xmasdale Angel - now passed away
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 1959 Location: South London
Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 10:16 am Post subject: less than half US public believe Commission |
From 911truth.org Newsletter:
September 11, 2006 (PRWEB) -- The year leading up to the fifth anniversary of the September 11 attacks has been marked by an unprecedented upsurge in public mistrust of the official story portrayed in the 9/11 Commission Report. Respected national polling firms Zogby and Scripps Howard have shown that less than half the public believes in the conclusions or integrity of the 9/11 Commission, and 36% of Americans now think the administration was actively complicit in the attacks to advance its preplanned Mideast war agenda.
This outburst of popular skepticism has come in spite of five years of lockstep support for the official 9/11 narrative by the national press, broadcast media, and both major political parties. The mounting distrust spans the political, religious and ethnic spectrums, and has been largely driven by compelling new films, books, whistleblower reports, and escalating grassroots activism. Collectively these resources and constituencies not only offer the country hope for a fresh and truly honest 9/11 probe, but also a potent new base for radical political reform.
Activating the Newly Awakened
To mobilize the 70+ million voting age 9/11 skeptics identified by Zogby, 911truth.org has organized "Politics 911," a national effort to identify congressional candidates who would demand an honorable new 9/11 inquiry and then help generate support for their election. This campaign has started polling candidates nationwide and is currently recruiting grassroots poll volunteers at http://www.911truthgroups.org/911Truth. Early progress includes 9/11 truth advocate Dr. Robert Bowman's lopsided Democratic primary victory on September 5th in Florida's 15th Congressional District. Maverick Ohio Democrat Rep. Dennis Kucinich has also repeatedly promised at least new 9/11 hearings if his party retakes the House, but there are also courageous GOP, Green and Libertarian hopefuls demanding 9/11 truth in their campaigns.
Majoritarian Education
National 9/11 poll analyses indicate that among citizens who know the most basic facts about September 11 anomalies (e.g., the unexplained WTC 7 collapse, the Pentagon's six coincidental aerial war games, the 23 specific advance warnings from 11 foreign governments, etc.), four out of five support an independent re-investigation. This strongly suggests that simply continuing to publicize the most elemental facts and unanswered questions could swiftly build an irresistible public outcry for a new inquiry. |