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The Doomsday Code

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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 4:01 pm    Post subject: The Doomsday Code Reply with quote

The Doomsday Code

In this Channel 4 documentary Tony Robinson investigates the people with powerful political friends in the White House, who are trying to bring about the end of the world. Julia Bard reports:

Revelation, the last book in the New Testament, is filled with bizarre, violent and terrifying images. Its origins are unclear and its content is controversial. Some say it is the work of St John but many others believe he could not have been the author. But whoever wrote it, described apocalyptic visions of plagues, famines, wars, devils, wild beasts and rivers of blood. It is so strange and complex that scholars down the centuries have continually reinterpreted its message and meaning.

Today, though, a growing number of American evangelical Christians reckon they have cracked the code. These End Timers believe that every weird word of Revelation predicts real events. Like a Hollywood sci fi movie they say that any time now the world will end. And when it does, true believers in Christ will be whisked up to heaven in an event called The Rapture while non-believers are left behind on earth to face famine, war, terror and destruction as the forces of good and evil fight to the bitter end.

Political implications

If this was confined to the personal beliefs of a few fundamentalists it would be of little significance but, says Tony Robinson, the leaders of the End Time movement are rich, well-connected and very powerful. Though the USA constitution enshrines the separation of church and state End Timers are frequent visitors to the White House. No one knows if George W Bush is an End Timer himself, but his policies are at one with those of the evangelical Right and his language is often apocalyptic, such as when he describes the 'war on terror' as 'the epic struggle of good and evil'.


According to the prophecy, Jerusalem is where this final battle is to be played out. No stranger to conflict and violence, this city is the focus of End Timers' dreams of eternal paradise, because, according to their beliefs, this is where Christ will come back to earth. But first, they say, the Jews must return. End Timers believe that the establishment of the State of israel in 1948 was a fulfilment of the biblical prophecy and that since then 'the last days clock has been ticking'.

Many of them interpret the US government's policies on Israel and the Middle East from a biblical point of view. Before the war in Iraq, the USA supported a negotiated settlement in which Israel would return the Occupied Territories to the Palestinians. By 2004, after a torrent of criticism of the Roadmap to Peace, Bush's position had changed and now there is no call for a large-scale withdrawal from the West Bank.

End Timers parade through the streets of Jerusalem and take large amounts of cash to illegal West Bank settlements to encourage the residents to entrench themselves more deeply on this Palestinian land. In Jerusalem itself, Jews are being bankrolled by Christian fundamentalists to reside in Arab houses. The End Timers think that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon suffered a stroke ('was removed from the scene') because he wanted to give back some of the Palestinian land.

Many Israelis are very worried about the kind of 'support' they are being offered. One journalist says that this is not based on Israel's needs and that there is no support for peacemaking. On the contrary, the agenda of the Evangelicals is war, so as to fulfil violent prophecy of Revelation.

Provocatively, some End Timers have joined forces with a fundamentalist Jewish group who want to rebuild the Temple of Solomon – touching on the ancient Jewish yearning for their destroyed Temple. But the place where they plan to build it has deep meaning for the three Abrahamic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The Temple Mount, where Islam's 3rd most holy site, Al-Aqsa Mosque, is situated, is the spot where Muslim, Jewish and Christian believers think that God created Adam, Abraham prepared his son Isaac to be sacrificed, and according to his vision, Muhammed was carried on a winged horse.

Mainstream Christians in the locality are appalled. They say attempts to rebuild the Temple are inflammatory and threaten to unleash even more bloodshed in the Middle East.

Predictions of war

Could it be that this is precisely what they are trying to provoke, in order to hasten the end of days? According to End Timers, when the believers are whisked up to heaven those left behind will face the ultimate battle between good and evil. It will take seven years to count the dead, they say – the time of Tribulation, a hell on earth. Israel will survive, according to this story, but will have a sudden victory only after a long war. Some say this means nuclear war and they support the war in Iraq because they believe that will bring it closer. Megiddo is the Hebrew name for Armageddon: the town where this carnage will occur.

