spiv Validated Poster
Joined: 01 Jul 2006 Posts: 483
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:39 am Post subject: Re: Keith Olbermann |
On 1st September I sent MSNBC (with a copy to Mr Olbermann at KOlbermann@msnbc.com) the following e-mail, in response to another truthful roasting he gave Bush:
"Dear Sirs,
I listened to Mr Olbermann's comments regarding the direction and doctrines of the Bush administration, and I suddenly felt hope.
At long long last, people are speaking up and say the equivalent of "enough is enough". I live in the UK, where our own administration, under Tony Blair, has simply followed 'puppet like' the illegal wars, lies, misinformation and deceptions of the Bush administration.
Listening to Mr Olbermann was like a ray of sunshine streaking through the fog of a mainstream media which has become completely subservient to our politicians, endlessly dishing out their propaganda to the masses!
Please do keep up the good work, and all credit to Mr Olbermann, and his colleagues, for having the courage to speak out their words of dissent to the public, words which are, in the main, suppressed by fear, isolation and ridicule.
Bush, Blair and all their cronies will not take my freedom of thought away from me, even though they can take away my means to express those thoughts, views and opinions.
Mr Olbermann is a credit to your service, and I wish you continued dissent and criticism of our Governments and politicians (on both sides of the Atlantic"
I think that all minded people like us should encourage Mr Olbermann and his colleagues. |