrew Johnson
22 Mear Drive
DE72 3QW
01332 674271 (UK)

What's yours Greenwich? Can people reading this ring you up and ask you questions? Like "Why are you so keen on Peak Oil?" Just a question...

Not to mention they clumsily like everything else they do. Tried to pass themselves off as Englishmen.

Careful, I might have to "Monty Pyhton" you....


Whoever did this obviously couldn’t delete the topic. I think you will find that there are FEDERAL GOVERNMENT on here using disinformation to throw people off. If this is the case do not be so trusting. With all of this they think they can intimidate me.

Why should you feel intimidated by a thread being moved? It's only a message board, ye know....


On top of all this I was in AOL chat beliefs christian 20 and lo and behold I had several veiled threats as to leaking sensitive government information and the penalties. I guess they though all this would bother me. It very well doesn’t. The integrity I have as many writing on this board does not bother me at all. You people obviously do not have any.

Now I am going to say something that will really piss them off. Something they fear greatly and have gone to great lengths to cover over the years. Something them and there bagel eating friends have used to deceive the English many over the years. You might call it their worst nightmare. You see it is how I will sign this letter. This is by the descendant of every Henry England has ever had.


By the way hello England I won’t be long. I have to clean up this mess they have made. The weather here in the U.S is getting chilly. My girl is fine. I can not wait to get back. See how I sign this now.


I don't see what this has got to do with Operation Dangerfield. These sound like pretty wild statements to me, and I can't see evidence to back them up - do you have some?


Have a great day.


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 12:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

graphicequaliser wrote:
James, you have a simplistic way of looking at things. You decide (for some unknown reason) that to run socities of large numbers of people, we need an "economy". You did not define what this "economy" thing is, let alone prove that it even exists.

My solution is for everyone to form small communities globally, no more countries or governments, and local decisions are made by the community on behalf of the community, never elected representatives. The community advisors will change from day to day. No more 7-day weeks, no more countries or their borders, no more forced financing of war machines.

James, you have to snap out of the way you are thinking at the moment. We cannot preserve any of what we may have traditionally entertained as an existence.

I just had to pick up on a point re your seemingly idealised view of small local communties. I'm gonna hazard a guess you live in a city, yes?

Look into a sociological phenomenom called the dominant male and the effect he has on small communities. Think Jones, Koresh and the social setup in small rural villages under the surface of the Rotary Club'n'Vicar social facade. Don't go getting the idea that you've hit on an idyllic solution, whatever you do.

For that reason alone, larger regional interwoven communities would be needed. Globally connected communities would be better. And lo and behold we have th emeans to make that possible.
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John White
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 12:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Its kind of inevitable that a discussion about Oil as a motivating factor behind 911 is going to have to get into Peak Oil, on the basis that, because it is a theory proposing increasing scarcity ahead, Peak Oil appears to be a theory that fits apparent facts

The problem is its an absolutely massive topic and vastly more research is needed to get a clear picture

Greenwich, I'm enjoying your posts, there are very interesting ideas in them: can you put forward any hard data to back them up? The "hijackers were not supposed to be revealed to be Saudi's" angle is certainly an interesting suposition: any coverage of the story you can link to that isnt CT?

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John White
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 12:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

James C wrote:
graphicequaliser wrote:
James, you have a simplistic way of looking at things. You decide (for some unknown reason) that to run socities of large numbers of people, we need an "economy". You did not define what this "economy" thing is, let alone prove that it even exists.

My solution is for everyone to form small communities globally, no more countries or governments, and local decisions are made by the community on behalf of the community, never elected representatives. The community advisors will change from day to day. No more 7-day weeks, no more countries or their borders, no more forced financing of war machines.

James, you have to snap out of the way you are thinking at the moment. We cannot preserve any of what we may have traditionally entertained as an existence.

I would prefer it if you didn't treat me like an idiot and suggest that I am promoting some way of thinking. I am merely describing our current economic method (one you obviously don't understand or know exists). I am quite aware of and endorse the creation of alternative societies by using such tools as permaculture for instance and I adhere to Bernard Lietaer's view on the future of money whereby we create community currencies such as the LETS system and so on. Ever heard of Bernard Lietaer?

My simplistic view as you like to call it derives from the fact, not fiction, that we do have a definable economic system and among its many absurdities is the premise that growth is required for it to work. Without this growth, the whole process of maintaining a fiat currency system would break down and given such a situation people would be forced to accept great poverty (by todays standards). The answer is, as you say and I agree, to create community solutions. But to pretend that our current economic situtation does not exist or is unprovable is plain absurd. I certainly don't endorse our current situation or am thinking in some way differently to you so why do you suggest otherwise?

Maybe you should read Bernard Lietaer before making any more silly comments and if you still don't believe that we have a definable economic system in place that we all follow (whether we like it or not) then read here or here

I feel Grapicequaliser has run ahead here James and hasnt been fair to you, I agree that youve put together a lot of peices in a way that makes sense

The biggest barrier to that fair and balanced world of which sane humans dream is conditioned human behaviour: not Corporations, not Governments, and certainly not elites: they are, perhaps, manifestations of the human gestalt more than its cause, although its a feedback loop

How does one peacefully and democratically inspire the majority of people to voluntarily give up benefits and advantages that they percieve as defining their success and quality of life?

As used to be said in my Green Party days, "turkeys dont vote for christmas"

From that POV, governments and leaders, although cowards taking the easy way of controlling humans as animals, almost become possible to sympathise with, becuase they are no more free than the rest of us:

From their own stagnated psyches

Free your Self and Free the World

Last edited by John White on Sun Sep 17, 2006 2:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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