For some End Timers, all this is big – very big – business. Tim LaHaye's Christian fiction series, Left Behind, has sold 63 million books, and movies of the books have been made by Cloud Ten Pictures. The internet is awash with websites which tell you how to prepare for The Rapture, and there are American shops to sell you everything you need to survive (for around $3,000) if you're unfortunate enough to be left behind.

The concept of the Antichrist originated in Medieval times, and is not found in the Bible. Nevertheless these evangelical Christians believe that the Antichrist is 'walking among us right now', the incarnation of evil, luring people to his cause with false promises of peace. For End Timers, the United Nations, whose role is to seek and maintain peace across the world, fits this description perfectly.

Undermining Africa

Now End Time beliefs are now spreading to Africa, with dire consequences. Uganda's President, Yoweri Museveni, is a born again Christian who is lionised by American End Timers. An American preacher in the capital, Kampala, says that the answers to Uganda's problems are not political, economic or educational, but can be found in the Bible, which he describes as 'God's constitution for the planet'.

Newspaper editor Andrew Mwenda is appalled by these Doomsday preachers, who he believes are converting young people and diverting them from fulfilling their potential and pursuing their careers. He says: 'This country is on a highway to hell.'

Uganda was a model in Africa of AIDS education and prevention and the rate of infection was falling. Now Museveni is promoting abstinence rather than safer sex, the number of cases is rising.Teacher Julius Othieno describes children being taken out of school, and not taking medicine when they are ill, in order to hasten their death.


What is the real source of these ideas that so many people attribute to the book of Revelation? Whoever wrote it sheltered in a cave on the Greek island of Patmos, probably a refugee from Roman occupied Palestine. He is also likely to have consumed the local hallucinogenic magic mushrooms. So rather than taking these bizarre visions literally, it might make more sense to try to understand them in their historical context.

There are some 40 apocalyptic books from this era but this was the only one that made it into the Bible. If the author was writing about the hated Roman Empire, it could be that the seven heads of the beast meant the seven emperors. The mark of the beast could be the head of the emperor on the coins. The dreaded 666 very likely represented three letters indicating the Emperor Nero – representing letters by numbers was, and is, common in Hebrew. If so, instead of being a description of a world in chaos, it could be seen as a book of morality, optimism and faith.

Let's hope the End Timers start to see it like that before their actions really do bring about the end of the world.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 10:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A wonderful documentary - Robinson was suitably dismayed and disturbed by the revelations in the piece.

"And they had as King over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek has the name Apollyon"
Apollyon = Apollo = Lucifer
Quoted from Revelations 9:11
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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 10:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is interesting, but somewhat off-topic - certainly not one of our campaignig issues.

I tend to think that whoever wrote revelations may have been disclosing a general plan, rather than writing a prophecy.


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 11:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, it was a brilliant documentary. I found it very educational. I'd always wondered (as long as I can remember) why the Book of Revelations was included in the Christian Bible. The spirit in this book is nothing like the Gospels at all and only a fool could fail to see how disturbing and dangerous the contents of it are. Tony Robinson's speculations that it was probably written under the effects of the magic mushrooms that grow on Patmos sounded entirely credible.

It seems that now the forces of evil that brought us 9/11 are leading us towards a World War. They will almost certainly mimic the events of this Satanic document as far as is possible.

As Henry Makow says in his latest article, informing the public about the truth of 9/11 is our best strategy to defend ourselves against this possible nightmare.

Calling the Emperor's Bluff

By Henry Makow Ph.D.
September 16, 2006

By Henry Makow Ph.D.

What do Henry Kissinger, George W. Bush, Charles Krauthammer, George Soros and the Pope have in common?

They are all Illuminati talking heads and, except for Soros, last week they were all beating the drum for a completely gratuitous and fatal "clash of civilizations" i.e. A Third World War.

Soros, on the other had, was actually making sense. Unfortunately, only "Cybercast News Service" covered it.

"Billionaire philanthropist George Soros compared the Bush administration to socialist and communist regimes Thursday while criticizing America's war on terror.

The liberal political activist said the U.S. strategy of fighting a "war" against terrorism is "false" and a "dismal and disheartening situation."

Soros told an audience at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, "We are working with a very false frame when we talk about a 'war on terror,' and yet it is universally accepted.

"Everybody now recognizes that invasion of Iraq was a real blunder, but the war on terror is still the frame that is accepted by Democrats and Republicans alike," Soros claimed. "It is a false, misleading, counterproductive, destructive frame."

I wish Soros' speech represented genuine backtracking and search for sanity by the Illuminati. More likely it is an attempt by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers to wrest control from the bumbling Bush. While they are most responsible for 9-11 and the war on terror, they want to take advantage of the groundswell against the beleaguered President by creating a false opposition.

One thing is certain. The war on terror is an elite-induced collective delusion. George W. Bush is the "Emperor without clothes." According to the German Intelligence Agency (BND), Bush received three exact prior warnings of 9-11 from Germany, France and Russia, and suppressed them. George W. Bush is the terrorist he warns against.

The German Intelligence Report is authentic in my opinion. The German government was asked to repudiate it and declined. No one has been able to refute a detail in 4 years.

The Report contains information that no hoaxer would have had. For example, it states that the Mossad financed its 9-11 related operations by dealing ecstasy in the USA. The drug dealing was later confirmed by a DEA report. The Report refers to a secret meeting July 11, 2001 when the US informed Russia and Pakistan of its plans to attack Afghanistan in October.

You cannot watch the new documentary "9-11 Press for Truth" without concluding that the Bush administration is stonewalling on 9-11. The film documents the fruitless efforts of 9-11 families to get credible explanations.

Bush and Cheney act like guilty men: they actually refused to testify under oath at the 9-11 Commission! Afterward, Bush had the audacity to say "I'm glad I took the time." Remember 9-11 was the excuse to rip up the Constitution he was sworn to protect.

The film goes on to reveal another disturbing possibility: that the CIA is still backing the Taliban through the Pakistani ISI. The CIA, like the Mossad and MI-6, represents the illuminati bankers. Their agenda is to degrade the United States by costly wars and fold it into a New World Order. "9-11 Press for Truth" examines how the US let Bin Laden escape from Tora Bora and allowed an air evacuation of Taliban leaders and soldiers from the city of Konduz.

Last week NBC's Lisa Meyer reported that a US military drone was prevented from attacking a large group of Taliban assembled for a funeral due to "rules of engagement." I am against the US-NATO invasion of Afghanistan, but this is reminiscent of Korea and Vietnam, where the US was hamstrung by the Illuminati.

"9-11 Press for Truth" fails to mention the Mossad role but we need to welcome all works that bring some truth to light. This film is part of the effort to pin all the blame on Bush and the Republicans, but these days half-the-truth is better than none-at-all. Of course, Larry Silverstein and the New York Democratic Party establishment is also complicit.

In general, the "9-11 Truth movement" is our best hope to restore sanity and resist fascism. It is the child that said the "Emperor has no clothes."The heroes of 9-11 Truth are individuals. Steve in Aspen CO. is showing 9-11 films on the local cable access channel. Joe here in Winnipeg has made thousands of 9-11 DVD's at his own expense and distributed them to strangers. Neil has a new site which offers streaming videos. We must recognize and support efforts like these. Let's have workshops, parties or concerts focused on getting the word out.

We cannot understand the world unless we appreciate it is largely controlled by the London-based central bankers who have finagled a monopoly on the credit of most nations. "Money" is an interest-bearing loan to the government that the bankers created out of nothing. In order to protect this lucrative but larcenous racket the bankers are determined to enslave us using sophisticated means of mind and social control.

Jesse Helms was no conspiracy theorist. But in a speech to Congress Dec. 15 1987, the future Senate Majority Leader warned that the "Eastern establishment" was waging "systematic psychological warfare" against the American people to establish a world government. He traced this drive to the Federal Reserve System.

Obviously the Illuminati bankers don't believe in a God of Love. The progenitors of Communism, they worship Lucifer whose rebellion against God inspires them to deny nature (eg. male-female differences) and spiritual realities like truth and justice. They want to define reality for their own ends. They want to be god. Their latest invention is 9-11 and the war on terror. Exploding this hoax is crucial to the rule of God on earth.

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